Idea Cellular Limited: A Project Report OF Marketing Management ON
Idea Cellular Limited: A Project Report OF Marketing Management ON
Idea Cellular Limited: A Project Report OF Marketing Management ON
Idea Cellular Limited
Telecom Industry in India
Cellular services:
Cellular services can be further divided into two categories:
IDEA Cellular Ltd. is a leading GSM mobile services operator with over
70 million subscribers, under brand IDEA. It is a pan India integrated
GSM operator covering the entire telephony landscape of India, and has
NLD and ILD operations. IDEA is listed on the National Stock
Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in India.
Brand “!dea” covers 16 telecom service areas, viz, Maharashtra & Goa,
Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh, Delhi,
Kerala, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh West & Uttaranchal, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh East, Himachal Pradesh, Mumbai, Bihar & Jharkhand, Orissa,
Punjab and Karnataka, covering ~ 80% of the all India subscriber base.
Of these, the 3 service areas of Rajasthan, UP East and Himachal
Pradesh, were rolled out during Sep-Nov’06, while the 2 service areas of
Mumbai and Bihar became operational during Aug-Oct‘08. The service
areas of Punjab and Karnataka were added through Spice w.e.f October
16, 2008.
Brand Idea has only recently extended to the Orissa service area with the
launch of commercial operations in April 2009.
1. Micro environment
2. Macro environment
1. Micro environment:
The micro environment is “the forces close to the company that
affects its ability to serve its customers.”
2. Macro environment:
The macro environment is “the larger societal forces that affects
the whole macro environment.” The macro environment consist
of six types of forces Demographic, Economic, Natural,
Technological, Political and Cultural forces. A company’s
marketing strategy must take into account changes and trends in
this environment that can present opportunities or pose threats. A
successful firm in one that regularly modifies it marketing mix
and strategies to adapt to these changes.
Political Factors:
Neglected area has been non-existence of any guidelines for
installation of towers in every nook and corner of the country. In
our endeavor to grow, proper attention is missing for safety
associated with towers. Lots of towers in India have been
installed on roof tops of weak and unsafe buildings. During
construction, hardly anybody has planned for towers on roof tops.
It is unexpected that the structure feasibility of all buildings is
undertaken before towers are installed. There are cases where
more than two or even three towers have been installed at a single
Economic Factors:
1. Income group:
Now a day, lower class people also use mobile phones. And idea
simcard is affordable by any class.
2. price elasticity:
Demand of idea simcard is increasing day by day so the price of
idea simcard is decreasing.
Social Factors:
Especially idea cellular provides many offers which
attracts customer of all age groups. For example, sms
offers can easily attract youngsters. And people who are
using idea simcard, can talk at very less call rate. So most
of people use this product.
Idea cellular limited has many big names and good brand
image so bulk of the people use idea simcards.
Good advertisement always attracts people & idea
cellular limited introduces new and attractive
advertisement regularly and have celebrity as their brand
ambassador like Abhishek Bachchan, so it is a big factor.
Technological Factors:
Initially the memory of sim card for contact saving was
less, but now a days we can get more memory in that.
Now there is facilities of GPRS is also available in Idea
Demographic Factors:
1. Gender: This is used by both males and females.
2. Age group: mostly we see that mobiles are used
by all age group from teenagers to older ones.
3. Population: we know that if the populations
increase, the use of cell phone will also increase.
4. Occupation: This is used by the entire person. So
occupation is not affecting on it.
5. Income: Now a day’s income factor is not
affecting to this. Because it is available at very
cheap price now.
Marketing Research Process
6. Make the
5. Present the
4. Analyze the
3. Collect the
2. Develop the
Research plan
1. Define the
problem, the
alternatives, and the
research objectives.
Step – 1: Define the problem, the decision alternatives, and the
research objectives
There are many brands available in market like Airtel, Vodafone,
Tata, Reliance and Virgin. So, if any of these mobile operators give
new schemes in less price then customers easily get attract from the
scheme and switch over from our brand.
Step – 2: Develop the research Plan
The second stage of marketing research requires developing the
most efficient plan for gathering the required information. This
involves decision on the data sources, research approaches, research
instruments, sampling plan and contact methods. So the research we
will select questioner method i.e. we will prepare questioner and do
the research.
Sampling plan: After deciding on the research approach and
instruments, the marketing researcher must design sampling plan.
These call for 3 decisions.
1. Sampling Unit: Who should we survey?
In Idea Cellular the target consumer is the consumer of age
between 15 to 60 years.
2. Sample Size: How many people should we survey?
In this step marketer decides from which area and number of
sample they take for research. For e.g. the researcher decides to
take the sample of 200 respondents from the society.
3. Sampling procedure: how should we choose the respondents?
After the researcher has decided the sample unit and sample size
they should decide how should be choose the respondents. There
are two sampling procedure.
Probability sample: it means he gives equal chance to all
the respondents.
Non probability sample: it means unequal chance to the
And for the researcher non probability sample is easy to reach to
the respondents for his research process. Research will choose
non probability sample and in this process he will choose
convenient sample i.e. the researcher select the most assessable
population members.
Step – 3: Collect the information
The data collection phase of marketing research is the most
expensive and the most prostrate to error. Today is the era of
computer technology and so the researcher will use computer
technologies i.e. new researcher software, internet etc. and face to
face methods for fill up the questionnaire and gather the
Step – 4: Analyze the information
The next step in the process is to extract findings by analyzing the
information and developing frequency distribution. The
researchers now compute averages and measures of dispersion for
the major variables and apply statistical techniques and decision
models in the hope of discovering additional findings.
Step – 5: Present the findings
As the last step, the researcher presents findings relevant to the
major marketing decisions facing management. Researchers
increasingly are being asked to play a consulting role in
translating data and information into recommendations. They are
also considering ways to present research findings in as
understandable and compelling a fashion as possible.
Step – 6: Make the decision
The study conducted is a conclusive descriptive statistical study;
the researcher comes to the decision which is precise and rational.
The study is conclusive because after doing the study the
researcher comes to a conclusion regarding the position of the
brand in the minds of respondents of different firms groups. The
study is statistical because throughout the study all the similar
samples are selected and group together. All the similar responses
are taken together as one and their percentages are calculated.
Thus, this conclusive descriptive statistical study is the best study
for this purpose as it provides the necessary information which is
utilize to arrive at a concrete decision
1) Are you fond of mobile phones?
2) Do you use any mobile phones?
3) Which company’s simcard do you prefer to use?
4) From which sources did you get information about these
5) Are
you aware of Idea simcard?
10) From
how long do you use Idea simcard?
less than a year
1 to 3 year
More than 3 years