6 Being A Diplomat
6 Being A Diplomat
6 Being A Diplomat
PURPOSE: To find the communication network and link into it
* Learn how to communicate effectively to all levels of people
* Learn how to present yourself and your message effectively and
* Learn how to interact with police, judges, clerks, federal agents and other
public and private people under any circumstance with success
FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to communicate effectively and present yourself
in a professional manner to anyone under any condition
Diploma. [Greek diploma – a paper folded double, from diploo – to fold, double] A letter
or writing usually under seal and signed by competent authority conferring some power,
privilege, or honor.
Diplomacy. The science of art of conducting negotiations, arranging treaties, etc.
between nations, artful management or maneuvering with the view of securing
Since you have finished COURSE 4 - REDEMPTION, you should have your
treaty in effect. So now you can be a “diplomat” and artfully conduct negotiations with
the view of securing advantages.
When you decide you are going to jump into the realm of discharging public debt,
it is vital that you know and understand the Rules of the Game. One very important
thing to remember when doing this often dangerous excursion is that the bankers want
you to know that “only they can use your credit – not you!” Of course this is ridiculous
and absurd when you understand that you are the Creditor and every product that you
see exists solely on the fact that you furnished the credit to make it from the very
We will start with one of the most powerful terms on this subject that is the key to
understanding redemption.
Power of acceptance. Capacity of offeree (you), upon acceptance of terms of offer, to
create binding contract.
When you understand the “Power of Acceptance”, then you will see the world in
a different light. You will realize, possibly for the first time, that you no longer have to
“fight”, “deny”, or “argue” as these are all dishonor. And, that you have the power to
create a binding contract on YOUR terms. You will realize that YOU HAVE POWER!
Occasionally, while finishing up your processes, one may encounter the Secret
Service. To a “citizen” or a “debtor”, this may sound frightening. But as for a Creditor,
you will look forward to getting your commercial matter resolved by your “agents”.
Secret Service. The investigative responsibilities are to detect and arrest persons
committing any offense against the laws of the United States relating to coins obligations
and securities or the United States and of foreign governments; and to detect and arrest
persons violating certain laws relating to the FDIC, Federal land banks, electronic fund
transfer frauds, credit and debit card frauds, false identification documents.
Did you know that the duty of the Secret Service is to “detect and arrest
persons” that violate the laws pertaining to “securities of foreign governments”? You
should know by now that you are a government “foreign” to the US government and all
municipalities, and that the credit they enjoy is backed by YOUR securities. So, if one of
your debtors dishonors your check on a private account where they were supposed to do
an “electronic funds transfer”, would this constitute a “fraud” on their part? Does this
mean that they could be arrested for this? Yes it does! And to aid the Secret Service so
that they can investigate the facts and do their duty to you, they must be provided with
Notary Public. A public officer whose function it is to administer oaths; to attest and
certify, by his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them
credit and authenticity in foreign jurisdictions; to perform certain official acts, chiefly in
commercial matters, such as the protesting of notes and bills, the noting of foreign drafts,
and marine protests in cases of loss or damage.
If the debtor has dishonored your acceptance after you have returned it to them
and they “argue” the charge still exists, then THEY can now be CHARGED with an
information or an indictment. To complete this process one must be able to locate a
notary public knowledgeable on this subject and willing to do a notarial protest. When
the notarial protest process is completed it is as effective as a criminal indictment from a
grand jury or a prosecutor. On the civil side it is as effective as a Default Judgment in a
State’s Superior Court! You should then send an “affidavit of information” along with the
completed administrative process to the Secret Service as well as the US Attorney, US
Attorney General, US Secretary of Treasury, US Secretary of State, Director of IRS, and
your own state’s relating officers. This is covered in detail in COURSE 5 –
There is another part of the definition of the Secret Service that is important here;
Visiting. In international law, the right of visit or visitation is the right of a cruiser or
war-ship to stop a vessel sailing under another flag on the high seas, and send an officer
to such vessel to ascertain whether her nationality is what it purports to be.
Visitor. A person appointed to visit, inspect, inquire into, and correct irregularities of
Is there any reason why we would “decline” the offer of someone to protect us
and our securities? All the Secret Service is there for is to “ascertain” whether your
foreign nationality is what you purport it to be. If you are not sure you are a foreign
nation – THEN YOU AREN’T ONE! How then, can one BE a foreign nation? You must
think, act and speak like a foreign head.
Usually, the Secret Service will contact you to do an interview with them. When
they offer, you should NOT decline as they are there to help you in handling the
corporation that dishonored your acceptance. You will be acting as a visitor to “inspect,
inquire into and correct irregularities of corporations”. To be prepared for this meeting
separately package copies of all the administrative process and perfected claims that you
Be very happy to see them and thank them for looking into this matter for you.
Ask them for their card so that you can give them any further information regarding this
matter. It would also be impressive to have a card to give to them – this would be
very professional and respectful. Encourage them to keep you updated on the progress of
the investigation, but let them know that time is of the essence in completing the
liquidation of the corporation’s equity and that if it was absolutely necessary, you could
allow them more time to handle the matter.
If they ask you where does the money come from to pay for the items, you should
correct them and say “there is no money, because the UNITED STATES and all
municipalities are in bankruptcy and the only currency that exists is the people’s
credit”. You could also tell them “the US Trust Fund is where all of the People’s
Property has been collateralized to create the credit of the nation”. If they appear
confused, show them a copy of the 73rd Congress, March 9, 1933 where it says;
“(the new money) will be backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a
mortgage on all the homes and property of all the people in the nation.”
Wow! They would be so impressed and shocked that they had actually witnessed
a creditor who knows his business, that they in turn would probably conduct themselves
more respectful and businesslike towards you.
DRILL: Practice talking to an “agent” using the above information until you are
comfortable with the flow of the conversation. Have your classmate, as the agent, start
with a low gradient and work up to a stressful situation. Then reverse the flow to your
In the course of your business, one may eventually get a court order from one of
your debtors to “argue” about the matter. There is no need to dishonor their offer to go to
court, so just accept it or conditionally accept it to shift the burden of proof asking
THEM to prove you are NOT the Creditor. It is possible that the court may issue an
“arrest warrant” to force you into agreeing with their point of view even though they have
already dishonored. However, not to worry, there is a brilliant method of discharging this
“charge”. KNOWING the fact, that “you are the Creditor”, firmly implanted in your
mind, we will begin to define several key terms from this powerful viewpoint.
Implied Partnership. One which is not a real partnership but which is recognized by the
court as such because of the conduct of the parties; in effect, the parties are estopped
from denying the existence of a partnership.
Charging order. A statutorily created means for a creditor (USA) of a judgment debtor
(straw-man, JOHN) who is a partner of others (John) to reach the debtor’s beneficial
interest in the partnership (your credit), without risking dissolution of the partnership.
Uniform Partnership Act, ss 28.
Charge: An encumbrance, lien, or claim; a burden or load; an obligation or duty; a
liability; an accusation. A person or thing committed to the care of another. The price
of, or rate for, something.
Charge account. System of purchasing goods and services on credit, under which
customer (you) agrees to settle or make payments on his balance.
No matter what they do to “compel” you into court – DON’T GO. Why would a
sovran go to a place and let his servants sort out his affairs for him. Let’s say you are
handed an arrest warrant by a “peace officer” after you “fail to appear”. Look it over and
make sure it is correct, then say;
“I am accepting this charge and am now returning it to you.”
Give the warrant back to him as you say it. It does not matter at that point what he
does with it as it is a balanced the account, a done deal, finito! Don’t take it back,
because it has already been discharged. It is a COMPLETED CYCLE OF ACTION.
The bailee (officer) then may “escort” you to the “warehouse”. The first thing you
must do when you get there is ask for your phone call that you are guaranteed to get so
that you can call the magistrate that will be able to give you an “appearance bond”. You
are guaranteed this call even if you have called someone else first. This is the right to go
“I want closure on this matter and I do not intend to dispute the facts.”
When you make a “statement” are you actually asking for the financial account,
the balance sheet, so that you can see what the value of the “charge” is? They are in
bankruptcy and you are the creditor requesting to see the account of your debtor.
Close/closure. To suspend or stop operations of, to transfer to the main account. [L
claudo – to shut, conclude.]
Closed account. An account to which no further additions can be made on either side,
but which remains still open for adjustment and set-off, which distinguishes it from and
account stated.
Set-off. The equitable right to cancel or offset mutual debts or cross demands, commonly
used by a bank (you) in reducing a customer’s (USA) checking or deposit account in
satisfaction of a debt the customer (USA) owes the bank (you).
You see, YOU are the bank! You and your property are the only substance that
exists in this fictional system of commerce and you are the only one who can USE it for
any purpose. Your substance is the only reason the corporations exist and function at all.
The only way to settle the account is to “cancel mutual debt”, because being in
bankruptcy - THERE IS NO MONEY!
Sounds like DISHONOR to me. So when you say “I do not intend to dispute the
facts”, what are you saying? I ACCEPT the charges and now I OWN them!
Fact [L facio to do or make] A true statement. A fact is either a state of things, that is in
existence, or a motion, that is, an event. Evidence. A truth, as distinguished from fiction
or error. “Fact” means reality of events or things, the actual occurrence or existence of
which is to be determined by evidence.
As creditor, you are asking to see the statement of account as distinguished from
“fiction” which is assumption and presumption. You want to see the basis of the charge –
the FACTS.
“I request an appearance bond in order to plead. I request to be released on
my own recogniscence until the hearing.”
So the question you may be asking yourself is “why would I ask for an
appearance bond”? To
answer this question one must understand the exact definition of this term.
Bond. In every case a bond represents debt – its holder is a creditor of the corporation
(you) and not a part owner as is the shareholder. The word “bond” is sometimes used
more broadly to refer also to unsecured debt instruments.
Does this appearance bond request you to come to court or something else? What
name is on the charging instrument entitled COMPLAINT? Your name or the
straw-man’s name? If you say “the straw-man”, how is he going to make an
Just what is the straw-man anyway? Can you see a “straw-man”? No, but you can
show evidence of it. It is an “account” of all the debits the UNITED STATES and
municipalities enter to show debt, hence DEBTOR. It is the opposite (public) side of the
account which shows the credits (private). And who does the credits belong to? You the
“creditor”. This being the case, one could see “evidence” of the straw-man or the
“account which shows the debt”.
Does the straw-man represent you? No, absolutely not! What then does the
straw-man represent – who/what created the straw-man and is using the credit of the
creditor? UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the plaintiff, who also represents the
DEBTOR. Do I hear conflict of interest? So how can this be a judicial proceeding? It is
an impossibility. It is a “business transaction in commerce”, and the only reason they
need you present at the negotiations is so that you, as the principal, can sign for the
debtor in order to balance the account. And you say “this is justice”? Maybe it is.
Justice. [L justus – just, from jus – to be right, to bind, rights of man]
Right. Hebrew yaman - to be right; to be right handed; the right hand or right side; the
stronger; the South. Latin regere - to rule. Greek oregein - to stretch out]
Left. Hebrew semol - wrapping up; properly dark; as enveloped; the North, the left
side, the
idea of cover, assuming the shape of the object beneath. [Anglo Saxon left – worthless,
from lef – weak, infirm.
Do you find it interesting to notice that the debits (debt) of an account are entered
on the “left” side meaning “worthless” and “assuming the shape” as in the court assuming
you will buy into the game that the name of the straw-man has the same shape as your
own? But when you enter (the court) from the “right” side, it means “the stronger” and
“to rule”. It means “substance”, “reality”. It means “to make right”. Do you think that this
is a co-incidence? I think not.
Hearing. The parties proceeded against or otherwise involved have right to be heard, in
much the same manner as a trial and such proceedings may terminate a final order.
Auditor. An officer of the court, assigned to state the items of debit and credit between the
parties in a suit where accounts are in question, and exhibit the balance. Under Rules of
Civil Procedure in many states, the term “master” is used to describe those persons
formerly known as auditors;
Magistrate. [L magister – a master, from magia – sorcery, from Greek mageia – the
theology of Magicians]
Wow! What officer of the court must state the items of debit and credit and
exhibit the balance? You got it, the magistrate holding out “the balance scales of
justice”. What happens when you are offered the “order to pay” and you do not pay
(accept) it? You dishonor, and you will get a writ of execution against you.
(c) Powers.
The master may require the production before the master of evidence upon all matters
embraced in the reference, including the production of all books, papers, vouchers,
documents, and writings applicable thereto.
(e) Report.
In an action to be tried without a jury, unless otherwise directed by the order of
reference, the master shall file with the report a transcript of the proceedings and of the
evidence and the original exhibits.
Who is the witness referred to here? It is the accountant or accounting that must
provide the court with evidence of the account of the Defendant/ Debtor/Straw-man. If
they do not provide the court with this evidence, then they are in big trouble!
Account. A detailed statement of the mutual demands in the nature of debit and credit
between parties, arising out of contracts or some fiduciary relation.
In summary, when you ask for the “appearance bond” you are asking to bring
evidence into court of the account which shows the debt in order to test the claim without
submitting to such jurisdiction so that you can accept the charge and balance the account.
Some of you could be saying “but I don’t want to plead GUILTY”! Maybe you
don’t know what you are saying. Just what does “guilty” mean?
What are you saying when you say “guilty”? Isn’t this a “bad” thing? As you well
know, all crimes are commercial liabilities. Instead of saying “I am guilty”, you are
REALLY saying “I am payment”. You are saying “the debtor is chargeable and I, as the
creditor am going to pay with my signature as payment, just like all the other credit that I
have created with my signature, which the municipalities and corporations have been
capitalizing on up to this point. You are saying, “I don’t have to get permission from the
Federal Reserve System to use MY OWN CREDIT. The Fed intentionally did NOT print
enough Federal Reserve Notes to cover the interest payments known as “income taxes”
(which creates the national debt), so I am bypassing them and their faulty accounting
system and will handle this matter myself as the Principal to discharge the national debt.”
One must admit that the idea behind this system we are speaking of is
absolutely brilliant, if not admirable. Who would have ever thought that the
statement “I am guilty” means “I am the creditor who can pay”? There is a
universal principle at work here, “what you resist persists,” but on the contrary,
“what you accept and admire disappears”!
Confession and avoidance. A plea in which one avows and confesses the truth of the
averments of fact in the complaint (liability) or declaration, either expressly or by
implication, but then proceeds to allege new matter which tends to deprive the facts
admitted of their ordinary legal effect, or to obviate, neutralize, or avoid them.
What “new matter” would this be in order to “neutralize” or balance the account?
How about requesting that the account evidencing debt be brought into court – the
APPEARANCE BOND! What happens when you sign your name on that bond? Bingo!
You just created credit, the account is balanced! The debt is now discharged! The charges
are dismissed! You see they needed the creditor to give his approval/authority for a block
of credit to be produced. That is why you get “court orders”. They are really “money
orders”. Remember, this is simply a commercial transaction. They only want to get your
signature to get more credit!
In other words, they are testing you to see if you know that you are the
Creditor. If you don’t know, then you aren’t one.
I just love the two words in the above definition, “issue” as in issue money, and
“tending” as in legal tender. This is becoming more and more obvious what the courts are
REALLY about. It has nothing to do with justice or the “law” only about
Now what happens when you deny or traverse or argue? You DISHONOR! And
at that point, all the rules go out the window. Whatever the “statute” says the fine is
valued at no longer matters. Its up to the “magistrate/master/auditor” to make the
arbitrary value. NO MERCY!
And what if you “cop a plea to a lesser charge”, you just lied! You just
DISHONORED! If they try to alter the plea, DON’T BUY IT! It is a trap to get you to
dishonor. You want to “accept” the exact charges that they “offered” to you. Once you
accept, the contract is yours. Not only that, but the one who makes the charges then gets
to pay the bill – not you. This would probably be the Secret Service agent or IRS agent or
Prosecutor. Is this country great or what?
What if you do not plead, so the magistrate enters a plea of “NOT GUILTY”?
Then he is saying “The man in front of me is not acting like a Creditor so he is NOT
ABLE TO PAY and thus a debtor”. Now they will have to have a trial, as in a “trial
balance” to verify the debt.
Try. [French trier – to pick, cull, select, examine; from Latin tritum – to cleanse corn by
thrashing; from tra – to pierce] to purify, assay or refine as metals; to test or prove by
experiment; to subject to some severe test or experience; to examine or inquire into; a
process for testing qualification;
Trial balance. A listing of debit and credit balances of all ledger accounts; all accounts
with debit balances are totaled separately from accounts with credit balances. The two
totals should be equal.
Jury trial. A body of persons returned from the citizens of a particular district before a
Grand jury. Body of citizens, the number of whom varies from state to state, whose duties
consist in determining whether probable cause exists that a crime (commercial liability)
has been committed and whether an indictment (true bill) should be returned against one
for such a crime.
See, they are still “trying” to get you to accept the charge so they “return” it to
you to give you another chance. It is part of the administrative proceedure to give a
second notice. This is why they have to “try” you with a “trial”.
The jury must “find” a person guilty or not guilty so they can “convict” the
Finder. In intermediary who contracts to find, introduce, and bring together parties to a
business opportunity, leaving negotiation and consummation of transaction to the
principals. One who locates a particular type of business acquisition for a corporation
Convict. To find (locate) a person (straw-man) guilty (liable) of a criminal (commercial)
charge (debt)..
Who would be the intermediary in this matter? The legislative, judicial and
executive systems. They bring some of the parties together in handcuffs, but they do the
job. Now you, the principal, can negotiate and consume the “business acquisition” attired
in a brilliant orange suit! What a “business opportunity” of a lifetime!
The main purpose of the trial by jury would be to act in the capacity of an
accountant in order to make a trial balance and validate the charge or fact on the debit
side of the account of the straw-man/debtor to see if it is “accountable”. If they find the
debtor “not guilty” or not able to pay and its creditor does not come forth to sign for the
debt, then they throw the collateral in a warehouse for safekeeping. And WHO is the
collateral from their viewpoint? When you act like a debtor instead of the creditor, they
think YOU are the collateral of the straw-man corporation.
So the moral of the story is ACCEPT and pay the debt, not DENY and dishonor.
Remember, what you resist persists – what you accept and admire disappears.
Here is a summary of what you say to the public officials when appropriate;
2. To the magistrate on the phone, “I want closure on this matter and I do not intend
to dispute the facts. I request an appearance bond in order to plead. I request to be
released on my own recogniscence until the hearing.”
3. To the magistrate at the court room, , “I want closure on this matter and I do not
intend to dispute the facts. I request an appearance bond without cost and that you
waive the fees on my own personal recogniscence in order to plead.” When asked to
plead you say, “guilty.”
4. When you get the judgment, accept it for value and file it on a UCC-3 as now it
becomes your personal property. Now whoever makes the charges (the prosecutor or
county attorney, etc.) is the one who has to pay the debt.
DRILL: Drill the above scenarios with a friend being the officer or magistrate until you
have it down no matter what the circumstances.
When you go into court to be “tried” in their maritime law of the sea of confusion,
you now know the object is to test you to see if you know that you are the creditor. The
prosecutor may scoff and mock you in front of the “master” entitled magistrate. They
may have been searching for you to get you to come to their negotiation meeting to create
worth and value to their claim. Accept and keep your honor. You may be asked
questions in order to test you to see how bright you are and how you miraculously
discharge debts. But you must keep focused and allow them to prove the basis of the
charge. So, hold your position of being the creditor firmly in your mind so you will pass
the test.
Ambassador. Hebrew luwts – to make mouths at, to scoff, to interpret, make a mock,
Princes. Hebrew sar – a head person, chief, captain, governor, keeper, master.
Babylon. Heb Babel – confusion; from balal – to overflow, to mix, to feed cattle
Enquire. Heb darash – to tread or frequent, to follow (for pursuit or search), to seek or
ask, to worship.
worship. [Anglo Saxon weorthscipe – honor, weorth – worth, value + scipe –
shape, make, create]
Try. Hebrew nacah – to test, to attempt, adventure, assay, prove, tempt, try.
Heart. Heb lebab – the heart (as the most interior), courage, the mind.
DRILL: Compare the bible verse with the paragraph above it and spot the similarities.
Tried. Greek peirazo – to test, endeavor, scrutinize, entice, discipline, examine, prove;
from peira – through the idea of piercing, a test, an experience; from peiro – through,
across, cross over to the other side.
Crown. Greek stephanos – chaplet, wreath as a badge of royalty, a prize in the public
games or a symbol of honor.
Revelation 2:10 Fear none of those things which you shall suffer; behold, the
devil shall cast
some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and you shall have tribulation ten
days; be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life.
All of our lives we have been told that we are being tested, but did anyone really
know what this meant and what to do to pass it? Well, it appears this is a very important
test, an opportunity to see if you know who you really are. And if you are true to yourself
and continue on regardless of the consequences while playing in the “public games”, you
will keep your honor and as a sovran, you will receive YOUR Crown of Life.
Mr. O’Neill:
Enclosed you will find a copy of the Registered Exemption/Contract which I have
sent to you to open my Treasury Exemption Account. I accept for value all related
endorsements with both UCC 3-419 and HJR-192 of June 5, 1933. Charge my Private
Account # 1221101010-0020128095 for the registration fees and command the memory
of account number SSN 520-80-1864 to charge the same to the debtor’s Order or your
The total amount of this NON-NEGOTIABLE ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE in the
enclosed filing is listed below.
Stanley Wade Starr via STANLEY WADE
PO Box 11535
Tucson, AZ 85734
Cc: file
1. I, Stanley Wade Starr, d.b.a. Attorney in Fact for STANLEY WADE
Trust, herein "Defendant,” hereby state that I am competent to make the following
statements, have knowledge of the facts stated herein, that they are true, correct,
and not meant to mislead and are presented in good faith:
CRIMINAL COMPLAINT # CR02219517 from SB, d.b.a. Magistrate for PIMA
JUSTICE COURT. Defendant also received an offer to contract, entitled
COMPLAINT #CR02219517A, from BG, d.b.a. Deputy Clerk of PIMA COUNTY
3. Defendant does not dispute the facts in this matter. Defendant has
unconditionally accepted and registered the above Offers, and all other parts of the
including all documents offered at a future date, pursuant to Power of Acceptance,
hereby returns them to the Offerors for settlement of the account.
Stanley Wade Starr, d.b.a.
Attorney in
Arizona )
) ss JURAT
Pima county )
As a Notary Public for said County and State, I do hereby certify that on this _____ day of
2002 the above mentioned appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my
hand and seal:
I, Stanley Wade Starr, the undersigned principal, hereby enter this bond for the
value of
$10,000.00, and give it to the Clerk of Court for the above noted Case, as recognized
by Rule 7.3(b)(1) of Arizona Criminal Procedures, so I can be released on my own
recognizance and return to this court at the appointed time to plead to the charge(s).
This bond is executed by the principal on _____________ at
Stanley Wade Starr, Principal and
PO Box 11535
Tucson, Arizona 85734
(520) 465-7334
Clerk of Court