Chapter14 Electric Current
Chapter14 Electric Current
Chapter14 Electric Current
14. Electric current
Outline Objectives
a) define electric current, and use the
14.1 Conduction of electricity equation I = dQ/dt
14.2 Drift velocity b) explain the mechanism of conduction of
14.3 Current density electricity in metals
14.4 Electric conductivity and resistivity c) explain the concept of drift velocity
d) derive and use the equation I = Anev
e) define electric current density and
f) use the relationship J = E
3 4
g) derive and use the equation = ne2t/m
h) define resistivity, and use the formula = RA/l
i) 14.1 Conduction of
the relationship J= E
j) explain the dependence of resistivity on
temperature for metals and semiconductors
by using the equation = ne2t/m
k) discuss the effects of temperature change on
the resistivity of conductors, semiconductors
and superconductors.
13 14
15 16
Microscopic Model of Current Microscopic Model of Current
Volume = A x, x=vd t
Drift velocity vd
n is the number of charge
carriers per unit volume
Q = number of carriers in
section X charge per carrier
=( )
) No electric Field
There is an electric Field
/ =
17 18
Electric Current
Electric charges Rate of flow of electric charge from one region to another
E is called electric current
Electric circuits are means for conveying energy from one
place to another place
Electric potential is transferred from a source (battery) to
a device where the energy is either stored or converted to
+ another form i.e. sound, heat or light etc..
Electric circuits transport energy without moving any of
its parts
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Semiconductors Conduction band
Unoccupied states
Semiconductors Semiconductors
In conductors, valence band is the highest band occupied by In semiconductor, the conduction band is completely empty
the electrons, which is partially filled and partially empty. and valence band is completely occupied. At ordinary
There is a dividing line between the filled and empty state, the temperature there is a small probability that an electron may
electrons in the filled states can easily jump (by applying some jumps from the valence band to the conduction band by
external electric field) to the upper empty states, which acquiring enough energy. This is possible because the energy
contribute to the current gap between the conduction and valence of semiconductor is
In insulator, the conduction band is empty and valence band small, which is about 0.7 ev in case of germanium.
is completely occupied by the electrons. The gap between the The difference between the conductors and semiconductors
conduction band and valence band is very large i.e. about 2 ev is in the resistivity. Resistivity of the conductor increases with
or more than that. An electron may not be able to acquire such temperature while that of a semiconductor decreases with
a large amount of energy from external source and jumps to increase in temperature. The condctivity of the semiconductors
the conduction band. Thus insulators are bad conductors changes by external factors such as temperature, applied
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Drift Velocity
Electrons do not move at the speed of
14.2 Drift velocity When a switch is turned on charges
from one end of the circuit push
charges to the other end of the circuit.
When a potential difference is placed
on the conductor, and electric field is
produced. (chp 17, 18)
The force due to the electric field The energy gained by electrons as they are
sets electrons in motion (current). accelerated by the electric field is
greater than the energy loss due to
The electrons collide with other collisions.
electrons as they travel towards the
positive area of the potential Drift Velocity-the net velocity of a charge carrier
difference. moving in an electric field.
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Current density
Current i is a characteristic of a particular conductor and
is a macroscopic quantity like, the mass, volume and
length of an object
The related microscopic quantity is the current density
14.3 Current density J the quantity of charge passing
per second through a unit area taken perpendicular to
the direction of the flow of charge at that points on that
cross section, where J = (q/t)/A = i/A, unit: A/m2
It is a vector and is characteristic of a point inside the
conductor, while current is the characteristic of the
conductor as a whole
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Current density
What is the drift velocity of electrons in
a Cu wire 1.8 mm in diameter carrying a
current of 1.3 A?
In Cu there is about one conduction
electron per atom. The density of Cu
atoms is 28 3
n 8.49x10 m
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Superconductivity Superconductivity
Resistivity of the conductors is temperature If temperature of the conductors decreases to
dependent, increase in the temperature increases absolute zero, the vibrations of atoms decreases
the resistivity of the conductors and vice versa. significantly and might be consider stationary,
Resistivity of the conductor is due to the and the conductor will have zeoro resistivity.
scattering of electrons by the vibrating atoms. Such a conductors that have zero resistivity are
Decrease in temperature decreases the vibration called superconductor. It has been found
of atoms, which further deceases scattering of experimentally that some materials behave
electrons with vibrating atoms, that results in superconductivity at 77K
decrease in the resistivity of the conductors.
49 50
A class of materials and Superconductors, cont
compounds whose
The value of TC is sensitive to:
resistances fall to virtually
zero below a certain chemical composition
temperature, TC pressure
TC is called the critical molecular structure
temperature Once a current is set up in a
The graph is the same as a superconductor, it persists without any
normal metal above TC, applied voltage
but suddenly drops to zero Since R = 0
at TC 51 52
Superconductor Application
An important Superconductivity
application of In 1911, Dutch physicist Kamerlingh Onnes
superconductors is a The resistance of mercury
In 1986, high temperature superconductor
superconducting (new ceramic superconductor)
magnet Superconductor
The magnitude of the Normal conductors (ex, Silver, Copper)
cannot become super conducting material
magnetic field is about at any temperature
10 times greater than a New ceramic super conductor
normal electromagnet Room temperature : good insulator
Low temperature : superconductor
Used in MRI units 53 54
The resistance of a wire is directly
proportional to its length and inversely
proportional to its cross-sectional area:
Some clarifications:
The resistance of a wire is directly
Batteries maintain a (nearly) constant
proportional to its length and inversely
potential difference; the current varies.
proportional to its cross-sectional area:
Resistance is a property of a material or
Current is not a vector but it does have a
Current and charge do not get used up. The constant , the resistivity, is
Whatever charge goes in one end of a circuit characteristic of the material.
comes out the other end.
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Resistivity Resistivity
For any given material, the resistivity For any given material, the resistivity
increases with temperature: increases with temperature:
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Conductivity Conductivity
The electrons in a conducting materials are accelerated by In SI units, the unit of conductivity is siemen/meter = S/m
the electric field E, Thus their drift velocity Vd is proportional
to the electric field E Where 1 Siemen = ampere/volt
Which means that the current density j is proportional to the Inverse of the conductivity is called resistivity, which is also
electric field E the characteristic of materials
j E = 1/
j = E (5)
j = E (6)
The proportionality constant is called the electrical
conductivity of the material. It is not property of the particular The units of resistivity is ohm-meter i.e. -m
sample of the material It must be noted that the resistivity is independent of the
magnitude and direction of applied electric field
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Resistivity Resistivity
Consider a conductor of length L having cross section area A From equations 6 and 7 we have
, let V is the potential applied across the two ends E
= j
i = i /A
Where V/i = R , Thus
R = A (8)
There is a uniform electric field E and current density j
produced in the conductor
The resistance of a conductor is independent of the magnitude
v j = i and sign of the applied potential, it is the property of specific
E= A (7)
L specimen of the sample.
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In ideal metallic crystal at 0 k electron-lattice collisions will So the resistivity of the metals may be increased due to
not occur according to the prediction of quantum mechanics Raising its temperature
Thus at T 0 K, Adding small amounts of impurities
By increasing the number of lattice imperfections
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When we apply electric field to a metal , the electrons The mean time between the two collisions is
modify their motion and they drift slowly in the opposite
direction to that of the applied field =
This drift speed is very less as compared to the average Average change in the electron speed between two collisions is
speed of the electrons (about 1010)
a or a
We can calculate the drift speed Vd in the terms of electric v
field E, average speed v and mean free path We define this to be the drift velocity of electron
Electric field E eE eE
Vd = a =
imparts acceleration a to the electron m
Where drift velocity in the terms of current density is
a= eE
m vd = j
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End of Session
Conduction Drift Velocity Conductivity
& Resistivity