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Atkins/ de Paula: Physical Chemistry

CHAPTER 2: The First Law

Art PowerPoints
• The basic concepts
• 2.1 Work 功, heat 熱, and energy 能量
• 2.2 The internal energy 內能
• 2.3 Expansion work 膨胀功
• 2.4 Heat transactions
• 2.5 Enthalpy 焓
• 2.6 Adiabatic changes 絕熱變化
• Thermochemistry (熱化學)
• 2.7 Standard enthalpy changes
• 2.8 Standard enthalpies of formation
• 2.9 The temperature-dependence of reaction enthalpies
• State functions (状態函數) and exact differentials
• 2.10 Exact and inexact differentials
• 2.11 Changes in internal energy
• 2.12 The Joule-Thomson effect
Basic concepts of thermodynamics
• Use the principle of conservation of energy — the
experimental observation that energy can be neither created
nor destroyed — to assess the energy changes that
accompany physical and chemical processes
• The means by which a system can exchange energy with its
surroundings in terms of the work it may do or the heat that
it may produce
• Enthalpy, very useful for keeping track of the heat output (or
requirements) of physical processes and chemical reactions
at constant pressure
• How to establish relations between different properties of a
system. A property can be measured indirectly by measuring
others and then combining their values
• Liquefaction of gases; establish the relation between the
heat capacities of a substance under different conditions
Chapter 2. Introduction
• The release of energy can be used to provide heat
when a fuel burns in a furnace, to produce
mechanical work when a fuel burns in an engine,
and to generate electrical work when a chemical
reaction pumps electrons through a circuit
• In chemistry, we encounter reactions that can be
harnessed to provide heat and work, reactions that
liberate energy which is squandered (often to the
detriment of the environment) but which give
products we require, and reactions that constitute
the processes of life
• Thermodynamics, the study of the
transformations of energy, enables us to discuss
all these matters quantitatively and to make useful
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.1

The system is the part of the world in which we have

a special interest, e.g., a reaction vessel, an engine,
an electrochemical cell, a biological cell, etc.
The surroundings comprise the region outside the
system and are where we make our measurements.

If matter can be transferred through the boundary

between the system and its surroundings the system
is classified as open. If matter cannot pass through
the boundary the system is classified as closed. Both
open and closed systems can exchange energy with
their surroundings. An isolated system is a closed
system that has neither mechanical nor thermal
contact with its surroundings.
Figure 2.1 (a) An open system can exchange matter
and energy with its surroundings. (b) A closed
system can exchange energy with its surroundings,
but it cannot exchange matter. (c) An isolated
system can exchange neither energy nor matter with
its surroundings. © 2009 W.H. Freeman
2.1 Work, heat, and energy
• Work is motion against an opposing force. Doing work is
equivalent to raising a weight somewhere in the
surroundings. e.g., the expansion of a gas that pushes out
a piston and raises a weight. A chemical reaction that
drives an electric current through a resistance also does
work, because the same current could be driven through a
motor and used to raise a weight.
• The energy of a system is its capacity to do work. When
work is done on an otherwise isolated system (for instance,
by compressing a gas or winding a spring), the capacity of
the system to do work is increased; in other words, the
energy of the system is increased. When the system does
work (when the piston moves out or the spring unwinds),
the energy of the system is reduced and it can do less
work than before.
2.1.1 Work, heat, and energy
• Key Points (a) Work is done to achieve motion
against an opposing force; energy is the capacity to
do work.
• (b) Heating is the transfer of energy that makes use
of disorderly molecular motion; work is the transfer
of energy that makes use of organized motion.
• Although thermodynamics deals with observations on
bulk systems, it is immeasurably enriched by
understanding the molecular origins of these
observations. In each case we shall set out the bulk
observations on which thermodynamics is based and
then describe their molecular interpretations.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.2

An exothermic process is a process that releases

energy as heat into its surroundings - combustion;
An endothermic process is a process in which
energy is acquired from its surroundings as

Not all boundaries permit the transfer of energy

even though there is a temperature difference
between the system and its surroundings.
Boundaries that do permit the transfer of energy as
heat are called diathermic; those that do not are
called adiabatic.

Fig.2.2 (a) When an endothermic process occurs in

an adiabatic system, the temperature falls; (b) if the
process is exothermic, the temperature rises. (c)
When an endothermic process occurs in a
diathermic container, energy enters as heat from the
surroundings, and the system remains at the same
temperature. (d) If the process is exothermic,
energy leaves as heat, and the process is
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.3

Molecular interpretation 2.1

Heat - Heating is the transfer
of energy that makes use of
disorderly molecular motion
called thermal motion.
When a system heats its
surroundings, molecules of
the system stimulate the
thermal motion of the
molecules in the
Fig.2.3 When energy is
transferred to the
surroundings as heat, the
transfer stimulates random
motion of the atoms in the
surroundings. Transfer of
energy from the surroundings
to the system makes use of
random motion (thermal
motion) in the surroundings.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.4

Work is the transfer of energy

that makes use of organized
When a system does work it
causes atoms or electrons in
its surroundings to move in
an organized way. Likewise,
when work is done on a
system, molecules in the
surroundings are used to
transfer energy to it in an
organized way.
Fig 2.4 When a system does
work, it stimulates orderly
motion in the surroundings.
For instance, the atoms
shown here may be part of a
weight that is being raised.
The ordered motion of the
atoms in a falling weight does
work on the system.
2.1.2The internal energy
• Key Points Internal energy, the total
energy of a system, is a state function.
(a) The equipartition theorem can be
used to estimate the contribution to the
internal energy of classical modes of
• (b) The First Law states that the internal
energy of an isolated system is
2.2 The internal energy
• The total energy of a system is called its internal
energy, U. The internal energy is the total kinetic
and potential energy of the molecules in the system.
We denote by ΔU the change in internal energy
when a system changes from an initial state i with
internal energy Ui to a final state f of internal energy
ΔU = Uf - Ui [2.1]
• 1J=1kgm2s-2 ; 1 cal =4.184J - the energy to raise
the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C.
• State function - its value depends only on the
current state of the system and is independent of
how that state has been prepared. In other words,
internal energy is a function of the properties that
determine the current state of the system.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.5

Mol.Interp.2.2 The internal energy of a

gas The kinetic energy an atom of mass
m as it moves through space is:
1 2 1 2 1 2
EK = mv x + mv y + mvz
2 2 2
U m = U m (0) + RT (monatomic gas, translation only)
U m = U m (0) + RT (linear molecule, translation and rotation only)
U m = U m (0) + 3RT (nonlinear molecule, translation and rotation only)

The equipartition theorem: for a

collection of particles at thermal
equilibrium at a temperature T, the
average value of each quadratic
contribution to the energy is the same
and equal to ½kT
Fig 2.5 The rotational modes of
molecules and the corresponding
average energies at a temperature T. (a)
A linear molecule can rotate about two
axes perpendicular to the line of the
atoms. (b) A nonlinear molecule can
rotate about three perpendicular axes.
The formulation of the First Law
• The internal energy of a perfect gas is
independent of the volume it occupies.
• Heat and work are equivalent ways of
changing a system’s internal energy.
• The First Law of thermodynamics:
The internal energy of an isolated system
is constant.
∆U=q+w (2.3)
dU=dq+dw (2.4)
2.1.3 Expansion work
• Key Points (a) Expansion work is proportional to the
external pressure.
• (b) Free expansion (against zero pressure) does no
• (c) The work of expansion against constant pressure
is proportional to that pressure and to the change in
• (d) To achieve reversible expansion, the external
pressure is matched at every stage to the pressure
of the system.
• (e) The work of reversible, isothermal expansion of a
perfect gas is a logarithmic function of the volume.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.6

expansion work - the work

arising from a change in

dw = − Fdz General definition of work done [2.5]

dw = − p exdV Expansion work (2.6a)
w=− ∫
pexdV (2.6b)

Figure 2.6 When a piston of

area A moves out through a
distance dz, it sweeps out a
volume dV = Adz.
The external pressure pex is
equivalent to a weight pressing
on the piston, and the force
opposing expansion is F = pexA.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.1

Other types of work (e.g. electrical work), non-expansion work or additional

work, have analogous expressions, with each one the product of an intensive
factor (pressure) and an extensive factor (the change in volume).

(b) Free expansion: expansion against zero opposing force. pe x = 0. w=0

Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.7

(c) Expansion against constant pressure

w = − pex ∫
dV = − pex (V f − Vi )

w = − pex ∆V (2.8)
Expansion work against constant external pressure

Figure 2.7 The work done by a

gas when it expands against a
constant external pressure, pe x, is
equal to the shaded area in this
example of an indicator diagram.
brief comment
• The value of the integral ∫a f ( x)dx is equal to the
area under the graph of f(x) between x = a and
x = b. For instance, the area under the curve
f(x) = x2 shown in the illustration that lies between x
= 1 and 3 is
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.8

Figure 2.8 The work done by a perfect

gas when it expands reversibly and
isothermally is equal to the area under
the isotherm p = nRT/V. The work done
during the irreversible expansion against
the same final pressure is equal to the
rectangular area shown slightly darker.
Note that the reversible work is greater
than the irreversible work.
InterActivity Calculate the work of
isothermal reversible expansion of 1.0
mol CO2(g) at 298 K from 1.0 m3 to 3.0
m3 on the basis that it obeys the van der
Waals equation of state.
2.3 Expansion work
(d) Reversible expansion
• Reversible change: a change that can be
reversed by an infinitesimal modification of a
• A system is in equilibrium with its
surroundings if an infinitesimal change in the
conditions in opposite directions results in
opposite changes in its state. e.g., the
thermal equilibrium of two systems with the
same temperature.
(e) Isothermal reversible expansion
The expansion is made isothermal
by keeping the system in thermal
contact with its surroundings
(which may be a constant-
temperature bath). Perfect gas

Chapter 2. The First Law. P.18

Example 2.1 Calculating the work of gas production
• Calculate the work done when 50 g of iron reacts with
hydrochloric acid in (a) a closed vessel of fixed
volume, (b) an open beaker at 25°C.
• Answer: (a) w = 0
Fe(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → FeCl2(aq) + H2(g)
(b) w = −pex∆V. ∆V = Vf − Vi ≈ Vf = nRT/pex, n the
amount of H2.

Fe 55.85 g mol−1

The external pressure?

• Self Test 2.1 Calculate the expansion work when 50 g
of water is electrolyzed under constant pressure at
• Correct Answer: (−10 kJ) 2H2O(l) → O2(g) + 2H2(g)
2.1.4 Heat transactions
• Key Points: The energy transferred as
heat at constant volume is equal to the
change in internal energy of the
• (a) Calorimetry is the measurement of
heat transactions.
• (b) The heat capacity at constant
volume is the slope of the internal
energy with respect to temperature.
2.1.4 Heat transactions
• Generally change in internal energy of a

where dwe is work in addition to the expansion work,


For a measurable change,

Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.9

Calorimetry is the study of

heat transfer during physical
and chemical processes. A
calorimeter is a device for
measuring energy transferred
as heat. The most common
device for measuring ∆U is an
adiabatic bomb calorimeter
Fig.2.9 A constant-volume
bomb calorimeter. The ‘bomb’ is
the central vessel, which is
strong enough to withstand high
pressures. The calorimeter (for
which the heat capacity must be
known) is the entire assembly
shown here. To ensure
adiabaticity, the calorimeter is
immersed in a water bath with a
temperature continuously
readjusted to that of the
calorimeter at each stage of the
2.1.4 Heat transactions (a) Calorimetry
• The change in temperature, ∆T, of the
calorimeter is proportional to the heat that
the reaction releases or absorbs.
• By measuring ∆T, we can determine qV and
hence ∆U. The conversion of ∆T to qV is
best achieved by calibrating the calorimeter
using a process of known energy output
and determining the calorimeter constant,
the constant C in the relation:
2.1.4 Heat transactions (a) Calorimetry

Illustration 2.2 The calibration of a calorimeter

If we pass a current of 10.0 A from a 12 V supply for 300 s, then

from above eqn the energy supplied as heat is
q = (10.0 A) × (12 V) × (300 s) = 3.6 × 104 A V s = 36 kJ
because 1 A V s = 1 J.

If the observed rise in temperature is 5.5 K, then the calorimeter

constant is C = (36 kJ)/(5.5 K) = 6.5 kJ K−1.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.10

(b) The heat capacity at

constant volume

 ∂U 
CV =  
 ∂T  V

Figure 2.10 The internal

energy of a system increases
as the temperature is raised;
this graph shows its variation
as the system is heated at
constant volume. The slope
of the tangent to the curve at
any temperature is the heat
capacity at constant volume
at that temperature. Note that,
for the system illustrated, the
heat capacity is greater at B
than at A.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.11

The partial derivative, for example,

if z(x,y) = x2y, then

Figure 2.11 The internal energy of

a system varies with volume and
temperature, perhaps as shown
here by the surface. The variation
of the internal energy with
temperature at one particular
constant volume is illustrated by
the curve drawn parallel to T. The
slope of this curve at any point is
the partial derivative (∂U/∂T)V.
Heat capacity
• Illus. Estimating a constant-volume heat capacity
• The heat capacity of a monatomic perfect gas can
be calculated from the internal energy:
• Um = Um(0) + 3/2RT, so from egn

• The numerical value is 12.47 J K−1 mol−1

2.1.5 Enthalpy
• Key Points: (a) Energy transferred as
heat at constant pressure is equal to
the change in enthalpy of a system.
• (b) Enthalpy changes are measured in a
constant-pressure calorimeter.
• (c) The heat capacity at constant
pressure is equal to the slope of
enthalpy with temperature.
(a) The definition of enthalpy
• The enthalpy, H, is defined as

H = U + pV (eq.2.18, definition of enthalpy)

p - the pressure of the system, V - its volume.
U, p, and V are all state functions, the enthalpy is a state function too.
As is true of any state function, the change in enthalpy, ΔH, between
any pair of initial and final states is independent of the path between
• eqn 2.18 implies that the change in enthalpy is equal to the energy
supplied as heat at constant pressure (provided the system does no
additional work):
dH = dq (Heat tran ferred at constant pressure)

• For a measurable change

∆H = q p
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.12

Figure 2.12 When a system is

subjected to constant pressure and is
free to change its volume, some of the
energy supplied as heat may escape
back into the surroundings as work. In
such a case, the change in internal
energy is smaller than the energy
supplied as heat.
Justification The relation ∆H = qp
• For a general infinitesimal change in the state of the system, U changes
to U + dU, p changes to p + dp, and V changes to V + dV, so H changes
from U + pV to

• Recognize U + pV = H on the right, H changes to

• Now substitute dU = dq + dw into this expression,

• If the system is in mechanical equilibrium with its surroundings at a
pressure p and does only expansion work, we can write dw = −pdV and

• Now impose the condition that the heating occurs at constant pressure
by writing dp = 0. Then
dH=dq (at constant p, no additional work)
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.13

2.1.5(b) The measurement of an enthalpy


Calorimeter at constant pressure -

isobaric calorimeter. For a combustion
reaction an adiabatic flame calorimeter
may be used to measure ∆T when a given
amount of substance burns in a supply of

Figure 2.13 A constant-pressure flame

calorimeter consists of this component
immersed in a stirred water bath.
Combustion occurs as a known amount of
reactant is passed through to fuel the flame,
and the rise of temperature is monitored.
Example 2.2 Relating ∆H and ∆U
• The internal energy change when 1.0 mol CaCO3 in the form of calcite
converts to aragonite is +0.21 kJ. Calculate the difference between the
enthalpy change and the change in internal energy when the pressure
is 1.0 bar given that the densities of the solids are 2.71 g cm−3 and
2.93 g cm−3, respectively.
• Answer:

• The volume of 1.0 mol CaCO3 (100 g) as aragonite is 34 cm3, and that
of 1.0 mol CaCO3 as calcite is 37 cm3. Therefore,

• (1 Pa m3 = 1 J). Hence,

• only 0.1% of ∆U. Usually ignore the difference between H and U of
condensed phases, except at very high p, when pV no longer
• Self Test 2.2 Calculate the difference between ∆H and ∆U when 1.0
mol Sn(s, grey) of density 5.75 g cm−3 changes to Sn(s, white) of
density 7.31 g cm−3 at 10.0 bar. At 298 K, ∆H = +2.1 kJ.
• Correct Answer: ∆H − ∆U = −4.4 J
Enthalpy of perfect gas

• Illustration 2.4 The relation between ∆H

and ∆U for gas-phase reactions
• In the reaction: 2 H2(g) + O2(g) → 2 H2O(l),
• ∆ng = −3 mol. At 298 K, when RT = 2.5 kJ
mol−1, the enthalpy and internal energy
changes in the system
Example 2.3 Calculating a change in enthalpy

• Water is heated to boiling under a

pressure of 1.0 atm. When an electric
current of 0.50A from a 12 V supply is
passed for 300s through a resistance in
thermal contact with it, it is found that
0.798 g of water is vaporized. Calculate
the molar internal energy and enthalpy
changes at the boiling point (373.15 K).
• The enthalpy change is

• (1 A V s = 1 J ). 0.798 g of water is (0.798

g)/(18.02 g mol−1) = (0.798/18.02) mol H2O,
the enthalpy of vaporization per mole of H2O

• H2O(l) → H2O(g) , ∆ng = +1 mol,

Test 2.3
• The molar enthalpy of vaporization of
benzene at its boiling point (353.25 K) is
30.8 kJ mol−1. What is the molar internal
energy change? For how long would the
same 12 V source need to supply a 0.50 A
current in order to vaporize a 10 g
• Correct Answer: +27.9 kJ mol−1, 660 s
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.14

(c) The variation of enthalpy

with temperature
 ∂H 
Cp =  
 ∂T  p
Figure 2.14 The constant-
pressure heat capacity at a
particular temperature is the
slope of the tangent to a
curve of the enthalpy of a
system plotted against
temperature (at constant
pressure). For gases, at a
given temperature the slope
of enthalpy versus
temperature is steeper than
that of internal energy versus
temperature, and Cp,m is
larger than CV,m .
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.2

2.1.5(c) The variation of enthalpy with temperature

dH = C p dT (at constant pressure)

∆H = C p ∆T (at constant pressure)
q p = C p ∆T
C p,m = a + bT +
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.15

Figure 2.15 A
differential scanning
calorimeter. The
sample and a
reference material are
heated in separate but
identical metal heat
sinks. The output is
the difference in power
needed to maintain the
heat sinks at equal
temperatures as the
temperature rises.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.16

Figure 2.16 A thermogram

for the protein ubiquitin at pH
= 2.45. The protein retains
its native structure up to
about 45°C and then
undergoes an endothermic
conformational change.
(Adapted from B. Chowdhry
and S. LeHarne, J. Chem.
Educ. 74, 236 (1997).)
Example 2.4 Evaluating an increase in enthalpy with temperature

• What is the change in molar enthalpy of

N2 when it is heated from 25°C to
100°C? (Table 2-2)
2.1.5 (c) The variation of enthalpy with temperature
• Test 2.4 At very low temperatures the heat
capacity of a solid is proportional to T3, and
we can write Cp = aT3. What is the change
in enthalpy of such a substance when it is
heated from 0 to a temperature T (with T
close to 0)?
• Correct Answer ∆H = ¼aT4

• Perfect gas (2.11):

2.1.6 Adiabatic changes
Key Points: For the reversible adiabatic expansion of a perfect gas,
pressure and volume are related by an expression that depends on the
ratio of heat capacities.
A perfect gas expands adiabatically. temperature T decreases: because work w is
done but no heat enters the system, the internal energy U falls, and T of the
working gas also falls. In molecular terms, the kinetic energy of the molecules
falls as work is done, so their average speed decreases, and hence T falls.
The change in internal energy of a perfect gas when Ti → Tf and Vi → Vf is the
sum of two steps (Fig. 2.17):
1) only V changes and T constant at its initial value. The internal energy U of a
perfect gas is independent of V the molecules occupy;
2) the change in T at constant V.
Provided the heat capacity is independent of T, this change is

ΔU = CV (Tf − Ti) = CVΔT

adiabatic expansion, q = 0; ΔU = q + w, ΔU = wad. (‘ad’ - adiabatic)

wad = CVΔT
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.17

Figure 2.17 To achieve a change

of state from one temperature and
volume to another temperature
and volume, we may consider the
overall change as composed of
two steps. In the first step, the
system expands at constant
temperature; there is no change
in internal energy if the system
consists of a perfect gas. In the
second step, the temperature of
the system is reduced at constant
volume. The overall change in
internal energy is the sum of the
changes for the two steps.
Adiabatic processes
• Consider a stage in a reversible adiabatic
expansion when the pressure inside and out is p.
The work done when the gas expands by dV is
dw = −pdV; however, for a perfect gas, dU = CVdT.
• Therefore,because for an adiabatic change (dq = 0)
dU = dw + dq = dw, we can equate these two
expressions for dU and write

• We are dealing with a perfect gas, so we can

replace p by nRT/V and obtain
Adiabatic processes (2)
• To integrate this expression we note that T is
equal to Ti when V is equal to Vi, and is equal
to Tf when V is equal to Vf at the end of the
expansion. Therefore,

• (Take CV independent of temperature.) As
∫dx/x = ln x + constant,
Adiabatic processes (3)
• Because ln(x/y) = −ln(y/x), this expression
rearranges to

• With c = CV/nR we obtain (because ln xa = a

ln x)

• which implies that (Tf/Ti)c = (Vi/Vf) and, upon

Adiabatic processes (4)
• The initial and final states of a perfect gas satisfy the
perfect gas law regardless of how the change of
state takes place, so use pV = nRT,

• However, we have just shown that

• where we use the definition of the heat capacity ratio

where γ = Cp,m/CV,m and the fact that, for a perfect
gas, Cp,m – CV,m = R (Sec.2.11). Then we combine
the two expressions, to obtain

• which rearranges to piViγ = pfVfγ

Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.18

Figure 2.18 An adiabat depicts

the variation of pressure with
volume when a gas expands
adiabatically. Note that the
pressure declines more steeply
for an adiabat than it does for an
isotherm because the
temperature decreases in the
Illustration 2.5 Work of adiabatic expansion
• Consider the adiabatic, reversible expansion of 0.020 mol
Ar, initially at 25°C, from 0.50 dm3 to 1.00 dm3. The molar
heat capacity of argon at constant volume is 12.48 J K−1
mol−1, so c = 1.501. From

• It follows that ∆T = −110 K, from

• Note that temperature change is independent of the

amount of gas but the work is not.
• Test 2.5 Calculate the final temperature, the work done,
and the change of internal energy when ammonia is used
in a reversible adiabatic expansion from 0.50 dm3 to 2.00
dm3, the other initial conditions being the same.
• Correct Answer: 195 K, −56 J, −56 J
Illus. 2.6 The pressure change accompanying
adiabatic expansion

• When a sample of argon (for which γ =

5/3) at 100 kPa expands reversibly and
adiabatically to twice its initial volume
the final pressure will be

• For an isothermal doubling of volume,

the final pressure would be 50 kPa.
2.2.7Standard enthalpy changes
• Key Points: (a) The standard enthalpy of
transition is equal to the energy transferred
as heat at constant pressure in the transition.
• (b) A thermochemical equation is a chemical
equation and its associated change in
• (c) Hess’s law states that the standard
enthalpy of an overall reaction is the sum of
the standard enthalpies of the individual
reactions into which a reaction may be
• 2.2.7 Standard enthalpy changes
• standard enthalpy change, ∆H° , the change in enthalpy
for a process in which the initial and final substances are in
their standard states:
• The standard state of a substance at a specified
temperature is its pure form at 1 bar. (real gas, solution ?)
• The standard enthalpy change for a reaction or a physical
process is the difference between the products in their
standard states and the reactants in their standard states,
all at the same specified temperature.
• Example: the standard enthalpy of vaporization, ∆vapH° , is
the enthalpy change per mole when a pure liquid at 1 bar
vaporizes to a gas at 1 bar, as in

Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.3

Conventional temperature for reporting thermodynamic data 298.15 K (25.00°C).

(a) Enthalpies of physical change The standard enthalpy change

that accompanies a change of physical state - standard
enthalpy of transition ∆trs H° : standard enthalpy of
vaporization, ∆ vap H° ; standard enthalpy of fusion, ∆ fusH° ,
conversion of solid to liquid
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.4
(b) Enthalpies of chemical change
• Thermochemical equation, chemical equation
and change in standard enthalpy:

• ∆H° is the change in enthalpy when reactants in

their standard states change to products in their
standard states:
• Pure, separate reactants in their standard states →
pure, separate products in their standard states
• standard reaction enthalpy, ∆rH°
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Structure 2.1
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Structure 2.2
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.19

Figure 2.19 The Born–Haber

cycle for KCl at 298 K.
Enthalpies changes are in
kilojoules per mole.
Standard enthalpy of combustion, ∆c H° , standard reaction
enthalpy for complete oxidation of an organic compound to CO2(g)
and H2O(l) if it contains C, H, and O, and to N2 (g) if N is also
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.5
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.6

IMPACT ON BIOLOGY I2.2 Food and energy reserves

specific enthalpy, the enthalpy of combustion per gram of material.
If the standard enthalpy of combustion is ∆cH° and the molar mass
of the compound is M, then the specific enthalpy is ∆cH° /M
6 (NH2)2CO → C3 H6N6 + 6 NH3 + 3 CO2 (endothermic)
1 ) urea decomposes into cyanic acid and ammonia:
6 (NH2)2CO → 6 HCNO + 6 NH3 (endothermic)
2) cyanic acid polymerizes to form melamine and carbon dioxide:
6 HCNO → C3 H6N6 + 3 CO2 (exothermic)
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Structure 2.3
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.7
2.7 Standard enthalpy changes
(c) Hess’s law
• Standard enthalpies of individual reactions
can be combined to obtain the enthalpy of
another reaction. This application of the
First Law is called Hess’s law:
• The standard enthalpy of an overall
reaction is the sum of the standard
enthalpies of the individual reactions into
which a reaction may be divided.
Example 2.5 Using Hess’s law
• The standard reaction enthalpy for the hydrogenation of propene,

• is −124 kJ mol −1. The standard reaction enthalpy for the combustion of propane,

• is −2220 kJ mol −1. Calculate the standard enthalpy of combustion of propene.

• Answer The combustion reaction we require is

• This reaction can be recreated from the following sum:

• Test 2.6 Calculate the enthalpy of hydrogenation of benzene from its enthalpy of
combustion and the enthalpy of combustion of cyclohexane.
• Correct Answer: −205 kJ mol−1
2.2.8 Standard enthalpies of formation
• Key Points: Standard enthalpies of
formation are defined in terms of the
reference states of elements.
• (a) The standard reaction enthalpy is
expressed as the difference of the
standard enthalpies of formation of
products and reactants.
• (b) Computer modelling is used to
estimate standard enthalpies of
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.8

2.8 Standard enthalpies of


∆fH° of a substance is the

standard reaction enthalpy for
the formation of the
compound from its elements
in their reference states. The
reference state of an element
is its most stable state at the
specified temperature and 1
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Structure 2.4

(a) The reaction enthalpy in

terms of enthalpies of formation
Illustration 2.7 Using standard enthalpies of formation
The standard reaction enthalpy of
2 HN3(l) + 2 NO(g) → H2O2(l) + 4 N2(g)
is calculated as follows:

(b) Enthalpies of formation and molecular modeling

No thermodynamically exact way of expressing enthalpies of
formation in terms of contributions from individual atoms and
bonds. Approximate procedures based on mean bond enthalpies,
∆H(A–B), the average enthalpy change associated with the
breaking of a specific A–B bond , (unreliable?)
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.20

2.2.9 The temperature-dependence

of reaction enthalpies
Key Points: The temperature dependence
of a reaction enthalpy is expressed by
Kirchhoff’s law.

Figure 2.20 An illustration of the content

of Kirchhoff’s law. When the temperature
is increased, the enthalpy of the
products and the reactants both increase,
but may do so to different extents. In
each case, the change in enthalpy
depends on the heat capacities of the
substances. The change in reaction
enthalpy reflects the difference in the
changes of the enthalpies.
Kirchhoff’s law
• Assume that no phase transition takes
place in the temperature range of

Normally good approximation to assume that ∆rCp is

independent of the temperature, at least over reasonably limited
Example 2.6 Using Kirchhoff’s law
• The standard enthalpy of formation of H2O(g) at 298
K is −241.82 kJ mol−1. Estimate its value at 100°C
given the following values of the molar heat
capacities at constant p: H2O(g): 33.58 J K−1 mol−1;
H2(g): 28.84 J K−1 mol−1; O2(g): 29.37 J K−1 mol−1.
Assume heat capacities are independent of temp T.

• Answer H2(g) + ½O 2(g) → H2O(g)

• Test 2.7 Estimate the standard enthalpy of

formation of cyclohexene at 400 K from the data in
Table 2-5.
• Correct Answer: −163 kJ mol−1
2.3 State functions and exact differentials
2.3.10 Exact and inexact differentials
• Key Points: The quantity dU is an exact
differential; dw and dq are not.

An exact differential is an infinitesimal quantity that, when

integrated, gives a result that is independent of the path between
the initial and final states.

An inexact differential is an infinitesimal quantity that, when

integrated, gives a result that depends on the path between the initial
and final states.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.21

Figure 2.21 As the volume and

temperature of a system are
changed, the internal energy
changes. An adiabatic and a non-
adiabatic path are shown as Path
1 and Path 2, respectively: they
correspond to different values of q
and w but to the same value of
Ex.2.7 Calculating work, heat, and internal energy

• Perfect gas inside a cylinder fitted with a piston. Initial state T, Vi and
final state T, Vf. The change of state can be brought about in many ways,
of which the two simplest are: Path 1, free expansion against zero
external p; Path 2, reversible, isothermal expansion. Calculate w, q, and
∆U for each process.
• Method U of a perfect gas depends only on T and is independent of V
those molecules occupy, so for any isothermal change, ∆U = 0. In
general ∆U = q + w. The question depends on being able to combine the
two expressions. Answer Because ∆U = 0 for both paths and ∆U = q +
w, in each case q = −w. The work of free expansion is zero; so in Path 1,
w = 0 and q = 0. For Path 2, work w = −nRT ln(V f/Vi) and consequently q
= nRT ln(V f/Vi). These results are consequences of the path
independence of U, a state function, and the path dependence of q and
w, which are path functions.
• Test 2.8 Calculate the values of q, w, and ∆U for an irreversible
isothermal expansion of a perfect gas against a constant nonzero
external p.
• Correct Answer: q = pex∆V, w = −pex∆V, ∆U = 0
2.3.11 Changes in internal energy
• Key Points: (a) The change in internal
energy may be expressed in terms of
changes in temperature and volume. The
internal pressure is the variation of internal
energy with volume at constant temperature.
• (b) Joule’s experiment showed that the
internal pressure of a perfect gas is zero.
• (c) The change in internal energy with
volume and temperature is expressed in
terms of the internal pressure and the heat
capacity and leads to a general expression
for the relation between heat capacities.
2.3.11 Changes
in internal

(a) General
internal pressure
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.22

Figure 2.22 An overall

change in U, which is
denoted dU, arises when
both V and T are allowed to
change. If second-order
infinitesimals are ignored, the
overall change is the sum of
changes for each variable
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.23

Figure 2.23 The internal

pressure, πT, is the slope of
U with respect to V with the
temperature T held constant.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.24

(b) The Joule experiment

Figure 2.24 For a perfect

gas, the internal energy is
independent of the volume
(at constant temperature).
If attractions are dominant
in a real gas, the internal
energy increases with
volume because the
molecules become farther
apart on average. If
repulsions are dominant,
the internal energy
decreases as the gas
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.25

Figure 2.25 A schematic

diagram of the apparatus
used by Joule in an attempt
to measure the change in
internal energy when a gas
expands isothermally. The
heat absorbed by the gas is
proportional to the change
in temperature of the bath.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.9

(c)Changes in
internal energy
at constant


Ex 2.8 Calculating the expansion coefficient of a gas

• Derive an expression for the expansion coefficient of

a perfect gas.
• Method: Substitute the expression for V in terms of
T obtained from the equation of state for the gas.
• Answer: Because pV = nRT, we can write

• The higher the temperature, the less responsive is

the volume of a perfect gas to a change in
• Test 2.9 Derive an expression for the isothermal
compressibility of a perfect gas.
• Correct Answer κT = 1/p
For a perfect gas, T = 0, so
Further Info 2.2 The relation between heat capacities

Section 3-8
2.3.12 The Joule–Thomson effect
• Key Points:
The Joule–Thomson effect is the
change in temperature of a gas when it
undergoes isenthalpic expansion.
2.3.12 The Joule–Thomson effect
for a closed system of constant composition

Joule–Thomson coefficient, µ
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.26

Liquefaction of gases. Gas expands

through a porous barrier from one
const. p to another, monitor the diff.
of T from adiabatic expansion.
Observed lower T on low p side, diff.
in T proportional to p diff. The
cooling by isenthalpic expansion is
called Joule–Thomson effect.
Figure 2.26 The apparatus used for
measuring the Joule–Thomson effect. The
gas expands through the porous barrier,
which acts as a throttle, and the whole
apparatus is thermally insulated. As
explained in the text, this arrangement
corresponds to an isenthalpic expansion
(expansion at constant enthalpy). Whether
the expansion results in a heating or a
cooling of the gas depends on the conditions.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.27

The Joule–Thomson effect

Figure 2.27 The thermodynamic basis of

Joule–Thomson expansion. The pistons
represent the upstream and downstream
gases, which maintain constant pressures
either side of the throttle. The transition from
the top diagram to the bottom diagram,
which represents the passage of a given
amount of gas through the throttle, occurs
without change of enthalpy.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.28

The modern method of

measuring µ is indirect, and
involves measuring the
isothermal Joule–Thomson
coefficient, the quantity

Figure 2.28 The isothermal Joule–

Thomson coefficient is the slope of
the enthalpy with respect to
changing pressure, the
temperature being held constant.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.29

Figure 2.29 A
schematic diagram of
the apparatus used for
measuring the
isothermal Joule–
Thomson coefficient.
The electrical heating
required to offset the
cooling arising from
expansion is
interpreted as ΔH and
used to calculate
(∂H/∂p)T, which is then
converted to μ as
explained in the text.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Table 2.10
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.30

Figure 2.30 The sign of the Joule–

Thomson coefficient, μ, depends on
the conditions. Inside the boundary,
the blue area, it is positive and outside
it is negative. The temperature
corresponding to the boundary at a
given pressure is the ‘inversion
temperature’ of the gas at that
pressure. For a given pressure, the
temperature must be below a certain
value if cooling is required but, if it
becomes too low, the boundary is
crossed again and heating occurs.
Reduction of pressure under adiabatic
conditions moves the system along
one of the isenthalps, or curves of
constant enthalpy. The inversion
temperature curve runs through the
points of the isenthalps where their
slope changes from negative to
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.31

Figure 2.31 The inversion

temperatures for three real gases,
nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.32

Figure 2.32 The principle of the Linde

refrigerator is shown in this diagram. The
gas is recirculated, and, so long as it is
beneath its inversion temperature, it cools
on expansion through the throttle. The
cooled gas cools the high-pressure gas,
which cools still further as it expands.
Eventually liquefied gas drips from the
End of Chapter Checklist of Key Ideas
• 1. Thermodynamics (熱力學) is the study of the
transformations of energy.
• 2. The system (系統) is the part of the world in which we
have a special interest. The surroundings (環境) is the
region outside the system where we make our
• 3. An open (開放) system has a boundary through which
matter can be transferred. A closed (封閉) system has a
boundary through which matter cannot be transferred. An
isolated (孤立) system has a boundary through which neither
matter nor energy can be transferred.
• 4. Energy (能量) is the capacity to do work. The internal
energy (内能) U is the total energy of a system.
• 5. Work (功) is the transfer of energy by motion against an
opposing force, dw = −Fdz . Heat (熱) is the transfer of
energy as a result of a temperature difference between the
system and the surroundings.
Checklist of Key Ideas (cont’d)
• 6. An exothermic (放熱 熱 ) process releases energy as heat to
the surroundings. An endothermic (吸 吸熱 ) process absorbs
energy as heat from the surroundings
• 7. A state function (状態函數) is a property that depends only
on the current state of the system and is independent of how
that state has been prepared
• 8. The First Law of thermodynamics states that the internal
energy of an isolated system is constant, ∆U = q + w
• 9. Expansion work is the work of expansion (or compression)
of a system, dw = −pexdV. The work of free expansion is w =
0. The work of expansion against a constant external
pressure is
w = −pex∆V. The work of isothermal reversible expansion of
a perfect gas is w = −nRT ln(Vf/Vi)
• 10. A reversible (可逆) change is a change that can be
reversed by an infinitesimal modification of a variable
Checklist of Key Ideas (cont’d)
• 11. Maximum work is achieved in a reversible change
• 12. Calorimetry is the study of heat transfers during
physical and chemical processes
• 13. Heat capacity (熱容量) at constant volum:
CV = (∂U/∂T)V. The heat capacity at constant
pressure is Cp = (∂H/∂T)p. For a perfect gas, the heat
capacities are related by Cp − CV = nR
• 14. Enthalpy (焓): H = U + pV. The enthalpy change
is the energy transferred as heat at constant
pressure, ∆H = qp
• 15. During a reversible adiabatic (絕熱) change, the
temperature of a perfect gas varies according to
Tf = Ti(Vi/Vf)1/c, c = CV,m /R. The pressure and volume
are related by pVγ = constant, with γ = Cp,m/CV,m
Checklist of Key Ideas (con’t)
• 16. The standard enthalpy change is the change in enthalpy
for a process in which the initial and final substances are in
their standard states. The standard state is the pure
substance at 1 bar.
• 17. Enthalpy changes are additive, as in
∆subH° = ∆fusH° + ∆vapH°
• 18. The enthalpy change for a process and its reverse are
related by ∆forwardH° = −∆reverse H°
• 19. The standard enthalpy of combustion is the standard
reaction enthalpy for the complete oxidation of an organic
compound to CO2 gas and liquid H2O if the compound
contains C, H, and O, and to N2 gas if N is also present.
• 20. Hess’s law states that the standard enthalpy of an overall
reaction is the sum of the standard enthalpies of the individual
reactions into which a reaction may be divided.
Checklist of Key Ideas (cont’d)
• 21. The standard enthalpy of formation (∆fH°) is the standard
reaction enthalpy for the formation of the compound from its
elements in their reference states. The reference state is the
most stable state of an element at the specified temperature
and 1 bar.
• 22. The standard reaction enthalpy may be estimated by
combining enthalpies of formation,
∆rH° = ∑Productsν∆fH° − ∑Reactantsν∆fH°
• 23. The temperature dependence of the reaction enthalpy is
given by Kirchhoff’s law,

• 24. An exact differential is an infinitesimal quantity that, when

integrated, gives a result that is independent of the path
between the initial and final states. An inexact differential is an
infinitesimal quantity that, when integrated, gives a result that
depends on the path between the initial and final states
Checklist of Key Ideas (cont’d)
• 25. Internal pressure: πT = (∂U/∂V)T
For a perfect gas, πT = 0
• 26. The Joule–Thomson effect is the cooling
of a gas by isenthalpic expansion.
• 27. Joule–Thomson coefficient: µ = (∂T/∂p)H
Isothermal Joule–Thomson coefficient:
µT = (∂H/∂p)T = −Cpµ
• 28. The inversion temperature is the
temperature at which the Joule–Thomson
coefficient changes sign.
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.33

2.1 A sample consisting of 1 mol of perfect gas atoms (for which CV,m = 3/2R) is
taken through the cycle shown in Fig. 2.34. (a) Determine the temperature at the
points 1,2, and 3. (b) Calculate q, w, ∆U, and ∆H for each step and for the overall
cycle. If a numerical answer cannot be obtained from the information given, then
write in +, −, 0, or ? as appropriate.
Numerical problems 2.1
Correct Answer
Total cycle

Thermodynamic quantities calculated for reversible steps.

Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Figure 2.34

2.47 Differential scanning calorimetry is used to examine the role of solvent–protein

interactions in the denaturation process. Figure 2.34 shows the thermogram for
ubiquitin in water with the signal observed for ubiquitin in methanol/water mixtures.
Suggest an interpretation of the thermograms.
MB2.1 Partial derivatives
• A partial derivative of a function of more than one variable,
such as f(x,y), is the slope of the function with respect to one
of the variables, all the other variables being held constant
(Fig. MB2.1). If f is a function of x and y, then when x and y
change by dx and dy, respectively, f changes by

where the symbol ∂ is used (instead of d) to denote a partial

derivative and the subscript on the parentheses indicates
which variable is being held constant. The quantity df is also
called the differential of f. Successive partial derivatives may
be taken in any order:
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Mathematic Background 2.1

Figure 2.35 MB
2.1 A function of
two variables,
f(x,y), as
depicted by the
coloured surface,
and the two
derivatives, (∂f/∂x)
and (∂f/∂y), the
slope of the
function parallel
to the x- and y-
respectively. The
function plotted
here is f(x,y) =
ax3y + by2 with a
= 1 and b = −2.
MB2.2 Exact differentials

• The relation in eqn MB2.2 is the basis of a

test for an exact differential, that is, the
test of whether

has the form in eqn MB2.1. If it has that

form, then g can be identified with (∂f/∂x)y
and h can be identified with (∂f/∂y)x. Then
eqn MB2.2 becomes
Physical Chemistry Fundamentals: Mathematic Background 2.2

Figure 2.36 MB
2.2 The two
integration paths
referred to in the
brief illustration.
A brief illustration
• Suppose, instead of the form df = 3ax2ydx + (ax3 +
2by)dy in the previous brief illustration we were
presented with the expression

with ax2 in place of ax3 inside the second

parentheses. To test whether this is an exact
differential, we form

• These two expressions are not equal, so this form of

df is not an exact differential and there is not a
corresponding integrated function of the form f(x,y).

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