Isalos V Cristal
Isalos V Cristal
Isalos V Cristal
AC 11822 Nov. 22, 2017 feigned expenditures and for failure to comply to return the money despite demands. IBP-
Violation of Canon 1, Rule 1.01 and Canon 16, Rules 16.01, 16.02 and 16.03 BOG adopted with modification the IBP-CBD's recommendation, meting upon respondent
Facts: the penalty of suspension for 1 year and directing the return of the amount of P1,200,000
Complainant alleged that she is the Director and Treasurer of C Five. Respondent was C to complainant.
Five's Corporate Secretary and Legal Counsel who handled its incorporation and
registration with the SEC. Held:
The Court concurs with the findings and conclusions of the IBP that respondent should be
When C Five was exploring investment options, respondent recommended the purchase held administratively liable in this case.
of a resort in Laguna, with the assurances that the title covering the property was "clean" Lawyers are expected to maintain at all times a high standard of legal proficiency,
and the taxes were fully paid. C Five agreed to acquire the property and completed the morality, honesty, integrity and fair dealing, and must perform their four-fold duty to
payment of the purchase price. Respondent volunteered and was entrusted to facilitate society, the legal profession, the courts and their clients, in accordance with the values
the transfer and registration of the title of the property in C Five's name. and norms embodied in the Code.
Lawyers may, thus, be disciplined for any conduct that is wanting of the above standards
Complainant handed the sum of P1, 200, 000.00 to respondent as evidenced by Official whether in their professional or private capacity.
Receipt. The said amount was intended to cover the expenses for the documentation, Money entrusted to a lawyer for a specific purpose, such as for the processing of transfer
preparation and notarization of the Final Deed of Sale, as well as payment of capital gains of land title, but not used for the purpose, should be returned. A lawyer's failure to return
tax, documentary stamp tax, and other fees relative to the sale and transfer of the upon demand the funds held by him on behalf of his client gives rise to the presumption
property. that he has appropriated the same for his own use in violation of the trust reposed to him
by his client. Such act is a gross violation of general morality, as well as of professional
More than a year thereafter, no title was transferred in C Five's name. It was then ethics. It impairs public confidence in the legal profession and deserves punishment.
discovered that the title covering the property is a Free Patent rendering any sale,
assignment, or transfer thereof within a period of 5 years from issuance of the title null The expenditures enumerated in the Statement of Expenses, except for the
and void. Thus, formal demand was made upon respondent to return the P1,200,000 documentation and notarization fees for which no receipts were attached, do not relate
entrusted to her for the expenses which remained unheeded, prompting C Five to file a to the purposes for which the money was given. As such, even if official receipts had been
criminal complaint for Estafa, as well as the present case for disbarment. duly attached for the other purposes, which respondent failed to do despite the
opportunity given – the expenditures are not legitimate ones.
Respondent claimed that she paid the BIR registration, Mayor's Permit, business licenses, It is settled that a case of suspension or disbarment may proceed regardless of interest or
documentation, and other expenses using the money entrusted to her, as itemized in a lack of interest of the complainant. Disciplinary proceedings involve no private interest
Statement of Expenses, and that she was ready to turn over the balance in the amount of and afford no redress for private grievance. They are undertaken and prosecuted solely
P885,068. C Five refused to receive the said amount, insisting that the entire P1,200,000 for the public welfare, and for the purpose of preserving courts of justice from the official
should be returned. She pointed out that the criminal case for estafa had been dismissed ministration of persons unfit to practice.
for lack of probable cause. As such, she prayed that the disbarment case against her be Respondent is found guilty of violation of Rules 16.01 and 16.03 of the CPR. She is
likewise dismissed for lack of merit. suspended for one year and is sternly warned that a repetition of the same or similar acts
will be dealt with more severely.