ITWELEC6 - Lab Exercise No 2 - Steganography

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(Basic Network Security)


(Hide in Picture)

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At the end of this lab students will be able to hide and retrieve data in a bitmap image
file using a Steganography.


Steganography is the Art of Hidden Writing. The word steganography literally means
covered writing as derived from Greek. It includes a vast array of methods of secret
communications that conceal the very existence of the message. Throughout history, a
multitude of methods and variations have been used to hide information.
Steganography has been used since ancient Greece, extensively during World War 2,
and still exists today

Today, with computers everywhere, and access to a global network like the Internet,
these methods have gone digital. There are several different programs (both
commercial and shareware/freeware) that incorporate the many different
Steganography techniques on the market today.

On Feb. 5, 2001, USA Today reported that the United States FBI had proof the Osama
bin Laden and his associates were hiding maps, photographs of terrorist targets, and
instructions for terrorist activities in web pages on the Internet using Steganography

An example of Steganography

The following message was sent by a German Spy in WWII:

Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard

hit. Blockade issue affects pretext for embargo on by products, ejecting suets
and vegetable oils.

Taking the second letter in each word the following message emerges:

Pershing sails from NY June 1.

How it works - Bitmaps

A bitmap picture is simply a series of numbers representing color intensities, one color
for each pixel (point) of the picture. Hide in picture hides a file inside a picture by placing
its bits in the least-significant (lowest binary value) bits of each color in the picture.
These least significant bits, or LSB, are the rightmost bits of the byte.

Suppose you have a picture containing the following bytes:

200 53 2 195 54 69 191 56

The binary values of these numbers are:

11001000 00110101 00000010 11000011 00110110 01000101 10111111


To hide the character 109 (in binary 01101101), the least-significant bit of each byte
would be replaced by a bit of the character. The result would be:

11001000 00110101 00000011 11000010 00110111 01000101 10111110


Converting these binary values back to decimal gives us the following:

200 53 3 194 55 69 190 57

The difference between the new values and the old ones is very small, so it is difficult, if
not impossible, for the human eye to identify any difference from the original picture. If
the hidden file is large, it may be necessary to modify more than a single bit from each
byte of the picture, which can make this difference more visible.

Acquire Steganography Software

Hide in picture v2.1, is a freeware windows based program that is simple to use, works
well, and easily shows how steganography can be used. Hide in picture v2.1 is capable
is hiding plain text files, or even executable files inside images.

1. Download Hide In Picture from your elearning account.

2. Unzip this file to a folder on your desktop---no installation is required.

Verify data files

1. Open these three files: hikingjeff.bmp, flowers.bmp, and test.txt.

2. Describe the images.

hikingjeff: flowers:
3. Type your name in the first line of test.txt. Save your changes.

Hide Text In a Picture

1. Open the Hide in Picture program---double-click winhip_en.exe.

2. Load the bitmap file: click FileOpen picture, then select flowers.bmp.

3. Click ImageHide file, then select test.txt to hide this file within the
bitmap file.

4. You will be prompted for a password and an encryption algorithm. Enter and confirm
your password, select Blowfish encryption, and then click OK.

5. Save the picture with a different file name: ____________________.bmp

6. Close Hide In Picture.

7. Open both the graphic files and arrange the windows so the images are side-by-
side. Do you see any difference in image quality?

8. Compare the file-sizes of the two bitmaps.

Original file (flowers.bmp): _______ K

“Stegged” file (_____________.bmp): _______ K

Retrieve the Hidden Data

1. Copy your stegged-file (________________.bmp) to a floppy disk, flash drive, or

other removable media. Trade disks/media with a classmate and copy your
classmate’s stegged-file to your desktop.

Classmate’s stegged-file: ____________________.bmp

2. Open Hide in picture, and open your classmate’s stegged-file.

3. Click ImageRetrieve file.You will be prompted for your password in order to

retrieve the data file. Ask your classmates what his/her password is and enter it the
password box.

4. You will be prompted for a file name to save your data file. Name the file test-
retrieved.txt and click save.

5. Open test-retrieved.txt with Notepad. Does this file open successfully?

Hide an Executable File

1. Open the Hide in Picture program---double-click winhip_en.exe.

2. Load the bitmap file: click FileOpen picture, then select hikingjeff.bmp.

3. Set the image to display at 100% size (not fit in window).

4. Click ImageHide file, then select getacct.exe to hide this file within the
bitmap file.

5. You will be prompted for a password and an encryption algorithm. Enter and confirm
your password, select Rijndael encryption, and then click OK.Is the picture quality

6. Save the picture with a different file name: ____________________.bmp

7. Open both the graphic files and arrange the windows so the images are side-by-
side. Do you see any difference in image quality?

8. Compare the file-sizes of the two bitmaps.

Original file (hikingjeff.bmp): _______ K

“Stegged” file (_____________.bmp): _______ K

Retrieve the Hidden Program

1. Copy your stegged-file (________________.bmp) to a floppy disk, flash drive, or

other removable media. Trade disks/media with a classmate and copy your
classmate’s stegged-file to your desktop.

Classmate’s stegged-file: ____________________.bmp

2. Open Hide in picture, and open your classmate’s stegged-file.

3. Click ImageRetrieve file.You will be prompted for your password in order to

retrieve the executable file. Ask your classmates what his/her password is and enter
it the password box.

4. You will be prompted for a file name to save your data file. Name the file getacct-
retrieved.exe and click save.

5. Open getacct-retrieved.exe. Does this program start successfully?

Questions to answers:

1. What is steganography?

2. What is digital watermarking and fingerprinting?

3. Discuss the different digital watermarking algorithms?

4. As what you have performed, discuss the steps of Steganalysis

5. Differentiate Steganalysis from Cryptanalysis?

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