Learning Indicators

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Class - I



• Recite Tamil rhymes • Recite English rhymes with • Get familiarized with • Students get familiarized
with correct correct pronunciation. numbers from 1-100 with the names of
pronunciation. • Recognize Upper and • Recognizing the place animals, birds, fruits and
• Identify Tamil Letters lower case letters values vegetables
• Read & Write small • Write legibly • Double digit addition and • Aware of good habits
words • Picture reading and subtraction and cleanliness
• Recognize Tamil comprehension • Identifying the number • Recognizes and identifies
months & weekdays • Identification of rhyming before and after, Missing • the parts of the body
• Recognize colours words numbers • Animals and their
• Imagine and narrate • Answer ‘Wh’ questions • Writing number names habitats
stories • Aware on the usage of from one to twenty • Animals and their young
• Procure the skill of preposition words • Match number names with ones
picture • Attain knowledge to pictures • Types of leaves
comprehension rearrange Jumbled words • Identifying greater and • Recognize & identify
• Write neatly and • Attain knowledge of small number various occupations,
legibly various concepts such as • Recognizing symbols like Family types.
colours, numbers, parts of addition, subtraction, etc., • Functions of sense organs
the body, different types • Shapes & figures get able to prepare
of profession, animals familiarized with focias improvised materials.
around us, vehicles, orientation. Co-erecting to
shapes, furniture, fruits the concrete things to the
and vegetables. shapes & figures.
• Knowledge of letter
Class - II



• Listen, recite and perform actions • Identify 2-D shapes viz. • Recognize the names of
related to rhymes, jingles and songs rectangle, square, triangle, cereals. Pulses , greens,
• Listen and respond to simple questions circle by their names millets, vegetables and fruits
related to story • Procure the skill to make • Obtain the knowledge on
• Attain picture reading • Procure skills to reproduce any patterns and shapes with dairy products and
and comprehension Environmental sounds related to stories straight and curved lines preparation –egg, meat of
skills. • Listen and respond to instructions and • Aware of ordinal and cardinal animals
• Learn to write words directions numbers • Know about the food eaten
and frame simple • Listen to questions and respond in full • Able to subtract 2 digit by people of different ages
Sentences. sentences numbers beginning from • Acquire the concept of
• Aware of phonic sounds – alliteration , concrete representations to health and hygiene – daily
• Create Pictures using rhyming words, blending sounds and abstract good habits, keeping the
thumb Prints and draw coining new words • Able to subtract numbers by surroundings clean and the
creatively. • Communicate and respond to messages, drawing representation of tens importance toilets and its
• Rearrange jumbled questions, request and involve in simple and ones without and with uses
words in order conversation regrouping • Develops the concept of
• Understand and recite • Acquire the skill of Writing with proper • Possess the ability to subtract environmental preservation
Aathi Choodi space and alignment of words single digit numbers and • Familiarize with plant parts.
• Learn to Speak and • Write sentences using combination of multiples of ten mentally • Recognize animals based on
respond. grammatical forms • Estimate and check the the characteristics & food
• Enrich Reading Skill • Respond to situations, directions and reasonableness of answers to habits.
• Acquire proper simple commands. subtraction problems • Become aware of natural &
Pronunciation. • Respond to yes or no questions. • Understand the need for locally available resources.
• Procure skills of • Listen to questions and respond in full standard units and a simple • Recognize Public places &
drawing and Painting, sentences. balance their uses.
Project work and • Attain knowledge of concepts like • Compare weights of given • Realize basic ideas
Picture Collection. common work place, basic emotions, objects using simple balance Work
days and months, time concept, action • Recognizing the place values Transport
words, counting, greeting and good up to 100
Class - III



• Listen and recite rhymes • Understand the concept of • Know about the
thematic songs and poems multiplication as repeated • Acquire the knowledge modes of travel and
with actions addition by working many on the sources of food transport in
• Acquire the ability to • Listen and respond to patterns and the ingredients of different areas
answer Puzzles and instructions and questions, • Able to understand and use • Learn the value of
food eaten
riddles. stories and incidents and the sign of multiplication trips and travel
in peer group discussion • Become conscious on the
• Posses the skill to • Able to construct tables of • Acquire the
Attain the ability in 2,3,4,5 and 10 fact of having nutritious knowledge of
narrate stories that •
evoke their thoughts. Communicating massages, • Understand the concept of meal(balance diet),food various types of
• Able to comprehend responding to questions, division form the context of groups and nutrients food available in
pictures and text. narrating and asking equal grouping and sharing • Procure the concepts of different seasons,
• Involve in activities questions • Able to solve simple Food for good health, festivals and
like discussion, role • Obtain the competency to division problems involving geographical region
Health and exercise and
play and singing . read and illustrate multiplication and division • Become aware of
sentences and passages Eye exercise s for better the method of
• Procure the skill of by grouping and by using
• Develop the ability to read multiplication tables vision cultivation of
Speaking with Proper
Pronunciation. different genres – road • Understand graded • Develop in depth different edibles,
• Able to read and signs and maps sequence of multiplication knowledge on the Three our food habits and
respond to • Enhance in spelling skills beginning from states of matter its linkage to culture
announcements, like- jumbled letters, multiplication of : single and history
• Widen their knowledge
Advertisements, Road sentences, fill ups and digit by single digit , two • Understand about
on the Tools to work
signals and Magazines dictations digit number by single digit Public Services (
Develop the skill of Able to measure length of (different kinds of tools community helpers )
of Children. • •
creative writing – writing objects in their and their design for use) and how and know
• Acquire the skill of
extensive reading - rhyming sentences, a environment using simple and Tools used by the about the services
supplementary topic, making list and draw aids various professionals available and who
readers and & write • Express appropriate • Familiarize about serves
newspapers . • Enhance in spelling skills standard units of length by Various plant parts &
• Develop the ability to like jumbled letters, choosing between their functions • Recognize the
frame small sentences sentences and dictations. centimeters and meters • Various habitats & salient names of directions
with prescribed • Develop the skill of coining • Understand the numerical features of insects students get
grammatical forms. new words from the root relationship between • Modifications of plant familiarized with
words. centimeter and meter parts. bus surroundings,
• Attain confidence in • Recognizing the place value Districts and State
• Explore the adaptations
dealing functional up to 1000 of animals.
grammar concepts like • 3 digit Addition & • Enrich their knowledge
possessive form, subtraction is too added. about forests.
punctuation, singular and Comparison. • Imbibes the importance
plural and the parts of • of numbers among three of internal organs
speech. digit. • Getting ideas about
• Learn concepts like our • Recognizing the special • Air
country, culture, dance relationships. • Water
forms, food of various • Distinguishing the shape • Sun & water
states and dresses of that can be …………….. & correlate them to daily
various states. • Comprising weights of given life
objectives simple balance.
• Comprising capacities of the
• Recognizing the monthly
• Different things of a year
using daily and monthly
• Recognizing the correct
denomination of the
process of the objects.
• Attempts to write part of
whole as a number by
means of completing the
incomplete figures or filing
• Engages the children in
understanding specific
patterns of Geometrical
shapes pictures numbers in
the form of grooming and
repeated patterns.
Study of data
• Attempts to organize
ungrouped data’s in the
form of tables pictographs
of tally marks.
Class - IV
• Obtain the competency • Collect and synthesize • Posses the ability to do • Acquire the knowledge • Develop the basic
to read and illustrate information from a range of elementary multiplication on Raw and cooked food, knowledge of India
sentences and oral source. of 2 -digit by 2- digit and 3- food in illness, utensils as a nation
passages • Identify and analyze different digit by single digit number used cooking, cooking • Able to identify
• Develop the ability to aspects of aural inputs (eg. • Able to write tables up to practices and food India and sport
read different genres – tones of voice, pitch, pause, 10 X10 hygiene physical features
road signs and maps stress etc). • Abled to Divide a given • Become aware on the and political
• Enhance in spelling • Read a wide range of number by another number Personal safety- at home, divisions in a map
skills like- jumbled materials with a purpose of in various ways on the road, in school and and atlas
letters, sentences, fill developing a taste for and a • Acquire the knowledge to common places • Recognize National
ups and dictations culture of reading (Reports, estimate sums, differences • Obtain a thorough Symbols
• Ask questions, poetry, stories, fables books, and products of simple 2 knowledge on the • Able to enumerate
paraphrase and essay, newspapers, digit numbers to nearest Transformation of the linkage between
discuss to explore magazines, instructions, 10s or 100s natural resources in to History and
ideas and messages etc). • Able to measure volumes of materials for use – Geography to
• Understand new • Read to obtain information, given liquid using industry and agriculture understand the
concepts develop knowledge for containers marked with • Understand the different life styles
• Identify areas of enjoyment. standard units Generation of waste of people living in
personal • Use speaking as a means of • Able to estimate the Kinds of waste and different places
accomplishment and communication and to learn. volume of a liquid sources and Recycling • Identify and grow
areas for • Speak in order to reflect on contained in a vessel and • Procure knowledge on familiar with one’s
• Enhancement in experience and values, verifies by measuring the concept of Energy rights and duties,
language learning and explore and express thought, • Compute and correlate the and work- relationship both as a citizen and
use feelings, ideas, pleasure and number of day in a year between energy, force as a child
• Identify other enjoyment. within the number of days and movement • Learn by tracing the
perspectives by • Use language to collaborate in each month • Internalize the life of Scientist s,
exploring a variety of and develop relations with • Read clock time to the importance of edible verify the
ideas, peers and other people in nearest hours ant minutes parts of the plants experiments and
• Opinions, responses Social environment. • Able to express time using • Curious to know about develop scientific
and oral, print and • Inculcate thinking skill in the terms ‘a.m’ and ‘p.m’ the germination of seeds. temperaments
other media texts language aspect. • Able to compute the • Wonders about the • Acquire the
• Acquire skills in • Collect and synthesize number of days between unique nature of animals knowledge in
personal writing , information from a range of two given dates (sense organs) mapping skill. Find
representing to record oral source and indeed • Recognizing of drawing • Parental care out the Colour code
and reflect on ideas, analyze different aspects of Geometrical shapes using • Division of labours among in Geography.
information and aural inputs (tone of voice, locally available materials insects (yellow – desert,
experiences pitch, pause, stress and and them labeling. • Acquire knowledge about blue – river).
intonation. • To create different shapes different types of farming
• Read a wide range of using tango gram • Understand amazing
materials and read to obtain understanding the …. tiling mechanism of human
information, develop use the Appropriate digestive system.
knowledge and involves in Geometrical shapes. • Recognize the vital
data collection while reading. • Adds & subtracts up to four importance of air oxygen
• Develops interest in reading digit numbers in the forms • Water conservation
reports, stories, fables, of grouping & without • Gain knowledge about
books, essay, newspapers, grouping the solar family applies
magazines and messages. • Estimating the weight of an scientific knowledge in
• Speak in order to object and verifying by day to day life.
communicate and to express standard units of measures.
thoughts, feelings and ideas • Recognizing the symmetric
and share experience and figures and their reflections.
various emotions. • Addition and subtraction of
• Develop relations with peer like fraction
using their language and • Recognizing the perimeter
communication skill. of Geometrical figures.
• Develops / indeed inculcate • Addition &subtraction in
thinking skills naturally in the money transaction with
learning process. reference to daily life
• Attain knowledge in situation.
grammatical concepts like • Recognition patterns using
degrees of comparison, numbers in the form of
conjunction, pronouns, aptitude test.
tense, homophones, • Forming tables and filing
homonym and framing the data from the given
questions. statement problems under
• Involves in language games data handling.
like anagrams and tongue
• Attain knowledge about
concepts like ‘go green’ and
‘helping and greeting others’.
Class - V

• Read to obtain Procure knowledge on the • Acquire the knowledge • Learn about the
• Observe the information •
information, develops use of the Symbols > and <. on the Preservation and different types of
for the explicit purpose of
knowledge for Spoilage of food and forest found in
deriving pleasure • Solving life oriented
enjoyment. kitchen safety India, the various
• Contribute appropriately problems (Relevant to the
• Use language to • Become conscious on the kinds of trees fond
to conversation. topic)
collaborate and Spread and Prevention of in them, their uses
• Respond to reading • Division of 5 digit number
develop relations with diseases, avoiding the use and conservation
critically. Examine how by a 1-digit number.
peers and other of public places for toilet and a forestation
information, experience • Reading and Writing
people in Social purposes and knowing • Know about the
and ideas are presented. fractions
environment the nearest health centre different minerals
• Pronounce the text with • Writing the equivalent
• Extend sight • Know about the found in India, the
proper stress, intonation fraction of a fraction given
vocabulary to include properties of materials regions they are
and pause (Focus on Supra the denominator or the
words frequently used and different kinds of found in and the
segmental features). numerator.
in Other subject areas houses – variation with uses of minerals and
• Skim and scan important • Addition and Subtraction of
• Integrate knowledge climate their conservation
message from the given proper fractions without
of phonics and sight • Procure in detail the • Learn briefly about
text. using Calculators.
vocabulary with concepts of Renewable Space Research and
• Participation collaborative • Obtain knowledge on
Knowledge of sources of energy, Non- India’s place in
problem solving and group Kilometer and Metres,
language and context renewable sources of Space Research
discussion. Metres and centimeters,
clues to read energy, Uses and • Know about the
• Use appropriate body Kilograms and grams and
unfamiliar Words in application of energy and achievements of
language, vocabulary and Litres and Millilitres
context about conserving energy Kalpana Chawla and
tone of voice. • Measurement of time in
• Identify the main • Acquire knowledge about Sunitha Williams
• Engage in activities which seconds, minutes and
events in oral, print • Pollination • Become aware of
includes. Dramatic play, hours.
and other media texts; • Seed dispersal the formation of
Story – telling, Poetry • Solving word problems
• Explain their causes, • Become aware of natural Government and
reading, Group discussion, involving time in 12 hour
and describe how they / Artificial habitat the different
Debate, News – telling, clock.
influence Subsequent (sanctuary) of animals functions of
Class meeting, Singing • Drawing of 3-D object from
events • Enrich their knowledge Parliament and
• Skim and scan important 2-D shapes.
• Identify and explain about the life cycle of Legislature –
messages. • Addition subtractions of
connections among insects judiciary
• Attain skills in problem numbers up to five digits.
events, setting and • Admire the amazing
solving and group • Recognizing the standard
Main characters in oral, function of brain & sense
discussion. division of Algorithms.
print and other media organs.
texts • Contribute appropriately • Distinguishing the multiples
• Produce oral, print conversation and uses & factors • Become aware of various
and other media texts appropriate body • Recognizing the fractions uses of plants.
that follow a logical language, vocabulary and using the number line & • Reveals the scientific
Sequence, and tone of voice. fractions disc. facts about properties of
demonstrate clear • Examine how information, • Addition rut fraction & air, uses of air pressure,
relationships between experience and ideas are multiplication of fraction. water cycle & different
Character and plot presented. • Recognize the concepts of status of water.
• Engage in activities like, decimals. • Have strong desire to
Dramatic like Story telling • Recognizing the type of explore more facts about
Poetry reading Group angles in the daily life. astronomy.
discussion Debate News • Conversion of units in the • Get induced to acquire
telling Clears meeting and metric measures length scientific knowledge
Singing weight volume. through scientific
• Attain knowledge in • Creativity of numbers in inventions & History of
concepts like Exposed to geometrical figures in Scientists.
Letter Writing patterns.
• Saving our Earth and • Skill of developing a table
Environment Good human by means of grouping the
Values ideas about kinship. data & representing by
• Healthy habits Patriotic pictograph.
feelings Spirit of
discovery, imagination and
• Attain knowledge in
Grammatical Concepts like
Noun Proper, Common
Gender Collection Nouns
Preposition Interjection
• Develops Application Skills
such as Hints Development
Filling up forms
Completing the Stories
Class - VI
• Participating in • Communicate and • Analyzing and solving • Acquire the skill to • Improve their
collaborative problem respond to messages, problems using concepts of describe the steps in an geography skills,
solving and group questions, request and ratio and rate. experiment • demonstrate an
discussion. involve in simple • Working with variables and • Obtain knowledge on understanding of
• Use appropriate body conversation expressions. basic structure and the patterns of
language, vocabulary • Write sentences using • Analyzing and solving word functions of the human human movement
and tone of voice. combination of problems using equations. respiratory and digestive and how people
• Engage in activities grammatical forms • Understanding ratios and system relate to different
which includes. • Respond to reading rates, and solving problems • Able to explain how the places in their
Dramatic play, Story – critically. Examine how involving proportional different body systems environment.
telling, Poetry reading, information, experience relationships (e.g., if it took are inter connected • Procure knowledge
Group discussion, and ideas are presented. 7 hours to mow 4 lawns, • Demonstrate mechanical of significant
Debate, News – • Skim and scan important then at that rate, how many advantage of simple and historical events,
telling, Class meeting, message from the given lawns could be mowed in compound machines developments and
Singing, Elocution text. 35 hours? At what rate • Demonstrate how various their relationship to
• Write to communicate • Participation collaborative were lawns being mowed?). forces can affect the the present.
ideas and information problem solving and • Dividing fractions and movement of objects • Understand the
to share views, group discussion. solving related word • Able to describe a variety rights and
thoughts, feelings and • Use appropriate body problems (e.g., how wide is of impacts on using the responsibilities of
experiences. language, vocabulary and a rectangular strip of land living and non- living citizens in a
• Use organizational tone of voice. with length 3⁄4 mile and resources democratic society
patterns of expository • Engage in activities which area 1⁄2 square mile?). • Able to identify medicinal including the basic
texts to understand includes. Dramatic play, • Using positive and negative plants & their uses institutions and
Ideas and information Story – telling, Poetry numbers together to • Acquires knowledge processes of
• Ask relevant reading, Group describe quantities; about fibre yielding lawmaking,
questions, and discussion, Debate, News understanding the ordering plants. enforcement, and
respond to questions – telling, Class meeting, and absolute values of • Become aware of interpretation.
related to Particular Singing positive and negative Vitamins / Minerals & • Inculcate an
topics • Writing brief reports that numbers. their deficiency dies arcs. understanding of
Identify information examine a topic, have a such social studies
• • Working with variables and • Obtain knowledge on
sources that inform, clear focus, and include concepts, including
expressions by generalizing mode of nutrition in
persuade or entertain, relevant facts, details, and geography, history,
the way numbers work plants & Animals.
And use such sources quotations government, and
(e.g., when adding • Able to distinguish
appropriately • Gain knowledge from numbers, the order doesn’t economics.
changes around us
Make notes of key materials that make matter, so x + y = y + x; Develop an
• • Apply the knowledge of •
words, phrases and extensive use of elaborate likewise, properties of understanding of
measurement in daily life.
images by subtopics; diagrams and data to addition and multiplication the democratic
• Understand Various types
Cite titles and authors Convey information and can be used to rewrite 24x of motion process and how it
of sources illustrate concepts. + 18y as • Experience the properties relates to our
alphabetically • Participation in problem • 6(4x + 3y), or y + y + y as of magnets through society today.
solving by engaging in 3y). simple experiments.
activities like anagrams, • Understanding the process • Acquire information
palindrome, spoonerism, of solving simple equations. about the call & cell
homophones, homonyms, • Writing equations to solve Constituents.
word chain, re- arranging word problems and • Realize the values of
jumbled letters and words describe relationships separating mixtures in
etc. between quantities (e.g., many ways / utilize them
• Descriptive potential like the distance D traveled by a in daily – life.
role play, enacting, train in time T might be • Evolve a Common
imaginative journey, expressed by an equation D Solution about energy
journal writing, preparing = 85T, where D is in miles types & its uses.
brochures, and T is in hours). • Obtain knowledge about
advertisements, • Reasoning about bacteria, Virus, Fungi
extempore etc. relationships between based on structure &
• Ability to classify words as shapes to determine area, their diseases caused by
nouns, verbs, adverbs, surface area, and volume. them.
adjectives, conjunctions • Recognizing the largest • Able to classify plants
etc. numbers by in place value. based on cotyledon root-
• Can flawlessly recite a • Divisibility rules to find system.
poem with actions and factors uses of a number. • Understand the plant
face expressions. • Recognizing GCD by means Kingdom Classification.
of division and prime • Differentiate animals
factorizing method. based on vertebral
• Identifying the situation for column wonders about
the concept of fraction and the amazing facts of king
addition subtraction among Cobra, Whales, Crocodile,
like and unlike fractions. chameleon.
• Conversion of fractions in to • Differentiate the types of
decimals & vice versa. waste
• Addition & rut fraction in • Acquire knowledge about
decimals. waste disposal
• Connecting examples • Able to cor-relate the
children extinguishers the information about
concept of Ratio & Cement/ Concrete/RCC in
proposition from their daily the construction of
life situation. buildings & dams.
• Able to find the duration • Acquire knowledge in
between two time Preparation & Properties
distances. of glass & soap
• Conversion of one unit of • Classify fibers based on
time in to the other. its applications.
• Expressing the skill of • Able to apply the
drawing various types of concepts of light like
angles using the sources, path of light,
Geometrical Aids. shadows, types of mirrors
• Recognizing the perimeter & reflection in the daily
and area of various shapes life.
by means of their formula. • Explains solar & lunas
• Recognizing the eclipse.
………………………………. gives
from the daily activities and
constructing them using the
instruments from
Geometrical box.
• Formulating the patterns
identified by the child and
tries to suggest a symbol for
a general term of a pattern.
• Recognition of sign of
numbers in the daily
life situation like
money transaction
debit & credit system.
Class - VII

• Use of vocabulary in • Analyzing how chapters of • Develop a belief in the • Observing, determining • Possess the ability
real life situation in an a book, scenes of a play, or value of mathematics and the properties of an to discuss broad
appropriate manner. stanzas of a poem fit into its usefulness to them object or event by using historical trends.
• Advocating the rules of the overall the senses. Illustrates the
• Nurture confidence in their •
grammar to express Structure of the piece and Classifying, Grouping kinds of sources
• own mathematical ability •
ideas. contribute to the objects or events that historians use
• Foster a sense of personal
• Regular practice of development of ideas or according to their for studying the
achievement and to
grammar for mastery themes. properties. period. E.g.,
encourage a continuing and
over basic language buildings,
• Gaining knowledge from creative interest in • Measuring/Using
aspects. chronicles,
materials that make mathematics Numbers - Skills include:
• Reciprocate error free paintings, coins,
extensive use of elaborate • Develop skills, concepts, • Describing quantitatively
writing by practicing inscriptions,
diagrams and data to understandings, and using appropriate units of
fundamental rules. documents, music,
• Convey information and attitudes which will enable measurement
• Promoting creativity literature.
illustrate concepts. them to cope confidently • Estimating
and novelty.
• Evaluating the argument with the mathematics of • Recording quantitative • Trace the patterns
• Understanding the
and specific claims in everyday life data of political
central theme of the
written materials or a • Develop flexibility and • Space or time developments and
speech, and distinguishing creativity in applying relationships military conquests
• Reproduce the gist of
claims that are supported mathematical ideas and • Communicating, Using • Develop an
the lesson.
by reasons and evidence techniques to unfamiliar written and spoken understanding of
• Application of moral
from claims that are not. problems arising in words, graphs, tables, the connections
values in day to day
• Presenting claims and everyday life diagrams, and other between political
findings to others orally, • Become effective information and economic
• Association of central
sequencing ideas logically, participants in problem- presentations, including processes through
Theme in real life
and accentuating main solving teams, learning to those that are technology • the exploration of
ideas or themes. express ideas, and to listen based. one specific
• Enhance the clarity and
• Writing arguments that and respond to the ideas of • Inferring, Drawing a example.
artistry of
provide clear reasons and others conclusion about a • Illustrate how
relevant evidence, using • Develop the skills of specific event based on inscriptions are
• Revise to ensure an
credible sources. presentation and critical observations and data; used to reconstruct
progression of ideas • Writing brief reports that appraisal of a mathematical may include cause and • history
and information examine a topic, have a argument or calculation, effect relationships. • Outline the
• Write legibly, using a clear focus, and include use mathematics to explore • Predicting, Anticipating development of
style that demonstrates relevant facts, details, and and conjecture, and learn consequences of a new or political
awareness of quotations from mistakes as well as changed situation using institutions,
Alignment, shape and • Conducting short research successes past experiences and • and relationships
slant projects to answer a • Develop accuracy, observation. amongst rulers.
• Communicate ideas question, drawing on efficiency, and confidence • Collecting, Recording, and • Understand
and information in a several sources and in calculating-mentally, on Interpreting Data, strategies of
variety of oral, print sharpening the focus paper, and with a calculator Manipulating data, either military control and
And other media texts, based on the research • Develop confidence and collected by self or by • resource
such as short reports, findings. competence in using others mobilisation
talks and posters • Reviewing and instruments and measuring • Defining Operationally, • Understand the
• Identify strengths and paraphrasing key ideas and • a knowledge of geometrical Defining terms within the impact of an
areas for improvement multiple perspectives of a objects and relations in two context of one's own imperial
in research Process speaker. and three dimensions, and experiences; stating a • administration at
• Recognizing variations recognize and appreciate definition in terms of the local and
from standard English in their occurrence in the "what you do" and "what regional levels
his or her own and others’ environment; you observe". Students obtain
writing and speaking, and • develop spatial awareness • Making Hypotheses, knowledge on the child
using this knowledge to and the ability to recognize Proposing an explanation and women rights.
improve language use. and make use of the based on observations.
• Determining the correct geometrical properties and • Making and Using
meaning of a word based symmetries of objects in Models, Representing the
on the context in which it everyday use; "real world" using a
is used (e.g., the rest of the • Recognizing four properties physical or mental model
sentence or paragraph; a of integer’s closer in order to understand
word’s position or function commutation associative the larger process or
in a sentence). Distribution over Addition & phenomen.
• Spotting errors Multiplication. • Obtain knowledge about
(grammatical errors) in • Recognizing the four basic the mode of nutrition
simple sentences. operations on rational • Gain knowledge and
• Semantic mapping to numbers. make use of it in daily life
locate places, directions, • Representing a rational • Animal products / uses
origin and events. number as decimal fraction • Animal case & protection
• Preparing reports, notes, & forms rules for operation • Dental care
minutes, abstracts, or it. • Status of matter,
summary and tables. • Using exponential forms properties of mother &
• Ability to fill up money and the rules to solve impact of tem perature
order forms, bank challans, problems. Related to on maths
and reservation forms etc. repeated multiplications. • Measurement of volume,
• Ability to read newspaper • Addition and subtractions area, density, length mass
and magazines and get in on algebraic expressions time oscillation &
touch with socio involving one or two astronomical distance
environment. variables. • Enriched knowledge
• Ability to listen to news • Expressing situation in about sericulture,
and headlines in BBC, CNN, simple linear equation and Apiculture & Poultry
etc. solves them. farming.
• Understanding the main • Describing rations as • Realize the mechanism of
idea of passage. percentage and forms digestive system in man.
• Ability to take in success formulae for profit / loss • Differentiate plants based
and failure in the same and simple interest and on requirement of water.
stride. simple interest using • Familiarize about plant
• Develops tolerance with unitary method. parts, their functions
his classmates, in a multi- • Ability to differentiate uses, modifications &
linguistic and religious direct variation & Indirect trophism.
country. variation and calculating the • Realize the significance of
• Develop confidence and needed quantity using classification using
tolerance against failures. them. Whitaker classification
• Acquire debating skills • Recognizing the perimeter system.
with gestures and apt face of Area and plane figures • Exposed to binomial
expressions. made up of circles, triangles nomenclature.
• Learns to write personal & quadrilateral. • Acquire knowledge about
and formal letters. • Identifies pairs of angles like velocity, speed,
supplementary, acceleration, distance &
complimentary adjacent gliding.
and vertically opposite and • Obtain diversified
finding the other one (when knowledge about organ
the other is given) system
• Understanding the concepts • Aware of food
of symmetry and its preservation methods &
types.(Rotational) fast food ill effects and
• Properties of parallel lines importance of yoga,
cut by a transversal. meditation & exercise.
• Construction of angles using • Able to correlate
Scale and Composer. chemistry to daily life
• Ability to collect and • Physical / chemical
organizing a continuous changes
date and skill of interpreting • Acids, bases & salts
by bar graphs. • Electric circuit, switch,
• Recognizing the formation electric bell, electro
of frequency tables. magnet, conductors &
• Gains knowledge in eco-
system, food chain, bio-
sphere, types of forest,
plant & animal types of
forest, plant & animal
• Aware of rain-water
harvest, increasing
ground-water level,
process of drinking water
from sea-water.
• Imbibes knowledge about
fuel, combustion types &
fire extinguishers, sources
of heat, measuring heat –
• Able to identify convex &
concave lens.
Class - VIII

• Gain knowledge from • Learn to frame antonyms • Develop the skills, concepts, • Posses the skill to • Posses the skill in
materials that make with the prefixes. understandings, and perform experiments using maps and
extensive use of • Acquire skill in attitudes which will enable using scientific method. timelines to locate
elaborate diagrams syllabification and classify to cope confidently with the • Acquire the skill to interpret and
and data to Convey their kind. mathematics of everyday explain how various represent physical,
information and • Able to share ideas life processes could be political and
illustrate concepts. relevant to class activities • Develop a variety of modeled –diagrams or economic features
• Write legibly, using a and discussion (eg.in pairs approaches in solving demonstration of energy of our country
style that or small groups, problems involving transfer and wave • Acquire knowledge
demonstrates brainstorming and mathematics action n the significance
awareness of literature circles ) • Develop the ability to think • Demonstrate of key events and
Alignment, shape and • Posses a skill to speak and and reason logically 7knowledge of the factors in the
slant listen to respond to others • Achieve the mathematical characteristics of living development of the
• Identify past, present needs, feelings and and statistical literacy things – require energy, nation
and future action reactions, taking into needed in a society which is respond to the • Able to describe
account verbal and non- technologically oriented and environment, gas the different levels
• Identify and apply
verbal cues(tone, information rich; exchange, reproduce etc of government,
common spelling
inflection, body language • Develop the characteristics • Relate characteristics of summarize the
generalizations in own
and facial expression of logical and systematic living things to viruses, responsibilities of
• Present and discuss in thinking, and apply these in bacteria, plants and government and
• Present to peers ideas their own words mathematical and other animals identify the
and information on a information that is contexts, including other • Summarize cell theory – governance
topic of interest, in generally accurate and subjects of the curriculum; recognize that all living structures
a well-organized form relevant, states a clear • Become confident and things are composed of • Analyse the
• Add interest to topic , follows a competent users of cells, and all cells come relationship the
presentations through organizational structure, information technology in from pre- existing cells economic
the use of props, such includes specific detail and mathematical contexts • Accurately list development of
as provides a conclusion • develop the skills and similarities and communities and
pictures, overheads • Understand and respond confidence to use their own differences between cell the available
and artifacts to literary and creative language, and the language types(plants and resources
• Give constructive works of mathematics, animals) • Describe the
feedback, ask relevant • Ask and answer critical • Express mathematical ideas; • Students have clear idea impact of
questions, and express questions about a text • develop the knowledge and about adolescent technological
related opinions in • Acquire skills of speaking skills to interpret written changes. innovation and
response to oral and and listening to improve presentations of • Become aware of science on political,
visual presentations and extend thinking by, mathematics personal hygiene social and
• Identify and discuss questioning and • develop confidence and • Correlate the knowledge economic
main characters, plots, speculating, acquiring new competence in using gained in endocrine structures
settings and ideas, analyzing and instruments and measuring gland with their daily • Procure knowledge
illustrations in oral, evaluating ideas devices; predict and life. on the impact of
print and other media considering alternative calculate the effects of • Recognize the contact, conflict
texts from diverse view points and problem changes in variables and importance of and conquest on
cultures and solving rate of change of variables reproductive health. civilization
communities • Create a variety of writing- on systems representing • Understand about the • Explain the
• Identify and discuss journals, personal letters , simple mathematical sex determination and development and
differences in descriptive pieces , models. its role. importance of
language use in a reports, procedures, • performing operations on • Have curiosity to know government
variety of school and poems and passages rational numbers and about various system
community contexts • Can draw moral values and describing their properties classification of [Fungi, • Able to understand
ethics from epics, parable, of in with reference to the algae, pteridophyte, the traffic signals,
• Use brainstorming,
folk-lore, myths, facts, basic operation. pngraioyate Take interest in
summarizing and
fables and religious books. • Ability in finding square, gymnosperm, and obey and follow
reporting to organize
• Eliciting ideas from the squareroot, cube, cuberoot angiosperm] the traffic rules and
and carry out group
given diagrams and of a number(s) • Gain knowledge about avoid road
pictures. • Understanding the caws of the anatomy of roof, accidents.
• To arrive different exposures with integral stem and leaf. • Explain the
solutions for one problem. powers. • Recognize the uses of different kinds of
• Skimming and scanning • Ability to Approximate microorganism in daily savings systems
focused to find out the numbers up to three digits. life. and investment
relevant information. • Ability to calculate using • Gain more information schemes both
• Building meaningful short cut methods in four about plant and animal Government and
dialogues, sentences and operations. through classification. Private sectors.
substantiating his or her • Ability in using four basic • Acquire information
view points. operations among the about the cell and cell
• Increases vocabulary by algebraic expressions. organelles.
using appreciation words • Recognizing the • Acquire the knowledge
using adjectives and factorization of algebraic which are beneficial to
adverbs. expressions using identities. lead economically
• Improvises confidence by • Ability of converting a healthy life such as
presenting good and simple contextual situation • Crop production
appropriate body in to appropriate linear • Method of irrigation
language. equations and solving them • Genetic engineering
• Ability to classify noun, in different methods. • Familiarize with the
verbs, adverbs, adjectives • Recognizing the perimeter beneficial and harmful
etc. area of plain figures by effect of micro organism
• Gains thorough knowledge which calculating the same in daily life and it genetic
of figures of speech. of combined figures. engineering.
• Recognizing the properties • Understand about the
of triangles and periodic table of
understanding the element.
concurrent of triangle. • Distinguish the various
• Ability of solving problems measurement scale used
related to profit / loss, to measure temperature
discount and tax contextual • Have a concrete idea
situation. about the cell, cell
• Differentiating problems organelles, and organ
related to simple compound system.
interest and attempts to • Realise the important of
solve the problem. conserving plants and
• Identifying the type of animals.
variations in two quantities • Recognize why pollution
on the basis of pattern in free atmosphere is
given problems. essential to lead healthy
• Recognizing the points of life.
concurrency in triangle and • Gain more knowledge
Pythagoras therom. about
• Understanding the basic • Migration of birds
concepts of circles (secant, • Sanctuaries
tanget, chord….) • Able to understand the
• Ability in constructing natural sources of coal
(quadrilateral and its types) and petroleum with
concentric circles. their properties
• Skill of drawing Histogram, • Recognize the every day
frequency polygon with effect of refraction and
reference to the frequency reflection.
table to be formed. • Distinguish the nature of
• Skill of representing a data audible and inedible
by means of pie chart. sounds.
• To understand the • Acquire the skill to
measures of central perform experiments
tendency and measuring using scientific method.
the same for the given data • Relate the learnt
(mean mode) concept of force and
• Recognizing the concept of pressure in daily life.
Cartesian plane with the • Have a compare and
Axes (graphs) and ability to contrast the characters
plot points for different of animals based on
kinds of situations. their skeletal and
(Perimeter Vs for Square, muscular system.
Distance Vs Time)etc., • Become aware of all
kinds of pollution and
their impact in
• Gain knowledge about
the basic principle of
atomic structure.
• Familiarize about flow of
current induction of
charges through simple
• Realise the influence of
heat in three states of
• Recognize the the
transformation of heat.

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