Anchorbolt (318 08)

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The spreadsheet program calculates the embedment strength of anchor bolts in concrete according to ACI 318-08 Appendix D. It contains four worksheets that calculate tension strength, reinforcement, shear strength, and reinforcement.

The spreadsheet program is designed to find the embedment strength of determined anchor bolts or bolts within certain concrete parameters according to ACI 318-08 Appendix D.

The program references ACI 318-08 and a book on anchor design. It assumes anchor strength is not governed by steel yielding and loads are from load combinations in ACI 318. It also lists limitations like not applying to seismic design or prequalified anchors.

"Anchor Bolt (318-08)" --- Embedment Strength per ACI 318-08 Appendix D

Program Description:

"Anchor Bolt(318-08).xls" is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of anchor bolt anchorage per
ACI 318-08, Appendix D. The spreadsheet is designed to find the embedment strength of a determined anchor
bolt or bolts within certain concrete parameters. Tables and figures have been given adjacent to the required
data cells in an attempt to self contain the calculations within the worksheet. The spreadsheet is protected
but with no password required.

Program Environment: Microsoft Office Excel 2003

Creation Date: May 20th, 2008

Design References: 1. ACI 318-08

2. Strength Design of Anchorage to Concrete by Ronald A. Cook

This program is a workbook consisting of four (4) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Anchorage Embedment Strength per ACI 318-08 Appendix D (ver.1.4)
Tension Reinf. Anchor Reinforcement per ACI 318-08 Section D.5.2.9 (ver.1.1)
Shear Reinf. Anchor Reinforcement per ACI 318-08 Section D.6.2.9 (ver.1.0)
Anchorage: REVISION 1.5 - Revised "Anchorage" worksheet from reviewing comments.
Tension Reinf.: REVISION 1.1 - (1/19/2015). Revised minimum embed length to reflect hook length.

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This spreadsheet program is intended to analyze and design the embedment of various anchors.
Shear and tension strength is calculated per Appendix D of ACI 318.
2. This program assumes that the anchor strength is not governed by ductile yielding of the anchored steel
which would cause significant redistribution of anchor forces and that the attachment that distributes the
loads to the anchors is sufficiently stiff.
3. The required strength is calculated from the applicable load combinations in Section 9.2.
4. This spreadsheet, as well as the provisions of Appendix D, do not apply to the design of anchors in hinge
zones of concrete structures under seismic loads.
5. Post-installed anchors shall be verified for suitability for use in concrete demonstrated by the ACI 355.2
prequalification tests when installed for use in regions of moderate or high seismic risk, or for structrures
assigned to intermediate or high seismic performance or design catefories.
6. If a ACI 355.2 product evaluation report is used, this program does not account for alternative factors and needs
to be calculated by user.
7. In TENSION REINF. spreadsheet, the edge distance is not in the program's parameters. User must be mindful
that the maximum distance between the anchor and anchor reinforcement must be less than or equal to 0.5 x hef
AND (ED - bc). The latter is not restricted and must be checked by the user.
8. In TENSION REINF. spreadsheet, if the edge distance is less than 1.5 x hef, containment steel such as stirrups
must be used.
9. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box”
is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
Program Theory and Operation: The top left of the spreadsheet screen allows for input of required
information in lightly yellow highlighted boxes. Information required includes the following:

Anchorage Spreadsheet:
1. Loads:
a. Nua (Ultimate Factored Tensile Load) in kips
b. Vua (Ultimate Factored Shear Load) in kips
2. f Factor Conditions :
a. Steel Element
b. Reinforcement Surfaces
c. Anchor Type
d. Installment Category (Post-installed Anchor only)
e. Cracking from service loads
f. Anchor location
g. Concrete Type
3. Specific Tension and Shear Strength Variables: Each section contains the necessary input variables and
attempts to be self contained.

1. Steel strength of anchor in tension: (SEC D.5.1)
Nsa = nAse,Vfuta

2. Concrete Breakout strength of anchor in tension: (SEC D.5.2)

Ncb = Anc Yed,NYc,NYcp,NNb Single Anchor

Ncbg = Anc Yec,NYed,NYc,NYcp,NNb Group of Anchors


3. Pullout strength of anchor in tension: (SEC D.5.3)

Npn = Yc,PNp
Np = Abrg8f'c The pullout strength in tension of a single headed stud or bolt
Np = 0.9f'cehda The pullout strength in tension of a single hooked bolt

4. Concrete Side-Face Blowout strength of Headed anchor in tension: (SEC D.5.4)

Nsb = 160ca1Abrg1/2f'c1/2 Single Anchor
Nsbg = (1 + s/6ca1)Nsb Hooked Anchor

5. Steel strength of anchor in shear: (SEC D.6.1)

Vsa = nAse,Vfuta For cast-in headed stud anchors
Vsa = 0.6nAse,Vfuta For cast-in headed bolt & hooked bolt anchors
Vsa = 0.6nAse,Vfuta For post-installed anchors

6. Concrete Breakout strength of anchor in shear: (SEC D.6.2)

Vcb = Avc Yed,VYc,VYh,VVb Single Anchor

Vcb = Av Yec,V Yed,VYc,VYh,VVb Group of Anchors

7. Concrete Pryout strength of anchor in shear: (SEC D.6.3)
Vcp = kcpNcb Single Anchor

Vcpg = kcpNcbg Group of Anchors

8. Interaction of tensile and shear forces: (SEC D.7)

if Vua < 0.2fVn fNn > NUA
if Nua < 0.2fNn fVn > VUA
if Nua > 0.2fNn & Vua > 0.2fVn NUA + VUA <
TENSION REINF. Spreadsheet:
1. Req'd Anchor Reinf. Strength, N: The required anchor reinforcement strength must be equal or larger than
the anchor bolt steel strength, ΦNsa, if anchor design includes earthquake forces for structures assigned
with Seismic Design Category is C,D,E, or F. (ACI Section D3.3)
2. Number of Vert. Reinf., Nr: Number of vertical steel reinforcement bars to resist vertical forces.
3. Estimated Embedment, hef: User's current embedment design of anchor bolts (w/o tension breakout strength
per ACI 318-08 Section D.5.2)
4. Anchor Reinforcement Size: Size of steel rebar from #3 to #14.
5. Reinforcing Yield Strength, fy: in units of ksi
6. Concrete Comp. Strength, f 'c: in units of ksi
7. Lightweight Concrete: If the concrete is lightweight, then "Yes".
8. Epoxy Coated Bars: If bars are epoxy coated, then "Yes".
9. Ratio: As(required)/As(provided): Per Section 12.2.5, the development length may be shortened if the ratio is less
than one. (N/A for Chapter 21 design)
10. Seismic Design per Chapter 21: If anchors are located in structure assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D,
E, or F. (Sect. D3.3), then "Yes".
11. Center-to-Center Bar Spacing, bs: The minimum center-to-center bar spacing between parallel bars in a layer
MUST BE >= 2*db and >= 1". For walls and slabs, maximum center-to-center bar spacing MUST BE <=
3*wall or slab thickness and <= 18".
12. Clear Cover to Face of Bar, bc: Minimum clear cover per Section 7.7.
13. Bolt-Reinf. Distance, d: The bolt-reinforcement distance should be the less than or equal to the maximum
(edge distance - bc) and 0.5hef.

1. Required Development Length, Ld:
Ld = ((fy*1000)/(f'c*1000)^(1/2)*yt*ye/(l*20))*db*As/As(prov) (Section 12.2.2)

Ld = Maximum of: 3.25*(fy*1000)*db/(65*(f'c*1000)^(1/2))*ye, 8*db, or 6" (Section 21.7.5)

2. Required Embedment Length:

hef,min = Ld+bc+0.7*d
hef,prov = per embedment entered (See input #3)
3. Required Anchor Reinforcement Size:
As,min = N/(0.75*fy) (Section D.5.2.9)
As,prov = per size and number entered (See input #2 & 4)
SHEAR REINF. Spreadsheet:
1. Req'd Anchor Reinf. Strength, V: The required anchor reinforcement strength must be equal or larger than the
anchor bolt steel strength,ΦVsa, if anchor design includes earthquake forces for structures assigned with
Seismic Design Category is C,D,E, or F. (ACI Section D3.3)
2. Anchor Reinforcement Size: Size of steel rebar from #3 to #14.
3. Reinforcing Yield Strength, fy: in units of ksi
4. Concrete Comp. Strength, f 'c: in units of ksi
5. Lightweight Concrete: Enter whether the concrete is lightweight or normal weight concrete.
6. Lightweight Concrete: If the concrete is lightweight, then "Yes".
7. Epoxy Coated Bars: If bars are epoxy coated, then "Yes".
development length, then "Yes" (Section 12.2.4(a))
8. Ratio: As(required)/As(provided): Per Section 12.2.5, the development length may be shortened if the ratio is less
than one. (N/A for Chapter 21 design)
9. Seismic Design per Chapter 21: If anchors are located in structure assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D,
E, or F. (Sect. D3.3), then "Yes".
10. Center-to-Center Bar Spacing, bs: The minimum center-to-center bar spacing between parallel bars in a layer
MUST BE >= 2*db and >= 1". For walls and slabs, maximum center-to-center bar spacing MUST BE <=
3*wall or slab thickness and <= 18".
11. Clear Cover to Face of Bar, bc: Minimum clear cover per Section 7.7.

1. Required Development Length, Ld:
Ld = ((fy*1000)/(f'c*1000)^(1/2)*yt*ye/(l*20))*db*As/As(prov) (Section 12.2.2)

Ld = Maximum of: 3.25*(fy*1000)*db/(65*(f'c*1000)^(1/2))*ye, 8*db, or 6" (Section 21.7.5)

2. Required Anchor Reinforcement Size:

As,min = V/(0.75*fy) (Section D.5.2.9)
As,prov = per size and number entered (See input #2 & 4)

or larger than
es assigned

eakout strength

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ction 12.2.2)

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CKD. BY DATE Sheet No.


XYZ Baseplate


1 Basic Design Parameters: (SEC D.3-D.4) NOTES & SKETCHES

Loads: (Per Applicable Loads Combinations in Sect. 9.2; load applications that are

predominantly high cycle fatigue or impact loads are not covered.)

Nua = 34 k Ultimate Factored Tensile Load (kips)
Vua = 18 k Ultimate Factored Shear Load (kips)

f Factor Conditions:

Ductile Steel Element

Yes Potential Failure Surfaces crossed by supplementary reinforcement

proportioned to tie prism into the structural member?
Headed Bolt Anchor Type NOTE: Hooks bolts are typically not a good design practice.

Category 1 N/A - Only applicable to Post-installed anchors

Yes Anchor located in a region of concrete member where analysis

indicates no cracking at service load levels? (YES = No Cracking Anticipated)
Yes Anchors are located in structure assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F. (Sect. D3.3)

User must verify that anchors are designed to meet D3.3.4 or satisfy D3.3.5 or D3.3.6
Normalweight Concrete Type

2 Steel strength of anchor in tension: (SEC D.5.1)

Nsa = nAsefuta Assumes no eccentricity in bolt group loading (D-3)

n= 4 Number of Anchors in a Group

Ase, N = 1.23 in 2
Effective Cross Sectional Area of Anchor
futa = 58 ksi Specified Tensile strength of anchor steel

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fy = 36 ksi Specified Yield strength of anchor steel

Nsa = 285.36 k f = 0.75

fNs = 160.52 k > Nu = 34.00 k

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3 Concrete Breakout strength of anchor in tension: (SEC D.5.2)
Ncb = Anc Yed,NYc,NYcp,NNb Single Anchor (D-4)

Ncbg = Anc Yec,NYed,NYc,NYcp,NNb Group of Anchors (D-5)


Anc = 1267.5 in2 Projected concrete failure area of anchor or group of anchors. See RD.6.2.1(b)
hef = 12 in Effective anchor embedment depth
ca,min = 11.5 in The smallest edge distance
ca,max = 200 in The largest edge distance
f'c= 4000 psi
e'N = 0 in Eccentricity of Normal Force on a group of anchor. See Figure RD.5.2.4
Edges = 1 Number of Edges surrounding anchor or group of anchors. See Figure RD.5.2.4 Commentary
cac = 12 in Critical edge distance required to develop the basic concrete breakout strength of a post
installed anchor in uncracked concrete w/o supplementary reinforcement to control splitting.
Anco = 9hef2 Projected area of the failure surface of a single anchor remote from edges for ca,min

of 1.5hef or greater
Yec,N = 1 <1 Modification factor for eccentrically loaded anchor groups
( 1+ )
Yed,N = 1 if Cmin > 1.5hef Modification factor for edge effects

= 0.7 + 0.3 cmin if Cmin < 1.5hef Modification factor for edge effects

1.5 hef
Yc,N = 1.25 for Cast-in anchors in uncracked section
Ycp,N = 1.00 for Post-installed anchors in uncracked section w/o supplemental reinforcement
Nb = kclf'c1/2hef3/2 Basic concrete breakout strength
k = 24 for cast-in anchor
Nb = 16lf'c h 1/2
5/3 Alternative concrete breakout strength for 11in < hef < 25in.

Anco = 1296.0 in 2 f = 0.75

Yec,N = 1.00
Yed,N = 0.89
Yc,N = 1.25
Ycp,N = 1.00
Nb = 63.70 k
Ncb g = 69.44 k
fNcb = 39.06 k > Nu = 34.00 k

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4 Pullout strength of anchor in tension: (SEC D.5.3)

Npn = Yc,PNp NOT ONE (D-14)

Bearing area of single headed stud or anchor bolt.

Abrg = 2.24 in2 See Table 1.
eh= 3.0 in Distance from the inner surface of the shaft to the outer tip of the bolt. 3da<eh<4.5da
da= 1.0 in Outside diameter of anchor or shaft diameter

Np = Abrg8f'c The pullout strength in tension of a single headed stud or bolt (D-15)

Np = 0.9f'cehda The pullout strength in tension of a single hooked bolt (D-16)

NOTE: Hooks bolts not preferred due to the oil used in bending hook which neglects friction.
Yc,P = 1.40 f = 0.75
Np = 100.35 Assume that the force is shared evenly w/ other bolts, if multiple anchors.
fNp g = 56.45 k > Nu = 8.50 k

5 Concrete Side-Face Blowout strength of Headed anchor in tension:

Single Anchor: (SEC D.5.4)

Nsb = 160ca1Abrg1/2lf'c1/2 (D-17)

Ca1 = 4 in Distance from center of anchor shaft to the edge of concrete

Ca2 = 6 in Distance from center of anchor shaft to the edge of concrete in direction
orthogonal to C = Ca1 See Commentary Figure 1.

Factor = 0.625 Ca2 < 3*Ca1 f = 0.75

Nsb = 37.86 k
fNsb = 21.30 k < Nu = 34.00 k

Multiple Anchors:
Nsbg = (1 + s/6ca1)Nsb (D-18)

s= 3 in Spacing of the outer anchors along the edge in the group.

Nsbg = 68.15 k f = 0.75

fNsbg = 38.34 k > Nu = 34.00 k

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6 Steel strength of anchor in shear: (SEC D.6.1)

Vsa = nAse,Vfuta For cast-in headed stud anchors (D-19)

Vsa = 0.6nAse,Vfuta For cast-in headed bolt & hooked bolt anchors (D-20)
Vsa = 0.6nAse,Vfuta For post-installed anchors (D-20)

Grout? NO Is anchor in builtup grout pad?

Ase,V= 1.23 in^2 Effective cross-sectional area of expansion or undercut anchor sleeve,
if sleeve is within shear plane.

fut= 58 ksi Specified tensile strength of anchor sleeve.

Vsa = 171.22 k f = 0.65

fVsa = 83.47 k > Vu = 18.00 k

7 Concrete Breakout strength of anchor in shear: (SEC D.6.2)

Vcb = Avc Yed,VYc,VYh,VVb Single Anchor (D-21)


Vcbg = Avc Yec,VYed,VYc,VYh,VVb Group of Anchors (D-22)


Avc = 498 in2 Projected concrete failure area on an anchor or group of anchors. See Figure 4 Commentary
Ca1* = 11.5 in Distance from center of anchor shaft to the edge of concrete in one direction.See Commentary
e'v = 0 in Eccentricity of shear force on a group of anchors. See Figure 5 Commentary
le = 12 in Load bearing length of anchor for shear. See Table 2 Commentary.
da = 1.5 in Outside diameter of anchor or shaft diameter of headed stud, headed bolt, or hooked bolt.
ha = 12 in Thickness of member in which an anchor is anchored, parallel to anchor axis.
Enter Case: Case 2 Case 1: No supplementary reinforcement or edge reinforcement smaller than a No. 4 bar.

Case 2: Supplementary reinforcement of a No. 4 bar or greater between the anchor and the edge.

Case 3: Supplementary reinforcement of a No. 4 bar or greater betwwen the anchor and the edge,
and with the supplementary reinforcement enclosed withing stirrups spaced at not more than 4 in.

Vb = 7(le/da)0.2da1/2λf'c1/2Ca11.5 See commentary

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Yec,V = 1 <1 Modification factor for eccentrically loaded anchor groups

( 1+ )

Yed,V = 1.0 if Ca2 > 1.5Ca1 Modification factor for edge effects

= 0.7 + 0.3 ca2 if Ca2 < 1.5Ca1 Modification factor for edge effects

1.5 ca1

Yc,V = 1.4 Anchor in uncracked section

Yec,V = 1.00 f = 0.75

Yed,V = 0.85
Yc,V = 1.40
Yh,V = 1.20 Yh,V = (1.5ca1 / ha) ^ 0.5 (where ha < 1.5ca1)
Avco = 288.00 in2
Vb = 18.60 k
Vcb g = 45.88 k
fVcb g = 25.81 k > Vu = 18.00 k

8 Concrete Pryout strength of anchor in shear: (SEC D.6.3)

Vcp = kcpNcb Single Anchor (D-30)

Vcpg = kcpNcbg Group of Anchors (D-31)

Kcp = 1 for hef < 2.5

Kcp = 2 for hef > 2.5

Ncb g = 69.44 k f = 0.75

Vcp g = 138.88 k
fVcp g = 78.12 k > Vua = 18.00 k

9 Interaction of tensile and shear forces: (SEC D.7)

if Vua < 0.2fVn fNn > NUA

if Nua < 0.2fNn fVn > VUA

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if Nua > 0.2fNn & Vua > 0.2fVn NUA VUA
+ < 1.2

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Version 1.5


Cracking Anticipated)
C, D, E, or F. (Sect. D3.3)

fy D3.3.5 or D3.3.6

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RD.5.2.4 Commentary
strength of a post
nt to control splitting.
m edges for ca,min


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olt. 3da<eh<4.5da


ok which neglects friction.


(SEC D.5.4)




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Figure 4 Commentary
ction.See Commentary

olt, or hooked bolt.

er than a No. 4 bar.

n the anchor and the edge.

en the anchor and the edge,

aced at not more than 4 in.

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Per Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08)
Design of Anchor Reinforcement in place of Concrete Breakout Strength
Job Name: Subject: xyz baseplate Date: 5/16/2018 3:30
Job Number: Originator: Checker:

Input Data:
Req'd Anchor Reinf. Strength, N = 35 kips
Number of Vert. Reinf., Nr = 4
Estimated Embedment, hef = 14 in.
Anchor Reinforcement Size = 4 (dia. = 0.5'')
Reinforcing Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Concrete Comp. Strength, f 'c = 4.0 ksi
Lightweight Concrete? No
Epoxy Coated Bars? No bs
Ratio: As(required)/As(provided) = 0.74
Seismic Design per Chapter 21? No d
Center-to-Center Bar Spacing, bs = 12.00 in.
Clear Cover to Face of Bar, bc = 2.00 in.
Bolt-Reinf. Distance, d = 6.00 in.

Results: b
Development Length (Section 12.2 or 21.7.5):
Ld = 17.6 in.
Ldh = 7.0 in.

Required Anchor Embedment:

hef,min = 13.22 in. hef,min = Ldh+bc+0.7*d
hef,prov = 14.0 in.
Anchor Reinforcement Strength(Section D.5.2.9):
As,min = 0.78 in2 As,min = N/(0.75*fy)
As,prov = 0.79 in 2

Note: In situations where the edge distance, from centerline of bolts to edge of concrete, is less than 1.5 times
the embedment depth, it is recommended that containment steel, such as stirrups, be used.


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Per Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08)
Design of Hairpin Anchor Reinforcement in place of Concrete Breakout Strength
Job Name: Subject: Date: 5/16/2018 3:30
Job Number: Originator: Checker:

Input Data:
Req'd Anchor Reinf. Strength, V = 9.5 kips
Anchor Reinforcement Size = 3 (dia. = 0.375'')
Reinforcing Yield Strength, fy = 60 ksi
Concrete Comp. Strength, f 'c = 4.0 ksi
Lightweight Concrete? No
Epoxy Coated Bars? No
Top Bar? Yes
Ratio: As(required)/As(provided) = 0.80
Seismic Design per Chapter 21? No
Center-to-Center Bar Spacing, bs = 12.00 in.
Clear Cover to Face of Bar, bc = 2.00 in.



Development Length (Section 12.2 or 21.7.5):

Ld = 18.50 in.

Anchor Reinforcement Strength(Section D.6.2.9):

As,min = 0.21 in2 As,min = V/(0.75*fy)
As,prov = 0.22 in2


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