This document lists 103 medical supply items for sale including disposable needles, syringes, gloves, bandages, and other common medical consumables. The items are listed along with their product name, specifications, and packaging details such as units, boxes, or cases. Common items include disposable masks, alcohol, iodine, bandages, and medical equipment like needles and syringes in various sizes and packaging configurations.
This document lists 103 medical supply items for sale including disposable needles, syringes, gloves, bandages, and other common medical consumables. The items are listed along with their product name, specifications, and packaging details such as units, boxes, or cases. Common items include disposable masks, alcohol, iodine, bandages, and medical equipment like needles and syringes in various sizes and packaging configurations.
This document lists 103 medical supply items for sale including disposable needles, syringes, gloves, bandages, and other common medical consumables. The items are listed along with their product name, specifications, and packaging details such as units, boxes, or cases. Common items include disposable masks, alcohol, iodine, bandages, and medical equipment like needles and syringes in various sizes and packaging configurations.
This document lists 103 medical supply items for sale including disposable needles, syringes, gloves, bandages, and other common medical consumables. The items are listed along with their product name, specifications, and packaging details such as units, boxes, or cases. Common items include disposable masks, alcohol, iodine, bandages, and medical equipment like needles and syringes in various sizes and packaging configurations.
2 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 16 G X 1 1/2" X 100 UNIDAD 3 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 18 G X 1 1/2 X 100 CAJA 4 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 18 G X 1 1/2 X 100 CAJA 5 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 20 G X 1" X 100 CAJA 6 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 20 G X 1 1/2 X 100 CAJA 7 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 20 G X 1 1/2 X 100 CAJA 8 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 21 G X 1 1/2 X 100 CAJA 9 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 21 X 1 X 100 CAJA 10 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 22 G X 1 X 100 CAJA 11 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 23 G X 1 X 100 CAJA 12 AGUJA DESCARTABLE 26 G X 1/2" X 100 CAJA 13 AGUJA DESCARTABLE N¦ 21 X 1 1/2 x 100 UNIDAD 14 AGUJA DESCARTABLE N¦ 22 X 1 1/2 x 100 UNIDAD 15 AGUJA DESCARTABLE N¦ 22 X 1 1/2 x 100 UNIDAD 16 AGUJA DESCARTABLE N¦ 23 X 1 x 100 UNIDAD 17 AGUJA VACUNTAINER N¦ 20 X 1 UNIDAD 18 AGUJA VACUNTAINER N¦ 21 X 1 UNIDAD 19 Alcohol frasco x 1 L FRASCO 20 ALCOHOL MEDICINAL X 1L FRASCO 21 ALCOHOL MEDICINAL X 1L FRASCO 22 ALGODÓN 500 gr. CKF PAQUETE 23 ALGODÓN DE 100 GRS BOLSA 24 Algodón natural ROLLO 25 Algodón x 500 gr. und. 26 ALITA DESCARTABLE N¦ 23 UNIDAD 27 Bird and cage spray FRASCO 28 bisturi # 20 x 100 CAJA 29 bisturi # 22 x 100 CAJA 30 bisturi # 23 x 100 CAJA 31 bisturi # 24 x 100 CAJA 32 Bolsa para muestra Ziplock 3*3" *100 UND PAQUETE 33 Bolsa para muestra Ziplock 3*3" *100 UND PAQUETE 34 Bolsa para muestra Ziplock 6*4" *100 UND PAQUETE 35 Bolsa para muestra ziplock 4 x 4" x 100 PAQUETE 36 Bolsa para muestra ziplock 4 x 4" x 100 PAQUETE 37 Bolsa para muestra ziplock 4 x 6" x 100 PAQUETE 38 bolsa para muestra ziplock 6*10"*100 und PAQUETE 39 CAMPO QUIRURGICO REUSABLE S/FENESTRAR 1m x 1m UNIDAD 40 Cápsulas de gelatina Nº 2 MILLAR 41 CEPILLO DENTAL UNIDAD 42 cloruro de sodio 0.9% 1 litro (suero fisiologico) FRASCO 43 CLORURO DE SODIO 0.9% x 1000 cc. FRASCO 44 CLORURO DE SODIO 0.9% x 5 cc. AMPOLLA 45 COLLARINES ADULTOS DESCARTABLES UNIDAD 46 COLLARINES PEDIATRICOS DESCARTABLE UNIDAD 47 Dexon 0 UNIDAD 48 Dexon 0 UNIDAD 49 dexon 2-0 t-12 UNIDAD 50 dexon 3-0 t-16 UNIDAD 51 dexon 5-0 t-31 UNIDAD 52 Dextrosa 5% 1L FRASCO 53 dextrosa 5% en solucion salina FRASCO 54 Dodigen x frasco de 1 litro FRASCO 55 equipo de venoclisis UNIDAD 56 esparadrapo durapore * 5 cortes CAJA 57 esparadrapo intipor antialergico * 5 cortes CAJA 58 esparadrapo transpore 5 cortes CAJA 59 Frasco de vidrio con tapa hermètica 2 litros UNIDAD 60 Frasco de vidrio con tapa hermètica 4 litros UNIDAD 61 Frasco de vidrio con tapa hermètica de 1 litro UNIDAD 62 gasa absorvente esteril * 10 cm * 0.5 m* 100 u SOBRE 63 gerdex desinfectante GALON 64 Guantes descartables XL x 100 PAR 65 Guantes descartables XL x 100 PAR 66 Guantes extra small x 100 CAJA 67 Guantes extra small x 100 CAJA 68 GUANTES QUIRURGICO ESTER.DESCART. N¦ 6 1/2 PAR 69 GUANTES QUIRURGICO ESTER.DESCART. N¦ 7 1/2 PAR 70 GUANTES QUIRURGICO ESTER.DESCART. N¦ 8 PAR 71 GUANTES QUIRURGICO NO ESTERIL N¦ 8 PAR 72 GUANTES QUIRURGICO NO ESTERIL N¦ 8 PAR 73 Hilo negro de sutura ROLLO 74 hisopos esteriles* 6" * 100 BOLSA 75 hisopos s/e* 6 pulg*100 BOLSA 76 HOJA DE BISTURI DESCARTABLE N¦ 15 UNIDAD 77 HOJA DE BISTURI DESCARTABLE N¦ 22 UNIDAD 78 HOJA DE BISTURI DESCARTABLE N¦ 24 UNIDAD 79 Hojas de bisturì N.º 4 x 100 CAJA 80 Jeringa de 1 ml Tuberculina UNIDAD 81 Jeringa de 1 ml Tuberculina UNIDAD 82 Jeringa de 10 ml UNIDAD 83 Jeringa de 20 ml UNIDAD 84 JERINGA DESCARTABLE DE 20 C.C UNIDAD 85 JERINGA DESCARTABLE DE 3 C.C UNIDAD 86 JERINGA DESCARTABLE DE 5 C.C UNIDAD 87 jeringa descartable de 60 cc s/a para sonda UNIDAD 88 jeringa descartable de 60 cc s/a pta chica UNIDAD 89 MASCARILLA DESCARTABLE UNIDAD 90 MASCARILLA DESCARTABLE UNIDAD 91 MASCARILLA DESCARTABLE (CAJA X 50 UND) CAJA 92 MASCARILLA DESCARTABLE (CAJA X 50 UND) CAJA 93 Mascarillas faciales(caja de 100 unid.) CAJA 94 RETELAST 5" CAJA 95 retelast n° 6 CAJA 96 SETRI STRIP 1/2" x 4 CAJA 97 Suero polielectrolítico litro FRASCO 98 TUBOS VACUTAINER SEPARADOR DE SUERO DE 10 ML UNIDAD 99 vendas coban x 2" UNIDAD 100 vendas coban x 4" UNIDAD 101 vendas coban x 6" UNIDAD 102 YODOPOVIDONA SOLUCION X 1 LT. FRASCO 103 YOVISOL GALON