Anti-Money Launder - AML-CFT Guide BI 260218 With Letter

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Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) is the competent authority under the

Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds
of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA). Among others, BNM:
Leads national efforts in AML/CFT
Formulates effective AML/CFT regime/policies
Receives and analyses Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs)

Who is
this guide for?
This guide is for reporting institutions that
are Designated Non-Financial Businesses Are you
and Professions and other Non-Bank
Financial Institutions (“DNFBP”) in Malaysia
to comply with the requirements in the fight
a “DNFBP”?
against money laundering and terrorism The following businesses/professions are
financing. It explains the MAIN* anti-money “DNFBPs” under the Sector 5 Policy
laundering & counter financing of terrorism Document:
(AML/CFT) requirements under the AMLA, Lawyers Real estate agents
the AML/CFT policy document issued for Accountants Casino
DNFBPs (Sector 5 Policy Document) and Trust companies Gaming institutions
other relevant documents issued by Bank Company secretaries Moneylenders
Negara Malaysia. Dealers in precious Pawnbrokers
metals or precious
stones (goldsmiths,
jewellers, etc)
Bank Negara Malaysia
Jalan Dato’ Onn Please refer to the First Schedule of the
50480, Kuala Lumpur AMLA for the full list and more details
Tel: 1-300-88-5465 (1-300-88-LINK)
*For the full list of requirements, please refer to:
Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (AMLA)
Anti-money laundering and counter financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) – Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs)
and Other Non-Financial Sectors (Sector 5) Policy Document

This document is intended for your general information only. It does not contain exhaustive advice or information relating to the subject matter
nor should it be used as substitute for legal advice. In the event that the information on Bank Negara Malaysia’s official printed documents or
any Acts differ from the information contained within this document, the information on such Act and official documents shall prevail and take
precedence. The information contained herein is accurate and reliable as of the date of publication, 26 February 2018.
What do you need to do? Screening
Do you screen your
clients’ names
Know Your Clients against the MOHA
Do you have all these information? Sanctions Lists for
For individuals: For companies/businesses: Terrorism1?
Name Company/Business Name
IC/Passport no. Business Registration Number NO
Address Business Address/Registered Client provides NAME
Date of Birth Address Follow up all information MATCH Continue
Nationality Nature of Business with your business
Purpose of Transaction Directors & shareholders/ client Freeze the as usual
Beneficial owner, if any beneficial owners’ details client’s funds and
If client
Remember! Keep a copy of the source refuses Block all conduct …
documents e.g. copy of IC, M&A, or transactions
other relevant SSM documents. Do not Reject the
commence client, and …
and …
Risk Profiling
7 3
Do you conduct client
Repeat risk profiling based on
process Submit STR3 the following risk factors:
1. Client
Fill up the Suspicious 2. Product/service
YES 3. Geographical location
Transaction Report (STR) 4. Delivery channel
form and submit through
Are there any
Email: or Refer
changes to clients’
Fax: +603-2693 3625 to Sector 5
information? For clients For clients assessed Policy
assessed as higher risk
NO YES as normal
risk Enhanced for more
Great! Continue Throughout your Due Diligence on how to
business as usual. business 4 comply.
Remember to keep relationship, do Do you
i) ask for their source of funds/wealth?
clients information you find the client ii) seek approval from your senior
up to date. NO suspicious? YES management prior to conduct business? NO

Record Keeping
6 YES Do you keep all these for at least 6 years2
Do you keep all KYC information, copies and ensure they are easily retrievable?
of ID documents, transaction details and
any analysis of STRs filed/submitted?

Well, you should

NO start now! Keep it up!

MOHA: Ministry of Home Affairs
UNSCR: United Nations Security Council Resolutions; and
From the date of termination of the business relationship
Utmost care must be undertaken to ensure that STRs are treated with the highest level of confidentiality

If you do NOT do any of these

Section Maximum Penalty for Each Offence
Non compliance with
13 Record keeping requirement
14 Obligation to report suspicious transactions to BNM Fine up to RM1 million
16 Obligation to conduct customer due diligence i.e. KYC
17 Requirement to retain documents for at least 6 years Fine up to RM 3 million or jail up to 5 years or both

For further details, please refer to the AML/CFT Microsite & STR form at

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