Cardio Vascular Assessment: Manali H Solanki F.Y.M.Sc - Nursing J G College of Nursing

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• Cardiovascular disease is the every

State’s leading killer for both men and
women among all racial and ethnic
• A thorough cardiovascular assessment
will help to identify significant factors that
can influence cardiovascular health such
as high blood cholesterol, cigarette use,
diabetes, or hypertension.

• central venous pressure (CVP)

It is the venous pressure as

measured at the right atrium, done by
means of a catheter introduced
through the median cubital vein to the
superior vena cava.
Blood pressure

• It is the amount of force (pressure)

that blood exerts on the walls of the
blood vessels as it passes through
Systolic pressure

• The blood pressure measured during

the period of ventricular contraction
(systole). In blood pressure readings,
it is the higher of the two

• The period between contractions of

the atria or the ventricles during
which blood enters the relaxed
chambers from the systemic
circulation and the lungs.

• The blood pressure (as measured by a

sphygmomanometer) after the contraction
of the heart while the chambers of the
heart refill with blood.

• The purpose of the cardiovascular health

history is to provide information about
your patient’s cardiovascular symptoms
and how they developed. A complete
cardiovascular history will give you
indications to potential or underlying
cardiovascular illnesses or disease states.
Past Health History

• It is important to ask questions about your

patient’s past health history. The past
health history should elicit information
about the following issues: hypertension,
elevated blood cholesterol or
triglycerides, heart murmurs, congenital
heart disease, rheumatic fever or
unexplained joint pains
Current Lifestyle and
Psychosocial Status

• Nutrition
• Smoking
• Alcohol
• Exercise
• Drugs
• Family History

• A Double-Headed, Double-Lumen
• A Blood Pressure Cuff
• A Moveable Light Source or Pen Light
• Sphygmomanometer
• Measure tap
• Wrist watch and pen

• The presence of yellowish

plaques on the eyelids
(xanthelasma) could
hyperlipoproteinemia, a
risk factor for
hypertension as well as

• Observe the chest for

overall torso contour.
• Do you see pectus
excavatum (caved-in
• Do you see pectus
carinatum (pigeon chest)?

• Clubbing
The presence of
clubbing (broadening of
the extremities of the
digits, accompanied by
nails which are
abnormally curved and
shiny) indicates chronic
poor oxygen perfusion
to the distal tissues of
the hand and feet.

• The presence of
cyanosis (bluish
colour) also denotes
chronic poor oxygen
delivery to the
peripheral tissues of
the hands and feet.

• The presence of
yellowish plaques
under the skin (non-
eruptive) excoriated
through the skin
(eruptive) could
a risk factor for
hypertension as well
as arteriolosclerosis.

• The presence of edema

(tissue swelling) can be
caused by several
factors, although most
commonly is associated
with decreased cardiac
function leading to
decreased capillary flow.

• Use the palm of your hand to feel the

chest wall for the "Point of Maximal
Impulse" (PMI), which is usually found at
the apex of the heart. This apical pulse
is generally located in the 5th intercostal
space, about 7-9 cm (the width of your
palm) to the left of the midline.
• Palpate the peripheral arteries.
These include the brachial, radial,
femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and
posterior tibial. Note the contour and
amplitude of each pulsation. These
should feel similar bilaterally.
Chest percussion:

• Normally only the left border of heart can

be detected by percussion. It extends
from the sternum to mid clavicular line in
the third to fifth inter costal space. The
right border lies under the right margin of
the sternum and is not detectable.
Enlargement of the heart too either the
left or right usually can be noted.
• S1, the “lub” of the “lub-dub,” is
produced by the closure of tricuspid and
mitral valves.
• S1 is accentuated in exercise, anemia,
hyperthyroidism, and mitral stenosis.
• S1 is diminished in first degree heart
• S1 split is most audible in tricuspid area
• S2, the “dub” of the “lub-dub,” is produced
by the closure of aortic & pulmonic valves.
• Normal physiological splitting of S2 is best
heard at pulmonic area. It occurs on
inspiration(“lub-T-dub, lub-dub”).
• Splitting of S2 can indicate pulmonic
stenosis, atrial septal defect, right
ventricular failure,
• and left bundle branch block
• S3 is also known as a ventricular gallop
(“lub-DUB-ta”). S3 is heard in early
diastole. It is normal in pregnancy,
children, adults less than thirty years
old, during exercise, anxiety, or anemia.
• It is heard best at the apex in the left
lateral decubitus position, using the
bell. Pathologic S3 occurs in people
over the age of 40, usually due to
myocardial failure.
left lateral decubitus position
• S4 is also known as an atrial gallop
(“ta-lub-DUB”). It is typically heard in
late diastole before S1. It results
when ventricular resistance to atrial
filling is increased from either
decreased ventricular compliance or
increased ventricular volume
Summation Gallop

• A summation gallop is produced

when S3 & S4 merge into one sound.
It often occurs at rates greater than
100 beats per minute. It may occur in
heart failure and pericarditis.
Summation gallops occur in 15% of
all myocardial infarctions
Opening Snap

• At the end of ventricular systole,

when the aortic and pulmonic valves
close, S2 is produced Immediately
after S2, the heart relaxes, and
ventricular pressure falls below that
of atrial pressure. This allows the
atrioventricular valves to open. This is
the start of diastole.
Ejection Click

• Similar to an opening snap, an ejection

click is caused by stenotic valve leaflets.
This sound is produced when the aortic
or pulmonic valves open at the
beginning of systole. It is a brief high
frequency sound best heard with the
diaphragm over the aortic or pulmonary
artery or Erb’s point, or near the apex
over the mitral area
Mid-systolic Click
• A mid-systolic click occurs when the
mitral valve’s leaflets and cordae
tendenae tense. The anterior or
posterior or both leaflets can prolapse.
Every once in a while multiple clicks
• They are heard in mid to late systole.
They are best heard over the tricuspid
area and towards the mitral area.
Pericardial Friction Rub

• A pericardial friction rub is usually

heard best and is sometimes
palpable over the tricuspid and
xyphoid areas. It occurs when
inflamed pericardial surfaces rub
• A murmur is an abnormal heart
sound caused by turbulent blood
flow. The sound may indicate that
blood is flowing through a damaged
or overworked heart valve, that there
may be a hole in one of the heart's
walls, or that there is a narrowing in
one of the heart's vessels
• Some heart murmurs are a harmless
type called innocent heart murmurs
which are common in children and
usually do not require treatment
Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure Classification in Adults

Category Systolic Diastolic

Normal <130 <85

High Normal 130-139 85-89

Mild Hypertension 140-159 90-99

Moderate Hypertension 160-179 100-109

Severe Hypertension 180-209 110-119

Crisis Hypertension >210 >120


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