How To Be The Best Ruler - (Second Edition)

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2 How to be the best ruler

This book is addressed to a ruler

but it is also beneficial for a
leader, an administrator, a CEO,
a head of department / institution
/ organization and even for a
head of family.

This book is beneficial for that

person also who wants to develop
his personality.
How to be the best ruler 3


Second edition



Phone: 0092-300-8898810

6-Begum Road, Lahore-Pakistan
Phone: 0092-3444132754
4 How to be the best ruler

All rights reserved to the Author; No part of this book may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise without the permission of the Author.


Second edition: 2018

First edition 2013

Copies: 1000
Title designed by: Mr. Riaz Ahmad

Published by: Takhleeqat publishers, Lahore Pakistan

Printed by: Zahid Bashir printers, Lahore Pakistan

ISBN: 978-969-9344-01-5
Price: Rs. 500/-

US $. 05/-
How to be the best ruler 5

Dedicated to those who devoted their

lives and worked for the welfare of
people specially “The Common Man”
and those who are working for the
welfare of people
6 How to be the best ruler

This book is beneficial for only that person

who is sincere, honest, devoted and
selflessly want to work for the welfare of
the country / department / company and
people under his command and care
especially the deserving ones.
How to be the best ruler 7

Profoundly grateful to
all who read my book
and appreciated
8 How to be the best ruler

I am highly obliged and have no words to thank His

highness, Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (Founder of Modern

Malaysia) who not only gave me sufficient time to meet

him from his utmost precious time but also guided me
on almost all chapters of my book. He also appreciated
my book and said that it is the need of time that such
book must be written as there are less good books on
this topic.

Dr Mahathir Mohammad developed Malaysia to its

ideal heights. He eradicated 42% unemployment, 68%
poverty, uplifted deprived population by quota system,
established industries, so did huge and unforgettable
work for the development of common man of Malaysia
and made himself a worth leading example for
underdeveloped countries.
How to be the best ruler 9

Special Thanks

I submit my thanks with great respect and regard to

Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman (Ex-minister for science & technology and Ex-

Chairman HEC Pakistan) who helped me a lot in writing my book.

He gave me his valuable research based scientific study to

read and use to write my book. His publication
“Technology based industrial vision and strategy for
Pakistan’s socio-economic development” is no doubt an
asset for Pakistan but also a great guideline for all
underdeveloped countries of world.
10 How to be the best ruler

Great thanks to;

My family especially my wife; who allowed me to spend

that time on this book which was their right.

My Father Abdul Qayyum Advocate; whose training

enlightened & inspired me to continue this passion, Nargis
Pervaiz, Prof. Dr. Kausar Sohail (Clinical Psychologist), Khalid
Qayyum (Scientist), Zahid Hussain Awan (Add. Sec. Govt. of

Punjab, Pakistan), Muhammad Shakir Sandhu (deputy secretary

Labour Govt. of Punjab pakistan) Liaqat Ali (Proprietor Takhleeqat

Publishers), Tahir shuja, Maqbool Ahmed (Chairman Shaheen TB

foundation), Dr. Javed Akhtar, Ali Sufian Afaqi, , Wikipedia,
Google and youtube.
How to be the best ruler 11

Why this book is written

The main objectives and the key matters which motivated
the author to write this book are as follows.
1. The author believes that the real development and
achievement of government is not to achieve only the
annual increase in GDP and average per capita income, but
to give relief to common man of country at priority i.e.
reduction of poverty and unemployment, improvement in
health care, education rate and quality, also to do price
control and crime control etc.
2. The author believes that goodness are evils spread from
above downward. If the ruler is good, the goodness
automatically spreads to the sub ordinates and then to the
all sectors of nation for example if the ruler of institution is
punctual regular and honest? His characteristics transmit to
all his sub ordinates and others. Resultantly most of them
will follow and become punctual, regular and honest. In the
same way if ruler is corrupt or evil? The corruption or
evilness spreads downwards accordingly so the corrective
change should start from the ruler and the ruling class then
from above downward for example Ganges khan was very
cruel; so his cruelty spread in all his sub ordinates,
offspring and in Mongol nation. Muslim king Waleed bin
Abdul Malik was interested in making buildings. So in his
time, huge palaces and grand buildings were made. The
Caliph Suleman bin Abdul Malik was very fond of variety
of foods. So in the people, customs develop relating to
food parties. Noshervan was a just king of Iran, so justice
spread in his nation also Example one person bought a
land, later from that land he found a treasury. He said to the
ex-owner of the land to take that treasury. But the ex-
12 How to be the best ruler

owner of the land refused to that treasury and said that as I

had sold that land so I have no right over anything of that
land. But the present owner insisted so much that the case
was referred to the king Noshervan. The king became very
happy by the nobleness and honesty of both persons. He
asked “do you have children?” one said I have a boy, the
other said I have a daughter. The king Noshervan decided
to marry them with each other and ordered to give that
treasury to the children. The narration gives the lesson that
if the king would have a cruel and corrupt person then both
person would have claimed that treasury, but as the king
was just so both persons adopted the way to honesty and
3. A ruler should have basic knowledge about all his
necessary dealings along with their basic terminology. The
author tried to write in brief a little knowledge along with
the basic terminology which may not add but rememorize
the knowledge of a learned ruler.
4. The author tried to explain in this book that success can
also be achieved by positive and fair methods. The success
achieved by fair methods is long lasting and the ruler will
be remembered in good sense after his tenure as a ruler and
also even after his death.
How to be the best ruler 13

How to read this Book

1. The Author believes that most of the rulers are learned &
knowledge-full persons and secondly they are mostly hyper-
occupied in their political work and have very little time for
extra knowledge. So don’t read this book from beginning to
end as it is neither a degree curriculum book nor a novel.

First have a bird’s eye view of book then mark the topics of
your interest at page of “contents” in beginning of book and
read only the relevant part. Also highlight the topics and text
of your benefit. Repeat reading when needed. Keep the book
in your range.

2. Read like a Teacher: Don’t read this book just to read it.
Read this book like a teacher to understand, and be able to
teach the others. Reason: when you read a book as a teacher,
your understanding level is automatically increased much
more as compared to a simple reader or student.

3. As an executor: Read this book to apply its relevant

methods. This is because when you will read this book to
apply its methods, then you will think over its methods many
times, which will increase your understanding level to a
limit about which Mao Zedong said “Think of your idea as
14 How to be the best ruler

in applied form”. At this applied level of understanding,

your brain work will give you new dimensions with creative
and productive ideas which would be highly beneficial for
your people and your country.

4. The Author tried to consolidate information about all

essential elements of success, which were adapted by the
successful rulers of history. However it is quite possible that
a learned ruler may not get anything new, even then the
reading of this book will be beneficial as it will rememorize
the knowledge of ruler already present in his subconscious.

5. The text written in smaller and italic font in book is only

the description of terminology or any information. The
learned reader may escape it.
How to be the best ruler 15

A request

This book may contain lot of mistakes and deficiencies.

Please indicate mistakes, not to criticize only, but for
correction and betterment. The correction with logic and
evidence will be highly appreciated and accepted and
change will be made in next edition.

They Say “An artist installed his picture and requested the
brains of society to indicate faults. A lot of persons indicated
faults, as it was an easy task. Then the artist requested for
correction; only a few were able to advise corrective
measures, as it was a real and positive approach and not an
easy task.

Prof. Dr. Sajid Qayyum (Author)

Phone: 0092-300-8898810
16 How to be the best ruler


Section I -
Chapter – 1 Introduction
i. What is meant by best ruler?
ii. Some examples of best rulers
iii. Statue of David

Chapter – 2 How to improve & maintain personality

Components of personality
Personality characteristics
God Gifted Characteristics
i. Facial Beauty

ii. Charming Complexion

iii. Graceful Height

iv. Good Luck

Acquired factors, characteristics & skills

I. The essential factors
i. Qualification

ii. Knowledge (relevant to post and position)

How to be the best ruler 17

iii. Experience

iv. Training

II. Essential Personality supporting characteristics

1. Trustworthy: I. Adopt trust creating characteristics. II. Deposit more
and more in trust account

2. Self-control: I. Control over one’s personality (1) Control on

speech (2) Control on lust (3) Control on anger - Anger management
(4) Control on arrogance (5) Control on greed.

II. Control to keep balance in-between one’s lives.

3. Self confidence
4. Incredible will power & determination with strong,
focused & sustained power of action.
5. Commonsense / Intelligence / Wisdom / Vision
6. Good memory
7. Goal achieving abilities: (i) Goal setting (ii) planning
(iii) implementation
8. Motivation: (i) Self-motivation (ii) Motivating Others
(iii) Creating a Motivational Environment

9. Proactive
10. Aware and alert: 1. Awareness: (i) self-awareness (ii)
awareness of situation and circumstances
2. Alertness (i) active with full of energy level, no laziness.
18 How to be the best ruler

(ii) 4 Es of leadership: Energy, energizer, edge, execution.

11. Love and care for companions and people

12. Bountiful & generous
13. A blend of a Father, Surgeon, Teacher and a Spiritual

Additional but essential characteristics

1. Manners
2. Dress and Shoes

3. Body Language:
i. Smile
ii. Facial Expression
iii. Gestures
iv. Gait
v. Positioning
vi. Contact
vii. Posture
viii. Sounds

4. Habits:
(i) Learning attitude
(ii) Books reading
(iii) Chess (Game of Kings)
(iv) Impartial self-analysis daily before sleep

III. Essential skills

1. Thinking Skill – what to think - How to think
How to be the best ruler 19

i. Positive thinking and attitude

ii. Strategic thinking

iii. Creative thinking

iv. Progressive thinking

v. Thinking big

vi. Parallel thinking – six thinking hats.

2. Effective communication skill

i. Speech ability
ii. Ready wit
3. Emotional intelligence
4. Public dealing - Judgment of persons & situation
then deal accordingly.
i. Judgment of persons

ii. Judgment of situation

iii. Dealings & its art, according to persons and situation.

5. Time management – self-management

6. Ability to bear, face and control stress situations.
i. Stress management.

ii. Crisis management

iii. Dispute resolution.

7. Administration
20 How to be the best ruler

i. Excellent decision power and its implementation

ii. Problem solving

iii. Planning with its timely and proper implementation.

iv. Ability to get work done by others within time ensuring the
quality, quantity and economy of work.

8. Effective resource management

9. Organizational skill
i. Team building ability

ii. Lobby making

Section II – What is Sovereignty?

Chapter 6 – What is Sovereignty?
6.1 – sovereignty is delegated by God

6.2 - Sovereignty is responsibility

6.3 – Dignity of Sovereignty

6.4 - Role of destiny/virtue

6.5 – Importance of a man at the top.

6.6– The Leader vs. political philosopher vs. The


6.7 – Duration of sovereignty.

6.7.1 – Bi-party vs. multiparty system

How to be the best ruler 21

6.7.2- Vote casting should be compulsory

6.8- The best system of government

6.9 – What is next to welfare state?

6.10 – Author’s dream of best state.

Chapter 7 – Duties, Powers & Rights of Ruler

Section III - How to Rule


1. Ideologies and methods to rule

2. How to make government
3. Structure and strategy of government
4. Administration and dealings of government

5. Challenges to government
6. People and their problems
7. Development of country
8. Foreign Policy
9. Financial Management
10. Reforms
22 How to be the best ruler

Subsection 1: Ideologies and methods to rule

Chapter 8 – i. Objective to rule
ii. What a ruler should do
Chapter 9 - How to be successful
Chapter 10 – Techniques to Rule
1. Training from ex-ruler & others

2. Target key to rule

3. Caliph Umar’sRA principle

4. Caliph Ali’sRA directions for rulers

5. Strategic guidelines by caliph Mamoon Rasheed

6. British government’s techniques to rule India

7.Author’s view

Subsection 2: How to make government

Chapter 11 – How to make government
11.1 – Selection of good companions.
11.2 – Transfer/posting of key posts.
11.3 – Get rid of unsuitable persons.

Subsection 3:
Chapter 12 – Structure and strategy of government

Subsection 4:
Administration and dealings of government
How to be the best ruler 23

Chapter 13 – Administration - Types of persons to deal

after getting power.
I. Elements of administration
i. Streamline the system

ii. Discipline the persons

iii. To get work done by others

iv. Decision making and its implementation

v. problem solving

II. Some tips to administration.

Chapter 14 – How to deal departments & officials
Chapter 15 – Intelligence and information network
Chapter 16 - How to deal ministers
Chapter 17 – How to deal bureaucracy
Chapter 18 – How to deal judiciary
Chapter 19 – How to deal media
Chapter 20 - How to deal Business community

Subsection 5: Challenges to government

Chapter 21 – How to deal member parliament, opposition
and criticism.
Chapter 22 – How to deal pressure groups
24 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 23 - How to deal Crisis & settle disputes

Basic requirements for crisis solution
1. Sincerity
2. Focus attention towards the crisis.
3. Avoid, be careful to involve in or create
any other major issue.
4. Control yourself regarding supporters.
5. Pray to God.
Basic abilities of a ruler to deal a crisis;
1. Ability to bear stress
2. Keep your head cool and feet Hot
3. Don’t lose your heart
4. Courage to take bold steps
Different methods to solve the Crisis
1. 3-A formula; Assessment, Analysis, Action
2. First have the right vision, then deal tactfully
3. Roosevelt’s method; make an ideal
4. Lincoln’s Method
5. Obama’s method; search in History
6. Johnson’s Method
7. Dr. Mahathir Mohammad’s Method
8. Lobby making.
9. Complete thoughtful Loneliness
10. Don’t be rigid (accept demands if suitable &
How to be the best ruler 25

11. Take benefit of media.

12. All party conference (APC).

Chapter 24 – Some Common Crisis: (1) mutiny

Chapter 25 - Disputes resolution

Subsection 6: People and their problems

Chapter 26 - How to give relief and deal people
I. How to give relief to people

II. How people will like/love ruler

III. How people can feel your need as ruler

IV. How to deal people

Chapter 27 – Security
Causes of crime
How to Control Crimes; (Crime Control)
Chapter 28 – Unemployment
Chapter 29 – Poverty eradication
Chapter 30 - Price Control
Chapter 31 - Corruption.
Chapter 32 - Electricity shortage

Subsection 7:
Chapter 33 – Development of country
26 How to be the best ruler

Subsection 8:
Chapter 34 – Foreign Policy

Subsection 9 - Financial Management

Chapter 35 – Financial Management
- Domestic financial management
- National finance management
 How to impose taxes
Chapter 36 – How to increase revenue
Chapter 37 – Reduction of expenditure of government
Chapter 38 – Develop Human Resource (Human Resource
Chapter 39 – The Budget

Subsection 10: Reforms

Chapter 40 – Religious reforms
Chapter 41 – Industrial Reforms
Chapter 42 – Agricultural Reforms
Chapter 43 – Educational Reforms
Chapter 44 – Health reforms
Chapter 45 – Social Reforms
How to be the best ruler 27
28 How to be the best ruler

Section I

How to be the best ruler 29

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What is meant by “Best Ruler”

A successful ruler is that who has:

1. Full and powerful control over his


2. Whose companions are faithful to him?

A good Ruler is that who is in addition gives benefit

to common men of his country. He does the works of public
welfare. He cares and feels the miseries and problems of his
people and struggles to solve them. As much as the ruler
cares and solves the problems of his people as much he can
be categorizes as good, better or best. So a ruler may be
successful but may not be good, if he does not give benefit
to his people especially the poor people.

The benefits of poor people are to fulfill their basic needs

which vary from country to country. The basic needs of
common man are; the provision of facilities and
opportunities for security, employment, food, dress,
residence, education, health facility, justice and chance to
develop and progress.
30 How to be the best ruler

It is the duty of the state to provide these facilities and/or

opportunities to get these facilities, free of cost or at
affordable limit of common man.

Rulers of super power who claim to be the masters of the

world and compel the other nations to act accordingly, may
be successful but can never be labeled as good rulers, if they
do not care and feel the miseries of poor people of the world
and struggle to resolve them.

Note: A normal person is that who cares himself and do not harm
others. A good person is that who cares himself and also equally
beneficial for his closer ones. A better person is that who cares himself
and is beneficial for his closer ones and also for other persons. The best
and great person is that who is more caring and more beneficial than
himself for the whole society/country/world.

1.2: Some examples of best Rulers

All Prophets who ruled e.g. Muhammad PBUH, Moses PBUH,

David PBUH , Solomon PBUH, Joseph PBUH etc.

Umar Bin KhatabRA (ex-Muslim Arab ruler),

Ram Chandar ji (India),

Ibrahim Lincoln (ex-president USA),

Mahathir Muhammad (ex- prime minister of Malaysia)

Tayyip Erdogan, (Prime minister of Turkey) &

Jigme singye wangchuck ex-King of Bhutan.

How to be the best ruler 31

Note: The Author have written some names of rulers, this

does not mean that other rulers were not good.

1.3 Statue1 of David: Madissy family was very

powerful and rich family of Italy. David, the head of
Madissy family ordered Michael Angelo (a great artist and
statue maker) to make his statue. Michael Angelo was very
much worried about this. He searched for two years. One
day while walking he saw a big stone. At the same time he
decided to make statue out of it as a single piece. By the help
of many laborers, he took the stone in his studio. For two
years he cut to shape the stone of David and then for three
years he polished the statue. After that; statue was put in big
square of Florence city. When people saw that statue;
everybody was surprised to see the beauty of statue. This
great classic of history is now present in David Statue
Museum in Florence. (Museum is named David Statue
museum due to this statue).

When Michael Anglo was asked that how you did

this miracle. He said; I did nothing I saw David in that stone.
What I have to do next was only to separate the extra stone
out of David.

By this story, author wants to clarify that the

personality of best ruler lies in every sincere ruler. What he
needs to do are?
32 How to be the best ruler

1. Separate the unfair and unrequired (which is if

present) from his personality and life e.g.
falsehood, laziness, cowardice, ignorance,
injustice, corruption, dishonesty or unfair
companions etc.

2. Continue the process of polishing his personality.

1. “Change your thinking change your life” by Brian Tracy.
How to be the best ruler 33

Chapter 2 How to improve & maintain personality

The personality is an individual’s characteristics and

distinctive pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving.

It is said that a ruler’s life is not his own but a trust for his
nation. Secondly ruler-ship is a full time task and not an easy
job. So the ruler has to change his personality & lifestyle
according to the necessity of requirement of ruler-ship. The
ruler has to decide that when, where and which type of
speech and impression, he should or need to give before his
companions, his subordinates, Government officials,
Criminals, Foreign celebrities and general public etc.
Accordingly, the ruler has to modify his personality i.e.
speech and behavior etc.

Components of personality: four components;

1. Appearance which includes; facial beauty, graceful height, hair style,
body language, dress and shoes.
2. Qualities which includes; (i) academic qualification and knowledge.
(ii) Characteristics and abilities. (iii) Skills.
3. Life style which includes: (i) Diet (ii) Exercise or walk (iii) Habits
(Addiction) (iv) sleep (v) Hygiene (cleanliness).
4. Behaviour with others which includes Mood variations, attitude and
Personality characteristics
A characteristic is the distinguishing feature or quality of a person. It
includes ability, skill and other characteristics etc.
34 How to be the best ruler

Ability is genetically predetermined characteristic that affect movement

performance such as agility, coordination, strength, and flexibility. Abilities
are enduring and as such, difficult to change in adults.

The skill is the ability to do something well, which develops from one's
education, knowledge, aptitude, practice and experience etc.

Abilities differ from skills in the sense that skills are learned, whereas abilities
are a product of both learning and genetic factors.

There are various factors, characteristics, abilities & skills

which support the personality of a ruler to make his
sovereignty strong, successful, good & acceptable. These
abilities had supported a lot, to all rulers in history.

Note: The author accepts that all these characteristics may

not be present in one person. However these are essential
and beneficial, the Author has written all as most of these
can be produced by effort. The method to produce &
improve the characteristic is also written with the relevant

To produce any characteristic; it is necessary to have sincere

focused intention, continuous effort & change in life style

The personality characteristics are of two types:

1. God Gifted – which cannot be produced (Chapter- 2)

2. Acquired – which can be produced & improved by

struggle. (Chapter- 3 & 4)
How to be the best ruler 35


2.1 Facial Beauty

2.2 Charming Complexion

2.3 Graceful Height

2.4 Good Luck

2.1- Facial Beauty

Facial beauty is a great supporting characteristic. Beauty is

always welcome and appreciated all over the world, but it is
not the essential characteristic for a ruler. In history there are
a lot of examples of rulers who were not beautiful but they
ruled very successfully and also loved by their people.

King Mahmood1 Gaznavi was not beautiful. One day

Mahmood Gaznavi was looking at mirror and became very
sad that he is not beautiful. His minister Ayaz said to him.
My Lord, facial beauty is a matter of pride for common
people but for the rulers, the real beauty is the beauty of their
character and the good works, they do for their people. My
lord; don’t love with the money; spend it on your people.
Your highness; if you will concentrate on these things; you
will see that people will love you more than their families.
After listening this, Mahmood became satisfied.

2.2- Charming Complexion

36 How to be the best ruler

Beauty standard of complexion varies in different countries.

In some countries white color is favorite, while in other
countries Wheatish or black color is favorite However it is
also not an essential characteristic.

2.3- Graceful Height

Gracefulness of height also varies in different countries.

However it is also not an essential characteristic. Many great
rulers were of relative short height but their height never
became a negative point in sovereignty. Some examples are:
Napoleon Bonaparte – 5.6 ft - France

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 5.2 ft - Iran

Adolf Hitler 5.8 ft - Germany

Josef Stalin 5.5 ft - Russia

Vladimir Lenin 5.5 ft – Russia

Winston Churchil 5.6 ft – UK

Ref: google – statesmen and stature

2.4 - Good Luck

Good luck had always been an important factor e.g. a person

is relative (son, daughter, husband, or wife) of any well
reputed ruler or highly respected personality of country then
it is helpful in getting power and also to rule over country,
e.g. Sonia Gandhi is wife of Rajiv Gandhi (Ex. Prime
How to be the best ruler 37

Minister of India), Rajiv Gandhi was son of Indira Gandhi

(Ex. Prime Minister of India) Indira Gandhi was daughter
of Pandit Jawahur lal Nehru (Ex. Prime Minister of India).
Similarly Asif Ali Zardari Ex-President of Pakistan is
husband of Benazir Bhutto (Ex. Prime Minister of
Pakistan)Benazir Bhutto was daughter of Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto (Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan). Haseena Wajid
Prime Minister of Bangladesh was daughter of Sheikh
Mujib-ul-Rehman (Ex-Prime Minister of Bangladesh).

References. 2
1. siasat naama (book of politics) by Nizam ul mulk Toosi
38 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 3 Acquired characteristics

Acquired factors, characteristics & skills
I. The essential factors
(i) Qualification
(ii)Knowledge (relevant to post and position)
II. Essential Personality supporting characteristics
1. Trustworthy
2. Self-control
I. Control over one’s personality (1) Control on speech (2) Control
on lust (3) Control on anger - Anger management (4) Control on
arrogance (5) Control on greed.

II. Control to keep balance in-between one’s lives.

3. Self confidence
4. Incredible will power & determination with strong,
focused & sustained power of action.
5. Common sense / Intelligence / Wisdom / Vision
6. Good memory
7. Goal achieving abilities - (i) Goal setting (ii) planning (iii)
How to be the best ruler 39

8. Motivation
i. Self-motivation

ii. Motivating Others

iii. Creating a Motivational Environment

9. Proactive
10. Aware and alert –
i. active with full of energy level, no laziness.
ii. 4 Es of leadership. Energy, energizer, edge, execution.

11. Love and care for companions and people

12. Bountiful & generous
13. A blend of a Father, Surgeon, Teacher and a Spiritual
Additional but essential characteristics
1. Manners
2. Dress and Shoes
3. Body Language:
(i) Smile 153

(ii) Facial Expression 154

(iii) Gestures 154

(iv) Gait 155

40 How to be the best ruler

(v) Positioning 155

(vi) Contact 155

(vii) Posture 155

(viii) Sounds 155


(i) Learning attitude

(ii) Books reading 156

(iii) Chess (Game of Kings) 157

(iv) Impartial self-analysis daily before

sleep 158

III. Essential skills

1. Thinking Skill – what to think - How to think
i. Positive thinking and attitude

ii. Strategic thinking

iii. Creative thinking

iv. Progressive thinking

v. Thinking big

vi. Parallel thinking – six thinking hats.

2. Effective communication skill

i. Speech ability
How to be the best ruler 41

ii. Ready wit

3. Emotional intelligence
4. Public dealing - Judgment of persons & situation
then deal accordingly.
i. Judgment of persons

ii. Judgment of situation

iii. Dealings & its art, according to persons and situation.

5. Time management – self-management

6. Ability to bear, face and control stress situations.
i. Stress management.

ii. Crisis management

iii. Dispute resolution.

7. Administration
i. Excellent decision power and its implementation

ii. Problem solving

iii. Planning with its timely and proper implementation.

iv. Ability to get work done by others within time ensuring the
quality, quantity and economy of work.

8. Effective resource management

9. Organizational skill
i. Team building ability

ii. Lobby making

42 How to be the best ruler

Basics of personality
The effective personality is based on education, knowledge,
training and experience etc.

Education; Many successful rulers were not educated or not

well educated. Even then it cannot be made a criteria. So a
ruler must be of more than graduate qualification as
education is a great supporting factor to develop a

Knowledge: Ruler should have basic knowledge of all

religions and world history. He should have good
knowledge of his religion, history of his country,
constitution of his country, famous political books,
autobiographies and biographies of historical political
personalities, and also study speeches of renowned

Modern era is more economy oriented, information and

technology so it is necessary that ruler must have basic
knowledge of computer, internet, economics and accounting
as he has to manage economy of country and deal matters of
budget. He should also have relevant knowledge of law,
budget and economics with terminology of relevant use.
How to be the best ruler 43

They say: “Learn something of everything and everything of


Ruler of a big country must have more knowledge status as

compared to the ruler of a small and third world country.


Ruler and his ministers need training from:

i. Qualified and experienced teachers

ii. Relevant books with specified syllabus

Reason: How ridiculous is this that the secretaries of ruler

are well trained and experienced while he, his ministers and
companions are not trained and experienced. So obviously
it will be difficult to control such secretaries and so they all
becomes toys in hands of secretaries and cannot run the
government in a wise and disciplined way. So they all
should get training and refresher training with theoretical
and practical knowledge. Training should include, essential
skills, knowledge and all matters relating to their job and
status. Also how to plan and supervise projects and
programs (Advisors may be exempted as they are selected mostly,
who are already qualified, experienced and well trained).

II. Essential personality supporting characteristics

44 How to be the best ruler

3.1 Trustworthy
As regards the abilities, a good ruler is that who is
trustworthy having ability, tendency and capacity to do
result producing work for the welfare of his nation
especially for common men.

Trustworthy is the basic and most important characteristic,

which the ruler must have in his personality.

How to be trustworthy
I. Adopt trust creating characteristics

II. Deposit more and more in trust account

I. Adopt trust creating characteristics

There are four characteristics which creates the impression

of a personality as trustworthy:

(1) Truthfulness

(2) Honesty

(3) Fulfillment of promises

(4) Just mindedness

When God ordered the prophet Muhammadpbuh to proclaim

the divine message openly? To obey that order; Prophet
Muhammadpbuh climbed the hill of Safa and called out the
How to be the best ruler 45

people of Mecca. When a significant crowd had collected,

He started his speech by asking a question that:

“If I say you that a large Army is present behind the hill of
Safa and may attack on you, then will you trust it”?

The Hill of Safa was a very small hill, if any army would
have been present there. It would have been clearly seen.
Even then the people of Mecca answered that we trust in
you, if you say that there is an army behind the hill, we will
believe it, because you have never spoken a lie in your whole

Note: People of Mecca used to call the Prophet

Muhammadpbuh as “Sadiq” means true and “Ameen” means
Honest (in Arabic language), due to His truthfulness and

Fulfillment of Promises

The Holy Prophet Muhammadpbuh always fulfilled his

promises. He was always held in such trust that people left
their valuables with him for safe keeping.

Example: When the king of Rome received a letter from the

Holy Prophetpbuh inviting him to accept Islam; he called the
Arab traders who were then visiting his country. He asked
some questions about the Holy Prophetpbuh from their leader
Abu Sufyan, who was at that time, one of the bitterest
46 How to be the best ruler

enemies of Islam. One of the questions was: Whether the

Holy Prophetpbuh had ever broken his promise. Abu Sufyan
replied that he had never broken his promise.

Example: A treaty of peace was made between Muslims of

Medina city and non-Muslims of Mecca city called “Sulah
Hudaibiya” One of the conditions of the Treaty of Hudaibiya
was that; if any Muslim from Mecca go to Medina, he would
be returned. When the Treaty of Hudaibiya was being
written, A Muslim named Abu Jandal (bounded in chains)
escaped from Mecca and came to the Prophetpbuh, asking for
refuge. The Muslims were shocked to see him in this
condition, but the Holy Prophetpbuh said to him: "O Abu
Jandal! Be patient, we cannot break the treaty. Allah will
very soon find a way for you." So abu jandal was returned
to the people of Mecca.

Lie is mother of all evils

Nobody trusts on a person who is a liar. It is said that lie

is mother of all evils, so a ruler should never tell a lie.

Example: A person asked from Prophet Muhammadpbuh that

there are lot of bad habits & evils in me, but I can’t leave all,
you tell me one which I quit. The Prophet said: Quit telling
a lie. He promised not to tell a lie & went back to his home.
After a while he urged to drink wine, he thought: tomorrow
when I will go before the prophet & his companions & if
How to be the best ruler 47

somebody asked me about drinking wine, then what answer

I will give, I had promised not to tell a lie. So he decided not
to drink wine on that day. In the same way, while doing any
evil same thought used to come in his mind & he started
postponing all his evils. With the passage of time, he got rid
of all his bad habits & evils.

II. Deposit more and more in trust account

There is an unseen but felt trust account in between you on

one side and your companions, subordinates and people of
your country on other side.

The deposits from your side for companions and

subordinates would be favors and facilities, in return they
will ensure their obedience, faithfulness and fairness.

The deposits from your side for people would be to fulfill

their needs, provision of justice and security, in return they
will give you their support, vote, abidance of law and love.

Self - control
A person aspiring to become and remain ruler must have
self-control. “One who cannot control over himself, how he
can control and rule over others”.

Lord Buddha said that “It is better to control yourself than

to conquer two thousand people”.
48 How to be the best ruler

Self-control means control over one’s own self. It is of two


I. Control over one’s personality

II. Control to keep balance in-between one’s lives.

I. Control over one’s personality

It includes four types of controls over one’s personality:

1. Physical control: It means; to discipline one’s all

physical activities in a pattern which is necessary as a
human being & suitable to one’s post & position.

2. Emotional control: It means; to achieve maximum

control over one’s emotions i.e. anger, grief, revenge, love,
hatred & happiness etc.

3. Mental control: It means; to control over one’s all

thoughts e.g. control on lust, arrogance and greed etc. also
on unnecessary, muddled and deviating thoughts etc.

They say:

● Control your thoughts, because they become your

● Control your words, because they become you actions.
● Control your actions, because they become you habits.
How to be the best ruler 49

● Control your Habits, because they become you

● Control your character, because it becomes you destiny.

4. Spiritual control: It is fact that on judgment day;

everybody will have to answer to God for all his deeds in
life. Spiritual control is to control oneself spiritually and
spend one’s life according to God’s will and directions.

Height of Self Control

This incidence relates to Caliph AliRA bin Abutalib1. He
was not caliph at that time. In a war when he was fighting,
he defeated his enemy and thrown him on the ground and
tending to push the sword in his chest. At the same moment,
the enemy spitted on the face of AliRA. AliRA stood up from
the chest of enemy and said to him. “Come on, we will fight
again”. The enemy was very much surprised and asked why
AliRA left him alive. AliRA answered that when you spitted
on my face, it produced anger in my brain against you which
is not fair because my fight with you is not personal. I am
fighting with you only for sake of God.

Drawbacks of lack of self-control

Chankiya (Kautiliya); an Indian political writer in his book
“The Arthashastra” advises to the ruler that:
50 How to be the best ruler

”Control over the senses, which is motivated training in the

sciences, should be secured by giving up;
● Lust
● Anger
● Greed
● Pride
● Arrogance
● Fool Hardiness

A king, behaving in a manner contrary to that; having no

control over his senses, quickly perishes though he be the
ruler right up to the four ends of the Earth”.

How to Control Your Self

1. Discipline your life schedule according to the

necessities & responsibilities of ruler-ship.

2. Continuously concentrate your mind on

controlling your emotions and time to time
overview results.

3. Keep strong faith in God and regularly pray to

God for help to control yourself.

A narration: Sometimes a simple technique works

excellently to control one’s emotions.
How to be the best ruler 51

“A King said to his ministers, that I feel difficulty in

controlling my emotions and almost feels fail to normalize
myself during emotional states. His Ministers made a Ring
for him on which it was written “This time will also pass
away” they advised him to always wear the ring and make
habit to see and read the words, written on ring in emotional
state. This technique helped the King in extreme happiness
and extreme grief to normalize him or at least less affected
by the occasion”.

Now let us discuss the different strategies for;

1. Control on speech.

2. Control on lust

3. Control on anger.

4. Control on arrogance.

5. Control on greed

1. Control on speech: while controlling yourself; the most

important and influential is your speech which should be
highly controlled; it is the key to all strategies of self-control
in all respect. Following are the suggestions to control your

(i) You should clearly know:

● Why to say? (Objective of speech)

52 How to be the best ruler

● What to achieve? (The impact on listeners; you

want to achieve)

Then to achieve the purpose, it is needed to decide;

● What to say &

● How to say?

The whole speech components depend on the above

mentioned three “ Ws ” and one “H” i.e. why to say, what to
achieve, then what to say and how to say.

The ruler should always take care & talk according to his
status and avoid loose talk.

Great Indian Leader Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi said

to use “Guard Language” i.e. the most careful language so
that other may not catch you in a negative way and take
benefit of it.

They say; “The words once spoken from mouth and the
arrow thrown out from bow do not come back”

So it is advised; better to be silent if you do not have

something proper to say.

(ii) Avoid criticism until and unless it is highly needed. If

to criticize then in light tone and in a decent way to fulfill
the purpose and not to insult the opposite person.
How to be the best ruler 53

They say “criticism may give vent to your internal ill

feelings but it can never create good feelings and soft corner
in other person’s heart”.

(iii) During conversation; first understand completely the

meaning of words of the opposite person then speak. If you
have not understood the meaning or intention of the opposite
person, then better ask to repeat as compared to answer
without understanding the meaning.

(iv) The number of words spoken should be in range of

normal heart beat i.e. 60-90 per minute and not more than
that; otherwise it will be difficult for the other persons to

(v) Control on speech should be at all occasions, when and

where ruler has to speak i.e. before public, media,
individuals, group meetings, in family, office or with party
members etc.

(vi) Talk to the point; be brief; avoid too much talking.

Frank Bachger describes the magic of being brief by a

case proceeding of Abraham Lincoln in his book “How
I raised myself from failure to success in selling” i.e.
The railways authorities decided to make a bridge on
river Mississippi to facilitate the poor farmers of area
who had to travel by boats to cross the river, which
54 How to be the best ruler

would result in great loss in business of boat owners. So

they filed a suit against railway authorities. Their lawyer
Mr. Jackson delivered a very influential speech in their
favor for two hours. The defending lawyer; Lincoln
spoken only the following few words and won the case;

“I highly appreciate the speech of Mr. Jackson, I have

never listened; such an emotional speech but he ignored
the real problem i.e. on one side there are lakhs of poor
farmers who had to go across the river and on other side
there are few rich boat owners who take them across the
river. The court has to get the answer of this real
question that who deserve more; lacks of poor people or
few rich boat owners”

2. Control on lust:
Regarding control on Lust, it is to be noted that still in
modern age; people believe and expect that their ruler is a
super normal and a very pious person. So before losing
control; one should think about his respect, prestige and
expectations of his nation. History witnesses that whenever
any ruler could not control over his lust, he suffered a lot,
sometimes his fame, sometimes his sovereignty or even his
life also.
How to be the best ruler 55

Rawana was the king of Sri-Lanka. He kidnapped Sita; the

wife of Ram Chandar Ji. So Ram with his allied forces
attacked on Lanka, defeated and killed Rawana. Hence due
to his lust Rawana had to lose his government and his life

Monica and Bill Clinton:- Monica was secretary to Bill

Clinton; the president of USA. Clinton could not keep
control over his lust for Monica and made unfair relations
with her, and so Clinton suffered a bad name to his fame
throughout the world.

3. Control on anger:
To control anger and short- temperedness; a ruler should
understand that he should never be personal in any matter,
or person. His anger should base on some principles, not on
his own likes or dislikes.

Some persons develop so much control over their

emotions that they become able to use their emotions to
achieve their purpose. Richard Nixon (President of USA) in
his book “The leaders” writes that he saw Khrushchev
(Russian Head of State) shouting with anger on his
subordinates. But just a little after, he became normal. Nixon
was very much surprised when he was told by Khrushchev
that “I was not angry, I never become angry, I only use my
56 How to be the best ruler

Note: this is called pseudo short-temperedness. Main

objective is to take desired work by creating a panic

A simple method to Control Anger: When you feel angry;

take a glass of water and drink it in small sips. Secondly if
you are standing then sit, if you are sitting then lie on bed
and take deep breaths.

Lincoln’s method to control anger: Dale Carnegie writes

in his book “ How to win friends & influence people” that
Abraham Lincoln the President of USA; was very much
angry with general Meade because in the battle of
Gettysburg, General Meade refused the order of Lincoln to
capture General Lee’s army. Which was in a trap near the
swollen, impassable river & could not escape, and war
would end immediately in victory. Finally the water receded
and Lee escaped with his forces. Lincoln was furious. What
does this mean? We had them within our grasp, and had only
to stretch forth our hands. Under these circumstances almost
any general could have defeated Lee. If I had gone up there,
I could have whipped him myself. In bitter disappointment,
Lincoln sat down and wrote Meade a letter. But Lincoln did
not mail that letter. It was found among Lincoln’s papers
after his death.

Lincoln controlled his anger. It is said that he thought

putting himself in place of Meade. “It is easy enough for me
How to be the best ruler 57

to sit here in a quiet of the White house and order Meade to

attack: but if I had been at Gettysburg, and if I had seen as
much blood as Meade has seen during the last week and if
my ears has been pierced with the screams and shrieks of the
wounded and dying. May be I wouldn’t be so anxious to
attack either. If I had Meade’s timid temperament, perhaps I
would have done just what he has done”.

The Lincoln’s example gives us a lesson that to control your

anger and harsh behavior with any person, wait a little, think
and put yourself in his position & circumstances and then

4. Control on arrogance:

History witnesses that all cruelty done on masses was only

due to the arrogance of ruler. Arrogance is a characteristic
which suits only to God.

So before an idea of arrogance come in your mind; think that

ruler-ship is a great responsibility, not a matter of arrogance.
Greater the rank you have, greater is the responsibility.

Caliph Umar bin KhataabRA used to say that if a goat’s kid

dies hungry at bank of river Faraat that is also his
responsibility and he fears that he will be asked about that
by God almighty after death.

Methods to control arrogance:

58 How to be the best ruler

i. Daily before sleeping, do your impartial analysis and

consider yourself answerable to God for all your activities.
Say sorry to God for your mistakes and promise for
amendments. Also pray for betterment.

ii. Remember this narration; it will help to control

arrogance. Once the Caliph Haroon2 Rasheed said to
Shafiq Bulkhi (a pious person) to advice, he said that;
suppose you are alone in a jungle and so much thirsty that
you feel near to die. How much price you can give for a litter
water to drink to save your life at that time? Haroon
answered: any price. He asked; can you give half of your
government? Haroon answered: yes, I can give my half
Government. The pious person again asked that; the same
water if stuck in your body, you are feeling great unbearable
pain; cannot pass urine and feel like to die. Then can you
give half of your Government to save your life? Haroon
answered: yes, I can give. The pious person said then caliph
why to be so much arrogant and greedy for a Government of
which value is only a little water?

5. Control on greed:
A ruler can never be sincere with his country if he is greedy.
It is said that Kings are relatively less greedy as compared
to the elected head of states. Because the elected persons
think that their government is for short period and they
How to be the best ruler 59

should try to take and earn as much money as quick as it is


King Ibrahim Bin Adham made a palace worth seeing. He

ordered to open the palace for public observation. Every
viewer was praising the beauty of palace. One pious old
person said that there are two defects in this palace.

i. This palace is temporary and will not remain forever.

ii. The person who ordered to make it and live in it; he will
also not live forever.
When the king listened this, he was so much impressed that
he left his kingship and adapted spiritual life.

Methods to control greediness & arrogance

i. An important point, able to be noted: A person earns as

much money in his life, he spends only 10 – 15 % of earned
money on himself, rest of the 85 – 90 % is spent on his
family, friends or anywhere else, or a part of that still left
unspent even after his death but never spent on his own
personality. For example a person earns some money by
unfair means. He gets sin of the 100 % money, but spends
only 10 – 15 % of money on himself. All other users of 85 –
60 How to be the best ruler

90 % enjoy the major amount of money, but do not share in

sin. ----------------- So please think on it before doing
greediness or earning by corruption.

ii. Develop strong faith on God and fear of judgment day

when every person would be asked and inquired for all his

iii. Never forget this fact that all your money will remain
with you only in your life and is useless after death. At that
time only your good deeds will be helpful.

“They say; a person on death bed called his three friends and
asked that how much you can be helpful to me. First friend
said, I helped you in every way in your life but now and
after; I am helpless. The second friend said, I helped you in
your life and now if you die, I will help you in the activities
of your funeral rites. But after that I am helpless. The third
friend said that I remain with you in your life and I will also
remain with you now and even after death I will be helpful
to you.

So who is the Best friend? Obviously the third friend;

First friend is Riches, Second friend is Relatives and Third

friend is your good deeds”.

Alexander the great, conquered about half world. But when

he died he did his will that his hands should be kept out of
How to be the best ruler 61

coffin. So that people may know and understand that such a

great king when died, he was thousands of miles away from
his homeland and even after conquering the world, his hands
were empty.

Qaroon was said to be the richest person in history. When

he died, his wealth could not help him, even to increase a
second in his life.

When King Muhammad bin Mahmood Saljooti3 was near

to die. He said “I happily can give all my wealth, slaves,
security guards, palaces, beautiful bondmaids to the angel of
death if he goes back and do not take my life. But I know it
will not happen and all my powers & wealth will get

II. Control to keep balance in between one’s lives

A person has to live five types of lives in his life.

The best control is to keep balance in between all types of

lives i.e.

- Professional (political, official or business) life,

- Social life,
62 How to be the best ruler

- Family life,

- Religious (spiritual) life &

- Personal life.

Note: very rare persons are able to keep balance in their

professional, social, family, religious & personal lives. The
all prophets kept & maintained this balance; to be the role
models for their followers.

Regarding personal life, most of the persons neglect their

personal life for the sake of their families, society, religion
or profession. On the contrary, some persons are very
selfish. They neglect all others & live for their own.

Regarding balance in between political (official) & family

lives; they say; “don’t take your office to home and home to

Richard Nixon ex-president USA; writes in his book “The

Leaders” that Charles De Gaulle the president of France;
had kept an excellent balance in between his political and
family lives. Normally at 8.00 p.m. he used to go his home,
from where he could not be contacted or called back except
in emergency. In the same way, his family was not allowed
to interfere in his political life. He had put his both lives at
No: 1 place but within their own separate spheres.
How to be the best ruler 63

Regarding balance in between worldly & religious lives, a

person should never forget that surely a day will come when
he will die and his other life will start, in which according to
every religion; every person will be asked on judgment day,
about all his deeds and the duties imposed on him and then
will be punished or rewarded accordingly. So one should
keep balance in between worldly life & religious life.

A narration: “A person served his master for many years

then he left service and asked permission to go back to his
homeland. His master gave him a gold coloured stick along
with some money. The servant asked his master; the money
I can understand but what I will do of this golden stick. The
master said with smile, ok: give this golden stick to that
person whom you think as most foolish person.

After about a year, the servant was told by someone that

your master is very sick so he came to see his master and
asked that what happened. Master said that I am near to die
and after this I will have to go before God where I will be
asked about this life and then my other life will start, which
will be permanent. The servant asked. Have you prepared
yourself for your other permanent life? Master said: No.
Then servant gave him the golden stick & said, you deserve
this because you are very foolish as you struggled for
smaller and temporary life and not for permanent life”
References. Self control
64 How to be the best ruler

1. Nahj-ul-Balagah & narrations of Maulana Room.

2. “Makhzan e ikhlaq” by Rehmatullah subhani
3. Last Moments of great personalities by Khawaja Tahir Mahmood.

3. Self-confidence

Self-confidence is the essential attribute for success.

An individual aspiring to become and remain as a ruler must
have self-confidence. Self-confidence is an ability which
shines in a personality in one’s:
1. Facial expression
2. vibe
3. Speech
4. Body Language
5. Gait

People with high self confidence

 Trust their opinion even in front of opposition

 Are decisive

 Take risks and try new things

 Have a presence

People with low Self confidence

 Avoid confrontation with people

How to be the best ruler 65

 Do not trust their judgment

 Hesitate to try new things

 Avoid challenges

 Unable to stand up for their rights

The confidence vary according to person, place & situation

i.e. a person may be 100% confident at one situation or
before some persons or at one time, but may not be confident
or less confident at other situation or before other person or
at other time e.g. When a ruler of a small country has to deal
with the ruler of a superpower or big country, he may feel
lack in confidence. This is natural because whenever we
have to deal with any person who is our boss, superior or on
big post, we feel lack of confidence. However it can be
overcome by; (i) Belief that God is greatest of all. (ii)
Opponent is also a human being as I am. (iii) Focus your
attention to your objectives not on the personality of

The individual having no self-confidence is not even able to

do conversation or debate properly.

The rulers who become rulers by the political process have

the confidence. But the persons who become the rulers by
chance, by luck or by inheritance, they may lack confidence.
66 How to be the best ruler

Every success and achievement increase the confidence

while every defeat decreases confidence.

Appreciation and encouragement especially from desired

persons increase confidence. But beware of flattening. On
the contrary, criticism decreases confidence.

Status (official/social), truthfulness, knowledge, training &

experience are the factors which produce the confidence in
a personality. Higher the status, greater the level of
truthfulness, more the knowledge (correct and complete),
longer the training & experience; accordingly stronger will
be your confidence.

How to develop self-confidence

1. First thing to do is to find the cause by a thorough.

(i) Self-analysis.

(ii) Analysis of situation/circumstances and relevant


If you find the cause then treat the cause.

2. Self-esteem; self-esteem is a person's overall subjective

evaluation of his own worth. It is a rule that as much you
give respect and value to your views and yourself, as much
would be the level of your confidence. So to produce
confidence, it is necessary that you must give respect and
How to be the best ruler 67

value to your views and yourself. Remember if you will not

believe in yourself, how others will believe in you.

3. SW formula (strength & weakness formula): In self-

analysis, identify and analyze your strength (strong & plus
points) and your weaknesses (weak & negative points).
Write on a paper your strong points on one side and weak
points on other side, then think and plan that how your
strength can be increased and how your weaknesses can be
decreased. Act on your plan with focused concentration,
interest and enthusiasm. It will increase your belief on
yourself which will increase your self- confidence. Your
confidence will increase your potential which will increase
your power of action which ultimately will give you better
result. Your better result will definitely increase your belief
on yourself and so on.

Self-belief → self-confidence → potential → action → result ↓

↑← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←

4. Positive thinking; Adapt positive thinking & attitude. It

increases confidence.

5. Thinking of Ideal: Make a great personality as your ideal

and think that if your ideal person is in same situation how
he would have tackled such situation. It will give you
direction of action & confidence.
68 How to be the best ruler

6. Do rehearsal: Most of rulers have the habit to do

rehearsal for their points to deal with other rulers / tricky
people/ pressure groups / press conference / interviews and
public speech etc.

7. Self-suggestion; it is psychological boosting, so regularly

assure and encourage yourself.

8. While dealing with difficult persons or higher status,

don’t be afraid. Think that the person whom I am to deal is
also a human being as I am.

9. In every critical situation, imagine that as others have

succeeded in their attempts, I can also succeed and that who
always wins is also a Human being as I am.

10. They say “First unlearn your fear then learn confidence”

12. Seek help1 from God: The biggest source of confidence

is almighty God. Wholeheartedly pray to God imparts
confidence in one’s personality.

You can drain confidence and energy by repeating this

sentence many times.

“I can do all this by the help of God who gives me


But for that, you must have strong faith in God, and
the belief that no person on earth or ruler of any super power
How to be the best ruler 69

is superior to God. God is always “The Supreme”. So seek

help from God.

Prof. William rush brook writes in his book “The Babar”

“In Kunwaha war 16 march 1527 A.D. Saturday which was

fought at Kunwaha ground 37 miles away from Agra (India)
between forces of King Babar and King Rana Sangha. Army
of Babar consists of only ten thousand soldiers while force
of Rana Sangha was about one hundred thousand soldiers.
Babar and his soldiers lost their confidence. Babar analyzed
him and his weak situation then, decided to stop drinking
wine and broken all pots of wine.

Babar prayed to God to forgive him and help him in the war.
He continuously wept and prayed to God, until he developed
the confidence, then he delivered a historical speech before
his soldiers.

“Every person who has come in this world will have to die.
Only Almighty God is to live forever. Every person in this
world has to take the taste of death. So to die like a good and
pious person is better than a bad and notorious person, How
much it is the grace of God to us that if we die in fighting
for him, we will be labeled as Shaheed and if we survive,
then as Ghazi. Let us all together swear on Quran (holy book
of Islam), that no person from us will avoid fighting and try
his best up till end of his life”.
70 How to be the best ruler

So by seeking help of God, Babar and his army developed

confidence and got victory on ten times greater Army.

Tips to appear confident

1. Body language; Make your body language work for you
to show your personality, a confident personality. (i)
Maintain good posture of sitting/ standing. (ii) Walk nicely
and confidently with erect posture and proper stepping. (iii)
Keep good eye contact with person you are talking. (iv)
Enhance the effect of your speech by relevant use of gestures
of your hands. (v) Your facial expression should also
express confidence. A good smile according to situation is
an indicator of your confidence.

2. Do not rush, do not be impatient.

3. The words you speak should be clear and without

ambiguity. Keep the tone of your speech according to the
objective of speech.

4. Don’t think what people are thinking about you.

Summary of self confidence

Factors contributing for production of self-confidence

leading success are as follows;

Truthfulness, knowledge, training, experience, Planning,

documentation, preparation before time, complete faith on
How to be the best ruler 71

God and pray for help, it also depends upon your status
(social/official), person/persons to deal (difference of status
or level), situation, time factor & strong favoring points.
Reference. 3.6
1. Power of positive thinking by Norman vincent peel.

4. Incredible power of determination with strong,

focused & sustained power of action

Taking action is essential if you want to achieve your

goals, dreams, and desires. To ensure that you stay in
action persistently, one of the most important qualities you
must develop is the determination power.

During your journey to greater success, you will encounter

roadblocks, hardships, and challenges. There will be times
when you will want to quit, give up, and go back to doing
something else. It is the determination power that will
guarantee your success by maintaining willingness to stick
with it, to see it through to the end, and to refuse to settle
for anything less than your dream.
In every person’s life failure comes, it is the determination
power which helps to rise up again.
72 How to be the best ruler

Confucius wrote more than 4,000 years ago in China;

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every
time we fall.”

The determination power (will power) is the most important

predictor of success. This is the ability which:

1. Supports to reach a decision.

2. Helps to initiate action timely, after decision.

3. Keeps alive one’s passion to sustain action.

4. Focus concentration towards the objective.

5. To take bold steps, when required.

6. Also enables to activate other companions.

7. To take progress report, timely & regularly.

Tiredness after work is a natural phenomenon but in great

people, who had incredible power of determination, it is
seen that they have the ability to work:

(i) Maximum (ii) Regularly (3) Enthusiastically (iv) Un-

tiredly for a long time when and where it is needed; also
have the ability to keep active their companions. (v) Do it in
a pleasant mood.

Herald William in his book “The Babar” writes that one of

the main reasons of success of King Babar was that:
How to be the best ruler 73

“The King Babar had the ability to do continuous, un-tired

and maximum work at the time when it was needed”

What is the action of a ruler?

The action of a ruler comprises two steps, one after another,

repeated again & again till the objective is achieved.

1. Order. 2. Monitoring, timely & regularly.


How to improve determination power (will power)

Following are the methods required, to be adapted to
improve determination power.
74 How to be the best ruler

1. Strong desire & seriousness to achieve your goal is


2. Set your targets, objectives & goal. Make a workable plan

in written, to achieve your goal.

3. Discipline yourself; make a schedule & its timetable, and

abide by that. They say: “Discipline can be cultivated
by strong desire to achieve objectives”

4. Decide that in future, how much irritating it may feel to

your heart, you will decide all matters by your brain.

5. Feel a sense of responsibility for all your tasks relevant to

your objective.

6. To motivate yourself, always keep in mind, the pleasure

of the situation if you achieve your objective, and also the
height of disappointment that you may feel, if you do not
achieve your objective.

Take a sheet of paper. Draw a longitudinal line in mid of

paper. On one side of sheet, write down all pleasures and
benefits you would get after achieving your objective. Then
on the second half of sheet, write down all feelings of
failure, depression and drawbacks if would be unable to
achieve your objective. Then off and on having a look on
this paper will refresh your will power.
How to be the best ruler 75

7. Analyze your strengths, keep those up. Also analyze

your weaknesses; get rid of them.

8. be ready to active yourself, when and where it is

needed. Avoid the habit of pending.

Some other techniques

1. Draw inspiration from others; It can be useful to draw
inspiration from extraordinary individuals, by reading,
seeing, or thinking about a type of person in the same
2. Strengthen your will by exercising it; Recent research
showed that willpower, like a muscle, gets stronger the more
you use it. So remember that even when it feels tough, it will
get easier. The more you exercise your will and
determination, the more naturally motivated you will begin
to feel. So use you will power in routine works also e.g.
use your will power to adopt healthy life style.
3. Self-hypnosis ; Self-hypnosis is a psychological
technique, by which you assure yourself that you are
having strong will power, no need to worry, you can do
it, you can do it. By repeating and assuring daily two to
three times, it is seen that will power is improved.
4. Never give up; Belief is power, so never give up. Keep
in mind that the night is always darkest just before dawn.
You just don't know how close you are to a success. If your
intentions are good and you keep working, trust in God;
something will happen. Remember if you do nothing,
nothing happens.
76 How to be the best ruler

5. Common sense/Intelligence/Wisdom/Vision
Common sense is the basic ability to perceive, understand,
and judge everyday matters.
Intelligence is the ability to comprehend; to understand and
profit from experience.

Wisdom is the quick understanding of depth and reality of

any situation then making decision and action accordingly.

Vision is wisdom plus foresightedness.

These abilities are the gifts of God, which makes us best of

all creatures in the animal world. Enable us to reason, to take
knowledge, to predict and anticipate outcomes, and is the
very foundation for civilization.

The great rulers who changed the history were enriched with
these abilities.
How to be the best ruler 77

Common sense: They say “common sense is not so

How to improve common sense:
(i) Increase your observation power
(ii) Increase your exposure of life
(iii) Increase your knowledge
(iv) Read biographies of great personalities of history.

Categories of intelligence
Three categories;

1. Intellectual or cramming intelligence (IQ)

2. Multiple intelligence

3. Emotional intelligence (EQ)

1. Intellectual or cramming intelligence (IQ):

Since ancient times, the criteria of intelligence is made on
the ability of a person that how much one can cram and
memorize. The same criteria has been adopted by the
education system. All examinations, degrees and so merits
has also been made, based on the cramming ability, that a
person is as much intelligent as much marks and percentage
78 How to be the best ruler

he is able to achieve by his cramming ability; even the

understanding and application of knowledge of subject is
also neither counted nor analyzed.

Recently understanding of subject, applied and scenario

based criteria for some subjects has been added in some

Resultantly it has been observed that most of the toppers are

not successful in practical life.

2. Multiple intelligences
In 1983, a professor of Howard University Howard
Gardner presented a theory of multiple intelligence in his
book “Frames of mind”
This theory differentiates intelligence into specific
(primarily sensory) 'modalities', rather than seeing
intelligence as dominated by a single general ability.
According to Gardner, an intelligence must fulfill eight
i. potential for brain isolation by brain damage.
ii. place in evolutionary history
iii. presence of core operations
iv. susceptibility to encoding (symbolic expression)
v. a distinct developmental progression
vi. the existence of savants
vii. prodigies and other exceptional people
How to be the best ruler 79

viii. support from experimental psychology

and psychometric findings.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
1. Verbal-linguistic intelligence (well-developed verbal skills
and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words)
2. Logical-mathematical intelligence (ability to think
conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical and
numerical patterns)
3. Spatial-visual intelligence (capacity to think in images and
pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly)
4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (ability to control one’s body
movements and to handle objects skillfully)
5. Musical intelligences (ability to produce and appreciate
rhythm, pitch and timber)
6. Interpersonal intelligence (capacity to detect and respond
appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others)
7. Intrapersonal (capacity to be self-aware and in tune with
inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes)
8. Naturalist intelligence (ability to recognize and categorize
plants, animals and other objects in nature)
9. Existential intelligence (sensitivity and capacity to tackle
deep questions about human existence such as, what is the
meaning of life? Why do we die? How did we get here?

3. Emotional intelligence (EQ or EI)

In 1995, Daniel Goleman introduced a new type of
intelligence i.e. emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) through
his book with the same name - emotional intelligence.
80 How to be the best ruler

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to

understand and manage your own emotions, and those of
the people around you.
In practical terms, this means;
i. Being aware that emotions can drive our behavior
and impact people (positively and negatively)
ii. Learning that how to manage those emotions –
both our own and of others – especially when we
are under pressure.
People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know
what they're feeling, what their emotions mean, and how
these emotions can affect other people.
Importance of emotional intelligence

i. For every person/leaders/rulers, emotional intelligence is

essential for success. Daniel Goleman described that in
success of a person, the role of IQ (intellectual intelligence)
is 20% while role of emotional intelligence is 80%. This is
why the toppers in exam are mostly lesser successful than
those who were average in exam but they were emotionally
ii. A ruler/leader is more successful who is emotionally
intelligent. Imagine, who is more likely to succeed – a ruler
who shouts at his team when he's under stress, or a ruler
who stays in control, and calmly assesses the situation?
A Note: Ruler/leader with a high degree of emotional
intelligence is that who never lets his temper get out of
control, no matter what problems he's facing and who has
the complete trust of his staff, listens to his team, is easy to
talk to, and always makes careful, informed decisions.
How to be the best ruler 81

iii. A high degree of emotional intelligence of ruler can lift

his team to new and ideal heights and enable that to
achieve goals.
iv. Although intellectual intelligence is very important but
it is proven that emotional intelligence is key to relating
well to others and achieving goals so good emotional
intelligence is necessary for good performance of team.
This is why many organizations of the world now check for
emotional intelligence along with intellectual intelligence
to hire new staff.
Elements of emotional intelligence
There are five key elements to emotional intelligence:
1. Self-awareness.

2. Self-regulation.
3. Motivation.

4. Empathy.

5. Social skills.
The more that you, as a leader, manage each of these areas,
the higher your emotional intelligence would be and higher
you can grow as a leader.

So, let's look at each element.

1. Self-awareness: it is to learn about yourself, your

behavioral preferences and personality type. This
knowledge will help you to have a better understanding of
others too.
82 How to be the best ruler

It involves a good level of knowing your values, your

strengths and weaknesses and how your strengths and
weaknesses can support you or limit you in your life.

It also includes how you manage yourself - your thoughts

and your feelings. It depends upon how well you understand
your emotions, how control them and how use them as you
make your way through life.

People with high emotional intelligence are usually

very self-aware . They understand their emotions, and
because of this, they don't let their feelings rule them.
They are confident – because they trust their intuition
and don't let their emotions get out of control.

They're also willing to take an honest look at

themselves. As they know their strengths and
weaknesses and they work on these areas so they
perform better. If you're self-aware, you always know
how you feel, and you know how your emotions and your
actions can affect the people around you.

The tips to improve your self-awareness are as follows;

 Habit of writing: If you spend just a few minutes each

day writing down your thoughts, this can move you to a
higher degree of self-awareness.
 Slow down: When you experience anger or other strong
emotions, slow down to examine why? Remember, no
matter what the situation, you can always choose how
you react to it?

2. Self-regulation
How to be the best ruler 83

Leaders who regulate themselves effectively, rarely verbally

attack others, make rushed or emotional decisions, or
compromise their values. Self-regulation is all about staying
in control.
This element of emotional intelligence, according to
Goleman, also covers a leader's flexibility and commitment
to personal accountability.

Tips to improve your ability to self-regulate are as follows;

 Know your values – Do you have a clear idea of where
you absolutely will not compromise? Do you know
what values are most important to you? Spend some
time examining your "code of ethics." If you know
what's most important to you, then you probably won't
have to think twice when you face a moral or ethical
decision – you'll make the right choice.
 Hold yourself accountable – If you tend to blame
others when something goes wrong, stop. Make a
commitment to admit to your mistakes and to face the
consequences, whatever they are. You'll probably sleep
better at night, and you'll quickly earn the respect of
those around you.

 Practice being calm – The next time you're in a

challenging situation, be very aware of how you act. Do
you relieve your stress by shouting at someone else?
Practice deep-breathing exercises to calm yourself.
Also, try to write down all of the negative things you
want to say, and then rip it up and throw it away.
Expressing these emotions on paper (and not showing
them to anyone!) is better than speaking them aloud to
84 How to be the best ruler

your team. What's more, this helps you challenge your

reactions to ensure that they're fair.

3. Motivation

Self-motivated leaders work consistently toward their goals

and they have extremely high standards for the quality of
their work.
Tips to improve your motivation are;
i. Re-examine why you're doing your job – It's easy to
forget what you really love about your career. So, take
some time to remember why you wanted this job. If you're
unhappy in your role and you're struggling to remember
why you wanted it, try the Five Whys technique to find the
root of the problem. Starting at the root often helps you
look at your situation in a new way. And make sure that
your goal statements are fresh and energizing.
ii. Know where you stand – Determine how motivated
you are to lead.
iii. Be hopeful and find something good – Motivated
leaders are usually optimistic , no matter what problems they

Every time you face a challenge, or even a failure, try to find

at- least one good thing about the situation. It might be
something small, like a new contact, or something with long-
How to be the best ruler 85

term effects, like an important lesson learned. But there's

almost always something positive, if you look for it.

4. Empathy
There are four types of behaviours: (i) Antipathy: opposing the feelings of
others. (ii) Apathy: behaving with the feeling of not having much emotion or
interest (iii) Sympathy: the act of sharing the feelings or interests of others (iv)
Empathy: behaving others with feelings by putting yourself in other’s situation.

For leaders, having empathy is critical to managing a

successful team or organization. Leaders with empathy have
the ability to put themselves in someone else's situation. They
help to develop the people in their team, challenge others
who are acting unfairly, give constructive feedback, and
listen to those who need it.

If you want to earn the respect and loyalty of your team, then
show them you care by being empathy.

Tips to improve your empathy:

- Put yourself in someone else's position – It's easy to

support your own point of view. After all, it's yours! But take
the time to look at situations from other people's perspectives.

- Pay attention to body language – Perhaps when you listen

to someone, you cross your arms, move your feet back and
forth, or bite your lip. This body language tells others how
you really feel about a situation, and the message you're
giving isn't positive! Learning to read body language can be a
real asset in a leadership role, because you'll be better able to
determine how someone truly feels. This gives you the
opportunity to respond appropriately.
86 How to be the best ruler

- Respond to feelings – You ask your assistant to work late –

again. And although he agrees, you can hear the
disappointment in his voice. So, respond by addressing his
feelings. Tell him you appreciate how willing he is to work
extra hours, and that you're just as frustrated about working

5. Social Skills
Leaders who do well in the social skills element of emotional
intelligence are great communicators. They're just as open to
hearing bad news as good news, and they're expert at getting
their team to support them and be excited about a new
mission or project.

Leaders who have good social skills are also good at

managing change and resolving conflicts diplomatically.
They're rarely satisfied with leaving things as they are, but
they don't sit back and make everyone else do the work: They
set an example with their own behavior.

Tips to build social skills:

 Learn conflict resolution – Leaders must know how to

resolve conflicts between their team members,
customers, or vendors.
 Improve your communication skills – How well do
you communicate? Read the topic of communication
skill in same book. It will help to improve your
communication skill.
 Learn how to praise others – As a leader, you can
inspire the loyalty of your team simply by giving
How to be the best ruler 87

praise when it's earned. Learning how to praise others

is a fine art, but well worth the effort.

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

The emotional intelligence can be learned and developed. Along
with working on your skills in the five areas mentioned above, use
these strategies:
 Observe how you react to people. Do you rush to
judgment before you know all of the facts? Do you
stereotype? Look honestly at how you think and interact
with other people. Try to put yourself in their place ,
and be more open and accepting of their perspectives
and needs.
 Look at your work environment. Do you seek attention
for your accomplishments? Humility can be a
wonderful quality, and it doesn't mean that you're shy or
lack self-confidence. When you practice humility, you
say that you know what you did, and you can be quietly
confident about it. Give others a chance to shine – put
the focus on them, and don't worry too much about
getting praise for yourself.

 Do a self-evaluation i.e. strengths and also weaknesses?

Ask yourself. Are you willing to accept that you're not
perfect and that you need to work on some areas to
make yourself a better person? Have the courage to look
at yourself honestly – it can change your life.
 Examine how you react to stressful situations. Do you
become upset every time there's a delay or something
doesn't happen the way you want? Do you blame others
or become angry at them, even when it's not their fault?
The ability to stay calm and in control in difficult
88 How to be the best ruler

situations is highly valued – in the business world and

outside it. Keep your emotions under control when
things go wrong.
 Take responsibility for your actions. If you hurt
someone. Apologize directly. Don't ignore what you did
or avoid the person. People are usually more willing to
forgive and forget if you make an honest attempt to
make things right.
 Examine how your actions will affect others – before
you take those actions. If your decision will impact
others, put yourself in their place. How will they feel if
you do this? Would you want that experience? If you
must take the action, how can you help others deal with
the effects?

Wisdom of Muhammad1

This incident is of that time when Muhammadpbuh had not

been declared as prophet. The tribes of Mecca planned and
started the renovation of Khana Kaaba (Holy place of worship
of Muslims in Mecca; a city of Saudi Arabia). At the time of
Installation of Hajr-e-Aswad2, a great dispute developed,
every tribal head was wishing to install Hajr-e-Aswad by his
own hands. Finally they decided:
How to be the best ruler 89

“Tomorrow morning, the first person entering in Kaaba will

decide the matter and all will accept”.

Next morning the first person who entered in Kaaba was

Muhammadpbuh. When they saw him; they all shouted
unanimously. “He is the honest person we will accept his

Muhammadpbuh listened & paid attention to the views of

every tribe and analyzed the severity of situation. Then he
said to bring a sheet of cloth and put that sheet on the floor
of Kaaba and put the Hajr-e-Aswad in the center of sheet.
Then he said to all tribal heads to catch and lift the sheet
from corners and bring the sheet near the place of
installation. Then Muhammadpbuh himself lifted Hajr-e-
Aswad from the sheet and put that at the place of installation.
So due to the wisdom of Muhammadpbuh, everybody was
satisfied and a great dispute was prevented.

Wisdom of Muhammadpbuh 3

This incident was described with reference to AliRA

that when Muslim army was marching towards battlefield of
Badr. In the way they caught a slave of Akba bin Abu-
Mueed. They asked him about the quantity of army of
enemy. The slave answered that they are so many, but he
was unable to tell the exact counting. Then at last they took
the slave to Muhammadpbuh, who asked that how many
90 How to be the best ruler

camels, the enemy army slaughters daily for their diet. Salve
answered “Ten” Muhammadpbuh said: that means enemies
are one thousand because one camel is sufficient for one
hundred persons.

Wisdom of King4 Solomonpbuh: There were two women

with one child each; going together in a forest. A wolf took
one child. Both women started quarreling for the remaining
child. They took their matter to King Davidpbuh who decided
in favour of the elder woman then they went to the Prince
Solomonpbuh. He asked about the matter; both told him their
story. Prince Solomonpbuh ordered to bring a knife, and said:
I will cut the child in two halves. The younger woman asked.
Will you surely slaughter the child? He said “Yes” she
requested not to do that and said to give the child to the elder
women. In the meanwhile; the elder woman was listening
quietly. The Solomonpbuh decided and gave the child to the
younger woman and said; your sensitivity shows that this is
surely your son; only the real mother can sacrifice in such a

Wisdom of King5 Solomonpbuh: Alia was a gardener. In his

garden, goats of Yohunna Shepherd went in and spoiled the
garden. This case was presented before King Davidpbuh. He
decided to give the goats to gardener, as the price of loss was
equal to the price of goats. When the shepherd was going
How to be the best ruler 91

back, Prince Solomonpbuh asked him about decision. After

listening the decision; Solomonpbuh said that if I had been the
King, I would have decided the other way. When King
Davidpbuh came to know about this? He asked Solomonpbuh
what would have been your decision? Solomonpbuh said: “I
will give goats to the gardener, so that he may take benefit
from milk of goats and take kids from goats and at the same
time order to Shepherd to take care of garden. When the
Garden recovers its previous position then give back the
garden to its owner and take back his goats. King Davidpbuh
became very happy and appreciated the wisdom of his son.
Then king ordered to apply the decision of prince

Wisdom of King6 Solomonpbuh: Four Rich persons tried to

make bad relations with a beautiful woman but woman
refused. So those four persons became angry and went to
Court of King Davidpbuh and witnessed that she is in habit of
doing bad things with her dog. So she should be punished.

On the same evening price Solomonpbuh acted as ruler with

his friends. Four Boys witnessed of bad habits of that
woman. Prince Solomonpbuh ordered to bring every witness
one by one; then asked the color of dog. One person said
“Black”, the other said “Red” Third said “Brown” Fourth
said “white”.
92 How to be the best ruler

Prince Solomonpbuh gave the decision that all these four

persons are liar. So they should be killed.

When this story was told to King Davidpbuh, He called the

rich persons one by one and asked the color of dog. Every
person answered different from each other. So king
Davidpbuh came to know about their lie and blame. So he
ordered to kill them.

Wisdom7 of AliRA: One day two men came to AliRA the

Muslim Caliph for justice. They told that they were going to
eat together. One person had five chapattis, (Chapatti is a kind
of Bread taken as a meal with gravy) other had three chapattis. A
third person came and had eaten meal with them. Then he
gave eight Dirhams (Currency of that time) and said that this
is the price of meal from my side.

The person who was owner of five chapattis said that as I

was owner of five chapattis. So I will take five Dirhams and
you were owner of three chapattis so you take three
Dirhams. Other person said: No, we will divide Dirhams

AliRA advised to the person of three chapattis to accept three

Dirhams, but he refused and said that I have come to you for
justice. Then AliRA said that if you want justice then your
right is only one Dirham. He became very angry and said
How to be the best ruler 93

AliRA said; there were eight chapattis in total and three

persons ate the eight chapattis. If we make three pieces of
every chapatti then it becomes twenty four pieces. Every
person ate eight pieces.

The pieces of chapattis of the person; who had five chapattis,

became fifteen. He ate eight pieces and seven pieces left for
which he has right to take the price i.e. seven Dirhams. The
pieces of your three chapattis become nine. You ate eight
pieces, one piece left for which you have right to take the
price i.e. one Dirham. So your right is only one Dirham and
seven dirhams is the right of the person of five chapattis.

Wisdom8 of AliRA: One person asked AliRA. Which are the

animals that deliver children and which are the animals that
lay eggs? AliRA answered: The animals which have their ears
outside the body, deliver the children, while the animals
which have their ears inside the body, lay eggs.

Wisdom9 of AliRA: One person asked AliRA. A man is

helpless or liberal. AliRA said him to lift his one leg. He did
so. Then AliRA said to lift the second leg also. He said: No,
I can’t. AliRA said: same is the difference, up to some extent;
man is liberal, while for the rest he is helpless.

Wisdom of Alexander10 the great: Horse riders of king

Falcoos of Greece were checking the horses for the selection
of best horse. Prince Alexander was observing the one black
94 How to be the best ruler

horse which was jumping and anxious as to run away from

there. Horse riders were in trouble to control the activities of
horse. They put the cloth on its head and one person tried to
ride on it, but horse jumped and thrown the person on the
earth. So the horse riders rejected that horse. Alexander
become very angry and said to his father king Falcoos that
this is the best horse but sorry for that these persons have no
ability to take work from this horse. King Falcoos asked the
Alexander. Can you convince me about this and do you have
the ability to control this horse?

Alexander said; “Yes I can”. Antigonas said; if you could

not do this, what fine you will pay? Alexander said; I will
pay thirteen Talent (Currency of Greece) which is the price of
the Busifal (name of the horse). Falcoos said; if you have
controlled this horse. I will give it to you as a gift?

Alexander ran to the horse and put off the cloth from the
head of horse and slowly shifted the mouth of horse towards
the sun and continuously tried to relax the horse by his
hands, when he felt that horse is relaxed. He jumped and sat
on the back of horse. Alexander did not use the whip. The
horse started running and took a full round of the ground.

Antigouas shouted; “excellent”.

King Falcoos gifted the horse to Alexander and appreciated

him and asked how you have done this? Alexander said: “I
How to be the best ruler 95

was observing the horse activities. It was morning time and

horse was afraid of its shadow. I just turned the face of horse
towards sun. So horse could not see its shadow. So it became
Ok; and really it was an excellent horse. Falcoos became
very happy and appreciated the wisdom and observation
power of his son.

Levels of Wisdom: At the top level of wisdom are the

persons who take lesson from others mistakes and
excellences. At the second level are those who take lessons
from their own mistakes and experiences.

Note: “That person is also wise who does not commit the
same mistake again”.

There is no third level, below this foolishness starts.

How to increase wisdom: To be at top and first level;

1. Study the biographies and history of other rulers to know;

how they successfully ruled, how they dealt people, crimes
& crisis, how they developed their people and their country;
what were their policies, how they increased resources.

2-Learn from the mistakes of yours & also of other’s.

3-Do not repeat the same mistake.

References. Intelligence -wisdom – vision
1. “Life of Muhammad” by Muhammad Hussain Heekal.
96 How to be the best ruler

2. A holy small stone believed to be brought from paradise. Muslims feel a

great honour to kiss it during Umra and Hajj. Hajj is annual get together of
Muslims. About 3-4 millions of Muslims come from all over the world and
worship. Umra can be done anytime in year.
3. Wisdom of Momin by Ibrahim bin Abdullah Hazmi.
4,5,6. “ Stories of Prophets (PBUH) by Mulana Abdul Aziz Hzarvi
7. Ruler Suhaba (urdu) by Mahmood Ahmed Gazanfar – Maktab Qudosai,
8,9. Makhzan e Ikhlaq by Rematulla subhani
10. Alexander the great. By (Herald Leem).

6. Good memory
It is necessary for a ruler to have good memory.

About Mongol king Tamer it was commented in the

biography of Tamer by its writer Marcel Breven that
“perhaps there would not be any person in the world, whose
memory is better than Tamer, he had learned by heart the
whole holy Quran with complete reference of its verses. His
strong memory played a great role in his success. If he had
ordered his hundred officers & commanders, he
remembered all his orders and very well remembered that
when & which order was given to whom. He was so serious
and strict for timely compliance of his orders that everybody
knew this fact that the failure would be surely punished &

Ex-prime minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had

excellent memory. He remembered & used to call by their
How to be the best ruler 97

names all his friends, subordinates, party workers, media

persons, all persons at regional, national & international
level of his importance.

Ex-prime minister of Pakistan Shujaat Hussain has so good

memory that he remembers & in habit of calling all his
related one, not only by their name but also ask about the
wellbeing of their important family members by name.

The rulers who have very weak memory, apart from other
drawbacks, it creates a very disappointing impression of
their personality in their closer ones.

Once king Dara1 of Iran during preying went to his horses

stable. The caretaker of that stable came in hurry to welcome
the king. Dara could not recognize him and thought him an
enemy, and intended to through an arrow to kill him. The
caretaker of stable shouted: “Your highness; I am not your
enemy, but servant and caretaker of your horses”. The King
said; you are very lucky otherwise my target is very perfect.
The caretaker said: “Your highness; very sorry to say that I
have come to you many times in your palace, even then you
do not remember and recognize me. While in fact; you
should have excellent memory and tremendous ability; to
recognize every person that who is faithful and friend and
who is enemy”. He further added that I am illiterate and low
level person even then I remember all my horses and their
nature and latest condition.
98 How to be the best ruler

Tips to improve the memory

1. Organize your life

i. Take balanced diet and add those things in your

routine diet which sharpen mind and helps to increase
memory i.e. Almond, Walnut etc.

ii. Medicine to improve memory: Ginkgo biloba, one tablet

daily can be taken.

iii. Avoid Hurry and Worry. (For that, keep strong faith in God
and believe that God is always helpful)

iv. Keep items in the same place that you frequently need
such as keys and eyeglasses etc.

v. Adapt the habit to take Siesta daily, along with sound

sleep at night.

vi. Regular tension free morning walk.

II. Natural laws of remembering: Dale Carnegie

describes three natural laws of remembering in his book
“How to develop self-confidence and influence people by public

(i) Impression

(ii) Repetition

(iii) Association.
How to be the best ruler 99

(i) Impression: Get a deep, vivid and lasting impression of

the thing you wish to retain, and to do that you must

Ex-president USA, Theodore Roosevelt’s remarkable

memory impressed everyone he met and no little amount of
his extraordinary facility was due to this; his impressions
were scratched on steel, not written in water. He had by
persistence and practice, trained himself to concentrate
under the most adverse conditions.

Five minutes of vivid, energetic concentration will produce

greater results than days of mooning about in a mental haze.
“One intense hour will do more than dreamy years”.

This is one of secrets of memory power e.g. If a person

meets two or three persons, after a little he forgets their
names. He does not have poor memory. His observation
power may be weak or he has not paid sufficient attention to

(ii) Repetition: You can memorize a large amount of

material by natural law of repetition. Learning by heart of
holy Quran (Religious divine book of Islam) by thousands
of Muslims all over the world is an excellent example of
memorizing by repetition, especially when most of the
Muslims do not understand its meanings, as holy Quran is in
100 How to be the best ruler

Arabic language, which is not the native language of all


Lincoln’s Method: He had formed a habit that he used to

read and repeat aloud everything he wished to remember.

How we forget: Every new material which we learn, we

forget more in first eight hours then during the next thirty

Intelligent way of memorizing by Repetition: 1. First try

to understand the material you want to retain.

2. Mind coming to task at intervals is not fatigued as

compared to strain of an unbroken application. So
memorizing by intervals is better. One successful method is
to repeat the matter to memorize within twenty four hours.

4. To remember names, make an impression of that person

in your mind with reference to his name. Repeat the spelling
of the name in your mind. Make habit while talking with
people, by calling their names.

Prof. Robinson”s method2: American prof. Robinson in

1935 introduced a method of improving memory i.e. SQ3R

S – Survey i.e. Take a simple understanding of matter.

Q – Question i.e. Ask some questions to yourself to clarify

the subject matter.
How to be the best ruler 101

R – Read i.e. then read again.

R – Recall i.e. memorize by recalling in your mind.

R – Revise i.e. Revise within twenty four hours.

(iii) Associations: Whatever you want to memorize,

associate it with some other fact present already in your

Memory depends upon an organized system of association

and its goodness depends upon two things.

(i) Persistency of Association.

(ii) Total number or load of material you want to memorize.

If you wish to associate one fact with other already in mind,
then think over the new fact from all angles. Ask about it
such questions i.e. why is that so, how is this so, when is it
so, who said it is so.

Summary: To remember the names of people make the

habit of:

i. Calling the people with their name.

ii. For strangers or different names ask meaning, spelling

and pronunciation of name.
102 How to be the best ruler

iii. Observe the color of skin, hair, features, and business of

the person and in your thoughts, make an association of all
these with his name.

To remember the dates, associate them with the prominent

dates already in your mind e.g. for birthday on 28 December,
you can remember that this birthday was 3 days after the
birthday of holy Christ 25th December.
Reference. Good memory
1. “Bostaan” by Sheikh Saadi.
2. Secrets of educational success by Dr. Ghazala Musa.

7. Goal achieving abilities

The goal achieving phenomenon depends on three main
steps or abilities i.e. (i) Goal setting (ii) planning (iii)
These abilities are so much interlinked that every ability is
useless without the others i.e. goal setting is useless without
planning and planning is useless without proper
implementation and vice versa. Let us discuss one by one;
Goal setting
Goal setting is the process of deciding what you want to
achieve in a specified time limit.
Importance of goal setting: All top-level achievers in all
fields set goals. Setting goals gives you vision and
motivation. It focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and
helps you to organize your time and your resources so that
you can make the very most of your life.
So, to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack
focus and direction. By knowing precisely what you want
How to be the best ruler 103

to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your

efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can,
so easily, lead you astray.
Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's
direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining
whether you are actually succeeding.
Rules of goal setting
There are five rules of goal setting.

1: Set Goals that motivate you: When you set goals, it is

important that they motivate you: this means making sure
that they are important to you, and that there is value in
achieving them. If you have little interest in the outcome,
then the chances of you putting in the work to make them
happen are less. Motivation is key to achieving goals.

Goal achievement requires commitment and focus, so to

maximize the likelihood of success, you need to feel a sense
of urgency and have an "I must do this" attitude. When you
don't have this, you risk putting off what you need to do to
make the goal a reality.

Tip: To make sure your goal is motivating, write

down why it's valuable and important to you. Ask yourself,
"If I were to share my goal with others, what would I tell
them to convince them it was a worthwhile goal?"

2: Clarity of mind and goal: you must be crystal clear

about your goal.
104 How to be the best ruler

Importance of clarity: They say that clarity is so much

important that to get success in any field; you need only
two things “clarity and energy”

Arnold Shwartzer, the great body builder and Ex-Governor

California USA said; “the secret of success in life was first
having clarity of mind and goal then I used to do all what
was needed to achieve.

Benefits of clarity: (i) Confusion is the biggest hurdle to

success, clarity clears the confusion which helps to start
action quickly without any delay. (ii) Clarity imparts
confidence in your personality. (iii) Clarity also boost up
you psychologically. (iv) Clarity helps you to move in
single and right direction.

3: Set SMART Goals: SMART stands for:

 Specific and clear.

 Measurable.
 Achievable.
 Relevant
 Time Bound.
How to be the best ruler 105

Set Specific goals: Your goal must be specific and well

defined. Vague or generalized goals are unhelpful because
they don't provide sufficient direction. Vague goals will
lead to vague results.

Set Measurable Goals: Include precise amounts, dates,

and so on in your goals so you can measure your degree of
success. If your goal is simply defined as "To reduce
expenses" how will you know when you have been
successful? In one month's time if you have a 1 percent
reduction or in two years' time when you have a 10 percent
reduction? Without a way to measure your success you
miss out on the celebration that comes with knowing you
have actually achieved something.

Set Achievable Goals: Make sure that it's possible to

achieve the goals you set. If you set a goal that you have no
hope of achieving, you will only demoralize yourself and
erode your confidence.

Set Relevant Goals: Goals should be relevant to the

direction you want your country and career to take. By
106 How to be the best ruler

keeping goals aligned with this, you'll develop the focus

you need to get ahead and do what you want. Setting
widely scattered and inconsistent goals, you'll destroy your
time and your life away.

Set Time-Bound Goals: You goals must have a deadline.

Again, this means that you know when you can celebrate
success. When you are working on a deadline, your sense
of urgency increases and achievement will come that much

4. Set Goals in Writing: The physical act of writing down

a goal makes it real and tangible. You have no excuse for
forgetting about it. As you write, use the word "will" instead
of "would like to" or "might." For example, "I will reduce
my operating expenses by 10 percent this year," not "I would
like to reduce my operating expenses by 10 percent this
year." The first goal statement has power and you can "see"
yourself reducing expenses, the second lacks passion and
gives you an excuse if you get sidetracked.

Tip: If you use a To-Do List, make yourself a To-Do List

template that has your goals at the top of it. If you use
an action Program, then your goals should be at the top of
your Project Catalog. The other technique to remind
yourself is to paste your goal statement in visible places to
remind yourself every day of what it is you intend to do. Put
How to be the best ruler 107

them on your walls, desk, computer monitor, bathroom

mirror or refrigerator as a constant reminder.

5: Don’t make multiple goals: Don’t make multiple goals

because it will divide your attention and so cannot focus
properly which will minimize the chances of success.
6:Don’t change goal: when you finalize your goal then
don’t change it. Some persons change their goals when they
feel difficulty in achieving that or find charm in some other
goal which is a wrong attitude. If you are in habit of
changing your goal, you can never achieve any goal.

Planning is preparing a sequence of action steps to achieve
Importance of planning: Without planning no success.
A plan is like a map, without planning work is same as you
are travelling in a sea without map.
Rules of planning: (i) Plan all the steps that are needed
along the way. (ii)The plan must be written in an organized
manner. By writing out the individual steps, and then
crossing each one off as you complete it, you'll realize that
you are making progress towards your ultimate goal. This is
especially important if your goal is big and/or of long-term.

Implementation is the action on planning or decisions.
Importance of implementation: it is the practical element
that takes you towards achievement.
108 How to be the best ruler

Rules of implementation: (i) action on plan must be in time

(ii) Remember that implementation is an ongoing process
till you achieve the goal.

Goal setting is much more than simply saying you want

something to happen. Unless you clearly define exactly what
you want and understand why you want it at the first place,
your odds of success are considerably reduced. By following
the six rules of goal achieving phenomenon, you are more
likely to achieve your goal.

Goal setting is not sufficient if not followed by proper

planning and implementation in time.

BSQ formula of success: Think Big -- Define your

ultimate goal. Act Small -- Identify the milestones that will
help you achieve that goal. Move Quick -- Come up with a
timeline for achieving each milestone.

8. Motivation
The ruler/leader must have the ability of motivation which
i. self-motivation
ii. Motivate his team.
iii. Develop a Motivational Environment.
How to be the best ruler 109

The last two are inter related i.e. to motivate team, it is

necessary to develop a motivational environment. For its
detail read the topic of team building in same book.

i. Self-motivation – never give up

Self-motivation is the one’s internal force that drives
him/her to do some work or to achieve goals. This force
compels the person to “never give up” whatever the
circumstances are.
It is human nature that favourable circumstances e.g.
victory, appreciation and achievements increases
motivation while the unfavourable circumstances e.g.
defeats, criticism and failures decreases motivation. But all
great achievers in history had this ability that even in
unfavourable circumstances, they used to motivate not only
themselves but also their team to continue their work.
Examples: i. Thomas Edison – the greatest inventor
became successful in inventing electric bulb after 10000/-
times tries. He was asked by someone that what he felt
after 9999/- times failure. The Edison said “I never fail,
either I won or I learn. The 9999/- times I learned that bulb
cannot be invented by these 9999/- methods. I did not give
up so I became successful on 10000th time to invent
electric bulb.
ii. Nelson Mandela – the great leader of South Africa, had
devoted his life to eradicate the ethnic discrimination in
110 How to be the best ruler

black and white races from South Africa. He had to bear

and face a lot of obstacles even imprisonment for 27 years,
but he did not give up and kept him motivated by himself
for his goal. At last he won and ethnic discrimination was
eradicated from South Africa.
iii. Jack Ma – the founder of, in his initial
life tried to get service. But he was refused from service
from almost 29 offices of various companies. Which was
sufficient to depress and demotivate him but jack Ma did
not give up rather he increased his motivation and opened
his own business company “” and made
himself not only energetic himself but also energizer for
his team.
The elements that make up motivation
Daniel Goleman, the author of book “Emotional
Intelligence” identified four elements that make up

 Personal drive to achieve, the desire to improve or to meet

certain standards;
 Commitment to personal or organizational goals;
 Initiative, which is ‘readiness to act on opportunities’;
 Optimism, the ability to keep going and pursue goals in
the face of setbacks.

Advantages of self-motivation
How to be the best ruler 111

There are many advantages to self-motivation. People who

are self-motivated tend to be;
i. more organized
ii. Have good time management skills
iii. More self-esteem and confidence.
iv. Understanding and developing your self-motivation can
help you to take control of many other aspects of your life.

Types of motivation
There are two main types of motivation:
Intrinsic = love or other emotion is the source of motivation
to perform some work based on the expected
satisfaction. Intrinsic motivators include having fun, being
interested and personal challenge.

Extrinsic = money or other incentive is source of

motivation to perform a work in order to attain some sort of
reward e.g. money, status, power, good marks or grades.

The some task may have more intrinsic motivators at certain

times and more extrinsic motivators at others, most tasks
have a combination of the two types of motivation.

Example: A person, shaukat works because he has to pay

his mortgage and feed himself and his family. He gets no
satisfaction from his job and there is no chance of
promotion. shaukat’s motivators are purely extrinsic.

A lady, Ayesha works because she loves what she does, she
gets enormous satisfaction and self-fulfillment from her
work. Ayesha has enough money and she does not need to
work, she owns her house and can afford to buy what she
112 How to be the best ruler

wants when she wants it. Ayesha’s motivators are purely

intrinsic. We all have a tendency to work better when we
love what we are doing.

Clearly Ayesha and shaukat are at different ends of the

spectrum when it comes to self-motivation. Most people,
however, fall somewhere in the middle.

There are some tasks which has neither intrinsic nor

extrinsic motivators called obligation motivators.- a very
powerful motivator. Obligation comes from our personal
ethics and sense of duty, what is right and what is wrong.

e.g. You may feel obliged to go to a party because you were

invited by somebody you know – there will be no obvious
extrinsic or intrinsic benefit to you attending but you may
worry if you don’t go. You are more likely to enjoy the
party you feel obliged to attend if you go with a positive and
open attitude – this way you have also added an intrinsic
motivator, fun and enjoyment.

How to motivate yourself

Fundamental to self-motivation is the understanding that
what motivates you to do some task?

Different people are motivated by different things and at

different times in their lives. Sometimes your motivation is
hidden from your own consciousness. Your motivation
may well change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day and
through life with change in your needs, intentions, wants or
How to be the best ruler 113

Tips to motivate yourself

i. Set high but realistic goals.

ii. Take the right level of risk.

iii. Seek constant feedback to work out that how to improve.

iv. Being committed to personal or organizational goals and

going the ‘extra mile’ to achieve them.

v. Actively seeking out opportunities and seizing them when

they occur.

vi. All great men faced difficulties to achieve goals, so

enable yourself to deal with setbacks and continue to pursue
goals despite obstacles.

Note: Those who are self-motivated also find it much easier

to motivate others. This is particularly important in
leadership role.

it is important to keep track of what you want to achieve and

stay motivated to do so.

Some more tips to improve motivation

i. Learn and Acquire Knowledge: Read, study and talk to

people – knowledge and information are key for feeding
your mind and keeping you curious and motivated.
Biographies of great achievers and their success will help to
motivate you to do the same.

ii. Keep the Company of Enthusiastic People, it will keep

you energetic and motivated.
114 How to be the best ruler

iii. Try to avoid negative people and seek out positive, well-
motivated people. It is a lot easier to be motivated if the
people around you are.

iv. Keep Positive: Keep a positive attitude, see problems and

set-backs as learning opportunities. Adopt positive self-talk.
Tony robins say “the quality of life depends on the
conversation between you and you”. Auto-suggestion can
also help you to motivate yourself.

v. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses - Work on ironing

out your weaknesses and building on your strengths.

vi. Try not to procrastinate, assess the risks but keep working
towards your goals.

vii. Imagine your success: All great leaders used to imagine

their success to motivate themselves.

viii. Get Help and Help Others: Don’t be afraid to ask other
for help and don’t hold back if you can help them.

ix. Last but very effective; Pray to God.

9. Proactive
Active means "doing something." The prefix
pro- means "before." A proactive person is that who is ready
before something happens. The opposite of proactive is
reactive. A reactive person is that who waits for things to
happen before responding.
How to be the best ruler 115

Proactive behavior: It is result oriented behavior, it

involves acting in advance of a future situation, rather than
just reacting. It means taking control and making things
happen rather than just adjusting to a situation or waiting for
something to happen. Proactive behavior aims at
identification and exploitation of opportunities and in taking
preemptory action against potential problems and threats,
whereas reactive behavior focuses on fighting a fire or
solving a problem after it occurs.
Importance for a leader to be proactive
i. A proactive leader can play an important role in creating
and nurturing a motivated, confident and efficient team.
ii. A proactive leader's reflexes are like a chess player,
wherein he plans his moves three steps ahead, as against
reacting to the situations after they take place or simply
finding solutions for present day issues.
iii. A proactive leader takes a positive outlook and
encourages the team to learn from their mistakes, while
making them understand the impact of the same - this raises
team's confidence levels and results in a motivated team. In
the long term, this will lead to higher retention of employees
and result in better productivity and a healthy work
atmosphere where both organizational growth and
individual development go hand in hand.
Characteristics of a Proactive ruler /leader
The reactive rulers deal with events as they come while
proactive rulers anticipate events and plan accordingly.
116 How to be the best ruler

Being proactive, increases positive results and encourages a

more joyful workplace.
Expectations: Proactive leaders expect some situations to
be beyond their control, but they are secure in their problem-
solving capabilities and in the capabilities in their team. This
type of leader inspires other to rise to each occasion,
embrace the company mission and to do what needs to be
done and what is right. They give and expect honest
appraisals and expect team members to be honest and full of
integrity. By expecting the best from situations and
employees, they tend to receive it.
Habits: Those exhibiting proactive characteristics tend to
successfully prioritize and implement activities accordingly.
They tend to volunteer for significant assignments having
faith in both their own abilities and the abilities of their team
members. Proactive rulers tend to have a plan in place as
well as a back-up plan should the need arise. They keep their
focus on the goal and ask for help when needed. They are
excellent two-way communicators.
Demeanor: A proactive person is calm in most situations
and takes deliberate steps to achieve departmental and
company goals. He is quick to accept change and makes
necessary corrections to achieve success. No matter the
situation, he believes that he can create positive results. He
tends to manage himself appropriately as well as inspires
others. He is compassionate, loyal, integrity-filled,
straightforward, calm, direct, fair, polite, hopeful and
Incorporation: Deciding to be a proactive ruler can
positively transform your workplace and lower your stress
level. By making intentional choices and planning ahead,
How to be the best ruler 117

you can stop running from one disaster to another

emergency, and instead work in a goal-oriented, team-based
atmosphere. One key is to strive to model desired behaviors
and inspire your team.
Proactive vs Reactive ruler
Proactive foresees and influence the change, reactive reacts
to change.
Proactive is a visionary person and shares a vision and
compel the team to move towards it, reactive pushes for
Proactive uses principles to make decisions, reactive uses
rules to make decisions.
Proactive pushes team to decide reactive makes decision by
A Proactive ruler tends to be much more focused on
achieving his or her results through the power of his team.
Whereas, the Reactive ruler is focused on him or herself.
A Proactive ruler contemplate all the issues to a problem,
thinking about the big picture and making sure that you are
solving problems for both the short and long-term? A
Reactive ruler - reacting quickly to problems and finding
Proactive understands the power of team and uses team for
solving problems, reactive needs to have and uses own
Proactive helps team to learn from errors, reactive is quick
to punish on mistakes.
Proactive is coaching oriented reactive is tell oriented.
118 How to be the best ruler

How to Become the Most Proactive Person

1. Be Solution-Focused: One of the greatest traits of

effective people is good problem-solving skills. We are all
going to run into problems. It’s how you handle them that
makes you effective. The most effective way to handle a
problem is to focus on finding a solution. Focusing on things
that are out of your control is a waste of time, so focus on
what you can control with the final outcome. Your team will
learn to approach problems and solutions effectively if you
lead by example.

2. Be Accountable: Your level of accountability for

completing tasks is really important.

3. Use“SMART”goals: S: Specific (Pick something

particular instead of using a broad category)
M: Measurable (Choose something you can quantify)
A: Attainable (You should actually be able to reach this, and
it may just require the right steps.)
R: Realistic (Be honest – it’s probably unrealistic to say that
you will solve all problems of country in six months)
T: Timely (Give each goal a timeframe to create a sense of

4. Make Your Own Luck: Being successful is not about

having the right kind of luck or expecting the right break to
come your way. It is not about the mere expectation that you
will succeed. It is about taking steps every day to be better
than you were the day before by moving in a positive,
forward trajectory. Make a blueprint and set out milestones
How to be the best ruler 119

for yourself in specific timeframes, or you are not going to

hit your goal. Things do not come to fruition just because
you really, really want them to happen. You have to make
them happen.

5. Be Consistent: Ultimately, success is not about getting

everything right. It is about being consistent. Are you
consistently and persistently taking steps every day to
steadily move toward your goal? Do you stop making
progress or do you continue on when you encounter a
seemingly insurmountable problem? Be consistent in what
you do. And even though the steps may seem small at the
time, doing the right things day in and day out will move
you further down the path to success.

6. Find the Right People: Surrounding yourself with

driven, effective people is a proven way to help you succeed.
Proximity can be an excellent motivator. You get to choose
between driven people and people who will drag you down.
You cannot have both and expect to succeed. You cannot
spend time with lazy people all day and also achieve your
daily goals. Lazy people are like quicksand. They bog you
down slowly without you knowing it, until you wake up one
day and realize you are consumed by laziness.

7. Be honest with yourself: Be completely honest with

yourself about what is not working instead of making
excuses. Be humble and take a hard look at what you are
doing and how you are doing it.

Note: It is easy to stay busy and tell yourself you are taking
the right steps, but it is harder to be honest if you are not
120 How to be the best ruler

actually making progress. If you don’t hit your goals, you

are only doing a disservice to yourself. You cannot get better
if you tell yourself, “Oh, it’s okay, I’m fine where I am.”

10. Aware and alert

It means;
i. active and alert with full of energy level, no laziness
ii-4 Es of leadership
i. active and alert with full of energy level, no laziness
They say; it is better to be Aware and Alert than to be true
and honest, especially when your government is weak,
otherwise you would not be able to save your government.

Author is of the view that best is this that you should be true,
honest, along with aware and alert. If you are aware and
alert, your Government is safe and you will rule on the
physique of your people. If you are true and honest you will
rule on the spirit of your people and you will live in the
hearts of your people even beyond your life.

So be true, honest & spend your daily some time to take all
necessary information about all important happenings and
activities of all important persons and departments.

ii- 4 Es of leadership (Ref: “Jack Welch and the 4Es of

leadership” written by Jeffrey A. Krames) Jack Welch ran General Electric for
How to be the best ruler 121

20+ years. He applied his “4Es of leadership model” and made general electric
the most valuable corporation in the world, increased in value over thirty times
and under his leadership turned out more fortune than any other company in
Jack welch claims that 4 E are the defining
characteristics of the world’s most powerful leaders.The
4 E’s of Leadership are as follows;
Energy – Individuals with energy love to “go, go, go.”
These people possess boundless energy and get up every
day ready to attack the job at hand. High energy people
move at 95 miles-per-hour in a 55 mile-per-hour world.
Energizers – know how to spark others to perform.
They outline a vision and get people to carry it out.
Energizers know how to get people excited about a
cause or a crusade. They are selfless in giving others the
credit when things go right, but quick to accept
responsibility when things go awry.
Edge – Those with edge are competitive types. They
know how to make the really difficult decisions, such as
hiring, firing and promoting, never allowing the degree
of difficulty to stand in their way.
Execute – Execution is everything: Execution is the
key to the entire model. Without measurable results, the
other “E’s” are of little use. Executers recognize that
activity and productivity are not the same and are
capable of converting energy and edge into action and
122 How to be the best ruler

11. Love and care for companions and people

They say: “Love begets love”. So to achieve the love from

your people and companions, it is necessary to enrich them
with your love & care, not only verbally but also practically.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto1 (ex-prime minister Pakistan) was
loved by his companions due to many reasons. One reason
was this that he always cared for his party workers and
people. Once after a public gathering, a dinner was arranged
for all party workers. But for Bhutto and other VIP leaders,
a separate place and high class dinner was arranged but
Bhutto said; “No; I will like to sit with my people and like
to eat the same quality of food, which my common party
workers are eating and he further warned the organizers not
to arrange separate and different food for him”.
King Babar2 was loved by his soldiers very much, because
he always took care of them. Once his army had to suffer a
storm of snow falling, Babar refused to save him in a cave
only because the cave was small and all soldiers could not
come inside the cave.
References. 3.14
1. “My voice” By Tariq Waheed Butt.
2. From Babar to Zafar (urdu) by Jamil Yousaf.

12. Bountifulness
People do not like or appreciate miser persons in their
relatives & surroundings. So how it is possible that people
may like a miser person as a ruler, rather people expect from
a ruler more and more Bountifulness.
How to be the best ruler 123

This characteristic of ruler is so much important that it

masks some of other drawbacks of ruler. As per this ability,
rulers are of two types:

i. Pseudo Bountiful

ii. Real Bountiful

Pseudo Bountiful is that ruler, who thinks that; to take

affections of people, this characteristic is necessary. So to
show off especially before the camera (Electronic media),
print media and crowd of people; they become very
bountiful and loving while otherwise their behavior is

Real bountiful is that who really loves his companions and

people and his behavior is not dependent of presence of
media or crowd of people. He never pretends or showoff.

Hatim Tai1 (Head of Tribe “Tay” of Yemen) was the real

bountiful. He had a beautiful Arabic horse. King of Rome
was told about the bountifulness of Hatim. King said: Until
and unless I check and try, I will not accept the bountifulness
of Hatim. His courtiers advised him to send a messenger to
Hatim and ask for his beautiful & beloved horse. If Hatim
gives Horse then he is worth praising otherwise not. So king
sent a group with his prime minister to Hatim. This group
reached to Hatim at night and there was raining also. Hatim
welcome them and ordered his subordinates to arrange
124 How to be the best ruler

dinner for them. Next morning, after breakfast, Prime

Minister of Rome told Hatim, the objective of their visit.
Hatim Said: Oh God, Would that, you have told me last
night. In fact there was no arrangement for your dinner. So
I had to slaughter my beloved horse. Prime Minister of
Rome was very astonished to hear this. He said: Hatim, you
are much more bountiful and great personality than we were

When this group came back to King Rome and told the
whole story. King said: No doubt; Hatim is the matchless
bountiful person in the world.

AliRA Bin Abu Talib2 was so much bountiful, that he never

refused demand of any person who came at his door. This is
the incident, when he was not the Caliph (Ruler). He worked
for whole day and earned two Dirham (currency of that time), one
person came and asked for help. AliRA gave him one
Dirham, the person took Dirham and started looking at
Dirham up and down side and said that this is less. AliRA
asked? Have you sold me anything for which you are saying
that I have paid you less? The person said “Yes, I have sold
my respect”. AliRA was impressed very much and gave the
other Dirham also to him and said sorry to him for not giving
the proper price of his respect.

Greatness3 of bountifulness: The food daily served free, to

common people and armed forces, by the order of Pharaoh
How to be the best ruler 125

of Egypt consisted of four thousands goats, four hundred

cows, two hundred camels along with other related delicious
food items. Imagine the greatness of bountifulness that the
most infamous & the evils of history i.e. the pharaohs who
claimed as god, ruled successfully over the Egypt for four
hundred years, mostly due to their characteristic of
bountifulness. The Mosespbuh prayed to the almighty true
God, to destroy the Pharaoh. Many years passed but
Pharaoh’s sovereignty remained as it was. The Mosespbuh
went to mount of Toor, requested again and again. He was
answered that; “Mosespbuh you want to destroy the Pharaoh
earliest, but on the other hand; thousands of people are
taking free food daily from pharaoh’s bountifulness and are
happy with him, your God will not destroy the pharaoh until
& unless pharaoh continues this bountifulness”.

Later; a day came that pharaoh asked his companions that

Mosespbuh is becoming stronger day by day, so what to do?
The Prime Minister Hamaan advised that the money utilized
to feed the people should be reduced to half and save the rest
half, afterwards it were further reduced. The Mosespbuh then
told his nation that now the time has come to fulfill the
promise of God. The historian writes that on the day when
pharaoh died, only two goats were cut for food distribution.

Bountifulness increases sustenance, protects wealth &

imparts spiritual satisfaction
126 How to be the best ruler

They say very truly that; bountifulness increases sustenance,

protects wealth & imparts spiritual satisfaction.

One of the richest persons of world was told by some pious

person that “apparently bountifulness is spending but it
increases wealth”. He tried and counted after a year, he
found an increase and also spiritual satisfaction, then he
continued for his whole life and also used to say every one
that; “bountifulness is spending but it increases the wealth,
I believe in it, if you also believe in it you will get the

The Author salutes with great respectful feelings from the

core of his heart to all those philanthropists (living & non-
living. Small & big) who have done charity at priority to
make self-sufficient to the poor and done charity for
humanity with sincere emotions e.g. Bill Gates, Mark
zukelburg, Warren buffet, Li ka shing, George soros,
Azam premji, Howard hughes, Prince Karim agha khan
and the other richest persons of the world who are known to
spend a lot of money in charity & for public welfare.

References: bountifulness
1. “Bostaan” by Sheikh Saadi.
2. “Makhzan e Ikhlaq” by Rehmatullah subhani.
3. The book of politics by Nizam ul mulk toosi.

13. A blend of a father, a teacher, a surgeon & a holy

person: The personality of ruler should be a blend of;
How to be the best ruler 127

1. A Father

2. A Teacher

3. A Surgeon

4. A Holy Spiritual guide.

A Father: They say: “Ruler is father of Nation”

Father is a person who is;

● Loving

● Caring

● Helping

● Guiding

● gives security and the sense of being secured to his


● Divides the facilities to his children with equity and


● punishes a child for his unfairness and mistakes.

Note: The author has not written mother, because mothers mostly
mask the mistakes of their children and forgive them.
128 How to be the best ruler

A Teacher: To make and develop a nation, it is necessary

to educate, train and discipline all the people. So for that a
ruler should act like a teacher.

All prophets were preachers and Teachers. Mao Zedong,

ex-Chinese ruler, always preferred for him to be called as
“The teacher”.

King Asoka1 of India was one of those rulers who worked a

lot for producing moral values in his people and for that he
had installed different moral teachings on different stones
called stones of Asoka. The words written on stones show
the desire of Asoka for the production & maintenance of
moral values in his people e.g.

“King says; it is necessary to obey your parents, speak true

in every situation, respect every human being, students must
respect their teachers, good temperedness should be
maintained in all relations. This is the old standard of duties,
on which if acted upon, will be a message of eternity &
welfare of nation. So every person should act on this law.”

A Surgeon: A surgeon is that who diagnose, operates and

cuts those parts of body which are disturbing the whole body
system. In the same way, criminals are the persons of society
who are needed to be corrected, punished or cut from the
society for the welfare and smooth running of system of
society and country.
How to be the best ruler 129

A Holy Spiritual guide: A Holy spiritual guide is that

who is:

● highly respected

● Obeyed without argument

● thought as always right & holy

● Thought as representative of God.

References: A blend

1. “Hundred great Kings and Rulers” by John Kening.

Additional but essential characteristics

Additional but essential characteristics of personality

are mostly the parts of personality which we see in first
glance are:

1 Manners e.g. Talk & way of talking

2. Dress and Shoes

3. Body Language: (i) Smile (ii) Facial Expression

(iii) Gestures (iv) Gait (v) Positioning (vi) Contact

(vii) Posture (viii) Sounds

130 How to be the best ruler

People of every country have some image of their ruler

in their mind, so a ruler should identify it and modify
his appearance according to the wish of his people &
thoughtful dignity of an ideal ruler i.e. simple, dignified
& graceful, especially when he has to come before them.

Dress & shoes: Most of the rulers wear luxurious dress

which is not right. The dress must be simple, neat and clean.

All prophets used the neat & clean but simple dress & shoes
alike the common man of that time.

The dress of caliph UmarRA was always very simple &

economical. Once noted that it was re-stitched at twelve

Mao Zedong used to wear the dress of common man of

China. He was of the view that he had no right to wear that
dress which his common man can’t afford.

Dress of the ex-president of Iran, Ahmedi Najat is very

simple & economical. He does not have many dresses. Once
noted, his dress was torn from armpit. He lives in a house of
600 sq. yards. Whenever he needs to go abroad, he chooses
the most economical hotel for his stay.

Note: simple & economical dress, small house & to live like
a common man’s life does not develop the country. However
it serves two purposes.
How to be the best ruler 131

i. Common man believes that his ruler cares about him and
he will surely do something good for him & so he feels the
ruler very much near to his heart.

ii. As the subordinates always follow their boss. By this way,

the simplicity spreads from above downwards which is
beneficial for society. It also reduce the expenditure of

Hair style: It is not significant characteristic; it varies

from ruler to ruler.

Mao Zedong, Ata Turk, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto & many other
rulers had the habit to comb their hair to backside without
making middle line.

While the hair style of Mahathir Mohammad and Adolf

Hitler is with a middle line relatively on left side.

Body Language: Body language is nonverbal

communication, also called as: “The style of a
personality”. It expresses one’s intention & meanings
without using words.

Note: Spanish people use more of their body language

especially movement of hands, as compared to the rest of the
world. Their use of body language is nearly equal to verbal
132 How to be the best ruler

Advice: It is advised to view the program of History TV,

“secrets of body language” on internet.

Different presentations of body language

i. Smile: They say that smile costs nothing but gives

good impression of your personality & produces a
soft corner in other’s heart”
Some persons are gifted by a very beautiful smile which
beautify & grace their personality. It is said that most of
female voters of USA voted in favor of Jimmy carter as
President because his smile was better than his opponent
candidate Gerald Ford.

ii. Facial expressions: The eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips,

mouth, Jaw and Head position, all contribute to someone’s
expression. The face & lips can be tight or slack, eyes
narrowed or widened, the eyebrows lowered or rose, the
whole face moving or still, pale or flushed.

Clever and intelligent people have ability to talk with their

eyes. Eyes express our internal emotions. Love expressions
can be easily visualized from the Lover’s Eyes. Observe the
eyes of a mother looking at her child. In the same way anger,
pride, depression, anxiety & hatred are also expressed
through eyes.
How to be the best ruler 133

iii. Gestures: People make gestures consciously and

unconsciously i.e. Jabbing a finger in the air for emphasis,
tapping the fingers when impatient, a finger against the lips
for silence, a jerk of head to indicate a direction, a shrug to
indicate indifference.

Churchill’s gesture of making V (victory) with his two

fingers (index and middle finger) of Right hand has become
an international gesture for victory and part of History.

Shahbaz Sharif (chief minister Punjab Pakistan) has the

habit of Jabbing a finger (index finger of Right hand) in air
for emphasis.

iv. Gait: Gait, pace of gait and style of gait also

differentiate the personalities i.e. a person who walks
briskly, conveys determination; a person who shuffles
along, shows laziness or depression and a person who can
never sit still, shows nervousness or impatience.

It is said that walk of ladies should be like Cat, and of Men

like a Lion. Speed of walk should be medium paced, step
by step, confident with straight body.

v. Positioning: Always keep a respectable distance

between yourself and others. While sitting or standing, sit at
your proper place.
134 How to be the best ruler

vi. Contact: Shaking hands with people transmits the

greetings, so it should be practiced with smile. To welcome
the honorable guests by embracing them is a good custom.

vii. Posture: It means the way you sit and stand. It

conveys your attitude, interest and situation i.e. interested or
bored, relaxation or alertness, active or lazy, sick or healthy.

viii. Sounds: A skeptical grunt, a sympathetic murmur and

delighted whoop are useful non-verbal feedback signals.
How to be the best ruler 135

1. Learning attitude
2. Books reading.
3. Playing Chess.
4. Before sleep daily, impartial analysis of all your
activities of that day and previous relevant

1. Learning attitude: learning is about creating and

maintaining a positive attitude. There are two main reasons
and also two types of learning throughout life: for personal
development and for professional development. These
reasons may not necessarily be distinct as personal
development can improve your professional opportunities
and professional development can enable personal growth.

Regarding personality; learning can enhance our

understanding of the world around us, provide us with more
and better opportunities and improve our quality of life. It
boosts our confidence and self-esteem. It makes us less risk
averse and more adaptable to change when it happens. It
helps us to achieve a more satisfying personal life.
Regarding professional life; regular learning makes us better
and better to be fittest to our professional status. It helps to
meet professional challenges by providing new ideas and
relevant knowledge.
Note; learning must be limited to requirements of your
profession and personality. Irrelevant learning is useless and
wastage of your precious time.
136 How to be the best ruler

2. Books Reading: “READERS ARE LEADERS”

Read selective books; some books are able to be read only

once and some are able to be read repeatedly. Keep those
books separate able to be read repeatedly. Make habit of
reading a new good book every month.

Recommended books: The books necessarily to be read by

a ruler are; all religious holy books i.e. Quran (Islam), Bible
(Christianity), Old Testament & psalms of David
(Jewishness), Gita (Hinduism), Granth (Sikhs), teachings of
Buddha ( Buddhism) & Avista ( Zoroastrians) etc. History
of the world, History of his country, Das Capital by Karl
Marx, The Prince by Machiavelli, Artha-Sastra by
Chankiya, Leaders by Richard Nixon, the story of politics
by Nizam Toosi, basic books on economics &
administration, constitution of his country, Biographies &
autobiographies of the rulers.
Note: it is not necessary that ruler agrees to views of these
books but he must have knowledge of these books.

2. Chess (Game of kings)

For rulers, chess is the best game to be played regularly.

Chess is a wonderful game, it is said that the person (who
invented chess) was asked by the king to demand a prize .He
said to give only an amount of rice that; if in one column of
chess is placed one piece of rice, make it double in second
column, then again double it in third column, do it up to the
64th column (Last column). The king became angry that I am
a king and you demand such a little amount. The inventor
insisted to be counted & given. So on request of the inventor
How to be the best ruler 137

the king ordered for calculation. When the calculation was

done, then king was told that if we store all the rice of whole
country without giving to the citizens of whole country for
seven years even then we are unable to fulfill the demand of
only 64th column. The King became very much astonished
and said sorry to the inventor and then gave him other prize
by his own and also appreciated his wisdom and demand by
saying that; “Your demand is superb like your invention”.
The King Tamerlane used to play chess in his easy time of
wars and in habit of using the tactics in his wars. He had the
habit to play fast the moves of chess. He used to say; ´To
reach quickly in time at right place with ten persons is better
to reach late with ten thousand persons”.

Incident of King Akbar of India: King Akbar was very

much fond of playing chess. Once he was playing with his
guest Nawab (Ruler) of Hyderabad state. His Beautiful
maid named Dilaram was swinging fan. Nawab
demanded for the maid. King Akbar said OK, if you win
the game, I will gift you this maid. During play a stage
came that Akbar was near to lose. Akbar said to maid
138 How to be the best ruler

Dilaram in Persian language ‘I am losing game now you

have to go’.

Then the maid Dilaram read a verse in Persian language,

which meant;

“OH King, give your two forts and do not give Dilaram,
push the pawn next to elephant, then Horse is making
end of Game”

As the verse was in Persian, the ruler of Hyderabad could

not understand the meaning of verse. The King Akbar did
the same according to the verse and won the game.

The Effects of Chess on Leadership

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest military
of his time. For him, failing to prepare meant preparing to
fail. Without a plan there was certainly no victory. Without
great strategy you were doomed to lose in battle.
Napoleon had all the attributes a great leader must have to
successful, and he worked on them by playing an ancient
game; a game that has never lost its popularity: Chess. And
he sharpened his strategic senses by playing it on a regular
How to be the best ruler 139

basis. And as you might have correctly assumed, he was a

master at it.
So a question arises; What are the specific positive effects
by playing this game? And how can we profit from it?

The benefits assumed are as follows;

1 – Creativity

Playing chess will benefit your creativity. While the various

opening scenarios of the game might appear similar (I have
never played a game that was totally the same), the
possibilities afterwards are simply too complex. In this way
you really encounter new situations with every game you
play - guaranteed. And there are no limits to your creativity.
Every game asks for new ways to beat your opponent, you
need to vary your tactics in order to outsmart your opponent.
For Napoleon these patterns were important for his military
strategies: Every battlefield had different conditions and
different settings; and not to mention the many different
moves of his opponents. Chess seemed to be the perfect
practice for this kind of thinking.

2 – Concentration

In Chess, the situations can get really complicated and

difficult. You have to take several options into account
before you finally make your move. This demands a lot of
140 How to be the best ruler

concentration and focus. This is the tough part of chess.

Having the will to really think things through.

Imagine how Napoleon would sit over a plan for hours and
hours. I don´t know how many hours of the day he used for
sleeping but I bet he was simply to focused and concentrated
on the task at hand that he might have forgotten to go to bed.

3 - Logical Thinking

Another great attribute that chess is adding to your life is the

improvement of your logical thinking processes. In chess the
playing figures are inter dependent, this means that you have
to use the figures in harmony with each other. And you do
this by logical thinking. You also have to take your future
moves into account and most importantly how your
opponent might react on this move. You need to think in
logical patterns.

4 - Problem Solving

One of the greatest feelings a chess player can get is the

feeling of a successful solution of a problem. Sometimes you
can literally feel the pressure when a player is in the
aggression mode and is attacking your armies. You need to
bring all of the mentioned aspects together to master this
difficult situation. By playing chess you not only get used to
problems you also get used to start thinking about
reasonable solutions. Sometimes they work and sometimes
How to be the best ruler 141

they don´t, but the important thing is that you start the
process of trying to solve them.

5 - Importance of Sacrificing

Back in the days of Napoleon sacrificing was certainly not

the best option - resulting in the death of a lot of soldiers.
But in chess it sometimes becomes inevitable. You sacrifice
in chess in order to get an edge either in your position or in
material. Great players are masters of this principle of
sacrificing. They draw the attention of their opponent to the
initial sacrifice while planning a completely different, more
complex way to beat them. I highly recommend to study the
following game that was played in 1871 between Glinksberg
and Miguel Najdorf. It is called the "Polish Immortal". In
this game Najdorf sacrifices like crazy only to beat
Glinksberg with a tiny bishop move at the end. This is art.

6 - Decision Making

In life and as well in chess you are presented many options.

And you are the one to figure out which move is the best in
each situation. And it is so nice to see how a chess game
develops. With only one move of your opponent many new
options are created and presented. And with every new move
you have to think them through and make the best possible
choice. What a great practice for real life.
142 How to be the best ruler

Napoleon recognized all these benefits and sharpened his

mind by playing a lot of chess. This was a part of his
preparation. This was his way of making sure never to end
up being surprised.

Today, most of us are not facing a military battlefield but

there are a lot of personal ones in our lives:
Our careers, our relationships and even our faith. So let's use
chess to sharpen our minds and prepare ourselves for all the
possible battlefields out there.


3. Impartial self-analysis daily before sleep

Make your habit to analyze daily yourself, your orders

and policies impartially, then pray to God for help. If you
do so, believe me, you are bound to succeed.
How to be the best ruler 143

Essential skills - Skill you need

The skill is the ability to do something well, which develops
from one's education, knowledge, aptitude, practice and
experience etc.

It is never too late if you work on developing your skills and

by doing so, you will not only improve your personality but
also facilitate yourself regarding sovereignty.

History of skills: In ancient time; best abilities of a ruler

considered were mainly the horse riding, fighting with
sword or lance, ruler’s thinking and attitude to govern. This
was because king was supposed to be the supreme
commander and a good fighter of armed forces. This
remained the same up to the era of Napoleon because
fighting tools were still sword, lance and horse. After that
with the scientific development of modern means of
transport and weapons; both abilities were replaced by
public administration and personality characteristics.

In the modern era; not only for the ruler but also for common
men; the life skills has been introduced as basic tools to
achieve success in any field of life.

The essential life skills for a ruler, administrator and a CEO

(chief executive officer) are as follows;

1. Thinking Skill – what to think - How to think

144 How to be the best ruler

i. Positive thinking and attitude

ii. Strategic thinking

iii. Creative thinking

iv. Progressive thinking

v. Thinking big

vi. Parallel thinking – six thinking hats.

2. Effective communication skill

i. Speech ability
ii. Ready wit
3. Emotional intelligence
4. Public dealing - Judgment of persons & situation
then deal accordingly.
i. Judgment of persons

ii. Judgment of situation

iii. Dealings & its art, according to persons and situation.

5. Time management – self-management

6. Ability to bear, face and control stress situations.
i. Stress management.

ii. Crisis management

iii. Dispute resolution.

7. Administration
How to be the best ruler 145

i. Excellent decision power and its implementation

ii. Problem solving

iii. Planning with its timely and proper implementation.

iv. Ability to get work done by others within time ensuring the
quality, quantity and economy of work.

8. Effective resource management

9. Organizational skill
i. Team building ability

ii. Lobby making

1. Thinking skill (what to think & how to think)

Thinking is something that happens naturally in each
individual, but there are ways to deepen your thinking
abilities. It takes time and practice to become a better
thinker, but it's a process you should continue all your life.
Importance of being a better thinker: Being a better
thinker and keeping your mind sharp can help to develop
your mental and physical health in the long run.
Better thinking will help us to learn more from our
experience and to make better use of our intelligence.
Better thinking will not only enable us to become more
successful at learning but will also equip us for life,
enabling us to realize our own potential and to contribute to
the development of society.
146 How to be the best ruler

Why do we need to develop thinking skills? World is

changing and progressing day by day. If we are only
equipped with past knowledge we will soon find ourselves
unable to relate to the current world, and inadequately
prepared for the demands of a rapidly changing future.

History of thinking skill

In ancient times people used to think only for their
survival. When civilization started, people started thinking
for right and wrong and the criteria was based on principles
and customs of their society. Later on the criteria of right
and wrong was modified by principles of that religion
which that society adopted. Science (scientists and
inventors) brought a great change in thinking of people. It
also expanded the narrow views of people.
French revolution, Magna-carta and socialism expanded
the ideas of rights of common citizens. With the
agricultural and industrial revolution thinking expanded to
productive and non-productive. Which resulted in
development of western countries. Then other thinking of
“possibilities” and “alternates” came and helped a lot to
develop many countries e.g. Japan, china and Korea etc.
In modern era; Anthropology (The social science that
studies social relationships of human beings), motivational
speakers and speakers of personality development played a
How to be the best ruler 147

great role in expanding the thinking pattern of people. In

this concern, some great names as author knows are
Edward De Bono, Tony robins, John Maxwell, Qasim ali
shah, Vivek bindra, and Sandeep maheshwari.
How to Create and Develop Thinking
In our evolving world, the ability to think better and fast, is
becoming more desirable than any fixed set of skills or
knowledge. We need problem solvers, decision makers
and innovators. And to produce them, we need new ways
to teach and learn. We need to prepare our children for
their future, not for our past. Thus highlighting the
necessity to develop information-processing skills rather
than cramming students.
The thinking skill comprises two aspects;
What to think
How to think

What to think
Stop uncontrolled overthinking: first and foremost
step is to learn to stop uncontrolled overthinking which
is so dangerous that it will lead you no way and just
waste of time.
In every human, thousands of thought come daily but
to be successful in life, there is a great need to squeeze
148 How to be the best ruler

your thinking to essential and beneficial and discard

the non-essential and not beneficial.
Method to control uncontrolled overthinking: when
thoughts are coming, take a deep breath and command
your brain; stop – let us see and analyze, how much of
these thoughts are beneficial and enable me to develop
myself or beneficial towards achievement of my goals.
Why not re-arrange these thoughts and converge and
focus these thoughts on my goal, religion, family and
my country. If I will not focus and control my thoughts
I cannot be successful. Then motivate yourself “I can
do it”
They say:
● Control your thoughts, because they become your words.
● Control your words, because they become you actions.
● Control your actions, because they become you habits.
● Control your Habits, because they become you character.
● Control your character, because it becomes you destiny.

Thinking types of rulers:

Time-pass rulers and persons: Such rulers and persons
think and work only the tasks which they are bound to do,
they don’t have vision. They only intend to pass their time
and tenure.
How to be the best ruler 149

Note: most of government servants belong to this

category. It includes both officers and junior staff.
Election hunters: such rulers think only to win the
upcoming election. So they will not think for the overall
welfare of people and development of country, all their
actions and development would be in relation to votes and
victory in election. They would prefer to do all
developments which is visible and apparent from eyes for
example roads, bridges and grand buildings etc.
Good rulers: In contrary to the above, the good rulers
think and work for development of people and country
which includes both visible and invisible e.g. visible;
roads, bridges etc. invisible; employment, education,
health and justice etc.
A thinking dilemma: some persons have the problem that
different and remote thoughts come in their mind during
work and also otherwise which are not related to the work
they are doing i.e. while doing some work, talking or
sitting some different thought come in the mind which is
not related to the situation or work being done.
Lord Buddha was asked; how one can develop his
personality. He answered; while doing some work focus
your thinking completely on the same work while doing
rest focus towards rest e.g. a woman while cooking should
think of anything else and while sewing clothes think only
for the same.

Types of thinking Skills

There are various different classifications of Thinking
Skills, one of the most popular of which is based
on Bloom's Taxonomy of Thinking. it is nevertheless
possible to detect that there appears to be a progression
from that kind of thinking that is largely "passive" towards
that which is "pro-active". As they become more
150 How to be the best ruler

proficient, thinkers move from being merely "recipients"

of information, to become "manipulators" and "judges" of
information, and ultimately to "discoverers" and
"creators" of new information. This might also be
identified as a progression from the past, through
the present and into the future.

How to develop thinking Skills?

There is evidence to suggest that "Brain-gym" type

activities are a useful foundation for the development of
Thinking Skills. The activities are designed to encourage to
think in a diversity of ways. Many of them call upon a
number of the brain's modules and are intended to encourage
lateral thinking.


Understand that thinking is a deliberate and automatic

process, at first deliberate like setting a wheel in motion in
one's mind, it is by one's will alone that they set their mind
in motion.

1. Understand different types of thinking. There isn't one
right way to think about things. Instead there are lots of ways
of thinking, some of which are more effective than others.
You'll need to learn different types of thinking, to better
How to be the best ruler 151

understand your own thinking processes as well as the

thought processes of others.
Learn conceptual thinking. This is basically learning to
find patterns and connections between abstract ideas so that
you can form a whole picture. For example: you might use
conceptual thinking during a chess game. You might look at
the board and think "this configuration of pieces looks
familiar" and use that to move your pieces based on how you
see the pattern playing out.
Learn to think intuitively. This is basically what it means
to operate on gut instinct (you should only operate on gut
instinct). Often your brain is processing more than you
realize, and that's gut instinct. For example: deciding you
don't want to date a seemingly nice guy because your gut
warns you off, and finding out later that he's a convicted sex
offender; your brain was picking up on certain signals that
you might not have been consciously aware of.
2. Learn the 5 thinking styles. Harrison and Bramson
in The Art of Thinking postulated 5 thinking styles:
synthesists, idealists, pragmatists, analysts and realists.
Knowing where you fall and what styles you tend to use can
help you better utilize your own thinking patterns. You can
fall into one style or more than one, but using a variety of
these styles can help you more effectively use your thinking.
i. Synthesists tend to enjoy conflict (they like to "play
devil's advocate") and they tend towards asking "what if"
type questions. However, they use that conflict to fuel their
152 How to be the best ruler

own creativity and can often do better seeing the whole

ii. Idealists more often look at the whole of a picture rather
than just one component. They tend to be more interested in
people and feelings than facts and numbers, and they prefer
to think and plan for the future.
iii. Pragmatists are the type that prefer to do "whatever
works." They do well with quick thinking and short term
planning and are usually creative and quite adaptable to
change. Sometimes they seem to do things "on the fly"
without any sort of plan whatsoever.
iv. Analysts tend to try to break down problems into their
specific components rather than dealing with it as a whole.
They make lists and organize things and use lots of detail,
so that their lives and problems remain orderly.
v. Realists are no-nonsense. They ask hard questions and
tend to do whatever is required to solve a problem. They
have a good grasp on the problem at hand and the tools with
which they can solve it. They also tend to be more aware of
what their limitations are. Most people have at least some
measure of the realist in them.
3. Use divergent thinking rather than convergent
thinking. Convergent thinking is when you basically only
see two choices (i.e. people are either good or they are bad).
Divergent thinking means basically opening your mind in all
directions (i.e. realizing that people can encompass both
"good" and "bad").
How to be the best ruler 153

To open yourself up to divergent thinking, whenever you

encounter people or a situation, pay attention to how you're
framing the situation or person. Are you giving yourself only
limited options (i.e. does he hate you if he doesn't make time
to spend with you and like you only when he spends all his
time with you, etc.)? Do you often use the phrase
"this or that?" When you notice yourself thinking like this,
stop and consider, are these really my only options? Usually
they aren't.
Convergent thinking isn't necessarily always bad. It is
particularly useful for things like math (where there is an
obvious right answer), but it can be severely limiting when
used on your life.
4. Build up your critical thinking skills: Critical thinking
is when you objectively analyze a situation or information
by gathering lots of information and facts from different
sources. Then you evaluate the situation based on the
information you've gathered.
This basically means not taking things based on
assumptions, not assuming that someone knows what they
are talking about, and investigating things for yourself.
You will also need to understand how your own biases and
perspectives color things, as well as what biases and
perspectives other people present. You will have to
challenge the assumptions you make based on your world
154 How to be the best ruler

Acquiring Thinking Fundamental

1.Challenge assumptions: To be a more effective thinker

you're going to need to challenge the assumptions you make.
Your thinking is going to be directly influenced by that of
your cultural and social surroundings. You will need to
determine for yourself whether or not this thinking is
productive or useful.
2. Consider multiple points of view: If you hear
something, even something that sounds good, pursue it
through other sources. Look for facts that support or refute
it and see what other people have to say. For example: say
you hear that bras can give women cancer and it sounds like
an interesting theory (also, now you're worried about
wearing a bra), so you start to look into it. Eventually you'll
wade through the claims and find that there isn't any
evidence to support this claim, but if you hadn't considered
multiple points of view, you wouldn't have uncovered the
truth, so to speak
3.Develop curiosity. People who are considered "great
thinkers" are people who have cultivated their curiosity.
They ask questions about the world and about themselves,
and they look for answers to these questions.

Ask people about themselves. You don't have to be super

invasive, but when you meet someone, ask them questions
about themselves (where are you from? what did you study
How to be the best ruler 155

in school? why did you choose to study that? and so on).

People love to talk about themselves and you will find out
many interesting things you might not otherwise have
Practice curiosity about the world in general. For example,
if you're flying on a plane, look into the mechanics of
flying, how air currents work, maybe even the history of
the plane (don't just look at the Wright brothers).
When you get a chance, go to museums (they often have
free days at least once a month), go to library events, or
lectures at your local college. These are all great ways to
satisfy your curiosity about the world without it costing
much or anything.
3. Seek the "truth." The difficult part about this step is
that there isn't always one ultimate "truth." Still, doing the
best you can to get to the heart of a matter (social, political,
personal, etc.) will help you greatly exercise and deepen
your existing thinking skills.
Do your best to pick your way through rhetorical
landmines on certain issues to find out what the evidence
(true facts) actually shows. Make sure to keep an open
mind as you're doing this, otherwise you'll start to ignore
all the facts except those that support the claim you believe
or agree with.
For example: the issue of climate change has become
greatly politicized which has made it difficult for people to
pick through the actual facts (i.e. climate change is
156 How to be the best ruler

happening and it is happening rapidly and it is due to

humans) because there is so much misinformation and
finger pointing that the real facts have a tendency to get
ignored or subverted).
4. Find creative solutions: A good way to cultivate your
thinking skills is to use your creative thinking to help you
come up with unusual and outside-the-box strategies to
cope with unusual events. It's a way to practice using your
thinking skills at school, at work, even on the bus.
Daydreaming has been shown to be an incredibly powerful
tool for people in terms of thinking, problem-solving and
making things happen. Set aside a little time each day to
allow yourself to daydream. Just find a quiet place and let
your mind roam freely before you go to bed is usually a
good time for this.
If you're having difficulty with a problem and are looking
for a creative way of overcoming it, there are a couple
good questions to ask yourself: ask yourself what you
would do if you had access to any resources in the world;
ask yourself who you would ask to help you if you could
ask anyone; ask yourself what you might try if you weren't
afraid of failure. These questions allow you to open up
your mind to possibilities rather than seeing only the
5. Acquire information. You want to make sure that you
know how to acquire information and good information.
There is a lot nonsense out there, some of which can seem
How to be the best ruler 157

very real. You'll need to learn to figure out the difference

between good sources of information and bad sources.
The library is an amazing resource for finding out
information. Certain places on the internet can be great for
offering up information.
Remember that you should always practice a healthy level
of skepticism about whatever you learn (whether on the
internet or in a book, or in a documentary). Sticking to the
facts and keeping an open mind will help you more than
any natural intelligence.
How to build your thinking capacity
1. Use language to change your thinking. Scientists have
found that language actually helps influence the way you
think. For example, people who grow up in cultures that
use the cardinal points (north, south, east, west) rather than
things like right and left as in English, actually have
acquired the ability to locate the cardinal points with the
aid of a compass.
2. Learn at least one other language. Scientists also
found that bilinguals (people who speak more that one
language) see the world according to the language that they
are using. Learning a new language will help introduce you
to new methods of thinking.
3. Learn widely. Learning is not just about going to school
and memorizing some facts. Learning is something that
takes a lifetime and can include a wide variety of things.
When you're always learning, you're always thinking and
158 How to be the best ruler

being exposed to new ways of thinking. Be wary about

your use of and appeal to authority. Don't rely on other
people's opinions, even if they seem to know what they are
talking about. Check facts, look at alternate viewpoints. If
you see holes in their arguments or reasoning, look into it.
Don't ever just stop looking into something just because an
authority figure (like the news, or your professor, or your
senator). Now, if a variety of independent sources are
making the same argument or claim, it's more likely that it
is true.
Practice a healthy skepticism about what you uncover.
Make sure that you find information that is corroborated by
more than one source (it's best to look for independent
sources). Look into who is making the claims (are they
subsidized by big oil companies, do they have a stake in
propagating misinformation, do they simply have no idea
what they're talking about?).
Try new things and get outside your comfort zone. The more
you do this, the easier it will be to look at opinions and ideas
that don't immediately conform to your worldview. It will
also introduce you to ideas that you would never have
encountered. So try out a cooking class, or learn to knit, or
get interested in amateur astronomy.

4. Use mind building exercises. There are certain things

you can do which can help increase your thinking abilities.
Thinking is just like any muscle in your body. The more you
How to be the best ruler 159

use your brain, the stronger it will get and the better you'll
be able to think.

Do math. Doing math on a regular basis can be a huge boost

to your mental facilities and can help make diseases like
Alzheimer's less likely for you. Do a little bit of math each
day (it doesn't have to be calculus, but when you're adding,
do it in your head rather than on a calculator, etc.).
Memorize a poem. Not only is this a great party trick
(especially if it's a long poem), but it will help improve your
memory, which in turn will help your thinking skills. You
can also memorize some quotes to whip out in conversation,
when the time is right.

5. Practice mindfulness. The importance of mindfulness

when it comes to thinking is that it can help clarify our
thoughts, but it can also help take us out of our heads when
we need it to. Mindfulness can help ease mental problems
and can help in the pursuit of knowledge and thinking.

You could practice mindfulness while you're taking a walk.

Instead of simmering in your thoughts, focus on your five
senses: notice the green of the trees, the exact blue of the
sky, notice the clouds racing across it; listening to the
sound of your footsteps, the wind in the leaves, people
talking around you; pay attention to the smells, and what
you feel (is it cold, warm, windy, etc). Don't assign value
160 How to be the best ruler

judgements to these things (too cold, pretty sky, bad smell,

etc.) just notice them.
Do at least 15 minutes of meditation each day. This will
help to clear your mind and your thinking and will give
your brain a much needed rest. When you're just starting
out find somewhere quiet to sit without distractions (as it
gets easier you can meditate on the bus, at your desk at
work, at the airport). Breathe deeply, all the way into your
belly and as you do so, focus on your breath. When you
find errant thoughts streaming across your consciousness,
don't engage, simply keep breathing and focus on your
inhale and your exhale.

Types of thinking skills

i. Positive thinking and attitude

ii. Progressive thinking

iii. Thinking big

iv. Strategic thinking

v. Parallel thinking – six thinking hats. (already discussed under topic

of problem solving)

vi. Creative thinking

i. Positive thinking & attitude

In this regard, there are various ways of thinking patterns.

How to be the best ruler 161

Negative thinking is to see the dark side of everything.

Unrealistic wishful thinking: person thinks according to

one’s wish, which is not based on reality. He does not plan
and act, only imagine.

Optimistic thinking: person thinks good and expect good

but becomes depressed if results are not good as expected.

Positive thinking is to plan and see the realistic but bright

side of everything in life. So positive thinking is defined as
a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright
side of life and expects positive results. If results are
unfavourable even then positive thinker does not depress
rather he thinks that how to overcome situation and take best
of that.

Example: one person being very much worried, started

writing his diary;

Last year I was operated and my gall bladder was removed.

Due to this operation I had to stay many weeks in trouble.
Last year I turned sixty years of age so I had to retire from
my favourite job and department where I was used to and
passed my thirty years of life. The same year I had to bear
the grief of death of my beloved father. The same year my
son suffered an accident, his car was destroyed and he had
to stay many days in hospital, while destruction of car was
also a great financial loss. In fact the last year was a very
bad year of my life.

His wife entered the room and saw her husband sitting
worried, she read the text what his husband wrote. She took
another paper and wrote something and gave her husband to
read. It was written.
162 How to be the best ruler

“Last year was a blessing for me as I got rid of my gall

bladder disease, which I was suffering since so many years.
Last year I retired very honourably from my job and became
free to do other important works. Last year my father at age
of eighty five years, passed away without being burden on
anybody. Same year also saved the life of my son from a
road accident. I am very thankful to God for such a blessed

Note: In above example, the circumstances are same, only

difference is the negative and positive point of view.
Negative view increases stress while positive view relaxes.

The power of positive thinking

(Ref: power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent peale)

A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success,

and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and

Positive thinker does not depress or commit suicide in case

of failure.

Positive thinking compels the person to struggle and

continue to struggle till success.

Positive thinking is a force by which a person achieves a

permanent constructive and optimistic attitude through
constant positive influence of his conscious thought (e.g. by
using affirmations or visualizations) and consequently
achieves a higher satisfaction and quality of life.

To take benefits of positive thinking in your life, you need

to adopt the attitude of positive thinking in everything you
How to be the best ruler 163

Note: At higher level 80% positive attitude required and

20% skill for success. At lower level e.g. plumber,
electrician 80% skill 20% positive attitude required for

Benefits of positive thinking and attitude: Our life is

nothing but a reflection of our thinking and attitude. Positive
thinking is a way of life that gives us a lot of benefits.

i. With positive thinking and attitude we experience pleasant

and happy feelings. This brings brightness to the eyes, more
energy, and happiness. Our whole being broadcasts good
will, happiness and success. Even our health is affected in a
beneficial way. We walk tall, our voice is more powerful,
and our body language shows the way we feel.

ii. Positive and negative thinking are contagious. We affect,

and are affected by the people we meet, in one way or
another. Having a positive attitude keeps us happy and
impacts the people we interact with. This happens
instinctively and on a subconscious level, through words,
thoughts and feelings, and through body language. This is
why we want to be around positive people, and prefer to
avoid negative ones?

iii. People are more disposed to help us, if we are positive,

and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.

iv. Negative thoughts, words and attitude, create negative

and unhappy feelings, moods and behavior. When the mind
is negative, poisons (unhealthy chemicals) are released into
the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity.
This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.
164 How to be the best ruler

Different techniques to adopt positive thinking and


In order to turn the mind toward the positivity, some inner

work is required, since attitude and thoughts do not change

1. Read about positive thinking and attitude; think about its

benefits, and persuade yourself to try it. The power of your
thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping your life.
This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is
possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the
idea seems strange, give it a try. You have nothing to lose,
but only to gain.

2. Ignore what other people say or think about you, if they

discover that you are changing the way you think.

3. Use your imagination to visualize only favorable and

beneficial situations.

4. i. Use positive words in your inner dialogues. Note:

Remember the golden words of Tony Robins -the great
motivational speaker that the quality of life depends on the
conversation between you and you.

ii. Use positive words when talking with others.

5. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively.

6. Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be

aware of it, and endeavor to replace it with a constructive
one. If the negative thought returns, replace it again with a
positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you,
and you have to choose to look at one of them, and disregard
How to be the best ruler 165

the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to

think positively, and to ignore negative thoughts.

7. It doesn't matter what your circumstances are at the

present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable
results and situations. If you persevere, you will transform
the way your mind thinks. It might take some time for the
changes to take place, but eventually they will.

8. Creative visualization: it is the process of generating

visual mental imagery, with eyes open or
closed, creating visual perception, in order to inspect those
images which consequently modify their
associated emotions or feelings, with intent to experience a
beneficial effect. This method is useful to achieve a lot of
benefits e.g.

i. eradicating negative thoughts and attitude replacing with

positive thoughts and attitude.

ii. Expediting the healing of wounds on body.

iii. Minimizing physical pain

iv. Alleviating anxiety, sadness, and low mood.

v. Improving self-esteem or self-confidence and enhancing

the capacity to cope when interacting with others.9. Another
useful technique is the repetition of affirmations. This
technique is similar to creative visualization, and can be
used together with it.
166 How to be the best ruler

9. Keep a gratitude journal: Sometimes one single event

can ruin an entire day and an unpleasant interaction or
experience at night can overshadow the enjoyable parts of
our day. With this awareness that our mind tends to cling to
the negative, we can intentionally focus on the good parts of
our day to offset this imbalance. Try writing down 5 things
that you feel grateful for every day and see how your attitude
changes. It has found that gratitude can significantly
increase your happiness, and protect you from stress,
negativity, anxiety and depression.

10. Reframe your challenges: There are no dead ends, only

re-directions. Although we might try, there are very few
things in life that we have complete control over. We should
not let uncontrollable occurrences from the outside turn our
inner to mush. What we can control is the effort that we put
in and when we give our full effort, there is no reason for
regret. Have fun with challenges, embrace them as
adventures instead of attempting to resist an experience for
growth. “Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.” –
Robert Kiyosaki.

11. Get good at being rejected: Rejection is a skill. Chalk

every broken heart and failed job interview as practice
because no one gets to slide through life without being
rejected. Don’t let it harden you and don’t expect the worse.
How to be the best ruler 167

If you wait for bad things to happen, chances are it will or

you’ll narrow in on the bad in the midst of the may good
things you’ve missed along the way. When there are cracks
in your heart, they let the sun in.

12. Use positive words to describe your life:

The words that we use have a lot more power than we think.
How you talk about your life is how your life will be. Your
mind hears what you say. If you describe your life as
boring, busy, sad, chaotic, that is how you will perceive it
and you will feel the effects in your body and mind. If you
use the words simple, involved, familiar or lively, you will
see your life in a whole different light and find more
enjoyment in the way you chose to shape your life.

13. Replace have with get: Do you ever notice how many
times we say that we have to do something? I have to go to
work. I have to go grocery shopping. I have to pay my rent.
Now change this one little word to get and see what
happens. I get to go to work. I get to go grocery shopping.
Even, I get to pay my rent. Your attitude quickly changes
from needing to fulfill obligations to being grateful for the
things that we become accustomed to having: a job to
support you and your family, food on the table, and a roof
over your head. Try to make this change when you are
168 How to be the best ruler

thinking to yourself and you may feel and appear happier

and less stressed.

14. Don’t let yourself get dragged into other people’s

complaints: Your day was going pretty well and then you
get to work and your co-worker can’t stop complaining
about the cold weather. You didn’t really think about it
before he/she brought it up and now you find yourself
agreeing and joining in on the complaint-fest of how sick
you are of this cold weather. In a month you’ll be pulled into
complaints about how it’s too hot. Don’t fall into the trap.
A study done at the Warsaw School of Social Psychology
shows that complaining leads to lower moods and negative
emotions, decreased life satisfaction and optimism, and
emotional and motivational deficits. You might find that
your co-worker will complain less without the validation of
someone else having the same complaint.

15. Breathe: Our breath is directly connected to our

emotions. Have you noticed we hold our breath sometimes
when we are concentrating on something? Can you feel your
breath change when you are angry or anxious? Our breath
changes depending on how we feel. The great news is that
the connection goes the other way too. We can also change
how we feel using our breath.
How to be the best ruler 169

16. Notice the righteous in times of tragedy: It’s hard to have

hope and stay positive when hate and violence is all over the
media. What we don’t see as much is that in every instance
of natural disasters, war, traumatic experience, you will find
people rising up, reaching out to each other and showing raw
compassion and love. Hold onto the stories of modern day
heroes and selflessness in the times of fear and devastation.

17. Have solutions when pointing out problems: Being

positive doesn’t mean that you have to be oblivious to
problems. Positive people have constructive criticisms to
improve conditions. If you are going to point out problems
in people or situations, place just as much effort into
suggesting solutions. Instead of pointing out all of the things
that are wrong, offer ways to make it better.

18. Make someone else smile: Who do you think about

most of the time? If we answered honestly, most of us would
say themselves. It’s good to hold ourselves accountable, take
responsibility for our life roles, hygiene, food, etc. but set a
goal for each day to make someone else smile. Think about
someone else’s happiness and it will help us to realize our
immense impact that our attitude and expression has on the
people around us.
Practical Tips to Achieve a Positive Mindset
How to prioritize your mental well-being;
170 How to be the best ruler

“The power of positive thinking” is a popular concept, and

sometimes it can feel a little cliché. But the physical and
mental benefits of positive thinking have been demonstrated
by multiple scientific studies. Positive thinking can give you
more confidence, improve your mood, and even reduce the
likelihood of developing conditions such as hypertension,
depression and other stress-related disorders.
All this sounds great, but what does the “power of positive
thinking” really mean?
You can define positive thinking as positive imagery,
positive self-talk or general optimism, but these are all still
general, ambiguous concepts. If you want to be effective in
thinking and being more positive, you’ll need concrete
examples to help you through the process.
1. Start the day with positive affirmation: How you start
the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Have you
ever woken up late, panicked, and then felt like nothing good
happened the rest of the day? This is likely because you
started out the day with a negative emotion and a pessimistic
view that carried into every other event you experienced.
Instead of letting this dominate you, start your day with
positive affirmations. Talk to yourself in the mirror, even if
you feel silly, with statements like, “Today will be a good
day” or “I’m going to be awesome today.” You’ll be amazed
how much your day improves.

2. Focus on the good things, however small: Almost

invariably, you’re going to encounter obstacles throughout
the day—there’s no such thing as a perfect day. When you
encounter such a challenge, focus on the benefits, no matter
how slight or unimportant they seem. For example, if you
get stuck in traffic, think about how you now have time to
How to be the best ruler 171

listen to the rest of your favorite podcast. If the store is out

of the food you want to prepare, think about the thrill of
trying something new.

3. Find humor in bad situations: Allow yourself

to experience humor in even the darkest or most trying
situations. Remind yourself that this situation will probably
make for a good story later and try to crack a joke about it.
Say you’re laid off; imagine the most absurd way you could
spend your last day, or the most ridiculous job you could
pursue next—like kangaroo handler or bubblegum sculptor.

How to Stay Positive When You’re Having a Bad Day

1. Turn failures into lessons: You aren’t perfect. You’re

going to make mistakes and experience failure in multiple
contexts, at multiple jobs and with multiple people. Instead
of focusing on how you failed, think about what you’re
going to do next time—turn your failure into a lesson.
Conceptualize this in concrete rules. For example, you could
come up with three new rules for managing projects as a

2. Transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk:

Negative self-talk can creep up easily and is often hard to
notice. You might think I’m so bad at this or I shouldn’t
have tried that. But these thoughts turn into internalized
feelings and might cement your conceptions of yourself.
When you catch yourself doing this, stop and replace those
negative messages with positive ones. For example, I’m so
bad at this becomes Once I get more practice, I’ll be way
better at this. I shouldn’t have tried becomes That didn’t
work out as planned—maybe next time.
172 How to be the best ruler

3. Focus on the present: I’m talking about the present—not

today, not this hour, only this exact moment. You might be
getting chewed out by your boss, but what in this exact
moment is happening that’s so bad? Forget the comment he
made five minutes ago. Forget what he might say five
minutes from now. Focus on this one, individual moment.
In most situations, you’ll find it’s not as bad as you imagine
it to be. Most sources of negativity stem from a memory of
a recent event or the exaggerated imagination of a potential
future event. Stay in the present moment.

4. Find positive friends, mentors and co-workers: When

you surround yourself with positive people, you’ll hear
positive outlooks, positive stories and positive affirmations.
Their positive words will sink in and affect your own line of
thinking, which then affects your words and similarly
contributes to the group. Finding positive people to fill up
your life can be difficult, but you need to eliminate the
negativity in your life before it consumes you. Do what you
can to improve the positivity of others, and let their
positivity affect you the same way.

Almost anybody in any situation can apply these lessons to

their own lives and increase their positive attitude. As you
might imagine, positive thinking offers compounding
returns, so the more often you practice it, the greater benefits
you’ll realize.

5. Clever Tricks to Trigger Positive Emotions: Try these

positive-action exercises to lift your mood and boost your
confidence, increase your willpower and deepen your
How to be the best ruler 173

People who see the glass half-full are certainly happier

than the pessimists of the world, and learning to think
positively is worthwhile. However, changing the way you
think can be surprisingly tricky, especially when the going
gets tough. What if there were a way—a shortcut or hack—
that positively affected how you feel when you just can’t
seem to shake the blues?

Quick and effective exercises can help you feel happier, avoid
anxiety, increase your willpower, deepen relationships and
boost confidence.

A few years ago, I came across a simple idea that has been
validated in hundreds of experiments and has given rise to
quick and effective exercises that can help you feel
happier, avoid anxiety, increase your willpower, deepen
relationships and boost confidence. Perhaps most
surprising of all, it does not involve trying to change how
you think.

The idea dates back to the turn of the 20th century and to
the work of Victorian philosopher William James. Working
at Harvard University, James proposed a radical new
theory about the link between thinking and behavior.
According to conventional wisdom, your thoughts and
feelings cause you to behave in certain ways. Feeling
happy makes you smile, and feeling sad makes you frown.
James wondered whether the exact opposite might also be
true, namely that the way you behave can change how you
174 How to be the best ruler

According to James’s theory, forcing your face into a smile

should make you feel happy, and frowning should make
you feel sad. James realized that if his theory were true,
people should be able to create any feeling they desired
simply by acting “as if” they were experiencing that
emotion. Although the potential power of his idea clearly
energized James (he often referred to it as “bottled
lightning”), it was years ahead of its time and received
scant attention from his fellow academics.

How to Train Your Brain for Positive Thinking

In the late 1960s, psychologist James Laird from the

University of Rochester stumbled across James’s theory
and decided to test it. Laird knew that he couldn’t simply
ask people to smile and then report how they felt, because
they might guess what the experiment was about and play

To overcome the problem, Laird advertised for volunteers

to take part in a study on the electrical activity of facial
muscles. When the volunteers arrived at the laboratory,
Laird placed electrodes between their eyebrows and at the
corners of their mouths. The electrodes were fake, but the
clever cover story enabled Laird to discreetly manipulate
his volunteers’ faces into a smile or frown.

To create a frown, the volunteers were asked to pull

together the two electrodes between their eyebrows. For
the happy expression, they were asked to draw back the
electrodes at the corners of their mouths. After they had
How to be the best ruler 175

contorted their faces into the required positions,

participants were asked how they felt. The results were
remarkable. Exactly as predicted by James, the volunteers
felt happier when they forced their faces into smiles and
sadder when they were frowning.

Curious about this remarkable finding, other scientists

started to carry out their own versions of Laird’s
groundbreaking experiment. Rather than repeatedly placing
fake electrodes on people’s faces, each laboratory produced
its own version of the study.

Inspired by photographers who encourage people to smile

by getting them to say, “Cheese,” University of Michigan
researchers asked volunteers repeatedly to make an “ee”
sound (as in easy) to force their faces into smiles, or an
“eu” sound (as in yule) to produce expressions nearer to
disgust. Similarly, researchers in Germany were
investigating how to teach people who were paralyzed
below the neck to write, and asked volunteers either to
support pencils horizontally between their teeth (thus
forcing their faces into a smile) or hold pencils between
their lips (thus pulling their faces into a frown).

Time and again, the results revealed that James’s theory

was correct, with volunteers who repeatedly chanted “ee”
or supported pencils between their teeth suddenly feeling
much happier. In short, behaving “as if” you were
experiencing a certain emotion triggers that same emotion.

Practical Tips to Achieve a Positive Mindset

176 How to be the best ruler

Other researchers have set out to discover whether the “as

if” principle also worked in other areas of everyday life.
Results have shown that very small changes in your actions
can have a fast and long-lasting effect on your happiness,
motivation, willpower, creativity and personality. So why
not adopt more positive actions in your life?

Here are 10 positive-action exercises to try:

1. Feeling Happy
There is more to lifting your mood than forcing your face
into a brief, unfelt smile that finishes in the blink of an eye.

 Relax the muscles in your forehead and cheeks, and

let your mouth drop slightly open.
 Contract the muscles near the corners of your
mouth, drawing them back toward your ears. Make
the smile as wide as possible and extend your
eyebrow muscles slightly upward. Hold the
resulting expression for about 20 seconds.

Try to incorporate this mood-brightening exercise into your

daily routine by, for example, smiling just before you
answer the telephone or setting a reminder on your

2. Moving On
Struggling to get over an upsetting choice you had to
make? Researcher Xiuping Li from the National University
of Singapore Business School asked each participant in a
How to be the best ruler 177

study to write down a recent decision he or she regretted.

Li then asked some of the participants to seal their regrets
in an envelope. Those who did so then reported feeling
significantly better about their past decisions. Although
they were just acting on a physically symbolic closure,
their actions helped them reach psychological closure.

Next time you want some help getting over the loss of a
client or a bad business decision, write a brief description
of what happened on a piece of paper, put the paper in an
envelope, and kiss the past goodbye. And if you really
want to have fun, reach for the matches and convert your
envelope into a pile of ashes.

3. The Power of Secrets

The more couples get to know one another, the more they
disclose personal information. Psychologist Arthur Aron
with the State University of New York at Stony Brook
wondered whether asking two people to disclose personal
information (and so acting “as if” they were more intimate)
would make them feel especially close. Aron paired
strangers, gave them a set of 36 questions that allowed
them to open up about increasingly private aspects of their
lives and then had them rate how they felt about each other.
As predicted, the questions promoted a sense of intimacy
and attraction. When using this technique to deepen your
relationship with a colleague, family member or friend,
take things one step at a time and make sure you’re both
comfortable with the conversation.
178 How to be the best ruler

Here are 10 sample questions from Aron’s experiment:

 Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom

would you want as a dinner guest?
 Would you like to be famous? In what way?
 Before making a telephone call, do you ever
rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
 What would constitute a perfect day for you?
 When did you last sing to yourself? To someone
 If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain
either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last
60 years of your life, which would you want?
 What is your most treasured memory?
 What is your most terrible memory?
 For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
 If you could change anything about the way you
were raised, what would it be?

4. Pull Me–Push You

If you are dieting, try behaving as if you don’t like
unhealthy food. Research shows that pushing an object
away from you (and so behaving as if you didn’t like it)
makes you dislike the object. Whereas, pulling it toward
you (behaving as if you liked it) makes you feel far more
positively about it. Next time you are confronted with a
plate of sugary or fried snacks, simply push the plate away
from you and feel the temptation fade.

Conversely, if you are in sales and want to make

prospective clients feel more positive about a product, try
How to be the best ruler 179

placing it on a table in front of them and encouraging them

to slide it closer.

5. Muscle Magic
People who are highly motivated often tense their muscles
as they prepare to spring into action. But research from Iris
Hung, an associate professor of marketing at the National
University of Singapore, has shown that the opposite is
also true—you can boost your willpower simply by tensing
your muscles. Next time you feel your willpower draining
away, try, for example, making a fist, contracting your
biceps, pressing your thumb and first finger together, or
gripping a pen in your hand.

Similarly, if you want to persevere with something, try

crossing your arms. Ron Friedman, social psychologist and
founder of ignite80, asked people to tackle difficult
anagrams with their arms either crossed or resting on their
thighs. By folding their arms, people were acting as if they
were persistent, and they continued trying to solve the
puzzle for nearly twice as long as those with their hands on
their thighs.

6. Breaking Habits
You can help crack unwanted habits by behaving as if you
are someone who never gets stuck in a routine.
Psychologists Ben Fletcher and Karen Pine from the
University of Hertfordshire in the U.K. carried out research
in which people trying to lose weight were asked to adopt a
more flexible approach to life (by, for example, being
180 How to be the best ruler

asked to stop watching television for a day or traveling to

work using different routes). These small changes helped
people break their bad patterns. Try to undo unwanted
habits by behaving as if you are a flexible person and
carrying out one of the following every few days:

 Try an unusual form of food.

 Visit a new art gallery or museum.
 Go to a shop that you have never visited before.
 Make time to see a film that you don’t think you
will enjoy.

7. How to Negotiate
The chairs that you sit in; effect on your behavior which in
turn affects how you think. In a study by Joshua Ackerman,
an assistant professor of marketing at the MIT Sloan
School of Management, volunteers sat on either hard chairs
or soft-cushioned chairs while paired with strangers to role-
play the negotiation of selling a new car. Those in the hard
chairs sat rigidly, while those sitting in the soft chairs felt
comfortable—and sure enough, their behavior was
significantly different. Those in the hard chairs were more
inflexible in their negotiations and demanded a higher price
for the car.

Hard furniture creates hard behavior, which underlines the

importance of having soft furnishings in your home and
office (except for when you need to be the bad cop).
How to be the best ruler 181

8. All Together Now

Want to get a group to bond together quickly and believe in
a single cause? Get them to act in unison.

Assistant professor Scott Wiltermuth from the University

of Southern California gathered groups of three volunteers.
Some of the groups were asked to walk around the
university campus normally, while others were formed into
a small army and asked to march around the same route in
step. In another part of the study, groups were asked to
listen to a national anthem, and others were asked to sing
along and move in time to the music. The people in each of
the groups were then asked to play a board game in which
they could choose to help or hinder one another. Those
who had been walking in sync and singing in unison
quickly bonded, and they were significantly more likely to
help one another during the game.

People who have bonded together often act in unison.

Similarly, acting in unison helps people bond together.

10. Power Posing

A study done at Columbia University discovered that when
people are put into “power poses,” they feel more
confident, have higher levels of testosterone (a chemical
associated with dominance) and lower levels of cortisol (a
chemical associated with stress).

So if you are sitting down, lean back, look up and interlock

your fingers behind your head. If you are standing up, then
182 How to be the best ruler

place your feet flat on the floor and push your shoulders
back and your chest forward.

Or, if you haven’t got time to strike a powerful pose, just

make a fist. Psychologist Thomas Schubert from the
University of Oslo asked a group of men to rate how
confident they felt, then to form their hand into a fist for a
few seconds, and then to re-rate their confidence. The
volunteers’ bodies influenced their brains, with the men
enjoying a significant boost in confidence because they had
spent a few moments forming a fist.

ii. Progressive thinking

This skill is necessary because if the ruler is of status quo
nature, he will not think of progress of country, he will think
only to pass the time of his tenure or think, act and target
only to win the next election.
Importance of progressive thinking skill: The great
international motivational speaker Qasim shah says; one of
the main difference between human beings and other
animals is that human beings (man/woman) think to
progress while other animal do not think to progress. This is
why an animal e.g. donkey/horse etc. of thousand year back
is at same level as of a donkey/horse of present era. While a
How to be the best ruler 183

person of this era is entirely at a different and higher level

as compared to a person of even 50 years back time.

iii. Thinking big

History testifies that the all common people who became
great scientists, businessmen, leaders and rulers and all
those who developed their countries had one thing common
that they all thought big and high.
A rule: when you think big you will plan big, you will
struggle big and ultimately you will achieve big. Similarly
when you think small you will plan small, you will struggle
small and ultimately you will achieve small. A student
thinking of just passing examination can never get
distinction. A person thinking of nominal salary or income
can never earn millions. A person with the mentality and
aim of councillorship at street level cannot become head of
So think big and remember “There is always plenty of
room at the top”.
David J. Schwartz in his book “The Magic of Thinking
Big” writes the methodology to think big. The main points
are as follows;
1. Believe you can succeed and you will: Belief in
success is the one basic characteristic of successful people.
When you believe I-can-do-it then the ideas how-to-do-it
184 How to be the best ruler

comes in mind. But if you think that I cannot do it then

excuses and hurdles will come in your mind.
How to develop the power of belief: (i) Think success,
don’t think failure. (ii) Remind yourself regularly that you
are better than you think you are. (Iii) Believe Big: The
size of your success is determined by the size of your
2. Cure yourself of excusitis, the failure disease: The
losers always present lame excuses for their failure. David
Schwartz named this a disease “excusitis ” which the great
persons/winners do not have and so used to do their work
persistently with responsibility and in time. So if you want
to be successful in life then start your journey to success by
stopping yourself of making excuses. The common types
of excuses given by losers are as follows;
i. Luck: This is the commonest excuse that “my luck is not
favouring me, this is why I could not be successful”
Note: Remember “God helps those who help themselves”
ii. Intelligence: they underestimate their brainpower and
intelligence i.e. I am not so intelligent. The winners are
more intelligent than me.
iii. Age: My age is over or lesser to do this work.
iv. Experience: I do not have proper experience so I can’t
be successful.
Note: Mughal king of India Akbar was made king at age of
13 years, he had no previous experience. He ruled
How to be the best ruler 185

successfully for almost half century over India. Mark

Zukerberg the founder of Facebook started Facebook when
he was a college student and had no previous experience.
Colonel Harland Sanders founder of KFC started his
business at age of 62 years.
v. Circumstances: I do not have proper opportunities and
favourable circumstances.
vi. Lack of support and approach
vii. The circumstances of country: The circumstances of
my country are not favourable for development.
Note: History witnesses that all great rulers developed their
country in unfavourable circumstances.
viii. Mood: My mood is not OK, I will do it later i.e.
postponing their work.
How to cure excusitis: (i) feel and practical adopt your
responsibility for your work (ii) Think before postponing
your work that if you do today’s work tomorrow then when
you will do tomorrow’s work (iii) Never underestimate
your own intelligence, and never overestimate the
intelligence of others.
(iv) Remind yourself daily that “it is not important how
much intelligent I am; rather it is more important that how
I use my intelligence and talent. Secondly my attitudes are
more important than my intelligence.”
3. Build confidence and destroy fear: The action cures
fear. Indecision, postponement, on the other hand, fertilize
186 How to be the best ruler

4. How to think big: Develop the big thinker’s vocabulary
i.e. (i) Use big, positive, cheerful words and phrases to
describe how you feel. (ii) Use bright, cheerful, favorable
words and phrases to describe other people.(iii) Use
positive language to encourage others. (iv) Use positive
words to outline plans to others.
5. See what can be, not just what is: Look at things not as
they are, but as they can be. A big thinker always
visualizes what can be done in the future. He isn’t stuck
with the present. Positive and big visualization adds value
to everything so practice adding value to things, to people
and to yourself.
6. How to think and dream creatively- You Are
What You Think You Are: (i) Always show positive
attitudes toward your job so that your subordinates will
‘pick up” right thinking. (ii) At your job each day, ask
yourself, “Am I worthy in every respect of being imitated?
Are all my habits such that I would be glad to see them in
my subordinates?
7. Build your “sell-yourself-to-yourself” commercial
Most of us sell ourselves short. We suffer from self-
deprecation. We suffer from low-self-esteem. So how do
we change that? One way to do it is through our self-talk
i.e. Practice uplifting self-praise. Don’t practice belittling
How to be the best ruler 187

self-punishment. So, talk to yourself in a way to build

yourself up, Making yourself stronger and more confident.
Telling yourself that you’ll achieve great things in life and
that you’re destined for greatness?
8. Cement in your mind the question “Is this the way an
important person thinks and look like? Upgrade your
thinking. Think like important people think. Upgrading
your thinking upgrades your actions and this produces
The Checklist: Ask yourself: “Is this the way an important
person thinks and looked?
i. My appearance- Look Important - It Helps You
Think Important: Your appearance “talks.” Never leave
home without feeling that you look like the person you
want to be. The well-dressed person’s appearance says
positive things about him that “Here is an important
person: intelligent, prosperous, and dependable.
ii. When I worry: Would an important person worry about
this? Would the most successful person I know be
disturbed about this?
iii. An idea: What would an important person do if he had
this idea?
iv. My language: Am I using the language of successful
v. What I read: Would an important person read this?
vi. Conversation: Is this something successful people
188 How to be the best ruler

would discuss?
vii. When I lose my temper: Would an important person
get mad at what I’m mad at?
viii. My jokes: Is this the kind of joke an important person
would tell?
ix. My job and status: How does an important person
behave with others?

9. Make your environment work for you, not

against you. Manage your environments: Go first
class: What exactly makes up your environment? It’s the
people you surround yourself with, the books, news,
articles and magazines you read, the videos, movies and
TV series you watch. Ultimately it is everything that
somehow impacts you in any way, shape, or form. The
biggest portion of it is definitely the people you surround
around yourself. You become the combined average of
your surroundings. So go first class in everything you do.
You can’t afford to go any other way.
How to make your environment work for you
(i) Reduce the time you spend with negative people who
belittle you, bring you down, or kill your mood.
(ii) Spend more time with positive, excited, ambitious,
inspiring, and successful people.
(iii) Read biographies of highly successful and inspiring
people. (iv) Read books on positive psychology,
How to be the best ruler 189

administration & personal development, etc.

(v) Watch YouTube and videos of people who inspire you.
Conclusion: Do whatever it takes, to make your
environment as positive, inspiring, and success-creating as

10. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies: Make your

attitude worth liking. To activate others and to get them to
be enthusiastic, you must first be enthusiastic yourself. Put
service first is an attitude that creates success. Success
depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle
between you and what you want to be is the support of
others. Successful people follow a plan for liking people.
It’s a mark of real leadership to take the lead in getting to
know people.
11. How to turn defeat into victory: Tips: (i) Never lose
heart and never give up. Remind yourself repeatedly that I
can get out of this defeat. (ii) think and take positive to the
criticism of others. (iii) Find the cause of defeat (iv) plan
and start action timely.
12. Develop the habit of action: The people who get
great things done in this world don’t wait for the perfect
opportunity, the perfect time and the perfect circumstances.
They make plans, take action and get things done.
13. Blend persistence with experimentation to
guarantee success: Persisting in one way is not a
190 How to be the best ruler

guarantee of victory. But persistence blended with

experimentation does guarantee success. Many ambitious
people go through life with admirable persistence and show
of ambition, but they fail to succeed because they don’t
experiment with new approaches. Stay with your goal. If
you aren’t getting results, try a new approach.
14. Use Goals to Help You Grow: Nothing happens, no
forward steps are taken until a goal is established. Without
goals individuals just wander through life, never knowing
where they are going, so they never get anywhere. Goals
are as essential to success as air is to life. No one ever lives
without air. Similarly no one ever stumbles into success
without a goal. So get a clear fix goal, where you want to
go. Note: Use goals to live longer. No medicine in the
worlds is as powerful in bringing about long life as is the
desire to do something.

iv. Strategic thinking

v. Creative thinking

2. Effective communication Skill

How to be the best ruler 191

The ability to communicate your point of view accurately,

clearly and as intended, is the chief life skill and is always
worth appreciated. Communication means “to share”. It is
defined as the act of conveying intended meaning from one
person / group to another through mutually understood

How well this meaning can be transmitted, received and

understood is a measure of how good our communication
skills are?

Note: The good communication is to make understand your

meanings to others. It also include to make understand the
matter to yourself, which is difficult for most of us mostly.

The great writer Stephen covey says “first make understand

yourself then make others understood”

Developing your communication skills can help all aspects

of your life, from your professional life to social gatherings
and everything in between.

Communication vs effective communication

Communication skill is the art to convey the intended

meaning to others, while the effective communication is to
achieve the desired response from receiver as well.

Leadership & communication are closely related. Good

leaders are master in art of effective communication. They
192 How to be the best ruler

inspire & motivate their companions and followers by their

art of effective communication.

The effectiveness in communication is produced in that

person who has the ability to assure the audience that he
bears the following characteristics in his personality;
Truthfulness, honesty, sincerity, confidence, well-wisher,
tendency & capacity to fulfill his promises.
Barriers to communication
Physical barriers: Noise at environment, distance, congestion, defect in
channel of communication or invisibility.
Psychological barriers: Emotional disturbance, Level of intelligence,
shortage of time, Language or comprehension difficulties.
Cultural barriers: illiteracy, levels of intelligence and understanding,
customs, religion, attitude, language variations, cultural differences,
economic and social class differences.
Components of communication
Sender → message → channel → receiver → feedback→ ↓
↑ ←←←←←←←← ← ← ← ← ← ←

Sender (communicator) must know and keep in mind: (i) his objective which
must be accurate, acceptable, accessible, achievable, affordable and
applicable (ii) interests & needs of audience (iii) channels of communication
(iv) his message & its purpose (v) his abilities and limitations.
Message: it must be; (i) meaningful (ii) based on felt need, relevant or
important issue (iii) in easy language without ambiguity (iv) clear &
understandable (v) to the point and adequate, neither too long nor too short
(vi) appropriate without contradiction to any religion, culture, social and
ethical values (vii) timely.
Receiver: may be single person, group or large gathering (audience). The
audience may be controlled or uncontrolled. Controlled audience
(homogenous group) is one which gather with common interest. Uncontrolled
audience (heterogeneous group) is one which includes additional gathering
with motives of curiosity. The audience may be disciplined or undisciplined.
Channels (medium) of communication: three types; (i) Interpersonal
communication is person to person individually or with large gathering. This
is face to face and direct and so communication is more persuasive and
effective.(ii) Communication through media (mass communication) the
How to be the best ruler 193

channels used are television, radio and print media. It has advantage of
reaching much larger population in short time.(iii) Folk media; folk dances,
singing, dramas, informal group gatherings and religious meetings etc. this
method is also very effective.
Feedback: it is response of audience to speech. Achievement of desired
response is the beauty of effective communication. Feedback is obtained by
body language of audience, vocal attitude, surveys, interviews and by media.

Ways of communication
Two way communication (interpersonal

Correspondence - Conversation - Discussion - Debate -


One way communication

- Reading

- Writing

- Listening

- Speaking

Reading: The ruler must be a learned person, so reading

must be the routine of ruler.

Writing: The ruler may not be the master in official

language, writing & correspondence technique. However he
must have ability to understand that.
194 How to be the best ruler

Listening: Listening is different from hearing. Hearing is

a passive and physical process and is just perceiving sounds,
while listening is active, physical as well as mental process
with a purpose to understand. In listening, tone of speech
and body language of speaker is also noted.

Listening includes to respond appropriately, if needed and

ask questions, if needed.

Communication by speaking
Communication by speaking is the most important way of
communication. It is of two types; verbal communication
and non-verbal communication.

Verbal communication is the words which come out of our

mouths. Its roll is only 7% of communication.

Non-verbal communication is what we don’t say. It

includes; 1. The tone; the way we speak, voice intonation
(rise and fall of the voice pitch) and use of silence during
speech. Its roll is 38% of communication.

2. Body language; it includes; (i) posture (ii) Eye contact

with listeners (iii) Facial expressions (iv) Relevant
movements of hands (v) All gestures made by speaker (vi)
It also include dressing of person, although dress is not part
of body language, but its impact is obvious like other
components of body language.
How to be the best ruler 195

The roll of body language is 55% of communication.

Importance of Speech ability

Before election, what is that thing; which attracts and

impresses the people and let them believe that he is the
person, who is best to be elected. That is only and only the

After getting the government, the best weapon which the

ruling party uses to convince the people that why the ruling
party could not be able to fulfill their pre-election
commitments is only and only the speech. But this is a
negative approach. The best thing is to work honestly and
fulfill the commitments then speak true and only true.

Regarding speech1, the important elements you need to

know are:

● What to say? (The issue to speak)

● How much to say? (Total speech matter).

● When to say? (Time limit to speak)

● Where to say? (Place to speak & place not to speak)

● How to say? (Method & tone of speech)

● When to stop and when to start again? (The intervals

during speech)
196 How to be the best ruler

While speaking, there are five Cs of communication which

are necessary to be kept in mind;

Clean; use relevant words, expressions, movements or

sounds only.

Clear; focused specifically to what you want to say and

without ambiguity.

Concise; lesser and to the point is more.

Comprehendible; understandable, so must be in easy


Compelling; tending to persuade by forcefulness of

argument. Plato says that “wise men talk because they have
something to say while fools talk because they have to say

Different Types of speech: The speech matter and tone

needs a change and a different skill is required according to
the change in situation, place & nature of audience. A person
may be very good as a public speaker but may not be so good
before media or in table talk. In the same way, a person may
be very bold & sharp before media or in seminars, but not as
good as a public speaker. As a ruler has to speak almost at
all types of occasions, so he should be good enough &
trained for all types of speech i.e.

1. Before public
How to be the best ruler 197

2. Before Media

(i) Press conference

(ii) Speech on T.V./Radio

(iii) Statements to media at Airports & other


3. Seminars & conferences.

4. Interpersonal speech; which includes formal & informal

speech. It includes;

i. Conversation

ii. Table Talk

iii. Debate

iv. Corner Meetings

v. Technical & nontechnical meetings

vi. With family and friends etc.

The purpose of speech: every speech has its purpose so first

determine the purpose of speech; that may be;
- To order
- To motivate
- To educate
- To entertain
198 How to be the best ruler

- To give information
- To inspire: you can inspire by your personality
(appearance), confidence, status, body language, words
(subject matter of speech), way (tone) of speaking.
Note: the element to inspire is essential to achieve all
purposes mentioned above.
The outcome of speech: it is the achievement of the
purpose i.e. desired impact on audience and respond of
Preparation of speech: Speech of a ruler must be
prepared by keeping in mind the purpose and outcome of
speech. It should be prepared very carefully by four types of
Persons i.e.

 A Journalist,

 Political Advisor of ruler

 Political secretary of ruler

 A technocrat (relevant)

A relevant person to occasion or region may be added if

needed i.e. if ruler has to speak in a city, province, or other
country, a suitable person of that city, province & in case of
other country; your country’s ambassador may be consulted.

Note: Written language is different from spoken. So speech

should be written in spoken manner & language.

Speech should be prepared in two forms separately as:

How to be the best ruler 199

1- A complete text with prominent headings.

2- Briefly in points.

Special care: 1 - Ruler should always give instructions to

his speech writers about the nature of speech he wants,
especially the impact desired on audience and respond
desired from audience. This is necessary because for the
audience & all listeners, every word of speech is considered
as ruler’s views & from his side. The Ruler is 100%
responsible for his speech not the speech writer, so care is

2-Speech or statement whatever is it, should be given after a

great thinking; so that you may not have to deny or take U-
turn in future.

Thorough rehearsal:

1. Always be prepared about speech. Read the speech matter

2-3 times. Better to speak without reading.

2- Record your speech by delivering to a tape recorder.

Listen to the playback critically, note and remove if any
“ums” “ahs” “hmm” tongue twisters or unnecessary
200 How to be the best ruler

3-Stand up before a full size mirror, deliver your speech to

your image, considering it as audience. Practice it to

4-Thinking of Ideal: Think of your ideal that how he would

have delivered this speech, then do the rehearsal

Time limit & length of speech: Speech should be to the

point. Do not talk irrelevant. Length of speech is not
important. It should be according to your objective,
necessity of situation and impact you desire.

In Latin, it is said: “Praestate dicete et tacete” which means,

“Stand up, speak up & shut up”

Golden Rule: “Stop the Speech before your audience wants

you to stop”.

What to do before speech

Most of the speakers feel nervous before or at the start of
their speech. The effective tips to cover nervousness are:

1-Relax: It is the common practice of great orators to relax

before going on stage, method is very simple: Take many
deep breaths, hold each one in, as long as possible then
exhale slowly.
How to be the best ruler 201

2-Other method is that: Forget that it is you, who is about to

speak. Think & pretend as your ideal orator is here in you
and is going to speak.

How to speak
While speaking anywhere one should take care of the

● Stand confidently, speak confidently: Confidence

should appear from your speech & also from all your body

● Non-verbal communication; along with proper selection

of words of speech, do care about tone of speech and your
body language, which must be impressive and inspiring. It
consists of good eye contact with listeners, impressive facial
expressions, relevant movements of hands and good posture.
It also include attractive dressing. The attractive dress for
rulers is simple and decent because it gives an impression of
care and closeness with common man and so appreciated
always. Body language and tone of speech must vary
according to situation, type of audience and type of speech.

● Include everyone: The orator who avoids looking at the

audience loose them surely, because by this, the audience
rightly feel that their presence is being rejected. So you
should let your gaze sweep back & forth across the audience
202 How to be the best ruler

like a beam of light, so that you appear to be looking in turn

but directly to all present. Look towards the audience by
moving your eyes in “W” or “M” pattern to cover all

● Speech before public: Most of the statements and

speeches before public should be for public and limited to
their problems and your government’s struggle for the
solution of those problems.

Components of Speech
● Start

● Main Speech

● Closing

How to start speech

The main target of speech is rapport building which
means to build quickly a relationship of mutual
understanding in between you and audience to gain their
trust and confidence so that audience may become attentive
to listen you, so start the speech in such a way that grasps
the attention of audience.

The word rapport stems from the old French verb rapporter which means
literally to carry something back and, in the sense of how people relate to
each other means that what one person sends out the other sends back.
How to be the best ruler 203

For example, they may realize that they share similar values, beliefs,
knowledge, or behaviors around politics, music or sports.
There are a number of techniques that are supposed to be beneficial in
building rapport such as: matching your body
language i.e., posture, gesture etc; maintaining eye contact; and
matching breathing rhythm.
Methods of rapport building
Mirroring means getting into rhythm with the person on as many levels
as possible.
- Emotional mirroring – Empathizing with someone's emotional state by
being on 'their side' and show your empathy towards them
- Posture mirroring – Matching the tone of a person's body language not
through direct imitation, as this can appear as mockery, but through
mirroring the general message of their posture and energy.
- Tone and tempo mirroring – Matching the tone, tempo, inflection, and
volume of a person's voice.
Giving or doing favors without directly asking for something in return
can trigger feelings of obligation.
Commonality is the technique of deliberately finding something in
common with a person in order to build a sense of camaraderie and trust.
This is done through shared interests, dislikes, and situations
Ref; rapport – Wikipedia.

Speakers adopt different styles to attract the public

attention, according to the difference in type of meeting /
occasion and the difference of type of public in audience e.g.

Some speakers begin the speech with a beautiful smile on

their face which raises the interest of audience and mostly
they respond by smiling back.

Some speakers stay silent before starting speech and in the

meanwhile continuously stare the audience and wait until
audience becomes silent and calm, then they start speech.
204 How to be the best ruler

Some speakers speak very loudly to catch the attraction of


Some speakers lift up their both Hands and waive to


Some speakers start with Slogans.

Some speakers start their speech with a quotation or poetry.

Some speakers start their speech with an interesting story.

Some speakers start in a way to arouse the curiosity of

audience, by asking a question or by telling a strange or
surprising matter.

Churchill used to make the sign of V (Victory) by his right

hand’s index and middle finger.

Hitler used to say the word “GERMANY” very loudly &

enthusiastically three times. By this, public became very
emotional then he took start of main speech.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Prime Minister of Pakistan) used to

call upon all categories of people i.e. my dear brothers,
sisters, mothers, carpenters, Masons, Laborers, Farmers,
cobblers, tailors.

Main Speech:
How to be the best ruler 205

● Concentrate on objective of your speech i.e. what you

want to make understand and what impact you want from
the listeners?

● Use easy and understandable language. Speak in a

pattern, step by step. Don’t use technical words unless
meeting is technical.

● Stress the important words in a sentence and subordinate

the unimportant one.

● Pause is the beauty of speech. Pause before or after your

important ideas or words or steps.

● Change the pitch of your voice, according to the emotions

of audience, speech matter and the situation.

● Adapt convincing and impressive way of speaking:

(i) Rule to impress others is that the listeners should feel that
you are speaking sincerely, true and from the core of your
heart and not just to talk or superficially.

(ii) Talk about Listeners, because everybody by nature is

interested about him or his problems not about you. They

“Talk with people, about the people, for the people”

The author talked with some laborers in Pakistan that why you
like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan). Do you
206 How to be the best ruler

think that he will solve your problems? They answered: At least

he talks about us, he cares us, he thinks about us, while other
political leaders do not talk so deeply and carefully for us.

The way of speaking (Accent): It should be according to

audience and occasion. i.e. Albert Spare (A German minister
of Hitler’s cabinet) writes in his book, that Hitler’s way of
speaking was different according to audience. Before public
he used to speak enthusiastically and loudly (Total
emotional speech), while in seminars of educated people; his
speech was sophisticated, full of logics with a decent tone.
So in seminars, before media, in table talks and meetings
with educated persons, speak step by step with logics, proofs
and relative references. Also adapt decent & conversational
tone, while in public crowds loud and emotional tone is
supposed to be more influential.

Note: Spiritual (Religious) way of speech is also very


Closing of Speech: Like opening of speech, closing also

varies according to objective of speech, nature of meeting
and audience, especially the impact you want, on and from
audience. Different ways are as follows:

1. Summarize important points of speech.

2. Appeal for action from audience.

3. Take promise from audience for something or action.

4. End with relevant poetry.

How to be the best ruler 207

5. End with relevant quotation.

6. Thanking the audience.

7. Creating a laughter situation.

8. Paying a nice compliment to the organizers and the


How to produce charisma in speech: 1 – Make habit

to visualize the speeches of great orators (preferably the
rulers) in your easy time, and observe keenly their way
of speaking, how they start, how they proceed & how
they make end of their speech. Also observe their body
language i.e. way of standing, smiling, movement of
hands & the level of confidence in each action.

2 - The other things which produce charisma are:

1-Knowledge about subject to speak

2-Training of speaking skill

3-Practice as much as it may


ii. Ready wit

208 How to be the best ruler

Everywhere in the whole world, people like those

personalities who are jolly and Ready witted; talk in a
pleasant way and are able to answer in a happy mood.

Rulers who are pleasant, smiling and ready-witted get

more popularity in public than to those who are serious and

They say “one who laughs, people laugh with him and
one who weeps; mostly he has to weep alone”

Churchill was very famous about his ever ready mind

and ready-wit nature.

Lady Ester2 member British Parliament once said to

Churchill “If I would have been your wife, I must have
poured poison in your cup of coffee”. Churchill answered,
“If I would have been your husband, I had surely drunk it”.

“George Bernard Shah was very famous as a Ready

witted personality. He sent two tickets of theatre to Churchill
and written a note “Come to see my Drama along with your
friend if you have any”. Churchill answered “First day I am
very busy but I will come on second day if drama persists
on to second day”.

In a communist party meeting Khrushchev3 was

criticizing on Stalin (Russian head of state previous to
Khrushchev). From the audience somebody sent a slip, on
How to be the best ruler 209

which it was written “Why did not you speak at that time,
what you were doing”. Khrushchev shouted on speaker; who
has written this, stand up. No body stood up. “OK” said the
Khrushchev I was at the same position where you are now”.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Ex. Prime Minister of Pakistan)

was very intelligent and ready witted personality. He once
said “My heart weeps on the miserable conditions of poor
people”. One Journalist Z.A. Sulehri wrote in newspaper
that these rich people and leaders do not know about the
miserable life of poor people, they enjoy very luxurious life
and this luxury makes their hearts very hard like stone and
stones never weep. So Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is a liar.

When Bhutto came at Lahore airport, he was asked to

comment on the column written. He said “sulehri does not
know the facts. If Himalaya (highest and biggest mountain
of the world) does not weep, then from where water will
come in the Indus River (A river takes origin from Himalaya
mountain flows across the Pakistan and ends in Indian

References. 3.7
1. “How to develop self-confidence & influence people by public speaking”
by Dale Carnegie.
2+3. “The Leaders” by Richard Nixon

3. Emotional intelligence:
210 How to be the best ruler

Discussed already under the topic; “common


4. Public dealing
This skill needs; judgment of persons & situation then deal

accordingly. It has three aspects:

i. To Assess, Judge and understand persons timely &


ii. Judgment of situation & circumstances.

iii. Then to deal and tackle accordingly.

These three aspects are inter-connected; the ruler must be

master in all three aspects.

Judgment of persons
Objective to judge persons: By understanding persons,
you can well assume that how they will respond, behave and
cooperate; and also how much they are trustable, with
reference to truthiness, honesty and fulfillment of promise.
In this way judgment of persons enables you to deal them
How to be the best ruler 211

Importance: This ability is so much important that any ruler

who does not have this ability, it is guaranteed that he will
surely flop.

Caesar1, the great Roman King was very wise and strong
King but could not judge and understand his companions
who planned & ultimately killed him; even his close friend
Brutus was also involved. When he was stabbed by them, he
turned towards Brutus and Brutus also stabbed him, he was
very much surprised and said “you too Brutus”

Note: Remember you will be deceived by that person, upon

whom you trust, the person upon whom you do not trust; you
have not given him chance to deceive.

In History there are a lot of examples, that Rulers lost their

government and even their lives, only due to the fact that
they trusted and could not judge their closed ones and then

King of Maisoor India Sultan Tipu was deceived by his

Minister Mir Sadiq and so defeated and killed by British

Nawab Siraj-ud-Doula (Ruler of Bengaal state, India) was

deceived by his minister Mir Jaffar and so defeated and
killed by British Army.
212 How to be the best ruler

Factors commonly considered for

These are the factors which are considered commonly to
judge the other persons for dealing and to trust;

i. Self-interest: Personal benefit is generally presumed at

the top. People work very sincerely where & with whom
they have personal interest & benefits, so never forget this
factor while dealing.

ii. Relation and past experience: The world is named as

“the world of relations”. People prefer and trust more on
persons with reference to their relations and past experience.
As much the relation is strong, lengthy and with good
experience, as much trust is produced. As a general rule, the
relation and past experience is kept on top in dealing.

iii. Family background: It is the first influencing factor

which makes a personality so it is considered in judging a
personality. It must also be considered that how much a
person is fair in dealing with his own family.

iv. Caste, religion & area: It is observed that persons

relating to some specific castes, religions and areas develop
some specific personality characteristics, which must be
kept in mind while dealing such persons.
How to be the best ruler 213

It is seen that most of the persons trust more on the persons

of their own family, caste, same religion, same background
area, city or country. This is because, they think that they
know their characteristics and also have a feeling of
affiliation for them.

v. Profession & department: The profession & department

also affect the personality and characteristics of persons, in
which they are surviving. So it must be kept in mind while

vi. Status: It must impart a grace and decency in personality.

It is presumed that person of good status is trustable while it
is not true always.

vii. Facial appearance: They say; face is index of

personality. Nature has given different facial
appearance to different persons. It is very common that
mostly the people trust on the heroic and innocent facial
appearance of the persons, while it is seen that
sometimes heroic & innocent faces acted like villains
and the presumed villains acted like heroes. So don’t
ignore this factor but it should not be the decisive factor
for judgment & dealing.

How to Assess, Judge and understand people

214 How to be the best ruler

In addition to common methods of judgment discussed

earlier, the author suggests the followings;

1. Increase your observation power: The observation power

is the power to observe, assess and understand the world around
you with a clear perspective.
Adolf Hitler writes in his book “My struggle” that most of
the people while walking on road; observe and read
signboards situated along the sides of roads or stare to the
roads; and in meetings observe the surroundings; while it is
better to observe and read preferably the faces of people and
try to understand them along with surroundings.

Difference between observation and seeing: observation is

seeing with the intention of learning and understanding the
surroundings which may be person, view or situation. While in
simple seeing you only look your surroundings.
How to improve your observation power: To improve your
powers of observation, it requires time spent practicing your
skills. Your powers of observation allow you to gather
information on the world around you and, with practice, learn
how to evaluate that information to make determinations. Doing
so requires practice and time spent observing your surroundings.
You have to learn to avoid letting your mind get in the way of
making your observations, while you train yourself to use all of
your senses together.
1. Think like Sherlock Holmes; Sherlock Holmes is a
character of detective novels written by Arther Conin doyle.
This character bears wonderful observation power and by
this ability he analyzes persons and facts.
Note; The author advises to read at least one novel or watch
movies of Sherlock holmes.
How to be the best ruler 215

2. Chess increases the observation power, so make your

habit to play chess. Most of the great rulers of world used to
play chess.
3. A technique to increase observation power is as
i. Make intention for observation, then give command
to your mind to start observation.
ii. Clear your mind of everything but keep your mind alert.
Stop talking, both out loud and in your mind. Take in
information from all around you but avoid fixating on a
particular point, image or visual clue. Take in everything. Let
your mind store the information that you take in.
iii. Use all your senses to make your observations. Practice
smelling casually throughout your day and take the time to
taste your food.
iv. Listen to what your instincts tell you about things going on
around you. Let your mind make judgments about the people
you see or the events occurring around you. Weigh those
judgments later to determine their validity before you take any
rash action based on your instinctual judgment. Remember that
instinctual judgment is meant as a tool for you to practice your
observational skills, not to rush to a harsh judgment.
v. Practice your observational techniques regularly. Use them
in your daily life to assess and evaluate your workplace, your
family at dinner and your friends in social situations. Visit
public places, such as malls, parks, and casually practice
observing people in their daily lives. Using these techniques,
glance at people as they walk by, taking note of what you see
and then testing yourself later to determine what you
remember. Continue to practice until you notice yourself
becoming more observant of the world and people around you.
Reference: to increase your observation

2. Speech, behavior & body language:

216 How to be the best ruler

(i) They say “to understand a person; don’t check his Bio-
data, Date of Birth (Zodiac Star). Palmistry, photograph or
facial features etc. There is a simple method to understand
persons i.e. concentrate on the speech of persons when they
are talking, mostly persons show their personality & mind
level, during talking.

(ii) Commonly; the behavior of persons is considered as

main criteria to judge persons. However always think of
underlying motive & objective of their behavior.

(iii) Observe the body language of opponent person. Make

your habit to observe and concentrate the body language of
all persons near to you. Then by time you will develop the
ability to judge the people from even their minor actions.
They say “Hint is sufficient for a wise man to understand”

Note: It is advised to see the documentary “secrets of body

language” from History TV.

It is said that the Indian Mughal King Babar invited the

Tribal Heads on a meal. While taking meal, he observed that
while eating vermicelli (a kind of Indian sweets) every
person had difficulty and their beards were polluted with

One Tribal Head Sher Shah Soori (real name Fareed Khan)
cut the vermicelli by his knife and then ate easily. Babar
observed all this, he called his son Humayun and warned
How to be the best ruler 217

him to beware from Shershah Soori and predicted that

Shershah Soori may be dangerous for their government, as
he did a different but wise action during eating which
showed his wisdom.

Later on, after the death of King Babar, Humayun was made
the King. The same tribal head Shershah Soori had a war
with Humayun and defeated him. Humayun had to run away
to Afghanistan to save his life.

3. Take complete information about the person whom you

are honoring any key post or expected dangerous post, study
his file. His companions may also be inquired.

4. Technique of asking questions: Develop the technique

of asking suitable, relevant and inquiring questions in a
decent & polite way. It will help you a lot in understanding

5. Beware of flatterers: Do not take good impression from

the apparent, beautiful and emotional talk of persons, as
there is chance of misguidance by such talk. So beware of

6. Make habit to test your companions in good and bad

circumstances. Demote some person then check his views in
your absence about you.
218 How to be the best ruler

Note: Mafia organization use to check its members by

putting them in great and difficult tests. Sometime close
friend of a guilty person is tested to shoot his friend to test
his faithfulness for organization.

7. Concentrate in your loneliness on the personality and

characteristics of your companions and other relating
persons (All plus and minus characteristics along with their

8. Develop “sixth sense” in yourself. For that Meditation is

the best method.

9. Nasir’s method: Hussnain heekle, a great writer; writes

that Jamal Abdul Nasir, the ex- president of Egypt had the
habit of observing in loneliness, the pictures (snaps) taken
from different angles of the person’s face whom he wanted
to judge. Before meeting with every country head, his
subordinates were ordered to arrange his face snap shots.
Heekle writes that before meeting with Col. Gaddafi, the
president of Libya, he was given the duty to visit Col.
Gaddafi to take his photos.
10. Criteria2 of UmarRA: Once, a person praised some
other person in a meeting before Umar Bin KhatabRA.
UmarRA asked how you can be sure about his characteristics.

- Have you ever traveled with him?

- Has there been a quarrel between you and him?

- Have you ever given anything to him as deposit?

How to be the best ruler 219

For all questions the person said, “No” then UmarRA said;
that means, you do not know that person.

11. Struggle method: They say; where there is a will, there

is a way i.e. when you decide to produce in yourself, a sense
of judgment of persons; you will find a way with continuous
struggle. The success of this method depends on your
sincere will and continuous struggle.
References. 3.3
1. Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
2. Ruler Suhaba By Mahmood Ahmed Gazanfar.

Judgment of situation
It is the ability to assess & understand the prevailing
situation & circumstances. This ability is very necessary for
further planning or action.

Importance of situation judgement

1. Very serious consequences may occur if you do not

understand the situation and change your behavior and

Example: After the military takeover of Government of

Zulfiqar ali Bhutto (ex-prime minister of Pakistan) General
Zia ul Haq the chief martial law administrator, came to meet
him. It is said that Bhutto was mentally in the same stance
220 How to be the best ruler

that he was still the prime minister & Zia was still under his
command and could not assess & understand the changed
situation. So he behaved with Zia in the same ruling way.
Hence the result was entirely different from Bhutto’s
expectations. Zia became very angry, later a suit of murder
was filed against Bhutto and resultantly Bhutto was hanged
till death.

2. Most of the Rulers could not assess the real situation of

their people and country. Their subordinates always try to
hide the negative facts only to make happy to rulers and tell
the ruler that everything is excellent and people are very
happy under their ruler-ship.

Example: It is said that at the time of decline of Ayub

Khan’s government (ex-president of Pakistan), he was
shown the dummy newspapers in which news were printed
that everything in country is excellent, while real situation
was totally opposite.

How to judge situation

In past times; most of rulers i.e. Haroon Rashid, Umar bin

KhatabRA used to move in night without showing their
identity to see the real picture of their masses.

In the present era, a trustworthy intelligence network is the

best source to take the accurate information of prevailing
How to be the best ruler 221

3.4.1 The dealings & its art

A ruler must be master in art of dealing with;

i. Every situation

ii. people in all forms i.e.

- individuals of all types

- groups of all types including pressure groups

- Public in large gathering.

- Media.

Best dealing: Best dealing is that which gives you required

results after dealing.

How to deal a critical situation

i. postpone

ii. get information, understand and analyze situation

iii. count solutions, alternates and possibilities

iv. choose best one

v. prepare yourself accordingly

Factors necessary to be considered while dealing: The

following factors are necessary to be kept in mind while
dealing with any person/persons.
222 How to be the best ruler

i. Relation with person to deal: This factor indicates the

level of carefulness needed to deal. The level of carefulness
depends on depth and type of your relation. The relation may
be personal, family, professional, business, departmental,
caste, ethnic, religious, regional or at the least humanitarian.
The relation may be direct or with some reference i.e.

ii. Status of person to deal: Status is social or official

caliber of a person. This factor indicates the level of
carefulness & preparation needed to deal. The level of
carefulness & preparation depends upon relative difference
of status and the nature of status of person to deal i.e. there
is a great difference to deal a head of state of underdeveloped
country and a head of state of a super power.

The status may be social, official or educational. The status

may be relative e.g. according to level of status; higher or
lower, junior or senior and according to age; elder or

iii. Level of knowledge & skill of person to deal:

Knowledge & skill denotes the mental caliber of a person.
This factor indicates the level of preparation and carefulness
needed to deal. The level of preparation & carefulness is
directly proportional to level of knowledge & skill of person
to deal.
How to be the best ruler 223

iv. Nature of person to deal (i.e. personality of person):

The person may be simple or tricky, true or liar, easy or
difficult, selfish or generous, greedy or not greedy, miser or
bountiful. With respect to behavior a person may be decent,
cooperative, sympathetic, angry, arrogant and cruel etc.

v. The issue concerned.

vi. Situation and circumstances.

vii. Objective: i.e. the purpose, target and time limit.

Keeping all factors mentioned above in mind; the strategy

of dealing must be planned and then act upon.

Types of dealing: There are different types of strategies

adapted for dealing. The strategy would be different with
different persons & also different in different situation &
different circumstances.

1- Dealing according to policy of government: Most

commonly this strategy is adapted officially.

2- Dealing by objectives: All dealing is done making

base to fulfill one’s individual or collective

3- Dealing according to the opponent person, his/her

attitude & his/her supporting power.

4- Dealing according to the situation & circumstances.

224 How to be the best ruler

5- Dealing according to the expected outcome.

6- Dealing with the humanitarian point of view.

7- Dealing with the thinking that how the God wants

you to deal i.e. religious point of view.

8- Dealing in family

9- Dealing with difficult persons.

10- No dealing.

Dealing methods: The methods adapted with respect to

strategy are as follows;

1- Sincere & true method.

2- Decent & polite method.

3- Political method: In this type of dealing, mostly persons

are dealt in a way to make them happy with the intention to
take their support and vote, or presented oneself very much
oppressed or grieved to take sympathies of people.

4- Official method: Two methods;

i. Administrative method: This method is adapted mostly

in government departments. All dealing is done strictly
according to rules & regulations. The humanitarian factor is
mostly ignored.
How to be the best ruler 225

ii. Managerial method: This method is mostly used in

private sector. Main intention is to improve the effectiveness
of organization, to achieve monetary & reputational benefits
for the organization. The humanitarian factor is considered
but to a lesser extent.

5- Deal like business: In this type of dealing, persons are

dealt in a way to make them happy with the intention to take
financial or other benefits.

6- Tactful dealing: This method is very important & is the

real art of dealing. It is useful to solve most of the problems,
to deal difficult persons & to deal family matters especially
females. This method has wide range of applications, some
examples are as follows;

(i)To solve crisis: First have the right vision then deal
tactfully: First have the right vision means that first step to
deal a crisis is to take the correct information of the incident
with all respects so that the situation may become crystal
clear. Secondly, the situation must not be handled
emotionally, but decently in a tactful and planned manner,
keeping in view the results of your action.

Example: Once the caliph (King) of Abbasi family Motozid

Billa1 was reported by his informers that a group of persons used
to talk against the government at Taqi gate of Baghdad city near
river Dajla. This group consisted of villagers, citizens and some
high ranked persons and their strength was increasing day by day.
The caliph became very upset and called at once his minister
226 How to be the best ruler

Abdullah Suleman, and ordered him to inquire and understand it

completely and report back to caliph earliest. After getting the
report, the caliph asked for the solution. The minister said;
“Your highness; arrest some persons from them. Hang till death
to some persons and throw the rest into the river. Because it is
only the strong punishments that frighten and tune the people not
to commit crime.
The Caliph was very wise; he said to minister: “By suggesting so
much strong punishments for my own public, you have teased
me. Don’t you know that public is trust of God given to a ruler
and about which ruler would be asked by God on Judgment day
that how nicely or badly the ruler dealt his masses?”
Then the caliph ordered for detailed inquiry. He came to know
that most of them were unemployed so caliph ordered to arrange
employment for them. Some of them were poor but were not able
to work due to their physical problems. They were given
scholarship on regular basis by the government. Some persons
were not poor but used to come there to pass their time. They
were told nicely to beware and be alert that caliph had come to
know about their misdeeds, so be careful. They left to come at
that place. Then only a small number of persons were left, who
were the real bone of contention. They were called and warned
strictly. So due to wisdom and tactful dealing of caliph Moatzid
Billa, a crisis was settled peacefully without any blood shedding.
(ii) To motivate others: when you cannot motivate others
by routine methods, then use tactful dealing technique.
Example: Napoleon crossed the Alps: This is story of year
2000, France was at war with nearly all the countries around.
Napoleon wanted very much to take his soldiers into Italy
but between France and Italy there were high mountains
called the Alps, the tops of which were covered with snow.
How to be the best ruler 227

People thought it impossible of an army of sixty thousand

men crossing the Alps where there was no road. Soldiers
were also frightened. Napoleon came to know that no
soldier had seen the mount Alps. He spoke to the soldiers;
you are the best army of the world, let us go and see the Alps
if it is too high and difficult we would not cross it.
Then he waited only to see that everything was in good order
and gave the order to march. The long line of soldiers, horses
and cannon stretched for twenty miles. Then they saw a
mountain, Napoleon said, Oh; it is a small mountain, Alps is
still away. He ordered enthusiastically to cross that small
mountain which was in fact the real mount Alps. Every man
did his best. The whole army moved right onward and
crossed over the Alps. In four days they were marching on
the plains of Italy. So Napoleon by his tactful dealing, made
the said impossible task to a possible task.
(iv) As a technique: This method can be used as a technique
also; Example: When UmarRA accepted Islam. He wanted
this news to be spread in whole city of Mecca. He told this
to Jamil bin Muammar who could not keep any secret. So
on the very next day this news was spread in all over Mecca.

(v) As a strategy: This method is also helpful especially

when one is in weaker position. Example: It is said that a
crow1 was living on a tree with its family. One day a snake
climbed on tree and eaten its eggs. Crow became very
depressed as he was in weaker position and could not fight
with snake directly. Crow consulted with its friend jackal.
They made a plan and moved all around. At a water pool
228 How to be the best ruler

they saw a princess taking bath; her clothes & jewelry were
placed at the bank of pool. The crow picked the diamond
necklace of princess in its beak and flew back to the tree
where the snake was residing. The watchmen of princess
followed the crow. When the watchmen came nearer, the
crow threw the necklace in the hole of stem of tree in the
burrow of snake. The watchmen approached the hole of stem
of tree and saw the snake there near the necklace. The
watchmen killed the snake, picked the necklace of princess
and went back.

Example: Once; a man slapped a weak but wise man. The

wise man gave him an Ashrafi (currency of that time) and
promised to give him two more Ashrafis if he would slap the
other person and pointed towards the other powerful person.
That man slapped the powerful person but then the powerful
man beat back that man badly.

7- Strict method: When polite dealings do not give results

or becomes impossible, or it is evident that polite dealing
will be useless or make the situation worse.

8- Show-off method: you only show-off your emotions

(strict or polite) which you think necessary to get the desired
results, which in fact were not your emotions.

9- Ignoring method: The opposite person is totally ignored

as unseen or unnoticed.
How to be the best ruler 229

The art of dealing

Basic requirements: To be master in dealing; following are
the requirements needed to be fulfilled.

1. Control your emotions and speech: The most important

requirement in dealing is to control your emotions and
speech i.e. control your emotions otherwise you would not
be able to think properly. Secondly control your speech,
otherwise you would not be able to deliver and act properly.

They say “More you have control on your speech &

emotions, more you are able to deal people successfully”.

2. Planned dealing: Best dealing is the planned dealing,

according to situation, circumstances and person to deal. So
before dealing, think and make a plan in your mind; keeping
in mind the short term & long term objectives & outcomes.

3. Physical & mental freshness: You should be physically

& mentally fresh to be fit for doing dialogue, to talk with
difficult persons, to tackle females or to deal family matters.
This is necessary because physical & mental tiredness
effects on intellectual thinking for the time being.

4. Be high alert during dealing: Keep yourself mentally

high alert during dealing as change may need according to
change in situation, speech and behavior of person being
230 How to be the best ruler

dealt. So focus continuously on speech & body language of

person being dealt.

5. Don’t adapt one strategy and one method always. It must

be changed always with the change of person/persons to deal
and with the change in situation. So the art would be to;

i. Understand the person/persons to deal by having possible

knowledge about him/them. While dealing keep in mind the
nature, caliber, relation with person and expected response
of person to be dealt. Also remember that; persons and their
behavior also change time to time and situation to situation.

ii. Understand the situation & circumstances, with up to date


How to deal persons

First step is to;
1. Analyze situation: Take complete information or
maximum information about the current situation and the

2. Analyze Persons to deal.

Take information about the persons to deal with i.e. their
status, qualification, background, attitude, their problems,
mental status (brain level), their purpose to meet you, your
purpose to meet them.
3. Identify and count weak and strong points.
How to be the best ruler 231

Identify and count weak and strong points of yourself and

your opponents and also the main weakest and strongest
4. Analyze your position.
It will be either of these,
1. Stronger 2. Equal 3. Weaker
Always care & keep in mind, the status of your position.
5. Be high alert during talking or dealing.
Be high alert during dealing or talking. Do not forget and
keep in mind;
i. Brain Level of opponent i.e. qualification, skill &
techniques etc.
ii. Real Social/official status of opponent.
Note: Some persons present them falsely of low status to
take benefits i.e. funds etc. Or false high status to impress
and so take benefits.
6. Pick favorable points: During talking, if you are
attentive and alert, you can pick favorable points from the
talk of opponent or some favoring point can suddenly come
in your mind.
Mostly people of weak brains or of low profile; speak some
words which may give benefit to you. Be in search of that
point and note it at once and analyze its strength and
immediately make strategy to use it in your favor.
Sometimes it happens in fractions of seconds, so you should
be very quick minded.
232 How to be the best ruler

7. Observe: Continually observe the opponent’s body

language, it also gives favoring points. While using any
point in your favor, always think of its expected outcome.
8. How People Take Benefits
Beware of this that how people take benefits. These are the
weapons of people. They take benefits by:
i. Pressurizing the opponent.
ii. By emotional Black mail.
iii. By giving some charm, hope, greed or Bribe, this method
is commonly used.
iv. Morally seeking help by taking sympathy.
v. By convincing on facts.
vi. In the name of religion, religious class, God, Justice,
country, region, caste or humanity. This method is used
commonly worldwide.
vii. By creating a favorable lobby.

9. Behavior of People: Behavior of people is of two types,

I. Expected II. Unexpected
I. Expected
1. expected angry
How to be the best ruler 233

(i) Simple angry

(ii) Shouting
(iii) Fighting
(iv) Abusing
(v) Pseudo Angry
Pseudo Angry use their anger; in fact they are not angry
inside these are difficult people to deal.
2. Expected decent
(i) Co-operative
(ii) Non Co-operative
II. Unexpected
Unpredictable personalities i.e. can change their behavior
Difficult people to deal
1. Unexpected
2. Do not listen to you and do not give you chance for
dialogue. They may be of different types:
 Talks decently
 Talks angrily not loudly
 Talks angrily, loudly and may abuse also.
 Grumbles himself / herself or go away
3. Decent Non Co-operative
Expected outcomes
234 How to be the best ruler

If you are at position A

1. Win – A, Win – B (Best result)
2. Win – A, Loose – B (Opponent to compromise)
3. Loose – A, Win – B (you to compromise)
4. Loose – A, Loose – B (Both to compromise or Co-
5. No outcome
Make your strategy keeping in view of expected
10. There is great difference in between the dealing the
persons individually or to deal a group of persons or to deal
11. Change in Policy according to situation.
Some rulers are so rigid in their mood and policy that
they do not change which is wrong. A ruler should be
flexible but on principles and according to situation.
Muslim Abbasi Caliph Mamoon Rashid used to say;
“There is an unseen string between government and people,
when I see that people have pulled it tight, I release it to
loose, but when I feel that people are easy and relaxed, I pull
the string. So I do it repeatedly but do not let it to break”
So be flexible according to situation, some ruler
become rigid due to the powers they have. So be flexible
otherwise your power may be lost. So act and react
according to PGS which is very good and safe method to act
and deal.
How to be the best ruler 235

P – Persons to deal, G – Goal to achieve, S – Situation

12. Eleven helps: The great writer “Donald Liar” wrote
eleven helps in his book “The technique of handling
people”. The helps are arranged alphabetically from A to K;
Ask questions: Develop the technique of asking the right,
relevant & result producing questions in a decent way. The
questions must be suitable & sensible.
They say; Bosses tell while leaders ask.
Edison the great inventor, developed to question reversely;
when asked how much he wanted for an invention, he
replied “what you will offer me”
Be brief: let the others talk more. When we are brief &
listen, we bolster the other person’s ego. When a situation is
tense; listen. When someone is angry or unhappy; be brief,
listen; let him/her talk.
Confident bearing: A confident manner boosts-up to who
assume it and also affects those around him. While
hesitation holds back. Act as if it were impossible to fail.
Directness: It is the quality of being honest and
straightforward in attitude and speech.
Earnestness: There is real power in being sincere and
showing it with suitable earnestness.
Friendliness: friendliness has the power to get attention &
Good finding: the leader has to develop the best in the men
around him by good finding in their personalities which is
opposite to fault finding. They say: A leader is known by the
men he develops. Andrew Carnegie who started from
236 How to be the best ruler

scratch himself; developed forty three millionaires who also

started from scratch. The great industries he started
remained going strong after his death as he developed men
who could carry on.
Same is the case with great leaders, their ideology and
governments; lived those beyond their lives who developed
the men who could carry on; and in turn the respondents
carried on the practice of developing younger men by
training and good finding.
Harness criticism: Say thanks to your critic. Ask him for
suggestion or just say; let me think over it. Your critic will
feel friendlier or lesser critic.
Increase other’s self-esteem: Those who have real
leadership; control their inclinations to show up others rather
they intend to build up the self-esteem of others. So always
help people to increase their self-esteem.
Jingle praise: The jingle that sounds prettier to human ears
is the jingle of praise. The leaders know very well that on
whom, when, how much and how to use this.
Know your people: People crave to be noticed, to be
known, especially by their leader. So all companions & main
workers must be organized like a big family knowing their
names, families and hobbies etc.
1. “48 ways of power”by Robert Greene.

4. Time management
How to be the best ruler 237

Time management is in fact self-management. By managing

one’s time effectively so that the right time may be allocated
for the right activity to achieve certain objectives.
Objective/goal is necessary for time management.

Note: It is better to be productive rather than to be busy.

Importance of time: Time is money, spend it like money

rather better is to invest it for better future.

It is the common factor in all great men of history that they

understood the importance of time and then utilized it in
right and effective way, so ultimately succeeded.

Nature gives 24 hours (1440 minutes or 86400 seconds)

daily to every person, neither less nor more to anyone i.e.
rich, poor, highest status or lowest status person. It is the
utilization of time which produce the difference.

First of all let us see how much time is available to us, which
is needed to be managed.

Almost every person utilizes daily 6 to 8 hours of his time

in sleeping. Great people’s sleep was four hours daily. How
much your sleep time.

Two to three hours for washroom ( face washing, bath,

shave, micturition and defecation etc. one to three hours for
eating & drinking.
238 How to be the best ruler

Preparing oneself to go out of home, half to one hour in

males (changing clothes & other adjustments). While one to
three hours in females (changing clothes, make up & other

Travelling time varies from two hours to eight hours or


Miscellaneous 1-4 hours.

Now time left daily for performance with every person is

near about 12 hours or less. Every person has to utilize this
much range of time for his progress.

The time left for performance is further distributed more or

less in five types of lives that we live in our life.

• - Professional (political, official or business) life,

• - Social life,

• - Family life,

• - Religious (spiritual) life &

• - Personal life.

It is a great blessing & art to keep balance in all these


General De Gaulle French statesman kept balance in his

family life & political/professional life. Ex-President USA
How to be the best ruler 239

Nixon writes in his book “The Leaders” that De Gaulle

daily at 8.00 pm used to go his home, where he could not be
contacted except emergency. He placed both his lives at no.
1 place but in their own spheres.

Regarding balance in between worldly & religious lives, a

person should never forget that surely a day will come when
he will die and his other life will start, in which according to
every religion; every person will be asked on judgment day,
about all his deeds and the duties imposed on him and then
will be punished or rewarded accordingly. So one should
keep balance in between worldly life & religious life.

A narration: “A person served his master for many years

then he left service and asked permission to go back to his
homeland. His master gave him a gold coloured stick along
with some money. The servant asked his master; the money
I can understand but what I will do of this golden stick. The
master said with smile, ok: give this golden stick to that
person whom you think as most foolish person. After about
a year, the servant was told by someone that your master is
very sick so he came to see his master and asked that what
happened. Master said that I am near to die and after this I
will have to go before God where I will be asked about this
life and then my other life will start, which will be
permanent. The servant asked. Have you prepared yourself
for your other and permanent life? Master said: No. Then
240 How to be the best ruler

servant gave him the golden stick & said, you deserve this
because you are very foolish as you struggled for smaller
and temporary life and not for permanent life”.

Give time to yourself also: Don’t ignore yourself. Give

time to yourself i.e. health, relaxation & recreation. Many
persons say that they have no time for themselves to
organize their life style i.e. walk, diet plan etc.

Wastage of time: Most of people waste daily one to four

hours of their performance time. The persons who waste
their time do not know that in fact time is wasting them.

If we waste two hours daily, it will become 730 hours in

a year or in other words a complete month in a year is
wasted or performance time of two months in a year.

The ways – we waste our time: Most of the persons do not realize
wastage of time. However every person waste his time by own choice,
which may be;
• Television, too much watching.
• Mobile – Long conversations.
• Games on mobile & computer/Laptop.
• Waste time by thinking negative about others.
• Persons without any aim, waste their own time & of others
• Lazy persons (waste also slowly- waste 15 minutes in half
• Window shopping
• Frequent shopping and extraordinary bargaining
• Long discussions on petty, irrelevant or unimportant matters
• Too much time for preparation to go out – dressing & make up
Other time wasters: common time wasters are;
How to be the best ruler 241

• Unwanted phone calls

• Unwanted visitors

• Too much ceremonies

• Unplanned, too long or unproductive meetings

• Out of routine events.

Obstacles to effective time management: In addition to

time wasters, other obstacles are;

• Unclear objectives

• Disorganization

• Inability to say “No”

• Interruptions

• Too many things at once

• Stress & fatigue

How to manage time

Basic requirements for successful time management

• Strong desire and determination to manage oneself

by time management.

• Positive thinking and positive attitude

242 How to be the best ruler

• Progressive (productive) thinking

• Dissatisfaction from present situation.

• Clear objectives (goals)

What to do: first of all;

Evaluation and diagnosis: (i) Self costing: Cost yourself
and also cost a value to your time. Make an estimate of how
much your time is worth.

How to cost your time: Calculate the number of hours you work per day and
from the figures generated you can work out an hourly rate. This will give you
a reasonable estimate of how much your time is worth. Calculating how much
your time is worth will help you to work out that how much it is good to work
on certain job.

Don’t let others to cost you and your time e.g. when
Yousefpbuh was brought in slave market for sale, his first
price was rated only a reel of thread.

When Muhammad Ali Jinnah (founder of Pakistan) aimed

to make his office in lawyer’s office area of court of Bombay
India to start his law practice, he was told that there is no
place on ground of area due to too many offices of lawyers.
Jinnah was so much confident about his success due to his
self-assessment that he said; “There is always room at the
top” which was proved later as Jinnah became one of top
lawyers of India.
How to be the best ruler 243


- Past situation – Time utilization in past, wasted etc.

- Present situation: how much time you waste Method:

write your every activity with time duration of one week,
then analyze the list of your activities that how much time
was wasted and you need how much correction.

(iii) Find out the cause of time wasting i.e. time wasters,
obstacles etc. then avoid those step by step.

Then manage yourself by;

• Set goals/objectives.

• Plan your work

• Organize & Prioritize

• Scheduling

• Learn when to say “No”. Do not make it habit.

• Concentrate on task at hand

• Identify & utilize your prime time (peak performance


• Act with confidence

• Pray to God
244 How to be the best ruler

Now let us discuss one by one;

1. Set goals/objectives; goals must be clear and SMART i.e.

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-

Note: Don’t make more than three objectives at one time,

otherwise you cannot focus.

2. Plan your work

3. Organize & Prioritize: Majority of tasks can be organized

& prioritized according to Eisenhower matrix discussed in
time management techniques.

4. Scheduling

• Learn when to say “No”. But do not make it habit.

• Concentrate on task at hand

• Act with confidence

• Pray to God

Time management techniques

1. Eisenhower Matrix refined by stephen covey
2. Effort vs result
3. Pareto principle
4. Principle of prime time usage
How to be the best ruler 245

Eisenhower Matrix refined by Stephen covey

Eisenhower (34th President of the United States from 1953

to 1961) used to apply this matrix in his life, later it was
refined by great writer Stephen covey in his book “seven
habits of highly effective people” The urgent-important
matrix is a great tool to prioritize your tasks visually on their
scale of urgency and importance.

The decision matrix is broken up into 4 quadrants which

have To-Do lists within them. The beauty of this matrix is
that it forces you to analyze each task and put them into
one of the 4 quadrants.

It can be very tempting to mark down all tasks as “Urgent

and Important”. However, to help with this process, think
about the following 2 questions when sorting through your
task list:

i. What am I working toward?

ii. What are the core values or objectives that drive my life?

It’s important to carefully filter each task and ensure that it

goes into the correct quadrant as Dwight Eisenhower said;

“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is

seldom important.”

To categorize all tasks according to urgent-important matrix

there are two questions:
246 How to be the best ruler

i. Is this task important?

ii. ii. Is this task urgent?

By asking yourself these questions, you can begin placing

your tasks in each quadrant of the matrix.
So just what does each quadrant stand for according to task
is as follows?
Quadrant – 1 important and urgent
Quadrant – 2 important but not urgent
Quadrant – 3 not important but urgent
Quadrant - 4 not important not urgent
How to be the best ruler 247

Quadrant No. 1: Important and urgent – (Do)

248 How to be the best ruler

This quadrant is for the highest priority tasks as these tasks

are both urgent and important. They have to be addressed
and need to be done immediately. These tasks are usually
crisis, problems or deadlines.

Try to keep as few tasks as possible here, with the aim to

eliminate. If you spend too much of your time in this
quadrant, you are working solely as a trouble shooter, and
never finding time to work on longer-term plans.

Quadrant No. 2: Important but not Urgent (Devote)

These tasks don’t have deadlines but are important to your

long term goals. Generally speaking, these tasks are usually
future planning, self-improvement and relationship
building. The tasks in this quadrant can include strategic
thinking, deciding on goals or general direction and
planning – all vital elements of running and making a
successful present and future.

This is where you should devote most of your time. This

quadrant allows you to work on something important and
have the time to do it properly. This will help you produce
high quality work in an efficient manner.

The tasks in this quadrant are probably the most crucial

ones for success. You need to plan time for these activities,
so that the tasks from quadrant 1 and 3 don’t take over your
whole schedule. If necessary, also plan where you will do
these tasks, so that you’re free from interruptions.

Quadrant No. 3: Not Important but Urgent (Delegate)

How to be the best ruler 249

These tasks are those that require immediate attention, but

don’t help you achieve your long-term goals or fulfill your
life purpose. Generally speaking, these tasks are usually
interruptions from other people, phone calls etc.

Note: Most of the executives are suffering from this mental

thinking that if I delegate my work to my subordinates,
they cannot do this work as good as I can do. That means
“Ideal is that which I-deal” Due to this mental thinking,
they overload themselves. Best approach is that you either
change or get trained your subordinates.

Make target to minimize the tasks that you have in this

quadrant as this is where you are busy but not productive.
So delegate the tasks of this quadrant to other person,
taking a strategic approach to the task.

Quadrant No. 4: Not important and not urgent (Delete)

These tasks are “time killer” activities that don’t help you
achieve any of your goals. Generally speaking, these are
usually distractions e.g. web browsing, face book, Whats-
up and any activity you use to postpone what you should

So delete or delay as much as you can the tasks of this


This quadrant is that where we go to escape after spending

too much time in quadrants 1 and 3. But this may cause
quadrant 2 activities to get postponed until they become
urgent and move to quadrant 1 – when it becomes too late
to get them done effectively.
250 How to be the best ruler

In fact, this quadrant doesn’t really include tasks, but rather

habits that provide comfort, and a refuge from being
disciplined and rigorous with your time management. They
may often be stress-related activities, so you might want to
take some time to understand if there’s a root cause for these

Note: To reduce the unnecessary activities and remove the

temptation to go back to them, it is very helpful that; Create
a clear structure for your day by focusing on the tasks in
quadrant 2.

Conclusion of Eisenhower matrix

Eisenhower often assessed urgency and importance before

making decisions. He also often delegated as many of his
tasks as he could.

The beauty of Eisenhower matrix is to reschedule your tasks

by “4 D” formula for quadrants.

Do – urgent & important – quadrant -1

Devote – Not urgent but important – quadrant – 2, devote

maximum time for tasks of this quadrant.

Delegate – urgent but not important – quadrant – 3

Delete or Delay – Not urgent not important – quadrant – 4

How to be the best ruler 251

Note: order your secretary to make your “To do list”


2. Effort vs result:
When you make a "to do" list, prioritize each item by the
amount of effort required (1 to 10, with 1 being the least
amount of effort) and the potential positive results (1 to 10,
with 10 being the highest impact.)
Now divide the amount of effort by the potential results to
get a "priority" ranking. Do the items with the highest
resulting priority number first.

Here's a simple example:

 Task 1: meeting.
Effort=10, Result=2, Priority= o.5

 Task 2: publicity
Effort=4, Result=4, Priority=1

 Task 3: work on objectives

Effort= 5, Result=10, Priority= 2

See your new priority-based order? You do Task 3 first,

Task 2 second, and Task 1 last–if at all.

3. Pareto principle
The Pareto principle, named after Italian
economist Vilfredo Pareto, which specifies an unequal
relationship between inputs and outputs. The principle states
252 How to be the best ruler

that 20% of the invested input is responsible for 80% of the

results obtained. Put another way, 80% of consequences
stem from 20% of the causes; this is also referred to as the
"Pareto rule" or the "80/20 rule.
The Pareto principle is applied in a wide range of areas such
as manufacturing, human resources management (the efforts
of 20% of an organization's staff could drive 80% of its
profits), wealth distribution (80% of the wealth is controlled
by 20% of the country's population) and time management.
In terms of time management, 80% of your work-related
output could come from only 20% of your time at work. We
can use the Pareto Principle to better manage our time and
focus on the things on our task list that really make a
To conclude by Pareto principle; save your time by using
only 20 % time but on your objectives which will give you
80% results. But this 20% time should be your prime time.
4. Prime time (peak performance time)
Prime time is that part of your day in which you are maximum
fresh and alert. This is time when your physical working ability
is at top and your brain is more prone to creative ideas. The
duration and time of prime time is variable person to person;
mostly it is early morning time or time after rest or after siesta. It
lasts for two to four hours. So identify & utilize your prime
The tasks of quadrant no. 2 should be kept in the prime time.
e.g. - A writer should write his book in prime time.
- All thinking for objectives.
- All thinking and brain storming meetings for country.
How to be the best ruler 253

5. Ability to bear stress, face and control crisis

This ability comprises:

● Ability to bear stress and pressure

● Not only bear, but also face it bravely.

● then have the ability to control the crisis and

solve the problems.

Life of a ruler is not an easy Job. Every ruler has to face a

lot of tough times, problems & pressures of many types. So
his nervous system should be very strong psychologically to
bear & face such situations. The persons who became ruler
by luck (by inheritance etc.) and their personalities were not
very strong to bear the hardship of sovereignty, ultimately
they had to lose their government and the other forces took
the benefit of that ruler’s weak personality e.g.

King Abdullah of Spain1 was a weak personality and had

no ability to face and control crisis. So he lost his
government, and had to leave the Spain. When he was
leaving Granada, the city of Spain; he looked back towards
the city of Granada with tears in his eyes. His mother said:

“Abdullah if you could not save your country like a brave

man, you have no right to tear up like women”.
254 How to be the best ruler

Dr Mahathir Mohammad (ex-prime minister of Malaysia)

said in his meeting with the author that “The persons who
cannot bear & face stress and pressure, should not enter in
the field of politics.

Stress management
Stress is the feeling of emotional burden. It is produced
mostly in response to any physical or mental demand placed
by some stressor.
Stress is part of life. It is universal, no person is without
The stressor may be internal, external or unknown.
Internal stressors; it includes mainly self-generated stress.
External stressors
Physical environment: Noise, Bright Lights, Heat, Confined Spaces.
Social Interactions: Misbehaviour of anyone e.g. Rudeness, Bossiness,
Aggressiveness by others.
Organizational: Rules, Regulations, Deadlines, Job relating difficulties e.g.
joblessness, transfers, promotion problems & insufficient earnings from job etc.
Events of life: Deaths of closer ones, Diseases especially all chronic diseases,
mismatched marriage & relating problems, Problems relating to family.
Daily hassles: Misplaced Keys, documents and utility bills, Traffic hassles etc.
Internal stressors
These are mostly self-generated & so can be prevented and corrected.
Lifestyle choices: Over intake of caffeine, Lack of sleep, overloaded schedule.
Negative thinking: Pessimistic thinking, Self-criticism and over analysis etc.
Personality characteristics: Unrealistic expectations, Taking things personally,
Exaggeration i.e. magnifies minor things & make issues, Searches reason to fight and
rigid thinking etc.
Personality traits: Perfectionists, workaholics
How to be the best ruler 255

Stress can be positive or negative. Positive stress is that

which creates a sense of responsibility to coop the challenge.
It produces motivation and determination to face and resolve
the stress, so positive stress is blessing & necessary to
achieve objectives and to face challenges & crisis.
It is negative stress which is needed to be resolved.
Symptoms of stress: Symptomatic response differs from
person to person. Most commonly Fight or Flight response
is elicited. The response may present in one or more of the
following symptoms.
.Worried, tense, anxious, elated, depressed, tired,
anger, frightened, a sense of responsibility, hungry etc.

Unwise ways to cope with stress

Most of the persons adopt the unwise ways to cope with their
stress. These coping strategies may temporarily reduce
stress, but it causes more damage in the long run:
• Smoking
• Drinking too much.
• Using pills or drugs to relax.
• Zoning out for hours in front of TV or computer.
• Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities.
• Sleeping too much.
• Procrastinating (Postpone or delay needlessly)
• Filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing
• Taking out your stress on others (lashing out, angry
outbursts and/or physical violence)

Solution or wise ways to cope with stress

First step is to identify the stress and its cause.
256 How to be the best ruler

Then to resolve the stress, adopt any one or more of the

following methods according to situation and suitability
with reference to your personality and temperament.
1. Two aspects of stress: There are two aspects regarding
stress. Either you can do something or cannot do anything.
If you can do something sufficient to resolve stress, then
plan and do it. So no need to worry.
Secondly if you cannot do anything, then either accept it or
ignore it e.g. death of closer one or disability or any big
irreversible loss. So it is useless to worry. Plan what you can
best do now.
2. SW formula: analyze and compare your strength (plus
points, strong points) with your weakness (negative points,
weak points) it will decrease your stress, then plan; what
best you should do and what best you can do.
3. Thinking of an ideal: Tady Roosevelt ex-president of
USA made Lincoln as his ideal. In any stress, Roosevelt
used to sit in front of a large picture of Lincoln installed in
his private room and think that what the Lincoln would do
in such situation, then after an idea he used to do the same.
He was 90% successful by this method.
4. Stress management techniques:
These techniques are very effective to prevent and resolve
stress specially self-generated stress. There are three
i. Change your thinking
ii. Change your behavior
iii. Change your lifestyle
i. Change your thinking
It includes three things;
Positive thinking: Positive thinking and attitude prevents
from stress and also help to resolve stress.
Reframing: Reframing is a technique, to change the way
you look at things in order to feel better about them.
How to be the best ruler 257

Reframing does not change the reality but it helps to view

the things in a different light and less stressfully. There are
many ways to interpret the same situation, you can choose
any one of less stressing or of positive nature e.g. a glass half
filled with water can be interpreted by two ways;
i. very sad; half glass is empty.
ii. Thank God; half glass of water is filled, which is a
positive approach.
A story: A teacher asked the students about weight of half
filled glass of water. Students answered; 150 gm to 200 gm.
Teacher said; troublesome is not the weight of glass whereas
main thing is the duration for how long you have lifted and
kept holding the glass? If it is for seconds it is not bothering
but if it is for five minutes, it will be very tiring and may be
painful to your arm. However if it for one day, it may
paralyze your arm rather will be impossible to do it. Same is
the case of stress if you hold it for little time, it is not harmful
but if hold for long time i.e. for months or years; it will be
dangerous for your health and life accordingly. So one of the
best way to deal stress is hold it for minimum possible time.
Self-psychotherapy: self-suggestion is sometimes more
effective than all other measures.
ii. Change your behavior
It includes the following;
- Get organized
- Ventilation
- Humour
- Diversion and distraction
Get organized
Poor organization is the one of the most common causes of
stress. Prioritizing & arranging objectives, planning,
establishing duties and activities make those objectives
manageable and achievable. Don’t overload your mind.
258 How to be the best ruler

Good organization will prevent and help to deal personal

and professional chaos. Organized and structured approach
is also helpful to deal the unexpected problem.
A problem shared is problem halved. It is said that stresses
reduce by sharing while happiness increase by sharing. So
trustworthy friends are blessing.
Jolliness, pleasant mind and laughing as therapy are good
stress reducer. It relieves muscular & mental tension,
improves breathing, produce endorphin in brain which is
natural chemical stress & pain reliever. Laughing clubs are
made in some countries e.g. India, where people come and
laugh to reduce their stress.
Diversion & Distraction therapy: Diversion is an activity
that diverts, amuses or stimulates while distraction is an
entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts
you from worries and vexations.
-This therapy does not change the situation
-It gets away the sufferer from stressor that bothers, so
relaxes mind.
Change your lifestyle
• Adopt modest way of living
• Adopt simplicity
• Diet – avoid overeating. Eat mostly with health point
of view.
• Quit Smoking, alcohol or other addiction (if present)
• Busy yourself in some positive activity
• Proper sleep – 6 hours daily with siesta at noon
• Exercise therapy
• Breathing therapy
• Relaxation therapy
How to be the best ruler 259

Religious approach to relieve stress

• Do your best possible effort
• Believe that result is always with God
• Pray to God with full trust
• A great stress reliever: Forgive all those in the name
of God who misbehaved with you. Seek forgiveness
from all with whom you misbehaved. Forgive
yourself also as it happens that we tease ourselves
very much by frequently recollecting the unpleasant
& teasing memories.

Ways to minimize stress at work

• Don’t bring unpleasantness of your home at your work
• Avoid being a perfectionist.
• Don’t try to be a winner all the time.
• Don’t insist on doing everything yourself. Delegate.
• Don’t agree the work beyond your ability or power.
• Develop the ability to say “ No” politely without hurting

Ways to minimize stress at home

• Don’t bring your job’s work at home
• Don’t bring unpleasantness of your work at home
• Don’t be the Boss at home. Play your role of father,
mother/ husband or wife/ son or daughter.
• Don’t allow the discussions to turn into arguments
and so on. Always patch up at early stage
• Avoid faultfinding in others
• Avoid comparisons
• Plan your budget. Always try to be within budget.

References. 3.10
1. Granada (in Urdu language) by Nasim Hijazi.
260 How to be the best ruler

3.2 Administrative skill

Note: To understand the subject, please read this chapter with chapter of

This is a burning question that what should be the most

important ability for a ruler? Recently in India an economist,
Manmohan Singh was made Prime Minister and in Pakistan
Shaukat Aziz was made Prime Minister keeping in view of
saying that “world will be ruled by that country which is
economically strong”. So economist must be the ruler.
Author is of the view that the most necessary ability
for a ruler is Administration. He should understand and have
the knowledge of economy and choose best economist as his

King Akbar successfully ruled over India about half

century (from 1556 - 1805). He was completely illiterate and
could not even write or read. He was asked once; how he
became so much successful? He answered that, I am not
educated but I have taken best brains of India as my
ministers, advisors and I very well know, how to control and
take work from them.
Note: Administration is both a great art & science. It is a great art in its
practical aspect, while as a subject it is science.

Objectives of administration

1. To take work from your subordinates.

How to be the best ruler 261

2. Work should be up to standard.

3. Work should be done with in due time.

How to talk; It is said that Mr. Ghulam Muhammad, the

governor general of Pakistan used to abuse his Ministers
and subordinates. To abuse, loose talk and unnecessarily
try to inspire with awe or shouting on subordinates are not
the positive ways of administration. By this method you
only exhale your inner anger. But it will never create a
respect of your personality in the hearts of subordinates. If
you want to criticize, you should know the method of
positive criticism. So that others may not feel insulted. At
the same time do not praise so much to one companion that
others feel jealous to him. It should be in a persuasive

Administration is not a commanding task only. It includes

Punishment, persuasion, praise, encouragement, motivation,
rewards & also compromise, relaxation, and forgiveness. A
good administrator very well knows, when, where & what
should be applied according to situation.

The administration consists of the following elements;

i. Excellent decision power and its implementation

ii. Problem solving

iii. Planning with its timely and proper implementation.

262 How to be the best ruler

iv. Ability to get work done by others within time ensuring the
quality, quantity and economy of work.

Excellent & timely Decision making & problem

Good decision is based upon knowledge not on Majority (Plato)

Decision is the conclusion made after proper consideration

on some matter. An excellent decision power is the ability
which makes the personality strong and influential.

What is right decision? A decision which is;

i. Done with positive intention

ii. Done in time. Neither too early nor too late. It is said that
even if; justice delayed it is as justice denied.

iii. Good not only in present but also in future.

iv. If not good in present must be good in future.

v. Beneficial not only for oneself but also for others

vi. impartial and unbiased.

Importance of decision power: What we are and in which

situation we are living is the results of our decisions.

If successful persons and compared with unsuccessful

persons. The main cause behind all successful persons are
How to be the best ruler 263

right decisions and the main cause behind all unsuccessful

persons are wrong decisions

Your decision is responsible for effective maintenance of

your government, good decisions good future, bad decisions
bad future of your government, people and also your

Decision is very important because every action or step you

take in your ruler-ship is always preceded by a decision.

“A right decision, at right time has the power to change the

inspiration into reality”. Decision at improper time (delayed
or very early) is useless & sometimes dangerous, so good
decision power needs proper timing also.

Main life changing decisions in one’s life

1. Decision of nature about one’s birth place, religion &


2. Decision about institutions of study.

3. Decision to choose or change a profession.

4. Decision of job/work place, department.

5. Decision of choosing Friends. (Loneliness is better

than unreliable friends - Hitler’s view)

6. Decision of marriage.
264 How to be the best ruler

Some great decisions which changed history

1. Decision of Adam to eat prohibited fruit.

2. Decision of conquering of Makkah by Muslims

3. Decision of Berke Khan to embrace Islam who was

Mongolian ruler and grandson of Genghis Khan. He
embraced Islam through a very pious person named
Khwaja Saifeddin Boharzi (RAH). Ref: google, first
mongol Muslim.

Note: a story is linked in this reference that when Berke

khan was prince; while hunting in a forest met Khwaja
Saifeddin. Berke khan behaved vey proudly and said to
khwaja that your position is so inferior that my dog is
better than you. Khawaja answered; if I am faithful to my
master Allah and live my life according to His orders
then I am better than dog and many of human beings but
if I am not faithful to my master Allah and don’t live my
life according to His orders then I am worse than your
dog. The berke khan became very impressed and asked
questios about Allah and Islam. Later when berke khan
became the king embraced Islam.

4. Decision of Constantine to accept Christianity.

5. Decision of Asoka to accept Buddhism.

How to be the best ruler 265

6. Collective revolutionary decision of nations to get


Common Errors in decision making

11. i. Cognitive near sightedness i.e. tendency to satisfy the

immediate needs.

ii. Tendency to deal with symptoms to exclusion of


2. Decision made under the influence of emotions and

personal liking or disliking.

Common public approaches to Decision making &

problem solving

 Experience and observation based

 Intuitive : Relying on emotions and feelings.

 Rational / logical / Analytical

 Luck, chance or Random (flipping a coin)

 Spiritual: religion based / Istkhara, spiritual leader


Official approaches to Decision making & problem

266 How to be the best ruler

 Autocratic: decisions are made at the top

 Participative: Decision made with input from the

people who are going to be impacted

 Democratic: Decision is reached by a majority vote

 Consensus based: Decision made by getting

individuals from multiple groups, all working
together, for the final decision.

How to be able to decide nicely:

i. The vision behind the decision is more important than

decision. Improve your vision your decision power will also
improve. To improve your vision, improve your exposure
and observation it will improve your vision, which will
improve your power of decision.

ii. You must be very clear about your;

• Values, (religious, customary)

• Needs of people

• Objectives, Targets and their time limitations

iii. Decide clearly every major matter keeping in view of all

above mentioned and for the welfare of your people and
How to be the best ruler 267

iv. Whenever to decide; never put your ego or your likes or

dislikes in that.

v. Every decision should always be secondary to sufficient

knowledge and expected outcome. The level of knowledge
should be so satisfactory that decision can be made easily.

vi. AliRA the Muslim caliph said “Don’t decide when you
are in a state of anger & don’t promise when you are in a
state of great happiness”.

Process/steps of decision making

1.Identify the issue. Take complete knowledge

2.Take advice: Why to take advice(i)Prophets took advice

(ii)Benefit of more brains. Rules to take advice-1.
Best and relevant person. 2. Quality of advice
(salman farsi) So select from staff, technocrats,
companions or any other suitable person.

3. Count & analyze possible alternatives.

4. Choose best one keeping in view, your objectives &


5.Make complete plan of action from beginning to end with

time limits

6.implement on your plan properly & timely

268 How to be the best ruler

7.Monitoring & follow up.

8.Pray to God.

Techniques for decision making and problem solving

1. Great leaders’ methods

(i). Prophets made decisions in different ways according to

situation. (i) They were ordered or guided by God through
revelation (ii) They used to decide by taking advice from
their companions (iii) Sometimes they decided by their
wisdom even against advice of their companions e.g.

Once Muslims under leadership of prophet Muhammedpbuh travelled

from medina city to Mecca to perform Hajj but tribal heads of Mecca
stopped them and offered to make a treaty for future which were
apparently against Muslims i.e. (i) Muslims will go back and come next
year (ii) if any Muslim come to Mecca will not be given back but if
some person from Mecca goes to Medina that will be given back.

All companions of prophet were against that treaty but the wisdom of
prophet understood the hidden victory of Muslims in that treaty and
decided to accept the treaty called Sulla-Hudabia, Prophet named it
open victory which proved same by passage of time.

(ii). Thinking2 of Ideal: Theodore Roosevelt (26th

president USA) used to stare at the photograph of Lincoln,
hanged in his room and thinking that if Lincoln had to face
the same situation. What he would have decided. Then
How to be the best ruler 269

Roosevelt used to do the same and most of time he was

successful for the results of his decisions.

Dr. Moiz, an international Psychologist and Hypnotherapist

of Pakistan says; “when any person thinks and imposes on
himself of the personality of his ideal. A time comes that his
thoughts and actions become alike his ideal and his talent is
improved near to the talent of his ideal”.

Method: In a calm & quiet room, think that your ideal is in

front of you with all his appreciating abilities. Now feel that
your ideal personality is penetrating in your personality.
Feel your thoughts as a new personality; very similar to your
ideal. Repeat this daily. A day will come that you will think,
decide, act and behave similar to your ideal.

(iii). Lincoln’s method3: Ex-president USA Lincoln used

to call his friend, Chief Justice Supreme Court and talked
loudly all plus minus factors of problem and the possible
solutions of problem with all information available.
Discussing all those; Lincoln himself mostly became able to
reach the decision to solve the problem then he acted upon
that, Chief Justice mostly remained silent and acted as a
passive listener.

(iv). Hitler’s Method: Hitler writes in his book “My

struggle” that, after a lot of continuous abortiveness
(failures). I have understood and decided finally that “How
270 How to be the best ruler

much it may be teasing to my heart, my decisions will be

controlled by my brain”

(v). Tamer’s method: Tamer the great conqueror writes in

his biography “I am tamer” that he used to decide by giving
the numbers to all aspects of issue to be decided. Then the
aspect bearing more number was decided.

(vi). Richard Nixon: Richard Nixon Ex-USA president, in

his Book “The Leaders” writes that decision is the only thing
which the ruler should do himself, if he allows others to
decide then he will become a follower not a leader. So
decide yourself; you should take advice from your friends,
staff, technocrats, advisors or whoever you think better but
at the end decide yourself.

Problem solving
Problem is a state of difficulty that needs to be solved.
Problem solving is a method or technique to solve the

Types of problems:

 Personal

 Family

 Religious
How to be the best ruler 271

 Official or professional

 Social

 National & International

Nature of problems:

 Non cooperation & irregularities of staff/relatives

 Disputes

 Mutiny

 Opposition

 Issues- Minor, Major

 Crisis-a big problem

Basic Requirement for Problem solving

1. Right Mental attitude: which is usually ignoring,

run away, Stressed, hopelessness, commanding,
winning, or revolutionary. Best one is Solutionary.

2. Sincerity & Seriousness to solution

3. Focus attention towards the problem.

4. Avoid to involve in or create any other issue.

272 How to be the best ruler

5. Pray to God.

Basic Abilities of a person to deal a problem:

 Ability to bear stress

 Keep your head cool & feet hot (Bernard Shaw)

 Don’t lose your heart

 Courage to take bold steps.

Steps in decision making4 and problem solving

(1). Identify the problem. Take complete knowledge i.e.

i. Does problem real exists?

ii. Cause of problem i.e. elements that make up the problem

and relationship among the elements.

iii. Intensity of problem.

iv. How much complication may occur if problem is not

tackled properly or lightly tackled?

(2). Take advice from cabinet, staff, technocrats,

companions or any other suitable person.

Rules to take advice:- i- Take advice from the person who

has maximum knowledge about the concerned matter.
ii - In the meeting, analyze the quality of advice, not status
of advisor, e.g. when prophet Muhammadpbuh consulted his
How to be the best ruler 273

companions to prepare for battle of trench, Salman Farsi

who was a new Muslim gave advice to dig a trench on the
unsafe fourth side of Medina city, as it was safe on three
sides on account of population and oasis. Muhammadpbuh
accepted his advice. Result was victory.
Why to take advice: i- Prophets were guided at every step
by the God and his angels; even then they felt need to take
advice from their companions. So the rulers who are simple
human beings, and honored a limited wisdom, they are not
the prophets, and so not guided by God and his angels. How
they can be so wise that they do not need to take advice from
their companions. So taking advice is must.
ii- When more than one wise persons are invited to advice
on a matter, their brain power is accumulated and the
resultant advice would be more likely to be better as
compared to single brain work.
(3). Appraise the possible solutions and alternatives.

(4). Decide best one keeping in view, your objectives and

public welfare.

(5). While deciding; keep away your emotions, your

personal liking or disliking, be impartial; decide on merits,
with justice and fair play.

(6). Make yourself active, to act on your decision.

(7). Decide also end point and time limits i.e. if it is a project
then decide, beginning, intermediate steps, end Point and its
time limits.
274 How to be the best ruler

Six Thinking Hats technique for problem solving

Commonly people think about problem and its solution
outcomes on the basis their emotional grounds, right or
wrong, beneficial or non-beneficial, profit or loss,
Productive or nonproductive, good or bad.
The Six Thinking Hats (a concept created by Edward de
Bono) is a powerful tool for brainstorming and innovation.
By this technique we break down the thoughts into six
“parallel” or “lateral” areas. The basic idea is to analyze the
problem and its solution by all possible angles. So there are
more chance that the better decision may come from
changing the way that you think about problems, and
examining them from different viewpoints.

Importance of six hats thinking style

You can use Six Thinking Hats in meetings or on your own.
In meetings, it has the benefit of preventing any
confrontation that may happen when people with different
thinking styles discuss a problem, because every perspective
is valid.
By using these six types of thinking in a structured way,
groups can more effectively approach problem solving.
Six hat thinking is critical and creative thinking. It is a
method of parallel thinking in place of conflict thinking.
Looking at a decision from all points of view and changing
your thinking style could help you to find new solutions to
tricky problems.
In case of habitual approach to decision making, it is quite
possible that If you're naturally optimistic? then there are
chances that you don't consider potential downsides.
How to be the best ruler 275

Similarly, if you're very cautious, you might not focus on

opportunities that could open up.
It's also a powerful decision-checking technique in group
situations, as everyone explores the situation from each
perspective at the same time.
Note: A variant of this technique is to look at problems from
the point of view of public and different professionals (for
example, doctors, architects or sales directors) or different

How to Use the Six Thinking Hats technique

By six thinking hats technique, we look at problems from

different perspectives, but one at a time i.e. one hat at a time,
which is done to avoid confusion from too many angles
crowding your thinking.

Note: The hats are imaginary and no need to get and wear
the hats as the hats are the symbols of styles of thinking with
all possible perspectives. Each "Thinking Hat" is a different
style of thinking. These are explained below:
You can start from any hat but commonly it is started from
white hat;
Note: Don’t forget to record or save all proceedings in
White Hat: with this thinking hat, you focus on the
available data. Look at the information that you have,
analyze past trends, and see what you can learn from it. Look
for gaps in your knowledge, and try to either fill them or take
account of them.
Red Hat: "wearing" the Red Hat, you look at problems
using your intuition, gut reaction, and emotions. Also,
276 How to be the best ruler

think how others could react emotionally. Try to understand

the responses of people who do not fully know your
Black Hat: using Black Hat thinking, look at a decision's
potentially negative outcomes. Look at it cautiously and
defensively. Try to see why it might not work. This is
important because it highlights the weak points in a plan. It
allows you to eliminate them, alter them, or plans to counter
Black Hat thinking is one of the real benefits of this model,
as many persons get so used to thinking positively that they
often cannot see problems in advance, which leaves them
under-prepared for difficulties.
Yellow Hat: this hat helps you to think positively. It is the
optimistic viewpoint that helps you to see all the benefits of
the decision and the value in it. Yellow Hat thinking helps
you to keep going when everything looks gloomy and
Green Hat: the Green Hat represents creativity. This is
where you develop creative solutions to a problem. It is a
freewheeling way of thinking, in which there is little
criticism of ideas.
Blue Hat: this hat represents process control. It's the hat
worn by people chairing meetings, for example. When
facing difficulties because ideas are running dry, they may
direct activity into Green Hat thinking. When contingency
plans are needed, they will ask for Black Hat thinking.

Conclusion: At the end; it becomes very easy to reach a

better decision for solution of existing problem. The beauty
of technique is that it all happens without any confrontation
as everyone is given full chance to present his view and
How to be the best ruler 277

secondly problem and solutions were analyzed with all

possible angles.

An Example of Six thinking hats technique

The directors of a company are considering whether they
should build a new office block. The economy is doing well,
and the vacant office spaces in their city are being snapped
up. As part of their decision-making process, they adopt the
six thinking hats technique.

Wearing the White Hat, they analyze the data they have.
They see that the amount of available office space in their
city is gradually decreasing, and they calculate that, by the
time a new office block would be completed, existing space
will be extremely short. They also note that the economic
outlook is good, and steady growth is predicted to continue.

Thinking with a Red Hat, some of the directors say that the
proposed building looks unattractive. They worry that
people would find it an uninspiring place to work.

When they think with the Black Hat, they wonder whether
the economic forecast could be wrong. The economy may
be about to experience a downturn, in which case the
building could only partially occupied for a long time.

Wearing the positive Yellow Hat, however, the directors

know that, if the economy holds up and their projections are
correct, the company stands to make a healthy profit. If they
are lucky, maybe they could sell the building before the next
downturn, or rent to tenants on long-term leases that will last
through any recession.
278 How to be the best ruler

With Green Hat thinking, they consider whether they should

redesign the building to make it more appealing. Perhaps
they could build prestige offices that people would want to
rent in any economic climate. Alternatively, maybe they
should invest the money in the short term, then buy up
property at a lower cost when the next downturn happens.

The chairman of the meeting wears the Blue Hat to keep the
discussion moving and ideas flowing, encouraging the other
directors to switch their thinking between the different

Having examined their options from numerous viewpoints,

the directors have a much more detailed picture of possible
outcomes, and can make their decision accordingly.

Key Points of six hats technique

De Bono's Six Thinking Hats is a powerful technique for

looking at decision making from different points of

It allows emotion and skepticism to be brought into what

might normally be a purely rational process, and it
opens up the opportunity for creativity within decision

Decisions made using the Six Thinking Hats technique can

be sounder and more resilient than would otherwise be
the case. It can also help you to avoid possible pitfalls
before you have committed to a decision
How to be the best ruler 279

Summary of steps in Decision making: 1. Take knowledge

(information).The knowledge should be complete, correct,
comprehensive, up to date and documented.

2. Identify different options for decisions of matter.

3. Analyze merits and demerits of the options.

4. Decide best option.

i. Decide the best one if it is very clear, or

ii. Take advice from person or persons who are experienced

and have knowledge about that matter, or

5. use Theodore Roosevelt’s Method, or Lincoln’s Method

or Hitler’s Method or tamer’s method.

References. 3.8
1. Public administration by Michael P. Barber.
2.-3. How to develop self-confidence and influence people by public
speaking by Dale Carnegie.
4 “Management” (international edition) by courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thilll
Marian Bark Wood, George P. Dovel.

7. Effective resource management

280 How to be the best ruler

It is the skill to develop and effectively utilize the

available resources to achieve personal / organization’s
/ country’s objectives.
This skill is so essential for every person, administrators,
rulers, organization and even for country that no
development and no project can be accomplished
without this skill.
Good resource management leads to development and
success while mismanagement of resources leads to
Types of resources
There are six types of resources. It is not necessary that
all resources are needed always and for every objective.
It varies from one to six according to situation and
objective. The resources are;
Man (human resource)
Money (financial resource)
Material (Land and its over-ground and underground
resources, infrastructure, equipment, machinery and
other materials etc)
Note: Some subjects consist of both knowledge and skill
e.g. information technology (IT)
Other classifications of resources
1. Economic resources or factors of production are;
i. Land (including all natural resources)
ii. Labor (including all human resources)
How to be the best ruler 281

iii. Capital (including all man-made resources), and when you combine
all of those you get production
2. i. Renewable resources- can be replenished over a short period of time
e.g. Food, plants, animals.
ii. Non-renewable resources- takes millions of years to replenish (ex.
Fossil fuels- coal, oil, natural gas)
3. i. Man made resources
ii. natural resources?
Biotic; which are formed from organic matter that has decayed. These
include fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum.
Abiotic: these resources come from non-living and non-organic material
e.g. land, fresh water, air, and heavy metals (gold, iron, copper, silver,

Basic requirements to be an effective resource

manager: you cannot effectively manage the
resources if you do not have the required abilities in your
personality which are necessary for this purpose. So for
that; first of all assess your personality i.e. count and
analyze your strength, weakness, and your personality
characteristics with reference to the goals e.g. Time
management, required skill & knowledge, decision
power, problem solving ability, ability to take work from
others, self-confidence and belief. You must be very
clear that how to utilize your abilities and strength. You
must also know how to cover up your deficiencies and
Methodology or steps to manage resources
1. Set clear goal: Resources can’t be managed without
setting any goal. So set a very clear goal.
2. Resources assessment: It requires counting &
analyzing the available resources, estimate the shortage
as well as excess of every resource according to
282 How to be the best ruler

Note: Setting goals and resource estimation may be dealt

at same time or after one another according to situation
as both are dependent on each other.
Malaysia set goal first to eradicate unemployment and
poverty from country, then estimated their resources.
The only resources they had were land of Malaysia, time
and low cost unemployed labour, so they planned for
In case of UAE, the main resource “Oil” was discovered
first, later they planned for development by using their
3. Written Planning: The plan must be written in an
organized manner. The plan must contain all aspects
from beginning to end that pertain to resources required.
The plan must include the following:
i. Leveling and improvement of every resource
according to need of objective, which has following
Underdeveloped countries and most of the organizations
have limited resources, therefore a good plan is
necessary to compensate the shortage as it is possible and
then effectively utilize the scarce resources to get better
On the contrary any resource may be in excess e.g. In the
democratic and underdeveloped countries, the political
government recruits more people in government
departments than the real need which disturbs the
economy and so reduces space for other resources, which
ultimately destroys the departments. Secondly the real
technically required persons are always deficient.
Therefore right levelling of all resources is essential.
How to be the best ruler 283

ii. A resource plan must describe the type of resource

needed and the timing of its need.
iii. Resource allocation for appropriate usage. Also
develop capacities needed to allocate resources
4. Implementation
5. Feedback and monitoring

Tips to manage different resources

Human resource management
It consists of following;
1. (1) identifying the best people for the job i.e. Right
person at right place at right time. (2) Motivating,
developing, and directing people as they work.
(3) ensure that: (i) there are justified number of persons
with required specific skill set and desired profile
required for the purpose or project, (ii) decide the
number and skill sets of new persons to hire if and when
needed, and (iii) allocate the workforce to various

2. Visibility is key: The ability to strike a balance

between knowing what motivates your team and what
they are working on is vital. Make sure that you have a
global view of all your projects and resources.

3. Collaboration increases productivity: It’s commonly

regarded these days that collaboration among team
members increases productivity and decreases errors.
Using a tool that enables your team to collaborate and
284 How to be the best ruler

foster both productivity and creativity is critical to

successful resource management (and the success of your
project). Nobody wants to be left alone to wither away in
a desert, so make sure your team is free to quench their
thirst for real-time feedback and ideas through
collaboration tools.

4. Transparency fosters trust: Make sure your resources

are aligned and everyone’s working toward a common
objective. Transparency in resource management

i- Clear prioritization of tasks. Make sure that people

know and able to differentiate the priority and importance
of tasks.
ii- Solid estimates. Make solid estimate in ranges. It will
not only create more accurate schedules, but also
highlight the uncertainly in your project plan.
iii- Risk awareness. Involve resources in the project
planning and delivery processes and encourage open
discussions about the biggest risks to your project.

Note: When everyone is honest and transparently working

together, your resources become an unstoppable force of

5. Don’t forget to show the love: People perform at their

best when they’re passionate about their work. Get to
know to find out what type of work your teammates really
love to do or what type of work motivates them most.
This will help you match a resource to a task rather than
assign a resource. Lastly, never let a job well done go
unrewarded. Let people know how important their efforts
How to be the best ruler 285

are to the project. Your team is capable of amazing things

and don’t ever let them forget it.

Management of Financial Resources

Determining how much and how money will be spent to
get the work done, and accounting for these
Management of Material Resources
Obtaining and seeing to the appropriate use of
equipment, facilities, and materials needed to do certain
Time Management
Manage your own time and the time of others.
Skill management
Ensure the presence of desired skills in different
categories of available human resource and plan to use it
Information technology (IT)
Estimate the requirement of IT and its experts that is
necessary to store, study, retrieve, transmit, and
manipulate data, or information for the desired purpose,
then plan to make it available and to be utilized properly.

Techniques for Corporate Resource Management

One resource management technique is resource

leveling. It aims at; i. smoothing the stock of resources
in hand i.e. reducing both excess inventories and
286 How to be the best ruler

ii. Having the Proper Data – The data required for

effective resource management includes demand for
resources, available resources, and how the resources
will fit into the demands.
iii supply of the resources in time when needed.

Technique for Project Resource management

The technique of project management is to bring together

people, processes and tools to accomplish a common
objective. It follows, then, is managing the resources that
actually do the work.

Methodology is resources estimation and project relating

human resource management. Both are essential
components of project management plan to execute and
monitor a project successfully.

The tasks should be allocated to resources in a fair and

balanced manner.

The goal

The goal is to achieve 100% utilization of resources but

that is very unlikely. However the resources must be
used to the maximum capacity for the minimum amount
of cost.

8. Organizational skill
How to be the best ruler 287

Before getting power; the ability to make a broad base

political and disciplined organization is most essential but
after getting power; it is needed to maintain and improve the
organization. For that it is needed:

1. Your good will in people.

2. You works and achievements for the welfare of your


3. Continuous regional, periodical corner meetings of your

party in which the works achievements and future possible
plans of your government should be described before public,
so as to win the confidence and enhanced membership from

4. For all that; you need workers who are educated, trained,
motivated and devoted for the objectives and development
of party.

5. Yearly a refresher training of workers is necessary. Also

a post-training report, regarding increase in talent and work
ability should be taken.

6. Quarterly (after 3 months) a relative feedback and

progress report and a countercheck report should be taken.

7. Annually rewards, certificates and medals should be given

to efficient workers at regional and national level, to realize,
appreciate and to boost up their passions.
288 How to be the best ruler

8. Duties of regional heads should be assigned to hold the

corner meetings regularly. Record of minutes of meetings
should be maintained. Also advertise through media.

3.11.1 Effective team building

TEAM means Together Each-one Achieves More.
Human body is best example of excellent team work i.e.
coordination, cooperation of all parts of body, sharing
benefits and losses, helping each other, working together as
one unit.
Team vs group: group is a gathering of persons without any
objective while team is a gathering of persons for a
collective objective to be achieved.
For development; high performance team is needed, which
means that team must have maximum number of high skill
and high will persons to achieve the objectives.
The rulers already have team, however it is always needed
to expand, reform and develop the team. Effective team
building means to improve the performance of team to an
extent which enables team to achieve its goals.
Importance of team building:
(i) There is often an expectation that any team is effective immediately
but this is an unrealistic expectation because before a team can
become highly effective, the members need to grow and mature. A
group or crowd becomes team when each one is duty-bond to some
task with discipline and training to achieve a collective goal. Role of
every person is clearly defined and made understood to relevant
person. (ii) Team building develops behaviors
and skills that increase team functioning. One of the fundamental
strategies is to emphasize team identity. This can be done by instilling
a sense of shared destiny. (iii) Team building increases the
cognitive resources and capabilities of team, which makes easy for
How to be the best ruler 289

the team to achieve its goals.

(iv) By effective team building, a leader can achieve passionate,
dedicated and talented people to give their best towards a common
goal and towards a shared vision of success.
Features of an ideally effective team
An ideally effective team looks like as follows;
1. Having a clear sense of goal, direction and procedure.
2. Enthusiastic; committed team members, who are all
involved and participate.
3. Qualified, trained and focused to task.
4. Motivated and ambitious to achieve goals.
5. Good listening and questioning skills with proper
answering attitude.
6. Having capability to find solutions to problems.
7. Honesty, learning attitude, trust, mutual support,
respect and helping each other are the characteristics of
Note: Mostly an ideally effective team is not available. It
is the ability of a leader to take work from the available
lower level team. Most of the great leaders were not
having ideally effective team even then they did miracles
with the available team. However they continued the
process of team building throughout their lives, so the
process of team building must be continued.
Stages of team formation (Tuckman model)
Four stages; forming, storming, norming and performing.
Note: in case of a project, there is also a fifth stage i.e. adjourning
which means breaking of team at the completion of project with the
intention of resuming it later if needed.
Forming: stage of confusion - unfamiliar stage, members are reserved,
more concerned with themselves rather than others. Perceive
particularly their leadership.
290 How to be the best ruler

Storming: stage of conflict and confrontation, rebellion and

subgrouping. Members having no clear sense of goals, direction and
Norming: it has three phases (i) control phase: Conflicts start resolving
in this stage. However the group only carry out the wishes of their
leader. The bonding mechanism is the leader. At this level, if a leader
dies or devalued, group is also dispersed and devalued.
(ii) Cooperation phase: A sense of cooperation in between members
develop. Questioning and listening skills improve. Conflicts are
dealt as a mutual problem and not of any individual. Feedbacks
help bonding and performance of team.
(iii) Consensus phase: At this phase; members are very
comfortable with each other and team. Their focus is to develop
relationship. The group think for all; the individualistic element
is lost.
Performing: The stage of commitment and performance – team
is fully active for performance and growth. Members work as a
team and one unit.
How to build and develop a team
Team building and development is an ongoing process
which consists of various approaches and activities;
1- Setting Goals - To define goals clearly and inculcate in
all team members.
(i) Goal setting clearly identifies the direction of action of
team members. Right direction of action at right time is the
real good sowing which the cultivator reaps in whole future.
(ii) Team members should know what is expected from
them. Make a mission statement for team, which will
encourage the team in achieving the goals.(iii) Goal setting
strengthens motivation and foster a sense of ownership.
Team members become involved in action planning to
identify ways to define success and failure and achieve
How to be the best ruler 291

goals. By identifying specific outcomes and tests of

incremental success, teams can measure their progress.
2. Identify and analyze your team: you must know clearly
the caliber of the human resource of your team. Analyze
their plus and minus points with reference to your goals.
Make a plan of improvement where needed.
Know your team: Develop a stronger relationship of
understanding with your team, you will not only have a
better sense of what makes them active and motivated, but
they will also like you more.
Learn something about your team members' themselves and
their families. Remember that they are real people with real
families and real struggles.
Note: Remember that there's a difference between building
a strong relationship with your team and building an
intimate friendship. Your conversations and contact should
be friendly and open, but not too personal.
3. Appoint a process coordinator: Team building is an
ongoing process, so a process coordinator must be
appointed who is duty-bond to following functions;
(i) Ensure that task is clearly defined and understood by all.
(ii) Run regular and successful meetings
(iii) Develop options for task completion.
(iv) Promote good questioning and listening culture rather
than just telling what to do. It is to be remembered that
effective brain storming is the key technique to build the
team and complete the task.
4. Right person at right place: Every person must be
placed by his ability and according to requirement of post.
292 How to be the best ruler

5. Role clarification - To clarify roles (duties and rights)

of individuals without any ambiguity. It includes both tasks
and discipline.
Every member must be crystal clear about his rights and
duties with respect to team and its objectives. Role
clarification improves team members' understanding of
their own and others' respective roles. This is intended to
reduce ambiguity. It emphasizes the members'
interdependence and the value of having each member
focus on their own role in the team's success.
6. Regular meetings: Regular meetings is the most
important element of team building. It binds the members
to develop as a team. Constructive, agenda based, decisive
and time scheduled and emergency meetings with proper
feedbacks are the building bricks of an effective team.
Open and honest communication process bring the team
together. So trust, honesty, mutual sharing and
understanding should be emphasized. The team members
should be encouraged and given the chance to speak during
7. Motivation: Motivate team members to work as a team
(i) Instill a sense of pride in group members that they are
valuable and lucky, being a member of this organization.
(ii) Creating a Friendly Work Environment.
(iii) Developing effective working and interpersonal
(iv) Incentives: KPI (key performance indicators) must be
made. Basic ability and KPI based incentives are necessary
element for team building.
Note: Think about leaders who have motivated you. What
about them inspires you? What characteristics and ideals
How to be the best ruler 293

held by these leaders are ones that gel with you and
motivate you? Use this knowledge to build your own
motivational skills.
8. Monitoring and feedback: Agree on a task delivery
date with the person you assign the task to do. Make a note
of this date in your diary. Then follow up regularly to
ensure that the tasks are being executed as per the
scheduled deadlines.
9. Be supportive and stand with your team through thick
and thin. Make sure and remind them that you are always
with them in all circumstances for their rights.
10. Problem solving - To sort out solutions for all
problems and conflicts.
Emphasize to identify major problems within the team and
work together to find solutions. Resolve problems and
conflicts quickly and constructively. Create a problem
solving system with the consent of team.
Problem solving system: Two approaches;
1. Critical thinking approach
2. (i) Team must log its meetings and activities so they may
know where they are and can see, analyze and solve the
problems. (ii) Make a scoring system that lets members to
assess a conflict and see how to resolve the issue. For
example, members may be at a 0–1 score of "no decision"
where the members are unable to reach a consensus or a
score of 10 where all are satisfied.
11. Training: Regular training of individuals to make them
fit to achieve objectives.
Barriers to team building
(i) Insufficient skills of team leader
(ii) Lack of teamwork skills: It is difficult to find team-oriented
members or employees. Most organizations rely on educational
institutions, which have a competitive environment. The students are
294 How to be the best ruler

mostly encouraged to work individually and succeed without having

to collaborate. This is against the kind of behavior needed for
teamwork. However it is seen that proper team training can improve
cognitive, affective, process and performance outcomes.
(iii)Attitude of leading authorities: The wrong attitude of all or
anyone of top and decision making authorities can destroy the team.

How to motivate your staff/companions/team to

Basic idea: To make the team members feel excited to
come to work every day, spend time with each other and
work effectively to achieve objectives. So how do you do
Note: Think about leaders/ideals who have motivated you.
What about them inspires you? What characteristics and
ideals held by these leaders are ones that gel with you and
motivate you? Use this knowledge to build your own
motivational plan.
Here are some tips;
(i) Instill a sense of pride in group members being a
member of this organization.
(ii) Creating a Friendly Work Environment.
(iii) Developing effective working and interpersonal
(iv)Incentives: KPI (key performance indicators) must be
made. Basic ability and KPI based incentives are necessary
element for team building.
(v) WS vs WP – work stress vs work positivity
How to be the best ruler 295

(i) Instill a sense of pride: Instill a sense of pride in group

members that they are valuable and lucky, being a member
of this organization. This can be done by reminding the
positive and good points of organization and secondly by
providing the proper care and facilities.

(ii)Creating a Friendly Work Environment:

Three elements;
1. Create a pleasant atmosphere: Your team/employees
spend a large chunk of their lives working in the office, so
you should try to make the office look as friendly and
appealing as possible. If you create a friendly and
comfortable atmosphere for your employees, then they will
be more eager to go to work every day. Here are some tips
to do it:

i. Space of working place must not be too constricted in

size. Make sure that the team have sufficient room to work,
walk and breathe. The more free they feel to move around,
the happier they'll feel.
ii. Make sure that the temperature in the office isn't set to
be too hot or too cold. Your team won't be motivated if
they're freezing or so hot that they cannot focus.
iii. Create a pleasant ambience through lighting. You can
make a big difference by putting up a few lower-wattage
LED (light emission diode) bulbs that are easier on the eye.
iv. Make sure that there is lots of natural light in rooms and
position the team next to windows wherever you can. They
296 How to be the best ruler

will be less likely to feel stifled if they are near light and
fresh air.
2. Take advantage of your wall space. Your team spends
a lot of time staring at your walls, so this is a great place to
catch their attention and motivate them into doing better
work. Here are a few things you can put on your walls:
i. Put up a bulletin board where people can post pictures,
birthday cards, and any relevant personal information that
they want to share with their coworkers. This will make
people feel more relaxed and comfortable.
ii. Recognize outstanding members. Hang his/her
achievement note/news on bulletin board for the whole
office to see.
iii. Put up some posters that show the Organization's
progress to motivate the employees to do good work.
iv. You can put up a few motivational slogans, but don't
overdo it.
v. Hang a few pictures that are easy on the eyes or
paintings that leave a pleasant impression.
3. Use food as incentive. Don't underestimate the power of
having some food in the office. People will be much more
excited to come to work if they know that there will be
some food waiting for them. Don’t forget that “path to
heart goes through stomach”
Keep a canteen stocked with tea, coffee and allied so your
team may spend more time in the office instead of stepping
out for tea.
How to be the best ruler 297

(iii) Developing effective working and

interpersonal relationships
1. Working relationship: Good working relationship
helps to increase quality and quantity of work. It also
increases knowledge and skills of team as a whole and also
on individual basis. This is why it is said that TEAM
means Together Each-one Achieves More. So
interpersonal work conversations, cooperation and support
must be persuaded, appreciated and promoted.
2. Interpersonal-relations: Good interpersonal relations
increases teamwork. Teams with fewer interpersonal
conflicts generally function more effectively than others.
The interpersonal conversations must be promoted to
develop mutual trust and communication in between team
3. Create social events. Having a few social events on the
calendar help people to know each other. Create team
memories (by taking pictures, saving special emails) and
bring them back at a corporate event, so that people
remember what great time they had at work.

(iv)Incentives: KPI (key performance indicators)

must be made. Basic ability and KPI based incentives are
necessary element for team building.
1. Recognizing and Rewarding Your Employees: If the
team or some member have done something truly
298 How to be the best ruler

outstanding, then you should take the time to let them/him

know that their work is truly outstanding.
You can also recognize by making an announcement to
praise that person, posting something about the work on
bulletin board.
If some person did something truly exceptional, recognize
that person's individual efforts but you should make sure
that nobody feels left out if you're always recognizing the
same few employees.
2. Recognize your employees as a group. You should
take the time to let your team know that they are doing
solid work as a unit, and show that you appreciate their
efforts at all times. Some tips are as follows;
Take just a few minutes out of your day to praise your
employees for good team work can motivate them to work
much harder. Here's how to do it:
- Hold a meeting to discuss the organization as a whole,
and to show how your team's efforts are contributing to the
mission of the organization. The team members don't want
to feel like cogs in a wheel, but like they're contributing to
something valuable, so take the time to make them feel
special. If you have facts and figures to show much your
team is contributing to the company, even better.
- If you feel that there is room for improvement, that's
okay, too. Just be honest with your team about the work
that still needs to be done. Make a habit of praising more
than you give them negative feedback. This will make
How to be the best ruler 299

them feel much more positive about the hard work that
they do.
3. Reward your employees for hard work. Setting up a
system of rewards is an excellent way to motivate your
employees. Whether you set up a contest to see who can
accomplish something the fastest on a certain day, or if you
have a competition to see who can generate the most
revenue by the end of the month, any contest that has a
reward, even if it's silly, will keep your employees
motivated to produce solid work. Here are some great
rewards to offer your employees for a job well-done:
Reward them with small gifts. It counts very much.
Reward them with some awards annually.
Reward your employees with time off. You'll be surprised
to see how quickly your employees start working when you
offer to let them leave 15 or 30 minutes early, or if you
give them the option of coming to work an hour late the
next day.
Note: Don't reprimand an employee publicly. Schedule a
meeting to discuss the problem.
(v) WS vs WP – work stress vs work
positivity Work stress means time pressures, a heavy
workload, a stressful working environment, role
ambiguity, emotional labor , and poor relationships.
300 How to be the best ruler

Work positivity means that organization and seniors are

supportive, provides a comfortable working environment,
frequent coaching and mentoring, learning and
development opportunities, and regular constructive
When work demands are high and work positives are low,
stress and low motivation is common. Conversely, good
work positives can offset the effects of extreme work
stress, and encourage motivation and engagement.
In this situation, you should work to increase work
positives. By doing this, you'll reduce stress and increase
people's motivation.
Applying the principle of the WS vs WP: To apply the
principle of the WS vs WP; follow the steps below.
Step 1: Identify work stressors: Observe and write the
stressors that could have a negative effect on your team e.g.
i. Short deadlines.
ii. High work load.
iii. Complex or boring projects.
iv. An uncomfortable work environment.
v. Less liberty to decide and act on routine matters.
vi. Poor working relationships.
vii. Emotionally draining tasks or roles.
How to be the best ruler 301

viii. Unclear goals or role ambiguity.

ix. Limited opportunities for career advancement or
personal development.
x. Excessively bureaucratic rules and procedures.
Note: Keep in mind that every person on your team has
unique needs and stress thresholds. Something that causes
extreme stress for one person might just be an
inconvenience or a part of work for someone else.
This is why it's important to talk to each person on your
team individually. Find out which stressors are causing
your team members the most trouble. You can then better
understand and make strategy accordingly.
Step 2: Address work stressors: (i) Separate the ones that
you can change from the ones that you can't, and do what
you can to reduce job stress.
(ii) Make sure that you have the right people assigned to
the right tasks . If people are not working on their right role
and strength, they're likely to experience higher stress
levels. If so, the tasks may be reassigned, or roles
redesigned, to spread work justly across the team?
(iii) Examine your team's work flows. Are there processes
can be improved to remove stress points?
(iv) Make sure that your team has a pleasant working
environment . When a workspace is comfortable, your
people will feel good about being there.
(v) Support your team members by helping them to feel
engaged with the work that they're doing, and make sure
302 How to be the best ruler

that they have the resources they need to do their job

effectively. Be ready to listen to their concerns, and
respond with empathy.
Also, make sure that your team members understand the
true purpose of their work, and that every person on your
team knows how his or her work makes a difference. This
will both improve motivation, and strengthen your team
(vi) Finally, if your team members are engaged
in emotional labor. Be helpful to them. Share success
stories, and teach your people how to cope with
the stress that can come with these roles.
Step 3: Identify Possible work Positives: Your next step
is to identify and promote the work positives that act as a
buffer between your team members and the stress of their
roles e.g.
i. Mentoring or coaching opportunities.
ii. Training and development opportunities.
iii. Regular constructive feedback.
iv. Liberty to decide and act on routine matters.
v. Clearer goals.
vi. Organizational rules, benefits, or processes that support
and strengthen employees.
Step 4: Promote work Positives: i. You can provide many
of these things inexpensively, or for free. Talk to your team
members to find out what changes they would like to see.
ii. Look for opportunities to encourage learning and
development. Arrage a variety of training and development
opportunities. Cross-training is great for developing
people in an interesting and affordable way.
iii. Provide regular constructive feedback to your people.
This will help them feel supported as they grow and
iv. People can also experience stress when they're confused
How to be the best ruler 303

about what they are meant to do. So, make sure that job
descriptions are up to date, and create a team charter to
define everyone's roles and responsibilities.
Summary: when work demands are high and work
positives are low, stress and burnout increase. Conversely,
a high number of work positives and incentives can offset
the effects of work stress. Take the following steps;
1. Identify work stressors.
2. Address work stressors.
3. Identify work positives and incentives.
4. Address work positives and incentives.
When you lessen work stressors and promote work
positives, your team will experience less stress, and they
will have a greater sense of engagement and motivation.

What are 'Key Performance Indicators - KPI'

Key performance indicators (KPI) are a set of quantifiable values that an
organization uses to gauge the performance of organization and its staff
for certain time or for a project. These sets of values are
called indicators. KPIs vary in different organizations, also in
private and government sectors; depending on the priorities or
performance criteria. For example, if a company's goal is to have the
fastest growth, its main performance indicator may be the measure
of revenue growth year over year (YOY).The employees working
standards and public dealing may be the second line criteria. While in a
government department i.e. health and education, the main performance
criteria would be the relief and benefit given to public with reference to
the allocated fund.
Importance of KPIs: These are used to determine progress of
organization and performance of its staff, in achieving its strategic and
operational goals, and also to compare its finances and performance
against other organizations. In practical terms KPIs are the objectives to
be targeted that add the most value to the organization or project, so
KPIs, are also called as key success indicators or KSIs.
Categories of KPIs: The contents and headings of KPIs differ in
304 How to be the best ruler

organizations, however it falls in mainly three categories.

(i) Quantitative (financial)
(ii) Qualitative (non-financial)
(iii) Social (behavioral)
(i) Quantitative - Financial KPIs: KPIs of most of the organizations
revolve around working capital, total revenue gained and the net profit
(the amount of revenue that is left after accounting for all the expenses,
and payments for some period).The organizations expect from every
individual to achieve some financial target or beat its own benchmark
every year. (ii) Qualitative -
Nonfinancial KPIs: Nonfinancial KPIs are the essential part of Total
quality management (TQM) that demands from the employees; the
punctuality, regularity, proper dressing, proper presentation and working
with competence. Some organizations include measures of foot
traffic year over year or month over month i.e. the number of repeat
customers and new customers. The specific metrics a company tracks
are dictated by its old achieved goals and accordingly current new
targets. Task
bound or time bond: For projects and target based organizations
employees must be task bounded and for routine working and public
dealing organizations, the employees may be time bounded.
Note: Equipment availability and its effectiveness is a set of broadly
accepted non-financial metric which reflects success.
(iii) Social - Behavioral KPIs: They say; success of an organization
depends more on its relationship with its customers and employees. It
includes; i. Interpersonal
cooperation and relations of employees.
ii. Behavior of employees with customers and public.
Tips to make KPIs
KPIs should follow the SMART criteria. This means that;
KPIs must have a Specific purpose.
It is Measurable to really get a value.
The defined norms have to be Achievable.
KPIs must be Relevant to the success of the organization.
It must be Time framed, which means that the value or outcomes that
are shown must be achieved within a predefined period.
The SMART criteria can also be expanded to be SMARTER with the
addition of evaluate and reevaluate. These two steps are extremely
important, as they ensure that you continually assess your KPIs and their
relevance to your goals. For example, if you've exceeded your revenue
target for the current year, you should determine if that's because you set
your goal too low or if that's attributable to some other factor.
In order to be evaluated, KPIs are linked to target values, so that the
How to be the best ruler 305

value of the measure can be assessed as meeting expectations or not.

The key stages in formation of KPIs are:
i. Have a clear picture of organization/project, its resources and
objectives. ii. Have a
quantitative/qualitative measurement of the previous achievements and
comparison with set goals.
iii. Investigate and analyze variances, processes and resources to achieve
iv. Duties according to capabilities of members/employees with their
rights and incentives must also be considered.
V. Timeframe and mode must be decided for collection, analysis and
feedback of data.
Vi. KPIs must be written and defined in a way that is understandable,
meaningful, and measurable.

It is very important to choose the right KPIs (what is important to the

organization) and then inculcate in all employees; a good understanding of
KPIs. A very common way is to give a proper training with feedback then
apply a management framework such as the balanced scorecard.
What makes KPIs effective? KPIs are effective only if proper strategy is
adopted to formulate and implement KPIs i.e. KPIs makers should start with
the basics and understand what the organizational objectives are, and how to
plan on achieving them, and who can act on this information. This should be
an ongoing process that involves feedback from analysts, department heads
and managers. As this mission continues, it will result in more effectiveness
of KPIs and success to organization.
Drawbacks of KPIs: (i) In practice, overseeing key performance indicators
can prove expensive or difficult for organizations. (ii) Some indicators such
as staff morale may be impossible to quantify.

Laws of Teamwork
John Maxwell (born 1947) is an American author, speaker,
and pastor who has written many books, primarily focusing on leadership.
He has written an excellent book on teamwork “The 17 Indisputable Laws
of Teamwork” the summery of these laws is as follows;
1-Law of Significance – One is too small a number to achieve greatness.
An individual acting alone never achieves anything of significance. Look
below the surface. You will find seemingly solo acts are team efforts. Why
is that true? • Teams bring energy, resources, skills, and ideas not available
to an individual. • Teams provide a broader and deeper insight to problems.
306 How to be the best ruler

• Teams foster humility and community. • Teams hold one another

Why are we tempted to do things alone? 1. Ego: Few people are fond of
admitting they can’t do everything themselves. 2. Insecurity: Some
individuals are threatened by other people. They fear loss of control. They
fear that someone might be better than they are. 3. Naivety: Some
individuals underestimate the difficulty of achieving big things. 4.
Temperament: It is not natural for some people to form teams. It doesn’t
occur to them as the way to do things. Reflect and Apply. Think about a big
dream you have. • Is it bigger than you are? • Would it benefit others? • Is
it worth dedicating a large amount of your effort to make it a reality? If you
answered yes to all three questions, think about the kinds of people that
would make a good team to achieve the dream. Make a list of people you
know who would be good on the team. Invite them to team up with you.
2-Law of Big Picture - The goal is more important than the role.
Members of a team must have mutually beneficial shared goals. Winning
teams have players who put the good of the team ahead of themselves. That
may mean sacrificing personal satisfaction or glory. How can you help a
team become a big picture team? 1. Look up at the Big Picture. Establish a
clear vision that all members support. 2. Size up the situation. Help
members see how challenging the goal is and how important their
contributions will be. 3. Line up needed resources. The better resourced the
team is, the fewer distractions they will have in reaching the goal. 4. Call
up the right players. You can’t win with bad players. Only bring people onto
the team who support the vision and have skills that will help the team
achieve the goal. 5. Give up personal agendas. Help team members
remember to ask, “What’s best for the rest?” Reflect and Apply • Are you
participating in something greater than yourself? Are you willing to take a
subordinate role to reach the goal? • Think of ways you can help team
members embrace the law of the Big Picture. ‣ Paint the big picture vision.
‣ Honor team members who sacrifice for the good of the team. You may be
good-but you’re not that good! When you see the big picture correctly, you
serve the team more quickly.
3-Law of the Niche - All players have a place where they add most value.
When the right team member is in the right place, everyone benefits. Great
things happen when all members on the team take the role that maximizes
their strength. When a team member is in the wrong position, morale
erodes. Those serving in an area of weakness become resentful that their
best is untapped. Others on the team who think they could do better also
become resentful. People become unwilling to work as a team. To put
people in the places that best use their talents and benefit the team, you must
How to be the best ruler 307

know: 1. The Team: Be clear on the team’s purpose, culture, and history. 2.
The Situation: Be clear on the team’s current challenges. 3. The Players: Be
clear on each person’s experience, skills, temperament, attitude, passion,
discipline, and potential. Do not push people out of their gift zones. How
do you find your niche? • Be secure enough to change and try new things.
• Keep trying new roles until you find the one that makes your heart sing. •
Know your strengths and weaknesses. • Trust your leader or get on another
team. • Be committed to the big picture for the team or get on another team.
Reflect and Apply • If you know your niche but are not working in it, start
planning a transition. • If you have no idea of your niche, look for recurring
themes in your life, take some temperament tests, ask others to describe
your strengths, and try new things.
4-Law of Mount Everest - As challenges escalate, need for teamwork
escalates as well.
If you have a dream, you need a team to accomplish it. How do you put
together your team? 1. Define your dream. What would you like to
accomplish during your time on earth? 2. Evaluate your existing team. Your
potential is only as good as your existing team. 3. Define your dream team.
What type of team would it take to realize your dream? Your team is key.
The kind of challenge determines the kind of team you need. When your
team doesn’t match the challenge: • Develop the team members. ‣
Enthusiastic beginners need direction. ‣ Disillusioned learners need
coaching. ‣ Cautious completers need support. ‣ Self-reliant achievers need
responsibility. • Add key team members to fill gaps. • Consider having a
team member step into a leadership role for a season. • After attempts at
training and coaching, if a member does not have the skills or attitude Type
of Challenge Type of Team New Creative Controversial United Changing
Fast and Flexible Unpleasant Motivated Diversified Complementary Long-
term Determined Everest-sized Experienced You are most valuable where
you add the most value. The time to build your team is before you have a
critical challenge. necessary for the team, remove that ineffective member.
Reflect and Apply • You cannot win a great challenge alone. Teach yourself
to rally with your team. • That which is true for team members is true for
the leader. If you don’t grow, you must go.
5-Law of the Chain - Strength of the team is impacted by its weakest link.
Your team is not for everyone. • Not everyone will take your journey. Some
will not want to go. • Not everyone should take your journey. Where you
are going is not right for some. • Not everyone can take your journey. Some
will not have the skills required for the journey. The Impact of a Weak Link
on Stronger Members: 1. They have to help the weak links. 2. They
begin to resent the weak links. 3. They become less effective because of the
308 How to be the best ruler

increased load covering for the weak links. 4. They begin to question the
leader’s ability to deal with the weak links. Reflect and Apply Prioritize
your responsibilities: organization first > the team > individual team
members > yourself last. Are you hindering the team? • Having trouble
keeping pace with the team. • Not growing in my area of responsibility. •
Not supportive of big picture. • Difficulty seeing my weaknesses. •
Struggling to work well with team members. If yes, put a plan in place to
address the issues or to find another team.
6-Law of the Catalyst: Winning teams have players who make things
Without a catalyst, a team loses focus, gets out of rhythm, decreases in
energy, breaks down in unity, and loses momentum. A catalyst is a person
who gets it done and then some, who brings intensity and fun to the team.
To recognize a potential catalyst, look for people who are: • Intuitive: They
sense things others don’t. • Communicative: They say things others don’t
say to get the team moving. They know when a person needs a boost and
when a person need a boot. • Passionate: They bring contagious enthusiasm
to a team. • Talented: They have the skills to succeed and share their gifts
with others to help them succeed. • Creative: They look for fresh, innovative
ways to do things. • Initiating: They step forward to make things happen. •
Responsible: They are willing to carry the load to make things happen. •
Generous: They give of themselves to carry something through. •
Influential: Others respond to what they say and do. Reflect and Apply •
You need catalysts to push the team to its potential. • Identify and enlist
catalysts for your team. • Identify those with the potential to be catalysts.
Encourage them and help them develop as catalysts. A weak link will
eventually rob the team of momentum and potential.
7-Law of the Compass - Vision gives team members direction and
A team that embraces a vision becomes focused, energized, and confident.
It knows where it is headed and why it is going there. A Team’s Vision
Must Be Aligned with a: 1. Moral Compass (look above): This helps
members check their motives. 2. Intuitive Compass (look within): It must
resonate with team members to fire up the committed and fry the
uncommitted. 3. Historical Compass (look behind): It should build on the
past to show value of those who have contributed. Use stories. 4.
Directional Compass (look ahead): Use goals to bring targets to the vision.
5. Strategic Compass (look around): Develop a strategy. People need
instruction in what to do to make the vision become a reality. 6. Visionary
Compass (look beyond): Challenge people with a far-reaching vision.
Reflect and Apply • Do you know and embrace your team’s vision? If not,
How to be the best ruler 309

perhaps you belong on another team. • How does your team’s vision align
with your strengths, convictions, and purpose?
A leader is responsible for keeping the vision in front of people.
8-Law of the Bad Apple - Rotten attitudes ruin a team.
Why Are Attitudes Important? • When attitudes go up so does the potential
of the team. • Attitude is catching. • Bad attitudes compound faster than
good ones. • Rotten attitudes left alone ruin a team. Attitudes are subjective.
Watch for symptoms like these: • Inability to admit when they are wrong. •
Failing to forgive. Holding a grudge. • Petty jealously. Expecting the same
rewards for less results or contribution to the team. • Overpowering belief
in their own importance. • Hogging all the credit. Seeking the spotlight even
if they have not earned it. • A critical spirit. Never praising others. Reflect
and Apply If you notice the symptoms of a bad attitude in someone, you
may have a bad apple on your team. Conduct a crucial conversation with
the person. • Tell him what you have observed. • Give him the opportunity
to clarify or correct your impressions. • Set clear expectations for behaviors
on the team. • Hold him accountable. • If he does not meet expectations,
remove him from the team. Assess your own attitude and how you behave
towards team members. Do you need an attitude adjustment? ☐ Clarity ☐
Connectedness ☐ Purpose ☐ Goals ☐ Honesty ☐ Stories ☐ Challenge ☐
Passion ☐ Modeling ☐ Strategy
Your attitude is key to shaping the team’s attitude.
9-Law of Countability - Members must be able to count on each other
when it counts.
The Formula for Countability We don’t work for each other; we work with
each other. • Character: Person you can trust. • Competence: Person who is
able to do his part. • Commitment: Person who will not give up when things
become difficult. • Consistency: Person who is reliable over time. •
Cohesion: Person who puts the team first. Reflect and Apply How is your
countability? How can you promote countability on your team? • Give
recognition to the team when possible. • Encourage things that promote
team identity. • Focus on a common purpose. • Take time to have fun
together. • Be an example of high countability.
10-Law of the Price Tag - A team fails to reach potential if it fails to pay
the price.
Truths about the Price Tag - 1. Every member must pay the price. 2. You
must continue to pay the price. Avoid destination disease where you think
that meeting one goal means you can stop working. 3. The price increases
if the team wants to improve or change. Each member must step up to the
310 How to be the best ruler

challenge. 4. The price never decreases. Each person must decide whether
the goal is worth the price they must pay. The Price of Being a Team Player
• Sacrifice: You will need to put much effort into supporting the team. •
Time Commitment: It takes time to build relationships and learn how to
become a team. • Personal Development: You will need to keep growing to
continue to benefit the team. • Unselfishness: You will need to think of the
team’s needs above your own. Reflect and Apply • Which of your personal
goals are you willing to give up for the team? • If you are the leader, model
sacrifice by: ‣ Continuing to grow for the team’s sake. ‣
Giving your time for the team’s sake. ‣ Empowering others for the team’s
sake. ‣ Making difficult decisions for the team’s sake. • Once you have
modeled sacrifice, challenge team members to do the same. • Reward team
members for making sacrifices and tell them how it makes a difference. Key
Quality never always demonstrate high integrity 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Serve with
excellence 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Dedicated to the team’s success 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Reliable 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Act to pull the team together 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Character +Competence +Commitment +Consistency +Cohesion =
11-Law of the Scoreboard - A team can make adjustments when it knows
where it stands.
Team that succeed make adjustments to continually improve themselves
and their situations. The game plan tells what you want to happen. The
scorecard tells you what is happening. You need a scorecard to: • Provide a
snapshot of where you are. • Evaluate your performance. • Help you make
decisions. • Help you see where to make adjustments. Reflect and Apply •
How do you measure progress for your ministry? • As a leader, how do you
make sure your team members continue to evaluate, adjust, and make good
decisions? • How consistently and effectively do you consult your
12-Law of the Bench - Great teams have great depth.
Starters = frontline people who directly influence the course of the
organization and spend time in the spotlight Bench = people who indirectly
add value and are often neglected and overlooked The Bench is
Indispensable • Most successful people begin as apprentices on the bench.
Good leaders keep their eyes open for emerging talent. • The success of a
supporting member can multiply the success of a starter. When each person
works in an area of strength, the entire team wins. • There are more people
on the bench than there are starters. Neglecting the majority of the team
brings failure to the whole team. • A correctly placed bench player will at
times be more valuable than a starter. • A strong bench gives the leader
more options. • The bench is key at critical times for the team. You Can
How to be the best ruler 311

Predict the Future of the Team by Three Things 1. Who is joining the team?
Only add good players. If you find a strong potential player, consider adding
him even if you don’t have an open position. 2. How are you developing
the team? Take the initiative to make sure everyone on the team is growing
and improving. 3. Who is leaving the team? People will come and go. The
key is to replace each loss with a more effective person. Remove people
who don’t add value. Reflect and Apply • Are you building the bench today
for the crisis you will face tomorrow? • Consider these factors when
recruiting: ‣ Personality ‣ Passion (what motivates the person) ‣ Pattern (in
what situations they tend to succeed) ‣ Potential ‣ Profile (how well they
would fit your culture) ‣ Placement (which team would benefit most from
their participation and where they would most likely thrive) • Are you
cultivating an attitude of service and teach-ability? • Do you perform at your
best for the sake of the team? • Do you honor the people on the bench? Are
you mentoring a teammate on the bench? • As a leader, are you making sure
the revolving door moves so that players joining are better than those who
are leaving? When you know what to do, you can do what you know.
13-Law of Identity - Shared values define the team.
If everyone embraces the same values, team members have a connection to
one another and to the team. Organizational values influence and guide the
team’s behavior. Shared values are like: • Glue: Hold people together in
difficult times. • A Foundation: Make things stable. • A Ruler: Set the
standard for performance.
Note: They only have meaning if people behave consistent with the stated
values. • A Compass: Let people know if they are heading in the right
direction and making the right decisions. • A Magnet: Attract people with
like values. • An Identity: Give the team a unique identity. Reflect and
Apply • Do team members demonstrate our antiochian values?( The labels
used for Orthodox Churches, such as Greek Orthodox,
or Russian Orthodox, or Antiochian Orthodox. These national labels reflect
the administrative structure of the Church, but not the Church’s faith, which
is common to all)
As a leader, do you practice and teach others our values?
14-Law of Communication - Interaction fuels action.
Every teams needs to develop good communication in four directions. 1.
Leader to Teammates: Leadership rises and falls on communication. A
leader’s communication should be: ‣ Consistent ‣ Clear (straightforward) ‣
Courteous 2. Teammates to Leader: Be direct and respectful when
communicating with a leader. 3. Among Teammates: Communicate for the
common good. ‣ Be supportive. ‣ Stay current. Avoid rehashing issues.
312 How to be the best ruler

Settle them and move forward. ‣ Be vulnerable (open and frank). 4.

Between the Team and the Public: Once you leave the room, have a united
voice. When people approach you: ‣ Listen to what they say. Be sure you
understand their concerns. ‣ Respond without delay. ‣ Be realistic in the
commitments you make. Reflect and Apply • If there are barriers to good
communication between you and a teammate, you need to remove those
barriers. • Leaders must be good listeners. When a leader is a poor listener,
he misses out on important information, the team stops communicating, and
team performance suffers. How well do you listen? How do you know?
What do they think about my listening? poor good Those I lead 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
- 5 My peers 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 My leader or coach 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Those I
serve 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Communication increases connection.
15-Law of the Edge - The difference between two equally talented teams
is leadership.
Good leaders can provide a lift to a team. Ways they do that include: •
Delegates responsibility and authority for key tasks. • Knows what
motivates each team member and gives assignments with that in mind. •
Coaches team members to bring out their potential. • Learns quickly and
helps others learn as well. Models continuous learning. The more leaders a
team develops, the greater the edge from leadership. Reflect and Apply •
You don’t have to be the leader to be a leader on your team. • Take personal
responsibility for your leadership growth. • If you are the leader of a team:
‣ Attract the best leader to the team that you can. Look for people whose
talent is greater than yours. ‣ Develop the people already on the team.
16-Law of High Morale - When you’re winning, nothing hurts.
High morale helps the team perform at its best. High Morale is the Great...
• Exaggerator: It makes everything seem good. • Elevator: Performance
goes up a level. • Energizer: The team has high energy. • Eliminator: It helps
the team work through obstacles that would ordinarily stop them. •
Emancipator: It gives the team a sense of freedom to take risks. Stages of
Morale and What a Leader Should Do Reflect and Apply • As a team
member, your dedication and enthusiasm will help your own performance
and inspire some of your teammates. • As a leader, assess the morale level
of your team. Perform the corresponding tasks in the table above to help
move your team to the next stage of morale. (If your team is at the high
moral level, don’t take it for granted. Keep performing the tasks.) Stage
Leader Tasks Poor Morale: Leader must do it all • Fix what’s broken. •
Show people you believe in them. • Be energetic. • Communicate hope.
Low Morale: Leader must do productive things • Model high-return
behaviors. • Develop relationships with high-potential people. • Arrange
small victories. • Communicate vision. Moderate Morale: Leader must do
How to be the best ruler 313

difficult things • Make changes to improve the team. • Earn buy-in from
team members. • Communicate commitment. • Develop and equip
members. High Morale: Leader must do little things • Keep the team
focused. • Communicate successes. • Remove morale mashers. • Allow
others to lead.
17-Law of Dividends - Investing in the team compounds over time.
Developing people pays off in every way. When everyone on the team is
investing in others, the benefits are like those of compound interest. Get
Started - 1. Decide to invest in the team. This starts the process. 2. Gather
the best team possible. This elevates the potential of the team. 3. Pay the
price to develop the team. This ensures growth. You will have to give up
something to have the resources necessary to develop the team. 4. Do things
as a team. This provides community. Share some common experiences. 5.
Empower team members. This raises up leaders for the team. Avoid holding
too tightly to your power or position. 6. Give credit for success to the team.
This lifts team morale. Compliment those who perform. 7. Observe how
your investment is yielding results. This bring accountability to the team. 8.
Stop investing in members who don’t grow. This eliminates losses for the
team. Spend your time on those who want to grow and are growing. 9.
Create new opportunities for the team. This allows them to stretch. 10. Give
the team the best chance to succeed. This guarantees the team a high return.
Clear as many obstacles as you can. Reflect and Apply • As a team member,
are you giving a good return for what your teammates are investing in you?
• As a leader, take responsibility for investing in your core leaders. • As a
leader, make investing in others part of your organization’s culture.

Lobby making
Lobby making is the process of taking favor of persons for
some purpose.

Lobby may be made at personnel level, group level, political

levels; country levels and at international level. Lobby is
made for positive or negative purpose.
314 How to be the best ruler

Method: Make a list of all facilitators, friends, supporters,

persons, groups & countries. Then make a helpful
supporting lobby, which should be strong, relevant &
influential. The lobby is strong & successful if you become
successful in creating an environment in your favor
throughout, at every place where it is needed.

Four methods are used:

1. Meeting personally to essentials.

2. By media.

3. Rat campaign: Rat campaign at mass level is relatively

difficult but it creates very good favoring result. For this, a
large team of intelligent persons are needed. These persons
spread your views in all sectors.

4. By pamphlet distribution on large scale: Pamphlets are

designed very intelligently using suitable & effective words,
which are able to stimulate the hearts & brains of readers,
keeping in view the sensitivity, talent & qualification of

Effectiveness of lobby making: Making lobby is very

influential, sometimes more than the legal authority.

Example: In 2008 Pervaiz Musharaf then president of

Pakistan had clash with Asif Zardari the head of ruling party
(Pakistan people’s party). Being president Pervaiz musharaf
How to be the best ruler 315

had the legal power to dissolve assembly and terminate

government but Asif Zardari made so strong lobby against
Pervaiz Musharaf that he had to resign on 18th August 2008.
316 How to be the best ruler
How to be the best ruler 317

Section – II
What is sovereignty?
318 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 6 What is sovereignty?

Sovereignty is the authority to govern a state.

6.1 sovereignty is delegated by God

All political leaders struggle for sovereignty but all do not
succeed. This is because the sovereignty is delegated by
God. In Holy Quran; Al-Imran (26); it is written.

“Say O Allah; Owner of sovereignty, you can give kingdom

to whom you like and take away from whom you like. All
the good is in your hand. Indeed, everything can be done by
you. You are the Almighty”

A ruler should always remember that sovereignty is a

blessing which is delegated by God and a great
responsibility, about which on the judgment day, every ruler
will be asked that how much justifiably he had fulfilled his

JosephPBUH made his will before dying1 that he would be

buried near his great grandfather IbrahimPBUH but before
burying, the angel of God JibraelPBUH came and objected that
He cannot be buried at this place because He was a Prophet
but He was a ruler also and on the judgment day, He will
have to answer about the responsibilities of ruler-ship. So
He has to clarify first his position as a ruler.
How to be the best ruler 319

6.2 Sovereignty is responsibility

It is a rule that higher the rank & status, more is the
responsibility. Ruler-ship is the highest rank & status, so the
responsibility would also be the highest.
Caliph Umar2 Bin KhatabRA was very much sensitive about
the responsibility of his status as caliph (Ruler).One night he
was praying to God to give him strength to fulfill the
responsibilities of ruler-ship. His wife asked that why you
are so much worried. He said:
“I am responsible for every matter of my nation. God has
given me the responsibility of all the widespread poor
people in my country. When God will ask me on Judgment
day, I am frightened about that day; will I be able to satisfy
God? I feel that if a goat’s kid dies due to hunger at the bank
of river Faraat, I might be caught responsible for that”.

6.3 Dignity of Sovereignty

There is an old Indian religious saying3 which is spirit of its
political philosophy, taken from “shanti Pardaan”.
320 How to be the best ruler

“First of all a person needs a king, then he should struggle

for wife & money because without king, it is not possible to
enjoy wife and money”

In India people used to consider their kings as offspring of

gods & shadow of God. A powerful and just king was
considered as a guarantee of peace and prosperity.

There are two Hadiths of Prophet4 MuhammadPBUH;

“The future reward of one day just government of King is

better than sixty years of worship”

“On judgment day, seven persons would be under the

shadow of God’s empyrean and from them the first person
would be the just King”

It is said that Caliph Haroon Rashid5 once praised a lot about

the goodness of Fuzail bin Ayaz (a great pious person), in
response to that Fuzail answered: “Caliph you do not
understand the dignity & level of goodness that a ruler can
achieve, if you give me the future reward of your only three
days governance done with complete justice. I am ready to
give you the goodness of divine worship of my whole life”.

On another occasion Fuzail bin Ayaz6 said:

“If I am told that my only one pray will be accepted then I

will pray from God, for the King, because if I pray for
How to be the best ruler 321

welfare of myself that will be limited to me only, while

welfare of the King will be the welfare of whole nation”.

History evidences that in every age, people adapted

themselves; changed their thinking and modified their
actions, behaviors and habits according to the good or bad
behavior, thinking and habits of their ruler. Even they
changed their religion in respect to their ruler e.g.

When King Asoka accepted Buddhism; very soon the

Buddhism was accepted by his companions, subordinates
and then by the people throughout India.

When King Constantine7 accepted Christianity and

declared it as the religion of state of Roman government; a
lot of people accepted Christianity and Christianity got a
great boom. In the same way when King Clovis accepted
Christianity; it resulted in great acceptance and flourishing
of Christianity in Italy and Gall.

When Abdul Aziz bin Musa8 became the king of Spain; a

lot of people accepted Islam and then Muslims ruled for
eight hundred years over Spain.

6.4. Role of Destiny/Virtue

322 How to be the best ruler

Work + Wisdom + Virtue = Victory

Virtue/destiny plays a great role in many aspects e.g. you

cannot select your competitor, it is destiny.

Umar Bin Hushaam (Abu-Jehal) was leader of whole Arab.

Due to his wisdom he was given the name Abul-hikmat
(father of wisdom). But it was his bad luck that he had to
compete a super genius and a person with God’s Power i.e.
MuhammadPBUH Prophet of God, so he was defeated.
MuhammadPBUH gave him the name Abu-Jehal (father of

Douglas was very intelligent and one of the greatest orators

in history of USA, but it was his bad luck that he had to
compete with Abraham Lincoln who was a legend, and so
he was defeated due to his bad luck.

Mrs. Hillary Clinton is very intelligent, a very wise

woman, an excellent Orator and wife of ex-president of USA
Bill Clinton. Having all these qualities she was a fit
candidate for the post of the president of USA. But her bad
luck was that, for nomination as candidate of president from
Democratic Party she had to compete with Barak hussain
Obama, who was a man with new & creative ideas. So she
was defeated not due the lack of talent but due to her bad

6.4.1 Necessity of spiritual guide and fortune teller

How to be the best ruler 323

In this modern age it is surprising that most of the head of

states are superstitious & seek help from spiritual guides, but
it happens.

The spiritual guide of Z.A Bhutto (ex-prime minister

Pakistan) was in Bangladesh from whom he used to take

The spiritual guide of Ayub Khan (Ex-President of Pakistan)

was Sain Chiragh (Lahore).

Spiritual guide of Zia ul Haq (ex-President of Pakistan) was

saint of Deval Sharif.

Benazir Bhutto (ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan) and Nawaz

Sharif (Prime Minister of Pakistan) stressed a spiritual guide
Tarunga in separate meetings to hit five times with a stick
strongly on their back with the intention that it will enable
them to rule for five years,

Akbar, King of India was issueless; he went barefooted to

place of a spiritual personality Salim Chishti, who prayed
for Akbar. Then it is said that due to the pray of Saleem
Chishti, Prince saleem was Born.

Eric yan Halusan was the Future Teller consultant of Adolf

Hitler, it is said that his predictions were astonishingly true.

6.4.2 Suitable Time / Unsuitable Time

324 How to be the best ruler

Most of people believe that there are suitable & unsuitable

times in everyone’s life; even many rulers also believe in the
suitableness of time. So they keep their spiritual consultants
who tell them after calculation by different methods about
the suitability of time for any work i.e. stars system,
Palmistry & spiritual methods etc.

After declaration of general election 1977 in Pakistan

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan) asked
his spiritual consultant in Bangladesh. He advised him not
to hold election in 1977 because by his calculations it would
go against him. Bhutto said; now I cannot withdraw, the
process of election has been started. Just after election; fall
of Bhutto government started and he had to lose his
government and then later his life also, he was hanged till

About the murder of John F Kennedy, a lady Jane Dickson

predicted that; the coming 72 hours are dangerous for
president of USA. She was caught by CIA and investigated
that how she knew that, but nothing was found, so she was

Contrary to that there are other examples also that the rulers
trusted on God, determined, acted on their mission & got
How to be the best ruler 325

Moatsum Billah (Muslim Caliph) was a great ruler. Once he

determined a fight to release the Muslim prisoners. Fortune
tellers of his court showed him by drawing on cloth that the
stars are not in favor, because Mars and Saturn Planets have
come near in their rotation which is not a good sign, so not
suitable for a risky work. Moatsum Billah torn the cloth into
two pieces by his sword, on which all the calculations were
done and said:

“I believe in God and He will help me”

He attacked and got victory. Later the future tellers said that
stars came near but due to some divine power they went far
and there remain no danger rather good time started.

The Author is of view that:

1) Take all the existing knowledge & information.

2) Do all your calculations.

3) Make a plan.

4) Act on your plan after seeking help from almighty

God. Trust in God only and do not care about
suitable or unsuitable time.

6.5 Role of a man on top

History tells us that circumstances and people live their lives

(good or bad) in the same style for years or centuries. Then
326 How to be the best ruler

a great man comes and changes occur in the circumstances,

and also in the thinking, lifestyles & sometimes religion of
people. Behind every revolution and great achievements
there is always one man to play the key role. After that there
is a need of lot of committed persons, to support him and
work under his guidance and leadership.

People used to worship Pharaoh in Egypt. Bani Israeel

(Offspring & followers of the prophet “Jacob”PBUH) was
living as slaves. No change came in centuries. Then a man
came and destroyed the pharaoh and his kingdom. He gave
liberty to Bani Israeel from slavery. He was the great
MosesPBUH, the messenger of God.

Jaloot was a very cruel ruler. For years, he did cruelty on

his masses. No change occurred and then DavidPBUH came
and killed Jaloot and his cruelty finally came to an end, & a
good government of public welfare came in to being.

The kingdom of Roma was a great power of world. Nobody

had dared to talk against the wrong customs. Then Holy
Christ came and sacrificed his life for the cause and then a
great change came which put the foundation of a religion
with the biggest population of the world as followers.

Great Buddha was also a man who influenced people so

much that a great peaceful revolution came, rather the
thinking & the whole life style of people changed, even the
How to be the best ruler 327

great king Asoka changed his religion and Buddhism spread

all over the major parts of Asia.

King Iran Raza Shah Pehlwi ruled over Iran for years.
(Before him his father was king). His government was very
strong. But Iman Khomini brought a revolution, finished
the government of King Raza and also ended the Kingship
in Iran. Then Imam Khomini made a new type of
government, a religious government making a great change
in lifestyle and even thinking of people of Iran.

6.6 The Leader, political philosopher, implementer

Leader is that who inspires and lead the people for

some purpose. Most of the rulers are leaders.

Political philosopher is that who can give

practicable ideas to deal all sorts of political situations. Most
of the leaders & rulers are not the political philosophers, so
it is advised that a ruler should have an advisor who is a
positive & good natured political philosopher.

The famous political philosophers in history are:

Chankiya (kautiliya) was political philosopher and Guru to

the king Chander gupt mourea of India. Aristotle was
political philosopher & guru to Alexander the great. Naseer
ud din Toosi was political philosopher & guru to king Alp
Arsalan. The other famous political philosophers were
328 How to be the best ruler

Machiavelli, Karl Marx, Ibne Khaldoon & Al-Gazaali


All political philosophers were not positive & good natured.

Machiavelli & Chankiya were very intelligent, but negative
minded political philosophers, who advised unfair methods
to deal every political situation.

Gandhi was a leader as well as a political philosopher.

Nelson Mandela, Mohammad Ali Jinnah (founder of

Pakistan), Jawahar lal Nehru (Ex-prime minister of India)
are the examples of great leaders.

Mao Zedong & Lenin are the examples of leaders &


A good implementer is that who has the ability &

dare to implement all those laws & principals which are
beneficial for his people & his nation. While a bad
implementer is that who implements all laws for his own

Examples of the best leaders & implementer in current era

are Mahathir Mohammad & Tayyip Erdogan.

6.7 Duration of sovereignty in democracy

In democratic countries where the democracy is

established and education rate is more than 80%. The
How to be the best ruler 329

general election should be repeated after every four years.

While in countries where the democracy is not established
and education rate is less than 80%. The election should be
repeated after every three years.

The local government’s election should be conducted after

every two years.

The holding of election is a costly process but for the good

future of country, this cost is necessary. However, if
determined & tried sincerely, various methods can be
adapted to reduce the cost of election.

Reasons: In most of the less established democratic

countries, the public welfare & developmental works are
done mostly one year pre & post to election, so why five
years be given to such governments.

Secondly with less interval and repetition of elections, the

people will be aware of the importance of vote & its power
& so democracy will be established.

6.7.1 Bi-party vs. multiparty system

There should not be more than two political parties, to

context for election, otherwise the government made as a
result of election will most probably be a coalition
government which is a weak government and so not good
for country.
330 How to be the best ruler

6.7.2 Vote casting should be compulsory

It is a right & should also be the duty of every adult citizen

to caste his/her vote in general election of country. Non-
casting of vote should be considered as a crime. In case of
any problem or helplessness, the citizen must give in
writing; the cause of not casting his vote, to the nearest
police station at least one or two days prior to election. This
rule should be made & strictly implemented in all
democratic countries. So that voting turnover should be near
to 100%. Every citizen should be bound to give his/her
opinion by vote for the formation of the government of
his/her country and thus the government made as a result of
election would be in-facto the choice of majority.

The author highly appreciates the eleven countries in

which the system of compulsory voting is enforced i.e.
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Congo, Ecuador, Luxembourg,
Nauru, Peru, Uruguay, Singapore & Turkey. There is only
one drawback that the penalty for failing to vote is either not
strictly enforced or is very small e.g. in Turkey, the penalty
for failing to vote without justified reason & prior
information is only five Turkish Lira.

6.8 The best system of government?

The Author is of the view that the best system of

government is the;
How to be the best ruler 331

i. Welfare state system.

ii. De-centralization & Devolution of powers.

i. Welfare state system:

The government must spend at least 25-35% of total annual

GDP for the welfare of people. The government should not
only care to provide basic facilities to its citizens but also to
non-immigrant residents (especially emergency health care
& basic education free or at very economical cost).

Note: In a worldwide analysis for the happiest countries of

the world, it is seen that the top twenty most happiest9
countries are mostly the welfare states. It is to be noted that
it is the duty of state to take care of physical, mental & social
wellbeing of its citizens & nonimmigrant residents.
Definition of happiness: Happiness is nothing but the emotion experienced in
a state of wellbeing ranging from contentment to intense joy.

Welfare state's effect on poverty10: Empirical evidence

shows that the system of taxes and transfers considerably
reduced poverty in welfare states which commonly spend at
least a fifth of GDP for welfare of their citizens. The
information shows that many "welfare states" would have
higher poverty rates than a "non-welfare state" e.g. Sweden
had 23.7% pre-transfer poverty rate and post transfer
reduced to 5.8%, Denmark reduced from 26.4 to 5.9%,
Germany 15.2 to 4.3%, France 36.1 to 9.8%, Italy 30.7 to
332 How to be the best ruler

14.3% and USA 21.0 to 11.7%. Later the welfare states

reduced further their poverty rates.

A welfare state is a "concept of government in which the state plays a key

role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of
its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable
distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail
themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life. This requires high
Welfare services tend to be regarded as universal, available to rich and poor
alike, thus guaranteeing a minimal level of well-being and social support for
all citizens without the stigma of charity, this is termed "social solidarity".
It is a system in which the state takes overall responsibility for the welfare of
its citizens, providing health care, education, unemployment compensation
and social security. The welfare state involves a transfer of funds from the
state, to the services provided (i.e. healthcare, education) as well as directly to
individuals as benefits.
The welfare state is funded through redistributionist taxation and is often
referred to as a type of "mixed economy". Such taxation usually includes a
larger income tax for people with higher incomes, called a progressive tax.
This helps to reduce the income gap between the rich and poor.

There are four ways of organizing a welfare state

1. The ideal Social-Democratic welfare states: (Denmark, Finland,
the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden) these are based on the
principle of universalism granting access to benefits and services
based on citizenship. Such a welfare state is said to provide a
relatively high degree of autonomy, limiting the reliance of family
and market. In this context, social policies are perceived as 'politics
against the market'. In this model, the state is primarily concerned
with directing the resources to "the people most in need". This
requires a tight bureaucratic control over the people concerned.
2. Christian-democratic welfare states: (Austria, Belgium, France,
Germany, Spain and Italy) These are based on the principle of
subsidiarity and the dominance of social insurance schemes,
offering a medium level of de-commodification and a high degree
of social stratification. Under this model, the state distributes
welfare with as little bureaucratic interference as possible, to all
people who fulfill easily established criteria (e.g. having children,
receiving medical treatment, etc.).
How to be the best ruler 333

3. The liberal regime: (Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland and the

USA) this is based on the notion of market dominance and private
provision; ideally, the state only interferes to ameliorate poverty and
provide for basic needs, largely on a means-tested basis. Hence, the
de-commodification potential of state benefits is assumed to be low
and social stratification high. This model is similar to the one found
in Britain (Beveridge model) and is based more on citizenship and a
certain level of welfare 'as a right', which may then be modified
according to needs.
4. Not clearly classified: Ireland, New Zealand and the United

Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and United Arab
Emirates have become welfare states exclusively for their citizens. All
foreign nationals, including legal residents and legal long term employees are
prohibited from partaking in the benefits of the welfare state.

History of welfare system: In the Roman Empire, social welfare to help

the poor was enlarged by the Caesar Trajan. Trajan's program brought
acclaim from many empires. In Jewish tradition, the poor are entitled to
charity and justice as a matter of right rather than benevolence. Voluntary
charity, along with prayer and repentance, is believed to ameliorate the
consequences of bad acts.
The concepts of welfare and pension were put into practice in the early
Islamic law of the Caliphate as forms of Zakat (charity), one of the Five
Pillars of Islam, since the time of the caliph Umar in the 7th century. The
taxes (including Zakat and Jizya) collected in the treasury of an Islamic
government were used to provide income for the needy, including the poor,
elderly, orphans, widows, and the disabled. According to the Islamic jurist Al-
Ghazali (Algazel, 1058–1111), the government was also expected to store up
food supplies in every region in case a disaster or famine occurred.
There is relatively little statistical data on welfare transfer payments before
the High Middle Ages. In the medieval period and until the Industrial
Revolution, the function of welfare payments in Europe was principally
achieved through private giving or charity. The early welfare programs in
Europe included the English Poor Law of 1601, which gave parishes the
responsibility for providing welfare payments to the poor.
It was predominantly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that an
organized system of state welfare provision was introduced in many countries.
Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of Germany, introduced one of the first
welfare systems for the working classes. In Great Britain the Liberal
government of Henry Campbell-Bannerman and David Lloyd George
introduced the National Insurance system in 1911, a system later expanded by
334 How to be the best ruler

Clement Attlee. The United States did not have an organized welfare system
until the Great Depression, when emergency relief measures were introduced
under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Even then, Roosevelt's New Deal
focused predominantly on a program of providing work and stimulating the
economy through public spending on projects, rather than on cash payment.

ii. De-centralization & Devolution of powers:

For good governance and public benefit; it is necessary to
decentralize & devolve the administrative & financial
powers to grass root level especially for routine & local
tasks. This will not only reduce the burden of central
authorities but also provide relief to public within their
reach. So it is necessary to conduct local government
elections timely after every two years.
6.9 What is next to welfare state?
The next step is to establish a welfare society by establishing
a welfare culture in society. A countrywide regular
campaign of religious & social teachings by media, seminars
and through curriculum of teaching institutes is the only way
to achieve the target. The teaching may be based on the
concept i.e.
“Live and help the others to live”
All the developed state society’s system is running on the
golden rule of justice but religion goes a step ahead i.e.
beneficence i.e. doing well with others more than they
deserve legally and according to justice.
How to be the best ruler 335

In history; the concept of welfare society was very much

promoted by the teachings of ChristPbuh e.g.
“Your prayer would not be accepted by God, if your
neighbor had slept hungry”.
In Islamic teachings, great stress is given on welfare. It is
directed to every Muslim that welfare should be started from
your home, then to the relatives & neighbors, then to the
whole society.
It is seen that care & welfare of relatives, guests and respect
of elders & family members is more in east as compared to
the west.
6.10 The author’s dream of a best state
The best state is that which consists of;
1- A ruler who is trustworthy having tendency and capacity
to do result producing work for the welfare of his nation
especially for common man.

2- A welfare state with system of De-centralization &

Devolution of powers and which spends at-least 30% of its
GDP on welfare of its residents.

3- Right man at right place.

336 How to be the best ruler

4. Technocracy in bureaucracy: A form of bureaucracy in

which scientists and technical experts control the
5. Role of government is to do supervision and control to run
the system smoothly ensuring true impartial justice and
good governance with accountability across the board and
sure punishment to criminals.
6- Government is not doing business itself and it has made
a policy, nicely implemented to flourished business and
businessmen with a limit to extraordinary excess of wealth.
7- Government has made a minimum & maximum standard
of living, income & wealth for the residents of country and
also keeping them within it.

8- It is mandatory for big industrialists and landlords to

provide basic education to children, primary healthcare and
housing facilities to families of their workers.
9- Relief in tax on general charity and on provision of
education, health and housing facilities to their workers.
10. Not only right to vote for all citizens but also compulsory
to vote, in addition to free & fair election.
11- A welfare culture with decent speech and behavior based
on the concept that every person has equal right to live on
How to be the best ruler 337

this earth without any respect to poor, rich, white or black

etc. and also on concept that; “Live and help the others to

References. 6
1. siasat naama (book of politics) by Nizam ul mulk Toosi
2. Ruler sahaba (urdu language) by mahmood ahmed gazanfer.
3. From babar to yousaf by jamil yousaf.
4. Political thoughts of Muslims by prof. Rasheed ahmed.
5. Mukhzn e ikhlq by rehmatullah subhani.
6. siasat naama (book of politics) by Nizam ul mulk Toosi
7. Hundred great kings by john kenning.
8. Islamic History by Akbar Najeeb abadi.
9. Courtesy; Dr. Farhan & Dr. S. Naveed .
10. Wikipedia, welfare state.
338 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 7 Duties, Powers & rights of ruler

I. Duties of Ruler
The main duty of ruler is to do Good Governance, which
means; good decisions & then effective and timely
implementation. In good governance public is governed by
government & government is governed by rule of law. The
other duties of a ruler & his team are as follows;
1. To provide security to people from all enemies.
i. Enemies in country e.g. criminals.
ii. Enemies outside the country e.g. assailants.
2. To produce & maintain Peace in country.
3. To ensure Justice for all i.e. Rule of Law.
4. To make & implement “code of conduct & limitation” for
all government & private departments with the consultation
of their representatives, and then to bound them to be within
those limits & never cross those limits.
5. To produce and maintain intra and inter departmental
coordination & cooperation in departments of
government, and also with the departments in private sectors
& autonomous bodies.
6. To make and implement laws, also to give justified rights,
facilities and liberties with justified limitations to all citizens
and residents.
How to be the best ruler 339

7. By good governance, a ruler is able to run the

administrative system of country effectively and smoothly.
The key target of good governance is to take care and
monitor regularly that the government officials are taking
care of common people and dealing them nicely according
to law or not.
8. Make laws and implement to give liberty to worship, to
the followers of all religions in country, with in legal limits.
(A code of conduct and limitation should be made for all
religions to clarify the boundaries of their activities, so that
all religions may regard each other).
9. The revenue is trusted property of nation. On the Day of
Judgment, ruler will be asked by God about the fair and
unfair usage of that revenue. So ruler should order and
monitor to assure the fair and justified usage of the revenue.
10. To produce and maintain economic prosperity &
development of country.
11. Reforms in country as required i.e. educational,
industrial, agricultural, health and Social reforms etc.
12. Development and improvement of the life of common
man as a whole.
Note: Most of the rulers ignore the last two duties, which is
a great mistake.
340 How to be the best ruler

Pillars1 of good governance: Four pillars;

1. Predictability: it is the clear results, known in advance
due to uniform & effective enforcement of laws &
2. Transparency: The quality of being neat and clear. It
entails the low cost access to relevant information.
3. Participation: The act of sharing, to supply reliable
4. Accountability: It is the answerability with

II. Powers of ruler

To perform duties and to achieve targets a ruler needs
powers. The elements which make a ruler powerful are as
1. Powers delegated by law sufficient to fulfill his duties,
these vary country to country.
2. Personal abilities of ruler (already discussed).
3. The tools of ruler: The tools or weapons by which a ruler
becomes successful to rule effectively are;
i. Administrative machinery.
ii. Intelligence network.
iii. Media.
iv. Faithful & venturesome companions.
How to be the best ruler 341

v. A well-disciplined political party, having a big team of

impressive, talented & qualified speakers from constituency
to national & international level having convincing ability
and to speak before public & media.
Difference between to have powers and to exercise
There is a great difference between to have powers & to use
powers. Richard Nixon writes in his book “the Leaders” that
both Roosevelt (presidents of USA) used their powers more
effectively than the others, while it is a fact that by law all
presidents of USA have the same powers.

Hitler writes in his book “Mein kamph” “A coward will not

fire a single shot when attacked though he may be armed
with ten pistols, for him they are of less value than a
blackthorn in the hands of a man of courage”
Suggestions to use powers are as follows;
i. To use one’s powers properly, effectively, in time & with
full strength it needs:
- Complete knowledge of the relevant law
- An excellent technique &
- A great courage.
342 How to be the best ruler

ii. A ruler must clearly know when, where, on whom & how
to exercise his powers. And on whom he should avoid to
use his powers.
iii. Always keep in mind the strength & background strength
of opponent person, group or country.
iv. Calculate the expected outcome.
v. Create or wait for suitable & justified time before action,
then start action.

How a ruler can exercise his powers

There are five supports which can be used to use power.
1. Powers given to him by law.
2. Influencing the others by his position as a ruler.
3. Influencing the others by his personality.
4. by his relations
-In government
-With other influential governments.
5. through his resources.

III. Rights of a ruler

A ruler deserves all powers, protocol, protection & facilities
as it is clearly mentioned in law of that country.
Reference: ch.7
How to be the best ruler 343

1. Public administration by Girish malhotra. Murari lal & sons new Delhi.
344 How to be the best ruler

Section III

How to Rule
1. Ideologies and methods to rule
2. How to make government
3. Structure and strategy of government
4. Administration and dealings of government

5. Challenges to government
6. People and their problems
7. Development of country
8. Foreign Policy
9. Financial Management
10. Reforms
How to be the best ruler 345
346 How to be the best ruler

Section III
How to Rule
Subsection 1: Ideologies and methods to rule
Chapter 8 – i. Objective to rule
ii. What a ruler should do
Chapter 9 - How to be successful
Chapter 10 – Techniques to Rule
1. Training from ex-ruler & others

2. Target key to rule

3. Caliph Umar’sRA principle

4. Caliph Ali’sRA directions for rulers

5. Strategic guidelines by caliph Mamoon Rasheed

6. British government’s techniques to rule India

7.Author’s view
How to be the best ruler 347

Subsection 1

Chapter 8 (1) Objective to rule (2) What a ruler should do

(1) Objectives to rule

This is very important to decide that why you want to be
the ruler. In fact this is the spectacle through which a ruler
sees every matter; plans and does all his activities
The objectives must be (i) SMART (ii) Small in number
(i) SMART means;
Specific i.e. exact & clear
Measurable i.e. can be assessed qualitatively &
Achievable i.e. possible to be achieved
Relevant i.e. relating to subject at issue.
Time-bound i.e. there must be a time limit in which the
objectives must be achieved.
(ii) Make objectives small in number: The objectives must
be small in number and so focus your abilities on some key
issues of people.
Reason; If we study in history to the lives of rulers; we see
only one, two or three achievements in the total tenure of
sovereignty of one ruler e.g. Ibrahim Lincoln was an ideal
348 How to be the best ruler

president of USA. When we observe and talk about his

achievements. The main achievement is to finish slavery.
Nelson Mandela will live forever for his lifelong struggle
against ethnic discrimination. The achievements of Z.A.
Bhutto ex-prime minister Pakistan are to give wisdom to
people about their own importance. Name of Pandit Nehru
ex-prime minister of India will live long due to eradication
of feudal system from India.
Stephen Covey writes in his book “8th Habit”
Suppose you have 80% chances of getting success in one
matter, but when you divide your attention and add one, two
or more targets, the chances of success reduce to 60-70% or
may be lesser than that. This happens because the divided
attention divides your power & abilities, so reduces the
chances of success. So it is advised to focus your attention
on chief projects of country and leave the lesser important
projects & matters for your subordinates to deal.
The objective may be positive or negative. However it is clear that a
good ruler should adapt positive objectives.
Positive objectives
To impose law of God; all prophets who ruled, had no personal
intention to rule except to impose the law of God.
Welfare of the poor: This is the most common objective by which the
poor people i.e. majority of public is deceived. However there are good
rulers also whose intention is the welfare of their common man and
after getting power they work sincerely to bring the positive changes in
poor man’s life.
Negative objectives; it is a dilemma that negative minded rulers also
present themselves as they are the real well wishers. However before
How to be the best ruler 349

getting power they can be judged by improperness of their program.

After getting power they can be judged by their direction of actions and
the time oriented results.
Some rulers have the objective “to rule only”. They think themselves
that nature had made them to rule. After getting power, they facilitate
themselves and to the ruling class. They do all fare and unfair steps
necessary to maintain and prolong their sovereignty. For the public;
they do good speeches and cosmetic reforms just to pass the time and
let the people be contented.
Some rulers want to make money from ruler-ship or make it as an
additional objective.

(2) Role of ruler/what a ruler should do?

The main duty of ruler is to do Good Governance, which
means; good decisions & there effective and timely
implementation. So accordingly, the work or role of ruler
will be as follows;
1 – To take work from others: The role of ruler is not to
do work by himself but to take work from others. If he has
to work, it should be of extreme importance & of such type
which cannot be done by any other person. So a ruler should
not do that work which can be done by others, ensuring its
good quality & quantity. A ruler must clearly know:
i. Which, how & how much work he has to take from others
& from whom.
ii. Which, how & how much work he has to do himself.
350 How to be the best ruler

Note: Remember; please never be hyper-occupied with

work, because it will decrease your efficiency and creative
2- Planning & decision: The main role of ruler is to plan,
making the policy & decide. All great leaders and rulers
were the great planners & they always played major role in
making the policy. In addition, they had the habit to take
advice from their companions, but they always kept the final
power of decision with them. The ruler should decide
according to the; (i) information of situation, (ii) position
and circumstances of his government and country (iii)
resources and. (iv) Especially according to his vision.
Richard Nixon, ex-president USA writes in his book “The
Leaders” that;
The Leader should distribute his responsibilities of work to
others but never “the power of decision” because it is the
only thing which is his duty as he is elected for this ability.

3. Order: It is the main tool of governance, used for the

decisions to be acted upon & to achieve the objectives.
It is the duty, legal right & authority of the ruler to order.
The order includes the following elements.
i. It must be obeyed in its complete meaning of letter &
How to be the best ruler 351

ii. To organize or to do arrangements to fulfill the

decision of authority.
iii. Duration & time limit, for compliance of order.
iv. Punishment in case of failure to compliance
(mentioned or may not be mentioned in the text of
4. Implementation: It is also the duty of ruler to assure that
the existing law & the new orders passed are implemented
or not, in there real sense of letter & spirit. So there is great
need of implementation.
For implementation, two steps are needed to be done i.e.
regular motivation & regular monitoring.
Motivation: It is the main strategy to take work from others.
Kim il sing, the great leader of Korea writes in his biography
that the main principles of development & high performance
of Korean nation were two “M” i.e. motivation &
5. Monitoring-Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (ex-prime
minister Malaysia) told the author that the real work of a
ruler is to do monitoring. He further told that in his tenure,
his main work in his office of prime minister was mainly to
do monitoring. He added that when a ruler monitors his
subordinates, they will certainly check their subordinates
and so a chain of monitoring is produced from highest to
352 How to be the best ruler

lowest level and hence a culture to do work is produced all

over the country.
Monitoring include further two steps;
i. Regular feedback, check & counter check
ii. Prompt action accordingly.
6. Intelligence network: Do not forget to take reports from
intelligence network daily, about all current happenings all
over the country, to remain aware and alert.

Role of government: Role of government is to do

supervision and control to run the system smoothly ensuring
true impartial justice and good governance with
accountability across the board and sure punishment to
Government should not involve in doing business itself
because to do governance is a very difficult task and if it is
added by any other task, it will divert & distribute the
attention & may probably decrease the efficiency. Secondly,
to do business is the right and act of businessmen, which
should be given to them. Government should take
appropriate tax from them but let them do business without
any competition with government. Government should
How to be the best ruler 353

make a policy, nicely implemented to flourished business

and businessmen with a limit to excess of wealth.
Style of working: A ruler (Boss) may be of different
types according to his method of working & taking work
from others;
1- Takes tension himself & imparts tension to his
companions & subordinates.
2- Works steadily, calmly & regularly in easy way & expects
the same from subordinates.
3- Works very much himself & do not take work accordingly
from others.
4- Works very much himself & also takes work accordingly
from others.
5- Does not work very much himself but takes sufficient
work as needed from others.
The last one is the best to be adapted by the ruler.
354 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 9: How to be successful to achieve your

There are various methods which were used in history to
achieve success. These methods are not applicable to all
persons in all situations. It depends on every individual to
use these methods according to his suitability, situation,
choice and his capacity.
The extract of all methods is as follows;
First of all it is necessary to set goals of your government;
Goal setting
What you get by achieving your goal not as important as what
you become by achieving your goal – Henry David Thoreau
Why goal setting necessary:
If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without
goals you lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only
allows you to take control of your life's direction; it also
provides you a benchmark for determining whether you
are actually succeeding.
Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-
term motivation. It focuses your acquisition of knowledge,
and helps you to organize your time and your resources so
that you can make the very most of your life.
How to be the best ruler 355

Rules of Goal Setting

Five Rules & five techniques for setting
effective goals.
To accomplish your goals, however, you need to know
how to set them. You can't simply say, "I want" and expect
it to happen. Goal setting is a process that starts with
careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and
ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it. In between
there are some very well defined steps that transcend the
356 How to be the best ruler

specifics of each goal. Knowing these steps will allow you

to formulate goals that you can accomplish.
Think about what you want to achieve in four/five years'
time. Are you clear about what your main objective at work
is at the moment? Do you know what you want to have
achieved by the end of today?
There are five golden rules of goal setting
1. Set Goals That Motivate You
When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they
motivate you: this means making sure that they are
important to you, and that there is value in achieving them.
If you have little interest in the outcome, or they are
irrelevant given the larger picture, then the chances of you
putting in the work to make them happen are slim.
Motivation is key to achieving goals.
Set goals that relate to the high priorities in your life.
Without this type of focus, you can end up with far too
many goals, leaving you too little time to devote to each
one. Goal achievement requires commitment, so to
maximize the likelihood of success, you need to feel a
sense of urgency and have an "I must do this" attitude.
Tip: To make sure your goal is motivating, write
down why it's valuable and important to you. Ask yourself,
"If I were to share my goal with others, what would I tell
them to convince them it was a worthwhile goal?" You can
use this motivating value statement to help you if you start
to doubt yourself or lose confidence in your ability to
actually make the goal happen.

2. Set SMART Goals

How to be the best ruler 357

For goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be

SMART i.e.
i. Specific
ii. Measurable
iii. attainable / achievable
iv. Relevant
v. Time Bound.
i. Set Specific and clear goals: Your goal must be
specific, clear and well defined. Vague or generalized
goals are unhelpful because they don't provide sufficient
direction. Remember, you need goals to show you the
way. Define precisely where you want to end up.
Importance of clarity of goal: Your desire is useless if goal
is not crystal clear and fixed. Variable goals and multiple
goals means no goal and hence failure. So goal to achieve
must be clear. The number of targets to achieve must be one,
two or maximum three at one time.
ii. Set Measurable Goals: Include precise amounts,
dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your
degree of success. If your goal is simply defined as "To
reduce expenses" how will you know when you have been
successful? In one month's time if you have a 1 percent
reduction or in two years' time when you have a 10 percent
reduction? Without a way to measure your success you
miss out on the celebration that comes with knowing you
have actually achieved something.
iii. Set Attainable Goals: Make sure that it's possible
to achieve the goals you set. If you set a goal that you have
358 How to be the best ruler

no hope of achieving, you will only demoralize yourself

and erode your confidence.
iv. Set relevant goals: Goals should be relevant to the
direction you want your life and career to take. By keeping
goals aligned with this, you'll develop the focus you need
to get ahead and do what you want.
v. Set time-bound goals: You goals must have a
deadline. Again, this means that you know when you can
celebrate success. When you are working on a deadline,
your sense of urgency increases and achievement will
come that much quicker.
3. Set Goals in Writing
The physical act of writing down a goal makes it real and
tangible. You have no excuse for forgetting about it. As
you write, use the word "will" instead of "would like to"
or "might." For example, "I will reduce my operating
expenses by 10 percent this year," not "I would like to
reduce my operating expenses by 10 percent this year."
The first goal statement has power and you can "see"
yourself reducing expenses, the second lacks passion and
gives you an excuse if you get sidetracked.
Tip 1: Frame your goal statement positively. If you want
to improve your retention rates say, "I will hold on to all
existing employees for the next quarter" rather than "I will
reduce employee turnover." The first one is motivating; the
second one still has a get-out clause "allowing" you to
succeed even if some employees leave.
Tip 2: If you use a To-Do List, make yourself a To-Do
List template that has your goals at the top of it. If you use
How to be the best ruler 359

an Action Program, then your goals should be at the top of

your Project Catalog.
Paste your goal statement in visible places to remind
yourself every day of what it is you intend to do. Put them
on your walls, desk, computer monitor, bathroom mirror
or refrigerator as a constant reminder.
4. Make an Action Plan
This step is often missed in the process of goal setting. You
get so focused on the outcome that you forget to plan all of
the steps that are needed along the way. By writing out the
individual steps, and then crossing each one off as you
complete it, you'll realize that you are making progress
towards your ultimate goal.
5. Stick With It!
Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity not just a
means to an end. Build in reminders to keep yourself on
track, and make regular time-slots available to review your

Key Points: Goal setting is much more than simply

saying you want something to happen. Unless you clearly
define exactly what you want and understand why you want
it the first place, your odds of success are considerably
reduced. By following the Five Golden Rules of Goal
Setting you can set goals with confidence and enjoy the
satisfaction that comes along with knowing you achieved
what you set out to do.
360 How to be the best ruler

Planning: Without planning no success, without planning

work is same as you are travelling in a sea without map.
How to achieve goals
Factors for achieving goals are as follows:
1. Burning desire to succeed: Every person desire for
success but simple desire is not sufficient. The desire should
be very strong. The great writer Napoleon Hill in his book
“think & grow rich” writes that for success, the desire must
be very strong and named it “burning desire”
2. Believe in yourself that you can do it.
3. Struggle: Struggle is effective and justified if it is; (i)
sincere (ii) planned (iii) persistent (iv) disciplined (v)
focused (vi) in right direction and (vii) at right time.
4. Pray to God: A person who struggles but do not pray is
proud while a person who do not struggle and does only pray
to God is foolish; so struggle and pray, both are necessary.
5. Good companions: they say “sincere struggle,
wholehearted pray & good companions are the guaranteed
tools for success”
Role of good companions is equally important and essential.
Sher shah soori defeated Humayun the king of India and
became the king of India. He was asked; How you got
success against Humayun the previous king of India? He
answered “my companions were better than the companions
of king Humayun”
6. Good dealing: Good dealing with self-controlled variable
temperament according to personality and situation: Mental
freshness & good temperedness are the powers which
influence & attract the people. Bad tempered persons are
never liked anywhere. They say “Always keep your head
How to be the best ruler 361

cool, feet warm & tongue sweet. It will give you magical
results most of the time”
Golden rule of success > Work + wisdom + virtue = victory

Chapter 10 Techniques to rule

1. Training from ex-ruler & others
2. Target key to rule
3. Caliph Umar’sRA principle
4. Caliph Ali’sRA directions for rulers
5. Strategic guidelines by caliph Mamoon rasheed
6. British government’s techniques to rule India.
7. Other factors
7. Author’s view

1. Training from ex-ruler & others

Before taking charge; it should be mandatory to get a
training session from ex-ruler, briefings from departmental
heads and technocrats. Duration of session varies in
different countries. In USA its duration is 120 days. In this
362 How to be the best ruler

training; all necessary information & guidelines must be

given to the new ruler i.e.
i. About the prevailing system of government & its
ii. Persons & their nature, working in the system.
iii. List of persons who are trustworthy, sincere to work,
faithful, difficult to deal and the trustworthy informers in
government (central & provincial) & also in departments.
iv. All prevailing projects & ongoing programs of
government & departments.
v. Problems of people and government & actions taken by
vi. Foreign policy.
vii. Current policy & strategy of government.
viii. Limitations of government in different fields.
ix. All types of guidelines i.e. how to work, how to deal &
how to rule etc.
In short; by training, the ruler should aim to take the
complete extract of all knowledge, experience & skill of the
ex-ruler, all necessary information & guidelines from
departmental heads & technocrats. Then make his own
policy & strategy by his vision & objectives.
How to be the best ruler 363

2. Target key to rule

Take information about the Benchmark of previous
government. (Benchmark is the record of achievements,
drawbacks & work of government)
Most of the governments utilize this information only to do
propaganda against previous government, which is a
negative approach.
Positive approach is to utilize this information as a base
point for the welfare of people & development of country
i.e. complete the incomplete work, increase the speed of
work, level of facilities & development for your people and
Secondly, use this information as a target of development
and give it to your companion to work in a way to beat & go
much beyond the target with in time limits.

3. Caliph Umar’sRA principle1

It was the principle of politics of Caliph UmarRA that he
used to take information about the administrative strategies
and laws of ancient governments and rulers. Then used to
think over and adapt the worthy laws and administrative

4. Caliph Ali’sRA directions for rulers2

364 How to be the best ruler

The caliph AliRA gave these directions to governor Egypt,

Malik bin Haris as pre-appointment instructions for ruler-
ship. The main points were as follows;
- Obey to God & fulfill the duties which the God ordered in
His holy book.
- For public; adapt the attitude of kindness, love &
- About ministers & advisers; don’t make such person your
minister who had been minister with previous unfair & cruel
rulers. Rather, find qualified, wise & good performers, who
have dare to tell the truth in front of you and do not praise
you falsely?
- Armed forces: Care the soldiers as parents do for their
children. Prefer those army officers who help & care more
to soldiers.
- Justice: For the rulers, most satisfying & happiest matter
should be in the provision of justice to public.
- Solution to crisis: For crisis, get the solution from the
orders of God & the life of his prophet.
- Administration & police: Find such persons, who may
not be nervous & easily tired by rush of work, don’t be angry
with people by their behavior, accept the truth, patiently
investigate the cases and do not greed.
- Judges: Give them so much good salary that they become
satisfied. Their status should be so high that nobody could
dare to pressurize or hurt them.
- Government servants: Give government ranks only to
those who have good family background & good reputation.
Give them good salaries so that they work honestly.
Regularly watch their activities by your informers. If they
do dishonesty, don’t spare them.
How to be the best ruler 365

- Tax system; Role of government is to bring prosperity for

the country and not merely the collection of tax. If public is
prosperous, tax revenue will be automatically increased.
- Businessmen; Take care yourself & order your
subordinates to take care all businessmen from lower to high
level, as due to businessmen, public become prosperous and
also there comes betterment in economy of country.
- The poor: Never ignore them. Fix a portion of Bait-ul-mall
(public treasury) for their welfare.
. Your work: Finish your work on daily basis.
- Friends & relatives: Don’t give undue benefits or priority
to any of your relative or friend. If it happens, its sin will be
on you and you will have to suffer for that on judgment day.
- International relations: If enemy ask for friendship,
accept it because the God becomes happy with peace.
Always fulfill your treaties.
- Self-loving: Save yourself from self-loving & flatterers.
- Last thing: Always remember the past just governments,
good constitutions, traditions of prophet’s life and duties
mentioned in the holy book of God. Bind yourself to act
completely on these directions.

5. Strategic guideline by Caliph Mamoon Rashid

Mamoon Rashid said:
“There is always an unseen string between ruler and public,
when I feel that public is pulling and tightening the string. I
lose it from my side. But when I feel that public has loosened
the string I at once tight it from my side.”

6. British government’s techniques to rule India

366 How to be the best ruler

Britain ruled on India from 1757 to 1947(almost 200 years).

The main strategy to rule was as follows;
(i) The Britain population was mostly Christian while
Indians were mostly Hindu, Muslim and Sikhs. So plans
were made to convert Indians towards Christianity. It was
presumed that after conversion, Indians would not go
against a Christian government and remain faithful.
(ii) Secondly; reforms were made so that the life of a
common man may improve. It was presumed that people
would be happy with government and would not think to
change it.
(iii) Thirdly; Cooperative groups of Indian influential
persons were generated by giving titles, support and
facilities to them so that their benefits become attached with
British government. For that the landlords, businessmen and
religious leaders were selected.
Ref: “British Raj - An analysis” by Dr Mubarak Ali.

The other strategies adopted by Britain were;

Divide and rule (main weapon of Britain): Britain acquired
and ruled over India by dividing the people of India in
different categories specially, by religion or by area, and
then produced a clash in between them e.g. in the name of
religion between Muslims and Hindus; in the name of areas
between Sindhi, Punjabi etc.
Britain took three benefits from this exploitation and
division. (i) People remained busy within their own clashes.
(ii) They became weaker and weaker due to being un-united
and fighting with each other so British army conquered them
How to be the best ruler 367

one by one after making them weak. (iii) Britain used to

support both groups and took money from both sides to
support them.
Religious liberty: Britain gave religious liberty to all
Development: Developed the country, built roads,
buildings, established Railways.
Punishment before public: Created fear of government by
giving punishment before public i.e. whipping and hanged
till death to all rebels.
7. Miscellaneous
The others factors or strategies useful for success in life and
politics are as follows;
1. Personality characteristics and skills: Personality
characteristics and skills of ruler are strong supporting tools
for success e.g.
i. Awareness & alertness with honesty & responsibility are
the guarantees of strong and successful government.
ii. All decisions must be based on knowledge & done by
brain not by emotions.
2. “Use your brain more, Tongue Less”. This is the rule of
success in life, every field, every Job & in every post.
3. Golden rules of life: (i) Don’t try to make happy to all
persons. (ii) Don’t make angry any person unnecessarily.
(iii) Do not produce any issue yourself unnecessarily.
368 How to be the best ruler

4. Golden rules of politics:

(i) Politics and ruler-ship is a game of possibilities: In this
rule; all possibilities (positive and negative) are imagined
and analyzed which can be useful. However better approach
is to pursue only positive possibilities.
(ii) Nothing is final in politics: In this policy; there is room
kept for any change in hope of benefits. This policy is mostly
seen in political multiparty system e.g. enemies can be made
friends & vice versa for benefits.
(iii) Reconciliation policy: This is a policy in which so
much good relations are produced with all especially with
opposition that opposition seems to be part of government.
In such cases public is at loss; as opposition is not doing its
justified role.

7. Author’s view
I. Understand & discipline persons.

II. Understand & streamline system.

III. Necessities for success of a Government
IV. Art to rule

I. Understand & discipline persons: (i) First of all

understand & analyze the characteristics of your people i.e.
as a nation and as different groups i.e. religion wise, caste
wise, region wise, race wise, government servants, labor
How to be the best ruler 369

class, farmer class, poor and rich class; with their emotional
attachments and customs. Also understand & analyze their
genuine & justified problems, needs & demands.
(ii). Make a plan to discipline your political party,
government officials and the nation as a whole.
II. Understand and analyze your system (political & official)
of country. Streamline the system.
III. Necessities for success of a Government
1. A sincere, devoted and disciplined leader.
2. A team of officials, ministers, advisors, secretaries
Who should be sincere, qualified, skilled, trained,
disciplined and have the tendency & capacity to do
3. Team work
4. Impartial, Just, Judiciary
5. Honest police
6. A strong, effective intelligence network and its strong
and effective use.
7. A positive media.
8. An effective system of Monitoring and prompt action
370 How to be the best ruler

9. Assessment and maximum use of available

resources, also continuous effort to increase
They say; “Parliament, good administration team, intelligence network,
honest police, Impartial Just Judiciary & positive media are the Pillars &
tools (weapons) of government by which government becomes able to
govern successfully.

IV. Art to rule: (i) make it crystal clear to all; from top to
grass root level about the objectives of your government
with time-limits to achieve the objectives. Also define the
standard of quality and quantity of satisfactory achievement.
(ii) Control indirectly through administrators. Take
feedback from them regularly. Take reports from your
informers daily. Remember that monitoring is the key to
rule. Sometimes check yourself also.
(iii) Ensure Justice all over country; also ensure
accountability & punishment to the criminals across the
board. Create an atmosphere of fear for every that person
who intends to do corruption or crime.
(iv) Plan to increase faithful & venturesome persons and to
avoid from cheaters & traitors.
(v) Most of the people are very much emotional about their
religion, so appreciate, promote & facilitate to assure the
safe, undisturbed and independent worship of every
religion; by so strict control that nobody would be spared,
How to be the best ruler 371

who so ever is violating this principle of independent

worship and what so ever may be the status of accused.
(vi) Genuine & justified needs & demands of people must
be understood, analyzed and then prioritized. Do not start all
projects simultaneously. Plan to fulfill the needs & demands
stepwise. The wisdom of planning is to take better outputs
with lesser resources by wise strategy.
(vii). Keep & maintain busy to your people & officials in
their work and positive activities.
The above mentioned steps will not only increase the
goodwill of ruler but also strengthen the government, and
also facilitate the ruler to rule.

References. 10
1. Al-Farooq by Shibli Numani.
2. Caliph Ali’sRA directions for rulers by Daawat academy.
372 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 11: How to make Government

This is the foundation for the success of your government.
Kenneth Blanchard & Norman Vincent peal in their book
“The power of ethical management” writes
“If we take care in the beginning, the end will take care of
What to do first
Government is done indirectly through some persons, so
after getting sovereignty these persons are selected,
nominated or appointed. These persons are your
companions or representatives to run the country. It
comprises three things:
8.1 – Selection of good companions.
8.2 – Transfer/posting of key posts.
8.3 – Get rid of unsuitable persons.

8.1 – Selection of good companions

Importance of good companions
They say: “As a tree is identified from its fruit, a man is
identified from his companions”
When George w Bush (2001-08) became the president of
USA. Before taking oath in white house, he asked ex-
President Bill Clinton (1993-2001)”What should I do to be
How to be the best ruler 373

successful in my Presidential responsibilities” Bill Clinton

i. Select best persons as your companions.
ii. Do such actions which are in best favor of country.
King of India Shersha Soori was initially a small tribal
head, but he developed so much that he defeated the Mughal
king Humayun & became the King of India. Once he was
asked? How he got such a great victory, what is the secret?
He answered: “My companions were better than the
companions of king Humayun”.
So to run government effectively, it is clear that:
i. It is a team work.
ii. Team should consist of qualified, talented & skilled
iii. Right man at right place: Team can give good results
only if right person is placed at right place. Right person is
that who has approximately all abilities which are required
for the post. Right persons at right place means that the
persons having abilities must be appointed at the posts
requiring those abilities. So a team selected by this principle;
would consist of good, talented ministers & key post holders
and so can give good results.
374 How to be the best ruler

Note: If you select a wrong person due to some pressure,

then that person would be a problem for you & so will
weaken your hold on your government. Remember that it is
not a matter of right or wrong person rather it is a foundation
of good or bad future of a government.
Rule of appointment for any post
“Match the man & the post”
For this, first review the post & its requirement then appoint
that person who is the best or more suitable for that post.
Note: In some countries, it is done that a list of persons is
made; then ministries are divided in them only to fit them as
ministers. Choosing a misfit person is a great detriment &
results in making difficult to achieve objectives.
Appointments necessary to be taken great care
1- Staff of ruler’s office
2- Ministers
3- Key posts of government departments
4- Ambassadors
5- Advisers
Caution: Don’t appoint a person who is so strong that even
after a big mistake, it is difficult to dismiss him.
How to be the best ruler 375

Appointment for one year: Choose & appoint your

cabinet ministers, advisers, ambassadors & key posts for one
year. Give them the targets then analyze after one year. If
targets are achieved up to your satisfactory level then give
extension for a year more, otherwise change the person.
This technique has the advantage that you need not have to
dismiss any person & you get rid of unsuitable person
automatically. So in oath, it is to be included that
appointment is for one year.
Basic criteria for appointment & recruitment
The basic criteria for appointment & recruitment should be
as follows:
1– Qualification
2– Skill
3– Experience
4 – Training in the relevant field
5 – Attitude (negative minded persons should not be given
any post, they need treatment not the post)
6– Sincerity & motivation for objectives of post & country
7 – Capacity & tendency to do work.

Rule to give post to party workers: There should be

only three criteria:
376 How to be the best ruler

1– According to his ability (as mentioned earlier)

2– According to his services for party & country i.e. quality,
quantity & duration of services
3 – Faithfulness.
Note: It is common practice that posts are given only on the
basis of relation with ruler, high officials or influential
person of party, which is a great mistake & against the

Appointment of ministers: In addition to the general

abilities & characteristics mentioned earlier i.e. ability,
attitude, faithfulness, capacity & tendency to do work etc.
Following must also be considered.
1 – Be sure that minister appointed would work under your
supremacy & will remain under your complete control.
2 – It happened in history that a minister developed so much
strong relations with the other ministers & parliament
members that it produced a strong lobby against the ruler
and then ruler had to lose his government.
3 – Be sure that minister will give proper time to his duty
i.e. i. As minister in his office.
ii. As member of cabinet in all cabinet meetings
iii. As a member of parliament in its meetings
iv. As a representative in his constituency
How to be the best ruler 377

Note: Do not appoint such person as minister who is very

much busy in his personal work/ business or give more time
to show off before media or only enjoy to his status.
Number of ministers: Ministers should be in the range of
12-20. It is a great dilemma that the developed & rich
countries which can afford more have less & justified
ministers i.e. in UAE, USA & European countries, total
number of central ministers averages almost 16. China is the
country of largest population and have only almost 20
ministers. While in the underdeveloped countries e.g.
Pakistan & India etc. the number of ministers are
surprisingly high in the range of 50 – 70. But when there is
coalition government in such countries, this figure reaches
or crosses one hundred.
Too many ministers add to overhead costs on account of
staff & infrastructure connected to each ministry, in addition
to the luxurious expenses of ministers, which are utilized in
the name of facilities of ministers.

Appointment of advisors: Select the most technical,

wise & highly talented persons of country as your adviser.
For the superpowers author is of the view to select their
advisers from all over the world i.e. the best intelligentsia of
the world.
Note: It is advised to the advisers that they should be very
careful while giving advice to the ruler. It is advised to use
378 How to be the best ruler

AAA formula i.e. Advice should be based on & given after

analysis. Analysis should be based on & after obtaining
Accurate information which means; Correct, Complete,
Comprehensive & up to date information.

Appointment of ambassadors: Ambassador is a

diplomat of high rank & the representative of your country
in the corresponding country. He has to perform a great duty
1. Produce & maintain a very good impression & relation of
his country with the government officials & people of
corresponding country.
2. Facilitate his fellow citizens in that country.
3. Promote trade with the corresponding country.
4. Other special duties in favor of his country as ordered time
to time.
So very intelligent, qualified, much trained & experienced
persons should be appointed as ambassadors especially for
the super powers & the countries of special relations &
A great mistake is done especially in underdeveloped &
democratic countries that the political persons are appointed
as ambassadors only to make them happy or to reward them
How to be the best ruler 379

or those persons are appointed whom it is required to keep

away from the scenario of local politics.

8.2 -Transfer/posting of key posts: It is said that

transfer/posting at large scale is must & the rule of success,
but this should be done with good intention & justified
F.D. Roosevelt President USA, 1933-1945 did so much
transfer/postings, which is a record in American history. The
main intention was to bring forward better people to do
positive & productive work, not to take any revenge. So
result was excellent.
Justified method to do transfer/postings
1- Do maximum changes in the very beginning of your
government tenure. Don’t make it a routine.
2-Take complete, correct & up to date information about all
the key post officials, then take action according to law.
3-Don’t be personal in any case. There should be no
element of revenge & personal grudge in any case.
4-The intention to do any transfer/posting should be to bring
positive & productive change.
For future dealing
380 How to be the best ruler

1-Make a standard or criteria of work performance & then

give targets with time limits to achieve. Make it clear to all
officials to act accordingly.
2-Analyse work performance with % scores of all officials
annually, then:
75-100% scores -- extension & appreciating remarks
50-75 % scores -- warning with time limits to improve
Less than 50 % scores -- action to be taken.

8.3 -How to get rid of unsuitable persons

If it becomes necessary to get rid of some persons, then do
it in a nice way. In addition to all justified steps mentioned
above, also do the following steps:
1. Ensure that it is justified, genuine and better for
2. Do all homework.
3. Analyze the background power of the person to be
4. Calculate after effects & the expected outcome.
5. Create favorable lobby.
6. Make a plan.
7. Action fast and secretly after taking all preventive
How to be the best ruler 381

Zia’s method: General Zia ul Haq (ex-president of

Pakistan) was told by General Akhter abdul Rehman1 that
General Chishti had prepared a conspiracy with other
generals to take over the government of Zia. The president
Zia became shocked as General Chishti was his close friend
& a man with a very powerful post. It could be dangerous to
dismiss him. Zia ordered for 24 hours watching of General
Chishti & the secret inquiry of the conspiracy. He also
checked the file of General Chishti. He came to know that
his retirement is due after three months.
It is said that Zia sent chishti to Libya on a special task &
did not allow him to come back till his retirement. When
Chishti came back after retirement, Zia welcome him at the
airport with the smiling face.
Method of King Akbar: King Akbar2 ruled over India
about half century from 1556- 1605. Bairam khan was the
commander in chief of his forces. He was also patron of
Akbar. Bairam khan did lot of services to strengthen the
Mughal government, so he became very powerful and
influential, so Akbar wanted to get rid of Bairam khan. He
went to Delhi city and gathered all the big heads of country,
and issued a notification of dismissal of Bairum khan and
gave Pir Mohammad (Senior General of army) to implement
it. Everything was done very quickly. When Bairum khan
came to know about his dismissal, he thought it a
382 How to be the best ruler

misunderstanding. He tried to meet Akbar but in vain. When

General Pir Muhammad told him about the dismissal and
demanded to surrender. He tried to fight with the forces of
King Akbar but in vain. He was defeated. At last he decided
to meet and surrender before the King. Akbar met him very
warmly. He hugged him and offered him to take the
government of some province or take command of a part of
Army or to be retired respectfully.
Bairum khan accepted to be retired and wished to go for
Hajj (A kind of super worship of Muslims done in mecca city of Saudi Arabia
on fixed Muslim calendar days every year) but after some days he was
killed by Afghan terrorist in Gujarat city.

References 11
1- “Fateh” by General Akhter abdul Rehman.
2- From Babar to Zafar (urdu language) by Jamil yousaf.
How to be the best ruler 383

Subsection 3
Chapter 12 – Structure and strategy of government
384 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 12 - structure and strategy of

Tenure of government - 4 years. The month and day of
election must also be fixed e.g. Election Day in the United
States of America is the Tuesday following the first Monday
in November. It can fall on or between November 2
and November 8 after every four years.
Candidate of parliament - minimum graduate. Not to be
allowed to contest after four times.
Candidate of senate – postgraduate, not to be allowed to
contest after four times.
Prime minister/president – not to be allowed to contest
after two times.
A citizen friendly government
The aim of government is to care the public in all respects
so the structure of government should also be public friendly
and beneficiary. The main features suggested are as follows;
1. A welfare state: why a country must be a welfare state :-
The basic needs of a common man are of two types;
Material needs: e.g. hygienic water, hygienic food, dress
and residence etc.
Non- material needs: security, justice, employment, health,
education and entertainment etc.
The sources of production of material needs are land,
agriculture and industries etc.
The sources of fulfillment of non-material needs are
executive government, judiciary and private sectors.
How to be the best ruler 385

All sources of fulfillment of all needs are owned by and

under control of government, feudal lords, industrialists and
capitalists who are powerful, rich and dominant, while the
needy common man is weak, poor and dominated. So there
must be a system which may facilitate a common man to
survive honourably without depression and deprivation,
which is only and only welfare state system, in which 25 –
30% of budget must be utilized for the welfare of common
man. Secondly the government must provide itself the basic
needs to common man or make arrangements for provision
of the opportunities to fulfill these needs.
2. Minimum and maximum standard of living: A
minimum standard of living must be decided by the
parliament and the government must be bound to provide the
opportunities to every resident to achieve that much living
A maximum standard of living must also be decided by the
parliament and the government must bound to the residents
to learn to live in that range.
3. Improve and simplify government affairs: A series of
steps to achieve this goal can be initiated. These include;
i. Simplification of procedures in all government affairs.
ii. Identification and shortening of various forms.

iii. Identification and changing of archaic laws/rules.

iv. Use of technology for transparency.

v. A robust public grievance redress system.

386 How to be the best ruler

4. Less government more governance: There are two

broad views on what and how much a government should do
and involve itself in the matters of public and country.
The leftist view is that government should involve itself in
everything and every affair. This is called big government
or heavy government.
Example: all socialist countries believe in big government
e.g. in addition to internal and external security, government
running factories, telecom, power production, transmission,
distribution, even retail shops.
Note: In the USA the Democratic Party believes in big
government. The Labour party in UK has similar views. In
India, the Congress tends to believe in this.
This view remained popular and applied for a long time in
the world but now world is changed and rightist view has
gained popularity and more demanded all over the world
which is as follows;
The rightist view is that the government should reduce its
size and restrict itself to internal & external security, and
become a facilitator for everything else. This is called "small
government" or "light government"
Ex-president of USA Ronald Reagan says;
“Man is not free unless government is limited.
When government expands liberty contracts” (Ref: YouTube;
Reagan speech- Man is not free)
The Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi says;
“I believe government has no business to do business. The
focus should be minimum government and maximum
(Ref: YouTube; less govt. more govt. – Modi)

So the less government more governance comprises three

How to be the best ruler 387

(i) Reduction in size of government: The government must

be less in size and should design efficient systems. The focus
of the government should be on improving the functioning
rather than its size i.e. in addition to internal external
security departments (armed forces, police and secret
service etc.), the government should keep only the following
departments e.g. judiciary, foreign affairs, tax collecting
departments, roads, ports and airports, while education and
health may be kept in mix category i.e. government as well
as private. Health and education must be provided free of
cost or at negligible cost while Railway, water, sanitation
and power must be supplied at no profit no loss system or
given to private sector on lease after developing their
The government should hand over all other departments,
business and activities to the private sector but supervise all
affairs through rules and regulations. Impose and collect
taxes and act as a watch-power.
A technique for reduction: Merge all those departments
that have similar functions: It is astonishing and great
tragedy that underdeveloped countries (which are less
affording, lesser population and lesser vastness of work)
have much more number of ministries and departments as
compared to developed and affording countries. This is done
only to give benefits to political elites and influential
persons of country, which is not only a great mistake and
burden on economy but also enmity against country. USA
is a highly developed and affording country, even then in
2013 President of USA Mr. Obama stressed to merge all
388 How to be the best ruler

those departments that have similar functions to streamline

system of USA.
Number of ministers: Ministers should be in the range of
12-20. King Akbar ruled for almost half century over India
with nine ministers called “Nourutan of Akbar”. In UAE,
USA & European countries, total number of central
ministers averages almost 16. China is the country of largest
population and have almost 20 ministers. While in the
underdeveloped countries e.g. Pakistan & India etc. the
number of ministers are surprisingly high in the range of 50
– 70. But when there is coalition government in such
countries, this figure reaches or crosses one hundred.
Too many ministers add to overhead costs on account of
staff & infrastructure connected to each ministry, in addition
to the luxurious expenses of ministers, which are utilized in
the name of facilities of ministers.
Benefits (i) easy to monitor and control due to less number
of departments and ministries. (ii) Reduce the burden on
government so have more time to concentrate on good
governance (iii) Reduce the extra expenses of government.
(ii) No business: The government must neither do any
business nor involve in any business. This is because the
business is neither the purpose nor the responsibility of
government. As regards the expenses, the government must
cover all its expenses through collection of taxes and focus
How to be the best ruler 389

all its energies and talent towards good governance which is

the main purpose of government.
Exception: the countries where the whole economy
depends on some business e.g. oil business for oil producing
(iii) De-centralization of administration: The government
should delegate its powers and responsibilities to lower
levels in its departments and keep itself as watch power with
the purpose to ensure justice and fair play which is the
essence of good governance. By this the top layers
administration strength will reduce, the bottom line will
expand. The de-centralization of administration up to the
grass root level, transparency and citizen centric facilities
will certainly speed up growth. Every unit will make its own
plans based to its requirements and implement accordingly.
People who have to travel long distances, could avail easy
access to required facilities. In this way both governance and
development will be activated at the grass-root level. Every
unit will become a self-driven small-size state machinery.
Example: Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi in 2002
when he was chief minister of Gujrat state of India started
an action plan to provide a local platform to achieve double
digit growth. The de-centralization of administration up to
the sub-district level had made growth speedier. Now, every
unit was making its own plans based to its requirements and
challenges, and carried out the focused implementation of
schemes accordingly. Now, People, especially farmers, who
had to travel long distances, can avail easy access to various
subsidized services by government and its related agencies.
The economic freedom index shows that Gujrat has become
a self-driven small-size state machinery, and exemplified in
390 How to be the best ruler

providing an efficient governance. (Ref: YouTube; less govt. more

govt. – Modi)

5. An accountable administration: A strong system of

monitoring must be established.
An impartial and unbiased media is a blessing and can
also be helpful.
6. Task bound all key post holders: Task targets with time
limits along with key performance indicators must be given
to all key post holders to fulfill the objectives of that
department and country. The task must be given in writing
and ensured that everything is clear and understood. Key
post holders must not be bound to be punctual.
How to be the best ruler 391

Subsection 4:
Administration and dealings of government
Chapter 13 – Administration
I. Types of persons to deal after getting power.
II. Elements of administration
i. Streamline the system

ii. Discipline the persons

iii. To get work done by others

iv. Decision making and its implementation

v. problem solving

III. Some tips to administration.

Chapter 14 – How to deal departments & officials
Chapter 15 – Intelligence and information network
Chapter 16 - How to deal ministers
Chapter 17 – How to deal bureaucracy
Chapter 18 – How to deal judiciary
Chapter 19 – How to deal media
Chapter 20 - How to deal Business community
392 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 13: Administration

Note: To understand the subject, please read this chapter with chapter of
administrative skill.

First of all control and discipline yourself. Make a list of

heads on which you have to concentrate daily, weekly,
monthly & yearly. Divide your time accordingly and order
to write it as your schedule daily, weekly, monthly & yearly
(keep time space for emergency).
This chapter includes;
I. Types of persons to deal after getting power.
II. Elements of administration
III. Some tips to administration.
I. Types of persons to deal after getting power
After getting power you have to deal three types of

1. Opposition, supporters and faithful persons of

previous government: You cannot make happy to these
persons, because you have taken power from them, so don’t
try to make them happy. But don’t try also to make them
angry, rather give them their rights which are given by law.

2. Persons by whose support you got the power: Such

type of persons expect a lot, which all can’t be fulfilled, so
you deal them politely and tactfully and give them benefits
How to be the best ruler 393

step by step but within legal limits, because it is human

nature that they forget the previous kindness and
beneficences in the greed for the coming benefit. So it is
necessary to give the benefits in steps, keeping alive the
hope of future benefit.

3. The persons with help of whom you have to run the

government: Control and deal them according to Law,
Need, Situation and circumstances.

II. Elements of administration

Administration consist of seven elements;
i. understand the system and people working in system
ii. Streamline the system.
iii. Discipline the relevant persons.
iv. To get work done by others within time ensuring the
quality, quantity and economy of work.
v. Decision making & its implementation
vi. Conflict management
vii. Problem solving
The v, vi, and vii have already in chapter of administrative
394 How to be the best ruler

i. understand the system and people working in system:

Understand1 & analyze system (political as well as official)
and persons (political, official & general) working in system
and also people of your country.
(i)-Understand the system: For this, study constitution,
rules & regulations of country, especially the practical
scenario of these.
Analyze the system & do changes: Keeping in mind the
objectives of your government & welfare of your people,
make an analysis of constitution & rules and decide that if
there is need of any change i.e. amendment or formation of
a new rule/law. Then do that change.
i. Understand & analyze the people as a whole i.e. general
talent, behavior & attitude of people of country as a nation.
Take knowledge, understand & analyze the persons of
different departments and different categories of people
living in your country i.e. casts, race & religions etc. this is
very necessary because a ruler has to deal all types of people.
The author was stressfully told by Dr. Mahathir
Mohammad that a ruler cannot develop his country until &
unless he understands talent, nature, behavior & attitude of
his people. Dr. Mahathir gave the example of people of
Malaysia that as a nation they are not virulent, rather they
are cooperative & hardworking. This nature of behavior of
people supported a lot for the development of Malaysia.
How to be the best ruler 395

ii. Streamline the system

it means to make all changes which enables smooth flow of
work so as to fulfill the objectives.
1- Identify and remove all hurdles which slows down or
creates an obstacle in smooth flow of work.
2. Remove discrepancies of all types i.e. legal, technical,
behavioral & administrative etc. For that; the rules should
be analyzed. The rules necessarily to be analyzed to
streamline system are:
- Disciplinary rules.
- Job description.
- Standard operating procedures.
- Dos & don’ts.
- Code of conduct & limitations.
The change must be made accordingly. It is necessary that
the change should be made with good intention & for the
welfare of people & country, not for the welfare of any
political party or person.
3. Provision of basic & necessary infrastructure e.g. an
excellent doctor, highly specialized & trained will be
flopped, if expected to treat the patients without basic &
396 How to be the best ruler

necessary infrastructure i.e. medicines, diagnostic &

therapeutic instruments etc.
4. Merge all those departments that have similar
functions: Both the ethics and justice demand that the
number of departments working under government must be
minimum or exactly equal to its necessity to run the system
of government effectively so as to perform its function
smoothly and properly. For good governance and to
streamline system; it is necessary to merge all those
departments that have similar functions.
Note: It is astonishing and great tragedy that
underdeveloped countries (which are less affording, lesser
population and lesser vastness of work) have much more
number of departments as compared to developed and
affording countries. This is done only to give benefits to
political elites and influential persons of country, which is
not only a great mistake and burden on economy but also
enmity against country. USA is a highly developed and
affording country, even then in 2013 President of USA Mr.
Obama stressed to merge all those departments that have
similar functions to streamline system of USA.
Benefits of merging: (i) easy to monitor and control due to
less number of departments. (ii) It will help to decrease the
number of ministries. (iii) Reduce the extra expenses of
How to be the best ruler 397

5. Balance the number of employees in departments: It is

a common drawback in most of the countries that due to
political or other influential involvements, some
departments are over-recruited, while some departments are
in short of the required staff. Remember over-recruitment
and shortage both are damaging. Over-recruitment is not
only a financial burden on department but also decreases the
performance of department because the extra-person have
nothing to do any work, they take only salaries which affects
psychologically on performance of working persons. While
in case of shortage; the employees are unable to justify
properly with the excessiveness of work both in quality and
quantity which results in lesser performance of department.
So it is necessary to balance the number of employees in all
departments i.e. neither more nor less, keeping in view the
nature & vastness of their objectives. Corrective steps must
be taken by intra or interdepartmental transfers or new
appointments in case of shortage.

iii. Discipline the persons

To discipline means to train the persons to behave & act in
a decent & legal way. For that it is necessary to;

i. Training: The persons are disciplined by training &

periodic refresher training to all from above downward.
Training should comprise of:
398 How to be the best ruler

- Teaching of all rules & the duties to be performed as

mentioned above i.e. job description etc.
- Teaching to improve the professional knowledge &
- Teaching to motivate, to produce tendency to do
- Teaching to improve the social dealings.
Stages & levels to produce discipline
There are three stages & levels to produce discipline.
i- Discipline in party.
ii- Discipline in offices & departments.
iii- Discipline in the whole country.
The ex-prime minister Pakistan Zulfiqar ali Bhutto2 during
an official visit to China asked for advice to Chuan-Li, the
prime minister of China. He said; Improve the discipline in
your party as there is great shortage of discipline in your
political party i.e. Pakistan people’s party. Bhutto said; my
party is in its initial stages, it is difficult to produce discipline
in party at country level.
Note; It is an achievement, if a ruler is successful in
producing discipline in the persons of his political party.
How to be the best ruler 399

It is a great success, if a ruler in addition to his party,

becomes successful in producing discipline in departments
of whole country.
It is excellent & the greatest achievement, if in addition to
these, a ruler becomes successful in producing discipline in
whole nation.
History is evident that Mao Zedong and Chuan-Li had not
only produced discipline in party but also in the whole
nation of china. Similarly Kim-il-Sing produced discipline
in whole Korean nation.

Categories of discipline
Three categories;
(i) Party discipline (organizational discipline): It means
to train all members of party to adapt the following
i. Punctuality & regularity.
ii. Sense of responsibility towards one’s duty.
iii. Observance of rules of party.
iv. Observance of justice and fair play.
v. Observance of decorum with colleagues and with respect
to chain of command.
vi. Complete faithfulness.
400 How to be the best ruler

vii. Taking care of other party members’ i.e. mutual

viii. Unity.
(ii) Discipline at working place: It means to train the
persons at all working places e.g. departments, offices,
hospitals, banks, industries and shopping plazas etc. to adapt
the following discipline.
i. Punctuality & Regularity.
ii. Sense of responsibility towards one’s duty.
iii. Observance of justice and fair play.
iv. Observance of rules & regulations.
v. Observance of decorum with colleagues and with respect
to chain of command.
vi. Observance of dress code i.e. uniform or other allowed
decent dress etc.
vii. Taking care of his colleagues’ i.e. mutual brotherhood.
viii. Unity.
Note: In hospitals, shopping plazas, industries and such
offices where there is work in shifts (morning, evening,
night) i.e. 24 hours working, it is must to apply the rule of
“Handing over and taking over”. By this rule when one
person of one shift leaves his duty, He waits for the next
person to take charge. When other person comes (other
person must be bound to come in time except some
How to be the best ruler 401

emergency). He gives complete report of the situation and

gives him the charge of duty. All this must be done in
written. For that a register is maintained called “Handing
over taking over register”. Along with other details time and
date of person leaving the duty and the person joining the
duty must be mentioned. It must be maintained like a record.
Methods to create & maintain discipline at working
places: Order to make (if not present or not proper).
i. The disciplinary rules and decide punishment for the
violence of those disciplinary rules.
ii. SOPs, Do’s and Don’ts & code of conduct and limitation.
iii. Job description for every post. Give its copy to every
person who joins the department also give training for
Disciplinary rules, Job Description, professional excellence,
SOPs, Do’s and Don’ts, Code of Conduct & limitation,
social dealings with their colleagues & public.
iv. Order to make rules to streamline system and implement
them. Appoint right person at right post. Get rid of wrong
persons. Give your subordinates; task and power to use the
resources. Review and improve job facilities, performance
and development periodically to get better results.
(iii) General discipline: It means to train all people of
country to adapt the following.
i. Decency of mannerism.
ii. To respect & abide by rules of country e.g. (i) traffic rules
& maintenance of cleanliness on roads etc. it is said that if
you want to see the discipline of a nation, observe its traffic.
402 How to be the best ruler

Traffic can be better controlled by better traffic

management, widening of roads, construction of
underpasses and/or overhead bridges as needed stepwise.
About traffic signals; best is to use intelligent countdown
signals or simple countdown signals. (ii) Not to do or
involve in any criminal activity. (iii) To love one’s country
& pay the taxes (iv) vote casting and (v) To be responsible
towards their work & family.

iv. To get work done by others within time ensuring the

quality, quantity and economy of work.
Your position & task is to take work from your subordinates
and not to involve yourself directly to work. So decide:
(i) What and how much (minimum) you will
(ii) What, how and how much work you will take
from others so designate powers and duties
(iii) What are the works which you and others will
work as co-sharing?

In all cases, it is important to:

 explain clearly what quality and quantity of work you

expect from the person.
 explain the limitations of the task (time, budget, etc)
How to be the best ruler 403

 check the person that he/she understands what you are

asking to do
 Take feedback
 Praise the person when she or he has been successful, and
reward him or her.

According to getting work, there are two factors that should

guide a leader's approach:

 the person's will and sincerity to do the task

 the person's skill and capability to do the task.

These two factors can be combined into a matrix, with

suggested actions depending on the will, skill and
capability of the persons you are leading. This matrix is
called Skill-Will matrix, written in the book ‘The Tao of
Coaching’ by Max Landsberg. This tool predicts to plan
how often your support is needed and also allows you to
make a distinction between support and supervision. It also
clears the type of interventions that is needed.

The skill depends on experience, knowledge and

understandings. The will depends on desire to achieve,
incentives, security, confidence and behaviour of authority
or relevant persons.

The skill will matrix divides the persons in four categories

presented in four quadrants.
404 How to be the best ruler

Quadrant No. 1 – Low will low skill

Quadrant No. 2 – Low will high skill

Quadrant No. 3 – High will low skill

Quadrant No. 4 – High will high skill

Note: A person may not always be in one of the four

categories, but will be in different categories at different
times depending on the task and other factors.
How to be the best ruler 405

To increase will, motivation is needed.

To increase skill, training is needed.

Monitoring and feedback is necessary for all.

406 How to be the best ruler

Quadrant No. 1 – Low will low skill: it includes persons

who are new entries but misfit for department, also called
parasites. Needed to be supervised closely, expectation are
cleared to them then excited by motivation and also guided
by training or in case of non-cooperation fired from job.

Quadrant No. 2 – Low will high skill: consists of old

experienced persons, know how to do what to do but don’t
want to do. Most dangerous persons in organization as they
are senior and can influence others not to do work. Needed
to be excited by motivation.

Quadrant No. 3 – High will low skill: these persons are

new entries and are like monkeys i.e. good energy but do
not have proper skill. Needed to be guided by training.

Quadrant No. 4 – High will high skill: visionary persons,

the real asset of department, needed to be trusted and
delegation. The target is to have 25% persons of
department in this quadrant.

How to delegate (assign) work or duty

To be successful at delegating you must clarify the


- What tasks or project you are delegating.

How to be the best ruler 407

- What decision-making authority the individual has.

How you behave will determine the success of the

delegation. Ask yourself the following questions:

 Which one is most like me?

 Do I behave the same way to each person to
whom I delegate?
 If not, why? Do I trust one person more than
 Did I give too much responsibility to someone
before they were ready?
 Have I recognized that someone is more capable
than I thought?

Styles of delegation
There are four styles of delegation:

i. Dump and Run

ii. Micromanaging
iii. Gopher Delegation
iv. Stewardship Delegation

Gopher Delegation and Stewardship Delegation

are more important and practiced commonly.

i. Dump and Run: (delegation by abdication). This is quickly

passing on a project without clearly defining the expectations,
scope, deadlines, or authority. The person is left to figure it out
without guidance or support.
408 How to be the best ruler

ii. Micromanaging: This is one of the most annoying forms of

delegation. You delegate and then display a lack of trust by
continually asking what is being done, if it has been completed,
or describing exactly how to proceed rather than focusing on the
outcome. Micromanaging can be corrected by agreeing upfront
on deadlines, and reporting mechanisms.

iii. Gopher Delegation:

This is delegating one task at a time without letting the

individual understand the big picture, or feel valued as part
of a team.

iv. Stewardship Delegation:

This is delegating the right level of responsibility and

authority; allowing the individual to own the work and
communicate progress and results at agreed upon intervals.
It includes providing guidance and support when needed.

If you are honest and have identified that you are not always
delegating effectively, choose to change. Learn how to
practice stewardship delegation. Although individuals will
have different levels of authority, everyone should be clear
about how their work fits into the big picture as well as:

 Expectations
 deadlines, and
 reporting mechanisms

Challenge yourself to take at least one idea about delegation

and put it into practice. It will make a difference to your
results. I know my business increased dramatically when I
delegated effectively…and I got to do the work I loved.
How to be the best ruler 409

Distinguishes between “gopher delegation” and

stewardship delegation,” with the latter method being the
best way to free up your time.

In gopher delegation, you hand people specific tasks as the

need arises and are closely involved in supervising how they
do them. The other person does not utilize much
independent judgment and initiative, but is basically
operating in a ‘wait until told’ context. You have something
for them to do, and you tell them to do it. Responsibility for
the results and methods lies with you, not them. You have
not handed off responsibility; the other person is simply
doing what they are told.

In this approach, the other person doesn’t grow because this

relationship doesn’t require the other person to use their
wisdom or judgment or insight. They are treated almost like
a tool.

Stewardship delegation, on the other hand, has the aim of

not just getting tasks done, but of building others up through
the accomplishment of tasks. It is concerned about tasks, but
it is equally concerned about the other person. As with good
management in general, the aim is not just to get things
done, but to develop people in the process. The aim is the
effective accomplishment of tasks and the good of the other

Stewardship delegation delegates the task – or, more often,

an area of responsibility – and allows the individual to
determine their own methods for accomplishing the tasks.
The focus is on achieving the intended results, not
on how they are done (as long as they are done in alignment
with the overall guidelines and values). The one delegating
410 How to be the best ruler

hands over true responsibility for the accomplishment of the

task to the one being delegated.

When you look at delegation in this light, it should be clear

that which is the better way to hand over your work to others
so as to free up your time? I appreciate the use of that word
“stewardship”, both because it indicates what you are trying
to do with your own time (namely, be a better steward of it)
and because it indicates what you are teaching the delegated
person to do (be a good steward of new tasks and

Summary - Gofer vs Stewardship Delegation

Gofer Delegation "Go for this, go for that, do this, do that,

and tell me when it's done" - focused on methods.

Stewardship Delegation is based on “trust is the highest

form of human motivation” - leads to more work being done
- focused on results instead of methods.

II. Some tips to administration

Here are some tips to administration;

1. Make some objective of administration: make some

objective of administration and always remember the sole
objective of administration and do all action in its
How to be the best ruler 411

2. Job Description: Take work from your subordinates by

producing a sense of responsibility in all relevant persons
from top to bottom towards their work after giving them
proper facilities & information about work by giving them
training & regular refresher training. So every person must
be fully aware that;

i. what is his work.

ii. How to do that work in a better way.
iii. He is accountable for his work.

3. Rule of law3: Which means that the state must run, abide
by and act on the principle of rule of law, secondly the law
applies equally to everyone, rulers and ruled alike.

If administrator acts on this principle, he will have a lot of

space to work for and to achieve his objectives. So always
be within the powers given to you by the law. Some rulers
do a great mistake that they violate this principle and act
beyond their powers given to them by law.

Ultra vires principle4 this principle states that “government

and its administration agencies must only act within the
powers given to them by statute”. So a code of conduct and
412 How to be the best ruler

limitation must be made for every department after

consultation with relevant departmental authorities.

4. Administration by objectives & performance based:

There are many types of administration, but administration
by objectives is best to be adapted. Make the objectives of
government at country level & then convey those objectives
to all relevant departments and order them to work to
achieve those objectives with in due time & limits.

Other theories of administration: (i) Hire and Fire: Temporarily

the persons are hired for some period i.e. three or six months, task given
to them then expelled (fired) at the end of decided period or also before
due to misconduct, absence or any other reason.
(ii) Management professor Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) gave the “Theory
X” and “Theory Y.” Theory X “assumes that people are lazy, dislike and
shun work, have to be driven and so need both stick and carrot. Theory Y
assumes that people have a psychological need to work and want achievements
and responsibility.
Stick and carrot: Also called punishment and reward: the concept was
taken from the way that how a juggler compels his monkey to dance.
The juggler shows carrot by one hand to monkey as reward that would
be given after dance and simultaneously with the other hand shows the
stick as punishment in case of refusal to dance.
Punishment: Never ignore the mistakes of your subordinates; you
must react to that in any way according to nature and severity of
mistake. Make them realize that they have done a mistake i.e. Take
verbal acceptance i.e. sorry or; written acceptance about that mistake
or; explanation in written or; give warning oral or written or;
suspension/ Termination.
Ex-president of Iraq Saddam Hussain5 said: “The biggest ability of a
ruler is this that he should have the ability to adapt strictness on his
closer ones on principles.”
How to be the best ruler 413

Reward: It is the right of person who is rightly working. In other

words, it is the material & official recognition of the right person & the
right work. So never forget to reward periodically or off & on.
(iii) Theory Z: It recognizes & rewards achievements of persons and
their fear of layoff are reduced.

5. Style of administration: The style should be objective

based autocratic, objective based participative or objective
based democratic according to persons to deal & situation
but never autocratic, democratic or anarchic. The best is
objective based participative.
There are six styles of administration;
Autocratic style (Dictatorial/Authoritative): The ruler imposes decision by
his sweet will i.e. Do what I say.
Objective based autocratic: The ruler imposes decision, keeping in view the
Objective based participative style: The ruler discuss with his companions
but decides himself.
Objective based democratic style: These are the targets to achieve in this
time limit, let us discuss, decide and then do.
Democratic style: Let us do.
Anarchic style: Do what you like.

6. Implementation: It is the main duty and rule of

administration to assure that the existing law & the new
orders passed are implemented or not in there real sense of
letter & spirit.

Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (ex-prime minister of Malaysia)

answered to a question of author that how he developed
414 How to be the best ruler

´I did nothing, only I implemented”

7. Do regular but necessary meetings with your team:

Discuss and take reports, give fresh orders keeping in view
of your objectives. Ex-President USA Ronald Wilson
Reagan said that the successes he got were only due to
regular meetings with the required and selected.

Do not waste and let waste the time in the meeting. Keep
yourself and others on the point necessary to be discussed.

Note: Avoid unnecessary meetings.

7. Analyze weekly: Order to conduct a special meeting

weekly to analyze about the fate of your orders i.e. what is
the progress? How much those were compliance, neglected
or postponed. If justified, “OK” otherwise take immediate
action e.g. this is the methodology and key of good
reputation of administration of Mr. Shahbaz Sharif, the
chief minister of Punjab Pakistan.

8. Always get before time the satisfactory knowledge and

information about subjects to discuss in the agenda of
meeting i.e. you should be well prepared at time of meeting
then take report from concerning person and order
How to be the best ruler 415

9. Regular feedback: Make your habit of regular feedback,

check and counter check. Keep a little time daily to take
information from your reporters about persons and
important happenings. Keep yourself fully aware and alert.
Keep eagle like observation on your sub-ordinates. Note:
Most of the administrators in the world use close circuit T.V.
So order the departmental heads & secretaries to use CCTV.

10. Making and installation of organogram in the office

of every head of department.

Organogram is the graphic presentation of all important staff according to their

comparative status. This is very necessary to create discipline. It clears the
chain of command. It also facilitate smooth working pattern. It also improves
the attitude towards one another according to status.

Indian famous writer Burni writes in his book

“Principles of sovereignty” When in History, political
philosophers created the ranks of all staff from the
watchman to the high officials. They adapted the technique
to write down and classified the comparative status of all
staff, so as to give them responsibilities and respect

11. Uniform and or Identity Tags.

It provides individuality & identification of Job.
416 How to be the best ruler

12. Essentials6 of good administration: The good

administration must include four Ps to justify the purpose of
administration. All are necessary to assure the quality,
soundness and durability of administration.

i. Policy: A plan of action.

ii. Performance: Activity.
iii. Probity which means Complete and confirmed integrity;
having strong moral principles.

iv. Propriety which means Correct or appropriate behavior.

13. To be a model or not: You should not be model in every

field for your companions and sub-ordinates except for
honesty & truthfulness. This is because, If you, yourself are
dishonest and liar, then you will not be respected and obeyed
in real sense by your subordinates from their hearts.

14. Prevention from Hatred: If you do not gain love, you

should escape & prevent hatred. For that, don’t be cruel who
punishes his staff & workers with & without any justified
reasons only with his sweet will. Secondly don’t be personal
with anyone, don’t insult anyone, your intention should be
to take a standard work from your subordinates and not to
insult or abuse them.
How to be the best ruler 417

15. People/ subordinates should love or be afraid

In this regard there are two views; view of fear & method of
UmarRA .

View of fear: This view was presented by famous political

writer Machiavelli. In his book “The Prince”, Machiavelli
asks question that people should love or be afraid of from
king. He answers himself that; if love and fear are both, it is
excellent? But if to choose one, then fear is the choice,
because people by nature; are ungrateful, fickle,
dissembling, anxious to flee dangers and covetous of gain.
So as long as you promote their advantage, they are all yours
and will offer you their blood, their goods, their lives and
their children. When the need for these is remote, or when
the need arises. However they will turn against you”. He
adds further that; “Love endures by a bond which men being
scoundrels, may break whenever it serves their advantage to
do so. But fear is supported by dread of pain, which is ever

Method of UmarRA: Caliph UmarRA was very strict but his

strictness was only for the criminals and criminal minded
persons while his behavior with general public was very
418 How to be the best ruler

decent & noble. He was ultra-soft, sympathetic and helping

with the deprived, deserving and oppressed.

Author is also of the view that nice dealing, love, favor or

beneficence produces good impression of your personality.
But it does not save you from cheaters or traitor. It also does
not bound undisciplined persons to do work with discipline.
So the concept of fear is necessary, but it should be against
those who have the intention to do mistakes or crimes. Do
not spare them and deal them very strictly. But the persons
who are honest and innocent; they should be dealt nicely and
decently, so they may work in a pleasant atmosphere without
any fear.

16. Make an Ideal in Administration: This is very

effective method to make an ideal and in every situation
think that what that ideal would have done in such situation.
Then do the same. It is seen that most of time; this technique
has proved right and effective.

17. Increase faithful, venturesome & avoid cheaters

In history; every ruler tried to increase faithful &
venturesome persons around him and also tried to avoid
cheaters & traitors.
How to be the best ruler 419

i. Liking, love and justified dealing will produce good

wishes and love in hearts of people. They will pray for you
but they will not become faithful and venturesome. The
faithfulness is produced by beneficence (Ihsan in Arabic).
Venturesome spirit is produced by a satisfying &
stimulating ideology.

ii. Some persons are by nature faithful; search them. One

method is to inquire that how much they are sincere &
faithful to their friends & family especially parents. They
say “if a person is not faithful to his/her parents he cannot
be faithful to anybody else”
There is an Indian folk story that once upon a time a boy loved a
girl and wanted to marry her. The girl demanded the boy to kill
his mother to prove his love. The boy killed his mother and then
urged the girl to marry him. The girl refused and said; alas; you
were not sincere & faithful to your mother, how you can be
sincere & faithful to me?

iii. The faithful persons deserve facility & financial benefits

so never forget to do beneficence on faithful & also on
expected faithful persons along with a satisfying &
stimulating ideology. But do not give them any key post if
they are not fit for the post.
420 How to be the best ruler

iv. Make habit to test faithfulness of your companions in

good and bad circumstances e.g. Demote some person then
check his views in your absence about you.

“Mafia organization use to check its members by putting them in

great and difficult tests. Sometime close friend of a guilty person
is tested to shoot his friend to test his faithfulness for

“The king of Persia Khusroo pervaiz7 had the habit of testing

the faithfulness of his companions. He used to call one of them
and said that “you are my most trustworthy person. I intend to
give punishment of death to your friend (other courtier or
minister) as he is reported as traitor, but don’t tell this to
anybody”. Then he used to check the body language of that
courtier who was said to be punished; only to check that he had
been told or not. If king felt no change then he became sure that
his secret was not disclosed. Then King used to call his
companion again & said that “now I am not giving any
punishment to your friend as the report given was wrong”. In this
way king used to check that his companions are faithful to him
more than their friends or not”.
v. Don’t punish your faithful: Don’t punish your faithful
persons until & unless you investigate completely. Think
hundred times before punishing them.

It is said that a King7 became angry with his minister due to

misreporting of minister’s jealous persons and ordered for death
penalty by throwing the minister before the blood thirsty dogs.
The minister requested for ten days delay as his last wish. In those
ten days, the minister served the dogs so much that dogs became
very familiar with minister. After ten days when minister was
How to be the best ruler 421

thrown before dogs. The dogs instead of killing started loving

with minister. The king became very surprised and asked the
reason from minister. The minister said “my lord; I served the
dogs for ten days only and the dogs responded me so lovely,
while I served you for thirty years. The king became ashamed and
said sorry to his minister and then gave authority to minister to
punish his jealous persons.
vi. To avoid and save yourself from cheaters & traitors; the
only solution is strong intelligence network & strict policy
for cheaters & traitors.

Strategies to Control subordinates & workers

There are different strategies, to manage and control your
1. There are two methods to deal:
Directly: In this method you deal directly to lower staff also,
which is very difficult, time taking and wrong method.
Indirectly: All dealing and control is done through selected
sub-administrators, this is the right method. Make a list of
sub-administrators & others necessary staff by the help of
whom you intend to run the system.
2. A golden Rule: Don’t be personal in any matter or with
any person, always decide on merit, true facts, with justice
& on principles.

3. Control / deal according to personality

422 How to be the best ruler

Persons are of different mind levels and behavior so no

single method is successful, right and suitable for all
persons. The methods applicable are as follows:

i. Most of the persons can be controlled by stick and carrot

method or hire and fire method.

ii. Some persons can be controlled by your serious and to the

point attitude.

iii. Some persons become dutiful by just giving them

importance, honor and responsibility.

iv. A time bound target with incentive is very helpful to

produce responsibility and discipline in some persons.

v. Some persons are very emotional so can be controlled by

emotional feelings, affections and beautiful words. (Ladies
are more emotional than Men).

vi. Ideology is very helpful to control persons which may be

humanity, religion, any mission, objective or any incentive
e.g. religious persons can be controlled and tuned by
references of good & dutiful orders of religion.

Note: you must have great judgment power that which type
of person is this and then how he can be controlled.
How to be the best ruler 423

4. Keep Busy your Staff

This is very effective method but busy your staff in
productive & positive works, not in negative or
unproductive works.
Negative or unproductive works: In most of the offices,
unnecessary and unproductive work is assign to staff only to
increase the burden of work or to keep them busy or only to
lengthen the procedure of every work to trouble the client,
customer or persons who are stakeholders of that file e.g.

Red Tapism: British Government created this method in office

system of India that file of a project or person was covered with
Red tape and kept on one table or on one side for many days.
Then file was shifted to the other person or table where same
procedure was repeated. Hence for completion or approval, the
file had to move to many persons or Tables. All this was done
only to trouble the Indian common persons, coming in offices for
their needs.

Positive Methods
i. Involve the office persons in their own work, for which
they were deputed.

ii. Keep continuous check on them by the help of

supervisors, take periodical feedback from supervisors, also
countercheck that supervisors are performing their duties
properly or not.
424 How to be the best ruler

Note: A close circuit T.V is very helpful.

iii. Think positive and assign positive & productive
assignment to your staff.

iv. Make your system of work quick, for that, make your
habit to finish your daily work on daily basis. Order your
supervisors & administrators to adapt the same routine. Do
not forget to take feedback from your administrators and
supervisors that daily work is finished on daily basis or not
and how much.

v. Inquire about the work of every person; the quality,

quantity and kind of work he is doing. Then assign further
work accordingly.

vi. Some office workers are in the habit of the policy “Look
busy Do nothing”. Identify them, also identify persons not
working sufficiently or even not working at all, only taking
salaries. Deal them accordingly & strictly.

vii. Salaries on weekly basis: It is to be ordered that salaries

in whole country (government & private) should be given to
all staff and workers on weekly basis. It will help to keep
busy to officials and also helpful to manage their domestic
expenses better than monthly salary system. It is seen that
How to be the best ruler 425

most of salaried person spend their salary in first seven days

and then take loans to spend for rest of month. Weekly salary
system will not only keep them in limits but also prevent
from taking loans.

5. Information System
Your system of information should be very quick and
accurate it is of two types.
I. Internal Information System.
II. External Information System.
I. Internal Information System
Information needed to you about all important events and
activities of VIP persons. This information is very necessary
and influential for effective administration. For that your
sources are;
(i) CCTV (Close Circuit T.V)
(ii) Your informers.
(iii) Official information system.
(i) Close Circuit T.V
CCTV is the necessity of office. It is very effective and a
silent method to create discipline in the office. It is
beneficial in many ways i.e.
i. You cannot be present at every place and in every room.
CCTV gives you this facility to observe at the same time at
many places.
426 How to be the best ruler

ii. It gives an impression to staff that they are continuously

watched by the authorities.
iii. It serves both preventive and corrective purpose. You can
have knowledge of problem earlier that what is the problem
and where is the problem so you can reach the spot quickly
or you can direct on phone for minor problems.
iv. It saves your time and exertion.
(ii) Your informers: the informers are selected very wisely.
They are very active and intelligent persons and are very
effective to report timely all happenings.
(iii) Official information system: This is very necessary for
smooth working and productivity of every office or
department. Make heads of information on which your
office would be working or necessary to work, then take
feedback or check from relevant persons.
II. External Information System
It deals to the information needed to some other office
about your office and also information which your office or
you need about any other office, event or person.
6. Rule of CI: C – Comfortable working environment.
I – involvement with sufficient interest in work as required.
First provide and ensure comfortable working environment
which include sufficient salary, decent and respectful
dealing, incentives, praise as motivation factor, comfortable
temperature of working place, provision of all safety
measures, sufficient space to work, legal working hours &
extra charges for overtime.
How to be the best ruler 427

Then expect and ensure involvement with sufficient interest

in work also ensure good quality of work if not excellent
7. There is a saying in Pakistan; “give golden food to eat
but stare with Lion’s eyes” which means; “give maximum
facilities and take maximum work with strictness”.

8. Serious and to the Point Behavior: Serious and to the

point behavior produces dignity and awe. So avoid too much
frankness, because the subordinates take unnecessary
benefits from frankness. This does not mean that you
become harsh and abusive. Remember “Give Respect Get

9. Do participate in Sorrows of Sub-ordinates: You may

or may not participate with your sub-ordinates in their
happiness but do care and participate in their sorrows. It will
produce, Love, faithfulness and respect for you in their

10. Sub-ordinate must be tuned to obey the order

Teach and Tune your sub-ordinates to obey your orders,

otherwise you cannot control and run the system. More you
are able to tune your sub-ordinates to obey the orders in its
428 How to be the best ruler

complete spirit, more your government is strong and


The Department where the subordinate are taught and tuned

to obey the orders is a disciplined department and its system
runs very smoothly and effectively e.g. Armed Forces. It is
said there in armed forces; “First obey then complain”.

Example: God ordered to Satan (Iblees) to bow Adam; Satan

answered that I am made of fire and my nature is to go upside,
How I can bow to Adam who is made of Dust whose nature is to
go down. I am superior to him.
God punished him because he refused to obey the order of God.
There was no question of superiority or inferiority only thing was
that Satan refused the order of God.
This is why it is said that goodness or worship is nothing but to
obey the order of God, and evil or sin is nothing but not to
obey the order of God.
Whom to Order: You can order to your companions and
subordinates only and not to public. To public you have to
deal, appeal and tackle. This is your art that you do this in a
way which may act and result like an order.

How to order: To give order correctly is an art. Order

should be complete. It should include.

i. Work and nature of work.

How to be the best ruler 429

ii. Required standard of work also mention the example of

iii. Target and time limit up to which it should be completed.
iv. Order should be in clear, understandable language and in
simple words, No ambiguity.
v. Language and usage of words of order matters a lot.
Additionally the tone of order also matters if given verbally.
It should be in serious and commanding tone.
vi. You must have complete perception about the fate of
your order i.e. will it be compliance in time, postponed,
ignored or it may create any problem. So first think of its
results then order.
11. When and how to adapt flexibility and relaxation
To run the system smoothly with discipline, the dealing with
staff and officials is a great art. In a routine, you should be
strict by law and principles. But you can be flexible and may
give relaxation in some cases i.e.

i. According to situation.
ii. If you think and it also appears that the result of this
relaxation will be good for system or otherwise.
iii. This should not become a routine.
iv. This should not become a precedent.
v. You should be sure that this relaxation is justified.
vi. On the humanitarian ground, provided it may not be
dangerous for you.
430 How to be the best ruler

12. Rule of Two warnings and then action: This is a

golden rule in good administration that, first give at least two
written warnings in cases of misconduct of the sub-
ordinates. Then take strict disciplinary action.
Note: This rule is not valid if the subordinate is very
influential or powerful. If you think that warning may be
dangerous for yourself then make a proper planning to take
action with full homework and preparation.
13. How to Assign Duty/ Work and give powers
i. You should clearly know that from which person which
work, nature and quality of work you ought to take. For that
you do your homework before assigning duty then describe
the work and its nature to relevant person or persons.

ii. In case of the projects; discuss the policy, objective,

target, and time limits. Give liberty to choose the procedures
& principles, give liberty but ensure that anything may not
be against ethics, religion, country or regional values.

iii. Discuss available resources, shortage of resources,

methodology and chances to improve and recover shortage,
point out all resources i.e. financial, human, technical,
administrative resources (Man, Money, Material,
knowledge skill and time).
How to be the best ruler 431

iv. Do not forget to take promise or surety of good results.

v. Take progress report after a pre-decided period i.e. one

month etc.

vi. Don’t forget to countercheck the progress.

Mention also award for the timely, successful completion of

task in any form i.e. any honor, extension of duty or
promotion. On the other hand, failure to which may result in
removal from rank and no benefits in future along with
punishment in case of proven dishonesty. This point is very
necessary because it is human nature that they work
honestly, regularly and efficiently only due to

(i) In greed of some benefit

(ii) To avoid punishment
(iii) Under some emotions i.e. religious, national
or some other emotions etc.
Conclusion to control staff: i. Control and deal the staff
indirectly through your administrators, direct dealing in
emergency only. Assign & make understand duties to the
administrators with targets and time limits. Regular
feedback and counter check is the key to success.
ii. Keep busy your staff in their work and in productive
iii. Periodic general meetings.
432 How to be the best ruler

iv. Develop the system of close circuit TV and spy cameras.

v. Take information daily through your informers to be
aware and alert. Create an atmosphere that everybody is
checked regularly.

References. 13 Administration

1. Courtesy; Dr. Muhammad Arif & Dr. sajjad Malhi.

2. How to be leader, by Jahangir Badr.
3, 4- Public administration by Michael p. Barber.
5. TV show, Saddam Hussain story by his daughter
6. Public administration by Girish malhotra. Murari lal & sons new Delhi.
7. “48 laws of power” by Robert Greene.
How to be the best ruler 433

Chapter 14 - How to deal departments & officials

Every department is made for some purpose, so a
department must by dealt in the light of its purpose i.e.
weather the department is fulfilling its purpose or not and
how to enable the department fulfill its purpose effectively?
It is said that to make the departments effective it is
necessary to strengthen the departments, so that the
departments may work with liberty.

To strengthen the departments, following are the

requirements and suggestions;
1. Political will: Without political will it is not possible. So
political support is necessary.
2. De-politicization: the political support must be given
without political interference in the departments regarding
recruitments, posting, transfers & promotions etc. except in
case of dishonesty or injustice.
3. Liberty to do work: Every department must be provided
full liberty to perform its function and routine work but
within the limits as described in constitution of country,
memorandum of department, code of conduct and
limitations of department.
4. Equity & impartiality: While dealing & facilitating the
departments; the principle of equity & impartiality must be
applied by government e.g. every department must be given
funds, infrastructures with working tools and skilled & non-
skilled human resource on equity basis i.e. according to its
justified requirements. Remember that unjustified more
434 How to be the best ruler

facilities & more staff is a burden on department and lesser

staff with lesser infrastructure & tools decreases work & its
5. Guiding principles: the department must run on six
principles i.e. Justice, fair play, impartiality Discipline,
decency and unity.
These principles are those which makes a department
trustable, stronger and progressive.
6. Justify departments quantitatively and qualitatively
Balance and justify the number & qualification of
government servants in all departments i.e. neither less nor
more rather equal to the requirement for every section of
departments. Secondly all employees should be justifiably
qualified for every post as it is required for smooth running
of the department.
It is a common drawback in most of the countries that due
to political or other influential involvements, some
departments are over-recruited, while some departments are
in short of the required staff. Remember over-recruitment
and shortage both are damaging. Over-recruitment is not
only a financial burden on department but also decreases the
performance of department because the extra-person have
nothing to do any work, they take only salaries which affects
psychologically on performance of working persons. While
in case of shortage; the employees are unable to justify
properly with the excessiveness of work both in quality and
quantity which results in lesser performance of department.
So it is necessary to balance the number of employees in all
departments i.e. neither more nor less, keeping in view the
nature & vastness of their objectives. Corrective steps must
be taken by intra or interdepartmental transfers to balance
How to be the best ruler 435

the number of employees or new appointments in case of

7. Training: Training improves the knowledge & skill and
is essential for progress & strength of a department. So
training and periodic refresher training of all staff must be
conducted to improve (i) professional skill. (ii) Duty
awareness (iii) good dealings with one another & with
public and (iv) Unity in department.
The training must ensure the good administration which
includes four Ps to justify the purpose of administration4. All
are necessary to assure the quality, soundness and durability
of administration. i.e. i. Policy i.e. plans of action. ii.
Performance i.e. activity. iii. Probity i.e. Complete
integrity. iv. Propriety i.e. appropriate behavior.
How to get better output from departments
To get better output from departments, the work must be
done in two directions;
I. Get rid of drawbacks.
II. Adapt good result producing strategy.
I. Get rid of drawbacks: There are some drawbacks which
affect the performance of departments and are necessary to
be addressed & corrected. These are as follows;
i. Corruption: Corruption is so common that it seems to be
a routine. Even to get genuine rights, one has to take support
of bribery or influential recommendations. Transparent
system of accountable management for avoiding corruption
436 How to be the best ruler

should be introduced. Techniques of job appraisal and job

evaluation. Transparent procedures should be adopted and
major activities may be recorded. Delayed in the procedures
should be noticed strictly.
ii. Red-Tapism: It must also be observed that daily work
should be done on daily basis i.e. Red-Tapism must strictly
be discouraged which means; to delay the task for the sake
of corruption or to unnecessarily follow rules & regulations.
iii. Yes-manship: It has become custom that every
employee becomes yes-man to his senior and expects yes-
manship from his subordinates. The boss is favored &
supported in all situations whether boss is right or wrong.
II. Adapt good result producing strategy
To get better output; the suggestions are as follows;
1. Objective orientation: (i) Every department is made to
fulfill some purpose, so it must be ensured that every
employee of department is clearly oriented for that purpose.
So it is necessary that after recruitment of staff and before
joining duty, the following must be described and given to
all government servants (also private sector).
i. Introduction & objectives of department.

ii. A copy of Job description and service structure.

How to be the best ruler 437

iii. SOPs (Standard operating procedures) of department.

iv. DO’S and Don’ts.
v. Code of conduct and limitations of department.
Then periodical refresher training courses must also be
conducted to improve the skill and dealing.
(ii) Every direction, order, and monitoring must be made
with the perspective of the main purpose of department.

2. Total quality management: TQM is a very effective

method to achieve high quality performance. For that,
qualitative and quantitative KPI (key performance
indicators) must be made for every job which should be
given in written and made understood to concerned
employee. The KPI are different for every job and
department which are further variable according to time
and situation. In fact the KPI is the expectation of
department from the employee which must be clear to both
i.e. department and employee. The annual performance
appraisal should be done on same KPI.

Example: During the Clinton Administration (1993–

2001), Vice President Al Gore decided to revamp the
bureaucracy. His effort, known as “Reinventing
Government,” relied on Total Quality Management, a set
of principles that create a culture of quality in an
438 How to be the best ruler

organization, in which everyone constantly thinks about

improving performance.

3. Objectivity: It means that; Judgment of department’s

performance should be based on observable phenomena and
uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices. The
countercheck may be done by a team of your trusted
4. Regular monitoring by government: Monitoring is the
only thing which government must do regularly of all
departments. Every department is made for some purpose,
so a regular check is necessary to analyze that how much the
department is fulfilling its purpose; for which that
department is made.
Monitoring must include (i) periodic performance analysis.
(ii) Physical presence of staff and (iii) inspection of
infrastructure and tools with respect to its functioning and
purpose e.g. after every 3-6 months, a department should be
checked that all its tools are in satisfactory working
condition and are available according to requirement. It is
seen in offices that some of the computers, printers and other
essential machinery are either not used or not in working
condition or not available e.g. In hospitals; availability and
How to be the best ruler 439

satisfactory working condition of instruments i.e.

stethoscope, BP apparatus, ECG, EEG machine;
Instruments of operation theatre; diagnosing tools i.e.
Ultrasound, CAT scan etc. life-saving machines i.e.
ventilators etc. and required medicines especially
emergency medicines must be checked. (iv) Also take
suggestions regarding development of resources and work
5. Regular feedback: Take regular feedback reports from
head of Departments about (i) progress regarding fulfillment
of purpose of department (ii) the financial management. (iii)
Regularity and punctuality of staff. (iv) Quantity & quality
of services available & provided. (v) Availability &
functioning status of all working tools and (vi) dealing status
with people.
6. Internal monitoring & motivation system: Monitoring
& motivation improves the work both quantitatively &
qualitatively. So ensure that every department has
developed and maintained its internal system of monitoring
& motivation to check that work is satisfactorily going on to
fulfill purpose.
7. Ensure presence and effective working of a strong and
effective informative system in every department.
440 How to be the best ruler

Criteria for pay fixation

To estimate pay status all the followings must be considered;
1. Qualification
2. Seniority (Experience)
3. Skill
4. Sensitivity, importance & need of post e.g. more salary
should be given comparatively to the following because
their services are invaluable.
(i). Persons relating to defense of country.
i. External defense
- Armed forces
- Rangers
- Secret service
ii. Internal defense
- Police (not traffic police)
- Secret service
(ii) Judges and lawyers, in recognition to their services for
justice and their role to decrease crimes.
(iii) Doctors & paramedical staff (especially of ICU, CCU
& emergency); they save lives and facilitate in health
maintenance of society.
How to be the best ruler 441

(iv) Teachers: They train society to be good citizens.

(v) Head of religious worship house i.e. Priest, Imam of
Mosque, head of temple, as they are responsible to present
religion truly before people.
(vi) Persons relating to special scientific research project.
(vii) Media people so that they present the real picture before
people and to avoid yellow journalism. The services as a true
journalist are really invaluable and a great goodness.
Caution: The intelligentsia of country must be given good
salary otherwise brain drain to abroad will be a greater loss.
Private sector: it is suggested that in addition to salary, monthly
calculation of profit should be done. Profit should be divided in
between the owner, staff and workers. It may be divided
according to ranks and the type of labor and skill and also an
amount must be appropriated for the maintenance, extension and
development of the business, industry or department.
Types of government departments
Government departments are commonly of five types.
1. Administrative departments: The administrative departments are to
control and run country. The expenses done are mandatory and there is no
monetary return. This is also cost effective. The purpose and profit is good
2. .Revenue collecting department: which only collect Taxes or duties and
no conditional return is given e.g. Central Board of Revenue, excise
department, custom. 3. Revenue generating department: These departments
are analyzed on cost vs. benefit i.e. government spends to earn revenue which
is generated in response to services e.g. Transport Services (Railway, Airline
& road buses etc.), Electricity Supply Department, Water Department,
industries run by government, sanitary department, telephone department etc.
In some countries, these departments are under private control. The author is
also in favor to give these departments under private control.
4. Security departments: These departments are Cost effective i.e.
government spends for security of citizens and there is no monetary profit e.g.
442 How to be the best ruler

Police, Judiciary, Armed Forces etc. Justice, security from crimes and foreign
invaders are the purposes and benefits.
5. Welfare departments: These departments are also Cost effective i.e.
government spends for welfare of citizens and there is no monetary profit e.g.
health, education and judiciary etc. Educated, healthy, discipline & peaceful
society are the purposes and benefits.
How to be the best ruler 443

Chapter 15: Intelligence and information network

Intelligence & information network is the eyes & ears of a
government, this is why every country has its own
intelligence & information network and an appreciable part
of budget is spent on this department. It is composed of
highly skilled, qualified and trained persons who are tuned
and trained so much hard that even at high level of torture
they do not leak any information, neither of themselves,
their partners nor about their mission, even they do not
accept that they are involved in any such type of activity.

The country which is stronger scientifically and financially,

its network is stronger and effective at the same level.

Note: Intelligence & information network should be directly

under control of ruler.

The system of taking information is very old. Before

every war, every tribe or country used to take information
about the strength of opposite country’s force. Even in peace
days, system of taking information was continued.

Prophets Muhammad,pbuh Mosespbuh and the noble

Rulers i.e. Ram chunder ji, they all used this system of
taking information but they all used it for noble cause and in
444 How to be the best ruler

positive sense. They used this technique for defense & for
awareness of bad intentions of their enemies and also to
identify the cheaters & traitors.

The ruler is responsible for the welfare of his nation so for

welfare of country, it is necessary to know the;

i. Current situation

ii. Intentions of enemies

iii. To identify traitor in your team.

iv. To identify the antigovernment and anti-country forces

or groups and their places before time.

Intelligence & information network is one of the greatest

weapons of a country. So information taken through it
should be accurate i.e. acceptable, comprehensive,
complete, up to date, reliable, applicable, true & easy to
understand, which is not an easy job e.g. CIA is the strongest
and biggest network of the world, but sometimes even CIA
become unable to provide real and true reports e.g. in 2000
relating Iraq it was reported that Iraq had chemical weapons
which was proved wrong afterwards, secondly it was
reported that if Saddam Hussain is removed, people of Iraq
will be happy and no resistance will occur against USA.
How to be the best ruler 445

Later on; this conception was also proved wrong and results
were totally unexpected.

Intelligence & information network is essential and the main

pillar on which strength of a government stands e.g. network
of King Sikandar Lodhi of India1 (1488-1517) was so
much powerful, correct and quick that it was said that king
had jennies who tell him everything and so quickly.

They say; it is better to be Aware and Alert than to be

true and honest, especially when your government is weak,
otherwise you would not be able to save your government.

Author is of the view that best is this that you should be true,
honest, along with aware and alert. If you are aware and
alert, your Government is safe and you will rule on the
physique of your people. If you are true and honest you will
rule on the spirit of your people and you will live in the
hearts of your people even beyond your life.

So be true, honest & spend your daily some time to take all
necessary information about all important happenings and
activities of all important persons and departments.

Reference 15
1. History of Indo Pak. By Abdullah Malik.
446 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 16 How to deal Ministers

1. Make a plan that ministers must do their work with the
same passion as you require. Regular motivation and
monitoring is the only technique which would be effective.

2. Secretaries of ministers are qualified, skilled and

experienced persons. To deal them properly, it is necessary
that every minister must be given training by a specialized
group of teachers so as to understand completely the
technicalities and details of their ministries. Also refresher
training periodically must be given.

3. To take orientation to work as a minister, every minister

must also take guidelines from previous minister of same
ministry. A minister should also study the benchmark of
previous minister’s performance of same department, to
have a baseline to plan and act in future.

4. In a routine, only finance minister, gives his ministry

report to public as annual budget. The author’s view is this,
that every minister should be bound to give his report
annually to public through media by himself so that public
may know the development, services and future programs of
that ministry for public and country. By this way, all
How to be the best ruler 447

departments and ministries will become active to show their

achievements all over the year to avoid insult before media
and public.

5. Uniform statement of all ministers: At every situation,

there should be uniform statement from all ministers,
advisors, secretaries and party officials before media and
public. For this, they all should be given instructions from
high command, to take care of this ambiguity which shows
this impression that the government is not a one unit or every
ministry is a separate government.
448 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 17: How to deal bureaucracy

Bureau means desk and bureaucracy means desk
government. Bureaucracy is a group of administrative staff,
characterized by division of labor with a clearly defined
Core function of bureaucracy: It implement laws,
executes commands, serves as a bridge between the rulers
and the ruled; and has considerable influence over the
process of government.
Basic features of bureaucracy: bureaucracy is
characterized by:

 A hierarchical organization
 chain of command
 a fixed area of activity
 rigid division of labor
 regular and continuous execution of assigned tasks
 all decisions and powers specified and restricted by
rules and regulations
 officials with expert training in their fields

Some facts about Bureaucracy: (i) The ancient Egypt is

one of the first known civilizations to use a form of
bureaucracy. The Roman Empire was administered by a
hierarchy of regional proconsuls and their deputies – a large
scale bureaucracy. In china bureaucracy evolved in different
dynasties (Han, song and Qing dynasties). The development
of British and French bureaucracy was influenced by the
Chinese system.
How to be the best ruler 449

The term "bureaucracy" was first made up in the mid-18th

century. German sociologist Max Weber (1864 - 1920) was
the first to endorse bureaucracy as a necessary feature of
modernity and established its characteristics.
In 19th century bureaucracy was adopted by many countries
as a distinct form of administration and by the late 19th
century bureaucratic form had begun its spread from
government to other large-scale institutions and the name
bureaucracy is also given to the administrative system
governing any large institution
(ii) Karl Marx is the main opponent of bureaucracy. Marx is
of the view that while corporate and government
bureaucracy seem to operate in opposition, in actuality they
mutually rely on one another to exist. He wrote that "The
Corporation is civil society's attempt to become state; but
the bureaucracy is the state which has really made itself into
civil society.
(iii) In spite of too many reforms in bureaucracy, there is no
country in the world where the people are satisfied from

Politicians vs bureaucrats: The difference between

politicians and bureaucrats are:-

1. Politicians are elected by people, bureaucrats are selected

through competition.

2. Politicians serve people (or at least pretend to),

bureaucrats rules them (or at least appears so)

3. Politicians play with human emotions, bureaucrats play

with mindless reasons.

4. Politicians make laws, bureaucrats implement them.

450 How to be the best ruler

5. Politicians are like heart of society, bureaucrats are like

the head (mind) of society.

6. Politicians are the face of government, bureaucrats are the

body of the government.

7. Politicians never say no to anything because their aim

is to keep their voters satisfied, bureaucrats never say
yes to anything because they are tuned to act on rules
and regulations. So it is said that most of the problems
of governance will be solved if the politicians learn to
say 'no' and bureaucrats to say 'yes':
8. Bureaucrats are the employees of state. Knowledge is the
power of Bureaucrats. They are qualified, skilled, trained
and experienced persons while the ministers are mostly
appointed, due to their political strength, faithfulness and
services for ruling party. They are not relevantly qualified,
skilled and trained. So they become Toy or dependent on
Bureaucrats. So a minister must be given sufficient training
before holding the office as minister.
Reforms in bureaucracy
1. Less government more governance: this principle must
be applied in bureaucracy. The bureaucracy must act as a
watch power and should not intervene in department affairs
except in cases of injustice or dishonesty. All decisions must
be made by departments themselves.

2. A leaner bureaucracy with fewer tiers: Bureaucracy

consists of multi-graded staff which is actually an
impediment to better service delivery. Mostly the cases
How to be the best ruler 451

are analyzed and prepared at the lowest level and the files
travel towards the higher level step by step. The peak
level person who is the deciding authority, very rarely
analyzes by his own so does not know the exactness of
cases. So it is best to re-organize the structure of
organization and reduce the numbers. Fewer tiers will
improve efficiency and governance.

3. De-politicization: Political intervention in the decisions

of recruitment, transfers, promotions and dismissals of civil
servants and cases decisions must be finished. All these
decisions must be made by the department itself on
justified grounds without any external political pressure.

The suggestions are;

i. The merit system: It tries to ensure that the best qualified

people get government jobs and benefitted on merit without
any political involvement.

ii. Make an act forbidding politicism; Example: In 1939,

USA congress passed the Hatch Act, which required
employees, to have as little to do with political parties as
possible. The Hatch Act forbids employees from engaging
in party activities. For example, they could not run for public
office or raise funds for a party or candidate, nor could they
become officers in a political organization or a delegate to a
party convention.
452 How to be the best ruler

4. Accountability: Some suggestions for making civil

servants more accountable for their work include the

Limiting appointments to 10 years. After the appointment

expires, the bureaucrat would then have to go through
reexamination and their performance would be reviewed for
possible rehire.

Establish a proper annual performance evaluation system

and key performance indicators.

5. Technocracy in bureaucracy: It is a
form of bureaucracy in which scientists and technical
experts control the departments. The technocrats are
preferred in bureaucracy as they can understand and
suggest improvements relatively better due to their
knowledge, skill & experience in respective fields as
compared to non-technocrats.

A suggestion: lift the ban on lateral entry into the civil

service and allow hiring from the private sector and then
hire the specialists through separate exams for each service

6. Bureaucrats must be ordered to focus more on objectives

and goals than to act only by rules & regulations.
How to be the best ruler 453

7, minimum interdepartmental transfers, especially those

which are purely technical departments.

8. Cutting "Red Tape" One of the public's greatest

complaints about the bureaucracy is red tape. Many feel
that the government's methods of solving problems is to
drown them in a sea of paperwork. The red tape — the
maze of government rules, regulations, and paperwork —
makes government so overwhelming to citizens that many
people try to avoid any contact. Filling out forms, standing
in line, and being put on hold on the telephone all have
resulted in many people being discouraged from ever
applying for benefits they rightfully deserve.

9. Modernization of processes: Adopt smart systems.

Develop a system of quick and reliable ways of
information collection, accessing and sharing.

10. Effective training: The bureaucracy needs well-

equipped and motivated officers to make up its workforce.
A well-trained staff is certainly more effective and useful.
So training must ensure improvement in professional,
personality and in behavioural capacity. The training must
also include to enable the employees to take pride in
being a part of the government for the right reasons.
454 How to be the best ruler

11. Comfortable work environment: creating a work

environment comfortable for employees and providing
them logistic facilities at every level so that they can be
free of stress and concentrate on their work. This is a
recipe for a content and motivated workforce.

12. Increased Incentives for Efficiency: To overcome

inefficiency, some state governments have started offering
more incentives to employees, such as financial rewards
tied to job performance i.e. offering higher salaries and
better perks, as is always the intention, to improve
performance and prevent corruption.

13. Protecting Whistleblowers: A whistleblower is a

person who exposes corruption or inefficiency. As a result
of blowing the whistle, some people have been demoted or
fired. So it is necessary to protect whistleblowers because
whistleblowers increase accountability by exposing

14. Bilateral facilitation: bureaucracy is said to be a

bridge between public and government so it should
facilitate both government and public both. The element of
public facilitation is missing so it must be improved.
How to be the best ruler 455

Chapter 18 How to deal Judiciary

First of all keep in mind that don’t deal judiciary as a

department as it is the third organ of the government and is
equally important like the other two organs i.e. legislative
and executive.

Administration of justice is the primary function of the

judiciary. It has the responsibility to apply the laws to
specific cases and settle all disputes. The real ‘meaning of
law’ is what the judges decide during the course of giving
their judgement in various cases.

Citizen’s point of view: Judiciary is more respected than

other two organs (legislative and executive) and enjoys a
big importance in the eyes of the people because it acts as:
(1) The dispenser of Justice.

(2) Protector of the fundamental rights of the people.

(3) Safeguard against Legislative and executive excesses.

(4) Check against arbitrary exercise of powers by the

456 How to be the best ruler

(5) Guardian of Rule of Law and Justice.

Importance of justice
Justice means punishing actions or words that are wrong
and upholding things that are good.

(i) The justice leads to a safer society for everyone.

(ii) Justice is one of the highest attributes of ideal people as

the civilization is nothing but the recognition of the
principle that Right is higher than Might. All good
government enforces justice by punishing the criminals.
The Muslim caliph AliRA says that “Even a Godless system
of government can sustain but an injustice system of
government cannot sustain” This shows that how much
justice is necessary and beneficial for the smooth running
of a government.

(iii) We want others to be just to us. Therefore, we must be

just to others. The sense of justice is the parent of
truthfulness and the whole universe is built on justice and

(iv) Any society, whether the family, the community, a

nation, or the world - benefits from having justice as a
How to be the best ruler 457

prevailing virtue. Such a society is dedicated to the notion

that all of its members should benefit, and no one person or
group should have a greater benefit or rights than another.
Conversely, no person or group should be denied similar
benefits to those that another group enjoys.

(v) In Second World War, Germany attacked very powerfully on

England and every citizen was under complete stress due to attack and
bombardment on England. Every person was asking a question. Will
England be able to defeat German forces? The Prime Minister of
England Winston Churchill was briefed on the casualties
and economic collapse. He asked an entirely different question
“Are the courts functioning?” He was told that the judges
were dispensing justice as normal. Churchill replied, “Thank
God. If the courts are working, nothing can go wrong” The
history witnesses that England won the war.

(vi) Freedom of judiciary and impartial justice is beneficial

and gives strength to the government and country. The Rule
of Law is a great weapon and one of the arts of doing
government. Most of the strong governments in history
were strong only due to the fact that they acted upon rule of
law and justice.
(vii) It helps the ruler against all criminals and dishonest
high officials and rank holders. It also helps to run your
system smoothly and to streamline your system. Justice is
the power of nation and government. An independent
and just minded judiciary is a blessing for nation. It controls
the crime and also helps in character building of citizens.
458 How to be the best ruler

(viii) Sultan Mahmood1 advised his sons that religion and justice
are interlinked, without justice you cannot save weak and poor
people from the cruelty of powerful persons.
(x) History appreciates and remembers those rulers who
were just-minded and promoted justice. People of country
always pray for that ruler who is just minded e.g. King
Nosherwan was so much just that people named him
Nosherwan just.
(ix) Height of Justice: Caliph UmarRA was so just that for a
crime, he ordered for whipping to his own son; who died
during whipping.

Powers of judiciary
Power to get its Decisions and Judgements enforced:
The judiciary has the power not only to deliver judgements
but also to get these enforced. It can direct the executive to
carry out its decisions. The executive is bound to obey the

Reforms in judiciary

The main purpose of the reforms is to achieve affordable,

independent, strong, secured, impartial, greedless; talented
and trained judiciary. Every person should be accountable to
law, across the board.
How to be the best ruler 459

1. Independence of Judiciary & its importance: The chief

quality which helps the judiciary to faithfully administer
justice and to perform its functions efficiently is judicial
independence, without any interference of the other two
organs of the government.
Independent judiciary is the strength for a good government
while it is a weakness and a danger for a bad government.

An independent judiciary is always considered to be the

most essential part of every democratic government. A
government without independent judiciary is always held
to be an authoritarian government. Following steps are

(i) Review and improve the rules regarding independence of

judiciary and Justice.
(ii) Rule of Law: The government should do all steps to
ensure rule of law. Nobody should be above law. The justice
should be impartial and across the board.
(iii) De-politicization of judiciary: The government should
ensure that the whole department of judiciary is running as
an independent unit without any political or other influence
regarding recruitment, promotion and functioning. However
it must run under law, code of conduct and limitations.
460 How to be the best ruler

2. Facilities for judges: (i) Protection: The government

should provide protection to the judges and their families so
that they may decide and do justice without any fear.
(ii) Judges must be paid high salaries, necessary allowances,
good service conditions, and appropriate retirement
(iii) Judges must be facilitated to visit abroad to attend
international legal conferences to increase their exposure
and knowledge.
(iv) Justified infrastructure and proper staff: The
infrastructure and functioning facilities (equipment,
stationaries etc.) must be provided. It is seen in
underdeveloped countries that especially the lower courts
are not provided with proper infrastructure and staff which
is a great mistake and affect the function of court. It also give
the impression as un-honored and un-dignified.
3. Regular monitoring: Monitoring is the only thing which
government must do regularly. Judiciary is made for
purpose of impartial justice for all, so a regular check is
necessary to analyze that how much the judiciary is fulfilling
its purpose; for which it is made. The government must act
as a watch power and should not interfere in affairs of courts.
Ruler must take regular feedback from chief justice of
How to be the best ruler 461

country about performance of judiciary and fulfillment of

purpose of justice. The government must ensure;
(i) fair and less expensive opportunities to the people for
defending their rights and getting justice. The justice should
be affordable to common man.
(ii) The justice should not only be decided but also seen to
be happened.
(iii) Internal monitoring & motivation system: Monitoring
& motivation improves the work both quantitatively &
qualitatively. So ensure that judiciary has developed and
maintained its internal system of monitoring & motivation
to check that work is satisfactorily going on to fulfill
4. Number of judges: The shortage of judges is an injustice.
The number of judges must be balanced according to; (i)
Population strength (average one judge per 20000-30000
population) (ii) Number of cases presented to seek justice.
5. Economical and affordable system of justice: To seek
justice is a very expensive process. It must be made
economical and affordable as much as it is possible.
6. Fast system of justice: it is to be ensured that cases must
be decided fast and without any unnecessary delay. They
say; justice delayed, justice denied. The truth is this that
462 How to be the best ruler

there are huge number of pending cases in almost every

country. It is said that many sufferers get justice after their
death or so late which is then useless or the petitioners tired
so much by the length of proceedings that they leave
pursuing the case.
7. Implementation of court orders must be ensured to be;
(i) Quick (ii) in its letter and spirit (iii) within time limits.

8. Code of conduct & limitation: A code of conduct &

limitation must be made with the mutual consent of judiciary
by which the freedom of Judiciary must be ensured along
with clear cut limitations and its accountability. Also it is
necessary to be mentioned; the duties and responsibilities of
judiciary towards people, government and country.

Selection or Method of Appointment of Judges:

The method of appointment of judges must be fair,
systematic, effective and transparent. The method of
removal of judges should be difficult and no single should
have the power to remove the judges.

There are certain methods by which judge are selected in

various States. One method of selecting judges is through an
election by the people. Such a system now prevails in certain
Cantons of Switzerland. Although this method may appear
democratic, but such a method of selection of the judge does
not seem logical as the ordinary voters are not qualified to
How to be the best ruler 463

consider the suitability of judges. Moreover, a popularly

elected judge is likely to favor the party, which sponsored
his election.

A second method of appointing judges is through elections

by legislature. This method is in vogue in Switzerland and
some other States. Such a mode of appointment violates the
theory of the separation of powers. Moreover, if judges are
appointed in this manner, the judiciary cannot function as
the guardian of the constitution. Judges elected by the
legislature are not likely to declare acts of the same
legislature unconstitutional. Thus, the independence and
impartiality of the judges would be lost.

A third method of appointing judges is by executive

nomination. In India & Pakistan, the President of country
nominates the judges of the Supreme Court and the High

A fourth method of selecting Judges is through a

competitive examination. In France, judges are selected on
the basis of a competitive examination conducted by the
Ministry of Justice. In India & Pakistan also the judges of
the lower courts are selected on the basis of competitive

Of all these methods, the most popular is the last mentioned

mode of choosing judges, for it ensures the independence of
the judiciary.

Note: The author is of the opinion that judges may be

appointed by the executive. But once appointed, the judges
should be independent of the influence of the executive.
Removal of a judge: A judge may only be removed from
service by supreme judicial council.
464 How to be the best ruler

Appointment: A judge should be qualified, just minded,

impartial, greedless; talented and trained. So a judicial
selection board must be made for appointment of judges
which must ensure that the candidate fulfills the following
(i) Qualified according to the requirement of post
(ii) Personality of a person must be analyzed by an interview
by board and other sources of information that the person is
completely fit to work as a judge and also ensure that the
person has following characteristics;
i- Tendency to work for justice.
ii- Capacity to work as judge.
iii- Positive thinking and attitude
iv- speaks a decent language in his/her routine life and do
not use abusive language.
v- Religiously strong with knowledge. This is very
necessary as every religion teaches justice.

Training: Before joining duty; every judge must be given

training for (i) professional skill development (ii) justice
must be inculcated in their heart, mind and soul. (iii)
Personality development and character building. Then
refresher training periodically during service.

An oath on religious book must also be taken for impartial

justice before joining duty and on every promotion.
Reference: chapter 18
1. principles of sovereignty by Burni.
How to be the best ruler 465

Chapter 19: How to deal Media

The role and purpose of media is to provide information,
education and/or entertainment to public, keeping in mind
the legal, religious and moral values of country.
Every country brags that its media is independent, while the
reality is different and in whole world; media is almost
completely state controlled.

Following theories are necessary to be understood to bring reforms in

Normative Theories of mass communication

Media professionals and social elites used normative theory to answer
questions regarding media reform. Social responsibility is the normative
theory used in the United States.

Professionalism, a crusade to clean up the media and make it respectable and

credible, followed the era of yellow journalism; its objective was to eliminate
shoddy and irresponsible content.

The Origins of Normative Theories of Media

Two opposing viewpoints;
Radical libertarians (First Amendment absolutists) take the idea of “free

press” as literal and oppose government regulation.

2. Technocrats do not trust the media and believes in the use of regulators to
act in the public interest.
Note: Propaganda and mass society theories are used to justify media
Normative theory: The type of theory that describes an ideal way for
media systems to be structured and operated.
Normative theories
1. Authoritarian theory: The theory that places all forms of communication
under the control of governing elites or authorities. Under this theory, the
intellect of a common is greatly undermined. Criticism on ruling elites is not
466 How to be the best ruler

tolerated. Many steps are taken to curb the freedom of press like licensing,
censorships, approval of content prior to publication and punishments etc.
2. Libertarian theory:
Libertarian theory opposes authoritarian theory, which requires all forms of
communication to submit to governing elites.
If freed from authoritarian rule individuals would “naturally” follow their
conscience, seek truth, engage in public debate, and create better life for
themselves and others.
John Milton asserted in fair debate good and truthful arguments would always
win out over lies and deceit, the self-righting principle. The self-righting
principle is fundamental within social responsibility theory.
The founding fathers also subscribed to liberal thought.
Three fundamental concept sunder pinning the founders’ belief in press
o Theology
o Individual rights
o Attainment of truth
At the nation’s founding, the US was one of the first nations to adopt
Libertarian principles lined out in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of
o Restrictions on communication:
- Libel

- Gag Orders
- Regulations prohibiting false advertising, child pornography, and offensive
- Laws have been written to restrict communication freedom so that other
seemingly equally important rights might be guaranteed.
On the other extreme, there is libertarian theory, which considers that
people are rational and have the right to all angles of an issue to decide between
truth and falsehood. The government cannot interfere in matters of press.
3. Social responsibility theory
Press has a right to criticize the government and other institutions but it also
has a responsibility to preserve democracy by properly informing the public.
The press is not free to do as it wills, it is obligated to respond to society’s
needs. the government may involve itself in media operations by issuing
regulations (e.g. Pemra), if public interest is not being adequately addressed.
The first major test of social responsibility theory occurred during the 1950s
with the rise of anti-communist sentiments at the time of the Cold War.
Joseph McCarthy success fully used propaganda techniques to draw national
attention to himself and to stimulate widespread public hatred and suspicion
of people whom he linked, most often inaccurately, to communism.
This illustrates how difficult it can be for journalists to adhere to social
responsibility theory in crisis situations.
How to be the best ruler 467

Social Responsibility Theory

Once journalists began to doubt McCarthy, his popularity was so great that it was risky to oppose him.

1. Values media responsibility
2. Values audience responsibility
3. Limits government intrusion in media operation
4. Allows reasonable government control of media
5. Values diversity and pluralism
6. Aids the “powerless”
7. Appeals to the best instincts of media practitioners and audiences
8. Is consistent with US legal tradition

1. Is overly optimistic about media’s willingness to meet responsibilities
2. Is overly optimistic about individual responsibility
3. Underestimates power of profit motivation and competition
4. Legitimizes status quo

4. Communist Theory
It promotes communism and strives to achieve goals set by the communist
party. Media is owned by the representatives of the communist state .It works
best in a closed society where information is tightly controlled by the
5. Developmental theory
Government mobilizes media to serve national goals in economic and social
development. Information is considered a natural resource and must be
carefully manipulated to achieve national goals for literacy, economic self-
sufficiency etc. It is considered that media should support the government until
society is well developed
468 How to be the best ruler

Suggestion for reforms of media

Following points are necessary to be considered in this
1. Monitoring and feedback: The role of government
should be to ensure that media is fulfilling its purpose within
limits or not, so regular monitoring & feedback are
necessary steps that must be taken by government.
2. Media consists of very intelligent, most aware & highly
influential persons of country. It has ability to change the
thoughts of people. Due to this, it is said that “Dealing with
media is an art” So ruler must appoint very intelligent
persons to deal with media. Arrange specialized training for
them also.
3. Media wants to take its benefits from government and
goodwill from public. The media also changes its policy
with change in circumstances. In the same way government
wants to take its benefits of goodwill through media for
4. By consultation with media, the following must be made
for media. (i) A code of conduct and limitation; and then to
bound the media to act accordingly and to be within those
limits & never cross those limits. It is very beneficial for all
i.e. public, government & also for media. It must be ensured
that the matter published or broadcasted must never be
against ethics, any religion, caste, region, country or
constitution of country. (ii) There should also be written
criteria of qualification & skill etc. for every post from top
to bottom working in media. Government must ensure that
criteria are properly implemented. (iii) Job structure for staff
of media should be made; including rights, responsibilities
& increments etc. (iv)A yardstick of essential infrastructure
How to be the best ruler 469

i.e. land, building, machines, apparatus & staff etc. and their
quality also be mentioned.
5. There must be scheduled training & refresher training
sessions for all persons working in media to improve
professional excellence and ethics.
6. The salary of media personnel should be comparatively
more as their services are invaluable.
7. Yellow Journalism and blackmailing in Journalism must
be traced out and strictly punished. It must also be banned
by Law.
8. Else to news & entertainment TV channels, there must be
at-least one educational TV channel and one vocational
training TV channel with broadcasting all over the country.
The educational TV channel will facilitate and promote
education & knowledge, while the vocational TV channel
will be helpful to impart vocational knowledge and so help
to decrease unemployment by facilitating self-employment.
9. Purpose of newspapers & programs of TV & films:
The purpose of newspapers, TV programs & films are
education, awareness, information, advertisement or
entertainment. So there should be a cell (of their own staff)
in every newspaper office, TV channel and film industry to
check & analyze that what impact will be taken by public by
every news, program or film. Analysis must be done by
keeping in mind; the constitution of country, values of all
religions, moral values of society and code of conduct &
limitations of media; if suitable then it may be allowed to go
10. Hero: In films; a very wrong concept of hero is given to
society i.e. the hero is that who has the ability to fight, sing
470 How to be the best ruler

and dance. While the education, skill, creativity and

peaceful abilities are mostly neglected. Resultantly society
especially youth is adapting a wrong concept of a hero. So it
is needed to present the right concept of hero and deliver
right message to society.
11. Remember that a positive media is a blessing for society
and country. The objective of government should be to do
all steps ensuring establishment of positive media with good
team i.e. right man (qualified, skilled, positive minded &
according to requirement of post) at right place and post.
How to be the best ruler 471

Chapter 20: How to deal business community

(Read this chapter with chapter on industrial reforms)

Capitalists are commonly of 3 types; Landlords,

industrialists and other businessmen etc.
Note: Businessman is very intelligent part of the
community, because he has the ability to persuade others to
take out their money from their pocket for their benefit and
give it to the businessman for his benefit.

What to do
The Business community is the asset of a country so
planning to deal business community must aim mutual
benefits i.e. benefit of country and also of businessmen.
1. Regular meetings: Regular meetings with business
community are to be conducted to solve their genuine
problems and also to seek help for unemployment poverty
& other problems of common men.
2. Ensure promotion of business and trade within country
and in export. Facilitate the businessmen and order to
remove all unnecessary hurdles regarding business. Take
continuous feedback directly in meetings and indirectly by
your own informers.
3. Appreciable status and ranks are to be given to the high
level businessmen e.g. as a member of House of Lords in
UK or member of Senate in USA, India, Pakistan & other
countries. The senators or member House of Lords, have
equal or more rights as compared to member of congress or
member parliament.
472 How to be the best ruler

4. Reverse capital drain; (i) this is a tragedy of many

countries of the world that the most of the big businessmen,
high government officials and big politicians even the head
of states keep their reserve money outside their country as
bank deposits or utilize for other purposes. Whatever is the
case, that money is not useful for their home country, so it
is necessary to bring back that capital of country from
abroad. A law must be made, by which every person having
his assets abroad would be motivated and ordered to bring
back his assets in country.
(ii) To begin the process, a time limit may be given to all
such persons; to bring back all money from abroad.
(iii) Give incentives and provide comfortable & protective
environment to them throughout the country for business &
other justified purposes. This comfortable environment can
be decided by meetings with them and then also must be
provided but within reasonable, logical and legal limits.
(iv). Compare the comfortable environment limits with the
benefits which the government is taking from the business
community for the welfare of people & country.
Government should do business or not.
They say “every person doth his business best” So the
government should do only governance and should not
involve itself in doing business. To do business is the right
and act of businessmen, which should be given to them.
Government should take appropriate tax from them but let
them do business without any competition with government.
Secondly, to do governance is a very difficult task and if
it is added by any other task, it will divert & distribute the
attention & may probably decrease the efficiency.
How to be the best ruler 473

Note: There are some areas & departments, from where a lot
profit can be generated. The government can take special tax
from there as near to the expected profit, but should not
involve itself in doing business.
How much a capitalist can be beneficial for the country?
1. Capitalist are the major source of revenue collection by
2. Whenever there was financial crisis or need of money,
(i.e. at the time of war etc.) the major share of finance was
always provided as loan or aid by the capitalists. This is
universal and happened throughout the history.
3. The capitalists are very beneficial for the government i.e.
they provide employment to the citizens or provide sources
of employment which is supposed to be the duty of
government. Let us look at the world statistics; 90%
employment and sustenance is provided by the private sector
i.e. by the Businessmen. Government Servants are only 5-
10% of total employees.
4. A capitalist can also be very helpful to solve the problems
of people and country i.e. poverty, Healthcare,
unemployment & housing etc. by;
i. Increasing jobs
ii. Opening dispensaries, hospitals free or at economical
iii. Schools, colleges at very economical rates for general
public and free of costs for his own employees.
iv. Free houses for his employees.
474 How to be the best ruler

v. Alms houses for his employees and for the poor

vi. Recreations i.e. games etc. for his employees.
Capitalists can be motivated in the name of
 Religion
 Country
 By education & motivation through media.
Note: Capitalists can also be bound by law.
In return, capitalists can be given facilities to flourish
their business, facilities in tax, imports & exports, also by
removal of all unnecessary formalities in all government
How to prevent rich to be more rich and poor to be
There should be justified distribution of capital and land
all over the country. To fulfill this purpose, there are two
types of methods i.e. forceful methods and peaceful
methods. The author is in favor of peaceful methods,
which are as follows;
1- A welfare state system with welfare culture is very helpful
to prevent rich to be more rich and poor to be poorer.
2 - The government should make a minimum standard of
living for every resident of country and then provide it or
make arrangements to be provided to all residents of
country. In the same way; a maximum standard of wealth
and living can also be made. By this method, government
How to be the best ruler 475

would decide that the people of country will survive within

which range of living, income and wealth. Following steps
can be taken to prevent every resident to cross that
maximum standard i.e.
(i) Accurate and justified analysis of tax and timely
collection of complete tax.
(ii) It should be mandatory for big industrialists and
landlords to provide basic education to children, primary
healthcare and housing facilities to families of their workers.
(iii) Tax and other reliefs may be given on general charity
and on provision of education, health and housing facilities
to workers.
(iv) Motivational propaganda; A motivational propaganda
as ongoing campaign must be started all over the country
through media & other ways in the name of religion &
humanity; for helping the poor and deserving; to enable
them to be self-sufficient and not a permanent poor.
476 How to be the best ruler

Subsection 5: Challenges to government

Chapter 21 – How to deal member parliament, opposition
and criticism.
Chapter 22 – How to deal pressure groups
Chapter 23 - How to deal Crisis & settle disputes
Chapter 24 – Some Common Crisis: (1) mutiny

Chapter 25 - Disputes resolution

How to be the best ruler 477

Chapter 21 – How to deal parliament members,

opposition and criticism
It includes;
1. How to deal members of parliament
2. How to deal opposition party
3. How to bear and deal Criticism
1. Members of parliament
The members of parliament are very respectable as they are
the representative of people of country whom the majority
of people have given their trust that they will work whole
heartedly for benefit of people and country. Deal the
members to ensure that they are fulfilling their purpose.
Purpose of members of parliament: They have double
responsibility i.e. to do work for the people of their
constituency and to perform their duty as member
A reality in most of countries: The members of parliament
being people representatives get huge benefits both in cash
and kind and the same are unthinkable and unbelievable
.The funny thing in this point the members both from ruling
party and opposition party proceed together for the benefit
of their own without any minimum hesitation for the
common people.
Another most important point needs worth mentioning that
only a small number of both from Government side and
opposition take part in debate. The most painful thing is
most of the members are sleeping and during their entire
478 How to be the best ruler

parliamentary carriers do not utter a single word or speak

very little while huge expenditure are being incurred for
them. Besides very often it is nestled that the poor
attendance of the members for which the Speakers express
their annoyance and the respective party leaders to their
members also express their anger.
2. How to deal opposition party
The main function of an opposition party is to force the
ruling party to function properly and fulfill their promises
made during the electoral campaign. They are very
important for any bill to pass or any law to implement.

In democracy, the role of opposition parties are equally

important like ruling party. The opposition have to detect
the major mistakes of the government and will suggest to
the government for remedial measures and will participate
in debate .They should cherish for the mistake and wrong
acts and in case of good works they should appreciate.
They don't act in such a manner that the parliaments are
suspended and the activities are not suffered

The Leader of the opposition makes a 'Shadow Cabinet' to

follow the work of government departments.
Shadow Cabinet: The Shadow Cabinet consists
of members from the main opposition party in the
parliament. Its role is to examine the work of each
government department and develop policies in their
specific areas.
3. How to bear and deal Criticism
The best way to deal opposition is to analyze their
suggestion and criticism cool heartedly. The criticism of
How to be the best ruler 479

opposition may be of two types – right or wrong. If it is

right then be positive and make changes in your policies.
But if it is wrong and unjustified which sometimes really
get under your skin,
it eats away at you over time and pinches you very deep.

Letting go is the only solution. But how?

I advise you to deal like Lincoln Ex-president USA.


Abraham Lincoln was slandered, libeled, and hated

perhaps more intensely than any other president. Lincoln
was called a coarse vulgar joker, a dictator, an ape, a
buffoon etc.
As his presidency went on, the criticism against him
increased. But he accepted most insults with dignity. How
is this possible?
Abraham Lincoln says: Any leader will be criticized. How
you handle it will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Here are four qualities, attributed to Lincoln, which
allowed him to navigate a sea of criticism and remain at
peace within himself.
1. His purpose was larger than himself: Only when he
deemed it important enough to make a difference, did he
engage the attack and offer a rebuttal and defend himself.
Otherwise, Lincoln allowed the largeness of his life
purpose to keep him focused on what really mattered.
In a letter to Cuthbert Bullitt he wrote, “I shall do nothing
in malice. What I deal with is too vast for malice dealing.”
480 How to be the best ruler

He also said, “There may sometimes be ungenerous

attempts to keep a young man down, and they will succeed,
too, if he allows his mind to be diverted from its true
channel to brood over the attempted injury.”
Takeaway: If your purpose is genuinely important to you,
no small-minded criticism will get in the way.
2. He turned to humor: Have any of you heard of any
machine, or invention, for preventing the escape of ‘gas’
from newspaper establishments? ~Abraham Lincoln
While his personality is associated more with melancholy
than humor, Lincoln was well known in his time for
cracking jokes and telling funny stories. Nothing puts
things in perspective like laughter. Nothing takes pressure
off; nothing heals like humor.
What do you need to be laughing at right now?
3. He knew himself: The most important personality trait
Lincoln possessed was self-awareness. This is what
allowed him to rise from such depths, endure such trials
and overcome so much as a leader. He knew who he was.
~Presidential Historian Gleaves Whitney.
The hardest part of taking any criticism – even unjust
criticism – is the part that happens to be true. If you get
defensive, you are protecting something. That thing you are
protecting is the heart of the issue for you.
The question is, do you have the self-awareness and the
strength of character to see it? Do you know yourself? This
may be the entire key to handling criticism.
If I am lean and toned and know it, and you call me a fatso,
what happens? I may be perplexed. I may be concerned for
How to be the best ruler 481

you. I may even be curious, but I don’t need to defend

myself. I have nothing to hide, nothing to protect.
On the other hand, if I were a bit soft around the middle, I
could get hooked by a rude comment. I react: I know I am
not obese. Actually, I’m pretty close to my ideal weight, so
why would some yahoo go popping off about my
weight? Hooked!
If I am genuinely self-aware, I can see the truth even
though it was delivered poorly, or rudely. Then, I extract
the truth and learn from it.
Are you willing to look at yourself – to learn something
about yourself and grow – even though the overall
criticism may be unfair or harsh? If not, you are missing
out on a wealth of valuable feedback. After all, how much
criticism is delivered constructively? Not much.
It takes a great deal of maturity to do this, but every time
you do, you give yourself an incredible gift. You avoid
stress and resentment and learn something new – every
single time.
4. He was mature, therefore compassionate: Historian
William Lee Miller noted that through “development of a
conscious, mature discipline, Lincoln came to be unusually
respectful in his personal conduct of the dignity and
independence of the human beings with whom he dealt.”
A wise man once defined maturity as “knowing other
people are real.” When you are mature, you see people
differently than immature people do. You could also say it
like this: When you see others as people like yourself, you
are mature. Take your pick!
482 How to be the best ruler

The point is, to the mature, others are simply people. Not
monsters. Not gods. Just imperfect people, each with his or
her own struggles in life.
So, when other people screw up, you are more likely to
treat them how you’d want to be treated. The golden rule is
not for the immature. The psychological benefits of having
compassion escape immature people. One of those benefits
involves letting go of resentment toward them for doing
things you have probably done many times yourself.
How to be the best ruler 483

Chapter 22 How to deal pressure groups

To deal pressure group or disturbing organizations;
following are the suggestions;
1. Identify and take information completely about it.
2. Analyze its power, how much it can cause trouble?
Take information about its power in all senses i.e.
total number of persons, total number of supporters
inside country and also outside country and who are
those. Its power of weapons, economical condition
and its economic support and supporters (continuous
and intermittent), nature & level of relations with
other groups, forces, government officials or
3. Take information of its weak points. Make a plan to
take in use of those weak points.
4. To take information and also for other purposes, send
your secret service agents to become the member of
that group and or make its members as your informer.
5. Use divide and Rule technique: Create some problem
in that group i.e. of leadership, religious or any other
major problem and take benefit of that i.e. by making
base to that problem, try to make groups in it and so
divide that group and so weak that group.
6. By the help of media, make a plan and apply it to do
propaganda against that group so that you can show
to public the real picture of that group.
7. Weaken the group stepwise if some government
servants are its members, transfer them to some
remote area or terminate them.
484 How to be the best ruler

8. Take advice from your think tanks, cabinet,

parliament & advisors.
9. Do meetings with the relevant groups in country.
Arrange an international meeting if disturbing group
matter is of international level.
10. Trace and uplift its anti-group, Give some facility to
the anti-group. But don’t let anti-group to be strong
enough to be problem for the government.
11. Dialogue with heads of that group. If they have some
genuine and justified problems regarding people or
otherwise, solve those problem, and then be ensure to
limit the activities of the group.
12. Create a great lobby in your favor and against that
group on every sector and at public level.
13. An all party conference can also be called, take
advice and then act accordingly.
14. If with all peaceful steps still pressure group remains
a troublesome problem for country or government
then in last use power against it. But before starting
power action, ensure that you have created a strong
favoring Lobby and atmosphere in our favor and
against that group all over, So that your action would
be supported on large scale.

Chapter 23: How to deal Crisis & settle disputes

How to be the best ruler 485

Characteristics of a crisis
Types of Crisis
Basic requirement for crisis solution:
1. Sincerity & seriousness to solve crisis
2. Focus attention towards the crisis.
3. Courage to take bold steps
4. Avoid or be careful to involve in or create any other issue.
5. Control yourself regarding supporters.
6. Pray to God. (How God helps)
Resources to be helpful in crisis
1. Take benefit of media
2. Facilitators, Friends, Supporters, persons, groups,
Basic ability of a ruler to deal crisis
1. Ability to bear stress
2. Keep your head cool & feet hot
3. Don’t lose temper.
Solutions to crisis
1. 3-A formula
- Assessment
- Analysis
- Action
486 How to be the best ruler

2. First have the right vision, then deal tactfully

3. Tady Roosevelt’s method; make an ideal
4. Lincoln’s Method
5. Obama’s method; search in History
6. Johnson’s Method
7. Dr. Mahathir Mohammad’s Method
8. Lobby making.
9. Formula of complete thoughtful loneliness
10. Don’t be rigid i.e. accept demands if suitable
11. Take benefit of media.
12. All party conference.
Tips for solutions to political crisis

Definition of crisis
Crisis is an unstable situation of extreme danger or
difficulty. Or Crisis is any event that is or expected to lead
How to be the best ruler 487

to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an

individual, group, community or whole society.
It is a term meaning “a Testing Time” or “an emergency
They say; “crisis enables you to identify and differentiate
sincere & faithful from cheaters & traitors in your

Characteristics of a Crisis
1. It creates uncertainty
2. Is seen as a threat to important goals
3. An emergency need felt to do serious & quick effort.
4. Expected or unexpected: natural crisis i.e. flood,
volcano & storm, etc. are mostly expected But when
men fail to note the onset of crisis, then it may be
unexpected e.g. tsunami. While crisis created by man
are mostly expected but when one fails to judge
persons & situation then crisis would be unexpected.
Types of Crisis
1. Natural:- Flood, Storm
2. Created by Man:-
(i) Poverty related: i.e. unemployment, under
employment etc. Which lead to depression, malnutrition,
illness and at last death?
(ii) Economics Crisis:
It is a sharp transition to recession e.g.
488 How to be the best ruler

1994 - Economic crisis of Mexico.

1997 -Financial crisis of Asia
1999-2002 – Economic Crisis of Argentine
2002 – Economic crisis of South America.
(iii) Other Crisis: i.e. Political crisis, terrorism.
(iv) Crisis to sovereignty: Two types
1- Crisis which are dangerous for government
and sovereignty i.e. Mutiny, pressure
groups or whole region creating crisis, etc.
2- Crisis which is not dangerous to sovereignty
but even then it creates great trouble and
needs immediate attention to be solved.
(v) Disputes

Basic requirements for crisis solution

1. Sincerity & seriousness to solve crisis
2. Focus attention towards the crisis.
3. Avoid or be careful to involve in or create any other issue.
4. Control yourself regarding supporters.
5. Pray to God. (How God helps)

1. Sincerity (100% political will): It may be surprising but

there are some governments who don’t want to solve the
crisis or problems of their country. They take different steps
and actions apparently to show their sincerity to public but
the level of actions is not up to standard i.e. insufficient to
How to be the best ruler 489

solve the problems. Their policy is this that “The issue must
remain alive” because their politics is based on those issues.
Hitler writes in his book “my struggle” that the government
who is not solving the problems of their citizens that is due
to two reasons:
i. Either the ruling persons are not sincere i.e. they do not
want to solve the problems of people.
ii. Or they have no ability to solve the problems.
So in any case, they are not justified to rule so should be
So sincerity & seriousness of ruler and its companion to
solve crisis is the main requirement i.e. hundred percent
political will is necessary otherwise result will not be
2. Focus attention towards the crisis
The ruler should keep crisis and its solution at top priority
and focus all abilities and concentration of his executives,
advisory council and other related, towards the solution of
crisis. It is a fact that when we focus attention towards a
certain thing or project, it increases the brain work which
gives new ideas for solution of crisis. It also increases the
power of action and also decreases the wastage of time.
3. Avoid, be careful to involve in or create any other
major issue: When a ruler is facing a crisis, then he should
490 How to be the best ruler

be very careful i.e. not to open any other front or create any
other issue or involve directly or indirectly in any attention
taking or diverting matter.
It has been observed that if a person is dealing with one matter
whole heartedly, the probability of success ranges between 80-
90% but if he is dealing two matters at a time, the chances of
success is reduced to 60-70% and if he deals 3-4 problems at a
time, the chances are further reduced to 40-60%. This happens
due to the diversion of attention which distributes the power to
solution and so on to success.
4- Control yourself regarding supporters
A ruler is in a great need of supporters in crisis so he should
control his behavior, not to lose any supporter, rather
improve his behavior to increase the supporters.
5. Pray to God
Praying to God, both at individual and collective level has
the miraculous effects and most important element for the
solution of all problems and crisis. For this, strong and
utmost faith in God is necessary.
Pray benefits by two means.
i. When you pray with your extreme attention, faith and
humility, it gives you a feeling that God has listened you and
will help you. Hence a sense of satisfaction develops that the
strongest power of the universe is with you and so nothing
How to be the best ruler 491

to worry. Net result is this that with satisfaction, a sense of

courage is produced in your personality.
ii. How God helps: God really helps and in any of the
following ways;
(i) By giving the idea to act which is the key to success.
(ii) By unseen helping forces.
(iii) By decreasing the obstacles.
(iv) By creating more supporting behaviors of your
companions and supporters.
(v) By increasing the number of supporters.
(vi) By putting such ideas in the minds of opponents which
when acted upon results in defeat.
(vii) By any other method which is beyond our expectations.
They say; “Sincere struggle, pray to God and good
companions are guarantee to success”
Note: History is full of such events when in some crisis, ruler and
his companions struggled sincerely, prayed to God, appealed to
nations of the world for pray and help. Result was always in
success, by the grace of God. i.e. in all natural crisis e.g. earth
quakes, floods etc. always whole world helped in such instances.
This method can also be successful in all other crisis which are
created by man i.e. unemployment, poverty, terrorism, crime,
shortage of resources i.e. electricity, water, technology &
education etc. so don’t forget to act on this method.
Sources to be helpful in crisis: Count and analyze all
sources which can be helpful to solve crisis e.g.
492 How to be the best ruler

1. Media
2. Facilitators, Friends, Supporters, persons, groups &
countries etc.
Basic abilities of a ruler to deal a crisis
1. Ability to bear stress
2. Keep your head cool and feet Hot
3. Don’t lose your heart
4. Courage to take bold steps.
1. Ability to bear stress
The ruler who can’t bear the tension & stress, he cannot be
the man of crisis so tolerance and threshold level of ruler
should be very high and strong so as to bear, face and
struggle continuously for solution of crisis. If the ruler
doesn’t have strong nerves and mind power, no technique
will be helpful.
2. Keep your head cool and feet Hot: this is a saying of
George Bernard Shaw – A great writer of England, which
(i) Keep head cool means that don’t be emotional, keep
control over your emotions and thoughts otherwise you may
do some gross mistake.
(ii) Hot feet indicate action and continuous action, as it is
known that continuity of action is the main key to success.
How to be the best ruler 493

3. Don’t lose your heart: Also don’t lose your temper.

Remember that; “to every crisis there is a solution”. Only
you have to face it with full preparation, determination and
4. Courage to take bold steps: Bold steps are necessary to
be taken to solve the crisis. So it is necessary that the ruler
must have courage to take bold steps.
Different methods to solve the Crisis
There are different methods adapted with success by
different rulers which they and their think tanks thought
suitable according to their country and circumstances. A
ruler may choose one or more than one method as he thinks
The methods are as follows;

1. 3-A formula; Assessment, Analysis, Action.

2. First have the right vision, then deal tactfully.
3. Tady Roosevelt’s method; make an ideal.
4. Lincoln’s Method.
5. Obama’s method; search in History.
6. Johnson’s Method.
7. Dr. Mahathir Mohammad’s Method.
494 How to be the best ruler

8. Lobby making.
9. Formula of complete thoughtful loneliness.
10. Don’t be rigid i.e. accept demands if suitable.
11. Take benefit of media.
12. All party conference.

1. 3-A formula
A – Assessment of Crisis in detail
A – Analysis of crisis solutions, then choice of the
A – Action timely and monitoring
Assessment means to take sufficient information about
crisis i.e. causes, past and present situation, persons involved
and affected, also strength of crisis etc. Also assess the
ultimate end result or damage that may occur, how the end
result can be prevented, how much time limit is available.
Secondly count and analyze all required & the available
resources helpful to solve the crisis i.e. persons, groups of
people, forces, departments, media and countries, which
may help and support in crisis in any way i.e. by man,
money, material or moral support etc.
Thirdly what are the possible solutions to the crisis? Write
in detail these solutions.
Analysis means to analyze the possible solutions, their
merits and demerits.
How to be the best ruler 495

Analyze the required and available resources, also analyze

the methodology to compensate or recover the deficient
resources with reference to solutions. Then choose the best
solution to act upon.
Action: To take action timely and effectively is very
important along with regular monitoring to achieve the
excellent results, then action again according to monitoring.
2 - First have the right vision then deal tactfully
First have the right vision means that first step to deal a crisis
is to take the correct information of the incident with all
respects so that the situation may become crystal clear.
Secondly, the situation must not be handled emotionally, but
decently in a tactful and planned manner, keeping in view
the results of your action.
Once, caliph (King) of Abbasi family Motozid Billa1 was
reported by his informers that a group of persons used to talk
against the government at Taqi gate of Baghdad city near
river Dajla. This group consisted of villagers, citizens and
some high ranked persons and their strength was increasing
day by day. The caliph became very upset and called at once
his minister Abdullah Suleman, and ordered him to inquire
and understand it completely and report back to caliph
earliest. After getting the report, the caliph asked for the
solution. The minister said;
“Your highness; arrest some persons from them. Hang till
death to some persons and throw the rest into the river.
Because the strong punishments tune the people not to
commit crime and then the people all over the country
become frightened from government”.
496 How to be the best ruler

The Caliph was very wise; he said to minister:

“By suggesting so much strong punishments for my own
public, you have teased me. Don’t you know that public is
trust of God given to a ruler and about which ruler would be
asked by God on Judgment day that how nicely or badly the
ruler had dealt his masses”?
Then the caliph ordered for detailed inquiry. He came to
know that most of them were unemployed so caliph ordered
to arrange employment for them. Some of them were poor
but were not able to work due to their physical problems.
They were given scholarship on regular basis by the
government. Some persons were not poor but used to come
there to pass their time. They were told nicely to beware and
be alert that caliph had come to know about their misdeeds,
so be careful. They left to come at that place. Then only a
small number of persons were left, who were the real bone
of contention. They were called and warned strictly.
So due to wisdom of caliph Moatzid Billa, a crisis was
settled peacefully without any blood shedding. Caliph dealt
the situation tactfully after having the right vision of crisis.

3. Roosevelt’s method; make an Ideal: Think of your ideal

personality in a way that if he would have been in your
situation, what steps he probably have taken and how. This
“How” is very important because most of the time, it is not
the action but how the action is taken, is more important. In
the same way, it is not the words you use, but how and in
which tone, you use the words matters more.
Theodore Roosevelt2 USA ex- president; had installed the
photograph of Abraham Lincoln USA ex-President; in his
room. In every difficult situation Roosevelt used to sit in
front of photograph of Lincoln, thinking that if Lincoln had
How to be the best ruler 497

been in the same situation. How he would have tackled the

situation then after thinking that, Roosevelt used to act upon
the same. This was the belief of Roosevelt that the results of
most of the decisions made by this method were perfect.

4. Lincoln’s Methods: Ibrahim Lincoln3 (USA ex-

President) had the habit that in difficult situation or crisis he
used to call his friend who was chief justice Supreme Court
of USA and talked fluently in front of him, describing all
aspects of the situation along with all possible solutions.
Chief Justice used to remain silent, only listening, giving full
chance to Lincoln to speak.
During speaking on all aspects, Lincoln used to get the
answer of the difficult situation and felt himself able to
This method indicates that a trustworthy person (who may
understand the critical level of situation) is required whom
all the situation is cleared in detail. Due to this activity, the
abilities of brain awaken and brain works at high level of
wisdom. And at such stage, a suitable answer comes like a
wave in the brain which is the solution to crisis.
5. Obama’s method; Search in History
Most of the Problems, incidents and crises are those which
already had happened somewhere, sometime in history and
a wise ruler would have solved that crisis decently, nicely,
positively and successfully. You are only to search that in
history and then by acting on the principles and methods
adapted by that wise ruler, you can also succeed.
President USA Barak Obama’s government faced a great
financial crisis in 2008 which was very similar to the
financial crisis faced by the franklin D Roosevelt (ex-
498 How to be the best ruler

president USA) government in 1931. So Barak Obama very

wisely acted upon the same principles and methods adapted
by Roosevelt and so got the right line of action.
6. Johnson’s Method: The method to deal crisis adapted
by London B Johnson (USA ex-President) as described in
his biography written by booth mooni is as follows:
“Whenever there occurred a critical situation in my political
life. I adapted this formula and always succeeded.
“First of all, I used to rush to that person who had the
maximum knowledge about that problem. After taking the
sufficient knowledge, I traced the person who is then best to
take advice”. After doing this, I mostly was able to decide
correctly and so succeeded in most of the critical cases”.
7. Dr. Mahathir’s Mohammad’s method: Dr.
Mahathir Mohammad ex-prime minister of Malaysia told
the Author that I always dealt the problems and crisis in the
same way, as a doctor deals the patient to treat his disease.
(1) First of all take history of the crisis as a doctor takes the
history of disease of patient. Take complete knowledge from
all aspects including past, present situation with affecting
(2)Investigation: Like in disease, investigate the crisis to
know further details i.e. causes and strength of the crisis.
(3) Checkup: Personally or by your means; check the
situation and spot of crisis.
(4) Diagnosis: After taking complete information make a
How to be the best ruler 499

(5) Treatment choices: Then count and analyze the

different choices of solutions same as in disease doctor
analyze the different choices of treatment then choose the
best solution so as to act upon.
(6) Planning: Make a plan to implement the final and
decided solution, along with the steps and how to
(7) Implementation: Implement the plan.
(8) Monitoring and corrective measures according to
monitoring as the doctors do follow up of diseases.
By acting on this principle, Dr. Mahathir Mohammad told
Author that he solved all the problems of his government
including great currency crisis 1997 of Malaysia.
The Great currency crisis 1997 of Asia started from
Thailand when the currency dealers pressurized the Thai
government to withdraw its control over the exchange rate
of its currency “Baht” with the Dollar. Resultantly the Baht
was collapsed which affected the other countries mainly and
more severely Indonesia, South Korea, Philippine and
Malaysia while other Asian countries were less affected.
The gamblers of currency started selling off the Asian
currency on large scale which resulted speedy downfall of
Asian currency values of affected countries.
Thai Baht value reduced to 55%, Indonesian Rupee 80% and
Malaysian Ringgit 40%. It also collapsed the stock markets
of these countries.
Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (then Prime Minister of Malaysia)
analyzed the whole situation and tackled this crisis on the
500 How to be the best ruler

same formula mentioned earlier (i.e. as doctor deals the

patient and disease).
The steps taken to solve the crisis were as follows.
1. Exchange rate of Ringgit to Dollar was fixed at 3.80 i.e.
fixed or frozen currency exchange system.
2. Selective foreign exchange control.
3. De-internationalization of the Ringgit.
4. Strong attempts made to bring back the reserves of
Malaysian Money from abroad.
All these steps put an end to currency fluctuations.
The other steps taken were:
The interest rates in banks were significantly reduced,
allowing firms and consumers to breathe again and then to
borrow; thus improving investments and consumptive
The Banks were encouraged to increase lending and
government boosted its spending, to get the economy
moving again.
The new ordinances were imposed on stock market i.e. to
protect the shares from short selling, a binding was imposed
that shares can’t be sold out before one year after purchase
and secondly the transfer of shares were made necessary on
the name of purchaser.
And so the crisis was resolved. The special appreciating
factor was this that Malaysia did not turn to IMF for Loan,
Rather refused to the helping Loan offer by IMF.
How to be the best ruler 501

8. Lobby making: Make a list of all facilitators,

Friends, Supporters, persons, groups & countries. Then
make a helpful supporting lobby, which should be strong,
consist of related & influential ones. Lobby is strong &
successful if you become successful in creating an
environment in your favor throughout, at every place where
it is needed.
Four methods are used:
i. Meeting personally to essentials.
ii. By media.
iii. Rat campaign: Rat campaign at mass level is relatively
difficult but it creates very good favoring result. For this, a
large team of intelligent persons are needed. These persons
spread your views in all sectors.
iv. By pamphlet distribution on large scale. Pamphlets are
designed very intelligently using suitable & effective words,
which are able to stimulate the hearts & brains of readers,
keeping in view the sensitivity, talent & qualification of
9. Complete thoughtful loneliness: If you give daily some
time to yourself alone, giving impartial, free hand to your
brain in complete relaxed position you will get ideas to:-
1. Solve your problems.
2. Develop your personality and your country.
3. Prepare you mentally to tackle difficult situation and
difficult persons.
All this happens surely due to the miraculous power of brain
which finds its way when it is given regularly, an impartial,
free hand to think positively and sincerely.
502 How to be the best ruler

10. Don’t be rigid (accept demands if suitable & genuine)

Sometimes the crisis is based on genuine demands. In such
cases, don’t be rigid, accept the demands.
It is said that the first strike in the world was done by the
laborers of pharaoh of Egypt. The pharaoh ordered for the
killing of all laborers but his minister said that “your
highness first understand the case, the laborers demand only
an onion in lunch for each laborer”. The pharaoh said: Oh;
only this demand, then he ordered to accept the demand.

11. Take Benefit of Media: Media can benefit in all

types of crisis. A ruler can never be successful if he does not
know the art of taking
1. Benefit from media
2. Benefit by media and also method of giving,
3. Benefit to media within certain limits.
They say that it is not sufficient that you are right and true.
Rather it is also important that how, in which way and how
much influentially (i.e. forcefully, calmly or lovely
according to situation) you present yourself, your
truthfulness and your views to media and to public directly
and through media.
12. All party conference (APC): In all crisis of national
level; call all political parties conference to take confidence
of all political parties. Describe situation of crisis and take
their advice. Implement the decisions made in APC.
Tips for solutions for political crisis
Keep in mind all above mentioned methods, following may
also be considered.
How to be the best ruler 503

Positive Methods
1. Always the first solution ; Dialogue (discussed in “Disputes”
section of same chapter)

2. Don’t be rigid i.e. accept demands if suitable & genuine.

(mentioned above)
3. Lobby making- making favoring group or an alliance.
(mentioned above)
4. All Parties conference. (mentioned above)
5. Psychological approach; propaganda
6. Taking Benefit of Influential persons of country or
7. Use of power - The last option.
8. Divide and rule (discussed in chapter; how to deal people)
Negative Methods
1. Lobby Making (discussed above)
2. Divide and rule (discussed in chapter; how to deal
3. Diversion therapy
4. Use of money
5. Social boycott
6. Use of power - The last option.
504 How to be the best ruler

Note: The technique of “divide and rule” is positive as

well as negative. It depends upon its use, intention and
purpose (positive or negative) for which it is used.
3. Diversion therapy
This is very common practice of governments. It may be
short term or long term. It is of two types.
i. In any crisis, when government fails to find any solution,
then government creates herself another issue to divert the
attention of public from the real or prevailing issue.
ii. Government puts public in so much trouble that they
become disturbed and busy in their problems and forget to
think about the corruption of government i.e. inflation and
shortage of daily utilities etc. are produced artificially.
4. Use of money: money is used to attract, change and
divert the persons of opposition. It is a very common
5. Social boycott: Countries unite to boycott any country
for some positive or negative purpose.
How to be the best ruler 505

Chapter 24: Some Common Crisis e.g. mutiny

1. Basic strategy to rule and to be safe from mutiny
Two types of methods were adapted i.e. cruel & peaceful
methods. The author supports peaceful method to be
Cruel Methods
Chandra Gupt Mouria1 (321-296 B.C) king of India used
to act upon the Rule “Rule of Punishment.”
Even for small crime, strict punishment was given. Cruel
methods were used. If the accused person did not agree to
his crime, he was given strict and continuous punishment
until he accepted. No criminal was spared from punishment.
Due to this Rule of punishment, People were very much
Genghis khan (1167-1220) made the principle to kill a
sufficient number of people after conquering; about one
fourth of the population of the city. Heads, legs, hands and
bodies were cut separately and thrown on the roads and
streets for days.
He was of the view that by this method, the defensive
power of people and soldiers and the intention to fight,
both were defeated and then remain no problem to rule
over rest of the people and city. In the rules written in
“Tora Genghisi”2 one rule is written that;
“When King Conquers one new city, then first he must
order to kill the population on large scale then order for
peace and make one local ruler to take care.”
506 How to be the best ruler

Genghis Khan always acted upon this principle. In those

days rebellion and conspiracy was so common that no king
or state was safe so keeping in view of this situation
Genghis Khan acted upon this principle to frighten the
people and so remained successful.
King Suleman”s method: The Turkish king Suleman had
to face a lot of mutinies. He always dealt forcefully. Once a
group named “Yani Chari” of his armed forces created a
great disturbance and destroyed a major part of city of
Istanbul, also attacked on the palace of sultan. King
Suleman invited their leaders for dialogues and killed them
at the spot. Then King announced an increase in salary and
a lot of facilities for all soldiers of “Yani Chari”. The
mutiny was so finished.

Peaceful Methods
(1) In religious states, it is comparatively easy to rule
because state affairs are run by religious rules which are
predetermined, mostly unchangeable and very strong. The
Ruler is supposed to be the assistant and representative of
God. He should only have to abide by the rules of religion
on country and also on himself.
(2) The network of secret service and intelligence agencies
are made so much powerful and influential that
everywhere, every person feels to be watched and heard.
(3) To exile: In history, it was practiced in different
countries, that persons, suspected to cause any problem for
government, were exiled. But this method was not always
(4) Sultan Allaudin Khilji’s Method3
How to be the best ruler 507

Sultan Allaudin Khilji (1296-1316) of India had to face

four Mutinies. He successfully tackled. But after that he
made a research commission to know the real cause of
The commission in its report indicated following causes.
1. Secret service system of King is very incompetent
due to which King is unable to get the real
information of country.
2. The meetings (with wine) of the higher ranking
persons of country in which after intoxicated with
wine, they talk against the government.
3. Interpersonal marriages between the higher ranks
which created strong relationship in between them
to act together.
4. Too much prosperity of public
To cover up all these reasons;
1. King improved his secret service so much that King
became aware of every happening in country. Spies
entered in the homes of special persons as servants
and started reporting to King all over country.
People became careful and frightened.
2. Meetings of higher ranks were shortened and
restricted. Wine and other addictions were
prohibited. Strict punishments were announced.
3. For marriages government’s permission was
imposed as necessary.
4. High Taxes were imposed so that people may not
have a lot of money.
508 How to be the best ruler

Other successful methods

1. British method to rule on India and other conquered
Britain ruled successfully for about 200 years on India.
- Britain gave religious liberty to all religions.
- Developed the country, built roads, buildings.
- Created fear of government by giving punishment before
public i.e. whipping and hanged till death to all rebels.
- Divide and rule policy.
2. Imam Khomini’s method
After revolution in Iran in 1960 Imam Khomini ordered to
kill all those persons who were reported against the
objectives of religious revolution. It is said that all this was
done with good intention & not to take any revenge. The
list of persons to be killed was made with research and
care, with good intention and impartiality.
References 24 mutiny
1. Hundred great kings by John Kening.
2. History of Islam by Akbar Shah Najeeb Abadi.
3. Indo Pak History by Abdullah Malik.
How to be the best ruler 509

Chapter 25: How to resolve disputes

UNO’s instructions to solve political crisis or
UNO in its charter, chapter VI, Pacific settlement of
disputes article 33 states:
(1) the parties to any dispute, the continuation of which
is likely to endanger the maintenance of international
peace and security, shall first of all seek a solution by
negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation,
arbitration judicial settlement, resort to regional
agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of
their own choice.
(2) The Security Council shall, when it deems
necessary, call upon the parties to settle their disputes
by such means i.e. Alternate dispute resolutions (ADR).
ADR are the methods to resolve disputes outside the
Judicial process peacefully without any fight or war,
also called external dispute resolution.

First and always the first approach should be negotiation by
meeting and mutual dialogue, for the solution of all types
and all level of disputes i.e. individual, collective, national
and international level. A ruler has to face a lot of crisis and
disputes, so he must be master of dealings & dialogue with
all types of persons i.e. ranging from public to VVIP’s at
national and international level.
510 How to be the best ruler

Dialogue is a power and an effective, unseen weapon if used

properly and tactfully. To achieve wanted result by
dialogues, one should be master of the art of convincing and
negotiation which is a matter of great patience, tolerance,
courage, discipline, technique, skill, knowledge and

Benefits: It is always better to observe and analyze every

dispute not only according to your interest but also
according to the interest of other party, other country or
other countries. By meeting and dialogues, one gets chance
to understand the viewpoint of the other party and so a
solution to crisis can be found by understanding which may
be acceptable to both parties.
Basic requirements: To be master in dialogue and
negotiation; following are the requirements needed to be

1. Control your emotions and speech: The most important

requirement in dialogue & negotiation is to control your
emotions and speech i.e. control your emotions otherwise
you would not be able to think properly. Secondly control
your speech, otherwise you would not be able to deliver and
act properly.

They say “More you have control on your speech &

emotions, more you are able to deal people successfully”.
How to be the best ruler 511

2. Planned dealing: Best dealing is the planned dealing,

according to situation, circumstances and person to deal. So
before dealing, think and make a plan in your mind; keeping
in mind the short term & long term objectives & outcomes.

3. Physical & mental freshness: You should be physically

& mentally fresh to be fit for doing dialogue and to talk with
difficult persons. This is necessary because physical &
mental tiredness effects on intellectual thinking for the time

4. Be high alert during dialogue: Keep yourself mentally

high alert during dealing as change may need according to
change in situation, speech and behavior of person being
dealt. So focus continuously on speech & body language of
person being dealt.

5. Don’t adapt one strategy and one method always. It must

be changed always with the change of person/persons to deal
and with the change in situation. So the art would be to;

i. Understand the person/persons to deal by having possible

knowledge about him/them. While dealing keep in mind the
nature, caliber, relation with person and expected response
of person to be dealt. Also remember that; persons and their
behavior also change time to time and situation to situation.

ii. Understand the situation & circumstances, with up to date

512 How to be the best ruler

Factors to be considered for preparation and to do


For preparing the context of dialogue and deciding the tone

of speech, the following factors must be kept in mind.

1. Objectives and goals: First determine the objectives and

goals of dialogues
2. Expected outcome: Estimation is made about the
expected outcome of dialogue.
3. Level to agree or settlement: A level is pre decided, up
to which you agree to settle the crisis.
4. Relative Status of the Opponent: The context of the
dialogue should be prepared carefully according to status &
nature of the opponent persons to be dialogued. In the same
way tone of the speech is also settled accordingly. A ruler
has to make dialogue with a variety of persons, e.g.
- Ruler of other country.
- Foreign minister, ambassador, or any other representative
of other country or
- Ministers, heads of political parties, religious leaders,
heads of strong groups or heads of business community of
his own country.
Some other important factors are as follows:
How to be the best ruler 513

1. Relative Status of the country, group or political

party: Relative status of the country, group or political party
is very important to be considered e.g. there is a great
difference of situation i.e. to dialogue with a ruler of third
world country & to dialogue with a ruler of super power.

2. Personality of the opponent

3. Intention and attitude of opponent
4. Bearing capacity of opponent
5. Nature & sensitivity of issue: i.e. what is the nature and
sensitivity of the issue to be discussed and also how much
this issue is important for you and your country?
6. Circumstances and your position: Circumstances
matters a lot i.e. how much it is in you favor or against.
Preparation of Dialogue for Negotiation: (1) Take
sufficient knowledge of crisis/ dispute. Also take knowledge
of view point of other party.

(2) Discuss with your companions, think tanks and

stakeholders to plan and prepare the strategy and draft for
dialogue and extent of negotiation.

(3) Write step wise in detail with strong and supporting

points, also write briefly key points.
514 How to be the best ruler

Outcomes of Dialogue
There are five possible outcomes of dialogue i.e.
Position 1 Position 2
(First Party) (Second party)
1. Win Win
2. Win Loose
3. Loose Win
4. Loose Loose
5. No Deal
Best outcome of Dialogue
Win-win outcome is the best policy and best outcome. The
author highly appreciates those persons and rulers who adapt
win-win policy and bring win-win outcome.

Shimla agreement between India and Pakistan 2nd July,

1972 was win-win outcome of dialogues between Zulfiqar
Ali Bhutto, then prime minister of Pakistan and Indira
Gandhi, then prime minister of India. Both leaders and their
nations were happy and satisfied by the results of this
dialogue session at Shimla city of India.
The Shimla agreement was followed from the war between
the two nations in the year 1970. That had led to the
How to be the best ruler 515

independence of East Pakistan as Bangladesh. The

agreement laid the principles that governed their future
relations i.e. it bounds the two nations “to settle their
differences by peaceful means through bilateral
Another example of win-win outcome was Marine Border2
dispute between Norway & Russia in the Barents Sea since
1978. It was settled, when Jens Stoltenberg the prime
minister of Norway and Dimitry Medvedev the president of
Russia signed an agreement on 27th April 2010 in Oslo. The
agreement is a Compromise, which divides the disputed area
of around 175,000 Km into two approximately equal sized
Other Options of outcome of Dialogue
The option win-lose, and lose-win can never be appreciable.
Because the losing party (whosoever is the party) cannot
bear its defeat and surely try to turn its defeat to success that
means problem is not completely solved or if that losing
country is a weak country and the winning country is some
super power or powerful country. In such case, the weak
country cannot win so a phase of depression spreads all over
the people of that country which produces hatred against the
winning country. So this is not a good or appreciable
situation. The ex-foreign minister of USA Dr. Henry
Kissinger was very famous as an expert of dialogue and
table-talk. His policy was to achieve win-lose outcome,
which was miserable for the other country.
The option lose-lose is bilateral defeat so totally
unacceptable to any party.
The option “No deal” is also not good as there is no solution.
You only postpone the solution.
516 How to be the best ruler

Note: in all disputes, it is better to continue the dialogue

sessions until win – win solution is achieved. The continuity
of dialogue session will prevent and protect both parties
from the dangerous outcome i.e. war etc.

Historical experts of Table Talk

- Mohammad Ali Jinnah; Founder of Pakistan
- Mohan Das Gandhi (Indian Leader)
- Henry Kissinger – Foreign minister of USA.
- Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, ex-prime minister of Pakistan
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was so good in table talk that it is said
that Henry Kissinger used to say that there are some leaders
in the world for whom I have to prepare very carefully when
I have to dialogue with them and Bhutto is one of them.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah was so good in table-talk that he
convinced the representatives of British government that the
formation of a separate country for Muslims of India (i.e.
Pakistan) is very necessary. So in 1947, when British
government gave independence to India, she divided it in
two parts; India and Pakistan as two independent countries.

There are three strategies commonly adapted according to
circumstances, the third one is best.
1. Diplomacy for complications
2. Diplomacy for Delay
How to be the best ruler 517

3. Diplomacy for solution of dispute.

1. Diplomacy for complications: Any one or both parties
do not intend in fact to solve the dispute but to show to the
world their sincerity. They conduct the dialogue sessions
but complicate the situation by different methods i.e. (i) start
discussing other issues which are not related to current issue
or (ii) complicate the issue by demanding unfairly. (iii)
Present the issue in a very complicated way, which looks an
impossible task.

2. Diplomacy for Delay (Delaying tactics): Delaying

tactics are adapted (i) when one party feels that its position
is weak, (ii) or the party needs some time to be in a better
position in near future (iii) or only to tease the other party so
much that other party withdraw itself.

3. Diplomacy for solution of dispute: Both parties

genuinely and fairly wishing to solve the dispute, then
mostly the dispute is resolved.

When dispute is not resolved or seems not resolving by
dialogue then the method of mediation is adapted. Mediation
is a way of resolving disputes between the two parties, by
518 How to be the best ruler

the help of a third party called “The mediator” who is

uninvolved, impartial mostly a superior and respectable one.
The mediator is only to help and facilitate both parties to
reach a reasonable settlement. Mediator is not to enforce
power or pressure to any or both parties for settlement.

e.g. In 1965; war between India and Pakistan was settled to

an end by mediation at Tashkent, a city of Russia. The
Mediator was Kossigen then prime minister of Russia. From
Pakistan side Mohammad Ayub Khan then president of
Pakistan and from India side Lal Bahader Shastri then prime
minister of India signed the pact called Tashkent pact.
Conciliation is an alternate dispute resolution (ADR)
process whereby the parties to a dispute agree to utilize the
services of a conciliator who then meets the parties
separately in an attempt to resolve their differences.

It differs from mediation i.e. in conciliation the parties seldom

actually face each other across the table in the presence of
conciliator, while in mediation both parties resolve their dispute
by mutual dialogue with the help of mediator.

It is a legal technique for resolution of disputes outside the
courts where the parties to a dispute agree to refer it to one
or more persons (the Arbitrator) by whose decision, they
How to be the best ruler 519

agree to be bound. It is a settlement technique, in which the

third party i.e. the arbitrator reviews the dispute, may make
an enquiry for sufficient knowledge and then imposes a
decision that is legally binding for both sides.

Collaborative Law
In this, each party has an attorney who facilitates the
resolution process within specifically contracted terms. The
parties reach agreement with support of attorneys and
mutually agreed experts. No one imposes a resolution on the
parties. However, the process is a formulized process that is
part of the litigation and court system rather than being an
alternate resolution methodology. It is a litigation variant
that happens to rely on ADR like attitudes and processes.

References. Crisis & disputes

1- Family magazine Pakistan- 30 jan-5 Feb 2005.
2- How to influence people and develop self-confidence by public
speaking - by Dale Carnegie
3- Dale Carnegie
520 How to be the best ruler
How to be the best ruler 521

Subsection 6
People and their problems
Chapter 26 - How to give relief and deal people
I. How to give relief to people

II. How people will like/love ruler

III. How people can feel your need as ruler

IV. How to deal people

Chapter 27 – Security
Causes of crime
How to Control Crimes; (Crime Control)
Chapter 28 – Unemployment
Chapter 29 – Poverty eradication
Chapter 30 - Price Control
Chapter 31 - Corruption.
Chapter 32 - Electricity shortage
522 How to be the best ruler
How to be the best ruler 523

Chapter 26 How to give relief & deal People

This chapter includes;
I. How to give relief to people
II. How people will like/love ruler
III. How people can feel your need as ruler
IV. How to deal people

I. How to give relief to people

Remember that people of your country are not your
subordinates, so dealing with people should be different.
Never forget that you are ruler only to take care and serve
the people. This is why good rulers think and declare
themselves as a servant of people, not master of people. But
this declaration should not be political statement rather it
should be in fact practically in active form. Don’t be the boss
of your people. Your attitude towards public should be
facilitative, helping and co-operative. You should try
your best to solve the problems of your people and country.
Before getting power, leaders talk about the needs and
problems of people and also make great promises to solve
them. But as they get power, they stop talking in that way.
They change their wordings and tone. They put all the blame
on previous government.
524 How to be the best ruler

It is crystal clear that the people give their vote only due to
their expectations that the voted person will work for them
and their needs. So the ruler should work for providing basic
needs & to solve the problems of people.
Basic needs and problems of common people in most of
countries are still limited.
Common needs & problems of Common Man
1. Security (i) from terrorism, (ii) Crime control
2. Justice.
3. Poverty.
4. Provision of basic necessities at affordable prices i.e.
electricity, water, food, dress and residence.
3. Employment or Business opportunities.
4. Price control specially kitchen goods.
5. Affordable uninterrupted supply of electricity, water,
natural gas, phone (mobile), internet.
6. Affordable facilities for availability of primary and higher
7. Affordable, approachable, available, standard health
8. Affordable facility of transport.
9. Affordable recreational facilities.
How to be the best ruler 525

Most of these problems can be solved to some extent by

solving only one problem i.e. unemployment.
It is the duty of government to focus its activities to provide
the above mentioned facilities to common man. If
government cannot provide all these facilities, then it should
facilitate & motivate the private sector to provide these
Use your brain Power positively for the welfare of
people: Rulers are not ordinary persons, they are extra-
ordinary they are:
(i) Gifted with powerful Brain. And/or
(ii) Luckiest
Proof is this that they have become the Ruler.
To sustain as a ruler, some rulers use their power of brain in
negative sense i.e. against opposition or disturb people and
create problems, so that people involve so much in problems
& may not think about ruler.
It is advised that rulers should not waste their luck and brain
power. If they use their luck and brain power for welfare of
people, they will be more successful. Leave the matters of
opposition for your subordinates to deal with. You reserve
your brain powers for your people and higher developmental
526 How to be the best ruler

II. How people will like / love ruler

Mostly people like other persons with reference to their
benefits i.e. they like those persons from whom they get
benefits. So males like or dislike ruler with reference to the
availability of their earning facilities. While females like or
dislike the ruler by the availability of their kitchen goods at
affordable prices.
Secondly, people like or dislike ruler for his government
policies, administration and their results on nation.
Thirdly, people like or dislike the personality and character
of Ruler.
There are two types of methods to get love from people i.e.
positive and negative.

Positive methods
1. The useful method to get love from people is same as to
get love from an individual person i.e. They say: “Love
Begets Love” that means love your people if you wish to
get love from people.
It is seen that if ruler loves his people and tries sincerely to
solve their problems. People not only respect him but also
love him & even worship him.

2. How to express love: They say; if you love then it is

necessary to; “express love in right way”. There are five
How to be the best ruler 527

techniques beneficial to express love to someone. Use these

techniques on people also. The techniques are;
(i) – Give Importance
(ii)- Praise
(iii)- Give time
(iv)- Give Attention & Care
(v)- Give gift periodically.
(i) Importance: Give importance; express in words the
importance of people. Keeping love for your people in your
heart is not sufficient. It should be expressed in a lovely,
impressive and decent way in all your speeches for public.
Very beautiful & impressive sentences should be chosen.
(ii) Praise People: Praise the people, avoid flattering; every
nation and people of all countries are gifted some abilities,
mention those according to situation.
Ensure that both types of sentences are present in your
public speech i.e. sentences of love and sentence of praise.
(iii) Give time to people: Give proper time to your people.
There are two methods to give time to people.
1. Keep in touch with people: To win the confidence &
love of people, keep yourself in touch with people.
Periodically talk to nation by electronic Media. Talk about
their problems. Your tone of speech should be very co-
528 How to be the best ruler

operative, caring, and full of sincerity & love. Tell the

people that how much you are worried them and to solve
their problems and also tell the steps you & your government
have taken to solve their problems. Do not use the technical
words in your speech, talk in a simple language in a simple
way e.g. American president talks to his nation on radio
every week.
2. Participate in the happiness and miseries of people:
They say “you may not participate in the happiness of your
near one’s but never forget to participate in the miseries of
them and be helpful as much as you can.
So always reach to the miserable happenings to people of
your country i.e. Bomb blasts, floods & disasters etc.
At that place visit only is not sufficient. You should meet
and talk to people softly and sincerely in a way that you and
your government is with them and they should not feel
unsupported, then after that you should declare practical
helps for them as much as it is possible at the spot then order
for quick action and later on check for honorable and timely
compliance of order.
It is highly needed to create an atmosphere of sympathy,
care and affiliation with the sufferers from complete local
and national machinery of government. Also mobilize
public for help and also appeal at international level for help,
provided if disaster is really of a great level to seek help from
How to be the best ruler 529

international donors i.e. countries, agencies and

departments. Role and help of media is also a necessary
factor and very supportive.
In the same way; do attend physically in all national
gatherings i.e. ceremonies of national days and of national
importance also give your message through media for the
public not present at the occasion. Note: Time of ruler is
trust of nation so save your time and don’t attend the
ceremonies of lesser importance i.e. provincial or city level.
(iv) Give attention & care the people: Give proper
attention and care to people. Care the people by solving their
problems, also talk in very caring manner.
First step is to understand them, understand their problems,
their happiness and miseries. Lastly try your best, to
decrease their miseries and increase their happiness.
Stephen covey in his dynamic Book “Seven habits of highly
effective people” writes about a father who says about his
son. “I cannot understand my son; he does not listen to me”.
Stephen covey corrected him. “If you want to understand
your son, you have to listen to your son, not he.
The author has seen many people turning off their television,
so as not to listen to the speech of their ruler with the
comments that:
-- He is living in his palace.
530 How to be the best ruler

-- He does not know our problems.

-- He has never seen our lives.
-- How he can take care of us.
-- He is worried about his seat and his own benefits.
i. So first thing is that from your talk and public speeches. It
should be clear that you highly care the public. So talk about
problems and needs of people. Talk about their children,
Kitchen, business, employment & health. Talk about their
development and bright future.
ii. Secondly it is necessary to work for them so as to make
them able to fulfill their needs and solve their problems.
Ruler should work sincerely for the benefit of his people
Example: Josephpbuh used to say1 that if I am ruler then the
poor should not live that life which they are living.
He was so much caring about his people of Egypt in the
days of dry years that his weight was very much reduced.
People asked the reason. He said I am always worried, that
if the poor slept hungry, I will be strictly asked by God on
judgment day, as I am responsible and guard of food for
How to be the best ruler 531

The thirdly; it is also necessary to brief people about the

works which ruler and his government have done for public.
But it should base on reality; No exaggeration.
(v) Give gift periodically: Give gift to people periodically.
The best gift for people is to provide them their basic needs
at affordable prices and solve their problems.
Other methods to get love of people are;

1. Annual meal to Selected: Churchill said “I have solved

most of problems on dining table. So it is necessary to give
an annual dinner to selected, from all walks of life.
2. Setup Alms Houses: To prove that your government is
public favoring, especially for the poor, motivate your
private sector to setup Alms Houses. This is a great
psychology to win the hearts of people that common men
are provided food free of cost. They say:
“Pathway to heart goes from stomach”
Spiritual personalities always set up the Alms houses along
with their Mosques, Temples & other worship houses,
where the poor were given food free of cost.
In history; different methods were adapted to get love and
prays from people e.g.
1. Strange method of Nizam-ul-mulk Toosi: Nizam was
prime minister of King of Turkey “Alp Arslan”. He issued
loans to the poor and deserving people with the condition
that loan will be refunded back on the death of king. Other
532 How to be the best ruler

ministers gave this news to the king and said that Nizam is
going against king. So his rank should be taken back. king
became very angry and asked Nizam to explain for such a
big crime. Nizam answered; oh my lord, these poor people
are unable to pay back the loan. So due to the fear of giving
back loan on your death, all of them are praying day and
night for your long life so that they may not have to refund
the loan. King understood the depth of vision behind the
action of Nizam. So he appreciated and became thankful to
Nizam and started giving him more importance.
2. Napoleon’s strategy of annual rewards: The people of
every department & every walk of life, who do their best in
their jobs, should be awarded annually. This is their right
which government should give to them. It should include all
i.e. teachers, media, show business, businessmen, private
outstanding people in any field and all the government
When Napoleon rewarded medals & shields to all the
selected people of France, the European media objected on
it and wrote that Napoleon has given the toys to the great
people of France. Napoleon said in response; “Media people
cannot understand the depth of it; in fact this is a method &
an art to Govern”.

3. British strategy: Britain ruled for two hundred years

on India. They awarded a lot of honorable titles to a lot of
selected people i.e. Sir, Khan Sahib, Raiy Bahader etc. They
How to be the best ruler 533

also allotted areas of land to different selected people as an

art to govern.

Negative methods: By propaganda it is done by most of

rulers that their personality is presented before public in
such a marvelous way that people may feel that he is the
only fittest personality to rule the country. For that it is done:
1. A little achievement of ruler is presented in such a big
way that such achievement had never been done before. It
was only he, who realized and had dare & ability to do this
2. Personalities of other leaders of opposition are masked or
presented in a negative way, their small mistakes or
statements are presented as totally against the public
3. On television, Subliminal Technique2 is used.
Subliminal Technique: if eight figures in continuity pass before our
eyes we identify them moving, but our conscious does not identify
separate pictures. This is the main art of motion films.

But if you put any one picture different from the rest of seven pictures,
our conscious cannot identify that but our subconscious is very strong
and it identifies and takes the impression of that. That 8th picture is the
propaganda, which is made in favor of the ruler to impress & convince
the people. This technique is subliminal technique.

III How people can feel your need as ruler

534 How to be the best ruler

There are three things which can produce your need in the
hearts of people.
1. Love: Produce love in hearts of people for you (discussed
2. Be the need of people.
3. Fear of loss
2. Be the need of people: If you want to be the need of your
people; then fulfill the needs of people. Main target should
be the kitchen goods which should be made available at their
easy approach and at affordable levels of price, then freeze
the prices with strict control. Remember that common
people demand mostly the common things, they do not
demand very high.

Secondly by media help and by your speeches, assure your

people that you and your government always think and care
about them and your government is struggling day and night
only for them and their benefits, which must be in real sense
should also be the objective of your government.

Note: It is a common practice that a ruler produces a false

hope and need in people by media that he is the only person
who can be useful for them? Which is not the fact otherwise?
This is a negative approach and can be judged by the fact
How to be the best ruler 535

that the results do not match with the picture that media
3. Fear of loss: Mostly it is a negative approach. This is
done by assuring people that without this ruler, people and
even country will be in trouble. They assure their people that
ruler is so much powerful and influential worldwide that it
is he who can save the country otherwise some big power
may attack or may ban the aid of country, causing the
economic crisis.

IV. How to deal people

The methods to deal people are as follows;
1. Method of Caliph Mamoon Rashid
Mamoon Rashid said: “There is always an unseen string
between ruler and public, when I feel that public is pulling
and tightening the string. I lose it from my side. But when I
feel that public has loosened the string I at once tight it from
my side.”
This means that: (i) never be so rigid that the relation
between you and public breaks. (ii) Your policy must be
changed according to situation if public is not happy or
angry. Give facilities to people e.g. in tax or easy loan etc.
But if public is happy and business of country is good then
this is time to impose new tax to increase revenue.
536 How to be the best ruler

2. Don’t try to make Happy to everyone: God is

almighty. He can make happy to everyone. But he does not
do this. That means that there is some hidden wisdom of God
in not making happy to everyone. So do not try to make
happy to everyone. In the same way, do not make angry to
anyone. Do not make enemies.
So keeping your objectives in mind, for the welfare of your
country, make your policy & target to make happy & satisfy
70% people. Rest of 30% will be automatically masked, but
keep in mind; don’t make angry or enemy to the 30%.
A Narration: One old man and his son were riding on a
donkey. People saw and said; look at these cruel persons,
both are riding on a donkey, what a great cruelness. The old
man said to his son. Dear son, you ride, I will walk aside.
They went to a village. People saw them and said; look at
the cruel son, the poor old father is walking and he is riding
on donkey. The son said to his father; oh my dear father you
ride, I will walk. In the next village people saw and said;
look at this cruel old man, he is riding and the innocent small
boy is walking. After listening this, they both walked side
by side to donkey. In next village, people saw and said; look
at these fools, if they do not have to ride why to keep donkey
with them. Finally they thought that people are not happy in
any situation & only one choice left, so they lifted donkey
on themselves. When people saw, they laughed at them.
How to be the best ruler 537

Moral of story: you cannot make happy to all persons, so

don’t try to make happy to everyone.

3. Decide the Minimum & maximum standard of living,

income & wealth for the residents of country and bound to
keep them within it: The author salutes the governments of
those countries who have decided the suitable minimum
standard of living for their common men and are really
providing them.
It may be astonishing for developed & rich countries but it
is fact that in third world countries there are 20-50%
populations who are living below the poverty line. The
biggest service, work, reform, revolution, change,
achievement of the ruler and his government of such
countries is this that; in their whole tenure of sovereignty
they may bring this population percentage of below poverty
line to the minimum standard of living and that will be the
golden day of that nations when no citizen would be below
poverty line. A focused, strong, collective & uninterrupted
struggle is required for a long time. Seek help from all
persons, organizations & countries having soft and helping
good hearts all over the world. This help must be targeted to
provide the sources of suitable and need compensating
employment to people and not making them beggars by
giving them periodic income supports.
538 How to be the best ruler

In the same way a maximum standard of wealth and living

must also be made and in this way government must decide
that the people of country will survive within which range
of living, income and wealth.

4. Keep busy your people: This is the greatest method

to deal the people to keep them busy with in them.
Two methods
- Positive & productive methods
- Negative methods
Positive & productive Methods
Keeping people busy in positive & productive works is very
beneficial, as it increases productivity & development. They
say; “empty brain is the residence of Satan & so negative
thoughts come and occupy the space, which is dangerous for
the person himself, society, government & country”. So
keeping people busy in positive & productive works is
necessary. Different methods are as follows;
1. Busy the people in their business and jobs: Busy the
people in their business and jobs by giving everybody a
positive work to do i.e. by help of private sector, increase
the sources of employment so that no adult may leave
unemployed or without any positive work to do.
How to be the best ruler 539

2. Promote business: Make your government policy to

promote business at any cast. Also promote home industry
so that people may become busy with in their homes
3. Increase sources of recreations: Increase sources of
recreation, which are not against the religion of your country
and the society ethics i.e. parks, play lands, sports activities,
Parks, recreational programs on television & films etc.
Matches of every sport should be conducted periodically
from local to country level. Handsome prizes should be
awarded to winners.
Television, phone calls, computer and internet facilities
should be so economical to be within the range of common
man. Else to their lots of other benefits, they keep busy
people very happily in their homes.
4. Semester system in studies: semester system involves
more in studies to students and imparts more knowledge to
students. Position holders in examinations should be given
prizes and job guarantees. Speeches & debate
competitions should be conducted at all institutes from local
to country level with prize distribution.
5. Improving the family system: It makes busy and happy
to people within their families. It teaches the individuals to
obey respect their superiors and elders. Promote celebration
540 How to be the best ruler

of family functions and activities e.g. marriages, birthdays,

death anniversaries & meetings etc.
6. Flourishing the religion with its activities: Most of the
people are religious only by name otherwise they are not
abiding by the rules of religion and not performing the
religious routines daily activities. Even then, promotion of
religions brings a lot of benefits i.e. it makes busy to the
people with religion. It disciplines the people. It increases
the moral values in society. It helps in personality
development and character building of people. So it is very
necessary to promote all religions.
All religious activities should be promoted with celebration
of all religious days and festivals of all religions in their own
The followers of every religion should not only be given
liberty to worship by their own methods but also ordered to
be given respect to every other religion & its followers.
7. Celebrate all National days & festivals: Celebrate at
national and local level to all national days & all types of
festivals, i.e. traditional, religious & regional etc. Also order
to arrange annually industrial exhibitions, fun fares, great
national personality’s ceremonial days. This gives happiness
to people and also keep busy to public.
How to be the best ruler 541

8. Teachings to care health: By syllabus, seminars and

media it should be taught to every person to care his health
& adapt healthful activities in his routine daily life i.e. walk
regularly, cleanliness, healthy diet & regular medical
checkup etc.
9. Promotion of formation of nonpolitical autonomous
welfare organizations with their regular meetings, at all level
i.e. street, society village, city & country level.
10. Weekly Salary System: Order for weekly salary system
all over the country in both government & private sector,
strictly through bank. Else to keeping busy, it will also
facilitate & enable people to meet and manage their
domestic expenses better than monthly salary system.
11. Promote all types of meetings (except against society,
religion or country) at government and private levels
weekly, monthly & annually e.g. parent teachers meetings,
student teachers meetings, meetings of market committees,
transporters passengers meeting & seller customer meeting

Negative methods
1. Gambling centers are allowed to be made or government
makes itself i.e. Horse racing, Casinos etc.
2. By increasing vulgarity in society i.e. blue films, night
clubs, prostitution, etc.
542 How to be the best ruler

3. Believing on this that “If some person is highly involved

in his own problems & miseries, he will not care for other
things”. Some governments create troubles for people with
intention that if people are involved in those troubles, they
will not think about the government activities i.e. people are
made to stand in rows to take their routine utilities i.e. sugar,
flour, oil etc. or to stand in rows to pay their utility bills, or
to wait in rows to take petroleum or natural gas for their
For that an artificial shortage is created of goods and other
things intentionally, people are not given the facility to pay
the bills or taxes in an easy way, so compelled to use and
waste their time to make them teasingly busy.

Divide and Rule

The famous policy of the world i.e. Divide and Rule: The
technique of divide and rule is positive as well as negative.
It depends upon its use, intention and purpose (positive or
negative) for which it is used.
It is said;
“Do not forget,
It is fact,
The biggest governing Tool,
Divide and rule”
How to be the best ruler 543

Britain ruled over India for two hundred years, by dividing

the people of India in different categories specially, by
religion or by area, and then produced a clash in the name of
religion i.e. between Muslims and Hindus or in the name of
areas i.e. between Sindhi, Punjabi etc.
Britain took three benefits from this exploitation and
(i) People remained busy within their own clashes.
(ii) They became separate so became weaker and weaker
due to being un-united and fighting with each other so
British army conquered them one by one after making them
(iii) Britain took money from both sides to support them.

References: how to give relief & deal people

1. Mukhzam-e-Ikhlaq (urdu) by Maulana Rehmat Ullah.

2. Courtesy; Dr. Mushtaq, Hypnotherapist Pakistan.

544 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 27 Security
It is the right of a citizen and duty of government to
provide security to all its residents.
1. Security from terrorism
2. Security from crimes i.e. crime control
Crime is an act punishable by law; usually considered an
evil act.

Causes of crime
1. Poverty; A society or system in which the poor becomes
poorer and the rich become richer with passage of time.
2. Addiction.
3. Injustice – It produces element of revenge and hatred
4. Lack of strong intelligence network
5. Remoteness from religion. Every religion is against
crime. So society not acting on religion will result in
production of crime.
6. Atmosphere, teaching, training at home and school.
7. Lack of Education and training
(i) Traditional
(ii) Social
How to be the best ruler 545

8. Political crimes
Remember that “goodness or evil transfer from higher to
lower level”.
Political crimes by the government include violation of
human rights, civil liberties and constitutional privileges as
well as illegal behavior that occurs in process of enforcing
law or maintaining the status Quo.
It also includes all unfair activities against opposition parties
political crimes are the crimes, which produce the base for
other crimes i.e. if ruler or higher rank holder is dishonest or
takes unfair benefits. The other persons say” if he can do
such mistake or take unfair benefit we are also allowed or
why cannot we do this mistake or take unfair benefit.
If ruler commits crime or takes unfair benefits, it encourages
the lower categories or public to commit crime or take unfair
9. Availability of weapons easily.
10. The criminals escape from punishment.
Important points
i. Teenagers can be easily moulded to do crime, due to their
innocence. Most of the persons arrested are males because
male are more daring to do crime (exception; prostitution by
546 How to be the best ruler

ii. Internationally urban recorded crimes1 are generally

higher than rural crime rates.
iii. Crime rates tend to increase with size of community1.

How to Control Crimes; (Crime control)

I. Treat cause
II. Good police.
III. Criminal should be punished
IV. Purpose of punishment should be fulfilled
V. Ranjeet singh method

I. Treat the cause

1. Poverty; discussed in chapter; poverty eradication.

2. Addiction: It is necessary to ban and eradicate

addiction. This is because the addicted person can do any
type of crime to get addicting material; even an addict can
murder for a single time craves of addiction. There are a lot
of stories that addicted persons sold their sisters, mothers,
wives or children for addicting material in deficient state of
It is said that there was a married woman who fell in love
with a pious person one night she called him in her home by
making an evasion. When he came; she forced him to do sex
with her. He refused and said it is a sin then she said that
How to be the best ruler 547

“my husband is a very cruel man and he had made her life
very miserable. So you kill him”. The pious person again
refused and said it is a great crime. At last she said ok then;
take a drink of wine with me. He said O.K. If you are forcing
me so much, I can drink wine as it is a lesser evil but what
happened after when he was intoxicated with wine. He did
sex with woman and then killed her husband also.

3. Strong intelligence network: Strong intelligence

network is very helpful to eradicate crime.

4. Injustice: discussed already in “how to deal judiciary”

5. Remoteness from Religion
Every religion preaches good things. So regular preaching
against crime will reduce the crime. For that:
i. Intelligently prepared speeches to develop the personality
& character building of persons of society; that must be
provided regularly to the heads of worship houses to deliver
in religious gatherings.
ii. Preacher or head of worship house should be qualified,
certified, sufficiently trained for religious and social
education of people and also to develop the personality and
character building of the community.
6. Atmosphere, teaching, training at home and school
548 How to be the best ruler

At the time when there was British rule in India, There was
a great Dacoit in India with the name “Sultana” who created
lot of problems for British government At last he was shot
by gun by British forces and was near to die. He wished to
meet his mother as last wish. When his mother came, he said
to his mother;
“Oh mother, I am dying only due to you. You gave me
negative training from very beginning when I stole a hen
first time in my childhood, instead of slapping on my face,
you appreciated me. So it gave me courage to do bigger
crimes, so I became a dacoit”
So it is the duty of parent to create a good atmosphere in
their home and to train their children to become a good and
noble citizen.
Secondly in school, it is necessary to keep one subject of
“personality development and character building”. Specific
trained teachers are required to teach the students
accordingly with the good spirit and intention.
7. Lack of Education: It is seen worldwide that most of the
criminals are illiterate or less educated. This is because the
education honors the wisdom to differentiate between good
and bad. All types of education are necessary i.e. routine,
religious & social.
8. De-weaponization
How to be the best ruler 549

De-weaponization of society is essential for crime control.

9. Limit the size of community: Size of community is
directly proportional to crime rate. So to limit crime rate
limit the size of community and do not allow cities, to
expand more than a limit.
Mussolini and Iqbal: Sir Muhammad Iqbal was a
philosopher poet and very wise person of subcontinent
Indo-Pak. He went to Italy, where he met the ruler of Italy
Mussolini, Who asked him for an advice for
administration. Iqbal said:
“Do not allow the cities to expand more than a fixed range.
More the cities are expanded, more it become difficult to
control city and crimes”
So decide limits of your cities, then stop expansion; bigger
the city more the chances of crimes.

II. Good police:

It means; qualified, honest, impartial, active, dutiful, de-
politicized, well trained & well equipped police.
Police must be de-politicized & independent from all
influences regarding its recruitment, posting, transfers and
promotions especially functioning.
Police must be well equipped regarding proper training,
requisite weapons and technology to deal crimes and
550 How to be the best ruler

criminals i.e. efficient sketch designers, finger prints

technique, proper forensic facilities, identity card, SIM-card
& mobile location facilities..
III. Criminal must be punished: Turkish king Suleman
Aalishan used to say that most important cause of
prevalence of crime in society and country is that all
criminals are not punished. Most of them escape punishment
due to their influence, status or due to their richness. So it
must be ensured that criminal must be punished what so ever
is his status or influence.
The crime rate in those countries is very less where the
punishment is surely given & before public; to the criminals
irrespective of their status and influence e.g. Libya, Saudi
Arabia, UAE etc. as compared to other countries where this
practice is not done.
Colonel Gaddafi the ex-ruler of Libya was asked by the USA
media that “in your country, punishment is very strict and
given before public what you say in that context.
He said “Ok you compare the crime rate of USA and my
country. You will see a marked difference. In my country,
there is very little crime rate that means our system to deal
with crime is better than yours. So you should adapt our
system in USA. USA media was answerless.
How to be the best ruler 551

King of India Sher Shah Soori2 controlled the crime on the

same principle. He was of the view that soft dealing with
criminals is against justice. He loved justice. He used to say;
“Best of all religious duties is to enforce justice and the king
who cannot provide justice to his people. He should leave
his crown”. So due to this reason Sher-Shah never gave
relaxation to anybody who was proved criminal. So his
nearest persons, ministers, even princes were also very much
afraid of doing anything wrong.
Umar3 Bin KhatabRA never spared the criminals, what so
ever is the status of the accused; even he punished his son
“Abu Shahma” of eighty whips for a crime. Due to which
his son died at the spot.
The great king of India; Asoka used to say: Never give
preference to kindness over justice.

IV. Purpose of punishment:

Why it is necessary to punish a criminal while it is fact that
the crime which is done cannot be undone. The reasons to
give punishment are:
1. To destroy the desire of criminal to repeat the same or
other types of crime.
The fear of sure punishment and social & religious teachings
can finish the desire of criminal to repeat crime.
552 How to be the best ruler

2. To make criminal, ashamed for that crime, and correction

of his soul so as to make him good citizen.
Social & religious teachings can make criminal ashamed for
his crime and correction of his soul.
3. To admonish other people of society not to do crime due
to fear of the punishment.
Punishment before public: This method serves the purpose
of punishment to admonish the people and create fear of
punishment as a result of crime.
Example: This is story of time when Zia-ul-Haq was
president of Pakistan 1977-1988. A child pappu was
kidnapped and killed. His kidnappers & killers were caught
and punished to be hanged till death before public in Lahore.
Result: There was negligible reported case of child
kidnapping in Zia government after this punishment.
They say “There should not only be justice but justice also
should appear to happen “with the mentioned time limits”.
“Justice delayed, Justice denied”.
Present system of punishment: The present system of
punishment does not serve completely the purpose of
punishment. Most of criminals are sent to jail. Our jails do
not result in decrease of crime, rather the smaller level of
criminals get training from the jail and become bigger
How to be the best ruler 553

Note: There is a tragedy of third world countries that due to

poverty and unemployment; some poor people intentionally
do crime to go to jail, where they get food to eat and work
to do, for which they are paid when released from jail. So
jail is not solution of crime as:
1. It does not correct the soul of criminal.
2. It does not stop most of criminals from doing more
3. It gives training to small criminals and make their
relations with big criminals to make them big criminal.
4. For the society; it does not admonish the people of society
because it isolates criminals from society and so does not
create fear in society of punishment so as not to do crime.
5. Jail is a financial burden on government revenue.
All discussed above does not mean that jail buildings
should be destroyed. It is suggested that:
1. Jail should be such that it should serve its function of
spiritual correction of criminals.
2. Every criminal should not be sent to jail, other methods
of punishment should also be considered i.e.
i. Whipping: In Islamic history & during British rule in
India; this method was commonly practiced as punishment.
ii. Method of Maharaja Ranjit singh etc.
554 How to be the best ruler

V. Method of Maharaja Ranjit Singh4

Ranjit Singh the ex-ruler of Punjab was of the view that to
send the criminal in jail is a punishment to government,
because it is a burden on the revenue of government, so
mostly criminals were punished of fine. It increased the
revenue of government, sometimes criminals were punished
so much that all his property was taken by the government.
So without imprisonment, criminal was made a sign of
admonition for other people of society.
1. Treat all those factors which are responsible for
production of crime.
2. Criminal should be surely punished and before public;
irrespective of his status and influence. There should be rule
of law.
3. Purpose of punishment should be fulfilled.

References: Crime control

1. Introduction to criminology.

2. From Babar to Zafar by Jamil Yousaf.

3. Al-Farooq by Shibli Naumuni.

How to be the best ruler 555

4. Ranjit Singh by Narainder Krishan Sinha.

556 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 28 Unemployment
Unemployment is the state of being unemployed or not
having a job. The rate of unemployment is an indicator of
the health of an economy"; "unemployment is a serious
social evil". In underdeveloped countries; unemployment
rate is miserably higher (3o-60%) and no compensatory
allowance is given to unemployed as compared to
unemployment rate in developed countries (5-20%) where
compensatory allowance is given to unemployed.
Under-employment is the state of being employed only
part-time when one needs full-time employment or
employed under the level of one’s qualification & skills.
"Migrants & poor are likely to be underemployed" e.g.
person having qualification & skill of PhD is given job of a
graduate level.
Hidden unemployment: Hidden, or covered,
unemployment is the unemployment of potential workers
that is not reflected in official unemployment statistics, due
to the way the information is collected. In many countries
only those who have no work but are actively looking for
work are counted as unemployed. Those who have given up
looking for work are not officially counted among the
unemployed, even though they are not employed.
How to be the best ruler 557

Solutions for unemployment

Situation analysis & plan: For unemployment alleviation,
first have the true picture of unemployment i.e. number of
persons unemployed and underemployed.
It is advised to have a meeting of think tanks of your country
and make a plan according to circumstances and resources
of your country and then implement that plan. The views in
this regard & different methodologies used in different
countries are as follows;

The view of Karl Marx: According to Karl Marx;

unemployment is inherent within the unstable capitalist
system and periodic crisis of mass unemployment are to be
expected. The function of the proletariat within the capitalist
system is to provide a "reserve army of labor" that creates
downward pressure on wages. This is accomplished by
dividing the proletariat into surplus labor and under-
employment. This reserve army of labor fights among
themselves for scarce jobs at lower and lower wages.
However, unemployment is profitable within the global
capitalist system because unemployment lowers wages
which are costs from the perspective of the owners. From
this perspective low wages benefit the system by reducing
economic rents. Yet, it does not benefit workers. Capitalist
558 How to be the best ruler

systems unfairly manipulate the market for labor by

perpetuating unemployment which lowers laborers'
demands for fair wages. Workers are pitted against one
another at the service of increasing profits for owners.
According to Marx, the only way to permanently eliminate
unemployment would be to abolish capitalism and the
system of forced competition for wages and then shift to a
socialist or communist economic system. For contemporary
Marxists, the existence of persistent unemployment is proof
of the inability of capitalism to ensure full employment.
Ref: unemployment; Wikipedia

Mahathir Mohammad’s Method

Mahathir told author that when he came in power. There was
40% unemployment in Malaysia. He and his think tanks
studied and made a plan to take foreign investment in the
form of placing foreign factories in Malaysia. The main
share was intended to be taken from Japan, so the ideology
was presented to Japan. The idea to create charm for
investment was; the reduction in production cost due to
appreciable low cost labor rate in Malaysia as compared to
Japan. The Production rate was further decreased and those
factories were preferred for which raw material was taken
from the home country i.e. Agro based or mines based i.e.
homeland raw material based foreign investment.
This method gave the miraculous results:
(1) It decreased unemployment to almost zero level.
How to be the best ruler 559

(2) It boosted up the economy of Malaysia and

approximately 25% of total GDP of Malaysia drained from
these foreign invested factories.
Z.A Bhutto’s method: The ex- prime minister of Pakistan
Z.A. Bhutto arranged to send common people of Pakistan
abroad to UAE, Saudi Arab, Libya and other countries for
employment. Thousands of persons went abroad and
Nawaz Sharif’s Method
i. Nawaz Sharif; Prime Minister Pakistan introduced a
yellow taxi scheme. Taxi was given on personal guarantee
of influential person of area with a condition of return back
of money in small affordable installments. The unemployed
persons used to drive the taxi and so were able to run their
family expenses and pay the installments.
ii. In 2013 Nawaz Sharif announced small loan scheme
for unemployed young persons, so that they may be able
to start their own business so as to be self-employed.
The other views & suggestions are as follows;
1. Motivate private sector: Except socialist countries;
Government cannot give employment to all unemployed. In
a country, the government employees are not more than 5-
10% of working age group of country i.e. 18-60 years age.
So government should not try or claim to give employment
to all unemployed. So government should facilitate and
560 How to be the best ruler

motivate private sectors, to create more and more jobs. Take

the help of media & the elites of the country i.e. capitalists.
The government should also promote and facilitate (tax free,
loan facility etc.) all such organizations which are helpful in
decreasing unemployment.
An example of a self- employed and employment generating
organization: In Gujrat India 1995, seven poor unemployed
women with total investment of 80 Rupees (equal to almost
30 $ at that time) started a business of making and selling
paper with the name “Lijja” (which means tasty). The first
day profit was one rupee, second day two rupee and so on.
Later other women of area also requested to involve
themselves also. The business expanded so much that at
present in 2018, the annual turnover is 16 billion rupees and
45000 women are involved. Every women is earning 15000
– 20000 rupees per month on daily earning basis.
A surprising aspect is that; all dealings are done on cash. No
credit is allowed at any level. The women come daily in
morning on company bus, purchase the prepared flour
(making material of papur) in cash, go back to their homes
in company bus, make papur, come back in evening or
afternoon in company bus, deliver papur in office and take
cash at spot. All materials are taken from whole sale market
in cash and prepared papur are sold in cash at country level.
How to be the best ruler 561

2. Promote Business: The flourishing of business benefits

in alleviation of unemployment and poverty. The business
brings prosperity and develops people and country. So
government should promote business by facilitating
businessmen as much as it is possible. Justified and
facilitating rules may be made and all unjust hurdles must
be removed.
Ayub khan; ex-president of Pakistan made the main policy
of his government; “to promote business”. It is said that the
business was so much promoted that the business place &
the business could not be ceased even if the owner or
workers had been guilty of committing any big crime. The
result was that the business flourished a lot, unemployment
was reduced a lot, economic growth of country was
excellent and that era is labeled as the best & golden time in
the history of Pakistan.
3. Produce a culture to promote employment: By media,
social campaign, speeches and seminars; produce a culture
in whole country to promote and provide employment to all.
All possible but legal methods should be allowed to adapt
i. Compensation, appreciation and facilitation should be
announced to persons providing employment more and
more. ii. A small fee may be taken at all places where
people can pay against any facility or service i.e. all parking
562 How to be the best ruler

places, park entry fee, toilet entry fee etc. The contracts
should be given to common people with the condition to
employ more & more persons on duty. Main idea should be
to give Jobs to persons and not to charge the people.

4. Idea of self-employment
An idea of self-employment should also be promoted by:
i. Promotion of home Industry and home Schools with a
single negligible tax by self-assessment.
ii. Sewing Machine
Sewing machines are given to women free of cost so as to
make them self-employed within their homes.
iii. Small Loan Scheme: (Micro-credit Scheme)
This is a scheme by which the poor people are given small
loans on personal guarantee. The loans are given for self-
business establishment to start a small business or to
improve a small business to make the people self-sufficient
and so to decrease unemployment e.g. Grameen bank
opened by Mohammad Younas in Bangladesh and
“Akhuwat” opened by Dr. Amjad Saqib in Pakistan.
iv. Technical education: There is a very surprising
situation with respect to unemployment. Let us see the two
views of picture in this regard.
One View of Picture: There are a lot of educated people in
society who are unemployed.
Other View: In newspapers daily, a lot of vacancies are
advertised for technical staff.
How to be the best ruler 563

Reason is this that people get routine education i.e. matric,

O-level & graduation etc.. They spend 14 years to be
graduates, but they do not spend some more months to learn
typing, computer or short hand, which is required in office.
Same is the case with lesser qualified persons i.e. under
matric etc. they do not bother to learn driving, electrician,
plumber, carpenter or auto mobile technical training etc.
All departments and business community complain that the
required technically skilled staff is deficient i.e. good Typist,
Computer Operator, Electrician, Plumber, and carpenter etc.
That means that simple, routine education is not sufficient,
rather additional technical education is necessary to reduce
unemployment. But standard of education should be so
much that after getting technical education and training, one
should be able to work;
i. Independently
ii. Confidently
iii. Skillfully up to standard
For that, it should be enforced by law that after routine
morning study timings, in every institute, there would be
classes for technical trainings as well as adult education, so
that more and more persons may become vocationally
skilled and trained so as to be self-employed or to get the
Also, it should also be enforced by law that no person
should be allowed to work in private sector, unless he is
qualified, trained and certified from a government approved
institute even a simple electrician, plumber and carpenter
564 How to be the best ruler

It will increase the quality of work, services, and also rate of

The ex-chief minister of Punjab Pakistan Mr. Manzoor
Wattoo writes in his Book “Crime of Politics” that:
“It is policy of USA government to promote private sector
and to make large number of vocational institutes so as to
create more and more jobs for people”.
This is very good policy which should be improved
and expanded, until the target of zero percent level of
unemployment is achieved.
How to be the best ruler 565

Chapter 29 Poverty eradication

Poverty is the state of having little or no money with few or
no material possessions.
In underdeveloped countries, 30-50% of the population is
passing their lives below poverty line.
Absolute or extreme poverty is a condition characterized
by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food,
safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter,
education and information.
So imagine what would be life of those human beings who
are living below poverty line.
Relative poverty is a measure of income inequality. It is
the condition in which people lack the minimum
amount of income needed in order to maintain the
average standard of living in the society in which they
live. Relative poverty is considered the easiest way to
measure the level of poverty in an individual country.
In 2005, after extensive studies of cost of living across the
world, The World Bank1 has defined extreme poverty as
living on less than US $1.25 per day, and moderate poverty
as less than $2 or $5 a day.

Suggestions to poverty eradication

566 How to be the best ruler

Situation analysis: For poverty eradication; at first, have

the true picture of poverty i.e. number of persons at poverty
and below poverty line. Then Positive, permanent &
productive methods should be adapted.
The work on poverty eradication can be directed in two
ways; 1. Make available the goods: Make arrangements for
availability of goods of basic human needs, sufficient to
requirements e.g. (i) Agriculture: Agricultural technologies
such as nitrogen fertilizers, pesticides and new irrigation
methods can reduce food shortages by boosting yields.
(ii) Industrialization: The industrial revolution led to high
economic growth and eliminated mass absolute poverty in
countries which are now considered the developed world.
2. Increase the income: Increase the income of common
man up to level needed to purchase their needs. The
suggestions are as follows;
i. Improving transporting systems: Raising income of
farmers is the core of the antipoverty effort as most of the
poor today are farmers. Greater access to markets brings
more income to the poor. Road infrastructure has a direct
impact on poverty. Building roads in between villages and
cities is a great step and beneficial i.e. (i) It provides
employment to local population during building of roads.
(ii) It can bring access to various basic needs, such as
fertilizers, hospitals, and educational institutes etc. (iii) It
How to be the best ruler 567

increases income of local population by bringing better

access to urban markets.
Improve railway system: It is relatively economical system
of transporting goods and so helps to stabilize prices.
ii. Guaranteed minimum income, Social security: Author
is of view that the state should decide & declare minimum
standard of living and maximum standard of living for all
the residents of country then ensure its implementation; and
so facilitate & bound the population of country to survive
within its range.
A guaranteed minimum income ensures that every citizen
will live and be able to purchase a desired level of basic
needs. A basic income is a system of social security, which
is sufficient to live on and can be effective in normal routine
consumption, schooling of children and nutrition etc.
iii. Land to poor: Author is of view that there must be
maximum standard of living and ownership of land so the
excess land of feudal elites or agricultural land of
government which is not used for cultivation, should be
allotted as owner to the poor. It is the key to reducing
poverty and increasing poor people’s wealth.
iv. Microloans: small amounts of money are loaned to poor
people, who can then after obtaining capital may become
able to increase their economic condition.
568 How to be the best ruler

v. Microbusiness models: Microbusiness models such as

handcarts, footpath businessmen and door to door
businesses should be promoted, to sell basic needs to local
and remote areas for below market prices.
vi. The real help of poor: Give or arrange sources of
employment for the poor to make them productive citizens
of country (methods discussed already in chapter; unemployment).
Continuous efforts and strong country wide planning is
The real help of the poor is to enable them to be self-
sufficient and not a permanent poor, so that they may also
become able to serve their country and do not feel
themselves, a burden on country, society and also on
themselves. And so become able to live their lives as
honorable self-sufficient citizens and not dependent on
anyone except the almighty God.
“Caliph Mamoon Rashid ordered & made it a part of law
of government that the person who is poor should be given
work to do & scholarships were given to a lot of orphans,
widows, paralyzed and deserving persons”
vii. Capitalist can do a lot to alleviate poverty:
Take in confidence and seek help of great and rich people of
your country with periodical meetings with them. They can
create jobs, promote education, increase vocational schools,
How to be the best ruler 569

can give loans to poor for small business, and increase

In return they can be given promotion through media,
appreciation, legal facilities in their business & awards
Motivate rich people to support and upgrade very poor
people by giving them employment; and money to the
deserving i.e. widows, old people, paralyzed & disabled.
Motivate in the name of humanity and religion as it is the
order of every religion that;
“If your neighbors and relatives are hungry, it is not good
that you eat with full stomach”
“It is also order of God to help the poor”
“If your neighbor slept hungry, your worship would not be
accepted by God”
Rich can also be motivated by creating fear i.e. “they say; if
you have ten chapattis and a hungry poor person is near to
you, give one chapatti to him otherwise, it is possible that he
rebels and may result in loss of all chapattis and even
yourself.” So “spend a little to save the all”.
Rule of nature: It is rule of nature that if you spend on poor.
It will increase your money”. One Richest man of world
tried it for the sake of flourishing his business, he checked
570 How to be the best ruler

his balance of accounts for two successive years, and there

was a marked difference, so he made it his routine for whole
Logically it is difficult to understand that how money can
increase by spending on poor. But try it, you will get the
result. One spiritual justification is this that when you help
the poor. He prays for you sincerely and wholeheartedly.
This pray of poor is appreciated by God and resultantly you
get benefit in all ways.
The great philanthropists: Capitalists can also be
motivated through media by quoting the examples of great
philanthropists of country & world e.g. Bill Gates, Mark
zukelburg, Warren buffet, Li ka shing, George soros,
Azam premji, Howard hughes, Prince Karim agha khan
and the other richest persons of the world who are known to
spend a lot of money in charity & for public welfare.
The Author salutes with great respectful feelings from the
core of his heart to all those philanthropists (living & non-
living. Small & big) who have done charity at priority to
make self-sufficient to the poor and done charity for
humanity with sincere emotions and not to save tax only?

Causes of failure in poverty eradication & steps

that can be taken
1. World is ruled by rich & powerful.
How to be the best ruler 571

2. Difference of lives in between rulers & ruled.

3. Cosmetic & transitional steps taken.
4. Overpopulation
5. Non-working of most of family adults.
6. Non-welfare state system.
7. Annual Debt interest

8. Stop illicit capital flight

9. Reverse capitalist and capital drain

10. Reverse brain drain

1. World is ruled by rich & powerful

In every age and up till now, the world is always ruled by
rich & powerful. The poor is always ruled. The ruling class
used the poor to rule on poor & to get their support and vote
to be more rich & powerful.

2. Difference of lives in between rulers & ruled.

There is a great difference in between the lives, lifestyles
and livings of rulers and the ruled. Their homes status and
area location is different, their health care centers are
different, the teaching institutes and syllabus of their
children are different, their necessities, facilities and
luxuries are different and even their training and thoughts
are different.
572 How to be the best ruler

It is said that once a poor man got the lucky chance to see
the home of his ruler. He was asked by his poor friends to
tell the story. He said: my friends I have no proper words to
describe the beauty of that home. It still seems to me
unbelievable and like a wonderful dream. Everything was
marvelous and perfumed even toilets were also perfumed.
There were beautiful flowers, fruity trees, a clean & clear
watered swimming pool, large grassy plots with fountains
and an amazing artificial waterfall. The whole building was
centrally air-conditioned with fragrant air all over. There
were imported shining furniture, ultra-soft chairs & sofas.
The floor of every room was covered with extraordinary
beautiful carpets, walls were painted surprisingly different
in all rooms and windows were covered with pure silky eye
freshening curtains. All the crockery was either golden or
gold plated. Everything was neat and clean, not a single
particle of dust was there. It was more than a paradise on
earth. Oh my friends; our ruler who is enjoying and living in
such a great luxury; how he can understand the miserable
and fully deprived life of a poor man and how he can care
and work for our benefits.

The all things in use of rulers are luxurious & beyond the
imagination of poor people. It is said that; once a slave girl
of Caliph Haroon Rasheed was cleaning the bed room of
caliph, she became tired and slept on the highly precious and
How to be the best ruler 573

soft bed of the caliph. Suddenly, the caliph came and became
angry. The caliph ordered to punish the slave girl, to be
whipped. When the slave girl was beaten by whipping, she
suddenly started laughing. The caliph was surprised, ordered
to stop whipping and asked the slave girl; the reason of
laughing. The slave girl answered; “My God is a great
justice, I have slept for a little time on this bed and I have
been punished of whipping. I am laughing by thinking this
that what punishment, that almighty God will give to that
person who used to sleep on this bed in his whole life. The
caliph trembled all over with fear of God and excused the
slave girl, gifted that bed to her and also released her free.

The ruling class cannot understand the miseries and feelings

of the poor man’s life, because they have not suffered that
life, even their children cannot understand the poor man’s

It is said that; once a child of ruling class was given a task

in his school; to write an essay on a poor family. He wrote
that; “Once upon a time, there was a poor family, that family
was very poor, the family was so much poor that their
watchman was also poor, their cook was also poor, their
driver was also poor, their gardener was also poor, even their
housemaid was also very poor”.
574 How to be the best ruler

3. Cosmetic & transitional steps taken: Cosmetic &

temporary steps are taken to control poverty, which shows
the non-seriousness of the rulers e.g.
(i) - Poverty eradication schemes
- A fund is fixed to give loan for poor people or
- A housing scheme is introduced for the poor or
- Rickshaw or taxi scheme to reduce poverty and
The major drawback of this is that excellent schemes are
announced but not implemented, or the schemes are
announced for the poor but the benefit is given to the party
workers and their relatives.

(ii) - Money distributed to the poor

A list of poor families is made and then government gives
them income support fund monthly. To distribute money in
poor people or to give fixed small money monthly to poor
families is a negative method, because it makes and
increases beggars in country. Best is to make policy which
create job opportunities for everyone who is in working age
i.e. 18–60 years. You may give stipend only to those elderly,
disabled and widows who are really deserving, poor and

The real approach is the Leveling up of those who are:-

- Regionally deprived
How to be the best ruler 575

- Racially deprived or
- Religiously deprived.
The deprivation may be;
- Financial
- Educational
- Job opportunities.

Leveling up: If you wish to develop your country as a

nation? Then the ideology would be to develop all citizens,
so that every citizen should become able to work for his
nation and play his role for the development of his country.
So it is needed to develop;
- All regions i.e. every city, province, village & town etc.
- All persons of all religions i.e. Muslims, Christians, Jews,
Hindus, Buddhists & Sikhs etc.
- All persons of all races & all colors i.e. black, white &
brown etc.
Leveling up is the technique by which the deprived and
developed persons are balanced economically and in all
other ways by giving preference to the deprived, for a certain
period, so as to bring them equal to and along with the level
of other citizens, who are educated, developed and rich?

Note: At international level, it is the moral duty of UNO,

rich and developed countries to support and level up the
underdeveloped and deprived countries.
The methods adapted at country level would be;
576 How to be the best ruler

i. Quota system in education, jobs & loans for business.

ii. Vocational education & training with routine education.
Balance citizens all over country by providing them all
resources for development i.e. good education, sources of
employment, and business opportunities.

In Malaysia the population of Malaya people was 56%

while Chinese was 33%. The Chinese were developed,
prospering and controlling all economy of Malaysia. Malaya
people were not performing their proper role for the
development of their country.

Dr. Mahathir Mohammad writes in “A new deal for Asia”

It was necessary for the development of country that persons
of every race should play their role. For that it was needed
that economic difference between the different races would
be reduced. So the government of Malaysia made and started
a master plan for 20 years in 1971, named “New Economic
Policy” with Two Purposes.

(i). Eradication of poverty

(ii). To create economic balance between all races of
The steps taken were:
i. To give certain amount of money to the Malaya persons
so as to start or develop their business.
How to be the best ruler 577

ii. Scholarship for Malaya students.

iii. Quota system for Malaya persons in education and
iv. Government contracts and licenses were given to Malaya
persons so that they may develop in business.
After 20 years, the results were very good. Poverty was
almost near to zero and economic difference between
different races was negligible and every citizen was playing
his role effectively for the development of his country.
4. Overpopulation: Overpopulation and lack of access to
birth control leads to population increase and so exceeds
food production and other resources. It is surprising fact that
the poor who are less affording have more children as
compared to rich who can afford more to educate & care

Family planning can reduce population growth and so result

in reducing poverty, more control of their lives and better
education for their children. A country wide regular
education of parents through media, seminars and door to
door convincing is necessary to get appreciable results.

5. Non-working of most of family adults: In some

countries, it happens that only head of family is working and
earning while the other adult members of family above 18
578 How to be the best ruler

years do not work, especially the females, most of them only

take care of family.

6. Non-welfare state2 system: Empirical evidence suggests

that welfare state system considerably reduce poverty in
most of countries. The welfare states commonly spend at
least a fifth of GDP on welfare of their people. The
information shows that many "welfare states" would have
higher poverty rates than a "non-welfare state" e.g. Sweden
had 23.7% pre-transfer poverty rate and post transfer
reduced to 5.8%, Denmark reduced from 26.4 to 5.9%,
Germany 15.2 to 4.3%, France 36.1 to 9.8%, Italy 30.7 to
14.3% and USA 21.0 to 11.7%. Later the welfare states
struggled and reduced further their poverty rates.

7. Annual Debt1 installment: The installment of

developing countries to repay debt to banks and
governments from richer countries is constraining to
government spending on the poor. For example, Zambia
spends approximately 30-40% of its total budget to repay
foreign debt, and only 7% for basic state services.

8. Stop illicit capital flight: The money is often sent by

government individuals and big capitalists for money
laundering to overseas banks. They also insist on bank
secrecy. So a large amount of money is not spent on and in
the country. It is said that this illicit capital flight from the
How to be the best ruler 579

developing world is estimated as much more the size of aid

it receives and the debt service it pays on government debt.
So it is necessary to stop the illicit capital flight.

9. Reverse capitalist and capital drain: When a capitalist

emigrates due to unfavorable circumstances of country, he
takes his capital also with him, which increases
unemployment along with financial loss of country. So it is
necessary to reverse the capital and capitalist drain by
making a good policy with implementation.

10. Reverse brain drain: A country spends a lot of skill,

resources, time and money to produce brains worth to be
labeled as intelligentsia. But then they leave their country to
get more salary and to make their future bright. The
government does not make policy to increase salaries. The
loss of basic needs providers emigrating from
underdeveloped countries has a damaging effect. This
human capital flight is so much in some countries that the
engineers, doctors and other intelligentsia of a country
working abroad are approximately equal or more than those
working in home country. Serious steps are needed in this
regard e.g. recently India announced more salaries for their
intelligentsia which reversed the brain drain to appreciable
limit and decreased the deficiency of intelligentsia in India.
580 How to be the best ruler


1. Poverty reduction, Wikipedia.

2. Welfare state,

How to be the best ruler 581

Chapter 30 Price Control

This chapter includes: (i) Price control of goods
(ii) Control on foreign exchange rates.
(i) Price control of goods:

In whole world, most of the people struggle only to

fulfill their kitchen needs, they cannot go higher, they cannot
think at higher level because their all abilities are utilized
only to produce so much money which is sufficient to fulfill
kitchen needs and other routine expenditure of daily life. So
take care of price control of all those goods of daily use of
common man.
Price control vs. increase in pay: Some governments adapt
this policy that they increase the prices of some goods & as
compensation, increase the salary of government servants,
which is a wrong strategy. Price control is always the best,
because it benefits 100% population while increase in pay
benefits only government servants who are 5-10% of
Benefits of price control
1. It gives good reputation to the ruler.
2. Public becomes prosperous. So they like & support government.
3. When public is in favor of government, other big forces do not think to
destroy such government, rather they prefer to make good relation with such
4. It will increase the business, so more revenue will be collected to
5. All types of persons are attracted to your country and it becomes an
international market.
582 How to be the best ruler

6. Price control cannot be done without creating discipline in administration.

So price control also brings discipline in nation.
7. For price control, it is necessary to punish the criminals of smuggling,
adulteration, unfair profit taking & storage of things. So it creates justice in
country and decreases crime.
Factors that influence prices
1. Indirect tax: it is the indirect tax which increases the
prices of goods. The indirect tax is imposed on the things
while direct tax is imposed on the overall income of person
or the organization, not the things. So if indirect tax on
anything is increased, the overall price of that thing will
surely increase.
2. Foreign exchange rates: Price of everything will be
affected which is exported, imported or used in
manufacturing after import.
3. Change in price of any important widely used commodity
in international market affects the prices at large scale e.g.
petroleum rates.
4. Shortage of things: it is rule of economics that “shortage
increases the price”.
5. Mismanagement: It denotes irregular monitoring; lose
control and unwise decisions, so results in self-wished prices
of goods.

Methods to control prices

1. It should be the authority of government to fix the price
(whole sale & retail) of everything. Make a committee to
decide once, the price of everything. The prices of
How to be the best ruler 583

commodities of common men use should be fixed according

to their affordable limit then freeze the price. After that the
committee should ensure all over the country that there is no
increase in price (whole sale and retail).
2. It is needed to have a regular monitoring on the prices.
Don’t let the price of anything to go down or go upward if
in international market price of anything goes up or down
adjust it with up or down price of other thing or from
reserves of government i.e. subsidy or from the tax margin
of the same thing. Note: this adjustment is necessary
because things are interlinked in use i.e. if price of petroleum
is increased, it affects to increase the prices of all the things
directly and indirectly as transport charges are increased.
3. Finish bargaining of prices: It is wastage of time. Prices
of everything should be written on the things or written at
the shop, whichever is applicable i.e. on articles, drugs and
goods. In case of bakery products etc. price list should be
installed on the shop’s counter or at racks.
A government certified price list should be published which
should be present at counter of each selling place and strictly
ordered by government to present on demand to customers.
4. There should be no increase in indirect tax, because it is
the indirect tax which increases the prices of goods.
5. Strict punishment should be given to those who are taking
more prices, adulterating, or storing the things. Ensure that
punishment is given to every criminal across the board.
584 How to be the best ruler

6. Take regular feedback from market that prices are fixed

and not increasing.
7. Check by Government official’s reports. Counter check
by your intelligence network or sometime; go yourself to
some market and check prices.
8. Improve the transportation system all over the country i.e.
roads between cities & villages should be constructed or
repaired as needed. Railway services should be extended &
improved as it is the cheapest way of transportation of
9. Also ensure that there is no shortage of things because it
is rule of economics that “shortage increases the price”.
10. Sometime quantity of one commodity is sufficient to
meet the need and requirement of country. But artificial
shortage is produced by its storage. So there should be ban
and strict punishment of fine, imprisonment or both on
storage at large scale. The punishment should be given to
both seller and purchaser. In the same way sale limit should
be mentioned for every commodity.
Sultan Allauddin khilji (India) banned to purchase wheat
or flour more than 20 kg at individual or family level at one
time to avoid shortage.
How to be the best ruler 585

How to calculate the price of a thing: (especially of

big industries). The price of product should be decided by the
formula of adding costs, tax + and justified profit i.e.
i. Costs:

i. Cost of materials used.

ii. Labor cost according to:
(i) Duration of time to produce that thing
(ii) Strength of labor (Hardship of labor)
(iii) Quality of labor i.e. technical, non-technical,
professional, highly professional.
iii. Electricity & natural gas used.
iv. Telephone, stationary & other expenses.
v. Cost of machinery used & devalued for production.
v. Packaging cost.
vi. Administrative cost.
viii. All other costs directly & indirectly related to
ix. Transportation & selling costs.
ii. All Taxes of government.
iii. Proper profit of manufacturer.
Finally trade and retail price is to be decided.
586 How to be the best ruler

Note: All elements are not applied in case of small industries

and in agriculture products. So for the price calculation of
those products, only the relevant elements may be

How to maintain quality with price control

Quality of a product is disturbed & kept low in three ways.
I. Low quality material: Quality of a product is kept low
with production by low quality material but price of high &
standard quality is taken. So make a rule of minimum
standard of production of quality & durability, also make an
honest committee to check regularly the quality according
to standard criteria. Durability of product or thing should
also be ensured. It should also be written on the product i.e.
manufacturing date and expiry date (what and where it is
II. Defect in Measurement
Price is kept same but deceived in measurement e.g.
for measuring a cloth, meter used is lesser in length or during
measurement deceived or in case of petrol, the machine is
set as to measure less i.e. it shows 1000 ml, which is in fact
900 ml of petrol or in case of milk, the container is made of
smaller quantity i.e. 950 ml container is presented as equal
to 1000 ml, or in case of measurement of any goods,
measurement scales are made 950 gm and presented 1000
How to be the best ruler 587

gm (1 kg), or a magnet of 50 or 100 gm is pasted below at

one side of weighing scale or the machine is made to weigh
less and show more.
Examples; The community of prophet Shoaibpbuh used to
worship idols and had their routine to measure and weigh
wrong in all goods. They had kept two different scales for
taking and giving the goods. They were preached for years
by the prophet but most of them denied to correct their
dishonesty and idol worship. So all deniers were punished
by God and killed by earthquake.
Sultan Allaudin Khilji (King of India 1296-1316) used to
check the market prices by himself. During checking of
market, He found in a big shop; a magnet of 100 gm pasted
below the weighing scale. The shopkeeper offered to pay the
fine but the Sultan ordered to cut the 100 gm flesh of the
body of owner of shop. The news of this punishment
eradicated the measurement crime all over India.

III. Adulteration

It is done in two ways;

(i) Things are mixed with other thing which is of no or low
cost i.e. water added in milk and so indirectly water sold at
the price of milk.
(ii) Things are replaced or mixed with low priced thing of
similar appearance and sold at the standard quality thing of
588 How to be the best ruler

similar appearance i.e. color, size and shape e.g. Black

pepper is replaced or mixed with seeds of papaya.
Example of strict price control; Sultan AllaudDin1 Khilji
remained the King of India for 20 years 1296-1316. During
his tenure, there was exemplary strict price control i.e. no
increase in prices of anything even not a single penny. His
technique was as follows;
- He ordered to re-analyze and fix the prices of all things
- Checking committees were made so that nobody could take
more price. Daily checking was ensured.
- He himself took keen interest and supervised all the
- It was also ensured that production level may not decease
and no problem may occur in timely transportation of goods.
- Daily reports were taken from markets and by the
informers of the king. Strict and prompt actions were taken
in case of any crime and sure punishments were given to
criminals across the board, whatever or whoever was the
Note: Surprisingly; the prices remained stable during war
and during the years of lesser production.

(ii) Control on foreign exchange rates

Factors that influence exchange rates: Aside from factors such
as interest rates and inflation, the exchange rate is one of the most
How to be the best ruler 589

important determinants of a country's relative level of economic

health. Exchange rates play a vital role in a country's level of
trade, which is critical to most every free market economy in the
world. For this reason, exchange rates are among the most
watched; analyzed and governmentally manipulated economic
measures. But exchange rates matter on a smaller scale as well:
they impact the real return of an investor's portfolio. Here we look
at some of the major forces behind exchange rate movements.
Overview: Before we look at these forces, we should sketch out
how exchange rate movements affect a nation's trading
relationships with other nations. A higher currency makes a
country's exports more expensive and imports cheaper in foreign
markets; a lower currency makes a country's exports cheaper and
its imports more expensive in foreign markets. A higher exchange
rate can be expected to lower the country's balance of trade, while
a lower exchange rate would increase it.
Determinants of Exchange Rates: Numerous factors determine
exchange rates, and all are related to the trading relationship
between two countries. Remember, exchange rates are relative,
and are expressed as a comparison of the currencies of two
countries. The following are some of the principal determinants
of the exchange rate between two countries. Note that these
factors are in no particular order; like many aspects of economics,
the relative importance of these factors is subject to much debate.
1. Differentials in Inflation: As a general rule, a country with a
consistently lower inflation rate exhibits a rising currency value,
as its purchasing power increases relative to other currencies.
During the last half of the twentieth century, the countries with
low inflation included Japan, Germany and Switzerland, while
the U.S. and Canada achieved low inflation only later. Those
countries with higher inflation typically see depreciation in their
currency in relation to the currencies of their trading partners.
This is also usually accompanied by higher interest rates.
2. Differentials in Interest Rates: Interest rates, inflation and
exchange rates are all highly correlated. By manipulating interest
rates, central banks exert influence over both inflation and
590 How to be the best ruler

exchange rates, and changing interest rates impact inflation and

currency values. Higher interest rates offer lenders in an economy
a higher return relative to other countries. Therefore, higher
interest rates attract foreign capital and cause the exchange rate
to rise. The impact of higher interest rates is mitigated, however,
if inflation in the country is much higher than in others, or if
additional factors serve to drive the currency down. The opposite
relationship exists for decreasing interest rates - that is, lower
interest rates tend to decrease exchange rates.
3. Current-Account Deficits: The current account is the balance
of trade between a country and its trading partners, reflecting all
payments between countries for goods, services, interest and
dividends. A deficit in the current account shows the country is
spending more on foreign trade than it is earning, and that it is
borrowing capital from foreign sources to make up the deficit. In
other words, the country requires more foreign currency than it
receives through sales of exports, and it supplies more of its own
currency than foreigners demand for its products. The excess
demand for foreign currency lowers the country's exchange rate
until domestic goods and services are cheap enough for
foreigners, and foreign assets are too expensive to generate sales
for domestic interests.
4. Public Debt: Countries will engage in large-scale deficit
financing to pay for public sector projects and governmental
funding. While such activity stimulates the domestic economy,
nations with large public deficits and debts are less attractive to
foreign investors. The reason? A large debt encourages inflation,
and if inflation is high, the debt will be serviced and ultimately
paid off with cheaper real dollars in the future.
In the worst case scenario, a government may print money to pay
part of a large debt, but increasing the money supply inevitably
causes inflation. Moreover, if a government is not able to service
its deficit through domestic means (selling domestic bonds,
increasing the money supply), then it must increase the supply of
securities for sale to foreigners, thereby lowering their prices.
Finally, a large debt may prove worrisome to foreigners if they
How to be the best ruler 591

believe the country risks defaulting on its obligations. Foreigners

will be less willing to own securities denominated in that
currency if the risk of default is great. For this reason, the
country's debt rating (as determined by Moody's or Standard &
Poor's, for example) is a crucial determinant of its exchange rate.
5. Terms of Trade: A ratio comparing export prices to import
prices, the terms of trade is related to current accounts and the
balance of payments. If the price of a country's exports rises by a
greater rate than that of its imports, its terms of trade have
favorably improved. Increasing terms of trade shows greater
demand for the country's exports; this, in turn, results in rising
revenues from exports, which provides increased demand for the
country's currency (and an increase in the currency's value). If the
price of exports rises by a smaller rate than that of its imports, the
currency's value will decrease in relation to its trading partners.
6. Political Stability and Economic Performance: Foreign
investors inevitably seek out stable countries with strong
economic performance in which to invest their capital. A country
with such positive attributes will draw investment funds away
from other countries perceived to have more political and
economic risk. Political turmoil, for example, can cause a loss of
confidence in a currency and a movement of capital to the
currencies of more stable countries.
Conclusion: The exchange rate of the currency in which a
portfolio holds the bulk of its investments determines that
portfolio's real return. A declining exchange rate obviously
decreases the purchasing power of income and capital gains
derived from any returns. Moreover, the exchange rate influences
other income factors such as interest rates, inflation and even
capital gains from domestic securities. While exchange rates are
determined by numerous complex factors that often leave even
the most experienced economists flummoxed, investors should
still have some understanding of how currency values and
exchange rates play an important role in the rate of return on their
592 How to be the best ruler

Reference: that influence exchange


Methods of Exchange Control: The various methods of

exchange control may broadly be classified into two types, direct
and indirect. Direct methods of exchange control include those
devices which are adopted by governments to have an effective
control over the exchange rate, while indirect methods are
designed to regulate international movements of goods.
There are many ways to introduce exchange control in an
economy. These are usually classified into two groups:
(i) Direct Exchange Control and (ii) Indirect Exchange Control.
Direct Methods of Exchange Control: In direct exchange
control, certain measures are adopted which effectuate immediate
direct restriction on foreign exchange from all sides - its quantum,
use and allocation. In general, direct exchange control includes
measures like: (i) Intervention; (ii) Exchange restrictions; (iii)
Exchange clearing agreements; (iv) Payment agreements; and (v)
Gold policy.
Intervention: It refers to the government's intervention or
interference in the free working of the exchange market with a
view to overvalue or undervalue the country's currency in terms
of foreign money.
The government or its agency - the central bank - can intervene
in the free market by resorting to buying and selling the home
currency against foreign currency in the foreign exchange market
to support or depress the exchange rate of its currency.
Pegging Operations: Government intervention in the foreign
exchange market takes the form of pegging up or pegging down
of the currency of the country to a chosen rate of exchange. Since
undervaluation or overvaluation is not the equilibrium rate, it has
to be pegged. Thus, pegging means keeping a fixed exchange
value of a currency; however, intervention may be practised by a
government without resorting to pegging as such.
Pegging operations take the form of buying and selling of the
local currency by the central bank of a country in exchange for
How to be the best ruler 593

the foreign currency in the foreign exchange market, in order to

maintain an exchange rate whether, it is overvalued or
Thus, pegging may be pegging up or pegging down. Pegging up
means holding fixed overvaluation, i.e., to maintain the exchange
rate at a higher level. Pegging down means holding fixed
undervaluation, i.e., to maintain the exchange rate at a lower
(depressed) level. In the case of pegging up, the central bank shall
have to keep itself ready to buy unlimited amount of local
currency in exchange for foreign currencies at a fixed rate,
because overvaluation tends to increase the demand for foreign
currencies by creating import surplus.
In the case of pegging down, the central bank or central agency
shall have to keep itself ready to sell any amount to local currency
by creating export surplus. Similarly, pegging up involves
holding of sufficient amount of foreign currencies while pegging
down involves holding of sufficient amount of local currency by
the central bank. It goes without saying that pegging up is more
difficult to maintain as it requires huge amounts of foreign
currencies which is difficult to obtain. As such; pegging up can
be adopted only as a temporary expedient.
It should be noted that intervention by a government in the
foreign exchange market has the effect of neutralising the forces
of demand and supply of foreign exchange. However, it is
generally assumed that government intervention or pegging up
and pegging down operations should be used as temporary
expedients to remove fluctuations in the exchange rate.
Exchange Restrictions: Exchange restrictions refer to the policy
or measures adopted by a government which restrict or
compulsory reduce the flow of home currency in the foreign
exchange market. Exchange restrictions may be of three types: (i)
The government may centralise all trading in foreign exchange
with itself or a central authority, usually the central bank; (ii) the
government may prevent the exchange of local currency against
foreign currencies without its permission; (iii) the government
may order all foreign exchange transactions to be made through
594 How to be the best ruler

its agency.
Exchange restrictions may take various forms, the most common
of them being: (1) Blocked accounts, (2) Multiple exchange rates.
Blocked Accounts; under the condition of severe financial crisis
a debtor country may adopt the scheme of blocking the accounts
of its creditors. In 1931, Germany, for instance, had done so in
order to have exchange restrictions.
Blocked accounts refer to bank deposits, securities and other
assets held by foreigners in a country which denies them
conversion of these into their home currency. Blocked accounts,
thus, cannot be converted into the creditor country's currency.
Under the blocked accounts scheme, all those who have to make
payments to any foreign country will have to make them not to
the foreign creditor directly but to the central bank of the country
which will keep the amount in the name of the foreign creditor.
This amount will not be available to the foreigners in their own
currency, but can be used by them for purchase in the controlling
Blocked accounts system has two drawbacks: (i) It reduces
international trade to a minimum, and (ii) it leads to black-
marketing in foreign exchange.
Multiple Exchange Rates: In the early thirties, Germany had
initiated the device of multiple rates, as a weapon to improve her
balance of payments position. Under this system, different
exchange rates are set for different classes and categories of
exports and imports. Generally a low rate, i.e., low prices of
foreign money in terms of domestic currency, is confined to
imports of necessary items having an inelastic demand, while a
high penalty rate is fixed for the imports of luxury items. In short,
the multiple exchange rates system implies official price
discriminatory policy in foreign exchange transactions.
By simply fixing a high exchange rate for a commodity, the
government can check its imports (when its elasticity of demand
for import is greater than unity). Similarly, its imports can be
encouraged by fixing a low exchange rate.
Likewise, the export of a commodity can be encouraged by
How to be the best ruler 595

setting a high rate of exchange. Thus, the device of multiple

exchange rates can be effectively used by the government for
making short-term adjustments in the balance of payments,
without resorting to quantitative restrictions and licensing.
Indeed, multiple exchange rates amount to discriminatory export
taxation and varying rates of tariffs on imports.
In other words, the system of multiple exchange rates in essence
is a form of discriminatory partial devaluation, because instead
of devaluing the currency for the whole of foreign trade, under
this system, the currency is devalued for imports and exports of
goods with an elasticity greater than unity and appreciating the
currency for goods with an elasticity less than unity. It is thus
more effective in bringing about the desired effect on the level of
trade and thereby improve the balance of payments.
Thus, the main merit of the system of multiple exchange rates is
that it allows more effective control of the balance of payments.
Secondly, it also contains disguised subsidies and tariffs, which
may encourage or discourage trade in certain goods and affect the
level of foreign trade.
Apparently, buying foreign exchange at a rate above the
equilibrium rate; amounts to subsidisation of exports, while
selling foreign exchange at a rate above the equilibrium rate
amounts to a tariff on imports.
Another merit of the system is that it enables the government to
yield revenue by buying foreign exchange at low prices in
domestic money from exporters and then selling it at higher
prices to importers.
However, the system has the following drawbacks: (i) Instead of
correcting the balance of payments, it adversely affects the
growth of international trade and the maximisation of world
output and welfare. (ii) It puts too much arbitrary powers into the
hands of the government to influence foreign trade.(iii) It creates
undue complexities in calculation, due to different exchange rates
for different imports and exports which may be changed from
time to time, resulting in uncertainty in foreign trade. (iv) The
system has a formidable administrative problem of effective
596 How to be the best ruler

control. Utmost vigilance has to be maintained against the

undervaluation of export invoices and overvaluation of import
invoices and care should be taken to see that exporters do not sell
their proceeds of foreign exchange in the black-market and
importers do make specific and proper use of the allotted foreign
exchange. Further, the system is also likely to breed corruption.
We may thus, conclude with Ellsworth that exchange control by
the system of multiple exchange rates is only a partial solution to
devaluation, and introduces uncertainties and distortions of its
Exchange Clearing Agreements: European countries had
adopted this form of exchange control in the Thirties. It was a
system for the direct bilateral bartering of goods on a national
scale. Under this device, two countries engaged in trade pay to
their respective central banks the amounts payable to their
respective foreign creditors.
These central banks then use the money in offsetting the
corresponding claims after fixing the value of the currencies by
mutual agreement. And, importers have to deposit their payment
with the central bank can use such money to pay the domestic
This economises exchange needs for trade. Therefore, exchange
clearing device is helpful to a country which has little or no
foreign exchange reserves and which is more interested in selling
than buying. However, this system is essentially one of offsetting
each other's payments, and the basic assumption is that countries
entering into such an agreement should try to equalise their
imports and exports so that, there will be no necessity for either
making or receiving payments from the other countries.
Following are the drawbacks of exchange clearing agreements:
(i) There is a possibility of exploitation of an economically
weaker country by a stronger country. (ii) The exchange clearing
agreements involve bilateral transactions in foreign trade, which
cause a diversion of normal trade pattern and endanger the
promotion of world trade. (iii) This device also reduces the
volume of international trade. Besides, it attempts to do away
How to be the best ruler 597

with the foreign exchange market. (iv) The scheme requires that
all payments have to be centralised.
Payment Agreements: To overcome the difficulties of the
problems of waiting and centralisation of payments observed in
clearing agreements, the device is formed as payment
agreements. Under this scheme, a creditor is paid as soon as
Under this scheme, a creditor is paid as soon as information is
received by the central bank of the debtor country from the
creditor country's central bank that its debtor has discharged his
obligation and vice versa. By designing the arrangement for
mutual credit facilities, thus, possibilities of delay are ruled out.
Payment Agreements have the advantage that direct relation
between exporters and importers are maintained.
However, payment agreements suffer from two defects: (i) The
agreement accounts could only be debited or credited for licensed
payments. (ii) The balances in the accounts could only be used
for payment from one partner to another.
Gold Policy: Through a suitable gold policy, the country can
bring the desired exchange control. For this, the country may
resort to the manipulation of the buying and selling prices of gold
which affect the exchange rate of the country's currency. In 1936,
for instance, the U.K., France and U.S.A. signed the Tripartite
Agreement in this regard for fixing a suitable purchase and sale
price of gold.

Indirect Methods of Exchange Control: Apart from the

direct methods, there are several indirect methods also regulating
the rates of exchange. Important ones are briefly discussed below.
Changes in Interest Rates: Changes in interest rate tend to
influence indirectly the foreign exchange rate. A rise in the
interest rate of a country attracts liquid capital and banking funds
of foreigners. It will tend to keep their funds in their own country.
All this tends to increase the demand for local currency and
consequently the exchange rate move in its favour. It goes
without saying that, a lowering of the rate of interest will have
598 How to be the best ruler

the opposite effect.

Tariffs Duties and Import Quotas: The most important indirect
method is the use of tariffs and import quotas and other such
quantitative restrictions on the volume of foreign trade; the
import duty reduces imports and with it rise the value of home
currency relative to foreign currency. Similarly, export duty
restricts exports; as a result, the value of home currency falls
relative to foreign currencies. In short, when import duties and
quotas are imposed, the rate of exchange tends to go up in favour
of the controlling country.
Export Bounties: Export bounties of subsidies increase exports.
As such the external value of the currency of the subsidy-giving
country rises. It should be noted that import duties and export
bounties are treated as indirect instruments of exchange control
only if they are imposed with the object of conserving the foreign
exchange. Otherwise, the fundamental aim of import duty is
merely to check imports and that of export bounty is to encourage
In fine, interest rates, import duty or export subsidy, each has its
limitations. For instance, import duty cannot go so far as to
completely restrict imports. There is also the fear of retaliation in
regard to tariff policy. Similarly, the volume of subsidy depends
upon the support of public fund. Likewise, manipulation of
exchange rate through changes in interest rate may not be always
effective. Moreover, rates of interest cannot be raised to any limit
without engendering depression.
Concluding Remarks: There are various forms in which the
exchange control system may be devised. Each form has its own
merits and demerits and each one serves a specific purpose.
Therefore, the whole economic situation of foreign trade of a
country must be carefully viewed while resorting to exchange
control, and more than one method must be combined together.
In so far as the correction of disequilibrium is concerned, it
should be noted that exchange control does not basically solve
the problem, it only prevents the situation from becoming worse.
Moreover, exchange control is always an inhibiting factor to an
How to be the best ruler 599

expanding world trade. With its adoption the gains from

international trade are reduced and channels of trade are distorted.
It also checks the flow of international investments which are
very essential for the planned development of world's economic
resources. In normal peace times, therefore, it has hardly anything
to commend. That is why; International Monetary Fund also has
mentioned the removal of exchange controls as one of its major
Reference: of exchange control.

Reference; 30, price control.

1. History of indo-pak by Abdullah Malik.
600 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 31 Corruption
Corruption is the Lack of honesty or use of one’s position of
trust for dishonest gain. Corruption is so much common in
most of the countries of world that it seems to be a routine.
It is thought that; to remove corruption is near to impossible.
How to alleviate corruption
1. To alleviate corruption, one thing must be understood
clearly that; all goodness and badness come and spread from
above downward. So until and unless that person who is
sitting at the highest post i.e. the ruler, is honest and free
from corruption, the dream of corruption free society cannot
be fulfilled. So the first requirement to remove corruption is
that; the ruler must be free from corruption.
The great Confucius advised to the rulers that “If you are
bearing good character, people will copy you. So be social
and of good character. Ruler’s character is like air and
people’s role is like grass. When and how air moves, the
grass bows and accepts the air”.

Sheikh Saadi writes in his Book Gulistan e Saadi:

“In a hunting place, the meat was under process to be
roasted for King Nosherwan adil. There was no salt. One
servant was sent to a nearly village to bring salt. Nosherwan
insisted to the servant, to bring the salt after paying the price
of salt. So that it may not become a wrong custom and so
destroy the village. His companions asked that how such a
small action i.e. bringing salt without payment can destroy
the village. Nosherwan said: the base of cruelty and
corruption was always very small in the beginning, then
How to be the best ruler 601

everyone who came later, increased that and then cruelty and
corruption reached at the top.
“If King eats one apple from a garden, his slaves will take
all trees of garden from their roots. And if King takes one
egg free of cost; his slaves will destroy the whole village of
In Islamic history, during the era of government of banu-
umaya tribe, there were cruelty, injustice and corruption
present all over the society. But then Umar bin
AbdulazizRA was made Caliph (ruler). There was change of
only one person at the top, but he changed the whole
country. He started the reforms from himself and then from
his family. He deposited all his property with ornaments of
his wife in bait-ul-maal (treasury) and ordered strictly his
tribe (banu-umaya) to deposit all their property which was
taken unfairly or undeservingly. Then he changed all the
corrupt heads of provinces and strictly ordered for justice
and strict punishment for criminals across the board. He
remained caliph for only two and half years but he removed
corruption and injustice from the whole country.
2. The corrupt must be caught & punished: most
important cause of prevalence of corruption in society and
country is this that all corrupts are not punished. Most of
them escape punishment due to their influence, status or due
to their richness. If corrupt is not punished, it gives him a
sense of protection and courage to do it again. So corrupt
must be caught & punished what so ever is his status or
602 How to be the best ruler

3. The ruler should search the right persons and appoint

them at right places.

4. Justice: Independent, strong, secured, impartial,

greedless, talented and trained judiciary is very necessary to
alleviate corruption. Every person should be accountable to
law, across the board.
5. Monitoring: regular monitoring with prompt action.
6. Thinking of ideal ruler: Think what & how your ideal
ruler would have dealt corruption in your circumstances. Do
the same.

7. Study other countries: Study the strategy of those

countries which have succeeded in alleviation of corruption.
Implement that strategy according to your country’s
How to be the best ruler 603
604 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 23 How to deal electricity crisis

Energy challenges in developing countries: World Bank
report 2011 states that; “over 1.2 billion people - 20% of the
world's population are still without access to electricity
worldwide, almost all of whom live in developing countries.
This includes about 550 million in Africa, and over 400
million in south Asia. Access to electricity must be
environmentally and socially sustainable. About 2.8 billion
people use solid fuels; wood, Charcoal, coal and dung—for
cooking and heating. Every year fumes and smoke from
open cooking fires kill approximately 1.5 million people
mostly women and children, from emphysema and other
respiratory diseases”.
Electricity is the basic need & right of public to be provided
at economical & affordable cost. It is the duty of government
to provide itself or do result oriented arrangements for
electricity supply from sources other than government.
In most of the developing countries there is a great shortage
of electricity (load-shedding) e.g. in most of African
countries, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and
Pakistan etc. Shortage of electricity can be labeled as crisis,
if it is more than 20% of the requirement.
Solution to electricity crisis
It is a technical problem so make a committee of the
relevant technocrats and then act on their suggestions at
However the author’s suggestions are as follows;
1. Situation analysis: Analyze the situation and the actual
shortfall of electricity. This can be done by subtracting the
How to be the best ruler 605

total actual potency of all electricity generating plants of

country from actual requirement of the country.
The actual requirement of the country is equal to electricity
supposed to be required minus electricity wasted. The
wasted electricity is due to the cruel usage of electricity by
two types of persons i.e. who is given electricity free of cost
and the others who steal electricity.
2. Energy saving plans:
i. Monetary compensation: Electricity is generally given
free to the employees of electricity department and
government officials. This free provision produces a
behavior resulting in cruel & extra usage of electricity. It is
suggested that by a resolution, finish the free electricity
facility for all, across the board. Monetary compensation
may be given for that in pay or other way. It will save
surprisingly much electricity than it is expected.
ii. Eradicate the stealing of electricity. Punish the defaulters
accordingly across the board.
iii. Usage of energy saving electric appliances: usage of
energy saving electricity appliances should be brought in
practice e.g. common energy saver lamps & LED lamps etc.
iv. Solar lights: All over country; the road lights, street
lights and traffic signals can be substituted by solar lamps
having 12-16 hours. This method will save a lot of energy &
so reduce the shortage.
v. prepaid electricity systems:
Prepaid electricity system using smart
606 How to be the best ruler

The traditional electricity system is postpaid electricity

system which means that consumers pay for energy
after they use it while the prepaid electricity system
means that consumers pay for energy before they
actually use it. It functions the same way as prepaid
mobile phone services work, so when you run out of
credit you need to top up otherwise your electricity
supply would be switched off. By prepaid electricity
system, people become more conscious & sensitive to use
and save the electricity.

Prepaid electricity system using Smart Cards is an

efficient scheme of electricity billing. It is beneficial to
consumers and power plant in terms of revenue and
power sector reforms. Prepayment metering system
had improved operational efficiencies, reduced
financial risks and provides better customer service.

Smart card meters work by downloading energy usage

information and sending it to your supplier when you
top up. The proposed system uses a microcontroller in
addition to a power meter, providing efficient online
control of the amount of electricity consumed by the
user. The user is notified by an SMS on his phone if
his credit balance goes below certain level.

Recently many countries had adopted Prepaid

electricity system using smart cards and found it very
How to be the best ruler 607

The advantages:

-The traditional electricity system (postpaid electricity

system) has some drawbacks such as electricity theft
and requirement of manpower (meter reader etc.)
which can be avoided to great extent by prepaid
electricity system.

- It saves electricity and consumer money both. This is

because when the consumer pays for energy he can
afford, he will certainly limit his usage which will save
electricity and consumer money both.
An Assessment of South Africa Prepaid
Electricity system
 Study examined the effects of a policy change in 2014 that
switched 4,000 households on the grid in Cape Town, South
Africa, to prepaid metering.
 Introducing prepaid meters led to a 13% drop in electricity
usage – and the effect persisted throughout the two-year
study, suggesting the meters helped customers better
understand and take control of their energy usage and
 The switch to pre-paid electricity brought particularly large
cost savings (through reduced energy consumption) for
poorer customers and those with a history of delinquent
 There were also net benefits for the electric utility, due to
more reliable payments and lower costs of recovery and

The disadvantages:
608 How to be the best ruler

· Initial investment is high. This can be resolved by

making contracts with investors by BOTT (Build,
Operate, Tax, Transfer) method.

- People may feel difficulty to understand the benefits

of prepaid electricity system so may hesitate to accept.
But as it resembles mobile system which is very
common so people will understand and accept it soon.
However; by pre-occasional and ongoing campaign
through media, it can be made more acceptable.

- The consumer need to be keen and have credit at all

times to avoid disconnection of electricity.

The advantages of prepayment meters outweigh the

disadvantages and it is a good idea to adopt the prepaid
electricity system as soon as possible.

3. Maximum output
Make arrangement to get maximum output from existing
electricity plants. Visit the electricity generating plants,
along with your technical committee to analyze their
potency and output.

4. Line losses: Reduce the line losses. It is said that China

has become successful in reducing line losses to minimum
i.e. 5-7%.
5. Total quality management: (i) mismanagement is
one of the main causes of shortage of electricity, so total
quality management is necessary by appointment of
How to be the best ruler 609

qualified, technically skilled, trained, sincere, and active

persons, by giving them time limited targets, followed by
regular monitoring. It is to be noted that the quality and
quantity of output is directly proportional to quality
(ii) Justified & timely collections of electricity bills must be
ensured. For that, the electricity may be sold & distributed
indirectly through provinces or cities.
6. The government can work on short term plan, medium
term plan & long term plan.
Short term plan
i. Taking benefit of daylight: Order the business
community to start their business early morning up to the
sunset so as to get more benefit from daylight. This method
can save a lot of electricity. This method is very close to
nature & practiced in most of the developed countries, where
there is no load-shedding.
ii. A social campaign with the help of media is to be done,
persuading and educating public & officials, to use
electricity wisely, as minimum as possible and to pay bill
regularly & timely.
iii. Take electricity from the neighbor countries directly at
predefined affordable price.
iv. Sources other than government: Announce and
allow legally that; every individual, group, community, city
and province is allowed to make arrangement for electricity
production, by their own resources and also allowed to sell
it in its limited circle. It is also to be added that government
will not charge any tax on such type of production & selling
610 How to be the best ruler

of electricity e.g. sugar industries have surplus electricity, so

should be legally allowed to sell it in their limited circle.
The government should also allow legally with complete tax
exemption, to the following sources, to make arrangements
for production of electricity & supply directly to the
consumers at predefined affordable price i.e.
i- Private sector of country i.e. Businessmen etc.
ii- International agencies or country to install their power
Medium term plan
In the whole world, every country is running its electricity
system by mix energy system i.e. using all or more than one
method of production of electricity, according to the
suitability, affordability & available resources of country.
Following are the different methods to produce electricity.
1- Making of small electricity generating plants e.g. micro-
Hydel, as many as possible. These plants can be helpful in
reducing electricity shortage at local level.
Note: Micro-hydel economical power plants can be
established at all hill areas, at areas of waterfall which can
compensate an appreciable level of local energy needs. The
only drawback is this that these plants are seasonal i.e. non-
functional in winter. So in winter, energy can be taken as
substituent from other sources of plain areas where the need
in winter is comparatively lesser than summer.
2- Solar electricity units: In the whole world, solar units
are gaining popularity especially in countries which are
gifted by abundant sunlight. Solar units may be small or
How to be the best ruler 611

large, ranging from single lamp unit to mega units

generating thousands megawatts electricity.
USA is leading by generating 8 Gaga-watts electricity from solar
plants, Spain 4.46 GW and China 2.5 GW.

The solar plant of California is providing electricity to 200,000 houses.

Solar plant of Rajasthan India is planned to generate 4000 MW

3. Wind power:
Wind power is produced by using wind turbines to make electrical
power. A wind farm is a group of wind turbines in the same location
used for production of electricity. A large wind farm may consist of
several hundred individual wind turbines, which are connected to the
electric power transmission network. The wind turbines are distributed
over an extended area, but the land between the turbines may be used
for agricultural or other purposes. A wind farm may also be located

Almost all large wind turbines have the same design — a horizontal
axis wind turbine having an upwind rotor with three blades, attached to
a nacelle on top of a tall tubular tower. In a wind farm, individual
turbines are interconnected with a medium voltage (often 34.5 kV),
power collection system and communications network.

Many of the largest operational onshore wind farms are located in the
US. As of 2012, the Alta Wind Energy Center is the largest onshore
wind farm in the world at 1020 MW, followed by the Shepherds Flat
Wind Farm (845 MW), and the Roscoe Wind Farm (781.5 MW). As of
September 2012, the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm and the
Thanet Wind Farm in the UK are the largest offshore wind farms in the
world at 317 MW and 300 MW, followed by Horns Rev II (209 MW)
in Denmark.

Here is the list of top ten wind power producing countries as of 2012.
612 How to be the best ruler

Wind-power total
Country capacity
China 75,324
United States 60,007
Germany 31,308
Spain 22,796
India 18,421
UK 8,845
Italy 8,144
France 7,564
Canada 6,200
Portugal 4,525
(rest of the
World total 282,587 MW

Ref: wikipedia. Wind power.

Note: The Author recommends to install preferably; the

micro-hydel, solar and wind power plants, as these are
relatively environmental friendly and lesser land space

Long term plan

1- Building of hydroelectric dams.
2- Making of nuclear electric plants.
3- Making of thermal electric plants i.e. by petrol, natural
gas, coal, methane hydrate1 and shale oil & gas etc.
How to be the best ruler 613

How to cover up expenses

For countries with financial deficiencies; a system called
BOTT is very helpful to cover up expenses for all high
financial projects of electricity.

BOTT System
B - Build
O - Operate
T - Tax
T - Transfer
BOTT System is very helpful for the development of under
developed and less resourced country e.g. this was one of
the methods adapted by Thailand and Singapore etc. to
develop their countries. In this system, for example; country
“A” with less resources makes a contract for a project with
the other country or big national or international financer
e.g. “B” with sufficient resources and by this contract “B”
completes (Builds) the project. Then operate and maintain
that project and charge tax (electricity bill) from the
consumers for certain period of time (i.e. 20 years). Rate of
bill per unit is decided at the time of contract. Then lastly
“B” transfers ownership with all rights of project back to
country “A” after completion of 20 years (pre-decided
In this method, most of resources i.e. man & material is
taken from country “A” so the people of country “A” are
also benefited of employment. Country “A” is also benefited
614 How to be the best ruler

with material & machinery which the “B” mostly leaves at

the time of departure.


1. courtesy; Aftab Iqbal, Khabarnak.

How to be the best ruler 615

Subsection 7
Chapter 33 – Development of country
616 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 33 Development of country

The development of country means apparent and
appreciable progress of country. It is commonly estimated
by increase in annual GDP and average per capita income.
Development is generally appreciated by construction of
grand buildings, bridges and roads.
Uneven development: In the whole world especially
underdeveloped countries, there is uneven development i.e.
more development in cities than rural areas, even basic
facilities are not provided in rural areas while in cities people
enjoy all modern facilities, due to which people migrate in

Causes for non-development in underdeveloped

1. Wrong selection of Ruler
In democratic countries, people vote and elect wrong
person as their ruler who is not good. A good ruler is that
who is trustworthy having the ability, tendency and capacity
to do result producing work for the welfare of his nation
especially for the poor.
2 - Dilemma of third world countries
One major cause of lesser developmental rate in third world
countries is this that they are ruled by below average
minded persons. Secondly the abilities of intelligentsia of
country are utilized to earn only up to the purchase of
kitchen goods, how the creative ideas can come in their
How to be the best ruler 617

Due to poor socio-economic conditions & high

unemployment rate, the students who pass matric/ O-level
with high positions, they have to prefer to take admission in
those professional courses, which are job oriented i.e.
medical, engineering & commerce etc. So the abilities of
high intelligentsia of country are utilized to earn only the
kitchen needs for their families or to pass their whole lives
for the professions for which the average mind is sufficient.
Note: The high intelligentsia is the brain of nation, so must
be utilized for high mental level task i.e. to lead and govern
the nation.
The students of average mind go to the law, banking,
accounting, computer sciences & bureaucracy.
While the students of below average mind but with high
financial status, join politics after their normal study (with
or without proper qualification) & then rule over the
Hence the results of such miserable circumstances are also

3. The propaganda of developed country that the

certain subjects and skills can only be learned and practiced
by the persons of developed countries who are gifted by God
and have better brains to understand and learn the higher and
creative level of subjects and skills.
618 How to be the best ruler

Dr. Mahathir Mohammad writes in his book “A new deal for

Asia” that the European countries sowed the seed during
their rule on Asia that certain subjects and skills are such
which the poor and Asian countries can’t learn. The Asians
also started thinking that it is true that they can’t learn
certain subjects and skills. So for development, the people
of Asian countries also need psychological development
along with their economic and social development.

4. Attitude of ruling class: Most of the underdeveloped

countries were ruled by developed countries i.e.
England or France etc. The people of these countries
were dealt as slaves. Now even after the independence,
the common men of underdeveloped countries are dealt
by the present ruling class as equal to slave or a little
better. So the common men are bound to live a life, tight
enough and remain busy and contented to think and
struggle for kitchen goods only.
5. Debt & Defense: In most of the underdeveloped
countries, approximately 70-80% of the annual collected
revenue is utilized for the payment of these two “D” i.e. Debt
and Defense. Most of the time, the government has to take
more loan to pay the installment of Debt taken previously
(by same or previous governments) from the international
agencies or foreign countries.
How to be the best ruler 619

Secondly, some countries are bound to spend a lot of

revenue for their defense on armed forces.

6. Lack of appropriate technology: There is a great lack

of appropriate technology in all walks of life in
underdeveloped countries, which is necessary for
development. The purpose of appropriate technology is
fulfilled only when it is Acceptable, Accessible, Available
and Affordable (4 ‘As’).
The developed nations give monetary support to the
underdeveloped countries but do not give or teach the
desired technology, so as to keep them dependent &

7. Lack of skilled human resource (discussed in human

resource development; chapter, national finance management)

8. Lack of developed systems (discussed in develop systems &

subsystems; chapter, national finance management)

9. Corruption (discussed in chapter; corruption)

10. Non-working of most of family adults
In some countries, it happens that only head of family is
working and earning while the other adult members of
family above 18 years, do not work, especially the females
only take care of family. So how difficult is development of
country when a large number of population is not working,
rather do not have any intention of working?
620 How to be the best ruler

11. Multi-language system: There should be one

practical language in whole country; multi-language system
is a great hindrance in development e.g.
In Pakistan; a child learns local language i.e. mother tongue
in his home, which is Punjabi, Sindhi or Pashto etc. In
institutes, he learns; Urdu as national language and also
English for exams, job, national and international dealings.
For religion, he has to learn also Arabic, because the
religious book of Islam “holy Quran” is in Arabic language.
So in this way; a Pakistani has to learn four languages and
his brain has to work in four fields of communications.
Resultantly brain efficiency and talent will be reduced due
to this division of learning and communication.
While in case of a British or American citizen; his mother
tongue, religious language, office language, national and
international language; all are same for all purposes i.e.
English. His brain has to work in one field for learning and
communication. Resultantly he has much better scope to
give better results in competition to a citizen of an
underdeveloped country like Pakistan.
12. No recycling: Recycling means to reuse of wastes. In
most of the countries, many things which are used products
or wastes; are wasted or kept as it is e.g. in UAE, Kuwait &
Saudi Arabia etc. It should be recycled. All developed
countries recycle their waste to much extent.

13. Work output (job description & periodical

performance evaluation) is not properly planned
Criteria of Development
How to be the best ruler 621

Generally development of a country is analyzed by

improvement in total annual GDP (gross domestic product)
and the average annual per capita income.
Drawbacks to measure GDP & per capita income: GDP
is the total & collective revenue generated per annum in the
country by all domestic sources. It does not separately
describe the income & condition of common men.
Drawback of average annual per capita income is this that it
also does not separately describe the income & condition of
common men e.g. the income of ten persons is ten $ each
and income of one person is one thousand $. Then the
average per capita income will be 100 $ each. But fact is this
that only one person is rich & others are poor.
The above discussion clears that these criteria does not give
the clear picture of whole country, so a different criteria is
A different criterion of development: Same criteria of
development cannot be made for a developed country & an
underdeveloped country. The real picture of underdeveloped
countries is very miserable with unbelievable but true data
i.e. approximately 30-50% of adult population is
unemployed in most of the underdeveloped countries. More
than 30% of population is living a life below poverty line.
People are selling their children due to poverty. Literacy rate
is below 40%. Millions of children had never gone to school.
Approximately half population is bound to drink unsafe and
unhygienic water. Basic health facilities are so much
insufficient that on an average one in twenty women dies
during the span of pregnancy. 30 – 50% of children die in
first five years of their lives. The general morbidity &
622 How to be the best ruler

mortality rates are very high. Millions of people are dying

every year by tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases.
There is great disparity in societies i.e. rich are very rich and
becoming more rich while poor are becoming more poor or
in the condition of status quo. This widening cleft between
the rich and poor class continues to plague the country.
Social and human development remains absurdly low
leading to a deeply fragmented country.
In such miserable circumstances, the criteria & meaning of
development should be different for the underdeveloped
countries which should be; to solve the problems of common
men of country at priority e.g.
1. Reduction of poverty & unemployment.
2. Improvement in provision of necessities and facilities of
life and sources of development for common men at
affordable price. Necessities are Food, clothes, residence,
electricity, water and gas (cooking fuel) etc. Facilities
are transport & Banking etc. Sources of development are
abundant and good quality education institutes, modern
technology, computer and internet etc.
3. Price control & crime control etc.
4. Impartial and affordable Justice with accountability
across the board.

The author salutes the great King of Bhutan Jigme singye

wangchuck (ruled 1972-2006), the creator of idea of Gross
national happiness. Who realized that GDP is not the right
way to measure the development of country, instead it is
better to analyze that the people living in your tenure of
government are happy or not. So Since 1971, Bhutan
How to be the best ruler 623

rejected GDP as the only way to measure progress. In its

place, it has championed the new approach to development,
which measures prosperity through formal principles of
gross national happiness (GNH) and the spiritual, physical,
social and environmental health of its citizens and natural

Bhutan's principles have been set in policy through the gross

national happiness index, based on equitable social
development, cultural preservation & conservation of the
environment and promotion of good governance.

For education, the policy made was as follows;

"An education doesn't just mean getting good grades, it
means preparing them to be good people”.

Bhutan is one of the poorest nations on earth, but due to its

policies, in a survey of 2006, it stands first in Asia and eighth
in the whole world as the happiest country.

Strategy for development

I. Intension and seriousness
This may be ridiculous for some countries. But it happens
that there are some governments which are not serious and
sincere to solve their problems and not in fact want to
develop their country.
II. Situation analysis and Planning
The first step is to take knowledge and information about the
current situation and previous situation and comparative
study of influencing factors.
624 How to be the best ruler

Note: complete information is not mostly possible so it

should be sufficient enough for decision making and
Secondly, plan to develop the life of common man & to
solve his problems as the first priority. This is because the
rich is already enriched with “RR” i.e. Resources &
Relations which the common man is missing and due to
which common man is suffering all problems e.g. poverty,
unemployment, illiteracy, healthcare & injustice etc.

III. Action
The action for development needs following steps &
1. Eliminate all causes of non-development as mentioned
2. Human resource development.
3. Human resource management.
4. Maximum output from available resources e.g. maximum
crop production per acre land.
5. Maximum use of available resources i.e. Cultivate all or
maximum area of land, also use methods to change infertile
land to fertile land.
6. Increase resources i.e. new factories; explore more
underground minerals, oil, water and other resources.
7. Annual quality audit & feedback: Annually of every
department; there should be a quality audit of standard of
services with reference to resources; that the department is
How to be the best ruler 625

providing to public along with regular audit. Feedback is the

necessity to judge the result of quality audit.
8. Plan the work output properly: All officials and
workers should be informed and educated about their duties
and rights. Training & periodical trainings must be given to
every worker to improve their skill, knowledge and dealing.
Dr. Mahathir Mohammad says: "After becoming Prime
Minister, I gave first order to analyze all works. For that; all
political and administrative works were analyzed in detail.
Basic changes were made, where it was suitable and
necessary. The charts of duties and rights of all government
servants were made in which it was described for everyone
that what to do and how to do. We reorganized all
administrative tasks and gave strong instructions, so that all
government servants should work for the welfare of their
country and perform their duty without any mistake.
Before this, we did not have any line of direction, on which
we may struggle. People just used to pass their day. I put an
idea of grand projects before people; in which role of
everyone was described in detail and thus everyone became
active. The projects belong to all departments of life. With
the passage of time, good results started appearing and with
that the confidence of people developed more and more and
they became near to their bright future.
To get the best results, a strong system of monitoring and
taking action accordingly should be maintained regularly.
The Malaysian experience of planning and development
indicates the importance of two factors.
First; to understand planning properly, secondly it shows the
value of establishing a good system of monitoring the
626 How to be the best ruler

planning process, so as to check that programs are moving

ahead as originally intended. So observers have indicated
that Malaysia’s monitoring system1 may offer an example
from which other countries could usefully learn a great deal.

9. Dr. Schacht’s formula

Dr. Schacht was finance minister of Adolph Hitler of
Germany. He gave the formula that “you can improve your
trade (export specially) with those countries whom you are
indebted”. In this way you can get rid of your debt and your
trade industry will improve. For this, you have to
continuously pressurize those countries to accept this trade.
You can pressurize in two ways;
1. Regular dialogue sessions with their trade and foreign
minister as well as head of state.
2. Enforcing them that they can help you only this way and
you can return the loan in form of goods (trade) and not in
form of Dollars. Ask them to help you.

10. BOTT System

B - Build
O - Operate
T - Tax
T - Transfer
BOTT System is very helpful for the development of under
developed and less resourced country e.g. this was one of
the other methods adapted by Thailand and Singapore etc.
to develop their countries. In this system, for example;
country “A” with less resources makes a contract for a
How to be the best ruler 627

project with the other country e.g. ”B” with sufficient

resources e.g. China, Korea etc. and by this contract country
B completes (Builds) the project. Then operate and maintain
that project and take tax from the consumers for certain
period of time (i.e. 20 years). Tax is decided at the time of
contract. Then lastly country B transfers all rights back to
country A.
In this method, most of resources i.e. man & material is
taken from country A, so the people of country A are also
benefited of employment and also with material &
machinery which the country B mostly leaves at the time of
11. Increase Export, Decrease Import: To decrease
import; Ensure that the raw material of which product is
present in country should be prepared in country.
The crop which can be produced in country (according to
land ability, geographical and environmental condition of
country) should be produced in country.
Minimum standard of production should be made for
industries. The laboratories should be made to check the
recommended standard. Manufacturing and expiry date of
every product should be mentioned.

12. Economic Reforms

Aims of economic reforms
The main aim of economic reforms should be;

1. Taking major initiatives to increase the rate of

employment and reduce poverty.
628 How to be the best ruler

2. To stabilize the prices in order to accelerate the growth

rate of the economy.

3. Opening up of the economy to counter the foreign debt

burden which is a major threat for underdeveloped country.

4. Increase exports and decrease imports.

5. Adopt a socialist pattern of development — based on

equality and prevent exploitation of man by man.

Suggested steps to be taken are;

 Modernize the industrial and agriculture sector through
modern technology.
 Promote and facilitate to establish more and more export
oriented industries to increase exports.
 The commodity of same quality and price that can be
manufactured locally in country; should not be allowed to
be imported.
 Generate adequate employment opportunities. Promote,
appreciate and facilitate private sector to increase
employment and poverty reduction.
 Improve self-reliance on domestic resources.
 Focused on human resource development based on the
reasoning that healthy and educated people could
contribute more effectively to economic growth.
 Government should not involve in business and only act
as watch power. Give liberty to your people to do business
by abolishing all unnecessary controls and restrictions
except those extreme necessary. Automatic permission
may be granted for technology agreements with foreign
companies. Similarly foreign direct investment may also
be allowed at private sector.
How to be the best ruler 629

 Change economy from closed to open market economy.

These are generally abbreviated as LPG, i.e.
Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization.

Other objectives for the purpose of human development are;

-To ensure food and nutritional security.

-To provide for the basic infrastructural facilities like
education for all, safe drinking water, primary health care,
transport, energy.
-To check the growing population increase.
-To encourage social issues like women empowerment,
conservation of certain benefits for the Special Groups of
the society
Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization
Liberalization is defined as making economics free to
enter in the market and establish their venture in the
country. It is characterized by following features; (i)
Liberalizing the business and industry from all
unnecessary controls and restrictions. (ii) Abolishing
licensing requirement in most of the industries except a
short list. (iii) Freedom in deciding the scale of business
activities i.e., no restrictions on expansion or contraction
of business activities. (iv) Removal of restrictions on the
movement of goods and services. (v) Freedom in fixing
the prices of goods and services. (vi) Reduction in tax
rates and lifting of unnecessary controls over the
economy. (vii) Simplifying procedures for imports and
exports. (viii) Making it easier to attract foreign capital
and technology to India.
Privatization is defined as when the control of economic
is shifted from public to a private hand. It is characterized
by the following features:
630 How to be the best ruler

Aimed at giving greater role to the private sector in the

nation building process and a reduced role to the public
sector. The purpose is mainly to improve financial
discipline and facilitate modernization. It is also observed
that private capital and managerial capabilities could be
effectively utilized to improve the performance of the
privatized units.
Privatization is done in two ways;
i. Transfer of ownership and management from
government to private sector.
ii. Disinvestment: selling of government investment to
private sector.
All income generating projects of government should be
privatized, as it is not good for government to involve
itself in any business.
Exception: if the economy of the country depends mainly
on some particular business e.g. oil is main source of
income in some oil producing countries.
Globalization is described as the process by which regional
economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated
through a global network of communication, transportation,
and trade. It contains the following characteristics:
Globalization is the outcome of the policies of liberalization
and privatization. Globalization is generally understood to
mean integration of the economy of the country with the
world economy. It is an outcome of the set of various
policies that are aimed at transforming the world towards
greater interdependence and integration. It involves creation
of networks and activities transcending economic, social
and geographical boundaries. Globalization involves an
increased level of interaction and interdependence among
the various nations of the global economy. Physical
geographical gap or political boundaries no longer remain
How to be the best ruler 631

barriers for a business enterprise to serve a customer in a

distant geographical market across the globe.
Example: LPG Model in India
After Independence in 1947 Indian government faced
major problems to develop economy. To solve the issues,
India decided to follow LPG Model. Dr. Manmohan Singh,
former finance minister in 1991 under the leadership of then
Prime Minister Narsima Rao opened the way of free
economy in the country which lead to the great development
of country.
Pre liberalization condition (i) India’s performance in the
global market has been very disappointed; it never reached
even the 1% in the global market. India has vast natural
resources with high-efficiency labor, but after all this it
was still contributing with 0.53% till 1992.
(ii)Foreign currency reserves were so low that India was
bound to mortgage its gold in 1991.
(iii) The annual growth rate of the economy of India before
1980 was low, which stagnated around 3.5% from 1950s to
1980s, while per capita income averaged 1.3%. At the same
time, Pakistan grew by 5%, Indonesia by 9%, Thailand by
9%, South Korea by 10% and in Taiwan by 12%.
(iv)A huge public sector emerged. State-owned enterprises
made large losses.
(v) Tax collecting departments were inefficient in tax
collection and in checking tax evasion.
(vi) Infrastructure investment was poor because of the public
sector monopoly.
632 How to be the best ruler

(vii) License Raj (compulsion to take license from

government for every business activity) established the
“irresponsible, self-perpetuating bureaucracy that still exists
throughout much of the country” and corruption flourished
under this system.
Post-Liberalization condition: The liberalization lead to
certain amount of stability in the economy and high growth
rate. India became second world of development and
became the 7th largest economy which contributed 1.3
trillion in the world’s GDP.
The fruits of liberalization reached their peak in 2007, when
India recorded its highest GDP growth rate of 9%. With this,
India became the second fastest growing major economy in
the world, next only to China. For 2010, India was ranked
124th among 179 countries in Index of Economic Freedom
World Rankings.
India is leading towards privatization from government
ownership. As a result it leads in the development of country
500 faster than previous. Now India is in the situation of
world fastest developing economy.
After liberalization and privatization, India is progressing
towards globalization.

How to develop and make rich a country

How to be the best ruler 633

Following factors are mainly involved to make a country

rich and developed.
1. Sincere, motivated and talented political leadership.
Who think of whole nation as their team and not
only their political workers and the elites? So there
should be tendency of leadership to develop whole
2. Time bound goal setting with visionary planning
(after sufficient knowledge, discussions, thinking
with end in practical form, in time bound steps)
3. Right use of available resources and struggle to
increase resources. Resources are man, money,
material, time, skill and knowledge.
4. Engines (means) of Prosperity: Education,
health, infrastructure, economical institutions,
open markets, liberalization, privatization- target
of 100% education. Education for the masses is
crucial for innovation in an advanced technological
world – This is what all developed nations have, and
what many undeveloped nations lack. Education
needs to be well financed. Education for knowledge,
skill and technology.
5. Development of non-corrupt, duty-bound personnel
systems and culture. (Rule: Criminal must be
punished) result: government and departments
would be accountable and responsive to people.
Rule: (i) take people in confidence. (ii) Develop
economical, easy and understandable process in
every system to facilitate people. People will
happily accept and adopt e.g. taxation & its
collection, licensing, transport system (roads, signal
free), ticketing, import-export,
634 How to be the best ruler

6. Strengthening of departments: (i) by giving them

independence; to do their decisions and from
political pressure. (ii) Meritocracy i.e. to appoint
Right person at right place at right time and directed
for right work.
7. Liberalization and privatization. Give liberty to your
people to do business by abolishing all restrictions
except those extreme necessary. Government should
not involve in business and only act as watch power.


1. “Bureaucracy” by Malcom wallis

How to be the best ruler 635

Subsection 8

Chapter 34 – Foreign Policy

636 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 34 Foreign Policy

It is defined as the diplomatic policy of a nation in its
interactions with other nations, also called foreign relations
policy. It is not a written document as it changes with change
in situation and circumstances. Briefly it is policy of a
government to deal other countries with respect to its
national interest.

Importance of foreign policy

1. By an intelligent foreign policy, good relations can be

made and maintained with neighbor countries, superpowers
and other countries of world.

2. By good foreign policy, international trade can be

improved with all countries and given benefit to home
country and also to trading partner.

3. Foreign policy is the first line defense of the country.

Good foreign policy: Good foreign policy is that which

favors your national interest and develops relationship with
other countries which is based on equality, fairness, mutual
interests, ethics and on principles. Secondly it should be
made by government itself and not dictated by any other
How to be the best ruler 637

authority or government. It should be independent and


What to do: Common Men all over the world want and wish
peace and love, no war, no hatred. They say:

“Life is short for Love, how some persons take out their time
for hatred”.

It is the foreign policy of the countries which determines war

or peace. Almost all rulers of the world say that they do not
want war and they believe in this motto “Live and Let
Live”. This motto is said as the motto of good foreign

Is not it better to adapt the best foreign policy which would

be the welfare foreign policy and the motto would be “Live
and help the others to Live”. Just imagine by the
application of this Motto, how much peace, Love and
prosperity will spread all over the world. How much
miseries and problems of common men all over the world,
will be resolved.

When a developed country will help the under-developed

country to develop and to be self-sufficient, this world will
become a paradise on earth. This seems to be a dream but
638 How to be the best ruler

can be reality. It only needs the change in way of thinking

of rulers of the world, especially the rulers of developed
countries and super powers.

In every country, the ruler and his foreign minister make the
foreign policy according to their national interest and wishes
of their people. The poor common men are the sufferers of
their policies.

It is a decided fact that common men all over the world are
highly involved in their kitchen and their family matters.
They want smooth and peaceful running of their lives, jobs,
kitchens and their families. So they want love and peace for
themselves and so naturally they would like to give peace
and love to others also.

Whenever in history, there occurred a war, it started mostly

due to a bad idea in the mind of ruling persons and not due
to the soldiers and common men. However soldiers and
common men were involved later, to support the ruling

Lincoln said “I do not want to be made slave by anyone, so

I have no right to make slave to any other person”.
How to be the best ruler 639

In the same instance, it can be said that nobody wants to be

killed by anyone so he has no right to kill any other person.

It is to be that as it is true that one who is killed in a war is a

son of some parents and for parents their children are their
world. The rulers & policy makers are also parents of some
children and alike the rulers & policy makers; the parents of
suffering common men and soldiers; all are equally good
and sensitive parents; loving, caring and missing their

So please; highly respectful, rulers of the world; Solve your

international problems with dialogues or by any other
peaceful methods but not with blood shedding wars.

How it can be done.

In this instance, the most effective role can be played by the

united nation organization.

i - UNO must be made very strong, both economically and

by its physical power.

ii - UNO must have the judicial powers as an international

Judge but a complete impartial Judge

640 How to be the best ruler

iii - UNO must pass a resolution that every country in its

annual budget must appropriate and spend 20-40% of its
GDP, for the welfare of its people according to its resources,
affording capacity and the severity of need of the welfare.

Note: it is a great surprising fact that the need for welfare is

more in under developed countries which are less affording
while less in developed countries which can afford more.

iv. UNO must stress all countries to decrease their defense

budgets and then spend the saved money for the
development and welfare of country. Remember that
invention of new lethal weapons, production and collection
of more and more weapons does not make the countries safer
rather it brings them at more risky and dangerous position,
because the other opponent countries also try to produce and
collect the same or more lethal level of weapons.

v. UNO should arrange the regular dialogue sessions in

between the rulers, foreign ministers & secretaries of the
countries having disputes with each other under its own
supervision. The dialogues should be sustained till the
dispute is resolved.
How to be the best ruler 641

vi. UNO after its survey, can give its recommendations,

indicating highly deserving countries, and pressurize the
developed countries to help them, unconditionally i.e.

– Economically

– Technically

– By training their persons to fulfill the shortage

of skilled human resource.

vii. No country should be allowed to decide itself and force

any other country to obey according to its wishes. Every big
issue must be presented before UNO. The decision must be
taken there and then implemented. Every stakeholder must
be allowed to present and express its view point.

viii. UNO must have power to implement its decisions and

must have a strong multinational armed force to exercise its

ix. The use of power by UNO should be the last option,

which would be adapted after the failure of all peaceful
methods, mentioned in UNO charter chapter VI on pacific
settlement of disputes in which it is emphasized that all
642 How to be the best ruler

disputes should be solved by peaceful methods i.e. by

negotiation, enquiry or arbitration etc.

Foreign Policy of Super Powers i.e. USA, China

Foreign Policy Objectives of Super Powers are:

- Security of their country

- Development of their country

- World leadership

Note: Thank God; expansion of their borders is not the

foreign policy these days?

Considering the best foreign policy; i.e.

“Live and help the others to live”.

No Doubt that the super powers are the world leaders so they
should behave like the father or pattern of the world.

Rulers of the Super Powers should make their foreign policy

in a way to help the other countries especially
underdeveloped or least developed countries, morally,
technically and financially.
How to be the best ruler 643

Reason:- In history, all rulers who are remembered still as

the best person and best rulers were those, who cared the
human beings and worked for humanity, while the rulers
who conquered the other countries by killing millions of
people are not remembered in good sense i.e. Napoleon,
Hitler, Ganges Khan, and Tamerlane etc. They conquered
the countries but could not conquer the hearts of people. The
history remember them as killers & cruel.

So it is advised for the welfare of the whole world that the

super powers should offer themselves to reduce their
defense budget and they should also pressurize the other
countries to reduce their defense budget and use that money
for the welfare of their people.

Various agreements were made in between the super powers

to reduce the defense budget, and to reduce and waste the
nuclear and highly lethal weapons e.g. NPT 1968. Sixty two
countries signed on it against the proliferation of nuclear

SALT-I-1972 & SALT – II 1979: these were the agreements

made in between then USA presidents and Russian president
Brezhnev to reduce the missiles and weapons.
644 How to be the best ruler

Difference between china and USA regarding help: In

regard to help an underdeveloped country, USA gives cash
to the government of that country which is consumed either
to compensate the budget loss or used unfairly by higher
ranks of country. Very less is used for welfare of people and
mostly not used with name of USA. Net result of this is that
the benefits of that aid do not properly reach to common
men. While China does not give cash to the government of
underdeveloped country, China helps in making
constructive projects i.e. roads, hospitals, buildings. Net
result is that the benefits reach to common men.

Ultimate result: Common men of underdeveloped country

like china and its help, and make a view about china that
china is their real friend and a helper. While about USA; it
is fact that USA is spending a huge amount for help to
underdeveloped countries even then the common men of
underdeveloped countries are not satisfied only because the
USA aid does not reach at grass root level with name of USA
aid. So it is needed that USA should re-design its policy and
make such arrangements so that benefits should reach to
people at grass root level with the name of USA aid.
How to be the best ruler 645

What the both super power should do: Think of a poor

man, whom one rich person gives cash and other rich person
gives food. Both are helping him but result is temporary,
making him “A permanent beggar” there is a Chinese

“If someone requests for a fish, give him fish, but also give
him a hook to catch the fish and teach him that how to catch
fish so that he may become self-sufficient”

So both superpowers should help the under develop

countries with the intention to make them self-sufficient i.e.
by teaching them technology and helping to increase their

Foreign policy of Self Sufficient or rich countries

Objectives of their foreign policy are as follows;

1. Security of the country.

2. Development of the country by trade.

3. Peaceful relations with other countries.

646 How to be the best ruler

4. No external intervention in their internal affairs from

super powers, and supreme institutions i.e. IMF,
world Bank etc.

Foreign policy of under developed countries

Foreign policy is the first line defense for these countries.

The objectives of their foreign policy are as follows;

1. Security of the country

2. Development of country by trade.

3. Peaceful relations with other countries

4. Minimum external intervention in their internal

affairs from super powers, and supreme institutions
i.e. IMF, world Bank etc.

Due to lesser resources, lesser revenue and more expenses,

the underdeveloped countries have to suffer a budget loss
every year which they compensate by taking aid or loan
from super powers, other countries and supreme institutions.
They do not have the capacity to repay installments of that
debt in time. So they become bound to obey the dictations
of loan giving authorities and super powers.
How to be the best ruler 647

The Dilemma for under developed countries is that, they

have to suffer and bear the unbearable, difficult to decide
position in between their country benefits and wishes of
supreme powers.

Here lies the necessity of great and highly talented ruler who
has the ability to deal the supreme powers tactfully i.e.
preserving his country’s security, interests and benefits & at
the same time, able to tackle the undue and consistent
demands of supreme powers. It is very difficult to satisfy
these authorities by accepting some demands within limits
and decently not accepting some other demands, especially
of that country which is not only a supreme power but also
unavoidable and very important for your country security &
expenditure compensation i.e. that country gives aid or loan
to compensate your budget loss every year.

It is a great art to develop relations with the supreme powers

like a friend, because supreme power’s attitude is like a

This can only be done if you;

648 How to be the best ruler

1. Develop or adjust your country’s all set up specially

budget so much that you have to depend as minimum as
possible on the supreme powers and other countries.

2. Develop and maintain excellent and peaceful relations

with your neighbor countries and do “no war pact” with
them and decrease your defense budget by mutual

3. Increase trade to prevent aid: Trade contracts can be

made in between the enemy countries also. Make graceful
mutual trade contracts with nearest possible small countries
and with those countries from which more profits are
expected in export or more saving in import with same

4. USA, China, Russia are the supreme powers. It is wise to

keep relations with all and take lesser benefits from all than
to take all benefits from one, and make angry to the other
supreme powers. Also being totally dependent on one power
has the drawback that you have to obey totally to that
supreme power in response to the benefits. So best is this
How to be the best ruler 649

- Make it clear to all, that you are interested only for

the security and development to the level of
prosperity of your country and its citizens, and not
more than that.

- It is difficult to keep your country separate from

international politics. However do not ever be the
part of any big block which is supposed to belong to
any one supreme power.

5. Geographical position: As regards safety and chance to

development, geographical position of a country is very
important i.e. Pakistan is surrounded by India (a nuclear
power with unpredictable relations with Pakistan), China
(Super power), Afghanistan (a colony of USA) & Iran (An
economically sound oil producing country). The super
power Russia is also very near to Pakistan. Pakistan also has
hot sea at Karachi port & world’s largest natural deep sea
port at Gawader, which are the attractive sea ports for trade
to Europe & Middle East countries for Russia, china &
independent Russian states i.e. Uzbekistan etc.
650 How to be the best ruler

Dubai is a free port in way from many countries of Asia to

Middle East and Europe & so has attraction for those Asian
countries for exporting their goods.

Geographical position of a country is a great advantage as

well as disadvantage. As good is the geographical position
of a country, as more is the attraction of the super powers,
to capture, take hold or have good relations with that
country. The choice depends on the ruler of super power &
at the same time on the talent & tactful dealing of that

6. Political disputes: E.g. political dispute in between India

& Pakistan on Kashmir issue and political dispute in
between Israel & Arab countries on Palestine issue etc.

Due to the political disputes, the safety of these countries is

always at risk, so these countries have to spend more than
50% of their annual budget on defense, instead of to be spent
on the welfare of their citizens. Thousands of soldiers &
citizens have been sacrificed on these disputes, but there is
no appreciable result & solution. While due to the great
expenditure on defense, the development of all these
countries have decreased. It is evident that producing and
How to be the best ruler 651

collecting more & more lethal weapons is not a solution

rather make them more & more unsafe bilaterally.

The solution lies only with the bilateral positive attitude, by

decreasing their defense budget. Secondly making no war
pact & resolve their disputes peacefully by dialogues.

7. Else to geographical position, a big country may also be

interested in a country due to its valuable things on ground
or underground e.g. on ground; fertile and beautiful land.
Underground: Minerals i.e. gold, copper, iron, diamonds
etc. or oil.

Fortunately India & Pakistan, both have all the resources

of development, the Britain labeled the area of Indo-Pak as
an aviary i.e. bird of gold.

8. The underdeveloped countries cannot afford to have an

enemy country, because it is very costly. It disturbs the
whole budget & so decreases the prosperity & development
of citizens & country. Also it increases poverty, illiteracy,
unemployment & diseases etc. which is certainly a big cost.

9. National interest: National interest of one country may

clash with the national interest of other country. But in spite
of that, there are a lot of areas where both countries can talk
652 How to be the best ruler

& proceed without any clash i.e. trade, sports & cultural
activities etc. the areas where there is clash can be sorted out
by dialogues & other peaceful means.

Example: Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, ex-prime minister

Malaysia was a great critic of policies of USA. But as far as
the trade is concerned, he got a handsome share of trade
from USA for Malaysia.

10. Mutual interest is the key to good relations. God has

given every country some specificity. So a developed
country will certainly have interest in that country where it
can export its products. Vice versa is also true, every country
will have to keep good relations with that country from
where it has to import the required goods.

Reference Foreign policy

1. Friends not masters, by Mohammad Ayub khan. Ex- president of Pakistan.
How to be the best ruler 653

Subsection 9
Financial Management
Chapter 35 – Financial Management
- Domestic financial management
- National finance management
 How to impose taxes
Chapter 36 – How to increase revenue
Chapter 37 – Reduction of expenditure of government
Chapter 38 – Develop Human Resource (Human Resource
Chapter 39 – The Budget
654 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 35 Financial Management

This is the Art to keep and maintain balance between sources
of income and channels of expenditure.
Principles of financial management
Three principles;
1- Right collection of income (revenue)
2- Right expenditure of revenue (income).
3- Prevention of wrong expenditure of revenue.
Two levels
1. Personnel or domestic financial management
2. Country level or national financial management
Domestic Financial Management
First duty of government in this regard is to increase the
sources of employment at private (mostly) and government
level. So that every adult working age (18-60 years) citizen
may get job.
If some person is without job, then government should give
him unemployment allowance which should be sufficient to
meet the needs of common life. But better to this allowance
is a method to give small loans to the individuals, so that
they may start their own business. For the choice of
business, loan authority must have a cell of trained and
acknowledged persons to guide and facilitate.
In some countries, it happens that only head of family is
working and earning while the other members of family
(above 18 years) do not work, especially the females only
take care of family. They can be motivated to do work within
How to be the best ruler 655

the home. For this, they can be taught small skills at part
time. This will increase another source of income and
resultantly an appreciable increase in gross income of whole
This is duty of government to arrange such institute within
accessible limits to teach such skills within affordable fee or
free of cost.
By media, internet or other sources, public may be taught to
make, calculate and document the budget of their income
and expenditure according to their income status. It is
difficult but if they save a little money monthly. It will be
beneficial at the time of any emergency, investment or to
expand their business.

National finance management

I. Improve & increase the sources of income.
II. Reduce expenditure of government.
III. Develop human resources.
IV. Right person at right place & post.
V. Develop system & subsystems.
VI.Regular monitoring & action accordingly.

I. Improve & increase the sources of income.

The possible sources of income are as follows;
Income in local currency
i. Taxes.
ii. Duties i.e. custom duty, excise duty etc.
656 How to be the best ruler

iii. Fine i.e. traffic fine, criminal fine as punishment etc.

iv. Fee i.e. court fee, examination fee etc.
v. Profit from income generating departments of
vi. Income from underground sources i.e. minerals & oils
Income in foreign currency
i. From citizens abroad.
ii. From increasing exports.
iii. From decreasing imports.
iv. From tourists.
v. From foreign investments.
The sources of income can be improved in quantity by
teaching & training the concerned people with the targets to
get the maximum output of existing resources e.g. in
agriculture, by teaching, training & provision of required
facilities i.e. fertilizers & pesticides etc. at economical rates;
maximum output (crop) can be taken per acre land.
An increase in sources of income can be achieved by using
all available resources i.e. (i) Cultivating the unproductive
& virgin land, so as to take benefit from each & every part
of land. (ii) Increasing tax net.
Emergency collection of revenue: Gold can be
nationalized or taken from public in case of emergency.
How to be the best ruler 657

Necessary Basic information

Tax: Tax is a compulsory contribution by the people to the state to enable the
state to discharge its political responsibilities and duties towards the country.
Tax vs. gifts and donations: Gifts and Donations are voluntary and element
of compulsion is missing.
Tax Vs. fine and penalty: In case of fine and penalty, the element of violating
some law or committing an offence is necessarily inherent.
Tax VS fee: Fee connotes recompense for services rendered. There is an
element of “Quid Pro Quo” which means; something for something. While in
case of tax there is no necessary element of recompense.
Toll: A payment required for the use of a road, bridge or harbor etc.
Duty: A charge imposed by the government on specified goods or persons to
raise money.
Proportional and progressive taxes: In case of proportional tax it is levied at
a fixed ratio whatever is taxable money i.e. Sales Tax 15%. While Progressive
Tax is the tax which is levied more on rich, no to the poor & lesser to middle
class i.e. income tax.
Direct and Indirect Tax: Direct tax means those taxes, burden of which falls
on the same person e.g. Income Tax, property tax, wealth tax etc. Direct tax
cultivates political consciousness in tax payer and produces a trend to keep an
eye on public and government expenditure but at same time, it generates an
urge to evade and avoid the Tax. While in case of indirect Tax, burden of tax
is mixed with costs of goods and services, it loses its identity as it is eventually
paid and borne by the consumer, and so has sufficient reason to be paid
honestly. Its drawback is this that its change increases prices and so inflation.
A value added tax (VAT) an indirect tax and is a form of consumption tax.
From the perspective of the buyer, it is a tax on the purchase price. From that
of the seller, it is a tax only on the value added to a product, material, or
service, from an accounting point of view, by this stage of its manufacture or
distribution. The manufacturer remits to the government the difference
between these two amounts, and retains the rest for themselves to offset the
taxes they had previously paid on the inputs.
The value added to a product by or with a business is the sale price charged
to its customer, minus the cost of materials and other taxable inputs. A VAT
is like a sales tax in that ultimately only the end consumer is taxed. It differs
from the sales tax in that, with the latter, the tax is collected and remitted to
the government only once, at the point of purchase by the end consumer.
With the VAT, collections, remittances to the government, and credits for
taxes already paid occur each time a business in the supply chain purchases
658 How to be the best ruler

Tax avoidance Vs. Tax evasion: The tax avoidance is the minimization of
tax liability by lawful methods while the tax evasion is the deliberate failure
to pay taxes (usually by making a false report)

How to impose Tax i.e. Art of Taxation1: Art of taxation

is defined as; to impose and collect tax in a way, as cutting
the wings of duck causing the least squealing. The tax
planners classify the inhabitants of country in three
categories for determining the burden of tax to be
accordingly apportioned; Poor, Middle & Rich class.

Similarly goods and services consumed by these classes are

classified in three categories; Necessaries, Comforts &

Best art of taxation is to increase the tax net and include all
affording persons, sectors and areas which are not already
giving tax. This is much better to impose new tax.

Secondly, a country wide impartial survey may be made to

check the big sectors paying much less tax than justified.
This is commonly seen in third world countries that the high
officials, ruling class, big industrialists and big landlords
evade tax.
How to be the best ruler 659

Thirdly, keep and maintain a balance in ratio of indirect tax

with direct tax i.e. ideal ratio is 60:40. It is to be noted that
the indirect tax is imposed on the things while direct tax is
imposed on the overall income of person or organization,
not the things. If indirect tax on anything is increased, the
overall price of that thing will surely increase so it is
necessary to freeze the indirect tax.

Fourthly, if it is necessary to increase the indirect tax then it

must exempt all common kitchen goods and also the
commodities which indirectly can increase the price of
kitchen goods.

Principles of Taxation
Adam smith in his book “Wealth of Nations” mentioned four principles
(canons) of Taxation.
1. Canon of Equity: A tax must be designed as to be in accord with
the ability to pay of the tax payer. This provides the base for progressive
2. Canon of Certainty: The charge, application and administration of
tax must be well defined and prescribed so that the payer and collector
both must know what one has to pay and what the other has to gather.
3. Canon of convenience: The tax must be designed as to be collected
at a time and in manner when it is most convenient for the tax payer to
pay e.g. (i) agricultural tax must be collected at the time reaping of
Harvest. (ii) Tax from employers at the time of payment of salaries.
4. Canon of Economy: Expenditure of government for tax collection
should be relatively very less as compared to collection e.g. for one
million Dollar Tax collection if expenditure is equal or more than one
million then it is of no use. Note: Expenditure of government for tax
collection should not be more than 20-25% as compared to collection.
Other Principles of Taxation
660 How to be the best ruler

1. Principle of Equality: Tax must fall on all & sundry alike without
any discrimination between citizen and citizen.
2. Principle of simplicity: The system of Taxation must be simple so
that a common man of normal wisdom may understand and follow its
logic and necessity to pay.
3. Principle of Diversity: Government should not depend on only on
types of Tax for revenue collectors, Rather it should be divided
intelligently different sectors, different classes so that all may feel
relation comfortable and recovery more and more not depending on one
Tax only.
4. Principle of elasticity: According to circumstances, Tax rate may
temporarily be changeable i.e. to increase or decrease.
5. General and Selective Taxes: In General Tax, burden of tax falls
on each and every person who is covered by definition while exempted
persons or things are expressed. While in selective Tax, only those
persons or goods are expressed which are intended to be taxed, while
all other persons & goods are exempted?

References – 35 financial management

1. Taxation system of Pakistan by Rana Akhtar Raza Khan + Principal of
economics (Urdu) by Syed Kamal Haider
How to be the best ruler 661

Chapter 36: How to increase Revenue

Profit from income generating departments of
government: The author is of view that government should
not do business. The government should govern and take tax
from all such departments according to their income
generating capacity.
Income from underground sources i.e. minerals and oils:
It is a great source of income in some countries so it should
be given due importance in such countries.
Collection of taxes, duties & bills
1. There should be improvement in collection system. It
should be made simple and easy. Every tax payer must be
crystal cleared, that tax calculated is justified according to
law and he/she will have to pay how much tax and the time
limit to pay.
2. Make a committee of experts (qualified, trained and
experienced with positive intention and attitude) to
reanalyze and redesign the Tax rates with the intention that
Tax burden should be as minimum as possible on lower
middle class and more on rich class, luxurious goods,
articles & places. The committee should also decide the
standard taxable income above which every person should
pay tax.
3. Honest and hardworking staff should be recruited in
revenue board; strictly on merit without political influence
i.e. right man at right place & post. Strict regular monitoring
and prompt action accordingly should be done.
4. The whole tax system should be computerized and
interlinked online.
662 How to be the best ruler

5. Every tax payer must be given due respect. Special

training should be given to tax department to deal properly.
Every year, certificates of honor should be given by
government to the high tax payers and also highlight them
through media.
6. Tax evasion should be completely and strictly monitored
and punishments should be given to defaulters, whatever the
status of defaulter may be?
7. Each and every person above 18 years, working &
nonworking, private and government should be registered
with government tax department. The national identity card
number should be made as national tax number.
8. The poor (having no income or below standard taxable
income) are exempted from tax, but they should be
registered and regularly fill the return form. In every bank
there should be free form & free facilitator for poor and
middle class to fill and deposit their return forms. The poor
may be given financial support and guidance to be self-
sufficient and be able to pay tax in future which may be very
little but making him able to serve his country.
9. The lower middle class (having income above the
standard taxable income) should not be exempted from tax
payment. They should be charged so much minimum as it is
possible. It will increase the tax net, so every working citizen
except the poor should give the Tax what so ever small or
large is the income.
10. To make Tax collection easy and sure, every payment,
salary (private & government) should be given through bank
and which is if taxable, prompt charging of Tax should be
automatically done as part of banking system. Also receipt
must be given for every purchase & tax deduction.
How to be the best ruler 663

11. Freeze the indirect taxes to prevent inflation because it

is mainly concerned with prices of goods.
12. Time to pay: Tax should be made easy according to the
facility of tax payer i.e. from Landlords at the time of
reaping of Harvest e.g. from employees at time of salary e.g.
from the businessman, shopkeepers along with the sale.
13. Mutual benefit fixed tax system: In this system, there
is benefit of both i.e. tax payer and government i.e.
commercial sign boards. It should be promoted.
14. Last but not the least is this that good governance &
justified utilization of tax income motivates the tax payers
to pay the tax.
15. In some countries tax payment by self-assessment
scheme is introduced and working successfully, so it must
be tried first.

Income in foreign currency

i. From citizens abroad.
ii. From increasing exports.
iii. From decreasing imports.
iv. From tourists.
v. From foreign investments.
Income from citizens living and working abroad
In underdeveloped countries, this is a dilemma that citizens
have to search and go abroad for employment because in
their home country there are either no proper opportunities
of employment or salary status is lesser than their real and
genuine needs, or their qualifications and skills. So they
664 How to be the best ruler

have to sacrifice and leave their relatives for their sake and
also for their country.
The positive view of this situation is that; these citizens and
their families become economically stable as they send
money regularly to their families in the form of foreign
currency. This foreign currency becomes a great amount
when counted and collected through banks from all over the
world sent by all or most of the citizens abroad i.e. in Billion
This revenue of foreign currency can be increased by giving
it proper attention and proper importance to the foreign
citizens. Suggestions are as follows:
1. System and method of sending money from abroad and
giving local currency to their relatives should be made quick
and easy.
2. A propaganda plan with the help of media must be made
to attract the foreign citizens for the following;
- To love their home country so as to be attached
continuously to their roots i.e. relatives and home country.
- Create an affiliation of people living abroad with their
home country to develop unity.
- Give appreciable attractions and facilitation to the foreign
citizens enabling them to invest in their home country.
- Appeal to do charity for people of their home country in
and abroad.
- The ambassadors must be specially trained and instructed
to promote and participate in the get together meetings and
seminars of their home country persons.
How to be the best ruler 665

- The ambassadors must also create a culture in the embassy

to help and facilitate the persons of their home country.
- A bank should also be established under supervision of
Note: these steps will develop nationalism and it is the need
of least or underdeveloped countries without which it is not
possible to develop.
How to increase exports:
1. Make a regular schedule of meetings with capitalists of
country. Motivate them to increase exports, announce and
provide them all justified facilities and remove all
unnecessary obstacles.
2. Order your ambassadors to work for promotion of exports
in the country where they are appointed
3. Establish an export promotion industrial zone in the
country where special tax facilities with lesser export duties
are to be charged. The capitalists and foreign residents of
home country should be given more preferences for
investment. The products manufactured in these industries
should be strictly monitored for total quality i.e. five to six
sigma and lean. All these products should be manufactured
for export and banned to sell in local market in country so
that the;
i. Local industry may not be influenced by these industries.
ii. By export duty in dollars and foreign investments; foreign
exchange may be drained.
iii. Investors may also be allowed to take their profit abroad
so as to give them charm and attract for further investment.
666 How to be the best ruler

4. Announce and give annually awards and appreciation

certificates to persons/traders achieving maximum exports.

How to Decrease imports: 1. Inquire about all the

imported items and analyze their importance and necessity
to be imported and cut short the items not justifying the
criteria of emergency and necessity.

2. The product which can be produced or manufactured in

country (or the acceptable alternate product with same
function with same or acceptable quality). That product
should not be imported.

3. Make a plan with your capitalists to prepare the product

in the country of which the crude materials are present in the

Emergency collection of Revenue

Gold can be nationalized and collected as an emergency.
How to be the best ruler 667

Chapter 37: II Reduction of expenditure of government

The sacrifice of reduction of government expenses was
always given by all sincere government in history,
especially at the time of recession and also otherwise, to
improve economy of country, and also without affecting the
quality of government functioning.
Method: Defense expenditure can be reduced by having
dialogues of peace with your expected attackers.
Administrative sector expenditure of government can be
analyzed and reduced by the following methods.
1. Reduce the cabinet, seats of assemblies & bureaucrats:
Reduce your Cabinet; also reduce the number of members
of assembly and number of bureaucrats.
- Reduce the expenses of government officials, MNA, MPA,
Bureaucrats, President, Prime minister and ministers etc.
- Start from yourself. Reduce all luxuries, foreign tours and
number of persons going along in foreign tours.
- Place of stay abroad of ruler & ministers should be in state
guest house and not in hotel. However it has been reported
that rulers of poor countries used to stay in the most
expensive hotel of visited country, which is a cruel luxury
as being ruler of a poor country.
2. Compulsory monetization of fringe benefits: In many
countries, government officials and members of parliament
and ministers are given facilities which are not suitable,
especially for the underdeveloped countries.
(i) These amenities include leave grant entertainment and
allowance; residential accommodation, provision of
668 How to be the best ruler

vehicles, fuelling/maintenance of vehicles, provision of

drivers and medical treatment and utilities such as
electricity, water and telephone etc. (ii) Multiple facilities
given to high officials, bureaucracy, parliament members &
ministers etc. which are not provided to the officials of
departments of other governments of same caliber. (iii)
Electricity is generally given free to the employees of
electricity department, natural gas free to employee of
natural gas department etc. The free provision produces a
behavior resulting in cruel & extra usage of precious
These facilities are a great burden on government revenue,
because the price value of these facilities are surprisingly
much more than the actual total pay of these personalities.
It is suggested that these facilities of government officials
must be reduced or withdrawn and compensatory pay
increase may be given.
This monetization of facilities is practiced in some countries
e.g. Nigeria (ref; In USA & India there is no
concept of free government convenience for members of
parliament i.e. car etc. So some members of parliament
travel on taxi, because they cannot afford car with in pay
they were taking.
Benefits: The purpose of monetization is to cut down the
unnecessary cost of governance. It will save surprisingly
much more than it is expected, because from personal
pocket; no government servant will use these utilities so
much open heartedly as it is used in case of facility given
free of cost. Secondly if Salary is compensatory increased,
it will never be increased at the same level as it is given in
the form of facility.
How to be the best ruler 669

Note: It will be a great success if a culture is produced at

national level in all sectors, to make intention and aptitude
to learn and practice the smart spending and savings.
3. Justify departments quantitatively and qualitatively
Balance and justify the number & qualification of
government servants in all departments i.e. neither less nor
more rather equal to the requirement for every section of
departments. Secondly all employees should be justifiably
qualified for every post as it is required for smooth running
of the department.
4. Administrative merger of departments with similar
functions: in every country, there are departments present
which are performing similar functions. These should be
merged together. It will decrease the expenditure & also
burden of extra departments.
670 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 38 III Develop Human Resource (Human

resource development)
For excellent and accurate financial management, there is a
great need of relevantly, qualified, skilled and experienced
staff. For that a continuous process of Human resource
development1 should be established. Human resource
development is a combination of training and education that
ensures the continual improvement and growth of talent of
individuals and organizations of country. For that; it is
necessary to establish the good institutes of training.
IV. Right person at right place & post:
Appoint proper person justified with requirement of post i.e.
(i) Appoint proper and suitable persons who are justified
according to requirement of responsibilities, qualification
and skill of post, understand and know the nature of work to
get desired results timely.
(ii) Provide them a comfortable and honest environment and
liberty to do their work with honesty and complete sense of
responsibilities. Also provide them all the necessary and
justified resources.

V. Develop system and sub systems2

Develop the System and Subsystems necessarily needed for
proper financial management i.e.
Developed countries have already adapted and maintained
the modern system and subsystems of financial
management. So this is now essential for least or
How to be the best ruler 671

underdeveloped countries to adapt these modern systems for

good financial management and to achieve the potential
benefits of improved systems.
Least developed countries are focusing their attention on just
one aspect of financial management i.e. Budget or
accounting. These attempts at enhanced systems, have met
with varying degrees of success. Some have never been fully
implemented, many have failed when external support was
withdrawn, and a few have provided lasting benefits. They
have generally been constrained by the lack of resources
(especially Human Resources) and the infrastructure in most
of the least developed countries.
In general terms, least developed countries are those who are
very poor, as characterized by low per capita income and
lesser GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and other criteria
(more Poverty rate).
In least developed countries, the existing financial
management subsystems are failing to cope with the
demands placed on them i.e.
i. Planning systems have typically lost credibility with
failure to achieve targets in earlier plans.
ii. Budgets are often poor predictors of financial out-turns
and rarely act as an effective resource allocation tool.
iii. Accounting systems are asked to handle government
transactions of a scale and complexity, not envisaged when
the systems were designed and the government accounts are
often years in arrears.
672 How to be the best ruler

iv. Auditing, both internal and external has often been

ineffective, even for compliance control and virtually never
for performance enhancement.
v. Financial regulations are typically outmoded with
inadequate delegation or financial powers.
vi. There are rarely adequate information flows and such
information as exists is often either late or unreliable or both.
vii. Corruption and leakages from the system exist to
varying extents.
Conditions existing in least developing countries do not
form an encouraging background for high quality public
financial management. Financial management is often
carried out under difficult conditions, sometimes with quite
rudimentary resources. The skills necessary for good
financial management are likely to be absent or in very short
Resultantly poor economic and social needs compel the
government to appeal the foreign donors to provide
Figures for official development assistance (ODA) show
that donors provide proportionately more to least developing
countries than they do to developing countries as a whole.
As a result, in these countries, official development
assistance often forms a significant element of three
important flows.
- Revenue
- Official foreign exchange receipts
- Development expenditure
How to be the best ruler 673

This creates special financial management problems, for

instance, if developing expenditure is mostly funded from
official development assistance, development plans and
budgetary procedures have to adapt to the requirement of
donors. Similarly financial controls, reporting mechanisms
and accountability arrangements, all generally have to meet
donor needs.
In addition to procedural implications, the receipt of large
amounts of official development assistance creates
competition for counterpart resources, produces
conditionality dilemmas for governments, wishing to match
their own agenda with those of donors, and results in
dependency, both financial and otherwise.
Keeping all these realities in view, for least developed
countries, a number of efforts are required to enhance the
financial management system and the extensive subsystems
which are as follows.
1. Planning, perspective and midterm.
2. Fund release and liquidity management
3. Accounting and monitoring
4. Impartial internal and external audit.
5. System of information, feedback and reporting.
6. System of rules, procedures and financial delegation
of powers which link the subsystems together.
7. Training and refresher training of planning,
accounting and auditing staff.
Integration of these subsystems facilitates data
transfer between components, ensures consistency
674 How to be the best ruler

and reduces duplication. All of these enhance the

ability to use information for decision making,
control and monitoring.
Note: (i) Separating subsystem of accounting and
auditing is must for independent auditing. (ii) Establish
a link between accounting and auditing system so that
both systems can make their maximum contribution to
overall objective of good financial management. (iii) A
computerized accounting system may include an audit
trial to facilitate effective audit and may incorporate a
number of built-in internal controls. It can also provide
opportunity to the auditor to access data which is not
present in manual data.

References. Human resource development

1. courtesy; Dr. Naseem Bukhari,
2. Financial management in least developed
countries by United Nations. New York 1999.
How to be the best ruler 675

Chapter 39: The budget

National budget is the annual planning & program of a
government, based on all sources of income (available &
expected), previous activities, present situation & plan for
the coming year expenditure according to the future goals
for the welfare of its people and development of country.
Some suggestions
1. In most of the countries, budget is formed by the ruling
party only. For the better future and the larger interest of
country, it is suggested that the budget should be formed by
the ruling party as well as by the opposition party. For that
the opposition budget committee should be provided access
to all information, necessarily needed for the purpose.
Both budgets i.e. government & opposition budgets should
be presented turn by turn in the parliament before the house.
Then a great debate must be made by the house on each and
every part of the budgets and then a third and conclusive
budget should be made, comprising the better portions of
both budgets.
All discussions should be done in two way democratic
manner so that both sectors may play their role & devote
their abilities for better budget formation.
2. First of all decision should be taken which technique is to
be adapted for budget making. Zero based, cash and
performance based budgeting technique is best for
developed countries, while for under developed countries,
priority based, cash and performance based budgeting
technique plus zero base budgeting technique, all should be
676 How to be the best ruler

3. The committee for final approval of budget (before

presenting in cabinet & parliament) must consist of; finance
minister, a trained chartered accountant, an economist and a
political philosopher. This is necessary because there is
difference in approach of all these persons. The approach of
an accountant is to balance the figures with respect to
revenues and expenses. The approach of an economist is to
achieve more benefits with lesser resources. The approach
of a political philosopher is to foresee all aspects, with a
view to obtain benefits and avoid burdens. A politician
approach is to do all activities to get support of people and
to remain popular so as to win the next election. A good
ruler’s approach is not only to care his people for their needs
but also for the betterment of the future of his people &
4. The identity card number is to be made national tax
number and every adult must file his/her tax return.
Everybody must pay tax. The poor & unemployed should be
exempted from tax but not from filing tax return. Best policy
is to increase the tax net which is much better to increase the
Cash or revenue budget: in cash budget, the estimates of items of income
and expenditure include the amounts actually to be received or spent in one
year. In revenue budget, estimates are not the actual. In UK and USA there is
cash budgeting, while in rest of the world there is revenue budgeting.
Incremental budgeting: in this technique, previous year’s cost level is used
as base. Then to prepare the present year’s budget, by carrying the previous
year’s inefficiencies; budget is adjusted by incremental way. This technique is
used commonly by many countries.

Zero based budgeting: this technique was introduced by jimmy carter; ex-
president USA. In this technique, previous year is not taken as base. Every
year, zero is taken as base and future activities are decided according to present
How to be the best ruler 677

Priority based budgeting: this is very suitable to poor economic conditions.

It fixes the amount of government resources and then allocates resources
across the various programs. The programs are prioritized i.e. safe and secure
communities, health, education and community development. Outcome is then
assessed to judge the efficacy of programs.

Performance based budgeting: A technique to achieve the objectives.

Budget is made with reference to functions, programs, activities and

Which budget is labeled as good or bad?

The public expects and of the view that good budget is that
which gives relief to common man i.e. satisfy the felt need
of people also called public friendly budget or political
budget. Common men views and expectations are according
to their needs. Their thoughts are limited to their kitchens
and needs of their daily life. The common men do not have
a broad vision.
The rich class and businessmen expect their own benefits at
their level from the budget. The thoughts of most of them
are also limited to their benefits.
The Government and expert point of view is different and
broad. It has to care for the needs of people and also foresee
the bright future and development of people and country.
For that, unpopular decisions are mostly advised and done.
This is called expert or country favoring budget.
- The budget is bad if it favors only the rich, high grade
officers or member parliaments.
- The good budget is that which is balanced i.e. neither
deficit nor surplus.
678 How to be the best ruler

- The good budget is that which is able to fulfill the

expectations of all stakeholders and betterment of country,
keeping a balance in all. It is difficult but not impossible.
- That budget is good after which, there is no change in
prices of kitchen goods, local transport and utility bills.
- Reduction of government expenses is always appreciated
throughout the world and is considered a part of good
- That budget is good after which, there is no mini budget
in whole year.
Composition of Budget
The budget must include;
1. Essential expenses- three “D”
-Departmental expenses and government expenses,
also methodology to improve their services &
-Defense expenses
-Debt installment of the debt taken from other
countries, national & international agencies.
2. Problems of country, their solutions and allocation
of funds i.e. poverty, illiteracy, unemployment,
security and crime control etc.
3. Welfare expenses- projects, plans and allocations of
funds for welfare of citizens and residents, including
education, health etc.
How to be the best ruler 679

Note: sometimes welfare and problems of country mix

with each other i.e. unemployment at country level is a
collective problem as well as its solution is welfare at the
same time.
4. Developmental expenses; Projects, plans & funds
for the development of country.
5. Miscellanies
Budget should be announced and documented, nothing
should be hidden. Every income, expenditure, tax, plans &
strategy should be clearly declared and justified.
Sources of Income
1. First of all describe sources of income, enumerating every
source and amount of income generated.
Categorize the sources by
- High income generating resources
- Medium income generating resources
- Low income generating resources
- Projects or sources of loss
Preferably highlight those resources of income where there
is no expenditure of government i.e. income from citizens in
foreign countries.
2. Discuss the future plan of government in case of sectors
or departments going in loss i.e. give them warning or
dissolve them or if can’t be dissolved, give them in private
sectors i.e. sale or on contract.
680 How to be the best ruler

3. Discuss the sources from where, income is planned to be

generated. Discuss the areas from where, the government
expenditure can be saved or cut short.
3. Describe strategy and plan of government, how to
increase the resources and revenue without imposing or
increasing tax and preferably without expenditure of
i. Increase your export to a limit, which enables your
country to pay the debt so as to reduce the debt and
its interest. Make a plan to get rid of international
debt i.e. five year or ten year plan as it was done by
Mahathir Mohammad P.M. Malaysia, and Tayyib
Erdogan P.M Turkey.
ii. If not possible then at least, all your sources of
foreign currencies should be equal to interest of debt
plus foreign currency required for necessary imports
and other necessities.
iii. Avoid, avoid & avoid the worst condition i.e. you
have to take more loans to repay the installment of
debt or to compensate your budget loss.
Stages of Budget
There are 3 stages: preparation, legislation and execution.
Work on budgeting starts approximately 8 to 12 months before the
announcement of budget in the parliament i.e. A little after the announcement
of previous year’s budget. Efficient budgeting depends on active cooperation
of all departments and their subdivisions.
A grand meeting of finance minister with all provincial and departmental
heads is conducted at the start of preparation of budget for next year, in which
all priorities, plans, objectives, targets, goals, problems, their solutions &
every matter concerning budget should be discussed, explained & decided.
This meeting is secondary to the meeting of cabinet, in which annual policy,
planning & programs of government are discussed & explained to cabinet
How to be the best ruler 681

members. It is cleared that every member has well understood & given
sufficient knowledge.

Communication between the central budget office and peripheral budget

offices (i.e. provincial, departmental etc.) is a two way communication. After
completion, all departments send their recommendations and demands to their
respective ministries, and then finally it is sent to budget wing, ministry of
finance. Budget is then consolidated and then presented in cabinet for

Legislation- after approval from the cabinet, the budget is presented in the
parliament by finance minister. Great debate on every part of budget in
between opposition and ruling party is done and then if necessary, the
amendments are done, finally approval taken turn by turn from both houses of

Execution: After approval, the budget is executed. The finance ministry

exercises regular supervision over the flow of finance to the operating
agencies. It also controls the expenditures of the sanctioned items.
682 How to be the best ruler

Section 10
Chapter 40 – Religious reforms
Chapter 41 – Industrial Reforms
Chapter 42 – Agricultural Reforms
Chapter 43 – Educational Reforms
Chapter 44 – Health reforms
Chapter 45 – Social Reforms
How to be the best ruler 683

They say; if you live beyond self and bring reforms in
people’s lives, you will live beyond your life in hearts of
A reform is a change for the better as a result of correcting
abuses. The reforms are needed in all walks of life.
- Reforms in government departments. (Discussed already)
- Religious reforms
– Industrial Reforms
– Agricultural Reforms
– Educational Reforms
- Health reforms.
– Social reforms.
684 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 40: Religious reforms

It is seen that in every country there is a qualifying criteria
to recruit even a junior clerk but in most of the countries,
there is no legal, documented, qualifying criteria to recruit a
person as the head of worship-house, who has great
responsibilities to guide, teach and preach the society with
respect to religion. So it will be a great reform that a
qualifying criteria must be made and only that person should
be recruited who fulfills the criteria successfully i.e.
- Make a standard syllabus for the qualification and training
level of the preacher i.e. Imam Masjid, Pandit & Priest etc.
- Qualification; A written examination and viva conducted
by board to judge the eligibility.
- Skill test by interview and practical test before
- Tendency and capacity to do work as head of worship-
house must also be checked.
- Before joining duty; training must be given to him, then
refresher training every year; to improve his knowledge and
skill of religion; teaching and preaching ability.
- Last but not the least; a handsome salary package may also
be given to him, so that he may devote all his attention to
justify his great duty.
How to be the best ruler 685

Inclusion of humanity along with worships; it is observed

that most of the teachings of religion are based on doing
worship and least stressed on other noble tasks e.g. to adopt
truthfulness, honesty, fair dealing, positive thinking &
attitude, cleanliness etc. This is necessary because in every
religion good deeds are of two types;
i. Rights of God e.g. worship
ii. Rights of people and yourself
- rights of people include truthfulness, honesty, fair
dealing, positive thinking & attitude.
- rights of your own body on yourself e.g. cleanliness,
education, healthcare & personality development etc.
All these teachings should be made part of curriculum as
additional subject and also spread in society to make culture
of society as humanitarian society through media and other
regular social campaigns.
686 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 41: Industrial Reforms

Importance of industry: Dr. Mahathir Mohammad told the
author that if an acre land is given to a person for cultivation.
He cannot be able to run the expenses of his family from that
land. But if a factory is made on an acre land then it will be
able to give sustenance to more than one thousand families.
Industrialization is very necessary to develop a country and
to eradicate unemployment.
Malaysia pursued industrialization to alleviate its huge 40%
unemployment and 58% poverty. Foreign direct investments
were attracted by giving the charm of low manufacturing
costs, security to work and transportation in & out of
currency. The main share of industries was taken from
Japan. The Malaysia initially adapted the policy of import-
substitution industrialization, but later it adapted on
priority the strategy of an export-oriented
industrialization. The government emphasized on
establishment of those industries of which Malaysia was
self-sufficient in raw material and to some extent technology
i.e. raw material based industrialization & technology-
based industrialization. The government policy focused on
technology development and growth of exports. It
established various free trade zones which were preferred
locations for large multinational companies to establish
industries due to the increased security, quick customs
How to be the best ruler 687

clearance and efficient administrative support. Various

incentives were granted to export-oriented industries e.g.
handsome tariff concessions, and tax exemptions for 5-10
years. Financial incentives were also given to all industries
including the multinational and local large scale industries
as well as small and medium industries. With technology,
the industries improved in worker’s training, research and
Korea first equipped itself with science and technology
personnel, the research & development institutions and the
skilled workers. The emphasis was placed on expansion of
technical high schools and institutionalization of vocational
training. Then it encouraged foreign direct investments.
Since it was equipped with the required human resource, so
they were able to make best use of foreign direct
investments, and technical assistance agreements by way of
technology transfers.
Singapore emphasized to an export-oriented
industrialization. It developed in industries by attracting
foreign direct investments due to its desirable locational
advantage, low-cost labor and low to middle level
technology for competing effectively in the export market,
later it improved itself as a leading industrial economy that
specializes in the range of high-end manufactures. The
688 How to be the best ruler

foreign investors benefited Singapore by bringing cash as

well as technology and managerial skills.

China: China is at top of the world in industrialization

and production of goods. China decreased the prices of
goods up to unbelievable level by decreasing
manufacturing cost and lesser profit margin. China
increased the quantity of goods but decreased the
quality and durability of goods.
However a great credit goes to China which by mass
production of goods has made inexpensive what were
considered luxuries, such as vehicles and computers, and
thus made accessible to many people all over the world who
were otherwise too poor to afford them. It is said that the
lesser prices of Chinese goods have sealed most of the
factories in developed world and the locks used to seal
factories were also Chinese i.e. made in China.
Secret of development of Industry of Japan
One Japanese person told author; the secret of
development of industry of Japan.
1. Japanese made a rule of “Minimum standard of production in
quality and durability” then strictly acted upon it. That standard
was not below the international market standard”
2. Decided the price of product by the formula of adding all costs
and small profit + tax e.g.
i. production cost include: Price of material used + Cost of labor
+ administrative & utility costs + devaluation cost of machinery
used + miscellaneous costs for production +
ii. Transportation cost. Plus
How to be the best ruler 689

iii. Tax + small competitive profit.

3. Sample shown to customer and the real product supplied was
same in all respects (quality, durability & quantity etc.) and
4. All the promises made by the industry representatives to
customers were fulfilled i.e. penalty, warranty time, date of
delivery etc.
5. Satisfactory after sale services, with availability of spare parts
were ensured.
6. Staff working at all levels were qualified and trained with
refresher courses of periodical training to maintain standard.
7. Feedback, check and counter check technique was used. And
then changes made accordingly.

Reader’s Digest December 1981 wrote five cardinal features of;

“why Japanese cars sell so well” which are as follows;
i. Pride of workmanship; Better workmanship, attention to fine
detail & rapport with management. Also fuel efficiency & lesser
maintenance cost.
ii. Group loyalty with good management-worker relationship.
iii. Combat duty.
iv. More service, less money.
v. Quality control: The persons concerning quality control
identify defects of product, identify causes, make corrections, and
monitor improvements & production rates.

Suggestions for industrial development

Suggestions for industrial development are as follows.

1. For attracting foreign direct investment (FDI): It is

crystal clear that for the development of under developed
countries; foreign direct investment is necessary, but to get
690 How to be the best ruler

the benefits from FDI, following are the requirements

fulfilled first;

i. Developed human resource. For that it is necessary to

expand the vocational and technological training institutes
all over the country.
ii. Uninterrupted electricity & natural gas supply.
Attractions for foreign investors
i. A calculated planning is necessary, to be presented to
foreign investors which consists of incentives for them e.g.
ii. Provision of security to foreign investors; i.e. physical
security and security to transfer in & out their currency.
iii. Provision of honor and respect to foreign investors and
their representatives at all places of dealings.
Incentives regarding low production cost
i. Uninterrupted electricity & natural gas supply at
economical tariff.
ii. Low cost labor which is abundant in underdeveloped
iii. Regular availability of raw material at economical cost.
iv. Qualified & skilled; vocational, scientific &
technological personnel.
How to be the best ruler 691

v. The government should establish the free trade zones for

at-least 5-10 years, concessional zones and manufacturing
warehouses which would be the preferred location for large
multinational and local companies due to the increased
security, quick customs clearance and efficient
administrative support. Various incentives may be granted
to export-oriented industries e.g. handsome tariff
concessions, and tax exemptions for 5-10 years.
2. The policy: The policy should be to establish;
i. Import substitution industries.
ii. Export oriented industries.
iii. Raw material based industries &
iv. Technology-based industries
Suggestions for industrial reforms
For planning of industrial development it is necessary to
keep in mind that we are in era of 4th industrial revolution
and so industries must be accordingly standardized.

First industrial revolution came in 18th century by

introduction of machines in industry, second revolution
came in 19th century by heavy machinery and mass
production of goods, third revolution by invention and
insertion of electronics and computer in industries, fourth
692 How to be the best ruler

and latest revolution came by invention of internet and

integration of all inventions.

1. Make a minimum standard of production (MSP) in

every field with its quality and durability standard. Then
make a law to apply this throughout the country. Distribute
this (in written) to all business community for awareness and
to keep and maintain that standard of production and
durability for all goods manufactured for country or for
export. The MSP should not be below four sigma & lean,
but give the target of six sigma & lean to your businessmen.
(Six sigma and lean is the symbol of total quality
production with total quality management achieved
through best use of all available resources i.e. Man, Money,
Material, time skill and knowledge.)
Importance of quality: Edward Deming (father of quality
management) was invited for consultation by chief
executive of Ford industries and asked him that we have a
plan to increase our business that either we increase the
production or decrease the manufacturing cost or do both;
what is your suggestion? Deming answered; you only
increase the quality of your product without increasing the
sale value, it will increase your worth in market which will
increase your sale and also business. Ref; vivek bindra, international
motivational speaker
How to be the best ruler 693

William Edwards Deming (October 14, 1900 – December 20, 1993)

was an American engineer, professor, author and management
consultant. Deming is best known for his work in Japan after Second
World War, particularly his work with the leaders of Japanese
industry. That work began in August 1950 at the Hakone Convention
Center in Tokyo when Deming delivered a speech on what he called
"Statistical Product Quality Administration". Many in Japan credit
Deming as one of the inspirations for what has become known as
the Japanese post-war economic miracle of 1950 to 1960, when
Japan rose from the ashes of war on the road to becoming the
second largest economy in the world through processes partially
influenced by the ideas Deming taught.

1. Better design of products to improve service

2. Higher level of uniform product quality
3. Improvement of product testing in the workplace and in
research centers
4. Greater sales through global markets
Deming is best known for his 14 Points on Quality Management, a
core concept on implementing total quality management, is a set of
management practices to help companies increase their quality and

Deming’s 14 Points

1. Create constancy of purpose for improving products and services.

2. Adopt the new philosophy.
3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
4. End the practice of awarding business on price alone; instead,
minimize total cost by working with a single supplier.
5. Improve constantly and forever every process for planning,
production and service.
6. Institute training on the job.
7. Adopt and institute leadership.
8. Drive out fear.
9. Break down barriers between staff areas.
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce.
11. Eliminate numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for
12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship, and
eliminate the annual rating or merit system.
694 How to be the best ruler

13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement for

14. Put everybody in the company to work accomplishing the

These total quality management concepts can be put into place by

any organization to more effectively implement total quality
management. As a total quality management philosophy. Ref; Edward
Deming. google. wikipedia.

2. Reverse engineering: For development of science &

technology in underdeveloped countries, it is necessary to
promote the use of reverse engineering. The reverse
engineering is the process of discovering the technological
principles of a device, object, or system through analysis of
its structure, function, and operation. It often involves taking
something (a mechanical device, electronic component,
computer program, or biological, chemical, or organic
matter) apart and analyzing its workings in detail to be used
in maintenance, or to try to make a new device or program
that does the same thing without using or simply duplicating
(without understanding) the original. The purpose is to
deduce design decisions from end products with little or no
additional knowledge about the procedures involved in the
original production.
3. The role of government should be completely helpful for
availability of the resources because without quality
resources, the dream of six sigma & lean level can’t be
achieved. It is to be remembered that the quality production
is always directly proportional to quality and quantity of
How to be the best ruler 695

resources. However with lesser resources, with better

quality management, if good quality production is taken that
is an art and also appreciable.
4. Persuade and stress your businessmen, to arrange the
teaching and training sessions for their concerned staff
periodically. Purpose of teaching is to give them knowledge
about their work, quality of work, defects and their causes
and also to teach the fundamentals of six sigma and Lean.
Purpose of training is to teach them that how to do their
work? How to increase the quality and quantity of
production? How to decrease the defects of products by
identifying and removing the causes of defects? A syllabus
and schedule for teaching and training which justifies the
purpose, should be prepared with reference books. The
target of training should be to enable the trainee to achieve
the level of;
(i) Total quality management
(ii) Operational excellence
(iii) Total quality production i.e. best output in the
form of best products in quality and durability.
5. How to calculate the price of a thing (especially of big
industries). The price of product should be decided by the
formula of adding costs, tax + and justified profit i.e.
(i) Costs:
i. Cost of materials used.
696 How to be the best ruler

ii. Labor cost according to:

(i) Duration of time to produce that thing
(ii) Strength of labor (Hardship of labor)
(iii) Quality of labor i.e. technical, non-technical,
professional, highly professional.
iii. Electricity & natural gas used.
iv. Telephone, stationary & other expenses.
v. Cost of machinery used & devalued for production.
v. Packaging cost.
vi. Administrative cost.
viii. All other costs directly & indirectly related to
ix. Transportation & selling costs.
(ii) All Taxes of government.
(iii) Proper profit of manufacturer.
Finally trade and retail price is to be decided.
Note: All elements are not applied for price calculation in
case of small industries and in agriculture products. So for
those products, only the relevant elements may be
How to be the best ruler 697

6. Sample shown to customer and the real product supplied

must be same in all respects (quality, durability & quantity
etc.) and always.
7. All the promises made by the industry representatives to
customers must be fulfilled i.e. penalty, warranty time, date
of delivery etc.
8. Satisfactory, after sale services, with availability of spare
parts must be ensured.
9. Staff working at all levels should be qualified (according
to post requirement) and trained with refresher courses of
periodical training to maintain standard.
10. Feedback, check and counter check techniques are to be
used and then changes made accordingly.
How to Take Standard Work: To take work or to make
any product is not sufficient for progress. It is necessary to
take good quality of work i.e. standard work.
The level of standard must be mentioned i.e. Chinese level,
Japanese level, International market Standard level, local
market standard or above all.
The standard which you decide and demand that needs the
same level of
- Qualification of your people
- Skill
- Training
698 How to be the best ruler

- Logistics and Technology

- Motivation
- Monitoring.
What is six sigma and lean1 manufacturing?
Six sigma and lean manufacturing are toolkits to reduce waste in business
processes. Both, six sigma and lean manufacturing, are proven concepts and
have saved clients millions of dollars without capital investment. Six Sigma
Systems helps your associates to generate business results. The return on
investment provided by our approach exceeds 700%!

What is six sigma?Six sigma is a philosophy of doing business with a

focus on eliminating defects through fundamental process knowledge. Six
sigma methods integrate principles of business, statistics and engineering to
achieve tangible results.

Six sigma tools are used to improve the processes and products of a
company. They are applicable across every discipline including: Production,
Sales, Marketing, Design, Administration and Service.

Six sigma offers a wealth of tangible benefits. When applied;

 Six sigma reduces costs by 50% or more through a self-funded

approach to improvement.
 Six sigma reduces the waste chain.
 Six sigma affords a better understanding of customer requirements.
 Six sigma improves delivery and quality performance.
 Six sigma provides critical process inputs needed to respond to.
changing customer requirements.
 Six sigma develops robust products and processes.
 Six sigma drives improvements rapidly with internal resources.

The term Six-Sigma originated from terminology associated

with manufacturing, specifically terms associated with statistical modeling
of manufacturing processes. The maturity of a manufacturing process can be
described by a sigma rating indicating its yield or the percentage of defect-free
products it creates. A six sigma process is one in which 99.99966% of the
products manufactured are statistically expected to be free of defects (3.4
defects per million.
How to be the best ruler 699

Sigma % of defects yield %

One 69 % 31 %

Two 31 % 69 %

Three 6.7 % 93.3 %

Four 0.62 % 99.38 %

Five 0.023 % 99.977 %

Six 0.00034 % 99.99966 %

What is lean manufacturing?

Lean manufacturing is a proven approach to reduce waste and streamline
operations. Lean manufacturing embraces a philosophy of continually
increasing the proportion of value added activity of their business through
ongoing waste elimination. A lean manufacturing approach provides
companies with tools to survive in a global market that demands higher
quality, faster delivery and lower prices. Specifically,
 Lean manufacturing dramatically reduces the waste chain.
 Lean manufacturing reduces inventory and floor space
 Lean manufacturing creates more robust production systems.
 Lean manufacturing develops appropriate material delivery systems.
 Lean manufacturing improves layouts for increased flexibility.

1. Wikipedia; six sigma and lean.
700 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 42 Agricultural Reforms

Importance of agriculture: Agriculture is the main source

of sustenance of most of the population residing in rural
area. It provides raw materials to the industrial sector.
Therefore, a sustained annual increase in growth rate (at-
least 6-7%) in agricultural production is necessary for
increasing national income, poverty reduction and overall
development of the country.
JosephPBUH was the first person who brought the great
agricultural reforms in the history. He was the best financial
and food planner in history, also founder of advance tax
technique i.e. he made a rule that the double year’s tax
would be exempted of those who pay advance tax of as
many years.
The agricultural reforms made in Egypt were as follows;
i. All measures were done to take maximum output of crop
per acre.
ii. Canals were dug from river Nile to make the land fertile.
iii. Maximum land of country was cultivated.
iv. Stepwise ownership of that uncultivated land was
ordered to be given to those who struggle and cultivate the
How to be the best ruler 701

v. Wheat was stored with its coverings, due to which it

remained useful even after seven years of storage.

Suggestions for agricultural development

Agricultural development needs following steps;
1. Situational analysis and planning.
2. Human resource development & management: Most
of the farmers lack information regarding nature of soils
(very good, good, moderate, and marginal), technique of
multiple cropping, higher yield methodology, use of
technology, agricultural inputs (fertilizers & pesticides) &
essential nutrients of their lands. A grand program of
teaching is imperative through teaching at spot by expert
teams and establishment of more & more institutes for
agricultural diploma, graduation and post-graduation.

3. In underdeveloped countries, research in agriculture is

not given its due importance. Research department is not
funded properly, less equipped, not properly linked with
international and national stakeholders, lesser staff,
unmotivated with mostly low capacity and also
mismanaged. So it is necessary that a higher level of
investment in agricultural research and development
activities should be done.
702 How to be the best ruler

4. Maximum output from available resources e.g.

maximum crop production per acre land e.g. in
underdeveloped countries, the wheat production per acre is
800-1200 kilograms, while in developed countries it is
4800-6000 kilograms per acre. Secondly the rice production
per acre in underdeveloped countries is 1200-1400
kilograms, while in developed countries it is 3500-4000
kilograms per acre. This great difference is due to lack of
technology, knowledge, training, quality of seeds and
fertilizers in underdeveloped countries.
5. Maximum use of available resources i.e. Cultivate all or
maximum area of land. Secondly, Fruit trees should be
cultivated along both sides of all roads and pathways,
according to the soil of the area. Cultivate that fruit tree
which is best to grow. Vegetables are to be grown in homes
on the lawns and the open roofs of homes. Special
instructions and guidelines should be given by media and by
a door to door campaign; so that a culture and atmosphere
may be created in all citizens to develop themselves and the
country as a whole e.g. this technique was practiced
successfully in China by the order of Mao Zedong.
6. Increase resources e.g. Explore more water resources
and use all methods to change infertile land to fertile land.
The Land is mostly irrigated by ground (river) water &
underground (tube wells) water resources. Rainfall plays a
How to be the best ruler 703

little role in most of countries. So it is very necessary to

develop water storage capacity and conserve more & more
water before it flows into sea. Also increase the number &
capacity of tube wells.
7. Cultivate the best to grow: Test the soil of different parts
of your country & cultivate that food item which is best to
be grown from that land. Most of the soils are deficient in
macro nutrients e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus & potassium and
micro nutrients like zinc, boron and iron etc. that deficiency
should be covered to get good results.
8. Improve harvesting, packing & transportation
In fruits; injuries occur due to poor harvesting techniques,
then improper packing (fertilizer bags etc.), improper
packaging conditions (high heat & humidity), improper
facilities in transportation and in markets; reduce the
quantity & quality of fruits. So there is a great need for
teaching the proper techniques to the farmers and
development of cold storage in markets and production area
with facilities of humidity & temperature control, along with
better transport facilities.
704 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 43 Educational Reforms

A handsome share i.e. more than 10% of GDP must be
reserved for education, otherwise dream of educational
reforms cannot be fulfilled. In Malaysia, education share in
budget is 25%, which is an ideal.
For every citizen, it must be compulsory to take education
at-least up to matric (O-level). Those parents must be fined
who do not send their children to school for education. In
underdeveloped countries a large number of population is
still deprived of basic education e.g. in Pakistan 25 million
children out of 200 million population are uneducated, and
out of these 12 million children have to do labor for their
Adult education: A special plan must be made of forced
education for the uneducated adults.
Drawbacks of education system: The education system is
designed with the purpose to enable the students to get job
so as to earn money. So every educated person wishes to
earn money after education. He does not aim to be a good
doctor, a good engineer, a good businessman or a good
politician. He only thinks to utilize his education and his
profession to earn money or status.
System does not develop personality of student.
It does not help to make a student, a good human being.
How to be the best ruler 705

Except in some countries, the education system does not

help a person to choose his profession according to his
inbuilt ability.
Purposes of education: Education must inculcate its
benefits in a person who takes education. There should be a
prominent difference in an educated and uneducated person
with reference to personality ethics and skills, general
knowledge, career information, personal health information.
Analyze your system of education. If it fulfills the purpose
of education, then ok; otherwise it needs change. Following
are the purposes of education.
i. Essential personality skills: There must be a compulsory
subject on essential personality skills e.g. communication
skill, decision making, problem solving, self-confidence,
stress management, time management and interpersonal
relationship etc. The education must enable a person to
communicate with others by letter, SMS & other ways. The
way of speaking & language must also be improved.
ii. A good human being: The education must enable a
person to be a good and decent human being. It should
improve the personality & character of a person. It persuades
the person to avoid rigidness, animal behavior & to be in
one’s limits; be cooperative & helpful to other human
beings, respecting the elders and caring the younger ones
706 How to be the best ruler

They say; “education & knowledge must shine in a

personality; its minimum level brings beauty and decency in
speech & behavior and maximum level brings tolerance in
personality”. So a compulsory subject on personality
development and character building must be taught to every
student in matric / O level.
iii. A good religious person & good citizen: It enables a
person to understand the teachings of religion and be a good
religious person with its knowledge. It must also make a
person a good knowledge full citizen knowing its rights &
iv. A good professional person: The education must enable
a person to be a good professional person i.e. a good doctor,
a good engineer, a good businessman or a good politician.
He should think to utilize his education to improve his
professional expertise and not to earn money or status. The
money and status will come automatically after professional
v. Information: The education is the biggest source of
information of all types i.e. worldly, religious, legal,
professional, scientific and technological etc. The
information imparts confidence in a person and also enables
a person to differentiate in between right or wrong.
vi. personal health information: The education must also
impart information regarding all preventive measures
How to be the best ruler 707

against common diseases and also information regarding

first aid in emergencies. So a compulsory subject on
preventive health and first aid must also be taught to every
student in matric / O level.
vii. Career information: A compulsory subject regarding
information of all professions must also be taught to every
student in matric / O level, so that an educated person may
be enable to choose his/her future career confidently with
full information.
viii. Employment: It is a great tragedy & misconception
that in whole world; sole purpose of education is considered
to get an employment. However employment purpose can
also be fulfilled by getting vocational or professional
education and to a little extent by general & routine

The educational reforms can be done in four sectors.

1. Infrastructure.
2. Behavioral reforms
3. Teaching system.
4. Examination system.
5. Rewards.

1. Infrastructure: Availability of sufficient

infrastructure must be ensured in education system all over
708 How to be the best ruler

the country i.e. sufficient teaching institutes, proper

building, proper furniture, instruments and stationary etc.

2. Behavioral reforms:
Reforms are mainly needed in two sectors;

i. Holiness of teaching profession: The holiness of

teaching profession should be resumed and maintained. For
that those persons should be recruited as teachers who intend
to adapt this profession as a holy mission and not only as an
employment; later training and refresher training must also
be given on the same grounds. A justifying and handsome
salary is necessary to maintain this passion of mission.
ii. Regard of teachers: Students do not pay so much regard
to teachers as it was given in past which is the right of
teachers. Reason is this that most of the students are being
tuned that the teachers are only the service providers against
salary & tuition fee, on the other hand mostly the teachers
are also behaving in the same way. So a national level
campaign and training of students, parents and teachers is
necessary to resume the regard of teachers, because it is fact
that “that nation cannot progress and will surely destroy
morally & otherwise if it is not giving due regard to its
teachers, which is necessary because the teachers are the
builders of nation”.
How to be the best ruler 709

They say; “teacher is the spiritual father/mother of students,

so he/she should be respected more or equal to parents”.
Imam1 kssai was teacher of amin & mammon (sons of
Caliph Haroon Rasheed). Once after teaching; when the
teacher intended to go, both brothers discussed with each
other that who will get the honor to bring shoes of teacher;
ultimately they decided to bring one shoe each. When Caliph
(King) Haroon came to know? He called the teacher in his
court and asked; who is most respectful in people? Teacher
answered; who else than the Caliph. The Caliph said; No, he
is more respectable; who when stands, the sons of caliph
wish to bring his shoes for him and that is their teacher.
Caliph further added; “anybody whatever is his status, his
status is not above his teacher, just minded judge and his
It is said that once Imam abu HanifaRA (great writer of
Islamic Fiqa) gave pause to his lecture during teaching and
stood quietly and respectfully; only because an old man was
passing near to the class. Students asked the reason. The
Imam answered; I am bound to pay respect to this old man
because he is my teacher and he taught me only this that the
adultness of dog can be checked when the dog passes its
urine by raising up its one back leg.
iii. Behavior of teachers: (i) It is seen in most of the
countries that teachers give more attention to already
710 How to be the best ruler

intelligent students or whose parents are influential or rich,

which is unethical & unfair with average, normal & poor
students. The behavior of teachers should be same with all
students; rather the normal and poor students need more
attention and psychological support to level them equal to
the rest of class. (ii) Violence on students by teachers is a
cruel action which must be condemned and banned. A strict
action must be taken against teacher proved guilty.

iv. Behavior of senior students: e.g. Ragging (hazing,

bullying, & fooling) of newcomer students by senior
students must be banned in all teaching institutes and strict
punishments should be given to the misdoer. This is because
the Ragging destroys the personality of victim and leaves a
permanent sense of being insulted & disrespected in
conscious of victim. The ruler who does not ban ragging
strictly; that means clearly that He is destroying the
personality & character of the youth of his nation.
The Supreme Court of India has declared ragging as
criminal offence. Following the Supreme Court orders; a
National anti-ragging helpline was launched by the Indian
Government. The complaint of students being ragged can be
registered without disclosing the name of the victim.
Effective action is taken by the helpline for the complaints
registered to it.
3. The teaching system:
How to be the best ruler 711

i. There must be one syllabus for all; in the whole country.

This is necessary to finish disparity in poor and rich and to
give equal chance of development to all citizens.
During British rule; Lord Macaulay introduced an
educational system in India to produce disparity of
knowledge and spoken English language in between British
and Indian citizen, and also in between Indian rich & poor
so that most of Indians may develop their talents to become
clerks not the officers. The tragedy is that even after
independence; India & Pakistan maintained the similar
educational system of disparity which is a great injustice
with their general population.

ii. Quota system for poor students and students belonging

to regionally deprived area to level them up equal to other
students. (Discussed already in development chapter)

iii. Depoliticize the education department. All recruitment

must be made on merit. Posting/transfer should also be done
as per law.

iv. Eligibility criteria for a degree: A criteria of

knowledge and skill must be made for every degree as the
eligibility criteria. The degree should be awarded to those
students only who fulfill the criteria? The syllabus &
examination should be designed in theory, viva & practical
712 How to be the best ruler

in such a way which is able to develop the required

knowledge & skill in students.
In most of countries, it is said that skill comes with
experience, so knowledge is the only criteria to award a
degree which is a wrong concept. Author is of the view that
experience is to add and increase the skill but there should
be some skill which must be checked in examination and
mentioned in syllabus. This can be decided according to
resources of country that how much should the knowledge
and how much skill must be present in a qualified Matric,
FA, FSc. (O&A level), Graduate, Master & doctorate levels.
Also in professional subjects how much knowledge & skill
it is necessary for a doctor, engineer, commerce and
accountancy. e.g. for a medical graduate, only knowledge
is not sufficient, he/she must at-least also have skill of minor
procedures i.e. to pass a urinary catheter & nasogastric tube
to patients, bandaging, stitching a wound, skill to use
stethoscope, BP apparatus and ECG machine, ability to read
and understand all investigations and how to understand,
diagnose and deal emergency etc.
In the same way; for the master degree of a language i.e.
English; a student must not be awarded degree if he has full
knowledge of language but unable to speak fluently and
cannot debate in the language. So there must be a practical
test of eligibility to check the skill of students.
How to be the best ruler 713

So for all subjects i.e. scientific and subjects of arts;

whatever the criteria of knowledge and skill may be decided
by the authorities but it must be mentioned in separate
headings in syllabus i.e. course & criteria of knowledge and
course & criteria of skill.

v. The staff should be qualified, skilled & trained. Training

& annual refresher training must be conducted for all staff.
Training of teachers must aim to improve;
(i) Subject skill.
(ii)Teaching skill &
(iii) Dealing.
vi. Speech, debate & presentation abilities: For the
development of personality & confidence building in
students; it is necessary to train practically every student; to
become able to deliver speeches, do debates and make
presentations etc.

vii. The syllabus must be designed based on some

objectives i.e. to make the student; a good human being, a
good citizen and also it must be helpful for his/her future
The author suggests that; the following subjects must be
added as essential subjects along with other routine subjects.
714 How to be the best ruler

(i) Personality development and character building: A

developed personality with good character is the most
important and always welcomed characteristic to achieve
success and objectives in all walks of life, so this must be
included as a subject, which would consist of two sections.
i. For personality development; chapters to develop
necessary life skills e.g. communication skill, public
dealing, self-confidence, decision making & problem
solving, time management and stress management etc.
ii. For character building; chapters on social and moral
values including good interpersonal, intra-family and intra-
society relations and dealings. A chapter on one’s
responsibilities towards family, society and state and also
one’s rights as a member of society and as a citizen. A
chapter persuading to obey and act under the law of country
and not to do any crime. A chapter persuading to adapt
lifestyle according to the orders of religion and pray to God
regularly. A chapter must also be included on discipline and
to adapt disciplinary and decent attitude in all dealings and
to abide by traffic rules, proper parking and queue system
The syllabus must also include practical trainings along with
(ii) Decision of carrier: In most of the countries, students
do not know about all professions present in country, and
How to be the best ruler 715

they adapt any one profession from those few which they
know; even their parents do not know about the variety and
vastness of professions, and even do not know about worth
and importance of the professions.
So for an introduction to the professions and career
decision, in the syllabus of matric (0-level); a subject must
to be taught, in which there should be description of all the
professions present in country; so that one may decide his
future profession after having sufficient knowledge about all
ins and outs of the professions.
(iii) Health care: A subject consisting of prevention and
protection of health, guidelines to healthful diet must be kept
in syllabus. A chapter on first Aid with practical training
must also be included.
(iv). Computer: computer should be taught from the first

4. Examinations: Examinations are the assessment and

evaluation tool of knowledge of students.
i. There must be one method of examination in whole
ii. Semester system of examination is best; with a semester
of six months duration i.e. two examinations in a year.
Number of papers should be increased with smaller course
for one paper.
716 How to be the best ruler

iii. The examination system should be planned in a way

which is able to check the ability & skill of students
completely according to criteria described in syllabus..
iv. Question paper: The question paper of primary classes
should consist of short answer questions & true/false
questions of simple and basic knowledge level. The question
paper of undergraduate classes should consist of short essay
questions & multiple choice questions. The question paper
of postgraduate classes should consist of multiple choice
questions and essay questions with scenario base
(computational or non-computational).
The question paper of languages and literatures should be
designed according to their requirements.
Note: Marks breakdown of all questions and their parts must
be indicated to clarify the expectations for the amount of
detail required to answer.
Types of examination questions: 1. Multiple choice questions. 2. true/false
questions. 3. Matching questions 4. Short answer questions. 5. Essay questions.
6. Computational questions.
1. Multiple choice questions are composed of one question (stem) with multiple
possible answers (choices), including the correct answer and incorrect answers
(distractors). Typically, students select the correct answer by circling the associated
number or letter, or filling in the associated circle on the machine-readable response
Students can generally respond to these types of questions quite quickly. As a result,
they are often used to test student’s knowledge of a broad range of content. Creating
these questions can be time consuming because it is often difficult to generate several
plausible distractors. However, they can be marked very quickly.
2. True/false questions are only composed of a statement. Students respond to the
questions by indicating whether the statement is true or false. For example: True/false
questions have only two possible answers (Answer: True).
How to be the best ruler 717

Like multiple choice questions, true/false questions are most often used to assess
familiarity with course content and to check for popular misconceptions. True/false
questions allow students to respond quickly so exams can use a large number of them
to test knowledge of a broad range of content. True/false questions are easy and quick
to grade but time consuming to create
True/false questions provide students with a 50% chance of guessing the right answer.
For this reason, multiple choice questions are often used instead of true/false
3. Matching questions: Students respond to matching questions by pairing each of a
set of stems (e.g., definitions) with one of the choices provided on the exam. These
questions are often used to assess recognition and recall and so are most often used
in courses where acquisition of detailed knowledge is an important goal. They are
generally quick and easy to create and mark, but students require more time to respond
to these questions than a similar number of multiple choice or true/false items.
4. Short answer questions are typically composed of a brief prompt that demands a
written answer that varies in length from one or two words to a few sentences. They
are most often used to test basic knowledge of key facts and terms.
Alternatively, this could be written as a fill-in-the-blank short answer question:
Short answer questions can also be used to test higher thinking skills, including
analysis or evaluation.
Short answer questions have many advantages. Many instructors report that they are
relatively easy to construct and can be constructed faster than multiple choice
questions. Unlike matching, true/false, and multiple choice questions, short answer
questions make it difficult for students to guess the answer. Short answer questions
provide students with more flexibility to explain their understanding and demonstrate
creativity than they would have with multiple choice questions; this also means that
scoring is relatively laborious and can be quite subjective. Short answer questions
provide more structure than essay questions and thus are often easy and faster to
mark and often test a broader range of the course content than full essay questions.
Suggestion: When using short answer questions to test student knowledge of
definitions consider having a mix of questions, some that supply the term and require
the students to provide the definition, and other questions that supply the definition and
require that students provide the term. The latter sort of questions can be structured
as fill-in-the-blank questions. This mix of formats will better test student knowledge
because it doesn’t rely solely on recognition or recall of the term.
5. Essay questions provide a complex prompt that requires written responses, which
can vary in length from a couple of paragraphs to many pages. Like short answer
questions, they provide students with an opportunity to explain their understanding and
demonstrate creativity, but make it hard for students to arrive at an acceptable answer
by bluffing. They can be constructed reasonably quickly and easily but marking these
questions can be time-consuming and grader agreement can be difficult.
Essay questions differ from short answer questions in that the essay questions are less
structured. This openness allows students to demonstrate that they can integrate the
718 How to be the best ruler

course material in creative ways. As a result, essays are a favored approach to test
higher levels of cognition including analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
The essay questions may be short or long essay questions, scenario or non-scenario
based questions & computational or non-computational questions.
6. Computational questions require that students perform calculations in order to
solve for an answer. Computational questions can be used to assess student’s memory
of solution techniques and their ability to apply those techniques to solve both
questions they have attempted before and questions that stretch their abilities by
requiring that they combine and use solution techniques in novel ways.
Effective computational questions should be solvable using knowledge of the key
concepts and techniques from the course.
To prepare students to do computational questions on exams, make sure to describe
and model in class the correct format for the calculations and answer, including how
students should report their assumptions and justify their choices. The units and degree
of precision expected in the answer.
Suggestion: Have students divide their answer sheets into two columns: calculations
in one, and a list of assumptions, description of process and justification of choices in
the other. This ensures that the marker can distinguish between a simple mathematical
mistake and a profound conceptual error and give feedback accordingly.
Reference: Exam questions: types, characteristics, and
v. Negative marking: Negative marking of examination
papers denotes demand for extraordinary perfection in
subject, so it should be at postgraduate level and should not
be in undergraduate classes.
vi. Viva voce should be conducted for all subjects of science
and arts with fixed time and fixed number of questions in a
viva. In oral examinations students are examined directly to
the examiner by short answer questions & no chance of
cheating. The oral examinations provide nearly immediate
feedback and also allow the students to learn as they are
How to be the best ruler 719

vii. For all scientific subjects; practical examination should

be added.
viii. Additional examination: There should be no
additional examination in the name of entry test; because it
is a disgrace to the actual examination & also decreases the
credibility of the actual examination.
ix. Finish copy system in examination: If copy finishes; it
will increases intelligence level of people of country. Best
method is strong monitoring. The useful techniques are;
i. The question paper may consist of 50% Objective MCQ
papers; every student would be given same questions but
with different sequence. In total six sequences may be made.
Time limit of paper is to be adjusted so short that every
student would become very busy in his own paper. As
questions are in different sequence, so difficult to ask from
other student. Secondly, 50% marks for short essay
questions with strict time limitation.
ii. Keeping space between students on each side, sufficient
to avoid asking help from other student.
iii. Appoint non-technical or less qualified invigilators.
iv. Examination should be in big hall instead of room.
v. Use of CCTV cameras in examination rooms.
720 How to be the best ruler

vi. Strong punishments should be given to the accused,

across the board.
vii. Strict warning every time before start of paper.

5. Rewards:
(i) Respect of teachers: The society or country is
illiterate & can never develop as a civilized society or
as a civilized nation if it does not give due respect to its
teachers. The teachers must be given comparatively
more salary.
(ii) Position holders in examinations should be given
appreciating certificates, cash prizes, and free future
education along with job guarantees.
(iii) Speeches & debate competitions from local to country
level should be conducted. The winners should be given
cash prizes and certificates of honor.
(iv). All co-curricular activities may also be promoted i.e.
sports competition specially chess etc.
How to increase the importance of education
In underdeveloped countries, due to high unemployment
rate in educated persons; it is difficult to convince the people
about the dignity and importance of education. Most of the
parents prefer for their children to participate in their
business than to study, which is in their view; a useless
longtime struggle without any reward.
How to be the best ruler 721

For that, it should be enforced by law that no person should

be allowed to work, even in private sector, unless he is
qualified, trained and certified from a government approved
institute even a simple electrician, plumber and carpenter
Then along with simple, routine education, additional
technical education is necessarily to be given, which will
increase the charm of education and will also reduce
unemployment. But standard of education should be so
much that after getting technical education and training, one
should be able to work;
i. Independently
ii. Confidently
iii. Skillfully up to standard
For that, it should be enforced by law that after routine
morning study timings, in every institute, there would be
classes for technical trainings as well as adult education, so
that more and more persons may become vocationally
skilled and trained so as to be self-employed or to get the
job. It will increase the quality of work, services, and also
rate of employment.


1. “Golden pages”(Urdu) by Abdul malik mujahid.

722 How to be the best ruler

Chapter 44: Health reforms

Health care teaching: A subject on prevention and
protection of health and first aid must be kept in syllabus.
Secondly, maximum media coverage to inform the public
about health care including prevention and treatment of
minor ailments and information about prevention of major
Triage: In all hospital wards & emergencies; Triage system
of tagging to every patient according to severity of disease
and then management accordingly; must be enforced.
Triage system denotes; rapidly classifying the patients on the basis of
severity of their disease and then promptness of medical intervention
accordingly. The most common classification uses the internationally
accepted four color code system.
Red indicates high priority treatment or transfer. Yellow indicates
medium priority. Green indicates ambulatory patients. Black indicates
dead or moribund patients.
How to be the best ruler 723

Chapter 45: Social Reforms

All prophets and religious leaders were the rulers of their
followers and it was their prime duty to impose social
reforms. They abolished all unethical customs in society and
gave great emphasis to improve the character of people, they
also made themselves as role models for their followers.
Every religion has good moral values i.e. to adapt honesty,
truthfulness with caring the humanity and the poor.
In these days, most of the rulers think that they are only to
rule over their people and there is no need to develop the
personalities and building the character of their people .Very
rare rulers take care of this very important duty that they
should also improve the conduct and character of people.
King Asoka of India was one of those rulers who worked a
lot for producing moral values in his people and for that he
had installed different moral teachings on different stones
called stones of Asoka. The words written on stones show
the desire of Asoka for the production & maintenance of
moral values in his people e.g.

“King says; it is necessary to obey your parents, speak true

in every situation, respect every human being, students must
respect their teachers. Good temperament should be
maintained in all relations. This is the old standard of duties,
724 How to be the best ruler

on which if acted upon, will be a message of eternity &

welfare of nation. So every person should act on this law.”

In UAE and some European countries; some rules are so

much strictly imposed that it has become a culture, to keep
and maintain cleanliness on the roads and to abide by the
rules of traffic. There is no compromise over any
misconduct in case of food and drugs. The accused is
punished across the board.
So to produce a good society, it is needed;
1- Making social laws about social crimes and their strict
implementation with punishment across the board e.g. fraud
2. There is great need to finish miserable customs in the
society which are unethical, cruel and ruining the lives of the
individuals and families e.g. customs relating to marriages
and deaths e.g. (i) Dowry (Money or property brought by a
woman to her husband at marriage) (ii) Childhood
marriages: Millions of children in the underdeveloped
countries are married in school going age. (iii) Unnecessary,
extraordinary usage and exhibition of money at different
occasions relating to marriages and deaths.
3. Social teachings on large scale through syllabus, religion
and media to do respect of elders, attention & affection to
youngers; Also to adapt fair & nice dealings in family
How to be the best ruler 725

relations (husband wife, in law relatives), family disputes

and against violence in all family matters.
4. Teachings of moral values and to adapt decent attitude in
society; by curriculum in all teaching institutes, all worship-
houses and through media.
5. Religion is the base of moral values so it should be
6. The target would be to create a good moral culture in
whole society and country i.e. live and help the others to

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