Equine Specialistin Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL)
PATH Workshop and Practical Horsemanship Skills Test
ISTERNATIONAL Candidate Application
Name: Email:
‘Mailing Address:
Citys State: Zips
Phone:Day: Evening:
Check all that apply:
am at least 21 years old (This is required to attend the workshop/testing)
Tam a PATH Indl. Member. Member ##
Thave confirmed that my PATH Intl, membership is current and up-to-date
plan to participate in the workshop only
plan to participate in the workshop and skills test
plan to participate in the skills test only
Ido not need an accommodation of any kind to complete the skills test
oO cococed
Tneed an accommodation to complete the skills test. Ihave submitted my request to the PATH Intl
office and am aware that it may take up to 60 days to receive an accommodation.
NOTE: You must be a PATH Intl. member to attend,
Thave enclosed with my application:
Emergency Medical Forms
Q Profile Form
Q Payment and/or payment information
Payment Information:
Cost of workshop: Tuition covers all materials, breakfast and lunches. Please ask the host site for a copy of
their refund policy. PATH Ind. is nor responsible for refunds,
Cost of workshop is determined by the host site.
Memberships ate paid directly to PATH Int.
Check the form of payment included with this applicatios
D Cheek
Q Credit Card
Amount Enclosed Cheek #
Credit Card information: Cirele One: VISA MasterCard American Express
Credit Card number: Esp. Date:
Name as appears on card: vv
Signature: Dae:
RUE SECIS MTL HEATH WD LEARN WORSE MO ACTA HORSES SUS Bae | TERT OST CET | 17Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL)
PATH Workshop and Practical Horsemanship Skills Test
INTERNATIONAL Candidate Profile Form
Please complete this form and send it to the host site you are attending your workshop and practical
Name: _ Email:
Mailing Addeess:
City. State Zip:
Phone: Day: Evening:
Please attach another piece of paper or write on the back of this form, if necessary:
‘Are you a PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor? If yes, what level or specialty, Registered,
“Advanced, Master, Driving?
Equine Experience: Please tell us about any Certifications you have with an Equine Organization
(examples would be Pony Club, CHA, USDEUSEA, ARICP, Eagala,ctc....)
(Organization: Level:
Organization: Level:
Organization: Level:
‘Are you currently o have you ever been affiliated with an Equine Facilitated Mental Health or Educational
Please give us the name and describe your work there.
Do you have experience working with Mental Health or Special Educational Clients in any setting?
Please tell us where and what kind.
Describe other Equine experience you have:
{UNE SEGAUST MOAT HEAT: AND LING NORE NO PRCTION RSENS Ss BoM | TENT TO HOST CET | 18Equine Specialistin Mental Health and Learning (ESMHL)
PATH Workshop and Practical Horsemanship Skills Test
InTERNATIONAL Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning
PATH Intl. Photo Release Form
Thereby consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by the Professional Association of Therapeutic.
Horsemanship, International (PATH Int1) ofany and all photographs taken of me/my son/my daughter/my
‘ward for promotional printed materials, educational activities, PATH Intl's website, and exhibitions or for
any other usc for the benefit of PATH Intl.and equine assisted activities.
Signauce Dace
For PATH Int. Records
Name of person(s) in photo:
‘Mailing Address:
City. States ips
PATH ‘Workshop and Practical Horsemanship Skills Test
inteRNaTionaL Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning
Liability Release Form
yo out tke to participate in the PATH Intl.
On-Site Equine Specialist in Mencal Hlealch and Learning Workshop and Skills Testing. acknowledge the
risks and potential for risks of horseback siding, However,I feel that the possible benefits to me are greater
than the risks assumed, hereby, intending to be legally bound, for myself, my heirs and assigns, executors
or administrators, waive and release forever all claims for damages against PATH Int. it’s Board of Trustees,
employees and Faculty /Evaluators for any and all injuries and/ot losses I may sustain while participating in
the PATH Intl. Instructor Workshop and /or On-Site Registered Certification.
Signavare: Date:
Many disabilities or injusies have accompanying conditions that pose special physical risks during exercise.
Horseback riding is exercise, as are other activities involved in this Workshop and/or Skills Test, such as
handling and working around horses. understand that PATH Intl and the Host Site recommends that I seck
the advice of a physician before participating in activities that involve exercise riding, handling or being
aeas horses.
understand that if I have a disability disabilities, injury or physical condition that might affect my ability
to ride,handle,or be around horses at the PATH Indl Instructor Workshop and/or On-Site Registered
Certification, I will need to apply for an exemption or accommodation as outlined in the Accommodation
or Exemption Policy.
Signature: Date: