Chapter 10: Superconductivity: Bardeen, Cooper, & Schrieffer April 26, 2017

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Chapter 10: Superconductivity

Bardeen, Cooper, & Schrieffer

April 26, 2017

1 Introduction 3
1.1 Evidence of a Phase Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Meissner Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 The London Equations 8

3 Cooper Pairing 11
3.1 The Retarded Pairing Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Scattering of Cooper Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3 The Cooper Instability of the Fermi Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 The BCS Ground State 17

4.1 The Energy of the BCS Ground State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 The BCS Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5 Consequences of BCS and Experiment 28

5.1 Specific Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.2 Microwave Absorption and Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.3 The Isotope Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

6 BCS ⇒ Superconducting Phenomenology 33

7 Coherence of the Superconductor ⇒ Meisner effects 38

8 Quantization of Magnetic Flux 41

9 Tunnel Junctions 43

10 Unconventional Superconductors 48
10.1 D-wave Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
10.2 Triplet Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
10.3 Odd-frequency Superconductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

1 Introduction

From what we have learned about transport, we know that there

is no such thing as an ideal (ρ = 0) conventional conductor.
All materials have defects and phonons (and to a lessor degree
of importance, electron-electron interactions). As a result, from
our basic understanding of metallic conduction ρ must be finite,
even at T = 0. Nevertheless many superconductors, for which
ρ = 0, exist. The first one Hg was discovered by Onnes in
1911. It becomes superconducting for T < 4.2◦K. Clearly this
superconducting state must be fundamentally different than the
”normal” metallic state. I.e., the superconducting state must
be a different phase, separated by a phase transition, from the
normal state.

1.1 Evidence of a Phase Transition

Evidence of the phase transition can be seen in the specific heat

(See Fig. 1). The jump in the superconducting specific heat Cs
indicates that there is a phase transition without a latent heat
(i.e. the transition is continuous or second order). Furthermore,

C (J/mol°K)

Cn ∼ γT



Figure 1: The specific heat of a superconductor CS and and normal metal Cn . Below
the transition, the superconductor specific heat shows activated behavior, as if there is
a minimum energy for thermal excitations.

the activated nature of C for T < Tc

Cs ∼ e−β∆ (1)

gives us a clue to the nature of the superconducting state. It is

as if excitations require a minimum energy ∆.

1.2 Meissner Effect

There is another, much more fundamental characteristic which

distinguishes the superconductor from a normal, but ideal, con-
ductor. The superconductor expels magnetic flux, ie., B = 0

within the bulk of a superconductor. This is fundamentally dif-
ferent than an ideal conductor, for which Ḃ = 0 since for any
closed path

Figure 2: A closed path and the surface it contains within a superconductor.

1 ∂B
0 = IR = V = E ·dl = ∇×E ·dS = − ·dS , (2)
S c S ∂t
or, since S and C are arbitrary
0 = − Ḃ · S ⇒ Ḃ = 0 (3)
Thus, for an ideal conductor, it matters if it is field cooled or
zero field cooled. Where as for a superconductor, regardless
of the external field and its history, if T < Tc, then B = 0
inside the bulk. This effect, which uniquely distinguishes an
ideal conductor from a superconductor, is called the Meissner
Ideal Conductor
Zero-Field Cooled Field Cooled

T > Tc T > Tc
B=0 B≠0

T < Tc T < Tc
B=0 B≠0

T<T T < Tc
B≠0 B=0

Figure 3: For an ideal conductor, flux penetration in the ground state depends on
whether the sample was cooled in a field through the transition.

For this reason a superconductor is an ideal diamagnet. I.e.

B = µH = 0 ⇒ µ = 0 M = χH = H (4)

χSC = − (5)

Ie., the measured χ, Fig. 4, in a superconducting metal is very
large and negative (diamagnetic). This can also be interpreted
χ ∝ D(E )
Pauli F

χ M

∼ ∼



Figure 4: LEFT: A sketch of the magnetic susceptibility versus temperature of a su-

perconductor. RIGHT: Surface currents on a superconductor are induced to expel the
external flux. The diamagnetic response of a superconductor is orders of magnitude
larger than the Pauli paramagnetic response of the normal metal at T > TC

as the presence of persistent surface currents which maintain a

magnetization of
M=− H (6)
4π ext
in the interior of the superconductor in a direction opposite
to the applied field. The energy associated with this currents
increases with Hext. At some point it is then more favorable
(ie., a lower free energy is obtained) if the system returns to a
normal metallic state and these screening currents abate. Thus
there exists an upper critical field Hc




Tc T

Figure 5: Superconductivity is destroyed by either raising the temperature or by ap-

plying a magnetic field.

2 The London Equations

London and London derived a phenomenological theory of su-

perconductivity which correctly describes the Meissner effect.
They assumed that the electrons move in a frictionless state, so

mv̇ = −eE (7)

or, since ∂t = −ensv̇,

∂js e2ns
= E (First London Eqn.) (8)
∂t m

Then, using the Maxwell equation
1 ∂B m ∂js 1 ∂B
∇×E =− ⇒ ∇ × + =0 (9)
c ∂t nse2 ∂t c ∂t
∂ m 1
∇ × js + B = 0 (10)
∂t nse2 c
This described the behavior of an ideal conductor (for which
ρ = 0), but not the Meissner effect. To describe this, the
constant of integration must be chosen to be zero. Then
∇ × js = − B (Second London Eqn.) (11)
or defining λL = ns e2
, the London Equations become
B ∂js
= −λL∇ × js E = λL (12)
c ∂t

If we now apply the Maxwell equation ∇×H = c j ⇒ ∇×B =

c µj then we get
4π 4πµ
∇ × (∇ × B) = µ∇ × j = − 2 B (13)
c c λL
1 4πµ
∇ × (∇ × j) = − ∇×B=− 2 j (14)
λLc c λL
or since ∇ · B = 0, ∇ · j = 1c ∂ρ
∂t = 0 and ∇ × (∇ × a) =

∇(∇ · a) − ∇2a we get

4πµ 4πµ
∇2 B − B=0 ∇2 j − j=0 (15)
c2λL c2λL


^ ^
B j ∝∇×B∝z×x
s ∂z
j z

Figure 6: A superconducting slab in an external field. The field penetrates into the
slab a distance ΛL = 4πne 2µ .

Now consider a the superconductor in an external field shown

in Fig. 6. The field is only in the x-direction, and can vary in

space only in the z-direction, then since ∇ × B = c µj, the
current is in the y-direction, so
∂ 2Bx 4πµ ∂ 2jsy 4πµ
− 2 Bx = 0 − jsy = 0 (16)
∂z 2 c λL ∂z 2 c2λL
with the solutions
− z − z
Bx = B0xe ΛL jsy = jsy e ΛL (17)
q q
c2 λL mc2
ΛL = 4πµ = 4πne2 µ is the penetration depth.

3 Cooper Pairing

The superconducting state is fundamentally different than any

possible normal metallic state (ie a perfect metal at T = 0).
Thus, the transition from the normal metal state to the super-
conducting state must be a phase transition. A phase transition
is accompanied by an instability of the normal state. Cooper
first quantified this instability as due to a small attractive(!?)
interaction between two electrons above the Fermi surface.

3.1 The Retarded Pairing Potential

The attraction comes from the exchange of phonons. The lat-

e- + + + + + +

region of + +
8 + + + +
vF ∼ 10 cm/s positive charge
attracts a second

Figure 7: Origin of the retarded attractive potential. Electrons at the Fermi surface
travel with a high velocity vF . As they pass through the lattice (left), the positive ions
respond slowly. By the time they have reached their maximum excursion, the first
electron is far away, leaving behind a region of positive charge which attracts a second

tice deforms slowly in the time scale of the electron. It reaches
its maximum deformation at a time τ ∼ 2π
ωD ∼ 10−13s after the
electron has passed. In this time the first electron has traveled

8 cm −13
∼ vF τ ∼ 10 s · 10 s ∼ 1000 A. The positive charge of
the lattice deformation can then attract another electron with-
out feeling the Coulomb repulsion of the first electron. Due
to retardation, the electron-electron Coulomb repulsion may be
The net effect of the phonons is then to create an attrac-
tive interaction which tends to pair time-reversed quasiparticle
states. They form an antisymmetric spin singlet so that the

ξ ∼ 1000Α°


- k↓

Figure 8: To take full advantage of the attractive potential illustrated in Fig. 7, the
spatial part of the electronic pair wave function is symmetric and hence nodeless. To
obey the Pauli principle, the spin part must then be antisymmetric or a singlet.

spatial part of the wave function can be symmetric and nodeless

and so take advantage of the attractive interaction. Further-
more they tend to pair in a zero center of mass (cm) state so
that the two electrons can chase each other around the lattice.

3.2 Scattering of Cooper Pairs

This latter point may be quantified a bit better by considering

two electrons above a filled Fermi sphere. These two electrons
are attracted by the exchange of phonons. However, the max-
imum energy which may be exchanged in this way is ∼ h̄ωD .
Thus the scattering in phase space is restricted to a narrow
shell of energy width h̄ωD . Furthermore, the momentum in

Ek ∼ k
k’ k’
k’ k2
2 k2 k1

Figure 9: Pair states scattered by the exchange of phonons are restricted to a narrow
scattering shell of width h̄ωD around the Fermi surface.

this scattering process is also conserved

k1 + k2 = k01 + k02 = K (18)

Thus the scattering of k1 and k2 into k01 and k02 is restricted to

the overlap of the two scattering shells, Clearly this is negligible
unless K ≈ 0. Thus the interaction is strongest (most likely)
if k1 = −k2 and σ1 = −σ2; ie., pairing is primarily between
time-reversed eigenstates.

scattering shell

k1 -k

Figure 10: If the pair has a finite center of mass momentum, so that k1 + k2 = K,
then there are few states which it can scatter into through the exchange of a phonon.

3.3 The Cooper Instability of the Fermi Sea

Now consider these two electrons above the Fermi surface. They
will obey the Schroedinger equation.
h̄2 2
− (∇1 + ∇22)ψ(r1r2) + V (r1r2)ψ(r1r2) = ( + 2EF )ψ(r1r2)
If V = 0, then  = 0, and
1 ik1·r1 1 ik2·r2 1 ik(r1−r2)
ψV =0 = e e = e , (20)
L3/2 L3/2 L3
where we assume that k1 = −k2 = k. For small V, we will
perturb around the V = 0 state, so that
1 X
ψ(r1r2) = 3 g(k)eik·(r1−r2) (21)

The sum must be restricted so that

EF < < EF + h̄ωD (22)
this may be imposed by g(k), since |g(k)|2 is the probability of
finding an electron in a state k and the other in −k. Thus we
take 
 k < kF
g(k) = 0 for √ (23)
 k > 2m(EF +h̄ωD )

The Schroedinger equations may be converted to a k-space
equation by multiplying it by
1 3 −ik0 · r
d r e ⇒ S.E. (24)
so that
h̄2k 2 1 X
g(k) + 3 g(k0)Vkk0 = ( + 2EF )g(k) (25)
m L 0

where Z
−k0 )·r 3
Vkk0 = V (r)e−i(k dr (26)

now describes the scattering from (k, −k) to (k0, −k0). It is

usually approximated as a constant for all k and k0 which obey
the Pauli-principle and scattering shell restrictions
 2
 −V h̄2 k2 h̄2 k0
0 EF < 2m , 2m < EF + h̄ωD
Vkk0 = . (27)
0 otherwise
V0 X
− +  + 2EF g(k) = − 3 g(k0) ≡ −A (28)
m L 0
−A h̄2 k2
g(k) = 2 2 (i.e. for EF < 2m < EF + h̄ωD )
− h̄ mk +  + 2EF
Summing over k
V0 X A
= +A (30)
L3 h̄2 k2
k m −  − 2EF
V0 X 1
1= 3 (31)
L h̄2 k2
k m −  − 2EF
This may be converted to a density of states integral on E =
h̄2 k2

Z EF +h̄ωD
1 = V0 Z(EF ) (32)
EF 2E −  − 2EF
1  − 2h̄ωD
1 = V0Z(EF ) ln (33)
2h̄ωD V0
 = 2/(V Z(E ))
' −2h̄ωD e−2/(V0Z(EF )) < 0, as → 0
1−e 0 F EF

4 The BCS Ground State

In the preceding section, we saw that the weak phonon-mediated

attractive interaction was sufficient to destabilize the Fermi sea,
and promote the formation of a Cooper pair (k ↑, −k ↓). The
(k ↑, −k ↓) → (k0 ↑, −k0 ↓) (35)

yields an energy V0 if k and k0 are in the scattering shell EF <

Ek, Ek0 < EF + h̄ωD . Many electrons can participate in this
process and many Cooper pairs are formed, yielding a new state
(phase) of the system. The energy of this new state is not just
2 less than that of the old state, since the Fermi surface is
renormalized by the formation of each Cooper pair.

4.1 The Energy of the BCS Ground State

Of course, to study the thermodynamics of this new phase, it is

necessary to determine its energy. It will have both kinetic and
potential contributions. Since pairing only occurs for electrons
above the Fermi surface, the kinetic energy actually increases:
if wk is the probability that a pair state (k ↑, −k ↓) is occupied
X h̄2k2
Ekin = 2 wk ξk , ξk = − EF (36)
The potential energy requires a bit more thought. It may be
written in terms of annihilation and creation operators for the

pair states labeled by k

|1ik (k ↑, −k ↓)occupied (37)

|0ik (k ↑, −k ↓)unoccupied (38)

|ψk i = uk |0ik + vk |1ik (39)

where vk2 = wk and u2k = 1 − wk . Then the BCS state, which

is a collection of these pairs, may be written as
|φBCS i ' {uk |0ik + vk |1ik } . (40)

We will assume that uk , vk ∈ <. Physically this amounts to

taking the phase of the order parameter to be zero (or π), so
that it is real. However the validity of this assumption can only
be verified for a more microscopically based theory.
By the Pauli principle, the state (k ↑, −k ↓) can be, at most,
singly occupied, thus a (s = 21 ) Pauli representation is possible
   
1 0
|1ik =   |0ik =   (41)
0 1
k k

Where σk+ and σk−, describe the creation and anhialation of the

state (k ↑, −k ↓)
 
0 1
σk+ = 12 (σk1 + iσk2 ) =   (42)
0 0
 
0 0
σk− = 21 (σk1 − iσk2 ) =   (43)
1 0
   
0 1
Of course σk+   =  
1 0

σk+ |1ik = 0 σk+ |0ik = |1ik (44)

σk− |1ik = |0ik σk+ |0ik = 0 (45)

The process (k ↑, −k ↓) → (k0 ↑, −k0 ↓), if allowed, is

associated with an energy reduction V0. In our Pauli matrix
representation this process is represented by operators σk+0 σk−,
V0 X + −
V =− 3 σk0 σk (Note that this is Hermitian) (46)
L 0 kk

Thus the reduction of the potential energy is given by hφBCS |V | φBCS i
V0 Y X
hφBCS |V | φBCS i = − 3 (up h0| + vp h1|) σk+σk−0
L p 0
 kk
Y 
up0 |0ip0 + vp0 |1ip0 (47)


Then as k h1|1ik0 = δkk0 , k h0|0ik0 = δkk0 and k h0|1ik0 = 0

V0 X
hφBCS |V | φBCS i = − 3 vk uk0 uk vk0 (48)
L 0 kk

Thus, the total energy (kinetic plus potential) of the system of

Cooper pairs is
X V0 X
WBCS = 2 vk2 ξk − 3 vk uk0 uk vk0 (49)
L 0
k kk

As yet vk and uk are unknown. They may be treated as

variational parameters. Since wk = vk2 and 1 − wk = u2k , we
may impose this constraint by choosing

vk = cos θk , uk = sin θk (50)

At T = 0, we require WBCS to be a minimum.

P 2 V0 P
WBCS = k 2ξk cos θ k − L3 kk 0 cos θk sin θk 0 cos θk 0 sin θk

= k 2ξk cos2 θk − LV03 kk0 14 sin 2θk sin 2θk0 (51)


= 0 = −4ξk cos θk sin θk − 3 cos 2θk sin 2θk0 (52)
∂θk L 0
1 V0 X
ξk tan 2θk = − 3 sin 2θk0 (53)
2L 0
Conventionally, one introduces the parameters Ek = ξk2 + ∆2, ∆ =
V0 P V0 P
u v
k k k = L3 k cos θk sin θk . Then we get

ξk tan 2θk = −∆ ⇒ 2uk vk = sin 2θk = (54)
cos 2θk = = cos2 θk − sin2 θk = vk2 − u2k = 2vk2 − 1 (55)
1 −ξk 1 ξk
wk = vk2 = 1− = 1− p 2 (56)
2 Ek 2 ξk + ∆2
∆ 2 1 ξk
If we now make these substitutions 2uk vk = E , vk = 2 1 − E
k k

wk = v 2 T=0
k clearly kinetic
energy increases

2 2
h k
0 ξ k = -E +
F 2m

Figure 11: Sketch of the ground state pair distribution function.

into WBCS , then we get
L3 2
X ξk
WBCS = ξk 1 − − ∆. (57)
Ek V0

Compare this to the normal state energy, again measured

relative to EF
Wn = 2ξk (58)
WBCS − Wn 1 X ξk
= − 3 ξk 1 + − (59)
L3 L Ek V0
≈ − Z(EF )∆2 < 0. (60)
So the formation of superconductivity reduces the ground state
energy. This can also be interpreted as ∆Z(EF ) electrons pairs
per and volume condensed into a state ∆ below EF . The aver-

age energy gain per electron is 2.

4.2 The BCS Gap

The gap parameter ∆ is fundamental to the BCS theory. It tells

us both the energy gain of the BCS state, and about its excita-
tions. Thus ∆ is usually what is measured by experiments. To

see this consider
X 1 ξk
WBCS = 2ξk 1− − (61)
2 Ek V0
↓ Lots of algebra (See I&L)
WBCS = − 2Ek vk4 (62)

Now recall that the probability that the Cooper state (k ↑, k ↓)

was occupied, is given by wk = vk2 . Thus the first pair breaking
excitation takes vk20 = 1 to vk20 = 0, for a change in energy
k′↑ e


w = v2 = 1 vk′ =0
k′ k′
Figure 12: Breaking a pair requires an energy 2 ξk2 + ∆2 ≥ 2∆

X X q
∆E = − 2vk4 Ek + 2vk4 Ek = 2Ek0 = 2 ξk20 + ∆2 (63)
k6=k 0 k

h̄2 k 02
Then since ξk0 = 2m − EF , the smallest such excitation is just

∆Emin = 2∆ (64)
This is the minimum energy required to break a pair, or create
an excitation in the BCS ground state. It is what is measured
by the specific heat C ∼ e−β2∆ for T < Tc.
Now consider some experiment which adds a single electron,
or perhaps a few unpaired electrons, to a superconductor (ie
tunneling). This additional electron cannot find a partner for

superconductor normal

Figure 13:

pairing. Thus it must enter one of the excited states discussed

above. Since it is a single electron, its energy will be
Ek = ξk2 + ∆2 (65)

h̄2 k 02
For ξk2  ∆, Ek = ξk = 2m − EF , which is just the energy of
a normal metal state. Thus for energies well above the gap, the
normal metal continuum is recovered for unpaired electrons.

To calculate the density of unpaired electron states, recall
that the density of states was determined by counting k-states.
These are unaffected by any phase transition. Thus it must be
that the number of states in d3k is equal.
kz d k



Figure 14: The number of k-states within a volume d3 k of k-space is unaffected by

any phase transition.

Ds(Ek )dEk = Dn(ξk )dξk (66)

In the vicinity of ∆ ∼ ξk , Dn(ξk ) ≈ Dn(EF ) since |∆|  EF

(we shall see that ∆ ≤ 2wD ). Thus for ξk ∼ ∆
Ds(Ek ) dξx d Ek
= = Ek2 − ∆2 = p 2 Ek > ∆
Dn(EF ) dEk dEk Ek − ∆2

Given the experimental and theoretical importance of ∆, it


Density of additional
∆ electron states only!

1 Ds Dn

Figure 15:

should be calculated.
V0 X V0 X V0 X ∆
∆ = 3 sin θk cos θk = 3 uk vk = 3 (68)
L L L 2Ek
k k k

1 V0 X ∆
∆ = (69)
2 L3
ξk2 + ∆2
Convert this to sum over energy states (at T = 0 all states with
2 2
ξ < 0 are occupied since ξk = h̄2mk − EF ).
Z h̄ωD
V0 Z(EF + ξ)dξ
∆ = ∆ p (70)
2 −h̄ωD ξ 2 + ∆2
Z h̄ωD
1 dξ
= p (71)
V0Z(EF ) 0 ξ 2 + ∆2
1 h̄ω D
= sinh−1 (72)
V0Z(EF ) ∆

For small ∆,
h̄ωD 1
∼ e V0 Z(EF )

− V Z(E
∆ ' h̄ωD e 0 F) (74)

sinh x
∼ ex

Figure 16:

5 Consequences of BCS and Experiment

5.1 Specific Heat

As mentioned before, the gap ∆ is fundamental to experiment.

The simplest excitation which can be induced in a supercon-
ductor has energy 2∆. Thus

∆E ∼ 2∆e−β2∆ T  Tc (75)
∂∆E ∂β ∆2 −β2∆
C∼ ∼ 2e (76)
∂β ∂T T

5.2 Microwave Absorption and Reflection

Another direct measurement of the gap is reflectivity/absorption.

A phonon impacting a superconductor can either be reflected
or absorbed. Unless h̄ω > 2∆, the phonon cannot create an ex-
citation and is reflected. Only if h̄ω > 2∆ is there absorption.
Consider a small cavity within a superconductor. The cavity
has a small hole which allows microwave radiation to enter the
cavity. If h̄ω < 2∆ and if B < Bc, then the microwave in-
superconductor I s - In
In B=0



hω = 2∆

Figure 17: If B > Bc or h̄ω > 2∆, then absorption reduces the intensity to the
normal-state value I = In . For B = 0 the microwave intensity within the cavity is
large so long as h̄ω < 2∆

tensity is high I = Is. On the other hand, if h̄ω > 2∆ ,or
B > Bc, then the intensity falls in the cavity I = In due to
absorbs ion by the walls.
Note that this also allows us to measure ∆ as a function of
T. At T = Tc, ∆ = 0, since thermal excitations reduce the
number of Cooper pairs and increase the number of unpaired
electrons, which obey Fermi-statistics. The size of (Eqn. 71) is
k′↑ e
kT ∼ 2∆

Figure 18:

only effected by the presence of a Cooper pair . The probabil-

ity that an electron is unpaired is f ξ 2 + ∆ 2 + EF , T =
√1 so, the probability that a Cooper pair exists is
exp β ξ 2 +∆2 +1

1 − 2f ξ2 + ∆2 + EF , T . Thus for T 6= 0
Z h̄ωD
1 dξ n p o
= p 1 − 2f ξ 2 + ∆ 2 + EF , T
V0Z(EF ) 0 ξ 2 + ∆2
Note that as ξ 2 + ∆2 ≥ 0, when β → ∞ we recover the
T = 0 result.
This equation may be solved for ∆(T ) and for Tc. To find Tc
In Pb
∆(T) Sn
Real SC data (reflectivity)


Figure 19: The evolution of the gap (as measured by reflectivity) as a function of tem-
perature. The BCS approximation is in reasonably good agreement with experiment.

consider this equation as Tc → 1, the first solution to the gap
equation, with ∆ = 0+, occurs at T = Tc. Here
Z h̄ωD  
1 dξ ξ
= tanh (78)
V0Z(EF ) 0 ξ 2kB Tc
which may be solved numerically to yield
1 = V0Z(EF ) ln (79)
kB Tc
kB Tc = 1.14h̄ωD e−1/{V0Z(EF )} (80)

but recall that ∆ = 2h̄ωD e−1/{V0Z(EF )}, so

∆(0) 2
= = 1.764 (81)
kB Tc 1.14

metal Tc ◦ K Z(EF )V0 ∆(0)/kB Tc

Zn 0.9 0.18 1.6
Al 1.2 0.18 1.7
Pb 7.22 0.39 2.15

Table 1: Note that the value 2.15 for ∆(0)/kB Tc for Pb is higher than BCS predicts.
Such systems are labeled strong coupling superconductors and are better described by
the Eliashberg-Migdal theory.

5.3 The Isotope Effect

Finally, one should discuss the isotope effect. We know that

Vkk0 , results from phonon exchange. If we change the mass of
one of the vibrating members but not its charge, then V0N (EF )
etc are unchanged but
k 1
ωD ∼ ∼ M −2 . (82)

Thus Tc ∼ M − 2 . This has been confirmed for most normal
superconductors, and is considered a ”smoking gun” for phonon
mediated superconductivity.

6 BCS ⇒ Superconducting Phenomenology

Using Maxwell’s equations, we may establish a relation between

the critical current and the critical field necessary to destroy the
superconducting state. Consider a long thick wire (with radius
r0  ΛL) and integrate the equation

(r - r0 )/ΛL
j = j0 e

• ⊗
S r0 j


Figure 20: Integration contour within a long thick superconducting wire perpendicular
to a circulating magnetic field. The field only penetrates into the wire a distance ΛL .

∇×H= j (83)
along the contour shown in Fig. 20.

∇ × HdS = H · dl = j · ds (84)

2πr0H = 2πr0ΛLj0 (85)
If j0 = jc (jc is the critical current), then

Hc =ΛLjc (86)
Since both Hc and jc ∝ ∆, they will share the temperature-
dependence of ∆.
At T = 0, we could also get an expression for Hc by noting
that, since the superconducting state excludes all flux,
1 1 2
(W n − W BCS ) = H (87)
L3 8π c
However, since we have earlier
1 1
(W n − W BCS ) = N (0)∆2, (88)
L 2
we get
Hc = 2∆ πN (0) (89)
We can use this, and the relation derived above jc = 4πΛL Hc ,

to get a (properly derived) relationship for jc.
c p
jc = 2∆ πN (0) (90)
However, for most metals
N (0) ' (91)
ΛL = (92)
taking µ = 1
r s
c 4πne2 πn2m √ ne
jc = 2∆ = 2∆ (93)
4π mc2 h̄2kF2 h̄kF
This gives a similar result to what Ibach and Lüth get, but
for a completely different reason. Their argument is similar to
one originally proposed by Landau. Imagine that you have a
fluid which must flow around an obstacle of mass M . From the
perspective of the fluid, this is the same as an obstacle moving
in it. Suppose the obstacle makes an excitation of energy  and
momentum p in the fluid, then

E0 = E −  P0 = P − p (94)

or from squaring the second equation and dividing by 2M

v M vP M

Figure 21: A superconducting fluid which must flow around an obstacle of mass M .
From the perspective of the fluid, this is the same as an obstacle, with a velocity equal
and opposite the fluids, moving in it.
(a) (b)
P P′
E p

Figure 22: A large mass M moving with momentum P in a superfluid (a), creates an
excitation (b) of the fluid of energy  and momentum p

P 02 P2 P·p p2
− =− + = E0 − E =  (95)
2M 2M M 2M

P θ

v = P/M


Figure 23:

pP cos θ p2
 = − (96)
M 2M
 = pv cos θ − (97)

If M → ∞ (a defect in the tube which carries the fluid could
have essentially an infinite mass) then

= v cos θ (98)
Then since cos θ ≤ 1

v ≥ (99)
Thus, if there is some minimum ,then there is also a mini-
mum velocity below which such excitations of the fluid cannot
happen. For the superconductor
min 2∆
vc = = (100)
p 2h̄kF
jc = envc = ∆ (101)
This is the same relation as we obtained with the previous

thermodynamic argument (within a factor 2). However, the
former argument is more proper, since it would apply even for
gapless superconductors, and it takes into account the fact that
the S.C. state is a collective phenomena ie., a minuet, not a
waltz of electric pairs.

7 Coherence of the Superconductor ⇒ Meisner

Superconductivity is the Meissner effect, but thus far, we have

not yet shown that the BCS theory leads to the second London
equation which describes flux exclusion. In this subsection, we
will see that this requires an additional assumption: the rigidity
of the BCS wave function.
In the BCS approximation, the superconducting wave func-
tion is taken to be composed of products of Cooper pairs. One
can estimate the size of the pairs from the uncertainty principle
p pF ∆
2∆ = δ ∼ δp ⇒ δp ∼ 2m (102)
2m m pF
h̄ h̄pF h̄2kF EF
ξcp ∼ δx ∼ ∼ = = (103)
δp 2m∆ 2m∆ kF ∆

ξcp ∼ 103 − 104 A∼ size of Cooper pair wave function (104)

Thus in the radius of the Cooper pair, about

4πn ξcp
∼ 108 (105)
3 2
other pairs have their center of mass.

Figure 24: Many electron pairs fall within the volume of a Cooper wavefunction.
This leads to a degree of correlation between the pairs and to rigidity of the pair

The pairs are thus not independent of each other (regardless

of the BCS wave function approximation). In fact they are
specifically anchored to each other; ie., they maintain coherence
over a length scale of at least ξcp.
Normal Metal
SC 2

ξ coh > ξ cp

Figure 25:

In light of this coherence, lets reconsider the supercurrent

j=− {ψp∗ψ ∗ + ψ ∗pψ} (106)
where pair mass = 2m and pair charge = −2e.
p = −ih̄∇ − A (107)
A current, or a CM momentum K, modifies the single pair state
1 X
ψ(r1, r2) = 3 g(k)eiK· (r1+r2)/2eik· (r1−r2) (108)

ψ(K, r1, r2) = ψ(K = 0, r1, r2)eiK·R (109)

r1 +r2
where R = 2 is the cm coordinate and h̄K is the cm mo-
mentum. Thus

ΦBCS ' eiφΦBCS (K = 0) = eiφΦ(0) (110)

φ = K · (R1 + R2 + · · · ) (111)

(In principle, we should also antisymmetrize this wave function;

however, we will see soon that this effect is negligible). Due to
the rigidity of the BCS state it is valid to approximate

∇ = ∇R + ∇r ≈ ∇R (112)

2e X 2eA
js ≈ Φ∗BCS −ih̄∇Rν + ΦBCS
4m ν c
+ΦBCS ih̄∇Rν + Φ∗BCS (113)
( )
2e 2 4eA 2
js = − |Φ(0)| + 2h̄ |Φ(0)| ∇R ν φ (114)
2m c ν

Then since for any ψ, ∇ × ∇ψ = 0

∇ × js = − |Φ(0)|2 ∇ × A (115)
or since |Φ(0)|2 = ns

∇×j=− B (116)
which is the second London equation which as we saw in Sec. 2
leads to the Meissner effect. Thus the second London equation
can only be derived from the BCS theory by assuming that the
BCS state is spatially homogeneous.

8 Quantization of Magnetic Flux

The rigidity of the wave function (superconducting coherence)

also guarantees that the flux penetrating a superconducting
loop is quantized. This may be seen by integrating Eq. 114
along a contour within the superconducting bulk (at least a

distance ΛL from the surface).
e2ns eh̄ns X
js = − A− ∇Rν φ (117)
mc 2m ν
eh̄ns X
◦js · dl = − ◦A · dl − ◦∇Rν φ · dl (118)
ms 2m ν
Presumably the phase of the BCS state ΦBCS = eiφΦ(0) is
superconducting loop


Figure 26: Magnetic flux penetrating a superconducting loop is quantized. This may
be seen by integrating Eq. 114 along a contour within the superconducting bulk (a
distance ΛL from the surface).

single valued, so
∇Rν φ · dl = 2πN N ∈Z (119)
Also since the path l may be taken inside the superconductor
by a depth of more than ΛL, where js = 0, we have that
js · dl = 0 (120)

e2ns e2ns
− A · dl = − B · ds = 2N π (121)
ms ms 2m
Ie., the flux in the loop is quantized.

9 Tunnel Junctions

Imagine that we have an insulating gap between two metals,

and that a plane wave (electronic Block State) is propagating
towards this barrier from the left
a b c


metal insulator metal

0 d d2ψ 2m
d 2ψ 2m + 2 Eψ = 0
+ 2 Eψ = 0 dx 2 h
dx 2 h 2
d ψ + 2m (E - V )ψ
h2 0

Figure 27:

0 0
ψa = A1eikx + B1e−ikx ψb = A2eik x + B2e−ik x
ψc = B3e−ikx (122)

These are solutions to the S.E. if

k = in a & c (123)

2m(E − V0)
k0 = in b (124)

The coefficients are determined by the BC of continuity of ψ
and ψ 0 at the barriers x = 0 and x = d. If we take B3 = 1
and E < V0, so that

2m(E − V0)
k 0 = iκ = (125)

then, the probability of having a particle tunnel from left to
right is

( 2 2 )−1
|B3| 1 1 1 k κ 1 k κ
Pl→r ∝ = = − − + + cosh 2κd
|B1|2 |B1|2 2 8 κ k 8 κ k
For large κd

k κ
Pl→r ∝ 8 + e−2κd (127)
κ k
 −2 ( p )
k κ 2d 2m(V0 − E)
∝ 8 + exp − (128)
κ k h̄

Ie, the tunneling probability falls exponentially with distance.

Of course, this explains the physics of a single electron tun-
neling across a barrier, assuming that an appropriate state is
filled on the left-hand side and available on the right-hand side.
This, as can be seen in Fig. 28, is not always the case, espe-
cially in a conductor. Here, we must take into account the
densities of states and their occupation probabilities f . We will
be interested in applied voltages V which will shift the chemical
potential eV . To study the gap we will apply

eV ∼ ∆ (129)
4kB Tc
We know that 2∆
kB Tc ∼ 4, ∆ ∼ 2 ∼ 10◦K. However typical
metallic densities of states have features on the scale of electron-
volts ∼ 104◦K. Thus, on this energy scale we may approximate


X N(E)

Figure 28: Electrons cannot tunnel accross the barrier since no unoccupied states are
available on the left with correspond in energy to occupied states on the right (and
vice-versa). However, the application of an appropriate bias voltage will promote the
state on the right in energy, inducing a current.

the metallic density of states as featureless.

Nr () = Nmetal () ≈ Nmetal (EF ) (130)

The tunneling current is then, roughly,

I ∝ P df ( − eV )Nr (EF )Nl ()(1 − f ())
−P df ()Nl ()Nr (EF )(1 − f ( − eV )) (131)

For eV = 0, clearly I = 0 i.e. a balance is achieved. For

eV 6= 0 a current may occur. Let’s assume that eV > 0
and kB T  ∆. Then the rightward motion of electrons is


Figure 29: If eV= 0, but there is a small overlap of occupied and unoccupied states on
the left and right sides, then there still will be no current due to a balance of particle

suppressed. Then
I ∼ P Nr (EF ) df ( − eV )Nl () (132)

∂f ( − eV )
∼ P Nr (EF ) d Nl () (133)
dV ∂V
∼ eδ( − eV − EF ) (T  EF ) (134)
' P Nr (EF )Nl (eV + EF ) (135)
Thus the low temperature differential conductance dV is a mea-
sure of the superconducting density of states.


∆/e V ∆/e

Figure 30: At low temperatures, the differential conductance in a normal metal–

superconductor tunnel junction is a measure of the quasiparticle density of states.

10 Unconventional Superconductors

From different review articles, it is clear that there are different

definitions of unconventional superconductivity. For example,
some define it as beyond BCS, or to only include superercon-
ductors, such as odd-frequency superconductors, that clearly
cannot be described by the BCS equations (although it may be
possible to describe them with the Eliashberg equations). An-
other definition, which I will adopt, is to define unconventional
superconductors that are not described by the simple discus-
sion of the BCS equations that we have discussed so far in this
chapter. These will include (and will be finined below) triplet,
lower symmetry (e.g., d-wave) of often magnetically mediated

supererconductors, to very unusual ideas, that have not yet
been observed, such as odd-frequency superconductors. In each
case, I will assume that the superconducting state is formed via
Cooper pairing of fermions, so that the order parameter must
remain odd under a product of symmetry operations, such as
parity, time reversal, spin, etc. as summarized in Tab. 2.
Type spin symmetry inversion symmetry time reversal symmetry

odd-frequency triplet (even) even odd

odd-frequency singlet (odd) odd (p-wave) odd
d-wave S=0 L=2 singlet (odd) even even
triplet S=1 L=1 triplet (even) odd even

Table 2: Types and characteristics of the order parameter of unconventional super-

conductors formed from electron pairs.

Below, we will discuss each of these unconventional super-

conductors, and identify their properties and experimental sig-

10.1 D-wave Superconductors

Cuprate superconductors which are nearly antiferromagnetic,

and so highly anisotropic that they may be viewed as nearly
In fact the modeling of Zhang and
Rice reduces the cuprates to a 2D
t-J or Hubbard model, which are re-
lated by a Schrieffer-Wolf transfor-
mation, and the models are close to
half filling where the non-interacting
Figure 31: The Fermi surface of fermi surface forms a square as il-
the 2D non-interacting half-filled
lustrated in Fig. 31 and strong an-
Hubbard model with near-neighbot
hopping. The pairing interactions tiferromagnetic correlations begin to
due to the magentic correlations
form. The latter are believed to pro-
are strongest at half filling and
on the Fermi survace near the vide the pairing interaction, despite
magnetic order vectors (±π. ± π).
the fact that the pairing interaction
Since they are purely repulsive, the
order parameter, which is largest from antiferromagnetic correlations
in between the ording vectors (i.e.,
is purely repulsive.
(0, π)) must change sign like a d0-
wave orbital (see text). Whereas conventional s-wave su-
perconductors form spin singlet pairs
with s-wave symmetry (S=0, L=0), d-wave superconductors
form lower symmetry pairs (S=0, L=2). This pairing may
be described by the BCS formalism with a k-dependent ∆(k).

We assume that the pairing interaction is strongly peaked at
the antiferromagnetic ordering wavenumbers k = (±π, ±π), or
V (k) = −V0δ(k − (±π, ±π)) where V0 > 0 and is only finite
at energies near the fermi surface. Since the pairing is due to
magnetic correlations, the width of the scattering shell is now
roughly J which is assumed to be J  EF . In this case the
gap equation becomes
0 1 X ∆(k)V (k − k0)
∆(k ) = 3 p (136)
2L ξk2 + ∆(k)2

In order to have a solution, the minus sign in V must be

canceled. The large contributions to the sum comes when
k − k0 is a magnetic ordering vector where V is large. Sup-
pose k − k0 = (π, π), and k = (π, 0) and k0 = (0, −π), then
to cancel the minus sign, we need ∆(k) = −∆(k0), so that
the order parameter changes sign for every rotation by π/2 and
presumably is zero along the diagonal, just like a dx2−y2 orbital.
Hence the name d-wave superconductivity.
Note that the lower symmetry of the order parameter has
experimental consequences. First the d-wave geometry of the
order parameter may be directly confirmed by creating a tun-
nel junction with a conventional s-wave superconductor, as illus-
trated in Fig. 32.
Here, the phase difference across one
of the s-d junctions causes a persis-
tant current and a trapped magnetic
flux measurable by a SQUID. d-wave
superconductivity is very sensitive to
disorder, such as Zn doping for Cu
where only a few percent of impu- Figure 32: Cartoon of a corner
junction between a conbentional s-
rities can destroy superconductivity. wave and a d-wave, cuprate, su-

The reason for this sensitivity is that perconductor.

the elastic scattering from the Zn impurities is nearly local, and

hence mixes ∆(k) with all other k values on the fermi surface,
and when averaged over the fermi surface, the order parame-
ter is zero. Furthermore since the gap has a range of values
extending to zero, so do the excitations across the gap. As a
result, the activated T-dependence seen in the specific heat is
replaced by algebraic or power-law T-dependence seen in the
nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation rate and specific heat.

10.2 Triplet Superconductors

As illustrated in Tab. 2, triplet superconductivity is also pos-

sible which is even in spin or odd in orbital symmetry. More
complex triplet states are also possbile, but will not be discussed
here. Triplet superconductivity may actually be an old subject
if it include condensation of 3He which is spin 1/2 and forms
a triplet condensate which is not a superconductor since 3He
carries no charge. as (S=1, L=1). The pairing is believed to be
mediated by magnetic fluctuations enhanced by the proximity
to a ferromagnetic transition (similar to the case for the cuprates
where the magnetic fluctuations are enhanced by proximity to
half filling). It is believed that the triplet state is favored by the
exchange hole that keeps the pair of electrons apart, avoiding
the short ranged repulsive interaction between them.
In addition to 3He triplet superconductivity, with a real su-
percurrent, is believed to exist in a number of solids, including
Sr2RuO4 which is believed to have a chiral p-wave state and
a complex gap function which breaks time-reversal so that the
pairs have a finite magnetic moment.

This triplet state should have a number of experimental con-
sequences. Perhaps the most obvious is that, like the d-wave
superconductors, the pairing should be very sensitive to diorder,
at least disorder with a mean-free path that is shorter than the
pairing length. I.e., the stronger the pairing, the less sensitive
the state is do disorder.

10.3 Odd-frequency Superconductors

Another, not yet observed (to the best of my knowledge) type

of pairing is odd in frequency or in time. In this case both the
spin and orbital part of the pairing can be even or both odd.
Of course, it is difficult to treat such a state in the BCS formal-
ism since the frequency-dependence of the order parameter is


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