Galuh Nilam P 1041511073 Depresi
Galuh Nilam P 1041511073 Depresi
Galuh Nilam P 1041511073 Depresi
28 (2015) 821–835
This work was supported by National Institutes of Mental Health Grants P13MH68638 (to Dr.
Alexopoulos) and P30 MH52247 and P30 MH71944 (to Dr. Reynolds).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B. Shanmugham).
0193-953X/05/$ - see front matter 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
822 SHANMUGHAM et al
Psychiatric comorbidity
Medical comorbidity
Comorbid medical disorders are common among older adults with de-
pression and complicate treatment response and outcomes. Medical illness is a
risk factor for the development or worsening of depression, and depres-sion
itself is a risk factor for medical illness [19]. Depression in patients with chronic
physical problems leads to a worsening of disability, higher rates of
individuals who are not suffering with the disorder [26]. The frontal lobe and
basal ganglia dysfunction characteristic of Parkinson’s disease may contrib-ute
to the development of depression in these patients, as do psychosocial factors
such as social isolation and disability [33]. Multiple sclerosis is in-creasingly
common in the elderly as treatment advances prolong survival. The prevalence
of depression can be as high as 20% among patients with multiple sclerosis. The
rate of completed suicide is over seven times that of the general population [26].
Lesions in the left anterior temporal and pa-rietal regions have been associated
with depression [34].
In addition to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, endocrine, and neurologic
disorders, other conditions that increasingly affect older adults have demon-
strated associations with depression and treatment outcomes. Associations have
been clearly documented between depression and a variety of disor-ders,
including joint disease, connective tissue disorders, malignancy, and more
recently, immunodeficiency disorders.
For example, fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by persistent dif-fuse
pain, stiffness, fatigue, tender points, mood disturbances, and nonre-storative
sleep. This illness occurs mainly in women, and the frequency increases with
age. The prevalence of fibromyalgia in women between the ages of 60 and 79
years old is 7% to 10% [35,36]. Over half of the patients with fibromyalgia have
major depressive disorder [37]. Pancreatic cancer is also a disease associated
with aging, with a mean age of onset of 65 years [38]. Symptoms of depression
and anxiety may sometimes precede the can-cer diagnosis [39,40]. Finally, 11%
of all AIDS cases reported annually in the United States are older than 50 years
of age [41]. Depression has been directly associated with a decrease in the
numbers of natural killer and CD8 cells, which normally inhibit viral activity
and are indirectly linked to HIV disease progression because of nonadherence
with antiretroviral therapy [19].
From Shekelle PG, Woolf SH, Eccles M, et al. Clinical guidelines: developing
guidelines. BMJ 1999;318(7183):593–6; with permission.
826 SHANMUGHAM et al
Table 1
Treatment strategies in geriatric major depression
Intensity Treatment strategy (A, D)
Major depression Antidepressant alone
Antidepressant and psychotherapy
Mild depression Antidepressant and psychotherapy
Antidepressant alone or psychotherapy alone
A, directly based on category I evidence; D, directly based on category IV evidence or
extrapolated recommendation from category I, II or III evidence.
Table 2
SSRIs and TCAs have comparable efficacy (A)
Study Sample size Type Comments
Wilson and 11 randomized Meta-analysis TCA-related drugs are comparable
Mottram controlled to SSRIs in terms of tolerability
2004 [46] trials; 537 TCA and may offer an alternative when
recipients; 554 SSRIs are either contraindicated or
SSRI recipients clinically unacceptable
Steffens et al 36 randomized Meta-analysis SSRIs resulted in significantly more
1997 [45] controlled trials; gastrointestinal problems and
4076 patients; 995 sexual dysfunction, whereas
SSRI recipients; treatment with TCAs produced
973 TCA significantly more complaints of
recipients sedation, dizziness, and
anticholinergic symptoms
Anderson 102 randomized Meta-analysis Overall efficacy between the two
2000 [43] controlled trials; classes is comparable, but SSRIs
10,706 patients are not proven to be as effective as
TCAs in in-patients and against
amitriptyline; SSRIs have a modest
advantage in terms of tolerability
against most TCAs
A, directly based on category I evidence.
Study Sample size Age (y) Dosages (mg) Type Scales Duration (wk) Comments
Karlsson 336 R65 20–40 RCT MADRS 12 Well tolerated; not sedating for
et al 2000 [50] elderly depressed patient with
or without dementia
Koran 671 R60 20 RCT HAM-D 6 43% response
et al 1995 [51]
Cassano 242 R65 20–40 RCT HAM-D 52 Comparable to fluoxetine
et al 2002 [52]
Bondareff 210 R60 50–150 RCT HAM-D 12 Comparable to nortryptiline
et al 2000 [53]
Wohlreich 101 R65 80–120 Open label HAM-D 52 Well tolerated; effective and
et al 2004 [54] safe in the long-term
treatment of MDD
Nelson 90 R55 60 RCT HAM-D 9 30% remission for duloxetine
et al 2015 [55] vs 13% for placebo;
significant reduction in pain
compared with placebo
Dierick 1996 [56] 116 R65 25–150 Open label CGI, MADRS 52 67% of patients achieved
clinical response by 2 mo
Abbreviations: CGI, Clinical Global Impression; HAM-D, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; MADRS, Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale; RCT,
randomized controlled trial.
A, directly based on category I evidence; B, directly based on category II evidence or extrapolated recommendation from category I evidence.
Table 4
Definitions of treatment outcomes
Results Definition
Improvement Residual symptoms [57]
Response 50% reduction in symptoms [58]
Remission Asymptomatic state usually defined as
%7 on the HAM-D
Relapse Increase in depressive symptoms to
a syndromal level within 6 mo from
remission [59]
Recurrence A new episode of major depression 6 mo
after remission
Resistance No response or partial response to adequate
treatment with two or more antidepressants
Abbreviation: HAM-D, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.
older adults who respond to ECT are at a high risk for relapse unless they
receive continuation or maintenance pharmacotherapy or ECT [69]. In a study
of patients who underwent ECT because pharmacotherapy failed, patients
treated with nortriptyline and lithium had a lower rate of relapse compared with
those treated with nortriptyline alone [69].
to (3) bupropion SR, then add SSRI or lithium; or to (4) venlafaxine, then add
lithium [62]. Discontinuing the augmentation treatment may put pa-tients at an
increased risk of relapse. In one study [74], patients who received brief
augmentation during an acute phase had a 52% relapse rate on follow-up. If
there is little or no response to an initial SSRI treatment, the experts support
switching to venlafaxine or bupropion [62]. Other suggestions are, if there is no
response to TCA, then switch to venlafaxine or SSRI; if there is no response to
venlafaxine, then switch to SSRI.
Other important clinical issues in the treatment of geriatric depression in-
clude the identification and treatment of the older adult with active suicidal
ideation or other signs of increased suicide risk. In industrialized countries, men
aged 75 years and older have the highest suicide rate among all age groups [75].
Risk factors for suicide in the elderly include physical illness [76], persistent
pain [77], mood disorders [78], alcohol abuse [79], anxiety
[80], bereavement, and social isolation [81]. More often, among elderly pa-
tients, it has been shown that hopelessness best predicts suicidal ideation in the
presence of moderate or higher levels of depressive symptoms [82]. Predictors
of suicide attempts include previous suicide attempts with serious intent and
severity of depression [83]. Elderly patients who have attempted suicide tend to
have higher levels of hopelessness even after successful treat-ment for
depression [84]. The use of firearms is the most common method of completed
suicide among older adults [85].
Treatment with an antidepressant medication, usually an SSRI or SNRI, is
the mainstay of treatment of a depressed suicidal older adult. An exami-nation
of double-blind studies does not demonstrate a causal relationship between
pharmacotherapy and the emergence of suicidality [86]. In one ret-rospective
analysis [87], depressed patients treated with fluoxetine (n ¼ 1765) were
compared with a tricyclic antidepressant (n ¼ 731) or placebo group. There was
no increased risk of emergence of suicidal ideation among de-pressed patients
treated with fluoxetine.
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