Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines Event Management
Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines Event Management
Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines Event Management
Health Guidelines
Event Management
1. Introduction 03
4. Risk Management 36
4.1 Preparation 37
4.2 Risk Assessment 37
4.3 Implementation and review 41
4.4 Record-keeping 41
5. Workplace Safety and Health Management System 42
5.1 WSH policy 42
5.2 In-house WSH rules and regulations 42
5.3 Risk Management 42
5.4 Safe Work Procedures 42
5.5 Safety training 42
5.6 Communication 44
5.7 Employee participation 44
5.8 Incident investigation 44
5.9 Maintenance programme 44
Year of issue: 2017 5.10 Occupational health programmes 45
1. Introduction
5.11 Emergency preparedness 45 The dynamic and vibrant Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Events (MICE) industry has
5.12 Documentation and review 46 propelled Singapore into one of the top global convention destinations, and is a significant
5.13 Safety promotion 46 contributor to the hospitality industry and Singapore’s economy.
5.14 Contractor management 46
5.15 Safety inspection 46 Events range widely in scale and complexity, from one-day corporate seminars to public
exhibitions and trade fairs that span several days. Events could be held in purpose-built multi-
6. References 47 functional halls (see Figure 1), or open spaces outdoors (see Figure 2). To handle variations
more efficiently, event management companies hire contractors to execute different aspects
7. Acknowledgements 49 of an event.
8. Annexes 50
Annex A: Sample Risk Assessment Form 50
Annex B: Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of 54
Chemicals (GHS)
Annex C: Permissible Exposure Limits for Noise 56
2 3
2. Roles and Responsibilities
Venue owner:
• Leases venue to event organiser
Event owner:
• Occupier of leased venue
• Principal to food caterer, staging company
This publication helps event organisers and contractors identify work hazards present in
various work activities, and suggests preventive measures to manage the associated risks. Food caterer: Staging company:
Employers should always look out for the safety, health and well-being of their employees. • Contractor for event organiser • Contractor for event organiser
Through better safety and health management, companies can strive towards a goal of • Principal to audio-visual company
zero harm.
• Contractor for staging company
The occupier is the party that has control of the premises, regardless of whether they own it.
This can be either the venue owner or company (e.g., event organiser) that is granted temporary
lease of the venue for the duration of the event.
4 5
The occupier must ensure that the following are safe for everyone within the premises, even if Employees
the person is not an employee (i.e., employees, contractors and the public): Employees should follow all safety rules and regulations conveyed from their employers.
• Workplace (e.g., factory, workshop, kitchen, event space); They are equally accountable for their own safety, and should utilise safety devices, personal
• All access and egress pathways to and from the workplace; and protective equipment (PPE) appropriately. Employees also play an important role in reporting
hazards or giving feedback to their employers.
• Machines (e.g., electric generators and motors), equipment (e.g., lighting, sound, and lifting
gears), and substances (e.g., fog machine fluid, polishing agent, paint).
Responsibilities of employees:
• Follow safe work procedures (SWPs) or safety rules implemented at the workplace.
• Refrain from unsafe or negligent acts that will endanger oneself or others.
A principal engages another person or company to supply labour or perform work under a
contract for service. The main event organiser is the principal to all its contractors. Following the • Use PPE provided properly and not tamper with or misuse the equipment.
same logic, each contractor is a principal to any sub-contractor that they individually engage.
When the principal instructs a contractor or their workers on how the work is to be carried out
(as an employer would), the principal takes on responsibilities of an employer.
Every employer, organiser and contractors alike, must protect the safety and health of their
employees or workers working under them, as well as other people who may be affected by
the work being carried out.
Responsibilities of an employer:
• Provide a safe working environment for employees and visitors.
• Conduct risk assessments (RA) to identify hazards.
• Implement adequate safety measures for any machine, equipment, plant, article or process
used at the workplace.
• Develop and implement systems for responding to emergencies.
• Provide workers with sufficient instruction, training and supervision so that they can
work safely.
• Report incidents to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) according to the WSH (Incident
Reporting) Regulations.
6 7
3. Hazards in Events Management The process of running an event can be roughly divided into three phases: pre-event,
during the event and post-event. See Table 1 for work activities that take place during
various phases.
Figure 4: Aspects of event management and types of contractors involved. Stage effects Provides and operates equipment for
effects; fog machine, confetti cannon, stage
pyrotechnics, and so on.
Table 1: Contractors and type of services they provide during different phases of organising an event.
8 9
This phase involves transforming event space according to client’s request or event designer’s Constructing (pre-event) and dismantling (post-event) event space
specification and setting up facilities. This includes putting up stages, tents (for outdoor events),
exhibits, and direction signage for event attendees. Audio-visual and lighting equipment are Work
installed and tested in this phase. activities Tent Stage Props and
Causes of set-up set-up backdrop
During the event injuries
Another set of contractors will be hired to execute the event’s programme, and provide
hospitality services to attendees. Audio-visual and lighting engineers will work on-site to Slips, trips and falls P P
operate the equipment.
Struck by falling object P P
The same contractors engaged in the constructing of event space will dismantle the set-up and Struck by vehicle
or machine P P
restore the venue to its original configuration.
Caught in between objects
Tables 2 to 4 offer a quick look at the different causes of injuries that are relevant to work
activities during various phases of an event.
Cut and stabs P
Extreme temperatures P P
Exposure to chemicals P
Exposure to noise P
Electrical hazards
Poor ergonomics P P P P
Fatigue P
Fire hazards P
Work at heights P P P
Weather elements*
Table 2: Work activities and relevant causes of injuries during constructing and dismantling.
10 11
Installing (pre-event), operating (during), and dismantling (post-event) equipment Services provided during event
Work Work
activities Audio- Stage activities Animal Security and Traffic
Lighting Production Pyrotechnic Performing Catering
Causes of visual effects Causes of handling ushering marshalling
injuries injuries
Slips, trips Slips, trips
and falls P P P P and falls P P
Struck by falling Struck by falling
object P P object
Asphyxiation Asphyxiation
Table 3: Work activities and relevant causes of injuries for equipment installation, operation and dismantling. Table 4: Services provided and relevant causes of injuries during the event.
12 13
3.1 Slips, trips and falls Trips
Slips, trips and falls is the leading cause for injuries, and the hazard can be present in all A person trips when his or her foot is blocked by an obstruction while walking. Rigging chains
workplaces and work activities. The resulting injury may range from minor (e.g., bruises that do and construction materials on the floor can easily cause tripping. Electrical cables that run
not need medical attention) to fatal (e.g., when a worker sustains a head injury during a fall). around the stage area are also common tripping hazards for stage crew and performers.
Slips Low light conditions also increases chances of tripping. During a show, the backstage area needs
to be kept dark; this can be dangerous for stage crew if tripping hazards are not addressed.
A person can slip when friction between the floor surface and footwear is too low. For instance,
carpenters can slip on sawdust or on nails and screws on the floor. Slips also often occur in Common causes of trips:
kitchens, when the kitchen floor is oily or wet.
• obstructions on the floor (e.g., electrical cables, truss members);
Common causes of slips: • uneven walking surface (e.g., curbs, steps, cracked flooring); and
• wet spills (e.g., water, oil); • inadequate lighting (e.g., indoors or during night shifts).
• dry spills (e.g., powder, saw dust);
• loose object between shoe and floor (e.g., piece of plywood or screws and nails);
• inadequate traction (e.g., footwear with worn-out soles); and
• condensation (e.g., in cold working environment).
14 15
3.2 Struck by falling object Control measures that employers should take during lifting and transporting are:
• Barricade the lifting zone and restrict access into zone.
Working on elevated work platforms • Use appropriate lifting or transporting equipment for its intended purpose.
Equipment or materials can drop from or get knocked off while working at heights (e.g., on a ladder, • Lift within safe working load of equipment (see Figures 10 and 11).
scaffold or mobile elevated working platform). For instance, when installing an LED display on a
• Ensure that only competent persons carry out rigging and operate machine.
truss structure, or installing a ceiling fan to a tent structure.
• Ensure that cargo is well-secured and loaded in a stable manner.
Recommended measures: • Do not work directly under a suspended load.
• Use tie-downs to secure tools to a utility belt or anchor points on work platform. • Ensure routine maintenance of equipment.
• Install toe-boards to prevent tools from being kicked off accidentally. • Ensure that all workers put on an appropriate set of PPE (e.g., helmet and steel-capped
• Set up a barricade and restrict unnecessary traffic into work zone. boots). Reflective safety vests should also be worn to increase visibility.
Figure 13: Food blender with guard in (left) Figure 14: Buffing machine with guard.
and out (right) of position.
Similar to the hazard, “Struck by Moving Objects”, a traffic safety management system can
address risks of getting caught between a structure and a vehicle.
Figure 17: Shaded rest area with ventilation (left) and air-conditioned indoor rest area.
20 21
Safe handling of chemicals
• Ensure that worksite has adequate ventilation or an exhaust system.
• Wear respirators when working in a confined space or area with poor ventilation.
• Wear safety goggles and face shield.
• Wear chemical resistant gloves.
• Rotate schedules to limit each employee’s exposure.
• Eat and drink only at designated areas at the worksite.
• Ensure that employees handling the chemical are trained and competent.
• Ensure that employees practice good personal hygiene.
• Train employees to handle emergency spills and contact (spill kit and shower, if available;
see Figure 20).
Figure 19: Warning labels for hot object or surface.
Safe storage of chemicals
• Store and lock up chemicals to prevent unauthorised
3.7 Exposure to chemicals access (see Figure 21).
Prolonged contact with chemicals leads to skin irritation and inhaling the vapours leads
• Place chemical containers in trays to contain leaks or
to breathing problems. When manufacturing displays and props, employees need to use
adhesives, paint and polishes, and sanitation contractors use harsh chemicals for cleaning.
Where possible, employers should avoid the use of these chemicals, or switch to less • Store chemicals below eye level.
harmful alternatives. • Store chemicals away from heat sources.
• Store chemicals according to compatibility.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provided by the supplier contains information about chemicals and
• Do not store chemicals without proper labels.
instructions on proper handling. Employers need to ensure that employees strictly follow
instructions on the SDS to reduce their exposure to said chemicals. • Do not store in incompatible containers that may
react with the chemical.
Figure 21: Storage cabinet with label
Chemicals can enter the human body in three ways: and lock.
1. Inhalation: Chemicals that evaporate readily (e.g., paint remover, adhesive) can be inhaled.
Safe disposal of chemicals
2. Absorption: Chemicals can be absorbed through contact with skin and eyes.
• Follow disposal instructions on the SDS.
3. Ingestion: Chemicals can be accidentally swallowed when employees do not wash their • Do not mix chemical waste with general waste or pour it into the drain.
hands after work and before touching their food. • Do not mix incompatible chemical wastes.
• Engage licensed Toxic Industrial Waste collectors to dispose chemicals safely.
• Store chemical waste safely and securely until it is picked up by collectors.
Figure 20: Spill kit (left) and shower and eye wash.
22 23
3.8 Exposure to noise 3. On the employee
Frequent and prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to permanent loss of hearing sensitivity, • Limit the amount of time spent in noisy environments or on noisy work.
known as noise-induced deafness (NID). It will severely reduce the quality of life and create an • Provide quiet rest areas.
inherent safety risk for the afflicted. • Ensure that employees put on ear muffs and ear plugs during work (see Figure 23).
• Mark out noisy work zones to remind employees to put on hearing protection.
Various occupations involved in events are frequently exposed to loud noises, and employers
should address this hazard. Performers and stage crew work near speakers placed on and around • For crew and performers who work in close proximity to speakers, their exposure to loud
the stage, while carpentry and metalworking are by nature also loud and noisy. sounds cannot be feasibly reduced. Noise-cancelling in-ear microphones can be considered,
as it does not impede communications while providing protection.
Employers can engage acoustic consultants to assess noise levels and educate and train their
employees to manage this risk. Noise can be reduced in two ways, by decreasing the volume or Employers should also provide audiometric examinations for employees exposed to loud
duration of exposure at three locations (see Figure 22). noises so that NID can be detected earlier and measures can be taken to protect their hearing.
Any diagnosed cases of NID should be reported to the Ministry of Manpower via iReport.
See Table 5 for common risk factors of MSD and recommendations to prevent them in employees.
Employers should put control measures in place to keep employees in optimal physical condition
and at the same time improve work productivity.
• Electricity (Electrical Installations) Regulations. Vibration • Use alternative tool or less impactful
Prolonged exposure work process to reduce source
damages nerves and vessels of vibration.
in the hands and tire out • Use dampeners on machine or work
back muscles (e.g., saws, surface to reduce transmission
drills, and heavy machine). of vibration.
• Provide anti-vibration gloves or
safety shoes.
Table 5: Risk factors that lead to MSD and recommendations to prevent them.
An explosion occurred during the Colour Play Asia party at Formosa Fun Coast, Taiwan,
• Overall physical health
in June 2015. The draw of the event was coloured powder that was deployed in large
• Sleeping habits quantities for effects, blanketing the attendees and the vicinity in a thick cloud. During
the event, the powder was ignited and created a large fireball, severely burning over
Table 6: Types of factors that contribute to fatigue and corresponding recommendations.
500 of the event attendees, of which 15 have died, months after the accident.
For more information on fatigue management, refer to: “Colour Play Asia fire claims another life, after five months”. Taipei Times. 30 November
• WSH Guidelines on Fatigue Management; and 2015. Retrieved 15 January 2016.
• Guide to Total Workplace Safety and Health.
Fire Safety Act
Organisers are required to comply with the Fire Safety Act [Singapore Civil Defence Force
(SCDF)] which covers fire safety aspects of setting up temporary structures to keep the public
attending the event safe. Any intention to temporarily change the use of part of buildings for
holding an indoor event will need a Temporary Permit from SCDF.
28 29
Dangerous Fireworks Act The use of ladders is very common for they are portable and convenient. Yet, it is not as stable
Fireworks and pyrotechnic stage displays are regulated by the Dangerous Fireworks Act and safe as other height access equipment. Employers should make sure that their employees
(Singapore Police Force). Only companies that are exempted under the Dangerous Fireworks use ladders safely. Recommendations on safe use of ladders:
(Exemption) Notification are authorised to execute these displays (see Figure 26). • Choose appropriate ladder for the task: Consider its height and type (e.g., step-ladder,
A-frame ladder, anti-slip coat on the ladder steps).
Employers should ensure that their employees are aware of the use of pyrotechnics at an event,
• Safe use of ladder: Always maintain 3-point contact, avoid standing on the top rung (see
and strictly follow safety precautions advised by their pyrotechnic contractor. After loading
pyrotechnics at the event venue, cage and lock up the pyrotechnics to prevent unauthorised Figure 27).
access and tampering. • Other safety considerations: Carry tools in a utility belt so that hands are free for climbing
the ladder, check that the ladder is free from defects before use.
Figure 26: (from left to right) Fireworks, housing and ignition system.
32 33
• Provide life vests and ensure that employees wear them while working (see Figure 29). 3.18 Harassment and abuse
• Provide rescue devices (e.g., pole and hook, ring buoy) near the worksite (see Figure 30). In some events, the atmosphere can be highly charged (e.g., sporting events and music concerts)
• Avoid assigning work near water to employees who cannot swim. or event goers may be intoxicated, and staff could be subject to abuse should any conflict arise.
Employees deployed to manage crowds (e.g., general security, and crowd and traffic control) are
likely to face these situations. Within organisations, harassment can also occur between colleagues.
Abuse spans over a wide scope and can have any of the following attributes:
• Physical, verbal, psychological, and/or sexual.
• One-off incident or more systematic patterns of behaviour.
• Amongst co-workers, between superiors and subordinates, or it may come from third
parties such as clients, customers, public, and so on.
• Range from minor cases of disrespect to more serious acts that include criminal offences,
which require intervention from public authorities (i.e., police).
Employer should implement appropriate measures to prevent and manage violence in the
Figure 29: Life vests issued to Figure 30: Edge protection workplace and employees play an equally important role in identifying and reporting incidents.
employees. and buoy.
Measures employers can take to protect employees from harassment and abuse.
3.17 Asphyxiation • Adopt a policy against workplace violence and communicate this to all staff.
Fog machines are used to create atmospheric effects • Define and list unacceptable behaviours.
during a performance (see Figure 31). The machines may • Deploy employees in pairs or small groups when handling potentially rowdy crowds.
use propellants or heat-produced fog from a mix of water
• Where possible, station employees within the field of view of closed-circuit televisions
and glycol or glycerol (fog fluid). Excessive fogging can
displace oxygen in a room, and the fog can be drying or
irritating. Hence, care should be taken so that employees
would not be overcome by the fumes and develop Employees faced with a possible hostile situation should:
breathing difficulties. • Never handle hostile situation alone.
• Avoid retaliating verbally or physically as it may escalate the situation.
Common propellants that fog machines use:
• Keep a safe distance from the aggressor.
• dry ice;
• Record and report all incidents (if possible, gather witnesses or make video recordings with
• compressed carbon dioxide or nitrogen; and Figure 31: Fog machine, liquid
nitrogen. mobile phones).
• liquid nitrogen.
There are times when it would be better to tackle situations informally. Some people may not
Safety precautions to take: realise that their behaviour is inappropriate and it can be easily resolved in a casual setting.
• Provide adequate mechanical ventilation when using fog machine indoors. Regardless, careful judgements should be made on the best approach for the situation.
• Ensure that employees are in good health, and do not have existing respiratory problems
For more information on how to prevent harassment and abuse, refer to:
(e.g., asthma).
• Ensure that machine operators are competent and aware of dangers of the machine. • Tripartite Advisory on Managing Workplace Harassment at
• Have the machine routinely maintained by a competent person.
• Clearly label pressurised or liquefied propellants that are used with the machine.
• Limit fogging to minimum amount required for desired effects.
34 35
4. Risk Management 4.1 Preparation
A multi-disciplinary RA team, consisting of personnel from various departments, personnel
familiar with potential hazards and risks of work activities such as WSH officers, healthcare
professionals and human resource representatives, should be formed. Relevant information
pertaining to the work and operations, such as a list of work activities, should also be compiled
beforehand to facilitate better understanding by the team.
Under the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations, organisations are required to conduct Risk
Assessment (RA) before starting work, to identify, evaluate and control risks in the work
activities and environment. The objective is to reduce workplace accidents and improve the 4.2 Risk Assessment
safety, health and well-being of all in the workplace (see Figure 32).
RA is a three-step process that comes after forming a RA team and defining the scope. Priority
should be given to controlling hazards at the upstream processes as this will reduce the amount
Employers should strive to have their RA be as extensive and inclusive as possible, covering all of exposure from those hazards. After mitigation, hazards are reduced to more acceptable and
aspects of safety, health and well-being of their employees. On this note, for instance, employers manageable levels, and termed residual risks.
should consider putting measures in place to mitigate risks for vulnerable employees, such
as pregnant or lactating mothers, and minors. If the risks cannot be adequately addressed, A sample of a RA Form can be found at Annex A. Extracts are taken from Annex A to describe
alternatives should be arranged for these employees. three steps of RA below.
• Must be available upon request. Table 7: Example of hazard identification in a Risk Assessment Form.
• Kept for at least three years.
Step 2: Risk evaluation
For each hazard identified, estimate the severity and likelihood of occurrence by giving it a
numerical value from one to five. Multiply the two values to get the Risk Prioritisation Number
Review • Review RA on a regular basis. (RPN). Refer to the 5x5 risk matrix using the RPN to determine if the risk is at an acceptable level.
Hazards with higher RPN should be given priority when implementing control measures (see
Table 8 for an example).
Figure 32: Risk management process.
36 37
Hazard Risk
Risk evaluation Risk level Recommended actions
identification acceptability
38 39
Hierarchy of Control 4.3 Implementation and Review
When selecting control measures, the Hierarchy of Control can be used as a guide (see Figure Risk control measures once approved by the management should be implemented
33). The control measures need not be mutually exclusive and can be used in tandem with immediately. For risk management (RM) to be effective, hazards and their control measures
other measures to improve effectiveness. must be communicated to employees performing the work. Managers and supervisors who
oversee the work area or work activity that bears risks should ensure that all persons who will
be exposed are duly informed about the risks and their associated mitigating measures.
Regular inspections or audits can be carried out to verify the effectiveness of the control
measures put in place. This will ensure that the measures are current and effective to manage
SUBSTITUTION risks at the workplace.
Substitution involves replacing an element in a work process with a less harmful alternative so
that the hazard presents a lower risk.
Engineering controls
These are structures or equipment that physically reduces the impact of the hazard by changing
the work environment or work process, by putting a barrier between the hazard and employee.
Administrative controls
This reduces or eliminates exposure to hazards via strict adherence to specific work procedures
or job instructions. Documentation should emphasise all steps in the work processes and
controls needed for work activities to be carried out safely.
40 41
5. Workplace Safety and Health such training should be documented and updated routinely. Training should also be reviewed
when there are changes to the company’s operations.
Management System What should the safety training cover?
• All possible risks associated with the job;
Employers are encouraged to develop and implement a comprehensive WSH management • Company’s WSH policy;
system to establish a safe and healthy work environment, and prevent accidents and • Safety measures;
work-related illnesses. The system is comprised of many elements, some of which can be
• SWPs; and
implemented readily. Doing so is a display of commitment to safety and health, and various
extents of implementation can qualify organisations for bizSAFE and cultureSAFE certification. • Proper use of equipment and PPE.
For more information on bizSAFE and cultureSAFE, refer to the WSH Council website at
When should safety training be conducted?
• During orientation for new staff;
5.2 In-house WSH rules and regulations Operational staff Supervisory staff Managerial staff
A set of written WSH rules and regulations should be laid down for staff and contractor(s).
Follow SWPs and risk Interpret WSH policies, Identify responsibilities
Any key legal requirements that are in line with the WSH Act need to be incorporated as well.
control procedures. procedures and programmes. under the WSH Act.
These can also serve as reminders of safety and health responsibilities for all staff. Individual
departments may also develop their customised set of rules and regulations.
Follow workplace Educate employees on WSH Establish and maintain
emergency response policies, procedures and WSH framework.
5.3 Risk Management procedures. programmes.
See chapter on Risk Management.
Participate in WSH Implement and control WSH Establish and evaluate
management activities. management programmes. WSH system, policies,
5.4 Safe Work Procedures procedures and
Employers are encouraged to establish SWPs for all work activities carried out. These should programmes.
be communicated effectively to all staff; during new staff orientation, and at regular refresher
trainings for existing staff. _ Implement workplace risk Establish workplace risk
management programmes. management procedures.
Whenever new equipment or processes are introduced or when there are changes made to
operating procedures, SWPs should be reviewed and updated as well. _ Maintain workplace risk Come up with risk control
control measures. measures.
5.5 Safety training Table 10: Examples of safety training topics for different trainees.
Safety training is important to provide employees with the knowledge and skills to work in a
safe manner. Safety training can be incorporated into the operational training of employees For more information on WSH training, visit the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ)
and carried out on-the-job by trained supervisors or commissioned external trainers. Records of website at
42 43
5.6 Communication 5.10 Occupational health programmes
Establish communication channels for conveying WSH information and messages to internal Occupational health programmes targeted at addressing specific hazards should be
staff and external contractors. A clear procedure for receiving, documenting and responding established. Each programme should clearly define its objectives, details on the person-in-
on these channels should be maintained. For instance, daily toolbox meetings is a convenient charge, component activities and frequency of execution. Table 11 shows some examples of
platform for bilateral communication and records of each meeting should be kept. such programmes.
5.9 Maintenance programme • communication channels with relevant government authorities and response agencies.
An effective maintenance programme for all equipment should be set up and strictly adhered
Examples of emergencies include:
to. This is to prevent accidents resulting from equipment failure. The programme should contain
an inventory list of all equipment and machines in the work premise, and the inspection and • fire;
maintenance schedules and records. There should also be a channel for staff to report defective • structural failure or collapse; and
or damaged equipment discovered during work.
• gas leakage.
44 45
5.12 Documentation and review 6. References
There should be a system in place for documenting and regular reviewing of the WSH system.
This is to facilitate retrieval of relevant documents and ensure that the programme remain
relevant and effective. All revisions to the safety and health manual should be dated and
endorsed by authorised personnel. Recommendations coming from such reviews should be
duly considered and implemented wherever possible.
A. Ministry of Manpower, Occupational Safety and Health Division
Legislations available at MOM website at
5.13 Safety promotion
• The Workplace Safety and Health Act (Chapter 354A)
Employers can also organise promotional programmes to generate more WSH awareness, and
cultivate a stronger safety culture at work. Examples of such promotional activities include: • WSH (Operation of Cranes) Regulations 2011
• participation in WSH talks, seminars and exhibitions; • WSH (Scaffolds) Regulations 2011
• participation in National WSH campaigns;
Guides to managing workplace hazard available at MOM website at
• participation in National WSH competitions (e.g., Safety Starts with Me, WSH Innovation
• Safety Circular on Safe Work Procedures (2000)
• Safety Circular on Electrical Safety
• subscribe to WSH Bulletin on the WSH Council website at; • Safety Circular on Lock-out Procedures (2000)
• dedicate a column to WSH in town council newsletters; and • Guidelines on Risk Assessment for Occupational Exposure to Harmful Chemicals (2002)
• in-house competitions, exhibitions, and awards. • Guidelines for Noise and Vibration Control (2003)
• Guidelines on Prevention and Control of Chemical Hazard (2002)
5.14 Contractor management • Guidelines on Solvent Management in Dry Cleaning (2000)
Multiple contractors may be engaged to work on different aspects of an event. Event companies • Factsheets on Successful Noise Control Case Studies (2001)
should establish a system to evaluate, select, and control contractors to assess these contractors
before awarding any work to them. Event companies should be cautious when selecting and B. Workplace Safety and Health Council
managing their contractors to ensure that the latter do not pose additional and unnecessary The following guides are available on the WSH Council website at
risks for themselves or others. Event companies should meet their contractors regularly to
monitor their WSH performance during the term of the contract, as well as a final review after • Code of Practice for Safe Lifting Operations in the Workplaces (2014)
the completion of said contract. • Code of Practice on Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Risk Management (2012)
• Code of Practice on Working Safely at Heights (2013)
For more information on contractor management, refer to:
• Guide to Total Workplace Safety and Health (2014)
• Guidelines on Contractor Management from the WSH Council website at
• Guidelines on Fatigue Management (2010)
• Guidelines on Hearing Conservation Programme (2014)
5.15 Safety inspection • Guidelines for Hospitality and Entertainment Industries (2013)
Event companies should establish an effective programme to carry out periodic inspections • Guidelines on Safeguarding Against Falling Objects (2011)
to identify potential hazards, unsafe acts and conditions in the workplace, and monitor any
changes in the work processes. Both management and employees should be involved in this
programme. An inspection checklist can be used when conducting regular safety inspections.
It is important to be comprehensive and go over every aspect of the workplace. The findings
from each inspection should be recorded and analysed. Following that, recommendations and
follow-up actions should also be properly documented for future reference.
46 47
C. Singapore Standards
The following standards can be obtained from SPRING Singapore.
7. Acknowledgements
• Approved Code of Practice SS 549: 2009 Code of Practice for Selection, use, care and maintenance
of hearing protectors
• Approved Code of Practice SS 569: 2009 Code of Practice for Manual handling
• Approved Code of Practice SS 506: Occupational safety and health (OSH) management system
Part 1: Requirements Supporting Organisations Contributors
• Approved Code of Practice SS 506: Occupational safety and health (OSH) management system
Part 2: Guidelines for the implementation of SS 506: Part 1: 2009 Sentosa Development Corporation Mr Freddie Ngiam
48 49
Risk Assessment Form
Department: Staging and carpentry RA Leader: Roy Lim Approval Risk Assessment
reference number:
Work activity: Building stage, backdrop RA Member 1: Hong Qi Shun Signature:
and bleachers 20141216RA0006
Event Location: New year countdown celebrations RA Member 2: Han King Siu
at Padang field
Last Review Date: 17 Dec 2013 RA Member 4: Prakash Muthu Name: Wong Shi Huat
Ref Sub- Hazard Possible Injury/ Existing Risk S L RPN Additional S L RPN Implementer Due Remarks
activity Ill-health Controls Controls Date
Trip over Bodily injuries, Plan layout of work 3 3 9 Implement 3 1 3 Eddie Lo 20 Dec
truss twisted ankle, site before starting and sustain 2014
members bruised knee, work to reduce housekeeping
that are and so on. number of people practices to
piled up on walking around reduce tripping
the ground. area where truss hazards at
members are kept. worksite.
Struck Head injury. Mark out a 4 4 16 Wear hard hat 4 2 8 Hong Qi 20 Dec
Installing by tools clearance zone or safety helmet Shun 2014
truss dropped around MEWP during work.
structure from to keep other Secure tools to a
MEWP. employees away. utility belt.
Annex A: Sample Risk Assessment Form
Toppling Potentially fatal Work within safe 5 2 10 Ensure that 5 1 5 Roy Lim 20 Dec
of lorry injuries. working load of lorry crane is 2014
crane while the crane. immobilised
lifting Ensure that before deploying.
trusses. outriggers are Use handbrakes
always fully and wheel chocks.
Ref Sub- Hazard Possible Injury/ Ill-health Existing Risk Controls S L RPN Additional Controls S L RPN Implementer Due Remarks
activity Date
Constant bending and Bad posture leading to Educate employees on 3 4 12 Schedule shifts to reduce 3 2 6 Han King 20
overreaching when back and joint aches. proper posture; bending the amount of time an Siew Dec
setting up bleacher knees instead of bending employee spends on the 2014
components. back. same work activity.
Setting Falling off the bleacher Bodily injuries; broken arm Use MEWP to install 5 3 15 Use travel restraints on 3 3 9 Eddie Lo 20
2 up while installing seat or leg or even potentially guardrails at height. employees working at Dec
bleachers boards and guardrails. fatal head injuries. heights on the bleacher. 2014
Hand or finger getting Hand or finger injuries. Teach employees to 3 3 9 Provide proper fitted work 3 3 9 Roy Lim 20
caught between joints. be aware of and avoid gloves. Dec
identified pinch points 2014
during toolbox briefing.
Sustaining cuts when Finger amputation and Wear cut-resistant gloves 4 3 12 Keep machine guards 4 2 8 Han King 20
using cutting tools such cuts. when handling materials for powered saws locked Siew Dec
as saws. and tools. in place. 2014
Getting electrocuted Electrocution. Use waterproof industrial 5 2 10 Wear insulating rubber 5 1 5 Prakash 20
Cutting when using powered plugs. gloves and safety boots. Muthu Dec
plywood tools. Daily inspection for 2014
to create wear and tear on wiring
backdrop insulation.
for the
stage Inhaling saw dust Breathing problems and Wear N95 masks and 3 4 12 Locate woodcutting 3 1 3 Prakash 20
produced while cutting. irritation to eyes. goggles. activities away from other Muthu Dec
work activities. 2014
Placing plywood on the Bad posture leading to Educate employees on 3 4 12 Schedule shifts to reduce 3 2 6 Han King 20
floor to level out the back and joint aches. proper posture; bending the amount of time an Siew Dec
4 up the
ground require manual knees instead of bending employee spends on the 2014
carrying and placement. back. same work activity.
Improper rigging causes Bodily injuries. Ensure that only competent 3 3 6 Communicate clearly 3 2 6 Prakash 20
backdrop to drop while persons carry out rigging during lifting to Muthu Dec
Lifting lifting. and propping up of the coordinate the process. 2014
backdrop backdrop.
onto the Struck by hammer while Hand or finger struck by Use screws instead of nails. 3 2 6 When using screws is not 3 1 3 Eddie Lo 20
stage securing support to hammer. feasible, use a pair of pliers Dec
backdrop. to hold on to nails, instead 2014
of using one’s bare hands.
Assessment of Likelihood 5x5 Risk Matrix with Risk Prioritisation Number (RPN)
Level Likelihood Description Likelihood Rare Remote Occasional Frequent Almost Certain
Severity (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5 Almost Certain Continual or repeating experience.
Catastrophic (5) 5 10 15 20 25
4 Frequent Common occurrence.
Major (4) 4 8 12 16 20
3 Occasional Possible or known to occur.
Moderate (3) 3 6 9 12 15
2 Remote Not likely to occur under normal circumstances.
Minor (2) 2 4 6 8 10
1 Rare Not expected to occur but still possible.
Negligible (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Assessment of Severity
52 53
Annex B: Globally Harmonised System of Classification • Carcinogen • Benzene
and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) • Respiratory sensitiser • Asbestos (used in roof insulation)
• Reproductive toxicity
Hazard class Examples • Target organ toxicity
• Mutagenicity
• Corrosive • Acids (sulphuric acid in batteries)
• Aspiration toxicity
• Bases (hydroxide for industrial
cleaning) • Oxidiser • Peroxide (for bleaching, sanitising)
• Carcinogen • Benzene
• Respiratory sensitiser • Asbestos (used in roof insulation)
• Reproductive toxicity
• Target organ toxicity
• Mutagenicity
54 • Aspiration toxicity 55
Annex C: Permissible Exposure Limits for Noise
Example of Decibel
Maximum exposure limit
noise level dB(A)
Normal conversation 60 -
Vacuum cleaner 75 -
Food blender 88 4 hr
Passing train 94 1 hr
Published in June 2017 by the Workplace
Safety and Health Council in collaboration
with the Ministry of Manpower.