The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Nöroloji, Zhengzhou, Çin
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Nöroloji, Zhengzhou, Çin
The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Nöroloji, Zhengzhou, Çin
Çin'in Henan Eyaletindeki 125 Moyamoya Hastası Üzerinde Yapılan Klinik Özellik
Analizi ve Prognoz Takibi
Amaç: Çin’deki tek bir merkezdeki Moyamoya hastalığı klinik analizini ve farklı olan tedavi
yöntem prognozunu açıklamaktır.
Yöntemler: Çin Henan eyaletindeki Moyamoya hastalığı olan 125 hasta üzerinde klinik
özeliklerinin retrospektif olarak analizi yapıldı. Telefonla veya hastaları düzenli takip ederek
prognostik verileri toplandı. Hastalarda yineleyen inme riski değerlendirilmesi için Kaplan-
Meier analiz yöntemi kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Erkek ve Kadın hastaların oranı 1:1,72, hastalığın başlangıç ortalama yaşı 31,6
(0,8-74) olarak bulundu. Yaş dağılımında iki önemli zirve bulunmaktadır. İlk dönemde
görülen klinik semptomlar iskemi (%64), kanama (%20) ve diğerlerini (%16) içerir. Medikal
tedavi alan 100 hastadan sadece 25 hasta için cerrahi revaskülarizasyon tedavisi uygulandı.
Yüzoniki hastanın uzun süreli takip edilmesi sağlandı ve ortalama takip zamanı 28,8 (1-192)
ay oldu. Kanaması olan 25 hastanın 7’sinde ikinci bir kanama görüldü; bunlardan bir olguda
üçüncü kez kanama görüldü, Tüm 7 hasta için konservatif tedavi yapıldı. İlk semptomu
iskemik olay olan hastalar arasındaki toplam 74 hasta üzerinde takip tam olup, bunların içinde
bulunan 14 hastada beyin infarktüsü görüldü; 2 hasta geniş alanda infarkt nedeniyle öldü.
Cerrahi revaskülarizasyon 25 hasta için yapıldı, Bunların içinde 2 hastada ameliyattan sonra
30 gün içinde reinfarktüs görüldü; diğer 2 hasta ameliyattan sonra infarktüs nedeniyle öldü.
İlaç tedavisi alan hastalarda 5 yıllık Kaplan-Meier inme tekrarlama riski olanlar ise yaklaşık
%42,0 olarak saptandı.
Sonuç: Medikal tedavide daha yüksek bir inme tekrarlama oranı olacağı için, cerrahi
revaskülarizasyon ameliyatında kısa vadeli kazanç olmayacaktır. Bu nedenle ameliyatın
tedavi etkinliğini değerlendirmek için daha uzun süreli bir takip gerektirmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Moyamoya hastalığı, klinik özellikler, prognoz, Kaplan-Meier
addition, the patients with surgery before statistical significance for differences
surgical intervention was considered to between proportions was assessed using χ2,
receive drug treatment. when appropriate. Student's t-test was used
for continuous data. A p value <0.05 was
3 Statistical method
considered to have statistical significance.
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Kaplan-Meier methods were used to
(SPSS15.0) for Windows was used for estimate stroke recurrence risk.
statistical analysis. For univariate analyses,
Tab 2: Comparison of moyamoya disease between the current study, Taiwan, and other series
in mainland China.
Table 3. Clinical features of 125 patients with Moyamoya disease. * Statistically significant
difference. SD = standard deviation.
cohort, and we rarely identified 3 patients In medically treated patients, the Kaplan-
with coexistence of moyamoya disease and Meier risk for recurrent stroke after the
Graves' disease, which is very rare(25). first ischemic event was approximately
17% in the first two years. The 5-year-
Previous studies have described an
Kaplan-Meier risk of recurrent stroke was
inevitable disease progression without
42.0%. However, there is the lower risk of
surgery(15). It has been estimated that up to
recurrent stroke in another Chinese report,
two thirds of patients with MMD have
where the cumulative 5-year Kaplan-Meier
symptomatic progression over a 5-year
risk of stroke was only 12.7% in surgically
period; the outcome is poor without
treated patients(3), as well as North
treatment(4). However, there are no reports
American study (17%)(10) and the
on long-time natural history of patients
European study (27.3%)(13). All these data
with MMD in mainland China. The
show there is a good outcome with surgical
recurrence rate is 18.9% after the first
procedures, but the recurrent stroke rate
ischemic events in our study, which is
was slightly more higher than that of the
similar to the result reported before
(23.8%)(15). Infarction is often recurrent drug treatment group within two years in
with intervals of 1 month to 120 months. our patients, which was probably related to
The total rebleeding rate is 25%, however, recurrent infarctions caused by the surgery.
it is noteworthy that in four cases (57.2%) Up to now, although there has not been any
rebleeding occurred more than 7 years randomized controlled trial comparing
after the first hemorrhage. Recurrent surgical with medical treatment, surgical
bleeding within 30 days was not frequent revascularization has been accepted as a
with a poor prognosis; the second primary treatment for moyamoya(1). A
hemorrhage developed within one month meta-analysis suggested 87% patients
after the first bleeding episode in three gained benefit from surgical
revascularization, with indirect, direct, and
cases with 2 patients dying. These findings
have similarity of the report in EIICHI et al combined techniques showing equal
effectiveness(7). One study found that the
series. And the second bleeding episode
was characterized by a change in 5-year risk of ipsilateral stroke was
hemisphere and by the type of bleeding(14). reduced from 82% in conservatively
treated patients to 17% in surgically treated
It is presumed that the condition is
patients(10). But the recurrence rate of
associated with diffuse vulnerability of
stroke is highest within the first 30 days
collateral vessels adjacent to the lateral
after surgery, after which the risk reduces
ventricle. However, some authors have
significantly(26). In our patients, a
emphasized the relevance of a ruptured
subsequent infarction occurred in 2 cases
microaneurysm during the second
(16) within the first 30 days after surgery, and a
rebleeding . We identified 2 cases with
aneurysm, but no rebleeding was seen second infarction 1 year after the surgery
during follow-up. In the series reported by in 1 case. Because the mortality of surgery
Chiu(2) et al, no patient initially presenting is 8%, the further study to estimate the
safety of the operation is required.
with an ischemic stroke experienced a
subsequent hemorrhage and no patient In conclusion, this study expands the
initially presenting with a hemorrhage knowledge of MMD in mainland China.
experienced a subsequent ischemic stroke. There was a specific bimodal pattern of
In the present study, our findings are age distribution in Chinese people. The
basically consistent with the report by Chiu majority of patients presented with
et al; only 1 patient presenting with ischemic symptom. The patients with
hemorrhage suffered haemorrhaging in 3 medical treatment were at extremely high
and 20 years after the initial symptom. risk of recurrent stroke. Further
prospective studies are needed to estimate
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