Mos For Steelguard

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PPG Industries (UAE) LLC

P.O. Box 130143 Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates

MOSFOR Steelguard 564/Steelguard 851 Column, Beams and Hollow Section (1hr
Steel Preparation
Oil and grease if any - to be cleaned using suitable detergent and cleaner. Thinners are not
allowed for this pre cleaning.
All surface irregularities and laminations - Such as weld spatters, rough welds, flame cut &
sharp edges – to be smoothed and ground off properly before surface preparation.
Cementatious product on the surface to be removed by manual scrapping, or High
Pressure Hydrojetting, Abrasive Blast clean the surface (using approved Garnet)
Blown down the surface using clean compress air with Oil and water separator..
Climatic Condition
During surface preparation & paint application:
Humidity should not be more than 85 %.
Maximum allowed steel temperature for paint application 50 oC
Steel temperature to be minimum 3oC, higher than the recorded dew point.
Painting activities should stopped during Windy and rainy conditions.
Measures of weather conditions to be checked in the same activity area
Surface preparation and paint application will not be allowed in case of rain, wind, water
Climatic conditions to be checked at every 2hrs in normal weather conditions
In case of any weather changes, climatic conditions to be checked one more time
The following points to be checked:
Air Temperature
Relative humidity
Dew point
Steel temperature
Paint application
Flush the Airless spray pump with thinner 90-58 to disperse into homogeneous mixture.
Stir the Resin first than add the cure, mix thoroughly until uniform blended to a workable
Continue slow stirring during application to maintain uniformity of the material, settling down
of products.
During paint application, wet film thickness to be checked considering the required dry film
Apply a wet coat in even, parallel pass with 50% overlapping to avoid holiday, bare area
and pinholes, if required cross spray at right angles.
Right size of tip nozzle to be used for each coat.
Application should be carried out using Airless spray/ Brush .The climatic conditions to be
monitored before as well as during paint application. Stripe coating to be carried out before
every coat, using brush or roller on all weld joints, edges, and inaccessible areas.
Visual inspection for paint covering should be applied to avoid any missing areas
Note: Keep minimum and maximum over coating time between each coat.

Page No. 1 Reference No. : 3583/cd/ppg/2017 Date: .2.4.17

PPG Industries (UAE) LLC
P.O. Box 130143 Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Paint Application Procedure over Galvanizing substrate
Pre-Examination of Surface Preparation / Paint Application in Shop
 Visually inspect surface areas for contamination such as oil, grease, dust / dirt, etc.
 Remove any contamination by cleaning with solvent or approved cleaner.
 Fresh water wash the galvanized substrate to remove salt and other contaminations.
 Dry abrasive Sweep Blast cleaned to ISO Sa 1 in accordance with ISO 8501-1 or
SSPC-SP 6. Using only garnet
 Blow down the substrate using compress clean air.
 Surface cleanliness prior to paint application shall confirm to ISO 8502-3, maximum
Rating 01.
 Amercoat 4815 Polyamide epoxy with the ratio of 4:1, Stir the Resin first than add
the Cure, Slowly stir the resin and continue to mix until product is well dispersed. Do
not reverse order. Mix thoroughly until uniform blended to a workable consistency.
Add thinner 91-92 as per workability.
 Continue slow stirring during application to maintain uniformity of the material,
settling down of products.
 Stripe coat all the weld joints, edges, and inaccessible area, using Amercoat 4815
by brush.
 Apply a light mist coat Amercoat 4815 to avoid any bubbling due to porosity in the
 Apply a full coat of Amercoat 4815 by spray upto 120 microns wet to achieve 75
microns dry film thickness. ( Normally WFT in Zinc Rich Epoxy gives error reading )
 Keep minimum 4hrs at 20⁰C for recoating;
 Once the paint is full cured, check for dry spray, sagging, runs, or any other
contamination, If so rubdown using sand paper.
 Blow down the surface with clean compress air.
Step 1 Responsible: Applicator Site Q/S
All section are to be identified, measured and marked in such a way so as to indicate to the
applicator the thickness required for the fire resistance ( time ) specified, The wet film
thickness should be indicated.
Whilst measuring the area of a particular section, a calculation should be made to quantify
the practical amount of product required for that section; similar section can if practically
possible be grouped together. The amount of paint assigned to each section helps to
ensure that the correct thickness is achieved. This is known as Volume Area Control and
helps the applicator to minimized wastage.
Step 2 Responsible: Applicator Site Q/S
The following checks should be performed:-
The cleanliness and the condition of the primed substrate and the general condition of the
primer (supplied by other manufacture). Visual examination will include but not necessarily
be limited to checking for the defects such as sags or dust inclusions and that these have
been removed and repaired, mechanical damage have been carried out, and that the
surface are clean and free from dust, salt, oil grease
Or any other contaminants ECT.
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PPG Industries (UAE) LLC
P.O. Box 130143 Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
In addition, the primer thickness should be checked to confirm that it is neither too low nor
too high; finally adhesion pull of test should be carried out at predetermined and regular
interval to ensure that the primer is tightly adhering to the substrate. Typical values should
range between 3.0 to 5.0 mpa; however the lowest acceptable figure would be 1.4mpa.
The material (Steelguard 564 or Steelguard 851) should that it has been stored correctly at
shop or site (Recommended conditions: Temperature at between 5 to 40 Deg C. In covered
/ shaded and dry environment), the batch number of the product and the solvent to be
added should be recorded.
The application equipment should next be checked; the spray pump, hoses and spray gun
should be in good condition and clean. The correct tip with the appropriate spray angle for
the size of the profile should be fitted, Thinner (90-58) (compatible with Steelguard 564 /
Steelguard 851) should be flushed through the pump to ensure that the lines are cleaned
internally and that no strong cleaning solvent may intermix with the product during the start
of the application. A power mixer should be at hand (air driven)
The recommended type of equipment is at follows:-
Airless Spray Pump ( Graco, Wagner, Wiwa or similar ), Minimum 45:1 ratio , 3/8 in spray
lines with a 1.0 to 8m, ¼ in whip end and swivel connection, “Reverse-A-Quick” or similar,
Spray tip size : 21 to 26 thou ( fan width to suit typically between 2 to 4 ).
The inlet pressure on the pump should be set to provide a fluid spray pressure of 3000 psi
for 45:1 pump and 30 mesh (500my) filters should be fitted.
Finally before commencing the application, the environmental condition should be
recorded, this includes
Wet & Dry Bulb Air Temperature-Determine the Relative Humidity
Substrate Temperature.
Dew Point Temperature
The ideal conditions for application are –
Air Temperature: 5⁰C (min) / 50⁰C (max)*
Substrate Temperature: 5⁰C (min) / 50⁰C (max)
Dew Point Temperature Must be min 3⁰C above substrate temp
Relative Humidity Less than 85%
To minimise spray loss, dry / over-spray and dust inclusion, the application of paint should
take place in calm to slight wind ( light breeze ) condition in external exposed location,
Sheeting or wing break protection will help avoid these problems and shading will extended
the day time application period during Middle East high summer season.
Application above the limits will be with approval of PPG PMC only and shall never be
permitted to take place above 40⁰C. Ambient or Substrate temperature.
Step 3 Materials Application Responsible Applicator & QC
Steelguard 564 / Steelguard 851 container shall be cleaned (dust free) before opening.
Once opened the product must be thoroughly power mixed to a homogenous condition.
Only at this stage should solvent thinner (21-06) be added if necessary normally although
in very high temperature up to no mere that 10 % (by Volume) may be permitted.

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PPG Industries (UAE) LLC
P.O. Box 130143 Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
(Steelguard 564 / Steelguard 851 is a single component based product no hardener
The product is then ready for spraying using uniform evenly distanced stroke of the spray-
gun, facing perpendicular to the surface to be coated. Care should be taken when spraying
to avoid unnecessary excess film build up and possible sagging when spraying section with
small webs / flanges. The spray applicator must ensure that edges are fully coated
(supported if and necessary by brush strip-coating prior to spraying) and that underside of
the webs and flanges are coated to the correct thickness. The applicator MUST regular
check the Wet Film thickness.
Each section might be having different Dry Film Thickness as per the Profile / Hp/A and the
Fire Rating and the specification. The applicator and QC should take proper measure to
avoid High Thickness.
Steelguard 564 / Steelguard 851 is 75% volume solids for Dry film 500 microns please note
to measure 667 microns Wet film. Apply a wet film even coat in parallel passes to avoid
pinhole or the missed areas.
Step 4 Materials Application Responsible Applicator & QC
Steelguard 2458 Acrylic Top coat is 45% volume solids for Dry film 50 microns please note
to measure 110 microns Wet film. Avoid applying over thickness, Over thickness will create
bubbles and solvent entrapment, Apply a wet film even coat in parallel passes to avoid
pinhole or the missed areas, Steelguard 564 / Steelguard 851 should be full cured, surface
to be cleaned, rubdown using sand paper, all the handling & mechanical damage to be
repaired as per the repair procedure prior to application of Top coat. Do not High pressure
water wash for cleaning, or avoid using solvent for cleaning.
The minimum and maximum coating interval should be taken care.

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