M. Tech. EXAMINATION, May 2017: No. of Printed Pages: 03 Roll No. ......................

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No. of Printed Pages : 03 Roll No. .......................

M. Tech. EXAMINATION, May 2017
(Second Semester)
(B. Scheme) (Main & Re-appear)


Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

Before answering the question-paper candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
regard, will be entertained after the examination.

Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at

least one question from each Unit. All
questions carry equal marks.

(3-06/15)M-BB-97 P.T.O.
Unit I 4. (a) Explain Fault Tress analysis with an
example. 8
1. Define the following : (b) Describe Design for Reliability. 7
(a) Availability 3
Unit III
(b) Failure Rate 3
(c) Mean Time to Repair 3 5. (a) What are different maintenance objectives
and functions ? 7
(d) Repair Rate 3
(b) Discuss inspection, also explain
(e) Bath Tub Curve. 3 inspection intervals, inspection reports
and card history system. 8
2. Describe failure data analysis with suitable
example. 15 6. (a) Discuss various types of maintenance
organizations are in use in Indian
Unit II industries. 10
(b) Discuss vibration analysis for
3. (a) Define Reliability and maintenance.
maintenance. 5
Describe the use of Pareto analysis for
reliability improvement. 7 Unit IV
(b) Ten identical components are connected 7. Discuss the different stages involved in
in parallel to achieve system reliability implementation of TPM. 15
as 0.9. Determine additional number of
8. Explain Condition Monitoring. Give the types
components to be added in parallel to of condition monitoring used in Indian
increase the reliability to 0.95. 8 industries. 15

M-BB-97 2 (3-06/16)M-BB-97 3 100

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