2002 SIS Guidelines
2002 SIS Guidelines
2002 SIS Guidelines
The Surgical Infection Society last published guidelines on antimicrobial therapy for intra-
abdominal infections in 1992 (Bohnen JMA, et al., Arch Surg 1992;127:83–89). Since then, an
appreciable body of literature has been published on this subject. Therefore, the Therapeu-
tics Agents Committee of the Society undertook an effort to update the previous guidelines,
primarily using data published over the past decade. An additional goal of the Committee
was to characterize its recommendations according to contemporary principles of evidence-
based medicine. To develop these guidelines, the Committee carried out a systematic search
for all English language articles published between 1990 and 2000 related to antimicrobial
therapy for intra-abdominal infections. This literature was reviewed individually and collec-
tively by the Committee, and categorized according to the type of study and its quality. Ad-
ditional articles published prior to 1990 were also utilized when necessary. By a process of
iterative consensus, the Committee developed provisional guidelines for antimicrobial ther-
apy for intra-abdominal infections based on this evidence. Following extensive review by
members of the Society, these guidelines were approved for publication in final form by the
Council of the Surgical Infection Society. This executive summary delineates the Society’s
current recommendations for antimicrobial therapy of patients with intra-abdominal infec-
tions. Topics discussed include the selection of patients needing therapeutic antimicrobials,
duration of antimicrobial therapy, acceptable antimicrobial regimens, and identification and
treatment of higher-risk patients. Guidelines for patient selection and specific antimicrobial
regimens were based on relatively good evidence, but those regarding optimal duration of
therapy and treatment of higher-risk patients relied mostly on expert opinion, since there was
a paucity of high-quality studies on those issues. Relevant areas for future investigation in-
clude the safety, convenience, and cost-effectiveness of available antimicrobial regimens for
lower-risk patients, and better means for identifying and treating higher-risk patients with
intra-abdominal infections.
From the Departments of Surgery, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO,1 University of Vir-
ginia, Charlottesville, VA,2 University of Washington, Seattle, WA,3 Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, Bronx, NY, 5 Uni-
versity of Tennessee, Memphis, TN,6 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH,7 and the College of Phar-
macy, University of Georgia, and Department of Surgery, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA.4
Present affiliation for Doctor Mazuski: Department of Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
MO. Present affiliation for Doctor Kudsk: Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
The article was prepared by the Therapeutic Agents Committee of the Surgical Infection Society, and approved by
the Council of the Surgical Infection Society as an official position paper of the organization.
Class Evidence
I Prospective randomized controlled trials or meta-analyses of such trials.
II Prospective studies without randomization or other studies in which data were collected prospectively,
and retrospective analyses based on clearly reliable data. These include observational studies, cohort
studies, prevalence studies, and retrospective case control studies.
III Uncontrolled studies using retrospective data, such as clinical series or case reviews, and expert opinion.
Level Recommendation
1 Recommendation based on good research-based evidence. Supported primarily by Class I data, although
strong Class II data may be the basis of the recommendation when the issue is not amenable to study
with a prospective randomized controlled trial.
2 Recommendation based on fair research-based evidence. Supported by limited data from prospective,
randomized controlled trials, or from other prospective or retrospective analyses with good study
design, and strongly supported by expert opinion.
3 Recommendation based primarily on limited or uncontrolled data, and supported by expert opinion.
intra-abdominal infections? Are any regi- sentially prophylactic antimicrobials, given for
mens of greater or lesser efficacy? 24 h or less, and which patients require longer-
4. What risk factors can be used to identify pa- term therapeutic antimicrobial therapy.
tients likely to fail initial antimicrobial ther- The best evidence that antimicrobials given
apy? Should the antimicrobial regimen be for 24 h or less are adequate for many patients
intensified in such patients to decrease the with intra-abdominal contamination comes
risk of failure? from Class I studies of patients with traumatic
bowel perforations, in whom surgical therapy
was undertaken without undue delay [5–7]. A
PATIENT SELECTION similar principle should apply to iatrogenic
bowel perforations operated on immediately,
The scope of intra-abdominal infections cov- such as endoscopic perforations of the colon or
ered by the previous and present guidelines are enterotomies occurring during surgical inter-
those generally described as secondary or ter- ventions. There is also limited evidence that pa-
tiary peritonitis and intra-abdominal abscess. tients with gastroduodenal perforations oper-
Infections that are not considered in these ated on early do not require therapeutic
guidelines include primary peritonitis and in- antimicrobials [8]. However, the consensus
fections associated with indwelling intra-ab- opinion is that patients with small bowel or
dominal catheters, primary genitourinary or colonic perforations greater than 12 h old, or
gynecological disorders, and localized infec- gastroduodenal perforations greater than 24 h
tions of an abdominal organ for which no op- old, have established intra-abdominal infec-
erative or other procedure is performed. tions and should be treated with therapeutic
These guidelines apply to the use of thera- antimicrobials.
peutic antimicrobials for established intra-ab- Patients with an inflamed or infected focus
dominal infections, and not to the use of pro- that can be eradicated at the time of surgical in-
phylactic antimicrobials to prevent surgical site tervention are another group that can poten-
infections following abdominal procedures. Al- tially be treated with short-term prophylactic
though the distinction between therapeutic and antimicrobials. Class II evidence indicates that
prophylactic use of antimicrobials is usually antimicrobial therapy for 24 h or less is ade-
apparent, there are patients in whom antimi- quate for patients with acute or gangrenous ap-
crobial use falls into a gray area. Such patients pendicitis, acute or gangrenous cholecystitis,
include those who have significant intra-ab- and those with bowel necrosis due to a vascu-
dominal contamination sustained shortly be- lar accident or strangulating bowel obstruction,
fore or during an operative procedure, and in whom there is no evidence of perforation or
those who have an infected site within the ab- infected peritoneal fluid [8,9]. However, this
dominal cavity confined to a specific organ, does not apply to patients whose infection has
which can be excised surgically. A number of extended beyond the initial anatomic focus or
studies have attempted to determine which of who have intra-operative findings of purulent,
these patients can be treated with what are es- infected peritoneal fluid. Since these patients
have established peritonitis, therapeutic an- intra-abdominal infections. These shorter an-
timicrobial therapy is warranted. Table 3 lists timicrobial courses decrease the exposure of
the types of problems for which therapeutic an- the patient to costly and potentially toxic
timicrobials are not considered necessary. agents and may diminish the spread of resis-
tant organisms within the hospital. The previ-
Summary of recommendations ous guidelines recommended 5–7 days of an-
timicrobial therapy for most patients with
1. Patients with peritoneal contamination due
intra-abdominal infections [1], and some au-
to traumatic or iatrogenic bowel injuries re-
thorities have proposed even shorter durations
paired within 12 h (Level 1) and those hav-
of therapy [10].
ing gastroduodenal perforations less than
Two general approaches that limit the dura-
24 h old (Level 3) are not considered to have
tion of antimicrobial therapy have been advo-
established intra-abdominal infections, and
cated. One approach relies on protocols that
should be treated with prophylactic antimi-
specify the length of antimicrobial therapy
crobials for 24 h or less.
based on intra-operative findings at the time of
2. Patients with a fully removable focus of in-
the initial surgical intervention. Patients with
flammation, such as those with acute or gan-
limited intraperitoneal infections receive only
grenous, but non-perforated appendicitis or
2 days of antimicrobial therapy, whereas those
cholecystitis, and those with bowel necrosis
with more extensive peritonitis receive up to 5
or obstruction without perforation or peri-
days of therapy. Two Class II studies found no
tonitis, should be treated with prophylactic
increase in failure rates relative to historical
antimicrobials for 24 h or less (Level 2).
data when antimicrobials were limited to a
3. Patients with more extensive conditions
maximum of 5 days using such protocols [8,9].
than those noted above should be treated
The alternative approach uses the patient’s
as having established infections, and given
symptoms and signs to guide the duration of
therapeutic antimicrobials for greater than
antimicrobial therapy. This approach is based
24 h (Level 3).
on observational studies that demonstrated a
low risk of treatment failure in patients who
were afebrile and had normal white blood cell
counts at the time of cessation of antimicrobial
therapy [11,12]. In addition, one Class I and one
Class II study demonstrated that discontinua-
The optimal duration of antimicrobial ther-
tion of antimicrobials at the time of resolution
apy for intra-abdominal infections remains
of clinical signs was as successful as a fixed du-
controversial, in part because there are no large
ration of antimicrobial therapy, and resulted in
Class I trials that have evaluated this issue
a shorter duration of antibiotic use [13,14].
specifically. Recommendations are therefore
It is fairly common to observe prolonged
based on limited data and expert opinion.
courses of antimicrobial therapy being used in
There is growing consensus that shorter,
patients with persistent fevers or elevated white
rather than prolonged, courses of antimicrobial
blood cell counts. Observational studies re-
therapy are appropriate for most patients with
vealed that such patients were at high risk for
treatment failure. However, those studies also
TABLE 3. CONDITIONS FOR WHICH THERAPEUTIC showed that persistent clinical signs usually in-
ANTIMICROBIALS (. 24 H ) ARE N OT RECOMMENDED dicated an ongoing source of infection, which
Traumatic and iatrogenic enteric perforations would optimally have been treated with further
operated on within 12 h surgical intervention rather than prolongation
Gastroduodenal perforations operated on within 24 h of antimicrobial therapy [11,12]. There are no
Acute or gangrenous appendicitis without perforation
Acute or gangrenous cholecystitis without perforation prospective trials demonstrating that longer
Transmural bowel necrosis from embolic, thrombotic, courses of antimicrobials improve outcome in
or obstructive vascular occlusion without perforation most patients with persistent symptoms after
or established peritonitis or abscess
initial management of their intra-abdominal in-
fections. Thus, the consensus opinion is that on- TABLE 4. RECOMMEN DED ANTIMICROBIAL REGIMENS FOR
going clinical evidence of infection should trig- PATIENTS WITH INTRA -ABDOMINAL INFECTIONS
ger a careful search for a focus of infection in Single agents
the abdomen or elsewhere, rather than prolon- Ampicillin/sulbactam
gation of antimicrobial therapy. Cefoxitin
There are very limited Class III data, how- Ertapenem
ever, that a longer course of antimicrobial Imipenem/cilastatin
treatment is warranted in selected patients in Piperacillin/tazobactam
whom optimal source control cannot be Ticarcillin/clavulanic acid
achieved. In a retrospective analysis of patients Combination regimens
Aminoglycoside (amikacin, gentamicin, netilmicin,
treated with open abdominal techniques for tobramycin) plus an antianaerobe
persistent bacterial peritonitis, a shorter dura- Aztreonam plus clindamycin
tion of antimicrobial therapy was associated Cefuroxime plus metronidazole
with higher morbidity [15]. Longer courses of Ciprofloxacin plus metronidazole
Third/fourth-generation cephalosporin (cefepime,
therapy may also be reasonable in patients cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ceftizoxime, ceftriaxone)
with extensive necrotizing infections of the plus an antianaerobe
retroperitoneum, in whom primary source
control is not feasible, or in patients with ter-
tiary peritonitis, who have repeatedly failed at-
tempts at treatment. anaerobic Enterobacteriacae and anaerobic or-
ganisms, particularly Bacteroides fragilis. Bohnen
et al. [1] identified a number of single agents or
Summary of recommendations
combination regimens that were effective for the
1. Antimicrobial therapy of most established treatment of patients with these infections. Based
intra-abdominal infections should be lim- on a large body of Class I evidence [16–72],
ited to no more than 5 (Level 2) to 7 days additional agents can be added to that list. Rec-
(Level 3). The duration of antimicrobial ther- ommended single agents now include second-
apy for intra-abdominal infections can be generation cephalosporins with anaerobic
based on the intra-operative findings at the coverage, beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor
time of initial intervention (Level 3). An- agents, and carbapenems (imipenem/cilastatin,
timicrobial therapy can be discontinued in meropenem, and ertapenem). Recommended
patients when they have no clinical evidence combination regimens include cefuroxime or a
of infection such as fever or leukocytosis third- or fourth-generation cephalosporin plus
(Level 2). an antianaerobic agent (either clindamycin or
2. Continued clinical evidence of infection at metronidazole), aztreonam plus clindamycin,
the end of the time period designated for an- ciprofloxacin plus metronidazole, or an amino-
timicrobial therapy should prompt appro- glycoside plus an antianaerobe (Table 4). It is
priate diagnostic investigations rather than likely that other agents will be added to this list
prolongation of antimicrobial treatment in the future as prospective trials of newer agents
(Level 3). are completed and published.
3. If adequate source control cannot be The published literature provides little guid-
achieved, a longer duration of antimicrobial ance in selecting a specific regimen. Antimi-
therapy may be warranted (Level 3). crobial trials have generally been designed to
demonstrate therapeutic equivalence, and have
not been powered adequately to demonstrate
RECOMMENDED superiority. Further, most patients entered into
ANTIMICROBIAL REGIMENS those trials have had community-acquired in-
fections such as perforated appendicitis and
The fundamental principle of antimicrobial have not been severely ill. Since all antimicro-
therapy for intra-abdominal infections is to uti- bial regimens appear to be of approximately
lize agents effective against aerobic/facultative equal efficacy for less severely ill patients with
agents having broader coverage of gram- fied risk factors that related more to the treat-
negative organisms and/or greater risk of ments rendered than to the patient’s underly-
toxicity (Level 3). ing condition. For instance, the failure to
3. Completion of an antimicrobial course with achieve adequate source control with the ini-
oral forms of ciprofloxacin plus metronida- tial operative procedure increased the risk of
zole (Level 2) or with oral amoxicillin/ an adverse clinical outcome [84]. Of particular
clavulanic acid (Level 3) is acceptable in pa- relevance to the selection of antimicrobial
tients able to tolerate an oral diet. agents were risk factors related to the actual or-
4. Once-daily administration of aminoglyco- ganisms identified in the peritoneal cavity. Sev-
sides is the preferred dosing regimen for eral studies suggested that infections involving
patients receiving these agents for intra- resistant organisms, particularly those likely to
abdominal infections (Level 2). Careful at- be acquired in the hospital, increased the risks
tention should be paid to prompt attainment of treatment failure and death [55,57,84,85].
of therapeutic antibiotic concentrations if di- It is difficult to provide definitive recommen-
vided daily doses of aminoglycosides are dations with regard to antimicrobial therapy of
used (Level 3). higher-risk patients. Efforts to develop consen-
5. Regimens providing enterococcal coverage sus guidelines are hampered by the fact that
are not necessary for the treatment of most most Class I evidence comes from antimicrobial
patients with community-acquired intra-ab- trials in lower–risk patients with community-ac-
dominal infections (Level 2). quired infections, with resultant mortality and
6. The routine use of intra-operative cultures failure rates well below those observed in epi-
is controversial. There is no evidence that al- demiological surveys of patients with intra-ab-
tering the antimicrobial regimen on the ba- dominal infections. Thus, most recommenda-
sis of intra-operative culture results im- tions regarding antimicrobial therapy for
proves outcome (Level 3). higher risk patients are, of necessity, based on
expert opinion.
As in the previous guidelines [1], it is recom-
ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY FOR THE mended that higher-risk patients be treated with
HIGHER-RISK PATIENT antimicrobial regimens having a broader spec-
trum of activity against most gram-negative aer-
The risks of treatment failure and death as a obic/facultative anaerobic organisms. Such
result of intra-abdominal infections are highly regimens include extended–range beta-lactam/
variable. A younger patient with a localized beta-lactamase agents such as piperacillin/
perforation of the appendix has a much lower tazobactam, carbapenems such as imipenem/
risk than an elderly individual with diffuse cilastatin or meropenem, third- or fourth-gener-
peritonitis secondary to a colonic perforation ation cephalosporins plus an antianaerobic
[76]. However, the precise identification and agent, aztreonam plus clindamycin, and cipro-
optimal treatment of the higher-risk patient re- floxacin plus metronidazole. The use of an
mains problematic. aminoglycoside plus an antianaerobe is another
Multivariate analyses have identified a num- alternative, although an adequate dosing regi-
ber of risk factors for treatment failure and men must be employed (Table 5). Even though
death in patients with intra-abdominal infec- resistant gram-negative organisms such as
tions. Most of these factors relate to the pa- Pseudomonas sp. are more commonly encoun-
tient’s underlying physiological status and re- tered in higher-risk patients, several prospective
sponse to the infection. Thus, advanced age, trials found that the routine addition of an
poor nutritional status, a low serum albumin aminoglycoside to another agent effective
concentration, preexisting medical disorders against these organisms conferred no additional
such as significant cardiovascular disease, and, benefit [86–88].
in particular, a higher APACHE II score are sig- Failure due to Enterococcus appears to be
nificantly associated with treatment failure and much more common in higher-risk patients
death [77–83]. However, some studies identi- [84,89]. In contrast to the recommendation re-
TABLE 5. RECOMMEN DED ANTIMICROBIAL REGIMENS FOR Ultimately, many of these patients will suc-
HIGHER -RISK PATIENTS WITH INTRA-ABDOMINAL INFECTIONS cumb to or with their infections, regardless of
Single agents the adequacy of antimicrobial therapy [94–96].
Piperacillin/tazobactam Summary of recommendations
Combination regimens
Aminoglycoside (amikacin, gentamicin, netilmicin, 1. In patients with intra-abdominal infections,
tobramycin) plus an antianaerobe (clindamycin or
metronidazole) treatment failure and death is associated with
Aztreonam plus clindamycin patient-related risk factors such as advanced
Ciprofloxacin plus metronidazole age, poor nutritional status, a low serum al-
Third/fourth-generation cephalosporin (cefepime,
bumin concentration, and preexisting medical
cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ceftizoxime, ceftriaxone)
plus an antianaerobe conditions, especially significant cardiovascu-
lar disease. A higher APACHE II score is the
most consistently recognized risk factor for
garding lower-risk patients with community- both death and treatment failure (Level 1).
acquired infections, it seems reasonable to rec- 2. Disease- and treatment-related risk factors, in-
ommend the use of agents having enterococcal cluding a nosocomial origin of infection, the
coverage for higher-risk patients likely to have presence of resistant pathogens, and the lack
enterococcal infections. Nonetheless, this rec- of adequate source control are associated with
ommendation must be considered tentative, treatment failure and death (Level 2).
since definitive studies in higher-risk patients 3. Patients at higher risk for failure (particu-
have not been performed. larly from non–community-acquired organ-
The development of fungal peritonitis is also isms) should be treated with an antimicro-
more common in higher-risk patients [90,91]. bial regimen having a broader spectrum of
In one prospective randomized trial, prophy- coverage of gram-negative aerobic/faculta-
lactic therapy with fluconazole improved out- tive anaerobic organisms (Level 3):
come in patients at high risk for Candida
Single agents:
peritonitis [92]. However, there is some con-
troversy regarding the adequacy of fluconazole
for the treatment of established candidal infec-
tions in the peritoneal cavity, and some au-
Combination regimens:
thorities recommend amphotericin B as the
Aminoglycoside (amikacin, gentamicin, ne-
preferred agent instead of fluconazole for these
tilmicin, tobramycin) plus an antianaerobe
patients [93]. Ultimately, the choice of antifun-
(clindamycin or metronidazole)
gal therapy will be heavily influenced by the
Aztreonam plus clindamycin
risks of toxicity in a given patient.
Ciprofloxacin plus metronidazole
Patients with tertiary peritonitis, who have
Third/fourth-generation cephalosporin
ongoing intra-abdominal infection after previ-
(cefepine, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, cefti-
ous attempts at control, are quite difficult to
zoxime, ceftriaxone) plus an antianaerobe
treat. The organisms that these patients harbor
include coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, en- 4. Routine addition of an aminoglycoside to
terococci (sometimes resistant to vancomycin), other agents having broad spectrum gram-
multiply resistant gram-negative bacilli, and negative coverage, such as imipenem/cilas-
fungal organisms [94,95]. Empiric antimicro- tatin, piperacillin/tazobactam, or third/
bial therapy should be directed at the nosoco- fourth generation cephalosporins, provides
mial pathogens likely to be present, based on no additional benefit (level 2).
the patient’s history of previous antimicrobial 5. Higher-risk patients likely to fail due to En-
therapy and the institutional history of likely terococcus, such as those of advanced age,
nosocomial pathogens and their resistance pat- higher APACHE II scores, a non-appen-
terns. Empiric antimicrobials should be ad- diceal source of infection, a postoperative in-
justed according to definitive culture results. fection, or a nosocomial origin of infection
may benefit from the use of a regimen cov- itively how long antimicrobial therapy needs
ering this organism (Level 3). to be given to lower-risk patients with com-
6. Addition of empiric antifungal therapy with munity-acquired infections. Further delin-
fluconazole is reasonable for patients with eation of the role for oral antimicrobial regi-
postoperative intra-abdominal infections at mens, which can be easily administered outside
high risk for candidiasis (Level 2). For pa- of the hospital setting, could also further the
tients with established Candida peritonitis, an- goal of finding more cost-effective regimens for
tifungal therapy with amphotericin B may be the treatment of these patients.
preferable to the use of fluconazole, but the With regard to the higher-risk patient, im-
choice of therapy must be influenced by the provement in efficacy should remain the major
risk of toxicity in a given patient (Level 3). focus of future investigations. These patients,
7. Patients with tertiary peritonitis are likely to particularly those with hospital-acquired in-
harbor difficult to eradicate organisms, such fections, still have poor clinical outcomes and
as coagulase negative staphylococci, entero- many succumb to the infectious process or its
cocci (including vancomycin–resistant en- sequelae. Development of criteria by which
terococci), multiply resistant gram-negative these higher-risk patients could be identified
bacilli, and yeast (Level 2). Empiric therapy readily would facilitate future investigations.
should be directed at organisms likely to be However, of greater importance would be an
present based on the patient’s history of pre- increased inclusion of higher-risk patients in
vious antimicrobial therapy and local pat- antimicrobial trials, from which many are
terns of infectious organisms and resistance, presently excluded. Ideally, clinical studies in-
and modified according to definitive culture volving only higher-risk patients would be
results (Level 3). performed. If this were not feasible, adequate
numbers of higher-risk patients should be en-
rolled and stratified in standard trials, with the
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR results of these higher-risk patients being ana-
FUTURE RESEARCH lyzed separately. The development of newer
antimicrobial agents for the treatment of these
The development of these guidelines has led patients would also be important, given the
to the identification of several issues that could rapid colonization of hospitalized patients with
be addressed successfully by future investiga- resistant pathogens. Improvement of antimi-
tors. These issues can be separated into those crobial regimens for higher-risk patients would
that involve lower-risk patients with commu- not only provide benefits to the patients them-
nity-acquired infections, and those that involve selves, but might diminish the outbreak of mul-
more severely ill patients, particularly those tiply-drug-resistant microorganisms, the selec-
with postoperative or hospital-acquired infec- tion of which is highly encouraged through the
tions. use of inappropriate or ineffective antimicro-
With regard to patients with community-ac- bials.
quired intra-abdominal infections, there are al-
ready a number of suitable antimicrobial regi-
mens available, all of which appear to be of REFERENCES
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