Towards The Understanding The Psychology of Filipino
Towards The Understanding The Psychology of Filipino
Towards The Understanding The Psychology of Filipino
To cite this article: Elizabeth Protacio Marcelino PhD (1990) Towards Understanding the
Psychology of the Filipino, Women & Therapy, 9:1-2, 105-128, DOI: 10.1300/J015v09n01_07
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Towards Understanding the Psychology
of the Filipino
Elizabeth Protacio Marcelino, PhD
about the turn of the century when the United States as colonizer
came to the country and established a comprehensive educational
system using English language as the primary medium of instruc-
tion (Lagmay, 1984). It is important to note that all other Philippine
institutions developed concomitantly within the framework of the
English language.
The spread of American culture and the Westernization of Philip-
pine education led to the assumption that the Americans brought
psychology to the Philippines together with their policy of "benev-
olent assimilation." If we accept this claim, psychology, then, is a
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The foregoing is ample evidence for the claim that the domain of
interpersonal relations is theoretically fertile and lexically elaborate
in Filipino.
Kapwa: A Core Concept in Filipino Social Psychology
and other English language tests have been used and widely bor-
rowed. It was initially assumed that the inadequate relevance of
these tests or psychometric devices were merely due to problems of
translating test instruments and developing local norms for the tar-
get population. However, personality inventories and other similar
tests were found to have high culture-specific loadings (Lagmay,
1984), and therefore, simplistic adjustments failed to recognize the
importance of the socio-cultural context. Furthermore, most practi-
tioners soon realized that people from the rural areas and lower
socio-economic groups did not have a good grasp of the English
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tures where the individual is defined not separately from the family
and where a more dependent or external orientation is valued and
accepted (Sue, 1978). In fact, it is strongly suggested that signifi-
cant members of the family or group be involved in therapyand that
use of the native language is critical (Salazar, 1976; Varias, 1963).
Reservations about using psychiatric or psychological services
among Filipinos also reflect in part greater reliance on extended
family, peer, and other social networks for emotional support and
problem-solving (Bulatao (1980). It was also found that there was a
greater preference for traditional "folk healers" especiallyfor treat-
ment of neuro-psychiatric or mental symptoms (Galvez-Tan, 1977;
Valencia & Palo, 1979).
Conceptualizations of culture-relevant therapies draw on some
findings to say, at least initially, that: (1) since Filipinos are more
passiveand modestwith authorityfigures, the therapist may need to
be more active and directive in the initial stages of therapy (Bula-
tao, 1978; Cuizon & Zingle, 1968), and (2) since Filipinos are more
sensitive, have strong needs for acceptance, belonging and security
ina relationship, the therapist may need to be closer and more pa-
ternalistic rather than non-directive (Varias, 1963).
The important point for the researcher is that the type, reliability,
and genuineness of the information obtained by the researcher is a
function of the level of researcher-participant relationship.
Torres (1980) defines an indigenous method called "pakapa-
kapa" (literally, groping or searching) as "a suppositionless ap-
proach to social and scientific investigations characterized by grop-
ing, searching, and probing into an unsystematized mass of social
and cultural data to be able to obtain order, meaning, and directions
for research." Data is explored without the chains of overriding
theoretical frameworks borrowed from observations outside the fo-
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The development of culture-relevant therapeutic techniques rely
heavilyon studiesrelated to the Filipino's worldview and cognition,
motivation, and emotion, and contrast and changes in values and
behavior. Severalwriters have discussed various aspects of the Fili-
pino world view as personalistic rather than mechanistic (Lynch,
1973), with authoritarian rather than libertarian norms (Andres,
Elizabeth Protacio Marcelino 123
one situation; (2) when supported by the group, Filipino clients pre-
fer paternalistic counselors to non-directive ones who are perceived
as detached, and non-caring; (3) the Filipino character is contem-
plative, patient, and accepting of things as they are; and (4) Filipino
subjects readily enter into altered states of consciousness.
Another area of application is found in efforts at treatment and
rehabilitation of traumatized childrenof political violence (e.g., de-
tention, torture, massacre, bombing, etc.) which is being done by a
group of psychologists (including this author), social workers, and
medical doctors. The rehabilitation program focuses mainly on cri-
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sis intervention and psychological help while at the same time pro-
viding for basic support services (e.g., medical, nutritional, and
Most of the treatment given to the children and their families ap-
plies the orientation of "Sikolohiyang Pilipino" in terms of looking
at the problems of the children at two levels. The first level focuses
on the specific needs and problems of the individual child to ensure
proper physical, emotional and intellectual and social development.
The second level is societal which focuses on the socio-economic
and political roots of the problems and its consequences on the
child's rights and welfare (Marcelino, 1986).
Treatment has focused mainly on group therapy rather than indi-
vidual counseling because the former has been more effective. In
terms of assessment and therapeutic techniques, indirect, informal,
and unobtrusive measures rather than standardized testing instru-
ments have been utilized.
There are few if any specific studies focusing on feministtreat-
ment, but it does not mean that there is no practical work going on
in this area. Using the same principles of indigenous psychology,
clinical psychologists who have treatedwomen clients espoused the
acceptance of and respectfor the different social and culturalfactors
affecting women in Philippine society. Conceptualization of cul-
ture-relevant therapies in the Philippines can draw on the initial
findings of the reticence of Filipinos to go for therapy, their ten-
dency to be family and small-group oriented, their paternalistic and
authoritarian norms, and their strong need for acceptance and emo-
tional security. Consequently, such an approach will broaden one's
view of the world and could possibly lead to the identification of
Elizabeth Protacio Marcelino 125
other such rites and rituals; local conceptions and definitions of the
human psyche; the everyday manifestation of behavior, attitudes,
skills and values; concern for social issues and problems; and the
role of native languages and the development of a national con-
sciousness among the Filipino people.
Filipino psychology as a scientific discipline is a necessary and
indispensable tool in the process of forging a nationalist, mass, and
scientific culture borne out of a heightened sense of national iden-
tity and consciousness. For in the final analysis, the growth of "Si-
kolohiyang Pilipino" contributes to the just and legitimate aspira-
tions of the Filipino people to place their cultural, linguistic, and
scientific future in their own hands.
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