Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
Preene Groundwater Consulting Limited, 18 Berry Lane, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 5HD, UK.
Dewatering is essential for the safe and efficient operation of quarries and open pit mines that extend below
groundwater level. Benefits of dewatering include better working conditions and greater efficiency of mining
operations, as well as improved geotechnical stability, for example by allowing steeper side slopes.
Dewatering techniques can be divided into two main groups (which may be used in combination). The first group is
pumping methods, where water is pumped from arrays of wells or sumps and piped away for disposal. Pumping
methods include: in-pit pumping; pumping from wells; sub-horizontal wells and drains; wellpoints and ejector wells;
and drainage adits and tunnels. The second group of techniques is exclusion methods, where low permeability walls
or barriers are used to reduce groundwater inflows into the pit. Exclusion methods include: bentonite slurry walls; grout
curtains; and artificial ground freezing.
Dewatering techniques and equipment have been refined over many decades, and no significant step changes in
equipment capabilities are on the horizon. However, there are opportunities for technology transfer from recent
developments in other industries. An example is improvements in remote monitoring and control of pumping systems,
routinely used in other industries but rarely used on mine and quarry sites. Such systems are ripe for wider application
on mine sites, where they offer potential benefits to the mine operator in the form of reduced energy costs, reduced
carbon emissions and increased equipment life. This paper reviews the principal dewatering techniques used and the
more recent and future developments.
Preene, M. 2015. Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering.
Pp. 194-206 in Hunger, E. and Brown, T.J. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the 18th Extractive Industry Geology Conference 2014 and technical meeting 2015,
EIG Conferences Ltd, 250pp
M. Preene
Effective mine dewatering should: WATER MANAGEMENT AS PART OF THE MINING
• Be cost effective.
• Work in the required timescales. Dewatering is not planned and executed in isolation,
but should be an integrated part of mine water
• Not interfere unnecessarily with working methods management (Figure 1). In addition to the control of
used for mining. groundwater, surface water must also be controlled. This
• Comply with the relevant environmental regulations, is normally achieved by diverting as much surface water
and not create unacceptable environmental impacts. runoff as possible away from the pit, and by pumping
away that water which does accumulate in the pit. The
Typically the aim of dewatering will be to provide surface water pumped from the pit will normally
benefits to mining operations, which can include: comprise direct precipitation into the pit, any residual
groundwater seepages from perched groundwater tables
• Improved geotechnical slope stability and safety: or zones not fully drained by the main dewatering
lowering of groundwater levels and reducing pore activities, and any surface runoff which is able to find its
water pressures (a process known as ‘depressurisation’) way into the pit.
can allow steeper slope angles to be used in pit walls,
and reduce the risk of base heave where confined The precipitation element will be both episodic and
aquifers exist below the working level. seasonal – in countries with tropical or arid climates the
quantity of storm water that must be removed following
• More efficient working conditions: better trafficking an individual rainfall event may be very large, but such
and diggability, reduced downtime due to pit flooding. events may occur only during a relatively short period of
• Reduced blasting costs: lowering of groundwater the year. In-pit surface water pumping capacities sized to
levels in advance of working will provide dry blast deal with a storm event of a given return period will be
holes, reducing the need for more costly emulsion significantly oversized relative to long term average
explosives. pumping rates; this is true even in more temperate
• Lower haulage costs: Dry product/ore and waste rock European climates. Possible strategies to optimise in-pit
weigh less than wet material, so dewatering of rock pumping include arranging pumps in banks according to
provides a haulage cost saving. duty; 1st assist, 2nd assist, etc. so that one of the pumps,
• Reduced environmental impacts: Dewatering wells can running at an efficient point in its performance curve
be targeted to pump from specific geologic horizons deals with the long term flows, with the other pumps
(and cut-off walls can be used to exclude groundwater being called into use at peak times via an automated
from key layers), potentially making use of aquitards level controller system. In extreme cases it may not be
and low permeability layers to reduce external economic to provide adequate pumping capacity (and
drawdowns that may affect shallow groundwater- the associated power supply and discharge pipe work)
dependent features such as wetlands. and it may be necessary to design the pit with a deep
sump section that can be allowed to flood during
Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
infrequent very severe storm events, to provide water from wells or sumps to lower groundwater levels, below
storage, which is then pumped out over a period of days the pit working area. In contrast, groundwater control by
or weeks by pumps rated for less severe events. exclusion involves installing low permeability barriers
around the pit to reduce groundwater inflows to the
A key element of water management is the disposal or
working area. Principal features of key techniques are
use of the pumped water. The most common water
summarised in Table 1. Further details on the various
disposal routes are:
methods can be found in Cashman and Preene (2012)
and Beale and Read (2013).
• Pumped to waste: typically water is pumped to a
watercourse or other surface water body that has
adequate hydraulic capacity to receive the water
Groundwater control by pumping
without causing downstream flooding.
• Environmental mitigation: water may be diverted to The most common form of groundwater control by
feed specific surface water bodies to maintain flows or pumping used in surface mines is in-pit pumping (Figure
water levels, or may be artificially recharged (via 2). Essentially, this uses the pit as a ‘groundwater sink’
recharge trenches or recharge wells) into the ground allowing water to flow into the pit, via any permeable
to maintain groundwater levels. strata or fissured zones that are encountered. Within the
pit the water is collected in open drains or channels and
• Beneficial use: the water can potentially be used as
directed to low points or sumps and then pumped away
part of the mining operation for uses such as dust
to the surface. In addition to pumping groundwater, the
suppression, mineral processing etc.
in-pit pumping system will also be required to pump any
surface water generated in the pit. The water reaching
In general, a discharge permission will be required the sumps and pumps will typically have run over the pit
from the environmental regulators, to allow water to be floor and along drainage channels and will have picked
disposed of, or to be used for environmental mitigation. up some degree of suspended solids. Accordingly, in-pit
Within the United Kingdom (UK) different requirements pumps must be capable of pumping ‘dirty’ water with
apply in different regions, and the relevant regulatory some suspended solids, and the pumped water will
bodies should be consulted. Furthermore, water that is typically require treatment to remove solids prior to
put to beneficial use may require different permissions to discharge from site.
water that is pumped to waste or used for environmental
mitigation. The UK regulatory bodies are: in England, the In-pit pumping is most appropriate for use in pits in
Environment Agency (EA); in Wales, Natural Resources relatively stable rock, where the inflow of groundwater is
Wales (NRW); in Scotland, Scottish Environment unlikely to cause instability in the pit slopes and base.
Protection Agency (SEPA); and, in Northern Ireland, Where in-pit pumping is applied in relatively unstable
Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA). rock or in granular deposits such as sand or sand and
Occasionally water from dewatering may be disposed of gravel, the seepage of groundwater through those
in the sewerage network. In that case, permission must materials may lead to instability. Furthermore, in-pit
be obtained from the sewerage utility before this can be pumping can only depressurise the pit slopes indirectly,
done. The relevant sewerage utilities are: in England and and high pore water pressures may remain in the slopes
Wales, the Regional Water Companies; in Scotland, long after the main pit is dewatered, with the slopes
Scottish Water; and, in Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland draining only slowly into the pit. This can lead to the risk
Water. of geotechnical instability of the slopes.
In most cases water pumped from both surface water Depending on the size and geometry of the pit, it may
and groundwater control systems will be treated, prior to be possible to keep the pit almost entirely dry (with
discharge, to reduce the levels of suspended solids in the standing water confined only to small sump areas). In
water. This is normally achieved by passing the water other cases the bottom of the pit may be allowed to flood
through a large settling pond, although more and form a pond or lagoon whose level fluctuates in
sophisticated settlement methods are available. response to differing groundwater and surface water
Occasionally, more complex treatment methods are used, inflow rates. In such cases the in-pit pumps may be
including chemical dosing or filtration to meet specific mounted on floating pontoons, to allow them to rise and
water quality requirements of discharge permissions, or fall with the lagoon water level.
the specific water requirements for environmental
For cases where in-pit pumping alone is not sufficient
mitigation or beneficial use.
to ensure stability, the use of perimeter dewatering wells
(Figure 3) may be appropriate. This involves a series of
bored vertical dewatering wells, most commonly outside
GROUNDWATER CONTROL TECHNIQUES the crest of the pit. The wells typically extend to a
If mining is to be carried out to below groundwater significant depth below the base of the pit, and are
level, there are a range of groundwater control pumped by specialised slimline borehole electrical
techniques that can be used. The choice of technique at submersible pumps. This approach has two principal
a given mine will be controlled by several factors, advantages over in-pit pumping. First, if pumping from
principally including the hydrogeological conditions and the dewatering wells is started long enough in advance
the objectives of the dewatering at that site. of sinking of the pit, the wells will intercept lateral
groundwater flow into the pit and groundwater levels
Groundwater control techniques can be grouped into can be lowered in advance of mining, thereby improving
two main types – pumping and exclusion methods. operational conditions in the mine. Second, because the
Groundwater control by pumping involves pumping dewatering wells are located behind the pit slopes, in
M. Preene
Technique* Notes
Groundwater control by pumping
In-pit pumping Widely used in surface mines and quarries both for groundwater and surface water. Water is allowed to enter the
pit, is collected in channels and sumps and is then pumped away. Pumped water likely to be ‘dirty’ with a
significant suspended solids load; pumps need to be capable of handling some solids and water may need
treatment to reduce suspended solids content before discharge. Typically appropriate for pits in relatively stable
rock, and where pit slope depressurisation is not a critical requirement. Less effective in unstable rock or in sands
or gravels, where the groundwater inflow to the pit may result in geotechnical instability of the pit slopes.
Perimeter dewatering Vertical dewatering wells located outside of the pit crest, and pumped by specialised slim line borehole electric
wells submersible pumps. If pumping is started sufficiently far in advance of mining, the wells can intercept lateral
groundwater inflows to the pit and can lower groundwater levels in advance of mining, thereby improving
operational conditions in the mine. In favourable geological conditions, pumping from perimeter dewatering
wells can have a significant groundwater depressurisation effect on pit slopes.
In-pit dewatering Dewatering wells located on benches or in the base of the pit. The presence of such wells (and the associated
wells cable and discharge pipework) in the pit may impact on mining methods and sequencing. Normally used in
combination with perimeter dewatering wells.
Sub-horizontal slope Small diameter passive (i.e. unpumped) drains drilled out horizontally or with a slight upward or downward
drains inclination from benches in the pit slopes, to provide preferential drainage pathways for groundwater as part of
pit slope depressurisation programmes. Water flowing from drains must be dealt with by in-pit pumping.
Wellpoints and Small diameter shallow wells installed at close spacing (typically 2 to 6 m between wells) in lines along slopes
ejector wells to intercept seepage and reduce pore water pressures. Wells are connected to common header pipes so one
surface pump can pump on many wells simultaneously. Particularly suited to superficial and drift deposits of
moderate to low permeability.
Relief wells Passive (i.e. unpumped) wells typically drilled vertically through the base of a pit to provide a preferential
pathway for upward groundwater flow to allow depressurisation of confined aquifers below working level. Water
flowing from relief wells must be dealt with by in-pit pumping.
Vertical or angled Passive (i.e. unpumped) wells typically drilled vertically through pit slopes to provide a preferential pathway for
drains downward groundwater flow (into a zone which is already depressurised) to allow more rapid drainage of
groundwater perched above low permeability layers.
Drainage adits and Drainage tunnels (and associated drain holes radiating out from the tunnels) are constructed behind or beneath
tunnels a mining area. If topography allows the tunnel to have a low level outlet it can function as a passive (i.e.
unpumped) drain capable of depressurising a very large zone.
Horizontal directional Relatively new and innovative technique. Directionally drilled boreholes are drilled from outside the mining area
drilled (HDD) wells and steered into the geological zones targeted for dewatering and depressurisation.
Groundwater control by exclusion
Steel sheet-piling Interlocking steel sections (typically of a ‘Z’ or ‘U’ profile) that are driven, vibrated or pushed into the ground to
form a continuous barrier. Can be removed at the end of a project to avoid leaving a permanent barrier in place.
Slurry trench wall Formed by the excavation of a trench that is supported during excavation by being kept topped up with bentonite
using cement- fluid. Excavation is by long reach backhoe, clamshell grab or specialist trench cutters. Following completion of
bentonite or soil- the trench, backfill is placed of a soil-bentonite mixture or a self-hardening cement-bentonite mixture, to form a
bentonite low permeability barrier.
Concrete diaphragm Formed by the excavation of a trench that is supported during excavation by being kept topped up with bentonite
walls and bored pile fluid. Excavation is by clamshell grab or specialist trench cutters. Following completion of the trench, backfill is
walls placed of concrete, to form a low permeability barrier that can have significant structural strength. Rarely used in
surface mines and quarries.
Grouting – A form of ground treatment where fluid grout is injected via closely spaced grout holes at relatively low pressure
permeation and rock into the ground to fill the fissures in rock and pores in soils. The injected grout sets, creating a zone of modified
grouting in-situ material of lower permeability. The most common grout types are suspensions of cement in water.
However, such grouts are only applicable in sealing coarse soils and wide fissure openings in rock. More
expensive chemical grouts may be necessary to treat lower permeability soils and rocks.
Jet grouting and A jetting head mounted on a drilling rigs is used to create a disturbed zone of ground in soils and soft rocks, into
mix-in-place which grout is injected. A column of mixed grout and the disturbed in-situ material is created at each jet grouting
methods drill hole. Overlapping columns of jet grouted material can create a low permeability barrier. Rarely used in
surface mines and quarries.
Artificial ground Circulation of a low temperature refrigerant (either calcium chloride brine or liquid nitrogen) through a line of
freezing closely spaced freezeholes. The refrigerant chills the groundwater causing ‘ice cylinders’ to develop around each
freezehole. With continued circulation of the refrigerant the ice cylinders from adjacent freezeholes will increase
in diameter and will intersect to form a continuous low permeability ‘freezewall’ of frozen ground. The refrigerant
must continue to be circulated to maintain the freezewall. The freezewall is temporary, and will slowly thaw at
the end of the project when refrigeration is stopped. Rarely used in surface mines and quarries, although it is a
fairly common technique used for the sinking of deep mine shafts.
Table 1. Principal techniques for groundwater control in surface mines and quarries.
Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
Figure 3. Schematic arrangement of in-pit pumping and perimeter dewatering wells for a surface mine (top) and the cut-away view (bottom).
M. Preene
favourable geological settings they can provide a reduce as the pit slopes are depressurised, and drains in
significant groundwater depressurisation effect in the pit the upper pit slopes may completely dry up in time.
slopes. In some cases perimeter dewatering wells may be Further details on slope drainage systems are given in
augmented by in-pit wells, but the presence of such wells Leech and McGann (2008) and Beale and Read (2013).
(and the associated cable and discharge pipework) in the
Where pit slopes contain zones of materials of
pit may impact on mining methods and sequencing.
relatively low permeability, widely spaced perimeter
Because perimeter dewatering wells are typically wells may be of limited effectiveness, because each well
located behind the pit slopes, in favourable has a limited ‘zone of influence’. In such cases specialist
hydrogeological conditions (for example an extensive methods of pumping from closely spaced lines of small
permeable strata with significant hydraulic continuity in diameter wells can be used (Figure 5). Two methods
the vertical and horizontal direction) pumping from widely used in the construction industry for sands,
perimeter dewatering wells can have a significant gravels and superficial deposits are wellpoint dewatering
depressurising effect on the pit slopes. But if the strata (where the wells are pumped by suction pumps) and
penetrated by the dewatering wells contain low ejector dewatering (where wells are pumped by an
permeability faults, layers or other geological ejector system using the nozzle and venture principle).
complexities it is possible that perimeter dewatering Such methods are occasionally deployed in the side
wells alone will not depressurise the slopes sufficiently to slopes of surface mines and quarries. The lowering of the
allow the slopes to be adequately stable. One possible groundwater level that can be achieved by such systems
option is to install sub-horizontal drains out from the pit is limited by the method of pumping, and multiple lines
slopes, to create additional permeable pathways for of wells may be required at different levels in the pit
water to enter the pit (Figure 4). slopes.
Typically these drains are installed in lines at regular A dewatering technique that is used less frequently is
spacings, drilled out horizontally, or with a slight upward drainage galleries or adits. Typically this involves the
or downward inclination, from benches in the pit slopes, construction of a tunnel behind a pit slope or beneath a
with a drilled diameter of 50 to 100mm. In competent pit bottom, to drain and depressurise that zone of the
rock the drain holes can be left unlined if the geological mine (Figure 6). The method is most efficient if
data indicates they are unlikely to collapse; in less topography allows the tunnel to be constructed with a
competent material a slotted well screen is installed in portal at a lower elevation than the final pit bottom or
the drain on completion of drilling. The drains are target slope depressurization level. This allows the gallery
‘passive’ and are not pumped directly. The presence of to act as a passive (i.e. unpumped) drain with water
the drains provide a preferential pathway for flowing from the tunnel portal by gravity. The size of the
groundwater flow from the slopes into the pit. The water zone drained directly by the tunnel is usually increased
pressures in the slope drives water along the drain, so by drilling angled drain holes out from the tunnel.
that water bleeds from the open end of the drain, and is Tunnels and galleries may be constructed specifically for
typically collected in drainage trenches and pumped drainage purposes. However, in some mines, tunnels
away. Because the drains can only be installed from originally constructed for access or exploration purposes
within the pit, their installation sequence must be have been identified as having a significant drainage
integrated with the mining sequence. Such drains often effect and have subsequently been incorporated into
flow copiously when first installed, but the flow will mine depressurisation programmes.
Figure 4. Schematic arrangement of in-pit pumping, perimeter dewatering wells and sub-horizontal slope drains for surface mine
(cut-away view).
Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
Figure 5. Schematic arrangement of a wellpoint pumping system used for localised slope dewatering in surface mine.
Figure 6. Schematic arrangement of a drainage gallery used for dewatering of surface mine.
M. Preene
Groundwater control by exclusion body. One solution is to install a low permeability cut-off
wall along the pit edge closest to the surface water body,
Groundwater control by exclusion involves
penetrating through the superficial deposits and sealing
engineering measures to exclude groundwater from the
into underlying lower permeability strata (Figure 7).
workings of the surface mine or quarry. This is typically
When correctly designed and executed this can
achieved by either installing a physical in-ground barrier
significantly reduce inflows to the pit and, in combination
of low permeability or by some form of ground treatment
with pumping on the pit side of the cut-off wall, can
to reduce the in-situ permeability of the strata. Such low
result in much lower pore water pressures in the pit
permeability in-ground barriers are generically known as
slopes. Where the pit is located close to an
‘cut-off walls’. In some cases the objective may be to
environmentally sensitive surface feature (such as a
reduce groundwater inflows to minimum levels. In other
wetland that is partly fed by groundwater) a cut-off wall
cases the objective may be to target the exclusion
can be used to reduce drawdown impacts on the feature.
measures on key permeable strata or zones where
groundwater inflows into the pit are predicted to be The methods used to form cut-off walls are
difficult to manage or where geotechnical instability is a summarised in Table 1. They can be characterised either
concern. as methods that:
For most quarries or open pit mines, the perimeter
• Form a continuous physical ‘wall’ in the ground, either
length around the crest is so long that it would be
by driving in of a low permeability structure (e.g. steel
prohibitively expensive to install a cut-off wall around
sheet-piling) or by excavating a trench and placing
the complete perimeter. Cut-off walls are most frequently
low permeability materials (e.g. bentonite slurry
applied to specific sectors of an open pit, where
trenches), or
groundwater ingress or instability is a particular concern.
A common application for exclusion methods is where • Modify the in-situ properties of the ground to produce
one side of the pit is formed close to a surface water a continuous zone of treated soil or rock of lower
feature. If the pit is adjacent to an open body of water (a permeability than the native material. This can be
river, sea or lake) that is in direct hydraulic connection achieved by the injection of fluid grouts that set or
with the groundwater regime, there is a risk that solidify in the soil pores and rock fissures or by
significant groundwater flows may be concentrated on circulating low temperature fluids that cause the
that side of the pit, and that high pore water pressures groundwater in the soil or rock to freeze, creating a
may affect slope stability. This risk is particularly severe very low permeability material (artificial ground
if shallow alluvial or superficial deposits are present and freezing).
in direct hydraulic continuity with the surface water
Figure 7. Schematic arrangement of a wellpoint pumping system used for localised slope dewatering in surface mine. Schematic
arrangement of a low permeability cut-off wall used as part of a groundwater exclusion strategy for a surface mine.
Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
The different methods used to form cut-off walls vary considerable distance (sometimes several kilometres)
widely in cost and capability in relation to depth and from the dewatering system. This is necessary to reduce
applicable soil and rock types. Further information on the the risk of significant re-circulation of recharged water
characteristics and pros and cons of the various back to the dewatering system, which can increase
techniques can be found in Privett et al (1996) and pumped flow rates.
Cashman and Preene (2012).
A practical problem that often affects recharge well
It is important to recognise that even where extensive systems is that they can become clogged by physical,
groundwater exclusion measures are deployed, chemical and bacterial processes in the wells – most
groundwater pumping will still be needed to handle commonly the precipitation of insoluble iron-related
precipitation water and any leakage through or beneath compounds (often visible in the form of red-brown
the cut-off walls. ‘ochre’ deposits) or carbonate deposits (hard pale-
coloured scale deposits). This may require mitigation by
the provision of water treatment to improve water quality
Groundwater disposal by artificial recharge prior to recharge, and/or periodic rehabilitation of the
As discussed earlier in this paper, the most common recharge wells by physical and chemical treatment to
route for pumped water from a dewatering system to be remove the residues of the clogging process.
disposed of, is ‘to waste’ to a surface watercourse. This Where the intention is to recharge the water into
effectively means that there is a net abstraction of shallow strata, such as superficial or drift deposits, it may
groundwater, and it is natural to expect that, with be more appropriate to use shallow recharge trenches
prolonged pumping, groundwater levels may be lowered (Cliff and Smart, 1998; Huxley et al, 2004), rather than
over a wide area around the dewatered pit. For deep pits recharge wells. Such trenches can be excavated with
dewatered for many years, this zone of drawdown may conventional excavating plant and can offer a low-
extend for several kilometres from the pit. technology solution to artificial recharge into shallow
In some hydrogeological settings such widespread strata. Recharge trenches may be affected by clogging
drawdown may be unacceptable from an environmental due to suspended solids settling in the base of the
or regulatory perspective. Examples include, where trenches; this can be mitigated by periodic cleaning out
nearby groundwater-supported wetlands may be at risk or scarifying of the base of the trenches using excavating
of drying up, or where abstraction wells used to supply plant.
drinking water or irrigation water may suffer from
reduced yields or degraded water quality. In such
circumstances, the option of artificial recharge may be OPERATING COSTS AND POWER CONSUMPTION
One of the challenges facing dewatering practitioners
Artificial recharge involves taking a portion of the is that mine and quarry operators often view dewatering
discharge flow rate (sometimes 100%, sometimes less) as a ‘distress purchase’ – they will only implement it
and directing it back into the ground in a controlled when there appears to be little option to avoid it. There
manner, normally via recharge wells or recharge is therefore a focus on cost minimisation as the primary
trenches. Figure 8 shows a schematic artificial recharge mechanism to select and manage a dewatering
arrangement using recharge wells. The pumped water programme. This can be shortsighted, since there are
from the dewatering system is passed along a pipeline to trade offs between direct dewatering costs and potential
an array of recharge wells, which are connected together reductions to wider mining costs as a result of the
by a manifold pipework arrangement (Fernández-Rubio benefits of dewatering. The dewatering programme with
and Lorca Fernández, 2010). Figure 8 shows the recharge the lowest direct cost is not necessarily the scheme that
wells being relatively close to the dewatering system, but will deliver the lowest overall cost (dewatering cost
this is purely to make the figure useful at this scale – in minus savings in mining costs resulting from dewatering
practice recharge wells have to be installed a benefits). It should also be recognised that monitoring
Figure 8. Schematic arrangement of an artificial recharge system fed by perimeter dewatering wells at surface mine (note that recharge
wells are normally located at considerable distance from the dewatering system, the recharge wells are shown close to the pit to make the
figure legible at this scale).
M. Preene
(e.g. of pumped flow rates and groundwater levels) is diameters, lower friction materials and avoiding
vital for the effective management of dewatering unnecessary bends and restrictions in fittings (reducing
programmes, and without it there is little hope of any the friction losses and thereby reducing H);
form of optimising the dewatering, either in terms of cost • Effective control systems to allow pumps to switch
or other factors such as environmental impacts. on/off in response to groundwater levels (reducing
Dewatering costs can logically be divided into capital hours run t); and
expenditure (CAPEX), and operating expenditure • Selection of appropriate pumps for the duty, so that
(OPEX). CAPEX comprises the capital cost of pumps and they run at an efficient point in their performance
other equipment, installation and commissioning costs curve, and suitable control systems (e.g. inverter
(including costs of drilling dewatering wells and the drives) to allow pumps to operate at high efficiency in
installation of any cut-off walls). OPEX comprises costs of a range of duty conditions (increasing pump efficiency η).
power (mains electrical power or diesel fuel for pumps
and generators), monitoring and maintenance, and
replacement equipment/spares/consumables. THE FUTURE
For a surface mine or quarry with a long development When considering possible future trends in dewatering
and production life, it is not unusual for OPEX to be large and groundwater control, there is no realistic expectation
in comparison to CAPEX. Power costs to drive pumps are that there will be a step change in technologies or costs
often a large part of OPEX, and when looking to lower in the foreseeable future. The basic laws of physics
operating costs, reducing power consumption is an govern the hydromechanical performance of pumps and
obvious aspect to investigate. Reducing power usage will it is difficult to see how there could be any more than
also have the further benefit of lower carbon emissions, incremental improvement in these systems. Similarly,
which will be aligned with the environmental and most groundwater exclusion technologies have existed in
corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies pursued by their current form for more than 50 years, and have been
many mining companies and mineral producers. highly refined in relation to costs and effectiveness.
A pump is, in essence, a mechanical device used to lift However, developments in materials, equipment
fluid (in this case water) against gravity, and the power design, and information technology will undoubtedly
required to do so is determined by relatively few lead to improvements in plant efficiency, reliability, and
parameters. The power requirement P (kW) to pump a safety over time. It is also possible, indeed likely, that
water flow rate Q (m3/s) against a total head H (i.e. the some unheralded technological advances, apparently far
actual vertical lift plus the additional head caused by removed from mining and quarrying may have a
friction losses in the pipework and fittings) is expressed significant impact on mine dewatering. History shows
as: that any consideration of the future needs to be tempered
by Amara’s law, which states ‘We tend to overestimate
Q×H×ρ×g the effect of a technology in the short run and
P= η (1) underestimate the effect in the long run.’
Three areas where mine dewatering may change in the
where ρ is the density of water (1,000 kg/m ), g is the
3 future, and that are discussed below, are:
acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2) and η is the pump
efficiency. The energy consumption E (kWh) of a pump • Improved efficiency,
(assuming the parameters do not vary with time) is the • Technology transfer for new technologies, and
power P multiplied by the pump run time t (hours): • Alternative business models to procure dewatering.
Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
hydrogeological uncertainties, this means the dewatering used to install pipelines for river crossings or beneath
design is often relatively conservative, with excess inaccessible areas, where drilled distances of 500 to
pumping capacity and oversized pipes and pumps 1,000m can be achieved in a range of geological
running at a fraction of their capacity (which is inherently conditions. However, installation of HDD wells to for
inefficient). To get more efficient operation of dewatering dewatering purposes presents some particular
systems and reduce energy costs and OPEX, better use challenges. First, HDD installations typically use thick
could be made of: 3-dimensional numerical groundwater bentonite or oil-based drilling muds, which can impair
modeling to get better estimates of dewatering inflows; the permeability of the soil or rock around the well.
groundwater exclusion cut-off walls and barriers to Second, the perforated well screen must be pushed or
reduce dewatering inflows; and phased dewatering plans pulled into the well; because the well is deviated, the
to use data from initial dewatering activities to refine later longitudinal loading on the well screen can be very large,
stages of pumping. risking damage to the screen. However, there are an
increasing number of wells, outside the mining industry,
installed by HDD methods. For example Cox and Powrie
• Appropriate selection of equipment and materials (2001) describe a HDD application to extract leachate
Dewatering systems should take advantage of from beneath closed landfills.
incremental improvements in dewatering equipment, To date the number of HDD wells drilled for mine
such as more efficient pumps, better pipework (to reduce dewatering purposes is very small. In future HDD wells
friction losses) and improved control systems. For a mine may become a more established mine dewatering
dewatering system with a long life (greater than, say, 15 technique, allowing wells to be located outside of the
years) uprating of key equipment for the latest mining area and steered into the geological zones
equipment partway through the mine life may offer cost targeted for dewatering or depressurisation.
and energy savings that offset the additional cost. In the
shorter term, pumped flow rates may reduce significantly
between the initial drawdown period and the later steady Alternative business models to procure dewatering
state pumping when the pit is fully dewatered. Rea and The traditional business model for procuring pumped
Monaghan (2009) describe an example where borehole dewatering systems has changed little in the last 50 years.
pumps were swapped for smaller units at the end of the Commonly, the mine operator obtains the pumps and
drawdown period, with the aim to reducing energy ancillary equipment by sale/lease/rental. During
usage. operation, maintenance is carried out either by the mine
operator site team or under a maintenance contract by
the pump supplier, while the mine operator provides and
• Effective control, maintenance and operation
pays for the power and fuel. While maintenance
Perhaps the biggest change in pumping and programmes do involve an element of preventative
monitoring equipment in the last 20 years is the maintenance, typically major equipment upgrades or
improvement in electronic control and communication changes normally occur in response to equipment
systems. Real time remote monitoring (of groundwater failures or operational problems – the cliché ‘if it isn’t
levels, flow rates and water quality) and control of broken don’t fix it’ describes this approach quite well.
pumping systems can be an economic reality on almost
It is hard to consider this procurement model as
any site. Where there are 4G and 3G cellular
providing a ‘dewatering service’. Essentially this model is
communication networks, hard-wired data connections
focused on providing the pumps to site and keeping
are obsolete. Inverter (variable speed) controllers for
them operating to a reasonable level of availability. There
pumps can allow significant ‘automation’ of systems to
is little incentive for the pump supplier or maintenance
give more efficient operations, where pumps operate in
company to ensure the pumping systems operates
feedback to actual conditions, so they can remain at
efficiently or to minimise energy costs.
optimum operating efficiency as much as practicable.
It is useful to look at how procurement models have
In practice, the maximum improvements in efficiency
changed in other industries in recent decades. The airline
are most likely to result from a combination of the above
industry relies on jet engines to power its aircraft, and
options. Additional initial investment will be required,
spends billions of dollars on engines and fuel. However,
but payback should be obtained in the form of reduced
in the 21st century, jet engine suppliers such as Rolls
energy costs, reduced carbon emissions and increased
Royce, Pratt & Whitney and General Electric no longer
equipment life.
sell engines. Instead they offer a service based on ‘thrust
hours’, focused on, and paid according to, the service
availability and efficiency of the engines on their client’s
Technology transfer for new techniques
aircraft (Wharton University of Pennsylvania, 2007). Rolls
Mine dewatering can also learn from other industries, Royce has trademarked the term ‘Power by the Hour’ to
and there are opportunities for technology transfer from describe their business model.
other industries. This may be as simple as looking at
This type of procurement is generically known as
alternative pump types or pipework materials, or may
‘performance-based logistics’, and is intended to focus on
involve looking at alternative control systems or drilling
what the client cares about – for airlines this is reliability
and availability of aircraft, and fuel economy – and not
One example is the use of Horizontal Directionally the details of the equipment – in this case the jet engines.
Drilled (HDD) wells for dewatering purposes (Figure 9). These arrangements are made possible by: long term
HDD methods are not new technology and are routinely agreements; remote monitoring and control (for example
M. Preene
Figure 9. Schematic arrangement of horizontal directionally drilled (HDD) dewatering wells (reproduced with permission from Cashman
and Preene, 2012).
where the jet engines remotely communicate with the OPEX and would gain certainty of cost over the mine life,
manufacturers via satellite link); and, contractual and confidence that pumping availability will not affect
arrangements where the service provider has vested mining.
interest in reducing energy usage, and improving
The business focus of a mining or quarry operator is
Dewatering remains a fundamental part of the mining
to maximise output of product (which needs reliable and
and quarrying process when working below
effective dewatering), while minimising unit cost (which
groundwater level. Effective dewatering can enable
needs efficient systems to reduce energy costs). The
mining in relatively dry conditions, thereby providing
details of the pumps per se are of little interest to the
better working conditions and greater efficiency, and can
operator. Mine dewatering systems, applied on mines
improve geotechnical stability, for example by allowing
with long planned lives, and using pumping systems
steeper side slopes. While the focus of dewatering is
equipped for remote monitoring and control are well
typically on pumps and pumping systems, exclusion
placed to be procured on a performance basis, where the
methods such as cut-off walls and grout curtains can
dewatering provider is paid not based on how many
have a role to play in reducing groundwater inflows,
pumps are on site but based on the availability of an
thereby reducing operating costs.
effective dewatering system, and where there is an
incentive to reduce energy costs year-on-year, with While dewatering techniques and equipment have
savings shared between the mine operator and been refined over many decades, and no significant step
dewatering provider. The mine operator would get the changes in equipment capabilities are on the horizon,
benefit of shifting the main investment from CAPEX to there may be opportunities for technology transfer to
Techniques and Developments in Quarry and Surface Mine Dewatering
allow mine dewatering to benefit from recent
developments in other industries; improvements in
remote monitoring and the control of pumping systems
are routinely used in other industries but are rarely used
on mine and quarry sites. The robustness and reliability
of such equipment has improved, and at the same time
capital costs have reduced. Such systems are ripe for
wider application on mine sites, where they offer
potential benefits to the mine operator in the form of
reduced energy costs, reduced carbon emissions and
increased equipment life.
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