Corrected Numeric Voicings Chart For Jazz Piano Voicings by Rob Mullins
Corrected Numeric Voicings Chart For Jazz Piano Voicings by Rob Mullins
Corrected Numeric Voicings Chart For Jazz Piano Voicings by Rob Mullins
Voicings listed from the bass note going up. Play the root in the left hand down low on the
keyboard. Use the pedal to sustain it for Pos III voicings which take two hands.
Maj Pos I Maj Pos II Maj Pos III Dom7 Pos I Dom7 Pos II Dom7 Pos III
1 1
5 5
9 5 9 9 5 9
6 3 6 b7 3 b7
5 9 5 6 9 6
3 6 3 3 b7 3
root root root root root root
Min7 Pos I Min7 Pos II Min7 Pos III Min7b5 Pos I Min7b5 Pos II Min7b5 Pos III
1 b7
5 11
9 5 9 9 b5 9
b7 b3 b7 b7 b3 b7
5 9 5 b5 9 b5
b3 b7 b3 b3 b7 b3
root root root root root root
Dim7 Pos I Dim7 Pos II Dim7 Pos III 11th Pos I 11th Pos II 11th Pos III
7 1
b5 5
9 b5 9 9 6(13) 9
6 b3 6 b7 4 b7
b5 9 b5 6 9 6
b3 6 b3 4 b7 4
root root root root root root
7+11 Pos I 7+11 Pos II 7+11 Pos III 7+9+5 Pos I 7+9+5 Pos II 7+9+5 Pos III
1 1
6(13) +5
9 6(13) b7 +9 +5 +9
b7 +11(#4) 6(13) b7 3 b7
#4 (+11) 3 #4(+11) +5 +9 +5
3 b7 3 3 b7 3
root root root root root root
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