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Chapter 1



Life is full of Mathematics. Mathematics concerns almost everything in the

world. That’s why as the world evolves, many branches of Mathematics arose and

developed as well. One of the branches of Mathematics which has been contributing a

lot to humanity’s development is Trigonometry. Trigonometry is an integral subject in

secondary education and in many fields especially in Mathematics (Demir, 2012).

Throughout the years, the world has widely relied to the trigonometric competency,

such as trigonometric identities, in dealing with the day-to-day life. In various fields

such as astronomy, geography, geometry, physics, optics, electricity, cartography,

maritime, and architecture, trigonometric competency has been applicable and

advantageous (Nugroho & Wulandari, 2015). However, not all people around the world

reap the benefits of this branch of Mathematics. It is due to the fact that people find it

difficult to understand and comprehend the concepts underlying each topic. As cited by

Nugroho & Wulandari (2015) from (Krismanto, 2008: 1), the Math Educator and

Education Staff Development and Empowerment Center (Pusat Pengembangandan

Pemberdayaan Pendidikdan Tenaga Kependidikan = PPPPTK) conducted a Monitoring

and Evaluation in 2004 for trigonometric material in which results showed that the

teachers’ difficulty in managing trigonometric learning ranked on top. In addition, some

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field researchers found out that students are only memorizing many trigonometric

formulae which makes learning less meaningful and tends to be forgotten. Thus,

students’ performances appear to be poor and lacking.

Both teachers and students worldwide find difficulties in teaching and learning

the concept of trigonometric identities (Woods, 2016). According to Nugroho &

Wulandari (2015), based from the researches of Kendal & Stacey (1997), Orhun

(2004), Weber (2005), and Martínez Sierra (2008), the complexity of trigonometry,

which is an applicative material, is being considered difficult by the students. Since

every Math concept is interrelated and one concept requires that of another, students

should demonstrate proficiency in learning this. In his research, Demir (2012) stated

that traditional learning cannot cope with the student learning difficulty.

In the Philippines, students and teachers also face problems concerning the

teaching and mastery of these trigonometric identities respectively. It is rooted to the

fact that many people, including Filipinos, have different impressions and perceptions

towards Mathematics and the kind of teaching strategies that are being applied remains

traditional. In fact, in the 22 years of participation of the Philippines (from 1988 –

2010; with no participation in 1990) in the International Mathematics Olympiads

(IMO), the country has always been placed in the lower thirty percent (30%) rank

(Centillas and Larisma, 2016). Furthermore, Philippines was reported to be the lowest

scorer among all participating Asian countries in the years 1995, 1999, and 2003

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TIMMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) (Laguerta, 2012).

This sad truth is even supported with the results of TIMMS Advanced 2008 where in

the Philippines had the lowest average achievement with 355 as average scale score

(Mullis, 2009). These results indicate the low performance of Filipino students in

Mathematics specifically trigonometry. As an evidence, in a research conducted by,

significant number of students got very low grades in their trigonometry class. In the

second semester of School Year 2007-2008, the average grade in Trigonometry was

1.95 while an average grade of 2.75 was obtained on the second semester of the

following school year 2008-2009. On the 2nd semester of 2009-2010, the average was

also low - 2.5

Secondary and Tertiary Schools in Mabalacat including Mabalacat City College

experience the same dilemma. Having this scenario, there should be an integration of a

tool in presenting these trigonometric concepts especially trigonometric identities to

make the students understand and master it. These trigonometric identities are keys to

understanding other Mathematical concepts.

It has been proven that visual representation, such as diagrams, are beneficial

and effective tools in teaching and mastering Mathematical concepts. (Leinhardt et al.,


Mabalacat City College values the importance of learning the trigonometric

identities and lives with its mission of providing innovative modes in learning and in

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developing research in different disciplines for improved policies and practices. Thus,

Institute of Teacher Education, as one of the institutes of the college, shares the same

vision of producing quality secondary teachers who are equipped with strategies and

has strong pedagogical foundation.

In response to the alarming issue involving trigonometric identities, a research

has been conducted among the Grade 10 students to determine the effect of the magic

hexagon in the performance of the students in trigonometric identities. The researchers

aim to provide a tool that would help students in learning and mastering trigonometric

identities by introducing the magic hexagon.

In line with this, a research was conducted among the Grade 10 students to

determine the effect of the magic hexagon in the performance of the students in

trigonometric identities. The researchers opted to provide a tool that would help

students in learning trigonometric identities by introducing the magic hexagon.

Review of Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Majority of the teachers from Australia, the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong

SAR, and the United States perceive the role of Mathematics being applicable to real

life problems and is necessary skill for living (Cai et al., 2009). Australian teachers for

example view Mathematics as one of those essential subjects that allow us to function

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in the world according to Perry (2009). Delice & Roper (2006) stated that

Trigonometry plays an important part in the mathematics curriculum even though its

meaning may change from one country to another at secondary schools. However, a

concrete understanding is required in order to understand Trigonometry conceptually in

spite of its complexity in nature which makes it difficult to the students (Demir, 2012).

Cai et al., (2009) define understanding as being able to use what you are able to

apply in many different situations rather than applying one skill in a situation

constantly. Rote memorization – retaining facts without understanding – as something

to be avoided but memorization after understanding is ideal (Perry, 2009). He also

added that most of the U.S. teachers agreed that memorization after understanding is

needed for retaining knowledge, applying the knowledge to solve problems and

learning new knowledge.

Davis (2005) expressed that little attention has been provided to trigonometry

and how multiple representations are used to teach trigonometry while there has been

various studies, researches and discussion about students’ inability to transfer

fundamental mathematical knowledge on topics like algebra, wherein mostly the

knowledge of trigonometry is essential to engineering, astronomy, physics, and

architecture. Byers (2010) cited from (Choike, 2000; Pape & Tchoshanov, 2001)

suggests that using multiple representations in teaching and learning, verifies the

development of mathematical understanding. Learners can create and use

representations like diagrams, graphs, symbols and manipulatives to reason through

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problems (Cai et al., 2009). Problem posing and solving using representations can

promote mathematical learning (Tripathi, 2008).

Local Literature

With the reigning importance of Mathematics in Philippine high school

curriculum subjects, its goals in basic education remain as to provide opportunities for

individuals to develop their skills and attitudes needed for effective participation in

everyday living and prepare them for further education and the world of work so that

they make worthwhile contributions to the society at large (Pascua, 1993). In addition,

serves as a gateway to national progress (Bernardo, 1998). SEI-DOST & MATHTED

(2011) added that as individual Filipino students develop the mathematical proficiency

and literacy, both parties (teachers and students) benefit as in return these leaners

contribute skills, values and collective resources in the country, expanding our nation’s

fund of knowledge.

But the performance of Filipino students has not improved based on national

and international tests regardless of curriculum reforms, tutorial centers and online

information (Lee-Chua, 2011). The results of the 2003 Trends in International

Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) showed that Filipinos ranked 41st out of 46

participating countries at Grade 8 (2nd year in the Philippines) and 21st in Grade 4 out of

25 participating countries (Laguerta, 2012). Also, Philippines scored the lowest among

all participating Asian countries in the 1995, 1999 and 2003 TIMSS, Laguerta

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(2012) added. These findings proved that students before already possess the difficulty

in learning Mathematics.

With the nature of Trigonometry and its practical applications, when students

learn with understanding, their knowledge can be used in different areas or disciplines

(Skemp, 1976; NCTM, 2000; Stylianides & Stylianides, 2007) and there is less to

remember is someone understands a mathematical idea (Van de Walle, 2007). In able to

establish deep understanding of Mathematics and to actively engage the students in

learning it, a variety of tools is needed. These tools or materials should be rigorously

integrated into the instructional process to be effective in developing, clarifying and

applying Mathematical concepts such as Trigonometry (SEI-DOST & MATHTED,


Review of Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Mathematics, through the years, has been providing a way to make sense of the

world, to know, to think, and to understand. However, Mathematics is one of the

subjects in which students struggle and hate the most (Gur, 2009). Gur (2009) added

that students find Trigonometry to be more difficult and abstract compared to other

areas of Mathematics. Despite the fact that Trigonometry, particularly trigonometric

functions and identities, is necessary to understand topics in Newtonian physics, pre-

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calculus, calculus, architecture, surveying, and many branches of engineering, students

are still facing Trigonometry with difficulty (Blackett & Tall, 1991). According to

Demir (2012), the complex nature of the topic makes it challenging for students to

understand it conceptually since it combines different algebraic, geometric, and

graphical concepts and procedures. Further, since Trigonometry is a difficult topic for

students, they develop fragmented understanding of trigonometric functions.

According to Garderen (2007), as cited by Kashefi et. al (2015), the poor

conceptualization understanding is the main reason for least performance of

Mathematics. Hirsch, Weinhold, and Nichols (1991) claimed that “trigonometric

instruction should be moved out of the context of memorization of isolated facts and

procedures and proficiency with paper-and-pencil tests [and move towards] programs

that emphasize conceptual understanding, multiple representations and connections,

mathematical modeling, and problem-solving” (Weber, 2005). Mathematics researchers

agreed that students should establish understanding in learning Mathematics and as per

Davis (1992), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) and

Skemp (1987) , Mathematics courses aims not only to memorize procedures and

acquire reliable methods for producing correct solutions on paper-and-pencil exercises;

rather students should learn mathematics with understanding (Gur, 2009). According to

Orhun (2002) since teacher-active method and memorizing method are dominant in the

trigonometry class, the students’ knowledge of trigonometry stays only for a short

period of time and nothing is retained after the long run which makes it hard for

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students to transfer the principle learned to new situations (Gur, 2009). Traditional

ways of teaching Trigonometry do not overcome students’ difficulties in developing

understanding based on the trigonometric connections (Demir, 2012) and United

Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization (UNESCO) even prohibited

the use of rote learning in schools in 1993 as it affected the performance of the students.

As cited by Kashefi et. al. (2015) from Bearch & Mazzzocco (2007) and

Tambychik & Meerah (2010), the problematic situation arise when the students fail to

master the basic skills needed to solve the problem and such problem can be solved by

using and applying visualization in mathematics classroom learning. Leinhardt et al.

(1991) mentioned that research has highlighted the vital role of visual representations

both for teachers and pupils in their teaching and learning of mathematics as it is an

important part of teachers’ knowledge of mathematics as well as play an important role

in the explanation of mathematical ideas (Barmby et. al., 2012). Through visual

representations, students are able to make connections between their own experience

and mathematical concepts (Post & Cramer, 1989) which leads to gaining insight into

more abstract mathematical ideas (Duval, 1999; Flevares & Perry, 2001). Hence, the

beneficial effect of visualization in solving problems by representative of diagram was

already proven and demonstrated in many other researches such as the researches of

Ainsworth & Loizou (2003), Cheng (2004), and Pedone, Hummel, & Holyoak (2001)

(Kashefi, 2015). Uesaka, Manalo Ichikawa

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(2007) considers diagrams as powerful tools, especially if used systematically in facing

solving word orientation problems (Kashefi, 2015). As suggested by Van

Joolingen (1999), cognitive tools are extension to the mind indicating that cognitive

tools can be a major social component functioning in the zone of proximal development

of students. Furthermore, cognitive tools are students’ support system during the

learning process which students consider to be difficult and complex and such

complexity can be difficult for the limited human mind to decipher. Hence, these tools

help students by reducing the load in working memory by carrying out a part of a

cognitive process for the learners and taking over a part of the cognitive process

(Demir, 2012). If these tools are integrated in instruction, such as the diagram, learning

mathematical concepts particularly in trigonometry will be feasible. Concepts in

trigonometry are needed to move towards understanding increasingly dynamic and

applicable mathematical models (Brummelin, 2010). The tools that students use in

learning mathematics shape their mathematical thinking (De Jarnette, 2014). In that

sense, learning with understanding becomes self-generative and leads to the creation of

a snowball effect where in understanding something can lead to learning new things

(Walle, 2007).

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Local Studies

The vital role of Mathematics to an individual every day and in our culture is

proven that this course is the mother of all learning in both arts and sciences (Andaya,

2014). And whilst some basic skills are required to learn math, only few have

competencies in these field and numerous factors exist making the majority of student

population difficult to understand and apply mathematical concepts (Launio, 2015).

There was clear evidence in the decline of performance in Trigonometry courses

(Centillas and Larisma, 2016). In fact, in the Philippines, strong evidence can be seen

on the result of the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) which revealed that in

the 22 years of participation (from 1988 – 2010; with no participation in 1990), the

Philippines has always been placed in the lower thirty percent (30%) rank. In 1993, the

Philippines ranked 52nd out of 73 participating countries, which was the highest ranked

the country has achieved and the lowest ranked was in 1996 (ranked 74th out of 75

participating countries).

The reports of TIMMS Advanced 2008 revealed that with an average scale

score of 355, the Philippines had the lowest average achievement (Mullis, 2009)

which implies that the high school graduates in the country has the lowest achievement

among other participating countries. The poor performance of the Filipino students in

Mathematics was supported by the results of the National Achievement Test in 2003

where the average grade is 44% for elementary math and 36% for secondary (Galvez,

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2009). Centillas and Larisma (2016) mentioned that it is not only in the international

per se, as shown in the IMO results and TIMMS findings, that the low performance of

students in Mathematics is observed, but more so in the local classroom setting. In fact,

a significant number of students in a Trigonometry class got very low grades in this

particular area of Mathematics as observed by a researcher in his class. In the second

semester of School Year 2007-2008, the average grade in Plane Trigonometry was 1.95

while an average grade of 2.75 was obtained on the second semester of the following

school year 2008-2009. On the 2nd semester of 2009-2010, the average was also low -

2.5. This alarming issue in Mathematics, especially the learning difficulty in

Trigonometry and trigonometric identities, and the causes of the difficulties seems

multifaceted and interrelated (Wongapiwatkul et. al, 2011). As cited by Centillas and

Larisma (2016), by (Delice, 2002; Orhun, 2006), a few researchers have also mentioned

students’ misconceptions, errors, and related to these, learning complexities about

trigonometry and students worldwide shares the same struggle in their quest for

mastery of concepts.


Being it’s one of the advantageous branch of Mathematical courses, how students’

perspective to recall all the trigonometric functions and identities using the traditional

method, meets their downfall on learning. Due to its complexity and abstract in nature,

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a learner sees it as barrier for deeper understanding and being applicable in other areas

(Gur, 2009). With continuing lower performance of the Filipino students locally and

internationally, it is evident that the goal for meaningful learning is ineffective. For that

reason, introducing new ways or tools on how to lessen the difficulties encounter by

these students such as use of the Magic Hexagon, might be helpful to develop and

engage students’ involvement in Mathematical proficiency (SEI-DOST & MATHTED,


Magic Hexagon is a special diagram that helps students to remember some

Trigonometric Identities (see appendix for the illustration). It is a visual representation

using the six (6) trigonometric functions – sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cotangent, and

cosecant; wherein students learn to manipulate the diagram in order to recall the list of

trigonometric identities. The use of this figure saves up the learner’s effort in mastery

the particular topic instead of spending hours of memorizing and results to forget them

over the next days. Thus, the use of the Magic Hexagon in learning trigonometric

identities is a helpful way to minimize misconceptions & errors and make better

understanding of these concepts to form connections or integrate applications in other

subject areas.

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Theoretical framework

This research follows the Jerome Bruner’s theory of learning (Discovery

Leaning). This theory involves three processes namely; acquisition, transformation, and

evaluation. According to Bruner, no learning takes place unless there will be a full

understanding, readiness, independence and motivation. These four were the basic

concerns of learning.

Understanding and readiness were the pre-requisite of learning. When the learners

begin to understand the basic concept of the magic hexagon, then acquisition takes

place. Acquisition, according to Bruner, is the process of obtaining and assimilating

with understanding new information better than a previously learned one.

The development of an individual learner to be an independent learner is very

important according to Bruner. And when the learners start to deepen their

understanding and master how to manipulate the magic hexagon, then transformation

begins. Bruner defines transformation as the process of manipulating or utilizing the

information gained to remove a difficulty or to solve a problem to which is suited --- is

an application of learning. Along this process, the learners themselves discover the use

of the magic hexagon in solving basic trigonometric identities operations.

Finally, when the learners were trained to be an independent and self-sufficient

in solving problems that come their way and be able to search for information needed

and determine and correct their errors by themselves alone using the concept of magic

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hexagon, then evaluation takes place. According to Bruner, evaluation is the process of

finding out whether the information acquired is appropriately utilized.

Learning is more effective if the learner is properly motivated. Bruner believes

that the intrinsic motivation is more desirable than an extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic

motivation comes from within the individual learner. He may have a desire to learn

because of its worth. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside the individual in the

forms of rewards and punishments. If this matters and takes over as the learning goes

along, then learning will be meaningful. Figure 1 shows the theoretical framework of

the study.

Jean Piaget’s cognitive learning theory that specified the use of cognitive

representation is also applied in the process. According to Piaget, cognitive

representation such as of the Magic Hexagon in our study is very effective in learning

the concept of the lesson. The Magic Hexagon can easily be drawn in the mind of the

learners, through this, learning is effective. Piaget specified the concept of assimilation

and accommodation. Assimilation is a static kind of learning, limited by current

cognitive structure; accommodation is a progressive growth of the cognitive structure

that changes the character of all subsequent learning.

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Learner Acquisition Transformation Evaluation

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

This study is based on the concept that in every topic, there is an effective tool

or technique that can be used to improve the performance of the students. This concept

applies in trigonometric identities.

Traditionally, the formulae of trigonometric identities are simply given and

presented. The students are being bombarded with information and formulae.

The tendency of this, the students simply memorizes these formulae and tends to

forget them. The difficulty arises when the knowledge of the concept is required on

other succeeding topics. However, there is a special diagram that can help in the

mastery of all the trigonometric identities and that is the magic hexagon. (Appendix A)

It is considered a magic hexagon since an individual can remember all the most

important trigonometric identities, such as the Quotient Identities, the Cofunction

Identities, the Reciprocal Identities, the Pythagorean Identities and the Product

Identities, all in a simple hexagonal graphic organizer. An illustration of the magic

hexagon was provided by the researcher during the instruction. (See Appendix B for the

illustration of the steps and procedure on how to manipulate the magic hexagon)

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Figure 2 presents the conceptual framework of the study. The study aims to

determine the performance of the students in trigonometric identities with the use of

magic hexagon. The Grade 10 students are divided into two groups: controlled group

and experimental group. The controlled group and the experimental group will undergo

the pretest and the post test. The results of the pretest will serve as bases to know the

current level of students’ proficiency in trigonometric identities. The post-test will be

given after using the traditional method and the magic hexagon in teaching

trigonometric identities. The pre-test and post-test will identify if there is an

improvement in the performance of the students. In the end, the researchers will find

out which method has more significant effect on the performance of the students.

Controlled Group
Traditional Method

Performance in
Grade 10
Trigonometric identities
in using Magic Hexagon

Experimental Group
Magic Hexagon

Figure 2. The Paradigm of the Study

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Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to use the Magic Hexagon in teaching and learning

trigonometric identities among the Grade 10 students of Mabalacat Community High


Specifically, it sought answers to the following question:

1. What is the performance of the Grade 10 students in the pre-test of the controlled and

experimental group?

2. What is the performance of the Grade 10 students in the post-test of the controlled

and experimental group?

3. Is there a significant difference between the results of pre-test and post-test of the

Grade 10 students in using the traditional method?

4. Is there a significant difference between the results of pre-test and post-test of the

Grade 10 students in using the Magic Hexagon?

5. Is there a significant difference between the results of post-tests of the controlled and
experimental group?

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Statement of Hypothesis

Null Hypotheses

1. There is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test in the traditional


2. There is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test in using the

Magic Hexagon.

3. There is no significant difference between the pre-tests of the controlled and

experimental group.

4. There is no significant difference between the post-test of the controlled and

experimental group.

Significance of the study

The findings of the study would be beneficial in the part of the school, the

teacher, the students and the future researchers.

To the school, the study would be beneficial in enhancing the curriculum by

integrating new techniques in teaching. It is also an avenue to produce well-equipped

educators with rich repertoire of teaching strategies and techniques among the pre-

service teachers. The study will also help in increasing the level of proficiency of the

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students taking Trigonometry in the MCC thus contributing to the improvement of the

level of academic performance of the school.

To the teacher, the results of this study would help lessen the burden in

teaching the trigonometric identities to students. The improvement of students in their

level of proficiency in trigonometric identities would be beneficial to the teacher-

student interaction inside the classroom and for future discussions which involves the

knowledge of the trigonometric identities. This also contributes to the repertoire of

techniques and strategies of the teacher. It is beneficial in broadening teaching


To the students, this study serves as guide for an easier way of learning the

trigonometric identities. The results of the study would be beneficial in increasing their

level of proficiency in trigonometric identities and their mastery of the formulae. Thus,

it contributes to the understanding of other topics which requires the knowledge of

trigonometric identities. This will be helpful in improving their academic performance.

To the future researchers, this study will serve as a reference and guide on their

study. Future researchers can use, modify and improve this study to further test the

validity and reliability of this research.

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Scope and Delimitation

The study focused on using the Magic Hexagon in teaching and learning

trigonometric identities. This study concentrated on the trigonometric identities such as

the reciprocal identities, the quotient identities, the cofunction identities, the product

identities and the Pythagorean identities.

The study specifically determined the use of the Magic Hexagon in

trigonometric identities based on the results of the pretest and posttest administered by

the researchers. The study was limited to Grade 10 students of Mabalacat Community

High School (School Year 2017-2018). Two (2) intact groups with the total of 60

students were used as respondents due to serve the purpose of the study. The study was

conducted on the First Semester of the Academic Year 2017-2018.

The researchers were given three (3) days to conduct the research. Only one (1)

day was allotted on the discussion of the trigonometric identities. With this, the

researchers were delimited in time of teaching the lesson.

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Definition of Terms

 Controlled group – (Conceptual) in an experiment, the group of test subjects left

untreated or unexposed to some procedure and then compared with treated subjects

in order to validate the results of the test. (

– (Operational) a group of Grade 10 students in Mabalacat

Community High School who received the traditional method of instruction in

learning trigonometric identities.

 Experimental group – (Conceptual) in an experiment or clinical trial,

a group of subjects who are exposed to the variable under study.


– (Operational) a group of Grade 10 students in Mabalacat

Community High School who used the Magic Hexagon in learning trigonometric


 Hexagon – (Conceptual) a polygon of six angles and six sides.


– (Operational) the figure/polygon used in Magic Hexagon strategy in

learning trigonometric identities.

 Level of Proficiency – (Conceptual) used to measure one’s ability to

demonstrate a competency on a certain activity. (

– (Operational) the performance of Grade 10 students during

pretest and posttest, before and after applying any treatment.

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 Magic Hexagon – (Conceptual) a special diagram that helps students with all of the

trigonometric functions and identities. (

– (Operational) is a method wherein students will easily recall the

trigonometric identities by knowing the use of it.

 Pretest – (Conceptual) a preliminary test administered to determine a student's

baseline knowledge or preparedness for an educational experience or course of

study. (

– (Operational) the participants of the study, selected Grade 10 students of

Mabalacat Community High School, will have a 20-item pretest about the

trigonometric identities.

 Posttest – (Conceptual) a test given to students after completion of an instructional

program or segment and often used in conjunction with a pretest to measure their

achievement and the effectiveness of the program. (

– (Operational) the participants of the study, selected Grade 10 students of

Mabalacat Community High School, will have a 20-item posttest about the

trigonometric identities using the Magic Hexagon by the experimental group

while the traditional method by the controlled group.

 Purposive Sampling – (Conceptual) is a non-probability sample that is selected

based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. It is also

known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. (

– (Operational) Selected 80 Grade 10 students of Mabalacat

Community High School.

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 Traditional Method – (Conceptual) is concerned with the teacher being the

controller of the learning environment. (

– (Operational) traditional way of learning trigonometric identities of

the Grade 10 students through memorization.

 Treatment – (Conceptual) is something that researchers administer to

experimental units. (

– (Operational) given to the experimental group is the use of Magic

Hexagon in learning trigonometric identities.

 Trigonometry – (Conceptual) the branch of mathematics that deals with the relations

between the sides and angles of plane or spherical triangles, and the calculations

based on them. (

– (Operational) branch of mathematics where Grade 10 students make use

of the trigonometric identities.

 Trigonometric Identity – (Conceptual) is a form of proof in which you use known

properties of the trig functions (sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant and

cotangent) as well as known identities of the trigonometric functions to show that

other trig identities are true. (

– (Operational) proofs using trigonometric functions by the Grade

10 students which can be remembered the entire list by traditional or applying

Magic Hexagon.

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Chapter 2


This chapter clearly defines the research methodology of the study. It discusses

the research design, the participants of the study, the selection of the sample, the

research instrument, the process of data collection, and the type of data analysis.

Research Design

This study is an action research in nature which requires for immediate solution to

a problem. According to Allen (2001), action research comprises a family of research

methodologies which aim to pursue action and research outcomes at the same time. It

therefore has some components which resemble consultancy or change agency, and

some which resemble field research. Segal (2009) considers action research as a

methodology that is valuable problem-solving tool which provides opportunities for the

teacher in the classroom to reflect and improve the teacher’s practice. The researcher

used experimental design particularly pretest and posttest design that was conducted

among the two different groups. The researcher used this kind of research design to

compare the controlled group and experimental group. The control group did not

receive a treatment while the experimental group received a treatment which is the

Magic Hexagon. The groups were measured twice, one was during the pretest and the

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other was during the posttest. This study was designed to determine if there is a

significant difference between the two methods, the traditional and the one with the use

of Magic hexagon, that were applied in teaching and learning the Trigonometric

Identities. The illustration below shows the design of this study:

O1 X1 O2

O1 X2 O2

Where: O1 = Pretest X1 = Controlled Group

O2 = Posttest X2 = Experimental Group

Participants of the Study

The total participants of this study were the 60 Grade 10 students enrolled at

Mabalacat Community High School taking Trigonometry in their Mathematics of the

school year 2017-2018. The researchers used purposive sampling to determine the


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Sampling Design

The participants of the study were selected using purposive sampling. The

researchers conducted the study among the 60 Grade 10 students of Mabalacat

Community High School who are currently taking Trigonometry. The participants came

from two sections with 30 students each. The two sections were the two groups in the

study where one section will not receive a treatment and the other section will receive a


Research Instrument

The researchers administered a 20-item test to the respondents to determine their

performance on trigonometric identities. The test was validated by three (3) expert

teachers for the content and face validity. Same test was used in pre-test and post-test.

The teaching demonstration was done by one of the researchers who served as the

classroom teacher of both groups. Magic Hexagon was used by the experimental group

while the traditional method was applied on the controlled group.

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Data Collection Procedure

The study has undergone three (3) phases: preparation, collection and analysis. On

the first phase, the researchers requested permission from the Principal and the Program

Head (Mathematics) of Mabalacat Community High School, to conduct an action

research study in their school, specifically to the Grade 10 students. This also included

the selection of participants, preparation of lesson plans for the controlled and

experimental groups, and construction of the pretest and posttest. The lesson plans and

test was validated by three (3) expert teachers for the content and face validity. The

researchers observed first the two (2) intact groups. Two groups of Grade 10 students

comprising 30 participants in experimental group and 30 participants in controlled


On the collection phase, the researchers conducted the 20-item pre-test, to

determine the level of performance of the students in trigonometric identities and

checked their papers. Then, the researchers discussed the trigonometric identities

through chalk-and-board method to both groups and introduced the use of Magic

Hexagon to the experimental group with the use of a visual aid. The researchers also

administered the post-test to both groups to conclude a significant difference on the

performance of the students.

On the last phase, after checking the post-tests and gathered all the data needed,

the researchers analyzed and interpreted the results.

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Request Permission Lesson Plan and Test

(School Principal & Validation
Program Head)

 Traditional
Teaching Method
(Controlled Group) Checking of Papers Pre-test
 Magic Hexagon
(Experimental Group)

Data Analyzation
Post-test Checking of Papers and Interpretation

Figure 3. Data Collection Procedure Flowchart

Data Analysis

The researchers analyzed the data using the Arithmetic Mean, T-test of Dependent

and T-test of Independent and with the use of the statistical software SPSS (Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences) . The Arithmetic Mean is the statistical tool used in

determining the performance level of the Grade 10 students before and after applying

the traditional method and the Magic Hexagon. The T-test for dependent variable was

used in determining if there is a significant difference on the pretest and posttest of the

controlled and the pretest and posttest of the experimental group. The T-test for

independent variable was used in determining if there is a significant difference

between the pretest of the controlled group and pretest the experimental group and if

there is a significant difference between the posttests of the two intact groups.

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the results of the study.

Table 1

Mean Scores of the Pre-tests in the Controlled and Experimental Group

` Mean N

Pretest of Controlled Group 3.67 30

Pretest of Experimental Group 4.07 30

Table 1 shows the mean scores of the pre-tests in the controlled and experimental

groups before the instructions took place and before the treatments were applied. Using

the Arithmetic Mean, the result shows that the controlled group obtained an average

score of 3.67 while the experimental group obtained an average score of 4.07. Based on

these results obtained by the researches, the average score of both groups are below the

75% passing score imposed by DepEd which is 15 for a 20-item test. This result was

expected by the researchers since no instruction has taken place and no treatment was

applied yet. According to Blackett & Tall (1991), majority of the students encounter

difficulties in learning trigonometry for it is complicated nature, and regardless of its

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advantageous functions in other disciplines (Gur, 2009).

Table 2

Mean Scores of the Post-tests in the Controlled and Experimental Group

` Mean N

Posttest of Controlled Group 4.83 30

Posttest of Experimental Group 15.07 30

Table 2 shows the mean scores of the post-tests in the controlled and experimental

groups after the instruction took place and after the traditional method and the Magic

Hexagon were applied. Using the Arithmetic Mean, the result shows that the mean

score of the controlled group is 4.83 which is below the 75% passing score imposed by

the DepEd which is 15 for the 20-item test. On the other hand, the experimental group

obtained a mean score of 15.07 which is above the passing score 15. The results on

both groups signify an increase in their scores because the instruction already took

place with two different methods applied. The controlled group has an increase of 1.67

in the mean score while the experimental group has an increase of 11. However, there is

a little improvement on the average score of the controlled group compared to the

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



experimental group which showed an evidently high increase on the mean score. Thus,

these results show that there is a significant difference between the mean scores of the

posttest in the controlled group and experimental group. Demir (2012) stated that

students’ difficulties are not lessen if the methods used in teaching and learning

Trigonometry remains traditional such as rote memorization. However, with the

intervention of visual representations, like diagrams, in studying mathematical

concepts, both students and teachers benefit and conceptual understanding can be

obtain (Barmby et. al., 2012).

Table 3

Pre-test and Posttest of the Controlled Group

` df p-value Decision

Pre-test and Posttest of 29 0.001 Reject H0

the Controlled Group

Table 3 shows the pre-test and post-test of the controlled group. The researchers

used t-test for dependent group to determine if there is a significant difference between

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



the pre-test ad post-test of the controlled group. The table shows that the p-value

(0.001) is less than 0.05 with a degree of freedom of 29 at 5% level of significance.

With this, the researchers can reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance and

can conclude that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test of

the controlled group. The result shows that there is an improvement in the performance

of the students after the instruction using the traditional method. This implies that the

students learned from the traditional method of discussing trigonometric identities.

Although there is an increase performance on the controlled group, Weber (2005)

studied that the results of the students who received the “standard instruction” which is

mostly from the textbooks and lecture method, appeared ineffective to develop

students’ understanding the trigonometric functions. As stated by Orhun (2002),

traditional methods make the knowledge of the students stay for a short period of time

and not in the long run, which makes it difficult for them to apply current ideas into

new situations (Gur, 2009).

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



Table 4

Pre-test and Posttest of the Experimental Group

` Df p-value Decision

Pre-test and Posttest of 29 0.000 Reject H0

the Experimental Group

Table 4 shows the pre-test and post-test of the controlled group. The researchers

used t-test for dependent group to determine if there is a significant difference between

the pre-test ad post-test of the experimental group. The table shows that the p-value is

0.000 which is less than 0.05 with a degree of freedom of 29 at 5% level of

significance. Therefore, the researchers can highly reject the null hypothesis at 5% level

of significance because of the great difference of the t-value and the tabular value. It

also leads the researcher to the conclusion that there is a strong significant difference

between the pre-test and post-test of the controlled group. This implies that the use of

magic hexagon resulted to a great improvement in the performance of the students.

Thus, the students learned well from the discussion of the trigonometric identities using

magic hexagon. Visual representations such as diagrams while learning, make the

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



students be able to connect mathematical concepts to new situations (Post & Cramer,

1989) and these tools help to lessen the anxiety of memorizing which triggers the

students’ part of the cognitive process making learning feasible (Demir, 2012).

Table 5

The Post-tests of the Controlled Group and the Experimental Group

` df p-value Decision

Posttest of the 58 0.000 Reject H0

Controlled and

Experimental Group

Table 5 shows the post-tests of the controlled group and the experimental group. The t-

test for independent group was used to determine if there is a significant difference

between the post-tests of the two groups. The table shows that the p-value (0.000) is

less than 0.05 with a degree of freedom of 58 at 5% level of significance. Thus, the

researcher can highly reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance. With this

result, the researchers can conclude that there is a strong significant difference between

the post-tests of the controlled group and the experimental group. This indicates that

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



participants in the experimental group performed better than the participants in the

controlled group. It means that the use of magic hexagon in discussing trigonometric

identities resulted to a greater improvement in the performance of the students

compared to the traditional method of teaching the lesson. Therefore, the use of magic

hexagon has a significant effect on the performance of the students in trigonometric

identities. Students struggle on trigonometric understanding as the traditional methods

of teaching fails to overcome the learners’ difficulties (Demir, 2012). Delice (2002)

examined students’ ways of simplifying trigonometric expressions, relying on prior

knowledge, creates no new ideas wherein the understanding is limited leading to errors

and misconceptions (Dugdale, 1990). Through the use of multiple representations, it is

possible to enhance the mathematical understanding according to Byers (2010) as cited

from (Choike, 2000; Pape & Tchoshanov, 2001) and can promote mathematical

learning and connections (Tripathi, 2008). SEI-DOST & MATHTED (2011) added that

integrating these representations into the Trigonometry instruction is effective and

several researches support the proven valuable effect of using these tools in solving

problems such as the researches of Ainsworth & Loizou (2003), Cheng (2004), and

Pedone, Hummel, & Holyoak (2001) (Kashefi, 2015).

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon





This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations that the

researchers constructed after administering the study.


1. The performance of the Grade 10 students in the pretest of the controlled and

experimental group

To determine the performance of both groups of the Grade 10 students in

trigonometric identities, the researchers used Arithmetic Mean. It was found out that

the scores on these two groups show minimal difference.

2. The performance of the Grade 10 students in the posttest of the controlled and

experimental group

The researchers used Arithmetic Mean to measure the level of performance in

learning and simplifying trigonometric identities of the Grade 10 students during

posttest. The scores exhibit much difference wherein the experimental group, the group

who received the treatment of using Magic Hexagon, is higher than the other group.

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



3. The significant difference between the results of pretest and posttest of the Grade 10

students using the traditional method

In finding the significant difference between means in order to determine the

capacity of students in controlled group, the researchers used Dependent T-test. The

result displays that there is significant difference in the pretest and posttest scores using

the traditional method.

4. The significant difference between the results of pretest and posttest of the Grade 10

students in using the Magic Hexagon

The researchers used Dependent T-test to find out if there is a significant

difference between the means of pretest and posttest of using Magic Hexagon. Posttest

results displayed improvement on the performance in trigonometric identities

comparing to the pretest.

5. The significant difference between the results of posttests of the controlled and

experimental group

Independent T-test was used to find the significant difference between the

posttests of the controlled and experimental group. The end results proved that there is

indeed significant difference between the two groups. The performance of the students

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



who used Magic Hexagon is better than those who still memorize the list of needed

trigonometric identities.


Performance of the Grade 10 students in the Pretest of the Controlled and

Experimental group

Pretest results of the controlled and experimental groups were on below average

level. The participants already have anxiety in learning and simplifying the

trigonometric identities.

Performance of the Grade 10 students in the Posttest of the Controlled and

Experimental group

Using traditional method, the scores were still on below average whereas the

group who used Magic Hexagon, the test results were on above average. This proved

that the experimental group exhibit improvement in learning and simplifying

trigonometric identities.

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The Significant Difference between the results of Pretest and Posttest of the Grade 10

students using the Traditional Method

Posttest results demonstrate that there is an increase in the performance but still

on below average level. Hence, the effect of using the traditional method to the students

verifies that this process does not lessen their difficulties of remembering all the

trigonometric identities.

The Significant Difference between the results of Pretest and Posttest of the Grade 10

students in using the Magic Hexagon

Test results revealed that there is progress on the posttest performance of the

experimental group. The significant effect on learning and recalling the trigonometric

identities is better than using the traditional memorization.

The Significant Difference between the results of Posttests of the Controlled and

Experimental group

Both groups showed an improvement on the outcome of the posttests however

experimental group excelled or performed better. The researchers concluded that using

Magic Hexagon has greater significant effect in the achievement of learning

trigonometric identities rather than the usual memorization.

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon




Based from the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are offered:

1. To the school administrators, to recommend to the teachers and monitor the use of

Magic Hexagon as alternative method of teaching and learning the trigonometric


2. To the teachers, to use & present the Magic Hexagon in teaching their students the

trigonometric identities and to allow their students to engage more in the teaching &

learning process.

3. To the students, to learn how to use the Magic Hexagon as it will help them in

learning the trigonometric identities specifically Reciprocal, Quotient, Product,

Pythagorean and Cofunction and to love the subject – Mathematics, with fun-filled

learning experiences inside the classroom setting in the day-to-day routines.

4. To the future researchers, to conduct related studies and to make use of the

findings of this research as a reference and to construct other alternatives.

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon





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Australian Senior Mathematics Journal

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Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



Appendix A

Letter for the School Principal

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Appendix B

. The Magic Hexagon for Trigonometric Identities


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Steps and Procedure on How to Manipulate the Magic Hexagon


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Appendix C

Detailed Lesson Plan

in Mathematics
for Grade 10
(Trigonometric Identities- Controlled Group)

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion of the Trigonometric Identities, the students are
expected to:
a. identify the basic trigonometric identities;
b. relate the trigonometric identities to one’s identity; and
c. perform activities involving trigonometric identities.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Trigonometric Identities
Reference: Mathematics Learner’s Module for Grade 9
Materials: bowls, activity sheets, chalk, list of trigonometric identities
Values Infused: Self-worth and Self-acceptance

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!

How is your day? Great Ma’am!

That’s good to hear!

Now, let us all stand in prayer The students will stand and pray

-Classroom Management
Before taking your seats, please pick Students will pick up pieces of
up pieces of paper under your chairs papers and arrange their chairs
and arrange your chairs as well.

You may now take your seat. Again, Good Morning Ma’am!
Good Morning class!

There are two things I am expecting

from you today. That is to be attentive
and be cooperative, is that clear? Yes Ma’am!

B. Developmental Activity : 4A’s

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1. Activity

Before we proceed with the discussion

of our lesson, we will have an activity
entitled “Sinech Itech?” You will think
of a person in this class then in a
sheet of paper, write the
characteristics or description of that
person. Afterwards, I will pick three
papers, and the students will read the
descriptions she wrote. Then, the
class will guess who is the person
he/she is referring to according to the
characteristics mentioned.
Yes Ma’am.
Is the instruction clear?

I will give you 1 minute to do it. And The students will do the activity.
you may start now.

(After 1 minute)

Time’s up!
The students will pass their
Kindly pass the papers sideward then papers.

(Pick three papers)

Student A kindly proceed here in front Student A will go in front and

and read your work. read his/her work.

The students will guess who their

classmate is referring to.

Is that correct Student A? Yes Ma’am

Thank you Student A. Next, Student Student B will go in front and

B. read his/her work.

The students will guess who their

classmate is referring to.

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



Yes Ma’am
Is their guess correct Student B?

Student C will go in front and

Thank you, Student B, and lastly, read his/her work.
Student C.
Yes Ma’am
Is that correct Student C?

Thank you, Student C! You may now

take your seat.

2. Analysis
The characteristics that were used to
describe the people mentioned awhile
ago are the “identities” of those

When we say “identity”, as defined by

the dictionary, it is the fact of being
who or what a person or thing is. It is
how a person is known for. It can be
your personality, your physical
attributes or your characteristics as a
person. It is who you are as a person.

In Mathematics, there is also an

identity and today, we will be learning
about a specific type of identity and
that is Trigonometric Identities.

Identity in Mathematics is an equation

which is always true. For example, x=x

Here are the different basic

trigonometric identities classified into
groups: the Pythagorean,
Quotient/Ratio, Reciprocal, Product
and Cofunction Identities. However,
there is no label indicating which
group is Pythagorean Quotient/Ratio,
Reciprocal, and Cofunction Identities

Now, you will be divided into four

groups. With your group, analyze the

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



set of Trigonometric Identities
assigned to you and tell whether what
are those identities, whether they are
Pythagorean Quotient/Ratio,
Reciprocal, Product and Cofunction Yes Ma’am

Can you follow class?

Group 1 will analyze the first group of

identities, Group 2 for the second and
so on. I will give you one minute to talk
and discuss with your groupmates.
Afterwards, I will choose the
representative from each group to Yes Ma’am
explain your answer. Simply place the
name of the group of identities above Students will discuss with their
the list. Is the instruction clear? groupmates.

You may start now.

(After one minute)

One representative from the
Okay, time is up. gorup will go in front and paste
the answer of their group.
Kindly paste all your answers above
each set of trigonometric identities The first set of identities are
reciprocal identities Ma’am
because we learned in
Let’s begin with the Group 1. Student Mathematics that when you get
D will be your representative. Based the reciprocal of a number it is
on the given identities, what kind of 1/number. In this case since it is
trigonometric identities is the first set trigonometric identities, we
of identities? thought that it is the equivalent.

Very good Group 1! They are correct.

The first set of identities is the Student E will go in front and
reciprocal identities. explain the answer of their group.

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



Next group, Student E will be your The second set of identities is the
representative Pythagorean Identities. If we can
still remember, Pythagorean
theorem is a2 + b2 = c2 and these
identities are in the form of the
Pythagorean theorem.

Great! Thank you Group 2! Their

answer is correct. This group of
identities is the Pythagorean Identities. Student F will go in front and
explain the answer of their group.
Let’s proceed with Group 3. Student F
The third group of identities is the
will explain the answer of their group.
Cofunction identities. Although
there are parenthesis between
them, we have noticed that the
trigonometric functions on the
right side are the cofunctions or
the complementary function of
those on the left side.

Student G will go in front and

Very well said! Thank you Group 3! explain the answer of their group.
Next, for the Group 4 may I call on
Student G to explain their answer. The fourth group of identities is
the Quotient/Ration identities
because the equivalent given for
the trigonometric functions on the
left, are written in a fraction form.
Wherein, fraction may indicate
division or can be a way of
writing a ratio.

Very good analyzation Group 4! This

set is indeed a set of Quotient/Ratio

Good job Groups 1 to 4. All your

answers are correct!

In Trigonometry, these identities are

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



used for proving. If you can recall
awhile ago I told you that “identity” in
Mathematics is an equation which is
always true. But before that, we will
first learn how to simplify.

Let me give you an example. Let us

simplify this first one:

1. cot(x)sin(x )

First, work on the side that is more

complicated. Try to simplify it. Replace
all trigonometric functions with just
sine and cosine where possible
because these two are in the simplest

For the first given, since sin is already

in its simplest form, then let’s work on
the cotangent.
Students will raise their hands.
So what identity can we use for
cotangent? Quotient Identities Ma’am.

Yes Student H?

Yes very good!

So in the given,
*sinx = cosx
sin 𝑥
Yes Ma’am.
Can you follow?

Another example,
2) sin 𝑡 − sin 𝑡 cos2𝑡

When you see a given in the second

degree, first consider the Pythagorean

For the given,

sin 𝑡 ∙ (1 − cos2𝑡) ( Factoring)
sin 𝑡 ∙ sin2𝑡 (Pythagorean Identity)

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sin3 t
Yes Ma’am.
Do you understand class?

Third example:

𝑠𝑒𝑐 2 𝑥 cos2 𝑥 1 sin2 𝑥
= 1 = cos2 𝑥*
csc2 𝑥 1
sin2 𝑥
sin2 𝑥
= cos2 𝑥
= tan2 𝑥
None Ma’am

Students will raise their hands.

Do you have questions?

Who wants to try the fourth example?

sin2 𝑥 + cos2 𝑥
sin 𝑥 Student I will solve on the board.:
sin2 𝑥+cos2 𝑥
sin 𝑥
Okay Student I, on the board please.
= csc x
Try to solve it also on your seats. sin 𝑥

Okay that’s correct! Thank you

Student I!

Now that you already know how to

simplify, we will proceed to proving or
verifying. We will use the trigonometric
identities to prove this given:
1) csc 𝑥 = cos x

In proving, begin with the more

complicated side.

To get the simplest form with sin or

cos use the magic hexagon. For the
cotx, the simplest form is in quotient
identity and then, get the reciprocal

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



identity of the cscx
1 = cos x

𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥
* = cos x
sin 𝑥 1
Yes Ma’am.
cos x= cos x

Is everything clear to you class?

Next example,

2.) sinxcosxtanx= 1 – cos2x

sinx*cosx*cos 𝑥 = sin2x (Quotient

sinx*sinx= sin2x None Ma’am.

sin2x = sin2x

Any question so far?

Third example,
3.) sin x+ sin x cos2 x = sin3x
sinx(1+cos2x) = sin3x (Factor)
sinx(sin2x)= sin3x (Pythagorean Yes Ma’am.
None Ma’am.
Can you follow class?

Do you have questions?

4.) sin y+sin y cot2y=cscy

Students will raise their hands.

Student J will solve on the

Who wants to try it on the board? board.:

Yes Student J. sin y(1+cot2y)=cscy

sin y(csc2y)=cscy

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sin y( sin2 𝑦 )=cscy

sin2 𝑦

= cscy

Yes Ma’am!

Did you get the same class?

Very Good! Students will raise their hands.

5.) 𝐜𝐨𝐭 𝒙 + 𝟏 = 𝐜𝐬𝐜 𝒙 (𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝒙 + 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒙) Student P will prove the fifth
Anyone who can prove this on the given on the board:
board? cot x + 1= cscx(cos x + sin x)
Okay Student P. 1
cot x + 1 = sin 𝑥𝑥(cos x + sin x)

cos 𝑥 sin 𝑥
cot x + 1 = + sin 𝑥
sin 𝑥

cotx + 1 = cotx + 1

Yes Ma’am

Is the proving correct class? Yes Ma’am

Yes that’s right! Thank you Student P.

Is everything clear to you class?

Yes Ma’am/No Ma’am.
4. Application:
That is how we prove identities in Yes Ma’am, so that they will
Trigonometry. Do you think, in life, we know who we are and what we
also have to prove our identity? are capable to do.
No Ma’am, because like
Why do you think so? Yes Student Q. Trigonometric Identities, we
should be true to ourselves. We

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should love and accept who we

Yes, very good! Sometimes we have

to prove ourselves so that we can be
accepted to a job or to a position we
are aiming. However, proving
ourselves to others is not always
necessary because being true to
yourself is the one of the best way to
shine the brightest.

Now, can you give the five basic Students will raise their hands
classifications of the trigonometric
identities? Anyone? Pythagorean, Reciprocal,
Quotient, and Cofunction
Yes Student R? Identities Ma’am.

Thank you! Very good!

IV. Evaluation

Pick one problem from the Bowl of Identities. With your partner, answer it
on a one-half crosswise and show your solution. Do this in five minutes

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Appendix C - 1

Detailed Lesson Plan

in Mathematics for Grade
(Trigonometric Identities- Experimental Group)

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At the end of the discussion of the Trigonometric Identities, the students are
expected to:
a. identify the basic trigonometric identities using magic hexagon;
b. relate the trigonometric identities to their identity; and
c. perform activities involving trigonometric identities using magic hexagon.

II.Subject Matter
Topic: Trigonometric Identities
Reference: Mathematics Learner’s Module for Grade 9
Materials: bowls, activity sheets, chalk, magic hexagon
Values Infused: Self-worth and Self-acceptance


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!

How is your day? Great Ma’am!

That’s good to hear!

Now, let us all stand in prayer The students will stand and pray

-Classroom Management
Before taking your seats, please pick Students will pick up pieces of
up pieces of paper under your chairs papers and arrange their chairs
and arrange your chairs as well.

You may now take your seat. Again, Good Morning Ma’am!
Good Morning class!

There are two things I am expecting

from you today. That is to be attentive
and be cooperative, is that clear? Yes Ma’am!

B. Developmental Activity : 4A’s

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1. Activity

Before we proceed with the discussion

of our lesson, we will have an activity
entitled “Sinech Itech?” You will think of
a person in this class then in a sheet of
paper, write the characteristics or
description of that person. Afterwards, I
will pick three papers, and the students
will read the descriptions she wrote.
Then, the class will guess who is the
person he/she is referring to according
to the characteristics mentioned.

Is the instruction clear? Yes Ma’am.

I will give you 1 minute to do it. And

you may start now. The students will do the activity.

(After 1 minute)

Time’s up!

Kindly pass the papers sideward then The students will pass their
forward. papers.

(Pick three papers)

Student A kindly proceed here in front

and read your work. Student A will go in front and read
his/her work.

The students will guess who their

classmate is referring to.
Is that correct Student A?
Yes Ma’am

Thank you Student A. Next, Student B.

Student B will go in front and read
his/her work.

The students will guess who their

classmate is referring to.
Is their guess correct Student B?

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Yes Ma’am

Thank you Student B and lastly,

Student C. Student C will go in front and read
his/her work.
Is that correct Student C?
Yes Ma’am
Thank you Student C! You may now
take your seat.

2. Analysis
The characteristics that were used to
describe the people mentioned awhile
ago are the “identities” of those

When we say “identity”, as defined by

the dictionary, it is the fact of being who
or what a person or thing is. It is how a
person is known for. It can be your
personality, your physical attributes or
your characteristics as a person. It is
who you are as a person.

In Mathematics, there is also an

identity and today, we will be learning
about a specific type of identity and
that is Trigonometric Identities.

Identity in Mathematics is an equation

which is always true. For example, x=x

We will discover and identify all the

basic trigonometric identities using this

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All the functions on the left are the

three principal trigonometric functions
while the three on the right are their

Trigonometric identities are classified

into groups and the basics are:
Pythagorean, Reciprocal, Quotient,
Product and Cofunction.
Yes Ma’am
Can you follow class?

Let’s begin with the Pythagorean

identities. Before moving to the
identities, can you still recall the Yes Ma’am.
Pythagorean theorem?
The students will raise their
Anyone who can write it on the board? hands.

Yes Student D. Student D will write the answer on

the board: a2 + b2 = c2

Is that correct class? Yes Ma’am

Yes absolutely!

3. Abstraction:
Since we will deal with Pythagorean
identities, we will just follow this
theorem. Using the magic hexagon,
starting on the top, go clockwise or
counterclockwise around any of the
three triangles and use addition or
starting on the bottom go clockwise or
counterclockwise around any of the
three triangles and use subtraction.

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Following the form of Pythagorean

theorem ,going clockwise on the first
triangle we can get,
sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1

Next, on the second triangle we can


tan2 θ + 1 = sec2 θ Yes Ma’am.

Is it clear to you class? Students will raise their hands.
Anyone who can get the last
Pythagorean identity?

Student E will write the answer on

the board: cot2 θ + 1 = csc2 θ
Yes Student E, kindly write it on the
Yes Ma’am.

Is it correct class?

Yes, very good! Thank you Student D!

Let’s move on to the next group, the Students will raise their hands.
Reciprocal Identities. Before that, what
does reciprocal means in

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Mathematics? Anyone?
When we say reciprocal in
Mathematics, it is the
Okay, Student F. multiplicative inverse of a number
(1/x) that when multiplied by the
number gives a product of 1. For
example the reciprocal of 5 is 1/5.

Very well said Student F!

So in Trigonometry, reciprocal among

functions also exist. It is in the sense
that, reciprocal identities are the
counterpart. In the magic hexagon, the
Reciprocal Identities can be found by
going through the 1.

Doing so we can get , 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 = csc 𝑥

Another, 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥 = cot 𝑥
Yes Ma’am.

Can you follow class? The students will raise their hands

Anyone who can write all the remaining

four reciprocal identities? Student G will write the answer on
the board:
Yes Student G. Kindly write them on 1 1
sec =cos 𝑥 csc= 𝑠𝑖𝑛
the board 1 1
cot=tan 𝑥 cos=sec 𝑥

Yes Ma’am.

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Did you get the same class?

Great! Thank you Student G.

Let’s proceed with the third group, the Students will raise their hands.
quotient identities. What does Quotient
means? Anyone? Quotient is the result of division
Yes Student H?

Yes very good!

Quotient Identities can be found by

either going clockwise or
counterclockwise around the magic

By going clockwise we get,

𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥 =
cos 𝑥
If we go counter clockwise, we can get
𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑥 =
Yes Ma’am
Do you understand class?

Now, can you give the remaining

Students will raise their hands
identities? Anyone for the clockwise?

Student I will write the answer on

Yes Student I on the board please.
the board:
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑥
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 = cot 𝑥, 𝑐𝑠𝑐𝑥 = tan 𝑥,
𝑐𝑠𝑐𝑥 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥
𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑥 = sec 𝑥 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑥 = sin 𝑥

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Very good Student I! You can also

generate other quotient identities by
going counter clockwise.

Can you give the five remaining

quotient identities that we can get by
going counterclockwise? Students will raise their hands.

Yes Student J, on the board please. -

The most commonly used among these

quotient identities are the
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥
𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑥= cos 𝑥 and 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑥 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥
Yes Ma’am
Can you follow class?

Second to the last, the Cofunction or

complementary function Identities. We
can obtain these identities by going
across the hexagon either left to right
or right o left

The first one, sin x = cos(90°-x)

Next is tan x=cot(90°-x)

Can you follow class? Yes Ma’am

Good. Who can now give the last one? Students will raise their hands.

Yes Student K. Kindly write the last Student K will write the last
Cofunction Identity on the board. cofunction on the board: sec

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Is everything clear to you class?
Yes Ma’am

For the last group, the Product Identity,

two functions opposite each other, their
product is equal to 1.

For example,
tan x cot x =1
sec x cos x =1

Can you follow the process class?

Yes Ma’am
Okay, kindly give the remaining product
Students will raise their hands.
Yes Student L?
Student L will write the last
product identity on the board: sin
Is it correct class? x csc x=1

Excellent! Yes Ma’am.

You also get other product identities.

The product of the two functions, is the
function in between them

tan x cos x =sin x

sin x cot x= cos x

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Is it clear class?

Do you have any question? Yes Ma’am

In Trigonometry, these identities are None Ma’am

used for proving. If you can recall
awhile ago I told you that “identity” in
Mathematics is an equation which is
always true.

Let me give you an example.Let us

simplify this first one:

1. cot(x)sin(x )

First, work on the side that is more

complicated. Try to simplify it. Replace
all trigonometric functions with just sine
and cosine where possible because
these two are in the simplest form. Use
the magic hexagon to generate and
recall the trigonometric identities.

For the first given, since sin is already

in its simplest form, then let’s work on
the cotangent.

Using the magic hexagon, analyze how

you can reduce it to sine or cosine.

So what identity can we use for

Students will raise their hands.
Yes Student M?
Quotient Identities Ma’am.
Yes very good!

So in the given,
*sinx = cosx
sin 𝑥
Yes Ma’am.
Can you follow?

Another example,

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2) sin 𝑡 − sin 𝑡 cos2𝑡

When you see a given in the second

degree, first consider the Pythagorean

For the given,

sin 𝑡 ∙ (1 − cos2𝑡) ( Factoring)
sin 𝑡 ∙ sin2𝑡 (Pythagorean Identity)
sin3 t
Yes Ma’am.
Do you understand class?

Third example:

𝑠𝑒𝑐 2 𝑥 cos2 𝑥 1 sin2 𝑥
= 1 = cos2 𝑥*
csc2 𝑥 1
sin2 𝑥
sin2 𝑥
= cos2 𝑥
= tan2 𝑥

Do you have questions?

None Ma’am
Who wants to try the fourth example?
Students will raise their hands.
sin2 𝑥 + cos2 𝑥
sin 𝑥

Okay Student N, on the board please. Student N will solve on the board.:
sin2 𝑥+cos2 𝑥
Try to solve it also on your seats. sin 𝑥

= csc x
sin 𝑥

Now that you already know how to

simplify, we will proceed to proving or
verifying. We will use the trigonometric
identities to prove this given:
1) csc 𝑥 = cos x

In proving, begin with the more

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complicated side.

To get the simplest form with sin or cos

use the magic hexagon. For the cotx,
the simplest form is in quotient identity
and then, get the reciprocal identity of
the cscx
1 = cos x

𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥
* = cos x
sin 𝑥 1

cos x= cos x

Is everything clear to you class?

Yes Ma’am.
Next example,

2.) sinxcosxtanx= 1 – cos2x

sinx*cosx* = sin2x (Quotient
cos 𝑥

sinx*sinx= sin2x
sin2x = sin2x

Any question so far?

None Ma’am.
Third example,
3.) sin x+ sin x cos2 x = sin3x
sinx(1+cos2x) = sin3x (Factor)
sinx(sin2x)= sin3x (Pythagorean

Can you follow class?

Yes Ma’am.
Do you have questions?
None Ma’am.
4.) sin y+sin y cot2y=cscy

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Who wants to try it on the board?

Students will raise their hands.
Yes Student O.
Student O will prove the given on
the board:

sin y(1+cot2y)=cscy

sin y(csc2y)=cscy
sin y( sin2 𝑦 )=cscy

sin2 𝑦

= cscy
Did you get the same class?
Yes Ma’am!
Very Good!

5.) 𝐜𝐨𝐭 𝒙 + 𝟏 = 𝐜𝐬𝐜 𝒙 (𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝒙 + 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝒙)

Anyone who can prove this on the Students will raise their hands.
Okay Student P. Student P will prove the fifth given
on the board:
cot x + 1= cscx(cos x + sin x)
cot x + 1 = sin 𝑥𝑥(cos x + sin x)

cos 𝑥 sin 𝑥
cot x + 1 = + sin 𝑥
sin 𝑥

cotx + 1 = cotx + 1

Yes Ma’am
Is the proving correct class?

Yes that’s right! Thank you Student P.

Yes Ma’am
Is everything clear to you class?

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4. Application:
That is how we prove identities in
Trigonometry. Do you think, in life, we Yes Ma’am/No Ma’am.
also have to prove our identity?
Yes Ma’am, so that they will know
Why do you think so? Yes Student Q. who we are and what we are
capable to do.
No Ma’am, because like
Trigonometric Identities, we
should be true to ourselves. We
should love and accept who we
Yes, very good! Sometimes we have to are
prove ourselves so that we can be
accepted to a job or to a position we
are aiming. However, proving
ourselves to others is not always
necessary because being true to
yourself is the one of the best way to
shine the brightest.

Now, can you give the five basic

classifications of the trigonometric
identities? Anyone?
Students will raise their hands
Yes Student R?

Pythagorean, Reciprocal,
Thank you! Very good! Quotient, Cofunction and Product
Identities Ma’am.

IV. Evaluation

Pick one problem from the Bowl of Identities. With your partner, answer it
on a one-half crosswise and show your solution. Do this in five minutes

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Appendix D


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Appendix D - 1


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Appendix E
Controlled Group

Student Pre-test Scores Post-test Scores

1 5 5
2 6 6
3 5 3
4 5 8
5 3 5
6 4 5
7 2 3
8 1 4
9 3 3
10 4 3
11 3 3
12 5 4
13 4 5
14 3 5
15 5 7
16 5 7
17 6 6
18 3 4
19 5 5
20 3 6
21 0 2
22 4 7
23 5 6
24 4 6
25 1 5
26 4 2
27 3 4
28 2 7
29 5 7
30 2 2

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Appendix E - 1
Experimental Group

Student Pre-test Scores Post-test Scores

1 3 13
2 6 16
3 6 16
4 3 14
5 6 17
6 2 13
7 4 15
8 4 15
9 5 16
10 8 17
11 4 14
12 6 16
13 4 14
14 2 15
15 2 15
16 3 15
17 2 14
18 7 18
19 4 15
20 3 15
21 5 17
22 4 15
23 6 15
24 9 17
25 3 13
26 3 16
27 0 14
28 2 14
29 1 13
30 5 15

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Appendix F


Controlled Group and Experimental Group

Case Processing Summary


Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Controlled Group 30 100.0% 0 0.0% 30 100.0%

Experimental Group 30 100.0% 0 0.0% 30 100.0%


Controlled Experimental
Group Group

Mean 3.67 4.07

N 30 30
Std. Deviation 1.516 2.067

SPSS Results

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Appendix F - 1


Controlled Group and Experimental Group

Case Processing Summary


Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Controlled Group 30 100.0% 0 0.0% 30 100.0%

Experimental Group 30 100.0% 0 0.0% 30 100.0%


Controlled Experimental
Group Group

Mean 4.83 15.07

N 30 30
Std. Deviation 1.704 1.337

SPSS Results

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Appendix G


Pre-test and Post-test of the Controlled Group

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pretest 3.67 30 1.516 .277
Pair 1
Posttest 4.83 30 1.704 .311

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Pretest & Posttest 30 .472 .009

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-


Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence

Deviatio Error Interval of the
n Mean Difference

Lower Upper

Pair 1 -1.167 1.663 .304 -1.788 -.546 -3.843 29 .001

SPSS Results

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Appendix G - 1


Pre-test and Post-test of the Experimental Group

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Pre-test 4.07 30 2.067 .377
Pair 1
Post-test 15.07 30 1.337 .244

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.

Pair 1 Pre-test & Post-test 30 .772 .000

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-


Mean Std. Std. Error 95% Confidence

Deviation Mean Interval of the

Lower Upper

Pair Pre-test -
-11.000 1.339 .244 -11.500 -10.500 -44.994 29 .000
1 Post-test

SPSS Results

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Appendix H


Pre-tests of the Controlled Group and the Experimental Group

Group Statistics

VAR00002 N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Controlled Group 30 4.83 1.704 .311

Experimental Group 30 15.07 1.337 .244

SPSS Results

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Appendix I



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Pabustan Apartment A, Campuput St., Sta. Maria
Village, San Francisco, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Cellphone Number: 0936 313 5066

Age : 21
Date of Birth : November 06, 1996
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Jehovah’s Witnesses

Mabalacat City College
Bachelor of Secondary Education - Major in Mathematics
2013 - PRESENT
Camachiles National High School
Year Graduated: 2009 - 2013
Talimundok Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2003 – 2009

Jael N. Alfaro

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon




0183 Casmor Phase 1, Mabiga, Mabalacat City,
Cellphone Number: 0975 585 4820

Age : 20
Date of Birth : October 19, 1997
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic

Mabalacat City College
Bachelor of Secondary Education - Major in Mathematics
2014 - PRESENT
Mabalacat Community High School
Year Graduated: 2010 - 2014
San Francisco Elementary School
Year Graduated: 2004 – 2010

Kim Gabrielle M. Del Puerto

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon



0112 Purok 1 Bical, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Cellphone Number: 0906 681 6434

Age : 26
Date of Birth : November 09, 1991
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Christian

Mabalacat City College
Bachelor of Secondary Education - Major in Mathematics
2016 - PRESENT
Camachiles Resettlement High School
Year Graduated: 2004 - 2008
Bical Elementary School
Year Graduated: 1997 – 2004

Archie S. Yumul

Institute of Teacher Education Using Magic Hexagon

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