SWC Lesson Reflection (Completed After Every Lesson Taught) : Aisha Eisa Almatrooshi
SWC Lesson Reflection (Completed After Every Lesson Taught) : Aisha Eisa Almatrooshi
SWC Lesson Reflection (Completed After Every Lesson Taught) : Aisha Eisa Almatrooshi
Teacher gets rocks and ask the student to observe the rocks. What are their colours? What shape
do you observe? Do they have the same size? Are they all soft in texture? Are they rough?
Teacher shows on the smart board the use of rocks in buildings, roads, bridges, walls.
Describe (D):
Who is the lesson for?
For the students for KG2.
Where did the lesson take place?
The lesson was in the classroom and outdoor.
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson?
The main thing that I want to achieve the students abilities and understanding for the
information’s that they have been given.
What did the students do?
The students were well behaved, and they get the information and they ask questions and get
engaged with me so good.
Analyze (A):
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
The children they response so well on the lesson and the activities but some of the student they
should make more practice because they don’t enter KG1 so it was little bit difficult on them
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?
My MST related to the student’s understanding was well and if there was a mistake that I did she
give me an advice to change or correct my mistake.
How well did you engage the students?
I did well by engaging the students because there were well listeners because when I asked them
they answer me directly.
Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?
In my next lesson I will use more activities and doing crafts because I felt that there is more
engaging and participating for the science lessons.
What are the implications for your professional practice?
To manage the students