Sidney 4
Sidney 4
Sidney 4
Student Name 5 r
do at least
My creative project idea focuses on ar area where I may sustain my interest and
and growth for me' I
fiIieen hours of documented research. It offers an aspect of new learning
understand that my creative project musl be a creative representation
ofmy understandings of the
rese.'ch and that I will give a piesenlation of my work in front ofa panel of invited
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3. When people look at your artwork, what should come to their mind? Think of your own voice
and is it communicated through your artwork. use the Elements & Principles of Art / Design
4. Who is your artrvork talking to?
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6. what should people feel when they see your artwork? what emotions are you feeling?
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7. where is the controversy in your artwork? what type of conversations will it spark in people
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4. My creative project will need the following materials: (ie. graphite, markers, collage,
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5. Describe or sketch what yow art piece will be and write how it represents your research. You
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Parent signature
p.61s \'1"b'18
Reason rejected
Project Advisor's signature
Englkh Teacher's signature
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Art Teacher\
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