How To Preserve Indonesian Cultures Ladies and Gentlemen.

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Ladies and gentlemen..

Based on Oxford dictionary, Culture is the art and other manifestations of human
intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Culture formed of numerous complicated
elements including religions and politics, language, utensil, building,clothes,
norms and artworks. Culture has a big role in human life.
Ladies and gentlemen..
We need to know that Indonesia is great nation. Indonesia has an
abundant of natural resourches, and a various of Arts and cultures in each province. As an
example of the existence of the culture in Indonesia such as Batik art. Batik art is art to make
village design motifs in the form of an image on the fabric for clothing which became one of
the royal family culture-Indonesian kings of old. Batik is an original culture of the nation
Indonesia is one of the nation's cultural wealth that must be preserved and developed
continuously which stores various wisdom which rooted substantially in terms of
ornamentation alignment , process of manufacturing , up to use this way , uniqueness ,motifs
, and patterns is resulted from batik-batik various regional is an incredible force especially
for the richness of Indonesian culture and art not yet in any country that has a wealth of
unique designs on batik motifs like those of Indonesian nation .
Throughout Indonesia, the arts are an integral part of sociallife. Important occasions
in the lives of individuals and groups aremarked by artistic expression, and both religious and
secular observances are rooted in artistic practice. Batik is one of cultural product that
represents a unique art of Indonesian culture. Traditional Indonesian communities understand
the arts as integral to social and spiritual existence. Batik also has a role as reflections of
social relationships. Wearing batik clothes in some social events in community also has
meaningful patterns of social life. Some components below will give simple explanation
about batik in its function to the continued vitality of traditional arts in acommunity.
Batik is a about documenting tradition. It is not only batik but also the old ways will
still be survive in community. Such documentation can take a multitude ofdifferent forms of
art, but it is criticalfor Indonesian traditional artists to express their culture in batik form.
Batik can transmit culture gap from generation to generation. It could be a link chain for one
generation to the next one, in which culture can be transmitted along. Because today’s
youngwomen and men are distracted by a multitude of cultural signals (from popular
entertainment to the content of formal education), there is a risk that they will disengage from
the traditional arts.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Moreover, if we don't keep Indonesian cultures and arts, other countries will
claim our cultures as their own. Then, who should be blamed? the Government? is it us who
continuously not preserve Indonesian culture?
The first step to solve this problem is by increasing a spirit of nationalism. We have
to love domestic products and appreciate the tradition. There are many peoples who don’t
appreciate the artworks of Indonesian artist, and not interested in preserving our culture. As
the successor of the nation, we should keep all the existing Batik art, we can start from a little
thing like by practicing Batik in daily life.
Ladies and gentlemen...
The second step, we have to selective against the influence of globalization.
Globalization is very influential to human life, with the entry of foreign culture to our
country, we should take the positive one.
Ladies and gentlemen...
As the successor of nation, we have to increase a spirit of nationalism by loving Indonesian
traditions such as Batik and we have to selective against the influence of globalization, to
avoid the negative impacts of foreign culture. Let’s preserve our culture and do the best for
our country!

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