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Popular Kheti
Volume -3, Issue-1 (January-March), 2015
Available online at
© 2015
ISSN: 2321-0001

High Density and Meadow Orchard Planting System in Fruit Crops

*H. D. Choudhary, S. K. Khandelwal, M. K. Choudhary, O. P. Gadawal and M. R. Choudhary
SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner
*Email of corresponding author:

High density planting (HDP) technique is a modern method of fruit cultivation

involving planting of fruit trees densely, allowing small or dwarf trees with modified
canopy for better light interception and distribution and ease of mechanized field
operation. HDP and meadow orcharding gives higher yield as well as returns/unit area
due to increasing the no. of trees/unit area. It is possible by regular pruning and use of
bioregulators for maintaining the size and shape of the tree.

It is well known that the diversity in soil and climatic conditions in India permits growing of a
large variety of tropical, sub-tropical and temperate fruits in different regions, due to which India
is regarded as a horticultural paradise. In recent year, the concept of fruit production is
undergoing a change where emphasis is being given to higher production per unit area. High
density planting or meadow orchard system is the fastest way of reducing the gestation period
and increasing the productivity of the orchards. The choice of the system of planting in the
orchard depends on topography, crop, variety, plant density, production technology to be

Concept of high density planting and meadow orcharding in fruit crops

• Accommodation of the maximum possible number of the plants per unit area to get the
maximum possible profit per unit of the tree volume without impairing the soil fertility status
is called the high density planting.
• High density orchards were first planted in Europe at the end of the 19th century and since
then these are a decline in traditional orchards with low densities.
• The underlying principle of a HDP is to make the best use of vertical and horizontal space
per unit time and to harness maximum possible return per unit of inputs.
• In other words, it is the planting of more number of plants than optimum through
manipulation of tree size. Meadow Orchard System is a new concept of planting which has
been developed in guava for the first time in India at CISH, Lucknow.
• The Meadow Orchard is a modern method of fruit cultivation using small or dwarf tree with
modified canopy.

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• Better light distribution within tree canopy increases the number of well illuminated leaves.
• Fertilizer dose, spacing, growth regulation by the training and pruning, use of the mechanical
devices etc. may also be tried either singly or coupled with other crop management practices
for a successful adaptation of these concepts.
• It also promotes rate of photosynthesis that leads to high yield per unit area.
• Basically, the availability of a dwarf plant is the first and foremost prerequisite for
establishing any high density or meadow orchard.

Different Types of Planting

1. Low density planting:
• Non intensive system, age old planting system, trees planted at wide spacing,
accommodating about 100-250 plants/ha.
• Dwarfing rootstock not used.
• Trees acquire commercial production potential after 10-15 years of planting.
• Output from orchard during early 10-15 years is less.
• Less input and care intensive, holds popularity among growers.
2. Medium density planting
• Highly minimized distance covering 250-500 plants/ha.
• Proper pruning undertaken to manage tree in desirable shape.
• More care intensive, labour requirement is more, obtained yield is also more.
• Lead in output reliable growers to produce amenable fruit crops like pomegranate, citrus,
guava, papaya, banana, etc.
3. High density planting
• Very condensing planting with 500-10,000 plants/ha depending on fruit crop.
• Medium high density:– 500-1500 plants/ha
• Optimum high density:– 1,500-10,000 plants/ha
• Ultra-high density:– 10,000-1,00,000 plants/ha
• Relies heavily on rigorous training and pruning.
• Maintenance of pruning is very heavy.
• Dwarfing rootstock and chemicals also used in this system.
• Yield as well as expenses per unit area is high.
4. Meadow orcharding
• Meadow-grassland, also known as Ultra-high density planting.
• 10,000-1, 00,000 plants/ha in order to maintain tree form, sever top pruning is practiced
similar to mowing of grassland.
• Plants intended to produce yield after 2 years age.
• Heavy use of growth regulators as well as pruning.

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Table 1: Spacing at different planting system in fruit crops

Sr. No. Crop Normal spacing (m) HDP spacing (m) Meadow spacing(m)
1. Mango 7.5 X 7.5 - 12.5 X 12.5 3 X 2.5 – 5 X 5 2.5 X 2.5 - 3 X 1
2. Banana 2 X 2 - 2 X 3 1.5 X 1.5 - 1.8 X 1.8 1.2 X1.2 - 3 X 0.5
3. Citrus 6X6–8X8 3 -6 X 3 -4.5 -
4. Papaya 2 X 2 – 3 X 3 1.8 X 1.8 1.2X1.2 - 1X1
5. Gauva 6X6–8X8 3 X 3 – 3 X 1.5 2X2 - 2X1
6. Sapota 10 X 10 5X5 -
7. Aonla 10 X 10 5X5 -
8. Apple 10 X 10 3 X 0.75 3 X 0.37 - 0.60

Components of HDP and Meadow

• Dwarf scion varieties
• Dwarf rootstock varieties
• Training and pruning
• Situable crop management practices
• Use of bio-regulators
• Planting Density
• Planting Geometry
• Mechanization
Table 2: Dwarf Scion Varieties
Sr. No. Crop Varieties
1. Mango Amrapali
2. Sapota PKM-1, PKM-2
3. Apple Red spur, Star Crimson Spur, Gold Spur, Well Spur, Oregon Spur, Silver
Spur, Red Chief, Hardi Spur
4. Peach Red heaven, Candor

Table 3: Dwarf Rootstock Varieties

Sr. No. Crop Varieties
1. Mango Vellaikolumban (Alphanso), Olour (Himsagar and Langra)
2. Gauva Pusa srijan, Psidium friedrichsthalianum, Aneuploid-82
3. Citrus Trifoliate orange, Sour orange, Citranges
4. Apple M4, M7, M9, M26, MM106, M27 (Ultra-dwarfing)
5. Pear Quince

Training and Pruning

• Training and pruning are effective tools in HDP and meadow orcharding by virtue of their
impact on shape and size control of the tree.

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• The training begins when the tree is first planted and continues throughout its productive
• Proper tree forms, branch angle and limb spacing in itself aids in growth control.
• First training is done after one growing season.
• Each plant is allowed to maintain single stem (main stem) with upward growth upto 60- 80
cm and then four scaffold branches are allowed in four directions to make the tree frame.
• Thereafter, 2 shoots arising from each primary branch at a distance of 60-75cm from main
stem is allowed to form secondary and likewise the tertiary branches.
• After start of bearing in plants, shoots arising from secondary and tertiary branches are
given 15-20 cm deep pruning soon after fruit harvest.
• Spray of 1% urea combined with 0.2% Blitox-50 or any other copper fungicide should be
done soon after pruning.

Use of bio-regulators
• Prolonging dormancy
• Reducing vegetative growth
• Flowering
• Reducing fruit drop

Adoption of suitable crop management practices

• Mulching
• Fertigation
• Organic farming
• Integrated Nutrient Management (INM)
• Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Planting Density
• Even though a small canopy with a high number of well-illuminated leaves is efficient in
photosynthesis but it is very poor in light interception, which leads to low potential yield per
• Light interception could be improved by increasing tree density.
• An optimum tree density is the level of density which is required to facilitate optimum light
distribution and interception leading to high photosynthesis. As a result, yield per hectare is
• An optimum light interception is a factor of plant form, planting density, tree arrangement
and leaf response to light for photosynthesis.
• Optimum light interception can be defined as a level of light intercepted by an orchard
system above or below which, the economic yield will be reduced.

Planting Geometry
• Planting system is a combination of tree arrangement and plant form.

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Choudhary et al., 2015, Pop. Kheti, 3(1): 22-27 Article

• Tree arrangement in HDP system must have sufficient alleyways for movement of farm
• The way trees are arranged also determines the light distribution pattern and light
interception level.
• Single hedge row and double hedge row system and square system having enough alley
space is being practiced in developed countries for HDP.

• Another component in high density fruit planting is the system automation which
contributes to high production efficiency.
• One of the important farm operations that can be automated is irrigation and fertigation vis-
à-vis indiscriminate mechanical pruning.
• In fact, irrigation and fertigation have been identified as one of the key factors for the
success of high density orchards.
• Plant should not be kept under stress after pruning therefore, assured irrigation coupled with
fertigation is essential after pruning and during fruit development in high density orchards.

Table 4: Comparison between Traditional system and HDP/Meadow system of fruit

Sr. No. Attributes Traditional system HDP/Meadow system
1. Tree numbers Few large trees/ha (150-200 Many small trees/ha (500-
trees/ha) 1,00,000 trees/ha )
2. Bearing After two years From first year
3. Production Lower yield Higher yield
4. Management Difficult to manage due to Easy to manage due to small
large tree size tree size
5. Labour Requires more labour Requires less labour
6. Production Higher cost of production Lower cost of production
7. Harvesting Difficult Easy
8. Quality Large canopy, poor sunlight Small canopy, better air ands
penetration and poor quality fruits. unlight penetration, mini.
disease incidence and high
quality fruits with good colour

Merits of HDP/Meadow
• Best utilization of land and resources.
• Higher yield per unit area with quality fruits.

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Choudhary et al., 2015, Pop. Kheti, 3(1): 22-27 Article

• Facilitate better utilization of solar radiation and increase the photosynthetic efficiency of the
• It is amenable to modern inputs application techniques such as drip irrigation, fertigation,
mechanization etc.
• Early economic returns.

Demerits of HDP/Meadow
• Initially become little costly than conventional system.
• Economic life span of the orchard becomes lower.
• Chance of reduction in fruit size and weight.
• Intercultural operation becomes difficult.
• Maintenance of plant architecture becomes a tedious job.

• HDP and meadow orcharding gives higher yield as well as returns/unit area due to increasing
the no. of trees/unit area. It is possible by regular pruning and use of bioregulators for
maintaining the size and shape of the tree.
• Mango planted at spacing of 5m x 5m (Kesar and Alphanso) and 3m x 1m (Keitt) gives
higher yield under HDP and meadow, respectively.
• Guava planted at spacing 2.5m x 2.5m and 3m x 6m under HDP and 2m x 1m under meadow
gives higher production as well as more income in Allahabad Safeda and L-49.
• Citrus gives higher production when planted at 6m x 3m spacing under HDP.
• For HDP in banana is planted at 1.0 x 1.2m spacing gives better yield in cv. Rajapuri.
Future Thrust
• There is need to more research on time and intensity of pruning on each fruit crop.
• Screen the varieties having less canopy area and erect growth.
• Research on PGR for increasing yield and improving quality under HDP as well as meadow
orchard system.
• Needs more research on development of meadow orchard in each fruit crop.

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Athani SI, Revanappa Dharmatti PR (2009). Effect of plant density on bunch weight and yield of
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Dalvi NV, Salvi BR, Chavan SA and Kandalkar MP (2010). High density planting in mango cv.
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Kundu S (2007). Effect of high density planting on growth, flowering and fruiting of guava (Psidium
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