Chemical Formula and Names Worksheet

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Name ______________________________ Chem #____

Chemical Formula and Names Worksheet

Match each name with the correct formula.


(1) sodium nitrite ________ FeS

(2) copper (II)oxide ________ CaCl2
(3) sodium iodide ________ CO2
(4) sulfur dioxide ________ Na2SO4
(5) hydrogen sulfide ________ FeCl3
(6) magnesium phosphate ________ NaI
(7) potassium hydrogen carbonate ________ Cu0
(8) iron(III) chloride ________ K2S03
(9) sulphur trioxide ________ Na2S
(10) iron(II) sulfide ________ MgH2
(11) magnesium hydroxide ________ Mg0
(12) sodium bisulfate ________ NH4OH
(13) potassium carbonate ________ NaNO3
(14) carbon monoxide ________ NaI03
(15) magnesium hydride ________ CO
(16) magnesium oxide ________ KHCO3
(17) potassium sulfate ________ FeS04
(18) magnesium nitride ________ NaNO2
(19) sodium nitrate ________ CCl4
(20) carbon tetrachloride ________ SO2
(21) potassium sulphite ________ K2S04
(22) calcium chloride ________ Mg(N03)2
(23) sodium sulfide ________ Mg3(PO4)2
(24) sodium iodate ________ Mg(OH)2
(25) iron (III) oxide ________ NaHSO4
(26) magnesium nitrate ________ Fe2O3
(27) sodium sulphate ________ Mg3N2
(28) ammonium hydroxide ________ S03
(29) iron(II) sulfate ________ K2CO3
(30) carbon dioxide ________ H2 S

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Metal Non-Metal Compounds
If the name ends with an -ide, there will be usually only two elements n the
compound, e.g. sodium chloride ( NaCl ). The metal part is named first and the
non-metal part second. The non-metals name is changed to -ide to show that it
is now joined in a compound. So sodium chloride is made up of a sodium atom
and a chlorine atom joined together by a chemical bond. The only exception to
this rule is when the second word is hydroxide (OH-1 ), when there will be three

Name Elements present Formula

sodium chloride Sodium & Chlorine NaCl
potassium oxide
Potassium & Fluorine
Sodium & carbon & oxygen
potassium sulfide
potassium hydroxide

Non-Metal Compounds
Sometimes two non-metal elements bond together to form different
compounds like CO and CO2. They both can’t be carbon oxide so we need to
give them different names. We do this by giving them Greek prefixes:
Mono one Di two
Tri three Tetra four

Name Formula
Carbon dioxide
Nitrogen Oxide
carbon tetrachloride
sulfur dioxide

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-ite and -ate

If the name ends in -ite or -ate there will be more than two elements in the
compound and one of them will be oxygen.
e.g. Copper sulfate, (CuSO4) Contains copper, sulfur and oxygen ( the -ate tells
The word endings -ate and -ite don’t mean exactly the same thing. For example
sodium sulfate and sodium sulfite are different chemicals. The one with the
most oxygen in it’s formula ends with -ate and the one with less oxygen ends in
e.g. NaNO3 is sodium sulfate and NaNO2 is sodium sulfite
Complete this table:

lead (II) nitrate
Zinc (II) hydroxide
calcium carbonate
sodium sulfite
Silver (I) nitrite
calcium sulfide
magnesium sulfate

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Bi- compounds

Sometimes the -ite and -ate also include the word hydrogen, for example
sodium hydrogen sulfate. This just means that as well as all the stuff you just
worked out before, the compound also contains hydrogen. (NaHSO4). Some
people still use an older way of naming these which is to use the word bi- to
instead of the word hydrogen. e.g.NaHCO3 could be sodium hydrogen carbonate
or sodium bi-carbonate

Complete this table:

Name Formula
potassium hydrogen carbonate
calcium bi-carbonate

Some metals can form more than one compound with another element. e.g.
Iron can form two different compounds with chlorine: FeCl2 and FeCl3.

The modern way to tell them apart is to use a Roman numeral after the metals
name to show what charge the metal ion has, e.g. FeCl2 is iron (II) chloride and
FeCl3 is iron (III) chloride.

There is another and older way which is still used by some people and that is to
use the latin name for the element and putting -ic after the the higher charge
and -ous after the lower charge.

Formula Modern Name Old Name

ferric bromide
iron (III) hydroxide
ferrous sulfate

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