The Needs Assessment For University Business Incubators in South-Eastern European Countries

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The needs assessment for university business incubators in South-Eastern

European countries
Conference Paper · June 2013


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4 authors, including:

Dimitar Nikoloski Gjorgji Mancheski

University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola


Marjan Angeleski
University "St. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola


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The needs assessment for university business
incubators in South-Eastern European
1 2 3
Dimitar Nikoloski , Evis Kushi , Gjorgji Mancheski ,
Marjan Angeleski
1 University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of economics-Prilep,

2 University “Aleksander Xhuvani”, Faculty of economics-Elbasan,

3 University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of economics-Prilep,

4 University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of economics-Prilep,

The higher education systems in the South-Eastern European countries represent an

important factor for generation of essential knowledge and skills that give students
advantageous position in the labour market. However, the higher education systems in
this region are lacking suitable links between the practical needs of the students and
capacities of the real sector. The establishment of university business incubators has
been recognised as valuable strategy that would help enhancing the students’
entrepreneurial skills and would corroborate with the current state of the economy. In
this context, we intend to assess the students’ needs, their capacity for generation
successful business ideas and the willingness of the potential stakeholders to
participate in the process of design and implementation. For this purpose we have
carried out a survey on representative samples of students in two universities: “St.
Kliment Ohridski” (Macedonia) and “Aleksander Xhuvani” (Albania). Furthermore, a
comparative analysis of the results is used in order to draw useful conclusions and
recommendations with respect to the types of supporting services and phases of
incubation that the model of university business incubator should have to provide.
The methodology of analysis includes standard methods for statistical inference and
cross tabulation analysis. In our view, the adoption of the model of university
business incubator as a standard in the higher education institutions may have large
positive impact on the labour markets performance since the increased awareness for
self-employment opportunities will stimulate the entrepreneurial climate and induce
creation of new jobs.

Business incubator, Entrepreneurship, Higher education, Labour market.

1. Introduction
The South-Eastern European countries (SEECs) for more than two decades struggle with
depressed labour market conditions that affect all domains of the social life. In particular, they
face relatively high unemployment rates coupled with emerging alternative forms of labour
market adjustment such as employment in the informal sector, emigration and inactivity. In
addition, the SEECs labour markets are affected by striking segmentation, meaning that
certain social groups such as: youths, less educated workers, and women, face
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a much higher risk of unemployment and/or non- participation than the rest of the labour
force. The prevailing long-term unemployment has significantly contributed to an erosion of
skills and motivation of unemployed workers, making them less employable over time. Due to
the insufficient labour demand and poor employment prospects, a considerable part of
unemployed workers called ‘discouraged workers’ stops looking for jobs and quits the labour
force [1].
Under these circumstances the higher education has faced a challenging task to become a
generator of competitive and marketable skills for students in order to promote greater
employability. During the period of transition we have witnessed a number of reforms in the
sphere of the higher education that ultimately aimed at giving the students advantageous
position in the labour market. However, the insufficient demand on the SEECs labour market
prevents the policy makers from getting relevant feedback of the reforms efficiency. In this
context, there exist various strategies for establishing suitable relationship between the
practical needs of the students and capacities of the real sector of the economy, among
which are the university business incubators (UBI). The role played by universities has been
widely recognised in linking research, technology, capital and know-how to leverage
entrepreneurial talent, accelerate development of new technology-based firms and speed up
the commercialisation of technology [2].
According to our knowledge, the models of UBI have so far received a little attention by
academics and policy makers in SEECs as an alternative development strategy that might be
valuable in helping to develop local economies, promote technology transfer, create new
enterprises and generate jobs [3]. In order to succeed, the UBI have to provide services
according to the needs of its clients i.e. the incubatees. Therefore, this paper considers the
students’ opinions as a basis for building an appropriate model of UBI. For this purpose we
have carried out a survey on representative samples of students in two universities: “St.
Kliment Ohridski” (Macedonia) and “Aleksander Xhuvani” (Albania). The paper is structured
as follows. In section 2 we present the literature review as a theoretical background
regarding the types and performance of university business incubators. In section 3 we
consider the modalities of the concept of university business incubator in SEECs with respect
to the potential stakeholders, supporting services and phases of incubation. The results from
the empirical research and the corresponding comparative analyses are presented in section
4. Finally, in section 5 we conclude and present our recommendations regarding the
appropriate model of university business incubator in SEECs.

2. Theoretical background
According to the National Business Incubators Association (NBIA), the business incubation is
defined as ‘business support process that accelerates the successful development of start-up
and fledgling companies by providing entrepreneurs with an array of targeted resources and
services [4].’ However, in the incubator literature we cannot find a consistent definition of the
notion of business incubator despite the apparent similarities between different definitions.
Critical to the definition of a business incubator is the provision of management guidance,
technical assistance and consulting tailored to newly established and growing companies.
Having in mind that the business incubator can encompass almost anything from distinct
organisations to amorphous structures, in this context we adopt the concept of business
incubator as organisation dedicated to the support of emerging ventures [5], [6].
From the historic point of view, the oldest business incubator was created in United States in
the 1950s as response to plant closure in Batavia and New York. On the other side, the first
university business incubator was established in Europe by the University of Berlin in 1983
aimed at facilitating the transfer of research findings to industry [6]. Business incubators
proliferated in developed countries in the early 1980s, whereas in developing countries they
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are a quite recent phenomenon [7-9]. The earliest incubation programs focused on a variety
of technology companies or on a combination of light industrial, technology and service firms
– today referred to as mixed-use incubators. However, in more recent years, new incubators
have emerged targeting specific industries.
A business incubator’s main goal is to produce successful firms that will leave the
programme financially viable and freestanding. Besides this, incubators may have other
differing goals, including economic development and generation of new jobs, property
venture development, development of export production, diversifying rural economies,
providing employment for and increasing wealth of depressed inner cities, fostering
entrepreneurship in transition countries and transferring technology from universities and
major corporations.
Business incubators vary in the way they deliver their services, in their organisational
structure and in the types of clients they serve. The services delivered by the business
incubator are normally developed by incubator management and offered both in the business
incubator and through its network of contacts. Incubators usually provide clients access to
appropriate rental space and flexible leases, shared basic business services and equipment,
technology support services and assistance in obtaining the financing necessary for
company growth [4]. Some authors intend to consider incubators differently i.e. as a
facilitation method such as university programmes which also serve as a training programme
for graduate students [10].
Incubators can be differentiated according to several criteria such as: their mandate (for profit
or non for profit), the type of sponsorship (private, public or mixed), their focus (mixed use or
niche), geographic area (rural, urban, suburban) etc. In this context, the most comprehensive
review of different types of incubators is provided by Barbero et al. [11] who despite the
heterogeneity distinguish four incubator archetypes: basic research, university, economic
development and private incubators.

3. The concept of university business incubator

A university business incubator is a particular type of incubator which has a purpose to bring
together various stakeholders in order to offer a variety of services to the students who have
potentially successful business ideas and help their start-ups to get established and evolve to
the point where they can operate independently. Generally, the university business
incubators are viewed as cooperation between the government, local business leaders and
entrepreneurial universities in order to promote the development of research/technology
based firms in their region [12]. To our knowledge, such type of business incubator in SEECs
has still not been established hence, in our effort to develop a suitable model of UBI we
address the experiences from similar types of incubators in developed countries and use the
best proven practices around the world.
Universities are assumed to have two major dimensions of importance to technology-based
firms. First, they are perceived as a source of research and skilled employees and, second,
they foster university-technology entrepreneurship linkages as a means of attracting and
supporting the development of firms [12]. Moreover, the evidence from the developed
countries shows that university link to the incubator reduces the probability of new venture
failure [13]. In particular, the UBI should provide a number of support services for students’
business projects and assist them toward becoming sustainable business entities. The
potentially successful business projects should pass through several phases starting with
selection, tenancy, reviewing of graduation and eventually leaving the incubation process.
The incubation process model is often considered as a black box, where the relationship
between the input and outcomes might be explained by applying a number of rival theories

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[14]. In this context, we simplify the theoretical explanation of complex organisational
structure and provide a conceptual framework of the UBI as presented on Figure 1.

Potential stakeholders
Private business University Government

University business incubator

Selection Tenancy Review of

Potential student Number of
business projects Support system companies
Infrastructure/ Training/ Networking
shared resources counseling

Figure 1 A model of University business incubator

From Figure 1 we can notice that our model of UBI generally consists of three building
blocks: potential stakeholders, supporting services and phases of incubation. In what follows
we separately analyse each of these elements.

3.1 Potential stakeholders

In the case if incubators are directly affiliated with universities, tenants gain access to the
universities’ research groups and activities, technology transfer offices, libraries, computing
facilities and related educational services [12], [15]. Alongside the universities as potential
stakeholders in the university business incubator may appear the government authorities and
private businesses. Therefore, in order to meet the interests of all potential stakeholders, we
recommend that personnel should have mixed background ranging from academic, local
government and business area. The management function should be delegated to a person
who has considerable experience in the domain of business advising. The role of the
incubator managers is important since he must built high quality relationships with client
firms, as well as he needs to initiate network contacts among residents and remove obstacles
to enhancing network connections [16, 17]. In this context, UBI would help strengthen
interactions between university and industry, promote research commercialisation, and give
opportunities for university staff and students to better utilise their capabilities [18].
Particularly susceptible partner in this model of incubation are local government authorities
that can contribute to the functioning of the UBI by providing a variety of services such as
premises and other logistic support. In return, the benefits of a well-managed UBI for the
government can be viewed in the fact that incubators help overcome market failures,
promote regional development, generate jobs, incomes and taxes, and demonstrate political
commitment to small businesses.
Private businesses may also cooperate with the business incubator in finding potential
partners, engage in research-based technology, developing new products etc. In return,
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businesses can benefit from UBI by developing opportunities for acquiring innovations,
supply chain management, and helping them meet their social responsibilities.

3.2 Supporting services

According to experience from several successfully established UBI their main goals include
providing variety of services such as office space, shared facilities, business consulting,
access to capital, networking and, resources, so that the companies within the incubator
learn how to develop and grow their business in order to be competitive in a market
economy. Furthermore, the proposed model of UBI may allow two types of incubation i.e.
physical and affiliate incubation. Students involved in full incubation would receive physical
space, whereas affiliate businesses would receive all of the services except physical space.
Students in the affiliate program may not be ready to occupy physical space in the incubator
or the nature of the business may not warrant physical space.
Since, all beneficiaries of the UBI will be enrolled full time students, the university may
gradually incorporate the UBI activities as an extracurricular programme [10]. Once accepted
into the UBI programme, students will be required to participate in variety of activities that we
shortly describe. First, as part of the learning process, programme staff needs to be able to
review the financials of the company with the student in order to assist in their growth and
strategic planning. Second, students have to select and attend relevant seminars to his/her
business offered by the university. If the student needs specific course which is not offered, it
would be provided by outside consultants. Third, periodically all UBI tenants will meet to hear
a guest speaker, network and discuss their ongoing business endeavours. In this way, the
incubatees will strengthen social support as a highly valued component of incubator
membership [17]. Finally, each tenant will be required to meet with the UBI director
individually according to a previously prepared schedule.

3.3 Phases of incubation

Process of incubation consists of several phases starting from selection, tenancy, review of
graduation and eventually exit from the incubation and starting post-incubation period. The
phase of selection is one of the most sensible parts of the incubation process since it largely
determines the outcomes of the incubation and overall incubation performance [14]. In order
to make correct selection decision, the process of selection should be done by a competent
committee consisting of several experienced members. The applicants should have
opportunity to apply on a regular basis once or twice a year, whereas the projects will be
evaluated according to a number of indicators.
The period of incubation or tenancy should be limited with or without possibility to be
extended after the reviewing of graduation. As successful businesses will be classified those
who demonstrate potential ability to operate in a market environment without supporting
services from the UBI.
The assessment of the performance of business incubators has been stressed as a critical
element to its success [14, 19]. In the literature can be found a number of different
performance measures ranging from simple (such as: venture survival rate, employment and
sales growth, cost per job etc.) to more complex models for evaluation of an incubator [11].
With an effective assessment the incubator may continually improve its functioning, attending
and exceeding the expectancies of all the players involved in the process. For this purpose
we propose a set of indicators for the assessment of UBI performance such as: indicators of
pre-incubation process, indicators of selection process, indicators of residence period,
indicators of the graduate companies and indicators of the management of the incubator.

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4. Empirical analysis
In order to build an appropriate model of university business incubators for SEECs we have
undertaken needs assessment among students as final UBI beneficiaries. The needs
assessment was based on a survey carried out on representative samples of students in two
universities: “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Macedonia (UKLO) and “Aleksander Xhuvani”, Albania
(UNAX). These universities are located in neighbouring regions and are involved in a number
of cross-border cooperation programmes that promote the economic growth and European
integration of both countries. In the university “St. Kliment Ohridski” we have in total
interviewed 578 students from six different faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of
Education, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Faculty of Administration and management
information systems, Faculty of Law and Medical higher school. On the other side, in the
university “Aleksander Xhuvani” we have in total interviewed 350 students from four different
faculties: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Education Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences
and Faculty of Human Sciences. The size and structure of the samples according to various
relevant attributes are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 The size and structure of the samples according to various attributes
University “St. Kliment Ohridski” University “Aleksander Xhuvani”
Sample size 578 350
Degree of studies
Undergraduate 516 (89.27%) 295 (84.29%)
Postgraduate 62 (10.73%) 55 (15.71%)
Year of studies
1 227 (39.27%) 67 (19.14%)
2 91 (15.74%) 64 (18.29%)
3 139 (24.05%) 164 (46.86%)
4 121 (20.93%) 55 (15.71%)
Male 218 (37.72%) 123 (35.14%)
Female 360 (62.28%) 227 (64.86%)
Place of living
Town 454 (78.55%) 259 (74.00%)
Village 124 (21.45%) 91 (26.00%)
Source: Authors’ calculations
From Table 1 we can notice that although different in size, the structure of the samples is
relatively close with respect to the major attributes such as: degree and year of studies,
gender and place of living of the surveyed students.
According to our analysis, respondents in both universities have mixed overall opinion
regarding the prevailing business climate. This finding is consistent with the generally
perceived economic progress in SEECs that are still lagging behind more developed
transition countries. Moreover, the majority of the surveyed students are not familiar with the
concept of UBI (about 63% in the university “St. Kliment Ohridski” and 88% in the university
“Aleksander Xhuvani”), whereas 24% of the respondents in the university “St. Kliment
Ohridski” and only 8% in the university “Aleksander Xhuvani” declared that have heard and
know the aim of the UBI. In addition, we have attempted to identify the profile of those
respondents who are familiar with the concept of UBI by using cross tabulation analysis. We
have revealed that these students manifest more entrepreneurial attitudes compared to those
who are not familiar with the concept of UBI. Namely, the majority of them have concrete
ideas for starting their own businesses; they think that universities create incentives for
starting own business; and universities should be linked with the business community. In
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order to support these hypotheses we have carried out Chi- square tests and in all cases we
have rejected the null hypotheses of independence between the rows and the columns at 1%
level of significance.
On the other hand, the respondents are generally optimistic with respect to the question
whether UBI will contribute to easier implementation of the students’ business ideas. For
instance, among the surveyed students in the university “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 46.5% think
that UBI will contribute, 44.1% do not have opinion, and only 8.4% think that will not have
impact on the implementation of the students’ business ideas. Similarly, in the university
“Aleksander Xhuvani”, the share of the respondents that demonstrate positive attitude toward
the idea of creation of UBI is 67.4%, whereas 32% do not have opinion and only 0.6% of the
respondents are not optimistic. We further apply cross tabulation analysis in order to identify
the profile of those respondents who think that creation of university business incubator will
contribute to easier realisation of the students’ business ideas.In this context, we notice that
this category of students is characterised with greater entrepreneurial spirit compared to
those who are not optimistic with this regard. Similarly as in the previous case, the majority of
them have concrete ideas for starting their own businesses; they think that universities create
incentives for starting own business; and universities should be linked with the business
community. The formal Chi-square tests of independence show that in all cases we have to
reject the null hypotheses of independence between the rows and the columns at 1% level of
The cross tabulation between the level of familiarity with the concept of UBI and the level of
optimism regarding the successful contribution of the UBI in easier realisation of the students’
business ideas shows consistent pattern. Namely, students who are familiar with the concept
of UBI manifest pronounced optimism, whereas those who are not familiar are rather
indecisive with this regard.
We further consider the students’ opinions with respect to the stakeholders in the UBI and the
services they think the UBI has to provide to future incubatees. Regarding the potential
partners, apart of the university, the government and successful international companies
appear to be the most plausible stakeholders according to the respondents in the university
“St. Kliment Ohridski”. On the other hand, the respondents in the university “Aleksander
Xhuvani” give accent to local businesses, municipalities and international organizations. This
is graphically presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2 The potential UBI stakeholders






The Successful Employm. Local Local International Non- The chamber
Government int. agency businesses municipal. organis. government of comm.
companies organisations

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With respect to the potential services that UBI should provide to its incubatees, the majority
of the respondents in the university “St. Kliment Ohridski” pointed out the importance of
training for business plan development, financial services and premises equipped with
telephone and internet. On the other hand, the surveyed students in the university
“Aleksander Xhuvani” besides emphasizing training for business plan development and
financial services have also appreciated the other services such as: marketing, accounting
and legal services. This is graphically presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 The potential services provided by the UBI




20,0% UKLO




training for financial premises, marketing accounting and other
business plan services telephone and services legal services
development internet

Finally, according to our empirical analysis, we found that about two thirds of the respondents
in both universities declare that UBI should be located within the university. Regarding the
duration of the incubation process, the majority of the respondents think that the period of
incubation should last at least one before ensuring sustainability of the businesses in the real
market surrounding.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

According to NBIA, business incubators have proven to be effective tools for promoting
economic growth throughout the world, but not all incubation models are suitable for all
communities. In this paper we have made an attempt to assess the needs for university
business incubators in SEECs and to formulate recommendations for building appropriate
model of such type of business incubator. The incubation can make a number of
contributions to the development of high-technology firms, which would not normally be
available to non-incubated firms. When provided by the universities, incubators can facilitate
the process of transferring know-how from the university to the business community and vice
Having in mind the experience from developed countries and the information gathered from
our needs assessment, we can formulate the following recommendations in order to help
universities in the South-East European region that would like to develop business incubation
• The UBI needs to be accommodated to the local entrepreneurial climate. Our analysis
revealed that there exist positive association between the entrepreneurial attitudes of

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students and their optimism regarding the contribution of the university business
• In order to be successful UBI have to match their services to the needs of local
entrepreneurs. According to our survey results, an appropriate model of UBI in the South-
Eastern European region should, in the first place, provide training for business plan
development, but also important are financial, marketing, accounting and legal services
to potential incubatees and the businesses they operate with. This preliminary research
can help to determine the optimal scope of services embraced by the incubation
• Although the respondents in our study are rather optimistic regarding the success of the
UBI, the universities should not expect an incubator to resolve persistent economic
problems. UBI can play a vital role in a community’s economic development efforts, but
hardly can they turn around a local economy independently. Therefore, the university
business incubation programmes have to be part of a larger economic development plan.
• The model of UBI as an economic development tool has to be flexible. Nowadays, there
exist a number of different types of incubators that might be more effective at sparking
economic growth than more traditional incubators such those that serve a variety of
manufacturing or service clients. Therefore, when building the model of UBI, the
creativity has to be combined with sobering considerations, like the existence of a
sufficient market and the support of business, political and civic leaders.
• The real estate has not been proven to be a critical factor that drives the project of
implementation of a UBI. The incubator’s location is only one of many factors that will
determine whether the project will succeed. Our analysis revealed that most suitably and
naturally is to locate the UBI within the university, but participation of other stakeholders
may help in finding more appropriate solution.
• The implementation of a UBI has to be accompanied with a solid financial plan. Creating
an incubation program is not an inexpensive endeavour. From conducting the feasibility
study to launching the incubator, the universities must piece together funds from a variety
of sources. A well-developed financial plan that identifies the sources of needed funds for
providing incubation services goes a long way in attracting investors and other
• Finally, the UBI has to be established on realistic goals. Namely, developing a successful
incubation program takes time. While it’s important to reach out to local leaders and
entrepreneurs it should not be realistically to expect to create large numbers of jobs or
graduate new firms within months of incubator’s opening. The goal of the UBI has to be
oriented toward ongoing support of the community and long-term success in promoting
young and educated entrepreneurs.

Proceedings of
International Conference for 9 Entrepreneurship,
Innovation and Regional Development

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