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Table of Contents [hide]

 1 Create your first GUI application
 2 Create a label widget
o 2.1 Set label font size
o 2.2 Setting window size
 3 Adding a button widget
o 3.1 Change button foreground and background colors
o 3.2 Handle button click event
 4 Get input using Entry class (Tkinter textbox)
o 4.1 Set focus to entry widget
o 4.2 Disable entry widget
 5 Add a combobox widget
 6 Add a Checkbutton widget (Tkinter checkbox)
o 6.1 Set check state of a Checkbutton
 7 Add radio buttons widgets
o 7.1 Get radio button value (selected radio button)
 8 Add a ScrolledText widget (Tkinter textarea)
o 8.1 Set scrolledtext content
o 8.2 Delete/Clear scrolledtext content
 9 Create a MessageBox
o 9.1 Show warning and error messages
o 9.2 Show askquestion dialogs
 10 Add a SpinBox (numbers widget)
o 10.1 Set default value for Spinbox
 11 Add a Progressbar widget
o 11.1 Change Progressbar color
 12 Add a filedialog (file & directory chooser)
o 12.1 Specify file types (filter file extensions)
 13 Add a Menu bar
 14 Add a Notebook widget (tab control)
o 14.1 Add widgets to Notebooks
 15 Add spacing for widgets (padding)
se the progressbar class like this:

1 from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar

3 bar = Progressbar(window, length=200)
You can set the progress bar value like this:

bar['value'] = 70
You can set this value based on any process you want like downloading
a file or completing a task.


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