Erickson Evangelical Interpretation
Erickson Evangelical Interpretation
Erickson Evangelical Interpretation
Millard J. Erickson
A Division of Baker Book House Co.
Grand Rapids, Michigan 495 16
0 1993 by Millard J. Erickson To John and Beverly Englund
Published by Baker Books
Dedicated Christians and Faithful Friends
a division cDf Baker Book House Company
P. 0. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49516-6287
Erickso’n, Millard J.
Evangelical interpretation : perspectives on hermeneutical issues /
Millard J. Erickson.
p. cm.
Includes indexes.
ISIBN O-8010-3220-2
1. Bible-hermeneutics. 2. Evangelicalism. I. Title.
BS47'6.E653 1993
zm.fs’ol-dc2o 93-14903
Ilnlcss nottc(l otherwise, all Scripture quotations are taken from the H OLY BIKE:
NI,:w IN,I,I,:I~~.\,I,ION~~I, VIXSION~~. NIV(K). (:opyright 0 1973, 1978, 1984 by Interna-
Iion;ll I3ihll~: Soc:it:ly. IJsed by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
Preface 9
Scripture Index 12 7
Subject Index 129
tion was the rejection of any type of subjectivism, which would examine quite closely the statement of this hermeneutical ap-
place the locus of meaning in the understanding and interpre- proach, as well as several responses or alternatives to it. We will
tation of the reader of the passage. Many types of subjective then offer an evaluation of the total issue.
epistemologies are to be found here, including the two hori- The evangelical exegete who has most fully expounded this
zons conception of Hans Georg Gadamer. According to this view is probably Kaiser. The basic tenets of his position can be
view, the horizon of the biblical author and the horizon of the summarized as follows.
modern interpreter must merge. Thus, meaning is in a sense the First, the meaning that God has assigned to any passage of
product of the understanding of both the writer and the inter- Scripture can only be ascertained by studying the verbal mean-
preter.3 It even extends to postmodern approaches to herme- ings of the inspired scriptural writer.5 This is another way of
neutics, such as the “reader-response criticism” advocated by saying that the divine intention and the intention of the human
Edgar V. McKnight.4 author are one and the same.
A second view that this emphasis is apparently intended to Second, only one verbal meaning is to be assigned to a pas-
reject or refute is the Roman Catholic version of the senses ple- sage of Scripture unless the author indicates that he has more
nior, or fuller meaning of Scripture. This conception, in con- than one aim in view, an example being the Olivet Discourse.’
trast to recent evangelical versions of the doctrine, holds to a It is apparent that in this statement Kaiser is linking the Bible
considerable extent that the teaching authority of the Catholic with other similar literary works, and essentially treating it as a
Church, the magisterium, makes explicit the meaning or truth member of the same class. It is to be interpreted in the same
that was implicit there from the beginning. manner and utilizing the same principles as one would for any
A third stance rejected by this hermeneutical approach is the other book.’ So he says:
allegorical interpretation. According to such an understanding,
which was popular in the early centuries of Christian theology A literary work like the Bible can have one and only one correct
and finds a prominent place in the thinking of St. Augustine, a interpretation and that meaning must be determined by the hu-
given passage of Scripture has no fewer than four meanings: the man author’s truth-intention; otherwise, all alleged meanings
would be accorded the same degree of seriousness, plausibility
literal (surface), the moral, the allegorical, and the anagogical.
and correctness with no one meaning being more valid or true
A fourth approach that seems to be a target of the single-
than the others.8
meaning and single-minded thinkers is a form of eschatological
hermeneutic that finds dual or multiple meanings within pro- The strength of expression in Kaiser’s writing comes from his
phetic passages. According to this view, the “real” meaning of sense of the magnitude of the issues involved: the necessity of
the passage may be something quite different from the apparent combating subjectivism in biblical interpretation. He states that
or surface meaning. even before T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound,
The question we will deal with in this chapter is whether in
the desire to reject and refute these views, perceived as errone- 5. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., “The Single Intent of Scripture,” in Evangelical
Roots: A Tribute to Wilbur Smith, ed. Kenneth S. Kantzer (Nashville: Thomas
ous, the authorial intent approach has inadvertently accom-
Nelson, 1978), p. 138.
plished more than it intended. To do this, we must first 6. Ibid.
7. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., “Legitimate Hermeneutics,” in fnerrancy, ed. Nor-
man L. Geisler (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980), p. 119.
6. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., “A Response to Authorial Intention and Biblical In-
terpretation,” in lfermeneutics, Inerroncy, and the Bible. ed. Earl D. Radmacher
and Robert D. Preus (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984). p. 441.
12 13
Evangelical Interpretation The Nature of Authorial Intent
evangelical exegetical practice had likewise begun to slip into an words of these psalms resulted in their having their fullest
easygoing subjectivism. Words, events, persons, places, and meaning in the crucifixion narrative, referring to Jesus.l’ This
things in Scripture were allowed to signify all they could be is also true of a number of typological passages, such as Mat-
made to signify apart from any authorial controls of those proph- thew 2:14-15 (the return of Jesus from Egypt to Israel as a ful-
ets and apostles who claimed to have stood in the divine council fillment of Hos. ll:l), and Matthew 2:16-18 (the slaughter of
and received this intelligible revelation.g
children in Bethlehem and vicinity as a typological fulfillment
of Jer. 31:15).11
Critics of This View Here, then, is an interesting phenomenon. If we had only the
There are, however, those who believe that Kaiser has taken Old Testament passages, it is unlikely that we would find in
an unnecessary and indefensible position in linking the mean- them the meaning that the New Testament writers seem to im-
ing of the passage to the intention of the human author and by pute to them. If we were Jews rather than Christians, the mean-
insisting that the author had only one intention, so that the pas- ing of the psalmist or the prophet, rather than that of the
sage can have only one meaning. In their criticisms and in evangelist, is the one that we would likely understand to be the
Kaiser’s responses we will see more clearly what he intends by meaning of the passage. It seems unlikely that the Old Testa-
his assertion. ment writers consciously intended the meaning that Matthew
One problem with this single authorial intent position, some finds in their writings. The explanation of this apparent differ-
critics maintain, is that it does not accord with the exegetical ence is offered by Jack Riggs: “Matthew saw a fuller sense in
practice of the New Testament authors in their treatment of the those OT passages than was intended by their original authors.
Old Testament writings. The New Testament interpreters of the This was due to divine revelation given to Matthew by which
Old Testament, in other words, interpreted it as having a differ- he saw the correspondence between the OT materials and
ent meaning than we would probably find if we did not have the events in his day.“”
New Testament passage. This is probably most clearly seen A second problem with the single-meaning approach, ac-
with respect to Old Testament prophecy that is fulfilled in the
cording to its critics, is that there are texts where either the Old
New, although the same dynamic can be seen at work elsewhere
Testament writer himself testifies that he does not understand
as well.
fully what he is writing or a New Testament author says this of
Among some examples are the fulfillment of several state-
an Old Testament author. In 1 Peter l:lO-12, for example, Peter
ments from Psalms 22 and 69 at the crucifixion of Christ. The
speaks of how the prophets searched intently to try to deter-
cry of “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” in Psalm
mine “the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ
22:1 was fulfilled in Christ’s words from the cross in Matthew
27:46. The words of scorn and shaking of heads in Psalm 22:7 in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ
were fulfilled in the treatment of Christ by those who taunted and the glories that would follow.” In John 11:49--52, John
him (Matt. 27:39). The dividing up of garments and casting lots 10. Donald Hagner, “The Old Testament in the New Testament,” in Inter-
for clothing in Psalm 22:18 were fulfilled at Christ’s humilia- preting the Word of God, ed. Samuel J. Schultz and Morris A. Inch (Chicago:
tion (Matt. 27:35); the prediction of gall for food and vinegar for Moody, 1976), p. 97.
11. Donald Hagner, “When the Time Had Fully Come,” in Dreams, Visions
drink (Ps. 69:21) was fulfilled at Christ’s suffering on the cross
and Oracles, ed. Carl W. Armerding and W. Ward Gasque (Grand Rapids: Baker,
(Maff. 27:34,48). While each of these psalms has its own histor- 1977), pp. 91-93.
ical context and referent, divine inspiration in the writing of the 12. Jack R. Riggs, “The ‘Fuller Meaning’ of Scripture: A IIermeneutical
Question for Evangelicals,” Grace Theological Journd 7/2 (Fall 1986): 220. (:f.
Hagner, “When the Time Had Fully Come,” p. 92.
14 15
Evangelical Interpretation The Nature of Authorial Intent
seems to be saying that Caiaphas, the high priest, prophesied re- the point of application, we must somewhere along the line ap-
garding Jesus, without knowing what he was saying. peal directly to God’s knowledge, authority, and presence. Oth-
Third, some critics maintain that the single authorial intent erwise, we are simply ‘overhearing’ a human voice from long
position has difficulty dealing with the relationship between ago, a voice to which we may respond in whatever way suits our
the divine and the human authorship of the Bible. This, of own value system.“16
course, has always been an issue for the doctrine of inspiration, Poythress traces the problem through a discussion of three
but the problem has some unique features in this context. The different aspects of discourse-the referential, the expressive,
person who has focused on these problems most extensively is and the conative-and grapples with the implications for each
Vern Poythress. He begins with the assumption that the biblical
of these of the fact that God knows and relates to future readers
materials are both what God says to us and what the human au-
of the biblical passage in a way that the human author could
thor says, and then seeks to work out the implications of that
not. We will come back to some of these considerations later.
Here it is sufficient to observe that this is an item for the agenda
The problem, as Poythress sees it, is especially relevant to the
question of how the Bible pertains to our own situation. Reject- that Kaiser and others who adopt the Hirschian system must
ing the idea that the divine meaning has nothing to do with the deal with.
humanly intended meaning, he weighs carefully the idea that A final major problem with the single-meaning approach has
the two are simply the same. This solution has some appeal; to do with the definition of the term “intention.” The most ex-
the problem is that the biblical writers did not write with us tended treatment of this issue has been given by Philip B.
directly in view. They did not foresee all of our circumstances Payne. He notes the difficulty in equating divine with human
and needs. Although we can overhear what they had to say, how intent in the case of the biblical writings. He maintains that the
are we to know what they want us to do with their words?14 human authors’ meanings may be elusive for several reasons,
A popular solution to the problem, Poythress observes, is the four of which he specifies:17
familiar distinction Hirsch draws between meaning and signif-
icance. Meaning, on Hirschian grounds, pertains to the asser- l the multiplicity of levels at which “intention” can be
tions of the author; significance has to do with the relation we understood
readers draw between what is said and our own (or others’) sit- l the complexity of the writer’s intention-the fact that he
uation. Application then involves exploring the significance of
may have had several reasons for writing what he did
the teaching for us, and recommending action in accordance
with it.15
l the fact that intention is a complex category that may
This presents problems, however. Since divine and human involve many different types of states, including the
authors intended the same meaning, and since the Old Testa- subconscious
ment writers could not and did not anticipate our situation, it l the difficulty of demonstrating the intentions of the bibli-
would appear that present-day readers are free to find virtually cal authors, since they are removed from us by several cen-
any significance and make any consequent application they turies of time, and we can only know their thoughts
wish. Poythress’s initial conclusion is that “when we come to through their writings
13. Vorn Sheridan f’oyltircss, “Divine Meaning of Scripture,” Westminster 16. Ibid., p. 247.
~‘~Jcw/Ogic:n/ jOJlrrJfJ/ 48/z ([‘all l%fi): 241-42. 17. Philip B. Payne, “The Fallacy of Equating Meaning with the I IIIII~;II~ ,411.
14. lt,icl.. f). 244. thor’s Intention,” ~ournnl of the Evclngelicnl Theologicnl Socic:ly ‘LO/:( (Sol~l.
15. Ibid.. f). 245. 1977): 244-46.
16 17
Evangelical Interpretation The Nature of Authorial Intent
The Response to These Criticisms should go to that passage for the teaching, not try to import it
into the earlier passage.22 Only doctrine and theology written
Having seen these objections to Kaiser’s position, we must
earlier may be legitimately used in the task of theological exe-
note how these questions refine Kaiser’s statement, or how his
gesis, and only where the writer directly cites or obviously al-
statement relates to these concerns. This is not to say that
ludes to an earlier passage.23 Kaiser’s conclusion is that “God
Kaiser explicitly responds to these points in a detailed fashion
did not exceed the intention of the human author either through
in every case.
a retrojection of the whole of the canon on an earlier text or by
First, Kaiser does not allow for any double meaning of pas-
means of a hidden freight of meaning which awaited our dis-
sages. He does hold that there are prophecies that have a single
covery of it many centuries later.“24
meaning but multiple fulfillments. He believes that this type of
The remaining issue, that of the levels and complexity of in-
prophecy may be understood as generic prophecy, a term and
concept that he adopts from Willis J. Beecher. A generic proph- tention of the biblical authors, is one that really does not seem
ecy is one that regards an event as occurring in a series of parts. to have been adequately or consciously addressed by Kaiser in
It may refer to either the nearer or the more remote parts, or to any of his numerous writings.
the whole. In referring to the whole, it also refers to the constit-
uent parts.18 Analysis and Assessment of the Hirschian View
Second, the passages that seem to teach that the biblical writ- We have now noted the basic statement of the “single-mean-
ers were ignorant of the things that they were asserting do not ing” approach to the doctrine of Scripture and the interpretation
really teach that. For example, in 1 Peter l:lO-12, the author thereof. We have also noted some of the objections or statements
does not profess ignorance of the matters of which he is writing, of an alternative position, as well as Kaiser’s responses to these.
but only ignorance of the time when these events would occur. We must now turn to the examination and evaluation of this
The same is true of Daniel 12:6-8. It was not the meaning that hermeneutical stance, and assess its adequacy.
was uncertain, but the time of fulfillment. It was the words of 1. First is the problem of framework and terminology. We
the angel, not his own, of which Daniel was speaking. In the have noted that Kaiser and other evangelical hermeneuts have
case of Caiaphas in John 11:49-52, John found a significance in adopted Hirsch’s terminology and categories. Much of the treat-
Caiaphas’s words, as distinguished from the meaning that ment of the problems raised in relationship to the single-inten-
Caiaphas gave to them, and he corrected Caiaphas’s provincial tion view has been handled through the distinction between
meaning.l” meaning and significance. This seems to me, however, to be an
Third, Kaiser insists that the intention of the human author inaccurate and unduly restrictive treatment of the idea of mean-
and that of the divine author correspond. There cannot be any ing. Today we often hear people say something like, “That was
difference between thema2’ He rejects any idea such as that of really meaningful to me.” People are searching for meaningful
Bruce Waltke, who advocates interpreting a text in light of the relationships and meaningful experiences. What they are
entire Bible, or what Waltke calls “the canonical process ap- speaking about, however, is what Hirsch and Kaiser would call
proach.‘921 If a meaning is found in a passage written later, we
significance. Kaiser would say they are searching for significant
la. Kaiser, “l,t:gitim;~tt: Ilt:rrrlc:neutic:s,” p. 137. relationships, but that is a term that many today would reserve
I!). Kaiser, “Single Inttxit ,” pp. 125-31. for certain unusual instances of these meaningful relationships.
20. Kaisc:r. “R~:s~~onsc.” III). 4 4 5 - 4 6 .
21. I~ruc:tt K. Wzlltko. “A (hnonical 1’roct:ss Approach to the Psalms,” in 22. Kaiser, “Response,”p. 445.
‘1’1utliliorl c~ntl ‘I’cst~lr~~c~~~l: 1ksr1y.s in Eior~or of ~Jmr1e.s L e e Feinhrg, ed. J o h n 23. Kaiser, “Single Intent,” 11. 140.
:II~(I I’iIrII b’c:irlI)c:rp, ((:hic:ago: Moociy, 1981), pp. 3-18. 24. Kaiser, “ R e s p o n s epp.
, ” 445-46.
18 19
Evangelical Interpretation The Nature of A u t h o r i a l intent
There are two responses that might well be made to the ob- does appear, however, from Kaiser’s use of the term, that he has
jection that the Hirsch-Kaiser categories exclude this popular in mind conscious intention, or what the person consciously
usage. One is that popular usage does not and should not deter- wills to do (in this case, what the writer consciously wills to
mine correctness or legitimacy. We must bring to bear more in- communicate). The constant objection to anyone “writing better
formed understandings in assigning terminology. The other than he knew” seems to stem from such an understanding.
response, closely related to the first, is simply that these people We must now ask ourselves, however, whether we ever com-
are mistaken and that their erroneous notions are to be cor- municate anything that we do not consciously intend to com-
rected by a better-informed understanding of Hirsch. municate. The proverbial Freudian slip suggests that this is
Note, however, that what is being done here is stipulative indeed the case, as is true also of body language and other forms
definition. The choice of terminology excludes any possibility of nonverbal communication. Those who are skilled in the in-
for meaning within the application of the basic tenets. The at- terpretation of such aspects of behavior can often discern com-
tempt has been made to win the contest by stating the rules, set- munication that we do not consciously intend and perhaps
ting the terms in such a manner that the opposing side has a would not even want to communicate. We may not even under-
very difficult time defending its position. It is as if an athletic stand why we did what we did. A former colleague of mine in
contest is to be played on a sloping field, with one team being the field of pastoral care used to say quite frequently, “You can-
able to stipulate that the contest will be played there and that not not communicate.”
they will defend the uphill goal for the duration of the game. We We must also ask whether we ever say, think, or do some-
must ask whether a different playing field could be chosen, by thing that we were not aware of prior to the moment of so do-
mutual agreement of both parties. In this case, is there terminol- ing. I remember my family’s first day in Sweden. We had
ogy that would be more neutral regarding the outcome, and stopped to arrange for a room in a pensionnat, and my second
which also, incidentally, would accord better with ordinary us- daughter, who had studied Swedish, went in with me to help
age, rather than with one theory thereof? In effect we are insist- in the negotiations. To her surprise (and mine), however, I was
ing that conclusions must be argued for, rather than being quite capable of handling the arrangements unaided, including
stipulated, even if indirectly. asking for directions to the local church. When we got out to
It seems to me that a more helpful approach would be to the car, she said, “Dad, you spoke more Swedish than you
adopt a more inclusive understanding of meaning and then ask know!” Words that had been buried in my unconscious since
which aspect or which variety of meaning applies to the issues my grandmother died thirty-six years before, had come back
under discussion. An analysis of the meaning of meaning into consciousness.
would suggest that meaning could be the inclusive term, and The illustration, of course, seems to break down. Kaiser
that “signification ” would be used of what Hirsch and Kaiser would say that I did not speak better than I knew; I just did not
call meaning, with “significance” retaining approximately the know that I knew. The point, however, is that there is a consid-
same definition that they give itsz5 erable reservoir of unconscious material in the personalities of
2. A second concern associated with the single-meaning all of us. “Depth psychology” maintains that sometimes we
stance centers on the understanding of intention. Part of the communicate without knowing what we are communicating,
problem is the need for a more precise definition of intention. It and even without knowing the fact (usually about ourselves)
that we are communicating.
15. I final, for c!x;m~plc. t 11~: theory of scmiot ic: propcxxxi by (Charles Morris The Hirsch-Kaiser understanding of intention appears to be
ICI I)(: (:OllSicit:rilt)lv more inclusivct while at the sane time less confusing and
illllhi~IIOIlS. SO0 h‘iS ,~;~JJ;fiCfJ!;fHJ flJJfi ~?;@fifXJJJCf?: A %Kfy Of‘thf? RfdfJti0fl.S O f
a pre-twentieth-century understanding of psychology. It pro-
SigJJs clJJti \‘~I/IICS ((:;lmhriclge. Mass.: MIT, 1964). ceeds as if Freud had never written. Now it may, of course, he
20 21
Evangelical Interpretation The Nature of Authorial Intent
argued that this is a virtue, that this keeps us from a corrupting Note, however, what has become of the concept of intention.
understanding of human psychology. This seems to me an at- It applies to that which one chooses without being aware of
tempt to preserve or conserve something that our theology or what he or she is choosing. It seems to exclude only such
the teaching of Scripture does not require us to maintain. As “symptoms” as stuttering. But there seems to be a dual problem
such, it is the maintenance of a particular theory that has been here. On the one hand, the concept of intention has been
attached to our theology, rather than an essential part of it. The stretched to include unconscious intention, involving such
objection to this aspect of the psychoanalytic view is less like elasticity of meaning (yes, meaning, on Hirsch’s terms) as to
the church’s objection to Darwinism as a complete explanation make the term virtually meaningless. On the other hand, the ex-
of the origin of life in all its forms, including the human, and clusion of such unwilled utterances as stuttering seems to save
more like its resistance to the Copernican revolution. the term “intention” from utter meaninglessness. Yet from some
A skilled counselor does not tell the client the truth, but perspectives, this seems to be a rather arbitrary exclusion. For
helps the client discover that truth. In this sense, the counselor if the psychoanalysts are right, then much of the other uncon-
is helping the client understand what he or she is saying with- scious meaning communicated is just as involuntary as stutter-
out realizing that he or she is saying it. All of us have probably ing. If not, then we are back to the seeming contradiction of
had the experience of someone else understanding what we intention without consciousness. In any event, the Hirschian
have said better than we ourselves. Typically, the other person conceptuality seems to be in need of some adjustment.
says, “In other words, you mean . , . ?” and our response is, I would propose that a better terminology would be to speak
“Yes, I guess that is what I meant.” These are experiences of of that which the author “affirms.” This would focus on the
genuine insight into what we actually meant, not merely of ex- product of the intending, rather than the process, and would
pressing more adequately what we were consciously intending avoid any appearance of conscious intention as a requisite for
to say. meaning.
Hirsch’s concept of unconscious meaning appears to chal- 3. Another problem with the single-meaning approach to
lenge this. He states that “the fact that verbal meaning has to Scripture is the relevance of a biblical passage for those coming
have some kind of boundary in order to be communicable and after the group to which the original saying or writing was
capable of valid interpretation does not exclude so-called un- given. Since the author presumably did not have them within
conscious meaning. “26 He goes on to say that “the principle for his intent, what meaning for them can there be in his writing?
excluding or accepting unconscious meaning is precisely the Basically, the means of handling this problem is through the
same as for conscious ones.9927 Since, however, the criterion of meaning/significance distinction. The author’s intended mean-
meaning is that which the author intends, we appear to be say- ing is the meaning, while the application of that meaning to
ing here that the author’s intention may include that of which later audiences is a question of significance. This solution pre-
he or she is not aware. It is simply necessary that the person serves the unity of meaning, while allowing for a diversity of
wills this, whether he or she attends to it or not. We cannot will readers to benefit from the teaching. It is a case of one meaning,
something against our will, for that would be a contradiction. It with many applications.
is only necessary that there be some connection between the The challenge, of course, is to get from the past meaning to
unconscious and the conscious aspects of the will to make in- the present significance. Kaiser is to be commended for making
tr!rition voluntary.“’ a concerted and thorough effort to do this, and he has done it in
an effective way. His basic method, after having Ihoroughly de-
termined the author’s meaning through a careful examination ot
the exegetical considerations, is to “principlize” 1110 tt:;tc:hing,
Evangelical interpretation The Nature of Authorial Intent
or to seek to determine the underlying principles within the these outlines that could not have been preached in just that
teaching. These principles can then be reapplied to the present way two hundred or one thousand years ago. The out1 ines that
situation, thus yielding significance. he offers differ from the outlines of the text, but not to a radical
The problem then becomes, however, what it is that the bib- degree. They are not really sufficiently removed from the exe-
lical writer intended. Did he intend the specific form of the ex- getical outlines to qualify as homiletical outlines. This is seen,
pression, or the underlying timeless truth? To use one of for example, in the proposal that the order of the subpoints
Kaiser’s examples, what was the intent of the biblical author in should follow the order of the text.30 Kaiser’s outlines do not in-
Numbers 22? clude specific applications.
It might be better to think of the types of activity that Kaiser
Balaam sought describes in his Toward an Exegetical Theology as exegesis and
Balaam fought pure exposition, respectively, and then recognize another clas-
Balaam taught? sification of such activity, namely, expository preaching. This
third activity would include specific application to the concrete
Or is it that we can know and do the will of God situation of persons today. Despite his desire to get the message
all the way to the present day, it seems that Kaiser has only suc-
by keeping the faith ceeded in getting to the timeless status, leaving the application
by obeying God’s Word to the contemporary Christian and the Holy Spirit to work out
by observing the obstacles?2g between them. He has only gotten specific at those points where
the Bible is specific; it would seem that there has been no change
Is the latter “meant” or “intended” by the author, or only the in the situation important enough to alter the application. This
former? If it is meant, is it meant in addition to the former neglect, however, seems to stem from Kaiser’s adoption of
(which would seem to give a dual meaning to the text), or is it, Hirschian categories, so that he denies the idea of meaning to
rather than the former, what is the real intention of the author? anything beyond the immediate statement of the author.
One way of dealing with the problem is to say that the former For Hirsch, the problem is dealt with through the concept of
is the meaning and the latter is the significance. The analysis is implication: what the author intends includes the implications
not as simple as that, however. In many cases, the original writ- thereofm31 Here again, however, we must ask about just what
ing of the author also includes the significance for the original Hirsch is affirming. Does the author intend the literal, specific
hearers or readers. Then the question becomes even more acute. statement, or the underlying principles? To take a biblical ex-
Was the original intent of the author to give both meaning and ample, what was the author of Genesis 22:1-19 intending to tell
significance? And what is the relationship of the author to the us? On the surface of it, it seems that he was intending to tell us
timeless truth or principles? that God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, that
Part of the difficulty here comes from lack of clarity regarding Abraham obeyed, and that God then provided a sacrificial ani-
the relationship between principles and significance. Princi- mal as a substitute, thus enabling the promised heir, Isaac, to be
ples are timeless truths, significant not for any particular read- preserved.
ers but for all persons at all times. The sermon outlines that But what of the timeless truth? Did the author also intend to
Kaiser offers are not contextualized to our time or situation or tell us that God expects obedience, and that he is faithful to his
to any particular time or situation. There really is nothing in promises? That is not necessarily part of what he consciously
30. Ibid., p. 160.
31. Hirsch, Validity, pp. 61-67.
24 25
Evangelical Interpretation The Nature of Authorial Intent
intended, but it seems to be an implication. We must, however, There is a real point to this suggestion, to a certain degree. A
ask which of these two meanings the author intends. Either we sermon that simply presents the truth and then leaves hearers
have a dual meaning, or meaning has again become quite elas- to make their own application is incomplete. A sermon’s appli-
tic. The concept of implication appears to expand considerably cation should not be restricted to the conclusion, however, but
the concept of intention. I believe it would be preferable to say should be present throughout the message. Beyond that, lack of
that the author affirmed the former, but that it implies the latter. information is only one part of the problem. Another problem,
The original incident with Abraham is an instance of this prin- and often the larger one in our age, is lack of interest. It is this
ciple. It also, however, can be instantiated or contextualized in that the introduction is intended to deal with: the introduction
other situations in our own and other times. is meant to attract the attention of the hearers, to overcome an-
4. Another problem is the tendency to equate meaning with tipathy, to help those listening see that the sermon will be of
then and significance with now. This analysis is inadequate, value to them.33 In short, the communication must deal with af-
however. We have already pointed out that the original text had fective as well as cognitive dimensions.
significance for the original audience. There should therefore Even the pastor’s role in communicating God’s Word has
be original significance and consequent significance. Beyond been truncated. The proverbial neglect of the exegetical use of
that, however, we need to grapple with the issue of signification the biblical languages is traced to the failure to teach seminari-
then and signification now. Some of what was said at that time ans how to identify what in the word “remains normative and
would “mean” something different now. What would eating authoritative to the present moment.“34 Kaiser alludes to the
meat offered to idols or a woman shaving her head mean now? problem of the demands on a pastor’s time, but there still seems
Kaiser would probably say that these are significances for peo- to be the assumption that the communication of biblical truth is
ple today of meaning from the past, but was there not also sig- primarily accomplished through the formal sermon. While it is
nificance for that time? Here again the ambiguity regarding important that the layperson receive a message that is a faithful
what is intended by the author manifests itself. rendition of the true meaning of the biblical text, there are other
5. Yet another problem appears to be a limitation of the type needs besides the cognitive. The single-meaning approach does
of meaning to just one type, namely, the referential. Poythress not seem to do adequate justice to those other dimensions of
has discussed several types of meaning, including the expres- meaning. As important as sermons are, the communication of
sive and the conative. There seems here to be a strong emphasis the biblical reality of Christianity often is accomplished more
on the cognitive rather than the affective dimensions of commu- effectively in counseling and in hospital visitation than in the
nication and experience. The affective and volitional dimen- pulpit ministry. And again, the problem with lack of communi-
sions of experience come in only as application or significance, cation may be just as much a failure to hear the biblical truth as
which is not “meaning.” a failure to hear the biblical truth. The conative and affective
This limitation of meaning shows itself in a number of ways. ministries outside the pulpit may be what make sermons effec-
One is in the depreciation of the sermon introduction, as con- tive. As one pastor put it, “They won’t care what you know, un-
trasted with the conclusion: “We need to reevaluate our priori- til they know that you care.”
ties in this matter of introductions. I would urge God’s ministers I find it very easy as a pastor and theologian to project my
and teachers of the Word in every type of ministry inside and own perspective on laypeople. Thus, I evaluate a sermon in
outside of the Church to severely limit their work on the intro- terms of whether a seminary professor will appreciate it. I have
duction and to devote that time and those energies of pre ara-
t ion to an expanded and clearly-thought-out conclusion.“’ ?’ 33. Michael J. Hostetler, Introducing the Sermon: The Art ofChmpc//ing Hc-
ginnings (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986).
34. Ibid., p. 132.
26 27
Evangelical Interpretation The Nature of Authorial Intent
to remind myself when I go to church that if I am completely as occurring in a series of parts, separated by intervals, and ex-
pleased with the sermon, it probably was not a good sermon for presses itself in language that may apply indifferently to the
the congregation, most of whom are not seminary professors. nearest part, or to the more remote parts, or to the whole-in
(Indeed, full-time faculty members at accredited theological other words, a prediction which, in applying to the whole of a
schools in the United States constitute only ,012 percent of the complex event, also applies to some of its parts.“36
population.) There are a few very gifted preachers who can This attempt to account for a New Testament writer’s appli-
communicate effectively on several different levels at the same cation of an Old Testament prophecy, without accepting the
time. idea of a double sense or multiple meanings, is a rather feeble
6. The single-meaning approach does not deal adequately attempt to avoid the problem. It fails to point out that the author
with the complexity of communication. It leads to the errone- regarded the prediction in this way, and to demonstrate that in
ous assumption that there is only one central meaning of the each of the instances.
passage, and that this meaning is the only possible subject of the Discussions about the hermeneutical problem seem to center
lesson or the sermon. That one central truth, however, is fre- primarily on Old Testament prophecies and their fulfillment in
quently the conclusion of an argument. What about the support- the New Testament. The New Testament authors tend to give
ing assertions ? Did the author intend to present those as well, interpretations of these prophecies, which, like their treatment
and if so, can they not be sermon topics as well? of other Old Testament quotations, seem to be somewhat at
For example, we have Jesus’ teaching about providence in variance with the interpretation that we would otherwise have
Matthew 10, in which he points out God’s protection of birds given to the passages.
(v. 29) and then goes on to observe that his human hearers are There is still a further problem, however, with prophecies,
of more value than many sparrows. The conclusion is that God whether from the Old or the New Testament, which have not
will take care of his human children. What did the author (Mat-
yet been fulfilled. When we look at these prophecies and at-
thew) intend to communicate, and for that matter, what did
tempt to interpret them, it is sometimes difficult to assert that
Jesus intend? Was it only the value of humans and God’s care
the intention of the human author was identical with the divine
for them, or was it also the value of birds and other members of
the creation and God’s care for them? Is the “big idea” the only intention, or, to put it differently, that the human author was
idea in the passage that can be the subject of a sermon?35 Can fully conscious of the meaning of what he was writing.
we also use this passage as a basis for a message on animal Take, for instance, John’s prophecy involving the seven
rights, or ecology, or divine providence as it applies to human seals (Rev. 6-8). Just what was his intention in writing this?
beings? This issue has not been adequately thought through, Was he simply telling his readers about seven seals? Did he
and the conclusions being followed hardly seem adequately know what all of these things meant? It may well be that he was
justified by argument. given the meaning of these seals, but there is nothing in the
7. The hermeneutic developed here also seems to break down passage to indicate that. Is there meaning beyond the vision
when it is confronted by certain types of biblical material, most and John’s apparent intention to tell what he had viewed and
conspicuously, prophecy, That a New Testament writer should experienced (the expressive meaning of the passage)? Was
present a meaning other than the prophet intended is a chal- there something more, of a referential nature? If so, where is its
lenge. The solution that Kaiser has adopted is Willis J. Beecher’s locus within the passage? How does that meaning relate to the
“gr:nr:ric prediction/promise.” This approach “regards an event symbols that John used?
:15. I1a~l~1or1 Kot~inson, Niblicf~l Pwc~ct~ing: Thf! Deve/oprnf:r~t clnd D e l i v e r y 36. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., “The Promise of Isaiah 7:14 and the Single-Mean-
ing Hermeneutic,” Evange~icd]ournd 6/3 (Fall 1986): 66.
28 29
Evangelical interpretation The Nature of Authorial Intent
Just as we might say that God was implying other meanings at least nonsupernaturalist) assumptions eliminate any mean-
beyond the literal meanings of the symbols, so we could also ing conveyed by a divine coauthor of which the human author
say that John was given an insight into the meaning but did not would not be consciously aware. This also excludes effectively
convey it to his hearers. The problem here, however, is that God any role for the Holy Spirit in the interpretational process, a
presumably has a knowledge of the future that far exceeds that problem that we will examine more closely in a subsequent
of the author or any other human. This knowledge, however, is treatment.
not merely information that humans do not have, but also in-
volves even the categories that a human who had not experi- Needed Modifications and Correctives
enced the future would not ordinarily have. Thus, for the
Having engaged in this protracted critique of the authorial in-
human author to intend what God intends, it would be neces-
tent position, what can we offer by way of a corrective?
sary for him to be given an extensive knowledge of the future to
For the most part, I am in agreement with Kaiser and Hirsch.
provide a framework within which to understand it and thus to
The subjective or reader-response type of interpretation that
consciously intend what he was going to write. There is really
they oppose is an insidious movement, which ultimately re-
no indication of the writer possessing this extensive sort of rev-
sults in the breakdown of all meaning, or at least, of shared
elation, which would presumably have produced some sense of
meaning. That the text has a meaning independent of anyone
being overwhelmed.
hearing, reading, or interpreting it, must be insisted upon. Cer-
8. It appears that at the root of the several problems de-
tain modifications are needed, however.
scribed above as well as a number of others that we have not
First, the term “intention” is too ambiguous, and could well
treated here is the adoption of a methodology without due at-
be replaced by “affirmation.” Intention can be too easily con-
tention to the compatibility of its presuppositions with those of
fused with consciousness or with psychologistic concepts.
the Christian biblical tradition. The aim of Hirsch, and of Kaiser
Hirsch recognizes this, and qualifies the statement repeatedly,
and other like-minded evangelical hermeneuts, is to reject or
to include meanings of which the author is not aware, and
avoid the type of subjectivism in which the meaning of the text
“types,” which include all members possessing the traits com-
is whatever meaning the reader finds in it, or whatever “speaks
mon to the type, subsuming implication within meaning. The
to” the reader from the text. The other aim seems to be to avoid
terminology becomes so elastic that it dies Antony Flew’s fa-
any form of the Roman Catholic approach, which holds that
mous “death of a thousand qualifications.“37 The term “asser-
God has given continuing and fuller revelation through the
tion” refers to what the author actually wrote, rather than what
church, and that its magisterium therefore can reveal the mean-
he intended to write. It still emphasizes the act of the writer in
ing of the text.
producing the writing, but focuses on the product rather than
In so doing, however, more has been accomplished than was
the process.
intended. Hirsch articulates no doctrine of the Holy Spirit, for
Second, the concept of authorship needs to be expanded to
he is dealing with generic literature, not necessarily the Bible.
consciously allow for the role of the Holy Spirit, the inspirer, as
The author of the writings he is dealing with is solely the hu-
a coauthor of Scripture.
man author. When Kaiser says that the rules governing the in-
Third, the terms “meaning” and “significance” could profit-
terpretation of the Bible are simply those governing any writing,
ably be replaced by “signification” and “significance,” respec-
he is essentially accepting the assumption that the Bible was
written like any other book. Although he struggles mightily to 37. Antony Flew, “Theology and Falsification,” in New Essnys in Philo-
correlate human authorship with divine inspiration, a built-in sophical Theology, ed. Antony Flew and Alisdair MacIntyre (New York: Mac-
contradiction continues to surface. The antisupernaturalist (or millan, 1955), p. 97.
30 31
Evangelical Interpretation
32 33
Evangelical Interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation
sisted that since the writers of the Bible were inspired by the is that “apart from the Holy Spirit, a person does not accept
Holy Spirit to give them the content of the Scripture that they what the Bible teaches with pleasure, willingness, and eager-
wrote, the interpreter must also be taught by the Holy Spirit. ness. In other words, the natural man does not welcome the
This will enable the interpreter to go beyond the historical- things of the Spirit of God.“3 This does not exclude, but actually
grammatical data or the literal meaning of the Bible to its spiri- requires, a cognition of what the natural man repudiates. A per-
tual meaning. This spiritual meaning is an allegorical or typo- son cannot feel revulsion when encountering a biblical teaching
logical meaning. Fuller observes that “The problem with this without first understanding it. A person cannot hate something
understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit in biblical interpre- without having some knowledge of it.4
tation is that the words of the text can play no essential role in The statement that “spiritual things are foolishness to the
conveying its intended meaning, even though it is these very natural man” does not mean that the biblical teachings are un-
words which the writers were inspired to use in transmitting intelligible, like an unknown language would be. Rather, these
God’s message to men.“’ “spiritual things” are understood but regarded as false. An ex-
This idea fits the understanding of 1 Corinthians 2:13-14: the ample would be Paul’s encounter with Festus (Acts 26:4-23).
divine message was uttered by the biblical spokesmen “not in Festus regarded Paul as “insane.” He certainly had to under-
words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the stand what Paul said, however, in order to be able to reject it.5
Spirit” and can be received and known only by those indwelt It seems as if Paul’s statement that the natural man cannot
by the Holy Spirit. Fuller, however, asks what this role of the know the things of the Spirit of God, because they are spiritually
Holy Spirit is. He also wonders: “How does this role urge the ex- discerned would present problems for Fuller’s theology. Fuller
egete always to acknowledge his complete dependence on the acknowledges that ginthkb can represent the idea of merely per-
Holy Spirit, and at the same time urge him to develop his skill ceiving. In general, however, it means “embracing things as they
in using valid exegetical means to determine the meanings that really are.” If used in this sense in the second half of the verse,
were intended by the words which the Holy Spirit inspired the the meaning would be a close parallel to the earlier statement
biblical writer to use?“’ that the natural man does not welcome spiritual things.6
Fuller believes that the answer to the question will be found What about the explanation that the natural man does not
in a closer examination of 1 Corinthians 2:14. His interpretation “accept” spiritual things “because they are spiritually dis-
can be summarized as follows. cerned”? Fuller says that the Greek word here for “discerned”
1. The problem involved in the rejection of the spiritual mes-
is unukinb [sic] and that it represents “an investigative action
sage is not lack of understanding, but lack of willingness. The carried on for the purpose of rendering an appraisal or evalua-
tion. 917 He believes that this supports the idea that the problem
difficulty, in other words, is not intellectual but volitional. The
is inability to see the worth or value, rather than the meaning,
correct understanding of “receive” can be seen in the meaning
of biblical teachings. He says, “One’s inability to welcome spir-
of the Greek verb dechomai, which is used here rather than Zam-
itual things is supported more aptly by affirming that he cannot
banb. Whereas Zamban~ means simply to receive something,
evaluate them than by affirming that he cannot even have cog-
dechomui means “to accept some requested offering willingly
nition of them.“8
and with pleasure.” So when Paul says that the natural man
does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, the real meaning 3. Ibid., p. 191.
4. Ibid.
1. Ikniel I’. Fuller, “The IIoly Spirit’s Role in Biblical Interpretation,” in 5. Ibid.
Sc:riptrlw. ‘Z’mdition, nntl Interpretation, ed. W. Ward Gasque and William San- 6. Ibid.
ford I,aSor (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978), p. 190. 7. Ibid., pp. 191-92.
2. Ibid. 8. Ibid., p. 192.
Evangelical Interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical interpretation
2. A major conclusion follows from this. The Holy Spirit’s interpreting one biblical passage in the terms of another-these
role in biblical interpretation does not consist in giving the in- are some of the ways people commonly justify modifying the
terpreter cognition of what the Bible is saying, which would in- meaning of a text that would stand simply by letting its perti-
volve dispensing additional information beyond the historical- nent historical-grammatical data speak for themselves.“13
grammatical data that are already there for everyone to work 5. Although he does not explicitly draw this conclusion, the
with: “Rather, the Holy Spirit’s role is to change the heart of the implication of what Fuller has said is that, other things being
interpreter, so that he loves the message that is conveyed by equal, a capable unbelieving exegete will be better able to
nothing more than the historical-grammatical data.“g This understand cognitively the biblical message than will a rela-
means that the biblical interpreter does not expect the Holy tively unsanctified believing exegete. The apparent foolishness
Spirit to give him the ‘meaning of the text. He must work dili- of the Scripture stems from the fact that the gospel allows no
gently to develop his exegetical skills and use them effectively room for boasting. As long as we are striving to overcome our
in the hard work of understanding a text.” own finiteness so that we can delight in trusting in ourselves,
3. The problem that an unbeliever has with the text does not our natural reaction will be to denounce the Bible’s teaching. It
affect his ability to understand it correctly. While a biblical text is in terms of the reaction to this conflict that the contrast be-
may conflict with his value systems, that conflict does not af- tween the unbelieving and the believing exegete is made appar-
fect the accuracy of his exegesis. The agnostic or atheist seeks ent. On the one hand,
simply to describe academically what the Bible says; he does
not do this in order to influence his own values and actions. these doctrines will present no problem to those whose only con-
cern in biblical interpretation is to give an accurate description
Fuller notes, in fact, that “an agnostic or an atheist, whose con-
of biblical theology. . . . So they have no need to modify the
cern is simply to set forth, say, a description of Pauline
teachings determined by the pertinent historical-grammatical
thought, can make a lasting contribution to this subject, if he data of the Bible, and to the extent that they are skilled in exe-
has achieved a high degree of exegetical skill.“” He quotes gesis, their exposition of what the biblical writers intended to
with favor Krister Stendahl, who states that agnostics and be- say will be accurate.14
lievers can work side by side, “since no other tools are called
for than those of description in the terms indicated by the texts On the other hand, “those who expound the teachings of the
themselves.“12 Bible as true will refrain from modifying the intended mean-
4. The values taught in Scripture, however, conflict with ings of the biblical writers only as their desire for ego-satisfac-
those of the natural human being. This conflict affects adversely tion is replaced by a delight in God’s faithfulness to keep his
the ability of the unsanctified believer to interpret the biblical promises.“15
text correctly. When we move from descriptive biblical theol-
ogy as an end in itself to the study of the text to give meaning Analysis of Fuller’s Position
and purpose to life, things change. In this situation there is a
tendency to modify the meanings of the Bible to make them pal- We must now look at several presuppositions that underlie
atable. “Such hermeneutical gambits as demythologizing, or in- Fuller’s thinking and affect the conclusions that he draws. This
terpreting a passage of the Bible from some religious a priori, or analysis should assist us in understanding what he is saying
and why he is saying it, as well as prepare us for an evaluation
!I. Ibid.
10. Ibid. 13. Ibid., p. 1%.
11. Ibid. 14. Ibid., p. 197.
12. hid. 15. Ibid.
36 37
Evangelical Interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation
of his position. Fuller’s assumptions lie in several different In one sense Fuller’s view is very rationalistic, and in an-
areas and are of several different types. other, or perhaps two other senses, it is not. It is rationalistic,
1. Fuller assumes that there is a disjunctive relationship be- theologically, in the sense that human reason or rationality is
tween the use of methods of scientific exegesis to get at the his- very much intact. On the other hand, Fuller is apparently skep-
torical-grammatical data, and reliance on the Holy Spirit to give tical about the power of the intellect to recognize the truth
insight. This assumption is revealed in his opening statement in when confronted with it. And the power of the intellect to af-
which he refers to those in the history of the church who “have fect the will seems to be less than the power of the will to affect
insisted that the proper understanding of a passage in the Bible the intellect (at least its ability to recognize the truth). Another
is gained only by those who go beyond the wording of the text way of putting this is that in Fuller’s view the effect of original
and seek the illumination that the Holy Spirit provides.“*” His sin on the mind is not direct, but indirect. The corruption of
selection of Origen to represent the position to which he is op- the will causes it to distort the intellect’s appreciation of the
posed underscores this assumption. The problem with this ap- truth.
proach, Fuller believes, is that “the words of the text can play 4. Fuller also assumes that there is basically one level of
no essential role in conveying its intended meaning.“17 understanding of biblical meaning. The level of knowledge is
2. Fuller also assumes that sin affects our volitional rather
that of the grammatical-exegetical meaning of the text. There is
than noetic powers. The unbelieving exegete, then, is not hin-
no element here of discernment as a deeper insight into the text,
dered at all in a cognitive ability to know the meaning of the
or of heart knowledge as contrasted with head knowledge, or
Assessments of moral action generally require that at least anything of that type. At this level of knowledge the ability of
three components be satisfied in order to fulfill the right. First, the human to acquire knowledge is not affected by the effects of
we must correctly know what is right. Rationalists like Plato be- sin on the human personality.
lieved that if the right was correctly known, it would inevitably 5. Fuller also seems to assume that exegesis is presupposi-
be done. Second, we must will to do what is right. Third, we tionless. The fact that the unbeliever may come with a very dif-
must have the ability to do the right, once we have known and ferent worldview than does the believer apparently does not
chosen it. In Fuller’s analysis, sin seems to have its locus in the affect in any significant way the former’s understanding of the
second of these areas, the ability to choose and to will. biblical text. There is no hint here of differing cultural back-
3. Another of Fuller’s assumptions is that the different as- grounds contributing differing presuppositions that might gov-
pects of human personality, or different faculties, to use the tra- ern what is discovered in the text.
ditional terminology, may interact with each other, but they 6. Finally, for Fuller the understanding of the nature of bibli-
need not. The person is not a unitary being. Interestingly, he cal theology is that of the descriptive approach. This is seen in
seems to favor the idea that the volitional affects the cognitive his repudiation of any approach in which one biblical passage
more than vice versa. The conflict of the biblical teaching with is interpreted in terms of another.
the natural desire for self-glorification affects the ability of the It is quite possible to do biblical theology on this level. The
believer to understand the truth of the biblical teaching, but ex- application of these matters to life is something that the believer
posure to the truth does not affect the adoption of the values by is likely to do, but biblical theology simply as a recounting of
the unbeliever. what was believed in biblical times is a legitimate activity. This
l(i. hict., p. 189.
relating of the biblical teachings to other issues would seem to
1 7 . hid., p. 190. be something more than biblical theology.
38 39
Evangelical Interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation
Evangelical Interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation
These statements have to be seen in their context, however. teaching about the illumination of the Holy Spirit was not sim-
If Jesus meant them to be only for his immediate disciples, what ply restricted to that generation.
about the other teachings and promises in the passage? Unless Another significant passage is 2 Corinthians 4:3-g, which
there is some sufficient basis for distinguishing these from the powerfully portrays the difference between the situation of the
ones we have already examined, they too must be restricted to believer and that of the unbeliever. Speaking of the presentation
the immediate hearers of the promises. Was the Comforter to be of the gospel, Paul says, “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is
with them forever, but only with them (14:16-17)? Was he to be veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has
with and dwell in only them (14:17)? Would he only convict or blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the
convince of sin, righteousness, and judgment those to whom light of the gospel of the glory of Christ.” This is a very different
they presented the message (16:7-ll)? What about the other picture than that drawn by Fuller. There is an inability to see,
promises Jesus gave here, independent of his reference to the even though the light is there. There is a veiling, a blinding.
Holy Spirit? Among these are, “I will do whatever you ask in my This is more than just understanding but rejecting something
name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may because it does not comport with one’s self-interest. This is an
ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” (14:13-14); inability even to understand the truth.
“He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will Contrasted with this is the description of the believer: “For
love him and show myself to him” (14:21); “I am going there to God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light
prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the
I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may glory of God in the face of Christ” (v. 6). It is the believer who is
be where I am” (14:2-3); “My Father will love him, and we will able clearly to see the truth, not the unbeliever.
come to him and make our home with him” (14:23); “Peace I This inability to understand must also be seen in the context
leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the
of the preceding passage. There Paul is especially referring to
world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be
the Israelites. He describes them as having a veil placed over
afraid” (14:27); “You are already clean because of the word I
their hearts. His statement; then, is significant: “But whenever
have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you”
anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away” (3:16). He goes
(15:3-4); “If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear
on to speak of how those with unveiled faces will all reflect the
much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (155); “If you
Lord’s glory (v. 18).
remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you
These statements constitute a strong indication that there is
wish, and it will be given you” (15:~). Other promises appear in
both a veiling or blinding and an unveiling or illumination. Ber-
15:10,15,16;16:22, 23, 24, 27, 33.
nard Ramm’s comment on these verses draws exactly the oppo-
There are, to be sure, some elements of the discourse that ap-
site conclusion from that drawn by Fuller:
pear to be specifically directed to that group of disciples: “they
will put you out of the synagogue” (16:2); “In a little while you
When our minds are blinded by the god of this world, everything
will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see
we read in the New Testament may be equivocated, e.g., ‘we are
me” (16:16). These, however, seem to be fairly clearly related to
not sure of the Greek,’ ‘there is a parallel in the mystery cults to
their circumstances. The other promises, however, are so inter- this,’ ‘this is a piece of Judean tradition,’ ‘this is but Paul’s imag-
twined with apparently universal or perpetual promises, that it ination,’ or, ‘this is a churchly interpolation.’ Then, in the midst
would be difficult to restrict them to the immediate situation, of our equivocations, God speaks: Let there be light! Immedi-
unless there were some specific contextual reason for making ately this creaturely equivocation ceases; unbelief burns itself
such a distinction. From these considerations it appears that the out in a moment; and there before the eyes of our hearts stands
42 43
Evangelical Interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit i n B i b l i c a l I n t e r p r e t a t i o n
Jesus Christ giving the light of the knowledge of the glory of God unrepentant hearts (2:5), and says of Israel that “God gave them
on his blessed face (v. 6I.l’ a spirit of stupor, eyes so that they could not see and ears so that
they could not hear, to this very day” (11:8).
One other major text that bears especially upon the issues in- This picture of the unbeliever’s condition seems definitely
volved here is Matthew 16:17. Jesus had asked his disciples in contradiction to Fuller’s view, which maintains that the nat-
who men said that he was, and they had reported a variety of ural man is, if skilled in the science of exegesis, quite able to
opinions. When he asked them, “Who do you say I am?” Peter understand correctly the meaning of the biblical text. He is able
spoke for the group: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living to do this as well as a regenerate exegete can. Indeed, he is able
God.” Jesus’ comment was, “Blessed are you, Simon son of to see the truth even more than some believers, for, not holding
Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father
that it is true and thus binding upon him, he does not experi-
in heaven.” Although Peter and the disciples had seen and
ence any conflict between its teaching and his own tendency to
heard the same things that others had, their understanding had
come by the Father’s special manifestation of the truth.
It would appear that we have here a case&of what should
3. There also are theological difficulties with Fuller’s posi-
properly be termed “epistemological Pelagianism.” Sin affects
tion. His view conflicts with other doctrines taught in the Bi-
humans, but not their ability to know. That ability, so far as we
ble, particularly the doctrine of total depravity, which holds
can determine, is undisturbed by the presence of sin in the un-
that all persons are sinners both by nature and by choice, and
believer’s life. With respect to that aspect of human experience,
that they are perverted throughout their natures. This doctrine
Fuller’s view is the same as that of Pelagians. Sin affects the
does not mean that sinners are as sinful as they can possibly be,
will, but not the reason or the mind. In those cases where the
but that the perversion affects every aspect of their beings. It is
will does not conflict with the truth (because the mind does not
not simply resident in their physical makeup, or their minds,
regard the Bible as true and therefore its teachings are no
or their wills. It has permeated their entire being, including the
threat), the ability to understand is not affected. It is only in
those cases where the will conflicts with the Bible, that the will
This dimension of the doctrine is taught in a number of
places in Scripture, and in a variety of ways. Jesus, for example, leads the reason to distort the teaching so that there is no real
answered the disciples’ query about his use of parables by say- conflict. Thus, the effect of sin on the mind or the reason is only
ing that this was a fulfillment of the words of Isaiah 6:9-10: indirect. The Bible, however, clearly indicates that the mind or
“You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be reason is negatively affected.
ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people’s heart has be- 4. Fuller’s stance is also faulty psychologically, as it separates
come calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have the mind from the direct effects of sin. Underlying this view is
closed their eyes” (Matt. 13:14-15). Paul speaks of those who, a faculty psychology, which divides the person into intellect,
although they knew God, neither glorified him as God nor gave emotions, and will. This faculty psychology is only implicit in
thanks to him. Consequently, “their thinking became futile and the thought of Fuller, but it does definitely seem to be presup-
their foolish hearts were darkened” (Rom. 121). He goes on to posed by all that he says. In the thought of Alfred Glenn, it is
comment that “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie” (v. made explicit. Glenn explains the locus of depravity as being
25). Later in the same book he speaks of their stubbornness and the will rather than the mind; the will, however, affects the abil-
ity to know. 2o It is not that the human cannot know, but rather
19. Ihmard Ramm, The Witness of the Spirit: An Essay on the Contempo-
rclr;v N~~lr~vclnce of the Internnl Witness of the Efoly Spirit (Grand Rapids: Eerd- 20. Alfred A. Glenn, “A Worthy Successor,” The Standard 74/l (Jan.
IIlilllS. 1!159), pp. 43-44. 1984): 51.
44 45
Evangelical interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical interpretation
does not want to know.‘l Although that is not what Fuller says, standing is not given by the Holy Spirit,” would equally well
it is a further development of the faculty psychology. have rebutted the original statement. What Fuller has in effect
This view was, for a long time, a popular view. In more re- done, is to combine a whole series of such statements into a uni-
cent years, however, it has been largely abandoned in favor of a versal negative statement, in the process ignoring any possible
more holistic understanding of human nature. The human is intermediate points between the universal positive and the uni-
seen to be a psychosomatic unity. We do not act as body, soul, versal negative positions.
and spirit, nor as intellect, emotions, and will. What we do, we Another logical difficulty with Fuller’s position relates to his
do as individual personal entities. understanding of the nature of different interpretations. By se-
Nor is Fuller’s view really supported by biblical statements. lecting Origen and C. H. Mackintosh as examples of the spiritual
Disregarding the issue of trichotomism, dichotomism, or mo- interpretation of the Bible, Fuller sets himself in opposition to a
nism, we do not find in the Bible any suggestion of different view “that the words of the text can play no essential role in con-
components of personality (rational, emotional, and volitional) veying its intended meaning. “22 Fuller thus assumes that if the
that function independently of one another. What we do, we do words do not play the entire role, they cannot play any essential
as unified entities. role. And that leads him to the assumption that another inter-
5. There are also logical problems in Fuller’s view. He is con- pretation will be an essential difference. Fuller seems to ignore
cerned about views that advocate finding the meaning of a bib- the possibility of the biblical distinction between two Greek
lical text solely through a special communication from the Holy words for “other.” Allos is another of the same kind; heteros is
Spirit, independent of any exegetical activity. This type of view another of a different kind, something qualitatively different.
also frequently comes up with an interpretation that has little May there not be a biblical interpretation that is other than an-
relationship to the literal or grammatical-historical sense of the other, not in giving a conflicting alternative, but simply in giv-
passage. The growing popularity of charismatic movements has ing a greater depth of understanding of the same basic meaning?
given Fuller what is probably a reasonable basis for concern. This might be what the role of the Holy Spirit in illumination
Fuller seems to have overreacted, however, in completely would be. Yet this possibility, which we will explore at greater
eliminating any direct influence of the Holy Spirit in the inter- length in the concluding portion of this chapter, does not really
pretational process. Unregenerate persons in a sense have no seem to be considered by Fuller. Because he selects as his oppo-
need for the Holy Spirit to assist them in determining the mean- sition relatively extreme forms of “spiritual” interpretation, he
ing of a biblical passage. The only role the Spirit plays is coun- concludes that the result of some direct illumination by the
tering the conflict between the meaning of the passage and the Holy Spirit would be an interpretation contradictory to that ob-
natural human tendency toward self-glorification. In so doing, tained by exegetical study. Perhaps the relationship between the
Fuller has opposed to the statement, “All of the understanding understanding that the Holy Spirit gives through illumination
of the passage is given by the Holy Spirit,” the statement, “None and that obtained merely by exegesis is something like that be-
of the understanding is given by the Holy Spirit.” He has tween universal and particular affirmative statements. “All A is
aligned a contrary against the statement, a universal negative (E B” and “Some A is B” are not contradictory. They have some-
statement) against a universal affirmation (A statement). what different, but not fundamentally opposed, meanings. We
will need to pursue this distinction at greater length, however.
This measure would not have been necessary, however. A
contradictory would have provided an equally adequate rebut- There is another logical difficulty with Fuller’s view, al-
tal of the statement. Thus, the statement, “Some of the under- though it is more of a linguistic issue. Fuller seems to hold that
the unbeliever is capable of understanding the meaning of the
21. Alfred A. Glenn, Taking Your Faith to Work: Twelve Practical Doctrines
((iriIIl(I li;ll)itis: Baker, 198(I), pp. 136-39. 22. Fuller, “Holy Spirit’s Role,” p. 190.
46 47
Evangelical Interpretation I The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation
biblical text, so long as he does good exegetical work. The un- evidently intended by the author to have significance for his
believer, of course, does not believe the things that he finds in first readers, this distinction may not serve us well for this issue.
the Scripture. They are foolishness to him. Nonetheless, he and 6. Fuller’s view also involves an epistemological difficulty.
the believing exegete can labor alongside one another. The logical difficulty is a case of not combining, “Some of the
Fuller seems to be ignoring the question of whether there are understanding is not given by the Holy Spirit” with “Some of
any differences between the statements, “This is what the Bible the understanding is given by the Holy Spirit.” In other words,
says,” and “This is what the Bible says, and it is true” (or, in the it seems difficult for Fuller to integrate into his method of exe-
case of a narrative passage, “and it really happened”). Does the gesis any positive role of the Holy Spirit in giving understand-
second statement mean the same as the first? Does it add any- ing of the passage. He is obviously very apprehensive about any
thing to the meaning of the first? approach that would bypass hard exegetical work, and in the
How we answer this question will depend on our under- process also bypass the grammatical-historical meaning of the
standing of the nature of language, particularly of propositions passage. The role he assigns to the Holy Spirit in all of this is a
and predication. What we mean when we say that the latter sen- therapeutic or prophylactic role-largely negative. It is to effect
tence adds something to the former may involve us in some- a change (largely a matter of sanctification) in the exegete that
thing like the Anselmian statement of the ontological problem, will prevent the natural tendency toward self-glorification from
and Kant’s criticism of it, if we feel that version 2 predicates causing him to distort the plain meaning of Scripture. This,
something more of the subject of the proposition than does ver- however, does not really add any new power of understanding
sion 1. This issue may perhaps instead be approached (in some to the believing exegete. It enables him to do what the unbeliev-
specific passages) as an issue of the genre of literature affirmed ing exegete does. Fuller’s view suggests that the process of
by the latter versus the former sentence. In either event, it ap- knowing the meaning of the text is, except for this prophylactic
pears to me that there is a difference between the meaning of the work of the Holy Spirit, primarily a natural or virtually mechan-
two sentences, and we ought to explore what that difference is. ical process. Fuller has not thought through the process of how
It is this question that Fuller fails to ask. That he sees no real we come to understanding.
difference in meaning between the two statements seems appar- 7. Fuller’s stance’also runs into the metaphysical problem of
ent from the way in which he refers to the unbelieving exegete’s how the natural and the supernatural are related. This question
understanding. He does not say that such an interpreter under- may be asked on several different levels with respect to the
stands part of the meaning of the text, while the believing exe- meaning of the biblical passage. It may be asked on the level of
gete understands more. He does not, conversely, suggest that the the events that are purportedly asserted to have occurred. If this
unbeliever understands as much as does the believer, all other appears to be what we would ordinarily call a miracle, did it oc-
things being equal. But his failure to draw the distinction raises cur? Could it have occurred? Our conception of the relationship
doubts about whether he sees any real difference in what the of the supernatural to the natural will often influence our an-
two understand. He would probably say that both understand swer to that question. Bultmann, holding to a closed contin-
the same thing, but one believes it and the other does not. To use uum, believes that violations of natural law could not occur, so
the terminology we introduced earlier, the signification is the these miracles must be legend or myth. Supernaturalists believe
same for both interpreters, but the significance is not. But are the that the relationship of God to the created world is such that he
statements, “Paul said this, and it has no bearing upon the life can contravene natural laws, causing miracles. Events for
of the reader,” and “Paul said this, and obedience to it is incum- which there is adequate historical evidence are therefore under-
bent on the reader,” the same? Is the significance part of the sig- stood to have happened, even if their occurrence is contrary to
nification? Since it not only had signification but also was the known laws of nature.
48 &Z!!,, 49
Evangelical Interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation
‘There is a second level, however: the process of reporting the necessary to receive what the Bible teaches. Note, however, that
content of Scripture, or of recording the revelation. Here we ask this is a first-level, not a third-level issue. This is a question of
about what was involved in the writing of the biblical accounts. sanctification. Fuller certainly believes that the Holy Spirit
Second-level naturalists assume that the production of the bib- works a work of sanctification that no natural laws can account
lical documents can be fully accounted for by explaining the for. But on the third level, the ability to understand what may
natural forces contributing to this writing. Supernaturalists, on have been written by a biblical writer about sanctification, the
the other hand, hold to the possibility of divine inspiration of Holy Spirit plays no direct role. The sanctified exegete may not
the writer that enables him (or her) to produce something not have any essential advantage over the unbelieving exegete in
accounted for by a study of the traditions through which oral terms of ability to understand the passage.
material went, or the conscious intent of the author to interpret We have now come to the end of our analysis of Fuller’s po-
the material for his audience. It may be that even some evangel- sition regarding the role of the Holy Spirit, although the analysis
ical form-critical and redaction-critical discussions of the bibli- could have been deeper and numerous additional observations
cal text can fall into this, if the interpretation excludes any real could have been made. Some readers may feel that I have al-
role for supernatural inspiration. The question, “Why is this in ready chewed more than I have bitten off, but I believe we could
the biblical text?” is an important one. The answers we give to demonstrate that these are implications of what Fuller has said.
that question will tell us a great deal about our metaphysics. Such additional analysis and demonstration go beyond the
Similarly, “What was the role of the Holy Spirit in the produc- scope of the present treatment. What we must do, however, it
tion of this passage?” will get at the issue from the opposite side. seems to me, is to offer some reasonable alternative to what
There is also yet a third level: the relationship of the role of Fuller has proposed.
the natural and the supernatural in the interpretational process. I do not intend here to present the biblical and theological
What is the relationship between hard, objective, exegetical data establishing the doctrine of divine illumination. That has
work, and the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit? A naturalist been done elsewhere.23 What I propose to do instead is to ana-
would assume that the meaning of a biblical passage can be ob- lyze somewhat more closely the nature of this illuminating
tained simply by applying the canons of interpretation used on work, particularly as it relates to the work of scientific exegesis.
any type of literature to the literature of the Bible. A supernatu- To do that, however, we must develop a bit of the biblical doc-
ralist would hold, however, that there is an understanding of trine of epistemology of spiritual matters, if we may use an ex-
the text that cannot be obtained simply through intellectual pression such as that.
study, but which the Holy Spirit gives in illumination. This is The Bible does not present a complete discussion of human
related to the objective, scientific study of the Bible in much the nature, but of the human person in relationship to God. Both the
same way that the supernatural working of God stands in rela- Jews and the Greeks, together with many other cultural groups
tionship to natural laws in a miracle. It need not be a different within humanity, use the eye and the ear as metaphors for the
meaning, but it goes beyond the understanding that the unaided
person would discover. It is on this level that it appears to me 23. See Millard J, Erickson, Christian Theology (Grand Kapids: Baker,
1986), pp. 247-51; Fred H. Klooster, “The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Herme-
that Fuller is a practical naturalist, or a functioning naturalist. neutic Process: The Relationship of the Spirit’s Illumination to Biblical Inter-
This, then, is tertiary naturalism. pretation,” in Hermeneutics, Inerrclncy and the Bible, ed. Earl D. Radmacher
At this point, Fuller would most surely vigorously object, and Robert D. Preus (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984), pp. 451-72; J. Theodore
Mueller, “The Holy Spirit and the Scriptures,” in Hevelntion and th Hit)lf:, cd.
and seemingly with good grounds. After all, there is a very def- Carl F. II. Henry (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1958), pp. 265-81; Kenneth S. Kantzer,
inite supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the believing exe- “The Communication of Revelation,” in The Rihlr+--The Living Word oj‘ Reve-
#?tt?, which imparts to him the humble and contrite spirit lation, ed. Merrill C. Tenney (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1966), 111’. 77-80.
50 51
Evangelical Interpretation The Role of the Holy Spirit in Biblical Interpretation
mind. Within the biblical description, three levels of meaning Anyone who has taken an intelligence test that involves see-
are distinguishable. ing analogies knows that there are right and wrong answers,
There is first the level of physical perception. Here the eyes which cannot always be fully explained. A person either gets
and ears are understood as physical organs. At the next level them, or does not get them. Insight into certain relationships
there is cognition, where the eyes and ears represent organs of goes beyond mere understanding of surface meaning. The same
the soul. There is, however, also another level, beyond hearing type of thing occurs in mathematics. It is not always possible to
and seeing with the senses and seeing and hearing with the explain algebra in such a way that every student will automati-
mind. This third level is what seems to be the focus of passages cally see the processes and conclusions. A teacher may stand
such as Matthew 13:13-15 and Mark 8:18. There are expres- before a class and say, “1, 4, 9." Some of the students will re-
sions such as the eyes of the heart (Eph. 1:18), seeing God (Matt. spond, “16, 25, 36.” Those who do demonstrate that they have
5:8; 1 John 3:6), seeing the kingdom of God (John 3:3), and spir- seen some meaning that was objectively present in the symbols,
itual hearing (John 5:24; 10:3; Rom. 10:17). There are references but which was not obviously or overtly present. They may, of
to the organs of such spiritual perception-the heart, the soul, course, have either of two insights, each of which would apply
the spirit, and the mind. Finally, the Bible also mentions the equally well. Their insight might be, “Each number in the series
products of the activities of these spiritual organs, such as increases over the preceding number by an interval equal to the
thoughts, meditations, and words. Ramm summarizes: “there is preceding interval, plus two,” or, “The series consists of the
squares of succeeding integers.” Whether the students had
an inward power, or ability, or faculty in man which is deeper
grasped the latter would depend upon their ability to reply to
than the ordinary cognitive powers. That is why Scripture can
the number “144” by saying, “169.” In one sense, however, the
speak of a hearing which does not hear, and a seeing which
difference between the students who reply correctly and those
does not see. It is this inward power or ability which, when
who remain puzzled is not because those responding correctly
sound and whole, has an intuitive power for recognizing God
have some new information not contained in the original num-
and his truth.“24
bers, but because they have more insight into that information.
What I am suggesting, then, is that the role of the Holy Spirit
This analysis could be carried into other areas of life, includ-
is not to convey new information that is not in the biblical text.
ing social relationships. Here, of course, the problem is more
Rather, the Spirit gives insight or understanding of the meaning complex because of the large number of subjective factors. What
that is in the biblical text, although it may not always be possi- a person means may not always be obvious to everyone who
ble to unpack that meaning fully using exegetical methodology. reads her words, or even to everyone who hears them, because
What I am suggesting here is parallel to that which Ian Ramsey there are many nonverbal factors, some of which will not be de-
said about religious language. He suggested that the role of reli- tected and understood even by direct observation. Insight into
gious language was to elicit discernment of meaning that was the meaning may not be objectively explainable or demonstra-
objectively present within the statements, but could not be fully ble, but there is an objective meaning, namely, that which the
explicated empirically.25 We are speaking of insight that cannot speaker intends (excluding for the moment the issue of uncon-
be pointed out directly and discursively through exegetical en- scious or unintended communication).
deavors alone, but which is nonetheless there. Perhaps some il- Other areas of experience also come to mind. A magnifying
lustrations will help clarify what we are saying. glass or a telescope does not provide some information not
present in the object or scene we observe, but makes it possible
2 4 . lVilrlr!ss of fhf! Spirif, p. 3 6 .
52 53
Evangelical Interpretation
54 55
Evangelical interpretation Getting from There to Here
women are not to cut their hair, and that men are not to have to ask him to write a particular article. He asked about the rela-
long hair. Is that injunction mandatory for believers today? The tionship of the encyclopedia to The Living Bible, and then,
Bible says that women are to be silent in the church, and that without waiting for an answer, launched into a tirade against
they are not to teach. It also says that when someone strikes us The Living Bible. “I and my colleague, Dr. X,” he said, “are go-
on the cheek, we are to turn the other cheek for that person to ing everywhere we can, warning everyone about that transla-
strike also. It says that we are not to take a sword, but also that tion.” Although I was tempted to ask, “Haven’t you stopped
we are to take a sword. It records a command to wash the feet of burning Bibles yet?” I simply thanked him for his thoughts and
others, as well as one to sell all we have and to give the proceeds assigned the article to someone else. While extreme in degree,
to the poor. What are the implications of these biblical teach- the attitude was not unique among evangelicals. On the other
ings for believers today? Are we to follow them, or have they be- hand, some of the ministries that are the most successful in
come immaterial and irrelevant? making their message appealing to today’s young people are not
We are dealing here with what I have chosen to call the prob- very careful about their exegesis of the biblical texts. What is
lem of getting from there to here: how to move from the message needed is some clear thinking about how we can make the tran-
of the Bible in the time it was given to its message for today. In sition from the biblical text to the present situation. Yet, as Alan
many ways, I think the issue of contemporizing the biblical Johnson has pointed out, evangelicals are (or were in 1982) just
message is possibly the single most important issue facing evan- beginning to say the first words on this subject.*
gelical hermeneutics today. By this I mean simply the matter of William Hordern makes an important distinction between
how to faithfully preserve the meaning of the biblical message translators and transformers.’ Both groups attempt to state the
in its context, while applying it to the present time in a contem- Christian message in a form that is intelligible to a person func-
porary form. tioning within contemporary culture. The transformer, how-
This is a problem that all segments of the church struggle ever, believes that such radical changes have taken place in the
with. It is in a sense more acute for evangelicalism, however, be- world that some of Christianity’s basic conceptions are simply
cause as a conservative movement, it strongly desires to ensure no longer tenable. Consequently, the transformer is prepared to
that it not alter the basic biblical message. Its task has been made abandon certain of these tenets to modernize the message. The
even more tense in recent years as a result of intensified efforts translator, on the other hand, is intent upon retaining the essen-
to make sure that its message is truly speaking to the present age. tial message, but stating it in a form that will make sense to a
Two indications of this concern are contemporary Bible transla- thoroughly modern person.
tions (actually paraphrases- especially The Cottonpatch Bible
and The Living Bible) and the emphasis of a growing number of Varieties of the Difficulty
churches on contemporary worship services, particularly those My commitment is to the translator, rather than the trans-
geared to the needs and interests of non-Christians, so-called former, approach. It is essential for a conservative to preserve
seeker services being the most highly developed form. the integrity of the Christian world- and life-view. For most
This attempt within evangelicalism is not going completely conservatives or evangelicals, the alternative to the translator
smoothly, however. One indication of this is the objection by
many conservative biblical scholars to the paraphrastic transla- 1. Alan F. Johnson, “A Response to Problems of Normativeness in Scrip-
tions. Some years ago, I served as an editor for an encyclopedia ture: Cultural versus Permanent,” in Hermeneutics, Inerrancy, and the Bible,
ed. Earl D. Radmacher and Robert D. Preus (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984),
that was being produced by the publisher of The Living Bible. p. 230.
I telephoned one scholar at an evangelical seminary that prided 2. William E. Hordern, New Directions in Theology Today, vol. 1, Infrotfur:-
itself on being avant garde and definitely not fundamentalistic, tion (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1966). pp. 136-54.
56 57
Evangelical Interpretation I Getting from There to Here
approach is not that of the transformer, but rather what we the signification, even where none of these problems is evident.
might term the “nondialogical” approach. This view simply Otherwise, we are simply assuming that the Bible is speaking in
states the biblical message in the same language and thought an absolute or universal fashion whenever we do not have rea-
forms of the Bible. The necessity of translation, in the sense son to believe otherwise. That is the position of someone like J.
given above, is made apparent, however, by a number of issues. Robertson McQuilken, who writes, “My thesis of a fully author-
1. The first of these is the simple fact that there are a number itative Bible means that every teaching in Scripture is limited
of biblical statements regarding situations for which no parallel unless Scripture itself treats it as universal.“3
exists today. An example is the large amount of material de-
voted to prohibitions of practices associated with Baa1 worship. Signification and Significance
Baa1 worship is, to my knowledge, no longer extant today. This
fact would seem to render a fair1.y significant body of biblical We need to note, however, that the issue is not merely as sim-
ple as applying past teaching to present situations. That con-
material irrelevant to us.
ception has been encouraged by a number of factors, not the
2. A second type of consideration is present-day situations
least of which has been the terminology introduced by Hirsch.
on which the Bible apparently makes no statements. How to
Hirsch distinguishes between what he calls meaning and signif-
treat AIDS patients, for example, is never addressed, nor is
icance. Meaning is that which the author intended by what he
there any discussion of abortion per se. Here again, the Bible ap-
wrote, the truth he was attempting to convey. Significance, on
pears to be irrelevant. the other hand, is the relationship of those symbols to a person.4
3. Another type of issue presenting difficulty is when the bib- Thus, the distinction tends to be meaning = content intended
lical writer addresses a specific situation superficially similar then; significance = application now.
but actually quite different from that which we have today, and There are two problems with this set of categories. The first
perhaps in significant ways. Thus, women today still have hair, has to do with the terminology itself. The word “meaning” is
which may be worn at different lengths, but something about applied to what is really just part of a broader understanding of
1 Corinthians 11:3-16 hints that perhaps the teaching does not meaning. In addition, “meaning” is in popular usage often iden-
apply in that form universally. tified with the latter term or significance, as in a statement such
4. A further indication of some difficulty with unmodified as, “That really has meaning for me.”
application is where there is contradiction between this partic- I would like to suggest a pair of terms that I believe would be
ular teaching and some other teaching apparently addressing more precise. Meaning will be the inclusive term, of which the
the same issue. An example would be Luke 22:36, where Jesus two subdivisions are signification and significance. These are
tells his disciples to acquire a sword, and Matthew 26:52, ut- roughly equivalent to Hirsch’s meaning and significance, re-
tered just a few hours later, where he warns against the use of spectively, but not precisely so. Signification is the dimension
the sword. More relevant morally would be passages like Gene- of meaning with respect to the relationship between a sign or
sis 9:6, where the taking of human life is prohibited but also term and that which it signifies. Significance refers to the di-
commanded. mension of meaning with respect to the relationship between
5. Finally, there are passages that seem to conflict with gen- the sign and someone knowing it. This may be either someone
eral revelation, A prime example was the church’s idea that the
Bible required belief that the earth was flat, which resulted in 3. J. Robertson McQuilken, “Problems of Normativeness in Scripture: Cul-
tural versus Permanent,” in Hermeneutics, Znerrancy, and the Bible, ed. Earl D.
the Copernican revolution. Radmacher and Robert D. Preus (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 19&I), p. 230.
In actuality, we should be diligent in attempting to determine 4. E. D. Hirsch, Jr., Validity in Interpretation (New Haven: Yale University
the underlying intent of the passage or the signification within Press, 1967), p. 8.
58 59
Evangelical Interpretation Getting from There to Here
at the time of the writing of the passage or someone reading it What this shows us is that there is a sort of “signification be-
many years or even centuries later. This distinction is very sim- hind the signification,” or a “timeless, unrestricted, universal
ilar to that drawn by Charles Morris between the semantic di- signification,” as it were. The form of that is, “The object is
mension of meaning (the relationship of the sign to its referent) three feet left of where he was at that time,” or, to safeguard
and the pragmatic dimension of meaning (the relationship be- against movement of the object, even without the intervention
tween the sign and a knower).5 of a human agent, as by the wind blowing the object, “The ob-
Does the signification of a statement ever change, after the ject was three feet to the left of him.” The signification of that
author has written or the speaker has spoken it? In one sense, statement will never change, or become untrue. It will always
this is a moot point. The meaning cannot change. It has been be the case that the object was at that point in time three feet left
fixed in the statement by its originator. Its meaning comes from of where he was at that time.
there. It is not contributed to or affected by the receptor. In an- Nor is this necessarily a matter of shift or change on the part
other sense, however, the meaning does change, for the state- of the receptor. It may be the change that occurs in the signifi-
ment may well have been directed to someone in a specific cation when a shift is made from one receptor to another. If A’s
contextualized situation. When a receptor is in a different situ- original statement to B is, “The object is three feet to your left,”
ation, the meaning may be different. then the signification to C, who stands five feet to B’s left, can-
Let me offer an illustration. Suppose a speaker is describing not be, “The object is three feet to your left,” for the object is ac-
a particular object. He says, “It is three feet to your left.” Sup- tually two feet to his right. It must rather be either, “The object
pose, however, I move five feet to my left. What is the significa- is three feet to B’s left,” or, “A said to B, ‘The object is three feet
tion now of the speaker’s statement? We might say that the to your left.“’ The latter statement, however, really has a differ-
signification is still the same, but the truth-status has changed. ent meaning than the original statement, for it is now a state-
It is no longer a true statement. Yet in another sense, the signi- ment about that statement, rather than another version of the
fication has changed. Now it is, “It is three feet left of where you statement itself.
used to be.” This is not really a question of significance, for the Now let us take another type of example, involving temporal
receptor is being treated objectively, that is, as a reference point rather than spatial issues. Suppose we take the statement, “The
for the location of an object, rather than subjectively, that is, in temple will be destroyed.” That statement had a fairly clear sig-
terms of the implications of the statement for one. That this is nification prior to A.D. 70. What, however, is the signification of
true can be seen by substituting someone else for oneself, as in that statement now? Either it is “The temple will be destroyed,”
the statement “The object is three feet to his left,” or, “The ob- in which case it is false, or, “The temple has been destroyed,”
ject is three feet left of where he used to be.” It can be perhaps which seems to be a different statement. There is another possi-
even more clearly seen with inanimate objects, such as in the bility, however: that the signification for us of the writer’s state-
statement “The knight is one space to the left of the pawn,” or, ment, when written was, “The temple will have been
“The knight is one space to the right of where the pawn used to destroyed.” It may be preferable to say, “From the perspective
of the first hearers, the signification was, ‘The temple will be de-
be.” The signification of the statement has changed, because the
stroyed.“’ It appears that prophecies are a somewhat unique
referent of the statement was not merely an object, but in a real
type of statement with respect to signification.
sense, a relationship. When that relationship changes, the sig-
It should be noted that the dimension known as significance
nification of the statement changes.
cannot be made merely a question of time. A passage has signif-
5. (Ih;lrles W. Morris. Foundntior~s oj‘thr? Thfwry of Signs (Chicago: LJniver- icance for readers today. It also, however, had significance for
sily of(~hic:;~go Press, 11138). pp. l-9. the first readers, the readers at the time of the writing. These sig-
60 61
Evangelical Interpretation Getting from There to Here
nificances may be quite different, however. This may be because A fairly common hermeneutical device in many evangelical
there actually is a difference in the signification. For example, circles is to take the biblical teaching and apply it directly to the
for someone living in the time of one of the prophets, the proph- situation today, by finding its meaning for today. A. Berkeley
ecy regarding the captivity of the nation of Israel would have the Mickelsen, for example, speaks of the difference between exe-
signification, “Israel will be taken off into captivity.” It certainly gesis and exposition, quoting with apparent approval the view
does not have that signification for us today, however. The of James Smart on this subject. He says, “There are two steps in-
event has already taken place. Just what that signification is, volved. First, we must discover the meaning of the expression
and the relationship of it to the signification when originally or statement in the past. Then we must drive this meaning home
written, is an issue that necessitates considerable reflection. to our present society with the same impact it had when it was
Just what is the nature of this difference? Haddon Robinson originally written. “7
suggests that we must determine the meaning intended by the Whether in ethics or theology, however, the aim is not sim-
biblical writer for those of his time as well as later, which he ply to repeat the same words. It is not merely when we translate
identifies as the theological purpose, without specifying one language into another that this is an issue. Even within a
whether this is one meaning or two.’ We may begin our inquiry given language (although some might question whether it is still
into the question of the meaning (in both senses) for then and really the same language) we cannot merely repeat the same
the meaning for now, by examining the nature of meaning in words. Words change meaning with the passage of time. That is
narrative passages. one of the problems with using the King James or Authorized
Let us take as an example the narrative in Genesis 22, in Version of the Bible today. The meanings of words like “ghost”
which Jehovah commands Abraham to take his son Isaac up to and “Spirit” now are reversed, and a word like “prevent,” used
Mount Moriah and offer him as a sacrifice. The signification to translate 1 Thessalonians 4:15, meant “precede” in 1611 but
seems to be the same both for persons at the time of the writing now means “hinder.” (I once dealt with a rabid advocate of the
and for us: God commanded Abraham to offer his son. What is use of the King James Version who failed to understand this,
the significance of this passage for us today, however? Not that and actually thought that 1 Thessalonians was teaching that
we are to offer our children as sacrifices to God. That would be those alive will not hinder the resurrection of those who have
a literal or noncontextualized, or what I would term, “legalistic” died in the faith.)
use of the Bible. The same would be true of the idea that God What we need to do instead is to enable the words to have the
will provide a substitutionary sacrifice, as he did for Abraham. same impact on us that they were intended to have on the first
hearers or readers. We need to interpret what Paul said to the
Two-Step and Three-Step Hermeneutics Corinthians so that we will hear what Paul would say if he were
What is usually done in this type of case is to say something writing to us today instead of to the Corinthians. This is similar
like, “The message to us today is that we should be willing to to what Charles Kraft has termed a “dynamic equivalent.” We
give to God what is most precious to us, whether that demand must endeavor in Bible translation “to be faithful both to the
our willingness to let him take our child through illness, or our original author and message and to the intended impact that
willingness to let him call one of our children to foreign mis- that message was to have upon the original hearers.“8 Accord-
sionary service, or our willingness to give up our house, car, 7. A. Berkeley Mickelsen, Interpreting the Bible (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
savings and investments, or whatever.” 1963), p. 56.
8. Charles H. Kraft, Christianity in Culture: A Study in Dynamic Biblical
fi. I Iaddon Robinson, Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Theologizing in Cross-Cultural Perspective (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis, 1979), pp.
Expository Messages (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1980), p, 93. 270-71.
62 63
Evangelical Interpretation Getting from There to Here
ing to Kraft, to preserve the content of the message, we may This timeless truth will be seen to be a principle, rather gen-
need to alter the form.g In actuality, I would prefer to put it, uti- eral in nature, as contrasted with specific statements of mean-
lizing terms previously introduced, as preserving “the significa- ing. It is not, however, as vague as the most general principles,
tion behind the signification.” such as love and justice. It was limitation of normativity to only
one general principle, love, which lay at the root of Joseph
isolating the Time Factor Fletcher’s situation ethics. lo The same type of danger can also
infect our hermeneutics. It is this that McQuilken fears in
The problem, however, is to determine the present-day Kraft’s dynamic equivalence: that it will become possible to jus-
equivalent of that earlier meaning. We need to ascertain the tify virtually anything on the basis of finding only rather gen-
common element between the two statements. If AF is the state- eral principles.ll Instead, as John Goldingay has pointed out, it
ment as originally written and AG is the meaning for today, will be the intermediate level principles, which in many ways
then what is A? To put it differently, what is the permanent or resemble what ethicists like to call “middle axioms,” which are
timeless element or independent variable that is carried over operative here.” I would suggest that one reasonable limitation
from one situation and time to the other? Here I would suggest on the method be that we look for principles of the maximum
that this timeless meaning of Genesis 22 is something like, “God degree of specificity that meet the criteria for generalizability.
expects us to place him ahead of all other objects of value for This is a policy generally followed in preaching as well, where
us,” or, “God always provides or enables us to do that which he we could otherwise take such general lessons from a passage
requires of us.”
that many sermons would be virtually identical, save for the
Some might suggest that this is the original signification of
specifics of particular passages.
the text, but that, strictly speaking, is not so. The signification
is simply, “God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son
Isaac,” and, “God provided a sacrificial animal to Abraham.” To Criteria for Identifying Principles
make that more general statement the signification of the pas-
But how do we arrive at these principles, or how do we de-
sage is to slip an additional step into the first step. What is
termine the permanent meaning of the passage? While this prin-
needed, before stating the meaning for today, is to identify the
meaning for all time. A three-step, rather than a two-step, ciplizing approach is fairly widely advocated, often relatively
hermeneutic, is required. little is done by way of suggesting how to identify the princi-
Sometimes the task of identifying the universal factors as op- ple.13 Others have offered some suggestions. Goldingay pro-
posed to the local or restricted factors is thought of in terms of poses four criteria:
which rules are unrestricted and which are restricted. This is 10. Joseph Fletcher, Situation Ethics (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1966), pp.
sometimes put in terms of permanence of norms. It is not, how- 57-68.
ever, a matter of deciding which rules are universal and which 11. McQuilken, “Problems of Normativeness in Scripture,” pp. 224-25.
are not. It is a matter of recognizing the locus of normativity as 12. John Goldingay, Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation (Downers
Grove, Ill.: Intervarsity, 1981), p. 55.
being the principle that underlies the command, and noting 13. See, for example, the virtual absence of discussion of criteria for identi-
that some principles can only result in one rule regardless of fying principles, in Walter Kaiser, Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Ex-
context, whereas the implications, application, or result of egesisfor Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1981), pp. 151-63. A
similarly brief treatment is given in Robinson, Biblical Preaching, pp. 92-93.
other principles may be quite varied. For an overview of the method of “principlizing,” see Ebbie C. Smith, “Ten
Commandments in Today’s Permissive Society: A Principleist Apl)roac:h,”
9. Ibid., p. 273. Southwestern lournal of Theology 20/l (Fall 1977): 42-58.
64 65
Evangelical Interpretation Getting from There to Here
1. Examining a statement in the light of comparable ones A major factor will be to look for the underlying reason that
where the principle may be more overt. makes this meaning valid. If we ask of the statement, “God com-
2. Considering the statement in the light of parallel extra- manded Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac,” “Why?” the an-
biblical materials. swer will be, “Because he is the only true God, deserving of the
3. Examining the statement in the light of the overall biblical full commitment of his creatures.” If we ask, “Why?” regarding
message. the statement, “God provided Abraham a sacrificial substitute
4. Finding the theology that “undergirds” or “informs” the for his son Isaac,” the answer will be, “Because of the faithful-
actual text.14 ness of God” (who had, after all, promised Abraham this heir).
Note, also, that the emerging answer is doctrinal. What
Terrance Tiessen, dealing with the problem of identifying makes specific or contingent events occur, and occur in the way
universal moral absolutes, proposes the following criteria for in which they do, is always some aspect of theology, frequently
universal norms: of the doctrine of God himself.
This insight, that the factor of permanence in narrative pas-
1. Basis in the moral nature of God. sages is theological, has been recognized by a number of herme-
2. Basis in the creation order. neuts. One of these is Haddon Robinson, who maintains that
3. Transcendent factors in the situation of their promul- “application must come from the theological purpose of the bib-
gation and the lack of situational limitation in their lical writer.“17 Similarly, John Bright says that “the preacher
formulation. needs to understand not only what the text says, but those theo-
4. Consistency throughout the progressive revelation of the logical concerns that caused it to be said, and said as it was said.
divine will. His exegetical labors are, therefore, not complete until he has
5. Consistency with the progress of God’s redemptive grasped the text’s theological intention.“18
purpose.15 This suggests that a crucial step in the interpretation of the
Bible today must be performed by the third segment of the theo-
Elsewhere I have proposed the following criteria for perma- logical curriculum and theological faculties. It is not uncom-
nent elements in revelation: mon for the discussion to be carried on somewhat like this:
“Biblical scholars decide what the meaning of the Bible is, and
1. Constancy across cultures. the practical departments, especially preaching, apply that
2. Universal setting. message to today.” This may represent a certain amount of im-
3. A recognized permanent factor as a base. perialism on the part of biblical scholars. In any event, the role
4. Indissoluble link with an experience regarded as essential. of the historical scholars, in helping determine the nature of
5. Final position within progressive revelation.‘” changes that have taken place in culture with the passage of
years, and of theology, in helping identify the essential doctri-
nal elements, needs to be reaffirmed.
Goldingay, Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation, p. 54. In preaching, these doctrinal principles will constitute the
15. Terrance Tiessen, “Toward a Hermeneutic for Discerning Universal
Moral Absolutes and Applying Them in Contemporary Contexts,” unpublished basis, or the main points, of our sermons. Thus, the sermon will
paper presented at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, not speak of Abraham in its basic thesis or proposition or in its
New Orleans, Nov. 15, 1990.
16. Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology(Grand Rapids: Baker, 1986), pp. 17. Robinson, Biblical Preaching, p. 91.
120-24. See also Relativism in Contemporary Christian Ethics (Grand Rapids: 18. John Bright, The Authority of the Old Testament (Nashville: Abingdon,
Baker, 1974), pp. 138-39. 1967), pp. 171-72.
66 67
Evangelical interpretation Getting from There to Here
major points. Rather, it will speak of God, the timeless one. that makes sense to them. So Paul, for example, in the Book of
Similarly, the aim of systematic theology is to draw out the Romans discusses timeless theological truths, such as sin and
theological content of Scripture and to state that content in a justification. He is, however, discussing these truths with the
timeless form. Although it will also be expressed in an idiom Christians in Rome at about the middle of the first century. Con-
appropriate to the setting, the major goal is to state it apart from sequently, the problem of theology is to determine how much
these restrictions. of the discussion dealing with timeless topics is timeless, or is
It is important to bear in mind that the biblical passages were the essence or the content, and how much is the form of expres-
written to definite audiences at definite times and places. In sion to those people. Frequently the problem is to determine
other words, the expression of the message is already contextu- what is part of the doctrine, and what is a metaphor intended to
alized. It is therefore not enough to determine just what was clarify the doctrinal truth.lg
said in the biblical passage. We must determine the lasting or The aim, then, of interpretation, is not simply to reproduce
uncontextualized version of that message. The biblical expres- the biblical statement and apply it to the present. It is rather to
sion is superior to any later expression, because the former is decontextualize that statement, to remove all the elements re-
God’s immediate revelation. It is not necessarily superior, how- lated to the unique situation, and then find an appropriate form
ever, to what the message would have been had it come to a dif- for expressing this statement in a different situation and to a
ferent time and situation. It would, of course, have been later time.
different, for it would have been differently contextualized. When we come to the type of biblical material that we will
We should note that there are two aspects to this temporal broadly term ethical, we find a somewhat different situation.
contextualization. There are what we might term roughly ethi- Here there is sometimes a difference between the signification
cal statements in Scripture. These ethical statements pertain to of the time of writing and that of the present time (or any other
the way in which people are to live, how they are to conduct time subsequent to the biblical setting). Part of this problem lies
themselves. These statements, of course, are frequently contex- in the fact that the statements are in a different mood-the im-
tualized. There are also some seemingly permanent or universal perative (or some variation of it), rather than the indicative.
ethical statements. One of these is the prohibition of murder in We must now ask further how we can identify the timeless
Genesis 9:6. There the definite impression is that no one, ever elements of content, as contrasted with the specific forms of ex-
or anywhere, is to commit murder. What underlie these imper- pression at a particular time and place. On the one hand, we do
ative statements are indicative statements, statements about not want to require of Christians that they hold to a localized ex-
what is right and wrong or good and bad. These, in turn, are de- pression of faith and practice. We do not want to insist that any-
rived from theological statements about how some things are, one today become a first-century A.D. Corinthian in order to be
such as what God is like, or what the nature of the human is, a good Christian. On the other hand, we do not want to dismiss
and thus, what is good for a human being. as culturally displaced some belief or practice that is part of the
One problem is how we are to move from discussions of local permanent essence of Christianity.
situations to their universal basis. This might be called the eth- We have noted that one way of identifying the underlying
ical problem, or the problem of ethics (as contrasted with a principle is to ask “Why?” or to seek to determine the reason or
moral problem, or a problem of morals). There is a second prob- basis for an action or teaching. Beyond this, however, we need
lem, which we might term the theological problem or the prob- to attempt to establish whether this principle does indeed ap-
lem of theology. Even when the Bible discusses these
19. For an example of a treatment of a specific doctrine using this method,
permanent or universal issues, it is still directing its message to see Millard J. Erickson, “Principles, Permanence, and Future Divine Judgment,”
people in one time and place, and hence is using the language Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 2813 (Sept. 1985): 317-25.
68 69
Evangelical Interpretation Getting from There to Here
pear in Scripture beyond the limitations of a given time and over it.” But is this reason still valid? The signification of the
place. Here we find more help than we may have expected. The statement, being a narrative passage, is unchanged. “God said to
Bible was written by a variety of authors, at an assortment of man, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, and have do-
times and places, to very different audiences. Thus we may be minion over it”’ is still its signification. But while it is still nec-
able to obtain from a comparative study some indication that essary for humans to exercise dominion over the earth, that
we are dealing with a universally applicable principle. This, mandated task no longer requires a large population, given
then, is the next question to ask: Where and under what condi- modern technology. It appears that the command to be fruitful
tions does teaching regarding this matter appear in the Bible? Is and multiply and fill the earth has been fulfilled sufficiently. In-
it found only in one setting, or across a variety of settings? deed, if anything, this command seems to have been fulfilled
One teaching that we might take as a test case to which to ap- excessively. Thus, the reason for it, at least to the degree origi-
ply this principle is the biblical practice of tithing. Tithing was nally proposed, no longer exists.
taught and practiced throughout the Old Testament. Was it sim- Somewhat different are the healing narratives found
ply part of the Old Testament way, or is it of permanent appli- throughout the Bible. Since they are found in all parts of the Bi-
cability? Here it is helpful to note that the general principle of ble, we might conclude that we are here dealing with a univer-
proportionate giving is part of Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians sal or absolute factor. The signification of each passage is
16:2. Jesus told the Pharisees that they ought to have practiced basically similar- that God miraculously healed (Sarah, Naa-
tithing (Matt. 23:23). Thus it appears that tithing is one of the man, the centurion’s servant, etc.). If we raise the question,
permanent elements in Christianity. “Why?” the answer in each case seems to be something like,
Quite different, however, are the dietary and sanitary regula- “Because, as a loving and merciful God, he does not desire to
tions of the Old Testament. These practices were followed see his children suffer.”
almost exclusively by the Hebrews during the Old Testament This principle presumably is still valid and in effect, since
period. There seem to be no parallel practices in the New Testa- God does not change. We must ask, however, whether that
ment. While this in itself does not mean that we are dealing with principle and that characteristic of God still call for that action.
a restricted principle, we have no assurance that we are not. We might note, for example, the tremendous progress that has
Another question we need to ask is whether the reason for a been made in medicine since biblical times. Many conditions
given biblical teaching is no longer valid, or if it is, if this teach- that formerly could only be cured miraculously now are rou-
ing or action is now obviated because of a different and better tinely cured by medical treatment, often on an outpatient basis.
way of fulfillment. An instance of the former is the command to But if we believe in general revelation and divine providence,
proliferate in Genesis 1:28. God told Adam and Eve to be fruit- then healing through medical science is as much God’s doing
ful and multiply, to fill the earth. The reason, in this context, is as is a miracle.
apparent. It was so that they might have dominion over the There is another question to be asked, however. The answer
whole of creation. Being few in number, and lacking any type to the question, “Why?” may not be sufficient, for our loving
of mechanization or automation, they could only carry out God heals not just to show compassion, to relieve the suffering
God’s mandate by a considerable and rapid multiplication of of his children. It may also be to bring glory to himself. This
their numbers. would seem to be a reason for continued miraculous healing.
Does this command still apply to us? Is it necessary for all It should be noted, of course, that the glory given to God is
humans today to marry and reproduce, and to the maximum likely to be greater in those instances in which medical sci-
possible extent? Here we must ask, “Why?” And the response ence has not shown itself capable of healing than in those in
is, “In order to fill the earth, to be able to exercise dominion which it has.
70 71
Evangelical Interpretation Getting from There to Here
There is another consideration bearing on this specific mat- fact made this a major consideration in his argument for situa-
ter, however. In Matthew 4, we have an account of Satan’s tion ethics: moral laws cannot be absolute or universal, because
temptations at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. Satan at- two or more conflict. 2o Although he was dealing with claimed
tempted to induce Jesus to cast himself down from the temple moral laws, from whatever source, the issue applies just as
pinnacle, since God would send his angels to protect Jesus. strongly to biblical affirmations, and perhaps especially to
Jesus’ reply was a word of rebuke: “You shall not tempt the them, since these purportedly are divinely revealed and hence
Lord your God.” Apparently, requiring an unnecessary display the more absolute. It is, however, not merely ethical commands
of God’s power is wrong, because by so doing we attempt to dic- that display these apparent contradictions. Other declarative
tate to God what he must do. We thereby usurp his place and statements, claiming to reveal how God is, and even historical
his authority. statements, sometimes conflict.
God’s revelation is progressive. For example, the Old Testa- One way to look at these seemingly contradictory statements
ment involved a sacrificial system. We must ask whether that is is to regard them as complementary, rather than contradictory.
a permanent factor, that is, whether the signification is, “God This involves saying that each states correctly an important part
provides atonement for human sin through the sacrificial sys- of the truth, but only a part. For example, proverbs can often be
tem,” and is true for now as well as then, or, “God provided paired against one another, such as “Answer a fool according to
atonement for human sin through the sacrificial system.” The his folly,” and “Do not answer a fool according to his folly.” An-
New Testament revelation regarding the atoning death of Christ other example would be “Too many cooks spoil the soup,” and
suggests that it is the latter rather than the former. It is clear that “Many hands make light work.” In other words, there are some
Christ’s death has supplanted the sacrificial system. This would situations in which several persons in the same kitchen would
seem to argue that the permanent factor is an underlying prin- be desirable, and others in which this would create a problem.
ciple something like: “God provides for human salvation So also there are times when we should, and other times when
through a vicarious, substitutionary atonement.” we should not, answer a fool.
But if this is the case, do we have any justification for abso- In some cases, it may be that these are different contextual-
lutizing the atonement in Christ? Is it not just another contextu- izations of the same principle. Applying a given principle in
alized form of the general principle? If not, how can we be sure one culture may require the exact opposite action that would be
of the general principle? If we cannot, how can we be sure that appropriate in another culture. Because the actions or the prov-
we have not simply absolutized some other teaching for which erbs deal with at least similar issues, it makes sense to look
we have no later versions of the principle? closely for the possibility of a common principle being applied
The distinct feature of Christ’s atoning death is the way it is to different situations.
described and interpreted by other biblical texts. There is a fi- A second possibility is that these cases are instances of two
nality about it; it completes the process. The need for divinely different principles. Both principles are further illuminated
provided, substitutionary atonement for human sin has been when we see the application of each.
met, once and for all. A third possibility is that more than one principle bears upon
this situation. In one case there may be the principle common
Treatment of Apparent Contradictions to the two cases, plus another principle that applies. In another
case, there may be the common principle, plus a different prin-
We now need to examine a different kind of case, one in ciple or principle(s), different than the variable principles in
which we encounter a teaching contradicted by or at least con- the first case. This is often true of ethical situations, which are
trasted with, two or more other instances in Scripture. These
cases have played a large part in ethical discussions. Fletcher in 20. Fletcher, Situation Ethics, p. 36.
72 73
Evangelical Interpretation Getting from There to Here
frequently quite complex. When applied, the resultant rule may Two final observations need to be made. First, we need to be
be quite involved. certain that we clearly distance ourselves from the biblical sit-
This situation points up the necessity of systematic theology uation before we attempt to apply it to our own situation. This
being involved in the principlizing process. Otherwise we will distancing will ensure that we do not too easily make a transi-
end up working with several principles, any one of which we tion from the biblical situation to our own. We will need to en-
might be inclined to absolutize. We will then have conflicting gage in as careful and thorough an exegesis of the contemporary
absolutes. Even with respect to the signification of a statement, situation as we do of the biblical context. Only then will we be
it will be necessary to do an inductive study of the whole of able to find an appropriate parallel in the present to the text we
Scripture, to make certain we have not unduly absolutized a are trying to apply to it.
particular form of understanding. Second, we have been thinking primarily about the move-
There is, of course, a way around this dilemma. It is Kaiser’s ment from there to here. In reality, however, we frequently find
contention that a passage can only be interpreted in the light of ourselves starting from here, and going there (to the biblical
preceding revelation. In a qualified sense, this is most certainly text), in order to move back here again. What about those cases
true.‘l Yet when Kaiser moves to principlizing the precept or in which we are faced with a contemporary issue to which the
specific historical occurrence, he may be giving an inadequate Bible does not seem to offer any specific guidance, or which it
or incomplete principlization of that specific. Or he may have does not specifically address?
principlized an interpretation of a nonfinal statement. Thus it
would seem that the type of biblical theology that we need can- The Need for Principlizing the Present Situation
not be restricted to understanding a passage in light of only it-
self and earlier passages. It cannot be the theology of Genesis, or Here we need to principlize the current situation as well. It
even of the Old Testament alone, which is used to ascertain is only then that we can ascertain what within the biblical rev-
what is going to be preached in what form. It will have to be sys- elation might bear on our action. For example, we might take
tematic biblical theology. the issue of drinking alcoholic beverages, specifically total ab-
It will also be helpful to engage in comparative study of par- stinence. Those who use the Bible in a legalistic fashion some-
allel passages. Here is where redaction criticism is of special times say that the Bible in no sense supports abstinence, since
value. The Gospel writers were doing the very thing that we are it nowhere commends or commands that practice. If anything,
talking about here: contextualizing the message to the audience the Bible recommends moderation in the use of alcoholic bev-
to which each was writing. To be sure, the amount of variation erages. The issue is not as simple as that, however. For in bibli-
was relatively small, for each Gospel writer was dealing with cal times, there was no danger that someone whose peripheral
specific teachings of Jesus. Yet they were taking what they per- vision and reflexes were diminished because of the use of alco-
ceived (or were led by the Holy Spirit to identify) as the essence hol would cause a serious traffic accident. The worst that might
of what Jesus had said, and expressing and applying it to spe- happen would be that he would run his donkey or his camel
cific audiences. What we will preach, then, to our audience, into a tree, although since these animals have sight and sense,
will not be Matthew’s, Mark’s, or Luke’s message, but the mes- which an automobile does not have, such an accident would be
sage of Jesus that lay behind each of these Gospels, as applied unlikely to occur. There were no high-powered automobiles or
to the situation of our own audience. It will be instructive for freeways then. What the Bible does present quite clearly is the
us to see how each of these evangelists contextualized that prohibition of taking another human life, especially when this
message. is intentional, but also when it results from negligence. That is
one of the major issues associated with drinking. For long be-
21. Kaiser, ‘I’ownrd CJJI Exegetical Il’hedogy, pp. 134-40. fore a person has become intoxicated, there is impairment of
74 75
Evangelical Interpretation
22. Kohrt H. Stein, “Wine-Drinking in New Testament Times,” Christian- 1. Walter C. Kaiser, Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblicnl Exegesis for
ity ‘I‘r~ricl_v lO/lIl (Jum? 20. 1975): 9. Preaching and Teaching (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1981), p. 21.
76 77
Evangelical Interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
In all of this, one group of laborers in the theological vine- One way of discovering the possible interpretations is to see
yard seemed to stand unemployed and perhaps unemployable: what interpretations have actually been held. This procedure is
the church historians; theologians, including both systematic somewhat similar to the way sidewalks are laid out on a new
theologians and philosophers of religion; and students of cross- college campus. When the campus is constructed, the side-
cultural studies. This was unfortunate, not simply because walks are not immediately put in. The landscape architects first
these people were left out, like persons not invited to a party or observe the traffic flow, where students actually walk, and then
chosen to play in a game, and thus felt neglected, unwanted, lay the sidewalks there. The same, of course, applies to other
and useless. Rather, a valuable resource was being neglected, a building complexes besides academic campuses. I have some-
resource that we now recognize is indispensable to the task of times advised committees formulating a new policy that if they
hermeneutics in the broadest sense. For if the biblical scholars want to learn every possible interpretation of that policy they
possessed the ability to understand the biblical message in its have only to publish it and wait. Sooner or later, every conceiv-
context and the practical theologians comprehended the think- able interpretation (and even some inconceivable ones) will be
ing and language of the present time, then the historians, phi- articulated by those who want their interpretation to govern
losophers, and theologians are in the best position to assist us their particular case.
in relating the former to the latter. To vary the imagery: biblical We have the benefit of nineteen centuries of church history,
scholars are experts in the source of spiritual vitality, the gener- during which persons have reflected on various passages of
ator as it were; the practical theologians are experts in the ex- Scripture. Out of their study and thought have come a multi-
pression or implementation of the faith, the motor of the tude of interpretations, theories, doctrines, and hypotheses.
present time; the historians, theologians, and cross-cultural
These will help make us aware of the richness of meaning that
specialists are experts in the wiring that connects the two, the
may or may not lie within the Scriptures. It is not then a matter
past and present, the Bible and Christian life and ministry, the
of taking the lowest common denominator and making that the
generator and the motor. Thus, in the original imagery, at the
essence. The task is not that simple, but at least a beginning has
eleventh hour these laborers have also been pressed into service
in the vineyard. been made in determining the possible variations of expression
of the biblical statements. Some of those expressions may have
been appropriate and adequate for their day, others not.
The Hermeneutical Contributions In particular, I believe that we in the conservative or evangel-
of Church History ical segment of Christianity have failed to learn enough from the
What, then, are the roles that these disciplines can especially early centuries of church history. Instead of examining the orig-
perform? I would contend that they are in a position to fulfill inal contextualizations of particular types, we have instead re-
the tasks uniquely required for hermeneutics in our time. We lied on contextualizations of contextualizations. We sometimes
will begin by enumerating the hermeneutical functions of the have been critical of earlier theologians because they are so far
historical discipline. removed from our situation and used categories that to us appear
1. Its first function is to identify the historical variations of to be foreign to the biblical material. We forget, however, that
expression or application. Sometimes when we approach a many of them stood much closer to the original biblical situa-
given statement, its meaning seems obvious, virtually self-evi- tions than we do, and in many cases, stood in an intellectual her-
dent. Yet there may be many possible ways of interpreting and itage much more like that of the biblical writers than is ours. We
applying it. If we fail to see this, we may succumb to the temp- should not automatically assume that we understand the bibli-
tation of absolutizing the relative, of making one possible inter- cal writers better than the fathers did. This sort of intellectual
pretation the permanent essence of the teaching or command. snobbery assumes that what is later in time is necessarily better.
78 79
Evangelical Interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
2. Another function of the historical discipline is to teach us mous diagnostician on rounds for several days, observing as he
how cultural factors affect the expression of a doctrine. One made his medical diagnoses, which were generally accurate.
function of church history is not simply to tell us what hap- When asked, however, how he knew that a particular condition
pened, but to attempt to show us why it happened. Thus, for ex- was an instance of a particular disease, the diagnostician fre-
ample, the particular form that the doctrine of the atonement quently replied that he simply did not know how he had arrived
took reflected what was perceived to be the major need at the at that specific conclusion.
time. In a period of ethical laxity, the example theory had spe- Likewise, many of the most important theologians in the his-
cial appeal; at a time when the power of Satan and evil was con- tory of the church did not write discourses on theological meth-
sidered quite formidable, the ransom (or, as Gustaf Aulen has odology. They simply proceeded to do theology, correlating
termed it, the “classic”) theory of the atonement was the most their statements with the pressing issues and thought forms of
appealing. Conversely, of course, there were contrasting theo- their day. We can learn a great deal about theological contextu-
ries that assimilated these tendencies, rather than opposing alization by reading Augustine’s City of God or Martin Luther’s
them. With a rich and multifaceted doctrine such as this, the Babylonian Captivity of the Church. These men and many other
facet of the doctrine that comes in for special attention reflects, theologians were master contextualizers. Just as we may learn
as it should, the situation of the times. an art better by observing how an artist performs it than by lis-
History does not necessarily repeat itself or move in cyclical tening to his discourse about it, so we can gain much by reading
fashion. There are, however, similarities and approximations to the theological works of great theologians, when those are seen
earlier periods. By noting the similarities between our period in their historical context.
and others in church history and observing which nuances of 4. The study of church history can also help us recognize the
expression of a doctrine were especially effective at that time, historical conditioning and hence historical relativity of our
we may gain a clue to the most adequate interpretation to be own theological formulations. Every attempt to interpret the Bi-
used at the present. ble is from within a given, historically conditioned situation.
3. Church history can also teach us something about the sci- The way we perceive the biblical truth is affected by our view-
ence and art of contextualization. Certain disciplines can be point. What we can see is a result of where we stand, of our per-
learned deductively; others must be learned inductively. Many spective on things. Yet frequently our limited perspective is not
invoke a combination of these approaches, including contextu- apparent to us; we think we have seen the whole of the matter,
alization. A number of rules or guidelines on how to decontex- or we unconsciously fill in the blanks from the portion that we
tualize or find the permanent essence or the enduring do have, I recall in particular a discussion in an epistemology
principles of a doctrine have been offered by different class in which the instructor placed an orange on the table, and
practitioners of hermeneutics. Some have articulated rules re- then asked us what we saw. Several members of the class said
garding how to recontextualize. Not all of this can be learned in that they saw an orange, but the instructor reminded them that
didactic fashion, however. at most they saw only the front half of an orange. The class
Frequently those who are the most effective practitioners of eventually divided into two groups: those who said, “I seem to
a given skill cannot explain how they do it. They either possess see an orange, ” and those who said, “I have an orange-colored,
this ability intuitively, like musicians who play “by ear,” or elliptical sense datum. ” It was a vivid reminder that we often do
they have so assimilated the methodology that they are no not see all that we think we see. We frequently supply the rest.
longer conscious of the steps that they go through in executing We are often, in some ways, like the five blind men confronted
that action, like experienced drivers driving an automobile. by the elephant. We tend to think that the whole of the truth is
One study was done in which a medical student followed a fa- synonymous with what we have seen.
80 81
Evangelical Interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
What is true of spatial perspective is also true of historical views. It is not always possible to verify a specific interpreta-
perspective. We can see something at one point in history that tion of a passage directly on a point-for-point basis. We simply
we cannot see at another point. As we look back on the history do not have that direct confirmation, either through correspon-
of the church and Christian thought, it is fairly easy for us, es- dence with data in the passage or empirical experience. What
pecially when quite a distance removed in time, to see the lim- then is sometimes done is to draw out the implications of the
itations of others’ perspectives, to observe that they failed interpretation of a passage, thus giving us a broader synthesis,
to see certain things in the text because of their historical easier to confirm or disconfirm, since it gives more potential
blinders. points of reference.
What is not so easy to see is the limitations of our own his- One form that this endeavor sometimes takes is to draw out
torical perspective. We have a tendency to identify how we see the implications of this possible interpretation and other possi-
things, not with our perspective, but with how things are. ble interpretations, and then see which of these fits more har-
Awareness of the historical conditionedness of other view- moniously with other teachings (or the implications of other
points should sensitize us to the fact that every view within his- teachings) that are quite clearly and definitely presented in
tory has similar limitations. Scripture. Sometimes these implications are not immediately
I was once involved in a conference of Christian scholars seen, and not by the person first propounding the interpreta-
that included primarily sociologists, plus a few philosophers tion. The process of discovering these implications can be slow
and theologians. One theologian presented a paper that dealt and painful.
with a particular formulation of one doctrine by a theological In some cases, however, the study of church history enables
school of a hundred years ago, which he identified as “the old us to accelerate that process. If, for example, we are considering
Princeton theory,” and related it to the Scottish commonsense an interpretation of John 14:28, to the effect that Jesus really was
realistic philosophy that was popular at that time, which he be- inferior in essence to the Father, we need not wait to discover
lieved formed the philosophical basis leading these theologians the implications. We may look at the interpretation of the pas-
to their particular interpretation and synthesis. When he fin- sage made by Arianism some sixteen centuries ago. To the ex-
ished, another theologian asked him, “A century from now, tent that the two historical interpretations are members of the
when historians discuss the old theory (naming his in- same genus, we can conclude some things about the implica-
stitution), what will they say its philosophical presuppositions tions and thus also the truth of our interpretation by examining
were?” It was as if the question had been asked in Japanese or its ancient counterpart.
some other unfamiliar language. He simply could not compre-
hend the question. The sociologists present, however, saw the
issue immediately. The Hermeneutical Contributions of Theology
The study of the history of interpretation should help us see We now must examine the role that theology, especially that
that our interpretation is not the final view, some position held variety usually referred to as systematic theology, plays in
independent of and from beyond history. It should encourage hermeneutics.
us to look for our own presuppositions and hold our interpreta- 1. First, theology provides the abiding or permanent element
tions with a certain amount of tentativeness and humility. We from biblical statements-the essence that we accordingly carry
will be likelier to heed the exhortation, “Bethink thyself that over from the biblical form of expression to the present time. As
thou mayest be wrong!” we noted in Chapter 3, often we cannot simply apply the bibli-
5. Finally, the historical discipline should enable us better to cal statement to our present situation in direct or unmodified
evaluate a view by helping us see the implications of similar fashion. This is because matters of historical narrative have a
82 83
Evangelical Interpretation Contributions . . to the Hermeneutical Task
particularity about them. We are not Abraham, Jonah, or Jairns. recommends: biblical theology of the canonical type.’ It will
We do not live in Hebron, Bethlehem, or Philippi. Many of the not do simply to attempt to generalize the specific passage and
Bible’s propositions, because they are historical, describe what apply it to the nature of God. We may not find enough in this
happened to someone else at a specific time and place, and passage about God and his nature to be able to define that nature
hence do not apply directly to us. Similarly, imperative state- in a well-rounded fashion, or to know exactly what attribute is
ments in Scripture frequently refer to circumstances quite un- involved. For that we will need to consult the fuller under-
like our present experience, and thus are not directly applicable. standing of God, drawn from the entire biblical revelation.
We seek for the bridging factor, asking, “God did this in bib- This may seem to some to be a case of eisegesis, of reading in
lical times. What does God do in our time?” or, “God said this meaning from elsewhere. Even if this is a seemingly commend-
in biblical times. What does he say in our times?” We seek the able use of other portions of Scripture, it is still eisegesis, and
basis of God’s actions and statements at all times. God does not therefore illegitimate. Note, however, that this is not the first
speak or act arbitrarily. Our doctrine of God helps us under- hermeneutical step and therefore not truly exegesis. It is the
stand why he acts as he does. Historically, there have been two second step of the hermeneutical method. It is not claiming that
major theories regarding this. Nominalism maintains that God this is what the text says, but that this is the underlying basis of
is totally free, arbitrary, spontaneous in his decisions. He can the text and of the interpretation thereof.
choose to act differently than he does, even to the extent of lying
We have spoken primarily of doctrine as it pertains to the na-
or breaking his promises. Realism, on the other hand, holds that
ture and actions of God, or theology proper. It pertains equally,
God is bound by external principles or laws. He cannot choose
however, to other doctrines, which are also timeless truths. So
other than the right, which exists externally to him.
when the issue is the nature of humanity, atonement, or the
Neither of these views appears to me to fairly represent the
church, we must also seek for these timeless components or
biblical revelation. God’s actions are not arbitrary. He cannot,
bases of support for the declarative and imperative sentences of
for example, lie or break his word (Heb. 6:18). He cannot choose
a given passage of the Bible.
different moral behavior than he does. This, however, is not be-
2. A second role of theology is closely related to the first one:
cause of some external moral standard, superior to him, to
it gives us inclusive teaching on a subject that will help us avoid
which he must conform his behavior. He does what he does be-
absolutizing any one particularized or contextualized form of
cause of who he is. There is an objective standard of right and
teaching about that subject.
wrong, but it is not external to his nature. It is the very way he
As we have noted several times in this volume, many of the
is. His command to his believers and followers to act in certain
writings contained in the Bible are occasional in nature, being
ways is because he is of that very same character himself (e.g.,
addressed to definite times and places and with definite audi-
Lev. 11:44--45). Logically antecedent, then, to God’s actions and
his commands is his nature, which does not change throughout ences in mind. To those settings they are conveyed with a tone
time (Mal. 3:6; James 1:17). of real absoluteness. Yet the form of expression often reflects a
This means that the task of identifying the permanent ele- one-sided situation. That, for example, is why we find such dif-
ment in the passage we are interpreting is a theological task. fering emphases in Galatians and in James. Biblical theology
Once we determine that God did or said what the Scripture re- alone, however, might restrict itself to one of those expressions,
ports, we will then have a basis for seeking to determine its ap- and thus we might absolutize a partial statement to the neglect
plication to the present time. of the remainder of the truth.
Note, however, that this is either a function of systematic 2. Brevard Childs, Biblical Theology in Cr:risis (Philadelphia: Westminster,
theology, or of the type of biblical theology that Brevard Childs 1970), pp. 149-219.
84 85
Evangelical interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
This is not to say that the message of the passage is to be ciple was too narrow, because on its own criteria, the principle
other than that affirmed there. It does mean, however, that we itself was meaningless. The difficulty came in the restriction of
will be careful when we preach and teach. We must strive to verification to sensory experience. There is, nonetheless, a
match the aspect of the truth in a passage to the situation. For point to this principle, namely, that a statement that is consis-
example, we should not take a passage written to an antino- tent with absolutely any state of affairs is meaningless. If we
mian audience and use it as a sermon text for a group of legal- cannot specify what would count against the truth of the state-
istic hearers, at least not with the same degree of emphasis. We ment, then, of course, nothing really counts for it. It possesses
must always bear in mind the other facets of the truth, and what one of my graduate professors termed an “infinite coeffi-
make the application of this aspect while holding it in tension cient of elasticity of words.” These verbal symbols can be
with the others. stretched indefinitely without breaking. It is the task of theol-
3. Systematic theology also serves the function of analyzing ogy, as informed by linguistic philosophy and other disciplines,
the real meaning of the concepts asserted and discussed in the to ask what would count against this assertion, and thus help to
biblical text. This is one of the primary steps in theological determine what this really means.
methodology, and one that theology performs in the hermeneu- The meaning asserted by the biblical author is of prime im-
tical endeavor. portance. Sometimes, however, the author raises more ques-
Analysis has always played a significant role in theology. We tions than he answers, and gives us little real basis for inferring
can find it, for example, in the scholastic method exhibited in more. Here is where a number of practices must be brought to
Thomas’s Summa. There it takes the form of a statement of a po- bear. Some of these will be drawn from general revelation.
sition, followed by an objection and then a reply to the objec- Knowledge of the created world, of the nature of persons, lan-
tion. It is a means by which the theologian progressively refines guage, and relationship will enter in. These will be somewhat
the meaning of what he is saying, by eliminating some possible generic concepts. What is being done here is parallel to what ar-
meanings and elaborating on others. cheology does for our understanding of culture, history, and ge-
More recently, theology has utilized the methods of analyti- ography. It is also parallel to the use of various kinds of critical
cal philosophy, especially of the ordinary language variety. methodology to get at the meaning of the biblical text. If that is
Here the approach is to press relentlessly the question, “What not eisegesis, then this surely is not either.
do you really mean by that?” As applied to biblical statements, The sources drawn upon will vary: anthropology, linguistics,
for example, this approach poses at ever deeper levels questions psychology, sociology, and many other disciplines. We must al-
such as, “What does ‘born again’ mean?” “What does reconcili- ways be careful, however, to make sure that no distorting pre-
ation refer to?” “ What is being described by union with Christ suppositions are introduced through this channel. Bearing in
in the Bible?” Note that what we are engaged in is theological mind that sin does affect our ability to know the truth accu-
interpretation of biblical concepts. rately, and that this effect is inversely proportional to the dis-
The early form of analytical philosophy, logical positivism, tance of the doctrine from the center of Christian faith, namely,
developed a principle of meaningfulness called the verification the relationship between God and the human,4 we will be vigi-
principle. This principle held that the meaning of a synthetic lant in excluding humanistic or naturalistic elements. We must
proposition was the set of sense data that would verify or falsify constantly compare the substance, methodology, and presup-
that proposition,” It eventually became apparent that this prin- positions of the “secular” discipline to the express statements
of Scripture.
:I. li~cloll’(~~~~t~~~~~, “The Rejw:tion of Metaphysics,” reprinted in The Age of
A~~c~lvsis: ZOfh Cc?l~turv l’hilosophcm, txl. Morton White (New York: Mentor, 4. 11. Emil Brunner, Hevc/ation and fknson ( P h i l a d e l p h i a : Westnlinstf:r.
1955j. flIl. 209-12. . 19461, p. 383.
86 87
Evangelical Interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
4. Theology also contributes to the accurate interpretation of port that view. The same would also be true for a Calvinist or an
Scripture by helping us identify presuppositions of the inter- Arminian with respect to seemingly favorable interpretations. It
pretational method and of ourselves. To some extent, this is- is a matter of trying to compensate consciously for the biases we
sue has been addressed under the contributions of history, but know we hold.6
theology also gives attention to this endeavor, in perhaps an We must also be critical of the presuppositions of authorities
even more intense fashion. The first step is simply to become we consult. If this is not done, errors and distortions are built in
aware that, like all other persons, we have presuppositions or from the very beginning. This means that before relying too
assumptions. strongly on a commentary, theological dictionary article, or lex-
Our presuppositions will color what meaning we find in the
icon, we should seek to determine something of the background
passage we are investigating. Presuppositions are like specta-
and convictions of the author. James Barr, for example, has
cles. We view the biblical text through them. While some inter-
pointed out the biases of the mighty Theological Dictionary of
preters proceed as if biblical interpretation is an ideologically
sterile procedure, unaffected by any predispositions or preun-
the New Testament.7 It may not be necessary to make a compen-
derstanding, that is an ideal that probably is never reached, al- sation, and it would not be wise to do so in an exclusive fash-
though we should certainly strive to approximate that ideal as ion, since the author may have already done that, and
closely as possible.5 These presuppositions are of various kinds additional compensation would result in overcompensation.
and function at many different levels. Some are logical, some We should, however, be alert to this and should scrutinize the
philosophical, some linguistic, some theological. writing especially carefully.
How do we go about identifying presuppositions in our- 5. A further function of theology is to help evaluate the meth-
selves and in others? A first step is to acquire a broad acquain- odology of biblical interpretation. For one thing, we need to
tance with the culture within which we are working. A determine carefully what constitutes verification of an interpre-
thorough liberal arts and theological education kept current by tation as correct. In any science, the methodology requires some
widespread, continued reading is crucial. This will help us rec- statement about what constitutes proof.
ognize influences that are at work. What usually is done in interpreting a passage is to offer an
We will also endeavor to recognize our own presuppositions. explanation of its meaning. Then there are generally observa-
This may be done in several ways. One is to submit our thought tions or reasons offered, supporting this theory or showing how
to scrutiny by those of different viewpoints, seeking to obtain it fits the data of the passage. Sometimes the alternative or com-
their interpretation of our assumptions. I have long advocated peting interpretations are also stated, together with critical
theological self-understanding groups, much like the psycho- comments on them.
logical self-understanding groups that were so popular in sem- What is really needed, however, is some measure of the like-
inaries a decade or so ago and still continue in somewhat lihood of the theory presented. This cannot be done in some
diminished capacity. In such a group, each person would share quantitatively precise fashion, as with the natural sciences or
a significant theological conviction or a crucial experience, and mathematics. What is disconcerting, however, is that the reader
would then be given feedback by his or her peers.
often has difficulty assessing whether the probability of this in-
Such feedback will help us compensate for our natural bi-
terpretation has been established.
ases. As a Baptist, for example, I must require more evidence
than appears to me to be necessary for interpretations that sup- 6. Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1986),
p. 57.
s. James Leo Garrett, Jr., Systerrwtic Theology: Biblical, Historical, and 7. James Barr, Semantics of Biblical Langunge (New York: Oxford IJniver-
Evnngf~lirx~l ((;rand Kapids: Eerdmans, 1 WO), 1:ix. sity Press, 1961), pp. 206-62.
88 89
Evangelical interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
Perhaps what is needed is a healthy dose of inductive logic, 7. An additional role that theology plays will be in the anal-
as is used in the scientific endeavors to establish the truth of a ysis of the arguments employed in interpretation of the
theory. We should consider how many possible interpretations Bible.” Frequently, the case for a given interpretation rests on
there are, and the major strengths and weaknesses of each rather loosely defined argumentation. It is not readily possible
hypothesis. to assess the truth of the interpretation, since the logic cannot
In particular, theology will want to evaluate the methodology be tested. The statement being presented may appear quite
of biblical criticism. In recent years, cracks have begun to ap- plausible.
pear in the once uniform trust in these methodologies. In par- Plausibility alone is not enough, however. Unless we hold to
ticular, the presence of numerous subjective factors has become relativity or plurality of truth, there cannot be innumerable
apparent. The form-critical application of some of the criteria of contradictory interpretations, although there may be degrees of
authenticity to the Gospels has not resulted in uniform agree- adequacy of the several views. If we can identify the form of the
ment regarding the results. argument, its validity can more easily be tested. To the extent
It should be possible to test the validity of some of the tenets that theology concerns itself with these overarching ideological
of biblical criticism. There are recent documents to which the issues of truth-testing, it can be of help to us here. It may show,
methodology could be applied, then checked by consulting for example, that the argument is actually a case of undistrib-
some of the persons involved, including the author. This would uted middle term, and thus invalid, or that what is an argument
allow modification and refinement of the method. The diffi- from analogy is actually an illustration of the truth rather than
culty, as C. S. Lewis once pointed out, is that Saint Mark is not a proof of it. Analyzing the argument also allows it to be put
alive and therefore cannot protest the interpretations of his into a more generic class, so that its probability can be assessed
writing.8 Lewis himself once wrote a particular piece that was in a more objective fashion, removed from the emotional or
then analyzed and evaluated by a reviewer. The reviewer nonrational factors that may apply to the specific issue under
thought he saw signs in the writing that indicated that Lewis discussion.
was not very interested in what he was doing at the time. In re- We also need to ask about the logical connection of the verse
ality, however, the exact opposite was the case.g or phrase under consideration and its immediate context. It is
6. Theology also assists us by tracing out the implications of common to insist on the need to interpret within context, ap-
a given interpretation of a passage. One of the ways of finding pealing to slogans such as, “A text without a context is a pre-
out what something means is to find out what is contained text.” It is not sufficient, however, to ask what the context is. It
within it, which is really what implication is. Sometimes this is also necessary to ask about the nature of the relationship of
may turn out to be quite different, and even contrary, to what the text to that context. Is it one of inclusion within an earlier
seems on the surface of it to be the case. (or in summation, later) statement? Is it an illustration of that
Part of the implication issue is the effect that the adoption of principle? Is it compared or contrasted with the other state-
a given interpretation, as opposed to another one, has on other ment? Are the two enumerated as instances of yet some larger
doctrines, of which it is one of the premisses. The meaning of class, which may even be unnamed or unstated?
this portion of Scripture must be seen in light of the larger uni- Failure to ask such questions may lead to serious misunder-
verse of theological discourse. standings of a text. An example is James Nelson’s discussion of
homosexuality. He deals with the prohibition of homosexuality
8. c:. S. Lewis, “Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism,” in C. S. Lewis,
(:tlristiclrl Rf!j‘tf:ctiorls, d. Walter Hooper (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1967), 10. D. A. Carson is to be commended for his chapter on logical fallacies in
1’. 161. Exegetical Fallacies (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1984). This type of analysis needs to
!I. Ibid.. p. 150. be an essential part of all exegetical endeavor.
90 91
Evangelical Interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
in Leviticus 18 and 20 by claiming that the context is the prohi- if redeemed believers are perfect in heaven and God is perfect
bition of Canaanite fertility worship, then stating that it was be- in heaven, then what the believer will undergo must be deifica-
cause that worship involved sacral prostitution and orgies that tion, rather than glorification? The alternative, of course, which
it was wrong, rather than being wrong in itself.” Another exam- Blomberg does not consider, is that perfection is relative to that
ple is Clark Pinnock’s interpretation of Acts 4:12, in which he which is perfected. We will not necessarily all be identical per-
claims that salvation includes healing (Peter and John were sonalities in heaven. There will be a perfection of the unique
called before the Sanhedrin to account for the healing of a crip- status of the individual as possessed at the end of life. Blomberg
pled beggar). He says, “Peter tells us that physical healing is also says, “Not surprisingly-but nevertheless tragically-the
part of salvation. “12 He fails to ask, however, about the relation- spirit of competition, comparison with one another, and re-
ship of the healing of the one man to the salvation of the 5,000 wards on the basis of merit have overwhelmed many aspects of
and the real referent of Peter’s use of the term “salvation.” In Christian living as well, both corporately and personally.“14
both of these cases, we appear to have a logical connection as- Here the assumption appears to be that pursuit of rewards is
sumed rather than argued, supporting a conclusion previously competitive, that receiving rewards must be at the expense of
arrived at on experiential grounds.
another believer. But where do we find that God “grades on the
Frequently, what is most needed is to lay bare the structure
curve, ” as it were? This assumption, plus another, stated but
of the argument. For when closely examined, the argument will
unsupported, that there cannot be both differences of reward
often be seen to be an enthymeme, that is, an argument contain-
and lack of awareness of the differences, also leads him to see
ing suppressed premisses. Because they are assumed rather
an alternative, noncompetitive view of degrees of reward, as
than being brought to light and scrutinized, the relative plausi-
bility of the premisses is not explored. When, however, they containing an “unwitting contradiction.“15 A final example is
can be tested, the validity of the syllogism that underlies the his assumption that rewards necessarily work against true grace
hermeneutical conclusion can be more carefully evaluated. by becoming the motivation for faithful serviceal But is this so?
Craig Blomberg’s article, “Degrees of Reward in the Kingdom In the parable of the talents, the master did not promise any re-
of Heaven?” gives us several excellent examples of suppressed ward at all. Yet, the reward was given, regardless. In other
premisses or unrecognized assumptions, which affect his exe- words, rewards may come as a surprise, just as “the first shall
getical conclusions. For example, he says: “A final logical ques- be last” and “whoever loses his life will find it.” This, of course,
tion could be asked: If the heavenly aspect of eternal life may not be a correct alternative assumption, but the point is
represents perfection, is it not fundamentally self-contradictory that the assumptions must be argued, rather than simply as-
to speak of degrees of perfection? Surely theologians ought to sumed. Numerous other such unstated assumptions appear in
reconsider a doctrine that involves an elementary lexical and Blomberg’s article, serving as suppressed premisses. These then
conceptual fallacy.“13 The unstated assumption, however, ap- lead him to rather strained exegesis, to virtual psychoanalysis
pears to be that perfection must be the same in all individuals. of the opposite position. These also lead him to find inconsis-
If that is the case, however, are we not led to the conclusion that tencies in the thought of those who differ with him.17 Since he
fails to recognize that these are assumptions, he does not realize
11. James Nelson, “Homosexuality and the Church,” Christianity and Cul-
fure 37/5 (April 4, 1977): 64. that others might be working with different assumptions, so he
12. Clark Pinnock, “Acts 4:12-No Other Name IJnder Heaven,” in Through
No Full/t of Their Own? The Fate of Those Who Have Never Heard, ed. William 14. Ibid., p. 169.
V. Crockett and James G. Sigountos (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1991), pp. 108-9. 15. Ibid., p. 162.
13. Craig I,. Blomberg, “Degrees of Reward in the Kingdom of Heaven?” 16. Ibid., pp. 169-70.
jourr~/ o/‘fhf: Evclnge/ic:cJl Thsologicul Society 35/Z (June 1992): 162-63. 17. Ibid., p. 162.
92 93
Evangelical Interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
finds inconsistencies within their thought, whereas the incon- that done, if this indeed is holistic salvation? Should that not
sistency is between their thought and his. have been made clearer, if that is indeed an aspect of salvation?
8. Another way theology assists us is by placing the interpre- Further, if salvation really is inherently holistic, should not all
tation in a genuinely systematic context. It allows us, causes us, Christians be free from illness? And if this is part of salvation,
forces us, to relate the teaching derived from this particular in- how can it be that God does not in every case grant the request
terpretation to other teachings of Scripture, some of which may for healing, whereas he never denies the request for forgiveness
well be more clearly and definitely taught than are others. of sins and new birth? Do these sick Christians lack the perfect
Often it is not possible to assess the truth, or to determine the faith possessed by Christians who are well? What about other
meaning, of a given proposition in Scripture, by taking that physical provisions? Should the passages about miraculous
proposition in isolation. It is, however, when we spin out the feeding not be interpreted in such a way as to support the
implications of a statement, and thus generate a larger web of wealth portion of the “health, wealth, and happiness” formula,
propositions, that we can more adequately assess these dimen- in the way in which this passage is found to support the health
sions of the meaning. For one thing, this gives us more points of portion? And since Pinnock goes so far as to apparently endorse
contact with the data (in this case, the data of the Bible). the idea that healing is found in the atonement, based on this
The other way in which this endeavor works is in bringing passage, he should also ask about the innumerable issues that
the implications of the interpretations that we are considering doctrine raises.18
into contact with other teachings supported by the Bible. Truth,
including especially biblical and theological truth, is organic in The Hermeneutical Contributions
character. Thus, one part of the truth cannot conflict with an- of Cross-Cultural Studies
other part. So although we may not be able to test directly an in-
There is a third discipline that needs especially to be brought
terpretation under consideration, we may test it indirectly, by
to bear upon the work of hermeneutics. It is the field of cross-
tracing out implications. For example, our interpretation of a
cultural studies, whether that be taught in the department of
given verse may be A. Let us say that A implies B, for which we
communication, or as more commonly is the case, in the depart-
may have only tenuous or ambiguous biblical support. Sup- ment of missions. This discipline concerns itself with the com-
pose, however, that proposition X is clearly taught by Scripture, munication of the message and the establishment of the practice
and that it implies Y, which in turn contradicts B. This requires of Christianity in varying cultures. It has a number of contribu-
that we reject interpretation A, in favor of A’ or something of tions to make to our task of interpreting the gospel.
that type. While agreement of the implications of the two prop- 1. This discipline can serve much the same function for us
ositions does not confirm A, but only contributes to its proba- geographically that history serves for us temporally. If history
bility in the fashion of inductive logic, the contradiction of the has the value of being able to show us insights into a text, or
two certainly works to refute A. even the methods of interpretation that have varied with the
Pinnock’s interpretation of Acts 4:12 might have been im- passage of time, then cross-cultural studies can do the same
proved if he had asked some questions about this interpretation thing laterally.
in relationship to other considerations, both inside and outside All of us are, to varying degrees, captives of our own cultures,
the passage. So, for example, he might have asked why no men- and of the presuppositions resulting from that location and ori-
tion is made of other healings among those 5,000 persons. Were entation. This limits what we find within the text, for a differing
there no other persons in need of healing in a group of this size? perspective is frequently required in order to see other aspects
If so, were they not healed, but instead simply left in their con-
dition? Or was this simply omission of reference? If so, why was 18. “Acts 4:12,” p. 109, n. 6.
94 95
Evangelical interpretation Contributions . . . to the Hermeneutical Task
of the truth. Contact with other cultures and with Christians nificance of presuppositions in our interpretational endeavor
from these other cultures can supplement the limited perspec- and the importance of being able to identify them. This is not
tive that we might bring to the endeavor. always easy to do when we confine our dialogue largely to those
Those who have ministered in other cultures can testify to who agree with us, who may share the same presuppositions we
this phenomenon. One of my colleagues recently experienced do. They do not see our presuppositions any more than we do.
this in discussing the biblical story of Joseph with some African To them as to us, these are not presuppositions, but simply as-
Christians. North American Christians find in this passage evi- pects of the way things are, or in this case, the way the text is.
dence of God’s providence, Joseph’s faithfulness, and similar The danger of unconscious eisegesis becomes even greater, for
themes. The African Christians, however, saw family ties in the we are unaware of the starting points of our exegetical effort,
passage. Despite all that Joseph’s brothers had done to him, he which color the very way we see the text.
did not take revenge on them, but included them in the benefits Cross-cultural dialogue can make us aware of some of these
that had come to him. The ties of blood were much stronger presuppositions, simply by virtue of the other person not see-
than circumstances. Although Joseph now spoke Egyptian and ing what we see in the text. That failure to see may, of course,
held the second most powerful position in the nation of Egypt, simply be a result of the sort of cultural blindness that we
he was still basically Hebrew. spoke about above. It may, on the other hand, be because what
Contact with other cultures enlarges our understanding of we find there is not in the text, but is imported by us to the en-
the text. It enables us to see facets of the truth to which we are deavor. Indeed, in that case our partner in the discussion will
blind because of our cultural limitations. It does not give a dif- not see it there.
ferent meaning to the text, but a fuller meaning. And it does not One Japanese pastor, who is quite a scholar and teaches reg-
say that the text has different meanings for different persons- ularly at a theological seminary, has often engaged in dialogue
a sort of epistemological subjectivism. But it reminds us that with an American seminary professor of his Baptist denomina-
there are meanings in the text that are meanings for everyone, tion. On one occasion, the two men were discussing Baptist dis-
but that some persons may be more likely to observe certain of tinctives and polity. The Japanese man told his American
these meanings than are others, simply because of their per- friend, “Your view of priesthood of the believer is derived more
spective on things. from the American Bill of Rights than it is from the New Testa-
To some, who emphasize the single meaning or single intent ment.” It is not my intention here to attempt to evaluate the two
of Scripture, this may seem to be a case of eisegesis, of reading positions. The point is that the Japanese man may be right, but
in something that is not present within the text. I would prefer he also may be guilty of reading Japanese political conceptions
to think of it instead as the removal of exegetical blockage, of into the New Testament. The value of this dialogue is that it
the negation of the sort of blindness that our situation in time points out the importance of cultural presuppositions and
and space sometimes seems to consign us to. cross-cultural conversations.
This is not to say that the insights presented by those with a 3. Part of the reason for the increased insight resulting from
different perspective are simply to be accepted as valid, with- cross-cultural dialogue is that those from other backgrounds fre-
out any question about their genuineness. They must be scruti- quently are asking different questions than we are. Part of what
nized carefully, to make certain that they are genuinely there, enables us to discover the meaning of the passage is the ques-
rather than being the importation of the assumptions of their tions that we pose of the passage. We must be careful not to
advocates. force the passage to answer questions that were not part of the
2. Cross-cultural studies also help make us aware of flaws in original statement, either directly or by implication, Yet having
our own thinking. We have noted earlier in this chapter the sig- said that, there is a richness to the passage that may be lost if we
96 97
Evangelical Interpretation
98 99
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
The Premodern and Modern Periods universal meaning in the self or the individual, in certain psy-
chological characteristics common to all human beings. If the
The premodern and modern periods basically agreed on a
premodern view looked for the universals in a realm transcen-
number of issues. They agreed, for example, on the objectivity
dent to nature and sensory experience, the modern view sought
of reality. Despite differences regarding the basis and status of
it within this experienced realme
this reality, there was at least agreement that such a reality ex-
Correlated with these conceptions were certain agreements
isted independently of any individual apprehension of it. There
and disagreements hermeneutically. In the premodern period,
also was a referential understanding of language, the belief that the meaning of a text was believed to be within that text in a
language referred to something beyond itself, that it had an ob- rather literal or straightforward fashion. Thus, the meaning of
ject. Finally, wrapped up with these two tenets or assumptions the text was that which the author intended, and which a literal
was belief in a correspondence theory of truth, that is, the view (or at least natural) rendering of the meaning of the words
that true ideas are those that accurately correspond to the state would yield. Hermeneutics was in this approach virtually
of affairs as it is.2 equivalent to exegesis. If we could determine what the author
There were, of course, some very significant points of differ- had said, that was the message of the passage to us as well.
ence. For example, the locus of this truth or meaning was While this is something of an oversimplification, it is basically
thought of very differently in the two periods under consider- the way meaning was understood and approached.
ation. The premodern period fixed this objective meaning in Modernism, however, developed more sophisticated-or at
some external or transcendent realm. This might be the Pla- least more complicated-approaches to hermeneutics. Specifi-
tonic forms or ideas, or in more theistic and even Christian ver- cally, the prime methodology of modernism was historical crit-
sions, the mind of God. In either case, however, there was such icism in all its variations and refinements. Historical criticism
a locus of meaning and truth outside history and the flow of na- sought to determine the real history, what had really happened
ture’s occurrences. If the premodern version was basically Pla- and what had really been said.4 The true meaning of the text
tonic in its orientation, the modern period was more nearly was not necessarily its surface or apparent meaning, but what
Aristotelian. The rationalist approach, most clearly and consis- the text said when properly interpreted and evaluated. Yet here
tently represented by Descartes, found the universal or objec- there was at least agreement with the premodern conception
tive factors of meaning in a pattern of reason or thought, in that the goal of interpretation is to get at the truth and the mean-
which the order of the human mind corresponded to that of re- ing that was objective and resident in the text or behind it,
ality. In empiricism, most fully enunciated by Hume, the aim rather than in the interpreter.5
was to find constant patterns of experience in the world, from
which the laws of nature might then be derived. Finally, the hu-
manists have taken a wide variety of positions, from Schleier-
Defining Postmodernism
macher to Kierkegaard, but all of them located this objective or Postmodernism has many different meanings; or, more cor-
rectly, a variety of views lay claim to the title of postmodernism.
2. Edgar V. McKnight, Post-modern Use of the Bible: The Emergence of
Header-Oriented Criticism (Nashville: Abingdon, 1988), pp. 43-44; M u r p h y What all of them have in common is an agreement that modern-
a n d McClendon, “ Distinguishing Modern and Postmodern Theologies,” pp. ism, however that is understood, has run its course. That is to
192-93; David Kay Griffin, “Postmodern Theology and A/Theology: A Re-
sponse to Mark C. Taylor,” ’m Varieties of Postmodern Theology by David Ray 3. William Dean, History Making History: The New Historicism in Ameri-
Griffin, William A. &:ardslee, and Joe IIolland (Albany: State University of can Religious Thought (Albany: State (Jniversity of New York Press, 1988), p. 4.
New York Press, 1989). pp. 32-34; Mark C. Taylor, Erring: A Postmodern A/the- 4. McKnight, Post-modern Use of the Bible, p. 44.
olog_v ((:hic:ago: Ilniversity of Chicago Press. 1984), pp. 172-80. 5. Ibid.
100 101
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
say, intellectual work, whether that be literature, architecture, 2. Liberationist postmodernism focuses more on the social
or theology, can no longer be carried on within the context of and political form of the modern worldview, than the philo-
the modern worldview. sophical or metaphysical form. It reacts against these social
This postmodernism has been identified as a number of sub- structures, and seeks to transform them. Whether third world,
movements or concurrent and parallel movements in various black, or feminist in basic orientation, this postmodernism re-
disciplines. One of these is the school of literary criticism jects the mind-set of the modern period. Although it does not re-
known as deconstruction. This can be seen as a reaction to ject the search for logical consistency and objective truth quite
structuralism, especially identified with the writings of Jacques so emphatically as does deconstructive postmodernism, libera-
Derrid& A second is a movement in the discipline of history tionist postmodernism does not value such qualities as highly
known as the new historicism, associated especially with the as does modernism.
work of Richard Rorty. A third is the philosophical movement 3. Constructive postmodernism seeks to rebuild or revise the
known as neopragmatism, which includes such diverse cultural modern worldview. It does not believe that such metaphysics is
developments as the architecture of Michael Graves and Stan- valid and defensible, but maintains that the construction of a
ley Tigerman and the films of David Lynch. worldview is possible. The form this constructive approach
There are a number of postmodern theologies. These can be takes is frequently that of process metaphysics.
classified, to some extent, by the degree of radicalness of their 4. There is finally a version of postmodernism that can be re-
understanding of the change needed from the modern period. ferred to as conservative or restorationist. This postmodern
Thus, they range from deconstructive postmodernism to resto- theology, like constructive postmodernism, insists that much
rationist or conservative postmodernism. The classification within the modern synthesis is worth retaining. It contends,
given by David Ray Griffin is helpful here.7 however, that those elements most worth keeping are those that
1. Deconstructive postmodernism maintains that an attempt have most in common with the premodern period. It therefore
to take an objective approach to the facts of experience leads to seeks to reconstruct theology by going beyond modernism,
the paradoxical conclusion that such an objective approach is building on those elements while transcending others. It ap-
not possible. It represents a radical denial of the objectivity in- pears on the surface to be a return to the premodern period, but
volved in foundationalism, according to which there are certain that is not really true. This view maintains that the modern
basic or foundational facts to which thought can appeal, and the worldview reflects certain basic changes in the world that can-
aim of thought is to base reasoning on such foundational truths. not be ignored or disregarded. They represent appropriate and
irreversible changes in our way of thinking about reality. How-
In this view language does not refer to objective objects as its ref-
ever, at points, the course of development of these correct in-
erents; words refer only to other words. In literary criticism and
sights is regarded as faulty.
in theology, therefore, the aim is to “deconstruct” the traditional
objects of thought and the traditional methods of the discipline.
The usual criteria of internal consistency and coherence are not The Importance of Postmodernism
highly valued: in fact, they are believed to be inapplicable. In- to Evangelicalism
stead, meaning is sought in the free associations of words. It would seem that the most serious threat to orthodox or
evangelical Christianity comes from deconstructive postmod-
6. Gary L. Comstoc:k, “Is Postmodern Religious Dialogue Possible?” Faith
clnd Philosophy6/2 [April 1989): 196, n. 1. ernism. Yet because it is so radical, some believe that it really
7. David Ray Griffin, “1ntroduc:tion: Varieties of Postmodern Theology,” in poses no threat to evangelical Christianity. We must ask, how-
Vnrioties of Postrrtodern Theology (Albany: State University of New York Press, ever, whether this is really so. A number of indications suggest
l!)R!l), pp. 1-7.
that this is a very vital issue for evangelicalism.
102 103
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
First, the magnitude of the issues is so great. What is at stake adoption and absorption, and this might even be true of some-
is the very foundation of knowledge, at least as we have under- thing as radical as deconstructionism.
stood it, and probably universally in terms of objective, commu-
nicable truth. We are not talking merely about a different way The Erosion of the Modern Synthesis
of playing the game, but about altering the very rules of the
game, about changing the actual game. The essence of the gos- At this point we need to examine more closely the nature of
pel includes certain rational beliefs and the ability to commu- the modernism now being rejected and displaced. It was a ma-
nicate them so that others may believe. If deconstruction jor synthesis, resulting from scientific, philosophical, and polit-
succeeds, the gospel will deteriorate into a virtual solipsism. In ical developments.
a sense, the very future of Western culture may depend on the 1. The first major emphasis of modernism was the centrality
outcome of this struggle.8 and autonomy of the human. In the premodern period, theol-
Second, the effect of deconstructive postmodernism is more ogy, especially of the Calvinistic variety, had emphasized the
widespread than we may realize. We are accustomed to appeal- centrality of God and his sovereignty or free and absolute will.
ing to people on the basis of logical consistency and inconsis- Modernism shifted attention to the human. Here was the center
tency. In certain varieties of thought, however, and especially of attention and thought. Here was the highest value. Here was
in deconstruction, logical consistency is not seen as a virtue or the one in control of what went on within the universe. Neither
inconsistency as a vice. This phenomenon is present on a rather the church’s authority nor God’s commands could be allowed
broad basis within our society, however. The baby bust genera- to encroach on this human.12
tion is not at all fazed by being confronted with the fact of logi- 2. Together with this emphasis on the human was a great in-
cal inconsistency.g terest in nature, the appropriate habitat and natural setting for
Third, there is a tendency for evangelicalism to assimilate the human.13 As the focus of attention shifted from God to hu-
trends that at first are seen as antithetical to its basic view. This mans, so the center of activity shifted from the heavenly or ethe-
is what Roger Lundin has called “evangelical culture-lag.” He real realm to the earthly. With the abandonment of asceticism
points out that what evangelicals condemn when it first ap- came a great interest in the earth and nature. The drama of life
pears, they eventually come to adopt, with some variations, was to be acted out on this stage.
whether it be television, music, or philosophy.” He raises the 3. With this growing interest in nature, a method for investi-
possibility that, based on the past pattern of response, “in only gating it also had to be developed. Thus the scientific method
a few years we may be hearing the sanctified deconstructive became the major means of gaining knowledge.14 While some
word from Christian critics.“” The earlier tendency toward an- saw this as only one way of knowing, for others it became the
tithesis and rejection has in more recent years given way to paradigm or virtually the only method for investigating truth.
This is seen in the effort by disciplines other than the natural
8. John N. Wall, “Deconstruction and the Universe of Theological Dis-
course, or, Who Is Jacques Derrida and What Is He Saying about the Logos?” sciences to adopt this same methodology. Behavioral sciences,
The St. Luke’s Journal of Theology 2814 (Sept. 1985): 253-54. for example, came to use the experimental procedure when pos-
9. Leith Anderson, Dying for Change (Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1990), sible, and sought to employ statistical methods to reduce find-
pp. 107-8.
10. Roger Lundin, “Deconstructive Therapy,” The Reformed Journal 36/l
ings to a mathematically quantifiable form.
(Jan. 1986): 15-16. See, for example, the criticism of television by Edward John
Carnell, Television: Servont or Master (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1950), a book 12. John Herman Randall, Jr., The Making of the Modern Mind (Boston:
he never later listed with his works, and The Case for Orthodox Theology (Phil- Houghton Mifflin, 1940), pp. 123-24.
adelphia: Westminster, 1959). p. 121. 13. Ibid., pp. 226-27.
11. Ibid., p. 16. 14. Ibid., pp. 219-24.
104 105
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
Where science was seen as only one of the appropriate ways was sense impressions. While Hume seemed, when compared
of knowing, it was frequently seen as superior to others, the to rationalists such as Descartes, to be something of a skeptic,
methods of philosophy and other inquiries being “soft” in na- he too was searching for and believed he had found, a sound ba-
ture. In some views, however, science was thought to be the sis for belief. The logical positivists, in their early days, were
only legitimate means of knowledge. Whatever did not measure seeking for such a certainty in sense data.18
up to its standards and come through its channels was not really 8. There was basically a belief in metaphysical realism. Phys-
knowledge at all. ical objects were believed to have a real existence apart from our
4. Together with these concepts and binding them together perception of them. They are there to be known, simply because
was the idea of nature as dynamic, and as the sole and sufficient they are. These objects, which are apprehended by us through
cause and explanation of what is and what transpires. The con- sense perception, are therefore real.lg
cept of evolution was used to explain human origins. Rather 9. There was the representative-expressivist theory of lan-
than being the product of some special supernatural act of cre- guage. Language, on this way of thinking, has as its primary role
ation, the human was understood to have evolved from other representing that to which it refers. Language names objects and
living forms, to be a part of nature bound by natural laws.15 represents facts about these objects. There are, however, some
5. A growing conception was that of determinism or the ab- areas, such as ethics, where, although the grammatical form of
solute causation within the whole of the universe. As science the sentences may seem to indicate representation, that is not
studied this universe, it increasingly discovered fixed and reg- an adequate way of understanding the role of language. Here the
ular patterns within it. This led to the assumption of unifor- role of language is actually to express the feeling or emotion of
mity or regularity or complete causation in nature. Research the speaker. Hence, the reference is not to the ostensive refer-
that proceeded on this assumption proved fruitful in its re- ent, but to inward states or intentions of the speaker.20
sults. The assumption was that the patterns observed in the 10. Finally, the modern view presupposed a correspondence
parts of reality that could be thus investigated also extended to theory of truth. That is to say, those propositions are true that
those parts that could not be similarly observed, or had not yet correctly reflect or correspond to things as they really are.21 To
been investigated.16 be sure, this was at times supplemented and even competed
6. There also was a tendency toward reductionism, the effort with by the pragmatic theory of truth, but even William James’
to explain everything by fewer or more basic factors. Thus, psy- first definition of truth in his essay on pragmatism is essentially
chology has tended to reduce to biology, biology to chemistry, a correspondence view: “Truth, as any dictionary will tell you,
chemistry to physics.” is a property of certain of our ideas. It means their ‘agreement,’
7. There also was, in common with the earlier understand- as falsity means their disagreement, with ‘reality.“‘22 This sug-
ing, a belief in foundationalism. This is the idea that knowledge gests that the pragmatist view of truth was more a theory about
must be justified by being based on certain indubitable or incor- testing for truth than an attempt to delineate the nature of truth.
rigible beliefs. The task of the philosopher has often been seen This modern worldview has gradually begun to erode.
as a search for such indubitability. For Descartes, the founda- Slowly at first, and then with accelerating pace of late, the inad-
tions of knowledge were seen as intuitions of clear and distinct equacies of this understanding of reality have been revealed.
ideas. For Hume, on the other hand, the source of knowledge 18. Ibid., pp. 192-93.
19. Dean, History Making History, pp. 6-7.
15. Ibid., pp. 465-66. 20. Ibid., pp. 192-96.
16. Ibid. 21. Timothy Reiss, The Discourse ofModernism (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Uni-
17. Murphy and McClendon, “Distinguishing Modern and Postmodern versity Press, 1985), p. 44.
Theologies,” pp. 197-98. 22. William James, Pragmatism (New York: Meridian, 1955), p. 132.
106 107
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
The acceptance of the idea that the modern period is passing War, which once was a local matter with relatively few casual-
away has become increasingly widespread. The significance of ties, has now become literally a global concern. The war to end
this change should not be overlooked or minimized. We are not all wars, the Great World War, turned out to be World War I; it
witnessing merely the displacement of one theory by another, was succeeded by an even more expansive conflict, World War
or a conflict about some peripheral ideas. We are actually see- II. Improved means of communication and transportation made
ing a paradigm shift taking place before our eyes. The concep- possible wider geographical involvement and modern means of
tions on the basis of which society has functioned for some time destruction made possible more efficient killing of humans and
are changing. As Diogenes Allen puts it, “What is crumbling are devastation of property. It was not necessarily that persons
the pillars of western society, which were erected during the were morally worse than before, but they now had more effec-
Enlightenment.“23 We need to observe first the reasons for this tive weapons available. Human ingenuity seemed most produc-
collapse, so that we may understand what is happening and tive when geared to making war.
why, and then look at which conceptions may survive, which It also became apparent that we have been destroying our
conceptions may need to be adapted, and which conceptions home, the very environment in which we dwell. The acceler-
will surely pass away completely. ated consumption of nonrenewable resources and the poison-
It appears that there have been both theoretical or rational ing of the environment suggested that-this world may not be
and practical or moral reasons for this disillusionment with able to sustain human life indefinitely.26
modernism. The four areas of breakdown mentioned by Allen The potential of nuclear destruction hangs like a spectre over
are helpful here as an organizing basis for our thought.24 the human race. Although the apparent end of the cold war has
First, the idea of the universe as a self-contained entity has greatly reduced the possibility of a nuclear confrontation be-
broken down. The modern view included the idea that all of re- tween superpowers, the danger of the spread of nuclear capabil-
ality functioned according to certain fixed patterns. These nat- ity to terrorist groups is in some ways even more ominous.
ural laws were even thought of in some cases as controlling In the midst of this, the failure to solve society’s economic
what happened. A number of factors have combined to under- problems is ever apparent. The progress and prosperity of soci-
cut this conception, however. ety as a whole do not extend to the poor, who are relegated to a
One of these was Heisenberg’s principle of indeterminacy. structural underclass.
At the subatomic level, the behavior of particles or electrical In all of this the problem is not simply the failure to solve
charges appears unpredictable. Random factors seem to be specific problems, but the inability of modern thought to pro-
present at this level. In addition, the Big Bang theory suggests vide an adequate basis for morality. The decline in transcen-
that the entire universe was at one time very dense, concen- dent norms and the emphasis upon individualism have not
trated in one place.25 facilitated the sort of consensus necessary for moral action in a
Second, the modern approach appears to have failed mor- pluralistic society. In part, the tendency toward mechanism in
ally. A number of social problems remain unsolved, and if any- the worldview has been a factor in this difficulty.
thing, are becoming progressively worse and more threatening. Third, there has been a loss of belief in virtually inevitable
progress. Inspired by the industrial revolution and supported in
23. Diogenes Allen, “Christian Values in a Post-Christian Context,” in Post- part by the extension of Darwinism to cover the development of
modern Theology: Christian Faith in a Pluralist World (San Francisco: Harper
and Row, 1989). p. 21.
all facets of culture, there was an expectation that things would
24. Ibid., pp. 21-25. get better and better and that social problems would wither
2.5. David Ray Griffin, God clnd Rr:ligion in the Postmodern World: Essays
in Pnstmodsm Theology (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989), 26. Joe Holland, “The Postmodern Paradigm and Contemporary Catholi-
p. 36. cism,” in Varieties ojPostmodern Theology, pp. 11-12.
108 109
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
away. This, however, simply has not happened. For the first as the critical norm with which to judge conflicting configura-
time a new generation has discovered that its standard of living tions.“” There is no such thing as raw experience. There are
will be lower than that of the preceding generation; disillusion- only interpretations of interpretations. There is nothing abso-
ment with the “great American dream” has begun to set in. lutely primary to be interpreted.30
Fourth, the assumption that knowledge is inherently good Richard Rorty notes that the ancient cosmologists held that
has also come to be questioned. It is apparent that knowledge the world rested on the back of an elephant. One of them, when
can be used for good or evil, and that an increase in knowledge asked what the elephant rested on, replied, “It’s elephants all
will not automatically result in a better world. Even on a micro- the way down.” This, says Rorty, is how it is with language.
scale, the standard assumption that a college education will There is no basic or ultimate reality upon which words rest.
lead to a better job and more money is proving uncertain. The Rather, “It’s words all the way down.” Words do not rest upon
increase in overall knowledge has helped somewhat, but to anything more basic. Their referent is more words.31
some extent has simply heightened the discrepancies between This is Taylor’s view. Without the “transcendental signi-
various social classes. fied,” there is nothing that grounds the structure of significa-
The most radical rejection of this modern view-and conse- tion.32 Not merely the deduction from the death of God, but also
quently, the most strongly contrasting alternative-is what we an analysis of the nature of experience itself leads us to the con-
have identified as deconstructive or eliminative postmodern- clusion of the nonreferential nature of language. It shows us
ism. It draws its inspiration from a number of sources. This type that there is no such thing as raw experience or naked facts. Ev-
of postmodern theology and biblical hermeneutic is described ery sign is already an interpretation of other interpretations.33
by its leading practitioner, Mark Taylor, as the hermeneutic of Consciousness, it becomes apparent, is creative and produc-
the death of God.27 It takes seriously the avowedly atheistic tive. It does not find meaning or criteria external to itself, but,
philosophy of DerridB. It then attempts to spell out the implica- rather, within itself. “That to which consciousness points is al-
tions of God’s death. Taylor says, “The insights released by de- ways already within consciousness itself.“34 Thus, instead of
constructive criticism suggest the ramifications of the death of attempting to arrive at the inherent meaning of a text, perhaps
God for areas as apparently distinct as contemporary psychol- placed there intentionally by the author, the interpreter engages
ogy, linguistics, historical analysis.“28 in a free play of consciousness.35
Hermeneutics, then, consists in word-play and word-associa-
The Hermeneutic of Deconstruction tions. Taylor especially likes to trace the etymology of a word, or
to list all of its possible meanings. He plays with words, utilizing
It will not be my purpose to spell out the implications of de- puns, hyphens, slashes, and parentheses to draw out possible
construction for all areas of thought, or even for all doctrines. I meanings. Since there is no correspondence theory of truth, no
do want to note its view of language and hence of hermeneutics. objects to which the words refer, the consciousness of the inter-
There is no longer one unifying center or basis of meaning. preter creates the meanings out of itself. Like his literary mentor,
Thus, there is no basis for distinguishing one perspective as su-
perior to another. Consequently, there is no truth. This does not 29. Ibid., p. 172.
mean merely that we cannot know the truth, but rather that 30. Ibid.
31. Richard Rorty, Consequences of Nature: Essays 1972-1980 (Minneapo-
there is no truth to know. There is no linguistic Archimedean lis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982), p. xxxv.
point “to provide access to a nonfigural world that can function 32. Ibid., p. 105.
33. Ibid., p. 172.
27. Mark C. ‘Taylor, Erring (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984), p. 6. 34. Ibid., p. 105.
28. Ibid. 35. Ibid., p, 106.
110 111
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
DerridB, Taylor holds that the use of language is generative of it contradicts some more universal criteria, criteria that all
meaning. He gives an initial example of his method by taking the views must satisfy. It is also legitimate to criticize a view on the
word “err” and roaming “through the labyrinth of the word,” basis of its own criteria-an application of the law of contradic-
seeking thereby to gain an understanding of its meaning.36 tion, which itself is necessary if any communication is to take
It should be apparent that this view is incompatible with the place, or, I would suggest, if any thought is even to proceed.
orthodox or conservative understanding not only of Scripture The postmodernists have engaged us in conversation, seeking
and hermeneutics, but consequently of all hermeneutical te- to present their view as an alternative to the traditional (pre-
nets. If Taylor’s view is followed, then there really cannot be modern or modern) view. They are not simply solipsists. We
any objective truth, any objects of knowledge, anything that ap- are therefore justified in inquiring about the elements presup-
plies to everyone. posed and present within such communication. In other
words, we may begin with practical problems inherent in
Critical Evaluation thinking and communicating, and move from these to the more
of Deconstructive Postmodernism theoretical issues.
One person who has presented a criticism of deconstruction
In response, there need to be two coincident but distinguish- from another postmodern perspective is David Ray Griffin. He
able parts of the hermeneutical task. Because the deconstructive argues that there are certain facts, which are acknowledged in
version of postmodernism is the most radical, calling into ques- practice, even if denied verbally. They are universally acknowl-
tion most completely the theological and specifically the edged in what he calls hard-core commonsense notions. They
hermeneutical endeavor, there will need to be a careful evalua- are commonsense because they are common to all humanity.
tion and refutation of that movement. Second, there will need They are to be distinguished from soft-core commonsense no-
to be constructive work to formulate an alternative-a genu- tions, which are not actually universal but are in fact provin-
inely postmodern evangelical hermeneutic. In this latter en- cial, and can be denied without inconsistency. The latter
deavor, we will find that there are some very disturbing include ideas such as that the sun goes around the earth, the
elements in the present environment, as well as some that species are eternal, and rocks have no feelings. They are not
present us with unprecedented opportunity. held by all persons, and can be denied without contradiction. A
We begin with a critical evaluation of deconstructive post- truly hard-core commonsense notion, on the other hand, cannot
modernism. Here we immediately face an especially difficult be denied without contradicting one’s practice. Griffin suggests
consideration. The problem is this: the very grounds of criti- four hard-core commonsense notions:
cism and evaluation seem to presuppose the objective factors
being challenged by this movement. Presumably, therefore, we Included among the hard-core notions common to every person,
would not be able to engage in dialogue with these deconstruc- I claim, are the following: (1) that the person has freedom, in the
tionists. We would only be able to maintain our own separate sense of some power for self-determination; (2) that there is an
and different positions.37 actual world beyond the person’s present experience which ex-
There may yet be a basis for evaluation, however. It is not ists independently of and exerts causal efficacy upon that per-
fair to criticize a view simply because it does not meet the cri- son’s interpretive perception of it; (3) that one’s interpretive
teria of our view. It is, however, legitimate to criticize a view if ideas are true to the degree that they correspond to that inde-
pendently existing world; and (4) that, for at least some events,
a distinction exists between what happened and better and/or
~$7. Wall, “Dec:onstruc:tion anti the IJniverse of Theological Discourse,” pp. worse things that could have happened. If it is true that these
253-54. notions are presupposed in practice by everyone, we would ex-
112 113
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
pect Taylor’s denial of them to be accompanied by statements in nonrelative tenets upon which knowledge can be based. These
which they are implicitly afflrmed.38 tenets do not require any assumptions being made, but rather
are indubitable first truths, or something similar.
We may wish to take issue with the specific notions Griffin Recent thought has challenged this concept.40 It now appears
proposes, or the way he implements his criticism. In particular, that some of the things considered so indubitable are actually
I would include certain laws of logic, which are implicitly as- assumptions, and the conclusions drawn relative to those as-
sumed in Griffin’s utilization of the idea of inconsistency as a sumptions. Einstein, for example, formulated his theory of rel-
criterion. It does appear to me, however, that this is a direction ativity out of the paradox of addition of velocities. Velocities
in which we will need to go. should be cumulative, so that the speed of closure of light from
It is here that we can enlist the services of persons who are a star moving toward the observer should be greater than that of
primarily philosophers rather than hermeneuts. We may want the light from a star revolving away. Yet this proved not to be
to look to the Society of Christian Philosophers for help in these the case. Einstein proposed that we reject the underlying as-
matters, as they will be concerned increasingly with the type of sumptions of the absoluteness of time and space. Instead, he
issues raised by deconstructive postmodernism.3g suggested that time and space are relative. This set of assump-
tions was validated by more nearly fitting the empirical data,
Guidelines for a Postmodern than by some sort of absolute justification.41
Evangelical Hermeneutic Careful analysis of language, for example, reveals that differ-
ences of opinion on a subject are frequently based on differing
The second part of our task will be to develop guidelines for definitions of terms, and differing conceptions injected into the
a postmodern hermeneutic. This hermeneutic will resemble argument as premisses that often are hidden, both from the
premodern hermeneutics at a number of points but will be a speaker and the listener. Even William James pointed out that
genuinely postmodern approach in terms of working from the two men arguing about whether the squirrel went around
within postmodernism, taking seriously its contentions and ei- the man were not differing about a matter of fact, but about the
ther developing responses to the valid points within them, tak- interpretation thereof. 42 The large number of persons who ar-
ing them to their logical conclusions and showing their gue for differing conclusions using the same set of data also un-
untenability, or simply attempting to rebut them. It will need derscore this point.
to be an approach that takes seriously the changes that have The number of truly foundational items will have to be con-
taken place in our world, not only in the last four centuries, but siderably reduced. Rather than being substantive in nature,
also in the last four decades. I am not here developing a full- these may turn out to be more methodological. They may be log-
fledged hermeneutic, but rather merely seeking to outline some ical or linguistic assumptions that we cannot deny without as-
guidelines or principles that will need to be embodied in a suming them in the process, or without resorting to sheer
postmodern hermeneutic, and to offer some preliminary sug- authoritarianism or dogmatism.
gestions for implementing them. This will be really more a plea Our approach may need to be more like that of presupposi-
than a product. tionalism than of traditional foundationalism. We may need to
1. First, the rejection of foundationalism must be taken seri-
ously. Foundationalism assumes that there are some absolute or 40. Richard Rorty, “A Reply to Dreyfus and Taylor,” The Review of Meta-
physics 34 (1980): 39.
38. Griffin, “Introduction: Varieties of Postmodern Theology,” p. 36. 41. James B. Miller, “The Emerging Postmodern World,” in Postmodern
39. See, for example, the classic criticism of subjectivism presented by Theology: Christian Faith in a Pluralist World, ed. Frederic C. Burnham (San
Donald Davidson, “On the Very Idea of a Conceptual System,” Proceedings nnd Francisco: Harper and Row, 1989). p. 9.
Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 47 (Nov. 1974): 5-20. 42. James, Pragmatism, pp. 41-42.
114 115
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
assume a tenet or a system of such tenets, trace out the implica- tual view. The very words of Scripture are those intended by
tions of such assumptions, and show how these assumptions God to be written by the writer in order to convey the message
and the systems that derive from them are more consistent and He wished. The real locus of that revelation, however, is the
coherent and fit the broad sweep of experience more adequately ideas or concepts that the written words convey. This suggests
than do competitive views. The exhibition of the truth of a po- that we have not finished the hermeneutical or even the exeget-
sition will be less likely a deductive demonstration from first ical task when we have explained the passage in its original set-
principles, than an inductive fit of the facts. ting. We must ask about the underlying concept. Thus, for
2. This hermeneutic will examine closely what language example, the meaning of Genesis 22 is not merely that God com-
signs signify. The modern view has been that they correspond manded Abraham to offer his son, and that he provided a sacri-
to objects-not necessarily physical objects, but objects inher- fice as a substitute. That is certainly being taught, and the
ing within the natural world of experience. The postmodern historical fact ought not to be denied or minimized. However,
view has tended to identify the objects of words as other words, Genesis 22 also teaches us about the holiness of God, his expec-
rather than nonverbal referents. It may be that the time has tation of obedience from his followers, and his faithfulness.
come to challenge both conceptions. This will already take us a major portion of the way toward
I would suggest that what we think of as the referent of our making the biblical teaching applicable to other times and
language is the concept. Rather than referring to an actual chair, places. This has the potential for making the message truly
the word “chair” refers to the concept of a chair, or chairness. cross-cultural. What is translated into these different settings is
While a given chair may take into account several subconcepts less like a given language and more like what is translated from
(such as metal material, brown color, etc.), these subconcepts one language to another.
only serve to refine the idea of chair. One contemporary source for this insight is the success of the
In actuality, this parallels the way languages are taught to case study method of teaching. By looking at case studies we are
nonspeakers. These nonspeakers may represent many different forced to inquire about more general principles, which can then
native languages, so no one language is common to all of them. be transferred. We will need to interpret the narrative portions
The instructor points to an object and gives the English word for and the didactic portions written to specific situations as case
the object (assuming that English is the language being taught
studies. The application portion of our hermeneutic will pro-
and learned). Thus, the German-speaking student does not
ceed using the same techniques utilized in the study of cases.
think “c/as Fenster = the window.” He merely looks at the object
3. A postmodern hermeneutic will also need to take into ac-
and thinks, “the window.” Or, conversely, he now hears the
count the fact that meaningfulness (as contrasted with meaning)
word “window,” and does not think “das Fenster,” but, rather,
visualizes the object. or significance (as contrasted with signification) is the main is-
On the surface of it, this may seem to be an uncritical or pre- sue today for many people. For such people, the primary ques-
critical return to an ancient Platonism. There is a strong parallel tion is not, “Is it true?” but rather, “Does it matter?“43 Whether
to that or some other Greek philosophies, but what is emerging this ought to be the primary question is not the issue. The point
here is a contemporary form based on recent insights but pre- is that hermeneutics must address the question of the relevance
serving that which was true and correct and insightful from that of a given truth to individuals and groups. There is plenty of
ancient philosophy. 43. Joe Holland, “The Postmodern Paradigm and Contemporary Catholi-
Let us now look at the implications of this insight for herme- cism,” in Varieties of Postmodern Theology, by David Ray Griffin, William A.
neutics. What we most certainly are not denying is the concept Beardslee, and Joe Holland (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989),
of verbal inspiration in favor of some sort of dynamic or concep- pp. 11-12.
116 117
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
room for demonstrating that apart from the question of truthful- that the meaning of any story depends on the outcome, and the
ness, relevance is immaterial. content of a message requires the conclusion,
It should be observed in this connection that the question of 5. The significance or meaningfulness of biblical texts will be
meaningfulness versus meaning and of significance versus sig- demonstrated by showing their relationship to fundamental hu-
nification is not a question of time. Perhaps through the con- man needs.
cepts propounded by Hirsch we have tended to equate meaning What are these fundamental human needs? These needs are
and significance with meaning then and meaning now, but such things as the need to feel we have significance as individ-
such really should not be the case.44 There is both past meaning uals. In a day in which corporations and governmental agencies
and meaningfulness, and present meaning and meaningful- tend to treat persons as simply members of groups or masses of
ness. It is a matter of showing the implications of propositions people, the biblical emphasis on the God who knows the very
for our lives. number of the hairs of our heads (Matt. 10:30), who knows
4. It may well be that the meaning of biblical propositions when one bird falls to the earth (Matt. l&29), who knows his
will not always be in terms of showing the meaning of each in- sheep and calls them by name (John 10:s) is an important re-
dividual statement. Rather, it may be a matter of showing the sponse to this deep human longing. The need for forgiveness,
meaning and meaningfulness of the scheme as a whole, and not just for individual acts against individual persons but for
then showing the relationship of individual parts to that cosmic forgiveness, is responded to by the teaching, “though
whole. your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” The
This insight comes from two sources. It has often been sense that we are just ordinary, not excelling in anything and
thought that the meaning of language was to be found in the therefore unimportant and unloved, is responded to by the
meaning of the individual units or words. Logical positivism teaching that God made each of us in his own image, using him-
modified this by contending that the proposition, rather than self as the pattern for our creation; God gave his own Son, who
the word, was the basic unit of meaning. Now, however, it is ap- died for us and in our place. Such teaching confers dignity. Our
parent, based on some of the insights of narrative literary inter- sense that our lives have no value, since everything we have
pretation, that the unit must be made even broader, extended to done during them will simply perish when we die, is responded
the whole story. Without that, details may seem insignificant. to by the doctrine of the second coming, the resurrection, and
The pertinence of the story as a whole can be shown in ways in the eternal future state. It is important that these points of mean-
which individual segments of it cannot. ingfulness be established at least as a starting point for our ex-
The other source from which this insight is drawn is the planation and presentation of the meaning of the biblical
theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg. Pannenberg has developed a message.
concept of revelation in which the whole of history is revela- In some cases this may be done with specific texts. In other
tory, not merely certain elements or motifs within it. Yet the cases, it may be accomplished by showing how the system as a
meaning of history is seen at the end, not at the beginning or whole serves this role. The remainder of the texts will have
some intermediate point. 45 Without necessarily espousing Pan- their meaningfulness by virtue of their coherent participation in
nenberg’s view of revelation and history, it is possible to see the whole.
It should be noted that while some portions of Scripture can-
44. E. D. Hirsch, Jr., Validity in Interpretntion (New Haven: Yale University not be directly seen to have meaningfulness, they contribute to
Press, 1967), p. 8.
and are presupposed by the whole, which ultimately gives the
45. Wolfhart Pannenberg, “Dogmatic Theses on the Doctrine of Revelation,”
in Revelation as History, ed. Wolfhart Pannenberg (New York: Macmillan, meaningfulness. We may therefore hold to the meaningfulness
1968), pp. 131-35. of these biblical passages on the basis of the “slope of the evi-
118 119
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
dence,” as it were. The situation here is not greatly different self-sustaining, fixed, law-bound entity. The idea of absolute
from the approach of moderate harmonists on the matter of the determinism has been affected by such factors as Heisenberg’s
phenomena, as these bear upon the doctrine of biblical in- principle of indeterminacy47 and the “Big Bang.“48 Conse-
errancy. We believe in the one group on the basis of the other quently, scientists have considerably adjusted their conception
and the trend of the validation. of natural laws. Rather than absolute, iron-clad, and invariable,
6. We will also need increasingly to employ phenomenology these laws are now thought of more as statistical constants.
as a method for identifying those dimensions of human experi- They are inductive descriptions of how things ordinarily hap-
ence to which the biblical material can be related. It is here that pen, rather than impenetrable determinants of how things must
our hermeneutic will be postmodern rather than merely pre-
happen. In the former view, only natural explanations for any
modern, for it is our aim to take the experience of the modern
phenomenon could be accepted. Now, other possibilities can-
person, or perhaps we should term it, the secular person, and
not be excluded a priori.4g
demonstrate the fundamental human needs that are presup-
It is here that we must endeavor to be genuinely postmodern.
posed by it, or perhaps, which show around its edges.
Historical criticism was the supreme hermeneutical tool of the
One example of what we are advocating here is Langdon
Gilkey’s Naming the Whirlwind. While this is ostensibly a treat- modern period. It sought to account for the production of a
ment of the problem of religious language, it gives us much given portion of the text on the basis of what were basically nat-
more than that. It is a careful phenomenological analysis of ural factors. Thus, the laws that govern the formation and
modern secular experience. In the constructive portion of the growth of oral tradition in various societies; the kinds of consid-
work, Gilkey explores what he calls “The Dimension of Ulti- erations that enter into an author’s choice of one set of words or
macy in Secular Experience.” He shows that even within such one form of expression in light of a particular audience; the in-
secular experience there is that which transcends it, which goes fluences of upbringing and culture-all of these are introduced
beyond the limits of its own categories.46 The modern secular as explanations for the particular content and reading of the
person does not and cannot live entirely within the categories text. The idea of a supernatural revelation of truth and of a
of his own system. There are elements of ultimacy that continue supernatural guidance in the choice of wording does not really
to appear around the fringes, as it were, of secular experience. enter into the consideration of why the text says what it does.
There are four dimensions of this experience of ultimacy: the While evangelicals have sometimes been quite categorical in
source or ground of what we are, the experience of our limits, their rejection of biblical criticism, many evangelical biblical
the source and basis of our values, and the element of mystery. scholars have in recent years adopted some of the methodology
Gilkey cites such experiences as awe that we feel at the birth of of the biblical critics. In so doing, however, they have usually
a child, the awareness of our finiteness in the “midlife crisis,” emphasized their intention to practice great care not to adopt
the awareness of possible nonbeing as we face death. All of naturalistic or antisupernaturalistic assumptions. This has gen-
these are elements of ultimacy. Such phenomenological analy- erally meant rejecting any antecedent objection to miracles. So
sis is appropriate in the postmodern period, and will be of as-
the miracle narratives in the Bible have been taken seriously
sistance in showing the meaningfulness of the biblical
and the incidents considered to have potentially really oc-
revelation by relating it to such experiences as these.
curred. Taking seriously belief in an omnipotent, transcendent
7. One of the developments that science has recently pro-
duced is the breakdown of the conception of the universe as a 47. David Ray Griffin, God and Religion in the Postmodern World: Essays in
Postmodern Theology (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989), p. 36.
4s. I,angdon Gilkoy, hk1117ing t h e W h i r l w i n d : T h e Renewal of God-Lnnguage 48. Allen, “Christian Values in a Post-Christian Context,” p. 22.
(Indianapolis: BoblwMerrill, 1969), pp. 305-413. 49. Griffin, God and Religion, pp. 79-80.
120 121
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
God, this approach held that he was capable of doing anything, in an individualistic-and even ruggedly individualistic-fash-
nature notwithstanding. ion. Each person formulated his or her own interpretation of
There is, however, a more subtle form in which naturalistic passages. These interpretations were, to be sure, submitted to
assumptions affect hermeneutics, even evangelical hermeneu- colleagues for review and sometimes to peers in professional
tics. That pertains to the explanation of the process of writing. societies for critique, but it was still basically an individual ef-
It is quite possible to interpret the writing purely in terms of fort, although informed by observations from others. This, it
what natural factors would have led the writer to write what he would seem, must change. Knowledge is exploding so rapidly
did. In such a scheme, there would be no explanation of some- that no one person can keep abreast of the developments. Also,
thing that the writer could not have otherwise known on the all of us have limited perspectives. A model that comes to mind
grounds that God specially revealed that matter to the author.
is the so-called Pannenberg circle of graduate students at Hei-
And, for that matter, there would not be an explanation of why
delberg in the early 196Os, which collaborated in the develop-
one grammatical form was selected rather than another on the
ment of a doctrine of revelation. The same is possible with
basis that the Holy Spirit guided the writer to make that selec-
respect to hermeneutical treatments of passages of Scripture.
tion. Sayings attributed to Jesus that do not appear in any
Another illustration is the special interest groups within the
known tradition available to the author may be interpreted as
American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Lit-
prophecies given by the resurrected and ascended Jesus to the
erature. Scholars with similar interests gather together and
author, rather than as specially revealed sayings that Jesus ac-
work synergistically to produce understanding and scholarly
tually gave during his earthly ministry, but which do not occur
publications on their area of interest.
in any of the traditions and of which the writer may not other-
9. There will also need to be a genuinely philosophical basis
wise have been awaree5’ And discussions of authorial intent
to the hermeneutical work that is done. It is essential that
may treat the writing as if the human author is the sole author,
without asking whether there may have been some additional, hermeneuts understand that genuinely ideational differences
supernatural author. separate various hermeneutical systems. A given hermeneutic
It has not been easier in the past hundred years or so than it will need to be understood as part of a much larger system of
is now to accept the idea that God has supernaturally caused all thought, and that system will have to be carefully evaluated.
that has occurred, including the production of the Bible.‘l It is This means that postmodern hermeneuts will need to be
important that any postmodern hermeneutic take seriously and more broadly prepared than in the past. Certainly the discipline
seize the opportunities presented by modern developments in of linguistics must inform what is done. Frequently, a given
the understanding of causation within the universe. hermeneutic has not been adequately based on linguistic under-
8. A prized tenet of the modern era was the value of the indi- standing. An example would be the Biblical Theology move-
vidua1.52 The individual’s freedom and initiative were not to be ment, and the devastating criticism leveled at it by James
restricted in any sense. Hermeneutics was also often carried on Barr.53 It was drawing conclusions that rested on unsustainable
conceptions of language. Today’s and tomorrow’s hermeneutics
50. Gerald Hawthorne, “Christian Prophets and the Sayings of Jesus: Evi- will require a better knowledge of linguistics.
dence of and Criteria for,” SBL Seminary Papers (Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Beyond that, however, more purely philosophical knowl-
Press, 1975), 2:174-78.
51. Allen, “Christian Values in a Post-Christian Context,” p. 22. edge and endeavor will be necessary. A model for us, in some
52. Joe Holland, “The Cultural Vision of Pope John Paul II: Toward a Con- ways, will be the work done by Anthony Thiselton in his signif-
serv~ltiv~:/ Postmodern Dialogue,” in Vmieties of Postmodern Theology,
11. 120; Murphy and McClendon, “ Distinguishing Modern and Postmodern The- 53. James Barr, Semuntics o_fBiblicnl Lnngungn (New York: Oxford Ilniver-
ologies,” pp. 196-98. sity Press, 1961).
122 123
Evangelical Interpretation A New Paradigm?
icant books, The Two Horizons and New Horizons in Herme- Our increased contact with a variety of cultures has shown us
neutics.54 Thiselton displays an extensive understanding of the that there are actually different perceptions of reality. There is
philosophical basis of several different hermeneutical ap- a different way of grasping, or integrating, or conceptualizing
proaches. Whether we agree with his conclusions or his pur- reality in such basic matters as space and time.55 These pre-
pose in engaging in this particular endeavor, we must certainly experiential differences are also prereflective. When we inter-
admire his philosophical sophistication. The type of hermeneu- pret literature, such as a biblical passage, these differences
tical work done in the future, whether of this same agenda or affect at an unconscious level what we see and how we under-
not, will certainly require the hermeneut to possess the re- stand it. Anthropology, whether technical or popular (contact
sources and credentials that Thiselton displays in this work. with other peoples), is making this increasingly clear.
10. There will definitely need to be further development of What I have said need not lead to a relativistic or subjective
what, for want of a better term, we might appropriately call understanding of truth. We are talking about one truth, but dif-
“metahermeneutics.” By this term is meant the discussion of ferent people will look at that one truth from varying perspec-
tives. They see some things, objectively there, which others do
hermeneutical theory, as opposed to the practice of hermeneu-
not. The results of these different perspectives are not contra-
tics. Much hermeneutics in the past has consisted of developing
dictory, but complementary, insights.
guidelines and rules for doing hermeneutics within a given
This truth was brought home to me rather dramatically dur-
framework or on a particular theoretical basis, and then of actu-
ing a chapel series on the life of David. A woman New Testa-
ally doing that interpretational work. What is really at stake in
ment scholar talked about David and Bathsheba. Taking the
our present time, however, is the very framework, the very perspective of Bathsheba, she pointed out some facets of the
foundation, on which this endeavor rests. It is primarily here biblical narrative that were in the text, but which I had never
that the discussion and debate will have to move. Whether observed, simply because they were issues which, as a man, I
there can even be rules for interpretation, whether truth is pri- did not think of. Anyone who has consulted several commen-
marily subjective or objective, where meaning resides, are the taries on a single passage of Scripture knows that different writ-
big issues that need treatment. ers have very different insights. Not all of them comment on
11. We will need to pay more attention to global or multicul- every dimension of the text, in many cases just because of lim-
tural issues. While there is a danger that saying this could re- itations of space. Whether they see the other dimensions, or
flect merely a current fad, it is the case that in the postmodern whether they choose not to develop them, is a function, how-
period we are faced with large issues posed by greater contact ever, of their own perspectives.
with a divergence of cultures in our world. We have sometimes proceeded as if our interpretation of a
In at least the initial stages of the modern period, an endeavor given text is the way it is, the true and perhaps the only possible
was made to find universal conceptions. The belief was, at least way to look at that text. In a postmodern world, a world in
implicitly, that all humans thought the same way. Of course, which Christianity is growing faster in the third world than it is
not all humans had the same thoughts or agreed on every point, in Europe and North America, we may discover that what we
but the process of thinking, the way of looking at things, was the thought was the full meaning of the text was only the Western,
same. white, middle-class, male, interpretation. A truly postmodern
hermeneutic will need to be fully global and fully multicultural.
54. Anthony Thiselton, The Two Horizons: New Testament Hermeneutics
nnd Philosophical Description with Special Reference to Heidqger, Bultmann,
Cudamer, and Wittgenstein (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980); New Horizons in 55. Ernst Cassirer, An Essay on hkn: An Introduction to u I-‘hilosophy oj
Hr~rmeneutks (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 19%). Human Culture (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1944). pp. 62-?‘!I.
124 125
Scripture Index
Scripture Index
128 129
Subject Index Subject Index
Depth psychology, 21 alistic approach to, 122-23; and suppressed premisses and, 92-94; Multiple fulfillments of prophecy, IO
Derrida, Jacques, 102, 110,112 linguistics, 123; multicultural ap- verification of, 89-90
Descartes, Rene, 100, 106 proach to, 124-25; and naturalis- Naturalism: first-level, 49; second-
Determinism, 106 tic assumptions, 122; James, William, 107, 115 level, 50; third-level, 50
Doctrine: as basis of timeless truth, philosophical basis for, 123-24; Johnson, Alan, 57 Needs, fundamental human, 119-20
67, 84-85; cultural influences on, postmodern, 114-25; postmodern- Nelson, James, 91-92
Kaiser, Walter C., Jr., 11, lln, 13-14,
80 ism and, 99-125; theology and, Neopragmatism, 102
17,18-21,23-25, 26, 28,30, 74
Double meaning, l2,29 83-95; three-step, 64; two-step, 63 Nominalism, 84
Kant, Immanuel, 48
Dynamic equivalence, 63-64,65 Hirsch, E. D., Jr., 11, 16, 59, 118: as- Nondialogical approach to interpreta-
Kierkegaard, Soren, 100 tion, 58
Einstein, Albert, 115 sessment of, 19-31 Kraft, Charles, 63-64, 65
Eisegesis, 85, 96, 97 Historical conditioning, 81 Origen, 33-34, 38, 47
Eliot, T. S., 13 Historical criticism, 101, 121 Language: concepts of, 116; of decon-
struction, 110-12; predication Pannenberg, Wolfhart, 118
Enthymemes, 92-94 Historical relativism, 81
and, 48; propositions and, 48; ref- Pannenberg circle, 123
Epistemology, biblical doctrine of, Historicism, new, 102
erents of, 116; religious, 52; repre- Payne, Philip B., 17
51-52 Holistic view of human nature, 46 sentative-expressivist theory of, Pelagianism, epistemological, 45
Ethics, problem of, 68 Holy Spirit: as coauthor of Scripture, 107; Taylor’s view of, 111-12 Perspective, historical, 82
Evangelicalism: and contemporiza- 31, 32; role in biblical interpreta- Lewis, C. S., 90 Perspectives, 123
tion, 56-57; and culture-lag, 104; tion, 31, 33-54 Phenomenology, 120
and postmodernism, 103-5; view of Living Bible, The, 56
Hordern, William E., 57 Logical positivism, 86, 107, 118 Pinnock, Clark, 92,94-95
Scripture, 55 Plato, 38
Hume, David, 100,106-7 Lundin, Roger, 104
Exegesis: as believer, 36-37, 39, 43,
Luther, Martin, 81 Platonism, 116
45,47-51; versus exposition, 63; Illumination, 33,47: and exegesis, Positivism, logical, 118
and illumination, 47; as unbeliev- 51-54 Lynch, David, 102
Postmodernism: constructive, 103;
er, 36-37, 38, 39,43,45,47-51 Indeterminacy, Heisenberg’s princi- Mackintosh, C. H., 47 critical evaluation of, 112-15; de-
Fletcher, Joseph, 65, 72-73 ple of, 108, 121 McKnight, Edgar V., 12 constructive, 102, 103-4,110,112-
Flew, Antony, 31 Inspiration, and the relationship be- McQuilken, J. Robertson, 59, 65 14; definition of, 101-3; and
Foundationalism, 102, 106-7,114-16 tween divine and human authors, Meaning, 19, 31, 59, 60, 61, 62, 101: hermeneutics, 99-125; importance
Fourfold meaning of Scripture, 12 16 Hirschian, 16, 22, 23, 59; inclusive to evangelicalism, 103-5; libera-
Freud, Sigmund, 21 Inspiration of Scripture, 50: dynamic, understanding of, 20; versus mean- tionist, 103; restorationist, 102,103
Freudian slip, 21 116-17; verbal, 116-17 ingfulness, 117-18; modification Pound, Ezra, 13
Fuller, Daniel P., hermeneutical theo- Intention, 17,18-19,20-23: versus af- of, 36-37; pragmatic dimension of, Poythress, Vern, 16-17, 26
ry of, 33-54: analysis of, 37-39; ba- firmation, 23, 31; versus assertion, 60; and religious language, 52; se- Premodernism, 100-101: agreement
sic tenets of, 33-37; evaluation of, 31; of biblical authors, 24; Hirsch- mantic dimension of, 60; and sig- with modernism, 100-101; dis-
40-54 ian, 21-22; and implication, 25-26, nificance, 23-26; as signification, agreement with modernism, loo-
31 20, 26, 31-32; types of, 17, 26 101
Gadamer, Hans Georg, 12 Presuppositionahsm, 115-16
Interpretation: aim of, 69; canonical Meaningfulness, 117-20
Generic prophecy, 18, 28-29 Presuppositions, 30, 37, 39, 82, 88-
process approach to, 18-19; and Metahermeneutics, 124
Gilkey, Langdon, 120 89,97
Glenn, Alfred A., 45-46 context, 91-92; of ethical material, Metaphysics, process, 103
68-70; historical scholarship and, Mickelsen, A. Berkeley, 63 Principle of indeterminacy, 108, 121
Globalism, 124-25 Principbzation, 23-24,65n, 73-74: of
Goldingay, John, 65-66 67; historical limitations of, 81-82; Miracles, 49
historical variations of, 78-79; im- Modernism, 100-101: agreement with the contemporary situation, 75-76;
Grammatical-historical meaning, 46, identification of principles in, 65-
49 plications of, 83, 90, 94; intersub- premodernism, 100-101; basic te-
jectivity in, 54; role of Holy Spirit nets of, 105-7; disagreement with 72; systematic theology in, 74
Graves, Michael, 102 Prophecy: eschatological hermeneu-
Griffin, David Ray, 102, 113-14 in, 33-54; of New Testament au- premodernism, 100-101; erosion
thors, 14-16, 29; presuppositions of, 107-10; historical criticism and, tic and, 12; fulfillment of, 14-15,
Hermeneutics: church history and, and, 81-82, 88-89, 95-96, 97; re- 101 28-30; generic, 18, 28-29
78-83; cross-cultural studies and, daction criticism in, 74; subjectiv- Morris, Charles, 20n, 60 Psychology, faculty, 45-46
95-98; as exegesis, 101; individu- ism in, 12, 13-14, 30, 31, 54, 96; Multiculturalism, 124-25 Ramm, Bernard, 43-44, 52
Subject Index
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