XPCS Manual: Page 88 of 101 Pages
XPCS Manual: Page 88 of 101 Pages
XPCS Manual: Page 88 of 101 Pages
PC – Personal computer.
PCS Target platform – Cat Technologies LTD. controlling system based on PCS
XPCS is a Data exchange program that enables to perform downloading of PCS
code, downloading/uploading analog inputs gain and offset values. The program
is using PCS communication module, to connect between target platform and
Download PCS code data.
Minimum Requirements
Pentium processor or equivalent.
32MB of RAM, 32 MB of free hard drive space.
CD-ROM drive.
Available serial communication port.
Windows 9X/NT 4.
User Requirements
To operate this program, user needs a basic knowledge of PCS.
Select the CD drive by double click on its icon.
When the window open, find and double click on the file "setup.exe"
This will launch the installer, follow the on screen instructions.
Page 89 of 101 pages
Using XPCS
In 'Port Number' text box type serial port number connected to the PCS Target
platform, or modem port number for remote connection.
In 'Baudrate' text box type the PCS Target platform baud rate. Usually the value
is: 19200.
To connect to the remote target via a modem, select 'Active' check box in
'Modem Config' frame.
'Connection Timeout' is the waiting time in seconds to retrieve the requested data
from the PCS target platform. If no data is retrieved from the target after the
waiting time, the program generates a communication time error.
'Dial Time Out' is a waiting time in seconds to be used by the local modem trying
to connect to the remote modem. After this time has elapsed, the program
generates a timeout error.
If 'Get and Set Parameters' checked, when program performing download, all
parameters will be stored before PCS code downloading and restored after
downloading is completed.
Note: Because the PCS target platform parameters saving process are
complex, restoring Parameters task takes a long time (few minutes)!
Note: There is no need to edit options every time that the program starts
running. The program saves the settings by pressing the 'OK' button and
starts up with the last settings.
By pressing 'Connect' button, the program will try to connect to the remote PCS
Target. Opening connection between remote PCS Target and PC, performs the
following tasks:
Check if COM Port is available.
Detect modem.
Dial a phone number.
Wait for connection establishment.
Check if remote target platforms are connected.
If one of the tasks fails, the program will abort connection process and will display
relevant error message.
If 'Modem active' option is not selected, the program will open communication
port, by pressing 'Connect'. In this case, communication establishment tasks will
Check if COM Port is available.
Open COM Port.
After connection was established, the main XPCS window will be displayed.
Calibration window
The calibration window will try to connect with the PCS Target platform. The
connection tasks are:
Check if target is connected. In the status bar "Looking for
machine "is displayed.
Uploading 16 Analog inputs gain and offset values. In the status
bar "Uploading Gain & Offset…" is displayed.
Uploading analog inputs values. In the status bar "Connected" is
displayed. This task is performed periodically every 500 milliseconds.
This allows real time refreshing of the analog inputs values.
When the program is connected, rows, the program will display the calibration
tool by double clicking on one of the input table rows. With this tool you can
calibrate the selected analog input.
Min and Max – limits for gain and offset values. If the ADMC compatible type file
is not found, Min and Max labels will show "N/A".
Note: When Min and Max are N/A, you must be very careful, because the
gain and offset values are not limited in this case and wrong gain or offset
values may be inserted.
Upload button – Press this button to upload gain and offset values from the
target platform. All 16 analog inputs gain and offset values will be uploaded.
Calculate Gain and Offset values by inserting the following 4 values: Actual High,
Actual Low, Read High and Read Low to the formula. For more information about
Gain and offset calculation see User Manual supplied with PCS Target platform.
Pressing 'Calculate' button will calculate new Gain and Offset values. The new
values will be displayed in the Gain and Offset text boxes.
Close button
Pressing this button will close 'Calibration' window and display main XPCS
Download window
Note: No need to select type file, if the requested file name is already
displayed on the button (In the example above: "LabTn2.DWN").
'Download' Button
Press this button to perform downloading of the selected file. While performing
downloading, the program will display downloading process progress messages.
After downloading process is completed, the status bar will display "Download
Download Tasks
Check if PCS Target is connected. Status message: "Looking
for machine..." is displayed.
If 'Get and Set Gain & Offset' option in 'Options' window is
selected, the program will upload values of all analog inputs gain and
offset. The message: "Uploading Gain and Offset..." will be displayed
in the status bar.
If 'Get and Set Parameters' option in 'Options' window is
selected, and downloaded file type is ADMC compatible, the program
will upload all parameters of the current selected program (e.g.: 1-
instruments). The message: "Uploading Parameters..." will be
displayed in the status bar.
Download file. The program will display 'Downloading…' dialog
window with progress bar and counter of the downloaded packets:
Note: If error occurs during download process, relevant error massage will
be displayed. The message box with 'Retry' option will be displayed.
Note: Upload and Download green messages of the Parameters and Gain &
Offset tasks are displayed only if the relevant options were selected in the
'Options' window.
Illegal Baudrate: …
Description: This message is displayed when the user is pressing 'OK' button in
the 'Options' window.
Reason: Wrong Baud rate is inserted.
Tips: Type values 9600 or 19200 in 'Baudrate' text box.
Comunication Port To the Autoclave Comunication Port
5 5 5
Modem 9 9 9
Telephone Connection
4 4 4
D-Type-9 Female
9 VDC Inlet D-Type-9 Male D-Type-9 Male
For the generation of compressed air for the operation of the pneumatic control
system, the autoclave is equipped with an air compressor, suitable for continuous
operation, and achieving compressed air with the required pressure of 6-8 bar.
The user has access to the control panel of the air compressor that includes:
1. pressure reducer
2. gauge indicating the air pressure of the 5
internal tank 3
3 gauge indicating the utilized air pressure 4
4. compressed air outlet tap for utilization
5. overload with manual reset 1
6. operation switch. (power on/off)
Operation of the Air Compressor
It is very important that the machine operates with all the panels completely
closed. The maximum work pressure of the compressor is 8.5 bar and the
maximum utilization pressure is 8 bar. The room temperature range should be
between 15°C and +45°C.
The operation of the compressor is fully automatic, and is controlled by
a pressure switch, which stops it when the pressure reaches the
maximum set value, and allows it to start up again when the pressure
decreases to the minimum set value.
The air is sucked in through the suction filter of the pumping element, passes
through the delivery pipe and is stored in the tank. The check valve prevents the
compressed air in the tank from returning into the pumping element. The
compressed air passes through the connecting pipe to the pressure reducer and
it is ready for use.
ATTENTION: In case of power failure, the compressor can start up again
automatically upon restoring the line voltage if the power switch is in
the on (1) position.
Panel Removal
Unfasten the lock screws to remove the side panels. See the fig.1 drawing:
Fig. 1
Water Drainage
Release the condensate from the air receiver at least once a week by opening
the discharge tap (7) and slanting the compressor slightly. It is recommended to
drain the condensate with the tank under pressure of maximum 2 bar. See also
Fig. 2. drawing:
Fig. 2
Air Leaks Repair
♦ Some air leaks may be related to an inadequate sealing of the piping
fittings. Check the fittings by wetting them with soapy water.
♦ If there is loss of air from the pressure switch valve, this may be caused by
an improper sealing of the check valve. To repair this,
disconnect the compressor from the electricity and from the
compressed air system. The internal pneumatic circuit and the
compressor must not be pressure loaded.
Unfasten the hexagonal head of the valve (A) (see Fg. 3). Clean
the rubber disc (B) and its housing carefully and reassemble Fig. 3
Drain Control
The compressor is equipped with an N.O. –(normally open) drain solenoid valve
(see picture below).
To obtain optimal operation of the air compressor it is essential to drain the
compressor. The frequency of the draining depends on the humidity of the air.
The operator shall begin with daily draining and find out the optimal frequency.
To drain the compressor turn off the main (green rocker) switch.
Note: Connect the valve's plug to the electric socket placed on the
rear of the autoclave!
Outlet to drain