The Extensive List of Percusssion Rep

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Compiled by Sarah James, 2017

Because of the ever-growing amount of literature written for percussion, it’s challenging to develop
a working repertoire list that will include all of the “must haves” for each level of percussionist.
Not to mention, hundreds of new works are being published every year as ensemble configurations
grow and soloist instrumentations become more creative. The combinations are truly endless,
making a “current” index next to impossible. However, I’ve taken the time to compile and organize
lists I’ve found online, been given, or created myself into what I hope is a helpful “master list” for
students, professionals, and educators alike.

Literature ranges from advanced high school to graduate level. Bold titles mentioned in
descriptions are also bold within the list. Maroon titles are a few of my personal favorites.


What would a list of snare drum repertoire be without first mentioning Delécluse. He composed
his 12 Studies for Snare Drum in the mid 1900s, when there was very little written for snare
drum. These works are dear to percussionists because they are among the first to show off the
musical capabilities of the drum. Other popular pieces in this lineup include Mitch Markovich’s
Tornado, Askel Masson’s Prim, and Andy Akiho’s Stop Speaking.



Benson, Warren Three Dances

Colgrass, Michael Six Unaccompanied Solos for Snare Drum

Delécluse, Jacques Test-Claire

Fink, Seigfried Trommel Suite

Gauthreaux, Guy Recital Suite

LaRosa, Michael Suite for Solo Snare Drum

Leonard, Stanley Contemporary Album for Snare Drum

Markovich, Mitch Tornado

Mitchell, Harland Mitchell’s Drum Solos

Nexus Portfolio for Snare Drum

Perry, Charles Jazz Chops

Peters, Mitchell Double Cappuccino

Pratt, John S Rudimental Solos for Accomplished Drummers

Pratt, John S 14 Modern Contest Solos

Whaley, Garwood Recital Solos for Snare Drum

Wilcoxon, Charles The All-American Drummer

Wooten, John Rudiments Rule


Agostini, Dante Le Train (Methode de Batterie, vol. V)

Akiho, Andy Stop Speaking

Becker, Bob Lahara

Cangelosi, Casey Meditation No. 1

Cangelosi, Casey Sleight of And Evil Hand

Cangelosi, Casey Snare Drum Prelude

Campbell, James Symphonic Dances for Solo Snare Drum

Delécluse, Jacques 12 Studies for Snare Drum

Gerassimez, Alexej Asventuras

Macarez, Frédéric Snare System

Macarez, Frédéric Stickin’ Stock

Martyciow, Nicolas Tchik

Markovitch, Mitch Stamina

Masson, Askell Kim

Masson, Askel Prim

Reeves, David War Drum, Peace Drum

Rouse, Christopher Mime

Tompkins, Joseph March

Tompkins, Joseph Nine French-American Rudimental Solos

Wahlund, Ben The Whimsical Nature of Small Particle Physics

Whaley, Garwood Recital Solos for Snare Drum

Zivkovic, Nebojsa 10 Etudes for Snare Drum

Zivkovic, Nebojsa Pezzo Da Concerto No. 1


Downfall of Paris

Connecticut Halftime

The Three Camps

Hell on the Wabash

The General

Dinner Call - Roast Beef


Aleo, Keith Advanced Etudes for Snare Drum

Bailey, Elden Wrist Twisters

Beck, John Flams, Ruffs, & Rolls for Snare Drum

Campbell, James Rudiments In Rhythm

Cirone, Anthony Portraits in Rhythm

Delécluse, Jacques Douze Études

Delécluse, Jacques Methode de Caisse-Claire

Fink, Ron Chop Busters

Goldenberg, Morris Modern School for Snare Drum

Lepak, Alexander 50 Contemporary Snare Drum Etudes

Morello, Joe Master Studies I & II

Payson, Al Snare Drum in the Concert Hall

Peters, Mitchell Intermediate Snare Drum Studies

Peters, Mitchell Advanced Snare Drum Studies

Peters, Mitchell Developing Dexterity

Reed, Ted Progressive Steps to Syncopation for the Modern Drummer

Stone, George Accents and Rebounds

Stone, George Stick Control

Wilcoxon, Charley Modern Rudimental Swing Solos


The first piece of solo timpani repertoire I want to mention is Elliot Carter’s Eight Pieces for
Four Timpani. Like Delécluse’s snare studies, Carter’s timpani works are important because they
are among the first. It’s also worth noting that they are interesting. Other standard timpani works
include John Beck’s Sonata for Timpani, John Bergamo’s Four Pieces for Timpani, and
William Cahn’s Raga No.1.


Aiello, Joseph Classic African

Beck, John Sonata for Timpani

Beck, John Three Episodes for Timpani

Beck, John Triptych Motive for Timpani

Beck, John Three Movements for Five Timpani

Bergamo, John Four Pieces for Timpani

Cahn, William Raga #1

Cahn, William Six Concert Pieces for Solo Timpani

Campbell, James Tangents, Blue Hammers

Carter, Elliot Eight Pieces for Four Timpani

Di Pietro Melodia Nera Op. 60

Erickson, Robert Dunbar’s Delight

Etezady, Roshanne Mr. Saturday Night

Firth, Vic Solo Impressions

Floyd, John Theme and Variations

Frazeur, Ted Mood Piece

Goodman, Saul Ballad for the Dance

Grimo, Steve Cortege

Hamilton, Bruce Rituals

Heble, Raymond Three Etudes for 5 Timpani

Hinger, Fred Solos for the Virtuoso Tympanist

Hochrainer Etuden fur Timpani, Book III

Holly, Rich Sonata for Timpani

Holly, Rich Rondo for Timpani

Houliff, Murray Four Verses for Timpani

Huston, Scott Suite for Solo Timpani

Ichiyanagi, Toshi Rhythm Gradation

Igelsrud, Douglas Soundings

Jones, Daniel Sonata

Kraft, William Variations for King George

Kraft, William M’s P

LaFave, Kenneth Three Pieces for Five Timpani

Leonard, Stanley Epigram

Leonard, Stanley Canticle

Leonard, Stanley Forms

Leonard, Stanley March and Scherzo

Leonard, Stanley Solo Dialogue

Mancini, David Suite for Timpani

Mardinly, George Sonata for Solo Timpani

Muczynski, Robert Three Designs for Timpani

Oliverio, James Timpani Concerto #1, The Olympian

Parris, Robert Concerto for Timpani

Peters, Mitchell Scherzo

Peters, Mitchell Rondino

Peyton, Jeffrey The Final Precipice

Power, Richard Timepieces

Ramey, Phillip Sonata

Ridout, Alan Sonatina for Timpani

Serry, John Conversations for Timpani

Shiner, Kristen Declaration, Song, and Dance

Tcherepnin, Richard Sonatina

Tharichen, Werner Konzert fur Pauken

Walker, Christopher D. The Tragedy of a Young Soldier

Williams, Jan Variations for Solo Kettledrums

Williams, David Four Grotesques for Timpani

Youhass, William Four Pieces for Timpani


Abel, Alan 20th Century Orchestra Studies for Timpani

Carroll, Raynor Exercises, Etudes and Solos for Timpani

Cirone, Anthony The Orchestral Timpanist

Delécluse, Jacques Vingt Études pour Timbales

Fink, Ron Timpani Tuning Etudes

Fink, Ron Musical Etudes for the Advanced Timpanist

Firth, Vic The Solo Timpanist

Friese/Lepak Complete Timpani Method

Frock Seven Solo Dances

Goldenberg, Morris Classic Symphonies for Timpani

Goodman, Saul Modern Method for Timpani

Hochrainer, Richard Etüden für Timpani, Book 1 & 2

Lepak, Alexander Thirty-Two Solos for Timpani

Peters, Mitchell Fundamental Method for Timpani

Peyton, Jeffrey The Musical Timpanist

Schinstine, William. J Tymp Tunes

Stevens, Scott Orchestral Excerpts

Tafoya, John Timpanist’s Survival Guide

Woud, Nick Symphonic Studies for Timpani


Morton Feldman’s The King of Denmark, Iannis Xenakis’ Psappha, and David Lang’s The
Anvil Chorus are a few examples of works that put multi-percussion on the map. Other
standards in this genre of percussion include Echhard Kopetzki’s Canned Heat and Dave
Hollinden’s Cold Pressed. (See what I did there?) If you’re looking for a hand drum piece, check out
To the Gods of Rhythm for djembe and voice by Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic. For newer works,
Blade by Benjamin Finley is becoming increasing popular, as well as anything written by Casey

Bach, Jan Turkish Music

Beck, John H Episode for Solo Percussion

Beck, John Westside Impressions

Brindle, Reginald Smith Orion M.42

Brostrom, Tobias 6 & 8

Burritt, Michael Sticks of Eloquence

Cage, John Child of Tree

Cage, John 27’10. 554” for a Percussionist

Cage, John One4 for Solo Percussion

Cahn, William L Nara

Cahn, William L Partita

Campbell, James Tork

Campbell, James Engine Room

Cangelosi, Casey Bad Touch

Casella, Jim Prime Ordinals

De Lancey, Charles The Love of L’Histoire

Duckworth, Willaim Time Fields

Duckworth, William Gambit*

Etler, Alvin XL Plus One

Feldman, Morton King of Denmark

Ferneyhough, Brian Bone Alphabet

Fink, Siegfried Conversation for Tape and Percussion*

Fink, Siegfried Alternation: Szenen und Variation fur Percussion Solo

Finley, Benjamin Blade

Gottschalk, Arthur Stations

Hasenpflug, Thom South of Jupiter

Hiller, Lejaren / O’Conner, G Allen Computer Music for Percussion and Tape*

Hollinden, Dave Cold Pressed

Hollinden, Dave Slender Beams of Solid Rhythm

Hollinden, Dave Six Ideas for Snare, Bass, and Cymbal

Holliden, Dave Surface Tension

Holly, Rich Timbrangles

Ishii, Maki Thirteen Drums

Ishii, Maki Sen-Ten*

Kitazume, Michio Side by Side

Kopetski, Ecchard Wild Garden

Kopetski, Ecchard Canned Heat

Kraft, William Corrente II

Kraft, Willaim English Suite

Kraft, William French Suite

Kraft, William Morris Dance

Kraft, William Soliloquy*

Lang, David The Anvil Chorus

Macbride, David Staying the Course

Morleo, Luigi Le Rughe Del Deserto

Nørgård, Per I Ching

Nørgård, Per Poeme

Nørgård, Per Waves

Payson, Al Die Zwitschermaschine

Ptsazynska, Marta Space Model

Rolnick, Neil Ever-Livin’ Rhythm

Rosauso, Ney Cenas Amerindias

Serry, John Therapy

Smith, Ned F Daku Dahu Deh

Smith, Stuart Family Portraits: Delbert

Smith, Stuart Songs I-IX, for actor/percussionist

Stern, Robert Adventures for One

Tagawa, Rickey Inspirations Diabolique

Takamitsu, Toru Salabert

Udow, Michael Acoustic Study #1

Udow, Michael Fracture

Volans, Kevin Asanga

Williams, Michael Tiriba Kan

Wuorinen, Charles Janissary Music

Wyatt, Scott Time Mark*

Xenakis, Iannis Psappha

Xenakis, Iannis Rebonds

Zivkovic, Nebojsa Jovan Generally Spoken, It’s Nothing But Rhythm

Zivkovic, Nebojsa Jovan To the Gods of Rhythm

Zonn, Paul Andrea’s Dancing Music

Zorn, John Dark River

*denotes with tape


Cage, John Cartridge Music

Cangelosi, Casey Plato’s Cave

Cangelosi, Casey Theatric No. 1

Cangelosi, Casey Theatric No. 6

Cangelosi, Casey Seance

Car, Jamieson Double Take

Carlisle, David Mad Cow

Gay, Kirk J Fear Cage

Glassock, Lynn Mixtures

Hall, Nicholas Motion no. 1

Hall, Nicholas Motion no. 2

Hall, Nicholas Motion no. 3

Hall, Nicholas Motion no. 7

Keown, Alan Apotheosis

Koshinski, Gene As One

Koshinski, Gene / Broscious, Tim 360

Levitan, Daniel Invention 1-8

Marino, Robert Eight on 3, Nine on 2

Masson, Askell Rhythm Strip

Powell, Susan Carpe Diem

Reich, Steve Clapping Music

Shorley, Ken Prelude and Episode for Percussion Duo

Trevino, Ivan Wildlings

Yariv, Tomer Gyro

Zivkovic, Nebojsa Jovan Sex in the Kitchen


Burns, Roy / Feldstein, Sandy Multiple Percussion Solos

Campbell, James / Hill, Julie Music for Multi-Percussion: A World View

Cirone, Anthony Portraits in Multiple Percussion

Dietz, Brett William Reflex

Goldenberg, Morris Studies in Solo Percussion

Udow, Michael / Watts, Chris The Contemporary Percussionist


Defining a list of drum set books can be challenging. Due to the large number of styles and
techniques that accompany drum set playing, it's important to document method books that are
versatile. For example, George Lawrence's Stick Control is often utilized in all genres to help
develop hand/food coordination. Beyond the method books are a list of composed pieces for drum
set. A few of my personal favorites are Monkey Chant by Glenn Kotche, Stompin' in Seven
by David Reeves, and Brush by Stewert Saunders Smith.

Cauberghs, Louis Halasana

Cole, Elliot Swamp Thing

Cucinotta The Sky is Waiting

Dillon, James

Gunn, Wally Willow

Kotche, Glenn Monkey Chant

Kotche, Glenn Mobile

Lincoln, Rod Fantasy for Drums

Lawrence, George Stick Control

Mazariello, Andrea Monobot

Mercer, Janis Air

Reeves, David Stompin’ in Seven

Smith, Stuart Saunders Brush

Thompson, Rich Jazz Solos, volume 1

Tiner, Kris Echoes and Echoes and Echoes

Whaley, Garwood Dialogue for Snare Drum & Timpani

Yuponce, Wendell and Houghton, Steve Oceanus


Appice, Carmine Realistic Rock

Bailey, Colin Bass Drum Control

Bellson and Breines Modern Reading Text in 4/4

Chaffee, Gary Patterns, Volume 1-4

Chapin, Jim Advanced Tech for the Modern Drummer

Chester, Gary The New Breed

Dahlgren, Marvin / Fine, Elliot 4-Way Coordination

Dawson, Alan / Ramsay, John The Drummer’s Complete Vocabulary

Erskine, Peter Drumset Essentials

Fullen, Brian Jazz Standards for Drumset

Garibaldi, David Future Sounds

Latham, Rick Advanced Funk Studies

Hartigan, Royal J West African Rhythms for Drumset

Hoenig, Ari Systems, Book 1

Houllif, Murray Today's Sounds for Drumset, Vol. 1

Humphrey Even in the Odds

Latham, Rick Advanced Funk Studies

Lawrence, George Stick Control

Malabe, Frank / Weiner, Bob Afro-Cuban Rhythms for Drumset

Martin, Billy Riddim

Morgan, Tom Jazz Drummer’s Reading Workbook

Morgenstein, Rod / Mattingly, Rick The Drumset Musician

Moore, Stanton Groove Alchemy

Reed, Ted Progressive Steps to Syncopation

Rich, Buddy Modern Interpretation of Snare Drum Rudiments

Riley, John The Art of Bop Drumming

Rondinelli, Booby / Lauren, Michael Encyclopedia of Double Bass Drumming

Snidero, Jim Intermediate Jazz Conception

Thigpen, Ed The Sound of Brushes

Zoro The Commandments of R&B Drumming

Weckl, Dave Contemporary Drummer + One


Before this early 1940s, marimbists relied primarily on transcriptions from other instruments such
as keyboard, cello, violin, etc. for solo repertoire. Johann Sebastian Bach was among popular
composers to transcribe with Violin Partita No. 2 in D minor and the infamous Six Suites
for Cello. Since the 1950s, however, the number of pieces written for solo marimba has exploded.
We’ve now been given a wide range to choose from, both technically and stylistically, but there
will always be marimba literature that will continue to be played again and again. A few examples
of these are Gordon Stout’s Two Mexican Dances, Paul Smadbeck’s Rhythm Song, and
Libertango by Eric Sammut.
The list below includes various levels of technicality, from Grade I solos like Sea Refractions by
Mitchell Peters to Grade V like Joseph Schwanter’s Velocities. Then there’s vibraphone solos
and composers like Christopher Deane, achieving notoriety with Mourning Dove Sonnet and
The Apocryphal Still Life. Overall, there are many, many solos to choose from and every
percussionist has an opinion on which ones are “best” or “most popular”. The important thing to
remember is to explore your options and find a piece that you’re passionate about, because you’re
probably going to be spending lots of quality time with it and a practice room.


(2) : two mallets | (4) : four mallets | (2/4) : two or four mallets

I / II

Abe, Kieko Frogs (4)

Breuer, Harry Xylophone Rags (2)

Blume, Brian like a burden too heavy (4)

Boo, Michael Jubilee for Marimba (4)

Bridge, Robert Of Dances (4)

Cangelosi, Casey Five Preludes (4)

Creston, Paul Concertino (2/4)

Diemer, Emma Lou Toccata (2/4)

Dinicu-Heifetz, Jascha Hora Staccato (2)

Elster, Martin Four Pieces for Solo Marimba (4)

Ervin, Karen Contemporary Etudes (3/4)

Fissinger, Alfred J Suite for Marimba (4)

Frazeur, Theodore Rondo for Marimba (2)

Gipson, Richard Monograph IV (4)

Gomez, Alice Gitano (4)

Gomez, Alice Etude in d Minor (3)

Gomez, Alice Rain Dance (4)

Green, George Hamilton Xylophone Rags (2)

Gwinn, Steven True Lover’s Farewell (4)

Houliff, Murray Three Pieces for Marimba (4)

Houliff, Murray Samba (4)

Hovhaness, Alan Fantasy on Japanese Woodprints (2)

Irvin, Lorraine Octave Etude No. 2 (4)

Kreisler, Fritz Tambourin Chinois (2)

Mayuzumi, Toshiro Concertino (2/4)

McMillan, Thomas Masterpieces for the Marimba (2)

Monkman, Jesse Parody (4)

Monkman, Jesse Nocturnal Dance (4)

Muramatsu, T Land (4)

Musser, Clair Omar Etude, C Major Op. 6 #10 (4)

Musser, Clair Omar Etude, Op. 6 #8 (4)

Musser, Clair Omar Etude, B Major Op. 6 #9 (4)

Musser, Clair Omar Etude, Ab Major Op. 6 #2 (2 or 4)

Musser, Clair Omar Prelude, Op. 11 #3 (2)

Musser, Clair Omar Prelude, Op. 11 #7 (4)

Musser, Clair Omar Etude, Op. 11 #4 (2)

Musser, Clair Omar Scherzo Caprice (4)

Nevin, Ethelbert / arr. Becker, Bob Mighty Lak’ A Rose (4)

O’Mera, Rich Tune for Mary O (4)

O’Mera, Rich Restless for Marimba (4)

Peters, Mitchell Yellow After the Rain (4)

Peters, Mitchell Sea Refractions (4)

Peters, Mitchell Zen Wanderer (4)

Peters, Mitchell Waves (4)

Peters, Mitchell Teardrops (4)

Peters, Mitchell Sonata - Allegro (2)

Peters, Mitchell Chant (2)

Peters, Mitchell Theme and Variations (4)

Pimentel, Linda Lorren / Moore, James L The Solo Marimbist Vol. I, II (4)

Pitfield, Thomas Sonata (3)

Rosauro, Ney Three Preludes (4)

Rosauro, Ney Suite Popular (4)

Rosauro, Ney Choro Bachiano (4)

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai / Heifetz, Jascha The Bumble Bee (2)

Schmitt, Matthias Ghanaia (4)

Smadbeck, Paul Etudes No. 1-3 (4)

Smadbeck, Paul Rhythm Song (4)

Smadbeck, Paul Virginia Tate (4)

Smith, Sharon Suite Moderne for Marimba (4)

Steinquest, David Meditation and Dance (4)

Stout, Gordon Etudes for Marimba I-IV, Selected (2/4)

Stout, Gordon Etudes 1-9 (2/4)

Stout, Gordon Elegy (4)

Stout, Gordon Reverie (4)

Urlich, Eugene J Prelude and Noel (2 or 4)

Wittiber, Benjamin Rhythm Dance (4)


Abe, Keiko Dream of the Cherry Blossoms (4)

Abe, Keiko Wind in the Bamboo Grove (4)

Abe, Keiko Tambourin Paraphrase (4)

Abe, Keiko Michi (4)

Abe, Keiko Variations on Japanese Children’ s Ancient Vase (4)

Abe, Keiko Little Windows (4)

Abe, Keiko Memories of the Seashore (4)

Abe, Keiko Wind Sketch (4)

Abe, Keiko Prism Rhapsody (2/4)

Asia, Daniel Marimba Music (4)

Basta, James Concerto for Marimba (4)

Beall, Andrew Testament (4)

Bissell, Paul Hanger 84 (4)

Bley, Carla Over There (4)

Blume, Brian Stretch (4)

Burritt, Michael Caritas (4)

Burritt, Michael Waking Dreams (4)

Burritt, Michael Timeless (4)

Burritt, Michael Azure (4)

Burritt, Michael Shadow Chasers (4)

Burritt, Michael Four Movements for Marimba (4)

Burritt, Michael October Night (4)

Burritt, Michael Willow (2/4)

Burritt, Michael Preludes 1-5 (4)

Campion, Edmund Losing Touch (2/4)

Cangelosi, Casey Etude in D Major (4)

Cangelosi, Casey Concerto for Marimba and Orchestra no. 2 (4)

Cangelosi, Casey Etude in A minor no. 1(4)

Cangelosi, Casey Etude in A minor no. 2 (4)

Cangelosi, Casey Etude in C minior (4)

Cangelosi, Casey Etude in E minor (4)

Cangelosi, Casey Two Characters (4)

Cangelosi, Casey White Knuckle Stroll (2)

Carno, Zita For a Marimba with a Mind of Its Own (4)

Cole, Elliot New Years Day (2)

Coulter, Ron 3 Piece Suite for Vibes (4)

Deane, Christopher Etude for a Quiet Hall (4)

Deane, Christopher The Apocryphal Still Life (4)

Deane, Christopher Morning Dove Sonnet (4)

DePonte, Niel Concertino (4)

Edwards, Ross Marimba Dances (2/4)

Ford, Mark Polaris (4)

Ford, Mark Ransom(4)

Glassock, Lynn Altered Echoes (4)

Gottry, Josh Irrelevant (4)

Gronemeier, Dean Nature Alley (4)

Gronemeier, Dean Unchosen Path (4)

Gronemeier, Dean Sweet Roselle (4)

Gronemeier, Dean Population: One Too Many (4)

Haddad, Ed Have You Met Lydia (4)

Hall, Nicholas 5 Etudes for 5 Octaves (2)

Hanning, Chris Mirror Image (4)

Harnsberger, Andy Vertigo (4)

Harnsberger, Andy Words Unspoken (4)

Helble, Raymond Toccata Fantasy (4)

Helble, Raymond Grand Fantasy (4)

Heider, Werner Laudate Lignum (4)

Ikebe, Moeck Monevolance I (4)

Ishii, Maki Marimbastuck (4)

Khachaturian, Aram / arr. Stevens, Leigh Howard The Adventures of Ivan (4)

Klatzow, Peter Dances of Earth and Fire (4)

Klatzow, Peter Concerto for Marimba(4)

Kopetzki, Eckhard Three Movements for a Solo Dancer (4)

Kopetzki, Eckhard Konzert fur Marimba und Streicher (4)

Koppel, Anders Concerto for Marimba (4)

Kreutz, Robert Dialog for Marimba and Orchestra (4)

Kurka, Robert Concerto for Marimba(2/4)

Hollinden, Dave Of Wind and Water (4)

Levitan, Daniel Marimba Suite #2 (4)

Lorick, Matthew Odessa (4)

Mackey, Steven See Ya Thursday (4)

Mackey, Steven Beast (4)

Maslanka, David My Lady White (4)

Milhaud, Darius Concerto for Marimba/Vibes (4)

Miki, Minoru Time for Marimba (4)

Miki, Minoru Concerto for Marimba and Orch. (4)

Miki, Minoru Marimba Spiritual (4)

Miyoshi, Akira Torse III (4)

Miyoshi, Akira Conversation Suite (4)

Monkman, Jesse Rite of Passage (4)

Muramatsu, T Land (4)

Niimi, Tokuhide For Marimba I (4)

Nuyts, Frank La Pamplona (4)

Oetomo, Robert (arr.) Over the Rainbow (4)

Penn, William Four Preludes (4)

Rosauro, Ney Variations on a Rio Grande Theme (4)

Rosauro, Ney Concerto for Marimba #1 or #2 (4)

Rosauro, Ney Valencia (4)

Rosauro, Ney Variations on a “A Little Prayer” (4)

Sammut, Eric Cameleon (4)

Sammut, Eric Four Rotations (4)

Sammut, Eric Libertango (4)

Samuels, Dave Footpath (4)

Schumann, Robert / Stevens, Leigh Howard Album for the Young (4)

Sejourne, Emmanuel Three African Songs (4)

Sejourne, Emmanuel Nancy (4)

Schueller, Gunther Marimbology (4)

Serry, John Night Rhapsody (4)

Sifler Marimba Suite (4)

Skoog Water and Fire (4)

Smadbeck, Paul Rhythm Song (4)

Snowden, Steven Long Distance (2/4)

Spencer Cat Clock (4)

Stevens, Leigh Howard Rhythmic Caprice (4)

Stucky, Steven Dust Devil (4)

Stout, Gordon Ode for Marimba (4)

Stout Two Mexican Dances (4)

Stout, Gordon Andante & Allegro (4)

Stout Astral Dance (4)

Stright, Robert Six Poems for Vibraphone (4)

Sueyoshi Mirage pour Marimba (4)

Tanaka Two Movements for Marimba (4)

Trevino, Ivan Electric Thoughts (4)

Tsubonoh, Katsuhiro Meniscus for Marimba (4)

TV, Jacob Grab It! (4)

Wahlund, Ben Hard-Bioled Capitalism (4)

Wesley-Smith, Martin For Marimba and Tape (4)

Westlake, Nigel Fabian Theory (4)

Zivkovic, Nebjosa Ultimatum 1 for Solo Marimba (4)

Zivkovic, Nebjosa Concerto per Marimba e Orchestra No.2 Op. 25 (4)

Zivkovic, Nebjosa Uneven Souls (4)

Zivkovic, Nebojsa Jovan Suomineito (4)

Abe, Keiko Marimba D’Amore (4)

Abe, Keiko Prism Rhapsody (4)

Aldridge, Robert From My Little Island (4)

Applebaum, Mark Narcissus: Strata/Panacea (4)

Bennett, Richard Rodney After Syrinx II (4)

Cheung, Pius Etude in E Minor (4)

Cheung, Pius Classical Sonata (4)

Cheung, Pius Nian 3 (4)

Deane, Christopher The Process of Invention (4)

Deane, Christopher Three Shells (4)

Dietz, Brett William Madison’s Unicorn (4)

Druckman, Jacob Reflections on Nature of Water (4)

Ewazen, Eric Concerto for Marimba (4)

Hamilton, Bruce Interzones (4)

Hatzis, Christos Fertility Rites (4)

Helble, Raymond Sonata Brevis (4)

Hurel, Phillipe Loops IV (4)

Ichiyanagi, Toshi Paganini Personal (4)

Klatzow, Peter Dances of Earth and Fire (4)

Lansky, Paul Three Moves (4)

McCarthy, Daniel Rimbasly (4)

Sarmientos, Jorge Concertino for Marimba and Orchestra (4)

Schwanter, Joseph Velocities (4)

Thomas, Andrew Merlin (4)

Vinao, Alejandro Burrit Variations (4)

Vinao, Alejandro Khan Variations (4)


Bach Preludium in G minor (3)

Bach Six Suites for Cello (4)

Bach Prelude and Fugue in Bb Major (4)

Bach Sonata in B Minor (4)

Bach Sonata in A Minor (4)

Bach Prelude and Fugue in G minor (4)

Bach No. 4 in D Minor (4)

Bach Invention No. 8 in F Major (4)

Bach Invention No. 1 in C Major (4)

Bach Invention No. 14 in Bb Major (4)

Bach Chorale 371 Christ lag in Todesbanden (4)

Bach English Suite (2/4)

Bach Violin Partita No. 2 in D minor (2)

Bach Suite for Lute in G minor (4)

Sibelius, Jean The Spruce (4)

Telemann, Georg Philipp Violin Concerto in G (2/3)

Wilder, Alec Suite for Solo Guitar (4)


Burton, Gary Solo (4)

Davis, Thomas L Recital for Vibraharp (4)

Friedman, David Mirror from Another (4)

Gibson, Gary Wallflower/Snowbird/Carillon (4)

Lipner, Arthur Places to Visit (2/4)

Lipner, Arthur The Jazz Vibes Real Book (2/4)

Molenhof, Bill Music for the Day/Vibe Songs (4)

Molenhof, Bill New Vibe Madness (4)

Rosauro, Ney Bem-Vindo (5)

Rosauro, Ney Concerto for Vibraphone (4)

Tachoir, Jerry Solo Vibraphone Collection (4)

Tachoir, Jerry Design for Vibraphone and Piano (4)


Anderson, Frank The Loneliness of Santa Claus

Beall, Andrew Deliverance (w/timpani)

Cangelosi, Casey Nocturne

Cox, Robin Twitch

Etrzady, Roshan Hot Water, Burn Baby

Dorman, Avner Udacrep Akkubrad

Foss, Lukas Valentine

Klatzow, Peter Figures in a Landscape

Kopetzki, Eckhard Shadows of Wood

Larsen, Libby Like Blind Men Tapping In The Dark

Levitan, Daniel Duet for Marimba and Vibes

Maslanka, David Songbook for Eb Alto Sax and Marimba

Morag, Adi Octabones

Piazzola, Astor Tango Suite

Reich, Steve Nagoya Marimbas

Reich, Steve Piano Phase

Rogers, John Fitz Once Removed

Schuller, Gunther Phantasmata

Shapey, Ralph Movement of Varied Moments for Two

Sheil, Geoff Every Instrument In This Room

Smith, Stuart In Common

Thomas, Andrew Witchhowl (w/timpani)

Trevino, Ivan 2 + 1

Trevino, Ivan Into the Air

Trevino, Ivan Catching Shadows

Tyson, Blake Firefish (4)

Tyson, Blake Vertical River

Whibley, Stephen Blue Motion

Zivkovic, Nebojsa Jovan Ultimatum II


Bergamo, John Style Studies

Bona, Pasquale Rhythmical Articulation

Brown, Tom Mallets in Mind

Burton, Gary Four Mallet Studies

Davila, Julie Impressions on Wood

Ford, Mark Marimba: Technique Through Music

Friedman, David Vibraphone Technique: Dampening and Pedaling

Green, George Hamilton Instruction Course for Xylophone

Goldenberg, Morris Modern School for Xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone

Gottry, Josh For Four

Grover, Neil 4 Mallet Primer

Koshinski, Gene Two

Lipner, Arthur The Vibes Real Book

McMillan, Thomas Percussion Keyboard Technic

Metzger, Jon The Art and Language of Jazz Vibes

Peters, Mitchell Fundamental Method for Mallets Vol. 1

Stout, Gordon Ideo-Kinetics

Saindon, Ed The Complete Guide to Improvisation, Volume One, Two, and Three

Sisto, Dick Jazz Standards for Vibraphone

Samuels, David Contemporary Vibraphone Technique: Book 1, 2

Tachoir, Jerry Contemporary Mallet Method

Whaley, Garwood Fundamental Studies for Mallets

Whaley, Garwood Primary Handbook for Mallets

Zeltsman, Nancy Four-Mallet Marimba Playing



Abel, Alan

20th Century Orchestra Studies for Percussion

20th Century Orchestra Studies for Timpani

Carroll, Raynor

Orchestral Repertoire for the Snare Drum

Orchestral Repertoire for the Glockenspiel
Orchestral Repertoire for the Xylophone
Orchestral Repertoire for the Bass Drum and Cymbals
Orchestral Repertoire for the Tambourine, Triangle and Castanets
Symphonic Repertoire Guide for Timpani and Percussion

Cirone, Anthony

Symphonic Repertoire for Snare Drum

Denov, Sam

Art of Playing Cymbals

Genis, Tim
*edited by Anthony Cirone
Symphonic Repertoire for Percussion Accessories
Goldenberg, Morris

Classical Symphonies for Timpani

Classical Overtures for Timpani
Romanic Symphonies for Timpani


The Art of Tambourine and Triangle Playing

The Art of Bass Drum and Cymbal Playing
The Art of Percussion Accessory Playing

Max, Randy

Orchestral Excerpts for Timpani

Payson, Al

Techniques of Playing Bass Drum, Cymbals, and Accessories

Todd Meehan

Percussion Accessories Vol. 1 - Method for Tambourine and Triangle

contributing percussionists, composers, and educators

Josh Gottry | David Hardman | Dave Gerhart | Nicholas Hall | Thomas A. Wilson | Dalton King
other sources include
James Campbell and Brad Meyer (
Modern Drummer Magazine (Dec.2011)
University of Central Florida Percussion Rep. List (

additions or edits?
Contact Sarah directly through her website.

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