Entropy 17 02932 Detecting Apnea

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Entropy 2015, 17, 2932-2957; doi:10.


ISSN 1099-4300

Oxygen Saturation and RR Intervals Feature Selection for Sleep

Apnea Detection
Antonio G. Ravelo-García 1,*, Jan F. Kraemer 2, Juan L. Navarro-Mesa 1,
Eduardo Hernández-Pérez 1, Javier Navarro-Esteva 3, Gabriel Juliá-Serdá 3, Thomas Penzel 4
and Niels Wessel 2

Institute for Technological Development and Innovation in Communications, Universidad de Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 35017, Spain;
E-Mails: juanluis.navarro@ulpgc.es (J.L.N.-M.); eduardo.hernandez@ulpgc.es (E.H.-P.)
Department of Physics, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin 10115, Germany;
E-Mails: jkraemer@physik.hu-berlin.de (J.F.K.); wessel@physik.hu-berlin.de (N.W.)
Pulmonary Medicine Department, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrın, Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria 35010, Spain; E-Mails: jnavest@gobiernodecanarias.org (J.N.-E.);
jjulser@gobiernodecanarias.org (G.J.-S.)
Sleep Center, Charité Universitatsmedizin, Berlin 10117, Germany;
E-Mail: thomas.penzel@charite.de

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: antonio.ravelo@ulpgc.es;

Tel.: +34-928-452-981; Fax: +34-928-451-243.

Academic Editor: Kevin H. Knuth

Received: 3 December 2014 / Accepted: 4 May 2015 / Published: 7 May 2015

Abstract: A diagnostic system for sleep apnea based on oxygen saturation and RR intervals
obtained from the EKG (electrocardiogram) is proposed with the goal to detect and quantify
minute long segments of sleep with breathing pauses. We measured the discriminative
capacity of combinations of features obtained from RR series and oximetry to evaluate
improvements of the performance compared to oximetry-based features alone. Time and
frequency domain variables derived from oxygen saturation (SpO2) as well as linear and
non-linear variables describing the RR series have been explored in recordings from 70
patients with suspected sleep apnea. We applied forward feature selection in order to select
a minimal set of variables that are able to locate patterns indicating respiratory pauses. Linear
discriminant analysis (LDA) was used to classify the presence of apnea during specific
segments. The system will finally provide a global score indicating the presence of clinically
Entropy 2015, 17 2933

significant apnea integrating the segment based apnea detection. LDA results in an accuracy
of 87%; sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 91% (AUC = 0.90) with a global classification
of 97% when only oxygen saturation is used. In case of additionally including features from
the RR series; the system performance improves to an accuracy of 87%; sensitivity of 73%
and specificity of 92% (AUC = 0.92), with a global classification rate of 100%.

Keywords: sleep apnea; RR intervals; oxygen saturation; feature selection

1. Introduction

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a disorder characterized by intermittent cessation of breathing due
to upper airway closure during sleep. If breathing ceases completely, the event is called apnea. In case
that it does not completely cease, but there is a marked reduction of air entering the lungs, the event is
called hypopnea [1].
As a consequence of OSA there is also an increase in arousals and fragmentation of the sleep [2].
Development of concomittent morbidities such as cardiovascular problems, for example complex
tachyarrhythmias including atrial fibrillation, and symptoms such as daytime somnolence, cognitive
impairment and mood changes may decrease life expectancy and affect quality of life making of OSA a
serious disease. OSA is highly prevalent and represents a significant area of clinical respiratory practice
in developed countries [3].
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Manual specifies details for the recording and
scoring of sleep and associated events in a sleep center [4]. It is used to score the breathing events.
Overnight polysomnography (PSG), is the accepted diagnostic tool for sleep apnea [4–6]. Apnea severity
is quantified by calculating the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) which is the number of apnea and hypopnea
events per hour of sleep. Performing PSGs is a costly [7] and labor-intensive technique that is not only
uncomfortable for the patient but also not available in all areas [8], leading to the need to develop new
diagnostic strategies to enable ambulatory diagnoses and thus reduce the demand of PSGs.
A decrease in the oximetry levels may be secondary to hypoventilation and it is also dependent on the
oxyhemoglobin desaturation dynamic. So, oximetry is considered a surrogate indirect method for sleep
apnea screening [9]. Repetitive oxygen desaturations are highly specific to apnea. However, the
sensitivity of oximetry with such criterion is generally low because it is not unusual for patients to display
normal oximetry during apnea events if they are short. It is also possible that some desaturations are not
the result of breathing pauses but may be caused by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [10]
or alveolar hypoventilation. We additionally, in the hope to improve on those results, explore a large
number of linear and non linear variables describing features of the heart rate variability (HRV) [11,12]
that are extracted from the RR intervals in order to evaluate their performance and compare the results
if combined with oximetry.
In this work we apply forward feature selection in order to improve the performance of apnea
screening and find variables which describe patterns in presence of OSA with more detail. Linear
Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is being proposed in order to decide on the presence of apnea in segments
Entropy 2015, 17 2934

of one minute length. The system will finally provide a global score indicating the presence of clinically
significant apnea integrating the segment based apnea detection.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Data Sets

The database was provided by the Sleep Unit of the Dr. Negrín Gran Canaria University Hospital. It
contains recordings of 70 patients (51 males and 19 females, 18 to 82 years old) that were referred to the
sleep clinic because of suspected OSA. Patients did not suffer from heart diseases. Arrhythmic subjects
were excluded from the study. Total sleep time was at least 3 h. Comorbid nonrespiratory sleep disorders
were not suspected at the time of referral to polysomnography, even though no protocol to exclude
certain disorders (e.g., insomnia) was used. Some patients referred to polysomnography are found to be
snorers without clinical relevant sleep apnea (AHI < 5). All patients were examined by one of two experts
in sleep medicine.
The used recordings contain a single electrocardiogram (EKG) digitized at 200 Hz with 16-bit
resolution and oxygen saturation (SpO2) signals with 50 Hz sampling rate and 16 bits resolution.
Individual recordings vary in length from slightly less than 230 min to 486 min. Recordings were
collected using a computerized system from VIASYS Healthcare Inc. (Wilmington, MA, USA). The
sleep studies were scored for respiratory events according to the AASM criterion [4].
The manual detection of respiratory events was performed for every 30 s interval according to
standard AASM criterion and an apnea hypopnea index (AHI), indicating the number of events per hour
of sleep, was calculated according to the PSG analysis. The respiratory annotations were mapped to
segments of one minute length indicating the presence or absence of apnea or hypopnea during that
minute. This segment length was chosen to correspond to the one chosen in the Computers in Cardiology
Challenge 2000 [13] to allow for better comparability. Minutes were annotated as either normal
breathing or disturbed breathing.
The records have been divided into a group of learning data (L set) and a group of test data (T set) of
equal size. Each group consists of 35 EKG recordings. L set contains 15,170 1-minute training epochs
and T set, 14,373 epochs. We considered an AHI threshold of 10 to differentiate between control and
apnea group. This is based on the criterion as used in the CinC Challenge 2000. We define three classes:
class A (apnea), class B (borderline) and class C (control). Below we define each class:
• Class A (46 recordings): Recordings contain AHI greater than or equal to 10 and at least 70 min with
apnea. Both the L set and the T set contain 23 recordings fitting this criterion.
• Class B (4 recordings): Recordings contain AHI greater or equal to 5 and between 5 and 69 min
with apnea. There are two recordings in each group (L and T set) that fit this criterion.
• Class C (20 recordings): These recordings can be considered normal since AHI is lower than 5.
Both groups (L and T set) contain 10 recordings of class C.
For the use in this paper we have combined Groups A and B to present as a single “apnea” group.
Since the used dataset does not contain any recording of an AHI > 5 but < 10 the difference between A
and B mostly reduces to differences in sleeping time which does not add to the analysis. The data of the
polysomnography is presented in Table 1.
Entropy 2015, 17 2935

Table 1. Description of polysomnography data for different groups in the database: AHI,
dips/h (desaturations events per hour) and apnea hypopnea duration in seconds. Results are
represented as mean (min-max).
APNEA (Group A and B) 48.87 (11–151.9) 53.65 (7.9–122.3) 17.8 (10–125)
NORMAL (Group C) 1.87 (0–4.8) 1.55 (0–4.3) 12 (0–30)

2.2. Time Domain Oximetry Features

During respiratory pauses in sleep, the oxygen saturation signal undergoes marked changes, making
the variance of the signal a variable with high discriminatory power. To maximize the utility of this
variable, the length of the segments has to be decided. According to the AASM [4] the minimum period
necessary to consider a respiratory pause an apnea or hypopnea is 10 s. Some such events can be longer
than 50 s; therefore, in this study, the variance will be considered for one minute segments, enabling the
detection of both long and short apnea and hypopnea events. While it may be possible for more than one
respiratory event to occur per minute interval, we will not consider this further. We will consider the
variance in 1 and 5 min centered on a specific segment, called var Sat1m and var Sat5 m respectively with
one minute of displacement between adjacent frames, achieving a minute-by-minute analysis.

2.3. Frequency Domain Oximetry Features

A characteristic pattern of severe apnea is a cyclical drop in the levels of SpO2, which, through spectral
analysis, is possible to locate as a specific low-frequency component. The graph in Figure 1 shows
exemplary the dynamic of an oximetry signal for 50 epochs of 30 s each in presence of apnea where it
is possible to find oscillations between epoch 785 and 820.

Figure 1. Oximetry signal presented in epoch of 30 s. The graphic shows the evolution of
SpO2 signal between epoch 785 and epoch 835.

The causal relationship between interruption in airflow and oxygen desaturation allows us to extract
associated features from 5 min oximetry segments, with one minute of displacement between adjacent
frames. The power spectrum of a SpO2 signal can be obtained through the periodogram with the
following expression:

N −1 2
S (k ) =

n =0
Sat ( n) e − j 2π k / N (1)
Entropy 2015, 17 2936

In order to extract features for different frequency bands the use of a filter bank is proposed. There
are many ways to implement filter banks. One which may be considered having good computational
properties is to develop a filter directly on the transformed domain [14]:
bm +Δ m

k = bm −Δ m
S (k ) U Δm (k)
Y '(m) = N −1 1≤ m ≤ M (2)

 S (k )
k =0

A windowing process U is applied where Δ m represents the bandwidth of the mth filter and bm the
center frequency of the mth band on the outcome of the periodogram calculated according to the
expression (1). Total power term in the denominator appears to normalize the expression, N expresses
the number of samples of S (k) and M is the number of output elements of the filter bank. In our
particular case we use a bank of equally spaced 10 filters (M = 10).

2.4. Generation and Postprocessing of RR Intervals

The EKG is divided into five minutes segments with one minute of displacement between adjacent
frames, achieving a minute-by-minute quantification. The central minute determines the index of said
quantification. Then, the EKG is band pass filtered between 40 and 70 Hz, and the signal is full wave
rectified and low pass filtered to 25 Hz.
An interval of values is set around a relative maximum of the output signal, locating the R peak as
the maximum value of the EKG signal within that range. The time separation between successive R
peaks provides the RR intervals. The use of RR intervals often requires the exclusion of misdetection
due to artifacts as well additional ectopic values (e.g., premature ventricular complexes). An adaptive
filtering procedure for automatic artifact removal, including ectopic beats, is applied [11]. The advantage
of this algorithm is the spontaneous adaptation of the filter coefficients due to sudden changes in the
RR intervals.

2.5. Time Domain RR Interval Features

A tachogram shows the temporal development of the heart rate as the interval duration of the RR or
NN interval for either registered time or interval number (N is the set of normal RR intervals, eliminating
artifacts and ectopic beats). This temporal development is also known as HRV that, while being able to
be measured non-invasively, allows inferences regarding the activities of its main drivers the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. During sleep it is dominated by vagal efferent
activity and from respiratory induced changes such in the venous return related mechanical sinus node
stretch [15]. It has been shown that OSA is associated with autonomic imbalances and consequently
changes in the HRV [16]. From the time domain, the following variables [12] have been calculated:
- meanNN: the mean value of the NN-intervals in 5 min segments
- sdNN: standard deviation of the NN-intervals in 5 min segments
- cvNN: coefficient of variation of the NN-intervals (quotient of standard deviation and mean value
of the filtered tachogram)
Entropy 2015, 17 2937

cvNN5m = (3)

- Rmssd: root mean square of successive 5 min of NN intervals:

1 N

Rmssd = 
 NN
n =1
5m (n) 


- sdaNN1: standard deviation of mean values of successive 1 min of NN-intervals:

 M  1 M  

   meanNN1m (n) −  meanNN1m (n)  

M n =1
sdaNN1 =  n =1   
 M −1 
 
 
 
1 N
where M = 5, meanNN1m =  NN1m (n) and N is the number of NN intervals in a one minute segment.
N n=1
The differences between successive NN intervals can provide information about vagal activity and is
contained in group of variables pNNx [17,18]. Below is the list of specific instances of these variables
calculated over 5 minute intervals:
- pNN20: Percentage of NN-interval differences greater than 20 ms
- pNN30: Percentage of NN-interval differences greater than 30 ms
- pNN50: Percentage of NN-interval differences greater than 50 ms
- pNN100: Percentage of NN-interval differences greater than 100 ms
- pNN120: Percentage of NN-interval differences greater than 120 ms
- pNN150: Percentage of NN-interval differences greater than 150 ms
Entropy is conceived of as a measure of disorder, uncertainty or information that can be gained by
observation of disordered systems. Claude Shannon formally defined entropy as follows:
H = − p(i) ⋅ ln p(i) (6)
i =1

where p(i) is the probability of the occurrence of a specific event.

Renyi entropy was introduced as a generalization of the Shannon entropy and is defined as follows:
1  n 
H (q) = ln   p(i)(q)  (7)
1 − q  i =1 
where q is a parameter which is greater than zero and different to one. The order q can be adjusted to
make it more or less sensitive to the shape of the probability distributions. Renyi is generalized entropy
where in the limit q → 1 , the Renyi entropy converges to the Shannon entropy.
We will use an estimate of the differential entropy for the observed RR intervals, using the probability
density function estimated from histogram.
Entropy 2015, 17 2938

- Shanon: The Shannon entropy in each 5 min tachogram is calculated by the following expression:
 f ( xi ) 
H = −  f ( xi ) ⋅ ln   (8)
i =1  w( xi ) 
where f is the probability density function estimated from histogram obtained in each 5 min
tachogram frame and w is the width of the ith bin. In our particular case, the width of each bin is
20 ms leading to the total of n = 100 bins.
- Renyi: Renyi entropy for a histogram of each 5 min tachogram is calculated. Expression (9)
estimates the Renyi entropy:
1 n  f ( xi ) 
H=  ln 
1 − q i =1  w( xi ) 
 (9)

where w is the width of the ith bin. Entropies of order 2, 4 and 0.25 (Renyi2, Renyi4 and Renyi0.25)
will be used.
- noNNtime: Total time with artifacts in milliseconds.

2.6. Frequency Domain RR Interval Features

In order to obtain good frequency resolution, five minute EKG frames with a displacement of one
minute between frames, will be considered [19,20].
As suggested in [21], in our work, the power spectral analysis of the RR series is performed by means
1 N −1
of the periodogram method R (k) = 
N n=0
RR (n) e − j 2π k / N
, which is a good tool to identify the dominant

frequencies and their strength. We consider the estimated power following the task force
recommendations [22], in the bands of interest detailed below:
- ULF: power in the frequency band from 0 Hz up to 0.0033 Hz.
- VLF: power in the frequency band from 0.0033 Hz up to 0.04 Hz.
- LF: power in the frequency band from 0.04 Hz up to 0.15 Hz.
- HF power in the frequency band from 0.15 Hz up to 0.4 Hz.
On the other hand, the following common used ratios have been used and were added to the
previous variables:
- LF/HF: ratio of LF and HF.
- LF/P: ratio between LF and total power P.
- HF/P: ratio of HF and total power P.
- VLF/P: ratio between VLF and total power P.
- ULF/P: ratio between ULF and total power P.
- (ULF + VLF)/P: ratio of ULF + VLF and total power P.
- (ULF + VLF + LF)/P: ratio of ULF + VLF + LF and total power P.
- LFn: LF in normalized units, LF/(P − VLF) × 100.
- HFn: HF in normalized units, HF/(P − VLF) × 100.
Entropy 2015, 17 2939

2.7. Measures of Non-linear Dynamics of RR Intervals

Some processes in autonomic regulation can be described reliably by linear methods. However the
complexity in the modulation of the sinus node activity indicates the inclusion non-linear features.
Applying non-linear dynamic methods gives additional information about the state of the cardiovascular
and the autonomous nervous systems, especially for non-stationary parts of the RR time series and
transient processes [23].

2.7.1. Symbolic Dynamic (SD)

The methods from symbolic dynamics (see Figure 2) are a suitable tool for non-linear HRV analysis
and allow its investigation as a complex system [24]. It consists of a transformation of the initial time
series of RR-intervals into a sequence of symbols of a given alphabet. While some detailed information
is lost in the process, the coarse dynamic behavior can be analyzed more easily.


1 1 1 2 1 1 0 3 3 2 3 3 3

T (ms)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Symbol definition

0: m < RRn <= m+a×m

1: m+a×m < RRn <= infinite
2: m−a×m < RRn <= m
3: 0 < RRn <= m−a×m

Symbol sequence
1 1 1 2 1 1 0 3 3 2 3 3 3


112 333

Figure 2. Example of extraction of symbols from RR intervals and the extraction of word
sequences from the symbols series.

We investigated the use of words of length 3 (i.e., constructed from three adjacent symbols), obtaining
the next word by shifting the time series to the next symbol. The maximum number of possible different
words of length three from our given alphabet {0,1,2,3} is equal to 64. The full range of RR intervals is
divided into four partitions by using three different levels:
Entropy 2015, 17 2940

T1 = m (1 − a )
T2 = m (10)
T3 = m (1 + a )

The transformation into symbols refers to three given levels where m refers to the mean RR-interval
and a is a special parameter which is set to 0.05. The symbols are assigned to each RR interval by
applying the following rules:
if T2 < RRn <= T3 , then Sn = 0;
if T3 < RRn, then Sn = 1;
if T1 < RRn < T2 , then Sn = 2;
if 0 < RRn <= T1 , then Sn = 3.

From the different variables based on linear dynamics and described in [11], we decided to use
the following:
- WPSUM13: This variable quantifies the percentage of words which contain the symbols “1” and
“3”. This feature is a measure of increased HRV.
- WPSUM02: This variable quantifies the percentage of words which contain the symbols “0” and
“2”. This feature is a measure of decreased HRV.
Entropy measures are very interesting features to evaluate the complexity of time series from the
generated distributions of words. Higher values of these entropies are related to increased complexity in
the corresponding tachograms and lower values to decreased complexity. Measures based on entropy
are presented below:
- FWSHANNON: Shannon entropy of order k is defined on the basis of the probability distribution
p of words of length k [12].
Hk = −  p(ω ) ln p(ω )
ω∈W k , p (ω ) >0

where ω denotes the set of all words of length k.


- FWRENYI: This is a generalization of Shannon entropy based on the distribution of probability p

of length k words and defined by the following expression:
1  (q) 
Hk = ln   p (ω )  (13)
1 − q  ω∈W k , p (ω ) > 0 

where q is a real number greater than zero. The q parameter can be adjusted to weight probabilities
differently, for example if q > 1, the words of length k with large probabilities dominantly influence
the Renyi entropy. On the other hand if 0 < q <1 the words with small probabilities mainly
determine the value of H k (q) . In our case we have considered these two possibilities using q = 0.25
(FWRENYI0.25) and q = 4 (FWRENYI4). Starting from the word sequences it is possible to
derive other sequences which can then be analyzed. The variables which we state in the following
are based on this proposal.
Entropy 2015, 17 2941

- WSDVAR: This variable is a measure of the variability of the time series calculated from the
transformed sequence of words. The resulting sequence of words {ω1,ω2,ω3, ...} of Figure 2 is

{ }
transformed into a sequence s1 ,s2 , s3 ,... as described in (14):

3 if n13 (ωi ) = 3 ∧ s13 (ωi ) = '1' 

 2 if n (ω ) = 2 ∧ s (ω ) = '1' 
 13 i 13 i 
1 if n13 (ωi ) = 1 ∧ s13 (ωi ) = '1' 
 
si (ωi ) = 0 if n13 (ωi ) = 0  i =1,2,3,... (14)
 −1 if n (ω ) = 1 ∧ s (ω ) = '3' 
 13 i 13 i

 −2 if n13 (ωi ) = 2 ∧ s13 (ωi ) = '3' 
 
 −3 if n13 (ωi ) = 3 ∧ s13 (ωi ) = '3 ' 
where n13 (ωi ) represents the number of symbols corresponding to 1 or 3 in the word and s13 (ωi )
represents the first occurring symbol, either 1 or 3, in the word ωi . WSDVAR is defined as the
standard deviation of the sequence si .
1/ 2
 N  1 N  

   si (ωi ) −  si (ωi )  
N i =1
WSDVAR =  i =1    (15)
 N −1 
 
 
 
- FORBWORDS: This variable counts the so-called forbidden words of length 3. Specifically, the
number of words that never occur or do so with very low probability (less than 0.001) is calculated.
If the sequence under study is highly complex, we will find few forbidden words. A large number
of forbidden words can, on the other hand, imply a much more regular behaviour.
A last set of variables based on symbolic dynamics is used for the analysis of high or low variability. In
this case we will consider words of 6 consecutive symbols of a simplified 2-symbol alphabet {0,1}. The
symbol “0” is selected when the difference between two successive values is less than a certain threshold,
while the symbol “1” represents those exceeding it. The output sequence is determined by the expression:
'0': NN n − NN n −1 < th 
 wi 
Sn, wi =  (16)
'1': NN n − NN n −1 w ≥ th 
 i 
where n = 1,2,3,4,5,6, ωi is the ith word of 6 symbols and the threshold (5, 10, 20 ms).
- POLVAR: These variables represent the probability that the word “000000” occurs for a specific
threshold, thus describing the occurrence of low heart rate variability. We select three versions for
analysis: POLVAR5, POLVAR10, POLVAR20, with thresholds of 5, 10 and
20 ms respectively.
- PHVAR: Oposite to POLVAR, the PHVAR variables represent the probability of the word
“111111”, so quantifying high variation in heart rate as defined by thresholds as above (5, 10 and
20 ms) resulting in the PHVAR5, PHVAR10 and PHVAR20 variables.
Entropy 2015, 17 2942

2.8. Classifier

A linear discriminant analysis (LDA) [25] is used to classify segments in a minute by minute basis
into the classes of containing apnea and those that do not. This classifier provides a parametric model
that maps the feature inputs to the required output classes and has a set of adjustable parameters that are
calculated from the learning data.
The models in this study assumes that the features have a class-dependent multivariate
Gaussian distribution:
1 − ( x − μk )T ( x − μk )
fk ( x ) = e 2
p 1 (17)
( 2π ) 2 k 2

where µk and ∑k are the mean vector and covariance matrix of each class k (apnea and no-apnea class).
LDA also makes the simplifying assumption that the class covariances are identical ∑k = ∑ for both
classes, defining a linear boundary between the classes as:
δ k ( x ) = xT  μ k − μ kT  μ k + log π k
−1 −1

where π k is the prior probability of class k.

The parameters of the Gaussian distributions will be estimated from the learning data:

π k = Nk N (19)

µk = g =k xi / Nk (20)

( )( )
Σ   xi − μ k
k =1 gi = k

xi − μ k /(N − K) (21)

where N k is the number of class-k observations.

The LDA will classify one minute segment as apnea if:
1 T ˆ −1 1 T ˆ −1  N nap   N ap 
xT Σˆ −1 ( μˆ ap − μˆ nap ) > μ ap Σ μˆ ap − μ nap Σ μˆ nap + log   - log   (22)
2 2  N   N 
where μˆ ap and μˆ nap are the mean vectors of class apnea and no-apnea respectively and on the other hand
Nap and N nap , the number of apnea and no-apnea vectors.
Finally, LDA assumes normal distribution for both classes. In order to reduce the dynamic range of
the variables and approximate them to a gaussian distribution, we applied a logarithmic transformation.

2.9. Global Classification Criterion

Our approach is to classify apnea in minute long segments. With the minute by minute approach, we
are able to establish a threshold based on the number of detected apneic minutes. The threshold is
defined, taking into consideration the PSG-based AHI definition and our thus calculated m-AHI-tib
defined as the number of minutes with events per hour of time in bed. This is in line with previous
Entropy 2015, 17 2943

publications [14,26] and it is highly correlated with the AHI-tib obtained with polygraphy. The LDA
provides two outputs. The first one is a one minute by minute quantification of normal respiration or
apnea. The second is a global score of the presence of clinically significant apnea which is derived from
segment-wise output. A subject is classified globally as apneic if the m-AHI-tib is greater than 10.

2.10. Feature Selection

In order to optimize classification performance, a 50 repeated random sub-sampling validation [27]

is used with the learning set in order to find the variables that are most highly correlated with the presence
of apnea. On each iteration a random partition of half of the feature vectors is used to train (Rank_train)
with the rest then used to test (Rank_test) (Figure 3).


(T set)
(50 ITERATIONS). (Rank_train)


70 RECORDINGS (50 ITERATIONS). (Rank_test)

(L set)


TRAIN (50 ITERATIONS) (Count_train)


TEST (50 ITERATIONS) (Count_test)

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the partition of the database to select features.

The features are selected greedily, i.e., a classifier is repeatedly trained with all features added
individually to the current set, and the best performing set it used for the next round. If the performance
does not increase with added features the final feature set is found. After 50 iterations a corresponding
number of feature sets have been generated and the features can be ranked by the number of times they
were included in those sets.
In a second step (with the features ordered according to their rankings), the mean misclassification
error is calculated for an increasing number of features, using a training (Count_train) and a validation
set (Count_test), also chosen through random sub-sampling validation in the L set repeated 50 times.
The final number of selected features is based on the minimum average error per feature count obtained
in this last validation process. Finally, the performance of the classifier is evaluated for the independent
35 recordings (Test set) with the selected features.
Entropy 2015, 17 2944

3. Results

3.1. Descriptive Statistics

For all one minutes segments and each of the subgroups considered (presence of OSA: apnea/absence
of OSA: normal), all oxymetry and RR variables were summarized as median and interquartile ranges.
The distribution of the different variables for both groups were compared with the Wilcoxon test. Table 2
summarizes the variables obtained by linear feature extraction methods applied to RR intervals in time
and frequency domain.

Table 2. Description of the time and frequency domain HRV variables of the data set as a
function of the presence (A) or absence of OSA (NA). Data are expressed as median and
interquartile ranges.
Features A NA P
meanNN5m (ms) 917.12 (820.97;995.03) 913.89 (836.84;989.55) NS
SdNN5m (ms) 63.27 (42.85;89.94) 40.35 (27.42;61.65) <0.0001
CvNN5m (ms) 0.07 (0.05;0.1) 0.05 (0.03;0.07) <0.0001
sdaNN1 (ms) 20.04 (12.19;32.19) 14.97 (8.51;27.27) <0.001
Rmssd (ms) 31.42 (19.9;50.1) 22.78 (14.49;37.35) <0.0001
pNN20 (%) 0.47 (0.26;0.62) 0.36 (0.14;0.58) <0.01
pNN30 (%) 0.71 (0.53;0.89) 0.84 (0.6;0.96) <0.001
pNN50 (%) 0.1 (0.02;0.26) 0.03 (0;0.16) <0.0001
pNN100 (%) 0.01 (0;0.05) 0 (0;0.02) <0,001
pNN110 (%) 0.28 (0.2;0.44) 0.35 (0.22;0.55) NS
pNN120 (%) 0.53 (0.38;0.74) 0.64 (0.42;0.86) <0.01
pNN150 (%) 0.9 (0.74;0.98) 0.97 (0.84;1) <0.0001
Shanon 2.47 (2.11;2.78) 2.03 (1.68;2.41) <0.0001
Renyi025 2.7 (2.37;2.99) 2.34 (2.01;2.69) <0.0001
Renyi4 2.17 (1.79;2.49) 1.7 (1.36;2.07) <0.0001
Renyi2 2.31 (1.94;2.63) 1.84 (1.5;2.23) <0.0001
ULF (s2) 22.08 (6.39;68.77) 15.44 (4.14;55.92) NS
VLF (s2) 935.2 (406.61;1953.83) 270.45 (112.84;691.04) <0.0001
LF (s2) 376.71 (165.92;877.88) 151.93 (66.32;362.75) <0.0001
HF (s2) 110.78 (43.41;292.77) 63.88 (25.07;178.28) <0.001
P (s2) 1713.15 (767.24;3471.79) 628.22 (283.64;1478.56) <0.0001
LF/HF 3.51 (2.04;6.34) 2.35 (1.09;4.98) <0.05
LF/P 0.25 (0.16;0.38) 0.26 (0.17;0.37) NS
HF/P 0.07 (0.04;0.13) 0.11 (0.05;0.24) <0.001
VLF/P 0.61 (0.46;0.73) 0.5 (0.34;0.66) <0.001
ULF/P 0.01 (0;0.04) 0.03 (0.01;0.07) NS
(ULF+VLF+LF)/P 0.93 (0.87;0.96) 0.89 (0.76;0.95) <0.001
(ULF+VLF)/P 0.65 (0.48;0.77) 0.56 (0.38;0.73) <0.001
UVLF (s2) 989.77 (430.6;2043.49) 298.42 (124.49;769.25) <0.0001
LFn 0.78 (0.67;0.86) 0.7 (0.52;0.83) <0.05
HFn 0.22 (0.14;0.33) 0.3 (0.17;0.48) <0.05
NoNNtime (ms) 1053.13 (0;3993.13) 1050.47 (0;4400.96) NS
Entropy 2015, 17 2945

Table 3 summarizes the p-values of the variables obtained by non linear feature extraction methods
applied to HRV.

Table 3. Description of the symbolic dynamics variables of HRV for the whole database in
function of the presence (A) or absence of obstructive sleep apnea (NA). Data are expressed
as median and interquartile ranges.
Features A NA P
FORBWORD 30 (21;38) 37 (25;43) <0.0001
FWSHANNON 2.82 (2.51;3.11) 2.65 (2.24;3.08) <0.001
FWRENYI025 3.33 (3.07;3.59) 3.13 (2.86;3.5) <0.0001
FWRENYI4 1.95 (1.6;2.29) 1.91 (1.52;2.38) NS
WSDVAR 1.82 (1.38;2.2) 1.24 (0.77;1.73) <0.0001
WPSUM02 0.33 (0.14;0.55) 0.59 (0.33;0.82) <0.0001
WPSUM13 0.26 (0.13;0.41) 0.09 (0.03;0.21) <0.0001
POLVAR5 0 (0;0.01) 0 (0;0.01) NS
POLVAR10 0 (0;0.03) 0 (0;0.04) NS
POLVAR20 0.06 (0.01;0.24) 0.11 (0.01;0.44) NS
PHVAR5 0.42 (0.23;0.56) 0.32 (0.14;0.53) <0.01
PHVAR10 0.17 (0.05;0.31) 0.08 (0.01;0.25) <0.001
PHVAR20 0.02 (0;0.1) 0 (0;0.05) <0.0001


0.8 WPSUM13




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
T (min)



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Epoch (30 s)

Figure 4. WPSUM13 and hypnogram for an apnea patient. (a) represents the dynamic of the
variable WPSUM13 every minute. In red asterisk format, the apnea score for every minute
indicating the presence of apnea (value = 1) or absence of apnea (value = 0) is presented.
Generally, larger values for the variable WPSUM13 are observed for minutes with OSA
present. (b) represents the hypnogram indicating the different sleep stages, wakefulness
(stage W), light sleep (stages N1 and N2), deep sleep (stage N3) and rapid eye movement
(REM) sleep (stage R).

WPSUM13 presents the best discriminatory capacity of all the individual symbolic dynamics based
variables. Figure 4 shows the dynamic of this variable every minute and the hypnogram for a patient
Entropy 2015, 17 2946

with obstructive sleep apnea who clearly experiences increased heart rhythm. It can be observed bigger
values of variable WPSUM13 in minutes with apnea and also in rapid eye movement (REM) and
Wake transitions.
Table 4 summarizes the p-values of the variables obtained from oximetry. Variance of the signals and
some spectral based features present a relevant p-value.

Table 4. Description of the variables obtained from oximetry for the whole data set as a
function of the presence (A) or absence of obstructive sleep apnea (NA). Data are expressed
as median and interquartile ranges.
Features A NA P
var Sat1m 5.229 (2.231;12.737) 0.251 (0.163;0.778) <0.0001
var Sat5m 6.678 (3.135;15.376) 0.623 (0.259;1.659) <0.0001
Fb1 1.7 × 10−26 (5 × 10−27;1.2 × 10−25) 4.1 × 10−25 (6.3 × 10−26;4.3 × 10−24) <0.0001
Fb2 0.054 (0.02;0.121) 0.113 (0.046;0.236) <0.0001
Fb3 0.04 (0.015;0.087) 0.073 (0.032;0.144) <0.001
Fb4 0.041 (0.016;0.087) 0.06 (0.025;0.116) NS
Fb5 0.045 (0.019;0.098) 0.055 (0.023;0.104) NS
Fb6 0.05 (0.02;0.107) 0.051 (0.022;0.098) NS
Fb7 0.057 (0.021;0.123) 0.045 (0.018;0.087) <0.01
Fb8 0.057 (0.022;0.129) 0.037 (0.015;0.073) <0.01
Fb9 0.047 (0.018;0.109) 0.031 (0.013;0.062) NS
Fb10 0.032 (0.012;0.075) 0.026 (0.01;0.052); NS
Fb11 0.021 (0.008;0.051) 0.021 (0.008;0.043) NS
Fb12 0.016 (0.006;0.036) 0.017 (0.007;0.036) NS
Fb13 0.012 (0.005;0.026) 0.014 (0.005;0.031) NS
Fb14 0.009 (0.004;0.021) 0.011 (0.004;0.025) NS
Fb15 0.008 (0.003;0.018) 0.01 (0.004;0.022) NS
Fb16 0.007 (0.003;0.016) 0.008 (0.003;0.019) NS
Fb17 0.006 (0.002;0.014) 0.007 (0.003;0.016) NS
Fb18 0.005 (0.002;0.012) 0.006 (0.002;0.014) NS
Fb19 0.004 (0.002;0.009) 0.005 (0.002;0.012) <0.05
Fb20 0.003 (0.001;0.007) 0.004 (0.002;0.01) NS

3.2. HRV and Oximetry Pattern Obtained in Presence of OSA

In Figure 5 measurements for a patient with OSA is presented, with 10 epochs of 30 seconds length.
In Figure 5a, the manual scoring indicates the presence of a respiratory disturbance. Oximetry, air flow
obtained by thermistor and RR intervals from EKG, is represented in Figure 5b–d, respectively.
In some segments with obstructive sleep apnea, heart rate shows occurrence of both, first presenting
bradycardia during the apneic phase, followed by tachycardia during the arousal and activation of the
upper airway muscle that finally allows airflow into the lungs. A resulting low frequency periodic pattern
can be observed in Figure 5d.
Deep oxygen desaturations can also be observed in oximetry signal. In patients with severe
obstructive sleep apnea, these desaturations are observed as a periodic oximetry signals where a low
frequency component could be obtained as in Figure 5b. A recovery of the oximetry value is obtained
Entropy 2015, 17 2947

shortly after the upper airway muscle allows airflow into the lungs. This patter strengthens our idea of
using not only the variance of the signal in one minute segment but also the variance in five minutes
segments or even a spectral analysis in wider segments windows (in our case, five minutes).

Figure 5. Example of the dynamics in the polygraph for 10 epochs of 30 s for a patient with
clear breathing pauses in the entire presented segment. It is possible to observe deep
desaturations and the typical bradycardia and tachycardia pattern in RR intervals.
(a) represents the score (presence of apnea (AP) or absence of apnea (NA) classified by the
expert for every 30 s epoch. (b) represents the oxymetry signal indicating clear desaturations
in presence of sleep breathing pauses during the entire segment presented. (c) represents the
air flow measured with a thermistor. Finally (d) represents a clear pattern of bradycardia and
tachycardia in RR intervals.

In some cases, certain respiratory pauses do not produce a clear pattern in the oximetry signal. This
is the case presented in Figure 6 where short time apnea/hipopneas do not produce desaturations.
Entropy 2015, 17 2948

Figure 6. Example of the dynamics in the polygraph for a patient with short breathing pauses
without associated oxygen desaturations. (a) represents the score (presence of apnea (AP) or
absence of apnea (NA) classified by the expert in every 30 seconds epoch. (b) represents the
oxymetry signal without deep desaturations in presence of events, for instance between the
epoch 181 and 184. (c) represents the air flow measured with a thermistor where it is possible
to appreciate shorter events than in Figure 5. Finally (d) represents a pattern of bradycardia
and tachycardia in the instants in which the events appear, for example between epoch 181
and 184.

In Figure 7 it is possible to appreciate another example from the same patient as in Figure 6 where
short events (in the orange rectangle) are linked to increased heart rate variability but not to oxygen
desaturations and longer breathing events after epoch 555 are associated to increased heart rate
variability but also to desaturations in the oximetry signal. In both cases, tachycardia and bradycardia
are observable in the RR series dynamic.
Entropy 2015, 17 2949

Figure 7. Example of the dynamics in the polygraph for the same patient as in Figure 6
where can be observed short breathing pauses indicated by an orange rectangle which do not
produce deep desaturations whereas deeper desaturations are detected in longer events
(epoch 556 to 561). (a) represents the presence of apnea (AP) or absence of apnea (NA)
classified by the expert for every 30 seconds epoch. (b) represents the oximetry signal.
(c) represents the airflow measured with a thermistor where it is possible to appreciate short
events (indicated by the orange rectangle) and longer events (epoch 556 to 561). Finally
(d) represents a pattern of tachycardia and bradycardia in short and longer events.

3.3. Results of the OSA Detection System Based on LDA Classifier

The machine learning performance is evaluated using the features obtained from RR series, oxymetry
and the combination of both. For all these combinations, a LDA classifier is evaluated through a ROC
presentation and a feature selection process is proposed. The data analysis was carried out in MatLab R2012a.

3.3.1. Classifier Performance using RR Intervals

Variables obtained from RR intervals in time and frequency domain (TD, FD) and from symbolic
dynamics (SD) have been studied in order to evaluate the performance of the LDA classifier. In Figure 8a,
misclassification error for the Count_test data in function of number of features is represented with red
Entropy 2015, 17 2950

asterisks. In case of Count_train data, misclassification error is presented in blue crosses. In this example,
15 features obtain the best results being selected the following variables in the following order of
relevance (meanNN5m, ULF/P, ULF, WPSUM13, sdaNN1, Renyi4, Renyi025, Shannon, LF/P, HFn,
Renyi2, sdNN5m, POLVAR5, (ULF + VLF)/P and POLVAR20).
The cut-off corresponding to the point of ROC curve (Figure 8b) that minimizes the distance between
the curve and the upper left corner (the sum of sensitivity and specificity is maximal) was chosen with
the L set. Table 5 summarizes quantitatively the performance of the recognition system for the T set and
for the best combination of variables. The accuracy is 79.4% (AUC = 81), sensitivity being 42.4% and
specificity 94.3%. Although specificity is very good, a poor sensitivity is obtained. Global classification
performance is 71.4%. When borderline are not used, 81.8% of the patients are correctly discriminated
in the global classification task.

(a) (b)

Figure 8. (a) Evaluation of misclassification error for variables obtained from RR series
with LDA classifier. Misclassification error for Count_test data shown as red asterisks and
error for the Count_train data shown in blue crosses. (b) represents the obtained ROC curve.

3.3.2. Classifier Performance using Oximetry

For each of the selected variables obtained from oximetry, and in the order of relevance which are
extracted, the misclassification error is obtained and represented in Figure 9a. For this case, optimum
number of features (n = 19) are selected according to misclassification error obtained with the Count_test
data. The features are the following: var Sat1m, Fb2, Fb9, Fb8, Fb11, Fb20, Fb7, Fb12, Fb1, Fb18, Fb4,
Fb5, Fb13, Fb17, Fb14, Fb15, Fb16, Fb6 and Fb10. An optimum decision threshold is obtained and the
ROC curve presented in Figure 9b.
Entropy 2015, 17 2951

(a) (b)

Figure 9. (a) Evaluation of misclassification error for variables obtained from oximetry with
LDA. Misclassification error for Count_test data shown as red asterisks and the error for the
Count_train data is shown as blue crosses. (b) represents the obtained ROC curve.

Table 5 summarizes the performance of the LDA classifier for the T set, with an accuracy of 86.5%
(AUC = 89.8). The sensitivity obtained is 75.6% and specificity is 91%. Global classification
performance is 91.4%. When borderline are not used, global classification performance is 97%. From
the 33 test patients (10 control and 23 apneas), 32 are correctly classified according to the criterion of
m-AHI-tib = 10 as threshold. The patient that is not correctly classified is a patient with respiratory
events without clear desaturation and with some polygraphic traces represented in Figures 8 and 9.

3.3.3. Classifier Performance using RR Series and Oximetry

Figure 10a,b represents the misclassification error for the Count_train (red asterisks) and Count_test
(blue crosses) data for one thing and ROC curve, on the other hand, when a combination of RR series
and oximetry variables are involved.

(a) (b)

Figure 10. (a) Evaluation of misclassification error for variables obtained from oximetry
and HRV with LDA classifier. Misclassification error for Count_test data shown as red
asterisks and the error for the Count_train data is shown as blue crosses. (b) represents the
obtained ROC curve.
Entropy 2015, 17 2952

Variables selected are the following in order of ranking: var Sat1m, Fb2, Fb9, LF/HF, Fb3,
(ULF + VLF + LF)/P, Fb8, sdaNN1, Fb12, FORBWORD, Fb11, var Sat5m, Fb1, pNN120, ULF/P,
POLVAR5, LF/P, FWRENYI025, POLVAR10, Fb7, Shanon, HF, Renyi2, sdNN, Fb20, cvNN, Fb6,
noNNtime, Fb16, Renyi025, pNN30, Renyi4 and pNN110.
The features extracted from the oximetry seem to be significant according to the order of relevance,
such as the variance in one minute segments, although the inclusion of other variables obtained from the
spectral analysis of oximetry in five minutes segments are also quite relevant.
For this combination of variables Table 5 summarizes the performance of the classifier. The accuracy
has increased from 86.5% (only oximetry) to 86.9% (a combination of variables of RR series and
oximetry) with a sensitivity of 73.4% and specificity of 93.3%.
In this case, global classification performance is 94.3%. When borderline are not used, the global
classification rate is 100%. The patient that was previously globally misclassified is now classified
correctly. The changes in the dynamic of the HRV could be helping to the classifier to detect events with
poor desaturations as in this case.

Table 5. Performance of the classifier for the different selected variables. * Results of global
classification considering all the validation dataset except borderline subjects.
Acc Se Sp AUC Gc Gc
Features Signals n Variables
% % % % % %*
meanNN5m, ULF/P, ULF, WPSUM13,
sdaNN1, Renyi4, Renyi025, Shanon,
TD + FD + SD RR 15 79.4 42.4 94.3 80.9 71.4 81.8
LF/P, HFn, Renyi2, sdNN5m, POLVAR5,
var Sat1m, Fb2, Fb9, Fb8, Fb11, Fb20,
Var + Fbank SpO2 19 Fb7, Fb12, Fb1, Fb18, Fb4, Fb5, Fb13, 86.5 75.6 91 89.8 91.4 97
Fb17, Fb14, Fb15, Fb16, Fb6, Fb10
var Sat1m, Fb2, Fb9, LF/HF, Fb3,
(ULF+VLF+LF)/P, Fb8, sdaNN1, Fb12,
FORBWORD, Fb11, var Sat5m, Fb1,
TD + FD + SD pNN120, ULF/P, POLVAR5, LF/P,
SpO2 + RR 33 86.9 73.4 92.3 91.9 94.3 100
+ (Var + Fbank) FWRENYI025, POLVAR10, Fb7,
Shanon, HF, Renyi2, sdNN, Fb20,
cvNN5m, Fb6, noNNtime, Fb16,
Renyi025, pNN30, Renyi4, pNN110

4. Discussion

The performance of an automatic diagnostic system based on oximetry and RR series has been
evaluated. In addition to respiratory events, other variables related to high blood pressure or
cardiovascular or respiratory disorders may affect the autonomic regulatory system and may be
respresented in HRV. We showed that the RR series can be a complementary source of information to
oximetry and can in combination improve the performance of a low cost diagnosis system for apnea.
Previously oximetry has demonstrated its high specificity in the detection of sleep breathing events,
however in some cases, as we also observe in this study, apnea does not always present a clear pattern
Entropy 2015, 17 2953

of oxygen desaturation. For example, short time events scored as apnea or hypopnea by the expert may
fall into this category.
According to the feature selection process, the variables obtained from oximetry seems to be highly
significant indicators, especially the variance obtained in one and five minutes segments, but also the
variables related to the spectral analysis of oximetry.
Regarding variables obtained from RR series, both linear and nonlinear features are selected in the
final classifier that integrates oximetry and RR series. Some variables obtained from symbolic dynamic
are also statistically significant according to the results. This is the case of FORBWORD and
WPSUM13, although this last variable is only included in the classifier that exclusively consisted of RR
series features. The inclusion of WPSUM13 variable allows us to obtain information about the higher
variability of the heart rhythm highly correlated with the presence of OSA.
A question remains, in what the reason is to not experience oxygen desaturation for short apnea
events? One possibility could be the hemoglobin dissociation curve. The sigmoid representation of the
curve could indicate that the percentage of SpO2 would not start to decrease until a marked reduction in
the partial oxygen pressure occurs, sometime after the airflow obstruction. There would not be enough
time to desaturate in short events. On the other hand, this curve could be displaced due to other factors
such as pH, temperature and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) levels, which are specific to each person
and would explain the different responses in airflow obstructions of the same duration.
An explanation could be also the averaging of pulses in the oximetry hardware to calculate oxygen
saturation. Always a decent number of pulses, usually between three and 12, is needed to calculate an
oxygen saturation value. In the case of short events, there may be too few pulses that a relevant
desaturation is noted. For example, 12 pulses represent roughly 10 s in time. So this is like a low-pass
filter to the true oxygen saturation.
Other groups have previously scored the presence of OSA based on oximetry and HRV, and in a few
cases also on a combination of oximetry and HRV. Most of the studies tend to classify the presence of
apnea globally based on an AHI threshold. For example, Marcos et al. [28] extracted spectral and linear
features obtained from oximetry with four different classifiers. They achieved a maximum accuracy of
86.7% (88.1% sensitivity and 84.8% sensitivity) on a dataset of 187 subjects (113 of them used to
validate the algorithm), with a definition of apnea using an AHI of 10. Alvarez et al. [29] achieved an
accuracy of 89.7% (sensitivity of 92% and specificity 85.4%, n = 148) separating apneic patients from
normal ones using the same AHI limit with a LR model on features extracted from the oximetry in time
and frequency domain.
In a more recent publication, Alvarez et al [30] extracted different linear and non linear features from
oximetry trained with 148 subjects and validated on two different databases. An accuracy of 85.2% is
achieved for a database of 101 subjects and 88.7% for a different database of 71 subjects in this global
classification task.
Only a few studies have been published that have tried to detect the apneic/hypopneic events on a
minute by minute basis. In this sense Xie et al. [31] studied a dataset of 25 subjects with HRV and
oximetry data, reaching an accuracy of 84.40% (if used with 150 features, reducing to 83.26% when
only 39 features were considered). A work reported by Burgos et al. [32] has achieved an accuracy of
93%, but on a very limited database of 8 subjects.
Entropy 2015, 17 2954

If one would try to compare to studies using all available data from a polygraphic recording,
Masa et al. [33] studied a dataset of 348 patients, obtaining a sensitivity of 87% and specificity of 86%
in global subject classification targeting subjects with an AHI > 10.
As opposed to many previous publications, our approach is to classify apnea in minute long segments.
With this minute by minute approach, we can establish a threshold based on the number of detected
apneic minutes. In order to determine the final value of this approach, the cardiovascular consequences
of sleep apnea need to be tested against this measure.
It is not easy to establish comparisons with other results due to the use of different datasets in different
conditions. That aside, our approach performs well when compared with other methods in a per-subject
global OSA diagnosis classification and also in a minute by minute apnea location task.
One limitation of our study is the absence of subjects with cardiac disorders that we would expect to
have an impact on the reliability of the feature detection and in general using a population selected among
individuals with symptoms suggesting OSA. Moreover the absence of subjects between 5 and 10 events
per hour is a limitation that also should be taking into consideration.
Some other issues remain open for future work. For example, the use of other entropy-based features [34].
More in depth considerations about harmonic phenomena and/or the asynchronous increments and
decrements of RRI during apneas should be performed. For instance, it is possible to identify numerous
small bands located in VLF, LF, and HF regions that may need special attention and the properties of
additional methods for spectral analysis must be studied (complex demodulation, wavelets, Cohen’s
class time-frequency representations, etc.) if they are able to account for these. We also plan to work
others techniques as bootstrapping as an alternative to the random subsampling used in this work.
Additionally, recent studies [35] have shown that women with OSA may be more easily detected than
men when using RR time series. In future studies we will take into account this aspect considering the
gender to carry out a differentiated learning and validation process.


This research was partially supported by Cátedra Telefónica, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria 2013.

Author Contributions

Antonio G. Ravelo-García: conception and design of the study, analysis of the data, interpretation of
the data, drafting the article. Jan F. Kraemer: critical revision of the manuscript. Juan L. Navarro-Mesa:
analysis tools, critical revision of the manuscript. Eduardo Hernández-Pérez: analysis tools, critical
revision of the manuscript. Gabriel Juliá Serdá: adquisition of the data, interpretation of the data, critical
revision of the manuscript. Javier Navarro-Esteva: interpretation of the data, critical revision of the
manuscript. Thomas Penzel: interpretation of the data, critical revision of the manuscript. Niels Wessel:
analysis of the data, critical revision of the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the
final manuscript.
Entropy 2015, 17 2955

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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