E Movie Tourism in New Zealand
E Movie Tourism in New Zealand
E Movie Tourism in New Zealand
7 DVD Part 3 Tick () the items you saw in 10 Look again at Exercise 1. Match the films
Part 3. Watch again and check your that were not filmed in New Zealand 1–5
answers. with their settings a–e. (The answers are
not on the DVD.)
__ geysers (hot springs in the ground that send
hot water and steam into the air) 1 Braveheart
__ a waterfall 2 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
__ a farm tour 3 Harry Potter
__ Rotorua 4 The Sound of Music
__ a Maori ceremony 5 The Beach
__ hills
__ snow-capped mountains a Thailand
__ forests b various locations in the UK
__ fields with sheep c Utah, USA; Petra, Jordan; Venice, Italy
__ a beach d Austria
e Ireland and Scotland
8 Choose the correct definitions for these
geographical features from the DVD. OPTIONAL TASK
1 mud pool Find out about movie tourism in a city or
a a small area of still water and earth in a hole country of your choice. Think about the
in the ground following questions:
b a lake with a muddy shore
• Which films have been made there?
2 primeval forest • What is special about the film locations? e.g.
a a wood that dates back to the Middle Ages geographical features, historic buildings, etc.
b a large area of land that is covered with
• What kind of movie tours are on offer?
ancient trees
• How is movie tourism marketed? e.g. celebrity
3 latitude endorsements with famous actors promoting
a the distance north or south of the equator the region
b the imaginary line around the middle of the
4 waterfall
a a place where water from a river or stream
falls down over a cliff or rock
b the area where the land meets the sea