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E Movie Tourism in New Zealand

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1 DVD Watch the DVD and tick () the films 3 DVD Part 1 Watch Part 1 and correct the
that are set in New Zealand. sentences. There is ONE error in each one.
__ The Chronicles of Narnia 1 The city of Wellington in New Zealand has
__ Braveheart inspired many film directors.
__ King Kong 2 Lord of the Rings fans visit Matamata, in the
__ The Lord of the Rings South Island.
__ Harry Potter 3 Matamata is Bilbo’s home in the film King
__ Perfect Strangers Kong.
__ The Sound of Music 4 Wellington is the Hollywood of the USA and
__ The Beach home to New Zealand’s top directors.
__ Whale Rider 5 Peter Jackson and Gaylene Preston are
Hollywood film directors.
2 What do you know about New Zealand? Are
the statements below true (T) or false (F)? 4 DVD Part 1 Match the film words 1–8 from
Read the text and check your answers. Part 1 with the definitions a–h.
1 inspiration
New Zealand 2 moviemakers
The Maoris, New Zealand’s first inhabitants, 3 audience
4 the big screen
named New Zealand Aotearoa, ‘the land of the
5 fans
long white cloud’. This country in the South 6 blockbuster
Pacific is made up of North Island, South 7 trilogy
Island and some 150 smaller islands and is 8 award-winning
roughly the size of Great Britain or Japan.
a something that has won prizes and is very
You will find fantastic beaches, volcanoes, amusing or interesting
ancient forests and historic Maori sites on b a series of three films, books etc that are about
North Island, while spectacular mountains, the same people or subject
fjords and glaciers are found on South Island. c directors or producers who make films
Wellington, situated on North Island, is the d a group of people who watch a film, play etc
e a place, person, or experience that gives you
capital, and Queenstown, on South Island, is
new ideas for something you do
known as the adventure capital. f people who like a sport or performing art very
In the past, Maoris often held wrestling, surfing much, or who admire a famous person
and canoe competitions. New Zealanders g a film or book that is very good or successful
today are still passionate about sport, h the cinema, rather than the television or theatre
especially rugby. The ‘haka’ is the Maori war
dance performed at the start of a rugby match. 5 DVD Part 2 Watch Part 2 and complete
what the director says with TWO words or a
New Zealand’s coastline is popular with the number.
international movie industry. Beach scenes in
The Piano were shot at Karekare, and Xena: We’re on latitude 1 and …
Warrior Princess was filmed on Bethells there’s an amazing 2 every
Beach. day.
When people come to New Zealand, I guess
1 Maoris call New Zealand ‘the land of the long you 3 that many Hobbits or
white cloud’. Orcs wandering around.
2 New Zealand consists of three main islands.
3 It is about half the size of Great Britain. Basically, what you see in the ‘Lord of the
4 North Island is famous for its beaches and Rings’ films, if you 4 the
Maori culture. high country in the , that’s
5 New Zealand’s capital is Queenstown. what’s there.
6 New Zealand is a popular film location.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2013 Pearson 1

6 DVD Part 3 Watch Part 3 and choose the 9 Match the words 1–6 from the DVD with the
correct summary. definitions a–f.
a Movie tourism has led to an interest in Maori 1 mighty
culture in places like Rotorua. The landscape is 2 landscape
magical and it’s quite a small country, so it’s 3 wandering
easy for film crews to get around. 4 impact
5 drama
b Movie tourism has led to an increase in visitors 6 credits
to Rotorua, and New Zealand. There’s a great
variety of scenery, and locations don’t need a the effect or influence a situation or event has
special effects to make them look better. on something
b walk slowly without a clear direction
c In recent years, there has been an increase in c very strong and powerful
tourism to New Zealand and the South Pacific. d a list of all the people involved in making a film
There’s a magic and mystery in these islands e the appearance of a large area of land
that makes them special. f the quality of being exciting

7 DVD Part 3 Tick () the items you saw in 10 Look again at Exercise 1. Match the films
Part 3. Watch again and check your that were not filmed in New Zealand 1–5
answers. with their settings a–e. (The answers are
not on the DVD.)
__ geysers (hot springs in the ground that send
hot water and steam into the air) 1 Braveheart
__ a waterfall 2 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
__ a farm tour 3 Harry Potter
__ Rotorua 4 The Sound of Music
__ a Maori ceremony 5 The Beach
__ hills
__ snow-capped mountains a Thailand
__ forests b various locations in the UK
__ fields with sheep c Utah, USA; Petra, Jordan; Venice, Italy
__ a beach d Austria
e Ireland and Scotland
8 Choose the correct definitions for these
geographical features from the DVD. OPTIONAL TASK
1 mud pool Find out about movie tourism in a city or
a a small area of still water and earth in a hole country of your choice. Think about the
in the ground following questions:
b a lake with a muddy shore
• Which films have been made there?
2 primeval forest • What is special about the film locations? e.g.
a a wood that dates back to the Middle Ages geographical features, historic buildings, etc.
b a large area of land that is covered with
• What kind of movie tours are on offer?
ancient trees
• How is movie tourism marketed? e.g. celebrity
3 latitude endorsements with famous actors promoting
a the distance north or south of the equator the region
b the imaginary line around the middle of the

4 waterfall
a a place where water from a river or stream
falls down over a cliff or rock
b the area where the land meets the sea

PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2013 Pearson 2

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