Place Value Edma Lesson Plan

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Name: Kristen Sinclair Date: Year Level: 2

Lesson Aim: By the end of this lesson students will understand how to partition numbers and will understand different ways numbers can be expressed on a place value chart
whilst still holding the same value.

Content strand(s) with corresponding Sub-Strand(s):

Number and Algebra Strand
Place Value

Content Description(s) with corresponding Elaboration(s):

Content description 1 -Recognise, model, represent and order numbers to at least 1000 (ACMNA027)
Elaborations- recognising there are different ways of representing numbers and identifying patterns going beyond 100

Content description 2 - Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting (ACMNA028)
Elaborations - understanding three-digit numbers as comprised of hundreds, tens and ones/units

Students’ Prerequisite knowledge / understanding / concepts / skills:

Students must be able to count, read and write 3 digit numbers and they must also understand that 3 digit numbers are compromised of hundreds, tens and ones.

Specific Learning Outcomes Time

Teaching / Learning Strategies Organisation Resources
for this Lesson Req.
Orientating Phase / Introduction
Students should be able to 15 Teacher will address and discuss the learning outcomes for the lesson Have place value  Place value chart
model, write and partition a with the students. Teacher will discuss prior knowledge of place value, chart mat, white mat
number on a place value chart. representing numbers and partitioning with students. board, whiteboard  White board
markers, MAB markers
After the introduction is complete the teacher will split students in to blocks and tissues  MAB blocks
set up around the  Tissues
groups of 3 that are pre organised (diverse ability). Each group will be
classroom.  Whiteboard
instructed to move to a spot in the room where they will have a place Also have groups
value chart, whiteboard marker, whiteboard, tissues and MAB blocks in  Preorganised
pre- organised of group list
front of them. The teacher will explain that each student in the group will mixed ability
have a special role.
Student 1 – Models the numbers with MAB blocks
Student 2 – Writes the written form of the numbers
Student 3 – Partitions (expands) the numbers
Teacher will write a number on the board. Each group must work
together to do all 3 things to the number.

Teacher will repeat the previous steps for 3 different numbers. Telling
students to rub out their previous workings on the whiteboard before
moving on to the next number.

After this activity the teacher will instruct students to move to the front of
the classroom for a whole class discussion.
Enhancing Phase / Body
Students should be able to 30 Once the teacher is at the front of the classroom the teacher will explain to Have number  Number cards
understand that numbers can students that the activity we just completed will help us represent numbers in cards prepared at
be represented differently but different ways but still allow them to hold the same value. The teacher will the front of the
still hold the same value model this to students by picking 4 students to come up to the front of the class class.
when modelled by a teacher. one at a time. As the student moves to the front of the class the teacher will
hand them a card and will tell them to hide it until all 4 students have a card.
(Each student’s card represents 465 in different ways).
Card 1 – 465
Card 2 – 456 ones
Card 3 – 46 tens 5 ones
Card 4 – 4 hundreds, 6 tens and 5 ones
Once all students have a card the teacher will instruct the students to flip their
Students should be able to cards over and show the class their cards. The teacher will get the students as
understand that numbers can a class to read the cards out. As a class she will get the students to say what
be represented differently but each card says. This will show the class that each card represents the number
still hold the same value by 465 in 4 different ways and even though they look different they all hold the
finding 4 cards that show the same value.
same number in pairs.
Teacher will repeat this modelled example with a different number. Have zip lock  Packs of number
bags of number cards
Once the whole class activity is complete the teacher will split students in to card collections  A4 paper
pre-organised pairs (diverse ability). In this pair students will be given a zip lock prepared. Also  Glue
bag with a collection of 10 cards in them. In the collection of cards there is a set have a4 paper  Pre organised
of 4 cards that show the same number in the same way as the class discussion. and glue sticks pairs list
For example prepared at the
Card 1 -312 front of the
Card 2 -312 ones classroom.
Card 3 – 31 tens 2 ones
Card 4 – 3 hundreds 2 ten 2 ones
Students must work together in their pair to find the set of 4 cards that match.
As students are working on finding their sets of matching cards the teacher will
walk around the classroom and hand each pair a piece of a4 paper and a glue
stick so once the students have found their set of 4 cards they can glue them on
the a4 sheet of paper.

Synthesising Phase / Conclusion

Students should understand the 5 Once all pairs have finished finding their set of 4 matching cards and have  Each students a4
concept of partitioning numbers glued them on the a4 piece of paper the teacher will instruct students to sit on paper with set of
on a place value chart. They the carpet at the front of the classroom. The teacher will select 2 pairs to stand 4 cards
should also understand that up the front of the classroom and present their findings, explaining the number
numbers can be represented or they found the 4 different representations for.
said differently but still hold the
same value. The teacher will then ask the students questions such as – Why is it important
to know different ways to represent numbers but still know that they hold the
same value? What are we doing when we are partitioning? Was it easy or hard
to find the set of 4 out of the collection cards? Do you think it helps being able
to visually see the numbers?
These questions will indicate to the teacher how many students reached the
learning outcome and how many did not.
Assessment Strategies (link to Learning Outcomes): What’s next? Where to from this lesson?
During this lesson I ensured that the students only moved forward in the lesson Students will continue to practice place value and portioning using 3 digit numbers
once they were showing accuracy and confidence with the part of the lesson they until they gain confidence and accuracy. Teacher will work with any students who
were currently at. For example in activity 1 I made sure I saw that all groups were struggled to meet the learning outcome in this lesson. After this students will be
able to model, write and partition the numbers before moving on to the second part introduced to the same procedures of recording and modelling numbers on a
of the lesson which was whole class activity where the teacher represented different place value chart and partitioning, however using 4 digit numbers as they move
ways that numbers could be represented but hold the same value. This is because forward as this is a requirement that students must reach by the end of year 2.
the students need knowledge and understanding from the first part of the lesson
(activity 1) to be able to grasp the concepts seen in activity 2 and 3.

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