Go Green With PCC Community Education!
Go Green With PCC Community Education!
Go Green With PCC Community Education!
Go Green!
Learn to live more sustainably with dozens of Community Education classes.
Clean and Green Home Care Farm to Fork by Bike
Save money and create a greener home. Learn the nuts and bolts of making Dig into Portland’s famed food and cycle scene with a guided immersion
household products with simple and natural ingredients. Leave class with own experience in urban farming and farmers’ markets. Get dirty at Zenger Farm, bees
Home Starter Kit: recipe book and three green cleaners, including wood polish. and chicks, savor a market lunch, and talk with farmers growing the food we love.
CRN 47452 CRN 47873
Simply Organic Baby Care Get Dirty! Create Your Own Earthen Paints
Ensure an eco-healthful start. Learn the fundamentals of making baby care Create durable, beautiful, inexpensive earthen paints to enhance your home. Earthen
products with natural and organic ingredients. Leave class with your own Starter paints are non-toxic, easy to apply, easy to maintain, and are friendly. This hands-on
Kit, including recipe book and three soothing products including baby wipes. CRN class includes global examples of earthen building methods. CRN 47706
Our “Green” Washington County
Beautifully Natural Body Care Learn more about sustainability and how you and your community can move
Beauty is more than skin deep. Discover the essentials of making body care toward it! Partners for a Sustainable Washington County Community, a coalition
products with natural and organic ingredients. Leave class with your own Starter 11 governments, will host lectures with sustainability experts and PSWCC site
Kit, including recipe book and three pampering products, including body tonic. tours. CRN 47872
CRN 47453
Stormwater Retrofits That Work!
ONLINE CLASS: Global CC1: Safely manage roof runoff with rain gardens and other residential options in
Understanding Global Climate Change Portland. First session covers site assessment, second session covers and
Every day we hear more about the state of our planet. What information is construction, third session is field trip and optional hands-on fun! CRN 47841
accurate and reliable? How will our lives be affected and what can we make a
difference? Log in to learn the latest from world climate change experts. CRN
Water, Water, Water!
Become an expert in rainwater use and collection. Avoid property and
environmental pitfalls by learning correct methods for rain barrels/cisterns,
CEU 913 Solar Thermal and swales, composting toilets, grey water, ecoroofs, greenstreets soil and
Electric Systems Installer Series 2.40 Cr. landscaping. CRN 45215
Learn system sizing, orientation, configuration, load analysis, installation and Wind Energy: This Class Will Blow You Away!
service from basics to the completed project. Tour existing systems, work on real Explore wind energy possibilities for residential applications! Dan Jaynes, wind
projects, build solar collectors. This series is approved for 24 hours by the State energy expert, offers this unique intro into the world of turbine and procurement,
Renewable Energy Apprenticeship Committee. See the Continuing Education permits, installation, interconnection and cost benefit analysis. CRN 47871
section of Work and Life Balance for more information. CRN 45306
CEU 937Y Sustainability Training Living Large with Less! Series
for Real Estate Professionals 1.4 Cr. Experts in green building, architecture, and interior design will inspire you to live
Gain knowledge and skills to communicate with clients about the value and large, yet sustainably, using less space, less money, and fewer resources.
benefits of a new or remodeled green home. Identify green home features and Living Large with Less! Series
building products, get an overview of certification programs and tour green Register for this class to enroll in the series at a discounted. CRN 47459
homes! CRN 48214
Net Zero Within Reach
Build a Wood Fired Oven Create a home that produces as much energy as it consumes a year! Discover
Embrace our instinctive connection with earth, fire and food. Builder/Baker, strategies for achieving highly efficient homes, learn about powering using renewable
Bernhard Masterson, helps you build a beautiful, simple earthen oven exceptional energy, and identify incentives and tax credits to fund your dream. CRN 47462
quality at fraction of the cost. For supplies: joshua@livingwallspdx.com. CRN
47720 Creating a Not So Big® Inspired Home
Learn how to achieve beauty, efficiency, and resource and energy conservation in
Discover the Magic of Earthen Floors a small space. Define creative design techniques to create the maximum amount
Earthen floors are beautiful, non-toxic, durable, and can be installed almost of value in the minimum amount of space when remodeling or building a new
anywhere. Homeowner or contractor? This course teaches you how to get home. CRN 47465
started. For supplies: joshua@livingwallspdx.com. CRN 47721
The REX project: Reuse Everything Experiment
Earthen Plasters HGTV Designer Shannon Quimby built the nation’s first house without a
Bored with painted sheetrock? Want to put natural texture into your walls? dumpster. Tour her biggest reuse project of her career, access design resources,
Earthen plaster is interesting, natural and soothing. You’ll love the look and the and learn how to save thousands by reusing and recycling construction materials.
warm feel of plaster on your walls. It’s way more fun than painting! CRN 47712 CRN 47466
Please visit us online or look in PCC Communities for more info on these
and hundreds of other Fall 2010 term classes.
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recycled paper
Registration Form for Non-credit
and CEU classes (please use black ink)
Phone: 503-977-8888 Fax: 503-977-4988 Mail: Portland Community College, P.O. Box 19210 Portland, OR 97280-0210
E-Mail Address:
PCC is committed to affirmative action goals and would appreciate your response to the following:
Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic/Latino? Yes No
Select one or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself:
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander White
Citizen Type: U.S. Citizen Resident Alien/Refugee/Immigrant Other, Enter Visa Type
Are you a veteran of the US military? Yes No
Part B: Course Requests for Fax or Mail Registration (Also complete Part A, above).
5-Digit CRN Course Title