Chapter-1 1.1 Finite Element Analysis: Discretisation, and The Assembly of Elements Is Called A Mesh

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Finite element analysis is a method of solving, usually approximately, certain problems in

engineering and science. It is used mainly for problems for which no exact solution,
expressible in some mathematical form, is available. As such, it is a numerical rather than an
analytical method. Methods of this type are needed because analytical methods cannot cope
with the real, complicated problems that are met with in engineering. For example,
engineering strength of materials or the mathematical theory of elasticity can be used to
calculate analytically the stresses and strains in a bent beam, but neither will be very
successful in finding out what is happening in part of a car suspension system during
cornering. One of the first applications of FEA was, indeed, to find the stresses and strains in
engineering components under load. FEA, when applied to any realistic model of an
engineering component, requires an enormous amount of computation and the development of
the method has depended on the availability of suitable digital computers for it to run on. The
method is now applied to problems involving a wide range of phenomena, including
vibrations, heat conduction, fluid mechanics and electrostatics, and a wide range of material
properties, such as linear-elastic (Hookean) behavior and behavior involving deviation from
Hooke's law (for example, plasticity or rubber-elasticity).

FEA is essentially a piece-wise process. It can be applied to one-dimensional problems,

but more usually there is an area or volume within which the solution is required. This is split
up into a number of smaller areas or volumes, which are called finite elements. Figure 1.1
shows a two-dimensional model of a spanner that has been so divided: the process is called
discretisation, and the assembly of elements is called a mesh.
Figure 1.1 Spanner divided into a number of finite elements.

Elements can be of various shapes (as shown in Figure 1.2), in two dimensions,
quadrilateral or triangular, and in three-dimensions, brick-shaped (hexahedral), wedge-shaped
(pentahedral) or tetrahedral. This is, of course, not an exhaustive list.

Figure 1.2 various finite elements commonly available.

To linear elastic analysis for the moment, then the quantity, that is, as a rule, first found
in the analysis is the displacement at series of points called nodes. The nodes are at the corners
of the elements and, depending on the element type, possibly at the midsides of the elements
or even within the element. Nodes on the boundaries of adjacent elements must belong to the
elements that meet there: examples of permitted and forbidden meshes are shown in Figure
1.3(A) and Figure 1.3(B) respectively. The analysis calculates the displacement at the nodes
for the particular loading applied to the FE model.

Figure 1.3 Examples of permitted and forbidden FE meshes

The displacement of each point within an element is fixed by the values of the
displacements of the nodes of the element, that is, it is a function of the nodal displacements.
In this way, the problem of finding the displacement of every point within the body is replaced
by the problem of finding the displacements of a finite number of points, namely, the nodes.
The displacement of each point is then defined in terms of the displacements of the nodes of
the element to which the point belongs. If we are considering a two dimensional model, then
the displacement of each node consists of two components, one parallel to a reference x axis
and a second parallel to the y axis: these are called degrees of freedom.

Pre-processing is concerned with the creation of the model and the definition of the
way in which it is to be loaded. The pre-processor includes a graphics package that enables the
user to build up the model of the component to be analyzed and to display the model on the
computer screen. The successfulness of the entire analysis is largely determined at this stage
by the skill of the user in determining what simplifications (if any) are to be introduced into
the model as compared with the `real thing' and by the choice of the mesh and type of element
to be used. Appropriate mechanical or physical properties must be allocated to the material of
which the model is made and loads and possibly any restriction to the movement of certain
nodes (restraints) must be applied.
The analysis part of the FE package takes in the input file carries out certain checks on
the information contained therein and then, if there are no errors in the input file, the analysis
is carried out and output files are produced. These contain an enormous amount of information
if the analysis is at all complex. These files can be examined and the relevant information
extracted but, as a rule, there is so much information that it needs to be presented to the user in
a more intelligible and user-friendly manner. This is the job of the post-processor. The pre and
post-processor are essentially the same software package.
The post-processor takes in the information from the output files and can present it to
the user in a range of different graphical and tabular forms. For example, depending on the
facilities available, colour may be used to indicate the value of some component of stress on
the surface of the component, or contour lines of equal stress may be drawn as in Figure 1.4,
or similar forms of display may be produced on sections through the model.

Figure 1.4 Output from post-processor, contours of stress values.


This chapter reviews non-linear structural problems by looking at the manifestation

and physical sources of non-linear behavior.
We begin by introducing response as a pictorial characterization of non-linearity of a
structural system. Response is a graphical representation of the key concept of equilibrium
path. This concept permeates the entire course because of both its intrinsic physical value and
the fact that incremental solution methods are based on it.
Finally, non-linearities are classified according to their source in the mathematical
model of continuum mechanics and correlated with the physical system.
Equilibrium Path and Response Diagrams
The concept of equilibrium path plays a central role in explaining the mysteries of non-
linear structural analysis. This concept lends itself to graphical representation in the form of
response diagrams. The most widely used form of these pictures is the load-deflection
response diagram. Through this representation many key concepts can be illustrated and
interpreted in physical, mathematical or computational terms.
Load-deflection response
The gross or overall static behavior of many structures can be characterized by a load-
deflection or force-displacement response. The response is usually drawn in two dimensions
as an x-y plot illustrated in Figure 1.5(a). In this figure a “representative” force quantity is
plotted against a “representative” displacement quantity. If the response plot is non-linear, the
structure behavior is non-linear.

Figure 1.5 Response diagrams

A continuous curve shown in a load-deflection diagram is called a path. Typically the path
is smooth (that is, it has a continuous tangent) except at exceptional points discussed later.
This property can be briefly stated as: paths are piecewise smooth.
Each point in the path represents a possible configuration or state of the structure. If the
path represents configurations in static equilibrium it is called an equilibrium path. Each point
in an equilibrium path is called an equilibrium point. An equilibrium point is the graphical
representation of an equilibrium state or equilibrium configuration. See Figure 1.5(a).
The origin of the response diagram (zero loads, zero deflection) is called the reference state
because it is the configuration from which loads and deflections are measured. It should be
noted, however, that the reference state may be chosen rather arbitrarily by appropriately
adjusting the load and/or deflection axes.
For problems involving perfect structures the reference state is unstressed and undeformed,
and is also an equilibrium state. This means that an equilibrium path passes through the
reference state, as in Figure 1.5(a).
The path that crosses the reference state is called the fundamental equilibrium path, or
fundamental path for short. (Many authors also call this a primary path.) The fundamental path
extends from the reference state up to special states called critical points.
Any path that is not a fundamental path but connects with it at a critical point is called a
secondary equilibrium path or secondary path for short. See Figure 1.5(b).Qualifiers
“fundamental” and “secondary” are linked with the relative importance of these equilibrium
paths in design. Most structures are designed to operate in the fundamental path when in
service, with some sort of safety factor against reaching a critical point. But knowledge of
secondary paths may be important in some aspects of the design process, for example in the
assessment of structural behavior under emergency scenarios (e.g., a vehicle crash or a
building hit by an earthquake), which may directly or indirectly affect safety.
Special Equilibrium Points
Certain points of an equilibrium path have special significance in the applications and thus
receive special names. Of particular interest to our subject are critical, turning and failure
Critical points
Critical points are sufficient to mention here that there are two types:
Limit points, at which the tangent to the equilibrium path is horizontal, i.e. parallel to the
deflection axis, and
Bifurcation points, at which two or more equilibrium paths cross.
Turning points
Points, at which the tangent to the equilibrium path is vertical, i.e. parallel to the load axis,
are called turning points. These are not critical points and have less physical significance.
Turning points may have computational significance, however, because they can affect the
performance of certain “path following” solution methods.
Failure points
Points at which a path suddenly stops or “breaks” because of physical failure are called
failure points. The phenomenon of failure may be local or global in nature. In the first case
(e.g., failure of a noncritical structure component) the structure may regain functional
equilibrium after dynamically “jumping” to another equilibrium path. In the latter case the
failure is catastrophic or destructive and the structure does not regain functional equilibrium.
In the present exposition, bifurcation, limit, turning and failure points are often identified
by the letters B, L, T and F, respectively.
Equilibrium points that are not critical are called regular.
Engineering Applications
Non-linear Structural Analysis is the prediction of the response of non-linear structures by
model based simulation. Simulation involves a combination of mathematical modeling,
discretization methods and numerical techniques.
1.2.1 Geometric Non-linearity
Physical source Change in geometry as the structure deforms is taken into account in
setting up the strain-displacement and equilibrium equations.
Applications Slender structures in aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering
applications. Tensile structures such as cables and inflatable membranes. Metal and plastic
forming. Stability analysis of all types.
1.2.2 Material Non-linearity
Physical source Material behavior depends on current deformation state and possibly past
history of the deformation. Other constitutive variables (pre-stress, temperature, time,
moisture, electromagnetic fields, etc.) may be involved.
Applications Structures undergoing nonlinear elasticity, plasticity, creep.
1.2.3 Force BC Non-linearity
Physical Source Applied forces depend on deformation.
Applications The most important engineering application concerns pressure loads of fluids.
These include hydrostatic loads on submerged or container structures; aerodynamic and
hydrodynamic loads caused by the motion of aeriform and hydroform fluids (wind loads, wave
loads, and drag forces).Of more mathematical interest are gyroscopic and non-conservative
follower forces, but these are of interest only in a limited class of problems, particularly in
aerospace engineering.
1.2.4 Displacement BC Non-linearity
Physical source Displacement boundary conditions depend on the deformation of the
Applications The most important application is the contact problem, in which no-
interpenetration conditions are enforced on flexible bodies while the extent of the contact area
is unknown. Nonstructural applications of this problem pertain to the more general class of
free boundary problems, for example: ice melting, phase changes, flow in porous media. The
determination of the essential boundary conditions is a key part of the solution process.


Hooke’s law for linear elastic materials

Fundamental equation is

σ = Eε
In this equation, the proportionality constant E between strain and stress is the “Modulus
of Elasticity” of the material.
In order to cover three-dimensional stress and strain states, in a first step we solve this
equation for ε and just look for the first principal strain
ε1 = .σ 1

Now, we add on the right side of this equation the missing terms from the two lateral
principal stresses σ 2 and σ 3 . Compared to σ 1 , these lateral stresses influence the first principal

strain ε1 much less: So, they are multiplied with “proportionality constant”, known as the

Poisson’s ratioν :
ε1 = {σ 1 −ν (σ 2 + σ 3 )}

Hyperelastic and linear elastic material:

A hyperelastic material is still an elastic material, which means it returns to its original
shape after the forces have been removed. Hyperelastic material also is Cauchy-elastic, which
means that the stress is determined by the current state of deformation, and not the path or
history of deformation.
The difference to linear elastic Material is that in hyperelastic material the stress-strain
relationship derives from a strain energy density function, and not a constant factor. This
definition says nothing about the Poisson's ratio or the amount of deformation that a material
will undergo under loading. However, often elastomers are modeled as hyperelastic.
Hyperelasticity may also be used to describe biological materials, like tissue
Elastomers are often modeled as hyperelastic
Elastomers (like rubber) typically have large strains (often some 100 %) at small loads
(means a very low modulus of elasticity, for example just 10MPa). The material is nearly
incompressible, so the Poisson’s ratio is very close to 0.5
Their loading and unloading stress-strain curve is not the same, depending on different
influence factors (time, static or dynamic loading, frequency, etc.). This viscous behavior is
ignored if the hyperelastic material model is used for description.
Elastomer material in comparison with metals and plastics
Energy-elasticity: Loading changes the distance of the atoms within the lattice of the metal
and so increases the internal energy. When unloading it, this energy is immediately set free,
the initial shape appears again.
Entropy-elasticity: Within an elastomer, its macromolecules are balled if unloaded. During
loading, a stretching and unballing appears. After unloading, more or less the unordered state
appears again. Viscous behavior: every loading leads to an even small remaining deformation
(creeping, relaxation).


The Mooney-Rivlin model applies to current-technology shell, beam, solid, and plane

The HYPER, MOONEY option allows you to define 2, 3, 5, or 9 parameter Mooney-Rivlin

models using NPTS = 2, 3, 5, or 9, respectively.

For NPTS = 2 (2 parameter Mooney-Rivlin option, which is also the default), the form of
the strain energy potential is:

= C10 ( I1 − 3) + C01 ( I 2 − 3) +
d ( I − 1) 2


W = strain energy potential

I1 =first deviatoric strain invariant

I 2 =second deviatoric strain invariant

C10 , C01 = material constants characterizing the deviatoric deformation of the material

d = material incompressibility parameter



Sani. M.S.M & Ouyang. H, Non-linear structural identification is essential in engineering. As

new materials are being used and structures become slender and lighter, non-linear behavior of
structures becomes more important. There have been many studies into the development and
application of system identification methods for structural nonlinearity based on changes in
natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. A great challenge is to identify non-
linearity in large structural systems. Much work has been undertaken in the development of
non-linear system identification methods (e.g. Hilbert Transform, NARMAX, and Proper
Orthogonal Decomposition), however, it is arguable that most of these methods are
cumbersome when applied to realistic large structures that contain mostly linear modes with
some local nonlinearity (e.g. aircraft engine pylon attachment to a wing). In this paper, a
multi-shaker force appropriation method is developed to determine the underlying linear and
non-linear structural properties through the use of the measurement and generation of restoring
force surfaces. One undamped mode is excited in each multi-shaker test. Essentially, this
technique is a derivative of the restoring surface method and involves a non-linear curve
fitting performed in modal space. A derivative of the restoring surface method and involves a
non-linear curve fitting performed in modal space. A reduced finite element model is
established and its effectiveness in revealing the non-linear characteristics of the system is
discussed. The method is demonstrated through both numerical simulations and experiments
on a simple jointed laboratory structure with seeded faults, which represents an engine pylon
structure that consists of a rectangular wing with two stores suspended underneath.

Sedat Suslera & Halit Turkmen. S, In this study, the geometrically non-linear dynamic
behavior of simply supported tapered laminated composite plates subjected to the air blast
loading is investigated numerically. In-plane stiffness, inertia and the geometric non-linearity
effects are considered in the formulation of the problem. The equations of motion for the
tapered laminated plate are derived by the use of the virtual work principle. Approximate
solution functions are assumed for the space domain and substituted into the equations of
motion. Then, the Galerkin method is used to obtain the non-linear algebraic differential
equations in the time domain. The resulting equations are solved by using the finite difference
approximation over the time. The effects of the taper ratio, the stacking sequence and the fiber
orientation angle on the dynamic response are investigated. The displacement-time and strain-
time histories are obtained on certain points in the tapered direction. The results obtained by
using the present method are compared with the ones obtained by using a commercial finite
element software ANSYS. The results are found to be in an agreement. The method presented
here is able to determine the non-linear dynamic response of simply supported tapered
laminated plates to the air blast loading accurately.

Chang Chuan Xie & Jia Zhen Leng, A composite high-aspect-ratio wing of a high-altitude
long-endurance (HALE) aircraft was modeled with FEM by MSC/NASTRAN, and the non-
linear static equilibrium state is calculated under design load with follower force effect, but
without load redistribution. Assuming the little vibration amplitude of the wing around the
static equilibrium state, the system is linearized and the natural frequencies and mode shapes
of the deformed structure are obtained. Planar doublet lattice method is used to calculate
unsteady aerodynamics in frequency domain ignoring the bending effect of the deflected wing.
And then, the aeroelastic stability analysis of the system under a given load condition is
successively carried out. Comparing with the linear results, the non-linear displacement of the
wing tip is higher. The results indicate that the critical non-linear flutter is of the
flap/chordwise bending type because of the chord wise bending having quite a large torsion
component, with low critical speed and slowly growing damping, which does not appear in the
linear analysis. Furthermore, it is shown that the variation of the non-linear flutter speed
depends on the scale of the load and on the chord wise bending frequency. The research work
indicates that, for the very flexible HALE aircraft, the non-linear aeroelastic stability is very
important, and should be considered in the design progress. Using present FEM software as
the structure solver (e.g. MSC/NASTRAN), and the unsteady aerodynamic code, the non-
linear aeroelastic stability margin of a complex system other than a simple beam model can be
Majid Shahzad & Ali Kamran, The aim of research work is to characterize hyperelastic
material and to determine a suitable strain energy function (SEF) for an indigenously
developed rubber to be used in flexible joint use for thrust vectoring of solid rocket motor. In
order to evaluate appropriate SEF uniaxial and volumetric tests along with equi-biaxial and
planar shear tests were conducted. Digital image correlation (DIC) technique was utilized to
have strain measurements for biaxial and planar specimens to input stress-strain data in
Abaqus. Yeoh model seems to be right choice, among the available material models, because
of its ability to match experimental stress-strain data at small and large strain values. Quad lap
specimen test was performed to validate material model fitted from test data. FE simulations
were carried out to verify the behavior as predicted by Yeoh model and results are found to be
in good agreement with the experimental data.

Jadhav. A.N & Dr. S.R. Bahulikar, A Hyperelastic material is type of the ideally elastic
material for which elasticity shows non-linear behavior, because of that the stress strain
relationship for them expressed in terms of strain energy density. Hyperelastic models are used
to model the mechanical behavior of rubber-like materials ranging from elastomers, such as
natural rubber and silicon, to biologic materials, such as muscles and skin tissue. The
presented work is carried out to study the effect of the different Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic
models used in commercial finite element software. All the models studied have under gone
same loading and boundary conditions and finally compared with testing. The final conclusion
based on their capturing hyper elasticity of material is stated

Nor Fazli Adull Manan & Siti Noor Azizzati Mohd Noor, Soft tissues, skin and rubber-like
material research has gained considerable attention over the last few years. Most related
research has adopted hyperelastic material models namely Mooney-Rivlin, Neo-Hookean and
Ogden models. The complex behavior (highly non-linear) makes it challenging to be analyzed.
Nevertheless, the fundamental understanding of a particular hyperelastic model could assist
researchers to have a better judgement on their findings. Therefore, performing a parametric
study is vital especially at the beginning of such numerical analysis. This study aims to
investigate numerically, the contribution of material parameters of two hyperelastic
constitutive models viz. Ogden and Mooney-Rivlin. This study is divided into three stages, i.e.
the derivation and simplification of the hyperelastic equations, the parametric analysis of the
hyperelastic models and the demonstration of the hyperelastic material parameters with
respect to stress and stretch. The second stage consists of the following investigations (1. The
influence of the first material parameter Constant 1, C1 and Ogden Exponent, α for Mooney-
Rivlin and Ogden Model respectively; 2. The influence of the second material parameter
Constant 2, C2 and Ogden Coefficient, µ for Mooney-Rivlin and Ogden Model
correspondingly and 3. The influence and sensitivity of the stress levels with different stretch,
on the three-dimensional stress-stretch curve). From this parametric study, the Mooney-Rivlin
Model indicates that an incompressible, isotropic Mooney-Rivlin Model is more sensitive to
C1 variations as compared to C2 variations. Nevertheless, the Ogden model shows results that
the higher Ogden exponent influence the stress level as well as the stress-stretch curve with an
accelerated stress increment at the beginning of deformation. It is also evident from the stress-
stretch curves illustrated in each investigation; the hyperelastic models are sensitive towards
different material coefficients.

Yihong Hong & Wenjuan Yao, Al-polymer laminated membranes are widely used in large
aerospace structures. When the laminated membranes are pressurized, wrinkles emerge, which
have an important effect on the performance of the structures during operation. This paper
describes the numerical simulation and experimental investigation of wrinkles in laminated
membranes. The non-linear post buckling analysis method, based on laminated thin-shell
elements, was used to simulate the onset, growth, and final configuration of wrinkles when
laminated membranes are subjected to external loads. The simulations are conducted with the
ANSYS finite element package. Changing regularities of number, wave length, and range for
the wrinkles during the onset and growth processes are investigated. The wrinkles of
laminated membranes with different design parameters such as material selection, ply number,
ply angle, and ply mode are predicted. Devices that can be used to clamp and load laminated
membranes in several load cases were designed and developed. A 3D photogrammetric system
was constructed to characterize wrinkling patterns of laminated membranes subjected to shear
displacement loads. By comparing the results of numerical analysis and experimental results,
the accuracy of the numerical analysis method was verified. This study work is expected to
inform wrinkling simulation and shape control of aerospace laminated membrane structures.

Marcel STERE & Daniela BARAN, The state – of - the art of aeronautical structures show
that parts are manufactured and subsequently assembled with the use of fasteners and/ or
bonding. Adhesive bonding is a key technology to low weight, high fatigue resistance,
robustness and an attractive design for cost structures. The paper results resolve significant
problems for two groups of end-users: 1) for the aerospace design office: a robust procedure
for the design of the hybrid joint structural components; 2) for the aeronautical repair centers:
a useful procedure for structural design and analysis with significant cost savings.

Houshyar. S & Shanks. R.A, Polypropylene (PP) fiber-matrix composites previously

prepared and studied experimentally were modeled using finite element analysis (FEA) in this
work. FEA confirmed that fiber content and composition controlled stress distribution in all-
PP composites. The stress concentration at the fiber-matrix interface became greater with less
fiber content. Variations in fiber composition were more significant in higher stress regions of
the composites. When fiber modulus increased, the stress concentration at the fibers decreased
and the shear stress at the fiber-matrix interface became more intense. The ratio between
matrix modulus and fiber modulus was important, as was the interfacial stress in reducing
premature interfacial failure and increasing mechanical properties. The model demonstrated
that with low fiber concentration, there were insufficient fibers to distribute the applied stress.
Under these conditions the matrix yielded when the applied stress reached the matrix yield
stress, resulting in increased fiber axial stress. When the fiber content was high, there was
matrix depletion and stress transfer was inefficient. The predictions of the FEA model were
consistent with experimental and published data.

Sani. M.S.M & Abdullah. N.A.Z, Model updating is a process of making adjustment of
certain parameters of finite element model in order to reduce discrepancy between analytical
predictions of finite element (FE) and experimental results. Finite element model updating is
considered as an important field of study as practical application of finite element method
often shows discrepancy to the test result. The aim of this research is to perform model
updating procedure on a composite structure as well as trying improving the presumed
geometrical and material properties of tested composite structure in finite element prediction.
The composite structure concerned in this study is a plate of reinforced kenaf fiber with epoxy.
Modal properties (natural frequency, mode shapes, and damping ratio) of the kenaf fiber
structure will be determined using both experimental modal analysis (EMA) and finite element
analysis (FEA). In EMA, modal testing will be carried out using impact hammer test while
normal mode analysis using FEA will be carried out using MSC. Nastran/Patran software.
Correlation of the data will be carried out before optimizing the data from FEA. Several
parameters will be considered and selected for the model updating procedure.



The problems which have been selected for the analysis is been from ANSYS tutorial
problems. The ANSYS problem is chosen from Non-linear Hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin. The
target material is made of polyethylene and the hyperelastic material (contact body) is made
up of Mooney-Rivlin.

Mooney-Rivlin materials are classified into three parameters.

1. Mooney-Rivlin 3 parameters

2. Mooney-Rivlin 5 parameters

3. Mooney-Rivlin 9 parameters

These are the three types of Mooney-Rivlin parameters.

From this we have chosen Mooney-Rivlin 5 parameters for the analysis. The constant 5
parameters are solved from curve fitting. These all analysis data’s are selected from the
engineering data sources. This analysis is done by two-dimensional analysis.


The polyethylene edges are selected as target bodies and Elastomer material (Mooney-
Rivlin) are selected as contact body. These two bodies (contact and target) are initiated with
frictional contact. The constant frictional co-efficient is 0.14. The normal stiffness factor is
converted into manual. The normal stiffness factor in this analysis is 0.1. The stiffness factor
should be updated in each and every iteration to improve the accuracy of analysis. The mesh is
done by Refinement meshing for the increased mesh at the contact point. Due to the solution
steps will be highly increased. Now the Boundary conditions is been allotted. Polyethylene
material is been given fixed support and Elastomer material is been given displacement.

In this analysis total deformation, maximum principal stress and von misses strain are been
analyzed and the behavior of the Hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin material is been identified. This
model is been used in the fishing rod and reels.

3.3 Methodology project




3.1 The following figure describes the methodology of this project.



Nodes: 2935
Elements: 904




Figure 4.1 ANSYS Mesh diagrams and Boundary conditions

Steps: 52 steps


Contact body

Hyperelastic Target body


Figure 4.2 ANSYS Contact and Target surfaces

Part body 1

Part body 2

Part body 3

Figure 4.2 ANSYS Part bodies of the material structures




 Analysis→ Static structural→ Right click→ Change the title

 Engineering data →Edit→ Remove structural steel from the material

 Engineering data source→ Hyperelastic material→ Add Elastomer Mooney-Rivlin

 Tool box→ Hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin 5 parameters→ Drag to uniaxial test

 Curve fitting→ Solve curve fitting →Copy calculated values to property

 Engineering data sources→ General Material→ Add polyethylene→ Return to

 Geometry→ Property→ Analysis type→ Change 3D to 2D→ Import geometry→
Browse import CATIA model


Table 4.1 Material properties from engineering data sources


-3196.4 Pa
constant C10
4242.3 Pa
constant C01
1 ELASTOMER Material
constant C20
RIVLIN) Material
-2632.5 Pa
constant C11
4367.8 Pa
constant C02
0 Pa
Parameter D1
Density 950 Kg/m3
Tensile Yield
Strength 2.5 ×107 Pa
2 Polyethylene Compressive
0 Pa
Yield Strength
Tensile Ultimate
Strength 3.3 ×107 Pa


 Open geometry→ Change units m to mm

 Surface body→ Change yes to no

 2D Behavior→ Change plane stress to Plane strain→ Generate

 Tools→ Mid surface→ Click both surface of the material one by one →Generate the

selected bodies→ Return to project


Table 4.2 Model design data

Solid bodies YES

Surface bodies NO
Line bodies NO


 Right click→ Edit model geometry →Click body 1&3→Materials assignment→

Click polyethylene
 Geometry→ Click body 2→Materials assignment →Click Elastomer material
 Connections→ Insert→ Manual contact region

 Click manual contact region→ Click edge (ctrl+E) contact→ Select the contact edges
 Click target→ Select edge→ Above the Mooney-Rivlin material→ Apply
 Connections→ Contacts→ Right click→ Select duplicate→ Click target→ Select
the polyethylene material edges
 Select→ Both Bonded part body to part body type→ Change bonded to frictional

 Frictional co-efficient→ 0.14

 Behavior→ Change symmetric

 Advanced→ Formulation→ Change pure bending

 Advanced→ Deflection method→ Nodal-Normal to Target

 Normal stiffness→ Manual

 Normal stiffness factor→ 0.1

 Update stiffness→ Each iteration

 Pinball region→ Click Radius

 Pinball radius→ 2mm


Table 4.3 Geometry behavior

2D Behavior Plane strain


Table 4.4 Nodes and element of the geometry

Bodies 3
Active bodies 3
Nodes 2935
Elements 904

 Insert→ Refinement→ Geometry click all three surfaces apply

 Select part body 1→ right click→ generate mesh on selected body

 Select part body 2→ right click→ generate mesh on selected body

 Select part body 3→ right click→ generate mesh on selected body

 Click→ Mesh preview


Table 4.5 Target and contact edges
Contact 5 Edges
Target 6 Edges

Table 4.6 Conditions for Bonded surfaces

Type Frictional
Frictional coefficient 0.14
Behavior Symmetric


 Static structural→ insert→ displacement→ Back edge of the Elastomer material

 X-Component →50mm, Y-component→ Constant(0)

 Static structural→ insert→ Fixed support→ Top and Bottom edge of the polyethylene
material →Apply
Table 4.7 (A) & (B) Conditions for Analysis
Formulation Pure penalty
Detection method Nodal-Normal to Target
Normal stiffness Manual
Normal stiffness factor 0.1
Update stiffness Each iteration
Pinball region Radius
Pinball radius 2mm

Interface Treatment Add Offset, No Ramping


 Analysis setting→ Auto time setting→ ON

 Initial sub steps→ 100

 Minimum sub steps→ 50

 Maximum sub steps→ 1000

 Solver type→ Direct

 Weak springs →OFF

 Large deflection →ON

 Output controls→ Nodal force→ YES

 Solution information→ Right click→ Insert→ Total deformation

 Solution information→ Right click→ Insert→ Maximum principal stress

 Solution information→ Right click →Insert→ Von misses strain

 Solution information→ Right click →Solve


Table 4.8 (A), (B) & (C) Output solution conditions

Auto time stepping ON
Initial sub steps 100
Minimum sub steps 50
Maximum sub steps 1000

Solver type Direct
Weak springs OFF
Large deflection ON
Inertial relief OFF

Stress YES
Strain YES
Nodal force YES


 Solution information→ Solution output→ Click Force convergence

 Click →Preview Animation


Table 5.1 is showing the work-plan of this project.

Table 5.1 work-plan table


Work 1-31 1-30 1-31 1-30


The literature survey has been carried out from the various Finite Element Analysis of
Non- linearity and Hyperelastic of structures. The non-linear analysis structure is designed
using CATIA. This CATIA designed structure is been imported into ANSYS. The structure
which is imported in ANSYS is been analyzed and interpenetration is been taken place. This
problem identifies the Interpenetration of targets and contact surfaces.

The problem is been solved at the present mesh but the result analysis is not accurate
due to the interpenetration at contact region. Generally interpenetration should be not taken
place because it is not physically possible. The interpenetration is occurred due to the pin ball
parameter and element mesh. In next simulation the meshing count will be increased and
interpenetration will be prevented.

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