OV-10 Bronco Cylinder Flap

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The document discusses flight tests of a Rockwell YOV-10 aircraft modified with rotating cylinder flaps and interconnected propellers to evaluate its short takeoff and landing capabilities.

The document is about flight tests conducted on a Rockwell YOV-10 aircraft that was modified with rotating cylinder flaps and interconnected propellers to evaluate its performance for short takeoff and landing (STOL).

The YOV-10 aircraft was modified with a rotating cylinder flap configuration and had its two propellers powered by two Lycoming T-53 engines cross-shafted together.


R=19730004293 2017-11-09T13:25:25+00:00Z

November 19'12
Rockwell YOV-10 Aircraft"

7. Authorts) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

10. Work Unit No.

9. Performing Organization Name and Address
North American Rockwell Corporation 11. Contract or Grant No.
Aircraft Research and Engineering
Columbus Aircraft Division NAS 2-5326
13. Type of Report and Period Covered
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Contractor Report
National Aeronautics & Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Washington, D.C.

15. Supplementary Notes

16. Abstract

Flight tests were conducted of a twin engine airplane modified to a STOL configuration with
i-otatingcyl ler flaps and interconnected propellers. The flight tests included verification
of the functional operation of the rotating cylinder flap system and the determination of the
loxi speed flying qualities and performance characteristics with emphasis on approach and

17. Key Words (Suggested by Authorls)) 18. Distribution Statement

Rotating Cylinder Flaps

Deflected Slips'c~,eam
Interconnected Propellers

For sale by the National T e c h n ~ c a llnforniat~onS e r v ~ c e S p r ~ n g f i e l d .Vlrgliiia 22151


The initial flight testing of an YOV-10 airplane modified

to a rotating cylinder flap configuration with two cross-shafted
propellers powered by two Lycoming T-53 engines was carried out
by the contractor for NASA Ames, Moffett Field, California, under
contract NAS2-5326. The flight program was continued with further
flight testing carried out by NASA in conjunction with the con-
tractor. The flight tests included verification of the functional
operation of the rotating cylinder system and the determination
of low speed flying qualities and performance characteristics
with the emphasis upon approach and landing. The flight char-
acteristics are described based upon recorded data and pilot

The initial flight testing of an YOV-10 airplane modified to a

rotating cylinder flap configuration with two cross-shafted propellers
powered by Lycoming T-53-L-11 engines was performed to demonstrate the
rotating cylinder flap concept proposed by Dr. Alvarez-Calderon. The
low speed flying qualities and performance characteristics were evaluated
with emphasis upon approach and landing flight phases.

A landing approach was made at 54.5 knots on a 6.3' glide path.

Some approaches were made utilizing an 8' glide slope relative to the
ground using a Bell radar system. The approach angles deduced from
altitude and computed airspeed time histories indicated values of 6.5'
to 7 ' . The difference can be attributed to light headwinds during the
landing tests.

The airplane lift coefficients obtained in flight generally exceeded

the initial estimates and values obtained in full scale tunnel tests.
An unexpected shift in pitching moment characteristics, which required
full nose-down control at low speeds, was not predicted from full scale
wind tunnel testing. Downwash characteristics at the mid-span location
of the horizontal tail were obtained in flight and compared to full
scale wind tunnel test results and estimates. In general, the flight
test downwash values showed fair agreement with estimates and were con-
sistent with the lift results. The full scale wind tunnel test downwash
values are lower than either the flight data or estimates.

Lateral-directional dynamic stability was dominated by an unstable

spiral mode which was apparent in the low values of dihedral effect from
the wind tunnel data. Dutch roll frequencies and damping were lower than
estimated. Lateral control power available from ailerons and spoilers
was satisfactory. A differential propeller blade angle system was flight
tested also, and no significant roll response difference is indicated.
However, adverse yaw reduction is apparent in the limited data available.

Climb performance was satisfactory and showed reasonable agreement

with estimates.

The rotating cylinder and propeller cross-shafting operation were

satisfactory. The failure of a cylinder drive system was simulated with-
out any problem due to the long run-down time of the cylinders. An
engine failure was also simulated satisfactorily.











Longitudinal Characteristics
Lateral Characteristics
Climb Performance
Simulated Failure Conditions
Engine Characteristics






YOV- 10 Airplane
Three-View OV-10 STOL Vehicle
Airspeed Calibration
Pitch Angle Instrumentation Error
Angle of Attack Comparison
Horizontal Tail Local Angle Measurement
Two-Dimensional Pressure Distribution for an 11
Percent Thick Airfoil
Horizontal Tail Local Angle Correction
Thrust Coefficient Conversion Graph
Static Longitudinal Stability
Effect of Flap Deflection on Longitudinal Control
Effect of Cylinder Operation on Longitudinal Control
Effect of Power on Longitudinal Control
Downwash Angle at the Horizontal Tail
Dynamic Pressure Ratio at the Horizontal Tail
Correlation of Wind Tunnel to Flight Elevator to Trim
Wind Up Turn
Longitudinal Control for Takeoff
Pitch Rate Response to a Step Elevator Input
Pitch Angle Response to a Step Elevator Input
Elevator Step Time History
Trim Change Due to Power
Minimum Speed Investigation
Lift Coefficient Versus Angle of Attack
Maximum Lift Versus Thrust Coefficient
Stall Speeds
Approach Speed and Thrust Comparison
Approach Speed Margin
Landings: Flight Path Angles
Descent Angle Comparison
Comparison of Thrust Required for Various Approach
Summary: Static Lateral Directional Stability
Summary: Roll Response
Sideslip During Roll Maneuvers
Turns - Rudder Fixed
LIST OF FIGURES (concluded)

Figure Page

40 Coordinated Turns
41 Dynamic Lateral-Directional Stability
42 Rudder Reversal Time History
43 Climb Performance
44 Simulated Engine Failure
45 Power Lever Steps

As part of NASA Ames Research Center's STOL research vehicle program,

North American Rockwell Corporation, Columbus Aircraft Division (NR-C),
was contracted to design and implement a modification to a YOV-10 twin
engine airplane (Figure 1) and perform initial flight tests. The modifi-
cation consists of incorporation of the Alvarez-Calderon rotating cylinder
flap system, installation of Lycoming T-53-L-11 engines and propeller
cross-shafting for single engine safety, incorporation of a differential
propeller blade angle system for lateral control power augmentation and
an increase in horizontal tail incidence angle to lessen the possibility
of tail stall, Reference (a) describes the modification design and the
estimated aerodynamic characteristics.

The rotating cylinder concept is a boundary layer control device

which, in conjunction with a propeller slipstream, produces lift and
drag characteristics required by STOL vehicles for steep approaches and
short landings. Wind tunnel testing carried out by NASA Ames on a twin
boom model indicated the required aerodynamic characteristics could be

After the design and modification to the YOV-10 airplane was com-
pleted, the airplane was wind tunnel tested in the full scale (40 ft by
80 ft) NASA Ames tunnel. Based upon analysis of the wind tunnel data,
Ames test 388, which indicated some aerodynamic characteristics to be
different than estimated, it was agreed that the airplane could be safely
flown. The initial flights were performed by the contractor and con-
sisted of verification of functional operation of engines, power manage-
ment system, cross-shafting, cylinder drive and flap deflection system,
differential propeller blade angle and initial exploration of the flight
characteristics at all flap deflections.

A total of 12 flights, one of which consisted of high speed taxi

tests, were flown by North American Rockwell test pilot, Edward Gillespie.
The flight program was continued by NASA and 22 additional flights were
flown by NASA Ames Research Center test pilot, Robert Innis. The report
includes data from contractor flights and NASA conducted flights.


Drag coefficient

Lift coefficient

Moment coefficient

T1 Thrust coefficient based on propeller disk area

T1 + qSP
w' Wing mean aerodynamic chord

Vertical load factor

q 4fVT Dynamic pressure or pitch rate

r Yaw rate

S Propeller disk area

Wing area
T Thrust , total

I Thrust, one propeller

Thrust coefficient based on wing area
Indicated airspeed
Equivalent airspeed
Calibrated airspeed
a Angle of attack of £us. reference line

% Recorded angle of attack, uncorrected

a~ Angle of attack of horizontal tail reference chord

@ Sideslip angle
NOTATION (contd)


Propeller blade angle

Aileron deflection

Elevator deflection

Flap deflection (shown as O/ O , forward flap/aft flap)

Rudder deflection

Downwash angle

o(- t
Flight path angle

Pitch angle

Pitch angle, uncorrected

Bank angle

Damping ratio

Undamped airplane natural frequency

( Left
( Right

The airplane is a twin boom prototype YOV-10 modified to a STOL

configuration by installation of 1,100 horsepower engines and 9.4 ft
diameter propellers, mechanical cross-shafting between propeller gear
boxes and rotating cylinders at the leading edge of each flap segment.
For compatibility with the high lift system, the horizontal tail inci-
dence was increased +2 degrees for a total incidence with respect to
the fuselage reference line of +4 degrees (leading-edge-up).

The airplane has an aspect ratio of 4.74 and a wing loading of

4 5 lbs/ft2. The increased diameter propellers provide a thrust to
weight ratio of .48 at 50 knots. The propeller slipstream covers 55
percent of the wing. The rotating cylinders extend over 61 percent of
the wing span and are located in the propeller slipstream.

The control system is the same as the basic YOV-10 with the excep-
tion of modifications to the lateral system. The longitudinal system
consists of a horizontal stabilizer and a tab boosted, mechanically
dampened, overbalanced elevator. The tab system consists of geared
and spring tabs.

The directional system consists of twin vertical stabilizers and

twin rudders controlled by direct mechanical action through the rudder

The lateral system consists of spring and gear tab boosted ailerons
augmented by spoilers. The spoilers are linked to the ailerons and
rotate out of the wing when the trailing edge of the respective aileron
is deflected upward by stick movement.

The lateral control system was modified by removal of the inboard

spoiler segment (required for flap installation clearance) and the in-
stallation of a differential propeller blade angle system. The differ-
ential propeller blade angle system is actuated by commands from lateral
stick deflection.

The power management system provides the pilot with the option of
two methods of thrust control, beta or manual mode. When operating in
the beta mode, the pilot controls the propeller blade angle and the
system governor maintains RPM by controlling the fuel flow to the engines,
This system provides rapid thrust response to the pilot's demand. -When
operating in the manual mode the pilot controls power by selecting a
combination of propeller blade angle and throttle setting.
Cylinder operation, flap deflections, power management mode and
differential blade angle operation are selected by the pilot. The
landing gear is fixed down.

The cylinder speed is adjustable from 9,700 to 2,800 RPM at a

propeller speed of 1,225 RPM. Data from NASA Ames test 388 indicate that
a cylinder speed of 7,500 RPM will keep the flow attached to the flaps.
Flight tests were conducted with this cylinder speed setting.

Figure 2 presents a three-view drawing of the aircraft and the aero-

dynamic dimensions of the flap. Tabulated dimensional data are summarized
on page 20,

The airspeed calibration curves are shown in Figure 3 and are in-
dependent of flap deflection or power as shown in Figure 3b .The
airspeed system calibration was performed with a trailing bomb hung below
a Bell HU-1E helicopter used as the chase aircraft.

A pitch angle correction curve is shown in Figure 4 . All analyses

using pitch angle were corrected by these data. Time histories showing
pitch angle are labeled QU and are uncorrected.

In order to determine the validity of the airplane instrumented

angle-of-attack data, a comparison was made with angle-of-attack deter-
mined from the relationship, Y = 0 - & . Pitch angle, @, was determined
from the instrumented data and corrected. The flight path angle,Y, was
obtained from the altitude rate of change and airspeed. The comparison
is shown in Figure 5 and indicates the measured angle of attack data
appear to be approximately 5' to 8' greater than the calculated data
obtained by the method described above. Time history data where angle
of attack is shown are labeled4 and are uncorrected. All analyses
using angle of attack are correc!ed as described above.

Measurements to determine downwash characteristics were made in

the Ames wind tunnel tests and in flight by mounting a pressure measuring
boom midspan and slightly below the horizontal tail leading edge. Figure
6 shows the location of the boom. Since measurements were made at only
one spanwise station, no account of spanwise variation could be made.
The spanwise variation was thought to be relatively small. However, the
local angle error included on the boom by the presence of the horizontal
tail was expected to be substantial. Consequently, theoretical calcu-
lations of local flow curvature at the boom location were made to allow
corrections to be made to the measured data. The corrections were ob-
tained as a function of tail angle of attack and elevator deflection.
The method used in the computations is two-dimensional and was obtained
from Reference (b). A comparison of pressure distribution data to com-
puted data is shown in Figure 7 to illustrate the accuracy of the
method. The correction applied to the measured data is shown in Figure
8 . Separate correction curves are shown for the Ames test 388 data
and the flight data due to a slight difference in location of the pres-
sure booms.

Throughout the report, data are presented as functions of two forms

of thrust coefficient, one of which is used extensively by the contractor
and the other by NASA Ames Research Center. The conversion curve is
shown in Figure 9 .


Static Longitudinal Stability

Static longitudinal stability obtained in stabilized flight at constant

power settings using power for level flight at the trim speed is shown
in Figure 10 for all flap deflections flown. For 0°/00 flap deflection,
stable stick-fixed stability is exhibited. Also shown in Figure 10 are
flight test elevator deflection data for the unmodified YOV-10 airplane.
Correcting these data for horizontal tail incidence difference, weight
and center-of-gravity position, produces good correlation betweeil the
two airplanes as indicated in Figure 10a.

In Figure lOe, for 60°/300 flap deflection, a large change in the in-
stability is shown due to cylinder operation. Figure 10e also shows a
comparison to estimated data based on data from Ames Test 388. Although
the estimate is for a more aft center-of-gravity lxation (27.6% m.a.c.)
the effect of the center-of-gravity is to decrease the difference between
the estimated data and the flight data. The large difference between
the estimated and flight elevator deflections is discussed later under
At a forward center-of-gravity the static longitudinal stability is
stable for the airspeeds tested as shown in Figures 10f through 10i.

Longitudinal Control for Low Speed Steady Flight

Longitudinal control deflections for steady flight are affected by flap

deflection, cylinder operation (running or stopped) and engine power.
With approach power settings and cylinders operating, static longitudinal
instability occurs and increases as speed is decreased as shown in Figure
11 . As flaps are lowered to larger deflections, the elevator deflections
for steady flight increase in the trailing edge down (nose down) direction
as shown in Figure 11 for a center of gravity of 24.6% c, and minimum
longitudinal control speeds of 43 and 52 KIAS occur for flaps 40°/200 to
50°/250 and 60°/300, respectively.

As expected for a forward center-of-gravity, the elevator deflections

are shifted in the trailing-edge-up direction, comparing the data of
Figure lla and Figure llb. However, the minimum speed determined by full
trailing-edge-down elevator deflection is not significantly affected.
While improved control margin is available above minimum control speed, the
minimum control speeds are practically constant.

The effect of cylinder operation is presented in Figure 12 for two flap de-
flections and indicates a large shift in elevator deflection for the 60°/300
flap deflection. In addition, engine power effects produce significant
shifts in elevator for steady flight. Figure 13 shows the effect of power
and indicates increased power prcduces a shift in the trailing-edge-down
elevator deflections. For the configuration of 40°/200 flap deflection and
a forward center-of-gravity, the elevator shift is reasonable for power
levels employed in an approach as shown in Figure 13b.


Measurements to determine downwash characteristics were made in the Ames

wind tunnel tests and in flight by mounting a pressure measuring boom
mid-span and slightly below the horizontal tail leading edge, Figure 8.
The data were corrected for the presence of the horizontal tail by the
procedure described on page 6.

Comparisons were made of flight, Ames test 388, and the estimated downwash
data. For O0 flap deflection, Figure 14a, the comparison does not show
agreement. This is surprising because this configuration most closely
resembles the unmodified YOV-1OA airplane.

The 30°/150 flap deflection data of Figure 14b shows good agreement be-
tween flight and estimated data. The flight downwash values are larger
than those measured in the 40 x 80 foot tunnel; this is consistent with
the lift data shown in Figure 26a.

The 60°/300 flap deflection flight data of Figure 14c shows lower downwash
values than estimated data. This trend agrees with the lift data, Figure
26b, which showed lower than estimated lift for this flap deflection.

It is noted that the downwash wind tunnel data of Ames test 388 produce
lower downwash angles than the flight data. This is suspected to be due
to wind tunnel wall effects. For high downwash fields resulting from
high lift coefficients, tunnel wall effects become larger and more diffi-
cult to determine accurately.

Dynamic pressure ratio data obtained in flight are presented in Figure 15.
In order to determine the effect on elevator-to-trim due to the downwash
difference between the wind tunnel and flight results, the following cor-
relation was made. Using the corrected angle of attack and thrust levels
from the flight data, an estimate of elevator-to-trim was obtained based
upon the Ames test 388 aerodynamic data. The estimated elevator-to-trim
data were then adjusted based upon the difference in downwash between
wind tunnel and flight data. Horizontal tail characteristics of Reference
(a) were used in the calculation. The elevator deflection estimates were
also corrected for tab losses. Figure 16 shows the comparison. At 50
knots most of the pitching moment difference can be attributed to the
downwash. At 77 knots, the downwash does not explain the difference.
Therefore, it is possible that wind tunnel wall effects are distorting
wing-body-nacelle pitching moments,

Maneuvering Contro1

Longitudinal control in a wind-up turn maneuver to maximum lift is shown

in Figure 17. Satisfactory control is exhibited.

Longitudinal Control at Take-Off Rotation

Longitudinal control power is more than adequate to rotate the NASA STOL
YOV-10 at any takeoff speed within its envelope. Takeoff rotation points
of various flights are shown in Figure 18. Although these points do not
represent attempts to achieve minimum lift-off speeds, the aircraft used
only 30 percent of its maximum deflection at 68 knots with 0 degree flaps
and cylinders off. Flap settings of 30°/150 do not appear to significantly
increase the elevator required for rotation. The effect of cylinder
operation is to decrease strongly the amount of aft stick required for
rotation. This is due to the pitch-up at low speeds introduced by the
rotating cylinders. From these data it can be concluded that the aircraft
is able to rotate at speeds well below the lift-off speed over the center-
of-gravity range tested of 21.9 percent m.a.c. to 25.4 percent m.a.c.

Longitudinal Control Response

In general, the pilot determined his approach speed based upon longitu-
dinal control margin available and control response. Using 50°/250 flap
deflections and approaching at 55 KOAS, the contractor pilot rated the
longitudinal control as 4 on the Cooper scale, noting it as adequate but
unsatisfactory. Data which illustrate the longitudinal control response
characteristics with 40°/200 flaps are shown in Figures 19 and 20. Good
agreement with estimates is evident.
A time history of a step change in elevator deflection is shown in Figure
21. A speed increase of 13 knots from 62 knots is effected in approxi-
mately 5 seconds. The pilot noted that longitudinal control response
was satisfactory at this speed.

Trim Change Due to Power

At the airspeeds tested, the trim change characteristics appear to be

satisfactory. The time history of a power change during an approach con-
dition is shown in Figure 22. The aircraft was initially descending at
a rate of 500 ft/min with a flap setting of 30°/150. The tendency for
the airplane to pitch up with power application to the EGT limit was
easily controlled with approximately 3 degrees of trailing-edge-down
elevator. As the increased engine torque level was reached, the airplane
was gradually allowed to climb.

Stall Characteristics

Stall and/or minimum speed tests were conducted for 0°/00, 30°/150,
40°/200, 50°/250 and 60°/300 flap deflections. Time histories of these
tests are presented in Figures 23 and 24.

The oO/OO flap deflection stalls were characterized by an abrupt yaw as

seen in the data of Figure 23e through 23f. The direction of the yaw
rate appeared to depend upon power since the power for level flight stall
(Figure 23a and 23b) and the approach power stall (Figure 23c and 23d)
was to the right while the flight idle stall (Figure 23e and 23f) was
to the left. No significant pitching occurred and stall recovery was
easily effected. The above yawing characteristics in stalls was not
apparent on the YOV-10 airplane prior to the modification to the NASA
STOL configuration.

With 30°/150 flaps for cylinders both operating and inoperative, stall
characteristics consisted of mild random yaw motions and pitch motions.
As shown in Figures 23g through 231, the random motions occurred approxi-
mately 5 knots before stall. Recovery from the stalls with 30°/150 flap
deflections was easily effected at all test conditions.

For flap deflections of 40°/200 and greater deflections, stall could not
be produced due to the pitch-up characteristics of the airplane which
required full forward longitudinal control for an aft center-of-gravity.
Figures 24a through 24h show approach to the minimum speed and the
limiting condition for 40°/200, 50°/250 and 60°/300 flap deflections.
Mild random yawing and rolling motions occurred for the airspeeds shown.
Recoveries from the minimum speeds were accomplished by power reduction
which caused the airplane to pitch down and accelerate. The pitch-up
characteristic is discussed in the longitudinal control section of this report.

With flaps deflected to 60°/300 and a forward center-of-gravity, the

elevator was not limiting as seen in Figure 24i and j. The pilot term-
inated the attempt to stall in this case due to low directional stability,
unstable pitch characteristics and lateral instability.

Maximum Lift

Flight data obtained from stalls and/or minimum longitudinal control speed
were compared to Ames test 388 and estimated aerodynamics data of Reference
(a). The maximum lift comparison is shown in Figure 25 .The Ames full
scale test data and the estimated data are shown at the thrust coefficient
of the flight data. For all flap deflections shown in Figure 25 , the
flight data indicate angles of attack for stall or minimum speed which
are higher than Ames test 388 or the estimated data.

For 30°/150 flap deflection, the maximum lift coefficient from flight
data is substantially higher than the tunnel test or the estimated data
as shown in Figure 25a. The 50°/250 flap deflection data show a modest
increase over the estimated data and a greater increase over the wind
tunnel data in Figure 25b. The 60°/300 flap deflection, however, shows
a minimum speed lift value in Figure 25b which is less than the estimated
data and slightly higher than the wind tunnel data maximum lift. The
maximum lift or minimum speed lift coefficient data from flight tests
are shown in another form (CL versus T;) in Figure 26 . Since the wind
tunnel test was full scale and run at speeds very close to actual flight
speeds, it is suspected that wind tunnel wall effects are responsible
for the difference in lift noted above. Stall speed and/or minimum speeds
obtained for the flight data above are presented in Figure 27 .
Landing Characteristics

Time histories of approaches and landings with flap deflections of 30°/

15O, 40°/200 and 50°/250 are shown in Figure 28 . The pilots chose
approach speeds based upon considerations of longitudinal control margin,
longitudinal control response and stall margin.

The thrust used in the approach allows approach speeds to be less than
the power-off stall speed. Figure 29 shows the thrust values employed
in the approach and landings. Included in Figure 29 are the thrust
values at stall or minimum speed. Figure 30 shows the speed margin for
the approach speeds used. For the 30°/150 flap deflection landing shown
in Figure 30a, a substantial speed margin from stall existed. A minimum
speed margin of approximately 9.5 knots was employed for one 50°/250 flap
deflection landing as shown in Figure 30b. For the latter case, the
margin is from minimum longitudinal control speed. In determining the
approach speed stall margin, the variation in thrust with speed was

The approach angles obtained in the landings are shown in Figure 31 .

The data for flights 10 to 12 in Figure 31 do not represent maximum
approach angles. No approach angle aids were utilized and the pilot
was investigating approach characteristics. Flight 25 employed a ground
based approach aid (Bell radar system) and was conducted with 40°/200
flap deflection with a forward center-of-gravity which improved approach
flying qualities.

Descent Angle Comparisons

Flight path angles were obtained from flight tests of steady descents,
stalls and landing for 30°/150, 4O0/2o0, 50°/250 and 60°/300 flap deflec-
tions. For comparison, flight envelopes based upon Ames test 388 data
and estimated data are included with the flight data shown in Figure 32 .
As expected, the 30°/150 and 50°/250 flap deflection flight data in
Figure 32a and 32c exceeds the stall portion of the estimated or wind
tunnel test envelopes since higher lift coefficients occurred in flight.
No wind tunnel test or estimated data were available for 40°/200 flap
deflection. The data shown for 60°/300 flap deflection were obtained
from steady descents and stall attempts. Although descent angles in the
range of -8 to -12 degrees were achieved in the stall approaches for
30°/150 and 50°/250 flap deflection, those flight conditions could not
necessarily be used to conduct actual approaches and landing. Flying
qualities factors such as proximity to stall, control margin and
response and airplane stability can be overriding characteristics in
determining usable approach speeds.

The data from flight 25 shown in Figure 32b were obtained with a landing
approach aid set for a glide slope of -8 degrees with respect to the
ground, The data shown in Figure 32 were reduced from altitude and
corrected airspeed time histories and as such are independent of wind
velocity. The difference between an -8 degree glide slope and the data
shown in Figure 32b is attributed to wind velocities components along
the runway. This is corroborated by radar obtained ground speed.
The difficulty of obtaining a -8 degree flight path angle at speeds
between 50 and 60 KEAS was examined from the standpoint of drag charac-
teristics. For flap deflections of 30°/150 and 60°/300, the thrust coef-
ficient determined from flight test data was compared to the thrust
coefficient based upon Ames test 388 data using flight test conditions
(i.e., flight path angle, speed, etc.). This comparison is shown in
Figure 33 and indicates that at the high descent angles (corresponding
to high angle of attack) less thrust was required than estimated from
Ames test 388.


Static Lateral Directional Stability

Static lateral-directional characteristics were obtained in constant

heading sideslips. These data of Figure 34 show strong directional
control power in the NASA STOL YOV-10. The aircraft is significantly
more sensitive to rudder inputs than the 30 ft span OV-1OA aircraft, as
shown in the summary plot of Figure 35 . Also, within the range of
flight data taken, the rudder effectiveness does not appear to be strongly
influenced by flap deflection or rotating cylinder operation.

Flight data indicate that aileron control required is strongly affected

by both cylinder operation and flap deflection. The effect of cylinder
operation is to decrease the amount of aileron input required. At low
flap deflections, the aileron input is in the same range as that of the
30 ft span OV-10A model and does not appear to be significantly affected
by changes in flap settings.

The flight data at flap deflections of 60°/300 show a reversal in aileron

input, as seen in Figure 34i. Data from Ames test 388 wind tunnel tests
indicates that high flap deflections coupled with rotating cylinders
cause a negative dihedral effect in the STOL YOV-10. In the summary plot
of Figure 35 , the data for 60°/300 is therefore shown for two ranges
of sideslip angle.

Roll Characteristics

Lateral control input in rate and magnitude varied considerably in roll

characteristic tests. Full aileron input was not employed due to spiral
instability and high lateral control power with cylinders operating.
Roll time histories are shown in Figure 36. The pilot noted no noticeable
gyroscopic effects due to cylinders operating in qualitative evaluations
of normal turns.
These data are summarized in Figures 37 and 38 .To minimize the dif-
ferences in control input the summary parameters of bank angle rate and
peak-to-peak sideslip angle were normalized to aileron deflection.

The effect of the differential propeller beta system on roll response

appears to be negligible as seen in Figure 37 . This could be due to
the fact that small control inputs were used. Full scale airplane tun-
nel data (Ames test 388) indicate a 25 percent increase in roll control
power with differential beta on.

The effect of the differential propeller beta system on sideslip angle

occurring in rolls is apparent in the data of Figure 38b. The pilot
also indicated that the differential propeller beta system improved the
adverse yaw characteristics.

Turn Characteristics

Turn characteristics for 20' banked turns are shown in Figures 39 and
40 . The rudder fixed turns in Figure 39 indicate larger yaw rate,
sideslip angle and bank angle deviations. Due to the high rudder con-
trol power and/or weak directional stability, very small rudder inputs
weye used in the coordinated turn data of Figure 40 .The calculated
steady yaw rate for a 20' banked turn is 5.8'/sec at the airspeed em-
ployed in the flight tests.

Dynamic Lateral-Directional Stability

Lateral-directional dynamic stability tests were difficult to perform

at low speeds. The maneuvers were initiated with rudders and due to
airplane spiral instability and the low dutch roll natural frequency,
the maneuvers were not held for a long enough time to record a suf-
ficient number of cycles. The available data are shown in Figure 41 .
Lower frequencies and less damping is evident than estimated from static
stability derivatives obtained from Ames test 388 and estimated rate
derivatives. The destabilizing cylinder gyroscopic effects were included
in the estimates and would not be expected to cause the difference from
flight test results. The data scatter is believed due to inadvertent
aileron and rudder inputs while the airplane motions were decaying after
the disturbance input. Figures 41b and 41d show the bank to sideslip
amplitude ratios from the dynamic stability tests. Due to the low fre-
quencies and relatively short duration of the test maneuvers considerable
scatter occurred.
Although no tests were performed to evaluate the degree of spiral in-
stability, it was apparent to the pilots that spiral instability existed.
The estimated dynamic stability calculations also predicted the instabi-
lity and indicated that the divergence rates would be rapid, i.e., time
to double amplitude of only several seconds.

Pilot reports indicated a coupling of lateral-directional dynamic motions

with longitudinal modes. The coupling on pitch angle, angle of attack
and airspeed can be seen in Figure 42 . The coupling may be initiated
by the pitching moment due to sideslip angle. Inadvertent elevator and
lateral control inputs are also evident in the data of Figure 42 which
may be contributing to the longitudinal coupling.


Throughout the flight program, maximum power available was limited by

an EGT limiting condition on the right-hand engine. For this reason,
maximum rate-of-climb could not be established. Rate-of-climb data
were obtained at less than rated maximum power and are shown in Figure
43 . These data are compared to estimated rate-of-climb based upon
estimated engine thrust and Ames test 388 airplane aerodynamic data.
Although small differences between propeller blade angle and propeller
RPM between the test data and estimated data exist, the agreement appears


Cylinder Drive System Failure

The effect of cylinder shutdown during approach was investigated by

trimming the airplane at 68 KOAS 1,000 f.p.m. rate of descent with
300 ft-lbs/engine. After stabilizing for 1,000', the cylinders were
manually shut off at 5,000' and the pilot held the approach speed. The
cylinders slowed down slowly so that they were still turning 3,000 RPM
at 3,500' Hp. There was no quantitative change in sink rate, and the
only difference noted during the above tests was an incfease in longi-
tudinal force stability from neutral to weak positive as the cylinder
rotation decreased below about 3,000 RPM.

The above characteristics indicate that failure of the cylinder drive

system produces changes very slowly. Thus, a failure would not be
critical if it occurred inadvertently and the pilot was aware the cylin-
ders were running down.
A simulated engine failure was performed by a slow power reduction to
flight idle on the right-hand engine. Figure 44 shows a time history
of the test. No significant airplane transients are noted in the data.
The pilot also noted no abnormal vibration or other pecularities as the
cross-shafting assumed the power transfer. Level flight was easily
maintained on the left engine.


Power Lever Steps

Rapid propeller blade control lever inputs were evaluated and are shown
in Figure 4 5. The input is shown by the propeller blade time history.
Throttle position changes shown in Figure 45 result from the throttle
servo system driving them to adjust to the power demand. Engine torque
response appears satisfactory.

The flight test data and comparisons to estimates and full scale
wind tunnel test data result in the following conclusions:

1. The most significant difference between flight and estimated

or wind tunnel results is in the airplane pitching moment. The
unstable pitch-up is a strong function of flap deflection, cy-
linder operation, engine power and airspeed. At high power
settings and flap deflections of 40°/200 and greater, minimum
speeds resulted from full forward stick. Aerodynamic stalls
occurred for 30°/150 or less flap deflection.

2. With flaps up and cylinders inoperative, the longitudinal

stability and control are similar to the unmodified airplane.

3. Downwash characteristics generally agree with results on lift;

i,e., where lift is higher than estimated, downwash is higher.
Both estimated and flight downwash values are greater than wind
tunnel values. Fair agreement between estimated and flight
downwash exists except for the flaps up and cylinders inoper-
ative case.

4. Control power for takeoff is satisfactory at all center-of-

gravity positions tested.

5. For flap deflections of 50°/250 and lower, the actual lift

obtained is higher than either the estimated or tunnel test

6. High descent angles (8' to 12O)were obtained during approaches to

stalls. In landing approaches, descent angles approaching 7'
were achieved. This included landings performed with the Bell
radar glide slope system which was set to an 8' slope. The
difference is attributed to light headwinds which can be a
large percentage of approach speed.

7. The aircraft has low lateral-directional stability in the

approach flight condition. This is apparent in sideslip and
dynamic stability tests by low control inputs to produce upsets,
low oscillatory frequency and damping and high spiral divergence.
8. Roll control power appears to be satisfactory. Qualitatively,
the pilots seemed to prefer use of the differential propeller
roll augmentation. The data showed no clear improvement in
roll control power but gave some indication of reduction in
adverse yaw in rolling maneuvers. Longitudinal coupling occur-
red with the lateral-directional oscillation.

9. Climb performance showed reasonable agreement with estimates

and was satisfactory.

10. Rotating cylinder and propeller cross-shafting operation was


11. Due to the long run-down time of the cylinders when turned off,
failure of the cylinder drive system would not cause sudden
aerodynamic changes.

(a) ANON: "OV-10 STOL Research Vehicle Study Final Report - Phase 1,"
February 1969, North American Rockwell/Columbus AFrcraft Division
Report No. NR68H-863

(b) Giesing, Joseph P., I 1 Extension of the Douglas Neumann Program to

Problems of Lifting, Infinite Cascades," Douglas Aircraft Company,
Long Beach Division, Report No. LB 31653, Revised 2 July 1964

S Area (Square ~ e e t ) 244.0

b Span (Feet) 34.0
AR Aspect Ratio 4.74
c Chord ( inches) 87.25
Taper Ratio 1.0
Sweep Angle (~egrees) 0
i Incidence Angle to FRL (~egrees) 3.0
Mean Aerodynamic Chord ( inches) 87.25
Location of 25% MAC (FS/WP, Inches) 185/30.4
Airfoil Section NACA 642A-315(~O~)

Flaps o our Sections, 2 Per Side, Data for One side)

Flap Area (Square ~ e e t )

Flap Span (Inches)
Flap Chord (Inches)
Wing Stations of Inboard Flaps (Inches)
Wing Stations of Outboard Flaps (Inches)
Ratio of Flap Area to Wing Area
Ratio of Flap Span to Wing Span
Ratio of Flap Chord to Wing Chord

Rotating Cylinders (Four Sections, 2 Per side)

Cylinder Span Per Section (Inches)

d Cylinder Diameter (Inches)
CY 1
Cylinder End Disk Diameter (~nches)
A i l e r o n s ( p l a i n Balance, Data f o r One ~ i l e r o n )

A i l e r o n Area (Square F e e t ) 4.13

b A i l e r o n Span ( I n c h e s ) 34.13
A i l e r o n Chord A f t of Hinge Line
( ~ e r c e n twing chord)
c /C A i l e r o n Balance Chord Forward of Hinge Line
ab ( p e r c e n t wing chord)
Wing S t a t i o n s of A i l e r o n s (Inboard-outboard, I n c h e s ) 144.750- 1
Maximum A i l e r o n D e f l e c t i o n ( U P / D O W ~ ,e g r e e s ) 25/25

A i l e r o n Tabs ( S p r i n g Tabs, L e f t and ~ i g h t )

A i l e r o n Tab Span ( I n c h e s )

c A i l e r o n Tab Chord ( I n c h e s )
Wing S t a t i o n s of A i l e r o n Tabs ( Inboard-Outboard, I n c h e s ) 144.750- 178,875
Maximum D e f l e c t i o n (up/Down, ~ e g r e e s ) 20/20

S p o i l e r s (Four D i s c - P l a t e Type, Data f o r One s i d e )

S p o i l e r Span ( I n c h e s )
Wing S t a t i o n s of S p o i l e r s (Inboard-Outboard, I n c h e s )
Chordwise L o c a t i o n ( p e r c e n t wing chord)
Maximum P r o j e c t i o n ( p e r c e n t wing chord)
Maximum S p o i l e r D e f l e c t i o n (up, Degrees)
Horizontal T a i l

H o r i z o n t a l T a i l Area (Square F e e t )
H o r i z o n t a l T a i l Span ( I n c h e s )
Aspect R a t i o ( ~ e o m e t r i c )
A R ~
C Chord ( I n c h e s )
Taper R a t i o
Leading Edge Sweep Angle t o FRL ( ~ e g r e e s )
Horizontal T a i l (continued)

i I n c i d e n c e Angle t o FRL (Degrees) +4.0

Location o f 25 Percent c (FS/WP, Inches) 422.92/94.00
T a i l Length (25 P e r c e n t to cW
25 P e r c e n t c H)
Airfoil Section Inverted 6 4 1 A 4 1 2 ( ~ ~ ~ )


b E l e v a t o r Span ( I n c h e s ) 155.6
E l e v a t o r Chord A f t of Hinge Line 28.0
( p e r c e n t of H o r i z o n t a l T a i l chord)
C /cH E l e v a t o r Balance Chord Forward of Hinge 4.3
eb Line ( p e r c e n t of H o r i z o n t a l T a i l chord)
Maximum E l e v a t o r D e f l e c t i o n (up/Down, ~ e ~ r e e s ) 35/25

E l e v a t o r Tabs (Four S e c t i o n s , Inboard Tabs Geared, S p r i n g

Tabs Outboard, No t rim)

b Inboard E l e v a t o r Tab Span ( I n c h e s ) 42.2

c Inboard E l e v a t o r Tab Chord ( I n c h e s ) 4.0
b Outboard E l e v a t o r Tab Span (1nche.s) 34.9
c Outboard E l e v a t o r Tab Chord ( I n c h e s ) 4.0
B u t t P l a n e s of Inboard E l e v a t o r Tabs (Inboard-Outboard, ~ n c h e s )0-42.92
B u t t P l a n e s of Outboard E l e v a t o r Tabs (Inboard-Outboard, 42.92-77.81
st e
Maximum D e f l e c t i o n of Inboard Geared Tabs
(up/Down, Degrees)
Maximum D e f l e c t i o n of Outboard Spring Tabs
(up/Down, Degrees)
Geared E l e v a t o r Tab R a t i o -.85
6 /6 e
Vertical Tail ( ~ a t afor One side)

Vertical Tail Area (Square Feet)

Vertical Tail Span (~nches)
Vertical Tail Aspect Ratio
C Vertical Tail Chord (Inches)
Vertical Tail Taper Ratio
Leading Edge Sweepback Angle to FRL (Degrees)
Water Planes of Vertical Tail (~nches)
Location of 25 Percent cv
(FS/WP, ~nches)
Tail Length (25 Percent cw to 25 Percent cV)
Airfoil Section

Rudder ( ~ a t afor One side)

b Rudder Span ( Inches)

Rudder Chord Aft of Hinge Line (Percent
of Vertical Tail Chord, streamwise)
C /cV Rudder Chord Forward of Hinge Line (Percent
rb of Vertical Tail Chord, streamwise)
Water Planes of Rudder (~nches)
Maximum Streamwise Rudder Deflection
r' MAX

Fuselage (Basic configuration)

Length (overall, inches)

Depth (~aximum,FS 117, inches)
(.25 Lp, inches)
(.75 LF9 Inches)
Water Plane of Maximum Depth, Inches
Width (~aximum,FS 80-117, inches)
W~ (.25 LF, Inches)
(.75 LF, Inches)
Fuselage Surface Area ( ~ e t ,including
Canopy, Square Feet)

Thrust Line Angle to FRL (~egrees) 5O

Water Plane of Thrust Line at 25% cw (~nches) 9.42
Length (overall, ~nches)
FS 142.2 to FS 416.5


Manufacturer Ly coming
Model T53-L-11
Sea Level Military Rating (SHP) 1100.00

Propeller o our ~lades)

Manufacturer Curtiss Wright

Diameter (~eet,inches) 9 ' 5"
Disk Area, Each Propeller (square ~ e e t ) 69.7
Activity Factor/Blade 149.9

Typical Aircraft Weight

Aircraft Weight Empty f Ballast 10,279 lbs

Fue 1 1,365 lbs
Pilot 200 lbs
T.O. Gross Weight 11,844 lbs

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