Prophetic Words For 2018
Prophetic Words For 2018
Prophetic Words For 2018
Larry Sparks
In addition, it may be tempting to quickly move past
the “word of the Lord for 2018” once the beginning of the
year drifts away from us and momentum picks up. We
need to do the exact opposite. Scripture is filled with the
call to “remember.” We need to remember what God has
done and we need to remember what God has said. Many
are experiencing discouragement and defeat, not because
God has forsaken them and stopped speaking, but because
they have forgotten what God has already said. Remember
what God says…
Use these prophetic words as wells to draw from
throughout the year—especially when circumstances seem
to challenge the different promises and possibilities that
are announced in these different prophecies.
Remember how the Apostle Paul told Timothy to use
prophetic words: “This charge I entrust to you, Timothy,
my child, in accordance with the prophecies previously
made about you, that by them you may wage the good war-
fare” (1 Tim. 1:18, ESV). When you experience opposi-
tion to a prophetic word, either in your personal life, or on
a larger, more national and international level, don’t idly
wait for the prophetic word to simply materialize without
effort on your end.
Paul’s words to Timothy are a call to arms for us today.
Prophetic words are not meant to be shared online for a
season and then discarded, as we await the “fresh and new”
word of the Lord. With the receipt of a prophetic word
comes a responsibility. Heaven has extended an invitation
into the Earth through the gift of a prophetic word. That
word needs to be partnered with and warred from.
We partner with prophetic words by agreeing with
them. Agreement. We say “yes” with our lives. If the Lord
is legitimately speaking to us, we ask the Holy Spirit to
show us how to reorder and realign our lives to agree with
what that word is announcing.
We war with prophetic words by enforcing them in the
midst of conflict and contradiction. When the enemy is
opposing us, trying to push us away from what prophetic
words promise, we need to stand with greater resolve and
intensity. If a word came from the Lord, and the Lord is
not changing His mind about what He said, neither should
In spite of the contradictions we face—situations and
circumstances that seem absolutely contrary to the realities
a prophetic word announces—we stand unwaveringly on
what God said. We don’t ignore reality. We don’t pretend
away problems. Yet, we agree with a higher truth. Heaven
sovereignly gave us a gift through a prophetic word and we
are remaining in agreement with what the Spirit of God
has said.
God is outside of time and space. With this in mind,
I am not convinced that prophetic words are necessarily
“time locked” to a certain year. And yet, I do believe that
God responds to those who search for Him. He speaks to
those who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.
This compilation of prophetic words is Heaven’s invita-
tion for you, not just for 2018, but to see radical transfor-
mation in your life and ultimately, in the world. Here’s the
thing about prophetic words. Some are announcements of
the Sovereign King. Your opinion, vote, or cooperation will
not alter what God has planned. He is simply announcing
His plan and allowing His servants on Earth to be in tune
with what He is doing.
On the other hand, I find that most New Testament pro-
phetic words demand a partnership from the recipients on
Earth. God speaks sovereignly to His people on Earth with
the hope that His people will steward what He is saying.
So I present these 18 prophetic words for 2018 for your
prayerful review and partnership! May we be the gener-
ation that discover how to both receive and partner with
words from the Lord, so that His words come to fruition
and bring His world into this one!
and molded by whispered words exchanged in the place of
intimacy between God and His friends, those are literally
words birthed in Heaven meant to be established as reality
on Earth.
Roar 3: The Roar of the Ekklesia
The roar of the Ekklesia is the Church who boldly exe-
cutes and enforces Heaven’s government on Earth by tak-
ing authority in the spiritual airways. Jesus is restoring His
vision for His Church. He envisioned a transformational
community who prayed, and what they prayed actually
happened. What they announced manifested. Their inter-
cessions changed things.
For the Church to operate as a roaring Ekklesia, there
is a third dimension that most of the local church needs to
arrive at. Most western churches are operating successfully
in two dimensions, when in fact, I sense the Holy Spirit
calling His Ekklesia to operate in a third dimension—the
roar of Kingdom Government in the spiritual airways.
I prophesy that pastors and ministry leaders will awak-
en to their apostolic offices in the spirit realm. This is the
missing element the Lord is calling His Church to operate
in. The third dimension that must roar throughout our cit-
ies is a clear demonstration of Kingdom power!
The roar of the Ekklesia is not our traditional, religious
sounding, “Lord, if it be Your will, heal this man” prayer.
It’s not even our charismatic prayer of, “Father, we pray for
healing in Jesus’ name!” The ekklesia needs to roar at King-
dom opposition the same way Peter did: “I have no silver
and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” (Acts 3:6).
Roar 4: The Roar of the “Silence Breakers”
When the daughters of God stand side by side with the
sons, greater measures of Holy Spirit outpouring and King-
dom reformation will be released into the Earth. The “all
flesh outpouring” God promised in Acts 2:17-18 will re-
main unfulfilled and muted until both sons and daughters
stand together, prophesying side by side. In other words,
it’s time for the daughters to arise, emerge, and take their
place as key leadership catalysts in the move of God.
The Lord is extending swords, mantles, and Kingdom
assignments to His women in this hour. You don’t quali-
fy for these assignments based on your gender, but rather,
based on your surrender. God is listening for a “Yes.” If it
comes from a man, great. If it comes from a woman, great.
Gender doesn’t move Heaven; the “Yes” of absolute surren-
der does.
What brought the multitudes together? It wasn’t the lat-
est, hippest, coolest, most relevant “new thing” in contem-
porary Christian culture; it was the roar of the manifesta-
tion of the Spirit. Many were bewildered and perplexed by
this, even mocking those filled with new wine.
“Jesus is restoring His vision for His Church. He en-
visioned a transformational community who prayed, and
what they prayed actually happened.”
And yet, in spite of the mockery and the confusion, the
disciples didn’t decide to shut down the Spirit’s movement
and create a more “comfortable” or welcoming environ-
ment. Our primary objective is to create welcoming envi-
ronments to the Holy Spirit, for He is the Great Evangelist.
The roar of His movement in our midst will draw the mul-
titudes. Yes, some will mock it. Some will be confused. But
on that glorious Pentecost day, we see the great fruit of the
Spirit’s manifestation and sound: “So those who received
His word were baptized, and there were added that day
about three thousand souls” (Acts 2:41 ESV).
with the fire of the Holy Spirit. These experiences are the
reason the Holy Spirit must be given priority in the Church
again. When God touches someone today, just as He did to
Moses, He also speaks. There is a roar that proceeds out of
the fire, producing a people whose reformational impact
roars in society.
I prophesy that in this hour, the ears of God’s people are
open and expectant to hear the voice of reformation that
speaks out of the fire. The voice of the Lord wants to speak
to you out of the fire of encounter. He wants to unplug the
wells that we’ve stopped up because they didn’t sound spir-
itual, sacred or “churchy.” I believe He is redeeming and
sanctifying career ambitions. He is reminding us of dreams
we gave up on, not because He told us to, but because we
mistakenly assumed that our dreams and aspirations were
incompatible with the “sacred call” of God.
The people who attend our church services week after
week are the reformers that God wants to release into the
Seven Mountains of influence. He wants to use these seem-
ingly everyday men and women to actually write the pages
of history, so that the books written concerning their gen-
erations would reveal a measurable Kingdom impact made
on culture.
songs birthed in the throne room of Heaven will release
a roar that measurably shifts atmospheres. These sounds
will change environments where there is spiritual darkness
present, but they will also establish the dominion of Heav-
en in places where no one has taken spiritual jurisdiction.
Practically speaking, these songs are reserved for those
who ascend. They ask for open eyes and ears. They want to
see the sights of Heaven and hear the sounds. Their driv-
ing desire is to literally record what they see and hear in
Heaven—particularly, the noises of the throne room—and
translate it into song that releases measures of those reali-
ties on Earth.
to the end of 2017 and right at the cusp of transition into
2018, He wants you to prophesy over the pain of the previ-
ous year. He wants you to revisit the prophecies or promis-
es that seemingly remain unfulfilled.
Prophesy over the pain of 2017. For everything that felt
like it was breaking you down, prophesy, “God, You are
taking what the enemy used to try to break me and YOU
are breaking new ground!”
Prophesy: “God, out of the pressing and crushing of
2017, you were releasing NEW WINE!”
Prophesy: “God, every strategy the devil used against
me, You are reversing. You are turning it on him. I declare
that the pain, the setbacks, the struggles, and the circum-
stances will be turned around as testimonies. And yes, tes-
timonies that help bring others into breakthrough and re-
veal how extravagant You are as Redeemer and Restorer!”
tion to publishing, Larry is a regular contributor to Cha-
risma Magazine, he conducts seminars on revival, hosts
regional Renewing South Florida gatherings, and has been
featured on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, TBN, CBN, the
ElijahList, and Cornerstone TV. He earned a Master of Di-
vinity from Regent University and enjoys life in Texas with
his beautiful wife and beloved daughter.
The Lord spoke to me many months ago firstly about
2018 being the year of FAMILY. So I have sat on this word
since then just waiting on Him and seeking His heart.
What the Lord showed me was that in 2018 FIRE is going
to come upon FAMILY in a way we have never seen before.
He showed me His fire falling on individual family
units and the family of God. The fire of God is coming to
PURGE and IGNITE. These were the two themes that I
saw happening in the individual family units and the fam-
ily of God. I felt the Spirit of God whisper to me that 2018
is going to be a year of INCREASE IN FAMILY. The in-
crease may not look “how” you expect but God is building
WITHIN FAMILY. Individual family units and the fami-
ly of God. Some of the increase is going to come through
shaking. Some of the increase is going to come through
restoration. Some of the increase is going to come through
promises fulfilled. Some of the increase is going to come
through purging, but ALL that God is going to do in the
family units and family of God in 2018, the FRUIT of His
hand and His work is going to be INCREASE, INTIMACY
Family Units
I had a vision where I saw Jesus unravelling a banner
over family units in 2018 and the words written on the
I saw many families that have been attacked, many fam-
ilies that have been in the valley, many families that have
been broken, that have been believing for so long for the
promises of God. Many families that have faced cycle after
cycle of brokenness and pain, heartache, disappointment
and lack of breakthrough and change, SUDDENLY meet-
ing their tipping-point moment in 2018. Many long-await-
ed promises and healing of family units is going to mani-
fest in 2018.
But Lord, your endless love stretches from one eternity
to the other, unbroken and unrelenting towards those who
fear you and those who bow facedown in awe before you.
Your faithfulness to keep every gracious promise you have
made passes from parents, to children, to grandchildren
and beyond (Psalm 103:17 TPT).
The power of God that is going to be demonstrated in
the family unit in 2018 is going to leave many in awe and
wonder of God and His goodness. Harvest and fruitfulness
is coming to the family unit in 2018 unlike what has been
seen before, that is why the enemy has been so relentless
in going after the seeds of promise in the family unit. The
seeds in family are about to spring forth and they will bear
great and long lasting fruit. For many, by the end of 2018,
their families will be unrecognisable in the most glorious
way because of the work of His hand.
Many families have lost hope because of the onslaught
in 2017 and have felt like nothing is ever going to shift.
In 2018, God is going to show Himself strong in the res-
toration, increase and fruitfulness that will manifest. No
longer will many family units feel like a dry wasteland, but
by the power of His Spirit bringing transformation and
healing, dry wastelands were turning to fruitful vineyards.
I prophesy over the dry wastelands in the family unit,
that in 2018 those wastelands will turn to fruitful vine-
yards. Where there has been dryness, I prophesy a great
outpouring of His Spirit, rivers in the wasteland in Jesus
name. God is doing something completely new in the fam-
ily unit (see Isa. 43:19).
shall RUN AS A FAMILY.” I saw a great awakening coming
upon individuals in the family unit to know their giftings
and their role in the vision and to run in what God has
called them to. As they did, each part was working beauti-
fully displaying the beautiful masterpiece He was painting.
I saw such a PIONEERING SPIRIT falling upon FAMILY
UNITS in 2018. The Lord is going to release such fresh vi-
sion and blueprint, it is going to be the vehicle for a great
outpouring of His Spirit in the area where He is targeting
this vision.
“No longer will many feel like they are running alone,
but the power of My Spirit’s work within their family unit
will see a miracle of unity and healing take place and fami-
lies will RUN TOGETHER with the vision I release.”
Incredible, incredible amounts of provision will be re-
“running together” of these families will also become a tes-
timony and model for other families and many of these
family units will teach and equip other families in pioneer-
ing what the Lord is speaking and running with His vision.
Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with
it” (Habakkuk 2:2).
Children of Promise
The Lord spoke to me many months ago that at the end
of 2017 and into 2018 that many families were going to
receive their “child of promise.”
Many who have been believing and holding onto the
promise of God for the children that He has promised
them are going to see their promise received. “Children are
God’s love gift” (Ps. 127:4 TPT).
I felt the Lord show me that many who have been wait-
ing for their child/children of promise have been on the
verge of giving up, losing hope and despair in the promise,
but I want to encourage you HOLD ON, for the faithful-
ness of God is going to be seen. Miraculous turnarounds,
conceptions and increase will take place in 2017 and into
Family of God
The Lord has been showing me a powerful move of His
Spirit coming to the family of God in 2018. I saw the hand
of the Lord doing a lot of rearranging and shaking.
There is a shaking happening in the earth right now
and there is a shaking that has begun in the body of Christ
and this shaking is going to continue into 2018. I want to
encourage you, the shaking is not something to fear. The
shaking is not to harm you, the shaking is to increase,
unite, awaken and mature the family of God.
The Lord is shaking everything that can be shaken. He
is rearranging, He is shifting and He is rebuilding. The
shaking is going to bring increase. The shaking is bringing
a maturity and a strengthening to the body of Christ that
The Lord showed me that a lot of what He is going to
do in 2018 is going to be UNEXPECTED. It may look com-
pletely different to what you thought or anticipated but
again, I felt the invitation from the Spirit of God to TRUST
As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is
tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him (2 Samuel
22:31 KJV).
In 2018, there will be a GREAT DIVINE REARRANG-
I have been prophesying for so long now that a new day
is upon us and it is harvest time. We are going to see a
move of God upon the earth unlike anything we have seen
before and the Lord wants us to be able to carry the harvest
that is going to come in.
So in 2018, the Lord showed me fire coming to the
FAMILY OF GOD. His fire is coming in greater ways to
purify, cleanse and purge. I saw the fire of God coming and
was awakening and birthing holiness in the body of Christ.
I saw the fire of God going “beneath the surface” into the
“hidden things” and beginning to burn things away. He
was cleansing impurities, He was cleansing offenses, He
was purging wrong foundations, He was burning away
snares. He was shaking everything that could be shaken.
Now this phrase “once and for all” clearly indicates the
final removal of things that are shaking, that is, the old or-
der, so only what is unshakeable will remain. Since we are
receiving our rights, to an unshakeable kingdom we should
be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship
that delights His heart, as we lay down our lives in absolute
surrender, filled with awe. “For our God is a holy, devour-
ing fire!” (Heb. 12:27-29 TPT).
As He showed me this shaking and purging it was NOT
something to fear. It was GLORIOUS, it was BEAUTI-
to bring us to a deeper place of UNITY and ONENESS as
the family of God. The awakening burning so deep within
the people of God to stand with their brother and sister
in Christ, laying down offenses, jealousy, competition, bit-
terness, unforgiveness, wrong motives, striving, backbiting
and lack of honour, standing in LOVE and HONOUR of
one another. It may get messy before it gets better, but the
Spirit of God is working deeply and raising up His people
shoulder to shoulder, the army of God, decreeing togeth-
er “AS ONE FOR JESUS!!!” I saw the fire of God burning
away the “games” that have been played within the Church
for too long, and rising up the FAMILY OF GOD AS
ONE to shine with His love and honour for one another
and move forward together in PURITY, INTEGRITY and
The beautiful and glorious thing about His fire was that
EVERYTHING and EVERYONE it touched was being
MARKED by His LOVE in a way they had never expe-
rienced. As the fire of His love fell and purged and puri-
fied, the all-consuming fire of His presence birthed forth
an even greater REVELATION and MANIFESTATION of
John 17 and the prayer of Jesus in verse 17:21-23:
I pray for them all to be joined together as one even
as you and I, Father, are joined together as one. I pray for
them to become one with us so that the world will recog-
nise that you sent me. For the very glory you have given to
me I have given them so that they will be joined together
as one and experience the same unity that we enjoy. You
live fully in me and now I live fully in them so that they will
experience perfect unity, and the world will be convinced
that you have sent me, for they will see that you love each
one of them with the same passionate love that you have
for me (TPT).
I prophesy in the name of Jesus that in 2018 an increase
of identity revelation is going to come through the deeper
revelation of the Cross and the love of Jesus that He gave
Himself for His people and we now live as ONE WITH
This deeper revelation for MANY in the family of God
is going to transform EVERYTHING and the fire of God’s
love through this revelation is going to UNITE, TRANS-
FORM, MATURE and birth a greater LOVE and DEMON-
STRATION of honour for one another in the family of
“For the greatest love of all is a love that sacrifices all.
And this great love is demonstrated when a person sacri-
fices his life for his friends” (John 15:13 TPT). Brian Sim-
mons notes here in the footnotes of the Passion Translation
that the Aramaic word for “friends” is actually “family” or
Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only
harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to
hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others
first and view others as more important than yourselves.
Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater
concern for what matters to others instead of your own in-
terests. And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed
One, has set before us. Let His mindset become your moti-
vation (Philippians 2:3-5 TPT).
Fear of God and Isaiah 6 Encounters
The Lord has been speaking to me so much about the
fear of God being restored to the Church beginning in
greater ways in 2018.
The Lord showed me this happening through signs and
wonders, huge amazing demonstrations of His power and
the UNEXPECTED ways of God.
The Lord is about to BLOW YOUR MIND in 2018! He
is going to do things you have never imagined. You are go-
ing to see Him move in nations in amazing ways.
You will see Him use the FOOLISH things of the world
to shame the wise.
But God chose them who the world considers foolish
to shame those who think they are wise, and God chose
the puny and powerless to shame the high and mighty.
He chose the lowly, the laughable in the world’s eyes – no-
bodies – so that He would shame the somebodies. For He
chose what is regarded as insignificant in order to super-
sede what is regarded as prominent, so that there would be
no place for prideful boasting in God’s presence (1 Corin-
thians 1:27-29 TPT).
In 2018 there will be greater demonstrations of how the
Lord uses the things the world considers foolish, the un-
expected things, the lowly to display His power, His Glory
and restore the fear and awe of God to the Church and the
Get Ready to Go Back to School with the Holy Spirit
I heard the Lord say “Get ready to go back to school
with the Holy Spirit.”
In 2018, there will be an invitation from the Lord to “go
back to school with the Holy Spirit”.
I felt the Lord drawing His people back to and deeper
into a place of “learning.” I saw the Holy Spirit opening up
the Word of God and the revelatory truths of Scripture in
deeper ways. He was unravelling wrong mindsets, break-
ing off deceptions, giving His people eyes to see and ears to
hear. Encounters with His heart and a deeper place of WIS-
DOM. Understanding the WISDOM of God (see James 1),
His ways (see Isa. 55:8) and SEEING and PERCEIVING
what He is doing and His ways in a WHOLE NEW and
FRESH WAY and being able to recognise Him moving
when He moves in unfamiliar and unexpected ways!!! The
Lord is going to teach His people from His Word in such
a deeper way in 2018, but the Lord showed me that we
MUST be willing, humble and teachable to what He wants
to show us. For many there will be a lot of “unlearning”
taking place, and an awakening to the truth of Scripture.
Isaiah 6 Encounters
About six or so months ago the Lord spoke to me one
line over and over:
“A new season of Isaiah 6. A new season of Isaiah 6.”
The Lord began to show me a new season of encounter
with His Glory is upon the Church. A whole new realm
and increase is being entered into of seeing His Glory, that
is going to leave the people of God undone. On their faces,
seeing the King in His Glory unlike ANYTHING we have
ever experienced before.
These ones were entering into a whole new waterfall of
revelation and realm of encountering the heart of God and
His ways and language.
A deeper level of intimacy, a deeper purification, a deep-
er yieldedness, a deeper level of revelation of who He is, a
deeper level of receiving the Rhema word of God, flooding
into their lives through these throne-room encounters.
I had a vision where I saw the body of Christ crying and
decreeing “our hearts are burning with us” with such de-
light, such awe, such passion “my heart is on fire! my heart
is on fire! my heart is on fire! Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
God Almighty! The One who was, the One who is, and the
One who is to come!! Holy! Holy! Holy!”
I then heard the Lord decree “fire in your bones, fire in
your bones.”
I saw the fire of God come flooding from His heart as
He sat on the throne and was CONSUMING the people of
God, consuming their hearts.
Song of Songs 8:6-7 filled the atmosphere:
you as My prisoner of love. My passion is stronger
than the chains of death and the grace, all con-
suming as the very flakes of fire from the burning
heart of God. Place this fierce, unrelenting fire
over your entire being. Rivers of pain and perse-
cution will never extinguish this flame. Endless
floods will be unable to quench this raging fire
that burns within you. Everything will be con-
sumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield every-
thing to this furious fire until it won’t even seem
to you like a sacrifice anymore (TPT).
There was such a weighty impartation being released
to God’s people, that was depositing the fire of God, the
fire of His love within His people like they had never ex-
perienced. Such awe of who He is burning within them,
and NOTHING was able to stand against this fire. Every-
thing was being consumed as He was birthing vessels that
were consumed and yielded to Him in a deeper way than
they ever thought possible. Hunger for Him, and Him
alone was exploding all around. A fire that would never
be extinguished. A fire that would never be put out. A fire
of furious love, unquenchable intimacy with Him unlike
anything known before. This fire was exploding His Word
within them.
This fire, the fire of His love, the fire of His words, His
revelation SO deep, they began to cry out like Jeremiah in
Jeremiah 20:9: “But if I say, ‘I will not mention his word or
speak anymore in his name,’ his word is in my heart like a
fire, a fire shut up in My bones. I am weary of holding it in,
indeed; I cannot (NIV).”
I believe the Lord has already begun this work but it is
going to INCREASE in greater ways in 2018. Like Ezekiel’s
bones, He is going to make you COME LIVE in the reve-
lation that He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
The fear of God falling is going to bring you to life in great-
er ways to carry His fire. Encounters with the POWER OF
GOD!!! A season of greater revelation, prophetic insight
and flow is being heralded so loudly. His voice is going to
be heard and resounded louder in the earth than had ever
been heard before. Out of these life-changing throne-room
encounters, new assignments and commissionings will
take place for God’s people.
An Unquenchable Fire
No striving, no trying to make anything happen. Lay-
ing low before Him, He will position, commission and re-
lease His people into areas, places and positions carrying
His fire and the Words of His heart, their mouths full, into
places they could never have imagined or got themselves
into carrying an UNQUENCHABLE FIRE changing at-
mospheres, cities and nations.
we are in, in the body of Christ and upon the earth:
“The time will come,” says the LORD, “when the grain
and grapes will grow faster than they can be harvested.
Then the terraced vineyards on the hills of Israel will drip
with sweet wine!”
I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that it is HAR-
VEST TIME!! I decree over you in the name of Jesus that
2018 will be your greater year of fruitfulness THUS FAR!
I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that there will be
SO MUCH FRUIT you will be left in awe and wonder. All
the seeds you have been sowing from years and years ago to
present day, you are about to see HARVEST. In 2018 there
will be incredible acceleration of fruitfulness and harvest
and new sweet wine.
So get ready! Get ready! Stay close to Jesus! Stay deep in
the secret place! Allow the Holy Spirit to do what He needs
to do within you so you can carry the fruitfulness and har-
vest coming to you.
I encourage you to accept His invitation and say “Yes
Lord, I surrender! I am ALL IN!!”
2018, the year of Family, Fruitfulness and the Fear of
God!! Be expectant, God is on the move! You will be trans-
formed by the WONDER of His beauty, love and kind-
About Lana Vawser
Acceleration: a vehicle’s capacity to gain speed within a
short time: a Formula One car is superior to an Indy car in
its acceleration; increase in the rate or speed of something:
the acceleration of the industrialization process; PHYSICS:
the rate of change of velocity per unit of time.
Deuteronomy 28:1-2 – The Promise and the Condition:
“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice
of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His com-
mandments which I command you today, that the Lord
your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.
And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake
you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God”
Jeremiah 1:9-12 – It’s Time to Build: “Then the LORD
put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD
said to me: ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the
kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and
to throw down, to build and to plant.’ Moreover, the word
of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘Jeremiah, what do you
see?’ And I said, ‘I see a branch of an almond tree,’ Then
the LORD said to me, ‘You have seen well, for I am ready
to perform My word’” (NKJV).
“The time is upon us for the birthing of Kingdom con-
sultants and prophetic solutionists.”
Yes, this is the beginning of the Days of Acceleration.
What took ten years to do could take one year. It is a time
when God’s purposes swiftly move forward. But there are
always conditions that must be met. We must align with
the Word of God and His character to carry the gift.
Let’s pray together that God brings His Acceleration
into our lives so that His purposes come forth swiftly!
his day. We are not the alternative—we are the answer. We
are not just called to solve problems; like Daniel we are to
carry wisdom to impact government and every sphere of
It is a time when titles will not determine one’s identity.
We have already had a “title wave”; what we now need is
a “tidal wave” to hit the Body of Christ and confront and
cleanse us from any false identity being derived from our
positions, functions, titles, experiences or gifting. When we
relearn how to walk in a culture of honor, we realize that
it is more about heart relational connections of the heart
and walking in integrity. Yes, you will receive a prophet’s
It is time when the Apostolic and the Prophetic become
less religious and learn how to bring practical, real solu-
tions. The time is upon us for the birthing of Kingdom
consultants and prophetic solutionists. These anointed
men and women of God are to be in the Church, but not
stuck in the Church.
In the second apostolic age of the Church, these sent
ones become Kingdom Consultants in every sphere of life.
Over the years I have referred to this as Hope Ambassa-
dors. It is time for Kingdom Administrators experiencing
moments of prophetic revelation be turned into move-
ments of prophetic reformation. These are the new King-
dom Consultants!
Consider the following principles and concepts:
• Miracles in the Marketplace.
• The Supernatural is Natural.
• Integrity is the Brand Name that is worn.
• These Kingdom people cannot be bought or sold.
• They have conquered a bear and a lion and now the
will take on Goliaths.
earth as the water covers the seas.” (See Hab. 2:14; Joel 2,
Acts 2.)
There was a dramatic climate change as a result of the
combined ministry of the prophets that are listed in First
Kings 18. Three years of drought were shifted into years of
rain and plenty. We are in those times once again.
This is a time when we go beyond the personal gift of
prophesy and we prophesy out of the glory realm. It is a
metamorphosis including seclusion, melt down, recon-
figuring and breaking out. You must see the Church with
new eyes. You must see there is no wall that separates the
sacred and the secular. You must see your business, gov-
ernment and secular occupations as mission fields. When
we see from the glory realm of God, we receive revelation
to transform society. The glory of the Lord is viewed as a
traveling canopy—releasing holy presence and holy power
and holy conviction.
CONVERGENCE: There is a convergence of the glory
and the marketplace. Jesus in the last hour went to the mar-
ketplace and declared, “This is My House of My presence.”
Knowledge will increase—not only the experience, but the
capacity to teach, train and multiply the glory realm of the
Psalm 68:33-35 says, “To Him who rides upon the
highest heavens, which are from ancient times; Behold,
He speaks forth with His voice, a mighty voice. Ascribe
strength to God; His majesty is over Israel And His strength
is in the skies. O God, You are awesome from Your sanctu-
ary. The God of Israel Himself gives strength and power to
the people. Blessed be God!” (NASB)
Join Me in a Prayer of Dedication for 2018!
classes with corresponding study guides and is the author
of more than forty books, including The Seer, The Lost
Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening and The
Lifestyle of a Prophet. James is the father of four wonder-
ful children with a growing number of grandchildren, and
makes his home in Franklin, TN.
earth as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14; Num. 14:21;
Ezek. 12:26-27; 1 Thess. 5:4-8).
Prophetic Significance of Certain Years that End with
“7” and the Next Year “8”
• 7-8: “7” is the number signifying fullness, fulfillment
and completion. God completed the creation in 6 days,
rested on the 7th, and began a new ministry on the 8th.
The 7 days completed His work of creating all things, in-
cluding man. The 8th day started God’s new ministry of
working with mankind on earth.
• Jesus was resurrected on the 8th day of the week. (Sat-
urday=7th; Sunday=8th; Jesus began the Church Age on
8th day.)
• 1517-1518: Martin Luther nailed his 95 Arguments
against the Dark Age Church on the door of his church on
Oct. 31, 1517, which completed the time of the Dark Age
Church. 1518 started the age or time-period of the Resto-
ration of the Church called the “Second Reformation.”
“Christian International and all ministries who are
co-laboring with Jesus Christ to fulfill His present purpose
will have their most glorious year ever in 2018.”
• 2007-2008: The Saints Movement was birthed in 2007
and prepared the way of Heaven’s decree for the beginning
of “The Third and Final Church Reformation” in 2008.
• 1987-1988: Christian International had the first ever
recorded in church history “Prophets Conference” in 1987
on a Wednesday night, after I had preached about the
“great company of prophets” that God wanted to raise up
in our day, and great intercession swept over the 700 saints
present. It was the travailing labor pains for the birthing
of the company of prophets. But it was the second proph-
ets conference in 1988 that the Prophetic Movement was
birthed. (Complete details are given in pages 88-100 in the
book Prophets and the Prophetic Movement.)
• 1947-1948: William Branham was launched as a
prophet ministering with supernatural gifts of the Holy
Spirit in 1947. The following year, “The Latter Rain” move-
ment was launched in 1948. Part of their revelation resto-
ration teaching was that there are still Apostles and Proph-
ets in the Church today. (Evangelical dispensationalists
taught that they had been depleted from the Church.)
• 2007-2008: The Saints Movement in 2007 closed out
the period of the Second Reformation and prepared the
way for the Third Reformation to be launched in 2008.
• 1947-1948: Oral Roberts was launched in 1947 as an
evangelist with the “laying on of hands” for healing. In
1948, T. L. Osborne was launched in evangelism with mass
miracles. At that time, hundreds of evangelists arose with
miracle ministries throughout the world. It became known
as “Deliverance Evangelism.” These two 1948 movements
were two separate restoration streams which never merged
in their day.
These years began five decades that reemphasized the
Evangelist in 1950s, Pastors 1960s, Teacher 1970s, the res-
toration of the Prophets in the 1980s, and the Apostles in
1990s. This prepared the way for the Saints Movement in
vance of the Church and the power of binding and loosing
is granted.
• A Saints Movement which took place in April 2007.
(My book, The Day of The Saints was written to explain
• An Army of The Lord Movement started in 2016. (My
book God’s World War III was written to explain this.)
• The 3rd Movement in fulfilling God’s progressive pur-
pose will be “The Kingdom Establishing Movement.” (It
hasn’t happened yet and book not written.)
• What God didn’t show me until it was actually de-
creed from Heaven, is that He is going to transition the
Church from the Second Reformation of the Church to the
Third Reformation. The purpose of the Second Reforma-
tion was to restore to the Church all New Testament truths
and ministries. God’s purpose for the Third Reformation
is for the Church to be enlightened and empowered by the
truths and ministries restored in the Second—to demon-
strate the Kingdom of God in all the world for a witness
and for every nation to become a definite goat or sheep na-
tion. This will also fulfill all prophetic Scriptures that must
be fulfilled to their fullness so that Jesus can activate His
Second Coming (see Acts 3:21, Heb. 10:12-13). The last
three movements are now being fulfilled during the Third
Reformation of the Church.
• There has been a “Holy Spirit movement” activated
in every decade during the last 70 years starting in 1948.
Most of them were brought forth during the 7th and 8th
year of each decade—the Prophetic in 1988, the Apostol-
ic 1998, and the Third Reformation in 2008. Now we are
entering 2018. I am expecting a mighty move of the Holy
Spirit during 2018, enabling the Church to fulfill God’s pre-
destined purposes that Jesus has ordained, which He will
fulfill through His Corporate Body of Christ while they are
still in their mortality on God’s planet Earth.
children. “Mom” Hamon’s legacy lives on through their
family and the work that continues at Christian Interna-
tional Ministries.
make one’s own.” This is what we must do with Christ in
our lives. To receive Him is to receive the Father. And to
receive a prophet and those who are righteous will bring
blessing in our lives.
Later I saw just the words “Prophet’s Reward” written
on a giant battering ram which was slamming against a
huge locked gate. I knew the anointing of the Prophet’s
Reward was going to open tremendous opportunities for
the Kingdom of God to advance. Those who have received
prophetic promises from God and those who operate and
function in prophetic ministry will experience one of the
greatest seasons of honor, advancement, promotion and
favor as we align, obey and actively participate with all
God has said.
The number 30 signifies a promotion into a new season
of success. This is a new season of authority and blessing
for prophetic ministry and for seeing the prophesied word
come to pass. It is a launching season! Jesus was launched
into His earthly ministry at the age of 30 accompanied by
signs, wonders, miracles, authority, power over demons
and a heart to demonstrate that the Kingdom of God had
come. Thirty was a very important number in the Jewish
culture. It was considered to be the year of maturity for
leadership. Priests were dedicated to service at age 30 (In-
tercession). Men were eligible for military service at age 30
(Warfare). Ezekiel was called as a prophet at age 30 (Pro-
phetic). Men were considered of age to run their father’s
business at age 30 (Marketplace). This year get ready to be
mantled for a new level of authority in your area of pro-
phetic calling.
to an appointed time of grace and fulfillment so that we
can step into our time to rule and legislate for the Kingdom
of God in the earth.
Thirty also signifies prosperity and posterity. In the
book of Judges, one of the judges, Jair, had 30 sons. He
gave each of them a horse and a city! ( See Judges 10:4.)
So you see, in this 30th year of the prophetic ministry,
all that has gone before has actually only been preparatory
to what comes next. Where before the prophetic was met
with skepticism and resistance, now there is honor and ex-
citement to hear the Word of the Lord. The Voice of God
is being integrated into the Church and being drawn on in
the business world. Even local and national governmen-
tal officials long to hear answers from the heart of God so
they can have the capacity to bring their city or even na-
tion into the Prophet’s Reward of breakthrough. One of
the new things to watch for is how effectively prophets and
prophetic ministry cross into the mainstream of culture,
not just the mainstream of the church. Secular leaders will
become increasingly open to hear what God is saying, even
those who don’t know Him yet.
The Lord is saying it is time to receive the Prophet’s Re-
ward whether you have been a part of what God has been
doing the last 30 years or if you are brand new to the move-
ment, your reward is the same. During this 30th year of
prophetic ministry we should expect a greater anointing
for fulfillment of prophetic destiny, blessings of prosperity
upon ourselves and our families, greater revelation, greater
miracles, signs and wonders than ever before.
purpose of the miracle was to show people who God was.
They often met people’s needs, but the meeting of the Need
was to inspire people to meet with God, Many times the
prophets were persecuted for speaking the truth but God
always gave them grace in the midst of suffering affliction
for His name’s sake. God will do the same for those who
are pressing in to receive His prophetic promise.
There are several examples of people being blessed, re-
warded and advanced because they received a prophet or
a prophetic message. In all these examples we find that
receiving the prophet or prophetic word was not a passive
response of hearing a word and hoping something good
would happen as a result, but rather one that required ac-
tive alignment, an expectant attitude and corresponding
action. The Prophet’s Reward released rapid fulfillment
of the things God had promised. In most instances below,
the prophecy was fulfilled almost instantly, without delay.
The Prophet’s Reward brings an acceleration of the process
of divine fulfillment.
receive the abiding Voice of God. It seemed this woman
didn’t need anything. She just wanted the anointing in her
home knowing it would bring a blessing. But it was dis-
covered that she did not have an heir. She had no lega-
cy. The prophet told her that the following year she would
bear a son. She was so heartbroken from her years of bar-
renness that her initial reaction was not necessarily one of
faith, but rather “don’t mess with me prophet!” Neverthe-
less, the next year she had a son. She blessed the prophet
by honoring the gift within him, she made a place for the
prophetic anointing in her life and she received a miracle
which money could not buy!
One of the beautiful things about a Prophet’s Reward
is that it is not a one-time blessing but continues to per-
petuate the anointing through the years. When the boy
was grown he was working in the field with his father and
suddenly held his head and fell over dead. The Shunam-
mite, drawing on that Prophet’s Reward anointing, ran to
get the prophet to raise her son back to life! Her heir was
given back to her and the legacy the enemy tried to rob
was restored. This theme continued later in Second Kings
8 when Elisha told her to go live somewhere else during a
famine. She obeyed the Word of the Lord and seemingly
lost everything! She was gone seven years then returned to
make an appeal to the king to get her house and her land
back. (We must learn to persevere in intercession, going
before the king with our appeal to heaven for our house
and our land.) The king was hearing the story of how El-
isha had raised the boy back to life, when his servant said
“look! Here is the woman and her son!” The Prophet’s Re-
ward set her up with the anointing for favor for her to be in
the right place at the right time! Divine connections! The
king not only gave her back her land, but all the proceeds
of the land that should have been hers for the past seven
years! The Prophet’s Reward will bring restoration of all
that has been lost or stolen! It is a blessing that keeps on
giving and in this time of the Prophet’s Reward God will
make sure you are in the right place at the right time to re-
ceive your miracle and to bring influence for the Kingdom
of God.
Not only will God bless those who have made room in
their lives for the Voice of God, but it is now time to see
blessings come upon churches who have made a place for
the prophetic within their church structure. Have you giv-
en God’s Voice a place to move and minister whenever you
gather? Then you will see the Shunammite Blessing of the
Prophet’s Reward upon your church and growth and in-
crease will be the result.
So what is the Miracle you are believing for that Money
Cannot Buy?
she only had a tiny bit of flour and oil left. He asked her
to go fix him a small cake first because he knew God sent
him to this widow. He gave her a promise that if she did
this the bin of flour would not be empty and the oil would
not run dry. The widow received the prophet and fed him
because he was a prophet and she and her household ate
for months until the famine was broken. The prophet was
blessed with food but the woman received the Prophet’s
Reward that lasted for months or possibly even years of
unlimited supply. It is time to see the Prophet’s Reward
of unlimited supply manifested, not just for survival, but
for the advancement of the Kingdom endeavors God has
charged you with.
by wholeheartedly going after Elijah until he received the
double portion blessing. The Double Portion anointing
and the Prophet’s Reward are synonymous and it is time to
receive this fresh mantle on your life, family, ministry and
Since I mentioned the number 8, I should mention here
the biblical meaning of the number “18” is blessing and
long life . In the Hebraic culture the number 18 is very sig-
nificant as the word Chai, which is the word for life, has
the numeric value of 18. This is where Jews get the saying
L’ life! Eighteen also represents a time of coming
out of bondage. Twice Israel was in bondage for 18 years
when God delivered them. It does not signify bondage but
rather freedom from bondage. In Luke 13:16 Jesus healed
a woman who had been sick for 18 years saying Woman
Thou Art Loosed! Finally, the number 18 is tied to judges.
There were 18 judges from the time of Joshua until Saul be-
came king. The first judge, Joshua, ruled 18 years. I believe
it is time to see a new beginning in the courts of our land
with a return to righteous rulership.
down spiritual foes. This year will be a record-breaking
year! Things that have never been done before will break-
through! Things stagnated or stalemated in previous years
will break open through the Word of the Lord!
tion to come that he could marry the king’s daughter and
move into the palace. The opposition became his oppor-
tunity. In the same way, your adversaries have been giv-
en for your advantage. Your trial and trouble will become
your triumph! I felt this year would be characterized by
Gates, Goliaths and Glory! Go through the gates, defeat
your Goliaths and then step into the glory!
Along with supernatural opportunities God is asking
us to spend our favor. Faith is the currency of heaven. All
we desire to receive from God takes faith to receive. On
the other hand, favor is our currency of our dealings with
men on the earth. We must understand that we can actu-
ally have favor without knowing how to spend it. Just as
one can have money without spending it, one can also have
favor without spending it or spending amiss. Favor opens
doors for kingdom influence and kingdom endeavors. Fa-
vor assures we are in the right place at the right time for
kingdom results. Favor is one more aspect of our Prophet’s
Reward and part of the blessing God gives to those who
receive prophets and prophetic ministry.
erals responded by going to the prophetically indicated
place by the River Kishon. Kishon means, “to set a trap
or lay a snare for the enemy. This is exactly what happens
as part of the Prophet’s Reward. When the enemy showed
up for the battle God caused torrential rain to fall and the
heavens fought for Israel flooding the riverbed and wash-
ing away the enemy. In another battle in Second Chroni-
cles 20, Jehoshaphat, a great reformer and righteous king
was surrounded by the enemy. He called the people to fast
and seek the Lord during which time the prophet Jehaziel
prophesies that they will not need to fight in the battle for
“the battle is the Lord’s.” As a response to this prophetic
word Jehoshaphat sends worshippers out in front of the
armies singing “Praise the Lord for his mercy endures for-
ever.” As we know, once the army got to the enemy they
discovered that they had turned on one another and wiped
each other out. Heaven got involved and fought for them.
Again in Joshua 10, Joshua is in an epic battle with a coa-
lition of Canaanite kings when God speaks prophetically
to him: “And the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not fear them,
for I have delivered them into your hand; not a man of
them shall stand before you” (Josh. 10:8 ESV). Joshua was
exhausted but went to confront his enemy as instructed by
God, but instead God Himself fought for Joshua and Israel
and together they wiped out the enemy. As a matter of fact
it is recorded that God killed more than Joshua! Part of
our Prophets Reward is that God will cause His angels to
fight for us. Hebrews 1:14 says that God sends his angels
to assist those who are to inherit salvation. In the Book of
Acts we see multiple times when angels intervene to deliver
one of the apostles and position them to advance the gos-
pel of the kingdom. This is part of our reward for receiving
God’s prophetic voice. Send down your mighty ones, oh
God! You can expect angelic help in your battles in 2018!
Florida. Their ministry together is an example to the Body
of Christ of a husband and wife team working in tandem
and unity to accomplish God’s purposes. Their ministry is
characterized by a rich deposit of God’s wisdom to pro-
vide apostolic covering for the Church, prophetic teaching
and ministry, and demonstration of Kingdom anointing
and power. They travel as an apostolic/prophetic team to
the nations, imparting both the spirit of wisdom and rev-
elation to establish the Church and break open territories
through spiritual warfare for the Kingdom of God to be
experienced in a powerful and practical way. Jane has also
written several books, including her very practical work
on Dreams and Visions, her call to marketplace ministers
called The Cyrus Decree, and her proclamation over wom-
en in the Church to arise and be The Deborah Company.
marches in place, the stronger the cadence, the sound of the
cadence and step of the march becomes. It is increasing in
intentional focus and in authority. That place of tension for
the release from their Commander to advance. Suddenly,
the sound of the Commander’s voice echoes a decree in the
atmosphere, “Advance and possess!” This united, anointed
and prepared army begins to advance with the fullness of
kingdom expression into victory in a battle.
Issachar Season
We are in an Issachar season to know the Issachar
anointing we are to move In. Even when others might not
go with you through the doors in the new season, stay close
to Him. Be with the Lord as Elisha was to Elijah. When Eli-
jah knew He was being taken up Elisha repeatedly told Eli-
jah, “I will not leave you!” When the translations of these
words are looked at closely, Elisha spoke in a language that
can almost be translated into the following phrase, “You
cannot get rid of me, I am stuck to you like glue!” In this
season of your life, be stuck to our Father, Jesus and Holy
Spirit like glue. You will not be able to go through the new
door in your own strength, but in and through Him.
promised. Seek Him. He will show you what this looks like
in your life. Follow Him in obedience as He leads you step
by step. Allow Him to identify the old cycles that need to
be broken in your life and partner with the Lord in break-
ing off these cycles to enter into the new.
Knowledge of His Glory
He is moving in glory waves. He is bringing us into per-
sonal encounters. I continue to hear Him say, “It’s time for
a consecration, glory realm, altar encounter with Him. A
moment of an altar encounter where in this place of en-
countering Him, waves of His glory will come into emo-
tions, thoughts, beliefs to move us through into this season
He has designed and destined for us. A holiness consecra-
tion. From this place of surrender on the altar of consecra-
tion, there will be an army that will rise up. An anointing
from that Holy Spirit abiding place to cause us to rise from
the altar of consecration into the position of His strength,
full of authority, armed in the glory, and ready to advance
into the new. An overcomer’s mindset! A victorious mind-
set! It is a season of the” knowledge of the glory of the
Lord” coming alive to the Ekklesia and the earth (see Hab.
2:14). It is a time of Isaiah 60:1-4, “Arise, shine for your
light has come and the glory of the Lord had risen upon
you. See darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is
over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glo-
ry is over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings
to the brightness of your dawn.” Many of you reading this
have already risen and are marching in sync with the King
of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I want to encourage each of
us, to make time for the moment or the altar of consecra-
tion and enter into this new cadence of movement and you
too will be one to release the sound of the army marching
in sync and cadence with Him.
The Awakening Sound of the Ekklesia
In intercession for our nation and the nations the Lord
has been speaking the following. Concerning the rising
turmoil in North Korea, it is time for North and South Ko-
rea to become one. It is a season to see suppressing tyran-
ny diminished and overturned. It is a time for tyrannical
leaders to be trumped by God’s kingdom design for those
nations. The cries of the persecuted church is reaching a
sound of overturning and breakthrough.
As I have been praying for our President, all govern-
mental leaders and our nation. I began to see and hear the
Lord speak the following.
In the midst of all the storms, the chaos, the stirred up
tensions there is a sound that is arising from my bride, the
Ekklesia. It is a distinct sound rising in a unified composi-
tion being played before my throne and echoing through-
out the land and the nation and nations. There is a sound
of the groans of intercession, a sound of crying in total
dependence and abandonment to our heavenly Father.
The Father of the universe and all creation. A sound of a
groaning in the spirit over the land and coming from the
land. It is not a sound of death, but a sound of holiness,
consecration, hope and life that is designed by our Father
in Heaven. A season of pressing through a narrow place
and coming through the eye of the needle into a place of
His designed kingdom purpose and destiny. Even though
the flood waters have risen, the fires have burned, there is
a crying out. An awakening that is sweeping this nation.
An awakening of believers, intercessors, prayer warriors.
A united strength that all felt was lost is now being ignited,
rediscovered, rebirthed and released. It is the sound of an
awakened prayer army and Ekklesia. There is a new sound
of surrender, repentance, dependence on Him. A sound of
intercession of awakening that only comes from the sur-
rendered bowing of the knee and the laying prostrate in
His glorious presence of the throne room. It is that place
where we can only imagine how magnificent He is, but still
experience and encounter Him in His awesome glory. Yet,
in this place no human words can fully express, how mag-
nificent He truly is. It is a sound of worship and awakening.
A sound of the warriors arising. A sound and a stirring and
a rising up! A warrior’s cry of authority is resounding out
into the atmosphere. It is a sound and a display of unity. It
is roar of the lion of Judah resounding in the atmosphere.
It is the roar of awakening.
Houston and all surrounding cities in the region, your
love, humility and unity will set a model for the nation
and nations. Let the prophetic destiny of this city/region
of healing to the nations arise. It is a sound of the wind of
Holy spirit. His glory and His fire.
California, Oregon and Montana will burn with an
awakening fire. Pockets of His fire will burn up the dross
of the past season and there will be cities and churches
that will welcome His glory fire. Those that press into this
place of surrender will have fire and glory encounters and
seasons of a move of His transforming work. It’s time to
choose Him!!
There is a culminating voice of unity arising in a rem-
nant that is about to be expressed that many thought had
been silenced and divided. While the chaos comes to a
fullness of expression, the sound of this new repentant,
humbled, empowered army is rising from the land to the
There is a righteous multi-generational sound of the Es-
thers and Deborahs. It is a sound of awakening. The moth-
er’s cry that echoes through the spirit throughout the gen-
erations. Women it is time to arise.
Yes, chaos is raising its head for a set time, yet the sounds
arising from the awakened intercession and Ekklesia will
increase. It will in time overpower the sound of chaos.
Hold fast to the Lord. Keep your abiding gaze focused in-
tently on Him. Rise up, now is not the time to be dormant
or complacent. Take those action steps He is asking you to
take. Press into Him. He is a good, good Father. Jesus is the
victorious King.
in their special assignments. Angelic armies battling with
I see a union of many Latin Americans countries with
European Countries. New alliances formed between Latin
America and certain European Countries.
Amsterdam will begin to lead the way in governments
partnering with new economic reformation. The apos-
tolic prophetic voice will help lead the way. It is time for
Amsterdam to come out of hiddenness into the fullness of
time and maturity of the entrepreneurial anointing, gov-
ernment authority, economic strategies. I see prophetically
that the river of God is about to run through Amsterdam
at an ankle-deep level. It will continue to rise as the Ekkle-
sia begins to advance. It will rise from ankle deep, to knee
deep, chest deep.
There is a sound arising from Scotland that will break
the back of the spirits of darkness lingering from the mid-
dle ages. The hammer of justice is coming down to deal
a defeating and striking blow to the structures darkness.
A strong, activated, engaged, empowered and united pro-
phetic army is arising across Scotland.
A uniting and a newfound kingdom partnership will
begin to operate with Ireland and Scotland.
North Korea. The blood of the persecuted church/mar-
tyrs is crying out from the land. The bowls of intercession
in the throne room of heaven are tipping. It is the begin-
ning of the end of this regime. The mountain will quake
and begin to crumble in North Korea.
Spain. It is time for the prayer army of Spain to arise. A
season of mobilizing the army that will march in a united
way. It is time for the intercessors of the land to possess the
land and the airwaves of their cities and regions.
Uprising in Barcelona. As the chaos and uprising has
manifested, it is time for the Franco spiritual stronghold
to be plundered in the land. The occult structures in that
region are being seen and exposed to those in the nation of
Spain who have the eyes to see it and steward the apostolic/
prophetic decrees to see this occult assignment defeated.
Even in the midst of the upheaval, there is a uniting across
the rest of the nation. The next generation will continue to
rise up and pray and contend. An apostolic fire will spread
across the nation into Portugal into key locations and gath-
ering places. It is time to not only tear down, but to stra-
tegically build and establish in Espana. Now is the time to
build and establish.
Russia. The Ekklesia in Russia is awakened with the
roar of the Lion of Judah resounding over the land. A pure
apostolic/prophetic movement is marching through the
land. The harvest is ripe. Revival fires will spring up across
the nation. Even the “stan” nations will begin to awaken.
Not only will it be an awakening, but a movement of apos-
tolic discipleship. The church in Moscow, Vladivostok, St.
Petersburg, Saratov, Krasnoyarsk will see a fire and glory
outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Christian Russian television
will begin move in signs and wonders. God is cleaning
up the streets of the inner cities. The ground swell of the
harvest has gained momentum in the spirit that cannot be
Costa Rica. A prophetic move will sweep across the next
generation that will impact many spheres of society. Arts
and entertainment, media, education will be greatly im-
pacted for the kingdom of God by the next generation. A
new generation of governmental leaders will emerge in the
days ahead. Costa Rica will continue to arise and emerge
as the apostolic/prophetic equipping nation for many Lat-
in American countries. The partnership in the church be-
tween Costa Rica and Venezuela will cause Venezuela to
turn. Watch as this partnership grows and increases and
Venezuela will emerge into a season of hope again.
United States
As we enter into February there will be a lifting of the
extreme chaos that we have seen. But we are still in a season
of warfare that will lead to the awakening and overcoming.
We cannot go to sleep. Great grounds are being gained in
the nation in this season through a remnant. A draining
of the swamp will continue to occur on the left and the
right. Keys of authority are being placed in the hands of
key apostles and prophets who will speak into the govern-
ment mountain.
As the corruption continues to be exposed, there will
be a spiritual awakening that begins to sweep into the floor
of the House of Representatives.
Legislation will come forward to see late-term par-
tial-birth abortion defunded in the nation. President
Trump will be known as the President who successfully
turned the tide on the abortion laws in the land.
I keep seeing the state of Oregon. It is time for the prayer
army to particularly cover Oregon. I keep hearing an extra
measure of grace and protection that the move of God’s
Spirit will not be halted in that region.
I keep hearing the Lord say, the media wars will in-
crease, but the foundations upholding leviathan are shak-
ing. We will see financial holders who have not bought into
the corrupt financial systems in the media mountain begin
to withdraw funds to establish the new. New media outlets
with a truth foundation will begin to emerge.
Japan is coming out of the old and into the new. A see
a shift coming into the governmental arena in Japan. The
shifting that is about to take place will position new, young-
er leaders who have the creative innovative thinking for a
new level of prosperity to come into the land.
There is a young, on-fire army rising up in the south
with a destiny of revival and reformation. A fresh fire of
revival and reformation is stirring. An equipping of im-
pacting society with a strong entrepreneurial anointing is
emerging. A mantle is coming on the younger generation
for the arts and entertainment realm. Producers, actors,
actresses and screenwriters who will impact the arts and
entertainment arena with great kingdom impact.
The Lord gave me a vision—I saw His hand come down,
pick up and hold the city of Chiapas and that region. He
then turned it upside down and all those hidden things
(occult leaders, drug lords, drug dealings) who felt they
have conquered and are hidden, untouchable and invinci-
ble were uncovered and exposed; the Lord is going to cause
the land to be turned upside down. Those hidden things
will drop into plain sight and will have nowhere to run
for cover. A shifting in the land is coming to cause those
things of darkness that are hidden to be exposed and un-
done. I also see that those in these dark spheres are sensing
this uncovering and in this place of tension are planning
more acts of violence. Prayer is key for the Chiapas region
of Mexico in this season.
It is as if the spirit of Islam has tightened its grip against
the church. A new-found strength is rising up within the
church of the nation. There will be a uniting of the East
and the West in the days ahead. There is a stirring in the
spirit over Kuala Lumpur that has caused a united move-
ment to increase in the land of Malaysia among the church.
The Lord showed me hidden cells of Islam in the center of
downtown Kuala Lumpur, but three is an exposure at hand
of what is being schemed. There is an increasing momen-
tum in the underground Malay church. A harvest that is
God is moving in western Australia. A movement in
the spirit over the land that will cause a revival fire to be
sparked. The next generation will catch this fire and a
new outpouring will come into the Body of Christ— a
multi-generational move. Fires of the prophetic move are
spreading in the western portion of the nation. What is
being birthed in the east will spur the west on. The east
winds are blowing across the nation to the west. Aboriginal
people are hearing the sound and responding. A harvest
is resting on the indigenous people of the land. There is
kingdom finance that will come in the days ahead from
resources released from the land.
A Metamorphosis is Underway
Jennifer LeClaire
who dragged you down.
“You have been changed and are changing from glory
to glory. The glory that rested upon you during the strug-
gle is increasing as you step into the assignment I am giv-
ing you to see transformation all around you. You carry
the kingdom. Releasing the Kingdom into atmospheres
around you and watch the darkness flee as the brilliance
of My love works through you by faith. Have a confidence
that I have called you, I have equipped you and I am send-
ing you—and that I am with you always.”
I see widespread metamorphosis. I see metamorphosis
in people, in companies, in churches, and in societies. The
metamorphosis is coming out of an intense struggle in the
hearts and minds of people. It’s even coming out of church
splits and past moral failures in leadership. And it’s coming
from a changing of the guard in cities, states and nations.
Many will come to realize the reality of Genesis 50:20 and
Romans 8:28 in 2018 and in the years that follow.
Genesis 50:20 teaches this important principle: what
the enemy meant for evil, God will work for good to save
many. And Romans 8:28 promises us when we love Him
and pray, He will work even the most horrific situations
into something that benefits us and His purpose for our
Faster” in a news article about how the pace of innovation
and disruption is accelerating.
Indeed, we are in an age of innovation and acceleration.
Prophetically speaking, as part of this metamorphosis I see
a spirit of innovation coming into the church. We see in-
novations throughout the Bible in the form of inventions,
which are tied to our creator God’s wisdom impartations.
Proverbs 8:12 tells us, “I wisdom dwell with prudence, and
find out knowledge of witty inventions.”
The Bible speaks of Jubal, the first of those who played
the harp and flute (see Genesis 4:21) and Zillah, the forger
of all instruments of bronze and iron (see Genesis 4:22).
Second Chronicles 26:15 speaks of Uriah who made en-
gines of war invented by skillful men.
In modern times, many inventors credit God with their
innovations. George Washington Carver, who invented at
least 300 products from peanuts—including paper, soap,
glue, and medicines—said, “The Lord has guided me,”
and “without my Savior, I am nothing.” Mary Hunter, an
award-winning chef, insists all her recipes come from
heaven: “I don’t have a cookbook. God gives me my own.
Prayer is where I get 99 percent of my recipes.”
Gary Starkweather, an engineer who invented the laser
printer, said: “I believe that to a great extent, the creativi-
ty we possess is because the Creator put it there. God put
things [in us] as tool developers and creative individuals
and I think it has to please Him when He sees us use those
faculties to make something completely new.”
I agree with Starkweather’s revelation and we need to
embrace this pure wisdom from above. God is a Creator,
an Innovator and an Inventor and we were created in His
image and in His likeness. John 1:3 proclaims, “All things
were created through Him, and without Him nothing was
created that was created.” I believe this is still true; and that
witty inventions, technologies, scientific breakthroughs
and other innovations that make a positive impact on soci-
ety are inspired by His Spirit, even if the inventor does not
yet know Him.
The church has been lagging on the innovation front.
Religion has offered us a form of godliness without its pow-
er (see 2 Tim. 3:5). When the power of God comes on the
scene, eyes are opened to what was unseen, dreams come
alive, and creativity is inspired. The Lord wants to bring a
metamorphosis to the church that is innovation-driven so
we can reach unchurched people who have rejected reli-
en callings and embrace the metamorphosis move faster,
gain speed, progress more rapidly and step into the new
anointings at a younger age. Millennials are poised for a
rapid rise. Part of this prophesied accelerated acceleration
is pressing into the spirit of innovation and creativity. The
two are tied together.
At the same time, for the older generation, God is go-
ing to make up for lost time and fulfill Joel 2:25-32 as they
embrace the spirit of innovation: “So I will restore to you
the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling
locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, my
great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty
and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God,
Who has dealt wondrously with you; and My people shall
never be put to shame” (Joel 2:25-26 NKJV).
The struggle of metamorphosis at the individual level is
not always a physical one. Many times it’s the challenge to
embrace something new—that new wineskin for the new
wine God wants to pour into you and release through you.
Sometimes the struggle—the suffering—is a pruning away
of relationships that you have to let go because some are
not called or simply are not willing to go with you to the
next level.
the enemy is organizing a counterfeit move. Instead of in-
novation, perversion is his ploy. Instead of accelerating to-
ward God’s glory, he is accelerating darkness. His propa-
ganda is rising.
But I am believing as individual believers under-
go this metamorphosis—and as the Church embraces the
spirit of innovation—we will do great damage to the king-
dom of darkness. I am standing on Isaiah 60:2, “For the
darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the peo-
ples; but the Lord shall rise upon you, and His glory shall
be seen upon you.”
To read more about the Metamorphosis prophetic
word, check out Jennifer LeClaire’s book Metamorphosis:
A Prophetic Word about Radical Change in 2018.
Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for
there is the sound of abundance of rain.” So Ahab went up
to eat and drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel;
then he bowed down on the ground, and put his face be-
tween his knees.”
“The sound” he heard was in the spirit. Notice that
while others went to eat and drink, he took his place in
the spirit. He understood that prophetic sensing and dec-
laration are of no value unless they are prayed into reality.
Elijah went to ask the Lord for rain in the time of rain!
We must do the same. As prophetic declarations are made
for 2018, we must take these and go before the Courts of
Heaven to see things shift for them to become a reality. The
prophetic decrees are the passion of God for this year. The
job of seeing them become reality belongs to the Church
in the Courts of Heaven. Let’s engage this realm for God’s
will to be done.
Lord worked with them. When they moved out in obedi-
ence to what He had said, the miraculous began to occur.
2018 is a year of moving in obedience so the Lord can work
with us. When we obey the Lord, He will add His syner-
gy to our efforts. The result will be the miraculous. It is
not time to be waiting, but be moving. Sometimes we are
guilty of shifting into neutral and expecting the Lord to do
something. If we will move, Jesus will add His super to our
natural. The result will be miraculous breakthrough. Move
in obedience and watch the Lord add His power to it. We
will stand in amazement.
erty and freedom. It is a year of coming into new spheres
of our destiny.
they said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done
great things for them.’”
4. The opinion of other toward us changes! “Then our
mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with
singing. Then they said among the nations, ‘The
LORD has done great things for them.’”
5. Our own opinions of ourselves changes! “The LORD
has done great things for us, And we are glad.”
6. An expectation of the refreshing flow of the Spirit
comes! “Bring back our captivity, O LORD, As the
streams in the South.”
7. A heart to sow is revived because of a belief in our
future! “Those who sow in tears Shall reap in joy. He
who continually goes forth weeping, Bearing seed
for sowing, Shall doubtless come again with rejoic-
ing, Bringing his sheaves with him.”
of my salvation is restored. Thank You that this
joy is strength to my life (see Neh. 8:10).
1. The reproach of fruitlessness will be reversed!
“Sing, O barren, You who have not borne! Break
forth into singing, and cry aloud, You who have not
labored with child! For more are the children of the
desolate Than the children of the married woman,”
says the LORD.”
2. It is time to move in faith and enlarge in prepara-
tion of the fruitfulness coming! “Enlarge the place
of your tent, And let them stretch out the curtains of
your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords,
And strengthen your stakes.”
3. Cities and nations will be affected by your fruitful-
ness! “For you shall expand to the right and to the
left, And your descendants will inherit the nations,
And make the desolate cities inhabited.”
4. Disgrace and shame will no longer be remembered
by you or by others! “Do not fear, for you will not be
ashamed; Neither be disgraced, for you will not be
put to shame; For you will forget the shame of your
youth, And will not remember the reproach of your
widowhood anymore.
5. You shall be known as the chosen of the Lord! “Do
not fear, for you will not be ashamed; Neither be dis-
graced, for you will not be put to shame; For you
will forget the shame of your youth, And will not re-
member the reproach of your widowhood anymore.
every season of barrenness is over! I by faith enter
into this new season of fruitfulness. Every barren
place is reversed and increase is now my portion.
rejected but now one chosen. 2018 is the year of
acceptance and favor. Even as Ruth moved from
widowhood and rejection so I move into my new
season of destiny. 2018 is my year of full revela-
tion of my purpose.
May the full blessing of God overtake you in 2018 as
God’s divine favor is revealed and seen.
systems and then storms bursting forth from the cloud.
I saw amazing rain storms carrying the rains of refresh-
ing, renewal and revival. The Lord is sending these storms
to soak the ground and transform the territory! I heard the
Lord saying to me that sudden flash floods of revival are
coming forth from the cloud. Dry places are about to be
All the people perceived the thunder and the lightning
flashes and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain
smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and
stood at a distance (Exodus 20:18 NASB).
Next, I saw violent eruptions of lightning and realms of
power coming forth. The Lord showed me that there will
be lightning strikes, igniting wildfires of revival! The light-
ning also represents flashes and bursts of revelation. Every
move is fueled by revelation. There is coming forth sudden
insights and heavenly impartations from the midst of the
cloud. The lightnings of God shall strike and knock down
sickness and disease. The lightnings shall electrify people
and regions with infusions of divine power. The lightnings
shall burst forth with power for mega deliverance.
Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and
sounds and peals of thunder. And there were seven lamps
of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spir-
its of God (Revelation 4:5 NASB).
After this vision, I fell asleep and had a series of dreams
about the glory storms and the cloud of His presence. In
the first dream I was ministering in a church and the Lord
asked me to share about the glory storms. The church was
convinced that they knew and understood the glory realm.
They were singing songs about the glory but it was out of
ritual and routine. They had the language but not the pres-
ence. I told them that they needed to worship in the cloud,
follow the cloud and get caught up in the cloud. They re-
fused so the Lord released me from that group. The Lord
showed me that they were out of alignment and blinded
by routine. The message here is that to move in the glory
storms it takes much more than the right language. It takes
radical pursuit and obedience!
Then I had a second dream where I was at another
church preparing to speak in a meeting after a well-known
prophetic leader. After that leader spoke, I got up to share
for a few moments on the glory storms and the cloud. Peo-
ple began a mass exit, totally uninterested in what I had to
say. I was stunned! I inquired of the Lord about what was
happening. He revealed to me that they were more inter-
ested in getting a prophetic word and receiving insight or
information than hosting His presence.
I believe that this picture exposes the current prophet-
ic…many want the revelation, the information but are
uninterested in His presence! The message of the cloud
and the storms is one of presence and personal pursuit.
There is a refocusing of prophetic ministry to be presence
based! Authentic prophetic declaration unlocks realms of
His presence and calls people up higher. To really host the
cloud demands pursuit and hunger.
In the same dream, there was a group following a partic-
ular person but they were very out of order and rebellious.
I was so grieved that they would not listen. They ignored
every instruction and refused any level of submission. The
Lord began to show me that there was a breach of order in
their alignment with the agenda and the person they were
following. They were in the right place but not in the right
order! It is absolutely vital that we are in the right position
and the right office. There are breaches of office and grace
taking place that hinder the move of God.
There are glory storms of fierce winds coming forth.
These are winds of refreshing, winds of transition and
winds of shift. These are the whirlwinds of heaven that will
supernaturally pick people up and place them in the prop-
er ministry and geographical location! We must ride the
winds that come forth from heaven.
Then the LORD will appear over them, And His arrow
will go forth like lightning; And the Lord GOD will blow
the trumpet, And will march in the storm winds of the
South (Zechariah 9:14 NASB).
The glory storms will unlock dimensions of power! The
glory storms bring sudden reordering and restructuring.
As the rain comes forth, the seed is watered and divine
growth occurs! Seed that has been lying dormant springs
to life.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the
surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not
from ourselves (2 Corinthians 4:7 NASB).
The Lord is raising up people who carry the atmosphere
of the cloud with them! As they speak what they have
heard and seen, the dimension of glory will come forth in
power and demonstration. They are literally speaking from
another dimension. Their language is different because it
came from the glory! They will carry an unusual atmo-
sphere around them. These are the glory carriers!
the glory (see Luke 10:18). We must be prepared to steward
the glory. We must prepare our hearts to receive the light of
the knowledge of the glory in the face of Jesus (see 2 Cor.
3:18). There is a great grace for great glory that is being
released in this hour.
I (Jason) believe this grace is an apostolic grace (divine
empowerment) to build, pioneer and father in the glory.
We will see strategies and structures built that can stew-
ard these storms of glory to bring transformation (see Gen.
6:15). It is time for the apostolic fathers to rise up and re-
lease sons that will help build, guide and govern in the glo-
ry. Among the earliest uses of the term “apostle” or “apos-
tolos” were the Greek historians, who used it to describe an
admiral over a fleet of ships sent out by his king to discov-
er, explore, conquer and establish his government in new
territories. Jesus’ choice of the word reflects this meaning
and stresses its emphasis on “one sent from another” or a
fully authorized representative, ambassador of the sender
(Lyssichus, Or., 19:21; Demosthenes, Or., 18:107).
As we look at the word picture associated with this up-
coming Hebraic year of 5778, we will see that it is a picture
of a wall or fence. Walls and fences are structures that are
built up to protect what is inside. There is a building up of
apostolic houses and centers that will govern, guide and
guard the glory that is being released in the glory storms.
These centers will be places of justice in the sight of in-
justice. They will be places of righteousness, in the midst
of unrighteousness. Mercy will be the currency and truth
will be the constitution (see Ps. 89:14). The hammer that
was used for building will become the gavel that is used to
govern and guard in the glory. Chet is the 8th letter of the
Hebrew alphabet and carries the numerical value of eight.
The letter Chet is used to form the Hebrew word Chen
which means Grace. This word is used in the Scriptures
when Noah found grace (chen) in the sight of the Lord (see
Gen. 6:8). After the flood, eight souls got off the ark (see 1
Pet. 3:20). Noah is a picture of an Old Testament apostle.
He was the first admiral of a ship. Some key attributes of
the apostolic are building, pioneering and fathering. Noah
did all three. He built an ark and an altar, he pioneered in
the outpouring and he fathered sons (see Gen. 6:9,14. Gen.
As we look at the days of Noah we can glean insight into
the days ahead.
But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of
the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they
were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in mar-
riage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not
know until the flood came and took them all away, so also
will the coming of the Son of Man be (Matthew 24:37-39
In the days of Noah, the land was filled with violence
and injustice (heb. chamac “hamas”) (see Gen. 6:11).
In the days of Noah, they were busy with routine (see
Matt. 24:38).
In the days of Noah, they couldn’t discern the time (see
Matt. 24:39).
In the days of Noah, the deluge came to destroy all flesh
(see Gen. 6:13).
In the days of Noah, the waters lifted up the ark (see
Gen. 7:17).
In the days of Noah, he walked faithfully with God (see
Gen. 6:9).
The Lord is raising up Noahs in this hour that will be
able to steward the storms of glory that are coming. The
land is to be filled with the knowledge of the glory as the
waters cover the sea (see Hab. 2:14). When a land is filled
with violence, it is void of glory.
The Noahs will be able to discern the time and the sea-
sons, to release strategies and build by faith when no one
else will build. They will walk in obedience and endure the
mockers and scoffers who say it is foolish to prepare for
an outpouring of glory. The glory storms will separate and
elevate the Noahs. The Noahs will come out from among
the old wineskin structures to build vessels that can stew-
ard the glory. They will be separated from those who walk
after the flesh and are not lead by the Spirit. No flesh can
glory in the glory storms of the Lord. Just as the waters lift-
ed up the ark, the glory will elevate true Kingdom vessels.
Noah’s name means rest. In the glory, we can build without
striving, we can pray without striving and miracles happen
without striving. There is a resting that is released in the
glory. All needs are met in the glory. The clouds are roll-
ing in, the sounds of thunder are clapping and lightning
is flashing across the horizon. There are storms coming,
storms of glory, and it is time to prepare!
Therefore he said unto Judah, Let us build these cities,
and make about them walls, and towers, gates, and bars,
while the land is yet before us; because we have sought the
LORD our God, we have sought him, and he hath given us
rest on every side. So they built and prospered (2 Chroni-
cles 14:7 KJV).
Scripture References
Isaiah 29:6- Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts
with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with
storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire (KJV).
Isaiah 41:16- You shall winnow them, the wind shall
carry them away, And the whirlwind shall scatter them;
You shall rejoice in the LORD, And glory in the Holy One
of Israel (NKJV).
Isaiah 41:17- The poor and needy seek water, but there
is none, Their tongues fail for thirst. I, the LORD, will hear
them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them (NKJV).
Isaiah 41:18- I will open rivers in desolate heights, And
fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wil-
derness a pool of water, And the dry land springs of water
Isaiah 41:19- I will plant in the wilderness the cedar
and the acacia tree, The myrtle and the oil tree; I will set
in the desert the cypress tree and the pine and the box tree
together (NKJV).
Isaiah 41:20- That they may see and know, And consid-
er and understand together, That the hand of the LORD
has done this, And the Holy One of Israel has created it
Isaiah 59:19- So they will fear the name of the LORD
from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun,
For He will come like a rushing stream, Which the wind of
the LORD drives (NASB).
Hosea 6:3- Then shall we know, if we follow on to know
the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and
he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former
rain unto the earth (KJV).
Psalm 77:18- The voice of thy thunder was in the heav-
en: the lightnings lightened the world: the earth trembled
and shook (KJV).
Psalm 81:7- Thou callest in trouble, and I delivered thee;
I answered thee in the secret place of thunder: I proved
thee at the waters of Meribah. Selah (KJV).
Psalm 104:7- At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy
thunder they hasted away (KJV).
About Ryan LeStrange
Impact International Ministries
Ryan LeStrange Ministries
and discard the things that unnecessarily consume our
agendas. He has already released an assignment for you in
this season, but He will give a grace and impartation to do
it well.
Creativity...Press Forward!
New ideas will spring forth. I heard the Lord say, “I’m
releasing the creative juices,” specifically over these assign-
ments. Creative and new inventive ways of completing the
assignment He has given you will be released.
Also, the strength to PRESS FORWARD AND NOT
LOOK BACK will be given. The task is at hand. Let your
faith propel you forward with your commitment to trust
Him—and that you WILL complete what He has showed
you. He is for you, not against you.
the RAPID FLOW OF HOLY SPIRIT pouring out that is
about to hit the Church in 2018. Whether the Church is
ready or not, Holy Spirit is going to come in a wild way that
is uncontrollable and not tame.
I saw in a vision some people on the side of a brook,
watching in wonderment, as the rapid waters swept in front
of them. Others dared to dip their feet in. The two parties
both displayed wonderment, but only one experienced the
flow. To watch from the sidelines is a completely different
experience than to dip in and partake in Holy Spirit’s flow.
An invitation is being extended to us for 2018 to come
partake in deeper and wilder Holy Spirit encounters. The
unexplainable ways of God will provide opportunity to ei-
ther offend the Body of Christ or increase our hunger for
Lastly, I heard the Lord whisper these three phrases
over if it’s for you, I encourage you to grab onto it
as your promise from God and be encouraged:
• “2018: A year for divine alignment.”
• “2018: A year for restoration of families”
• “2018: Releasing the sound of increased rejoicing.”
As we wrap up the year of 2017, let us look forward
with JOYFUL EXPECTANCY to the year ahead of us. God
is on the move. HALLELUJAH!
You become my delicious feast even when my enemies
dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of Your
Holy Spirit; You give me all I can drink of You until my
heart overflows (Psalm 23:5 TPT).
swore to your fathers, as it is this day (Deuteron-
omy 8:18 NASB).
servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out
in those days my Spirit and they shall prophesy
(Acts 2:17-18 KJV).
Washington, DC and in the nations.” The Lord says, “My
righteousness, My justice will go forth.” Even with the re-
cent aligning of Israel and the United States, the Lord says,
“I’m going to cause the United States to come into a place
of plenty, provision and protection.” The canopy of the
Lord’s glory is being raised over this nation.
When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daugh-
ters of Zion, and purged the blood of Jerusalem from her
midst, by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burn-
ing, then the Lord will create above every dwelling place of
Mount Zion, and above her assemblies, a cloud and smoke
by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night. For over
all the glory there will be a covering. And there will be a
tabernacle for shade in the daytime from the heat, for a
place of refuge, and for a shelter from storm and rain (Isa-
iah 4:4-6 NASB).
In 2018, the Lord says, “My Kingdom is being estab-
lished within different regions, cities and nations in a great-
er dimension. I am sweeping through the nations. Yes, My
grace, My power and My love will be seen and felt in many
of the nations of the earth. Watch nations such as South
America, the Caribbean islands, London, Australia, Swit-
zerland, Scotland, Russia and China. Get ready, get ready,
get ready. Another wave of My grace and My glory is being
poured out. This season you will see the dove of My pres-
ence moving and resting over nations. Greater outpour-
ings of Holy Spirit will be seen in these days and seasons
to come.”
A New Synergy
The Lord says, “We are coming into the Third Wave,
a time where you will experience angels of visitation and
glory. Get ready burning ones, for greater outpouring of
My presence, fire and strength.
“I’m bringing forth a synergy revival of past and present
moves.” We’ll begin to see the storyline unfold during this
synergy that will lead us into the future. This revival will
bring reformation. The earth is shifting. The plans of God
are unfolding and being released.
“This is a culmination year,” says the Spirit of God.
“2018 is the year of the open door. Gates are being opened.
This is a year where opposition is pushed back, and I’m
releasing divine entry and divine access into all that I’ve
promised for every pastor, every leader and every son and
daughter,” says the Spirit of God. This is the hour! In Jesus’
mighty name.
God known in the nations of the earth. He currently serves
as the Director of Radiance International House of Prayer
in the heart of Times Square, New York. Torrey’s life verse
is Psalms 27:4, “One thing I have asked from the Lord, that
I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all
the days of my life: To behold the beauty of the Lord, And
to meditate in His temple.”
season in which many people have not seen the fulfillment
of prophetic words and promises from God. Watch for the
Lord to bring His instructions to you.
New Gates Open in the Spirit
I want to share part of a heavenly encounter I had in
which I saw people all over the world either stuck in previ-
ous seasons or unsure how to move forward. Many of you
feel like you’re called to something more, but you have not
seen it come about.
In the encounter, I had a vision that an angel came with
silver keys and unlocked chains that were on people. As
the angel unlocked the chains, I saw another angel holding
a stack of contracts and agreements that had been made
with these restraints.
These had been placed on people by those who did not
understand them or had become jealous. The chains and
contracts had been holding these people back from mov-
ing forward in many areas of their lives. Most people did
not realize they had these restraints. They had gotten used
to operating within the limits that had been placed upon
Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the
righteous: ‘The Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!
The Lord’s right hand is lifted high; the Lord’s right hand
has done mighty things!’ I will not die but live, and will
proclaim what the Lord has done (Psalm 118:15–17 NIV).
Suddenly, the people’s shouts of joy and victory caused
discouragement to fall off. Some had become so distressed
they were at the point of giving up and wanting God to
take them to Heaven. Others were suffering with suicidal
thoughts. But these were all being broken!
I watched as many people began to shout and worship
God. Then the Lord stood up and raised His hands and
said with a loud voice, “Open the gates of righteousness!”
Open for me the gates of the righteous; I will enter and
give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord through
which the righteous may enter (Psalm 118:19–20 NIV).
Jesus said, “I will fulfill all the promises I made to you.
The things I have spoken to you are now coming to you.
I am now freeing you from the chains that have held you
back. I am aligning you for this new season of your life.
Stay close to Me and watch as I move in the midst of the
storms. This is the gate that leads you to the very reason
you were created. This is the pathway to My presence that
will take you deeper into My intimacy and love.”
The stone the builders rejected has become the corner-
stone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our
eyes (Psalm 118:22–23 NIV).
“God is getting us ready to receive and release prophet-
ic mysteries from Heaven. These mysteries will expand our
understanding of what is already written in the Bible and
how it applies to our lives today.”
I saw many people who were being freed from the
chains and restraints of the past now flowing through this
new Psalm 118 Gate of Righteousness. They were given
new freedom and purpose and their strength was return-
ing. Many of them had been rejected because they did not
fit. But now God is gathering the misfits and rejected and
is building them into something new.
and calling to reach the new rainbow people.”
The Jesus People Movement of the 1970s was to the
rainbow people, which were the hippies. But the new Jesus
People Movement that is now coming is going to be to the
new rainbow people. These are the ones of many colors
and unusual types. And similar to the hippies of the first
Jesus People Movement, they have been rejected and con-
sidered unclean by most of the Church.
The Lord said, “The new rainbow people and the new
Jesus People Movement is going to be to the Ezekiel 34
outcast sheep that have been pushed away by the Church.
These are the gays and lesbians, New Age people, the tat-
tooed and pierced, the zombie and vampire lovers. This
movement will include women and minorities and those
who have been treated unfairly.”
happen in your area!
The new rainbow people movement was originally re-
leased last year in San Francisco, but the strongholds and
controlling spirits would not allow the revival to start there.
I have been holding two keys of revival and the Lord told
me to release one in San Diego and one in Los Angeles. I
did this on New Year’s Eve weekend. Something powerful
and historic took place and we are going to see the start of
something amazing.
Season Change
Get ready for sudden acceleration, as the spiritual sea-
son is now changing. Many people have gone through dif-
ficult times, but better times are now coming.
We are stepping into a season of excitement, joy and
happiness. Those who have sown in tears are about to reap
with shouts of joy. God’s wisdom and revelation is flowing!
powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching
helps open people to discover their destiny and experience
God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda
live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the
arts, entertainment and media industries.
Leaders are arising who have a vision to take the land
and are unstoppable in their quest. They are going to do
it and whoever wants to come with them should get their
act together and get moving. You will need to know how
to sow your own crops and reap in season in order to get
your own provision. You will have to use your initiative
and “what is in your hand” to provide for yourself and your
family, while raising them in the way of the Lord. Don’t
forget that your responsibility is not just for your family,
you have a corporate responsibility as part of the Ekklesia
of God to govern in your city or community as well. All
this while taking ground for the Kingdom of God. We will
need strategy from God to face the giants that presently
hold our territory in the culture of society. We will have to
be strong and courageous in order to overcome them and
establish the Kingdom in its place.
It is time to grow up! If we do not change the way that
we think and operate, we will stall at the door and stay
there. So near to our promises, but yet so far!
Some of the keys for going through the gate into this
new world:
One of the words that God “shouted” at me for 2018
was, “REFORMATION” I was very excited and started
to ask about reformation for the nation when He stopped
me abruptly. “Stop talking about reformation and start re-
forming. Start with you. Be the change you want to see in
your nation.”
After I got over myself, I realized what He was saying.
Our reformation started the day we got born again. God
activated your reformation when your spirit was born
from above and you became a new creation. The power of
God to reform and sanctify the whole soul and body was
now resident in our spirit. Christ in us, the hope of glory
(see Col. 1:17). Our responsibility was to finish the refor-
mation by drawing on His Spirit and Word within us. But
somehow, we get stuck. Maybe we thought we were done
reforming, or we thought we just needed to wait on God
until it miraculously happened one day. NO—reformation
is our responsibility. And I do not believe that we can have
reformation in our cities or nations until we embrace our
personal reformation.
I believe that God is saying to us “Stop looking at every-
one else and praying they will change. You change you and
watch how the world changes around you. Do not be con-
formed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing
of your mind” (see Rom. 12:1 NKJV). We know it so well.
We even facebook quote it—if you change your mind, you
transform your world. We know these scriptures so well,
but it is time to stop being hearers of the Word only and
become doers of the Word. Reformation is key to all that
God is doing this year. But reformation starts with me.
Reformer Leaders
I believe that the greatest need we have right now is for
leaders. Those who understand the times and what we are
to do. They are those who have discovered who God made
them to be and have embraced it. They are not trying to be
someone else and cannot be intimidated or manipulated.
They know their unique gifts and callings and have sharp-
ened their skills to operate in a spirit of excellence. They
carry a passion to see a vision fulfilled in their generation
and will stop at nothing to see it accomplished.
This year, we will see many of them arise to prominence.
Donald Trump is a forerunner of this type of reformer
leader that God is raising in these days. A new generation
of reformer leaders are emerging this year. They will dis-
rupt the status quo and break religious rules. But many will
rally to them, sparking movements across the globe. God’s
hand of government and His favour will be on these lead-
ers to bring about change in the nations of the earth. And
get ready for change with a capital C! We will begin to SEE
some of the NEW things that are being released for this
time. New systems, new technologies, new language, new
currencies. Opportunities abound for those who have eyes
to see and a will to work!
The last number of years, God has been exhorting us
to change our thinking, lay down the old wineskins and
go through a process of reformation in order to carry the
new wine. If we have not allowed God to take us through
this process, we will struggle to grasp the changes coming
our way in 2018. Humility and teachability will be key this
Some of the greatest resistance we will encounter will
come from the religious structures in the church. Just as the
Pharisees could not recognise Jesus because He did not fit
their paradigm, the religious leaders of today will not rec-
ognize what God is doing and will, in some cases, actually
persecute it. If we want to be a part of the new things that
God is doing in 2018, we will need to “lose our religion.”
Religious structures and mindsets will stifle and try to stop
the new things that God wants to release through your life
this year. As we encounter revelation and new things of
God, we will need to be skilled in discerning good and evil
through the use of our spiritual senses, and not through
religious mindsets. The Ekklesia must dismantle the gov-
ernment of the spirit of religion over our lives this year.
In Acts 10, God used the house of Cornelius from
which to release the gospel to the gentile world. I believe
that there are “houses” prepared in the nations that will be
gates, for the life of God to flow into those nations. God is
going to bring His reformation in the nations of the earth
through “houses” that He has chosen to be gates of life.
Many of these are in what are considered to be the
Muslim nations of the world. We have begun to see God
sovereignly visiting individuals in these nations and many
are being saved through divine encounters. This will ex-
ponentially increase in 2018, but we will also begin to see
“houses” through which the gospel will flow into these na-
tions. I believe that Saudi Arabia is going to be a key nation
for this. We are in a kairos moment for the Muslim world.
God intends for there to be a huge harvest of souls that will
disrupt the status quo of the western church – challenging
it to rise up and be the Ekklesia that Jesus said He would
er release of revelation regarding the Melchizedek Priest-
hood. We must become a people who understand that we
have been made both kings and priests to our God. As Pe-
ter said, “you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, His own special people, that you may pro-
claim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness
into His marvelous light” (1 Pet. 2:9 NKJV).
It is time that we comprehend and become who we
ARE! It is not a case of some are priests and some are kings.
No! We ALL understand and fulfil our roles as priests in
the heavenly temple in Mount Zion. We ALL are equipped
and skilled to carry out our responsibilities as the Ekklesia,
the Body of Christ that is seated in heavenly places. And
we ALL grasp our authority as kings to step into culture
and execute into place the will and plans of God using our
unique gifts and abilities. It is going to take us ALL! The
whole body of Christ, rightly aligned, fulfilling their pur-
poses assigned them by Christ who is the head of the body.
nations changed. Together with her husband, Robin, she
leads a Global Reformers Hub in her home nation of South
Africa and is apostolically aligned with Apostle Robert and
Mary Henderson.
being given by trusted prophets in the body of Christ. Cer-
tain sections of these prophetic words will apply to some,
other parts will not. I encourage those who read this to
seek the Lord and if He reveals that the shoe fits, then wear
it. If not, let it pass you by and impact the intended audi-
talk will spread like gangrene [CANCER]. Among them
are Hymenaeus and Philetus, men who have gone astray
from the truth saying that the resurrection has already tak-
en place, and they upset the faith of some. Nevertheless, the
firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, “The Lord
knows those who are His,” and, “Everyone who names the
name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness” (NASB).
The specific cancer that God has revealed to me that
parts of the body of Christ have is what the Scripture calls a
“scoffing spirit.” Second Peter 3:3-4 says, “Know this first of
all, that in the last days scoffers will come with their scoff-
ing, following after their own lusts saying, ‘Where is the
promise of His coming?’” (NASB).
God said to me, “Beware of a scoffing spirit that is
spreading like cancer in My body concerning the return
of my Son Jesus. There will be false teachers, prophets, and
apostles that will rise in the earth that will scoff at these
last days and claim that My Son has already returned and
will not come again. They will not teach on the reality of
hell, the fear of My name, nor the urgency of the hour that
you live in. They are killing the zeal and passion that I’m
desiring to arouse in my Bride prior to the sending of My
Bridegroom Son. You must look for those who accurately
handle My word of truth.”
He continued, “In order to eradicate the cancer from the
body, I am raising up apostolic and prophetic messengers
that will cry aloud and spare not. They will challenge and
confront these false apostles, prophets, and teachers like
never before. As the Scriptures say, the faith of many will
be upset over this growing cancer in My body. The cancer
is not only limited to the teaching that My Son has already
or will not return, but also the scoffing spirit that will re-
ject the call for urgency and holiness in the body. You are
about to witness the highlighting, focus, and emphasis of
the return of My Son in the earth like never before. I’m
going to mark and grip messengers with My holy fire that
will leave them blessed with groaning and travail. You will
see two contending movements that will rise in the body
in the days ahead, says God. One movement will seek to
pacify and put the body to sleep as the cancer spreads and
another opposing movement will cry out for the return of
My Son Jesus and warn the body of their need to be sober
and alert in these days that you live in” says the Lord.
I want to sound the alarm in the body of Christ and
warn you to watch out for false apostles, teachers, and
prophets who are claiming and will claim that there is no
second coming of Jesus Christ. A scoffing spirit concerning
these last days that we live in is the cancer that will attempt
to spread throughout the body of Christ in the days ahead.
Look for a contending movement and burst of wildfire to
break out in other parts of the body concerning the return
of Jesus Christ and the reality of hell and what awaits those
who are not ready. A hunger for the harvest fueled by the
second coming of Jesus is being released in the earth. The
fear of the Lord and waves of holiness and preparation for
the Bridegroom will mark many messengers and church
communities in 2018 and beyond. The oil of lovesickness
is coming!
and tested leaders when they are not. Beware!
me like never before. This is your year says God! Books are
still yet to be written, young people are still yet to be led.
Projects must be completed. Some of you will even marry.
You will not be defined by your divorce. Do not become
discouraged! I’m with you and for you!”
Donald Trump
God has visited me on numerous occasions in the last
several weeks (January 2018) concerning Donald Trump
and He continues to remind me of the prophecy I received
concerning him in July of 2015 that was also published by
Charisma Magazine and went viral around the world. The
prophecy God spoke to me was this,
“Trump shall become My trumpet to the American
people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find
in My people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will
he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. I am going
to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America
like never before, but you must understand that he is like
a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away
because he will disturb their sense of peace and tranquility,
but you must listen through the bantering to discover the
truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth
that I have given him to expose and launch investigations
searching for the truth. Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill
My purposes and plans, so have I raised up Trump to ful-
fill my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You
must listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound
the alarm and many will be blessed because of his com-
passion and mercy. Though many see the outward pride
and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a fa-
ther that wants to lend a helping hand to the poor and the
needy, to the foreigner and the stranger.”
The days and months following the release of this pro-
phetic word in July of 2015 were full of bitter accusation
and attack from thousands across the body of Christ. To
this day, I still stand by this prophecy I received and gave.
I truly believe God has and is using Trump as a type of
trumpet in America, but he is like a bull in a china shop
and his words must be sifted through in order to hear the
truth He is speaking at times.
Then two days before Donald Trump was elected Presi-
dent of the United States, I received and published another
prophetic dream in which a baby with the face of Don-
ald Trump was brought to a church and given to an older
woman who was a nursery worker at a church. The woman
began to rock baby Donald and sing over him. This is what
she sang, “Donald, you have a crooked way in you, but
through the intercession of the Church, God is going to
change you.” She sang this tune over Donald several times
and then I woke up.
Having had a significant amount of time to pray through
this dream, I have become convinced by the Spirit of God
that there is a tremendous amount of weight and responsi-
bility that now rests upon the Church as Donald Trump has
been elected President. Per the dream, Donald has clearly
been given by God as a gift to the Church and she must
engage in intercession in order to drive out the crooked
way that is inside of him. Donald Trump is not the savior
of America, and the Church must not go back to business
as usual now that he has been elected. In prayer, I heard the
Spirit of God say, “The presidency of Donald Trump will
be defined by one thing: his character. You must know that
his character can be greatly shaped and forged through the
faithful intercession and prayers of the Church.”
Pondering and praying through Trump’s presidency
in 2018, I received a vision of his right hand that began
to turn into an IRON FIST. God spoke to me and said,
“Trump’s grip is going to tighten while the liberal agenda
loses its grip.” I saw the liberal agenda in America gasping
for breath as the Trump agenda (the iron fist) squeezes and
suffocates its opponents. I saw desperation, wild accusa-
tion, and startling trepidation descend upon Washington.
Then I began to see something that both surprised me and
caused me to pause. The iron fist of Donald Trump was too
much for the American people to bear. The pressure and
strength of his grip while at first was reassuring, in the end,
it brought great unnecessary destruction. I felt an alarm go
off deep within my spirit. God said, “I have raised Donald
Trump up for four years as a battering ram and trumpet in
this nation, but without a serious sanctification and soft-
ening of his heart and words, there will be great trouble
and danger that will mark his run for a second term. Even
those who were once for him, will see the error of his ways
and begin to cry out for his soul. Do not be deceived by
the wealth and change that Donald has and will bring to
America, for I am after far more than the gifts I have irre-
vocably given him, I must have his heart so that I can order
his steps.”
The following night after receiving this word, I had
a prophetic dream where I saw Donald Trump crawling
around on the White House lawn eating grass and acting
like an animal. Immediately I cried out to the Lord in the
dream and said, “God, shall Donald Trump become like
Nebuchadnezzar? Shall he become so consumed with his
success that he begins to credit his accomplishments to
his own strength and power? Will you remove sovereignty
from his life?”
God spoke to me and said, “Donald Trump is in great
danger of becoming like Nebuchadnezzar in the years
ahead. He will have great success, but the Church must
pray for humility and the Daniel Company to arise. Just
like Nebuchadnezzar, if Donald breaks away from his sins
by doing righteously and showing mercy to the poor, I will
prolong his prosperity” (see Dan 4:27).
I woke up from the prophetic dream with a tremen-
dous burden upon my heart. To be honest, I could not be-
lieve what I just received. Could the prophetic narrative
surrounding Donald Trump completely change without
the prayers of the Church, the rise of the Daniel Compa-
ny, and a repositioning of his own heart? Could Donald
Trump have been raised up by God Himself like a Cyrus
and bring necessary change to America, but through his
own pride, arrogance, and forsaking of the poor end as a
Nebuchadnezzar? The answer is: ABSOLUTELY. Saints,
this man desperately needs our prayers! God is propheti-
cally warning us now in 2018 before it’s too late.
While I have not been given permission by God to di-
rectly prophesy into Trump’s potential second term, I do
sense strongly that there is potential great danger and trou-
ble ahead for America if he is re-elected. He has currently
been granted the “iron grip” that will run its course and
fulfill its purpose, but Donald Trump may very well be a
type of pioneer or trailblazer that must recognize when his
mission is complete and it now becomes necessary to turn
the nation over to another that can capitalize on the mo-
mentum he helped to start, but do it in a much more wise
and tactful way. We must keep praying for Donald Trump
and for the purposes of God to be manifested through his
life and presidency, but do not be surprised if Donald’s grip
and force becomes too much in the days ahead for many to
bear. The attacks, plots, and plans against him will become
more and more bizarre in the days ahead. I believe God
is releasing a very clear prophetic narrative with Donald
Trump so that the intercessors, watchmen, and prophets
know how to pray and act in the days ahead.
down to Donald Trump, bur rather will stand up to him. I
am giving Mike Pence a backbone like never before and he
will faithfully deliver the truth to Donald Trump again and
again” says the Lord. Then God said “I myself will stand up
in the midst of the UN council. Those who oppose Israel,
I will oppose. Those who defend Israel, I will defend” says
I believe God has also revealed to be that even Benja-
min Netanyahu is part of the Daniel Company that is sur-
rounding Donald Trump in an attempt to keep him from
becoming a type of Nebuchadnezzar in the years ahead.
On December 29, 2016, I gave the following prophecy that
was recorded, God says, “Benjamin, though small in the
eyes of many men, has gained great favor with Me. I will
use him as a front runner in the nations of the earth to ex-
pose the plots and plans of the enemy. He will be a trusted
adviser to Donald Trump and help him navigate through
turbulent days ahead. Donald will be a friend to Israel and
Israel will be a friend to Donald and America.”
The Daniel Company is also those in the body of Christ
who will fast and pray for Donald Trump. They will walk
in holiness and the fear of the Lord. They will contend
against any pride or arrogance that will attempt to overtake
Trump in the days ahead. God will give them clear pro-
phetic dreams, visions, and strategy for the body of Christ
on how to pray and what to pray for. They will be a tre-
mendous catalyst and key in the hand of the Lord to turn
America toward God like never before. Donald Trump is
not the savior of America, but he has indeed been raised
up by God for divine purposes and the enemy will attempt
to thwart his destiny without the prayers and prophetic in-
telligence of the saints.
steadying force in the nations that will unite those who see
clearly and warn of those who are blind. I will use Nikki as
a plumb line that will both unite and divide the nations.”
I want to be clear and say that I do not believe God
is specifically saying that He is raising up Nikki Haley to
replace Donald Trump. Now would I be surprised if Nik-
ki Haley becomes the first female President in the years
ahead? No. Am I prophesying that? No. What I am saying
is that God is asking the intercessors and saints to keep an
eye on her so that we may pray and continue to look for the
manifestation of the Esther anointing upon her life. She
has been strategically chosen for her role in the nations.
fering to the nations when I have called him as a man of
war. There is a warrior inside of Trudeau and I desire to
put strong conviction in him. Heavy intercession and a
great birthing of worship will come forth out of Canada
in response to the liberal agenda rising in the government.
Thousands of Muslims will be converted in Canada. New
sounds of worship and prophetic intercession will come
forth in 2018. I’m doing a new thing in the midst of the
coming storms. Hold on My people says God for days of
great shaking are coming to Canada. Great glory upon My
Church and great crisis upon the nation. Keep your eyes
on the news!”
and Australia for the United States. You are to stay in the
place you were born in and dig the pure wells I have called
you to dig. The desire to move to America has become a
source of selfish ambition and carnal desires. I say to some
of you in South Africa and Australia, Stay home! My plans
and purposes will be manifested in the days ahead and you
must not grow weary now. I’m raising up companies of
prophets, My pure Ones who will give My word without
the fear of man. Do not grow discouraged because of the
seeker-friendly spirit that has overtaken the body in South
Africa and Australia.
“There is a coming divine connection between South
Africa and Australia in the days ahead. Look for My pure
ones, the prophets to rise and give language to the ache
and cry of the South Africans and Australians. A revival of
holiness is coming. The true gospel of My Son Jesus will be
preached in the days ahead. A strong and mighty remnant
will lift up a cry for the return of My Son in South Afri-
ca and Australia. The forerunner messengers are coming.
They are those gripped with the oil of intimacy and the
urgency of the hour. Now is the time” says God.
senger and dreamer to the nations, but great complications
would mark his birth. Months later, Jeremiah was delivered
dead in the delivery room with the umbilical cord wrapped
around his neck. However, God intervened and the med-
ical team was able to save both Jeremiah and his mother’s
life. Jeremiah was raised in a Charismatic environment
where his father pastored a church outside of Indianap-
olis, IN for nearly 15 years. From the time he was seven
years old, Jeremiah began receiving regular prophetic en-
counters from dreams and visions at night, to sharing the
word of the Lord as he matured in age. God pouring out
His Spirit through miracles, prophecy, signs and wonders,
and the five-fold ministry were all part of the foundation
and heritage that Jeremiah was privileged to be raised in as
a child and youth. Jeremiah graduated from Southeastern
University in Lakeland, FL where he earned his bachelor’s
degree in Church Ministries. He entered full-time minis-
try at the age of 20 and has had the privilege of traveling
and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and prophesying
in more than 15 foreign countries and 35 states. In 2010,
Jeremiah planted Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland,
FL and currently serves on the Eldership Team full time.
This community of believers has grown into a gathering
of more than 400 saints hungry for revival, prayer, and a
mighty harvest of souls. Along with being one of the El-
ders at this growing church plant, Jeremiah also travels and
ministers prophetically to leaders and churches all over the
United States and abroad. He carries a prophetic message
of encountering Jesus Christ and living a consecrated life
unto God in more than 35 churches and conferences a
year under his traveling ministry, “Jeremiah Johnson Min-
istries.” Jeremiah is married to his beautiful wife Morgan
and they have three children: Bella Grace, Israel David,
and Lydia Joy. In his spare time, Jeremiah enjoys going to
the gym, reading books, and eating American food. For
more information, go to:
Tim Sheets
My people. You will now move into your own Pentecost.
Your own outpouring. You will now enter into the season
of Holy Ghost and fire! Lighting strikes of My glory will
begin to flash among My people as the cloud of My glo-
rious presence hovers, pulsating power surges from Holy
Spirit will now energize My Church. Surge after surge after
surge will infuse My reigning Church with the dominating
power of My Kingdom.
For the Lord says the move of My Spirit promised for
decades has now intersected its moment. Awaken says the
Lord of Glory! Awaken says the Lord of Hosts! Awaken
the new day. Awaken to new times. Awaken says the King
of Heaven. Watch the combustion of power from on high.
Now burst open the strongholds of your adversary.
The “Forever Loser” will feel My white hot breath,
breathing through My ekklesia. They will march in con-
quering power. The Forever Loser and his demons will
scatter before a mighty awakening says the Lord. They will
now experience “the Church of My presence” that disdains
them and binds them. The Forever Loser will feel the stamp
of My signet ring, notarizing his official position beneath
the feet of My heirs!
For the Lord says you are moving into the era of open
doors for miracles and the completion of miracles decreed
for decades. I have watched over My word and I will per-
form it. Holy Spirit and His Angel Armies are activated to
assist you. We have moved battalions into front-line posi-
tions to reinforce your advancement.
Government angels are on alert to assist you. Outpour-
ing anointing angels are on alert to assist you. Awakening
angels are on alert to assist you. They are ready to strike
like lightning!
Angels of miracles and healing are on alert. Angels of
evangelism are on alert. Angels of deliverance are on alert.
Angels of holiness, righteousness, and justice are on alert.
Decree your authority. Loose them with My words of
promise. Activate the King’s army upon the planet!
Ride the war horses of heaven in thunderous assault says
the Lord. Do battle in My Name plundering the kingdom
of darkness. Your victory has been planned meticulously.
You are now entering the season when dreams put in
your heart long ago will now intersect with their divine
moment, says the Lord. Like Joshua and Caleb’s genera-
tion, the dream will now feed you. The dream will now
provide for you. The dream will now resource you.
You will leave the wilderness confession of “I have a
dream” and enter the testimony of faith declaring, “I live in
the dream!” My people will live in the dream I gave them.
My Church will live in the dream I gave them. New doors
are open into new future, says the Lord.
About Tim Sheets
Tim Sheets Ministries |
A Time of Earthquakes
and Eruptions
Charlie Shamp
past. I could see great shakings that moved the ground in
the natural; it was a massive force that caused the soil to be
I could hear people saying, “Why has this happened?
Why has this earthquake come so that the soil of our coun-
try has been shaken?” I looked on the mountains and they
were quaking and all the hills moved back and forth. I
looked again and I saw other nations and they were shak-
ing with Revival, Renewal, Resurrection, Restoration.
The voices of the people shook the ground as they
shouted for joy. I could hear the people say, “Why has this
happened? Why has this revival come so that the soul of
our country has been shaken?”
The Lord would say,
All around you creation is pregnant with desire, but who
will give birth to my desires? Who will follow my path, my
plan; who will let me lead them by the hand? The difficult
times of pain throughout the world at this time are sim-
ply birth pangs that have come. It is not only around you,
but it is within the people. I am arousing my creation from
within, shaking out corruption and destruction to bring
my desires forth. There has been barrenness in many plac-
es, but many are yearning for full deliverance. I am going
to shake up everything; turn some nations upside down.
There will be natural shakings in the nations, yes a natural
earthquake will be felt.
In a nation that desired for war to shake the ground
in the Middle East. You have plotted against my people,
you have plotted against my Israel and you will be shaken,
your land will shake, your ground will quake. I will over-
turn a royal throne and shatter the power of a kingdom
that has come against my people. I will overthrow your
government, dismantle your weapons and armaments and
throw your army into confusion. The desire you have had
to utterly destroy my people will come upon you unless
you repent. Others have blessed and prayed for peace and
my presence, what you have desired will come to you and
your nation. I will fill many with my glory across the earth
for that has been their desire, but first a great sign will be
I came and stood under a mountain and this moun-
tain burned with fire to the middle of heaven. The moun-
tain melted beneath me and the valleys split apart, fire ran
down like water rushing down a slope. I said, “Where have
I been taken?”
I heard the Lord say, “This is the Mountain of God that
sits in the continent of Africa. I will cause it to erupt, it will
be a sign to my people that I am releasing a fresh outpour-
ing upon the earth. It will be for a sign and a wonder that
I have torn open the heavens and came down in this gen-
eration. This sight that the mountain has erupted will be a
mighty sign that my fire flows down to touch the nations.
A river of fire will pour out of my throne and like a wildfire
the Holy Spirit will spread through the nations in a fresh
way, so many will experience a new wave of revival.”
About Charlie Shamp
Destiny Encounters
Friends, let this be the year that you step in your di-
vine turnaround! Let this be the year that the enemy re-
grets ever messing with you! I believe this year, God will
turn your setback into a divine set-up! Where the enemy
tried to bring destruction, God will repair and and bring
“We know that all things work together for good to
them that love God, to them who are called according to
His purpose” (Rom. 8:28 KJV). The Word of God promises
us that what the enemy has meant for harm, God can turn
it around for good. God will bring restoration to you and
your household! Remember my friends, God is in the res-
toration business! God can restore us physically, emotion-
ally, and financially! I pray that restoration would come to
your household this year, in Jesus’ mighty name!
“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit
of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (Isa. 59:19
KJV). God has a standard that He lifts up, and it’s His
Word! The Word of God contains His precious promises!
This is the standard that God has raised! His Word is a
strong foundation that protects us, and enables us to stand
during every storm of life!
This Year, Slay Every Giant in Your Life!
Do you have a giant in your life – a circumstance or sit-
uation that looks bigger than you? Something that seems
like it just won’t change or shift? Something that makes you
feel stuck or afraid?
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then you are called
to be a giant slayer. You are called to be that person that the
enemy dreads! Giants can be all sorts of things in your life.
It can be finances or debt; it can be family issues or addic-
tion; it can be sickness; it can be a ruling, territorial spirit,
over a city, over a nation; it can be depression, a spirit of
fear or anxiety; it could even be a spirit of slander.
Giants always try to intimidate you; they don’t go away
until you face them head-on. Whatever giant you are fac-
ing, let me encourage you, men and women of God, you
are bigger than any giant you face. You are taller than any
walls that try to entrap you. You can be so full of faith, so
full of the power of God’s word and the life of His Spirit,
that no giant can tower over you!
Let me tell you something, the only people who slay
giants are those who know that they themselves are giants.
Recently, God has downloaded me with several keys to
slaying every giant that you face! These keys will help you
turn the enemy back on his heels!
about perspective. David didn’t see Goliath compared with
his own stature, but he measured Goliath up to the stature
of God. When you compare your giant with the might and
power of the creator of the universe, there is no compari-
3. Ignore the Naysayers!
Now Eliab his oldest brother heard when he spoke to
the men; and Eliab’s anger was aroused against David, and
he said, “Why did you come down here? And with whom
have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know
your pride and the insolence of your heart, for you have
come down to see the battle.” ...And Saul said to David,
“You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with
him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his
youth” (Numbers 17:28,33 NKJV).
There will always be voices, whether in the natural, or
the voice of the enemy, which will try to convince you that
nobody has ever taken on this enemy before.
Voices will tell you that people better equipped than
you haven’t even been able to accomplish this, that people
stronger than you, more experienced than you weren’t able
to do it, so there’s no way someone like you will be able to
do it!
There will always be voices that try to discourage you.
Listen, child of God, the only voice that you should be lis-
tening to is the voice of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit which
leads into all truth!
This year, I declare that you will succeed in all your en-
You are free from the bondage of the enemy, and the
chains of intimidation are broken off of your life! May new
winds be assigned to your life, winds of acceleration, winds
of peace, and winds of change!
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth;
shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilder-
ness, and rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43:19).
May 2018 be a year of breaking every chain!!
myself starting to feel really good, and people looked at me
like, “Are you crazy? Why are you feeling good right now?”
Because I’m seeing what God is bringing.
God is doing a new thing. As you may know, as we
prophesy, we often look for a biblical connection. Why do
we do this? Because the Bible is a book of Hebrew thought.
It’s not a book of Western thinking at all. So, if we’re going
to understand the Bible, we need to understand the nu-
merology. There are very important things that are hidden
keys in scripture. People can say, “Oh, it’s an occult thing.”
No, it’s a Hebrew thing, and if we want to understand what
is written in the context of what is written, we need to look
at the keys that have been given to us.
their enemies, and your seed, all the nations of the earth
shall be blessed because you have obeyed my voice.” I feel
those descendants are not just our natural children, but
also our spiritual children—people we have mentored or
movements that we have started.
Some of you know that I wrote a book that came out in
1991 called Possessing the Gates of the Enemy, and I’ve just
finished the 4th edition for it, which is coming out later this
year. It’s a new update with a fresh, new look at prayer and
spiritual warfare. As I was writing it, I didn’t even think
about the significance of gates. But, this year will be a time
when we are going to possess these gates—opportunities
that are before us that we haven’t been able to reach before.
In other words, we’ve not been able to go through the gates
of opportunity.
It’s very interesting that this promise was given to Abra-
ham around 2018 BC, which was 2018 years before Christ
and 2018 years after, so it’s like a double full-circle time. We
are children of Abraham, since we have been grafted into
the vine, so promises given to Abraham are promises for
us. Now, let’s talk about some ways to possess those gates.
Number one, you have to be prepared. Sometimes peo-
ple just take life day by day, like, well, whatever comes I’m
going to deal with it, but this is a year to possess your fu-
ture. So, you need to look and say, “What does God want
me to accomplish this year? What is it that I am supposed
to possess? What are those things that have been dreams
that you have longed to fulfill?”
It’s a time to dream again. It’s a time to sit down and say,
“Maybe we had a business failure, or maybe we had some-
thing happen to our family, or maybe that dream didn’t
come true,” but don’t give up on your dream. Possess it.
This is a special year with special promises. We need to get
ready for it, but how do we do that? One way is to surren-
der to God. Just surrender everything to God.
of it. Seek God from the heavenly, being seated with Him
in heavenly places. Ask Him to give solutions and bring
those solutions down into the problem. God is full of wis-
dom. He’s a kingdom administrator. He knows how to do
I can’t tell you how many times I could not figure out
what to do until I finally just calmed myself inside and
said, “God, you know what to do,” and all of the sudden, I
had the solution. It was like I suddenly realized that I was
seated with Him, talking to the Lord and He gave me the
solution. I knew what to do, and I brought that into the
current situation. You can do this when you need wisdom
with your children, wisdom with teenagers—praise God
that’s a very interesting time of life, isn’t it—or whatever
it is. If you’re married, you might need wisdom regarding
your spouse.
There are gates that Satan wants to shut—gates of rela-
tionship, gates that will slam in your face—and Satan will
say to you, “You’re never going to have a good relationship
with your family. You’re not going to have good times. The
things that have happened have caused irreparable dam-
age.” No, that is not true, because it’s not God’s will, and
God created your family. He meant it to be good. Don’t
give up your battle. Now, maybe it won’t come about in
2018, but don’t give up the battle. God will turn it.
rible, and the next day you’re just shocked that everybody
loves each other. It’s as if nothing bad ever happened, and
you’re just kind of looking around, and you’re going, “Wow.
Yesterday we were all at each other’s throats, and today it’s
like it never happened.” You know, God can do that.
Salvation came to the Earth suddenly when Jesus was
born, and you know that Moses came as a liberator seem-
ingly suddenly after all those years of captivity. God spoke
after hundreds of years of being silent. The suddenlies will
come in your life, and that should give you hope in the
midst of all your problems that suddenlies are coming.
Another word that was corporately given across the
board was acceleration. This is a time when your wealth
will accelerate. Blessings will accelerate. Prosperity will ac-
celerate. You need to believe for it. The Bible says the word
did not profit them not being mixed with faith.
You need to believe God that He’s going to give you
that prosperity, that He’s going to give you blessing, and
you know you say, “Well, what if I believe and nothing
happens?” If you don’t believe, I can assure you nothing
will happen. Whenever God says “I will,” that’s a powerful
promise, and multiplying “I will multiply you.” So, let’s be-
lieve for acceleration, suddenlies, and for God to multiply
you suddenly.
God is going to give business opportunities to many
people. Maybe you are in poverty right now, or maybe
you’re not able to make your bills, but God will download
something to you that you’re good at. You’re not going to
have to work harder, but you’ll work smarter, and it’s going
to bring you the funds you need. You’re going to be able to
do what your main thing is, and these other things will not
take you over, but yet it’s going to give you the income you
Suddenly, that gate of favor is going to open up for you,
and that gate of honor. Where there’s been dishonor, there
will be honor. Somebody was telling me how Billy Graham
used to be dishonored in the city of Charlotte, North Car-
olina, and now there is a highway or a freeway named after
him there. That can happen. You can outlast your enemies.
You can live longer, do better. Keep your heart right, and
one day honor will come into the place of dishonor.
These are all very significant things. God is saying
something to us.
A Moral Reformation
God is exposing immorality. There is going to be a mor-
al reformation, and this is going to happen in Hollywood.
Many, many people in Hollywood are going to understand
that biblical values are important. I see many, many in
Hollywood being interested in what we call good moral
programming, and I’m just thankful for the people in Hol-
lywood. You know, we always diss them, but they work so
hard, and I just want to put in a good word for them right
After the Reformation, there was a counter-reformation,
where a lot of the work that had been done was undone. It
was a very dark time. Well, the Lord spoke to us that if we
are attentive, there will not be another counter-reforma-
tion. If we don’t evangelize the Millennials with a biblical
worldview, if we don’t speak to their hearts, in a decade,
we’re going to see all that we have gained in this time of
going into the seven spheres, or mountains of authority,
start to be undone again. We want to reach the Millennials.
We want to listen to the Millennials, and God is going to
anoint people to do this and pray. It’s time to pray for the
Millennials, and I prayed about that, too.
There’s a Revival coming—a revival of a magnitude
worldwide that we cannot imagine. There’s a reformation
coming, and I want to say something about that. We are in
the midst of the Great Awakening now. The Great Awak-
ening worldwide has begun. It’s not going to begin. It has
begun, and it’s going to begin in different stages. We have
seen great revivals come before, the Welsh Revival, differ-
ent Revivals, but they didn’t last. However, we know with
this reformation, there’s going to be a marriage between
evangelism and reformation, and we’re going to see na-
tions changed. We’re in the process.
Saudi Arabia. God is preparing a highway.
God is preparing a way for nation after nation after
nation to be touched through religious freedom with His
power, and there’s going to be a connection that will hap-
pen even with Israel. Sometimes people say, “Well that
could never happen.” It’s going to happen, because the Bi-
ble says that it will happen.
to go down. Well, the stock market is going up and up and
There will be some course corrections, but I do not at
this time see a major crash, where it’s going to completely
plummet, as long as we continue on the current path. But,
if there’s compromise, it will go down, and you will see this
directly correlating with what’s happening with our con-
nection with Israel.
I also want to mention the Middle East. The Middle
East is very important, as is China. Asia’s a very huge part,
and the Chinese people in particular, but all of the Asians
with this Isaiah 19 highway. Look to numbers of people
going to Egypt. Numbers and numbers of Christians will
start going to Egypt to pray, because this move of God, it’s
happening now. It’s not something just beginning. It’s been
happening, but we’re going to see it’s going to be on a great-
er and greater scale.
Africa is going to experience an explosion of God’s pow-
er, but the nations are going to be transformed, as well. At
the meeting of prophets we had recently, we had prophets
from all over the world pray together, and we were decree-
ing that the evil dictator Mugabe of Zimbabwe was going
to come down immediately. At the exact moment that we
were taking authority over the spirit that had held Zimba-
bwe bound by this dictator, the tanks were rolling into Ha-
rare. We have to keep praying that it doesn’t go back into
the same way. We have great authority through the name
of Jesus, and God has been speaking to us that we are going
to go through gates of authority. It’s time for the Daniels in
Babylon to arise.
Daniel captured Babylon, instead of Babylon capturing
Daniel. God allowed Daniel to be captured, but then he be-
came head of all the soothsayers. The Lord showed us that,
as prophets, we are going to go into many, many doors
and places in secular society, governmental places, where
there’ll be those that are psychics there, but God is going
to give us words that outshine them all through signs, and
wonders, and miracles. We see this in the case of Moses
and the Pharaoh with the serpents and the rod that Moses
threw down.
We prophesied a lot about North Korea, that they are
going to have a suddenly, where God is going to deal with
Kim Jong-un. In fact, the word was, “I’m dealing with the
evil dictators of the world, and these evil dictators are go-
ing to shake.” Maduro’s gonna shake. He’s gonna come
down, and some of the others. We’re seeing Iran shaking
right now. We saw what happened with Zimbabwe. We’re
going to see it with Kim Jong-un. There’s going to be some
turmoil, but Kim Jong-un is going to come down. God is
hardening his heart like Pharaoh’s heart. He’s not going to
allow Kim Jong-un to stay in that position. He’s not going
to allow compromise to come. Something is going to dra-
matically happen, because his time for being a dictator is
over, unless he turns his heart to the Lord.
Kim Jong-un, if you’re reading this somehow, turn your
heart to the Lord Jesus. There are people praying for you,
and if you will completely change, God is going to help you
on a path that will not be destructive. So, you can choose,
Kim Jong-un. You choose who you’ll serve. If you serve
God, and if you change your ways, God will protect you.
He will protect North Korea in a unique way and make
peace with South Korea. However, if you continue on your
path, it will lead to your destruction, and the sad thing
about that is your destruction will lead to the path to hell.
So, I just pray that somehow God will get that message to
Kim Jong-un, because God cares about him. He doesn’t
want that anyone should perish.
One of the words the Lord gave us is the word amplifi-
cation. God wants to amplify your voice, and then it’s going
to be a wave that’s going to be love-motivated. God is going
to give us that love motivation, and we’re gonna prophesy
in a new way. We’re gonna prophesy innovative strategies.
Now, not all of these will really touch everyone’s heart
as I’m sharing this, but take notes and go over it again, be-
cause there will be parts of this that will stand out for you,
and you’ll say, “This is my part. This is what I need.” It’s a
lot of information, but go over it again and again, and be-
lieve it, declare and decree it.
So, this is the beginning of strength coming. There’s hu-
miliation that has happened to some of the body of Christ.
Maybe it happened to you on your job or maybe you’ve
been persecuted in another way. Maybe you’re a student
and it happened at school. Listen, God is going to cause
you to shine. He’s going to take you to the top of the heap.
He’s going to show you what to do to be the best of the
best. There are spiritual confrontations coming, but God is
going to anoint the business leaders. God is going to anoint
those who, like Nehemiah, will be able to build walls of
culture and change things in every way.
So, Father, I pray for those who will possess the gates of
their future. Father, I pray that there will be strategies, and
that there will be new levels of intimacy. Father, I pray for
those who have felt overwhelmed.
The Lord says, “Don’t be overwhelmed. Calm your spir-
it. Calm your spirit. Be still and know that I am God, and
as you just take time in stillness just abiding with the Lord,
just be still.”
You’ve asked Him so many questions. Now let Him talk
back to you. Give time for the Lord to speak to you as well
as you speak to Him. God will show you which are your
So, Father, I pray for those doors of opportunity. Father,
I thank you, Lord, that you’re going to give innovation,
strategies, acceleration, suddenlies, favor, and honor in the
name of Jesus.
Let’s go through the gate of 2018. Let’s possess the gates
of our future. Let’s do it with excitement, joy, and happi-
ness. It’s going to be a great year. Now just go do it!
About Cindy Jacobs
Cindy Jacobs has a worldwide intercession ministry.
She and her husband, Mike, founded Generals Interna-
tional in 1985 (, working to achieve
social transformation through intercession and prophetic
ministry. She is the author of several best-selling books, in-
cluding Possessing the Gates of the Enemy. Her television
program, God Knows, is seen around the world. Cindy
and Mike reside in Dallas, Texas.
Over three decades in ministry, Cindy Jacobs has been
dispelling the misconceptions people have toward spiritual
warfare. It’s not a dark, spooky thing, but vital to embrac-
ing God’s calling for you to be an overcomer! The enemy
is relentless, so we need to be relentless in growing and
learning too! Cindy’s online course will walk you through
spiritual warfare and how to begin overcoming the snares
the enemy uses to entrap you.
Enroll today and begin this amazing journey of victory!