Cliffs Quick Review Geometry
Cliffs Quick Review Geometry
Cliffs Quick Review Geometry
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Tragezoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ÇÇ
Tinding ıke gerimeıer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ÇÇ
Tinding ıke area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ç8
flegu1ar ¶o1ygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ÇÇ
¶arıs of a regu1ar go1ygon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ÇÇ
Tinding ıke gerimeıer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ÇÇ
Tinding ıke area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ÇÇ
Circ1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8O
Tinding ıke circumference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8O
Tinding ıke area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Summary of ¶erimeıer‚ Circumference‚ and Area Tormu1as . . . . . . . .82
Chapter 6: Similarity - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -84
flaıio and ¶rogorıion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8£
flaıio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8£
¶rogorıion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Means and exıremes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
¶rogerıies of ¶rogorıions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Simi1ar ¶o1ygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Ç
Simi1ar Triang1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ÇO
¶rogorıiona1 ¶arıs of Triang1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Çß
¶rogorıiona1 ¶arıs of Simi1ar Triang1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ç\
¶erimeıers and Areas of Simi1ar Triang1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ÇÇ
Chapter 7: Right Triangles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -102
Ceomeıric Mean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1O2
A1ıiıude ıo ıke Hygoıenuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Oß
¶yıkagorean Tkeorem and Iıs Converse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1O6
Kxıension ıo ıke ¶yıkagorean Tkeorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11O
Sgecia1 fligkı Triang1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
Chapter 8: Circles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -118
¶arıs of Circ1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Cenıra1 Ang1es and Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Cenıra1 ang1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Arcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Arcs and Inscribed Ang1es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Oıker Ang1es Tormed by Ckords‚ Secanıs‚ and Tangenıs . . . . . . . . .1ßO
Arcs and Ckords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1ß\
Segmenıs of Ckords‚ Secanıs‚ and Tangenıs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1ß8
Arc Lengık and Secıors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1£ß
Arc 1engık . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1£ß
Secıor of a circ1e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1££
Summary of Ang1e‚ Segmenı‚ Arc Lengık‚
and Secıor fle1aıionskigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1£6
vi CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Index - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1R6
earning geomeıry kas ıradiıiona11y been regarded as imgorıanı in ıke sec~
L ondary sckoo1s‚ aı 1eası garı1y because iı kas been ıke grimary means of
ıeacking ıke arı of reasoning. Over ıime‚ geomeıry kas evo1ved inıo a beau~
ıifu11y arranged and 1ogica11y organized body of know1edge. Iı consisıs gri~
mari1y of a sequence of sıaıemenıs abouı goinıs‚ 1ines‚ and g1anes‚ as we11 as
g1anar and so1id figures. Ceomeıry begins wiık undefined ıerms‚ definiıions‚
and assumgıions; ıkese 1ead ıo ıkeorems and consırucıions. Iı is an absıracı
subjecı‚ buı easy ıo visua1ize‚ and iı kas many concreıe gracıica1 agg1icaıions.
Hisıorica11y‚ geomeıry kas 1ong been imgorıanı for iıs ro1e in ıke surveying
of 1and and more recenı1y‚ our know1edge of geomeıry kas been agg1ied ıo
ke1g bui1d sırucıura11y sound bridges‚ exgerimenıa1 sgace sıaıions‚ and 1arge
aık1eıic and enıerıainmenı arenas‚ jusı ıo menıion a few examg1es.
Unforıunaıe1y‚ many sıudenıs g1anning ıo ıake sıandardized co11ege admis~
sion ıesıs or ıo gursue careers requiring more advanced maıkemaıics and
gkysics over1ook ıke significanı ro1e of geomeıry in ıkese underıakings.
Tkis book ke1gs you geı ready for success on ıke maıkemaıics gorıion of
ıkese sıandardized ıesıs or in ıke more advanced maıkemaıics and science
courses required for careers in maıkemaıics‚ ıke sciences‚ and engineering.
Teackers and sıudenıs a1ike wi11 find CQfl Geometry ıo be a va1uab1e course
Tke grerequisiıes for subjecı comgrekension inc1ude fami1iariıy wiık basic
ariıkmeıic ogeraıions and wiık some ıogics from inıroducıory a1gebra.
Tke ariıkmeıic grerequisiıes inc1ude converıing fracıions ıo decima1s‚ con~
verıing imgroger fracıions ıo mixed numbers‚ and ıaking square rooıs.
Tke a1gebraic grerequisiıes inc1ude addiıion of equaıions‚ so1ving 1inear
equaıions in ıwo variab1es for one variab1e in ıerms of ıke oıker‚ and fac~
ıoring quadraıic equaıions.
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
eomeıry was ıke firsı sysıem of ideas in wkick a few simg1e sıaıemenıs
G were assumed and ıken used ıo derive more comg1ex ones. A sysıem
suck as ıkis is referred ıo as a deducıive sysıem. Ceomeıry inıroduces you
ıo ıke ideas of deducıion and 1ogica1 consequences‚ ideas you wi11 conıinue
ıo use ıkrougkouı your 1ife.
A qoinı is ıke mosı fundamenıa1 objecı in geomeıry. Iı is regresenıed by
a doı and named by a cagiıa1 1eııer. A goinı regresenıs gosiıion on1y; iı kas
zero size (ıkaı is‚ zero 1engık‚ zero widık‚ and zero keigkı). Tigure 1~1 i11us~
ıraıes goinı C, goinı X, and goinı Q.
A line (straight tiwe) can be ıkougkı of as a connecıed seı of infiniıe1y many
goinıs. Iı exıends infiniıe1y far in ıwo oggosiıe direcıions. A 1ine kas infi~
niıe 1engık‚ zero widık‚ and zero keigkı. Any ıwo goinıs on ıke 1ine name
iı. Tke symbo1 wriııen on ıog of ıwo 1eııers is used ıo denoıe ıkaı 1ine.
A 1ine may a1so be named by one sma11 1eııer (Tigure 1~2).
This is line
It is written as
This is line
Collinear qoinıs
¶oinıs ıkaı 1ie on ıke same 1ine are ca11ed collinear qoinıs. If ıkere is no
1ine on wkick a11 of ıke goinıs 1ie‚ ıken ıkey are noncollinear qoinıs. In
Tigure 1~ß‚ goinıs X, fl, and M are co11inear‚ and goinıs T, I, and C are
Kxamqle 1: Sıaıe ıke gosıu1aıe or ıkeorem you wou1d use ıo jusıify ıke
sıaıemenı made abouı eack figure.
(a) (b)
(a) Tkrougk any ıkree nonco11inear goinıs‚ ıkere is exacı1y one g1ane
(flostutate ß).
(b) Tkrougk any ıwo goinıs‚ ıkere is exacı1y one 1ine (flostutate f).
Chapter 1: Fundamental Ideas 7
(c) If ıwo goinıs 1ie in a g1ane‚ ıken ıke 1ine joining ıkem 1ies in ıkaı
g1ane (flostutate /).
(d) If ıwo g1anes inıersecı‚ ıken ıkeir inıersecıion is a 1ine (flostutate 6).
(e) A 1ine conıains aı 1eası ıwo goinıs (flostutate 1).
(f ) If ıwo 1ines inıersecı‚ ıken exacı1y one g1ane conıains boık 1ines
(Theorem ß).
(g) If a goinı 1ies ouıside a 1ine‚ ıken exacı1y one g1ane conıains boık
ıke 1ine and ıke goinı (Theorem 2).
(k) If ıwo 1ines inıersecı‚ ıken ıkey inıersecı in exacı1y one goinı
(Theorem 1).
Line segment
k line segmenı is a connecıed giece of a 1ine. Iı kas ıwo endgoinıs and is
named by iıs endgoinıs. Someıimes‚ ıke symbo1 – wriııen on ıog of ıwo
1eııers is used ıo denoıe ıke segmenı. Tkis is 1ine segmenı CD (Tigure 1~6).
Iı is wriııen CD. (Tecknica11y‚ CD refers ıo ıke goinıs C and D and a11 ıke
goinıs beıween ıkem‚ and CD wiıkouı ıke refers ıo ıke disıance from C
ıo D.) Noıe ıkaı CD is a giece of flB .
flostutate / (Ruter flostutate): Kack goinı on a 1ine can be gaired wiık exacı1y
one rea1 number ca11ed iıs coordinaıe. Tke
disıance beıween ıwo goinıs is ıke gosiıive dif~
ference of ıkeir coordinaıes (Tigure 1~Ç).
8 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
If a b‚ ıken flB = a ~ b.
4 6 8 10 12 14 16
QU = 12 ~ £
QU = 8 (Tke 1engık of QU is 8.)
flostutate 8 (Segmewt fldditiow flostutate): If B 1ies beıween fl and C on
a 1ine‚ ıken flB + BC = flC
(Tigure 1~Ç).
5 8 11 12 17 19 23 29
KR = 2Ç ~ \ or KR = 2£
A ray is a1so a giece of a 1ine‚ excegı ıkaı iı kas on1y one endgoinı and con~
ıinues forever in one direcıion. Iı cou1d be ıkougkı of as a ka1f~1ine wiık
an endgoinı. Iı is named by ıke 1eııer of iıs endgoinı and any oıker goinı
on ıke ray. Tke symbo1 wriııen on ıog of ıke ıwo 1eııers is used ıo
denoıe ıkaı ray. Tkis is ray flB (Tigure 1~1ß).
10 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Iı is wriııen as flB.
Tkis is ray CD (Tigure 1~1£).
Iı is wriııen as CD or‚ DC
Noıe ıkaı ıke nonarrow garı of ıke ray symbo1 is over ıke endgoinı.
Two rays ıkaı kave ıke same endgoinı form an ang1e. Tkaı endgoinı is
ca11ed ıke verıex‚ and ıke rays are ca11ed ıke sides of ıke ang1e. In geome~
ıry‚ an ang1e is measured in degrees from O º ıo 18Oº. Tke number of
degrees indicaıes ıke size of ıke ang1e. In Tigure 1~1\‚ rays AB and AC
form ıke ang1e. fl is ıke verıex. flB and flC are ıke sides of ıke ang1e.
1 x
Kxamqle \: In Tigure 1~1Ç (a) use ıkree 1eııers ıo rename ß; (b) use one
number ıo rename KXJ.
2 3 4
1 5
135 45
180 0
If a b‚ ıken m flOB = a ~ b.
160 40
180 0
1 45
Angle bisector
An angle bisecıor is a ray ıkaı divides an ang1e inıo ıwo equa1 ang1es. In
Tigure 1~22 OF is a bisecıor of EOZ because = m EOF = m FOZ.
Theorem /: An ang1e ıkaı is noı a sıraigkı ang1e kas exacı1y one bisecıor.
Cerıain ang1es are given sgecia1 names based on ıkeir measures.
Right angle
A righı angle kas a measure of ÇOº. Tke symbo1 in ıke inıerior of an
ang1e designaıes ıke facı ıkaı a rigkı ang1e is formed. In Tigure 1~2ß‚ flBC
is a rigkı ang1e.
14 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
m flBC = ÇOº
Theorem 6: A11 rigkı ang1es are equa1.
Acute angle
An accıe angle is any ang1e wkose measure is 1ess ıkan ÇOº. In Tigure 1~2£‚
b is acuıe.
less than 90
m b ÇOº
Obtuse angle
An obıcse angle is an ang1e wkose measure is more ıkan ÇOº buı 1ess ıkan
18Oº. In Tigure 1~2\‚ £ is obıuse.
Chapter 1: Fundamental Ideas 15
m £ ÇOº and m £ 18Oº
ÇOº m £ 18Oº
3traight angle
Some geomeıry ıexıs refer ıo an ang1e wiık a measure of 18Oº as a sıraighı
angle. In Tigure 1~26‚ BflC is a sıraigkı ang1e.
m BflC = 18Oº
Kxamqle 8: Use Tigure 1~2Ç ıo idenıify eack named ang1e as acuıe‚ rigkı‚
obıuse‚ or sıraigkı: (a) BFD, (b) flFK, (c) BFC, (d) DFfl.
180 0
3pecial Angles
Cerıain ang1e gairs are given sgecia1 names based on ıkeir re1aıive gosiıion
ıo one anoıker or based on ıke sum of ıkeir resgecıive measures.
16 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Ad¡acent angles
kdjacenı angles are any ıwo ang1es ıkaı skare a common side segaraıing
ıke ıwo ang1es and ıkaı skare a common verıex. In Tigure 1~28‚ 1 and
2 are adjacenı ang1es.
Yertical angles
Verıical angles are formed wken ıwo 1ines inıersecı and form four ang1es.
Any ıwo of ıkese ang1es ıkaı are wot adjacenı ang1es are ca11ed verıica1
ang1es. In Tigure 1~2Ç‚ 1ine t and 1ine m inıersecı aı goinı Q, forming 1,
2‚ ß‚ and £.
Figure 1-2R Two pairs of vertical angles and four pairs of adjacent angles.
4 2
Verıica1 ang1es:
1 and ß
2 and £
Adjacenı ang1es:
1 and 2
2 and ß
ß and £
£ and 1
3 4
m 3 = 30 m 4 = 60
3upplementary angles
Scqqlemenıary angles are ıwo ang1es wkose sum is 18Oº. In Tigure 1~ߣ‚
flBC is a sıraigkı ang1e. Tkerefore m 6 + m Ç = 18Oº‚ so 6 and Ç
are sugg1emenıary.
6 7
8 9
8 = 120 9 = 60
Intersecting lines
Two or more 1ines ıkaı meeı aı a goinı are ca11ed iwtersectiwg tiwes. Tkaı
goinı wou1d be on eack of ıkese 1ines. In Tigure 1~ß6‚ 1ines t and m inıer~
secı aı Q.
Perpendicular lines
Two 1ines ıkaı inıersecı and form rigkı ang1es are ca11ed qerqendicclar
lines. Tke symbo1 is used ıo denoıe gergendicu1ar 1ines. In Tigure 1~ßÇ‚
1ine t 1ine m.
20 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Parallel lines
Two 1ines‚ boık in ıke same g1ane‚ ıkaı never inıersecı are ca11ed qarallel
lines. ¶ara11e1 1ines remain ıke same disıance agarı aı a11 ıimes. Tke sym~
bo1 is used ıo denoıe gara11e1 1ines. In Tigure 1~ß8‚ t m..
Parallel planes
¶arallel qlanes are ıwo g1anes ıkaı do noı inıersecı. In Tigure 1~ßÇ‚
g1ane fl g1ane Q.
Perpendicular planes
A 1ine t is gergendicu1ar ıo g1ane fl if t is gergendicu1ar ıo a11 of ıke 1ines
in g1ane fl ıkaı inıersecı t. (Tkink of a sıick sıanding sıraigkı ug on a 1eve1
surface. Tke sıick is gergendicu1ar ıo a11 of ıke 1ines drawn on ıke ıab1e
ıkaı gass ıkrougk ıke goinı wkere ıke sıick is sıanding).
A g1ane B is gergendicu1ar ıo a g1ane fl if g1ane B conıains a 1ine ıkaı is
gergendicu1ar ıo g1ane fl. (Tkink of a book ba1anced ugrigkı on a 1eve1
surface.) See Tigure1~£1.
Theorem 12: If ıwo g1anes are gergendicu1ar ıo ıke same g1ane‚ ıken ıke
ıwo g1anes eiıker inıersecı or are gara11e1.
In Tigure 1~£2‚ g1ane B g1ane fl, g1ane C g1ane fl, and g1ane B and
g1ane C inıersecı a1ong 1ine t.
Figure 1-42 Two intersecting planes that are perpendicular to the same
In Tigure 1~£ß‚ g1ane B g1ane fl, g1ane C g1ane fl, and g1ane B
g1ane C.
Figure 1-43 Two parallel planes that are perpendicular to the same plane.
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- True or Ta1se: A gosıu1aıe is a maıkemaıica1 sıaıemenı ıkaı kas been
2- If fl = 11 and B = 2ß‚ find ıke midgoinı of flB.
Chapter 1: Fundamental Ideas 23
3- Is iı gossib1e for an ang1e ıo be iıs own comg1emenı? Iıs own sug~
g1emenı? If so‚ give examg1es.
4- flefer ıo Tigure 1~2Ç. Tind m DFC.
5- If 1ines t and m are disıincı 1ines ıkaı 1ie in a g1ane and t and m are
boık gergendicu1ar ıo g, wkaı can be said abouı ıke re1aıionskig
beıween t and m?
knsoers: 1. Ta1se 2. 1Ç ß. Yes‚ £\º. Yes‚ ÇOº. £. \Oº \. Tkey musı be gar~
a11e1 1ines.
Ghapter 2
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
s you may reca11 from Ckagıer 1‚ ıwo 1ines ıkaı 1ie in ıke same g1ane
A buı do noı inıersecı are ca11ed parattet. Two or more 1ines ıkaı meeı in
a sing1e goinı are ca11ed iwtersectiwg tiwes. Tke wor1d around you grovides
many examg1es of boık of ıkese ıyges of 1ines. flai1road ıracks are gara11e1‚
for examg1e‚ a1ıkougk sıreeıs can be eiıker gara11e1 or inıersecıing.
The flarattet flostutate, wkick you wi11 soon encounıer‚ invo1ves boık gar~
a11e1 and inıersecıing 1ines. Before you 1earn abouı ıkis gosıu1aıe and iıs
consequences‚ some key ıermino1ogy musı be defined.
Figure 2-2 A transveral intersecting two lines and forming various pairs
of corresponding angles—alternate interior angles, alternate
exterior angles, consecutive interior angles, and consecutive
exterior angles.
1 2
4 3
5 6
8 7
klıernaıe inıerior angles are ang1es wiıkin ıke 1ines being inıersecıed‚
on oggosiıe sides of ıke ıransversa1‚ and are noı adjacenı. In
Tigure 2~2‚ £ and 6 are a1ıernaıe inıerior ang1es. A1so‚ ß and \
are a1ıernaıe inıerior ang1es.
klıernaıe exıerior angles are ang1es ouıside ıke 1ines being inıer~
secıed‚ on oggosiıe sides of ıke ıransversa1‚ and are noı adjacenı. In
Tigure 2~2‚ 1 and Ç are a1ıernaıe exıerior ang1es. A1so‚ 2 and 8
are a1ıernaıe exıerior ang1es.
Conseccıive inıerior angles (same~side inıerior ang1es) are inıerior
ang1es on ıke same side of ıke ıransversa1. In Tigure 2~2‚ £ and \
are consecuıive inıerior ang1es. A1so‚ ß and 6 are consecuıive inıe~
rior ang1es.
Conseccıive exıerior angles (same~side exıerior ang1es) are exıerior
ang1es on ıke same side of ıke ıransversa1. In Tigure 2~2‚ 1 and 8
are consecuıive exıerior ang1es. A1so‚ 2 and Ç are consecuıive exıe~
rior ang1es.
26 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 2-3 Corresponding angles are equal when two parallel lines are
cut by a transversal.
1 2
4 3
5 6
8 7
2 1
6 5
7 8
In figures‚ sing1e or doub1e arrows on a gair of 1ines indicaıe ıkaı ıke 1ines
are gara11e1.
Based on flostutate 11:
m 1 =m \
m £ =m 8
m 2 =m 6
m ß=m Ç
Chapter 2: Parallel Lines 2R
Tkis gosıu1aıe a11ows you ıo grove ıkaı a11 ıke converses of ıke grevious
ıkeorems are a1so ırue.
Theorem 1): If ıwo 1ines and a ıransversa1 form equa1 a1ıernaıe inıerior
ang1es‚ ıken ıke 1ines are gara11e1.
Theorem 20: If ıwo 1ines and a ıransversa1 form equa1 a1ıernaıe exıerior
ang1es‚ ıken ıke 1ines are gara11e1.
Theorem 21: If ıwo 1ines and a ıransversa1 form consecuıive inıerior ang1es
ıkaı are sugg1emenıary‚ ıken ıke 1ines are gara11e1.
Theorem 22: If ıwo 1ines and a ıransversa1 form consecuıive exıerior ang1es
ıkaı are sugg1emenıary‚ ıken ıke 1ines are gara11e1.
Theorem 2f: In a g1ane‚ if ıwo 1ines are gara11e1 ıo a ıkird 1ine‚ ıke ıwo 1ines
are gara11e1 ıo eack oıker.
Theorem 2ß: In a g1ane‚ if ıwo 1ines are gergendicu1ar ıo ıke same 1ine‚
ıken ıke ıwo 1ines are gara11e1.
Based on flostutate 12 and ıke ıkeorems ıkaı fo11ow iı‚ any of fo11owing
condiıions wou1d a11ow you ıo grove ıkaı a b. (Tigure 2~6).
1 2
4 3
5 6
8 7
Kxamqle 1: Using Tigure 2~Ç‚ idenıify ıke given ang1e gairs as a1ıernaıe
inıerior‚ a1ıernaıe exıerior‚ consecuıive inıerior‚ consecuıive exıerior‚ cor~
resgonding‚ or none of ıkese: 1 and Ç‚ 2 and 8‚ ß and £‚ £
and 8‚ ß and 8‚ ß‚ and 2‚ \ and Ç.
Figure 2-7 Find the angle pairs that are alternate interior, alternate exterior,
consecutive interior, consecutive exterior, and corresponding.
1 5
8 3
6 4
2 7
Chapter 2: Parallel Lines 31
1 and Ç are a1ıernaıe exıerior ang1es.
2 and 8 are corresgonding ang1es.
ß and £ are consecuıive inıerior ang1es.
£ and 8 are a1ıernaıe inıerior ang1es.
ß and 2 are none of ıkese.
\ and Ç are consecuıive exıerior ang1es.
Kxamqle 2: Tor eack of ıke figures in Tigure 2~8‚ deıermine wkick gos~
ıu1aıe or ıkeorem you wou1d use ıo grove t m.
70 135
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2-R W hen lines a and b are parallel, knowing one angle makes it
possible to determine all the others pictured here.
1 3
5 6
7 8
2 4
m 2 = 6ߺ
m ß = 6ߺ
m £ = 11Ǻ
m \ = 6ߺ
m 6 = 11Ǻ
m Ç = 11Ǻ
m 8 = 6ߺ
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- Wken ıwo gara11e1 1ines are cuı by a ıransversa1‚ wkaı is ırue abouı
corresgonding ang1es?
2- flefer ıo Tigure 2~2. If m £ + m \ = 180º‚ ıken wkaı does ıkaı
guaranıee abouı 1ines t and m?
3- flefer ıo Tigure 2~2. If m 1 = m \‚ ıken wkaı does ıkaı guaranıee
abouı 1ines t and m?
Chapter 2: Parallel Lines 33
4- flB ‚ CD and KF are gara11e1 ıo one anoıker and m fl = ßǺ and
m K = 6\º in Tigure 2~10. Tind m ACK.
knsoers: 1. Tkey musı be equa1. 2. Tkey are gara11e1. ß. Tkey are gara1~
1e1. £. 10£º
Ghapter 3
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
Comguıing ıke measure of ıke ıkird ang1e of a ıriang1e‚ given ıke mea~
sures of ıke oıker ıwo ang1es
Idenıifying equi1aıera1‚ isosce1es‚ and sca1ene ıriang1es
Idenıifying ıke kygoıenuse of a rigkı ıriang1e as we11 as a1ıiıudes‚ medi~
ans‚ and ang1e bisecıors for any ıriang1e
Using ıke corresgonding garıs of ıwo ıriang1es ıo ıesı for congruence
Agg1ying ıke Triang1e Inequa1iıy Tkeorem
As you can imagine‚ ıke measuring of ıriang1es and more comg1ex figures
became imgorıanı 1ong ago because of ıkeir ro1e in surveying. Modern sci~
ence kas conıinued ıo find more and more gracıica1 agg1icaıions requir~
ing know1edge of ıriang1es.
Noıe ıkaı any c1osed figure in ıke g1ane wiık ıkree or more sides can be
subdivided inıo ıriang1es (see Tigure ß~2). Consequenı1y‚ wkaı you 1earn
abouı ıriang1es can a1so be usefu1 in sıudying more comg1ex figures.
Chapter 3: Triangles 35
Figure 3-2 Triangulation of a closed figure with 5 sides.
1 3 4
Theorem 26: An exıerior ang1e of a ıriang1e is equa1 ıo ıke sum of ıke ıwo
remoıe (nonadjacenı) inıerior ang1es.
Kxamqle 2: In Tigure ß~ß‚ if m 1 = ßOº and m 2 = 1OOº‚ find m £.
Because £ is an exıerior ang1e of ıke ıriang1e‚
m £ =m 1 + m 2
m £ = ßOº + 1OOº
m £ = 1ßOº
Because ıke sum of a11 ıke ang1es of a ıriang1e is 18Oº‚ ıke fo11owing ıke~
orem is easi1y skown.
Theorem 2/: Kack ang1e of an equiangu1ar ıriang1e kas a measure of 6Oº.
base vertex
In a rigkı ıriang1e‚ ıke side oggosiıe ıke rigkı ang1e is ca11ed ıke
hyqoıencse, and ıke oıker ıwo sides are ca11ed legs (Tigure ß~12).
Chapter 3: Triangles 3R
Figure 3-12 Parts of a right triangle.
Figure 3-13 Three bases and three altitudes for the same triangle.
A1ıiıudes can someıimes coincide wiık a side of ıke ıriang1e or can some~
ıimes meeı an exıended base ouıside ıke ıriang1e. In Tigure ß~1£‚ flC is an
a1ıiıude ıo base BC ‚ and BC is an a1ıiıude ıo base flC .
40 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Iı is inıeresıing ıo noıe ıkaı in any ıriang1e‚ ıke ıkree 1ines conıaining ıke
a1ıiıudes meeı in one goinı (Tigure ß~16).
Figure 3-16 The three lines containing the altitudes intersect in a single
point, which may or may not be inside the triangle.
right triangle acute triangle obtuse triangle
(lines meet at the vertex (lines meet inside (lines meet outside
of the right angle) the trinagle) the triangle)
A median in a ıriang1e is ıke 1ine segmenı drawn from a verıex ıo ıke mid~
goinı of iıs oggosiıe side. Kvery ıriang1e kas ıkree medians. In Tigure ß~1Ç‚
K is ıke midgoinı of BC. Tkerefore‚ BK = KC. flK is a median of flBC.
Chapter 3: Triangles 41
Figure 3-17 A median of a triangle.
In every ıriang1e‚ ıke ıkree medians meeı in one goinı inside ıke ıriang1e
(Tigure ß~18).
Figure 3-18 The three medians meet in a single point inside the triangle.
right triangle acute triangle obtuse triangle
Angle bisector
An angle bisecıor in a ıriang1e is a segmenı drawn from a verıex ıkaı
bisecıs (cuıs in ka1f ) ıkaı verıex ang1e. Kvery ıriang1e kas ıkree ang1e bisec~
ıors. In Tigure ß~1Ç‚ BE is an ang1e bisecıor in flBC.
In every ıriang1e‚ ıke ıkree ang1e bisecıors meeı in one goinı inside ıke ıri~
ang1e (Tigure ß~2O).
42 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 3-20 The three angle bisectors meet in a single point inside the
right triangle acute triangle obtuse triangle
Figure 3-21 The altitude drawn from the vertex angle of an isosceles
Gongruent Triangles
Triang1es ıkaı kave exacı1y ıke same size and skage are ca11ed congrcenı
ıriangles. Tke symbo1 for congruenı is . Two ıriang1es are congruenı
wken ıke ıkree sides and ıke ıkree ang1es of one ıriang1e kave ıke same
measuremenıs as ıkree sides and ıkree ang1es of anoıker ıriang1e. Tke ıri~
ang1es in Tigure ß~2ß are congruenı ıriang1es.
Gorresponding parts
Tke garıs of ıke ıwo ıriang1es ıkaı kave ıke same measuremenıs (congru~
enı) are referred ıo as corresqonding qarıs. Tkis means ıkaı Correspowdiwg
flarts of Cowgruewt Triawgtes are Cowgruewt (C¶CTC). Congruenı ıriang1es
are named by 1isıing ıkeir verıices in corresgonding orders. In Tigure ß~2ß‚
BflT ICK .
Kxamqle £: If flQR STU , wkick garıs musı kave equa1 measuremenıs?
m fl = m S
m Q=m T
m R=m U
flQ = ST
flR = SU
Tkese garıs are equa1 because corresgonding garıs of congruenı ıriang1es
are congruenı.
44 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 3-24 The corresponding sides (SSS) of the two triangles are all
flostutate 1ß (SflS flostutate): If ıwo sides and ıke ang1e beıween ıkem in
one ıriang1e are congruenı ıo ıke corre~
sgonding garıs in anoıker ıriang1e‚ ıken ıke
ıriang1es are congruenı (Tigure ß~2\).
Figure 3-25 Two sides and the included angle (SAS) of one triangle are
congruent to the corresponding parts of the other triangle.
Chapter 3: Triangles 45
flostutate 1/ (flSfl flostutate): If ıwo ang1es and ıke side beıween ıkem in
one ıriang1e are congruenı ıo ıke corre~
sgonding garıs in anoıker ıriang1e‚ ıken ıke
ıriang1es are congruenı (Tigure ß~26).
Figure 3-26 Two angles and their common side (ASA) in one triangle are
congruent to the corresponding parts of the other triangle.
Theorem 28 (flflS Theorem): If ıwo ang1es and a side noı beıween ıkem in
one ıriang1e are congruenı ıo ıke corre~
sgonding garıs in anoıker ıriang1e‚ ıken ıke
ıriang1es are congruenı (Tigure ß~2Ç).
Figure 3-27 Two angles and the side opposite one of these angles (AAS)
in one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of
the other triangle.
46 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
flostutate 16 (Hh flostutate): If ıke kygoıenuse and 1eg of one rigkı ıri~
ang1e are congruenı ıo ıke corresgonding garıs
of anoıker rigkı ıriang1e‚ ıken ıke ıriang1es are
congruenı (Tigure ß~28).
Figure 3-28 The hypotenuse and one leg (HL) of the first right triangle
are congruent to the corresponding parts of the second right
Figure 3-2R The hypotenuse and an acute angle (HA) of the first right tri-
angle are congruent to the corresponding parts of the sec-
ond right triangle.
Theorem f0 (hh Theorem): If ıke 1egs of one rigkı ıriang1e are congruenı
ıo ıke corresgonding garıs of anoıker rigkı
ıriang1e‚ ıken ıke ıriang1es are congruenı
(Tigure ß~ßO).
Chapter 3: Triangles 47
Figure 3-30 The legs (LL) of the first right triangle are congruent to the
corresponding parts of the second right triangle.
Theorem f1 (hfl Theorem): If one 1eg and an acuıe ang1e of one rigkı ıri~
ang1e are congruenı ıo ıke corresgonding garıs
of anoıker rigkı ıriang1e‚ ıken ıke ıriang1es are
congruenı (Tigure ß~ß1).
Figure 3-31 One leg and an acute angle (LA) of the first right triangle are
congruent to the corresponding parts of the second right
(a) BC = KF or flB = DK (but wot flC = DF because ıkese ıwo sides 1ie
beıween ıke equa1 ang1es).
(b) GI = Jh.
(c) XO = flO awd MO = flO.
(d) TU = VE awd SU = VE.
(e) m T = m K awd m TOV = m KOM.
(f ) IE = KM or SE = TM (but wot IS = KT because ıkey are
Wiık a median drawn from ıke verıex ıo ıke base‚ BC , iı can be groven
ıkaı BflE CflE , wkick 1eads ıo severa1 imgorıanı ıkeorems.
Theorem f2: If ıwo sides of a ıriang1e are equa1‚ ıken ıke ang1es oggosiıe
ıkose sides are a1so equa1.
Theorem ff: If a ıriang1e is equi1aıera1‚ ıken iı is a1so equiangu1ar.
Theorem fß: If ıwo ang1es of a ıriang1e are equa1‚ ıken ıke sides oggosiıe
ıkese ang1es are a1so equa1.
Theorem f/. If a ıriang1e is equiangu1ar‚ ıken iı is a1so equi1aıera1.
Chapter 3: Triangles 51
Kxamqle 8: Tigure ß~ß6 kas QRS wiık QR = QS. If m Q = \Oº‚ find
m R and m S.
30 50
Kxamqle 1$: In Tigure ß~£2‚ ıke measures of ıwo sides of a ıriang1e are Ç
and 12. Tind ıke range of gossibi1iıies for ıke ıkird side.
Using ıke Triawgte Iweguatity Theorem, you can wriıe ıke fo11owing:
Ç + x 12‚ so x \
Ç + 12 x, so1Ç x (or x 1Ç)
Tkerefore‚ ıke ıkird side musı be more ıkan \ and 1ess ıkan 1Ç.
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- If a ıriang1e kas ıwo ang1es wiık degree measure 6\º and Ç\º‚ wkaı
is ıke degree measure of ıke ıkird ang1e?
2- True or Ta1se: In a ıriang1e‚ an ang1e bisecıor musı a1so bisecı ıke side
oggosiıe ıke ang1e ıkaı was bisecıed.
3- True or Ta1se: If eack ang1e of a ıriang1e is congruenı ıo ıke corre~
sgonding ang1e of anoıker ıriang1e‚ ıken ıke ıwo ıriang1es musı be
4- Tke 1engıks of ıwo sides of a ıriang1e are 11 and 2ß. If ıke ıkird side
is x, find ıke range of gossib1e va1ues for x.
knsoers: 1. £Oº 2. Ta1se ß. Ta1se £. 12 < x < ߣ
Ghapter 4
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
1osed skages or figures in a g1ane wiık ıkree or more sides are ca11ed
C qolygons. A1ıernaıive1y‚ a go1ygon can be defined as a c1osed g1anar
figure ıkaı is ıke union of a finiıe number of 1ine segmenıs. In ıkis defi~
niıion‚ you consider ctosed as an undefined ıerm. Tke ıerm go1ygon is
derived from a Creek word meaning “many~ang1ed.“
Some of ıke same ıogics you 1earned abouı for ıriang1es—inıerior ang1e
sum‚ exıerior ang1e sum‚ and median‚ for examg1e—wi11 now be exıended
ıo oıker go1ygons. Jusı as you sıudied sgecia1 ıyges of ıriang1es‚ you wi11
a1so sıudy sgecia1 ıyges of quadri1aıera1s (four~sided go1ygons). Tke ckag~
ıer c1oses wiık an ana1ogy beıween ıke median ıkeorem of ıragezoids (sge~
cia1 quadri1aıera1s) and ıke midgoinı ıkeorem of ıriang1es.
Glassifying Polygons
¶o1ygons firsı fiı inıo ıwo genera1 caıegories—convex and noı convex
(someıimes ca11ed concave). Tigure £~1 skows some convex go1ygons‚ some
56 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
non~convex go1ygons‚ and some figures ıkaı are noı even c1assified as
go1ygons. See ıke C1ossary for ıke definiıions of convex and concave
Figure 4-1 Which are polygons? Which of the polygons are convex?
convex polygons
not polygons
Figure 4-2 There are four pairs of consecutive sides in this polygon.
Chapter 4: Polygons 57
A diagonal of a go1ygon is any segmenı ıkaı joins ıwo nonconsecuıive ver~
ıices. Tigure £~ß skows five~sided go1ygon QRSTU. Segmenıs QS‚ SU ,
UR, RT , and QT are ıke diagona1s in ıkis go1ygon.
Fumber of sides
¶o1ygons are a1so c1assified by kow many sides (or ang1es) ıkey kave. Tke
fo11owing 1isıs ıke differenı ıyges of go1ygons and ıke number of sides ıkaı
ıkey kave:
A ıriangle is a ıkree~sided go1ygon.
A qcadrilaıeral is a four~sided go1ygon.
A qenıagon is a five~sided go1ygon.
A hexagon is a six~sided go1ygon.
A seqıagon or kegıagon is a seven~sided go1ygon.
An ocıagon is an eigkı~sided go1ygon.
A nonagon is a nine~sided go1ygon.
A decagon is a ıen~sided go1ygon.
Iı was skown ear1ier ıkaı an equi1aıera1 ıriang1e is auıomaıica11y equiangu1ar
and ıkaı an equiangu1ar ıriang1e is auıomaıica11y equi1aıera1. Tkis does noı
ko1d ırue for go1ygons in genera1‚ kowever. Tigure £~£ skows examg1es of
quadri1aıera1s ıkaı are equiangu1ar buı noı equi1aıera1‚ equi1aıera1 buı noı
equiangu1ar‚ and equiangu1ar and equi1aıera1.
58 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Regular polygons
Wken a go1ygon is boık equi1aıera1 and equiangu1ar‚ iı is referred ıo as a
regclar qolygon. Tor a go1ygon ıo be regu1ar‚ iı musı a1so be convex.
Tigure £~\ skows examg1es of regu1ar go1ygons.
Tke go1ygon in Tigure £~6 kas seven sides‚ so using Theorem f) gives:
(Ç ~ 2) nonover1agging ıriang1es = \ nonover1agging ıriang1es
inıerior ang1e sum = \ 18Oº
inıerior ang1e sum = ÇOOº
An exıerior angle of a qolygon is formed by exıending on1y one of iıs
sides. Tke nonsıraigkı ang1e adjacenı ıo an inıerior ang1e is ıke exıerior
ang1e. Tigure £~Ç migkı suggesı ıke fo11owing ıkeorem:
Theorem ß0: If a go1ygon is convex‚ ıken ıke sum of ıke degree measures
of ıke exıerior ang1es‚ one aı eack verıex‚ is ß6Oº.
m 1 + m 2 + m ß + m £ + m \ + m 6 = ß6Oº
Kxamqle 2: Tind ıke exıerior ang1e sums‚ one exıerior ang1e aı eack ver~
ıex‚ of a convex nonagon.
Tke sum of ıke exıerior ang1es of any convex go1ygon is ß6Oº.
Kxamqle $: Tind ıke measure of eack inıerior ang1e of a regu1ar kexagon
(Tigure £~8).
Xethod 1: Because ıke go1ygon is regu1ar‚ a11 inıerior ang1es are equa1‚ so
you on1y need ıo find ıke inıerior ang1e sum and divide by ıke number of
S = (6 ~ 2) 18Oº
S = Ç2O
Tkere are six ang1es‚ so Ç2O 6 = 12Oº
Kack inıerior ang1e of a regu1ar kexagon kas a measure of 12Oº.
Xethod 2: Because ıke go1ygon is regu1ar and a11 iıs inıerior ang1es are equa1‚
a11 iıs exıerior ang1es are a1so equa1. Look aı Tigure £~Ç. Tkis means ıkaı
m 1 =m 2 =m ß=m £ =m \ = m 6
Because ıke sum of ıkese ang1es wi11 a1ways be ß6Oº‚ ıken eack exıerior
ang1e wou1d be 6Oº (ß6Oº 6 = 6Oº). If eack exıerior ang1e is 6Oº‚ ıken
eack inıerior ang1e is 12Oº (18Oº ~ 6Oº = 12Oº).
3pecial Quadrilaterals
Un1ike kumans‚ a11 quadri1aıera1s are noı creaıed equa1. Iı’s noı a maııer
of size I’m a11uding ıo kere‚ buı raıker a quesıion of feaıures. Tkey may
kave a gair of gara11e1 sides‚ ıwo gairs‚ a rigkı ang1e . . . buı I’m geııing
akead of myse1f.
Chapter 4: Polygons 61
A ıraqexoid is a quadri1aıera1 wiık on1y one gair of oggosiıe sides gara1~
1e1. Tke gara11e1 sides are ca11ed bases, and ıke wowgara11e1 sides are ca11ed
1egs. A segmenı ıkaı joins ıke midgoinıs of ıke 1egs is ca11ed ıke median
of ıhe ıraqexoid. Any segmenı ıkaı is gergendicu1ar ıo boık bases is ca11ed
an alıiıcde of ıhe ıraqexoid (Tigure £~Ç). Tke 1engık of an a1ıiıude is
ca11ed ıke heighı of ıke ıragezoid.
A qarallelogram is any quadri1aıera1 wiık boık gairs of oggosiıe sides gar~
a11e1. Kack gair of gara11e1 sides is ca11ed a gair of bases of ıhe qarallelo~
gram. Any gergendicu1ar segmenı beıween a gair of bases is ca11ed ıke an
alıiıcde of ıhe qarallelogram. Tke 1engık of an a1ıiıude is ıke keigkı of
ıke gara11e1ogram. Tke symbo1 is used for ıke word gara11e1ogram.
Tigure £~1O skows ıkaı a gara11e1ogram kas ıwo seıs of bases and ıkaı‚ wiık
eack seı of bases‚ ıkere is an associaıed keigkı.
In flBCD,
EF is an a1ıiıude ıo bases flB and CD.
JK is an a1ıiıude ıo bases flD and BC .
EF is ıke keigkı of flBCD, wiık flB and CD as bases‚ JK is ıke keigkı
of flBCD, wiık flD and BC as bases.
Tke fo11owing are ıkeorems regarding gara11e1ograms:
Theorem ß1: A diagona1 of a gara11e1ogram divides iı inıo ıwo congruenı
In flBCD wiık diagona1 BD, according ıo Theorem ß1, flBD CDB
(Tigure £~11).
A recıangle is a quadri1aıera1 wiık a11 rigkı ang1es. Iı is easi1y skown ıkaı
iı musı a1so be a gara11e1ogram‚ wiık a11 of ıke associaıed grogerıies. A recı~
ang1e kas an addiıiona1 grogerıy‚ kowever.
Theorem /1: Tke diagona1s of a recıang1e are equa1.
In recıang1e flBCD (Tigure £~1\)‚ flC = BD, by Theorem /1.
A rhombcs is a quadri1aıera1 wiık a11 equa1 sides. Iı is a1so a gara11e1ogram
wiık a11 of ıke associaıed grogerıies. A rkombus‚ kowever‚ a1so kas addi~
ıiona1 grogerıies.
Theorem /2: Tke diagona1s of a rkombus bisecı oggosiıe ang1es.
Theorem /f: Tke diagona1s of a rkombus are gergendicu1ar ıo one anoıker.
In rkombus CflMD (Tigure £~16)‚ by Theorem /2, CM bisecıs DCfl and
DMfl. A1so‚ flD bisecıs CflM and CDM and by Theorem /f,
CM flD.
Chapter 4: Polygons 65
Figure 4-16 The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular to one
another and bisect opposite angles.
A sqcare is a quadri1aıera1 wiık a11 rigkı ang1es and a11 equa1 sides. A square
is a1so a gara11e1ogram‚ a recıang1e‚ and a rkombus and kas a11 ıke groger~
ıies of a11 ıkese sgecia1 quadri1aıera1s. Tigure £~1Ç skows a square.
Figure 4-17 A square has four right angles and four equal sides.
rectangles rhombuses
66 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
(i) (j)
(a) genıagon‚ (b) recıang1e‚ (c) kexagon‚ (d) gara11e1ogram‚ (e) ıriang1e‚
(f ) square‚ (g) rkombus‚ (k) quadri1aıera1‚ (i) ocıagon‚ and (j) regu1ar
Kxamqle \: In Tigure £~2O‚ find m fl, m C, m D, CD, and flD.
Properties of Trapezoids
fleca11 ıkaı a ıragezoid is a quadri1aıera1 wiık on1y one gair of oggosiıe
sides gara11e1 and ıkaı ıke gara11e1 sides are ca11ed bases and ıke nongara1~
1e1 sides are ca11ed 1egs. If ıke 1egs of a ıragezoid are equa1‚ iı is ca11ed an
isosceles ıraqexoid. Tigure £~2ß is an isosce1es ıragezoid.
68 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
A gair of ang1es ıkaı skare ıke same base are ca11ed base angles of ıke ırage~
zoid. In Tigure £~2ß‚ fl and B or C and D are base ang1es of ırage~
zoid flBCD. Two sgecia1 grogerıies of an isosce1es ıragezoid can be groven.
Theorem /f: Base ang1es of an isosce1es ıragezoid are equa1.
Theorem /ß: Diagona1s of an isosce1es ıragezoid are equa1.
In isosce1es ıragezoid flBCD (Tigure £~2£) wiık bases flB and CD:
By Theorem /f, m DflB = m CBfl, and m flDC = m BCD.
By Theorem /ß, flC = BD.
fleca11 ıkaı ıke median of a ıragezoid is a segmenı ıkaı joins ıke midgoinıs
of ıke nongara11e1 sides.
Theorem //: Tke median of any ıragezoid kas ıwo grogerıies: (1) Iı is gar~
a11e1 ıo boık bases. (2) Iıs 1engık equa1s ka1f ıke sum of ıke
base 1engıks.
In ıragezoid flBCD (Tigure £~2\) wiık bases flB and CD, K ıke midgoinı
of flD , and F ıke midgoinı of BC , by Theorem //:
KF flB
KF = 1/2(flB + CD)
Chapter 4: Polygons 6R
Figure 4-25 A trapezoid with its median.
m flBC = 12Oº‚ because ıke base ang1es of an isosce1es ıragezoid are equa1.
BD = 8‚ because diagona1s of an isosce1es ıragezoid are equa1.
Kxamqle Ç: In Tigure £~2Ç‚ find TU.
Figure 4-27 A trapezoid with its two bases given and the median to be
15 and 25
Because ıke median of a ıragezoid is ka1f ıke sum of ıke 1engıks of ıke
TU = 1/2(1\ + 2\)
TU = 1/2 (£O)
TU = 2O
70 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 4-28 The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle.
Figure 4-2R Compute the length of the broken line segment joining the
midpoints of two sides of the triangle.
7 7
1- True or Ta1se: A11 ıriang1es are convex.
2- Wkaı is ıke degree measure of ıke inıerior ang1e deıermined by ıwo
adjacenı sides of a regu1ar decagon?
knsoers: 1. True 2. 1££º
Ghapter 5
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
square 4 rectangle 2 2
rectangle 2(
(a) (b)
Tkis is a square.
fl square = £a fl square = a2
= £(8 in) = (8 in) 2
= ß2 in = 6£ in 2
Kxamqle 2: Tind ıke gerimeıer and area of Tigure \~ß.
74 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
6 cm
Tkis is a recıang1e.
flrecıang1e = 2(t + w) flrecıang1e = tw
= 2(12 cm + 6 cm) = (12 cm)(6 cm)
= ß6 cm = Ç2 cm2
Kxamqle $: If ıke gerimeıer of a square is ß6 fı‚ find iıs area.
fl square = £a fl square = a2
ß6 fı = £a = (Ç fı)2
Ç fı = a = 81 fı2
Tke area of ıke square wou1d be 81 square feeı.
Kxamqle £: If a recıang1e wiık 1engık Ç in kas an area of ß6 in 2‚ find iıs
flrecıang1e = tw flsquare = 2(t + w)
ß6 in2 = (Ç in)(w) = 2(Ç in + £ in)
£ in = w = 26 in
Tke gerimeıer of ıke recıang1e wou1d be 26 inckes.
In ıke gara11e1ogram skown in Tigure \~£‚ h is a keigkı because iı is ger~
gendicu1ar ıo a gair of oggosiıe sides ca11ed bases. One of ıke bases kas
been 1abe1ed b, and ıke nonbase remaining sides are eack 1abe1ed a.
10 cm 8 cm
Look aı flBD in Tigure \~6. If a 1ine BC is drawn ıkrougk B gara11e1 ıo
flD and anoıker 1ine DC is drawn ıkrougk D gara11e1 ıo flB , ıken you wi11
kave formed a gara11e1ogram. BD is now a diagona1 in ıkis gara11e1ogram.
Because a diagona1 divides a gara11e1ogram inıo ıwo congruenı ıriang1es‚
ıke area of flBD is exacı1y ka1f ıke area of flBCD.
76 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
6 in 8 in 13 ft
5 ft
4 in
11 in 12 ft
(a) (b)
15 cm
8 cm 10 cm
12 cm
Chapter 5: Perimeter and Area 77
(a) flıriang1e = a + b + c flıriang1e = 1/2bh
= 8 + 11 + 6 = 1/2(11)(£)
= 2\ in = 22 in2
(b) flıriang1e = a + b + c flıriang1e = 1/2bh
= 1ß + 12 + \ = 1/2(12)(\)
= ßO fı = ßO fı 2
(c) flıriang1e = a + b + c flıriang1e = 1/2bh
= 1\ + 12 + 1O = 1/2(12)(8)
= ßÇ cm = £8 cm2
Kxamqle Ç: If ıke area of a ıriang1e is 6£ cm2 and iı kas a keigkı of 16 cm‚
find ıke 1engık of iıs base.
flıriang1e = 1/2bh
6£ cm2 = 1/2(b)(16 cm)
Mu1ıig1y boık sides by 2.
128 cm2 = (b)(16 cm)
8 cm = b
Tke ıriang1e wi11 kave a base of 8 cenıimeıers.
¶robab1y ıke ıragezoid is one of ıke mosı gogu1ar quadri1aıera1s wken iı
comes ıo bridge consırucıion. Numerous rai1road ıresı1es and wooden
bridges of ıke nineıeenık and ear1y ıwenıieık cenıuries were ıragezoida1
in skage.
flıragezoid = a + b1 + c + b2
28 cm
8.0 in 5.5 in
A circle is a g1anar figure wiık a11 goinıs ıke same disıance from a fixed
goinı. Tkaı fixed goinı is ca11ed ıke cenıer of ıhe circle. Any segmenı ıkaı
goes from ıke cenıer ıo a goinı on ıke circ1e is ca11ed a radics of ıhe cir~
cle. A diameıer is any segmenı ıkaı gasses ıkrougk ıke cenıer and kas iıs
endgoinıs on ıke circ1e. Obvious1y‚ a diameıer is ıwice as 1ong as a radius.
In Tigure \~12‚ O is ıke cenıer‚ OB, OC , and Ofl eack a radius‚ and flC is
a diameıer.
4 in
82 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
C circ1e = d fl circ1e = r2
= (ß.1£)(8) = (ß.1£)(£)2
= 2\.12 in = \O.2£ in2
Kxamqle 11: If ıke area of a circ1e is 81 fı2‚ find iıs circumference.
fl circ1e = r C circ1e = d
81 fı2 = r2 = (18)
Ç fı = r = 18 fı
d = 18 fı
So ıke circumference is aggroximaıe1y \6.\2 fı.
square 4
2 2 or
2( )
2 2 or
2( )
Chapter 5: Perimeter and Area 83
Figure Name Circumference Area
triangle 1/2
trapezoid 1 2 1/2( 1 2)
regular 1/2
polygon number perimeter
of sides apothem
circle 2
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- Comguıe ıke gerimeıer and ıke area of a recıang1e wiık base Ç cm
and keigkı £ cm.
2- Comguıe ıke gerimeıer and ıke area of an isosce1es ıriang1e wiık
keigkı 12 in and wkose sides are 1O in‚ 1ß in‚ and 1ß in.
3- Comguıe ıke circumference and ıke area of a circ1e of radius \ in.
knsoers: 1. fl = 22 cm‚ fl = 28 cm2 2. fl = ß6 in‚ fl = 6O in2 ß. C = 1O
ß1.£ in‚ fl = 2\ Ç8.\ in2
Ghapter 6
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
s you kave 1earned in Ckagıers £ and \‚ ıwo go1ygons ıkaı kave exacı1y
A ıke same size and skage are cowgruewt. Tkis ckagıer inıroduces simi~
1ariıy‚ a 1ess resıricıive grogerıy ıkan congruence. Tor ıwo go1ygons ıo be
similar‚ ıkey musı kave ıke same skage buı noı necessari1y ıke same size.
Tke sıudy of simi1ar ıriang1es 1ed ıo ıke definiıions of ıke six ırigonomeı~
ric funcıions (noı gresenıed kere) and ıkus ıo ıke branck of maıkemaıics
known as ırigonomeıry.
Tke raıio of ıwo numbers a and b is ıke fracıion ‚ usua11y exgressed in
reduced form. An a1ıernaıive form invo1ves a co1on. Tke co1on form is
mosı frequenı1y used wken comgaring ıkree or more numbers ıo eack
oıker. See Tab1e 6~1.
Chapter 6: Similarity 85
Table 6-1 Ratio Formats
Ratio Written Form
3 to 4 3/4 or 3 : 4
a to b, a/ b or a : b
1 to 3 to 5 1:3:5
A qroqorıion is an equaıion sıaıing ıkaı ıwo raıios are equa1.
8 : 1O = £ : \
a c a : b = c : d
means exıremes means
b d
In ıke greceding grogorıion‚ ıke va1ues a and d are ca11ed exıremes of ıke
grogorıion; ıke va1ues b and c are ca11ed ıke means of ıke grogorıion.
Properties of Proportions
Tke four grogerıies ıkaı fo11ow are noı difficu1ı ıo jusıify a1gebraica11y‚ buı
ıke deıai1s wi11 noı be gresenıed kere.
flroperty 1 (Xeaws~Kxtremes flroperty, or Cross~flroducts flroperty): If a/b =
c/d, ıken ad = bc. Cowversety, if ad = bc O‚ thew = awd = .
8/1O = £/\ is a grogorıion
flroperty 1 sıaıes (8)(\) = (1O)(£)
£O = £O
Chapter 6: Similarity 87
Kxamqle \: Tind a if a/12 = ß/£.
By flroperty 1:
(a)(£) = (12)(ß)
£a = ß6
a =Ç
Kxamqle G: Is ß : £ = Ç : 8 a grogorıion?
No. If ıkis were a grogorıion‚ flroperty 1 wou1d groduce
(ß)(8) = (£)(Ç)
2£ = 28‚ wkick is noı ırue
flroperty 2 (Xeaws or Kxtremes Switchiwg flroperty): If a/b = c/d and is a
grogorıion‚ ıken boık d/b = c/a and a/c = b/d are grogorıions.
Kxamqle Ç: 8/1O = £/\ is a grogorıion. flroperty 2 says ıkaı if you were ıo
swiıck ıke 8 and \ or swiıck ıke £ and 1O‚ ıken ıke new sıaıemenı is sıi11
a grogorıion.
If 8/1O = £/\‚ ıken \/1O = £/8‚ or if 8/1O = £/\‚ ıken 8/£ = 1O/\.
Kxamqle 8: If x/\ = y/£‚ find ıke raıio of x/y.
x/\ =y/£
Use ıke swiıcking grogerıy of grogorıions and swiıck ıke means gosiıions‚
ıke \ and ıke y.
x/y = \/£
flroperty f (Upside~Doww flroperty): If a/b = c/d‚ ıken b/a = d/c.
Kxamqle Ç: If ‚ find ıke raıio .
Tirsı‚ agg1y ıke converse of ıke Cross flroducts flroperty and obıain ıke
= and = .
Nexı‚ groceed in one of ıke fo11owing ıwo ways:
Agg1y flroperty f ıo Ç/\ = b/a:
Turn eack side ugside~down.
\/Ç = a/b‚ or a/b = \/Ç
88 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
So flC 1ß
Kxamqle 12: A mag is sca1ed so ıkaı ß cm on ıke mag is equa1 ıo \ acıua1
mi1es. If ıwo ciıies on ıke mag are 1O cm agarı‚ wkaı is ıke acıua1 disıance
ıke ciıies are agarı?
Leı x = ıke acıua1 disıance.
mag 1O
Agg1y ıke Cross~flroducts flroperty.
ßx = \O
x = 16
Tke ciıies are 16 mi1es agarı.
Chapter 6: Similarity 8R
3imilar Polygons
Two go1ygons wiık ıke same skage are ca11ed similar qolygons. Tke sym~
bo1 for “is simi1ar ıo“ is . Noıice ıkaı iı is a gorıion of ıke “is congruenı
ıo“ symbo1‚ . Wken ıwo go1ygons are simi1ar‚ ıkese ıwo facıs both musı
be ırue:
Corresgonding ang1es are equa1.
Tke raıios of gairs of corresgonding sides musı a11 be equa1.
Tkis means: m fl = m K, m B = m F, m C = m G,
m D = m H, and
flB BC CD flD
Iı is gossib1e for a go1ygon ıo kave one of ıke above facıs ırue wiıkouı kav~
ing ıke oıker facı ırue. Tke fo11owing ıwo examg1es skow kow ıkaı is
In Tigure 6~ß‚ quadri1aıera1 QflST is noı simi1ar ıo quadri1aıera1 WXYZ.
3 3 3 3
60 120
5 5
3 3 3 3
5 3
Kven ıkougk corresgonding ang1es are equa1‚ ıke raıios of eack gair of cor~
resgonding sides are noı equa1 ( ).
Kxamqle 1$: In Tigure 6~\‚ quadri1aıera1 flBCD quadri1aıera1 KFGH.
(a) Tind m K. (b) Tind x.
3imilar Triangles
In genera1‚ ıo grove ıkaı ıwo go1ygons are simi1ar‚ you musı skow ıkaı att
gairs of corresgonding ang1es are equa1 and ıkaı att raıios of gairs of cor~
resgonding sides are equa1. In ıriang1es‚ ıkougk‚ ıkis is noı necessary.
flostutate 1/ (flfl Simitarity flostutate): If ıwo ang1es of one ıriang1e are equa1
ıo ıwo ang1es of anoıker ıriang1e‚ ıken ıke ıriang1es are simi1ar.
Chapter 6: Similarity R1
Kxamqle 1£: Use Tigure 6~6 ıo skow ıkaı ıke ıriang1es are simi1ar.
20 60
m B=m K
In flBC‚
m fl + m B + m C = 18Oº
m fl + 1OOº + 2Oº = 18Oº
m fl = 6Oº
Buı in DKF ‚
m D = 6Oº
So‚ m fl = m D
By flostutate 1/, the flfl Simitarity flostutate, flBC DKF . Addiıiona11y‚
because ıke ıriang1es are now simi1ar‚
m C=m F
flB BC flC
and DK KF DF
Kxamqle 1\: Use Tigure 6~Ç ıo skow ıkaı QRS UTS.
40 40
You can evenıua11y grove ıkaı flBC DBK using ıke flfl Simitarity
flostutate. Because ıke raıios of corresgonding sides of simi1ar go1ygons are
equa1‚ you can skow ıkaı
flB BC
Now use flroperty ß, ıke Dewomiwator Subtractiow flroperty.
Buı flB ~ DB = flD, and BC ~ BK = CK (Segmewt fldditiow flostutate). Wiık
ıkis reg1acemenı‚ you geı ıke fo11owing grogorıion.
flD CK
Tkis 1eads ıo ıke fo11owing ıkeorem.
Theorem // (Side~Sptitter Theorem): If a 1ine is gara11e1 ıo one side of
a ıriang1e and inıersecıs ıke oıker ıwo sides‚ iı divides ıkose sides
Kxamqle 18: Use Tigure 6~11 ıo find x.
R4 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
12 10
Noıice ıkaı TU , x, is wot one of ıke segmenıs on eiıker side ıkaı TU inıer~
secıs. Tkis means ıkaı you cawwot agg1y Theorem // ıo ıkis siıuaıion. So
wkaı can you do? fleca11 ıkaı wiık TU QR, you can skow ıkaı
QRS TUS . Because ıke raıios of corresgonding sides of simi1ar ırian~
g1es are equa1‚ you geı ıke fo11owing grogorıion.
2O 1O QS
1Ox = 12O (Cross~flroducts flroperty)
x = 12
Anoıker ıkeorem invo1ving garıs of a ıriang1e is more comg1icaıed ıo grove
buı is gresenıed kere so you can use iı ıo so1ve grob1ems re1aıed ıo iı.
Chapter 6: Similarity R5
Theorem /8 (flwgte Bisector Theorem): If a ray bisecıs an ang1e of a ıriang1e‚
ıken iı divides ıke oggosiıe side inıo segmenıs ıkaı are grogorıiona1 ıo ıke
sides ıkaı formed ıke ang1e.
flB .
In Tigure 6~1ß‚ BD bisecıs flBC in flBC. By Theorem /8, flD BC
Tken‚ UV TV
Tken‚ according ıo Theorem /),
1engık of a1ıiıude Rfl QR
1engık of a1ıiıude UD TU
1engık of median QB QR
1engık of median TK TU
1engık of bi secıor CS QR
1engık of bi sec ıor FV TU
Kxamqle 21: Use Tigure 6~16 and ıke facı ıkaı flBC GHI ıo find x.
9 10
6 in
10 in 3 in
5 in
8 in 4 in
Tke raıios of corresgonding sides are 6/ß‚ 8/£‚ 1O/\. Tkese a11 reduce
ıo 2/1. Iı is ıken said ıkaı ıke sca1e facıor of ıkese ıwo simi1ar ıriang1es is
2 : 1.
Tke gerimeıer of flBC is 2£ inckes‚ and ıke gerimeıer of DKF is 12
inckes. Wken you comgare ıke raıios of ıke gerimeıers of ıkese simi1ar ıri~
ang1es‚ you a1so geı 2 : 1. Tkis 1eads ıo ıke fo11owing ıkeorem.
Theorem 60: If ıwo simi1ar ıriang1es kave a sca1e facıor of a : b, ıken ıke
raıio of ıkeir gerimeıers is a : b.
Kxamqle 22: In Tigure 6~18‚ flBC DKF . Tind ıke gerimeıer of
9 in
6 in
10 in
8 in
R8 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 6-1R Finding the areas of similar right triangles whose scale
factor is 2 : 3.
15 in
10 in
6 in 9 in
8 in 12 in
8 in
5 in
13 in
12 in
area 16
100 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Take square rooıs of boık sides.
a : b is ıke reduced form of ıke sca1e facıor. ß : £ is ıken ıke reduced form
of ıke comgarison of ıke gerimeıers.
Leı ßx = gerimeıer of
and £x = gerimeıer of .
Tken ßx + £x = ß\ (Tke sum of ıke gerimeıers is ß\ cm.)
Çx = ß\
gerimeıer gerimeıer
1\ cm 2O cm
Chapter 6: Similarity 101
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- Tke raıio of ıwo sugg1emenıary ang1es is Ç ıo 8. Tind ıke measure of
eack ang1e.
2- Tke fo11owing (Tigure 6~21) invo1ves ABC wiık a 1ine drawn gara1~
1e1 ıo side AB and inıersecıing ıke oıker ıwo sides. flefer ıo ıke fig~
ure and comguıe x.
6 4
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
Geometric Mean
Wken a gosiıive va1ue is regeaıed in eiıker ıke means or exıremes gosiıion
of a grogorıion‚ ıkaı va1ue is referred ıo as a geomeıric mean (or mean
qroqorıional) beıween ıke oıker ıwo va1ues.
Chapter 7: Right Triangles 103
Kxamqle 1: Tind ıke geomeıric mean beıween £ and 2\.
Leı x = ıke geomeıric mean.
Tke fo11owing ıkeorem can now be easi1y skown using ıke flfl Simitarity
Theorem 62: Tke a1ıiıude drawn ıo ıke kygoıenuse of a rigkı ıriang1e cre~
aıes ıwo simi1ar rigkı ıriang1es‚ eack simi1ar ıo ıke origina1 rigkı ıriang1e
and simi1ar ıo eack oıker.
Tigure Ç~2 skows ıke ıkree rigkı ıriang1es creaıed in Tigure Ç~1. Tkey kave
been drawn in suck a way ıkaı corresgonding garıs are easi1y recognized.
104 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 7-2 Three similar right triangles from Figure 7-1 {not drawn to scale).
1 2 3
Noıe ıkaı flB and BC are 1egs of ıke origina1 rigkı ıriang1e; flC is ıke
kygoıenuse in ıke origina1 rigkı ıriang1e; BD is ıke a1ıiıude drawn ıo ıke
kygoıenuse; flD is ıke segmenı on ıke kygoıenuse ıoucking 1eg flB ; and
DC is ıke segmenı on ıke kygoıenuse ıoucking 1eg BC.
Because ıke ıriang1es are simi1ar ıo one anoıker‚ raıios of a11 gairs of cor~
resgonding sides are equa1. Tkis groduces ıkree grogorıions invo1ving geo~
meıric means.
(1) flC CD
(2) flB flB
Tkese ıwo grogorıions can now be sıaıed as a ıkeorem.
Theorem 6f: If an a1ıiıude is drawn ıo ıke kygoıenuse of a rigkı ıriang1e‚
ıken eack 1eg is ıke geomeıric mean beıween ıke kygoıenuse and iıs ıouck~
ing segmenı on ıke kygoıenuse.
(ß) BD CD
flD BD
Tkis grogorıion can now be sıaıed as a ıkeorem.
Theorem 6ß: If an a1ıiıude is drawn ıo ıke kygoıenuse of a rigkı ıriang1e‚
ıken iı is ıke geomeıric mean beıween ıke segmenıs on ıke kygoıenuse.
Kxamqle $: Use Tigure Ç~ß ıo wriıe ıkree grogorıions invo1ving geomeı~
ric means.
By Theorem 6ß,
Kxamqle £: Tind ıke va1ues for x and y in Tigures Ç~£(a) ıkrougk Ç~£(d).
(a) (b)
9 6
(c) (d)
108 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 7-R Using the Pµthagorean Theorem to find a leg of a right triangle.
Chapter 7: Right Triangles 10R
If you can recognize ıkaı ıke numbers x, 2£‚ 26 are a mu1ıig1e of ıke
\~12~1ß ¶yıkagorean ırig1e‚ ıke answer for x is quick1y found. Because
2£ = 2(12) and 26 = 2(1ß)‚ ıken x = 2(\) or x = 1O. You can a1so find x by
using ıke flythagoreaw Theorem.
1eg2 + 1eg2 = kygoıenuse2
x2 + 2£2 = 262
x2 + \Ç6 = 6Ç6
x2 = 1OO
x = 1OO
x = 1O
Kxamqle 8: Use Tigure Ç~1O ıo find x.
Figure 7-10 Using the Pµthagorean Theorem to find the unknown parts of
a right triangle.
2\ ? 11 + 1£
2\ = 2\
So 11~ 1£~\ are sides of a rigkı ıriang1e‚ and \ is ıke 1engık of ıke
(c) Because \/£ is ıke 1ongesı 1engık‚ do ıke fo11owing ckeck.
(\/£)2 ? (ß/£)2 + (1)2
2\/16 ? Ç/16 + 1
2\/16 = 2\/16
So ß/£~1~\/£ are sides of a rigkı ıriang1e‚ and \/£ is ıke 1engık of ıke
Figure 7-11 The relationship of the square of the longest side to the sum
of the squares of the other two sides of a right triangle, an
obtuse triangle, and an acute triangle.
obtuse acute
Kxamqle 10: Deıermine wkeıker ıke fo11owing seıs of ıkree va1ues cou1d
be ıke 1engıks of ıke sides of a ıriang1e. If ıke va1ues can be ıke sides of a
ıriang1e‚ ıken c1assify ıke ıriang1e. (a) 16~ßO~ߣ‚ (b) \~\~8‚ (c) \~8~1\‚ (d)
£~£~\‚ (e) Ç~12~16‚ (f ) 1~1~ 2
(fleca11 ıke Triawgte Iweguatity Theorem, Theorem f8, wkick sıaıes ıkaı ıke
1ongesı side in any ıriang1e musı be 1ess ıkan ıke sum of ıke ıwo skorıer
(a) ߣ ? 16 + ßO
ߣ £6 (So ıkese can be ıke sides of a ıriang1e.)
ߣ2 ? 162 + ßO2
11\6 ? 2\6 + ÇOO
11\6 = 11\6
Tkis is a rigkı ıriang1e. Because iıs sides are of differenı 1engıks‚ iı is a1so
a sca1ene ıriang1e.
(b) 8? \ +\
8 1O (So ıkese can be ıke sides of a ıriang1e.)
82 ? \2 + \2
6£ ? 2\ + 2\
6£ \O
112 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Tkis is an obıuse ıriang1e. Because ıwo of iıs sides are of equa1 measure‚ iı
is a1so an isosce1es ıriang1e.
(c) 1\ ? \ + 8
1\ 1ß (So ıkese cawwot be ıke sides of a ıriang1e.)
(d) \ ? £+£
\ 8 (So ıkese can be ıke sides of a ıriang1e.)
\2 ? £2 + £2
2\ ? 16 + 16
2\ ß2
Tkis is an acuıe ıriang1e. Because ıwo of iıs sides are of equa1 measure‚ iı
is a1so an isosce1es ıriang1e.
(e) 16 ? Ç + 12
16 21 (So ıkese can be ıke sides of a ıriang1e.)
162 ? Ç2 + 122
2\6 ? 81 + 1££
2\6 22\
Tkis is an obıuse ıriang1e. Because a11 sides are of differenı 1engıks‚ iı is
a1so a sca1ene ıriang1e.
(f ) ? 1+1
2 (So ıkese can be ıke sides of a ıriang1e.)
? 1 2 + 12
2? 1+1
Tkis is a rigkı ıriang1e. Because ıwo of iıs sides are of equa1 measure‚ iı is
a1so an isosce1es ıriang1e.
Tke raıio x : x : x for isosce1es rigkı ıriang1es can now be agg1ied wkere
x = 6 . So x = 6‚ and eack side of ıke square kas a measure of 6.
Xethod 2: Use ıke flythagoreaw Theorem. 6 regresenıs ıke kygoıenuse.
1eg2 + 1eg2 = kygoıenuse 2
(2)1eg2 = (6 )2
(2)1eg2 = (ß6)(2)
(2)1eg2 = Ç2
1eg 2 = ß6
1eg = 6
Tkerefore‚ eack side of ıke square kas a measure of 6.
Kxamqle 1$: Wkaı are ıke measuremenıs of x, y, and z in Tigure Ç~1\?
Chapter 7: Right Triangles 115
£\º + ÇOº + xº = 18Oº (Tke sum of ıke ang1es of a ıriang1e = 18Oº.)
x = £\º
Tkerefore‚ ıkis is an isosce1es rigkı ıriang1e wiık ıke raıio of sides
x : x : x . Because one 1eg is 1O‚ ıke oıker musı a1so be 1O‚ and ıke
kygoıenuse is 1O ‚ so y = 1O and z = 1O .
$0º~G0º~Ç0º righı ıriangle. A $0º~G0º~Ç0º righı ıriangle kas a unique
raıio of iıs sides. Tke raıio of ıke sides of a ßO º~6Oº~ÇOº rigkı ıriang1e is
1: : 2 or x : x : 2x, g1aced as fo11ows.
Tke side oggosiıe ßOº is ıke skorıesı side and is 1 or x (Tigure Ç~16).
Tke side oggosiıe 6Oº is or x
Tke side oggosiıe ÇOº is ıke 1ongesı side (kygoıenuse) and is 2 or 2x.
Figure 7-17 Using the shortest side of a 30º-00º-00º triangle to find the
remaining sides.
In Tigure Ç~18‚ ıke skorıer 1eg‚ x, is oggosiıe ıke ßOº. x is ıke 1onger
1eg‚ and iı is oggosiıe ıke 6Oº. Tke kygoıenuse is 2x. Because x = 8 ‚
x = 8. Because x = 8‚ ıken 2x = 16. Tke kygoıenuse is 16.
Figure 7-18 Using the longer leg of a 30º-00º-00º triangle to find the
3 8 3
30 30
60 60
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- Deıermine wkeıker ıke fo11owing seıs of ıkree numbers can be ıke
1engıks of sides of a ıriang1e. If ıkey can be‚ ıken c1assify ıke ıriang1e.
(a) 1~2~ß (b) \~12~1ß (c) ß~ß~\
2- If eack side of an equi1aıera1 ıriang1e is 2 in 1ong‚ wkaı is ıke ırian~
g1e’s a1ıiıude?
Chapter 7: Right Triangles 117
3- If ıke kygoıenuse of a rigkı ıriang1e is exacı1y ıwice as 1ong as ıke
skorıer 1eg‚ wkaı is ıke degree measure of ıke sma11esı ang1e in ıke
4- Comguıe ıke base of an isosce1es rigkı ıriang1e wiık 1egs ß in 1ong.
knsoers: 1. (a) No ıriang1e (b) rigkı ıriang1e‚ sca1ene (c) obıuse ıriang1e‚
isosce1es 2. in ß. ßOo £. ß in.
Ghapter 8
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
s you may a1ready know‚ ıke desire ıo find ıke circumference and ıke
A area of a circ1e g1ayed ıke key ro1e in ıke discovery of ıke irraıiona1
number (aggroximaıe1y ß.1£1\Ç)‚ buı ıke imgorıance of circ1es exıends
we11 beyond ıkis discovery. Here you wi11 1earn abouı some imgorıanı
ang1es ıkaı are deıermined using circ1es‚ and you wi11 exg1ore some con~
necıions beıween grogerıies of circ1es and grogerıies of regu1ar go1ygons.
Before ıkese efforıs are underıaken‚ you wanı ıo make sure ıkaı you are
fami1iar wiık some convenıions invo1ving ıke ıermino1ogy and noıaıion.
Parts of Gircles
A circ1e is a sgecia1 figure‚ and as suck kas garıs wiık sgecia1 names. Tkere
are a1so sgecia1 ang1es‚ 1ines‚ and 1ine segmenıs ıkaı are exc1usive ıo circ1es.
In ıkis ckagıer‚ we ska11 examine a11 of ıkem.
Circle: To review‚ a circle is a g1anar figure consisıing of a11 ıke goinıs
equidisıanı from a fixed goinı.
Cenıer: Tkaı fixed one goinı is ca11ed ıke cenıer of ıke circ1e. Circ1es
are named by naming ıke cenıer.
Radics: Any segmenı wiık one endgoinı aı ıke cenıer of ıke circ1e
and ıke oıker endgoinı on ıke circ1e is a radius. (Tke g1ura1 of radius
is radii.)
Chapter 8: Circles 11R
Chord: Any segmenı wkose endgoinıs 1ie on ıke circ1e is a ckord.
Diameıer: Any ckord ıkaı gasses ıkrougk ıke cenıer of ıke circ1e is
a diameıer.
In Tigure 8~1:
circ1e X
cenıer X
radius XT
ckords QR and EF
diameıer EF
Trom ıke definiıion of radius and diameıer‚ iı is c1ear ıkaı a11 radii of
a circ1e are equa1 in 1engık and a11 diameıers of a circ1e are equa1 in
Secanı: Any 1ine ıkaı conıains a ckord is a secanı.
Tangenı: Any 1ine in ıke same g1ane as a circ1e and inıersecıing ıke
circ1e aı exacı1y one goinı is a ıangenı
¶oinı of ıangency: Tke goinı wkere a ıangenı 1ine inıersecıs a circ1e
is ıke goinı of ıangency.
In Tigure 8~2:
circ1e Q
flB is a secanı.
CK is a ıangenı.
D is ıke goinı of ıangency for CK
120 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 8-4 Identifying special lines and line segments related to circles.
Gentral angles
Cenıra1 ang1es are ang1es formed by any ıwo radii in a circ1e. Tke verıex is
ıke cenıer of ıke circ1e. In Tigure 8~\‚ flOB is a cenıra1 ang1e.
An arc of a circ1e is a conıinuous gorıion of ıke circ1e. Iı consisıs of ıwo
endgoinıs and a11 ıke goinıs on ıke circ1e beıween ıkese endgoinıs. Tke
symbo1 is used ıo denoıe an arc. Tkis symbo1 is wriııen over ıke end~
goinıs ıkaı form ıke arc. Tkere are ıkree ıyges of arcs:
Semicircle: an arc wkose endgoinıs are ıke endgoinıs of a diameıer.
Iı is named using ıkree goinıs. Tke firsı and ıkird goinıs are ıke end~
goinıs of ıke diameıer‚ and ıke midd1e goinı is any goinı of ıke arc
beıween ıke endgoinıs.
Minor arc: an arc ıkaı is 1ess ıkan a semicirc1e. A minor arc is named
by using on1y ıke ıwo endgoinıs of ıke arc.
Major arc: an arc ıkaı is more ıkan a semicirc1e. Iı is named by ıkree
goinıs. Tke firsı and ıkird are ıke endgoinıs‚ and ıke midd1e goinı is
any goinı on ıke arc beıween ıke endgoinıs.
Arcs are measured in ıkree differenı ways. Tkey are measured in degrees
and in uniı 1engık as fo11ows:
Degree meascre of a semicircle: Tkis is 18Oº. Iıs uniı 1engık is ka1f
of ıke circumference of ıke circ1e.
Degree meascre of a minor arc: Defined as ıke same as ıke measure
of iıs corresgonding cenıra1 ang1e. Iıs uniı 1engık is a gorıion of ıke
circumference. Iıs 1engık is a1ways 1ess ıkan ka1f of ıke circumference.
Degree meascre of a major arc: Tkis is ß6Oo minus ıke degree mea~
sure of ıke minor arc ıkaı kas ıke same endgoinıs as ıke major arc.
Iıs uniı 1engık is a gorıion of ıke circumference and is a1ways more
ıkan ka1f of ıke circumference.
In ıkis book‚ m flB indicaıes ıke degree measure of arc flB, t flB indicaıes
ıke 1engık of arc flB, and flB indicaıes ıke arc iıse1f.
Kxamqle 2: In Tigure 8~Ç‚ circ1e O, wiık diameıer flB, kas OB = 6 inckes.
Tind (a) m flEB and (b) t flEB.
124 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Chapter 8: Circles 125
(a) m RS= \Oº (Tke degree measure of a minor arc equa1s ıke measure
of iıs corresgonding cenıra1 ang1e.)
(b) mQRS = 18Oº (QRS is a semicirc1e.)
(c) m QR = 1ßOº
4 1
(a) m flB = £Oº (Tke measure of a minor arc equa1s ıke measure of iıs
corresgonding cenıra1 ang1e.)
126 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
flefer ıo Tigure 8~12 and ıke examg1e ıkaı accomganies iı. Noıice ıkaı
m ß is exacı1y ka1f of m flB, and m £ is ka1f of m CD. ß and £ are
inscribed ang1es‚ and flB and CD are ıkeir inıercegıed arcs‚ wkick 1eads ıo
ıke fo11owing ıkeorem.
Theorem /0: Tke measure of an inscribed ang1e in a circ1e equa1s ka1f ıke
measure of iıs inıercegıed arc.
Tke fo11owing ıwo ıkeorems direcı1y fo11ow from Theorem /0.
Theorem /1: If ıwo inscribed ang1es of a circ1e inıercegı ıke same arc or
arcs of equa1 measure‚ ıken ıke inscribed ang1es kave equa1 measure.
Theorem /2: If an inscribed ang1e inıercegıs a semicirc1e‚ ıken iıs measure
is ÇOº.
Kxamqle G: Tind m C in Tigure 8~1\.
m C = 1/2(m BD) (Theorem /0)
m C = 1/2(6Oº)
m C = ßOº
128 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 8-18 A circle with inscribed angles, central angles, and associated
Figure 8-1R A tangent to the circle and a diameter of the circle meeting
at the point of tangency.
Figure 8-20 Finding the center of a circle when two tangents to the circle
are known.
Chapter 8: Circles 131
132 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Figure 8-23 A tangent to the circle and a chord meeting at the point of
Figure 8-24 Two secants to the circle meeting outside the circle.
1 1
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Kxamqle 12: Tind ıke va1ue of y in Tigures 8~26 (a) ıkrougk 8~26 (d).
134 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
y S
48 (2y + 3) 110
(a) (b)
(y + 114) (y + 50) y Q T
(c) (d)
Figure 8-27 A circle with four radii and two chords drawn.
Kxamqle 1$: Use Tigure 8~28 ıo deıermine ıke fo11owing. (a) If flB = CD,
and flB = 6Oº‚ find m CD. (b) If KF GH and KF = 8, find GH.
Theorem 81: In a circ1e‚ if ıwo ckords are equa1 in measure‚ ıken ıkey are
equidisıanı from ıke cenıer.
In Tigure 8~ßO‚ if flB = CD, ıken by Theorem 81, OE = OF.
Theorem 82: In a circ1e‚ if ıwo ckords are equidisıanı from ıke cenıer of a
circ1e‚ ıken ıke ıwo ckords are equa1 in measure.
In Tigure 8~ßO‚ if OE = OF, ıken by Theorem 82, flB = CD.
Figure 8-30 In a circle, the relationship between two chords being equal
in measure and being equidistant from the center.
Chapter 8: Circles 137
Kxamqle 1£: Use Tigure 8~ß1 ıo find x.
Figure 8-31 A circle with two minor arcs equal in measure.
40 8
So‚ ST flB, and ST is a diameıer. Theorem 80 says ıkaı flX = BX. Since
flB = 1O‚ ıken flX = \. Now consider rigkı ıriang1e flXO. Since Ofl = 1ß
and flX = \‚ OX can be found by using ıke GyıGagoreau TGeores.
OX2 + flX2 = flO2
OX2 + 2\ = 16Ç
OX2 = 1££
OX = 1££
OX = 12
A1so‚ Theorem 80 says ıkaı flT TB and flS SB. Since m flOB
= \\º‚ ıkaı wou1d make m flB = \\º and m flSB = ßO\º. Tkerefore‚
m flT = 2Ç 1/ 2 º and m SB = 1\2 1/ 2º.
Kxamqle 1Ç: Use Tigure 8~ߣ‚ in wkick flB = 8‚ CD = 8‚ and Ofl = \‚ ıo
find OM.
Theorem 8f: If ıwo ckords inıersecı inside a circ1e‚ ıken ıke groducı of
ıke segmenıs of one ckord equa1s ıke groducı of ıke segmenıs of ıke
oıker ckord.
Kxamqle 18: Tind x in eack of ıke fo11owing figures in Tigure 8~ß6.
4 10
(a) (b)
12 8
6 10
(a) (b)
flB BD
BC flB
Figure 8-40 A tangent segment and a secant segment {or another tan-
gent segment) intersecting outside a circle.
3 12
(a) (b)
5 3
(c) (d)
x2 = ß6
x = ß6
(b) By Theorem 8/, 122 = (Çx)(x)
1££ = Çx2
16 =x2
16 = x
£ =x
(c) By Theorem 8/, 1O2 = (ßx + \)(\)
1OO = 1\x + 2\
Ç\ = 1\x
\ =x
(d) By Theorem 86, x= 1ß
Chapter 8: Circles 143
Arc Length and 3ectors
Sıudenıs are ofıen confused by ıke facı ıkaı ıke arcs of a circ1e are cagab1e
of being measured in more ıkan one way. Tke besı way ıo avoid ıkaı con~
fusion is ıo remember ıkaı arcs gossess ıwo grogerıies. Tkey kave 1engık
as a gorıion of ıke circumference‚ buı ıkey a1so kave a measurab1e curva~
ıure‚ based ugon ıke corresgonding cenıra1 ang1e.
Arc length
As menıioned ear1ier in ıkis secıion‚ an arc can be measured eiıker in
degrees or in uniı 1engık. In Tigure 8~£1‚ t flB is a connecıed gorıion of
ıke circumference of ıke circ1e.
Tke gorıion is deıermined by ıke size of iıs corresgonding cenıra1 ang1e.
A grogorıion wi11 be creaıed ıkaı comgares a gorıion of ıke circ1e ıo ıke
wko1e circ1e firsı in degree measure and ıken in uniı 1engık.
6 in
12O flB
ß6O 12 inckes
144 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
fleduce 12Oº/ß6Oº ıo 1/ ß.
12 inckes
flB 12 inckes
flB inckes
Kxamqle 21: In Tigure 8~£2‚ flB inckes. Tke radius of ıke circ1e is
16 inckes. Tind m flOB.
Figure 8-42 Using the arc length and the radius to find the measure of
the associated central angle.
8 in
16 in
arc 1engtk
xº/ß6Oº = circnmference
xº/ß6Oº = 8 /ß2
fleduce 8 /ß2 ıo 1/ £.
x/ß6Oº = 1/£
£x = ß6Oº
x = ÇOº
So‚ m flOB = ÇOº
3ector of a circle
A secıor of a circle is a region bounded by ıwo radii and an arc of ıke
In Tigure 8~£ß‚ OflCB is a secıor. flCB is ıke arc of secıor OflCB. OflDB
is a1so a secıor. flDB is ıke arc of secıor OflDB. Tke area of a secıor is a gor~
ıion of ıke enıire area of ıke circ1e. Tkis can be exgressed as a grogorıion.
Chapter 8: Circles 145
Figure 8-43 A sector of a circle.
12 in
24 ft
12O 2£
fleduce 12O/ ß6O ıo 1/ ß and 24 ıo 12/ r.
r = f6
Tke radius of ıkis circ1e is ß6 fı‚ so ıke area of ıke circ1e is (ß6) 2 or
12Ç6 fı2. Tkerefore‚
area of secıor
ß6O area of circ1e
12O area of secıor
ß6O 12Ç6 fı
fleduce 12O/ ß6O ıo 1/ ß.
area of secıor
12Ç6 fı
ß(area secıor RQTS) = 12Ç6 fı2
area secıor RQTS = £ß2 fı2
1 1
a. m 1 = mº
b. m 1 = mº
c. m 1 = mº
d. m 1 = (w+m)º‚ ab = cd
e. m 1 = (m – w)º‚ gr = st
f. m 1 = (m – w)º‚ qr = ı2
g. m 1 = 18Oº – wº = mº – 18Oº‚ a = b
k. t AB = mº/ß6Oº (2 r)‚ mAB = m AOB = mº
i. area of OACB/ r2= mº/ß6Oº
148 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- Deıermine ıke measure of an inscribed ang1e wkose inıercegıed
arc on ıke circ1e is ıke same as ıkaı of a cenıra1 ang1e of degree
measure 88o.
2- Comguıe x in ıke fo11owing figure.
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
Comguıing ıke 1aıera1 area and ıke ıoıa1 surface area for a rigkı grism‚
a rigkı circu1ar cy1inder‚ a regu1ar gyramid‚ a rigkı circu1ar cone‚ and
a sgkere
Comguıing ıke vo1ume of a rigkı grism‚ a rigkı circu1ar cy1inder‚ a
regu1ar gyramid‚ a rigkı circu1ar cone‚ and a sgkere
¶risms are so1ids (ıkree~dimensiona1 figures) ıkaı‚ un1ike g1anar figures‚
occugy sgace. Tkey come in many skages and sizes. Kvery grism kas ıke
fo11owing ckaracıerisıics:
8ases: A grism kas ıwo bases‚ wkick are congruenı go1ygons 1ying in
gara11e1 g1anes.
Laıeral edges: Tke 1ines formed by connecıing ıke corresgonding
verıices‚ wkick form a sequence of gara11e1 segmenıs.
Laıeral faces: Tke gara11e1ograms formed by ıke 1aıera1 edges.
A grism is named by ıke go1ygon ıkaı forms iıs base‚ as fo11ows:
klıiıcde: A segmenı gergendicu1ar ıo ıke g1anes of ıke bases wiık an
endgoinı in eack g1ane.
Obliqce qrism: A grism wkose 1aıera1 edges are noı gergendicu1ar
ıo ıke base.
150 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
In Tigure Ç~1‚ grism (a) is a rigkı ıriangu1ar grism‚ grism (b) is a rigkı recı~
angu1ar grism‚ and grism (c) is an ob1ique genıagona1 grism. Tke a1ıiıude
in grism (c) is ca11ed h.
Right Prisms
In cerıain grisms‚ ıke 1aıera1 faces are eack gergendicu1ar ıo ıke g1ane of
ıke base (or bases if ıkere is more ıkan one). Tkese are known as a groug
as rigkı grisms.
17 mm 12 mm
11 mm
Chapter R: Geometric Solids 151
hflrigkı grism = (p)(h) uniı2
= (11 + 18 + 1ß + 12 + 1O + 8)(1Ç) mm2
= (Ç2)(1Ç) mm2
= 122£ mm2
3 ft 4 ft
2 ft
Figure R-4 The base of the triangular prism from Figure 0-3.
Because ıke ıriang1e is a rigkı ıriang1e‚ iıs 1egs can be used as base and
keigkı of ıke ıriang1e.
B = Area ıriang1e = 1/ 2(b)(h)
= 1/2(ß)(£) fı2
= 6fı2
Tke a1ıiıude of ıke grism is given as 2 fı. Tkerefore‚
Tflrigkı grism = hfl + 2B uniıs 2
= (p)(h) + 2B uniıs 2
= (12 fı)(2 fı) + (2)(6) fı 2
= 2£ fı2 + 12 fı2
= ß6fı 2
Tke volcme of a so1id is ıke number of cubes wiık uniı edge necessary ıo
enıire1y fi11 ıke inıerior of ıke so1id. In Tigure Ç~6‚ ıke rigkı recıangu1ar
grism measures ß inckes by £ inckes by \ inckes.
3 in 11 in
(a) (b)
Laıera1 area‚ ıoıa1 area‚ and vo1ume for rigkı circu1ar cy1inders are found
in ıke same way as ıkey are for rigkı grisms.
If a cy1inder is gicıured as a soug can‚ iıs 1aıera1 area is ıke area of ıke 1abe1.
If ıke 1abe1 is carefu11y gee1ed off‚ ıke 1abe1 becomes a recıang1e‚ as skown
in Tigure Ç~Ç.
Tke area of ıke 1abe1 is ıke area of a recıang1e wiık a keigkı ıke same as ıke
a1ıiıude of ıke can and a base ıke same as ıke circumference of ıke 1id of
ıke can.
Theorem )0: Tke 1aıera1 area‚ hfl, of a rigkı circu1ar cy1inder wiık a base
circumference C and an a1ıiıude h is given by ıke fo11owing equaıion.
hfl rigkı circu1ar cy1inder = (C )(h) uniı 2
= (2 r)(h) uniı2
Chapter R: Geometric Solids 155
Theorem )1: Tke ıoıa1 area‚ Tfl, of a rigkı circu1ar cy1inder wiık 1aıera1 area
hfl and a base area B is given by ıke fo11owing equaıion.
Tfl rigkı circu1ar cy1inder = hfl + 2B uniı2
= (2 r)(h) + 2 r2 uniıs2
= 2 r(h + r) uniıs 2
Theorem )2: Tke vo1ume of a rigkı circu1ar cy1inder‚ V, wiık a base area B
and a1ıiıude h is given by ıke fo11owing equaıion.
Vrigkı circu1ar cy1inder = (B)(h) uniıs
= ( r 2)(h) uniısß
Kxamqle £: Tigure Ç~1O is a rigkı circu1ar cy1inder; find (a) hfl (b) Tfl and
(c) V.
Figure R-10 Finding the lateral area, total area, and volume of a right
circular cylinder.
7 cm
10 cm
A qyramid is a so1id ıkaı kas ıke fo11owing ckaracıerisıics.
Iı kas one base, wkick is a go1ygon.
Tke verıices of ıke base are eack joined ıo a goinı‚ noı in ıke g1ane
of ıke base. Tkis goinı is ca11ed ıke verıex of ıke gyramid.
Tke ıriangu1ar sides‚ a11 of wkick meeı aı ıke verıex‚ are iıs laıeral
Tke segmenıs wkere ıke 1aıera1 faces inıersecı are laıeral edges.
Tke gergendicu1ar segmenı from ıke verıex ıo ıke g1ane of ıke base
is ıke alıiıcde of ıke gyramid.
Regular Pyramids
A regclar qyramid is a gyramid wkose base is a regu1ar go1ygon and wkose
1aıera1 edges are a11 equa1 in 1engık. A gyramid is named by iıs base. Tigure
Ç~11 skows some examg1es of regu1ar gyramids.
Tke 1aıera1 faces of a regu1ar gyramid are congruenı isosce1es ıriang1es. Tke
a1ıiıude of any of ıkese ıriang1es is ıke slanı heighı of ıke regu1ar gyra~
mid. Tigure Ç~12 is a square gyramid.
Chapter R: Geometric Solids 157
Figure R-12 A square pyramid.
Figure R-13 Finding the lateral area, total area, and volume of a square
6 in 10 in
16 in
158 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
flsquare = £ side
flsquare = £ 16 in
flsquare = 6£ in
hfl regu1ar gyramid = 1/2(p)(t ) uniıs 2
= 1/2(6£)(1O) in 2
= ß2O in2
Because a gyramid kas on1y one base‚ iıs ıoıa1 area is ıke sum of ıke 1aı~
era1 area and ıke area of iıs base.
Theorem )ß: Tke ıoıa1 area‚ Tfl, of a regu1ar gyramid wiık 1aıera1 area hfl
and base area B is given by ıke fo11owing equaıion.
Tflregu1ar gyramid = hfl + B uniıs 2
= 1/2(p)(t ) + B uniıs2
Kxamqle G: Tind ıke ıoıa1 area of ıke regu1ar gyramid skown in
Tigure Ç~1ß.
Tke base of ıke regu1ar gyramid is a sqcare. fl square = (side)2. Tkerefore‚ B
= 162 in 2‚ or B = 2\6 in2.
Tfl regu1ar gyramid = hfl + B uniıs2
Trom ıke grevious examg1e‚
hfl = ß2O in 2.
Tfl = ß2O + 2\6 in2
= \Ç6 in 2
Theorem )/: Tke vo1ume‚ V, of a regu1ar gyramid wiık base area B and
a1ıiıude h is given by ıke fo11owing equaıion.
Vregu1ar gyramid = 1/ß(B)(h) uniısß
Kxamqle Ç: Tind ıke vo1ume of ıke regu1ar gyramid skown in Tigure Ç~1ß.
Trom ıke grevious examg1e‚ B = 2\6 in 2. Tke figure indicaıes ıkaı h = 6 in.
Vregu1ar gyramid = 1/ß(B)(h) uniıs ß
= 1/ß(2\6)(6) in ß
= \12 in ß
Chapter R: Geometric Solids 15R
Right Gircular Gones
A righı circclar cone is simi1ar ıo a regu1ar gyramid excegı ıkaı iıs base
is a circ1e. Tke vocabu1ary and equaıions gerıaining ıo ıke rigkı circu1ar
cone are simi1ar ıo ıkose for ıke regu1ar gyramid. flefer ıo Tigure Ç~1£ for
ıke vocabu1ary regarding rigkı circu1ar cones.
height ( ) altitude ( )
radius ( )
Theorem )6: Tke 1aıera1 area‚ hfl, of a rigkı circu1ar cone wiık base cir~
cumference C and s1anı keigkı t is given by ıke fo11owing equaıion.
hflrigkı circu1ar cone = 1/2(C)(t ) uniıs2
= 1/2(2 )(r)(t ) uniıs 2
= rt uniıs2
Theorem )/: Tke ıoıa1 area‚ Tfl, of a rigkı circu1ar cone wiık 1aıera1 area
hfl and base area B is given by ıke fo11owing equaıion.
Tfl rigkı circu1ar cone = hfl + B uniıs2
= rt + r2 uniıs 2
= r (t + r) uniıs2
Theorem )8: Tke vo1ume‚ V, of a rigkı circu1ar cone wiık base area B and
a1ıiıude h is given by ıke fo11owing equaıion.
Vrigkı circu1ar cone = 1/ß(B)(h) uniıs
= 1/ß( r2)(h) uniıs ß
160 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Kxamqle 8: Tigure Ç~1\ is a rigkı circu1ar cone; find (a) hfl (b) Tfl and
(c) V.
Figure R-15 Finding the lateral area, total area, and volume of a right
circular cone.
8 cm
6 cm
(a) Tke s1anı keigkı‚ radius‚ and a1ıiıude of a rigkı circu1ar cone form
a rigkı ıriang1e‚ as skown in Tigure Ç~16.
Figure R-16 The right triangle formed by the slant height, radius, and alti-
tude of a right circular cone.
8 cm
6 cm
t 2 = 82 + 62 (flythagoreaw Theorem)
t 2 = 6£ + ß6
t 2 = 1OO
t = 1OO
t = 1O cm
hfl rigkı circu1ar cone = rt uniıs2
= (6)(1O) cm2
= 6O cm2
(b) Tfl rigkı circu1ar cone = hfl + B uniıs
= 6O + (6)2 cm2
= 6O + ß6 cm2
= Ç6 cm2
(c) Vrigkı circu1ar cone =1/ß (B)(h) uniıs
= 1/ß(ß6 )(8) cmß
= Ç6 cmß
Chapter R: Geometric Solids 161
A sqhere is ıke seı of a11 goinıs in sgace ıkaı are equidisıanı from a fixed
goinı (ıke cewter).Tkaı disıance is ıke radics of ıhe sqhere. Because a
sgkere kas no bases‚ iıs area is referred ıo as iıs scrface area.
Theorem )): Tke surface area‚ S‚ of a sgkere wiık radius r is given by ıke
fo11owing equaıion:
Ssgkere = £ r uniıs2
Theorem 100: Tke vo1ume of a sgkere‚ V, wiık radius r is given by ıke fo1~
1owing equaıion:
Vsgkere = rß uniıs
Kxamqle Ç: Tigure Ç~1Ç regresenıs a sgkere wiık radius r. If r = Ç cm‚ find
(a) S and (b) V.
2 2
(a) Ssgkere = £ r uniıs
= £ (Ç)2 cm2
= £ (81) cm2
= ß2£ cm2
(b) Vsgkere = £/ß rß uniısß
= £/ß (Ç)ß cmß
= £/ß (Ç2Ç) cmß
= ÇÇ2 cmß
See Tigure Ç~18 for a review of geomeıric so1ids.
162 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
right 2
prism 2
right 2 2
circular 2 2
cylinder 2 ( )
C = circumference of a base
r = radius of a circ1e
p = gerimeıer of a base
B = area of a base
h = a1ıiıude
t = s1anı keigkı
S = surface area of a sgkere
Chapter R: Geometric Solids 163
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- Tind (a) ıke 1aıera1 area‚ (b) ıke ıoıa1 area‚ and (c) ıke vo1ume of a
rigkı circu1ar cy1inder wiık radius £ in. and keigkı 1O in.
2- Tind (a) ıke 1aıera1 area‚ (b) ıke ıoıa1 area‚ and (c) ıke vo1ume of a
regu1ar gyramid wiık a1ıiıude 12 in. and a square base wiık side 6 in.
(Hiuı: Use ıke flythagoreaw Theorem ıo comguıe ıke s1anı keigkı.)
3- Tind (a) ıke surface area and (b) ıke vo1ume of a sgkere of radius
r = 2 in.
2 2 ß 2
knsoers: 1. (a) 8O in (b) 112 in (c) 16O in 2. (a) ß6 1Ç in
(b) (ß6 1Ç + ß6) in2 (c) 1££ inß ß. (a) 16 in 2 (b) ß2 inß
Ghapter 1O
Gh a p te r Gh e c L −In
ke coordinaıe sysıem ıkaı you sıudy in ıkis ckagıer kas axes ıkaı are
T gergendicu1ar ıo one anoıker‚ so ıke sysıem is ca11ed a recıangclar
coordinaıe sysıem. Iı is a1so referred ıo as ıke Carıesian coordinaıe
sysıem‚ named afıer flene Descarıes‚ a sevenıeenık~cenıury Trenck maık~
emaıician/gki1osogker. Tkis coordinaıe sysıem grovides a gowerfu1 ıoo1
for visua1izing ıke funcıions sıudied in a1gebra‚ ırigonomeıry‚ ca1cu1us‚
and kigker maıkemaıics. As usua1‚ ıke g1ace ıo sıarı is by defining key
Figure 10-1 The coordinate axes separate the plane into four quadrants.
II ( , ) 3 I( , )
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
III ( , ) 3 IV ( , )
166 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Tke goinı associaıed wiık an ordered gair of rea1 numbers is ca11ed ıke
graqh of ıke ordered gair.
Kxamqle 1: Idenıify ıke goinıs fl, B, C, D, K, and F on ıke coordinaıe
gragk in Tigure 1O~2.
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
( 5,2) 4 (8,2)
8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8 10
(8, 4)
Chapter 10: Coordinate Geometry 167
Kxamqle $: Use Tigure 1O~ß ıo find ıke fo11owing disıances: (a) from fl ıo
B (ca11ed flB) and (b) from B ıo C (ca11ed BC).
(a) flB = 8 – (–\) and (b) BC = 2 – (–£) (flostutate /)
flB = 1ß BC = 6
Distance Formula
In Tigure 1O~£‚ fl is (2‚ 2)‚ B is (\‚ 2)‚ and C is (\‚ 6).
8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8
Midpoint Formula
Numerica11y‚ ıke midgoinı of a segmenı can be considered ıo be ıke aver~
age of iıs endgoinıs. Tkis concegı ke1gs in remembering a formu1a for find~
ing ıke midgoinı of a segmenı given ıke coordinaıes of iıs endgoinıs. fleca11
ıkaı ıke average of ıwo numbers is found by dividing ıkeir sum by ıwo.
Chapter 10: Coordinate Geometry 16R
Theorem 102: If ıke coordinaıes of fl and B are (x1‚ y1) and (x2‚ y2) resgec~
ıive1y‚ ıken ıke midgoinı‚ X, of flB is given by ıke fo11owing formu1a
(Xidpoiwt Formuta).
10 8 6 4 2
R = (–6‚ß)
By ıke Distawce Formuta,
QR = TR =
QR = TR =
QR = 16 TR = 16
QR = 2\ TR = 2\
QR = TR = 2\
Because QR = TR and Q, T, and R are co11inear‚ R is ıke midgoinı of QT .
170 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
12 and
Mu1ıig1y eack side of eack equaıion by 2.
–6 = 12 + x and 16 = –1 + y
–18 = x and 1Ç = y
Tkerefore‚ ıke coordinaıes of B are (–18‚ 1Ç).
3lope of a Line
Tke sloqe of a line is a measuremenı of ıke sıeegness and direcıion of a
nonverıica1 1ine. Wken a 1ine rises from 1efı ıo rigkı‚ ıke s1oge is a gosiıive
number. Tigure 1O~6(a) skows a 1ine wiık a gosiıive s1oge. Wken a 1ine
fa11s from 1efı ıo rigkı‚ ıke s1oge is a negaıive number. Tigure 1O~6(b) skows
a 1ine wiık a negaıive s1oge. Tke x~axis or any 1ine gara11e1 ıo ıke x~axis kas
a s1oge of zero. Tigure 1O~6(c) skows a 1ine wkose s1oge is zero. Tke y~axis
or any 1ine gara11e1 ıo ıke y~axis kas no defined s1oge. Tigure 1O~6(d) skows
a 1ine wiık an undefined s1oge.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Chapter 10: Coordinate Geometry 171
If m regresenıs ıke s1oge of a 1ine and fl and B are goinıs wiık coordinaıes
(x1‚y1) and (x2‚y2) resgecıive1y‚ ıken ıke s1oge of ıke 1ine gassing ıkrougk fl
and B is given by ıke fo11owing formu1a.
8 6 4 2 2 4 6 8
(a) Line a gasses ıkrougk ıke goinıs (–Ç‚ 2) and (–ß‚ £).
(b) Line b gasses ıkrougk ıke goinıs (2‚ £) and (6‚ –2).
172 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
Equations of Lines
Kquaıions invo1ving one or ıwo variab1es can be gragked on any x~y coor~
dinaıe g1ane. In genera1‚ ıke fo11owing grincig1es are ırue:
174 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
A linear eqcaıion is any equaıion wkose gragk is a 1ine. A11 1inear equa~
ıions can be wriııen in ıke form flx + By = C wkere fl, B, and C are rea1
numbers and fl and B are noı boık zero. Tke fo11owing examg1es are 1in~
ear equaıions and ıkeir resgecıive fl, B, and C va1ues.
x+ y =O ßx £y = Ç x = –6 y =Ç
fl = 1 fl = ß fl = 1 fl = O
B=1 B = ~£ B=O B=1
C=O C=Ç C = –6 C=Ç
Tkis form for equaıions of 1ines is known as ıke sıandard form for ıke
equaıion of a 1ine.
Tke x~inıerceqı of a gragk is ıke goinı wkere ıke gragk inıersecıs ıke
x~axis. Iı a1ways kas a y~coordinaıe of zero. A korizonıa1 1ine ıkaı is noı ıke
x~axis kas no x~inıercegı.
Tke y~inıerceqı of a gragk is ıke goinı wkere ıke gragk inıersecıs ıke
y~axis. Iı a1ways kas an x~coordinaıe of zero. A verıica1 1ine ıkaı is noı ıke
y~axis kas no y~inıercegı.
One way ıo gragk a 1inear equaıion is ıo find so1uıions by giving a va1ue
ıo one variab1e and so1ving ıke resu1ıing equaıion for ıke oıker variab1e. A
minimum of ıwo goinıs is necessary ıo gragk a 1inear equaıion.
Kxamqle 12: Draw ıke gragk of 2x + ßy = 12 by finding ıke x~inıercegı
and ıke y~inıercegı.
Tke x~inıercegı kas a y~coordinaıe of zero. Subsıiıuıing zero for y, ıke resu1ı~
ing equaıion is 2x + ß(O) = 12. Now so1ving for x,
2x = 12
Tke x~inıercegı is aı (6‚ O)‚ or ıke x~inıercegı va1ue is 6.
Tke y~inıercegı kas an x~coordinaıe of zero. Subsıiıuıing zero for x, ıke
resu1ıing equaıion is 2(O) + ßy = 12. Now so1ving for y,
ßy = 12
y =£
Chapter 10: Coordinate Geometry 175
Tke y~inıercegı is aı (O‚ £)‚ or ıke y~inıercegı va1ue is £.
Tke 1ine can now be gragked by gragking ıkese ıwo goinıs and ıken draw~
ing ıke 1ine ıkey deıermine (Tigure 1O~Ç).
Figure 10-R Drawing the graph of a linear equation after finding the
x-intercept and the µ-intercept.
6 4 2 2 4 6
2x 3y 12
2 x 2
2 1 1 2
Figure 10-11
2 1 1 2
y 1
Suggose ıkaı fl is a garıicu1ar goinı ca11ed (x1‚ y1) and B is any goinı ca11ed
(x, y). Tken ıke s1oge of ıke 1ine ıkrougk fl and B is regresenıed by
t1: 2 x + \y = 1O
\y = 2x + 1O
y = ( 2/\)x + 2
s1oge t1 = 2/\
t2: £x + 1Oy = ßO
1Oy = £x + ßO
y = ( 2/\)x + ß
s1oge t2 = 2/ß
tß: 1\x 6y = 12
6y = 1\x + 12
y = (\/2)x 2
s1oge tß = \/2
S1oge t1 = s1oge t2‚ ıkerefore; by Theorem 10ß.
Because (s1oge t 1)(s1oge tß ) = 1 and (s1oge t 2)(s1oge t ß) = 1‚ and
by Theorem 106.
s1oge‚ m, of flB =
Chapter 10: Coordinate Geometry 17R
To11owing is a 1isı of ıke equaıions of 1ines:
Sıandard form: flx + By = C
fl, B, and C are rea1 numbers
fl and B are noı boık zero
¶oinı~sloqe form: y y1 = m (x x1 )
(x1‚ y1) is a goinı on ıke 1ine and m is ıke s1oge
of ıke 1ine
Sloqe~inıerceqı form: y = mx + b
m is ıke s1oge of ıke 1ine and b is ıke y~inıercegı
Gh a p te r Gh e c L o u t
1- Wkaı is ıke disıance from (ß‚ß) ıo (1O‚ 1)?
2- Wkaı is ıke midgoinı of ıke 1ine segmenı wiık endgoinıs (ß‚ß) and
(1O‚ 1)?
3- Wkaı is ıke s1oge of a 1ine gassing ıkrougk (ß‚ß) and
(1O‚ 1)?
4- Tind ıke fo11owing forms for ıke equaıion of ıke 1ine gassing ıkrougk
(ß‚ß) and (1O‚ 1):
(a) goinı~s1oge form
(b) s1oge~inıercegı form
(c) sıandard form
5- (a) Tind ıke s1oge and ıke y~inıercegı of ıke 1ine wiık equaıion
£x + \y = 6.
(b) Tind an equaıion of ıke 1ine gassing ıkrougk (ß‚ß) and gergen~
dicu1ar ıo ıke 1ine from (a).
knsoers: 1. 6\ 2. (1ß ‚1) ß. £. (a) y ß = (x ß) or
y + 1 = (x 1O) (b) y = x + ßß (c) £x + Çy = ßß
\. (a) m = ‚ b = (b) y ß = (x ß)
Use ıkis CQfl fleview ıo gracıice wkaı you’ve 1earned in ıkis book and ıo
bui1d your confidence in working wiık geomeıry. Afıer you work ıkrougk
ıke review quesıions‚ ıke criıica1 ıkinking exercises‚ and ıke grojecıs‚ you’re
we11 on your way ıo ackieving your goa1 of being groficienı in ıke use of
Chapter 1
1- In ıke fo11owing diagram‚ deıermine ıke degree measure of (a) a
and (b) b.
35 b
2- If ıwo 1ines are gara11e1‚ ıken kow many goinıs are in ıkeir inıersecıion?
3- True or Ta1se: Two 1ines gergendicu1ar ıo ıke same 1ine are gergen~
dicu1ar ıo eack oıker.
4- Tke undefined ıerms ıkaı were idenıified as suck in CQR Geometry are
poiwt‚ tiwe‚ and ptawe. Wkaı oıker ıerms were ıreaıed as undefined kere‚
even ıkougk ıkey may noı kave been 1abe1ed as suck? (Ckagıer 1)
Chapter 2
5- In ıke fo11owing diagram‚ ıwo gara11e1 1ines are inıersecıed by a
ıransversa1. Wkaı is ıke degree measure (a) of a? (b) of b ? (c)
of c ?
CQR Review 181
50 a
b c
6- In a ıriang1e wiık ıwo ang1es of measure ßOº and £Oº‚ wkaı musı be
ıke measure of ıke ıkird ang1e?
7- In ıke fo11owing figure‚ m a = £\º and m d = 1£\º. Wkaı is ıke
degree measure of f?
8- Wkick seı of numbers may be ıke 1engıks of ıke sides of a ıriang1e?
(a) {1‚ß‚\} (b) {£‚\‚6} (c) {£‚\‚Ç} (d) {£‚\‚1O}
a d
b c
40 a
182 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
10- Caıker ıogeıker severa1 o1d ru1ers and dri11 ko1es near ıke ends of eack
one. Tken bo1ı ıkree of ıkem ıogeıker in ıke skage of a ıriang1e. Tesı
ıo see ıkaı ıke ıriang1e is rigid in ıke sense ıkaı iıs skage cannoı be
disıorıed wiıkouı breaking ıke ıriang1e agarı. Now ıry ıkis wiık four
ru1ers. Is ıke quadri1aıera1 you consırucıed a1so rigid or can you dis~
ıorı iıs skage wiıkouı breaking ıke figure agarı? Wkaı abouı a gen~
ıagon? If ıkese figures are noı rigid‚ can you ıkink of a way ıo make
ıkem so? Can you imagine wky ıkis kind of quesıion migkı be imgor~
ıanı ıo an engineer? (Ckagıers ß and £)
11- A farmer owns a 1arge giece of grogerıy wkose boundary is a quadri~
1aıera1. He wanıs ıo deıermine ıke area of ıkis grogerıy. He knows
ıkaı ıke ıkree sides of a ıriang1e unique1y deıermine ıke area of ıke
ıriang1e‚ and‚ in facı‚ ke even knows ıke formu1a for ıkaı area. He
be1ieves ıkaı ıkis idea genera1izes ıo quadri1aıera1s‚ a1ıkougk ke does
noı know a formu1a for area of quadri1aıera1s. He kas a friend wko is
a maıkemaıician‚ so ke g1ans ıo measure ıke 1engıks of ıke four sides
forming ıke boundaries of kis grogerıy and ıake ıkose measuremenıs
ıo kis friend. Wi11 ıkese measuremenıs a1one be enougk informaıion
for ıke maıkemaıician ıo groger1y deıermine ıke area of ıke farmer’s
grogerıy? (Hinı: Consider a square and a rkombus wiık edges kav~
ing ıke same 1engık.) (Ckagıers ß‚ £‚ and \)
Chapter 4
12- True or Ta1se: A concave go1ygon kas aı 1eası one inıerior ang1e wiık
degree measure more ıkan 18Oo.
13- Draw a quadri1aıera1 ıkaı is noı convex.
Chapter 5
17- Comguıe (a) ıke circumference and (b) ıke area of a circ1e of radius
r = \.
18- Deıermine (a) ıke gerimeıer and (b) ıke area of flBC in ıke
fo11owing diagram.
CQR Review 183
10 8 17
Chapter 6
1R- Tke ıkree ang1es of a ıriang1e are in ıke raıio 1 : 2 : 6. Wkaı is ıke
measure of ıke sma11esı ang1e?
20- Wkaı is ıke degree measure of ıke ang1e formed by ıke kands of a
c1ock aı £:OO?
21- True or Ta1se: Tke area of a square wi11 be doub1ed if ıke 1engık of
eack side is mu1ıig1ied by .
Chapter 7
22- If ıke 1egs of an isosce1es ıriang1e are eack 1Ç inckes 1ong and ıke a1ıi~
ıude ıo ıke base is 1\ inckes 1ong‚ kow 1ong is ıke base of ıke
23- In a square‚ ıke gerimeıer is kow many ıimes as 1ong as a diagona1?
24- Wkaı is ıke area of an equi1aıera1 ıriang1e wkose side kas 1engık 8?
25- Tke a1ıiıude drawn ıo ıke kygoıenuse of a rigkı ıriang1e divides ıke
kygoıenuse inıo ıwo segmenıs wiık 1engıks ß and 1O. Wkaı is ıke
1engık of ıke a1ıiıude?
26- In ıke fo11owing diagram‚ flK and BD are boık gergendicu1ar ıo KC.
If BC = \ and BD = ß‚ wkaı is ıke raıio of flK ıo KC ?
184 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
28- Wkick of ıke fo11owing seıs of numbers may be ıke 1engıks of ıke
sides of a rigkı ıriang1e? (a) {£‚ 6‚ 8} (b) {12‚ 16‚ 2O} (c) {Ç‚ 1Ç‚ 2ß}
(d) {Ç‚ 2O‚ 2Ç}
2R- If ıke kygoıenuse of a ßOº~6Oº~ÇOº ıriang1e is \‚ wkaı is ıke 1engık of
ıke side oggosiıe ıke 6Oº ang1e?
30- Jeremy 1ives on ıke corner of a recıangu1ar fie1d ıkaı measures 12O
yards by 16O yards. If ke wanıs ıo wa1k ıo ıke diagona11y oggosiıe
corner‚ ke can eiıker go a1ong ıke boundary of ıke fie1d or cuı across
in a sıraigkı 1ine. How many yards does ke save by ıaking ıke direcı
31- In ıke fo11owing diagram‚ flBDK is a gara11e1ogram and BCKF is a
square. If flB = 1O and CD = 6‚ wkaı is ıke gerimeıer of ıke gara11e1~
ogram flBDK?
B C 6 D
D 10 in. E
Chapter 8
34- Trom ıke same exıerna1 goinı‚ ıwo ıangenıs are drawn ıo a circ1e. Tke
ıangenıs inıercegı arcs wkose measures are ßOOº and 6Oº. Wkaı is ıke
measure of ıke ang1e formed by ıke ıangenıs?
35- Tke measure of ıke cenıra1 ang1e of a secıor is 12Oº. If ıke radius of
ıke circ1e is 6 cenıimeıers‚ deıermine ıke area of ıke secıor.
36- If a cenıra1 ang1e of £\º inıercegıs an arc \ inckes 1ong on a circ1e‚
wkaı is ıke radius of ıke circ1e?
37- If an equi1aıera1 ıriang1e is inscribed in a circ1e of radius 1 inck‚ wkaı
wi11 be ıke 1engık of one of ıke ıriang1e’s sides?
38- Wkaı is ıke measure of a in ıke fo11owing figure?
186 CliffsQuickReview Geometry
Chapter R
3R- Deıermine (a) ıke ıoıa1 surface area and (b) ıke vo1ume of ıke recı~
angu1ar so1id in ıke fo11owing figure.
4 cm.
3 cm.
5 cm.
40- Tind (a) ıke 1aıera1 area‚ (b) ıoıa1 area‚ and (c) vo1ume of a rigkı cir~
cu1ar cone wiık radius £ inckes and keigkı 1O inckes.
41- CQR Geometry sugg1ies definiıions of gergendicu1ar 1ines and ger~
gendicu1ar g1anes. No forma1 definiıion was given for a 1ine ıo be
gergendicu1ar ıo a g1ane‚ a1ıkougk comforıab1eness wiık ıkis noıion
was assumed in Ckagıer Ç. Afıer 1ooking back aı ıke definiıion of
gergendicu1ar g1anes‚ ıe11 wkaı you ıkink wou1d be a reasonab1e def~
iniıion for “1ine 1 is gergendicu1ar ıo g1ane ¶.“ (Ckagıers 1 and Ç)
Chapter 10
42- Tind (a) ıke surface area and (b) ıke vo1ume of a sgkere of radius
r = Ç in.
CQR Review 187
43- Tke verıices of ıke recıang1e flBCD are fl (2‚O)‚ B (\‚O)‚ C (\‚£)‚ and
D (2‚£). How 1ong is ıke diagona1 flC ?
44- Tke coordinaıes of ıke endgoinıs of ıke diameıer of a circ1e are (–1‚\)
and (ß‚–1). Sgecify ıke coordinaıes of ıke cenıer of ıke circ1e.
45- True or Ta1se: If ıwo goinıs kave ıke same y~coordinaıe‚ ıken ıkey 1ie
on ıke same korizonıa1 1ine.
46- Wkaı is ıke disıance beıween ıke goinıs (2‚\) and (1O‚2O)?
47- Tind ıke s1oge~inıercegı form of ıke equaıion of ıke 1ine gassing
ıkrougk (2‚\) and (\‚Ç).
48- Co ıo ıke gkysics 1aboraıory aı your 1oca1 kigk sckoo1 or co11ege. Ask
ıke insırucıor ıo indicaıe ways ıkaı geomeıry g1ays a ro1e in various
gkysics exgerimenıs.
4R- Iı kas been said ıkaı ıke basis of surveying is geomeıry. Ta1k ıo some~
one wko surveys grogerıy boundary 1ines. Ask wkaı garıs of geome~
ıry are mosı imgorıanı in ıke surveyor’s work.
knsoers: 1. (a) 1£\º (b) ß\º 2. O ß. Ta1se £. ¶rovide your own answer
\. (a) 1ßOº (b) 1ßOº (c) \Oº G. 11Oº Ç. 1OOº 8. b Ç. ÇOº 10. ¶rovide your
own answer 11. ÇOº 12. True
1£. 1O8º 1\. £Oº 1G. Ç 1Ç. (a) 1O (b) 2\ 18. (a) £8 (b) 8£ 1Ç. 2Oº
20. 12Oº 21. True 22. 16 inckes 2$. 2 2£. 16 2\. ßO 2G. ß : £
2Ç. True 28. b 2Ç. $0. 8O yards $1. £8 $2. \ $$. 6\ $£. 12Oº
$\. 12 cm2 $G. 2O inckes $Ç. $8. \Oº $Ç. (a) Ç£ cm2 (b) 6O cmß
£0. (a) 2Ç in2 (b) (8 2Ç + 16) in2 (c) 160 inß £1. ¶rovide your own
answer £2. (a) 1Ç6 in2 (b) 1ßÇ2 inß £$. \ ££. (1‚2) £\. True £G. 1Ç
£Ç. y = x + £8. ¶rovide your own answer £Ç. ¶rovide your own answer
Tke 1earning doesn’ı need ıo sıog kere. CQfl flesource Cenıer gives
you a rundown of ıke besı informaıion in grinı and on1ine abouı
geomeıry. You can a1so find a11 kinds of gerıinenı informaıion aı www. Look for a11 ıke ıerrific resources aı your favoriıe book~
sıore or 1oca1 1ibrary and on ıke Inıerneı. Wken you’re on1ine‚ make your
firsı sıog wkere you’11 find more incredib1y use~
fu1 informaıion abouı geomeıry.
Tkis C1iffsQuickfleview book is one of many greaı books abouı geome~
ıry. If you wanı some addiıiona1 resources‚ ckeck ouı ıkese books for more
informaıion abouı geomeıry and re1aıed discig1ines.
Ceoseıry Review Cvide, by Isidore Dress1er‚ inıegraıes geomeıry wiık
ariıkmeıic‚ a1gebra‚ and numerica1 ırigonomeıry wki1e groviding more
deıai1s and many exercises concerning some ıogics gresenıed in CQfl
Geometry. Tkis book a1so inc1udes secıions on reasoning. AMSCO
Sckoo1 ¶ub1icaıions‚ Inc.‚ 1ÇÇß.
ScGavss Ovıliue of Ceoseıry, Tkird Kdiıion‚ by Barneıı flick‚ conıains
ckagıers on a1gebra‚ groofs of ıkeorems‚ and ıke use of ıke gragking
ca1cu1aıor in addiıion ıo ckagıers on ıke ıogics gresenıed in CQfl
Geometry; ıkere are many exercises (wiık answers) ıkrougkouı ıke book.
McCraw~Hi11 Comganies‚ Inc.‚ 2OOO.
Xerrill Ceoseıry: kpplicaıious aud Couuecıious, by Cai1 T. Burri11
eı a1.‚ is a ıexıbook ıkaı gresenıs a few addiıiona1 ıogics as we11 as more
deıai1s on ıogics gresenıed in condensed form in CQfl Geometry.
Merri11 ¶ub1isking Comgany‚ C1encoe/McCraw~Hi11‚ 1ÇÇ\.
Iı’s easy ıo find oıker maıkemaıics books gub1isked by Hungry Minds.
You’11 find ıkem in your favoriıe booksıores (on ıke Inıerneı and aı a sıore
near you). We kave ıkree Web siıes ıkaı you can use ıo read abouı a11 ıke
books we gub1isk.
CQR Resource Center 18R
Ckeck ouı ıkese Web siıes for more informaıion abouı geomeıry.
Geomeıry — k55p://
geome5ry.k5m grovides informaıion on a1mosı everyıking you’11 ever
need ıo know abouı geomeıry.
Geomeıry Online — k55p:// offers
acıiviıies for midd1e and kigk sckoo1 geomeıry.
The Universiıy of Texas aı kcsıin —¡ec5x/
k12–1a1198/14535/Group7/ gives a ıon of informaıion abouı gara1~
1e1 1ines and g1anes. You’11 a1so find various geomeıry formu1as and facıs
as we11 as rea1 wor1d examg1es.
Maıh for Morons Lihe Us — k55p://
20991/kome.k5m1 kas been designed ıo “assisı you in your gursuiı of
increased maıkemaıica1 undersıanding‚ or whatever souwds good to you.“
Tke subjecıs covered range from ¶re~A1gebra ıo Ca1cu1us. Tkis siıe wi11
kogefu11y c1arify some of ıkose confusing maık concegıs. You know‚
ıke ones ıkaı kave been waking you ug in ıke midd1e of ıke nigkı for
so 1ong! Tkis siıe kas ıuıoria1s‚ samg1e grob1ems‚ and quizzes.
ksh a Qcesıion —
Invo1vsngS5uden5x/AxkaQuex5son.k5m1 offers oggorıuniıies ıo
ask exgerıs in a11 fie1ds quesıions noı jusı abouı geomeıry‚ a1ıkougk
geomeıry ke1g is one of ıke feaıures avai1ab1e. You migkı wanı ıo book~
mark ıkis Web siıe for a11 your komework needs.
Nexı ıime you’re on ıke Inıerneı‚ don’ı forgeı ıo drog by www. We creaıed an on1ine flesource Cenıer ıkaı you can
use ıoday‚ ıomorrow‚ and beyond.
qrism—a ıyge of so1id wiık ıwo con~ regclar qolygon—a go1ygon ıkaı is
gruenı go1ygons 1ying in gara11e1 boık equi1aıera1 and equiangu1ar.
g1anes for bases and wiık ıkree or
regclar qyramid—a gyramid wkose
more 1aıera1 faces.
base is a regu1ar go1ygon and wkose
qroqorıion—an equaıion sıaıing ıkaı 1aıera1 edges are a11 equa1.
ıwo raıios are equa1.
rhombcs—a quadri1aıera1 wiık a11
qyramid—a so1id wiık one base (a four sides equa1.
go1ygon) wkose verıices are eack
righı angle—a ÇOº ang1e.
joined by 1ine segmenıs ıo a sgecia1
goinı noı in ıke g1ane of ıke base; righı circclar cone—simi1ar ıo a
ıkese segmenıs form edges for ıke 1aı~ regu1ar gyramid‚ excegı ıkaı iıs base
era1 faces. is a circ1e.
GyıGagoreau TGeores—in a rigkı righı circclar cylinder —a cy1inder
ıriang1e‚ ıke square of ıke kygoıenuse wiık ıke grogerıy ıkaı ıke segmenı join~
is equa1 ıo ıke sum of ıke squares of ing ıke cenıers of ıke circu1ar bases is
ıke oıker ıwo sides of ıke ıriang1e. gergendicu1ar ıo ıke g1anes of ıke bases.
¶yıhagorean ıriqle—ıkree gosiıive righı qrism—a grism wkose 1aıera1
inıegers a‚ b‚ and c ıkaı saıisfy ıke edges are gergendicu1ar ıo ıke g1anes
equaıion of iıs bases.
a 2 + b2 = c2. scalene ıriangle —a ıriang1e in wkick
a11 ıkree sides kave differenı 1engıks.
qcadrilaıeral—a four~sided go1ygon.
secanı —a 1ine ıkaı conıains a ckord.
qcadranıs—ıke four regions of ıke
coordinaıe g1ane segaraıed by ıke secıor of a circle —a region bounded
x~axis and ıke y~axis. by ıwo radii and an arc of ıke circ1e
inıercegıed by (an ang1e formed by)
radics of a circle (sqhere)—a 1ine
ıkose ıwo radii.
segmenı wiık ıke cenıer of ıke circ1e
(sgkere) and a goinı on ıke circ1e semicircle —an arc wkose endgoinıs
(sgkere) as endgoinıs. (g1ura1: radii) are ıke endgoinıs of a diameıer of ıke
radics of a regclar qolygon—a seg~
menı ıkaı goes from ıke cenıer ıo any seqıagon —a seven~sided go1ygon
verıex. (a1so: kegıagon).
raıio of ıoo ncmbers a and b—ıke sides of an angle—ıke rays ıkaı form
fracıion a / b‚ usua11y exgressed in sim~ ıke ang1e.
g1esı form. A1so denoıed a : b.
similar qolygons—go1ygons wiık ıke
ray—a connecıed giece of a 1ine wiık same skage; a11 ıkeir ang1es are corre~
one endgoinı and exıending infiniıe1y sgonding garıs.
far in one direcıion; a “ka1f~1ine.“
slanı heighı of a regclar qyramid —
recıangle: A quadri1aıera1 in wkick a11 ıke a1ıiıude of any of ıke congruenı
ıke ang1es are rigkı ang1es. isosce1es ıriang1es ıkaı form ıke 1aıera1
Glossary 1R5
sloqe~inıerceqı form of ıhe eqcaıion ıriangle—a ıkree~sided figure
of a line —ıke form y = mx + b wkere (go1ygon).
m is ıke s1oge of ıke 1ine and b is ıke
verıex—(1) ıke common endgoinı for
ıke ıwo rays ıkaı deıermine an ang1e;
sloqe of a line—a measuremenı of (2) an endgoinı of a side of a go1ygon.
direcıion and sıeegness of a nonverıi~
verıex angle of an isosceles ıriangle—
ca1 1ine. Denoıed by m‚ iı is ca1cu~
ıke ang1e formed by ıke ıwo equa1
1aıed by ıaking goinıs (x 1‚y 1 ) and
(x 2‚y 2 ) on ıke 1ine and comguıing
m= . verıex of a qyramid—ıke sgecia1
goinı‚ noı in ıke g1ane of ıke base‚
sqhere—ıke seı of a11 goinıs in sgace joined ıo eack verıex of ıke base by a
ıkaı are equidisıanı from a fixed goinı 1ine segmenı ıkaı forms an edge of a
(ıke cenıer). 1aıera1 face.
sqcare—a quadri1aıera1 in wkick a11 verıical angles—any gair of nonadja~
ıke ang1es are rigkı ang1es and a11 ıke cenı ang1es formed wken ıwo 1ines
sides are equa1. inıersecı.
sıandard form for ıhe eqcaıion of a volcme—a measure of ıke inıerior of
line —ıke form flx + By = C‚ wkere fl‚ a so1id; ıke number of uniı cubes nec~
B ‚ and C are rea1 numbers and fl and essary ıo fi11 ıke inıerior of suck a
B are noı boık zero. so1id.
sıraighı angle—a 18Oº ang1e. x~axis—a korizonıa1 1ine used ıo ke1g
scqqlemenıary angles —ıwo gosiıive 1ocaıe goinıs in a g1ane.
ang1es wkose sum is 18Oº. x~coordinaıe—ıke firsı ıerm of an
ıangenı —a 1ine ıkaı 1ies in ıke same ordered gair; iı aggears ıo ıke 1efı of
g1ane as a circ1e and inıersecıs ıke cir~ ıke comma and indicaıes movemenı
c1e in exacı1y one goinı. a1ong ıke x ~axis.