Gelan Guma Upotreba
Gelan Guma Upotreba
Gelan Guma Upotreba
“What cannot he express in monochrome, that is with black the cleaning intervention
lines! Light, shade, splendour, the sublime, depths…”
Erasmus of Rotterdam, on the work of Albrecht Dürer Surface cleaning of a work of art on paper is the inter-
vention aimed at removing inorganic and organic substances
abstract which, over time, have deposited and been partly encompassed
within the paper’s surface. Given its completely irreversible
Since 2003, the ICPAL Laboratory for the Conservation of nature, the operation must be carried out by using the dif-
Library Materials in Rome has been developing a conservation ference in solubility between the substances present in the
method to carry out cleaning interventions on works of art on original materials and what has to be removed as a reference,
paper using rigid aqueous Gellan gels, a microbial exopolysac- and by carefully assessing the changes that can been seen on
charide that allows a constant and controlled release of water the work during the operation. While in other categories of
onto the paper. The adoption of this method, which has been artistic artefacts—such as movable paintings and frescoes—
modified by research carried out during cleaning interventions cleaning can be carried out selectively in line with the nature
on moveable paintings, is a result of the need to find a tech- and stratification of the materials that they are made of, an
nique that—in comparison to traditional ones—minimizes intervention on a work of art on paper is much more struc-
the effects of aqueous swelling, guaranteeing the maintenance tural as it involves the artefact in its entirety. The principal
of the codicological aspects of the artefact and which takes preservation issues that this type of work has for cleaning
into account that, in this type of work, paper not only plays are ascribable to the high hygroscopicity of paper which, as
the role of support for graphical media but is an integral part well as being one of the most important characteristics of
of the image itself. The mechanism of exchange that is estab- this material, is also responsible for the change in many of its
lished between the paper and the gel during treatment allows properties. For example, the interactions that are established
the effective removal not only of surface deposits but also of a between the surface of the works and the airborne particu-
part of the substances that are present within the paper that are late matter (PM) that is deposited on them over time, can be
responsible for its acid degradation. The effectiveness of this caused by various factors such as the nature and dimensions
technique in terms of cleaning (which is attested by the varia- of the particulate matter, the physical forces (Coulomb’s law,
tions in pH measured on treated works) can be equated to the ionic and weak secondary reactions such as hydrogen bonds
effectiveness of the traditional system of washing with water. and Van der Waals force) which develop to keep the PM on
The technique of rigid aqueous gel has also recently been used the surface and by several characteristics of the paper support.
on other types of more structural interventions, such as the The most influential of these are the chemical structure of
removal of auxiliary supports, the removal of adhesives using the paper support, the varying surface roughness and—above
enzymes and the preservation problems that are inherent to all—the degree of hygroscopicity. For example, in the pres-
modern graphic works, generally characterised by an intrin- ence of relatively high humidity (generally ≥ 65%), water
sic fragility and chemical instability. This paper illustrates the can condense between the airborne particulate matter and
results achieved on original works whose degree of opacity, the surfaces of the artefact, acting like an adhesive between
average pH value and degree of whiteness were measured them. Generally speaking, the more permeable the material
before and after treatment. is to humidity, the more hygroscopical the surface is and the
more easily water can condense on it in a way that holds the
Presented at the Book and Paper Group Session, AIC’s 38th Annual PM deposited there. Likewise, the more hydrophobic the
Meeting, May 11–14, 2010, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. paper, the less water will be able to act as an adhesive after
its condensation (Wolbers 2005, 13–20). Paper’s propensity inorganic materials, water—by acting as a highly dielectric
to absorb humidity is also at the heart of a further factor of medium—is also able to partially or completely eliminate the
degradation given that—over time—a consistent part of the aforementioned adhesive forces that fix the insoluble sub-
deposits that are initially present only on the outer layer of stances in the surface. However, the high level of porosity
the work, tend to penetrate into the paper support, transmit- and hygroscopicity that characterise paper, together with the
ted by the molecules of water that the material absorbs in its state of preservation and the morphological characteristics of
continuous attempt to reach hygrometric stability with its the original material, can pose a risk factor in the use of water
atmospheric surroundings. The effects of this phenomenon, (or other solvents) in its free state.
in most cases, consist of processes of chemical degradation
associated with structural and chromatic alterations that pro- traditional surface cleaning techniques
foundly modify the aesthetic aspect of the images (figs. 1–2).
In addition to guaranteeing the maximum level of aesthetic A traditional surface cleaning technique involves treating
legibility of the work, the cleaning intervention must in these the surface of the paper support with a hydroalcoholic solution
cases also ensure the chemical stability of the paper sup- applied with swabs. Although it is reduced by the presence of
port. Water, if used as a solvent, represents the ideal method alcohol, the heightened surface tension that characterises water
to satisfy these preservation needs. As well as performing gives the solution a limited washing power and very high sub-
its intrinsic dissolving power for hydrophilic organic and surface penetration, which do not allow us to check how many
Figs. 1–2. José de Ribera, Poeta, etching, sec. XVII. Simulation on the work of the effects caused by the penetration of the airborne particulate
matter (PM) within the paper support
Iannuccelli and Sotgiu Wet Treatments of Works of Art on Paper with Rigid Gellan Gels 27
Fig. 9. (A) Salvator Rosa, Soldato, etching (sec. XVII), close-up of the chalcographic cut with a microscope (15x); Jacopo de’ Barbari, Venetie M.D.,
woodcut printed on six sheets (1500). Close-up of the printing ink marks on the recto (B) and on the verso of the woodcut (C)
30 The Book and Paper Group Annual 29 (2010)
separate thermo-reversible steps. Molecules of Gellan gel are Fig. 14. José de Ribera, Poeta, etching (sec. XVII). Top, a close-up of
in a disordered coil (single chain) upon heating in aqueous the work before treatment. Bottom, a sample of surface cleaning of the
work with Gellan at 3% on the left and Agar agar at 3% on the right
solutions. The molecules transform into an ordered double
helical conformation upon subsequent cooling, followed by
associations between the helices through weak interactions,
such as hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals forces (fig. 13). The
deacylated type forms hard and brittle gels in the presence of
cations (especially Ca++) that are able to promote and stabilise
the ordered ‘‘crystalline-like’’ structure of the gel at the end
of the transition process. The compactness of the molecular
structure, obtainable by hydrating low acyl Gellan gel in aque-
ous solutions containing Ca++ ions thus produces a gel with
a molecular weight equal to 2-3x105 Daltons. The rheological
properties highlight a structure that has a very high degree of
visco-elasticity, and is filmogenic, homogenous, transparent,
and very stable both at high temperatures and at pH varia-
tions (Sworn 2009, 204–227 and Shah-Jani 2009, 48–58). The
gelling agent, tested in terms of effectiveness and biocompat-
ibility (Pszczola 1993, 94–96), has a very widespread use in Fig. 15. Comparison of percentages of increase in weight in samples
different production areas such as the food industry, as well as of Whatman paper (cat. no. 1001090) immersed in 200 ml of water
and placed in contact with Gellan and Agar agar at increasing concen-
the biomedical and pharmaceutical industries and in the field
trations, for 10 minute and 18 hours respectively. Readings carried
of biological and microbiological research. For the purpose
out with Wunder scales at 26°C and RH equal to 55%
of selecting the product that best responded to the require-
ments of a conservation intervention on paper, a series of
tests were carried out on samples of ancient paper, comparing the application of this technique is the necessity to be able to
Agar agar and Gellan, prepared at different concentrations, modulate the level of water transferred to the paper and to be
and applied to the surface to carry out contact cleaning. As able to monitor both the work and the process of extraction
well as being more transparent than Agar agar (fig. 14), the of the substances to be removed, the subsequent tests were
rigid gel obtained from Gellan was more effective in terms carried out with rigid Gellan gels. Between 2003 and 2008,
of water retention, above all at low concentrations of 1–2% cleaning interventions were carried out with Phytagel Gellan
(fig. 15). Given that one of the fundamental requirements for prepared at different concentrations (Iannuccelli-Sotgiu 2004,
32 The Book and Paper Group Annual 29 (2010)
Fig. 16. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
(A) a saline solution of calcium acetate at low concentrations in deionised water (0.4g/l); (B) addition
of Gellan powder to the saline solu-
tion; (C) the complete hydration of the colloidal dispersion is obtained by heating the compound to boiling point; (D) pouring of the solution in a
basin (E) a gel obtained upon cooling of the hot solution
15–24). Subsequently two other brands of Gellan available on gum is so compact that, if the polymer is placed in water at
the market were tested: Gelrite and Gelzan CM, in addition room temperature, there is no homogenous colloidal disper-
to Phytagel. The aim was to widen the range of Gellans that sion. It is in fact necessary to heat the compound to boiling
can be used. Out of these three, Gelzan CM was chosen as it point to allow the complete hydration of its structure. While
offers greater transparency and better stability at equal con- it is still liquid and runny, it is poured into a specially chosen
centrations, as well as the capacity of gelifying deacidifying basin and allowed to cool. The gelification of the dispersion
aqueous solutions based on calcium propionate (Iannuccelli- happens rapidly once it cools to a temperature of between 40
Sotgiu 2010, 73–94). A valid alternative however is Kelcogel and 30 °C (fig. 16). Gel made in this way can be kept in the
GC-LA, which is equally effective and is much more eco- fridge for 1–2 weeks if it is sealed with waterproof cling film
nomical and produced by the same company (CP Kelco Inc. used for food conservation.
surface cleaning with rigid gellan gels
rigid gellan gel preparation method
Once the physical-mechanical stability of the inks has
As the mechanism of gelation, in addition to being directly been tested, the application method for printed graphic works
influenced by temperature, is correlated to the presence of consists of directly placing the Gellan film on the recto of the
bivalent cations in water, it is necessary to gelify a saline solu- work, which is lying on a polyester sheet. In order to ensure
tion based on calcium acetate, Ca(CH3COO)2 (0.4g/l) which complete uniformity of contact between the two surfaces, we
provides the Ca++ ions needed to stabilise the structure taken suggest exerting light manual pressure using another polyes-
on by the polymer in the gel phase. The quantity of Gellan ter sheet placed on top of the gel. To contain the evaporation
powder, which is calculated according to the concentration of the water held in the Gellan film and keep the level of
that is desired, is then added to the saline solution. At low humidification constant over the entire surface of the work,
concentrations in water (1–4 %), Gellan gel forms a thermo- the ‘sandwich’ is placed under moderate pressure using a
versible gel in which temperature plays a fundamental role. sheet of crystal which—thanks to its transparency—allows
The three-dimensional network that characterises Gellan us to constantly monitor the treatment (fig. 17). Whilst the
Iannuccelli and Sotgiu Wet Treatments of Works of Art on Paper with Rigid Gellan Gels 33
Fig. 17. Giacomo Lauro, Basilica S. Petri in Vaticano (1626), burin engraving. (A) before cleaning and (C) after treatment; (B) the clearly
yellowed gel after treatment; (D) scheme of the application of the gel on a burin engraving
herein does not bring about structural or surface modifica- allows the gel to mould itself to the three-dimensional relief
tions to the paper supports as the cleaning intervention occurs of graphic print marks and to the surface texture of the paper
spontaneously following the mere contact of the gel with the (figs. 20–21). Neither of these suffer alterations following
paper, which in fact simply undergoes controlled humidifi- contact with the gel, on which we can observe the impression
cation. The safeguarding of morphological characteristics is of the codicological elements and printing marks. And finally,
further guaranteed by the visco-elasticity of Gellan gel. This after cleaning has taken place, the removal of a compact, non-
adhesive film does not cause substantial presence of residues
of gel on the support as is the case with cellulose ethers. Once
it has been used, the gel can be disposed of as biodegradable
organic waste. Gellan gel, which is in fact stable when it is in
dry powder form, is on the other hand easily biodegradable
in its gelified form, due to its high content of water and due
to the fact that it is essentially impossible to work in sterile
conditions when working on handmade artefacts in normal
working conditions.
as on the inhomogeneous quantities of water transferred onto carried out a test aimed at assessing the extent of the force
the areas that are individually treated. The aim of the use of required to separate the two or more paper supports to be
rigid aqueous gels for the removal of additional material, is separated. Subsequently, the mechanical removal of the adhe-
to keep the level of the humidification of the entire surface sive is carried out: the constant and uniform inflow of water
of the work uniform and constant throughout, avoiding the molecules from the gel under the work and the subsequent
risk of over- or under-dosage of water and the aforementioned decrease in the viscosity of the adhesive, allow the operation
consequences. Conversely to the function it has during the to be carried out quickly without tide lines or mechanical trac-
intervention of surface cleaning, the rigid gel in this case is tions, thus preventing irreversible distortions and any losses of
used exclusively as a reservoir for the constant and controlled cellulose fibres from the original support. However, although
release of molecules of water for the purpose of making all the this technique allows a raised hydration of the adhesive layer,
materials present in the work sufficiently hydrated through- the permanence in the layer of internal friction—which is
out the intervention. As a rule, the removal of additional somewhat high—prevents its complete removal.
supports is carried out immediately after the surface cleaning
intervention is completed, repeating the application of Gellan enzymatic gellan gels
film prepared at a concentration that is suitable for the nature
and quantity of materials that are to be removed. The coeffi- The operation of removing support material and the
cient of the diffusion of the water solvent within the work will subsequent removal of the adhesive can be assisted by the
in fact be substantially influenced by the percentage of water application of enzymes (hydrolases) that—as is well known—
present in the gel, on the degree of porosity and wettability act as catalysts for hydrolysis reaction of specific substrates.
of the paper, on the presence of additional elements (original The enzymatic gels prepared over recent years and the geli-
sizing) and on the quantity and state of preservation of the fied enzymatic solutions with gelling agents of different types
adhesive present. In order to minimise mechanical tractions have several limits. Ready-to-use enzymatic packs (Schwarz
that—even if they are mild—could be caused on the original et alii 2003, 98–108) only act on amylaceous adhesives, and
surface, the Gellan film is in this case also applied to the recto other different types of gelling agents, like cellulose ethers,
of the work—placing a sheet of Japanese paper between the polyacrylic acid neutralised with sodium hydroxide and
paper and the gel which will then serve to lift up the work natural polysaccharide gums, require a subsequent phase of
once the operation is completed (fig. 25). The intervention is mechanical removal from the paper surface. The need to
however conducted on the verso, once the ‘sandwich’ has been remove residues of gelling agents can be eliminated by using
turned over using two sheets of Plexiglas and after having a rigid gel used as a carrier for enzymatic solutions (Campani
et alii cit, 16). The preparation of the enzymatic Gellan gel is
carried out only once gelification has taken place as the pre-
liminary phase of the hydration of the polymer takes place
around 90–100°C, a temperature that would denature the
protein molecules of the enzymes. The milligrams or the
grams of enzyme (Cremonesi 1999, pp. 46–48), calculated in
line with the total quantity of saline buffer solution (0.4g/l
calcium acetate and Trizma base or other buffers) which is
transformed into gel, are hydrated in a few millilitres of the
same solution. In this way, we obtain a concentrated enzy-
matic solution in a homogenous medium (water) which is
then deposited with a micropipette and distributed uniformly
over the surface of the gel using a synthetic brush. As a rough
guide, for a Gellan film at 3% made starting with 800g of pH
7 aqueous buffer solution and the surface of which is 20 x 30
cm, 5–6 ml of concentrated enzymatic solution are sufficient.
The intervention can be carried out only when the solu-
tion has been completely absorbed by the rigid gel. Initially
distributed only on the surface, the enzyme molecules tend to
spread throughout the microporous structure that character-
Fig. 25. Positioning of Japanese paper and of the gel on the recto ises Gellan film via capillary action in the space of just a few
of a print (A); removal of the auxiliary support and of any previous minutes (fig. 26). The gel is placed directly in contact with the
conservation interventions, working on the verso and using the gel as adhesive layer to be removed for a period of time that varies
a humidifying support (B); mechanical removal of the adhesive (C) according to the thickness of the deposit, its nature and its
Iannuccelli and Sotgiu Wet Treatments of Works of Art on Paper with Rigid Gellan Gels 37
Fig. 26. Distribution of the enzymatic solution and absorption by the gel (A-B-C); application of the gel (D) and the result of cleaning on the
reverse of a large-scale work (E)
state of preservation. At the end of the treatment, the by now and tert butyl aminoborane as a reducing agent. The latter
depolymerised adhesive can be easily removed using swabs can be used only if the graphical media that are present do
without any sort of mechanical traction. The residues of the not contain copper compounds. Again in this case, the wide
substances present on the support of the work—enzymes and range of stability of the pH of Gellan allows the use of deacid-
traces of depolymerised adhesive—can be easily removed by ifying aqueous solutions and reduction-oxidation agents in
applying another aqueous gel, or, if the state of preservation gel phase, which can be used separately, at the same time or
and the graphical media allow it, by washing on a sloping sur- in subsequent interventions. The reduction-oxidation gel is
face (Kirchner 2004, 124–135). prepared starting with the calcium acetate solution (0.4g/l) to
which the necessary Gellan powder is added, using however
chemical stabilisation of paper supports the forethought of inserting the tert butyl aminoborane (7g/l)
with gellan immediately after the dispersion has ended the heating cycle
in a microwave, an operation that requires the use of per-
Sometimes the precarious state of preservation of work sonal protective equipment and which is always conducted
necessitates an intervention for chemical stabilisation which, under a fume hood (fig. 27). The tert butyl aminoborane
as a rule, involves the carrying out of a deacidification and dissolves immediately and so it is possible to pour the com-
reduction-oxidation treatment. The products studied and pound into a basin—as is common practice—and wait for
used at ICPAL are calcium propionate as a deacidifying agent the sol-gel transition to take place once it has cooled. Even in
38 The Book and Paper Group Annual 29 (2010)
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