Volvo 850 Engine
Volvo 850 Engine
Volvo 850 Engine
The demands on the car of the 90's are makes it necessary to study man-
very high in every respect. As vehicle machine interactions when developing
manufacturer one can no longer con- a new car.
centrate only on a subset of all prop- These demands, coupled with the
erties. To gain success, excellence is re- many properties affected by engine
quired in all areas. characteristics, create the need for a
Furthermore, the customer of the 90's property oriented development process
will not accept having to adapt himself where the combination of all properties
or herself to the vehicle. The vehicle are taken into consideration from the
must instead be adapted to man. This very beginning.
Development goals
Every customer expects good comfort, The interactions between these
good performance and fuel economy four main properties are very strong
from their car. This in turn, places a and it is very difficult to alter one
demand for effective and efficient without affecting the others.
technical solutions; to choose, as Vol- Since a lot of emphasis during the
vo sees it, the best solution for each development of the Volvo 850 was
specific purpose. put on performance and driving
The challenge for Volvo con- pleasure, this had its effect on the in-
sequently meant to combine a roomy ternal relationships of the four prop-
interior with a solid safety structure, erties given priority. In order to meet
compact exterior dimensions and ef- the performance requirements with
fective energy absorption with a pow- maintained fuel economy, a variable
ertrain combining comfort, per- induction system was introduced.
formance and energy efficiency. This made it possible to combine
A transverse installation of an in- high torque at low engine speeds with
line engine is today accepted as the high power at high engine speeds,
best technical and most space efficient keeping fuel consumption optimized.
solution. This is a solution already Big efforts have also been made to
chosen for the Volvo 400-series and reduce noise and vibrations. There-
was on space, packaging and handling fore the best ignition timing has not
grounds also chosen for the Volvo 850 only been determined by emissions,
GLT. fuel consumption, performance and
The development of the new engine driveability but also by its effect on
is the second step of Volvo's new noise and vibrations. Comfort is a
modular engine family, the N-series. property that also has been given
The first step was the in-line six high priority when developing the en-
B6304F, which was introduced in the gine for the Volvo 850.
Volvo 960 in August 1990. Another example of this is throb-
The modular engines have several bing and sawing powertrain motions
identical components. The major com- that goes with a transverse engine in-
ponents are machined in a common stallation and front wheel drive. Such
transfer line, in a highly rational and motions have been minimized by
most cost-effective manufacturing electronic dashpot functions and oth-
process. er features of the engine management
The normal order of priority for en- systems.
gine properties during design and de-
velopment within Volvo Car Corpora-
tion is the following:
- Exhaust emissions
- Fuel economy
- Driving pleasure
- Performance
The Volvo 850 engine concept
The engine in the Volvo 850 GLT is to inherent engine and transmission ri- good working condition.
an in-line 2.5 litre five-cylinder called gidity, damped engine and suspension Regarding high energy efficiency, the
the B5254F. Thanks to an extremely system and a separate insulated sub- gas flow has been optimized with the
compact design of the engine and frame carrying the powertrain. aid of computer simulations and laser
transmission (See Technical in- - A variable induction system, the V- measurement technology in order to
formation Transmission) it has been VIS (Volvo Variable Induction Sys- ensure efficient use of energy.
possible to install it transversely (fig- tem) and an extractor type exhaust During the development of the en-
ure 1), still allowing for excellent han- manifold. Since this is located be- gine, Volvo Car Corporation service
dling properties and an extremely tween the engine and the firewall, the personnel have contributed with their
small turning circle (10.2 metres) for a position of the catalyst could be close know-how in order to achieve high re-
front wheel drive car of this size. The to the engine which provides faster liability with a minimum of main-
Volvo 850 GLT is the first passenger warming-up of the catalyst and thus tenance. A number of automatic func-
car that has an in-line five-cylinder en- l ow exhaust emissions. tions minimize the need for manual
gine installed transversely driving the Among the basic development goals adjustments:
front wheels. Overall length of the for the engine concept were a high de- - Hydraulic tappets (no adjustment of
complete powertrain, engine and trans- gree of reliability and long service valve clearance)
mission, is only 948 mm. life; high energy efficiency; easy - Automatic belt tensioners for cam-
The main characteristics of the maintenance; rational manufacture; shaft and auxiliary drives
B5254F are: compactness in size; low weight and - Adaptive functions of the control
- Five cylinders with four valves per low noise level. systems compensating for system tol-
cylinder and a high compression ratio As for reliability and service life, the erances and wear, temperature and
- High performance and good fuel engine has a life span of more than 20 fuel variations ensuring optimum fuel
economy without negative influence years or a total driving distance of metering and ignition timing
on driveability more than 200.000 without needing - Automatic idling speed adjustment
- Minimized engine vibrations thanks disassembly and with all vital parts in and air/fuel ratio
six which is installed longi-
tudinally in the rear-wheel driven
Volvo 960. Both versions clearly
illustrates the rational and flexible
manufacture of a modular engine
The major components for the five
and six cylinder engines are machined
in a common transfer line in the Vol-
vo Skovde plant. This new plant is
part of the investments carried out by
Volvo for the 90's and which also in-
clude the complete Volvo 850 car.
A large number of the components
are identical for both engine versions:
pistons, rings, gudgeon pins, con rods,
bearings, seals, valve guides, valve
seats, valve springs, tappets, water
pump, camshaft drives and covers,
auxiliary drive and brackets.
Components machined in common
Technical solutions
Cylinder block and lower risk for ovality in the cylinders as a enous material. The combustion
result of thermal expansion. chambers is of the pent-roof type with
Figure 5
The lower crankcase has re- four valves per cylinder. The valves
inforcements of cast nodular iron in are set at a relative angle of 58 de-
The cylinder block and lower crank- the main bearing caps. This mini- grees and flank the centrally located
case are manufactured of high- mizes the increase of clearance in the spark plug (figure 7). By selecting
pressure die-cast aluminium. Based on main bearing that can be caused by this valve angle it has been possible to
FEM (Finite Element Method) analy- thermal expansion. obtain an extremely compact combus-
sis and simulation, the block has been During the manufacturing process, tion chamber, allowing for coolant
designed to produce a compact and the main bearing bores are machined ducts between the valves and the
rigid engine, featuring extremely low with the block and the lower crank- spark plug.
noise and vibration emissions. The case bolted together as one unit. In or- The camshaft bearing housing has
lower crankcase, with its integrated der to ensure that the unit is tight and integrated upper bearing halves and
cast-in reinforcements in the main stable, a liquid gasket is applied be- forms the top part of the cylinder
bearing caps, and cylinder block to- t ween the two parts. They are then head. The lower bearing halves are in-
gether form a very compact and rigid joined to each other with yield-point tegrated in the cylinder head.
unit. Furthermore, the walls of both tightened bolts during final assembly. The camshaft bore is machined
sections have been given a reinforced Oil channels and coolant ducts are with the camshaft bearing housing
ribbing structure in order to minimize cast in during the production of block and cylinder head assembled. In final
panel vibrations and the transmission and lower crankcase. This obviates assembly, a liquid gasket is applied
of noise. the need for subsequent drilling and between both parts in order to obtain
The grey iron cylinder liners are machining of the channels. This de- a tight and stable joint. Oil and cool-
cast-in during the high-pressure die- sign principle is very cost-effective ant ducts are produced in the same
cast process of the cylinder block. The and well suited for series production. way as with block and lower crank-
Figure 6
and environmentally friendly. with the aid of computer calculations
The slots between the cylinders at and simulations in order to minimize
the upper edge of the block have been The cylinder head is made of chill- torsional vibrations in the camshaft
specially machined to minimize the cast aluminium to ensure a homog- while at the same time retaining ex-
cellent gas flow properties. The cams
offer maximum 8.45 mm lift. At 0.1
mm lift the overlap is 24 crankshaft
degrees between the exhaust valve
closing and the inlet valve opening.
Valve diameters are 31 mm for in-
let valves and 27 mm for exhaust
valves. The valve stems are chro-
mium-plated and has a 7 mm dia-
The valve guides are cast iron. Hy-
draulic maintenance-free valve tap-
pets are used.
The cylinder head is bolted to the
cylinder block with yield-point tight-
ened bolts and a head gasket which,
like all other gaskets in the engine, is
Crankshaft Connecting rods and Camshaft drive Figure 10
Figure 8 pistons Camshafts and water pump are driven
Figure 9
by the vibration damper hub on the
crankshaft by a toothed belt. For op-
The connecting rods are forged from timal engine performance it is nec-
vandium alloy steel with an effective essary to ensure extreme accuracy in
length of 139.5 mm. High strength is camshaft timing during assembly.
achieved through a precipitation hard- This is achieved by fixing the crank-
ening process. The rods have a 1$0 shaft and camshaft positions with spe-
degree thrust face against the crank- cial locking tools while the drive is
shaft by virtue of the fact that the fitted and adjusted. The belt is auto-
bearing caps are 0.7 mm narrower matically tensioned by means of a
than the big end of the rods. spring-loaded piston assembly which
The rigid crankshaft To achieve exact radial control be- is hydraulically damped, to maintain
runs in six main bear- tween con rods and con rod caps, constant tension and compensate for
ings and has ten coun- these parts have ground serrated joints wear and temperature variations.
terweights. It is made of forged va- employing yield-point tightening
nadium-steel and is precipitation bolts without nuts.
hardened. The thrust bearing is placed The connecting rod small and big
at the fifth main bearing from the front end weight is controlled and kept
to minimize both engine overall length within very narrow tolerances by
and crankshaft rear end movements. means of a special machining opera-
FEM analysis has been used to op- tion in order to minimize engine vi-
timize the crankshaft and the vibration bration.
damper in combination with the en- The pistons are made of aluminium
gine block under simulated dynamic with cast-in steel expansion control.
Figure 10
conditions, thus giving long service The piston ring package consists of
life and good comfort. two compression rings and one oil
The main and big end bearing surfaces scraper ring.
are induction hardened, with press-
rolled fillet radii for maximum fatigue
strength. The crankshaft nose in-
corporates two sets of splines, to drive
the oil pump and the vibration damper
hub. Theses splines, and the end
thread, are all rolled in a single opera-
tion, thus combining high strength
with cost-effective production. The
bearing surfaces are finally ground in
a data controlled point measurement
grinding machine, which stops ma-
chining automatically once the correct
dimensions have been obtained.
The main bearing shells are alumin-
ium while big-end shells are lead-
Figure 9
Lubrication system Cooling system Auxiliary drive and
The oil is circulated by a rotor oil The water pump is designed to meet installation Figure 12
pump of the crescent-type and has a high demands for reliability and com- Auxiliary units such as alternator,
maximum capacity of 70 litres per pactness. The housing is integrated in power steering pump and air condi-
minute at 6000 rpm and 80° C oil tem- the engine block and the pump is tioning compressor, are grouped to-
perature. The inner rotor of the pump driven by the crankshaft via the cam- gether on the left side of the engine in
is driven directly by splines on the shaft belt. It has a capacity of appr a very compact and rigid installation.
crankshaft. The pump design permits 160 litres per minute at 6000 rpm. The left side was chosen in order to
a compact installation, with the oil Shaft sealing is based on a ceramic protect the auxiliaries from the ex-
pump at the front end of the cylinder ring and a sintered carbon ring to haust heat. The compactness makes it
block. eliminate leakage. possible to use the same installation
The oil sump (figure 11) is man- The cooling fan is electrically pow- for both transverse and longitudinal
ufactured in high-pressure die-cast al- ered with two speeds, regulated by the engine installations. Thanks to the ri-
uminium and is equipped with cast engine's control or climate system. gidity of the system, high strength and
baffle plates and a steel windage tray low noise is achieved.
to ensure a constant oil supply and to Drive is by a six-groove Poly V-
minimize foaming when driving hard. belt and tension is maintained at a
constant level by a friction damped
belt tensioner. The installation is very
Figure 11
cost-effective with one one tensioner
and one idler. The same components
are used for version with or without
AC-compressor. The only difference
is additional belt length.
Air inlet system (Volvo Variable Induction System). V-
Inlet air is taken ahead of the radiator VIS consists of a conventional plenum
and passes through the air filter and air chamber with twin inlet ducts to each
mass meter of hot-fim type. The air cylinder, parallel but of different
temperature is thermostatically regu- length. The compact "roll" shape
lated to a minimum of +10° C by mix- achieves good space and use of materi-
ing with warm air taken from the ex- al at minimum weight.
haust manifold. The inlet air then The shorter ducts are closed by a set
passes through the throttle housing. of electro-pneumatically controlled
valves when the throttle is more than
80 per cent open and with engine speed
Air inlet manifold lying between 1500 and 4100 rpm. At
Figure 14 smaller throttle opening, or at other
The geometry of the inlet manifold revs, the valves remain open and form
was designed with the aid of simulated part of the wall of the short ducts in or-
unsteady compressible air flow. Dy- der to minimize flow losses. Figure 15
namometer testing confirmed the com- shows the calculated volumetric ef-
puter models and the result is V-VIS ficiencies with open and closed control
With closed control valves a negative
wave, caused by the descending piston
and the inertia of the gas in the longer
duct, accelerates the air column in the
duct. At resonance rpm the inertia
causes the air to ram into the cylinder
just before the inlet valve closes. This
results in a considerable gain in vol-
umetric efficiency and hence in-
creased torque.
Figure 16 shows the calculated in-
stantaneous pressure variation at the
inlet valve antler full load and res-
onant rpm with open and closed con-
trol valve. The increase in pressure be-
tween BDC and inlet valve closing is
clearly visible.
The V-VIS system thus provides a
major increase in engine torque in the
most used medium range of engine
speed during normal driving. The sys-
tem requires an absolutely tight clo-
sure of the valves to work effectively.
This is achieved by using stainless
steel valves with soft heat resistant
rubber sealing lips. These form a tight
seal against the cast wall of tine ducts,
thus avoiding expensive internal ma-
chining of the ducts.
Control information is fed from the
throttle potentiometer and the ignition
system to a solenoid valve which con-
trols the vacuum driven servo unit to
operate the split valve spindles via a
torque balanced beam. This also to aid
tight valve closure (figure 17).
Max output for the B5254F is 170 hp
(125 kW) at 6000 rpm. Max torque is
220 Nm at 3300 rpm. Thanks to the
V-VIS system, 90 per cent of the
maximum torque is available between
2000 and 6000 rpm.
Exhaust system
Figure 18
haust system by a flexible joint and
springloaded bolts. The system has
one main silencer and a combined
The exhaust manifold is a welded ex- catalytic converter and silencer. The
tractor design. Five separate pipes, location of the main silencer is in the
each with appr 400 mm length, com- middle of the exhaust system to en-
bines performance with low weight sure good attenuation at low fre-
and short light-off time. The choice of quences. The silencer inside the cat-
materials is a combination of ferritic alytic converter is located behind the
and austenitic stainless steel qualities. catalytic area for the same reason.
The manifold is connected to the ex- The entire system has been fine-tuned
in order to retain an "appealing" en-
gine sound which enhances the ex-
perience of driving pleasure but sup-
press noise. The tail pipe ending is of
large diameter pipe and straight.
Figure 18
Engine control systems Fuel injection system ty reasons been replaced by an elec-
The B5254F-engine is controlled by tronic type. It is kept triggered by the
t wo advanced electronic control sys-
L H3.2 control unit with a constant pulse
The system has a new air mass meter train, instead of just a "high" or "low"
tems, the LH 3.2 fuel injection system
of hot-film type. Together with an an- signal. This is also for safety reasons
and the EZ 129K ignitlon system.
gular position throttle potentiometer, to avoid the possibility of petrol leak-
These systems are further develop- it gives an accurate air mass measure
ments of the well known systems used age in the engine compartment caused
at low cost. It has a closed-loop lamb- by a broken fuel pipe and a running
in the current four-cylinder Volvo
da control and an idle speed control, fuel pump after a crash.
both with adaptive functions.
The development goal has been to
Previously each system in the ve-
produce a completely integrated sys-
hicle has had its own temperature sen-
Ignition system EZ129K
tem, based on the current components, To measure the engine speed and an-
sor for coolant temperature. On this
which is less expensive, more flexible, gular position, a flywheel speed sen-
engine, however, there is only one
more reliable and more efficient. A sor of inductive type and a camshaft
sensor of so-called NTC-type. This
new cable harness concept is used, position sensor of Hall-effect type are
signal is used by the LH3.2 to form a
and the engine control units include used. The system has two knock-
period-time modulated signal to all
the functions of a number of elec- sensors for best performance of the ig-
other systems which need this in-
tronic relays to reduce the number of nition timing regulation of each cyl-
components (figure 19). inder, with adaptive functions. The
While the electronic control unit
has been moved from the passenger electronic control unit also controls
compartment to the engine compart- the V-VIS system plus the air condi-
ment, the fuel pump relay has for safe- tioning compressor and the electric
cooling fans.
Engine vibration levels the vehicle by carefully selecting the
engine mounting system. The mount-
subframe (figure 20). This gives an
excellent insulation of engine vibra-
The firing order of the B5254F is
ing system for the Volvo 850 has tions.
1-2-4-5-3, with even firing interval of
been designed on the following The main mounts and the torque
144 crank degrees.
grounds: reaction rods are located in positions
Both theory and practical ex-
- The two main engine mounts with low displacement amplitude of
perience show that there are primarily
(hydromounts) are located at the node vibration. The dynamic stiffness of the
two vibration characteristics which
for the vibrations. This means on a mounts is low to give a good vibra-
must be considered when installing line through the centre of gravity for tion isolation for small displacement
the engine in a car. The engine is ex-
the powertrain. amplitudes. Large displacement am-
cited by a first order of rotating inertia
- By using soft support at the front plitudes from the chassis are damped
couple with magnitude
of the engine, the engine is kept in by the hydraulic system of the hydro-
balance while the main mounts do not mounts, which is essential for a good
carry bending loads. ride comfort.
- By using two nonlinear reaction Due to the engine vibration char-
rods, extreme loads from the drive acteristics, the displacement am-
shafts are taken care of. plitude of vibration is larger in the po-
When designing the engine mount- sition where the support mount is
ing system great attention was taken located. Therefore it has progressive
to the engine vibration characteristics. characteristics with a low initial dy-
The engine mounting consists of a namic stiffness .
From the principal vibration pattern two-way insulation system, where The main purpose of the torque re-
due to these excitations, it is possible two main hydromounts, one support action rods is to restrict the engine
to minimize the disturbance input to mount and the lower torque reaction motions due to the torque of the en-
rod are mounted to a rubber insulated gine. Their characteristics are softly
progressive with a low initial stiffness.
The B5254F has been developed to The manufacturing process, based on
meet the high demands on engines in extremely high demands for accuracy
a car, typified by the Volvo 850 GLT and quality to guaranteed engine re-
by using modern CAE technology. liability, is particularly cost-effective
The result is a compact and light- since both the five and six cylinder en-
weight in-line five-cylinder engine, gines were designed and developed as
characterized by excellent per- a modular engine family with a con-
formance and torque, good fuel econ- siderable degree of integration.
omy and a remarkable comfort level.
Volvo 850 GLT Engine specifications
Type: Transverse 5-cylinder in-line
DOHC all-aluminium
V-VIS Volvo Variable Induction
Displacement: 2435 cc
Bore x stroke: 83 x 90 mm
CR: 10.5:1
Valves: 4 per cylinder, angled at
58 degrees
Max output; 170 hp (125 kW) at 6000 rpm
Max torque: 220 Nm at 3300 rpm
Fuel system: LH Jetronic 3.2
Ignition system: EZ 129K
Emission control: Three-way catalytic converter,
electrically heated lambda-sond,
vacuum controlled evaporation
Electrical system: Alternator 100 amp. Battery
440/520 amp
Weight; 153 kgs
Fuel consumption: Sweden average 0.89 litre per
10 km with manual gearbox,
0.91 litre per 10 km with
automatic transmission
Europe R15 12.4 litres per 100
km with manual gearbox
12.9 litres per 100 km with auto-
matic transmission
90 km/h 6.6 litres per 100 km
with manual gearbox
Top speed: 215 kph manual, 205 kph aut
Acceleration: 0-100 kph: 8.9 sec manual,
9.6 sec aut