Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

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The document outlines the vision, mission, goals and course design of Contemporary Mathematics course at Filamer Christian University. The course aims to help students apply mathematics concepts to real-life situations and expand their knowledge of the subject.

The course offers students an opportunity to learn how mathematics can be used in many real-life situations. It aims to help students develop problem solving, analytical and reasoning skills as well as gain understanding of basic math concepts needed for higher-level courses.

By the end of the course, students are expected to have strengthened general skills like problem solving and analytical skills. They should also have developed proficiency in using math symbols and gained understanding of concepts related to the subject.



Accredited Level III – ACSCU-AAI
Roxas City, Capiz


COURSE DESIGN IN Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics
Second Semester, SY 2014-2015
Revised: November 14, 2014

Professor: Susan O. Parce Ph. D.

Mobile: 09396524572


A globally-linked Christian University nurturing people and communities for transformative leadership and nation building

Filamer Christian University commits to:
 Instill Christian values among people and communities through holistic education.
 Innovate models of development through research, knowledge management and community building
 Inspire transformative leadership and exemplary lives.
 Initiate collaborative linkages and partnerships with national and international organizations.

1. Perpetuates the Christian heritage of the School as a Church – related institution maintaining an ecumenical stance.
2. Demonstrates Christian love by reaching out and participating in society building through community service.
3. Designs research-based developmental models on knowledge management and community building.
4. Establishes institutional self – sufficiency and sustainability.
5. Strengthens collaborative regional and international partnerships and linkages.

1|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

II. Program: College of Teacher Education

III. Degree Outcomes: Based on CMO 30, s. 2004 Art. IV, Sec. 6 & NCBTS

IV. Course Title & Credit: Contemporary Mathematics (3 units)

V. Course Description:
This course offers to the students an opportunity to learn when and how mathematics can be used in many different real-life situations.
Consequently, this course will help students expand their knowledge in mathematics. The following principles underlie this course:
*Mathematics is useful
*Mathematics is realistic and relevant
*Mathematics is interesting
*Mathematics is needed by all

VI. Course Outcome:

At the end of the semester, the students must have:
1. Developed and strengthened the following general skills problem formulating and solving, justifying and reasoning, evaluating and extending, and
analytical skills.
2. Developed proficiency in using and interpreting symbols for mathematical ideas or principles:
3. Gained an understanding of the basic concepts and principles related to the subject;
4. Equipped themselves with the basic tools such as mathematical knowledge and skills needed for higher Math and related Sciences;
5. Demonstrated desirable values such as honesty , independence, cooperation, respect for the other’s opinion, perseverance, hard work and discipline
when accomplishing the assigned mathematical task, and
6. Developed creativeness, interest in and appreciation of mathematics.

2|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

VII. Course Design Matrix:

Wk 1 1. Discussed the Orientation Week Student Domain 1: Social Classroom Students shred FCU Videos IDs
(3 hrs) VMG of the Handbook Regard for Learning orientation their views and
University and A. Discussion of FCU Strand 1.1 Act as a program expectations to the CTE Video
the College of and College of Teacher Bulletin of positive role model to University. Programs
Teacher Education VMG Information students

Allow the students

B. Expectations/ Course Design Domain 3: Diversity Brainstorming to discuss their Orientation
Formations of the Learner understanding of Program Sheet
Strand 3.1 Is familiar the school’s VMG
with learner’s
background Require written
knowledge and “expectations” from
experiences all students

Domain 4:
Strand 4.2
Communicates clear
learning goals for the
lessons that is
appropriate for the

3|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

Wk 2-4 1.Differentiated Work Book in Interactive Quizzes will test Video Clips
(6 hrs) among Math-112 Discussion and reward the

Arithmetic, Students’ PowerPoint

geometric and Everyday Math Lecture understanding of Presentation
harmonic Demystified; Discussion the concepts,
progressions; Day, al, principles of Lecture Notes
2.Determined The McGraw- Cooperative sequence,
the nth term of Hill Companies Learning arithmetic
an arithmetic, (2008) sequence,
geometric and of I. PROGRESSION Domain 1: Social Small Group geometric
a harmonic Probability and Regard for Learning Discussion progression and
progression Statistics 8th Strand 1. Act as a harmonic
3.Applied the A. Sequence or Edition, New progression.
principles in Progression Jersey: Positive role model for
solving for the B. Arithmetic Pearson students Lecture- Class participation
sum of n terms Sequence Education Domain 2: Learning Discussion will test the
in an arithmetic C. Sum of a Finite (2007) Environment students’ ability to
or geometric D. Arithmetic Mean Strand 2.1 Creates an Giving Problem solve problems
progression; E. Geometric Fundamental environment that Set about arithmetic
4.Obtained the Progression Statistics (5th promotes fairness sequence,
arithmetic, F. Geometric Means edition) USA: Strand 2.3 Calculation using geometric
geometric or G. Harmonic John Willey & Communicates higher calculator sequence and
harmonic means Progression Sons Inc. learning expectations harmonic
given the first (2004) to each other progression.
and last terms of Working with
the progression Intermediate pairs
and Algebra, Hall, J. Domain 3: Diversity of Examination will
6.Solved worded Boston: Learners test the students
problems using McGraw-Hill Strand 3.2 ability to
the principles in (2007) Demonstrates concern understand/Compr
progression for holistic ehend and solve
development of problems in
learners arithmetic

4|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

progression and
Wk 5 1.Determined PROBABILITY, Workbook in Strand 1. Acts as a Discussion Board Problem Solving Workbook
(6 hrs) the probability of PERMUTATION AND Math-112 Positive role model for work set will develop the PowerPoint
success or COMBINATION students skill of the students Presentation
failure of an A. Expectation Basic Domain 2. Learning Giving Problem to solve problems
event to occur B. Mutually Exclusive Probability Environment Set in probability,
2.Solved for the Events & Statistics, Strand 2.1. Creates an permutation and
expectation C. Independent Sirug, W. environment that combination.
given the Event Mindshappers promotes fairness Working with
probability of D. Dependent Event Co., Inc. (2011) Strand 2.3. pairs Through
mutual exclusive E. Permutation Communicates higher Individual/Group
events and 1.Permutation of Statistics; learning expectations work output,
probability of an thing some of Pagala, r. to each other students will
event to occur in which are like (2009); Manila; Domain 3: Diversity of develop
repeated trials 2.Cyclical Mindshappers Learners cooperation and
3.Distinguised Permutation Co. Strand 3.2 sharing their ideas
and solved or F. Combination Demonstrates concern on how to solve
the probability of Elementary for holistic problems about
mutually Statistics; development of probability,
exclusive events Altares, P.S learners permutation and
and probability (2003) Domain 5: Planning, combination,
of an event Manila,Phil: Assessing and
occur in Rex Bookstore Reporting Quizzes will test
repeated trial Strand 5.2. Develops the students
4.Differentiated Intermediate and uses a variety of understanding on
between Algebra, Hall, J. appropriate how to apply in
permutation and Boston: assessment strategies solving probability,
combination MacGraw-Hill to monitor and permutation and
5.Solve (2007) evaluate learning combination
problems using problem encounter
the principles in in their
permutation and environment and
combination. daily activities.
5|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

Written Exam

Wk 6 1.Defined Review of Elementary Workbook in Domain 1: Social Cooperative Class Workbook

(6 hrs) Algebra Algebra Math-112 Regard for Learning Learning participation will
2.Stated the A. Operation with Strand 1. Acts as a assess students PowerPoint
properties of real Signed Numbers Algebra, positive role model for Small Group understanding
numbers and B. Addition, Bittinger, M. students Discussion about the rules of Presentation
operations apply Subtraction, (2006) Domain 2: Learning operations of
these properties Multiplication and Environment Lecture- signed numbers.
when simplifying Division of Terms College Strand 2.1. Creates an Discussion
mathematical C. Addition, Algebra; environment that Quizzes will test
expressions Subtraction, Barnett, R. promotes fairness Giving Problem the students’
3.Distinguised Multiplication and (2004) Strand 2.3. Set knowledge on
polynomials from Division of Communicates higher how to add,
mere Polynomials Algebra learning expectations Calculation using subtract, multiply
expression, Cobum, J. to each other calculator and divide signed
coefficient and Boston: Domain 3: Diversity of numbers and
numerical McGraw-Hill Learners polynomials.
coefficient (2007) Strand 3.2.
4. Add, Subtract, Demonstrates concern Working with
Multiply and for holistic pairs
Divide Terms
and polynomials.
5.Applied the

6|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

Principles Intermediate Development of
learned in Algebra, Hall, J. learners
Elementary Boston: Domain 5: Planning,
Algebra McGraw-Hill Assessing and
(2007) reporting
Strand 5.2. Develops
and uses a variety of
College appropriate
Algebra, assessment strategies
Coburn, J. to monitor and
McGraw-Hill evaluate learning.
Wk 7 1.Defined LAWS OF EXPONENTS Workbook in Cooperative Problem Solving Workbook
(3 hrs) exponents and A. Laws of Math-112 Domain 2: The Learning set will rate the
base Exponents for Learning students’ PowerPoint
2.Evaluate Product Elementary Environment Small group understanding
expressions with B. Laws for finding a Algebra, Strand 2.1. Creates an Discussion about the laws of Presentation
zero exponents power of a power Bittinger, M. environment that exponent.
3.Transformed C. Laws of (2006) promotes fairness
an expressions Exponents for Strand 2.2. Make the Lecture- Graded recitation
with a negative Quotients College physical environment Discussion will test students’
to one with D. Laws of Algebra; safe and conducive to ability to apply the
positive Exponents for Barnett, R. learning Giving Problem knowledge in
exponent or power of a product (2004) Strand 2.3. Set solving problems
vice-versa Communicate higher applying the laws
4.Enumerated Intermediate learning expectations Calculation using of exponents.
and applied laws Algebra, Hall, J. to each learners calculator
of exponent to Boston: Domain 3: Diversity Quizzes will test
simplify McGraw-Hill of the Learner students’
expressions (2007) Strand 3.1 Is familiar Working with understanding of
with learner’s pairs
knowledge and

7|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

Strand 3.2 The concepts of
Demonstrates the laws of
concerns for holistic exponents and to
development of solve problems
learners involving laws of

Examinations will
students’ ability to
solve problems
applying the rule of
the laws of
Wk 8 1.Enumerated SPECIAL PROUCTS Workbook in Lecture- Problem Set is Workbook
(3 hrs) the different AND FACTORS Math-112 Domain 3L Diversity Discussion given to students PowerPoint
types of special of the Learner to test ability to Presentation
product A. Special Products Strand 3.1 Is familiar Board Work solve problems
2.Multiply B. Factoring College with learner’s applying special
polynomials 1. Common Algebra; A background Giving Problem products and
using special Monomial Factor simplified knowledge and Set factors of
product formula 2. Difference of Two Approach experiences polynomials.
3.Differentiated Squares Buquing, S. Strand 3.2 Working with
one type of 3. Trinomial Perfect (2004) Demonstrates concern pairs Quizzes will test
factoring form Square for holistic students’ skills to
another type 4. Trinomial of the College development of apply the rules in
4. Identified the Forms Algebra; learners special products
type of factoring 5. Grouping of terms Barnett, R. and factoring.
applicable or 6. Sum of Two Cubes (2004)
appropriated for 7. The Difference of
a specified Two Cubes Elementary
factorable Algebra;
expressions. Bittinger, M.

8|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

Wk 9 1. Reduced FRACTIONS Workbook in Domain 4: Lecture- Individual/group Workbook
(3 hrs) Fractions 1. Reduce Fractions Math-112 Curriculum Discussion output
to their to Lowest Terms Strand 4.1.
lowest 2. Addition and College Demonstrate mastery Quiz Video Clips
terms Subtraction of Algebra; of the subject Cooperative Assignment
2. Add, Fractions with the Barnett, R. Strand 4.4. Selects learning
Subtract, same or like (2004) teaching methods,
Multiply Denominators learning activities and Problem Set
and 3. Multiplication of College instructional materials
Divide Fractions Algebra; A or resources Drill
Fractions 4. Division of Simplified appropriate to learners
3. Simplified Fractions Approach and aligned to the Board Work
Complex 5. Complex Buquing, S. objectives of the
fractions Fractions (2004) lesson

Wk 10 1.Knew the LINEAR EQUATIONS Workbook in Domain 3: Diversity

(3 hrs) principles on A. Solving linear Math-112 of the Learner
linear equations equation in one Strand 3.1
and apply them unknown College
in solving B. Solving Linear Algebra; Mijare,
worded Equation Two (2006)
problems Unknowns
2.Solved linear C. Solving Linear College
equations in one Equation in Three Algebra;
or more Unknowns Barnett, R.
unknown (2004)
3.Solve linear
equations by

9|Math-112 Contemporary Mathematics

10 | M a t h - 1 1 2 C o n t e m p o r a r y M a t h e m a t i c s

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