This document outlines the steps and requirements for applying for exemption under DOJ 44 from the Department of Agrarian Reform Region 1. There are 16 steps that must be completed, which include: 1) Obtaining an application form; 2) Submitting the completed form and supporting documents; 3) Evaluation of the application for completeness; 4) Assigning a case number in the Land Management and Consolidation System; 5) Paying the inspection fee; 6) Scheduling an ocular inspection; 7) Conducting the ocular inspection; 8) Preparing an investigation report; 9) Scheduling a deliberation; 10) Deliberating the application merits; 11) Preparing a draft order; 12) Review
This document outlines the steps and requirements for applying for exemption under DOJ 44 from the Department of Agrarian Reform Region 1. There are 16 steps that must be completed, which include: 1) Obtaining an application form; 2) Submitting the completed form and supporting documents; 3) Evaluation of the application for completeness; 4) Assigning a case number in the Land Management and Consolidation System; 5) Paying the inspection fee; 6) Scheduling an ocular inspection; 7) Conducting the ocular inspection; 8) Preparing an investigation report; 9) Scheduling a deliberation; 10) Deliberating the application merits; 11) Preparing a draft order; 12) Review
This document outlines the steps and requirements for applying for exemption under DOJ 44 from the Department of Agrarian Reform Region 1. There are 16 steps that must be completed, which include: 1) Obtaining an application form; 2) Submitting the completed form and supporting documents; 3) Evaluation of the application for completeness; 4) Assigning a case number in the Land Management and Consolidation System; 5) Paying the inspection fee; 6) Scheduling an ocular inspection; 7) Conducting the ocular inspection; 8) Preparing an investigation report; 9) Scheduling a deliberation; 10) Deliberating the application merits; 11) Preparing a draft order; 12) Review
This document outlines the steps and requirements for applying for exemption under DOJ 44 from the Department of Agrarian Reform Region 1. There are 16 steps that must be completed, which include: 1) Obtaining an application form; 2) Submitting the completed form and supporting documents; 3) Evaluation of the application for completeness; 4) Assigning a case number in the Land Management and Consolidation System; 5) Paying the inspection fee; 6) Scheduling an ocular inspection; 7) Conducting the ocular inspection; 8) Preparing an investigation report; 9) Scheduling a deliberation; 10) Deliberating the application merits; 11) Preparing a draft order; 12) Review
FRONT LINE SERVICE: Exemption Under DOJ 44
Schedule of Availability of Service: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (NO NOON
Who May Avail of the Service:
1. Any party to the case; 2. Any counsel of record; or 3. Any person authorized by a party/counsel to the case (proper authorization to be submitted).
1. Certified copy of the Official Receipt (OR) of filling fee;
2. Certified copy of OR for Inspection Fee; 3. Sworn Application for CARP Exemption or Exclusion, duly accomplished and subscribed and sworn to before a Notary Public or any person authorized to administer oaths. Special Power of Attorney SPA) if the applicant is not the registered owner nor one of the co-owners of the property; Notarized Secretary’s certificate of a corporate or Cooperative Board Resolution authorizing the applicant’s representative to file the Sworn Applicant ion for CARP Exemption, if the applicant is a corporation or cooperative or some other juridical entity; and Latest notarized General Information Sheet (GIS) if the applicant is a corporation or cooperative or some other juridical entity. 4. Certified True Copy (or the original copy) of the Original Certificate of Title (OCT) or Transfer of Title (TCT) of the subject land, certified by the Register of Deeds not earlier than 30 days prior to the application filling date.
In case of untitled lands:
Certification from the DENR Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO) that the landholding has been classified as alienable and disposable land; Certification from the DENR CENRO (for administrative confirmation of imperfect title) that the titling process/proceeding has commenced and there are no adverse claimants of the Clerk of Court (for judicial confirmation of imperfect title) that there is a pending case filed in the court; Certificate of Tax Declaration. 5. Certification from the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) Regional Officer on the actual zoning or classification of the subject land in the approved comprehensive land use plan, citing the municipal or city zoning ordinance number, resolution number and date of its approval the HLURB or its corresponding board resolution number; 6. Certification of the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) that the area is not irrigated nor scheduled for rehabilitation nor irrigable with firm funding commitment; 7. Certification of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer (PARPO) attesting compliance with the public notice requirement and its corresponding report as to status of CARP coverage on subject land, presence of farmers, agricultural lessees, share tenant farm workers, actual tillers, or occupants; 8. Photographs, size 5R (5 inches by 7 inches), using color film, and taken on the landholding under sunlight. The applicant shall attach the pictures to a paper background and the photographer who took said pictures shall sign on said paper background to certify the authenticity of the pictures. On each background paper shall be written a short description of each picture. The pictures shall consist of: Four (4) photographs taken from the center of the landholding: one (1) facing north, one (1) facing east, one (1) facing south and one (1) facing west; Two (2) photographs each for all distinct man-made structures existing on land, taken from opposite angles; Two (2) photographs each of the front view of the billboard(s) required in Section 11; and Sufficient number of photographs of the most conspicuous landmarks from the nearest Barangay Center and leading to and from the ingress and engress routes of the subject landholding, for the purpose of assisting the Ocular Inspection Team in locating the site; 9. Proof of receipt of payment of disturbance compensation or a valid agreement to pay or waive payment of disturbance compensation; 10. Affidavit/Undertaking in a single document of the applicant stating: The number and names of farmers, agricultural lessees, share tenants, farmworkers, actual tillers and/or occupants in the landholding; if there are no person, a statement attesting to such fact; That the applicant has erected the required number of billboards and undertakes not to remove, deface or destroy said billboards, and that he shall repair or replace the same with damaged, until after the approving authority disposes of the application with finality; That he has not committed any act of forum shopping as defined in the rules governing Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) cases; and That when there is a dispute on the fixing of disturbance compensation pending before the Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicator (PARAD) or Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicator (RARAD) or DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB), the applicant shall abide with the decision of the Adjudicating Authority on the fixing of disturbance compensation. 11. Lot Plan; and 12. Vicinity or directional Map.
Duration: Within 83 days
Fee: Inspection Cost P 10,000.00
Steps Applicant/Client Service Provider Duration Person In- Form Charge Secure the Issue the 20 minutes DARPO/RCLU 1 Application Application Form PPI Form. and list of Secretariat documentary requirements. Accomplish the RCLUPPI 2 Form and Secretariat submit to the RCLUPPI Secretariat. Submit the Evaluate/check the 1 hr RCLUPPI 3 application completeness of Secretariat form with the the submitted complete documents. requirements in 5 copies or one (1) original and one (1) copy in CD.. 4 Builds the case in 1 hr. RCLUPPI LCMS and assign Secretariat bar code number. 5 Pay Inspection Receive payment 10 minutes Regional Cost and issue Official Cashier Receipt. Send Notice to 5 days from RCLUPPI 6 conduct Ocular receipt of Secretariat Inspection to application. PARPO II and Applicant/s and input case action in LCMS. Conduct OCI and Within 15 RCLUPPI 7 input case action days from Ocular in LCMS. issuance of Inspection notice Team Prepare Within 5 RCLUPPI 8 Investigation days from Ocular Report and input OCI Inspection case action in Team LCMS. 10 Schedule date of 1 day from RCLUPPI deliberation and conduct of Secretariat input case action OCI in LCMS. 11 Deliberate the Within 5 RCLUPPI merits of the days from Committee application and submission input case action of in LCMS. Investigation Report 12 Prepare and Within 10 RCLUPPI forward Draft days from Head Order to RCLUPPI RCLUPPI Secretariat Chairperson and deliberation input case action in LCMS. 13 Review Draft Within 10 RCLUPPI Order and input days Chairperson case action in LCMS. 14 Forward Draft Within 30 Regional Order for days from Director approval/denial receipt of and input case Draft Order action in LCMS. 15 Assign ORD 15 minutes Clerk ORD control number and Dry Seal it 16 Package 1 day RCLUPPI documents and Head publish Order in Secretariat LCMS. 17 Send copies to 30 minutes Records concerned parties Officer thru’ Registered Mail.
Primer Ftaa What is an Exploration Permit?
An Exploration Permit (EP) is an initial mode of entry in mineral exploration allowing a
Qualified Person to undertake exploration activities for mineral resources in certain areas
open to mining in the country.