Engineering Structures: J.S. Du, Francis T.K. Au, Enoch K.H. Chan, L. Liu
Engineering Structures: J.S. Du, Francis T.K. Au, Enoch K.H. Chan, L. Liu
Engineering Structures: J.S. Du, Francis T.K. Au, Enoch K.H. Chan, L. Liu
Engineering Structures
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Continuous beams are preferred to simply supported beams because of economy, fewer expansion/
Received 2 June 2015 contraction joints and possible benefits from moment redistribution. In the design of unbonded partially
Revised 15 March 2016 prestressed concrete (UPPC) continuous beams, it is necessary to estimate their deflections under service
Accepted 16 March 2016
loads in order to satisfy the requirements of serviceability limit state. A method is developed to convert
the cross sectional area of unbonded prestressed tendons to the equivalent cross sectional area of non-
prestressed steel. Then the moment of inertia of cracked section as well as Branson’s effective moment
of inertia in a UPPC continuous beam can be easily determined. The computed deflections are compared
Continuous beams
with some available experimental results, including beams with external unbonded steel tendons and
Effective moment of inertia those with external unbonded aramid fibre reinforced polymer tendons. The proposed method gives
Prestressed concrete satisfactory predictions of deflection till the yielding of non-prestressed steel. Another equation for
Unbonded prestressing tendons moment of inertia of cracked section, which was originally suggested by the precast/prestressed concrete
institute (PCI) Design Handbook for bonded partially prestressed concrete beams, is also evaluated in the
study. In most cases the PCI equation can also give satisfactory results but in some cases its discrepancy of
deflections is larger than that of the proposed method. Compared with the method recommended in the
current Chinese Code, the proposed method is applicable not only to members with the conventional
high-strength steel prestressing tendons, but also to those with tendons made of other materials such
as fibre-reinforced polymer.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0141-0296/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
90 J.S. Du et al. / Engineering Structures 118 (2016) 89–96
paper describes the use of a simplified method to estimate the to the equivalent cases with bonded tendons, so that the previous
value of Icr for UPPC beams for calculation of deflections. analytical solutions for beams with bonded tendons could be used.
The computation of bond reduction coefficients X before cracking
from basic principles of mechanics is simple. However, the compu-
2. Review of previous work tation of ‘‘exact” bond reduction coefficient Xcr at the cracked state
for different types of loading and tendon profiles is extremely dif-
There are two methods [12] to determine the short-term deflec- ficult [19].
tions of bonded partially prestressed concrete (PPC) beams, namely For a simply supported beam with two symmetrically disposed
bilinear computation method and that using Branson’s effective point loads separated by a distance, Harajli and Kanj [19] analysed
moment of inertia Ie. In the bilinear computation method, the the variation of Xcr versus different ratios of the total applied
deflection before cracking is computed using the gross moment moment M to the cracking moment Mcr and different ranges of
of inertia Ig, while the additional deflection after cracking is calcu- Icr/Ig for beams with straight tendons. They observed that Xcr did
lated using the cracked section moment of inertia Icr. The method not differ significantly from its value before cracking, and hence
using Branson’s effective moment of inertia Ie was first applied to assumed Xcr = X for practical analysis of cracked section. On the
PPC members by Shaikh and Branson [13] in 1970. Since then, other hand, Naaman and Alkhairi [18] suggested an equation for
improvements have been made to the equation for Ie by different Xcr as
researchers. They mainly focus on: (a) the level of applied moment
M at which the expression of Ie should be used; (b) the reference Icr
Xcr ¼ X ð1Þ
load or state of member deformation from which cracking moment Ig
Mcr is measured; and (c) the section axis about which Icr is calcu-
Obviously the major problem here lies in the estimation of the value
lated. Rao and Dilger [14] compared four such methods based on
of Icr. Incidentally, the neutral axis location for cracked prestressed
Ie for their accuracy in deflection prediction, and recommended
concrete beams depends not only on the geometry of the cross sec-
the simplified method by Shaikh and Branson [13] that gave an
tion and the material properties, but also on the prestressing force
accurate but slightly conservative prediction. Tadros et al. [15] pro-
and the external loading. Therefore, the exact value of Icr is not
posed a more rigorous and accurate method for deflection predic-
known until the cracked section is analysed.
tion by integration of curvatures at key sections along the span
Au et al. [20] extended the capability of Pannell’s coefficient k,
using the method of Ie. Scholz [16] suggested a simple method
which was the ratio of length of equivalent deformation region Le
using the span-to-effective depth limits for the first-level deflec-
to the neutral axis depth c at critical section, to the cracked section
tion assessment of PPC members. Chern et al. [17] put forward a
analysis of unbonded partially prestressed concrete members
numerical method to evaluate the deformation of progressively
under service load. They found that, under service load after crack-
cracking PPC beams. They concluded that consideration of tensile
ing of the beam and until the yielding of non-prestressed steel, k
strain softening in concrete improved the predictions compared
was insensitive to the variation of the combined reinforcement
to classical theory that ignored the tensile resistance of concrete.
index. The cubic equation established by Au et al. [20] for the neu-
However, the effect is not large and it mainly affects the initial
tral axis c of a cracked T-section (Fig. 1) appears as
post-cracking stage.
Deflection analysis of UPC or UPPC beams is more complex than c3 þ g 1 c 2 þ g 2 c þ g 3 ¼ 0 ð2aÞ
for bonded tendons, as the tendon stress that is assumed constant
at all sections must be determined from the deformation of the where the constant coefficients are given as
entire structure. Naaman and Alkhairi [18] proposed a method
6kAp Ep e0
for analysis of UPC members under service load using the bond g 1 ¼ 3ðe0 dp Þ þ ð2bÞ
reduction coefficient, which essentially converted the UPC beams Ec Lbw
J.S. Du et al. / Engineering Structures 118 (2016) 89–96 91
hf Yielding of
c non-prestressed steel
ds dp
As M
Cracking of
concrete 1= deflection using Ig
Fig. 1. A typical flanged section. = deflection using Icr
Ie = effective moment
of inertia for tot= 1+ 2
6 kAp Ep e0 dp As Es ðe0 dp þ ds Þ Mcr
g2 ¼ hf ðb bw Þðe0 dp þ 0:5hf Þ þ
bw Ep L Ec
ð2cÞ 2
" 2 #
6 hf 2hf Es As ds 1
g3 ¼ ðb bw Þ e0 dp þ þ ðe0 dp þ ds Þ
bw 2 3 Ec
Fig. 2. Moment–deflection relationship of a UPPC beam.
The depth of the centroid of the cracked section below the top
fibre y is given by
for deflection calculation. When cracking occurs in a UPPC mem-
ðb bw Þhf =2 þ bw c2 =2 þ Es As ds =Ec þ Ep Ap dp =Ec ber, theoretically, the cracked moment of inertia Icr should be used
y¼ ð3Þ
ðb bw Þhf þ bw c þ Es As =Ec þ Ep Ap =Ec for the sections at which cracks develop while the gross moment of
inertia should be used for the sections between cracks. However
while the moment of inertia of the cracked section Icr is
such refinement is impractical and unwarranted for the accuracy
ðb bw Þhf
3 of deflection evaluation, not to mention the random nature of
bw y3 bw ðc yÞ3 2
Icr ¼ þ þ hf ðb bw Þðy 0:5hf Þ þ cracking. The actual stiffness of the beam lies between EcIg and
3 3 12
2 2
EcIcr, depending on the extent of cracking, distribution of loading,
Es As ðds yÞ Ep Ap ðdp yÞ and contribution of concrete between the cracks to tension. Gener-
þ þ ð4Þ
Ec Ec ally, as the load approaches the yield load level of non-prestressed
where Ap and As are the cross sectional areas of prestressing and steel, the stiffness value approaches EcIcr.
Consequently, the effective moment of inertia Ie developed by
non-prestressed steel respectively; b and bw are the widths of flange
and web respectively; dp and ds are the depths to centroids of pre- Branson may be applied as an average value along the span of a
simply supported UPPC beam, i.e.
stressing and non-prestressed steel respectively; Ec is the modulus
3 " 3 #
of elasticity of concrete; Ep and Es are the moduli of elasticity of pre- M cr M cr
stressing and non-prestressed steel respectively; hf is the thickness Ie ¼ Ig þ 1 Icr 6 Ig ð5Þ
of flange; L is the distance between end anchorages; F is the decom-
pression; e0 is the distance between decompression F and resultant where Mcr and M are the cracking and total applied moment at the
force R, which is obtained as e0 = M/R from the total applied beam critical section, respectively.
moment M. In order to compute Ie, the moment of inertia of cracked section
Although the above method to determinate Icr for UPPC beams is needed. To describe the variation of the location of neutral axis
suggested by Au et al. [20] is theoretically correct, the calculation in UPPC beams, two states of cracked section are used here, namely
procedure is tedious, and it is inconvenient for practical designers the partially cracked section and fully cracked section. Before the
to compute the deflections of UPPC beams. Du and Au [21] sug- yielding of non-prestressed steel, the cracked section is referred
gested a method for estimation of deflections for simply supported to as partially cracked section, while after the yielding of non-
UPPC members. The present study attempts to further extend it to prestressed steel, the cracked section is designated as fully cracked
UPPC continuous beams. section. In reinforced concrete (RC) beams, the neutral axis of
bending goes through the centroid of the cracked transformed sec-
3. Simplified estimation of Icr in UPPC beams tion. However, this is not true for partially cracked UPPC sections,
as their neutral axis can vary depending on the applied moment
Experimental investigations show that when a UPPC beam is and prestressing force as shown in Fig. 3. As the neutral axis varies
loaded, the load–deflection curve normally exhibits three stages, with the applied moment, the centroid of the partially cracked
namely (1) elastic, (2) cracked-elastic and (3) plastic as shown in section varies and so does the corresponding cracked moment of
Fig. 2. The transition from the first to the second stage is caused inertia. According to Branson and Trost [22], the location of neutral
by the development of cracks at the bottom of the beam, while axis of a fully cracked UPPC section coincides with its centroid as
the transition from the second to the third stage is caused by yield- shown in Fig. 3(d). The moment of inertia of fully cracked section
ing of the non-prestressed steel. The deflection of a UPPC beam Icr is the lower bound of the moment of inertia of partially cracked
depends on whether the section is cracked or uncracked. When section. The value of Icr for UPPC beams can be obtained as the
the section is uncracked, the gross moment of inertia Ig can be used transformed moment of inertia of the cracked section assuming
92 J.S. Du et al. / Engineering Structures 118 (2016) 89–96
fc fc fc
y y
the amount of reinforcing steel equivalent to the unbonded pre- exceeds the corresponding cracking moment Mcr, the short-term
stressing tendons. Under service loading, the strain increment in deflection d at mid-span is estimated as
unbonded tendons is always less than the corresponding concrete 3 2
strain increment at the same position. Moreover, the stress incre- 7Pl 7Ml
d¼ ¼ ð9Þ
ment in unbonded tendons is limited and relatively low. Neglect- 768Ec Ie 120Ec Ie
ing such stress increment, and considering only the effective
prestress in unbonded tendons fpe, the unbonded prestressing ten-
dons can be approximately transformed into the equivalent cross 4. Evaluation of the simplified calculation method for Icr
sectional area Ape of non-prestressed steel as
To demonstrate the validity of the proposed simplified calcula-
Ap f pe tion method for Icr of UPPC continuous beams, the computed
Ape ¼ ð6Þ deflections are compared with some available experimental
results. In the computation, the maximum service moment M
where Ap is the cross sectional area of unbonded tendons; fpe is the applied was increased from zero to that corresponding to the
effective prestress in unbonded tendons; and fy is the yield stress of yielding of non-prestressed tension steel by increments of
non-prestressed steel. 0.20Mcr 0.30Mcr of the beam. In the absence of measurements
Consider the T-section shown in Fig. 1. After converting the of modulus of elasticity Ec and modulus of rupture fr of concrete,
unbonded prestressing steel to an equivalent amount of non- they were computed based on the cylinder compressive strength
prestressed steel by using Eq. (6), the neutral axis depth c will coin- f c using ACI 318-08 Code [23], namely
cide with the depth to centroid y at the fully cracked state. Defining qffiffiffiffi
the modular ratios for non-prestressed steel and prestressing steel Ec ¼ 4700 f c ðMPaÞ ð10Þ
as ns ¼ Es =Ec and np ¼ Ep =Ec respectively, and assuming y to be
more than the thickness of flange hf, then the depth to centroid y
of the fully cracked section can be determined by basic structural
f r ¼ 0:62 f c ðMPaÞ ð11Þ
mechanics as
1 2 1 2
4.1. Experimental work by Chan [24] at The University of Hong Kong
by ðb bw Þðy hf Þ ¼ ns As ðds yÞ þ np Ape ðdp yÞ ð7Þ (HKU)
2 2
while the corresponding moment of inertia Icr is In the experimental programme, 18 two-span continuous con-
crete beams partially prestressed with external tendons were
1 3 1 3 2 tested to failure. The typical cross-section of the beam specimens
Icr ¼ by ðb bw Þðy hf Þ þ ns As ðds yÞ
3 3 was a symmetrical T-section. The depth and width of the section
þ np Ape ðdp yÞ ð8Þ were both 300 mm with 50 mm thick flange and 100 mm thick
web, as shown in Fig. 4. Two types of prestressing tendons were
For rectangular sections or flanged sections with y not exceeding adopted in the experimental programme, namely 7-wire steel
the thickness of flange hf, y and Icr can also be obtained from Eqs. strands of 12.9 mm nominal diameter and Parafil ropes of
(7) and (8) respectively by putting bw ¼ b. 10.5 mm nominal core diameter made of aramid fibre-reinforced
With the determination of Icr, the effective moment of inertia Ie polymer (AFRP). The test specimens were divided into two major
can be obtained by using Eq. (5) for UPPC continuous beams at groups, namely Group PCS with Parafil ropes and Group SCS with
specific sections. The code ACI 318-08 [23] suggests a simple aver- 7-wire steel strands. Group SCS could be further sub-divided into
aging of Ie values for the sections carrying positive and negative two sub-groups. Twelve of the specimens, namely SCS1 to SCS4
moments in continuous beams. As the rigidity at mid-span has pre- and SCS6 to SCS13, were prestressed before testing. To investigate
dominant effect on deflections, the use of mid-span sectional prop- the effect of prior loading history on the behaviour of RC beams
erties for continuous prismatic members is reasonable in strengthened with external tendons, specimens SCS14 and SCS15
approximate calculations. Consider a two-span UPPC continuous had been loaded before being prestressed with tendons. All speci-
beam with identical spans l under two identical point loads P at mens were eventually loaded to failure with large deflections so
mid-span positions. When the applied moment M at mid-span that the full-range behaviour could be investigated. To quantify
J.S. Du et al. / Engineering Structures 118 (2016) 89–96 93
A B External Tendons
200 2250 2250 200
300 300
100 170
the total amount of flexural reinforcement in a partial prestressing The load–deflection curves for specimens B6D1, B6D2, B10S1A
system, the reinforcement index x was used, namely and B10S2B are plotted in Fig. 7(a)–(d), respectively. The compar-
0 ison between the experimental and the analysis results shows
Ap f ps þ As f s A0s f s favourable agreement till the yielding of non-prestressed steel.
x¼ 0 ð12Þ
bdctf f c The discrepancy between the computed and measured deflections
are within ±20%.
where Ap is the cross-sectional area of prestressing tendons; As and A0s
are the cross-sectional areas of the bottom and top non-prestressed
steel respectively; b is the width of the section; dctf is the depth to 4.3. Variation of effective moment of inertia Ie with the applied
the centroid of tensile force; fps is the tendon stress at peak load; fs moment
and f s are the tensile stresses of the bottom and top non-
0 The ratios Ie/Ig and M/Mcr were used to investigate the variation
prestressed steel at ultimate respectively; and f c is the cylinder con-
of effective moment of inertia Ie with the applied moment M. After
crete compressive strength. Specimens with reinforcement indices at
cracking of the section, typical variations of Ie/Ig versus M/Mcr for
interior support ranging from 0.14 to 0.36 were tested. For specimens
the tested beams with external unbonded steel tendons are shown
having the same amount of prestressed and non-prestressed rein-
in Fig. 8, while those for specimens with external unbonded AFRP
forcement, different concrete strengths, namely grades 55, 70 and
tendons are illustrated in Fig. 9. It can be seen that the Ie/Ig of a
100, were used to investigate the influence of concrete strength on
cracked beam decreases sharply for M/Mcr below 2.0 and then
the behaviour of PC beams with external tendons.
gradually becomes stable with the increase of applied moment
The load–deflection curves for typical specimens PCS2, SCS1,
for a given reinforcement index. The larger the reinforcement
SCS2 and SCS7 are plotted in Fig. 5(a)–(d), respectively. The compar-
index at mid-span is, the higher the value of Ie/Ig is, while all other
ison between the experimental and the analysis results shows
parameters remain the same.
favourable agreement till the yielding of non-prestressed steel. Very
good agreement is observed for the first three specimens, but spec-
imen SCS7 has about 20% discrepancy between the computed and 4.4. Comparison of suggested method with PCI Design Handbook’s
measured deflections. Although the discrepancy in the last case is equation
a bit large, the computed deflections are on the safe side.
In computing Icr, the PCI Design Handbook [26] has proposed a
4.2. Experimental work by Harajli et al. [25] simplified equation for bonded prestressed concrete beams as
2 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
In this experimental programme, 9 two-span continuous con- Icr-PCI ¼ np Ap dp þ ns As ds ð1 1:6 np qp þ ns qs Þ ð13Þ
crete beams prestressed with external tendons were tested to
investigate the influence of the areas of the external prestressing where qp ¼ Ap =bdp and qs ¼ As =bds are the ratios of prestressed and
steel and ordinary bonded reinforcement, the profile of the exter- non-prestressed steel respectively.
nal tendons, and the configuration of the deviators on the strength The moments of inertia of cracked section based on Eq. (13)
and structural behaviour. Two concentrated loads were applied (designated as Icr-PCI ) and Eq. (8) (designated as Icr ) for all speci-
simultaneously at the midpoints of the spans as shown in Fig. 6. mens of Chan [24] were calculated as listed in Table 1, giving the
Each specimen had a typical rectangular cross-section with depth ratios of Icr to Icr-PCI between 1.016 and 1.128. The differences in
of 200 mm and width of 150 mm. Two types of prestressing ten- moment of inertia of cracked section based on Eqs. (8) and (13)
dons were adopted in the experimental programme, namely wires lead to variations of the corresponding effective moment of inertia
of 5 mm diameter and 7-wire strands of 8 mm nominal diameter. as well as the calculated deflections. In most cases, the PCI equa-
The target concrete compression strength was 41 MPa for all tion gives satisfactory results, while in some cases its discrepancies
specimens. are larger than those of the proposed method.
94 J.S. Du et al. / Engineering Structures 118 (2016) 89–96
300 Yielding of nonprestressed steel
300 Yielding of nonprestressed steel
Experimental Experimental
Calculated 100 Calculated
Chinese Code
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Mid-span deflection (mm) Mid-span deflection (mm)
(a) Specimen PCS2 (b) Specimen SCS1
A B External Tendons
1500 1500
35 60
160 B6D1 B6D2
140 200
Applied Load (kN)
1.0 1.0
0.8 SCS2 0.8
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
M/Mcr M/Mcr
Fig. 8. Typical variations of Ie/Ig versus M/Mcr for specimens with unbonded internal Fig. 9. Typical variations of Ie/Ig versus M/Mcr for specimens with unbonded
steel tendons. external AFRP tendons.
96 J.S. Du et al. / Engineering Structures 118 (2016) 89–96
Table 1 evaluated in the study. It is found that PCI equation can also give
Comparison of Icr based on Eq. (8) and Icr-PCI based on Eq. (13). satisfactory results but in some cases its discrepancies are larger
Specimen no. PCS1 PCS2 PCS3 PCS4 SCS1 SCS2 than those of the proposed method. Compared with the method
Icr (cm ) 13167.5 12,184 6706.6 6134.5 13433.9 12372.9 recommended by the current Chinese Code, the proposed method
Icr-PCI (cm4) 12822.4 11945.7 6603.3 5969.8 12202.4 11357.3 is more accurate in most of the cases examined. The proposed
Icr/Icr-PCI 1.027 1.020 1.016 1.028 1.101 1.089 method is applicable not only to members with the conventional
SCS3 SCS4 SCS6 SCS7 SCS8 SCS9 high-strength steel prestressing tendons, but also to those with
Icr (cm4) 6280.8 6275.2 9345.7 12937.4 6133 7906.7
tendons made of other materials such as fibre-reinforced polymer.
Icr-PCI (cm4) 5744.2 5561.8 8492.4 11789.2 5693.8 7272
Icr/Icr-PCI 1.093 1.128 1.100 1.097 1.077 1.087 Acknowledgements
Icr (cm4) 5720.6 7193.5 6827.3 8674.8 6862.3 8487.3
The work described in this paper has been supported by the
Icr-PCI (cm4) 5373.4 6715.2 6300.1 7983.3 6316.1 7844.3 Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Icr/Icr-PCI 1.065 1.071 1.084 1.087 1.086 1.082 Region, China (RGC Project No. HKU 710111E).
4.5. Comparison of proposed method with recommendation by Chinese
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