Araullo v. Aquino III
Araullo v. Aquino III
Araullo v. Aquino III
In its wake, as seen in the news, critics have gladly seized on DAP’s partial
unconstitutionality to raise scenarios of impeachment against the President, or raised
calls for the resignation of Budget Secretary Florencio “Butch” Abad.
These criticisms ride on the popular anger against “pork barrel” freely-disbursed lump
sum allocations such as the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) declared
unconstitutional in Belgica v. Executive Secretary – this time aimed at Malacañang
rather than Congress.
We will not join the bandwagon. We do not support the impeachment of the president
and we leave it up to Secretary Abad, an exemplary public official by any standard, to
discern whether his resignation will benefit the country. We trust he will make the right
In this article, we think beyond this politics of outrage, which could just be a moment or
are warnings of major upheavals ahead, and reflect on the longer term political and
governance implications of the DAP decision.
A judicial challenge to an act of the executive (or the legislative, for that matter), is
ultimately an act that seeks to limit an instance of the exercise of that governmental
power – when done right, in an effort to curb abuse and protect what is right. In parsing
DAP, in declaring some of Aquino’s actions constitutional, and some unconstitutional,
the Supreme Court had essentially left the President’s prerogative to augment proper
budget expenditures from proper budget savings intact, but clearly defined what
augmentation is not.
What augmentation is, according to the ponencia, and defined in Art. VI, Sec. 25 (5) of
the 1987 Constitution, and authorized within each year’s General Appropriations Act
(GAA), is the use of clearly-identified savings in the expenditures of government
departments and offices to augment clearly-identified, actual deficiencies within those
respective government departments and offices. What augmentation is not, however, is
to allocate what was not authorized as an expenditure in the GAA. It is not a transfer of
executive department savings to legislative lump sum allocations (cross-border
augmentation) – by virtue of the latter’s unconstitutionality, or at the very least, because
such itself violates Art. VI Sec. 25 (5).
There, too, was a problem in addressing the definition of “actual savings” that is the
source of augmentations. To quote from the ponencia, actual savings, strictly speaking,
is the money left over from GAA-authorized items which are “authorized was completed,
finally discontinued, or abandoned”; or because the policy targets were reached at lower
cost due to increased efficiencies; or because of vacant government positions or
leaves-of-absence without pay. Araullo held that it did not contemplate the use of
money that had yet to be used: the controversial “unobligated allotments” of slow-
moving government projects; or the unprogrammed funds, which are standby
appropriations authorized in the GAA, which are available only under specific
circumstances and conditions. One of DAP’s errors, but a critical one, was that it
considered funds otherwise not considered by law as “actual savings”, as actual
savings, making them available for disbursement by the President.
As with Belgica, Araullo exposes the underbelly of Philippine money politics: the roles
and powers over the budget-crossing borders. With PDAF, it was the legislature getting
an all-but-assured slice of the pie for legislators to spend on their own programs as they
see fit; a usurpation of executive roles. With the unconstitutional portions of DAP, it was
the Chief Executive allocating savings and unprogrammed funds to projects or
programs independent of authorized GAA allocations (including DAP handovers to
legislators); a usurpation of legislative functions. It would be crude but otherwise
uncomfortably close to the mark to describe a “DAP’ed” president as a mini-Congress,
and a “PDAF’ed” legislator as a mini-president.
Yet this confluence and contradiction of roles has likely subsisted in the foundations of
Philippine politics-in-practice – certainly since PHILCONSA v. Enriquez earlier ruled
pork barrel as constitutional, allowing the practice to continue with judicial leave. For all
the diatribes raised against Aquino in the wake of the PDAF scandal, the truth is that, as
with his predecessors, he had inherited prior practices of Philippine government that
have become so ingrained in political culture.
Other than outright malice (which has to be proven first!), nothing else but the honest
belief that “pork is right (if used right)” would have motivated congressmen who cried
foul and threats of impeachment over Belgica. And I do believe (despite others that
claim otherwise) that what motivated the administration on the exercise of and its
defensiveness with DAP was not the malice they denounce, but a similar honest belief
that the Executive could reallocate unused money as it did, for the good of the nation.
Ironically, it was Aquino’s own high standards of daang matuwid that allowed the Court
to resolve the DAP question as it did – or for the question to explode into public
consciousness as it did. The records of the case will reflect the packages of memoranda
and orders in relation to DAP money movements: amply documented and volunteered
upon summons.
Admittedly, and as will be elaborated later, an audit will still be necessary to uncover the
full story of DAP (and the Court did note that documents relating to DAP’s
conceptualization were “scarce”), but the evidence package offered in Court was
enough for the Justices to parse how the President exercised his powers, the bone of
contention in Araullo.
If anything, such level of documentary detail, readily presented upon order, would be
evidence of good faith on the part of the administration. Which is where our discussion
now turns to the question of impeachment against Aquino, or calls for Abad to resign.
Ever since last year, there has been an undercurrent of vindictiveness in the campaign
against pork. Understandable, given the scale of the scandal, and the defenses offered
by all the parties under attack – whether Senators Enrile, Estrada, or Revilla; or Aquino
or Abad – that some feel are just attempts to deflect or delay the inevitable
condemnation. And we feel that anger in critical op-eds, or the vitriol in the comment
boards of news outfits and social media.
Yet here we must demur. Legally and morally, to condemn requires proper evidence –
culpable violation in case of impeachment, or the commission of the elements of the
crime charged, in case of criminal prosecution. As Professor Randy David observed in
his Inquirer column, reflecting on his arrest in the wake of President Arroyo’s
Proclamation 1017, a policy being unconstitutional does not always mean the policy-
maker being criminal – or culpable for that matter.
Justice Marvic Leonen pointed it out clearly in his separate opinion: “…to rule that a
declaration of unconstitutionality per se is the basis for determining liability is a
dangerous proposition. It is not proper that there are suggestions of administrative or
criminal liability even before the proper charges are raised, investigated, and filed.”
If we keep insisting that government officials should always be held liable, especially
criminally liable, for acts subsequently declared to be unconstitutional by the Court, then
all government would be paralyzed by terror, unable to exercise such powers even
granted to them by the Constitution, for fear of the next prosecution (whether truly
aggrieved or politically motivated) thrown in their direction.
The Supreme Court may be the final arbiter of constitutionality, but by virtue of
separation of powers, the Executive and Legislature get first crack at interpretation of
the constitutionality of their acts (“contemporaneous construction”). Such interpretation
is still open to challenge by any aggrieved party, but a principle of law is that
constitutionality is generally presumed; its unconstitutionality must be proved. Until
proven otherwise, the law grants the President or Congress the benefit of the doubt.
This leads us to our next set of implications: governance. As pork had become
ingrained in national politics, it had also wormed its way into governance, into the
implementation of policy – and the spending of money on policy. PDAF again
demonstrates how dependent public services, even those provided by NGOs, were on
the largesse of legislators, such that the system could be manipulated with ghost NGOs.
It feeds into the patronage politics of Philippine governance: that public services and the
benefits every citizen receives, by law, from government is held hostage by the political
elite, who can then extract staying power and the occasional graft from his constituency
and budgetary allocation.
It should be noted that the same Secretary Abad critics are now wont to hang for DAP,
is the same Secretary Abad who declared, in his Metrobank Professorial Chair lecture
last year at the Ateneo School of Government, that the budget could be a tool for citizen
empowerment (particularly though inclusive budgeting reforms introduced under his
watch, such as bottom-up budgeting).
Padrino system
There will likely be a painful adjusting period as constituents suddenly find themselves
without a padrino, learning instead political habits of interest aggregation, interfacing
with representatives and bureaucrats, of leveraging policy planning and execution to
their benefit. As our colleagues have found in the G-Watch project, this learning process
is more needed – and more painful – outside the cities, in the bailiwicks of trapo
dynasties, and among a population so used to binyag-kasal-libing interaction with their
political representatives.
Padrinos and trapo dynasties may seem more the terrain of Congress, but Abad’s
concept of budget-as-empowering is sorely needed in Malacañang as well. Keynesian
economics does hold that government spending does have a stimulus effect on the
economy – Justice Leonen’s concurrence to Araullo noted this; exemplified by the
World Bank report cited in the majority that found DAP to have contributed 1.3% to the
2011 gross domestic product growth.
Yet a dependence on DAP as a stimulus tool may yet breed dependence on executive
“augmentations” in the name of economic growth.
In the earlier-referred Metrobank lecture, Abad had rightly described the national budget
as an arena of struggle among competing interests – but heretofore that struggle and
those interests were assumed to be in congressional deliberation, not executive
execution. This is the danger implied in Araullo’s finding that augmentations made
outside of GAA line items were unconstitutional, as were cross-border releases to
The accusation that DAP may have been used to secure the votes needed for Chief
Justice Renato Corona’s impeachment, or the RH Bill’s passage, stings the most in this
regard. True or untrue (or simply very uncomfortable timing), it has become highly
embarrassing for the Office of the President at the least. At most, it makes the Office of
the President as much a padrino of his own constituency (e.g., Congress) as a local
political lord.
Judicial decisions alone, however, will not color between the lines, so to speak.
Financial accountability is the reserve of the system of checks and balances among the
branches of government (which Araullo andBelgica thankfully clarify), and of the
Commission of Audit, its raison d’etre.
It also ought to be the resolve of citizens to watch over the effective and equitable
expenditure of public funds through project monitoring, and working with government –
a cause our school, the Ateneo School of Government, has championed through the
social accountability framework.
We would like to repeat, however, that this exercise in accountability must not turn into
an exercise of vindictiveness. Accountability based on threat (or at least threat alone), a
climate of fear of the hangman’s noose, will not be sustainable. Where liabilities can be
established, as Justice Leonen observed, there the proper cases may be filed (and if
the travails of the PDAF prosecution team be instructive, then those liabilities must be
thoroughly established).
But as with the Benhur Luy revelations, Araullo can help guide everyone’s hand in
establishing a better structure of public finance management and accountability. Fully
threshing out this promise is best left to a future article, but suffice to say
that Araullo and Belgica mitigate, if not eliminate, the risks opened up by the
earlier PHILCONSA ruling.
Admit mistakes
And to help stimulate both accountability and discussions for governance redesign, here
we must submit unsolicited, but hopefully useful, advice for the administration, to tone
down the self-righteous defensiveness.
So where does the country go from here? How does the Philippine polity “go cold
turkey”, bear the withdrawal symptoms from weaning itself from a dependence on pork
barrel? Money, legitimately or illegitimately appropriated and disbursed, had been used
in times past to grease the wheels of legislation and execution.
This is what Congress crowed about in the wake of Belgica, to take away the proverbial
prop upon which their Houses stand. But the very picture of “political horse-trading” did
not envision the exchange of money, especially the people’s money, but the
aggregation and trading of political, economic, and social interests deliberated openly,
for which the money will then be disbursed, and the reward is continued political (and
practical) relevance to their constituencies (as well as their respective salaries).
Idealistic, we know – even America struggles with corrupt money politics and pork,
though manifested in different forms (e.g., “earmarks”).
As with any intervention, it would help for the intervenors to approach their addict-
subject with detachment and compassion; with sensitivity as well as resolve.