Nuursnii Sudalgaa
Nuursnii Sudalgaa
Nuursnii Sudalgaa
Table of Contents
1. DEMAND SIDE .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 DATA COLLECTION PROCESS AND BACKGROUND OF THE INDUSTRY .................................... 1
1.2 ANALYSIS OF DEMAND ...................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Demand for Mongolian coal: overview ............................................................. 2
1.2.2 Mongolia’s internal consumption ....................................................................... 4
1.2.3 Geographical distribution and transportation of local demand .................... 4
1.2.4 Main local buyers and distributors ..................................................................... 6
LONG TERM 10 YEARS) ............................................................................................................... 6
1.4 FOREIGN DEMAND PROJECTION .......................................................................................... 8
1.4.1 Overview of shifts in world market for coal ................................................... 8
1.4.2 Overview of recent demand changes by major economies......................... 12
1.4.3 Changes in export transportation and logistics ............................................. 20
1.5 DEMAND IMPACTING POLICIES ......................................................................................... 21
1.5.1 Economic growth slowdown in China ............................................................. 22
1.5.2 Environmental issues and increase in renewable energy ............................. 23
1.5.3 China steel industry issue: oversupply, dumping and sanctions ................. 25
1.5.4 Free trade agreements ....................................................................................... 28
1.5.5 Further policies .................................................................................................... 28
1.8. CONCLUSION FOR DEMAND SIDE.................................................................................. 29
2. SUPPLY SIDE ........................................................................................................... 31
2.1 ANALYSIS OF SUPPLY........................................................................................................ 31
2.2 LOCAL SUPPLY ANALYSIS.............................................................................................. 31
2.3 SUPPLY COMPETITIVENESS ............................................................................................ 33
2.4 GLOBAL SUPPLY ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 42
2.5 CONCLUSION FOR SUPPLY SIDE .................................................................................... 49
3. COAL PRICE ............................................................................................................ 50
3.1 ANALYSIS OF PRICE .......................................................................................................... 50
4. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 57
5. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................... 60
1. Demand Side
10 1.6
0 0.0
China is the largest consumer of coal as well as the main export destination for Mongolian
coal. Therefore, we reviewed data on Chinese coal market in depth. Since China is a major
export destination of coal for not only Mongolia but many countries, there are large number
of studies available on Chinese coal market which we have reviewed and referred to in this
1.2 Analysis of Demand
The world coal consumption depends on several sectors such as power utilties, steel and
chemical industry. According to data, in 2012, electricity generation constituted 59% of the
world coal demand, industrial sector 36% and other sectors (residential and commercial) 4%
respectively (U.S Energy Information Administration, 2016).
The demand for coal can be divided into two markets. Demand for energy from coal depends
on power needs of the population, growing urbanization and environmental concerns, cost
of renewable energy, economic growth as well as fate of alternative energy sources such as
nuclear power. It is estimated that coal consumption for electricity generation would decline
gradually because of the shift towards renewable resource. For instance it has been estimated
in 2016 that share of coal in the total power generation may drop from 41% in 2012 to 29%
by 2040 (U.S Energy Information Administration, 2016). However, following the changes in
environmental policies around the globe initiated by the Trump administration in the US,
those estimations may change and coal may very well continue to be a leading source of
power generation in the foreseeable future.
The prospect of coking coal is relatively bright, as world steel production remains one of the
leading industries. However, the recent oversupply of steel on global market may lead to
temporary slump on the coking coal market, which happened between 2013-2016. Future
trends of coking coal are closely related to the competition on the global steel market.
Currently, Chinese steel industry is undercutting its major rivals and has been accused of
price dumping and WTO sanctions have been initiated.
1.2.1 Demand for Mongolian coal: overview
According to the NSO, Mongolian explored coal resources are equal to approximately 162
billion tons, and amount of coal extracted by private and public mines per annum was 24.2
million tons in 2015, of which private mines produced 13.9 million tons and public mines
produced 10.3 million tons respectively. In recent years, the decline in the price of coal
strongly affected its production. Specifically, Mongolian coal production and exports had
declined considerably in comparison with the previous years (Figure 3) but in 4Q 2016 exports
picked up and prices increased considerably.
Coal is the second main export commodity of the Mongolia and economy’s dependance on
coal grew rapidly from 2011. At the current stage, the main market for Mongolian coal is
China’s market. Overall, 99% of Mongolia’s exported coal went to China. In 2015, Mongolia
exported coal to another three countries-Singapore (1.53%), Great Britain (1.12%) and Russia
Mongolia produced 24.4 million tons of coal by the end of October 2016, of which
approximately 77% was exported. According to National Statistics Office (NSO), the amount
of exported coal by the end of October 2016 accounted to 18.7 million tons, representing an
increase by 7.2 million tons compared to same period of previous year while revenue from
coal export reached 609.6 million dollars constituting an increase by 141 million dollars
compared to the same period of the previous year. Coal export’s share in total exports
expanded from 11.9% in October 2015 to 16.3% in October 2016. Majority of the Mongolian
exports (over 80%) consist of minerals products while agricultural products, notably
cashmere, account for remaining part of exports. Table 1 shows share of internal
consumption of coal by different users as well as share of exports in the total coal
Coal revenue
Coal industry growth GDP growth Coal % of Mining Industry revenue
Source: (National Statistics Office, 2016), and (Mongolian Mining Journal, 2016)
Historically, the Mongolian coal exports reached its highest point of 21 million tons in 2011.
While coal exports have been fluctuating since 2011, domestic coal consumption has been
stable, fluctuating around 6-8 million tons per annum. In the first ten months of 2016,
Mongolia mined approximately 18.7 million tons of coal, 38% more compared to same period
of 2015.
Consumption, Share of the
million tons total (%)
Exports 15.9 66.77%
Of which: raw coal 13.3 55.83%
Of which: processed coal (CPP) 2.6 10.94%
Domestic consumption 7.8 32.60%
Of which: TPPs 6.7 27.97%
Of which: Enterprises 0.6 2.50%
Of which: Households 0.5 2.13%
Waste of transporting and storaging 0.2 0.63%
Total 23.9 100%
Source: Coal Balance Sheet-2015,, NSO
As shown in Table 1, in total, domestic and foreign (exports) consumption was 23.9 million
tons in 2015. Out of this, exports were 13.3 million tons, constituting the largest share, while
domestic consumption was at 10.4 million tons out of which consumption of coal preparation
plants stood at 2.6 million tons and the remaining 0.2 million tons registered as wasted
during transport and storage.
1.2.2 Mongolia’s internal consumption
Before 2012, internal consumption of coal used to comprise of coal used by thermal power
plants, enterprises and households. Also, over half of total households live in Ulaanbaatar
city, and usually use coal of Nalaikh, Baganuur, and Shivee-Ovoo mine during winter. Since
2010, additionally, preparation plants in Sharyn Gol and Ukhaa Khudag began to use coal
for coal handling, Ukhaa Khudag’s coal is destined for export. These coal preparation plants
used 24% of the total produced coal in 2012, and 33% in 2013, while their demand declined
in 2014 and 2015.
35 32
30 30 25 21 21
30 25 25 24 18
20 17
25 14
20 15
15 9 10 10 7
8 8 10
10 7 5 4
3 3 2 2 3
5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8
0 0
Consumption-Total Manufacturing
China Total export
Export Produced
Source: (National Statistics Office, 2016), and (Mongolian Customs General Administration, 2016)
In recent years, the decline in the price of coal strongly affected its production. Specifically,
Mongolian coal production and exports had declined considerably in comparison with the
previous years (Figure 4).
1.2.3 Geographical distribution and transportation of local demand
Figure 5 shows locations of the main local consumers as well as the type of transport they
use to bring coal.The main local consumers of coal are TPPs majority of which are located in
Ulaanbaatar. Consumption of TPPs as a share of domestic consumption constituted 64.4%
(6.7 million tons out of 10.4 million tons) of total domestic consumption while consumption
by enterprises and households constituted 5.8% and 4.8%, respectively.
The Mongolian power system is divided into three separate systems-Central, Eastern, and
Western. TPPs located in Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan and Erdenet city are creating the Central
Power System, the largest system of Mongolia. These TPPs have bigger capacity in
comparison with ones located in Western or Eastern Power System.
There are 17 TPPs owned fully or partially by state, with differing capacities. The Fourth
Thermal Power Plant has the largest capacity as it also includes the affiliated recently
expanded Amgalan Thermal Plant as its branch since its opening for operation in 2015, and
it is in total the biggest consumer of coal in the country.
*note: black points are the operating mines; red line-paved road; pink line-gravel road. Also, railway
is figured by black line. Please see more detailed information from
According to above figure, the Mongolian railway network covers provinces of Selenge,
Darkhan, Erdenet, Ulaanbaatar, Dornod, Khentii, Choir, and Dornogovi.
TPPs located in provincial centers, usually use gravel road to bring coal from mines because
of a lack of railway and paved road network. But TPPs in Ulaanbaatar generally use railway
to bring coal. For example, as illustrated in Appendix Table A4, TPPs in Ulaanbaatar use coal
from Baganuur, Sharyn Gol and Shive-Ovoo mines, and railway network connects them with
the mines.
1.2.4 Main local buyers and distributors
In 2015, the Mongolian domestic consumption was 7.8 million tons, with TPPs as main buyers
whose share in the local demand was 85.8% of total consumption, while enterprises and
households constituted 14.2%. In addition to these consumers, two coal preparation plants
– Sharyn Gol and Ukhaa khudag – have been operating since 2012, and used 2.6 million
tons in 2015.
Because of a lack of adequate infrastructure, most TPPs use gravel road to bring coal, and
negotiate with the nearest mine to purchase coal on annual basis. In other words, the plants
buy coal without participation of brokers. The two coal preparation plants, as they are located
next to the mines, do not use brokers to buy coal as well. The following figure shows the
Mongolian coal distribution chain.
№ Name Planned location Mine-1 Mine-2
Bayankhongor soum,
1 Thermal plant Uvurchuluun Bayanteeg 28.0
TOTAL 211.6
Erdenetsagaan soum,
16 Erdentsagaan Erdenetsagaan - 72
TOTAL 12,612.0
Source: Ministry of Energy, Government of Mongolia
A new coal preparation plant is expected to be built next to Tavan Tolgoi mine is reflected
in Table 2 in addition to 8 new TPPs to be built in provincial centers.
In addition to these TPPs which will be financed by Government of Mongolia, there are
another 8 Power Plants (PP) which will be funded by private sector. Of these PPs, Tavan
Tolgoi Power Plant will have the largest capacity of 700 MW, and its coal consumption will
be 1.42 million tons annually.
Within next 10 years, approximately 16 new TPPs and PPs will be built which are expected to
have their coal consumption at around 12.8 million tons of which state owned TPPs
consuming 211.6 thousand tons while privately owned PPs consuming 12.612 million tons. As
a result, coal consumption is expected to grow by 12.8 million tons within next 10 years
(from 7.8 million tons in 2015).
According to “The Mongolian Coal Program” which was developed by Ministry of Mining in
2011, domestic consumption would grow by additional 2 million tons by 2020 and by
additional 4.5 million tons by 2025 compared to consumption in 2015. In addition, export
will rise by 15 and 25 million tons for each period, respectively.
1.4 Foreign demand projection
1.4.1 Overview of shifts in world market for coal
In the world, there are few major coal exporters, such as Australia and Indonesia, USA and
Russia. On the other hand, major consumers of coal are Japan, Europe, USA, Korea, China
who use it for their energy and steel production.
Some countries, such as China and India, despite producing huge amounts of coal, consume
most of it domestically, gradually becoming leading importers. While most of the coal market
is a competitive market, it is subject to fluctuations caused by domestic policies of Japan,
China, USA and Europe that are regulating two major coal-related markets: energy and
Japan is shifting away from nuclear energy to safer technology such as coal based
technologies. Countries like India and Indonesia, feeling the need for more electricity,
increasing their coal-based energy while USA and China are trying to move away from coal
to gas and or renewables for energy generation mostly because of environmental concerns,
which is especially true for China.
The world coal market has gone through a difficult time in recent years. Prices have been
falling drastically in 2015 but rebounded in V-shape in late 2016, strongly affecting the world
market and leading fortunes of many companies to become bleak first, then actually making
it very attractive from an investment point of view.
Source: Bloomberg
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
China 3,764 3,625 3,596 3,542 3,460
India 864 906 960 1,008 1,056
United States 835 730 666 676 679
Russia 227 230 234 240 247
Germany 227 225 220 217 215
Japan 205 202 203 202 201
South Africa 189 179 185 192 199
South Korea 131 131 135 139 142
Poland 134 135 135 135 135
Australia 122 127 127 128 128
Others 1,161 1,141 1,149 1,177 1,208
World total 7,860 7,631 7,608 7,656 7,670
% change -0.2 -2.9 -0.3 0.6 0.2
Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA), and
Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU)
Industrial linkages as a demand factor
One of the main factors affecting demand and supply of coal is not the coal industry itself,
but the steel industry as it is a main consumer of electricity, partially produced by thermal
coal, and also uses a lot of coking coal as a main input for steel production. In that sense,
coal demonstrates strong complementarities with steel production. As steel production
increases, there is more demand for coal and vice verse.
700 670
500 515
USA China Western Europe World Export Price
45% 1700
China's share
million tones
30% 25%
15% 425
0% 0 0%
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
India US Japan EU China Steel Output
As the competition in the steel market intensified and steel prices crashed by 2012, the
increasing supply of coal from Australia, Indonesia, Russia, China itself and Mongolia led to
an oversupply of coking coal, leading to fall in ts price. The fall in the price of coal lasted 4
years, from 2012 to 2016, which coincides with the fall in the price of steel.
120 270
60 150
0 30
1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014
Australia United States Canada
South Africa Indonesia Australia United States Canada
Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA), and Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU)
This fall in the price of coal could be viewed as very beneficial for China, which gained
through cost savings for its steel industry as well as cost savings for its energy sector since
85% of its electricity is produced by coal. Using this combination, despite falling steel price
in the world market, Chinese steel exports were able to expand very fast in the last 4 years.
For thermal coal, last few years were tough. Thermal coal at the port of Newcastle in
Australia, a global benchmark, dropped to $50.63 a ton in the week ended on Dec. 25, 2015,
the lowest since December 20061. Overall, prices have declined by 18% only in 2015. There
were various factors behind price decline in coal markets, especially for thermal coal.
Global coal, 2016.
showing strong growth in demand for coal, amid robust economic expansion and rising
Following the major price decline in the world market, in many countries, there was a
significant decline in coal production and many coal companies experienced serious financial
difficulties2. As estimated, the problems for coal industry continued for most of 2016.
As the fall in prices continued for most of 2016, supply has been adjusting slowly to the fall
in demand in early 2016 with the some significant supply cuts being made in the US with a
surge in bankruptcies of coal companies, including major companies as Arch Coal and
1.4.2 Overview of recent demand changes by major economies
The USA is one of the largest producer and exporter of coal. However, it has been hit hard
by the recent fall in coal prices, by environmental policies and by the shift to LNG and other
energy sources. Large US coal producers are the ones hit the hardest by recent price
fluctuations and it will take some time before they can revive their capacity.
Domestically, the Clean Power Plan (CPP), the Obama administration's flagship environmental
policy, was announced in 2015. The Clean Power Plan, aimed at reducing carbon pollution
from power plants, the nation’s largest source of emissions, while maintaining reliability and
affordability of energy, envisions to reduce domestic greenhouse gas emissions by more than
a quarter by the year 2025, relative to their 2005 levels.
In addition, on August 3, 2015, EPA issued Final Carbon Pollution Standards for new,
modified, and reconstructed power plants, and proposed a Federal Plan and a model rule to
assist states in implementing the Clean Power Plan. These were the first-ever US standards
that address carbon pollution from power plants.
The Clean Power Plan, aimed at cutting significant amounts of carbon emissions from power
plants as well as emissions of other pollutants that cause soot and smog which are harmful
to health, layd the foundation for a long-term strategy that is needed to tackle the threat
of climate change while advancing clean energy innovation, development, and deployment.
By providing the states and the utilities the flexibility and the time needed to achieve these
pollution cuts, the Clean Power Plan offered the power sector the ability to optimize pollution
reductions while maintaining a reliable and affordable supply of electricity for citizens and
The Clean Power Plan (CPP) triggered protest and opposition by many states as well as coal
companies and businesses, following which the Supreme Court decided to pend the
implementation of the Clean Power Plan until judicial review. Officials from 24 Republican-
controlled US states wrote to the Trump Administration, as well as to the leaders of GOP
House and Senate majority, urging them to ensure quick cancellation of the Clean Power
Plan and to introduce legislation that would block similar policies in the future. However, a
number of CPP supporting states also emerged. Top legal officials in more than a dozen
Even in Australia, a leading coal supplier in the world, difficulties in coal sector were substantial. For example,
a local leading producer Cockatoo Coal is considering whether to sell or close its 1Mtpa Baralaba North LVPCI
Mine in Central Queensland after the company went into voluntary administration in the December Quarter of
2015. In USA, A United States (US) bankruptcy court judge has approved the sale of Walter Energy's mostly
coking (met) coal production assets to a group of investors called Coal Acquisition LLC. Another US producer
Arch Coal entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in January 2015. In November 2015, Arch reported a US$2bn
September Quarter net loss and stated it would have problems servicing its US$5.1bn debt. Source: AME,
states have asked President-elect not to abandon the CPP. In addition to Massachusetts, the
letter of support for CPP is endorsed by the attorneys general of New York, California,
Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont,
Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia, along with local government officials in
Boulder, Colorado, New York City, Florida and Miami. Either way, in the USA, the CPP has
led to nation-wide divide and a possible prolonged legal fight over the policy.
With this in mind, it is highly probable that the CPP will not be implemented in the USA.
With the new Trump administration3, it is estimated that the US coal consumption is expected
to rise modestly in 2017-18, by 1% a year on average. As expected, this will be driven by
higher natural gas prices, which will prevent utilities from further switching from coal to gas
, as well as by the exhaustion of coal-fired capacity retirements covered under the USA
Mercury and Air Toxics Standards regulations.
Trump administration policies will impact the implementation of the Paris agreement as well
as worldwide environmental agreements in general. This has direct implications for world
coal market, as coal is considered as one of the main sources of carbon emissions. It is
already clear that US may pull out of Paris agreement completely.
While the USA tried to cut its thermal coal consumption but without success, utilities in Japan
are increasingly switching to cheap coal4 as a way to reduce its nuclear energy consumption.
In 2000, Japan's coal demand was only slightly bigger than its LNG consumption, around 60
million tons a year versus 55 million tons of LNG, but since then gas consumption has stalled
while coal imports have nearly doubled.
The Fukushima accident led to a drastic reduction in the use of nuclear power generation
(Mita, 2016). However, Japan has restarted a limited number of nuclear power stations
located in Sendai, Takahama, and Ikata, and planning to restart more stations for operation.
Even though it will take some time, as many stations as before the Fukushima accident will
probably be operational in the coming years.
Trump signed an executive order in March 2017 calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to
review the Obama-era Clean Power Plan.
Japan recently gave environmental approval to three more coal-fired power plants out of 45 planned.
Source: METI
Following the changes, on April 11, 2014, the government of Japan decided to approve the
new Strategic Energy Plan and in 2015, Japan has changed its Long term energy strategy.
The new plan puts more emphasis on energy conservation and safety issues (Morita, 2016).
Basic viewpoint of the new energy policy
1. 3E (Energy Security, Economic Efficiency, Environment) + S (Safety)
2. Importance of the Global Viewpoint
3. Importance of the Economic growth viewpoint
Based on the Cabinet decision, the Advisory Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
announced the Long-term energy supply/demand outlook In July 2015. The outlook indicates
the desirable structure of supply/demand in 2030 that should be realized.
Japan’s thermal coal imports rose by 4.8% to a record high of 114.145 million tons in 20155.
However, with the country’s long-term commitment to worldwide environmental goals, it is
not so clear in which direction the energy consumption6 will go.
However, looking at number of coal stations planned, it can be concluded that the coal
consumption in the Japan’s energy production will remain significantly high for years to
"The figures are consistent with the government's 2030 basic energy plan which aims to reduce LNG usage and
maintain coal," Tom O'Sullivan of energy consultancy Mathyos Japan.
Japan's trading houses are decreasing coal investments over concerns about the environmental fallout, Reuters
reported on June 16 2016. Mitsui plans to cut its investment exposure to coal by a third within three years, citing
environmental concerns after the U.N. climate agreement in Paris 2015. Another trading house, Sojitzu, also said
it would limit investments in coal due to environmental issues, after Tokyo agreed at 2015's U.N. climate
conference to cut carbon emissions by 26% by 2030 from 2013 levels. However, the Paris agreement itself
maybe endangered by the position of Trump administration in USA on carbon reduction.
The Earthquake
Production 2010 Consumption 2010 Production 2013 Consumption 2013
Koji Morita, Board Member, Director, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
thermal power generation. China, a major coal importer, imported a total 204.06 million tons
of coal in 2015, including lignite, thermal and coking coal, which is a reduction of around
29.9% from the year before (General Administration of Customs (GAC) on January 13,
2016). In Western Europe, power generation continues its slow shift to alternatives, notably
natural gas and renewable energy. The estimate is that growth in global coal demand will
fall reaching 0.2% by 2018.
The NEA estimates that China, in 2016, consumed 3.96 billion tons of coal, 550 million tons
of oil and 205 billion cubic meters of natural gas. In 2016 China’s thermal power generation
increased in line with its strong economic growth and rising electricity consumption. Growth
in China's electricity generation will be met with coal-fired capacity as China has over 200
gigawatts of coal-fired power plants under construction but the utilization rate of coal plants
has fallen to below 50%. However, policies related to coal-fired power plants will have
strong impact8. According to Energy Transition Advisors, a consulting firm, around 114
gigawatts of planned capacity increases were canceled in the first half of 2016, as more
concerted efforts are being made to match the supply of coal-fired power generation
capacity with demand for electricity from coal. China’s imports of thermal coal—including
bituminous and sub-bituminous coal– fell by 38.17% compared to previous year to 83.21
million tons in 2015, according to the General Administration of Customs.
In 2015 domestic electricity production grew by 0.5%, or 25 billion kilowatt-hours, from a
year earlier, however, currently the highest increase in power production comes from
renewable energy sources such as solar power with an increased capacity of 20 billion
kilowatt-hours and hydraulic power with an increased capacity of 70 billion kilowatt-hours,
the wind power with an increased capacity of 40 billion kilowatt-hours as well as nuclear
power with increased capacity of 30 billion kilowatt-hours. Coal-fired power generation
dropped more than 4%, according to the National Statistics Bureau.
As for China’s domestic steel production and related coking coal demand, prices went into
a steep decline in 2013-2014 and China’s coking coal imports fell by 30% from a year earlier
to 48 million tons in 2015. Several major steel mills and coke plants were shut because of a
slowing economy, while the government has clamped down on the sector by squeezing credit
availability and limiting output. In 2015 coking coal spot prices have fallen by almost a third
since the beginning of the year. Prices fell to the $100/t cfr and have since declined by
another 20% to around $79.08/t for low-vol coking coal.
In 2015, Australia remained China's largest seaborne supplier of coking coal with shipments
of 25.7 million tons, 17.6% lower than a year earlier. Mongolia was the second-largest
supplier with 12.7 million tons, down by 14.2% from 2014. Shipments from Canada fell by
29% to 5.7 million tons over the same period. Imports from Australia were supported as
steel mills entered the spot market to restock after China eliminated its 3% import tariff on
China will further limit construction of coal-fired power plants by cancelling some projects that were already
approved in 2016, the National Energy Administration (NEA) said on 20 October 2016. The agency will also stop
the building of any project that started in 2016 and reassess the schedule for those that started in 2015, it said.
It was not immediately clear how many plants this might involve. The NEA will also limit the capacity of some
big coal power projects in major coal producing regions that are still under construction, it said. In northwestern
Xinjiang, the planned output for the East Junggar Basin Coal Electricity Complex plant will be cut in half, while
in northern Inner Mongolia, the Xinlingol project capacity will be capped at 7.3 GW per year by 2020, it said. The
plan is an expansion of the government's prolonged effort to produce power from renewable energy such as
solar and wind, and wean the country off coal, which accounts for the majority of the nation's power supply.
Source: China Coal Resource
Australian coking coal on 20 December under the free-trade deal agreed by the countries in
However, the general supply decrease and rebound in economic growth in China9, as well as
the rising Chinese exports of steel, led to increase in prices for coking coal in 2016 and the
increase in imports as well. Already by May 2016, China’s coking coal imports surged by
135.7% compared to previous year. The yearly increase was mainly due to the tight supply
amid coal producers’ strict implementation of production cut as well as a 1.8% year-on-year
rise of crude steel output. The average price of imported coking coal was $57.9/t in May
2016. However, since then, coking coal has staged a dramatic recovery, rising by 164%
which has made it the best performing commodity of 2016.
Asian and European coal markets
In Europe, demand for coal is falling since 2013, mostly because of the shift to alternative
sources of energy in more developed countries. UK coal consumption is in structural decline,
and the British government remains committed to phasing out coal-fired power by 2025.
Four plants, with over 6 gigawatts of capacity, were retired in 2016, and the impact of these
closures will continue to be felt in 2017 when the UK’s coal consumption fall by 11%. In
most of Europe, however, coal-fired power generation remains a key source of the power
China’s policymakers injected a huge amount of cash into the banking system and announced a large number
of growth supporting infrastructure projects in 2016. This boosted construction activity and demand for
steelmaking materials such as iron ore and coking coal. The credit surge was followed by the 276-day policy, which
first lifted the price of thermal coal, used to generate electricity in power stations. Coking coal started its rise in
July when heavy rain and flooding reduced supply from Shanxi province.
centre-left Social Democratic Party, “it was unlikely that coal would be phased out by the
However, while in Europe the coal consumption is steady or slowly decreasing, in Asia the
growth in thermal coal consumption is spectacular. Many developing countries in Asia are
viewing coal as an attractive and cheap energy source. Even developed countries like Japan
or Taiwan are importing more coal. Taiwan, for example, imported 6.3 million tons of thermal
coal in April 2016, climbing 11% year on year and up by 24% on month to an eight-month
high. Suppliers like Indonesia or Australia are supplying thermal coal, but there are also
imports from Russia.
South Korea plans to shut 10 of its aging coal-fired power plants by 2025, (Paris climate
summit promise) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Coal accounts for 40% of South
Korea's electricity supplies, but the country is hoping to tilt the balance of its energy mix
towards cleaner fuels to reduce pollution. Korea wants to spend about 42 trillion won ($36
billion) in renewable energy investment by 202010. In Korea, among the country's remaining
43 coal power plants, eight plants that are more than 20-years old will be retrofitted with
improved parts to curtail emissions, while the rest, operational for under 20 years, will get
expanded emission-reduction facilities.
Korea expects the shutdown of the 10 old coal power plants, which have a combined capacity of 3.3 GW, to
lower fine dust levels by 24% by 2030, from 2015 levels. State-run utilities will spend 10 trillion won for the
closure and for the upgrade of existing power plants by 2030 to lower emissions. Of the 10 plants that Seoul
plans to retire, two will replace coal with biomass from 2017.
such as natural gas and renewable energy in the country's energy mix by 2029. In the short-
term, however, its demand for coal is expected to shoot up as new plants come online.
Other countries like India, Vietnam, and Indonesia are planning to increase their thermal coal
power station capacity, but may supply them more from its domestic production.
The coking coal in Asia, however, is the one which is definitely witnessing increasing demand
over the years. There are rising new demand for coking coal from emerging countries in
addition to existing world consumers such as Japan, China, and Korea, mainly driven by their
developing steel industries. It generally requires 0.9 ton of coking coal to produce one ton
of steel.
One of those countries is India. India is now driving the growth in the global coal demand,
not only in Asia, but globally. During 2017 to 2018, India is expected to lead the global
demand with average consumption growth of 4.9% a year. Coal currently accounts for about
three-quarters of India's power generation. India has over 300 billion tons of coal reserves,
only about 10% of which are coking coal, and a large chunk of that remains unexplored till
date. The Indian government had imposed 2.5% duty on coking coal imports in 2014, in
order to rationalize the duty structure on all varieties of non-agglomerated coal. Recent
estimates show that India is currently constructing coal fired power plants with capacity of
around 60 gigawatts for electricity generation. However, in an effort to decrease its thermal
coal imports, India is trying to cancel some new planned capacity.
On the other hand, with increases in steel production, imports of coking coal in India have
been on the rise for the last few years. For coking coal, India needs to rely largely on
imported coking coal coming from various countries, including Australia, South Africa, and
others. India imported 43.5 million tons in the last fiscal year, a 123% increase compared to
19.5 million tons in the 2010-11 fiscal year. The country's steel industry consumed 66 million
tons of coal in 2014-15 fiscal year which is a three-fold increase from 2005-06 fiscal year.
Almost two-thirds of coking coal consumption were contributed by imports, according to a
study (Yang & Huo, 2016). The domestic steel industry would require 96 million tons of
coking coal by 2020, considering projections of the India's steel production. In light of this
projected increase, Indian steel makers, such as JSW Steel, Essar Steel, and others, asked for
abolition of 2.5% import duty on coking coal.
This growing demand for coking coal allowed coking coal producers to increase their prices
recently as well as made them rather optimistic about the projections. Australia is emerging
as a leading coking coal supplier for steel companies. According to a briefing by Mike Henry,
president of BHP Billiton’s minerals operations for Australia, BHP Billiton is expecting strong
growth in steel production in India and China. BHP’s existing coking coal portfolio allows it
to utilize its low-cost capacity as the company plans further to reduce cash costs to $52/t
in fiscal year 2017 at its Queensland coal mines, down by 20% from the fiscal year ended
on June 30, 2015. BHP Billiton expects to boost its coal output by 8% over the three years
until June 2018, and plans to cut costs by 16% over the next year to boost profits. It also
wants to maximize its output from existing mines to 44 million tons in the fiscal year of
2017 and to 46 million tons in the fiscal year of 2018, from the 42.5 million tons planned in
the fiscal year of 2016. BHP was focusing on cost reduction, with the aim to have low-cost
supply ready even if the coking coal prices increased. BHP said the coal business has delivered
over $3 billion of productivity gains since 2012 and the company was targeting another $600
million by the end of its 2017 financial year. BHP is now focused more on Queensland coking
coal, withdrawing from some other countries.
Another major coking coal producer Glencore signed a coking coal contract at price of $200/t
with Asian mills in the fourth quarter of 2016. The price is more than double the the previous
quarter's benchmark of $92.50/t FOB Australia . Peabody Energy has sold North Goonyella
premium mid-vol coal at price of $200/t FOB to Japanese steelmaker Nippon Steel under
contract for the fourth quarter 2016.
1.4.3 Changes in export transportation and logistics
Since coal is one of the products which is traded in huge volumes, changes in related
infrastructure in the region have a huge impact on coal prices. There are two related trends:
one is when coal prices were low, the transport companies tried to cut down their tariffs to
become more cost competitive; another is the development of infrastructure which cut costs
and makes countries more competitive. As coal prices were collapsing everywhere in the
world, some of the price falls was amortized by a reduction in transportation costs as traders
began to lower freight charges. Countries such as Indonesia and Australia have gained a lot
of reduction in freight costs and were actually able to benefit from it despite the sharp fall
in price of coal. Moreover, new shipments from Africa also started recently through seaborne
As transportation tariffs decreased, coal from far destinations became cheaper to trade.
That created new trade opportunities. For example, Vale initiated the first shipment of coal
from Africa to Poland, which would be the first direct shipment of Nacala coking coal to
Swinoujscie in Poland. Vale shipped Mozambique coal from Beira to Poland in 2015 as part
of a regular sales to Europe, and the company used the smaller port until the new rail and
port facilities at the deep-water Nacala were open. "Poland has never imported substantial
amount of coal from Africa, its main partner is the Russian Federation that accounts for
more than 60% of its imports," Luigi Bruzzone, an analyst at Banchero Costa, said, adding
that Vale expects coal production to reach 11 million tons/year in 2016 and 22 million
tons/year in 2017. In November 2015, Vale also had sent the first shipment of coking coal
from Nacala to the west coast of India.
Coal prices and Chinese railway freight charges
As China’s economic growth slowed down in recent years, the amount of rail freight fell by
about 10% from 2014 to 2015, the largest decline the country has ever seen, because of
fewer shipments of bulk commodities such as coal and steel. For example, Daqin line, China’s
leading coal-dedicated rail line, transported 24.85 million tons of coal in April of 2016, down
by 18.9% from a year earlier. Daqin rail line transported 108.13 million tons of coal over the
period from January to April of 2016, which is a fall by 20.86% compared to same period
of previous year. China's local railway authorities had offered 10% discount to boost coal
transportation when demand for shipment was low following weak demand for power.
Furthermore, the government of China offered more investment in the sector and planned
to invest over 2.8 trillion yuan (S$617 billion) to build more than 23,000 kilometers of railway
lines over the next five years. The state-run Economic Information Daily said this was part
of China's 13th Five-Year plan, a blueprint for economic and social development between
2016 and 2020, which Chinese leaders agreed on during a meeting on June 29. The focus
will be on inter-city projects as well as the central and western regions of the country, and
that the central government will increase budgetary funds to support the sector. Almost 3.5
trillion yuan has been spent on China's railway sector since 2011, far exceeding the 2.8 trillion
yuan target from the country's 12th Five-Year plan, the newspaper said. The railway
construction will increase demand for materials like steel products and cement, which is
expected to further support metallurgy, machinery and steel sectors.
However, as coal prices increased, the transportation companies began to increase their
freight charges. China’s leading local railway authorities in the coal-rich northern provinces
have rolled out measures to increase rail freight rates. The Taiyuan and Zhengzhou railway
bureaus have resumed the standard freight rate set by the central government by eliminating
previous 10% discount to boost shipment. The Xi'an bureau called off a 0.01 yuan/
discount for coal deliveries within its administration. The Urumchi Bureau also increased
freight rate by 5% from the national standard. This was led by the surge in thermal and
coking coal prices. As the prices increased, China’s Ministry of Transport released a
document, stipulating new size of trucks and ordering that trucks' weight shouldn't exceed
49 tons, effective from September 21, 2016. With the new regulation, truck freight cost of
coal roseby 30-50 yuan/t on the whole, prompting shippers to tap rail cars that have been
relatively cheaper but generally beyond the easy reach of small-sized miners and traders. This
further led to increase in demand for rail shipments for coal in September 2016. China's
leading coal-dedicated Daqin line, mentioned above, transported 29.71 million tons of coal
in September, up by 2.2% on a month.
As further price hikes became more costly for power companies, China decided not to
increase rail freight rate for coal in the foreseeable future to reduce the burden on power
companies. Multiple local railway administrations have recently increased freight rate for
coal, and no further upward adjustment will be made, said Zhang Manying, one price
inspector of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), on November 9,
2016. Recent tightness in rail wagons resulted mainly from increased pre-winter restocking
activities, coupled with newly implemented truck transport rules that strictly restrict
overloading with heavy fines. This has prompted China's rail operator – China Railway
Corporation (CRC) – to halt or limit rail transport of non-coal cargoes and spare transport
capacity to deliver coal from the main production bases of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner
Mongolia. The price increase in coal and increase in freight charges were, therefore, very
closely related in China.
1.5 Demand impacting policies
China is the export market for Mongolian coking coal, however, its demand is very much
influenced by the state of its steel industry and economy. The Chinese economy continues
to be hit by a number of economic problems in recent years. Serious problems in the Chinese
economy will affect negatively the demand for coal in the country.
Russia, 0.53%
China, 96.81%
Great Britain,
The recent data of summer 2016 shows manufacturing industry is still contracting, with employment falling
every month for the past two years, and the growth of private sector investment (which drives 65% of the
economy) has fallen sharply to 3.9% in the first five months of 2016, compared to 10% growth in 2015. “There’s
no chance that China has bottomed out. The idea that China has bottomed out should be stricken from the
lexicon, because China is on a long-term slowdown. The question is whether they can engineer this the way they
want or whether the circumstances are dictated to them,” Leland Miller who produces the China Beige Book.
Bloomberg estimates that China suffered a net outflow of US$1 trillion in 2015 – almost 10% of GDP. This
represents a historic reversal after years of net inflows. Brexit and capital outflow cost to the Chinese state has
been astronomical with its foreign exchange reserves cut to US$3.19 trillion in May 2016 from a peak of US$4
trillion two years earlier.
Theoretically, the capital outflow may force Beijing into a drastic devaluation of the yuan in parallels with the
1997 Asian Crisis.
Total social financing (TSF), a broad measure of new credit, soared 41% from the same quarter a year earlier
to 6.59 trillion yuan (US$1 trillion) in first quarter 2016.
George Soros, the billionaire speculator, warned recently that China’s dependence on debt bears an “eerie
resemblance” to the conditions leading up to the 2008 financial crisis in USA. The explosive growth of shadow
banking in particular betrays many similarities with the US. This is an area of the economy where, by definition,
state control doesn’t exist.
Beijing-based economist Anne Stevenson-Yang says the economy has experienced a “dead panda bounce”
rather than a real recovery. “Behind what looks like recovery in the Chinese economy are massive new injections
of liquidity and unrelenting jawboning from the top about the strength of the economy”.
The credit increase may also lead to the debt crisis. Economist Charlene Chu, an expert on
China’s banks, believes an “aggressive bailout” of the banking system will soon be needed.
She estimates the real extent of bad loans – officially just 1.75% – is around 22% of total
banking assets. This is not far from the estimates of Hong Kong-based brokerage CLSA,
published in a May 2016 report, which puts non-performing loans (NPLs) at the “crisis level”
of 19%. With total assets (i.e. loans) worth US$28 trillion, this means a staggering US$5 to
6 trillion in NPLs. As China’s economy has slowed to its weakest growth in 25 years, probably
substantially below the 6.9% that is claimed by Beijing in 2015, the debt mountain has
continued to grow. A report by Goldman Sachs (2 July 2016) says China’s debt-to-GDP level
rose from 154 to 249% between 2008 and 2015 – a result that “ranks in the 98th%ile of
debt buildups in modern history.” According to this report, only countries that have been at
war have experienced anything close and the further weakening of yuan is just a matter of
One of the problems which arose due to massive credit increase is the issue of shadow
banking. Recent economic boom led to excessive growth in investment in stocks and growth
in wealth management products19. The shadow banking is estimated to be an $8 trillion
industry in the country. It involves far greater financial risks because it is outside government
regulation and spreads its financial tentacles in ways that even insiders don’t understand.
Shadow finance is especially popular with regional and local governments and the state-
owned banks which in reality are dictating the growth of shadow banking, using this as a
“hidden second balance sheet” to conceal the full extent of their assets and liabilities. At the
same time, much of the corporate debt accumulated from the giant stimulus package of
2008 is turning bad.20
A large amount of credit also went to urbanization and property market in the country. With
the government credit easing policies, China’s property market has shown signs of
stabilization after turmoil on property markets earlier. The People's Bank of China (PBOC)
has also cut interest rates repeatedly since November 2014. Indeed, China's top-30 cities'
full-year property sales hit a historical high in 2015. A China analyst Churchouse, who
specializes in real estate in Asia, said the Chinese property market was in its "second bull
market since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008." Although there were concerns of a bubble
in some cities, the rise in property prices also reflects a real demand, he said. "It's important
for China as it moves from an export-led and investment-led economy to a domestic
consumption-led economy that the property market is a big part of that domestic-led
growth," Churchouse explained.
1.5.2 Environmental issues and increase in renewable energy
A major policy that can potentially and significantly decrease China’s demand for thermal
coal is its increasing shift to clean energy. The share renewables in the total energy
consumption will increase to 15% by 2020 from 12% in the 12th Five-Year Plan period, while
According to Moody’s, China’s shadow banking sector grew 30% in 2015, to US$8 trillion (around 80% of
GDP). Furthermore, the fastest growth sector has been for Wealth Management Products (WMPs) which are
sold as ‘investments’ but are mostly just bundles of ‘junk’ debt repackaged and sold with promises of a higher-
than-average payout.
Official figures for non-performing loans (NPLs), i.e. loans that are in default or close to default, currently
given as 1.75% but several recent reports indicate the real level is 10 to 20 times higher. Reporting from Xi
Jinping’s former power base, Zhejiang province, where the official NPL ratio stands at 2.39%, the Financial Times
(30 May 2016) found that “local bankers estimated that the province’s real NPL ratio is likely in the region of 20-
at least 150 GW of coal-fired power projects will be canceled or delayed during the period.
The plan indicates the nation's resolve in shifting from fossil fuels to clean energies, which
is expected to put the economy on a more sustainable track.
Following the widespread environmental issues, coal, steel, and concrete production in China
faces tighter restrictions in 2016. New rules to combat air pollution came into effect on 1
January 2016 while courts are likely to continue using a revised Environmental Protection Law
to enforce change. The Environment Protection Law is one option of imposing uncapped
penalties on the country’s dirtiest companies. Introduced at the start of 2015, the EPL
imposed over US $50 million in fines in its first eight months of 2015.
Moving to non-fossil energy is accelerating. It is estimated that the installed capacity of non-
fossil energies will reach some 770 GW or 39% of total installed capacity by 2020, compared
to 250 GW in 2015, and clean energies will contribute 31% of total power output by 2020.
By 2020, the installed capacity of gas-based power may stand at over 110 GW or 5% of the
total, while that of coal-fired electricity will be controlled below 1.1 TW or 55% of the total.
China's installed capacity of nuclear power is targeted to grow by 16.5% annually to 58 GW
over the next five years, while that of the wind and solar power will amount to 210 GW and
110 GW, with annual increases of 9.9% and 21.2%, respectively. By the end of 2015, the
country's installed capacity for power generation stood at 1.53 TW, with hydropower, coal-
fired and nuclear power accounting for 21.1%, 65.56% and 1.7% respectively. The first batch
of solar thermal power projects in China was publicized by NEA on September 14 in 2016,
and the country's total installed capacity of solar power generation is expected to reach 10
GW by 202021.
At the United Nation Climate Change Conference (COP22), China declared that it would
continue to wean the economy from coal-fired to more sustainable one. China had just
released a five-year plan on November 4, 2015 for cutting carbon emissions levels which is
aiming to cut greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 18% compared to its level in
2015 by the end of 2020. It is assumed that the country is moving faster than expected
along the path to de-carbonize its economy to meet the target set in the Paris Agreement.
The nation pledged to cut emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45%, compared to the level in
2005, by 2020, which is suggesting that CO2 emissions would peak in 2030. By the end of
2015, China cut its carbon intensity by 5.6%, far better than the proposed 3.6% target
outlined in the 12th Five-Year Plan.
As a part of a move away from coal, the country planned to build more than 60 nuclear
power plants over the next 10 years22, as declared at the World Nuclear Association
Symposium in London on September 16, 2016. The country's three major nuclear companies
-- State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC), China National Nuclear Corporation,
and China General Nuclear Power Corporation will each build at least two nuclear power
plants annually. Among the 60 plants, SNPTC vice president Zheng Guangming said six to
ten will use Chinese-developed CAP1400 technology.
Simultaneously, the State Power Investment Corporation (SDIC), a giant energy company in
China, aims to close 1.353 GW coal-fired power capacity involving 23 generating units during
Source: China Coal Resource
Orient Securities, a securities trading and financing services provider, estimated that China's nuclear facilities
will have a 20 billion yuan ($3 billion) market in the next five years. China now has 30 nuclear reactors in
operation and another 21 under construction. According to the plan, China will allocate $570 billion to set up new
nuclear plants, aiming to derive 10% of its energy from nuclear power by 2030.
the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), in response to the government-led supply-side
reform and de-capacity drive.
According to the UN's annual environment report, China invested a total of $103 billion in
renewable energy in 2015 which constitutes 36% of total world investment in renewable
energy. The country also has 26 nuclear reactors currently under construction, another 40 in
the planning stage and more than 100 being proposed which would require a five-fold
increase in the country's uranium requirements. Also, the country is planning to increase its
wind and solar power capacity by more than 21% and have at least 20 gigawatts of new
wind power installations and 15 gigawatts of additional photovoltaic capacity next year,
according to the NEA.
Falling renewable energy cost would also help this trend. According to a report published by
IRENA, by 2025, average electricity costs for solar photovoltaic could fall by 59%, offshore
wind power costs could fall by 35%, and onshore wind power costs could see a 26%
reduction, compared with the level in 201523. Electricity prices for concentrated solar power
could also fall by as much as 43%, depending on the technology used, according to the
report, which highlighted the significant cost differences that exist today and signaled the
strong potential for future cost reductions for G20 members.
The IEA predicts that in 2021, more than one-third of global solar photovoltaic and onshore
wind capacity will be located in China. However integrating that capacity could be difficult
given the slowdown in demand for electricity and the relatively high cost of renewables
compared with fossil fuels. The country installed over 160 GW of non-hydro renewables since
2010, mostly supported by the "feed-in tariff", which was aimed at promoting investment in
renewables, requiring power companies to purchase green energy at a set cost. But the FIT
also caused renewable energy to be costlier than fossil fuels such as coal. The rapid growth
in renewables, in turn, also increased the financial burden, with the renewable energy
surcharge more than tripling over the last five years since its introduction in 2009, the IEA
1.5.3 China steel industry issue: oversupply, dumping and sanctions
Since 2013, the China’s steel industry has been in oversupply and experienced a rapid fall in
prices as both domestic and international markets experienced fall in demand following the
slowdown in Chinese economy24. The steel industry is a backbone25 of the Chinese economy
and it creates major demand for Mongolian coking coal as one of the main ingredient.
G20 energy ministers and officials met in Beijing in June 2016, acknowledging the progress made in scaling up
renewable energy. By 2025, the global average cost of electricity from solar PV and onshore wind power sources
will be roughly 5 to 6 US cents per kilowatt-hour.
Crude steel apparent consumption – defined as the sum of production, net import and net decline in inventory
– has fallen 5.5% year on year to 645 million tons in 2015’s first 11 months, after declining 3.3% in 2014. China
Coking Industry Planning and Research Institute in December 2015 forecast China’s steel output to fall 3.1% in
2015 to 781 million tons, after a 2.1% decline in 2014. A 28% surge in net exports in 2014’s first 11 months has
cushioned the Chinese steel industry from the full brunt of the demand decline. China Steel association’s 300-
plus steel mill members recorded a combined net loss of 53.1 billion yuan in 2014’s first 11 months as sales shrunk
19.3% to 2.67 trillion yuan on the back of lower steel prices amid a glut. A major reason for the oversupply is
continued addition of new production capacity amid falling demand, as projects planned during the boom years
were completed and commissioned.
It is estimated that there are 1.8 million workers employed by government owned steelmakers, which exclude
private steelmakers. China’s steel producers have faced slumping steel prices and the industry lost an estimated
$12 billion in 2015, according to Rajiv Biswas, Asia-Pacific chief economist at IHS Global Insight in Singapore.
150 $200
Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec Feb Apr Jun
Source: Bloomberg
In 2015, in the wake of falling price, China’s crude steel output fell last year for the first
time since 1981. Crude steel production declined 2.3% year-on-year to 803.8 million tons in
2015, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said. Following facts of China’s steel industry
in 2015 were stated at the steel association meeting:
1. Both production and consumption26 of steel reached the peak. The oversupply
problem is extremely outstanding.
2. Steel prices declined excessively. The problem cannot be completely solved by reducing
3. Steel exports increased. It became harder to continue the increase.
4. The profitability of the whole steel industry dropped significantly. The operation of
enterprises is severely difficult.
In order to avoid oversupply, China has banned new projects in a variety of industries
including steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum and flat glass. It also began rounds of cutting27
excessive capacity in the steel and related coal industry28.
The apparent consumption of crude steel was 645 million tons, decreased 5.5% y-o-y in first eleven months,
comparing with 7.1% growth in 2013 and 3.3% decline in 2014. CISA member steel mills, suffered losses of 53.1
billion yuan ($8.18 billion) in the first eleven months of 2015, accounting for 50.5% of all members. The total
sales revenue stood at 2.67 trillion yuan, down 19.3% y-o-y.
Despite the claimed cuts, in March 2016, analysts warned that some 160 million tons of steelmaking capacity
had come back online in Tangshan, a northeast industrial center in Hebei province. But a Goldman Sachs & Co.
report warned that China's steel demand will fall 2% in both 2017 and 2018 after rising by 1% in 2016, eventually
contracting by as much as 20%, Bloomberg News said. Commerce spokesman Shen Danyang denied that China
encourages steel exports, arguing that its output "primarily meets domestic demand" and that the government
has raised export tariffs on "some products," the official English-language China Daily reported. But five days
later, China's General Administration of Customs reported that steel exports in June 2016 had risen to their
second-highest monthly level on record, according to Reuters. First-half steel output of 399.5 million tons edged
down 1.1%, but June production of 69.5 million tons rose 1.7%, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said.
Steel production capacity will be cut by 100 million to 150 million tons, China’s State Council announced without
specifying a time frame. That will translate into as many as 400,000 lost jobs, said Li Xinchuang, head of the
China Coking Industry Planning and Research Institute, according to a report by the official Xinhua News Agency
Monday. China will raise funds to help dismissed workers, Xinhua said. 216
economic research institute
But before the capacity cutting, Chinese companies began series of discounts to lower the
prices. According to data from China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC),
China’s exports of steel products hit a new high of 112.4 million tons in 2015, up by 19.9%
from 2014. The average export price was at $559/t, down by 26% from the year before.
That led to a global29 decline in the industry, with global steel production falling, to its lowest
level in the last six years, in 2015. Cheap Chinese steel created big problems in the industry
worldwide. Excess supply, particularly from China, has spurred governments across the globe
to take steps to protect their home markets. Of the total 71 international steel trade disputes
in 2015, 33 were related to Chinese steel exports. There were allegations of illegal subsidies
as Chinese steel companies have debts of $520bn, mainly held by Beijing-backed banks.
Following a 2015 investigation prompted by complaints from European steelmaking
association Eurofer, European member states and steel producers accused China of issuing
unfair subsidies and flooding global markets with cheep steel at below-market prices. EU
Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in July 2016 at the EU-China Summit in Beijing
that he would vigorously defend Europe’s steel industry. Earlier, in March 2016, the United
States imposed a prohibitive 266% tariff on certain Chinese steel makers for selling below
cost. It was found that the spread between some Chinese raw-steel prices and their
equivalents in the U.S. is the widest since at least 2011, according to Bloomberg News30. The
European Commission announced plans on March 16, 2016, to speed up trade defense cases
against cheap imports from China and urged EU member states to end measures that could
block higher duties on dumped and subsidized products (Gulf News, 2016).
The case with Chinese steel prices was even used during the election campaign in the USA.
The U.S. International Trade Commission said it had found that imports of cold-rolled steel
products from China are hurting U.S. producers, paving the way for hefty antidumping duties
and increasing trade tensions between the nations. In May 2016, the Commerce Department
had recommended slapping Chinese steelmakers31 with import duties of 522% on the
products, and anti-dumping duties of 71.35% on Japanese producers.
In turn, Beijing has criticized new European tariffs on Chinese steel as “unjustifiable”
protectionism coming just weeks after commerce ministers from G-20 nations pledged to
promote free trade. China’s Ministry of Commerce said imports of grain-oriented electrical
steel will be charged duties ranging from 37.3% to 46.3% after an investigation by the
country’s Ministry of Commerce found evidence of dumping that was harming Chinese
industry. The trade war led to major wrangle over the status of “market economy”, which
ultimately was not granted to China because granting it would make it more difficult to
impose tariffs32.
For example, Mexican steelmaker Altos Horns de Mexico has laid off 600 workers due to the weak market
condition of the industry globally. The company operates the 5.2Mtpa Monclova integrated steel plant in Coahuila,
Mexico, and it is one of the largest steelmakers in the country. In June 2015, the company had stated its plan to
reduce its workforce by 20% in the wake of low prices. Source: AME
Shanghai hot-rolled coil futures currently cost about $387 a metric ton, compared with $625 a ton on Nymex,
The original complaint was filed in July 2015 by major U.S. producers United States Steel, AK Steel Corp,
ArcelorMittal USA ARCMTR.UL, Nucor Corp and Steel Dynamics Inc. The Chinese companies affected are: Angang
Group Hong Kong Holdings Ltd, Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Special Steel Co Ltd and Qian’an Golden Point
Trading Co Ltd. Among Japanese producers are Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp and JFE Steel Corp
After meeting with officials in Beijing on July 13, 2016 European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker
said the European Union is considering new steps to guard against unfair competition. "The EU will defend its
Now, the final step in this steel industry issue is that ultimately China’s steel industry is going
to be consolidated and upgraded with some industry cuts to keep prices up. Indeed in June
2016 two of China's largest steelmakers Baoshan Iron and Steel Co and Wuhan Iron and Steel
announced that they would undergo strategic restructuring planned by their respective parent
companies. Analysts have said a merger could capitalize on Wuhan Iron and Steel's expertise
and advanced technology in oriented silicon steel combined with the leading market position
of Baosteel, which supplies about 50% of the steel sheet metal used by China's auto industry.
Similarly, there is also news of modernization of existing capacity and closing of older
inefficient mills33.
As China is aiming to decrease its steel production by 150 million tons per annum by 2020,
inevitably it will have an adverse impact on demand for coking coal. However, this doesn’t
mean that imports from Mongolia will be actually reduced. On the contrary, price-efficient
Mongolian imports will be more needed as the prices in the industry still fluctuate a lot. As
steel prices increased recently, the steel production in China resumed its growth34.
1.5.4 Free trade agreements
Finally, among major recent policy changes, there is an issue of new free trade agreement
between China and Australia. The tariff will be exempted from January 1, 2017, under the
China-Australia Free Trade Agreement signed recently.
1.5.5 Further policies
China’s government, namely its leading agencies NDRC and NEA have released coal industry
13th five-year plan on Dec 30th, 2016. De-capacity, capacity upgrade, and consolidation
remain the key focuses. NDRC targets to cut coal capacity by 800 million tons by 2020.
NDRC also targets to encourage production of advanced coal mines by increasing share of
output from large-size coal mines’ to 80% from 73% in 2015.
steel industry. We are not defenseless and we will use all the means at our disposal," said Juncker, Agence France-
Presse reported. Juncker said the EU could delay granting China "market economy status," which Beijing has been
seeking to reduce anti-dumping measures and tariff barriers to trade. At a meeting with German Chancellor
Angela Merkel on July 16 2016 during the Asia-Europe Summit in the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator, Premier Li
Keqiang urged the EU to approve market economy status for China by December, the date set by the country's
accession accord with the World Trade Organization in 2001. "China is not a market economy," EU Trade
Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said, as quoted by Reuters. "We are not granting it market economy status. If
it were a market economy, it wouldn't have the problems we are seeing." Earlier, at a G20 meeting in Shanghai
on July 10, 2016 trade ministers of the major economies approved a carefully orchestrated statement that avoided
blaming the host country for the world steel glut. "We recognize that excess capacity in steel and other industries
is a global issue which requires collective responses," the statement said.
Baotou Iron & Steel Group, one major steel maker in northern China's Inner Mongolia, launched the work in
tearing down its #2 iron-making furnace on August 31 2016, with capacity of 1.33 million tons per annum (Mtpa),
the Xinhua News Agency reported on September 1 2016. It turns out to be the biggest furnace that have been
taken down since the central government enforced capacity cuts in 2016, drawing the country a step closer to
its expected de-capacity target. The company is expected to finish the dismantlement by end-November in 2016,
which will reduce dust emissions of some 2,800 tons per annum and decrease sulfur dioxide emissions of some
57 tons per year. Baotou Iron & Steel announced it will not increase any steel or iron making capacity in a certain
period, and will focus its efforts on the research and development of rare earth resource and rare earth steel
products in the future.
Chinese steelmaker Jianlong Iron and Steel has recommissioned its 6Mtpa Shanxi Jianlong integrated steel plant,
the old Haixin Steel plant in Shaanxi province, China. The plant was idled in 2014 due to bankruptcy, and was
acquired by Jianlong in September 2015. The company is restarting the production of long products, which
includes one wire rod mill and one rebar mill and is expecting to produce flat products by 2017.
economic research institute
In coal industry, de-capacity remains the primary focus. According to NDRC, no new coal
mines construction or upgrade will be allowed in the next three years. Coal mines without
proper approvals should suspend construction/production. Construction of new mines is only
allowed to replace existing capacity. The capacity of new mines should be larger than
1.2million tons per annum. NDRC targets to close 800 million tons capacity in the 13FYP
period. This is in line with State Council’s coal industry reform plan released in early 2016
where the government set the target to close 500 million tons capacity and to consolidate
another 50 million tons by 2020.
In order to ensure coal supply in the long term, NDRC encourages large coal companies to
develop advanced coal capacity and also to form large coal groups. It also encourages
upstream-downstream consolidation and cross-shareholding of coal mining, power
generation, transportation and coal-to-chemical companies. Important for Mongolia, NDRC
encourages imports of high-quality thermal coal and coking coal while strictly restricting the
import of coal with low heat value and high-sulfur content.
1.8. Conclusion for demand side
World coal demand is strongly related to countries’ regulation on energy and steel markets.
One reason behind fall in coal markets is due to policies implemented by main consumers
which led to excess coal supply. Furthermore, many countries are shifting to alternatives
that are environmentally friendly such as natural gas and renewable energy instead of using
The US which is one of the world biggest coal exporters and producers is trying to shift to
natural gas and other energy sources. However, there are some uncertainties and, Trump
administration’s CPP policies will have a strong impact on world coal market.
Another major coal consumer is Japan and it cut its nuclear energy production after the
Fukushima nuclear disaster following which its coal import increased substantially. Coal will
remain essential in the coming years for Japan’s market, especially thermal coal import for
its energy industry will stay high.
Chinese coal consumption has the considerable impact on the world market. Even though
demand for thermal coal is high and its import increased in 2016, the National Energy
Administration approved a limit on coal-fired power plants by stopping some projects in the
face of environment concerns. China’ coking coal import dramatically declined in 2015
because of decline in steel production following its price fall. Australia was the largest coking
coal supplier to China and Mongolia was ranked second in 2015. Basically, coking coal prices
tend to increase with the increase in steel production which happened after China expanded
its steel export.
In most of Europe, consumption of coal is declining, on the other hand in Asia consumption
of thermal coal is still significant. However, South Korea, one of major consumer of coal in
Asia, is trying to close its coal-fired power plants and to expand its renewable energy capacity
by investing large amount of money within coming 5 years.
India is definitely one of the leading consumers. The Indian government claims that it is
planning to stall some new planned capacity to reduce thermal coal imports.
Cost of transportation impacts coal prices and vice versa. When coal prices are low, freight
companies try to cut their freight rate, while the development of new infrastructure has the
benefit of reducing transportation costs. In China, transportation volume declined in 2015 by
10% because of fewer shipments of coal and steel outputs. In order to improve freight, the
government had supported in many ways such as through discounts as well as making huge
amount of investments for building railway lines. This investments, in turn, increased demand
for steel for construction of railway lines which also increased demand for coal.
For Mongolia, the coal demand comprises both local consumption and export. Local
consumers, households, enterprises and 17 TPPs, used about 8 million tons of coal in total in
2015; of which TPPs consumed approximately 7 million tons constituting 85% of domestic
coal consumption. Only few TPPs are connected with coal mines through railway network.
Unfortunately, most TPPs are unable to use railway network in order to bring coal from the
mine due to lack of infrastructure. Therefore, they use road tracks. The main foreign
consumer of the Mongolian coal is China which constituted 99% of total coal export in 2015.
As being the largest importer of coal as well as being the major export destination for
Mongolian coal, Chinese coal market directly affects Mongolian coal export and the world
coal market.
Public and private sector are planning to build 16 new coal-fired TPPs and PPs within the
next 10 year. Coal consumption of these new TPPs and PPs is expected to be at around 12.8
million tons every year. In other words, domestic coal consumption will increase by that
amount by 2025.
2. Supply Side
6.0 5 6 6 6
Erdenes Tavan tolgoi JSC 3868.9
5.0 5
Mongolian Alt 2519 4 4
SouthGobi Sands LLC 2103
Usukh Zoos LLC 878
3.0 3 2
Energy Resource LLC 738 2.0
Tavantolgoi JSC 643.5 1.0 0
Chinhua-MAK LLC 143
Tsagaan Uvuljuu LLC 89
Other 5 companies 319
production sales
Extraction, Location
Resources, Started
№ Name million tons
million tons Province/city Soum/district date
*-the Nalaikh mine consists of approximately 200 mine shafts, and only 26 shafts are authorized
(Munkhbold, 2016), and that’s why the formal data about its extraction and reserve would not be
Source: (Japan Coal Energy Center, 2013) and (Ministry of Energy, 2014)
A significant part of demand is created by the coal preparation plants, and currently, two
coal preparation plants are operating, placed near Tavan Tolgoi and Sharyn Gol mine. Then,
the main supply centers for each consumer are as follows
TPPs-Baganuur, Shivee-Ovoo, Sharyn Gol;
Household-Nalaikh, Baganuur, Shivee-Ovoo;
Coal preparation plants-Tavan Tolgoi, Sharyn Gol.
In addition to these mines, many mines are operating across the country and their operation
focus on exports rather than the domestic market. That’s why most of them is located in
the South Gobi Desert of Mongolia near the border with China.
The following Figure 20 illustrates coal basin areas in Mongolia, and their estimated resource
is approximately 173 billion tons (Ministry of Energy, 7-9 November 2015). As shown here,
coal production would increase in the future because there are plenty of coal deposits. In
total, the supply of the Mongolian coal for domestic and foreign consumers is expected to
increase by 17 million tons in the near future (midterm. 4 years) and by nearly 30 million
tons in the long term (10 years).
*-please see more detailed information about these basins reserve from Appendix
TABLE A 6; Source: (Ministry of Energy, 7-9 November 2015; Ministry of Energy, 2014)
The most internationally discussed coal project in Mongolia is Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi Coal Mine
(WEST TSANKHI), extraction of which has been done by national exploration companies-SJS
LLC, Khishig Arvin LLC and Monnis LLC since October 2016. By the end of 2016, their
extraction would reach approximately 1.1 million tons.
In addition to it, several coal projects are planned, but currently their starting dates are
uncertain. On the other hand, planned projects have stopped with the sharp decline in coal
prices at the market.
2.3 Supply competitiveness
In recent years, Mongolia emerged as a leading supplier of coking coal in Asian, particularly
Chinese market, and began to compete with Australia and other coal exporters for the
Chinese market. In 2011 Mongolia supplied 45% of China’s coking coal while Australia only
supplied 23% of it. However, in 2014, these numbers were reversed with 24% of coking
coal coming from Mongolia versus 50% from Australia (Dorj, 2015).
35 33.1 33.3
24.2 23.9
25 22.5
20 18.1
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Source: NSO
Exporting coal is a relatively new phenomenon for Mongolia. In order to improve its
competitiveness, Mongolia has to offer a price that is below the price offered by its
competitors, especially Australia. Even though Mongolia is located next to China, it is
currently unable to use its location as an advantage due to logistical problems, especially
related to transportation cost which is reducing competitiveness of the Mongolian coal. For
instance, Mongolia export coal to China mostly by trucks which are running on gravel or
paved roads.
As a result, price of one ton of coal at China border increases substantially reflecting cost
of transportation compared to the price at the mineshaft. More specifically, due to
transportation cost, the Mongolian coal is sold to China at a discount rate of 41-52%,
compared to seaborne Australian coal (Economic Research Institute, 2012). In addition to
railways, price of washed coal at Chinese market is 2.2 times higher than unwashed coal.
Therefore Mongolia should aim for exporting washed coal instead of unwashed raw coal.
21.8 25.5
30.7 31.9 37.9 39.4
36.8 25.8 50.2
32.5 36.3
20.2 24.3
Customs data showed that the average price of imported coking coal from the country climbed $2.1/t on
month to $79.5/t in May, compared to a $2.8/t drop in Mongolia coking coal to the average $33.2/t in the
month. Source
UB Post reported, citing data from the Statistics Bureau of Mongolia, 2016
the steel industry, over the period between January to August 2016, Mongolia's exports of
iron ore increased by 21.3% compared to a year ago reaching 3.7 million tons.
As prices increased, volume of exports further increased. According to data from the Mineral
Resources Authority of Mongolia, in 2016, Mongolia experienced a new record by exporting
16.7 million tons of coal over the period between January to September 2016, an increase by
58.8% from 10.51 million tons exported in the same period in 2015. By September 2016, total
production was 20.72 million tons, with output in September increased by 12.5% from
previous month reaching 3.07 million tons. Prices of Mongolian coking coal traded at border
crossing have increased since mid-August 2016, thanks to strong demand and tight supply
at China's domestic market. According to data from the Mineral Resources Authority of
Mongoli, Mongolia experienced another monthly record of exporting 3.81 million tons of
coal in November 2016, which is an increase by 77.97% compared to 2.14 million tons
exported in October of 2016. The same data also shows that coal export increased by 80.39%
reaching 22.52 million tons over the period between January to November.
Overall, in 2016, Mongolia became the second biggest supplier of coking coal to China after
Australia. By enjoying pricing power due to being almost the only buyer of Mongolian coking
coal, Chinese steelmakers enjoyed a further advantage by buying Mongolian coking coal as
it was much cheaper than coal from seaborne markets. Reuters report concluded that
availability of Mongolian coal for Chinese steel makers is an advantage: “it seems very likely
that Chinese steelmakers, especially those located in the northeast part of China close to
both domestic and Mongolian mines, are now enjoying a coking coal cost advantage not
available to their competitors, ”. As a conclusion, the Reuters think that “this means that
exports of cheaper Chinese steel product are likely to continue to force their way into global
markets” riding on the strength provided by low prices of Mongolian coking coal.
The existing Mongolian coking coal suppliers such as MMC, SGS and Erdenes TT have all
enjoyed the expansion of exports in 2016. In November 2016, MMC reported about reaching
the production miles of 40 millionth tons of coal since 2009. Similarly, another major
Mongolian exporter ETT declared that in October 2016 it shipped 20 millionth ton of coal.
However, new potential exporters also arose. One of them is Aspire Mining. Aspire's Ovoot
Coking Coal Project is also world class in size and quality, ranked as the second largest coking
coal project by reserves in Mongolia. The test work showed that blending relatively low
proportions of Ovoot coking Coal (as low as 25% in the blend) resulted in a blended primary
coking coal product under the Chinese standard. David Paull, managing director for Aspire,
welcomed this positive development to work together with ETT to add material value to
Mongolian coking coal37. Northern Railways LLC, Aspire’s subsidiary, is raising funding for
the 547km-long Ovoot Erdenet railway with a capacity to transport 30 million tons of coal
per annum which will connect the Ovoot mine with Erdenet. The project is backed not only
by Aspire, as there are also several companies with deposits in the Khuvsgul province pushing
to construct a 682 kilometers railroad extension from Erdenet to Ovoot, through Moron.
Aspire and ETT have agreed to: 1. share data and samples for further evaluation; 2.establish a technical and
commercial working group to prepare a feasibility study into the blending of Ovoot Coking Coal, Tavan Tolgoi
non-coking coals and potentially other suitable Mongolia coals in a coal blending facility. This could have a
capacity of 8 to 10 million tons per annum. In the event that the feasibility study is positive, Aspire and ETT will
jointly enter into commercial negotiations to establish a blending joint venture and to work together to attract
necessary funding. The Ovoot project development is dependent on the construction of the Erdenet to Ovoot
railway which is being progressed by Aspire’s subsidiary Northern Railways LLC (Northern Railways). Northern
Railways has been granted a rail concession in August 2015 and the project is undergoing a bankable feasibility
study. (Proactive Investors, 2016).
Another large supplier is Mongolia Energy’s Khushuut Open-Cut Mine located in Western
Mongolia38, which produced 0.58Million tons of Raw Coal in 2016. Mongolia Energy
Corporation (MEC) announced that its Khushuut open-cut coal mine in western Mongolia
produced a total of 578.3kt of ROM coal in the fiscal year 2016 (ending the 31st of March
2016). The raw coking coal is transported to Xinjiang in China. MEC has a coal supply contract
for the Khushuut coal mine to provide 1Million tons of raw coking coal to customers in
Xinjiang from March to December in 2016. However, MEC suspended coal production at the
Khushuut coal mine twice due to low coking coal demand.
Tavantolgoi project, which is currently under negotiation, is one of the most promising export
projects for Mongolia. The main driver of production will be the development of the massive
Tavan Tolgoi coal project. Its main Tsankhi deposit was initially touted as being split into a
Government-owned operation (East Tsankhi) and a privately-run operation (West Tsankhi).
The new government formed after the Parliament elections in 2016 has held extensive talks
with the consortium comprised of MMC, Shenhua, and Sumitomo to decide on the ways to
develop the coal field. The consortium won the tender bidding in December 2014. This project
is included in both Government Action Plan for 2016-2020 and the Economic Recovery Plan
for 2016-2018 as a priority project.
The export infrastructure perspectives
Infrastructure and high transportation costs were main factors behind the slow increase or
decrease in exports of Mongolian coal. While being price-competitive in general, high
transportation costs reduced margins for investors. According to table below, transportation
cost of the railway is almost twice as low as compared to transportation cost by gravel or
paved road.
Source: AME
38.4 37.7
The seaborne dry bulk shipping market is a major component of the international coal supply
chain because approximately 90 percent of internationally traded coal is transported by ship.
The main vessel types are: Handysize, Handymax, Panamax, and Capesize (International
Energy Agency, 2016). In fact, Australia commonly uses Panamax and Capesize.
Australian coal export is serviced by nine major coal-loading terminals which are located in
Queensland and New South Wales. Its transportation cost is significantly smaller in
comparison with USD62.9 per ton. Specifically, freight rates from Western Australia to China
were around USD6.0-6.5 per ton whereas from Eastern Australia to China were
approximately USD8.5 per ton in December 2016 (Reuters, 2016).
One of the main indexes which generally determine the rates of vessels is Baltic Dry Index,
and it was around 1100 in December 2016, but it declined continuously until February 2017
(Bloomberg, 2017). In other words, the price at local deposit in Australia was significantly
higher than that in Mongolia because transportation cost has been driven by the index.
The simulation shows that with improved infrastructure, Mongolian coal could be very
competitive compared to Australian coal, though mainly for Northern China.
As for volumes, Tavantolgoi railway project length is 280 kilometers. Basically, once the
railway is built, the Tavantolgoi coking coal supply alone can reach 30 million tons per annum.
China and Mongolia held a talk in April 2016 and agreed on the construction of a cross-
border railway connecting Shiveehuren-Ceke border crossing in Inner Mongolia and Cibber
Cullen border crossing in Mongolia from late May of 2016. Two sides signed a relevant
agreement on May 11, 2016, and cross-border coordinates of Ceke-Cibber Cullen railway
were finally determined, which means the construction officially started. A railway from
Tavantolgoi to Gantsmod has also started in 2013 but didn’t progress much. It is expected
that once the Tavantolgoi deal is completed, the railway will be built and transportation costs
will further decreased. The total length of the railroad is 47.3 km. It has been reported that
after completing the first 47.3 km line, the 6 coal companies operating in the Shiveehuren
area will combine forces to build another 250 km of railway to Shinejints in Mongolia. The
work on 47 km line between Shiveehuren to Ceke will start in spring 2017. The export
potential is estimated to be 32 million tons and the only bottleneck once the railway line is
built will become the Ceke crossing’s existing capacity of 11 million tons (Press Office, 2016)
Aspire Mining managing director David Paull said: "It is very significant news that the Erdenet
to Ovoot railway is now recognized as a key part of a new rail route between Russia and
China through Mongolia”. “The Erdenet to Ovoot railway has now officially moved from a
rail extension to service a world class coking coal deposit, to a strategic piece of rail
infrastructure to facilitate China's Silk Road Initiative and Mongolia's Step Road trade
On December 27, 2016, Minister for Road and Transport Development submitted draft
resolutions on “Ensuring the Implementation of State Railway Transport Policy” and “Annex
to approving the List of State-Owned Property to Be Privatized” to Parliament. Zuunbayan-
Khangi route railway was viewed as one of the strategically important railways and included
in the draft resolution. The draft resolution has underlined to build railway between
Zuunbayan and Khangi, to continue construction of railway between Sainshand and
Zuunbayan as well as to build 281 km railway between Khangi and Mandal as a base
infrastructure. Proposed railway will connect the Sainshand-Zuunbayan-Khangi-Mandal-
Bugat railway routes establishing total railway length of 590 km. Iron ores are expected as
the main product to be transported through Zuunbayan-Khangi railway route. The transport
volume is expected to be 10.4-21.2 million tons per annum from 2018 to 2025 and 21.2 million
tons per annum from 2026 to 2046. The initiators are expecting a minimum transport volume
of 15 million tons annually, considering the Zuunbayan-Khangi-Mandal-Bugat railway route
a strategically important infrastructure.
Transportation cost of coal will decrease once planned railways are built which is expected
to coincide with the completion of the repayment of Chalco coal deal. This means, there is
a high probability that, in the near future, both the export volume and the price of Mongolian
coking coal will increase at the same time. This development will not only benefit Mongolian
producers of coking coal but also it will present a huge advantage to Chinese steelmakers.
With decreased transportation cost, Mongolian coking coal can be supplied to other
steelmakers in China in addition to current Baosteel and Wuhan.
2.4 Global supply analysis
International supply of coal consists of both domestic-oriented output and more export
oriented output. As the coal prices fluctuated wildly, competition between different suppliers
increased greatly, especially in the growing coal market of Asia.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
China 3,468 3,347 3,280 3,257 3,245
India 635 665 705 744 778
United States 903 808 655 680 691
Australia 495 474 476 479 483
Russia 339 349 364 367 369
Indonesia 472 388 361 351 360
South Africa 261 252 253 254 255
Germany 191 185 184 184 175
Poland 135 134 133 132 131
Kazakhstan 110 103 105 107 109
Others 736 679 689 694 699
For example, Australian miner Whitehaven Coal’s sales over October-December 2015 surged 67% year on year
to 4.9 million million tons after the mid-year startup of its tier one Maules Creek operation. Sales over July-
December 2015, the first half of the company’s fiscal year, were up 57% year on year at 9.4 million mt, the
miner said in a quarterly operating report. “Early feedback from those customers [for its Maules Creek coking
coal] on the quality of the coal have been positive. Coking coal sales are expected to increase progressively during
2016 as market acceptance for the new coal grows,” Whitehaven said in the report. Whitehaven said its share
of coal sales from its five managed coal mines was 3.7 million million tons in the December quarter, up 63%
year on year. “Early feedback from those customers [for its Maules Creek coking coal] on the quality of the coal
have been positive. Coking coal sales are expected to increase progressively during 2016 as market acceptance
for the new coal grows,” Whitehaven said in the report.
competitive suppliers in terms of their cost40 who were able to provide higher quality coal
while at the same time, it led to closure of most inefficient mines located in places with
slowing demand.
Rio Tinto, main investor for Oyutolgoi mine in Mongolia, continued to expand its coking coal
output in 2015. Rio increased its output of both hard and semi-soft coking coal as well as
its thermal coal output in the fourth quarter of 2015 which was standing at 5.18 million tons
representing an increase by 8.9% from 4.76 million tons produced a year ago, and or an
increase by 12.2% compared to 4.62 million tons produced in the third quarter of 2015 (Rio
Tinto, 2015).
Australia, again benefited a lot from increases in the price of coal in 2016. As prices of
coking coal used in steelmaking reached $230/t from $75/t just a few months ago and price
of thermal coal, used in power generation, has doubled to over $100 /t , showing an increase
by 27% since the start of October, Australian companies began to reopen formerly closed
mines. Glencore, the world's biggest coal exporter, has reopened its Collinsville mine in
Australia's Queensland state with increased demand for their product from Southeast Asia
under favorable prices. At least seven other coal mines are expected to resume operations
before the end of the year — four in Queensland and three in New South Wales. BHP further
increased its coking coal output, focusing on its low cost Caval Ridge mine, expecting its
coking coal output to reach 44 million tons per annum till June 2017, up by 10% from
projected 40 million tons for the current year.
Production of coal in Indonesia fell by 14% compared to previous year to 392 million tons in
2015 (Wibowo, 2016). Production volume in 2015 was significantly below the initial target of
460 million tons set at the start of 2015 by the Mineral’s authority of Indonesia and was still
below the revised target of 425 million tons. Indonesia was hit hard by the falling world
prices and increased competition41. Indonesia’s coal exports fell by 23% from a year ago to
295 million tons in 2015 because of decreased demand from several key markets, notably
China and India.
One of the key reasons for the decline in exports in 2015 was due to the increase in China’s
import tariffs and China’s implementation of stricter coal quality regulations. In 2015, China’s
coal imports fell by 30% compared to 2014 standing at 204 million tons. Deliveries to India
– historically another key destination for Indonesian coal – also fell because of rising
domestic production in India and weaker-than-expected consumption of coal by Indian coal-
fired power plants. India's import of coal between April to December of 2015 fell by 15%
compared to same period of previous year standing at 132.3 million tons.
In addition, slower-than-expected demand growth from Indonesian power generation firms
has compounded the weaker demand from China and India. To push coal prices up, Indonesia
is trying to add new generation capacity domestically that can absorb its excess supply of
The company said it received an average of $65/ million tons for its coking coal in the December quarter and
forecasts achieving $62-$65/ million tons the March 2016 quarter. For its thermal coal exports, Whitehaven
received an average of $54.60/ million tons in the December quarter, which included sales from Maules Creek
and its tier one Narrabri mine to markets in Asia. Company CEO Paul Flynn said the company’s high calorific value,
low ash and low sulfur coal typically attracted premiums of up to 5%. Whitehaven has state government approval
to expand Narrabri’s output capacity to 11 million mt/year from 8 million mt/year.
Indonesia's benchmark thermal coal reference price, i.e. HBA, a monthly rate set by the Energy Ministry, fell
0.58% to a new record low of $53.2/t FOB in January 2016 from $53.51 in December 2015
coal. But capacity additions are not happening as quickly as hoped because of delays to
power plant projects, some of which have been stalled due to land acquisition disputes,
licensing delays and funding problems. The Indonesian government announced that it is
aiming to invest $16.38 billion in 2016 to support plans to boost the national electrification
ratio to just over 90% by the end of the year, up from 88% in 2015, by bringing new
generation capacity online and improving the transmission network.
In 2015, coal production in Russia reached 373 million tons against 358.2 million tons a year
earlier. Coal is the fifth main export product of Russia after oil, oil products, gas, and iron.
It annually earns for the country foreign exchange earnings equal to $10 billion. Russia is the
3rd biggest coal exporter in the world in terms of export volume and its coal is consumed in
64 countries. In 2015, volume of coal exports stood at 151.42 million tons. According to data
from a CBA report in April 2016, Russia is the fourth-largest coking coal exporter in the
world and exported 25.2 million tons in 2015, accounting for 8% of the world’s coking coal
Now, Russian coking coal producers are increasingly targeting Asian markets, trying to take
higher market share from Australian and US competitors in Asia. Russia is reorienting its coal
exports more and more to the east. From a cost point of view, Russian producers have
distinct advantages over Australian and North American producers since their costs are lower.
Weak ruble, which had lost 50% of its value in recent years, has greatly enhanced the
attractiveness of Russian products for export. The cost competitiveness helps Russian coal to
gain ground in Asia, with the region’s share of total exports from the country has risen from
23% in 2009 to 53% in 2015. Russian Yakutia project aims to ship coal to customers in Asia,
such as Japan, India and Vietnam.
Kolmar Coal Mining is currently constructing a terminal to handle coal in Muchka Bay,
Vanino, and Far East Russia, which would be able to handle Capesize vessels from 2020 and
lower logistical costs for moving coal to the East. The Russian Federation has made Kolmar’s
project in south Yakutia a “priority development,” supporting it with the Russian Railways.
Russian coal is also of higher quality.
Still, there are difficulties for Russia to increase its coal exports to Asia and Russia is
increasingly losing its market in China. According to data from Chinese customs, Russian
volume of Russian coal export to China fell for the second consecutive year in 2015, from a
peak of 8.4 million tons reached in 2013. In 2015, Russia exported 3.2 million tons of coking
coal to China, the data showed42.
In 2016, major Russian companies increased output. Russian coal and steel company, Mechel,
produced 5.7 million tons of raw coal in the first quarter of 2016, representing a rise by 3%
compared to previous year and up by 7% from the fourth quarter in 2015, according to the
announcement made in its quarterly operational results. Of this, sales of coking coal climbed
by 6% on year compared to previous year and or by 7% from the previous quarter, while
thermal coal sales increased by 21% from previous year, an increase by 7% from the last
quarter of 2015. The increased output was mostly exported to Asia particularly South Korea,
and Japan. China was also a primary export market for Elga, a large coal mine in Russia,
production of which has grown by 18% compared to previous year. SUEK, another large
Russian coal company, has announced that it produced 78.9 million tons of coal during the
Certain grades of low-vol Russian PCI still incur an import tariff of 6% in China, and Beijing’s requirements on
trace elements like fluorine will also prove to be a hurdle for Russian coals
period from January to September 2016, which is representing a 15% increase from a year
ago. Sales for the first nine months of the year increased by 5% compared to same period
of previous year amounting to 74.1 million tons of coal, of which 36.1 million tons were sold
to Russian customers domestically and 38 million tons were exported to China, South Korea,
Japan, Netherlands, Taiwan, India, and Germany. In 2016, Russia expects its coal production
to increase by 3.2% from a year ago to 385.4 million ton and coal exports in 2016 may
probably increase by 5.8% compared to previous year reaching 165 million ton.
The USA remains one of the world leading producers and exporters of coal. A report released
by the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated that 900 million tons of coal were
produced in 2015, a drop from about 1 billion tons in 2014 representing the lowest volume
of production since 1986. According to preliminary government figures, coal production has
fallen to its lowest level in the last 30 years due to availability of cheaper sources of power
and implementation of stricter environmental regulations both of which reduced demand for
The American coal industry, especially in Appalachia, has been hit by cheap natural gas
replacing coal as a fuel for power plants. Power plants are increasingly relying on cheaper
and cleaner-burning natural gas to provide electricity and comply with regulations aimed at
reducing pollution that contributes to climate change.
Worldwide demand for coal has also slumped, and new environmental regulations are making
many coal mines unprofitable to operate. The Central Appalachian coal price benchmark was
$40/t in 2015 or half its level from five years ago.
Almost all of the biggest coal producers in the U.S. have declared bankruptcy in the past 18
months, including Peabody Energy Corp., Arch Coal Inc., and Alpha Natural Resources Inc.
The drop in demand hit the central Appalachian basin the hardest, where production plunged
by 40% below its annual average from 2010 through 2014, according to the report. The U.S.
exports to the United Kingdom, Italy and China fell by more than 50% in 2015. Overall, U.S.
exports of coal dropped by about 21% in 2015.
However, the price increase in late 2016 revived the industry. As the price of coal increased
in summer 2016, US coal exports in August jumped by 52.7% from July 2016 reaching 4.5
million tons. In August 2016, its top coking coal export destinations were Brazil, which
imported 559,937 million tons compared with 465,346 million tons from a year ago followed
by Canada, which imported 392,631 million tons compared with 432,568 million tons, and
Japan, which imported 347,338 million tons compared with 408,464 million tons in 2015.
The US also exported coal products to India, Germany, Netherlands, Chile, and Mexico. The
US thermal and coking (met) coal producer, Arch Coal, has successfully completed its
financial restructuring and emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Notably, it
emerged from the US federal court-supervised process as the largest US producer of coking
coal. Alpha Natural Resources, which had held that productive claim in recent years, also
emerged from the Chapter 11 process earlier in 2016, but as a smaller, privately held company
that sold off its core mining assets and shut down many operations, including its coking coal
production. Arch had continued to mine and sell coal during the bankruptcy process. The
company also emerged as the second largest US producer of thermal coal.
According to the National Energy Administration, coal consumption amounted to 64.4% of
China's total energy mix in 2015. China aims to cut the share to 62.6% in 2016. Prices fell by
about a third during in 2015, causing heavy43 losses44 in the industry45 and international
exports also fell46. In order to save the industry, China tried to manipulate the prices and the
output in the coal industry in different ways in the last three years. Initial reaction to an
oversupply47 of coal output in the country was a reduction in supply achieved through less
working days, closure of some mines and a general cut in production. According to official
data, total raw coal output fell by 3.5% to 3.68 billion tons in 2015, representing the second
annual decline in a row48.
Furthermore, China is planning to allocate 30 billion yuan ($4.56 billion) in funds over the
next three years to support the closure of small and inefficient coal mines49 and redeploy
around 1 million workers, state media reported on 19th of January 2016. The plan is to close
4,300 mines and cut annual production capacity by 700 million tons over the next three
years. The central government will also ban approvals for new mine for the next three years
and cut workday in the coal production industry from 330 days to 267 days per year in 2016.
In the past five years, output share of large mines of the total increased50 to 68% from
2010’s 58% while that of small mines decreased to 10% from 21.6%.The production cuts
took place in many main producing regions. Shandong province aims to pare back coal
production capacity by 42.82 million tons per annum over 2016-2020, accounting for nearly
25% of the province’s total capacity (in 2015, the province had a combined coal capacity of
172 million tons per annum). Shanxi province, a major coal production base in northern China,
is banning the mining of coal seams with high sulfur or high ash, to further improve
China Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd., the listed arm of coal giant Shenhua Group, saw its coal sales in the whole
year of 2015 slide 17.9% on year to 370.5 million tons, the second straight year-on-year decline, the company
announced on January 23 2016.
China Coal Energy Co., Ltd, the country’s second largest coal producer, predicted a net loss of 2.3-2.8 billion
yuan ($349.6-425.68 million) in 2015, the first annual loss since its listing in 2008, according to the latest
announcement of the company. It was the fourth straight yearly decline after reaching a record high of 9.67
billion yuan in net profit in 2011, and it slumped 399.87% from 2014’s net profit of 767 million yuan.
A total 90 large coal producing companies under the China National Coal Association suffered a 91% year-on-
year slump in profits at 5.13 billion yuan ($782 million) in 2015, the association said at a press conference on
January 20. Their combined output accounted for 69.4% of the national total of 3.7 billion tons, the CNCA said.
Prolonged oversupply and sliding prices were considered the main reasons behind the thin profits, analysts said.
China exported a total 5.33 million tons of coal in the whole year of 2015, decreasing 7.1% on year, showed
data from the General Administration of Customs (GAC) on January 13 2016. Total value during the same period
saw a year-on-year decline of 28.3% to $498.75 million, the data showed. The continuous decline in China’s coal
exports since 2003 was mainly because the government cancelled the export tax rebates in 2006 and started to
levy tariffs in 2008. Though the export tariff was cut from 10% to 3% on January 1, 2015, the falling trend in
export volumes did not reverse.
China still had around 11,000 coal mines in operation by the end of 2015, with a total capacity of 5.7 billion
China has reduced coal capacity by 150 million tons in the first eight months of the year, completing 60% of
its 2016 target for capacity cuts, Xinhua News Agency said on September 9 2016.
China eliminated 560 million tons of backward coal production capacity and 7,250 outdated coal mines in the
12th Five-Year plan period (2010-2015), said Chen Yangcai, one senior official with the China National Coal
Association (CNCA) on January 20 2016. Of that, 1,340 mines were shut in 2015, with combined capacity of 90
million tons.
By end-2015, China’s total coal mine capacity reached 5.7 Btpa, including 3.9 Btpa in normal operation or under
transformation, 1.496 Btpa of newly-built or expansion reconstruction and 800 Mtpa of coal mine projects newly
built or in capacity expansion illegally. Given the nation’s coal consumption volume of 3.5 billion tons in 2015,
the excess capacity was 2.2 billion tons. China Coal Resource.
commercial coal quality. All newly-built coal mines should have corresponding coal sorting
and washing facilities. However, after the reorganization, restructuring efforts and cuts in
production, in summer 2016 , prices of both coking coal and thermal coal increased. Demand
for both coking and thermal coal also increased51 as electricity output and steel industry both
Jul '15 Sep '15 Nov '15 Feb '16 Apr '16 June '16 Aug '16
Electricity output from China's thermal power plants – mainly coal-fired – rose 7.5% on year and 6.4% on
month to 413.8 TWh in August, showed data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on September 12 2016.
Total electricity output in China reached 561.7 TWh in August, rising 7.8% from a year ago and 2.0% from the
previous month, the NBS data showed. Over the period, thermal power generation accounted for 73.86% of the
total power generation, while hydropower output accounted for 18.46%.
mainly by persisting supply shortages. 14 coal mines of the company were allowed to boost
output by 2.79 million tons in a month in total. The move followed a meeting held earlier
September 2016 to draw up a draft proposal that would allow miners to raise daily output
up to 500,000 tons, or 15 million tons a month, if prices hit 500 yuan/t ($74.94/t) for two
consecutive weeks. Some mines under Inner Mongolia Yitai Group and Huadian Group were
also given the green light to increase coal output as the latest coal price increased to 537
yuan per tons from 515 yuan two weeks ago.
The China Iron and Steel Association has recently proposed the National Development and
Reform Commission to ask miners to boost supply and honor contracts so as to guarantee
normal steel production. An urgent meeting at NDRC was called on September 23, 2016, to
discuss the latest outlook in coal production, transportation, demand, price, as well as
problems in the coal industry in an effort to curb rapid price increases.
Other notable changes
A rapid economic growth in India led to the expansion of coal production. The state-run
miner Coal India has achieved its record high production of 550 million tons in 201552. Coal
India is the single largest producer of dry fuel in the world and the government has set a
target of doubling its production to 1 billion tons by 2020. India had imported 212.103 million
tons of coal in 2014 but it is continuing to replace its import by domestic production in an
increasing rate. India’s coal output increased by 31 million tons between 2010 and 2014, but
recorded an increase of about 32 million tons in 2015.
The increase in coking coal prices also revived plans for huge Mozambique mine. World
number one iron ore producer Vale announced on 30th September 2016 that it has reworked
on a deal first signed in December 2014 with Japanese industrial and commodity trading
giant Mitsui for a giant Mozambican coal mine and infrastructure project. The cost for the
expansion of the Moatize complex and the building of a rail corridor to the port of Nacala,
some 900km east of the mine, could be as high as $4.4 billion, with $2 billion already spent
by the Brazilian company. Moatize has the potential to increase output at the mine to nearly
20 million tons per year. Mozambique's central Tete province is believed to hold one of the
world's largest untapped coal reserves that have been compared with Australia's coal-rich
Bowen Basin.
2.5 Conclusion for supply side
Major coal producing countries are China, India, United States and Australia. Australia which
accounted 36% of the world coal export in 2015, is the largest exporter country since 2006.
However, coal production and export in Indonesia declined in 2015 following reduction in
coal import by China as well as increase in domestic coal production by India. The
government of Indonesia, however, is planning to invest in domestic coal-fired power
generation capacity in an effort to support its coal production.
Russian coal production slightly increased in 2015 compared to previous year. In particular,
major Russian coal ompanies increased their outputs of both thermal and coking coal, and
Coal Secretary Anil Swarup interview, PTI, 2015. Coal India Limited (CIL) is an Indian state-controlled coal
mining company headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It is the largest coal producer company in the
world and contributes around 82% of the coal production in India. It produced 494.24 million tons of coal
during FY2014 and earned a revenue of ₹ 954.35 billion (US$14 billion) from sale of coal in the same financial
year. As on 14 October 2015, Union Government of India owns CIL and controls the operations of CIL through
Ministry of Coal.
exported it to the targeted Asian countries such as China, Korea, and Japan. One opportunity
for Russia to enhance its market share in Asia is by cost competitiveness, such as lower
logistic costs.
The US coal production as well as exports dropped in 2015 and it was at its lowest point
since 1986. Markedly, some of biggest US coal companies closed and laid off their workers.
For example, Arch, one of the major coal producers, has emerged with huge amounts of
debt. Hence, Arch has planned to double their coking coal output compared to 2016 in 2017.
Air pollution is one of the biggest issues in China and in order to cut smog, China is trying
to reduce their production and consumption of coal. Therefore over the next three years,
China has planned to close over 4000 mines and cut productions by 700 million tons.
Recently, some major coal producer provinces such as Shanxi and Shandong cut their
productions and stopped investments.
Mongolia is one of the largest suppliers of coking coal in Asia, which constituted 45% of
China’s coking coal import in 2011, the peak year for the coal market. Even though Mongolia
lost its rank to Australia in 2015, China is more likely to import coking coal from Mongolia
due to its lower prices. Generally, the Mongolian coking coal is exported to China’s major
steel factories such as Baotou and Wuhai through two main borders which are Ganqimaodu
and Ceke borders. With regards to infrastructure and especially transportation, Mongolia
transports its coal to the local and global consumers using trucks and railway. Currently,
Mongolian government is planning to construct a new railway from Tavantolgoi to Gantsmod
— Mongolia China’ border — with an estimated length of 280 km. If this railway is built,
transportation costs will decrease in the future, as well as it will increase export volume of
coking coal.
3. Coal price
59 57 56 59 59 61
50 50 50 50
metric tons (million)
By summer of 2016 and especially before the winter season of 2016-2017, prices of both
coking coal and thermal coal recovered significantly. The coal companies worldwide
recovered, but China’s capacity remained somewhat reduced, which led to increasing imports.
Nowadays, China’s coal companies regained profits and are less likely to increase domestic
As expected, with the strong administrative apparatus both in steel and coal industry, China
has an upper hand in dealing with market prices as it wishes. After stabilizing its steel
industry and subsidizing it through lower coal prices, in 2015-2016 it also began restructuring
its steel industry. Instead of resuming more costly domestic coal production, Chinese
companies are now searching for cheaper imports, in which Mongolia may have an important
offer to make from Tavantolgoi coal mine, one of the largest coking coal deposit in the
Raw coal output in May 2016 was about 15% below its level a year earlier, and fell by about 121 million tons
in the first five months of the year compared with the same period of 2015 in China.
It is assumed that China, with its coal production much larger than the seaborne market, will
largely guide the future coal prices worldwide. Its capacity cut policy has driven domestic
utilities to international markets to replace supplies, lifting domestic prices and increasing
imports. As coal prices increased in autumn 2016, driving costs of electricity and heating in
China’s energy market, China’s government decided to allow increase in coal output54. This
was done through a combination of measures such as giving more permissions to reopen
mines, operate longer days and invest more in domestic mining as well as increase imports.
China’s National Development and Reform Commission recently allowed 865 "advanced
mines55" to operate between longer days (276-330 days) to boost coal supply and curb prices,
which is expected to reduce China's import need and seaborne prices.
It is estimated that seaborne coal supply may remain tight in the near term. Therefore, the
current rise in the coal prices may actually have been triggered more by seasonal and weather
factors, rather than long-term demand trends. On the other hand, the recent price recovery
triggered worldwide increase in output of coal.56 The largest increase may come from Africa.
World number one iron ore producer Vale announced it has reworked a deal first signed in
December 2014 with Japanese industrial and commodity trading giant Mitsui for a giant
Mozambican coal mine Moatize and its related infrastructure projects. The price tag for the
expansion of the complex and the building of a rail corridor to the port of Nacala, some
900km east of the mine, could be as high as $4.4 billion, with $2 billion already spent by
the Vale. The expansion project has the potential to increase output at the mine and the
railroad to nearly 20 million tons per year. Mozambique's central Tete province is believed to
hold one of the world's largest untapped coal reserves that have been compared with
Australia's coal-rich Bowen Basin (Els, 2016).
Chinese steel demand picked up in the second quarter of 2016, ultimately winning the
competition, which triggered an increase in coking coal prices57. In August 2016 report,
Macquarie analysts said they expected the price of coking coal to hold up for the next couple
of months. Macquarie58 said. It is estimated that “much of the capacity that has been shut
down in the US and Canada in the past couple of years is not coming back any time soon.”
The coking coal output is now priced off at the spot market as monthly or quarterly averages.
The amount of material readily available to buy — even when the market is not grappling
with supply side issues, is estimated to be very small (less than 10m tons). Therefore, when
74 mines were given the green light to increase output, to ensure supply for winter heating and power
generation in China in 2016
Identified by China National Coal Association as “advanced capacity” coal mines are those that listed as Level
I safety mines in 2015 by the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety and whose safe and high-efficiency mines
recommended by local governments (NDRC, September 29 2016). Data published by the State Administration of
Coal Mine Safety showed that there were 791 coalmines meeting the Level I safety standard in 2015. Therefore,
it expected that more than 900 coalmines could be allowed to produce within 276-330 operating days. Source:
China Coal Resource
For example, Stanmore Coal 2015 paid $1 for the Isaac Plains coking coalmine in Queensland valued at $860m,
in 2016 decided to restart output. Its shares have surged 50%, giving it a market value of $100m.
Mongolia-focused junior Aspire Mining was up 1.2c, or 67%, to 3c, after a well-timed announcement that it had
received an expression of interest from the China Development Bank to fund its Erdenet to Ovoot rail project in
A coking coal shortage in China has emerged as highways in the coal-producing province of Shanxi were under
heavy rains in summer 2016, resulting in disruption of supply.
the coking coal market has some disruptions in supply, its price may fluctuate wildly. When
price increases, buyers have to ensure they have sufficient supply and it may greatly increase
spot prices. Many of these contracts have options to buy an extra 10% of agreed volumes.
In coking coal, most trading is still done on quarterly contracts, directly between buyer and seller. Only a third
of deals are done in the spot market. This makes coking coal highly sensitive to changes in supply and demand.
BHP Billiton is the world’s biggest supplier of seaborne coking coal. However, it sells most of its output at prices
200 200
160 160
120 120
80 80
40 40
0 0
Source: Platts
In many countries, the decline in coal prices led to sharp cuts in supply, especially from
costlier suppliers, while as can be seen above, some low cost, high-quality suppliers from
Australia, have actually benefitted from the falling prices as many of their competitors were
removed from the market.
3.2 Conclusion of coal price and Mongolia’s local pricing projections
Local coal pricing in Mongolia is more stable, compared to world markets. Domestically,
households, enterprises, coal preparation plants and TPPs pay different prices for thermal
coal. For example, coal preparation plants pay less price to buy coal because its location is
next to the mines. In addition, TTPs create more than half of total domestic demand, each
one having different prices and contract with mines to buy coal. In other words, they
purchase coal directly from the mines. Therefore, contracting price is not much higher than
one at a mineshaft, since in Mongolia, most of TPPs and mines are under state ownership,
and price of coal for domestic consumption is almost entirely regulated by the state. The
linked the spot market. Other big producers include Anglo American, South 32, Rio Tinto and Whitehaven. They
do most of their business on contracts.
September typically sees construction and manufacturing activity pick up in China. This lifts demand for key
ingredients like iron ore and coking coal. At the same time, a train derailment in Queensland and ground problems
at a major mine in New South Wales have impacted output from Australia in 2016, leading to the supply
highest price in Mongolia is paid by households and enterprises because of their purchasing
model which includes an intermediary seller.
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5. Appendix
JAPAN 0 25,142
KOREA 0 10 36 1,093
OTHER 21 3,179 7 1
Erdenes Tavantolgoi produced 3.9 million tons of coal in 2015 and 5.5
million tons coal by the end of October 2016. Exports rose by 1.8 million
tons over 2015. East Tsankhi mine exported 5.9 million tons of coal since
2011. Amount of west Tsankhi coal export accounted 1.2, 3.6, 3.4 million
Tavantolgoi JSC
tons in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. Meanwhile, west side of
Tsanhki mine exported overall 8.1 million tons. (Erdenes Tavantolgoi JSC,
As October 2016, MAK sold of 3.6 million tons coal through Shivee
Khuren border from Nariinsukhait mine. Currently, MAK is selling 350-
500 thousand tons per month for export, and three mines are operating
Mongolian Alt which are Dornod-MAK, Nariinsukhait and Eldev coalmine. Dornod-MAK
Corporation project coal reserve is 287 million tons. Nariinsukhait coal deposit-
(MAK) capacity is 10 million tons, and it has been working since 2007. Eldev
coalmine produces 1 million tons per annum, which is used domestically.
MAK has also joint venture with Chinese company Chinhua-MAK LLC
(MAK, 2016).
In 2014, Tavantolgoi produced 0.6 million tons and its sales reached 30.8
billion MNT. During that time, Mongolia accounted 24% in Chinese coke
coal import, and Tavantolgoi accounted 4% of Mongolian coal export.
(Tavantolgoi Shareholding Company, 2015)
Tavantolgoi JSC Tavantolgoi produced 2.2 million tons of coal by the end of October
2016, of which 2.17 million tons was exported, and the remaining 22,300
tons went to the local market. Their monthly export figures are between
450,000 and 600,000 tons of coal from mine. Both production and
sales have tripled from what they were in 2015 and are 4 times more
than in 2014.
Public or
№ Name Mine-1 Mine-2
2 Bayan-Ulegei - - -