Gma v. Comelec Digest
Gma v. Comelec Digest
Gma v. Comelec Digest
v Commission on Elections
Summarized by Viveka C. Lopez
The 5 petitions before the Court put in issue the alleged unconstitutionality of Sec. 9(a) of
COMELEC Resolution 9615 limiting the broadcast and radio advertisements of candidates and
political parties for nat’l election positions to an aggregate total of 120 minutes and 180
minutes, respectively. Petitioners contend that such restrictive regulation on allowable
broadcast time violates freedom of the press, impairs the people’s right to suffrage as well as
their right to information relative to the exercise of their right to choose who to elect during
the forthcoming elections. The main contention revolves upon the proper interpretation of the
limitation on the number of minutes that candidates may use for TV and radio ads, as provided
in Sec.6 of RA 9006 (“Fair Election Act”).
Important People:
1. For May ’07 and ’10 elections, the limitations set forth by COMELEC through its respective
Resolutions meant time limit PER station
2. For 2013 elections, COMELEC promulgated Resolution 9615 changing interpretation of
airtime limitation of “per station” basis to “TOTAL aggregate” basis
3. Petitioners (several owners/operators of radio and TV networks in the Phils.) + KBP (nat’l org.
of broadcasting companies in the Phils. representing radio and TV stations) sent their respective
letters to COMELEC questioning the provisions of Res. 9615.
4. COMELEC held public hearings
5. Feb. 1, 2013: COMELEC issued Resolution 9631 amending provisions of Res. 9615. But
Petitioners still found the provisions objectionable and oppressive;
6. Petitioners filed the present petitions
7. March 15, 2013 Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano (Petitioner-Intervenor) filed a Motion for Leave to
Intervene and to File and Admit the Petition-in-Intervention; Court granted motion through its
Resolution dated March 19, 2013. Petitioner-Intervenor also assails Sec.9(a).
8. April 16, 2013 SC issued TRO enjoining COMELEC from implementing Resolution 9615.
1. Procedural Aspects
a. Proper Remedy
b. Locus Standi
2. Substantive Aspects
WON Sec 9(a) of COMELEC Resolution 9615 as amended by Res. 9631 (also Sec. 7(d) and
Sec. 14) are unconstitutional.
a. Sec. 7(d) which provides for a penalty of suspension or revocation of an offender’s
franchise or permit, imposes criminal liability against broadcasting entities and their
officers in the event they sell airtime in excess of the size, duration, or frequency
authorized in the new rules;
b. Sec.9 (a) which provides for an “aggregate total” airtime instead of the previous “per
station” airtime for political campaigns or advertisements, and also required prior
COMELEC approval for candidates’ television and radio guestings and appearances; and
c. Sec. 14, which provides for a candidate’s “right to reply”
*petitioner ABC also questions Sec.1 (4) which defines “political advertisement” and “election
propaganda” while petitioner GMA further assails Sec. 35, which states that any violation of
said Rules shall constitute an election offense.
Aggregate Time Limits: Res. No 9615 introduced a radical departure from previous COMELEC
resolutions by employing “aggregate” basis instead of “per station” basis. SC holds that this
drastic reduction of allowable minutes within which candidates would be able to campaign on
air is not within the power of COMELEC to do so.
a. Past elections and airtime limits
Authority of COMELEC to impose airtime limits directly flows from RA 9006 (120 mins. For TV
ads, 180 mins. For radio ads) on a “per station” basis. The same was employed in subsequent
elections (2004 Res. 6520, 2007 Res. 7767, 2010 Res. 8758). For 2013, however, Comelec chose
to aggregate the total broadcast time among the different media through Res. 9615 as
amended by Res. 9631. From the foregoing observations of the hearing, Comelec arbitrarily
changed the rule from per station to aggregate airtime basis. No empirical data of abuse of
political ads in the preceding election to warrant such a change. Comelec merely invokes its
purpose of “leveling the playing field”. It further says that such a change should be left to its
Constitutionally-mandated discretion.
b. COMELEC is duty bound to come up with reasonable basis for changing the
interpretation and implementation of the airtime limits
While Comelec is authorized by the Constitution to enforce election laws, it cannot exercise its
power w/out limits or reasonable basis. Those governed by administrative regulations are
entitled to a reasonable and rational basis for any changes in those rules.
c. Comelec went beyond the authority granted it by the law in adopting “aggregate”
basis in the determination of allowable airtime
Congress clearly intended to provide a more expansive and liberal means by w/c candidates,
political parties, and other stake holders in electoral proceedings may be given a chance to fully
explain and expound on their candidacies and platforms of governance, and for the electorate
to be given a chance to know better the personalities behind the candidates. The media is also
given a very important part in that undertaking of providing the means by w/c the political
exercise becomes an interactive process. All of these would be undermined and frustrated with
the kind of regulation that the respondent came up with.
d. Sec. 9(a) of Comelec Res. 9615 on airtime limits also goes against the constitutional
guaranty of freedom of expression, of speech and of the press
The guaranty of freedom to speak is useless without the ability to communicate and
disseminate what is said. And where there is a need to reach a large audience, the need to
access the means and media for such dissemination becomes critical. At the same time, the
right to speak and to reach out would not be coupled with substantially reasonable means by
which the communicator and the audience could effectively interact. Sec. 9(a) of Comelec Res
9615, with its adoption of “aggregate-based” airtime limits unreasonably and restricts the
guaranteed freedom of speech and of the press (protected by the Fundamental Law). It is also
unreasonable to to adopt aggregate-based time limits when we consider that that Phils. is not
only composed of so many islands, there are also a lot of languages, dialects spoken.
e. Sec. 9(a) of Res. 9615 is violative of the people’s right to suffrage
The right of the people to determine their own destiny thought choosing their leaders is a
fundamental idea in a democratic-republican state. Thus, the right to suffrage and right of the
people to be adequately informed for the intelligent exercise of such birthright is of utmost
f. Res. 9615 needs prior hearing before adoption
For failing to conduct prior hearing before coming up with Res. 9615, said Resolution,
specifically in regard to the new rule on aggregate airtime is declared defective and ineffectual.
g. Res. 9615 does not impose an unreasonable burden on the broadcast industry
GMA contends that compliance with the New Rules to avoid administrative or criminal liability
would be unfair, cruel, and oppressive. SC disagrees. The apprehensions of the petitioner
appear more to be the result of a misappreciation of the real import of the regulation rather
than a real and present threat to its broadcast activities. The Court agrees more with the
respondent when it explained that the legal duty of monitoring lies with the Comelec.
Broadcast stations are merely required to submit certain documents to aid the Comelec in
ensuring that candidates are not sold airtime in excess of the allowed limits. The Court holds
that the Reporting Requirement for the Comelec’s monitoring is reasonable. Comelec’s revision
from “prior approval” (suggestive of censorial tone) to “prior notice” (content-neutral
regulation) is an agreeable change.
The right to reply is also reasonable. The attack on its validity is primarily anchored on the
alleged ground of prior restraint, specifically in so far as such a requirement may have a chilling
effect on speech or of the freedom of the press. The Constitution itself provides as part of the
means to ensure free, orderly, honest, fair and credible elections, a task addressed to the
Comelec to provide for a right to reply.
Petitions are partially granted, Sec.9(a) of Resolution 9615 (as amended by Resolution 9613) is
declared unconstitutional and, therefore, null and void. The constitutionality of the remaining
provisions of the Resolution 9615 (as amended by Resolution 9613) is upheld and remain in full
force and effect. TRO issued by the Court on April 16, 2013 is hereby made permanent.